UITnXGS OF MAIL I'OITSACTS. TR0P03ALS for conveying the mail of the United j. wi I mm tne 11 01 July, is.s. to the 1st of July, 1S.52.oii the following routes in the Territories of iUlb liU. end A.MMrVTO . will be received at tlie Con tract 02!t-e or this nL-parttncnt outil 9, a. m.. T the 1 th day of Marcs nest, to be decided by the tld of the same uiunui . OREGOX. 12701 From Astiria, by Cathlamet. Wash. Ter.. Oak i-oini, turner, Oregon, St. Helen. I,ake River. Wash.. Vancouver, Sonvie's Island. Or.. Port- l.iud, Milwaukie, and 0ve:o, Wa-h. Ter., t Oregon City, Or., 144 miles and back, twice a wees, in stc.imtKKiU. Leave Astoria Tuesday and Ssturdiy at 9 a m; Arrive at Oregon Citv next dar br 3 n ni: Leave Oregon City Mon jay and Thursday at 7 a ro; Arrive at Astoria next days bv 5 a m Bids to run by a different" aebedule will ba con. sidercd. 12702 From Portland, by Oceola, Hill!oro. Tnalitin and M apatoo, to Lafayette, 4S miles and bark once a weeK. Leave Portland Monday at 7 a m; Arrive at Lafayette nest day by 0 a m; Leave Lafayette Tuesday at 2 p rn; Arrive at Portland next dav hr 4 n m- 11703 From Oregon City, by Yamhill. Butteville.Chatn- Eocg, Fairfield. Salem, Eo!a, Independence, loomington, USerty, and Albany, to Corval lis, 95 miles and back, twice a vwt. Leave Oregon City Monday aud Thursday at 7 font, Siuslaw. and Yoncalln. inihLhmi oil uiic- a:iu ijc. UUCC a WeCK. Leave Corv.iIlis Wednesday at 6 a m; Arrive at Oakland next day by 6 p m: Leave Oakland Wednesday at 8 a m; rrivB at Corvallis next day by 6 n u: ... 1 1 i . 1 i:.oo trim Larval lis, by Kinney's. Murray's. Ensene C ity.t ottage Grave, and Coast Fork of Willam ette, ta Oakland, 10 miles and back, once a Leave Orrnllis Wednesdays at 7 a m; Arrive at Oakland Fridays bv 4 p m: Leave Oakland Friday at 7 a m; Arrive at Corrallis Mond.ivs by 4 p in Bids to end at Winchesrr'.,w 1n-itA.i 12T0S From Corvallis. hv Sin ivt i nrt:ni.ii Bridgeport. Dallas, Etna.Pmm Valley, and' Payum, to Lafayette, 56 miles and back, once a WCTR. Leave Corrallis Mondays at 6 a m ; Arrive at Lafayette next days, bv 12 m; Leave Lafayette Tuesdays at I p'm; Arrive at Corvallis next days by 0 n m: 12. 0 t rora S-.V.em. bv Dock's Perry an.1 M vt Hoo.l " t Lafayette. i miles and back, oace a week, Leave Salem Mondays US am; . Arr-.ve ni Laiayette Tuesdays at 6 a m: Leave Pleasant Hill Saturdays at 6 a m; Arrive at Salem by 8 r m. 12703 From Saicra. by Santiam City. Central, Wash iugtm B ute. Calapooia. L'nion Point, Pine llamette Forks. McKenzie. nr., I l'n,.m. i itr to Pleasant, lliil eo miles and back, once "a' Leave Salem Tuesdays at 12 m; ; Arrive at Pleasant H'lU Fridavs by 6 pm; Leave Pleasant Hill Saturdays at" 6 a ra; Arrive at Salem Toosilati h" m m . 12709 rom Xorth Canvonv.lie.l.y Galesviili, Lclaml . .ld EivcrJackonviIIcPbeoni:t.A-liUir.d Mais tiara vtn.tai., and Henlcy.to Yre'xa, Oil., 140 Leave Xorth Canyonviile Monday at 7 a m; Arrive at rcka next Thursday by C p m leave Vrcka Saturday at 7 m- ' Arri.at liorth t'anyonviile next Tuesday by C 11T10 Frjm Xorth Canyonville.by MyrtieCrek.R.innd Prairie. Alder Brook, K.cburp, and Winchcs- iit i j va&iana, 4 miK-s and back, ouce a Leave jrth Canvonville Thursday at 5 a m Arrive at Oakland by S p m; ' Leave Oakland Saturday it .1 - Arrive at Xorth Canvonville by 8 pm 127U From Oakland, by" Kclloirir s. Eikton, S.-ott- , u.k w r-rn.. Leave Oakland Saturday at 12 m; Arrive at L'mpona City Monday by n m Leave rmnqoaVity WeUisesday at 6 a m; Amve at Oakland next day by 6 p m: 12.12 Irorn : Albany. 1 v Bariinton and Horrisbanr, Ui.Iametteo?ks, 30 miles and lack, once . Leave Albany Thursday at 6 a m; Arrive at Willamette Forks next day l-r 12 m Lcare Willamette Fork Kri.liv t .... ' Arrive at Albany next day l.y's p m- ' 11713 From Port Orford, Kai.n" -Ij h a:id Coos Bay to .ard.aer C:ty, tj miles and tack, on'ce a Week. Leave Port Orford Hon-.L-.y at 7 a v.; Arrive at Oardmer City Wednesday 'by S j m- Leave UardiccrCity Inar-dav at 7'a m: 12.14 From Port Orford. by Eandoloh and Empire Citv ti W i3chet-r. and back, once a week. E;d Jvrs to state schedule and diMaac. WA5HIXGT0X. 12759 From Kainer. Or., by Moaticcllo, V"ash. Tcr., Castle Hock, CowhU, Hiffhl.ind, Xewaocem, ..luaua.aca auiier t reei.to Ste:!acoom ii.j.i io run? and back, once a week. Leave Kaiaer. W'eJaesday at 6 a m: Arrive at fcteilacoom CJty next Friday by 2 Leave Sieilacoom Cty Patnruay at 6 am; Arrive at Hainer next Monday tv 5 p m: Bids t extead to Seattle, 33 miles further will be considered- 12T51 From Vancouver, by Cascades, to Wascopnm, Oregv-n, 95 miles and back, once ia two week. Leave Vanoonver every other Wednesday at 10 Arrive at Wasconnm next rnrl.tr fi n. Leave Wascipnm every other Mondav at e a m; Arrive at Vancouver next Wednesday bv 8 a in: Bids for more frequent trips will be consider- eu- 12732 From Cowlitz to Boie Fort Prairie, 15 milesand naca, once a weea. Jeave Cowiitz Tharsday at 9 a m Arrive at B -i.-e Fort Prairie by 2 p m; leave B i-e Fort Prairie Friday at 9 a m; Arrive at Cowlitz by 2 n m. 12753Frora Oak Point, by Bjw Fort Prairie, toGrand Mound, 50 miles and back, once ia two weeks. Leave Oak Point every other Friday at 6 a m; Arrive at Grand Mound next day by 6 p m; Leave Grand Mound every other Wetiuesday at 6 am; Arrive at Oak Point next day by 6 p m. 127ji From Olympia, by Eaton's and Vthn Prairie, to Fort Montgomery, 40 miles and back, once in two weeks. Leave Olypia every other Monday at 7 a m; Arr.ve at Fort Montgomery by 6 p ra; Leave Fort Mnatgomery every other Tnesday at 7am; ' Arrive at Olympia by 8 p m. 1275-5 From Olmyp'ia. by Brnceport. Oysterville. Che nook, and Pacific City, to-Astoria, Oregon, once in two weeks and back to Clienook, and once a week the residue. Bidders to state distance and schedule of arrivals and departures. Proposa Ls to run the entire route once a week are invited. 12756 From Olympia, by Arcadia, to Oakland, and back, once a week, tidders t j state distance and schedule of arrivals and dt.-parture.s- IXSTRCCTTOXS. Coitaininf conditions to be ineorporatfd in the contraet to the extent the department mag derm proper. 1. Seven minutes are allowed to each intermediate offire, when not otherwise specified, for assorting the mails- 2. Railroad and steamboat companies are required to take the mail from, and deliver it into, the post offi ces at the commencement and end or tJn-ir routes, and to and from all offices not more than eighty rods from station or landing. Proposals may be submitted for the performsm-e of all the side service that is, for offi ces orer eighty rods f rom a station or landing-. 3. Xo pay will be made for trips not performed; and for each such omissions, not satisfactorily explained three times the pay or the trip may be deducted. For arrival so far behind time as ta break counection with depending mails, and not sufficiency ex-used ne-f.MrtU or the compensation for the trip is subject o forfeitnre. Deduction will also be ordered fira trade of performance inferiorto thHt specified in the contrac t For repeated deliiiquences of the kind herein specified, enlarged penalties, proportioned to the natnre thereof and the importance of the mail, may be made. 4 For leaving behind or throwing off the "mails or any portion of them, for the admission of passengers or for being concerned in setting np or running an ex press conveying intelligence in advance of the mail a quarter's pay may !e deducted. 5. Fines will be imposed, unless the delinquency lie promptly and satisfactorily explained by certificate of postmasters, or the affidavits of other credible persons for failing to arrive in contract time; for neglecting to take the mail from or deliver it into a post office; for wifleringit (owing either to the unsnitablcness of the Ilace or manner of carrying it) to be wet, injured, de stroyed, rubbed, or lost; und for rcftming. after de mand, to convey the mail as frequently as the contrac tor runs or is concerned in running, a coach, car. or a steamboat on a route. . ' 6. Toe Postmaster General mayannnl the contract for repeated failures to ran according to contract; for jiolatms the port office laws, or disobeying the instruc tions or the department; for refusing to discharge a carrier when required by the department to do 800" assigning the contract without the assent of the Pos master General ror running an express as aoreidTor f.jr transporting persons or packages conveying maila ble matter out of the mail. J 7. The Postmaster General may order an increase of acrvice on a route by allowing therefor a pro ra in crease on the contract pay. He may cbangVschedu of departures and arrivals in all cases, and particularly to make them conform to connections with raUroads without idcroase of pay. provided the rnnning time hi not a;,rided. He imaja&o order an increaae of speed, allowing wHhm the restnctiona of the law. a oroVato increase of pay for the additional stock or curriers if Arrive at Corvallis next day be 5 n m; Leave Corvallis luesday and Friday at 7 a m: ;, at 0nfS" t'ity next dava Iv5 p m; rram-urriius, M3IT I I'd ml. Fnr.t n lnn -,r"'' i on orfurd Saturday by 3 p m. l'ropali t- ran, after passing Ojo' By via Alocth of Coqt!e!. and end at I mpona" Citv, tvmt the same dUtance as adi"erti.-d, arc i'i- n Tha contractor may. however. In the case of in crease of speed, relinquish the contract by giving prompt notice to the department that lie prefers doing so tcarrvinir the order Into effect. The Postmaster General may also curtail or discontinue the service, in whole or in part, at pro $-ata decrease of pay, allowing one month's extra compensation on the amount dispells ed u nil. whenever, iti tils opiuion, the public interests do not require the same, or 111 case lie desires to Bupcr sede it by a dinercni graae 01 transportation, ft. Payments will be made for the service by collec tious from, or drafts on, postmasters, or otherwise, af ter the expiration or eaen quarter say In February May, August, and Xovemuer. a". The distances are given according to the liest in. formation 1 but no increased pay will lie allowed should tbey be greater than advcrtised.Of the points to be sup plied be correctly stated. BiMrrm mutt inform th(m-trh-et on rti'j i;kii(; and also in reference to the weight or the mail, the conditions or roads, hills, streams. Ac, and all toll-bridges, ferries. oribstracUusoranvkind 1. .. .. . 1 . : . u 1. . . . . J i uuiiuniitwnuj-uo inciirrea. 10 claim tor ail ditional nav based on nrh pnuinild imi lu. nnn. t.i..i. nor ror alleged mistakes or misapprehension as to the dczree of service: nor Tor bridges nt..trrt-r,1 .r mb.. nlufrtii-tirtne lnr.H-o! .I....... : 1 . i ' - nrwt.r-riijf uwuiiiix, tnTiirriiii; uunug llie uuniian icnu. umces estawisiicd aner tins advertise ment is issued, and also dnrinir the contract trim an- 4 be visited without extra pay, ir the distaucc be not iiiccasca. 10. A bid received after the last day and hour named or without the guarantee required by'law, or that com bines several routes in one sum of compensation, ean. not be considered in competition with a regular propo sal rcsonaoie in amount. 11. Bidders should first propose for srrvice strictly according to the advertisement, and then, if they de sire, trparalelg tor different service; mid ir the regular out ne me lowest onertd lor me advertised service, the otnrr propositions mny be considered. - 12. There should lie' but one route bid for in a propo sals. 13. The route, the set-rice, the yearly pay. the name and re-idence of the bidder, (that 'is his usual postnfHce aooress.j ana tnose 01 eacn memocr or a nrm, where a company offers, should be distinctly stated: also the mode r.f cnnvcv.-.nce. ir a higher mode than borse'.iack be ii'.tcndeil. The words "with due celerity, certainty and security," inserted to indicate the mode or convey, anee. will constitute a "star bid." When a '"star bid' is intended, no specific conveyance most be named. 1 1. Bidders are requested to use. as rar as practica blc, the printed firm of proposals rurnished by the de partment, to write out in full the sum of their hid , and to retain copies or them. FORM OF PaOPOSAf. , , of , conntvof- , Stateof propose to convey the mails or the I'uitrd States rrom July l.l-'o. tj June 30, Hi;2,on route iv'o ,rroin to , agreeably to the advertisement of the Postmaster General dated October 22, 1S57, and by the lu.tun ni'mr i.. ciron ancc, VIZ! for the annual sum nf dollnt-x. This proposal is made with full k-nonled" nf the distance of the route, the weight of the mail to I car ried, and all the particulars In reference to the route and service, and also after careful examination of the laws and imtrnctions attached to the advertiscmcrt. laled. (Signed.) CTCARAXTKK. The nnder-iffticd, residing it . Stateof undertake that, if the foregoing bid for rarrving the mail on route Xo lc accepted by the Postmas- tes General, the bidder shall, prior to the 1-t day of .vuau-i, i.-vi, enter into me required obligation, on cor.trart. to perform the service proposed, with good and suHi -cut sureties. This we do understanding distinctly the obligations and liabilities assumed by guarantors under tlie 27th action oi tue act ot Congress of July 2. KM. (Signed by two guarantors.) Dated. CERTIFICATE. The nnderigned. postmaster of , State of . rertites. under his oath of office, that bi Is qaainted with the above gnarantors, and knows them to 1 mca of proiMsrty, and able ta make good thegnar- Dated 15. Altered bids should not be submitted: nor k'io.iM olds once submitted le -itbdiawn. I-jc!i bid nv-.-t be guarantied by two rcsponiiblc per sons, (.cneral guarantees cannot be admitted. The bid and guarantee should be signed nlaiulv with the full name or each person. I ;:e department reserves the right to reject any bid rhicn may lie deemed extravaiant. and also tha bios 01 ia:i"ig -o;itractors and bidders. li.. jae bid shoul I be sealed: snlrscribel -Mail Pnv P'wals. M.iteor Territory or (asthe case may be) ." dressed "f-ecoud Assistant Postmaster General' I oiitra. t O.me. and sent bv mail, not by or t.oan airenl and port:na!-ters w.ll n .t ea le nnmosnls or 1,-ticrv or ai.y kind) in thi ir quarterly rrtunis. 17. The contrortsare to 1 "executed an.l returned to trie department by or b-r.Tethe 1st of Annst. KV) but the service mt be commem ed on the 1st Jul v, or the ma:! day next after that date, whether the contracts ie executed or cot. o proposition fVr transfers will be considered nntU the contracts nre rxn-nM nn.l - ceived at the department: and then no transfers a ill be allowed nrless good and suflicieTit reasons therefor are g.ven.io ce actennincd tiy the department. IS. Section 1 of an act of Congress, annroved March 1. iprTici.il mat contracts lor the transportation or the mail shall he 1st "in every ca-e to the lowest jldder ten lenng funi irnt errarai:b-es for faithfi:! rer furmtnee. withot.t other reference to the mode of snh transportalion than may be necessary ti provide for the -.i rriiriiy, cenainty, at:d security of such transporta tion. Lnderthts law a new description of bids has been received. They do not sric- iiy a mode nf n, ,r. ... - .-j. r r . m-iii xrp with ceicrity. certainty, and security, o-ing 1'ie terms of tae liw. Thee bids are styled, tmm the manner in which liiey are dsismated t.n the books or the department, star bias," and they will be erntr.ied as providing for the conveyance of the entire mail, however lari-e. nm w. lever may oe tue mode ne--esarry to insure :U "c l.-ntv, certainty, aud security." 10. In all cases'wtiere the lowest irrade of service Is h l.eved to be sufficient. the 1 wet bid will I e accepted, if duly guarantied, iu preference to a ".-tar" nr specific When Cic 1 wt bid is not a st ir bid. and specifies ituer no mo,le or an inadeonate mode of conveyance. w.ii 1101 oe accepiea. uut set a-iile lor a snecinc Lid ir"';-tisio me necessary service. lien tlie bid d-es not snecifv a mode of eonve' an.'e; tlo. when it proposes to carry "according to nre navemsemeni.-- nut williout sucli spermcatlon. It w ii 1 con. : jerea ss apropoFti r.r uorseiack ser vice. 2t. A modification or a bid in any of its essential terms is tintamo int 1 1 a nerv bid, and cannot lie receiv ed, so as to interfere with a remilar cuinretition. aftir iiic iasi u'nir -i ior rectiving riuis. 1. I'ostmsters are to lie rarefiil not to certify the uffii-iency or guarantors nr snietics without knowing that thev are nerv ins or sufficient reiionvih:.i:tv: ami s!l bidders, guarnr.tors. and sureties are distim-nlv . tilied that, oa a railare to enterinto or perform the"con- ra-M ior n service proposed for in the accepted l:d. meir ie?ai lianiiiues ne eworee.i asramst them. Present contractors, and nersons known at the department, must, equally with ethers, pricure gnnr-a-itors and certificates of their sufficiency snlistar.tiallr n me torms aimve prescrilied. The certificates of suf ficiency ma-t be signed by a postmaster or by a judge or a court ol record. AAROX V.BROWX, v Postmaster General. Post Office PepaetAiVt, October 22, lslv. 12w41 Aotice. THE judges of the Supreme Court, of tie Territory of Oregon, assembled at the seat of 'Government" on tue ninth day of January, eighteen hnndmt snri Hftv- seven, do fix and appoint ?istrict Courts, to be held fn village of R Keburg, in the county of Douglas on the first Mondays, or March, May, Peptcmlier and Xovem ber.annusliy, nntil otherwise ordered, and do limit the duration of said terms to six days escli. GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chier Justice. 44tf - M. P. DKA lV, Associate Justice. AtKueeiieUitr. THE subscribtr lias at Eugene City, one of the lest general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene ral finding store, to 1 round in Oregon. He is con stantly receiving rresh additions to his stock, nnd al ways Keeps 11 up. My goods are now all received direct rrom San Francisco, where I have a resilient aa-ent. All lndsor rarmer s produce received in exchange ror goods pay higher prices ror produee, and sell goods cheaper aan any other store in the Territory. JOSEPH TEAL. Eugene City, July 1 , IR.18. lotf Marion House, Salem. THE undersigned onnonncra to the public that he has purchased the well known tavern stand, called the Marion House, in Sa lem, together with the furniture and fixtures thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites the patronage of the public. " K. M. MAY. Way 23, JS7. lltr Dentistry. DR. J. R.CARDWELL. Dental Sargeon, Corvallis, in his profession, at Corvallis. Kuireus Citv. Win chester, Scottsbnrg. and Jacksonville. Skill, unques tionable; charges rvsqiecLiblc: work, warranted. Teeth examined, and advice given five o( charge. line nonce given or mange ot omce. April 26, lMo. 7tr Watchmaking. WILLIAM F. H1GHFIELD .Chronometer and Watch maker, Oregon City, to be fonnd at is old stand in front or the United States Hotel. ate Main-street House, where he rm ho ronstani lr round prepared to do any business in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of watches and jewelry ror sale. Kotire. plOBVALLIS Ware Honse. Xo. l,we offer Tor rent. V ISAAC MOORK. or WAYMAN St. CLAIR. In connection with the above we have a norV bono and smoke house for rent. 18tf MOORE ft St. CLAIR. DRY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va riety, at 2itf MOORES' Orleans Warehouse. ORLEAXS Ware House, opposite Corvallis, Tor rent IMf ISA AC MOORE. M ACKEREL and codfish, at (42tl) W. K. SMITH A Cs's. WANTED in exchange for cakr or merchandise 20.000 lbs. or bacon for which I will n. thl biffhwt priw. (J. E.C0LE. The Graefenbcrjj FAMILY MEDICINBS 1 The Crnrfinbrrg Conipanr. rplIlSlNSTITUTlOX. (Incarporated by the Legis X 1 iture of the State of New Y01 k. Capital $ 100.000.) was founded for the parpose of supplying the public with the celebrated Git AKFES BEKU MEUIC1XKS The series comprises remedies for nearly eveiy disease adapted to every climate, r or t amines, travellers, Seamen, and Miner's use they are line. pulled. All the Medicines are PL' RELY VEGETABLE and warranted to cure the diseases for which they are severally rec ommended. The Graefenberg Company does not profess to cure all diseases with one or two medicines. Our seriescon- sists of ELEYEX different kinds, adapted to the vari ous diseases incident t-Jtho temperate and tropical cli mate. The roil iwinj comprises the series or Urncrcn berg Medicines : tub GKaErESBKna vkortaiu.k rii.i.s Are considered the standard Fill or the dav. and are infinitely superior to anv Fill before the public. They operate without irritation on ill the excretions, purg ing the blood by the bowel , liver, sidnsys and sum snitsit.vi.L'a rrcKiNK cathomcos. Aninfallillc remedy for all diseases of the womb and nvinary organs, weakness in the back. uiii In the nrcasi, oiervousness, neniniv. etc. in taiiiornia and Oregon, out ot more than a thousand cases where this medicine has been ed. it has in no single instance iaii -u to give pcrmancut nlief or to etlect a certain cure. TnxGRAcrrNnetu ;aitsAraiuu.a, A piwerful extract. One bottle equal to ten of the ordinary Sarsaparilla for purifying the Hood. A sure cure for scrofula, rheum itis:n. "ulcers, dyspepsia, salt '"r "luimnai m-j., ciiiaueJiis crupiiuus, sc. TUE GREEN JlOfXTaiS OIXTXKNT. Invaluable for hums, wimnds, sprains, chilblains, sores, swelling, scrofula, etc. As a Fain Extractor, it cannot be ex -elled. atlordiug immediate relief from 111c mosi excruiiating pains. THE GSJlErEN.tKSa DVSl.Ti:Br SVKIT. Tliis extraordinary article Is a speed r and i-jfallible remedy in Dlarrhn-a, l'ysentery. Cholera Morbus. Chol era infantum and the Asiatic ChoU-ra, ir taken with the tir-t symptoms of the disease. It is purely vegetable 111 lit lOUlIOUUU. ca.iri rssKRij cnit.nanss rxxcr.n. Forsnmmcr Comrl lint, and mist diseases to which children are suhjeit. Its true worth can never be set rortli in words, but it can be felt aud appreciated bj parents whose children have been saved. Xo Mother shnttlj be without it. the Gr.iitrEXB!:rj5 ni t ttrarnv. Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease. with the Ointment 'here are very few cases wliL-h can not be radii-ally and permanently cured. A surgioil operation for Files or Fb-tuli should never lie resorlrd to until this Ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never rails. CnAr.KSSClKrJ HVK LOTION. For diseases or the eye this I.i tion has no cjnsl. It is a eedv and p"sitii:e cnrefT iuAanimation of the eves, weikness. dimness and railing nr si-ht. Hwlll alva.vsbe beneficial in acute inflammation of the eyes, and also as a wa-h ou inflamed surfaces. ; ' Gs.trixBKnn tever and Acre rit.u. f A speedy nnd p.witive cure fur this distressing com p! lil.L. These l':lls are composed principally nf Qni niae. with other vegetal le tonics, atitrspa-mic and i'elirifope ai tii l?s. Thousands have been permanently cured by their u.-e. GUAKFENBimG COSfVSrTIVK'S BALS. Sovereign in all Rronrhial and Pnli-inary Diseases. It is. beyond all question, true that Consumption is a citrarleui-oa-e, and the Con-iinpt:ve's Ur.la is tlie lert enretive ever used. G::AEFtBKRG HEALTH riTTESS. These Bitters are skilfilly and elegantly prepared rrom a number or invig iratiug healthy rts, h.irks, herb and vines. An iiival.iallc Vmic aad health rc- au.fr. - - - (lmcn-.BxiKi II rl (If HtlLtU. A handsomely iirinted volume nf 300 naurs. contain ing concise and extremity liin descriptions of all manner of diseases, their symptoms aud treatment. Every family sh-s.ld have oiie. Frice only 25 rents. it will I sent, post paid, t any post ofti"-e in Califor nia or Oregon, on tbn receipt or 2-" cents by mail or ex press. Address itertingtm Co., San Fnncisro. The Gmefentiera Meilicines are for sal? bv all Praia-- gists and AiiotWaries thrn:hout the country. .v-iiis 1. ainonua ann iiregon . UKilGTOX A Co.. Wholesale Umcststs. Ko. in j ( 1 iy street. SiciTtt Pavi? Agents, Portland. San Francisco, Dtc. 12, 1x57. " Smll L. P. Fisher's A P r-UTIs-ING Aeencv. San Fran. is.-o Vo. 1711 Jt. Wasbingt;in street. 1111 stairs, nearly mtHit 1.. fliasuire s . M'era nonse. L. I. FISH EM is the authorized Asent or the Oregon Statcmax; Marysville Herald; Sacramento Union: San Jmquin Kcpulrlican. Stockton; Facilic Methodist, Stockton; Souora Herald; Xevad i Jonnuil: Jrass Valley Telegraph; Red rtlafT Beacon; Columbia 'iazette; Mo oitaiu IVuiocrnt.riacervillc; Tuolnmne Courier; Calvarer. Chronicle. Mokelumne If ill; El Dorado lcm'H-rat; Shasta Courier; MariM.i ;azette: YreUa Weekly Cuion; Trinity Jivurual. Weaverville; Iowa Hill News; Weekly ledger, Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; - Sonoma County Journal; Folsom Ilispatch; California Mining Journal; Ios Angeles Star; Santa Barbara Cazette; San IMogo Herald; AlmedaCjtiiityOazette; Placer Courier. Yankee Jim's, Xapa County Peporter; Sierra IVmocrat. Downievillct Humlmtdt Times; Union: Oregonian. Portland. O. T. Pacific Christian Advocate, Salem, O. T. Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T. Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia, W. T. Washington Ilcpnbliban, Ste'ilacoom, W. T. lWneo-m. Honolulu. S. L: Pacilic Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. T. Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISIXK IX THE ATLANTIC STATES. L. P. F. has'now completed his arramremeiits for the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in the Atlantic States. A fine opportunity is here offered to those who wish to advertise in any part of the Union, of doina so at the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satisfactory man ner. , Aniust 2.. 157. 24tf Boot and Shoe Store. FREDERICK W I C K M O X would announce to the citizens of Salem, and the surroiind- ng country, that he have taken a store on the east side of Commercial street, north of the postoflice wnei-e ue will Keep cojistantly on Hand a roll assort ment or every kind of boots nnd shoes, both custom and sale work, which lie will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the manufacture or repair cf work will be complied with, and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give me a call and examine my stock. r HKUKlilCK. WICKMOX. Salem, March 12,1857. 13tf Bakery and Confectionery. THE undersigned would announce to the public that they have established themselves in the baking and confectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street, second door north or the Union Honse. A thorough experience at the baking business they trust will enable them to give satisfaction to theircustomcrs. All orders promptly filled. Groceries and Fruits, will also be kept constantly on hand. McOINN & BYRNE. April 9. M7. stf Storage! Storage! WE are prepared to store all kinds of farmers pro duce, on the most liberal terms. Also to attend to ail kinds of commission and shipping business. Our warehouse is situated immediately on the bank of the river, at the steamboat landing. And in shipping or receiving goods or produce, unattended with expense 01 dray age. BEACH & HOGUE. Albany, bepi. 10, imi. 27m6 THERMOMETER CHURXS, just received and for ale at epB W. C. URI8W0LD8 4 CO' I R. I. Craaori ITTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAVT. AUany,O.T.Feb..lS8. 4Stf Aledicnl. W. Mc A. FEE.M. D., Physician and Surgeon, ice over Star. Barnard ft Co.a Store. Front St.. ome, Benton Co.. O. T. 3m47 Dr. S. H. Untitles, OFFICE, SALEM. ORKCON TERRITORY. Mm, November 9, 1857. S3tf William C. Urlswold & Co., Mi 11CJIANTS, SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. w. c. oniswoi.n, 22tf c. a. woodworth. I Medical Notice. rP ""hscriher, would inform the inhabitants that he X at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in Ins Mtrfession ; nlso be has on hand a well selected stocluf Krlectic concentrated Medicines, with a well Bvorti-I supply of Syringes, all or which he will dispose or oifcasouable terms. . W. WARREN. r;m Decemlier I, !". 3sr S Medieul Noliee. Dl R. W. 811 AW, late or San Francisco, Cnlirornla. Tcra his professional services to the citizens fn Saleajand vicinity, ami respectfully solicits a share To pnbll favor. B Otlice at Reed and Fcllowa' drug store. ly R.W.SHAW. S: Ellsworth, ATTOBSBT AMD COrSSKLLOB, Up. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene I'itv. Iine Inutility. rfrefon Trritorv. Al Coimtgssionerof Deeds lor Xew York, Connecticut. Ac. AUPisi zn. isnu. 2itf Wallamet University. SALEM, OREGON. rfHC FACULTY during the present year will con X art or lie F. S. Hoyt, A. M-, President and Acting Profess or of Aicient Languages aud Mathematics. C.U. ilall, A. 11 Profes-ior of Natiiral Science. Ddt 43Snft, Tchc of C0""""" Miss iiu-ah Biu-kiugliam, Teacher or Instrumental Music Tin Oollegiatb DEPARTMENT or the Wall imet Uni versitf ls lieen oraanized. Young men designing to pursu.' are gular C mrse of Study, are invited to avail themtlrs of the advantages afforded by this Institu tion. Ail available resources will be made use of to meet thi wants of Students, Efforts will be continued to secarn suitable endowmeat;and no pains will be spar ed in o'fsiningompetentand experienced Instructors. The Ojllegiate year Is divided into three term, com menciif as follows: The wt ter.a on the 3d Thursday in September. " st ond term on the 1st January. tlrd " lost " " April. The tist two ttrms are fifteen rrerkt each; the third, rtcren nek: Vacvioss. There will he two vacations In the year: ar. in April, of (too reek, and one, in the sum mer, re iae trerkw. Trrrns will be at the rate of tl per week, or tl'J per an:m. T1IK OREGON IXSTITUTE Tob Fbetabatort DKrAKTHENT. TEKt The Academic year is divided into rofa Trns 4 -frrea tcerA each. The lrt term begins on the last Thursday of AngusL wroi:d terra begins on the !d " " Novem. Uird " last " 4 January. " mirth " " " " Ut " " April." Vac vnoNi There will be two vacations In the year: one ia ipr.l. of firo tortks; and one in the summer, of eiz frrkm. Trirais will Iw paid at the beginning of each Terra in adrcmce. at the following rates: la Languages, Higher Mathematics ft Chem., $10 00 f Other studies of the Academic Division, . . 7 50 Common English Division,. 6 50 " Primary " 5 50 For use of the Piano 1 50 " Instrumental music.. 10 00 ; Instruction! in vocal music is given to all the tadents free of choree. Aoaissios. students will be admitted at anv vme: and will be charged for tuition from the time they en ter only, but their progress will be greatly prxnoited by entering early in tne Academic year. " In cases where, from necessity, students leave before the end of the term for which payment has leen made, a jot proportion not more than thrre.rourths nor less than one-fourth or the tuition fee will be reminded. Students are not allowed to leave ju-t before examina tion. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, inflict reat injury npou both the student and the Instita tion. BoArirtso. Young gentlemen and lidies can obtain board at reasonable rates with private families. Corns-E tr Stvpv. A Course of btudv bas been adopted for both the tvi'ectate and Preparatory le- partmcnts, well calcinated to se nre ripe scitoiarsnip. mental discipline, aud a preparation for the active du ties n l:fe. A liberal Course of Study has been adopted foryoung ladies wln desire t- obtain a thnronch ed ication. 1 3- A I'ipl ima will l awarded tj all who shall complete the prescribed morse. 1 he l.i.avKKSuEsT will is parental but strict aim ing constantly at the formation or correct habits or Sclf Govemment. Careful attention will be given ta manners and morals. ScilLAinrs. tierpetnal. or for the re nod of ten years, securing tuition at very reduced rates, can lie purchased. For further particulars apply to the Presi dent. Per order of Executive Committee. V. SL. 1IOYT. tsee. B ard .r Trustees Salem; Ieo. W. 157. 41tf New Constitution for Oregon. Tt" fE beg leave to announce to the public that we are :st receiving a large and wel- selected stocc or eoods from San Francisco, which has been selected with great aire by Mr. Alexander, who has been attend ing that market ror some time, Uierelore we ran sateiy say to the putlic that we can, and will sell, gooes as low at wholesale or retail AS AXY HOUSE IX OREGOX. We will 1ke in exchange Tor goods all kinds of pro duce. N.B. We will also pay rash for all kinds of pro-dm-e. to-wlr Wheat. Flour, nutter, Esgs, Bacon, Fork, Lard, Oats. Ac, Sc.. Ac. All whowi-h to purchase, will do well to call and ex amine befa-e purchasing elsewhere. Our s.hw consist of every thing in the line that this market calKfor t.vwit: Grev. White, Red and Blue Blankets; Coats, I'ests. Pants. Hats and Hat covers; Underdid Over shirts. Wool and Cotton; Kverv description of White Shirts: t.ieeiisWare, Hard Ware and Cutlery; Roots, thors coarse and fine; IJrogam Calf. Kip and Cowhide; Wool Haids, Merinos. Delains, late patterns. In short every kind or piece goods, and the BEST TEA ever shipped to this market. AI-KO "edar shingles. Timothy seed and Hops. f Ufve us a call, and see lor yourselves. "C 1 ALEXANDER ft McEWAX. Corvallii Oct 13, Ftf 7. 33tf New Arrival of Jewelry, &c, JUSt FROM SAN FRANCISCO. T ROSENTHAL informs his patrons and f frieiiis, that be his just returned rrom San Francisco with a select assortment of Jew elry, Musiml Instnimeiits, Cutler', etc., and oilers them f,r sale at his store on Front street, -4J One door below Dr. Coombs office. -:a j JEWELRY. Gold ami Silver watches; Gold and Silver chains; Gold bracefrU: Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gold finger rings; Lockets; ("old pens and encils; Gold sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware: fancy goods and perfnmtry. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Fifes; a large assortment of Accordeons, Ladies' work boxes of all kinds. Odd and Silver spectacles. Gold and Silver spoons, Cutlery; Clocks an endless variety, Ac., Ac. tfW Wutolies, Clocks and Jewely repaired, and all kinds of Jeaelry made to order. J- All of my work warranted"! S-Don'tiorget"Tlie Sign of the Big Watcb."-e Corvallis, Oct. 24. 1857 3.1tf lilac k Mil it lis aud others, Look. ALLAX McKIXLAY CO. have now on hand a large and well selected stock nf nr Iron. Cast Steel, Horse shoe do., German do., Nail rod do., Plough do.. Piute do.. And intend to keep np the assortment so as to suit the wants of customer. Give us a call, and yon will find that we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell "as cheap as the cheapest." We are constantly recei v ing additions to our assortment, so as to replace what is sold. Oregon (My, Dec. 23, 1850. 41tf y Blanks. . DEErS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of scrip, tax receipts, final proofs, and notifications new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman Oflicc. July 27, 1S57. , 20tf i Wanted. 100,000 -",.(HogB,d)lexchage B. M. DU RELLE. ter Office at C.riswold A. Co. Salem Julj 1,1857. IStf Look Here ! w E have just received RS.OOO lbs. of ground alum Bait, which we are selling at f3.no per hundred, i GRISWOLUftCO. WANTED In exchange Tor cash or merchandise, 100 bushels of good apples, to be delivered by the 10th of August highest price paid. G. E. COLE. JNotice rl hereby given, that C 8. Woodworth ia authorized to transact ny personal business during my absence galemrJojiel7,lfif . lotf BOOK8! BOOKS!! BOOK ..AT.. The City Book.-fltore, (FKOST ST., rORTLAN'D, O. T.,) A. II. SHIPLEY & Co., avc li -tore, and will be receiving by the 1st of June N HOOKS AND STATIONERY! Which they offer to the SPRING TRADE At small advances oa New York prices, ve ns a call, or send K3 an order, aud we are baund ta give yoa satisfaction! A. R. Shipley & Co., Are the Sols Aoksts in Oregon and Washington Ter ritories for the sale of The American Statesman, A GREAT BOOK ! ! ltcing" the only political history of the L'uitcd States. " Send us your names. Price $1 00: Payable on de livery or book. Can deliver by the 1st of 5optcmbcr to all who send us their names by 1st of May. Cataloine of Part of oar Slock : SCHO )L HOOKS. RE-tHEn. Sanders' old lit, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th, nd The Young Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th: Parkers' 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th; ilc OufTey's 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th aud 5th. Si-KLLEiis- Sanders' Old, Sanders Xew; Elemen tary! Pbixeils. Sanders Pictorial, School and Parker's. (iKiH;KnruiES. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ol uey's, Morse's, McXuliey's, and Montcith's 1st and id Book. M ATUKHATtcs. Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables, Mental, Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Oavies' Pri mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's Colbura's Ray's Stoddard's; Havics Algebra, Sur veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic tionary, Logic or Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, and Phil-isopby of Mathematics. Grammars Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith's Kirk.un's Spencer's Tower's. PuiuosoruiES. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and School; Comstock's Smith's. Histobiks. Wilson s-iJuvenile, and United States; Parley's Universal; Willard's Universal, and United States. Lanccagcs. Cooper's Yirgil; Andrew's Latin Rea det; Virl ltonue; Andrew's Latin Grammar; McCJitr lock's 1st and 2d Book in Latin, and do. in Greek; An hon's Greek Grammar aud Header; Johnson's Cicero. Fasquelle's French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's Jcrman Grammar and Header, Teleraaqno. Greek Tes iament; French, self-taught; Surrenne's French Dic tianary: Andrew's I -it in do. Liddell ft Scott's Greek 1j. Anthon's Classical do. Smith's do do. DicTioSAKtsa. Welter's School, High do. Aca demic, University, Royal vo. Unabridged and Cobbs" Pocket. MtscKt.i.ANi!Ors. Mattison's Astronomy. Xewman's Rhetoric Wood's ll tany. . Kame's Elements or Crit icism. Parker's Aids in Composition, Parker's Kxer :ises. Urookfield's Composition. McEHigott's Young Analyzer, do. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word litiiliicr. Mavhew's liok Keeping. Wayland's Moral Science. Pafey's Xatural Theolocy. Blake's Agricul ture for Schools. Upham's Intellectual Philosophy. Maltan's do. do. Milton; Young; Pollock: and Thomp son; (Edition rr Schools) Cutter's Anatomy and Phviology. American Debater. Xewmau's I'olitical Economy.' Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of Speakers and Elocution. All kinds of School Station ery; Slates of all sizes; Drawing Books; Drawing Pajier; Perforated Card Board; Bristol Riard: Pencil and Bruslies; Oslwrn's Co!or; lukntands, every size joJ style, Ac. Ac. io. MISCELLAXEOCS BOOKS. HisTOBT Bancroft's United States. S volnmes Hildreth's do, do, 6 vobimes. Front's Pictorial United States. Taylor's do, do, do. Botta's Hfc,t. "'evolution. Peterson's do. Wibn's I'nited States. Willard's do. Hist, ludian Wars United States. Willard's Universal History. Muller's do do. Rotteck's Hist. World 1 or ! volumes. Rol!iu's Ancient History. Fair's do. do. Hume's England. M icaulay's do., complete. Pickens Child's do. Liniard's do. Gibbon's ilme. D'Au bigne s Iteformitiou. Bang's M. E. Church. Allison's E iope, 1st and 2d Scries. Prescott's Work. Border's Hist, of Religions. Hist, of Council or Trent. Jose phus. All o( Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet, lecns of Spain. Qeen of Scotland. Help's Spanish Conquests. Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Eu WTik s Brazil. Parley's Universal. History of Cru udes. Ancfcnt Ej.-yitians. Hillam's Middle Ages. History ror Boys. Bonner's Child's L'uited SLites. fs-ing's Field B-Tok or Revolution. Bio:BArHr Plutarch's Live. Life Brant. Won derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. Lives of the Siegers. Autobiography of Finley. La njirtinc's Celebrated Cliarsctcrs. Lileof Adam Clarke. 1 1 Bishop Hedding. do Xiebahr. do Gen. Harrison. l Daniel B.one. do Roberts, do Lafayette. Cap tains of Roman Republic and Old World." Dr. Cbal ners, 4 vols. Lives of Huraboldts. Mrs. . Rogers, jl.izart. Wesley. Fletcher. Life and Times or Clay; Irviug's Wa-hington. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of Chief Ju-tiers. Josephine. Xfipoicou. Charles Lamb. I.icksoa. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane (J rev. I. Q. Ad.nns. Julienrie. Daniel Webster: Kings of itome. Kings and Q-ieers. Liebmtz. Lives of the Popes. Prescott's Philip 2d. Mnry aud Murtha Wash ington, rioncer omen of tiie v. est. Travels. Hack's Chins. Arancanians. Se',ihca's Esvpt. Ulin's Travels. Mango Park. Xile Kutes. ".dvcnt-.ires on Musnuito Shore. Bayard Tayljr's Tray jls. Durbin's Travels in the Eit. :'ri::rTT;-ic llinilf'---'lT-" - ritywtisif .gg. rapby l the Sea. Wood's Natural Hi-tory." lrdaer s Lectures. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mathematical Dic tionary. IvOrnc f Mathematics. W onders of Sceuee. "litcheil s Plaiietry and t-tc.lar Av orids. Looniis Re e it Pngress of Astronomy. Smith's Iictionary of Arts and Science- Kubauk's Hydraulics. Dick's works. Various works ou Architecture. Poetrt. I'vron various styles. Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. lturus, do. Hemans, do. Moore, d-i. Thompson, loung. Pollock. Tupper. Cowper. Fob Camplie!!. Wadsworlh. Ossian. ilontgomery. Kirk White. I- emale Poets of England, dj. do. Americ; and many others. Booas or Rsfebesce. Cyclopedia of Geography, do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts. McCoIloch s Gazetteer. Harpers Universal "azette-. Fri-it si Aoaicri-Ti-RAi Elliot's Fruit Book. Thomas" do. Downiug's do. Barry's do. Fessndens Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener a Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book. AlUti's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton s Hand Book: Wojks ou Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hoss, Ac. Tukoi-ogicai. A ItELlGloi s Harmony and Exposi tion of Gospels. Xeauder's Lire of Christ. Butler's vtyrks. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Sleth nlism. Morris' Miscellanies. Lectures on Romanism. Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes' Votes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's exercises. atson s institutes, uirraoee s t-vidences. "J-.itler's Ethical lscourses. ltoffers' Eclipse of Earth. do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ, l'erfection. Baker on Discipline. Writings or Arminius. Jahn's lliblical Archseoiogy. iiibles, ail sizes and prices, turn 1 tj $20. TesLiments, great variety. Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist. Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian P-almist. Mkoical. Bnehan's Family Physician. Hydro pathic do. llomoepathic Works. Misckllaneocs. Constitutions of United States Mayhew'a Popular Education. Crabbe's Synonyms. Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual Headlev's Works. 14 vols. Mrs. Tuthill s, 6 vols, lay ard's Nineveh. Bigelow's Userul Arts. Haswell s En gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of Knowledge. Park.Madison. 1'eruvian Antiquities. Way Down East. Pynshurt. Ike Marvel's Works- Sanderson's Cook and tonfectioner. Country Rambles in England. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temper ance Hbok-1 Money Maker. Escaped Xnn. News Boy. Dick Wilson, Mrs, Hale's New Cook Book. Mil ler's Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator- Young Ladies Counsellor. 1 oung Man s do. 1'ictonal Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri can Housewife. Half Hours with Old Humphrey. Athens; Its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Mdtt Redwood, do. Xew Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs. Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car- len's Works. Heroines of History, lind and bea. Dsck and Fort. Sea and Sailor, fcdip and Miore. N'aval Life. Star Pajiers- Masonic Chart. living's. Columhus. Long Look Ahead. Lity 01 aew iorK Living Orators of America. Young .Man Advised. Mis sions in Tonga and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Knuit and the Russians. Hydrapathic Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gilt book lor xoung Men do. 'do. Indies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boys. Kootpripts of Famous men. .narioiio uixaoetn s Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philoso pher. Abbott s Marco l'aul isooks. ao t ranconia. And a Dlllliocr wi ..n.c.a w c..i.,u.-i.i7. Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing. St.tiovkkv Foolscan Paper great variety. let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel opes all stvles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles. Memorandums, loanes, rm wmu, nine hooks. Paper Cutters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic JPrints a large variety. Wrapping Pa pergood variety. Wafers, Sealing Wax, Ac, 4c. Finally, we have a good variety of Music Books New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodlan. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tors. Guitar do, Wute do, Accordon do. Violin do. Melodeon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet Music. And the most varied assortment of Stationery ever ffered in Oregon. Kf This stock is all bought in Xew York and other Eastern cities and is sold at UNIFORM PRICES. ZT We keen on hand Scnooi. Books in larire onan- ties, together with most ol the publications of Harper ft Brothers; Derby ft Jackson; Ivison ft Phinney; Phillips ft Samson; A. S.Barnes ft Co-? MiTler, Orton ft Mulligan; Leary ft Getz; Putnam; Appleton: and others. We ask your patronage. If nnabl to visit us a3d examine our stock, your order will be attended to on the same terms as if yon bought ia person. romand, uarcn zo, loT. ztr "All of the above works may be had W. Kenyon A Co.'a City Book Store, Salem-" llAWH nil DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S PRIVATE medical and surgical institute. Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite Pacific Mail Steamship Co's office, San Francisco, California. Es tablished in 1854, ror the permanent cure or all Private and Chronic Diseases.and the suppression of Qaackery. Attending and Residcut Physician L. J.CZAPKAY, M. D., late in the Iliingarian Revoluf ionary War, Chief Physician to the 20th Tiegiment or Honveds, chief Sur geon to the Military Hospital of Pesth , and late Lec turer on Disseascs or women and children. TO THE AFFLICTED. Dr. L. J.CZAPKAYreturns his sincere thanks to his numerous patients for their patronage, and would take this: opportunity to remind them that he continues to consult at his Institute for the core of Chronic diseases of tlie Lnngs.Ijvers.Kidnevsii-gert-ive and genitive organs, and all private diseases, viz : Syphilitic nlccrs, gonorrhoea, glett, strictures, seminal weakness and all the horrid conseqiences of self abuse, and hehopes that his long experience and successful practice of many years, will . continue to ensure him a share of public pa-tronage. By the practice of , many years in Europe and the United States, and during the Hungarian war and campaigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and succcssru! remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uses no mercury charges moderate treats bis pa tients in a correct and honorab'.e way has references of uni'iestinnable veracity from men of known respect ability and high standing in society. Ail parties con sulting him, by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secresv. To tub Ladies of Qzbbox and Campob.via. L.J. CzArAT, M. D.,Physician Surgeon aud Acconcbecr .in vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la boring under any of the various forms or diseases of the brain, lungs, heartr. stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor is effecting more permanent enrca than any other physician in Oregon or California. . Let no false delicacy prevent yon, bat apply immediately, and save yourself from pnfnful snfTerim and premature death. AM mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other cirennxitances do not allow to have an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. I- J. Czipkays iledi.-rl Instit-jle, Sacramento st., below Montgomery, opposite P. M. S.S. Co's office and they will receive every possiide rrlief and help. The Doctor's OSces are so arranged that he can be consulted without molestation. 12ra3 AI consultations I by letter or otherwise.) Tree. " Address to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY, Medical Institute. San Francisco, Cal. REMARKABLE IXSTAXCE OF MEDICAL RE LIEF. Below we publish the certificates of two of the sufferers from the panjrs or disease, who bavin" recovered their former health, and impelled bv gratT tcde, make known their cases and remedial azeat, and their statements are authenticated by a Xotary Public. The demands of S'icicty imperiou-rly command tieir publicity, ard we commend their perusal to Cue atten tion of c!I afflicted: CERTIFICATE. The nn-lersijmcd. desirous or acquainting those who may be unfortunate enough t j le similarly aiSicted, where a pcrmancut relic-r or their suli'erii;g may be obtained, reels it his duty to thus publicly express his mo-t sincere gratitude to Dr. L. J. Czapkar, frthe pcrmancut recovery wf his health. Borue djv'o by the distressing symptoms incident to the vicious practice r uncontrollable passion in youth ; depressed iu body and mind; unable to perform even the most trilling' dnty imposed npoa the daily avjeations or life. I sotitTht the advice or many physicians, who at first regarded mv disease as or trifling importance but ala ; altera fe"r weeks. and in sever.il instances months, of th;ir treat ment, I found to my nnutterable horror, that it ster.d of relief, the symptoms became more alarming ia their torture : and being. b;l,l by one that ray ijsease. being principally confined to the'brain. medicine would S of little -consequence. I despaired of ever regaining mv health, strength and energy ; and. as a list resort, asd with but a faint hope, called njwm Dr. Czapkay. xrho. after examining ny case, -prej-criiied seme nicdicise which almost instantly relieved me of the dell pain and dizziness ia my head. Enourared !;y tnis result. I resolved to place myself immediately under kis care, and by a strict oV-.ence to his diret-tt-ms and advice, my head became clear, my ideas collected, the constant pain io my back ai& groins, the weakness-of my lira js, the nervous reaction of my whole body cb the slight est alarm or excilcnent; "the misanthropy and evil forebodings: tie self distrust and want of "cordiduce in others; the incapacity to stu-Jy, and want of resola tion: the friglitful. exciting, and'at times pleasurable dreams at night, followed bv involuntary discharges, have all disappeared; ar.d in "fact, in two'months after having consulted the Doctor, I fcit as if inspired by a new life that life which, but a short time ago, I ccc tetnplaied t end with my own hand. With a view to guard the onforumate fr;:m faTling into the snares of i.ocompeter.t q-iacks. I deem it mv duty to .!Ter this te.-timouy to tiie merit aud f-kill of I'r. Czipkay. and recemmeudhira to ail who iav stand in need of medical advice, being assured bv liiv own experience, that once under lib care, a radical ana permanent cure wul be effected. B. F. FILT.MOrR Stateof Wifimil, Conntvof San Francisco. Sub- scrnra a 011 sworn to m-iore a.-e, iiil ITti d a a A. D. 1C-(S. Sined) " JOHN 3IIDDLETOX. s.J Xotary I'ubiic- GARII. Prompted ty an honest desire of my heart. I wi-b to by before ti public a case which deserves a high com mendation, not only as an act of scientific skill, but that of humanity, also. About two years airo. I sod den ly and from eauses unknown to me" was seized with a fit or wiLErST. which, owing to my inability to meet the expenses consequent upon a thorough medical treat ment, and tfse discouragement which I met with on attempting it, soon became such (as I was then led to ilieve.) as to dety tne still or any physician. I was frequently, while in pursuit of my calling, thrown down to tne ground without tbe sltsbtest warnine:. and 1 though insensible to the agooies.yet I despised the mis ery of my existence. While in this state, and having prevrous to my amotion tasted the sweets of life. I once more was induced to attempt seeking aid of a physician and, by recommendation, called upon Dr. L- J. Czap kay. 1 told him my circumstances, end mv inability to reward tu'm for bis services regardless "of which", however, he at oace nndcrtook my case, aud with the blessing of God. I was once more restored to perfect neaun. i. nauie to reward mm tor tne boon wnica I enioy at present, and vet conscious of mv indebted ness. I consider it t ne to myself and to all afHieted to make the case public, in order that those in need of medical advice may nnd a physician in whom every commence cau ue piaireu. MEYEIt YABLOXSKY. State of California. County or San Francisco. I tS Subscribed and sworn to before me this first day of august, a. v. isat. gilbert A. Cam. Xotary Public, l. s.J QPERMATORBH(XA,or Local Wesknessjiervons de- k7 bility. low spirits. lassitude, weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and incanacitv frr lihnr .n.l study . dullness of apppetite, loss of memory, aversion to society, love olsolitude.timidity.selfdistriist. dizziness. neaaacne, pains in nie siae, aaection ol the eyes, pim ples on the face, sexual and otlierinfirmities id man, are urea wiinoutiaii oy tne justly celebrated physician and snrgeon. L. .'. t. zapbay. His method of enrinc diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence tbe great suc cess. AB consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Address, L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D.. . csn Francisco. Cal. The Grraicst DiseovfrT of the Ast. GREAT Blessings io slankiud! Innocent but Potent! DR. CZAPKAY'S lRorHti.Arrr.nrTi lflUir-- tmg agent.) a sure preventive against Gonorrhoea! and Syphilitic diseases, and a ceitaip and unsur passed remedy for ail venereal, scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, foeted discharges from vagina, uterus and urethra, and all cntanons eruptions and dis ea!es. As innoculatioa is preventive againstsmall pox, so is Dr.Czapkay's Prophylactienm a preventiveasainst Syphilitic aud Gonorrhoea! diseases. Harmless' in it self, it possesses the power of chemicaJly destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of debauchees from being infected by the most loathsome of all diseases. I.et- no young man who appreciates health be without Dr. Czapkay 's Prcphylacticum. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found con venient for use, being used as a soap. Price, SA. For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay'a Private Medical and Surgi cal Institute. Sacramento st,. below Montgomery, oppo site P. M. Co's. office. San Francisco. All letters must be addressed to I.. J. Czankav. M.D.. San Francisco. DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute. Sacramento st-.brJow Montgomery oppo site Pacific Maill Steamship Co.'s Office, San Francisco. The Doctor offers free consultation, and asks no remu neration unless he effects a cure. Office hours from 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. CERTIFICATE. I, the undersigned. Governor of Hungary, do testify berebv.tbat Dr. L. J.Czapkay has served during thecon- Jst for Hungarian liberty, as Chier Surgeon in the Hun- fgariuu urmy. Willi luiimui ptrraevrrow-c wucrym 1 uate given him this certificate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune. KOSSUTH LAJOS, Governor of Hungary. Washington City, Jan. -6, 1S52. tgr Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose 1 10 in their letters, and they will get immediate attention to their cases. Address, L. J. CZaPKAY, M. D., San Francisco, Cal. Dec. 21, 1857- 3m41 Dickinson Type Foundry. PHELPS ft DALTOX. Boston. L.P. Fisher, Agent, San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule, Ac. August 55, 1857. 24tf LADIES' cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at W2tfJ W. K. SMITH St Co's. FRESH assortment of all wool nlaMa .t StQ W.K.SMITH A Cos. $25,000 WArtla OP SPRING AND SUHHER GOODS 1 THE subscribers would respectfully inform their cus tomers and the public generally that they have oa hand, and are in constant receipt of goods from San Francisco and Xew York a large and weft-selected stock consisting in part of . Alum, allspice, an-I alpacca. Bonnets, be rages, and bro. linen, Cambric,crash, and calico, Domestic de lainos, and damask, Edging, embroidery and everything, FUnnels, fringes.jiad fancy fixia's, Oinghams, gaiters and gloves. Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins. Iron, ink, and inscrtings. Jaconet .jeans, and Java coffee. Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins,; Lawns, lard and Liverpool salt. Mustard, mirrors, and matches, Xecdles, nails, and nice things, OiU, overshirts, and Oolong tea. Pins, pants, and paper. Quilts, quills, and queensware, Ribbons, razors, and rat-traps. Silks, sugar, and .shaving soap. Tea. tobacco, and turpentine. Umbrellas, tinder-sleeves, and useful things,) Veils, varnish, and vinegar. Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons,) Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions. Zinc, and zephyr worsted, Ac, Ac, and so on, Besides many other articles too numerous to mention i. all of which we nre offerinif at rednced n rices adont- ing tbe plan or " yncK sales and small profits." The ladies will find in their department a large stock of fancy goods, direct from Xew York, which is not usually kept in Oregon, and 1-y arrangements will be in constant receipt adequate to the wants of tbe ladies. - The Gentlemen's Department of furnishing goods, willldom be equalled. and excelled by none in SaJem ... IROX. The blncksmithsand iron dealers will always . find a well-selected sto' k of all sizes and shapes, to--gethef with a good assortment of iron axles, rrom 14 Xf 6 in., to 2 x 1 1 Inches, which we are selling at Portland prices, adding freights. We are prepared to receive all kinds of prodocfe la" exchange for goods, and also money. For full particn larscall and examine for yourselves. W. C. GSI3WOLD ft CO.' Salem. Feb. 10.1S.57. 4Stf Livery aud Sale Stable. are now keeping a Livery stable in v v Oregon City, where Hor-ses can wars oe oiitameu on liberal terms. We are also prepared with excellent sta bles, well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horses by day or week. Those who call upon os may feel as sured tint every attention will be given to horses left in our charge. GIBSOX ft POTTER. August 11, 1S57. 22tf Salem Tannery. THE subscribers have purchased tbe Tanner - ' Sa lem. formerly belonging ta Elisha S rtcg. AH de si-rpt ions of leather wili be kept constantly on hand and the highest price, in ca--h or leather, will at al times be paid for hides and bark. CLARK ft HOLM AX. Salem, Oct 24, 1S57. Iy32paid City Hotel, Corvallis. MESSRS. A. B. & I. SPEEXGER "f TTOCLD announce to the citizens of CorvaBis, and V the travelling public generally, that they have thoroughly refitted this well known establishment, and 3 re now prepared ror the accommodation of customers. The rooms have all been newly refurnished, the beds clean and comfortable, .nd their table will be furnish ed with the !5est the market aJords. Corvallis, Ang. 30, 1437- 3yl Allan, McKinlay, & Co., HAVE jitst received a stock of Xew Goods, arp would invite all those who wish to procme GOOfj articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They eonsi-t in part of the following: Grindstones. Canal and Wheel Barrow Grain Crad.'es, Fancy Brooms, Grass Scythes and Snaths, Plain do Brush da do Assorted Colored Pails, IS sq Harrows, 53 teeth Painted Tubs, Garden Bakes, Zinc Washboards, do Hoes, Blacksmith's Bellows:, do Spades, Cross-cut Saws, 7 ft Polished Shovels, do 6 ft Hay Forks, KTH Saws, 7 ft Manure Foris, Hair Mattrassea, double. Chums, do sinrie. Window Glass f? by 10 Hair Bolsters, docble, do 10 by IS do single, do '7 by 9 Sperm Casu'es, Window Sashes S by 10 Adamantine do.. do 19 by 13 Grape brand Tobago, Or B-iws and Yckes. Lacke do do Blankets. Baize. Lindseys, Sheetings, Ticks, ftcAe We keep eotr-tanti v an hand a lartre supply of GKO" CEIilES.CLOTHJXG. HARDWAEE.aad many arti cies too numerous to iKention- ALLAX, SFKIXLAY A CO- Oregon City. 5itf New Store and NewUoods. M OaHastd, MtlheneyM Ferry, O. T. ALSfZHT ZfEBER, Dealer in dry goods, grocerie, crockery, harda-are. produce, Ac. Hiving p jrhased the stock in trade of G. E. Geteb- ci!. t'igctner with the premises known as Methecey a Ferry-, on the Willamette river, and having built a new itorehou-e, and replenished the stock of ffoods on hand- a .tow offers, to exchange, for produce or cash, as assort ment ot Dry iroods. consisting of clothing, cassimeres. satit ne'tts. shet-t:nr. shirting, and fancy goods: hats and , -bnts asd "-tines, groceries in variety, with spices, nets, raisins, and candies; paints, oils, niediciees. per fiEasery, crockery, tinware, hollow-ware, stoves, hard ware cutlery, and many other articles to meet the wants of the pal lie. He Iras also moved and repaired his warehouse, so that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage, coor.trv produce, which he can discharge by a slide to steamers" decks, withont loss or expense of dravace. And being determined to constantly keep on hind a good supply of snch goods as the country trade may re quire, be believes he can make it an object for the peo pli in his vicinity to extend him their patronage. Xo difforeaee msde in the price of goods, whetn-' er sold fr cash or produce, Octoher 2. 1S57- 30tf Salem Market. THE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, in the center of the town. is hanrjv to inform the tmb- lic t!mt he keep? constantly on hand a supply of ail the varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also has the varioos kinds of vesetab'es in their season. Beef will be sold as follows: Fore quarters. 6 cents per lb., hind quarter 10 cents: and if yoa want a choice piece, I shall charge yon a t it a pound. All kindsof farmer's produce and grain received ia exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS- Salera. July 7, 1S56. 17tf G. B. Pillow. TYEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry. Sa- J lem, O. T. Particoiar attention paid to the repairing or wstches and elects. AH work war ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. mo iii'. Watches and clocks. 8 day strikine clocks at a ver low price ; also 30 hour marine clocks. JtHLLKl. Ladies and gents Brooches. Finger Bings.Ear Bin as Gold Buckles. Guard Chains, Ac-, Ac Ssilem, July 6, iSo,. 17tf Salt! Salt!! T0X5"Sau Qaentin' SALT, in about SO and 100 lb. bags, just received and for sale verv cheap 20 ALLAN McKIXLAY A CO. Oregon City, Iiec 6, 1S56. Allan & Lrwis, w HOLE! AIJ: MERCHANTS. FOKTLAXP, 0KB GOX TERRITORY. A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand ror sr produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and store" will be rented together if required. ISAAC MOORE. July 8, 1S57. IStf Allan, BIcKinlaf, & Co., GEXERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, antf? Wholesale and Retail Dealers ia Dry Goods. Gro ceries, Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T. Iard Wanted, LARD 25,000 Tor which cash will be paid, by B. M. DU RELLE. at Griswoid A Co - Salem, July 1. 1857. liitf JAS. F. RICH ARDS, 1 JXO. MOCKAKES, - San Francisco, f Portland, O. T- Richards&, McCraken. '"lOMMISSIOX MERCHAXTS. and Jobbers in Oregon' KJ Flonr, Grain, Produce, Frnit, 'Pork. Bacon, Ird tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments. Xo. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco .Kinuary n. isoi. 46tf Notice to Fruit Growers, R. C. Geer.A. Co. HAVE 120,000 Fruit Trees consisting of 12 goo Eso pus Spitzenbergs, 12,ot0 Yellow X. T. Pipe-in 10 00O Winesapes, 12,000 White Pearmains. and a fine as sortment of Summer, Fall, and other Winter apples pears, plum, and cherry trees, from 2 to 4 years old' which we will sell at the following prices for cash : uerry irees , 50 to 1 00 Vum 50 to I 00 Apple " 25, Pear " .., jit s and a liberal diseonnt madA vIibm tkh nUwV jvtfu uuia m thousand trees or over. e consider November the best month to transplant tr?3- , R-C.GEEBACO. Fruit Farm, Marion Co., Sept 29, 1S57. 30tf Scnooi Books. TTTST received . mmnMn umrimmii Ar J School Books, together with a large lot of Thomp son's Practical Arithmetics, alt of which will be aolii cheap, at the City Book Store. E. L. BRADLEY Co. Oregon City, Jan. 185S. 46tf