rt. i UTTHBS OiT MAIIt t O.tlHAt T. PROPOSALS fn centering lh mall of tit nnited fltate from the 1st of July, l.",K, to 111 1st ol July, lCl.oa the following route in the Tetritorie orOKU OO.V and WASHINGTON, will be received at Ihe Cn tnct Ollice or this lcpartnirnt until . a. m., nf th 1 5th day of March aest, to be decided hy the lid of the Mm month t m OREGON. 11701 From Astoria, by Cathlamct, trash,. Ter., Oak Point, Rainer, Oregon, Ht. Helen, Lake River, Wash- Vancouver. rVmrte'a bland. Or., lurt laad. Mflwaakte, and Oswego, Wash. Trr.. to Oregon City. Or.. Ml mile and back, twice week, la steamboat, l-aave Astoria Tuesday and Paturdav at a n; Arrive at Oregon City next dava by' 3 p m: Leave Orea-oa Uity Monday and tnureday at T am; Arrir at Astoria nest dara hv s m : Bida to ma by a dinVrent schedule will be eon ft lv I (I 11701 From Portland, by Oreuta. IlilNlmro. Tualitln, and Wapatoo, to Lafayette, U mtlra and back, oace a week. I- re Portland Monday al 7 in; Arrire at Lafayette nest day by tf a n; Leave Lafayette Tuesday at 1 p m; Arrire at Portland next day hy 4 p m: 1170) Front Oregon 1'ity, hy Yanihill. Biittevtlle.Cham pnet. Faiructd. Salem, Kola, Independence, Bloomington, I Jberty, and Albany, to Corval lia, W mi lea and hark, twice a week. Leave Oregon City Monday and Thursday at 7 a mi Arrir at Corral lit next da va hv S n m: lave CorvallU Tuesday and Friday at 7 a tn; Arrire al Oregon City next days Iv4 p m; Front Corvalha. by Starr's I Vint. Franklin. Long Tnm.NuisIaw, and Vom-alla, to Oakland, kH! 11701 raises, man nwv, DIM a Wee. 1-eaveCurvalli Wednesday at a m; I'aaianu next any btrtpn; 1-eare Oakland Wednesday at am; Arrire at Cm-valli next day by 6 p oi; From Cnrvallts, by Kimiet 's. Murray's. Kn City, Colt lire Grove, and' Coast Fork of Wl 1170S Kngene u m ... . cue. w uaaiand, mil. and back, once a Leave Corrallla Wednesday at 7 a tn; Arrive at Oakland Friday hy t p tn; 1-eav I lakland Friday al 7 a n ; Arrive at Corvalli Uondavs by p ni. 11704 . , iaviirur are invited. trnn corrallia, by Soap Crrrk, I.ockiaroittc, Itrtdgcport. Dallas, Ktna. 1'lum Valley, and iijimi. to uiayette, mile and back, once a week. I-eave CorvallU Monday at a in; Arrive at Lafayette next day by It tn; Leave Lafayette Tuendav all p m ; s.orvii nrxi uavsj liv 6 pm; From Satrra. br Poakji Ferrv a'n.l Mouil Hood. 11707 to Ijtfavptf a iHiiu ..jkk . k . - win bmii n, vmv a n vr-n lare Salem Mondavi ill tin; Arrive al Ijifayriir Tneolaya at C a m; iMve Flravant Hill Saturday at 8 a m; Arrive at Salrm br 8 n m. 1170 Fmm Salrm. hy Saniiam Cr. Cenlral, Vah Intrt Hi Bnlte, Ca'upnuia. I'nimt IVint. Fine. i:mciie mm. .Mi'Kmzie. anil Kiicrne Ciiv, 9 to IMraant, 11.11 $0 mile and back, once 'a !ave Slra Tu-,l,iy t 11 m: Arrive at Piwint ,n r ri.lav hy 6 nm; l.eave Fleaanl Hut Saturday al J? a m; Arrive at Sai-tn Tur-.hv hv 10 a in. U7M From North Canvonril.e. hi iile-,i:ii, Li l toil l!old River JacknrilVI'Iinuii t.l.l.n.l VI. II TIanuth. Cat., ami lleuler. t rrWa, Cal.. 1 to nines ana nacx.onre a welt. I.eareXonli Cnnyonville MonJav at a ra; Arrive at reka next TiinrsU..y iiy p ni; lave rvka Satuixlav at I a m: Arrive at North Canvun iile next Toesi!av hy pit; ' 1110 Fmm North Canvonvillo.tirVi-rtlerrevV nonn.l lYaine, Aider'Bnwk. U.ebiir. and U iutbrt- ler to U.IUand. , mile and back, once a weex. Tave y.jrth l"anynnv:l!e Tbureday at 5 a m; Arrive at OakUud bv A p ni; 1-cave Oakland Saturday at A a m; .imre at -onn t anronville liv K n tn- 11711 From OakUad. by Krilos '. Ktklon, Si-Mt Dar. ana t.aruiner City, to I m'l'ta Cilr, j "t" uava, nce a wera. lave Oakland Soturilay at li m; Arrive at L'mpqtta City MonUav br 1 p m; Leave L mpqna City 'ednejlav at 6 a in; Arrive at Oakland nrxt .! i.r'k 1271! From Allany. by Burlmvi and Harribnre. to W ilUaette Fork, id m:J and back, imI. e a teave Albany ThnrJ-ty at 6 am; Arrive at iilamrtte Km In n-xt d-iv hv IS nt; laye Wii'Umelle 1'ork? r'riday al l"p iji; n.n.r mm jmiiwnv DtXI aiiv liv h n m; 1571J rnm Fiirt Ortord. ILinilolph and Co Ray. to Tr.nnrr . uy, m nine ana back, dice week. Ieave Fort Ocford Mondnv at 7 a m: Arrive at ;rdim-r City Wednesdav bv 3pm; Leave Gardiner City Tttnnday at ft ni: Arnve at Port Orfonl Sjt. r.Tjv . s ,. m lnp.weUta rno. ailr pavin c lUy. via Mouth of Coonelle. and end at I'mmtii "itv about the Mat distance aa adrerti.-d, ai ih viletl. 11711 From Port Orfbrd. by Randolph and Ktnpire City, b " ii iout. ami iiaca. once a week. idiJer t- Ktate cheinle and distance. WASHlXV.TOy. 117M From Cainer, Or., by Monticello. Wa-h. Trr. Cavtle K.xk. Cowlitz. Ilichland. N'munim lirand Monnd, and Sutler Creek, to Steilacoom . Hy. 1 10 mihr and bock, ouce a week. I -ear itainer. Wedueikiav at a ai: Arrive .at Strilacoom City next Friday by 1 Leave Steitacoom City Saturday at a m; Arrive at Itainer next Mondav i,r 1 n m- Bids to extend to Seattle, 34 miles further w ill be comudered. 117J1 From Vancouver, by Ca-ae, bi Wacopura. vik-"", miiea ana Back, once in two week. Iave Vancouver every other Wednesday at 10 . . Arrive at Wascopnm next Fndty by 12 m; Leave W acromial everr other Motidar at a a m Arrive at Vancouver next WeduLy by a m: Bida for mure freqoent trip will be oasi.ier- e. 11751 From CowLU to BLe Fort Prairie, li mileaand back, once a week. Leave Co hi Tburwlay at 9 a m: Arrive at B -ce Ftwt Prairie by 2 p m; Leave &-e Fort Prairie Friday at a m; Arrive at Cowl. ti by 2 p in. 117S34From Oak Point, by Boie Fort Prairie. tnC.rand Mownd, 60 mile and back, once in two week. Leave Oak P.dnt every otlicr Frioay at a m; Arrive at tirand atmnd next day by 4 p ni; ln Grand Mound every other IWJacsUav at t a m; Arrive at Oak Point next day br 8 pm. 127i4 From Olympia, by Lat in and elm Prairie. b Fort Montgomery, 40 mile and bark, once in two week. Leave Olypia every other Monday at 7 a m; Amve at Fort Mont-rnmrry hy ti p m; Leave Fort Montgomery every otiicr Taeday at 7 a m; Arrive at Olymiiia by 8 pm. 117i5 From Olmyp'ia, by lii-u.-pHrt. Ovsterville. Che nook, and Pacific City, to Ab.ria, Orejr , once in two week and back to Cheaook, and onre a week the residue. BiJder to tate diftance and sclicilnle of arrivals and dpaiturea. PropoKil to ma the entire route on.-e a week are invited. 11755 From Olympia, l,y Arradil. to Oakland, sad hack, once a week. Bidder to rtate distance and chedi:le of arrivaN and departures. TXSTRITCTIOXS. Containing condition to be inctm poraird in lit mitraeU to tht txttut the drpartmrnt mag derm pmptr. 1. Scvea niinntea arc alluwcl t eacH intermediate olfice. when nut otjiCi-wi.-e upeciQed, for awrting the mail. 2. Railroad and pteamViat companies are required to take the mall from, and deliver it into, the t offi ces at the commencement and end of their route, and to and fmm all ofikea not more than eighty rod from a UaUonoT laodinf. Proposals may be luibmitted for the performance or all the ide wrvice t!i;it is, fur offi ce over eighty rods from a tation or landing. S. No pay will be made r trip not performed; and fut each urh omissions, not aatisfactorilr explained, three time the pay of the trip may be dednctcd. For arrivals ao far behind time a ta break connection with depending mails, aud not miffleiently excused, ne-foorta of the compensation for the trip is subject o forfeiture. Induction will aim be ordered fora jriude of performance inferior to that specilied in the contract. .For repeated delinqnences of the kicd herein specified, enlarged penalties, proportioned to tue nature thereof and the importance of the mail, may be made. 4 For leaving behind or tbrowmir off the ma Hi. or any portion of them," for toe admbwion of pa.wcngers. or for being concerned in setting up or running atT ex pre conveying intellijreace in advance of the mail a ajnarter's pay may lie deducted. ' . 5. Fines will be imposed, unless the delinquency be promptly and satisfactorily explained by certificate of postmasters, or the. affidavit of other credible t-rnii for failing to arrive in contract time; for nepK-. tinp toj HU IOC UliAil lima 'i ucrti.f i , iuhi m, liill '.f-; mifferint; it (owin? either to tlie nosuitableness of the place or manner of carrying it) t be wet, injured, de stroyed, robbed, or l'-t; aud for n fuointr. after de mand, to convey the mail as frequently as the contrac tor rons. or w concerned in runninp, a coach, car, or a steamboat on a route. 6. lbs Postmaster General may annul the contract for repeated failure to rnn according to contract: for violaii nj; the port office laws, or div.beyin? the infrac tions ol the department; for refusing to discharge a earner when required by the department to do so; f.n assignine; the contract without the assent or the Post master General for mnnini; an express as aforesaid; or for transporting persons or packages conveying maila ble matter out of the maO. ' Z. The Postmaster General mav order an increase of service, on a route by allowing thereror a pro rata in , crease on the contract pay. He mar change schedules of departores and arrivals in all caes, and particularly to make them conform to connections with railroads without id crease of pay, provided the running time be not abridged. He may also order an increase of speed allowing within the restrictions of the law. a prorata iucreae of pay f. the additional stock or carriers if any The contractor may, bowever. In the rase of In crease ot ieed. relinquish tlie contract by Klvl"K prompt notice to the deartment that he prelera dolnn it" to carrying the order lata euVt. The Pwtmaster tleneral may alsa rnrtall or discontinue the service, iu bole or til part, at pro rata decrease f pay, allowing one month' extra compensation on the amount dispena ed with, whenever. Iu his opinion, the public InterrsU do not require Hie same, or In case he desires to super sede it by a difTcrciit grade nl trantMrtallon. 8. PanicnU will be made for the service by collec tion rroui. or drafts nn.MMtmaters or otherwise, af ter the expiration of each quarter nay In February, Mar. Augimt. and November. . The distance are given according to the best In. fbraiathin; but no Increased pay will be allowed should they be greater than advrtlrd , if the points to lie su plied be correctly stated. Bi.ldn- inform tktm. trim on thi point and also in reference to Ihe weight of the mail, the conditions of mads, hills, stream. Ac, and all toll-bridges, ferries, orutbstnictlon of any kind hv which expense may be Incurred. No claim for ad ditional pay based on mirh ground ran he considered; nor for alleged mistakes or misapprehension as to the degree of service; nor for bridge dti-troyed, or other oltslrurtion Increasing distance, occurring dining the contract term. Olflee established after this advertise ment 1 Issued, and also during the contract term, are to be vhitrd without extra pay, if the distance be not increased. 10. A bid received after the last day and hour named, or without the guarantee required by' law, or that com bine several routes In one sum of compensation, can not be considered in competition with a regular propo sal reannnble in amount. 11. Bidders should first propose for setvlce strictly according to the advettiaement. and then, if Ihey de sire, mrjtnratrly lor difl'erenl service; nml if the rrgulnr bd le the loiet nlTered for the advertised service, the other propositions may lie consldred. It. There should lie' but one route bid for lit a propo sal. 11. The twite, the service, the yearty pay. the name and residence of the bidder, (thst i bis iisunl post omVe address.) anil those ofeach niemlier of a llrni, where a company oner, should be distinctly slated; aNo the mode iif'coiivevaiire. If a hicher mode than hor-'eback be Intended. Yhe word "a ith due releiity. ccrtaliitr, and secuiity, inerti'd to Imlicale the ni'slu uf convey ance. will r'onstitnle a "$lar hid.'' V hen a "star bid-' is InU-ndrd, nospet lllc conveyance mu.t be nainrd. II. Bidders mt reipirsli d to use. as'tar as practica ble, the printed form of proixunls flunlshrd by the de partment, to write nut Iu full the sum of their blds.and to retain topics of them. FORM OK PitOl'iMAL. I, .of -.cntmtvof - -.Rlaleof . propose to eomrv the mail of the Fulled State from July 1.1-US. I ) June .10, hi;2.oii rmite No .from to , acreealilyto Ihe slvcrllemenl ol the Postmaster UeiH i-nl dated Oetolier 12, IsjT, and by Ihe following nvde of conveyance, via: for Ihe nnnual snm of dotl.tr. This proposal U made with full Vnol-oVe of the distance of Ihe route, the weight of the mail to be car ried, and all the particular In reference to the route and service, and also after careful examination of the Inn and instruction attached to the adrcvtu-cnirtit. Dated. (Signed.) rr.nxTKF Tie nndcrxi-ncd. residing at , State of U'ideitake that, if the foregoing bid for carrying the mail on route Xo be accepted by the Pmtinas- tc Gem rat. the bidder shall, pnorto "the 1-1 day ol An.'tit. 1."S. enter into Ihe n quiretl ubliatiou. on contract, to perform the sei vice .proposed, ailli g'wd A id -lll e:il. sureties. This we do uadeilsndig d:tlnellv the nbligntlnns and l.aStlitin a im .1 br guarnulor under the 27tli iTt;-'nof the a-t of I'ongte of July 2. l.1il. (iXiM-C by two guarantors.) Paled. CERTIFICATE. The nnderl3-ned, pwlmater of . Stnte of . . rriiile. under bi oath of office, that he I ac q taintrd wiih the above Kunrtntor. and knows them to be nu n of prerty, and able to make good the guar antee. l..bd (Signed ) 11. Alters.! 1i.lh mM nit be s.iVnittcd: nor sliould bid onre sithmitVM he witltrswn Fach bid nrt be guaraittied lv twrt ren-i'ible per son, tieueral minrantcv lanie t ls admitted. The '.id and guarantee hould be signed plaiulr with the full name ot each person. Tee department reserve the risrht to rcje.-t any bid hi. h may be deemed extravaaanl, and also the" bin o. failoia rout i-a dor and bidilers. .. Tiie hid sli'Hil I Is- eal'd: iib-rile I Mail Prv i isali. St its or Trrritory oi (a-tN cc may be) a.blre-ed Secoml A--:tant lotm.vter tietiersl.' t. onir.ict liSice. and sent bv mail, not iivor loan airrnt and wtmaier w.ll n t enclasp prxxal (or letter ot any kiroj) it incirnuaiieily ret'irn. 17. The eouti. t are to I exe-utcd an.l retnnied to tlie ik-iKtrtnient bv r before the lt of Antu-t. I b.it tlic servi,-e must be commenced on the 1-1 Jnlr. r lie mail day next after that d.ite.wbcihrrllieo-wilract be executed or not. N i ir. ;wsil n f.-r transfer will be considered until the c nt!c ! ore executed and re ceived at the cVpartmpnt; and then no transfers will allowed iinlt- gioil and sulit. ieut reason therefor are given, to ! determined bv the department Is. Section Is of an act of Congres. approved March a. !-.. provmes inst ro,trset lor tlie lranporliitlon : the mail shall be e-t '-in every case tn the I wel bidder tendering siifUcirnt cnweaut. es for faithful per formance, without oliier reference to the mode of u h trtnswrtation titan may be necessary-t i provide lor the ,ui cei-iii v. certainty, and seenntv or snen lraniort- ti-in." I'ndcr this law a new dpcript:n of bids has u.-s?a receivett. i her do not sis-city a mode of convey. s-ice. but eniraie to take the entire m lit each trin with ci briv.ccrt ainty. and sc-urtv. nsing the term of the i iw. i iiese imu are tvie-t. trom ihe manner In which llsey are desisnalcd on the hook ef the department, "star bin. and they will b ccnlnte.l a providing ft-r the conveyance of'lhe entire mail, however lirge, sjid whstever may be the mode ncoes-arry to insure its -csint.v. rertatnty, and sevuniy. I . In all rase where Ihe lowest rrade il servtce V believed to be snfflctenl.tlie lowest bid aill be accepted, if duly guarantied. In preference to a "star" or iecinc Dlil. When the I wet bid I not a alar bid. and specifies either no mode or an inadequate mode of conveyance it will not ls accepted, but set aside tor a seciric bid pmosinT i oe necessary service. When tiie bid does not specif y a tnode of convey ance: als. when it proposes to carry "acconling t the advertisement, but a ithotit rh snacirlcation. It w II be considered as a pnpo.l for horseback ser vi. 20. A modification of a bid In any of Us essential terms is t iitimo ant tie new bid, ami fjBTit he recede. el. so n to intertrre with a regular competition, after the lst hfnr set for receiving bids. 21. Postmasters are to be rareritl not, to certify the sn (fictency of guarantor or sureties without knowing that they are persona of Mifli lent reotisihiIity; and ail lidder. guarantor, and sureties are distini-ttly no tiiied that, on a ft. lure to rntrriiito or perform the ctn- tract for the service proposed for in the accepted bids. iiinr irKm iiaoiiiiies w euionii aaainsv inein- 22. Present cr.ntrartirs. and uersoua known at the department, must, equally with oihers, procure gnsr antors and rertificate of "their sufficiency substantially in the forms above pn-acribed. The cei'tifii at uf snl-ticiem-y mi-t be signed by a postuiiter or by a Judge of a cvirt ol record. AARox v. rtnowv. Post master 'eiirrs 1. Pcst Orucx PtriiTunr, October 22. IV.7. 12 41 Notice. "I1 F. judges of the Supreme Conrt.of tlie Territory of X Oregon, asspmiiied at the seat of Govemiiient on Ihe ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and fiftr seveo, do lix aud apint Pistrkt ('unit-, to be held in village of Roseburg, in tlie comity of Iimglss on the tir-d Mondays. if March, May, September and Novem ber, annual!)', until otherwise onlcrcd. aud do liiu.t the duration of said term tix davs each. t: Ka . II. W I I.I.I VMS. Chief J;itice. 4itf M.P. IEAIV, Associate Justice. At Kucene UitT. THE aubscrilier has at Kngene City, one of the liest general assortment of li v lods. Groceries, Hard ware. Boots and Shoe, and all articles kept in a gene ral finding store, to be found in Oregon. He is con stantly receiving fresh addilious to his stock, and al ways keeps it up. My goods are now all received direct from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. All kindsof farmer's produce received in exchange lor goods pay higher prices for produce, and sell good cheaper than any other store iu the Territory. JlM'll 1KAU Kugene City, Jn'y 1 , 13.W. liitf Marion House?, Salem. TH E undersigned nnnminces to the public that he has purchased the well known tavern stand, called tire Marion "House, in Su- lem. together with the furniture and fixture thereof. He will keep it in tirst rate style, nnd invite the patronage of the public. R. M. MAY. May 23, isst. ii" IeiitistrT. DR. J. U.CARnWEI.L. Dental Surgeon, Corvatlis, in his profession, at Oorvallis. Kugene City, Win- Chester, Seottburg, and Ja- ksonyille. Skill, unques tionable: charires resiectable: work, warranted. Teeth examined, and advice given free of charge. lme notise giveu of rbange or ortlce. April 2B, l'j.5. 7tf Watcliniakin;. TTTII.L1AM F. HIGH FIELD .Chronometer and Rj V V Watch maker, Oregon City , to lie found at sis old stand in front of the Lotted State Hotel, te Main-troet House, where be can be constantly found prepared to doanybusiness in bis line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Alo a choice lot ol watches and jewelry lorsaic. March 5, 157. Ij51 Aotice. ZIOnVALLI.-s Ware House. No. l.we ofTerfor rent. K-f ISAAC MOOKE. or WAYMAX St. CLAIR. In connection whh the above we have a pork bonse and smoke bout for rent. l'ta MOORE t Rt.CLAIB. DRY-GOOIS for ladies and gentlemen. In great va riety, at 2iitf MOORKS' Orleans Warehouse. O CLEANS Ware House, opposite Corvnllis. for rent ltf ISAAC MOORE. TV f ACKEREL and oodtiah, at 11 (42tf) W. K. SMITH A C-s. w ANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise 20,000 lb, of bacon for which I will Dae the nil bet price. C. K.Cil.F.. m The Graofonborff FAMILY MEDICINES. w.rf'Clr. sr?-r "-nL sjT" cTvtrjiaLYTs. X . 0ikcv-v W st- The Crnrftnbrrf Comptnjr. fllHlft INSTITl'TIOX, (Incorporabd by the Ugl X lature of the State of New York. Capital lOO.tHXi.) was founded for the nuriiose of supplying the public with the celebrated CRAF.FF.X REIKI ME1HCIXF8 The series comprises remedies lor nearly avety disease adanted to every limale. For Families, Travellers. Seamen, and Miner's use they are iincqnalh-d. All the Medicines are PI'-RKI.Y VKUKTAItl.E and warranted to cure tlie diseases fornhicb they are severally rec- ommemlcn. The Ornefeiihcrg Company tbies not profess to cure all disease with one or mo medicine. Our scriescon sists or F.I.KVEV diltVrrnt kind, adapted to the vnrl oils diseases Incident to the teinpcrnlc and tropical ell mate. The foil owing comprise the series of Uiarlcn lierg Mediciues : tiik on tr.rgxBttnn VKntTaBi.e rn.i.s Are rnnsldered the standard Pill of the diy. and ate liilluitelr superior to nnv 1 til before tlin public, lliei operate without irritation on all the excretion, purg ing the blood by the tsaweit. liver, K tuners min skiii. i-mi.i.'s rraniM! iiTani.in. An lufal lit is remely bw all diseases of Ihe womb and urinary organ, weakness in the bnek. pain In the breast, nervousness. ileieLtr. etc III Cnlltornla aim Oregon, out ol more than a thousand rases where this medicine has been med. it has in nc. siuglo Instance faib-d to give permanent relief or to erlect a eertnln core. ninnnanrNsrnn sans tr tnn t A powerful extract. One Isittle eipial to len nf Ihe ordinary Sarsapanlla for pm ilylng the I bsul. A sure cure for scrofula, rlii-um .turn, ulcer, dyspepsia, sail rheum, mercurial disease, cutaneou emptious. Sc. THKUaiCRN MOl.vr ttJI OIXVMIWT. lovalnablr for hum, wound, sprain, chilblain sores, swellings. rot nl a. rt;. A a Pain Extractor. it cannot be excelled, alt nliii immediate relief from the most cxcruliatuig pains. TtisnateiKssKRi: ivn:ruiYi mr. Till extraordinary article Is a speedy and Infallible remedy In luarrmiM, ivsrntery. I holer Morlui. Choi era Iniantiiin anil the A-iatb- Cbi'l-ra, If taken with the Mr-I i niptoms of Ihe disease. It l purely vegetable in its rompoutiu. Gityri tNnran hii hrkns' rtXAtta For runinicr Cm pi tint and m'M diseases to which ehiblren are subie-1. It true worth can never he set forth in words, but it ran I fell aud appreciated hv parents whose children have heeu saved. Xo Mother sleMlld uc without it. Ti na vu txsrec rtt.K ri.MtPV Warranted a certain core for thi painful disee. with the Oint'ncut there are vei v few case which call- not I radical'y and permanently cured. A sursical oissraiioB lor rue or I i-ii i sinsii i iie-er i resorien to until thi Oiiitinent ha been t!iorihly tried. It never fail , un Krrf nrn: r.n i.onnx. For diseases of Ihe eve this l. tion bas no eins. It is a eeilr awl positive cure for iiirt.iiniiiatlon of the eyes, weakness, dimiics and fail ni' of sight. It Will always 1 bciieitcul in acute luilaniuiatioii ol the eye. anil sI-Ki a a wash on IntlaineU surfaces. casKFKvarno m i:a mi sure rtt.ts. A speedy and positive etire for Ibis ilistresstint com- in inn. tin-serins ure c mill se.l prinriitaiiv t uai nine, with other vegetable tomes, antispasmodic and felirifuire arln I--. Thoilsand have been permanently rurcil liv llieir use. mri t r.KKii coMi urTivit tut u. Sovereign in all llronchial and I'ol'n oiarv ieae. It Is, lierond alt question. I me that Consumption is a curahli! 'dieae, and the Ctmsumptive's UjIiu is the best curative ever u-ei. ea.tKtKNBKRii iiavi.rn Birrras. These Hitter are kilU.lly and rb-mntly prepared from a mtni'er of tiirigorating healthy rst. lurk. herlv and vine. An iuvalintble tonic and health re storer. caaerrNBERG KivrALnr nKit.rn. A handsomely printed v Imneof 300 pages, contain ing concise and extreim ly Itin description of all manner of disease, their symptom and treatment. Every family should have oiie. Price only ?.t cents It will I sent, post paid, to any ot ofrb-e in Califor nia or Oregon, on Ihe receipt of 2i rents by mail orex press. Address Redl-i-rton X Co., San Francisco. The OraHenhers Medicines are for sale by all Drug gist and Apathecarie thmnghout the country. General AgMit for California and Oregon liEPIMiToNA Co.. Wh"lcsal.s Pruggist. No. 107 I lay street. Surrn Ptvis Agent, Portland. San Francisco. Dee. 12. Ii7. 6mll I. P. Fisher's A DVERTISIXi: Agriny. San Frncico-No. 1711 J. Washington st reet, up stairs, nearly opiKtsite I'' Maguire's 0era lloftse. U P. FISHER i Ihe authorized Agent of the Kr.;o. SrtrtisviAx; Matysville Herald; Sacramento I'nion; San Jiswinin Republican. Stockton; Paciiic Metholit. Sbs-kbm; Sonora Herald: Nevada Jonrnsl: lira Valley Telegraph; lied Rlntr Iteacon: Colombia f'ar.ette; Mountain Deaiis-rat,Pl.tceryille; TiKilniniie Courier; Cnlvaret Chrunirle, Mokelnmne Hill; FJ lMr.ulo IVni s rat; Shaa Courier: Mariposa Onaette: Yrel:a Weekly I'nion; Trinity Jonnul. Wearerville; Iowa llill News; We'kly Ledscr. Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma County JiMtrnal: Folsotn lisMitch: California Milling Journal; I. Anrcles Star; Santa Itarliara iJ.izcttc; San Diego Herald; Aimed C unity ;ar.ette; Placer Courier. Yankee Jim's. Napa Cmiiity lleporter; Sierra letn"rat, Downicville; Humboldt Times; liiiou; Oregonian, Portland, O. T. Pacitie Christian Advocate, Salem , O. T. Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T. Pioneer and IVemoerat. Olympia. V. T. Washingtim Ttepiiblibau. Stcilacoom, W. T. Pnvnesjaii. Ilonoluhi, S. L: Pacific Commercial Advertiser, Honolulu S. I. Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Hongkong Register. ADVKRTISIXt! IN THS ATLANTIC STATES. L. P. F. has'noiv completed his arrangements for the forwarding of advertisement to all the principal largest circulating Jmirauls aud Newspaper published in the Atlantic States. A line opportunity is here offered b those who wish to advertise in ny part of the Utiioii, of doing so at the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satisfactory man ner. Anaaist2."i. IS.".". 24tf New Goods at New Prices. 117 K. SMITH Co. wcuM inform their patrons. V . and the iiublic generally, that they have lust received a large audition to their stock of goods, which they will exchange for prmlure, or cash, on the most favorable terms. Tbey have now a complete assort uicuk ui ury. goous, wuicu ti.ey wilt sell Chezjter than any othrr ttort tn Sorat. Their stock of boots and shoes i equal to any to be found iu Salem, consisting of men's and boy's coarse and tine hoots, men's and lioy's shoes; ladle' boots, shoes, aud slipper, children and infants shoes men's Ladies, and misses rubber overshoes, and in short, any thing in the boot and shoe line that can be desired. Their stock of groceries is also full, consisting ot coffee, green aud black teas, crushed and brown sugar, syrup, saleratiiH in bulk, cream of tartar, salt, soap, to bacco, sago, starch, tapioca, macaroni, raisins, and sweet oil, all of which will be sold cheap fur cash or country produce. I'nrcnasers will ao weii to can ana examine our stoca liefore ourchasini? elsewhere, as we are determined to give our customers satisfaction in the quality and pri ces of our goods. -1-tf Boot and Shoe Store. FREDERICK WIC KM OX would announce to the citizens of Salem, and tlie surround- f&l tag country, that he have taken a store on the ' ItC east side of Commercial street, north of the postofBce. where he will keen cifeistautlv on band a full assort ment of every kind of boots and shoes, both custom and sale work, which be will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the manufacture or repair cf work will be complied with, and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give me a call and examine my atork. FREDERICK WICKMOX. Salem, March 1?, f57. I3tf m If. II. Cranor, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. Albnny.O.T.Feb..lB6H. U Medical. TAfMV. Mo A. FEE. M. !., Physician and Burgeon. OmVe over Star, llarnard ft Coa Store, Front St., Monroe, Ronton Co., O. T. 3m47 Dr. H. It. Fncklen, OFFICE, ALEM, OREUOX TERRITORY. Salem, November 0, H57. 3.Uf 'IVllllftm C. Urlawoltl fc to., M ERCH ANTS, SALEM, OREOON TERRITORY. w.c. iiHiHwoi n, 22tf o. a. woonwowrn. Aledlcal Notice. fnilE siiMrrilM-r, would Inform the Inhabitant that he X is at his old stand, ready to attend to all call in his profession ; also he has on baud a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicine, with a well asorted supply of Syrrnges, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. W. WARREN. Salem lleremher 2. l".b Sstf " V. II. RlnKern, M. D. 1HYSICIAN and SiirgcMi. Olllce In my new build .1 tag. on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S. Mclleeiiy's rlrc-pmnr bull. ling ; where I will lie found when not professionally engaged. I will keep constant ly on hand a ftedi supply of l'rug and Medicine which I will willow for cash. Corvalll. Iec. 9. IW.ii. ' 3!tf Mcilietl flollrf. DR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Franciscn, Csllfonila, oiler his professional services to the citizens to Salem and vicinity, ana respeciiuiiy atiiirua a snare iu public favor. mr Olllce at Reed and Fellow' drug store. Hy It. W. SHAW. ATroasKr and cot'ssEi.i.oit, TT S. Supreme and other Court. Olllce Engcue J . City, Lane C.uinty, Oregon Territory. Also Commissioner of IVeds lor New York, Connecticut. Ac, August ?H. l".'ul. 2 ltr Wallamet University;. SALH.M, OUKUOX. 'pill' FACl'l.TY diMlng the present year will con- 1 Sl-tof ' Hi-v. F.S. Hoyt. A. M., President nnd Acting Profess. or of Aneletlt Language ttltil Matlleinallrs. C. H. II ill. A. H .- I'roressir ol Natoral Science. n'T.'.' Teachers of Cn,n.o.Es,ih. Mi Sarah H icklngham, Teacher of Instrumental Music. The Coi.lkiiiatk lt:rATMFxT of His Wallimet I'ni- versit v bn ls-cn nr.anizsd. Young men designing to pursue a regular C iure of Study, are Invited to avail themselves of the advantmres iittorded by this Institu tion. All atail ible reMirce a ill be made use of to meet the want of St'ldent. KAort will be continued to secure a suitable end iwmeut ;and no pain will be spar ed in olilainiiig competent and cxperienrcu Instmclor. 1 lie Coll 'giate rar is divided iubt thrrt trrntm, com mewlnir as loll ws: The llrsl term oa tlie 3d Thursday in September. ' second term on tlie I nt Jaiiuaiy. ' thin! last " " April." The llrst two tern are fiflttn tel eucA; Ihe third. efrrvn trrrk. YaraTioNS. Tlore will be two va-atinns In the year: orie. Iu April, of ico iee..V, aud one, iu the sum mer, of mne teee;. Tt irioN will lie ot the raje ;f fl per week, or 510 per annum. THE OUKCOS INSTITl'TE. Thk Piikpahstobt )r.rBTsj::NT. TrB. -The A-ademic year Is divided hito rot a Tkbs of etrrvt teef A a psra. The Arst term begins on the I ist Thursday of August. second term liccin on the 2d " " Novem. " tiiir.l : I ist " Jannnrr. foert'i ' " " " last " April." VacxTiiis There will Is? two vacatbins In the year: one In Apnl, of fire rerit; and one in the summer, of ir teerts. Ti trios will le paid at the beginning of each Term in aiiitiir. at the lull i: g rates: In l-tiiguaues, lllclu r Matlieuiatic A Cheni., t!0 00 Other siud'es of lb Ai-adeuiic liviion, . . 7 50 C'imiiioii English Divisiuu,. . .-. 0 50 " Primary " 5 50 For use of the Piano 2 50 liistnimeiit.il ntu-iit', 10 00 t. Instruction in vs-al music is given Mall the tmli-ilts,vs. ttf cAargc. Aimisstox. stuil'-nts will lie admitted at any t me: and will I eh rned for tuition front the lime Ihey en ter oelv. Imt their progress will be ereatly prmi'jled by eab-rmg early in the Academic year. "In esses win-re. from necessity, students leave liefore the end uf the term for which ajment has been m de. a iie-t proportion not more than three fonttlis uor less than nue-luurth of tlie t'lilion lee will be tclunded. Student are nol nliowed tn l-save jii't lief.ire examina tion. Patron a ho are Inattentive to this point, iuttirl rreat injaiy upon both the student and the lu-titu tion. llotsniM:. Young gentlemen and ladies can o'.itaiu lioard al rvassinV'le rates with private famires. Coiasit nr Srt nv A Couie of Study ha Issen adopted for both liie ColVglale and Preparatory le partmeiits. well cal nl ated to e-ure rife scholarship, mental discipline, ami a preparation for the active ds tiesot l.fe, A lils-ral Course of Study lis been sd opted for young ladies who desire t ) old ain a Ihoumgli H w ation. aw A Plpbuna will be awarded tj all who shall complete the prescrits-d course. The linrcsMitvT will lie iareiitn hut strict aim ln roust snl I v at the formation of correct habit of Self tlovemmeiit. Cnrctul attentlou will lie given t manner and morals. SfiioL.tBsiiirs. perpetual, or for the perhM of ten year, securing tuition nt very reduced rntes. can be purchased. For further particulars apply to the Presi dent. Per order of Executive. Committee. F. S. HOYT. Sec. Hoard of Trustee. Salem. Pec. 10. 1S57. ltf New Constitution for Oregon. TEbeg leave bi ann.nince to the public that we V are just receiving a large and wel' selected bick or good Imm San Francisco, which ha Isren selectctl with great isre bv Mr. Alexander, who ha been attend ing that market for some time, therefore we can safely say to the public that we tail, aud will sell, good a low lit wholesale or retail AS ANY HOUSE IN OREGON. We will take in exchange foe good all kind of pro duce. X. B. We will also pay cash for all kind of pro duce, lo-wif: Wheat. Fl mr. Huttor. F.ggs. Raoon. Pork. Lard. Oat. Ac, Ac-Ac. All who wih to purchase, will do well to call and ex amine before purchasing elewhrre. Our sbs-k consist of every thing In the line that this market callsfor ta-wit: Orev, White. Red and Illue Rlankets; Coat. Vest. Pants, lint, uiol Hat covers; I'ndcrand Over shirt. Wool and Cotton; - Ever-description of WhiteShirts; teen Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery; II sit. Shoes coarse ami fine: llrogsn Calf. Kip and Cowhide; Wool Plaid. Mcrinisi. Pelains. late patterns In short every kind of niece goods, and the REST TEA ever shipped to this mniket. ,.M1 t Ctiar Fumbles, llinoill " . u mm ir tlivc us a call, and see for vourelve.a AI.EXAN'PER A MiEWAN. Corvallis. Oct 1!. 1K.M. 33tf New Arrival of Jewelry, &c. JUST FROM SAN FRANCISCO. J. ROSENTH AL informs bis patrons and frieuds. that he ha just returned from San Francisco with a select ao-tincnt of Jew elry. Musical Instruments. Cutlery, etc., and oner them for sale ut his store on Front street. tf One door below lr. Cisiflibs' office."" J E V ELKY. fluid and Silver watches; Hold aud Silver chains; Oold bracelets; Hold ear-rings: Hold breastpins; (.old Hnser riue: Lockets: Hold pens aud nsnctls; toibl sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware: fancy goods nnd perfumery. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Fifes; a large assortment of Acconleons, Ladies work boxes of all kinds, Oold and Silver snectaclca. Oold and Silver spoons. Cutlery, Clock nn eudlcss variety. Ac, Ac. - Watches, Clocks ami Jewciy repairca, ana au kinds of Jewelry made toerdcr. S tr All or my work warrantedat 5-Pon'trorgct"The Sign or the Big Watch."-: CorvallU, Oct. 21. 1S57 33lt lllacksniitlis and otUers, Look. ALLAN McKIN'LAY VO. have now on nana a large and well selected stock or Bar Iron. Cast Steel, Horse shoe do., Herman do.. Nail rod do., Plough do., I'l lie .1,1. And intend to keen un the assortment so as to suit the wants nf customers. Give us a call, aud you will find that wc not only have the ftillest stock, tint will sell " as cheap as the cheapest." We are constantly receiv ing addition to our assortment, so as to replace what is sold. Oregon City. Pec. 23. 1S3C 41tf J&S. K. KICnSRDS, ' JXO. WCCRAERK. ( Portland. O. T. f ban r rancisco. Richards & McCraken. C0MMISSI0X MERCHANTS. andVobbers in Oregon Flour, Grain, Produce, Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Ham. Ac., Ac. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments. Mo. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco January 27, lisoi. 4Utf Look. Here! w E have just received 88,000 lbs. of ground alum salt, wbicb we are selling at (.1 .no per hundred. (jRISWOLD & CO. WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 100 bushels of good apples, to be delivered by the ltb of A njrust bigliest price paid. O. E. COl. A Word to Free and Blare State . . !. '.'r ' " THE question aa to whether a man ran be a consist ent democrat and vote for a free State, la a ques tion ror politicians to dispute about at pleasure. But tht aurttion as to where both free and slave State men can buy goods rhmp, la the one that the entire people of Oregon are Interested In. The man that pay high rents, " fare sumptuously every day," and aluive a 11 credit out hi goods to those who are slow pay. must of necessity sell good high, nr he will " go In." While he who sell for eatk down and nn grumbling, ran afford to sell low. There are ten stores In Corvaliis, all selling on a credit system. Now, 1 propose to make mine a CASH BTOItK, and those who have any Cot or Product to tmrehase good with, ran liuy of me in per cent lower linn they could if I was doing a credit business. The man who pay for hi good when he purchases them, will not have to pay higher than they are really worth to make g'xl those accounts that are not paid for In a long time, and In some instance not paid for at all. And this work no hardship to those who wish to buy on rredit, for there are nine other stores In town where gooiN ran lie bought nn rredit, by paying a lit tle more than they are worth. The other merchants In town are a very clever net of fellow, and to them I commend those who have nol the 1 ready' to btty with ; while to those whn have Cash, Butter, Eggs. Pork, Bacon, Wheat, Oats, Shin gles, Wool, etc., (don't mean credit) come to me, I Intend to sell you goods at LOW RATES, without regard to ruling prices l:i town. I am just receiving a large and well-selected stock of goods, consisting of pry Own!, Groceries, limits and Slloe, Clothing, ltirensware. Hardware, . -lad in fact EVERYTHING to supply the wants of the people of freon, a follow: Poinestlcs, brown and bleached : Ticking, heavy and medium; Kenim. heavy and medium; Print Merri mack, Cocheru, Ac; ie laiiues all wool and half wool; Alpacca a great variety ; Merino rrencn and English ; Silk black dress ; Velvet various col ors; SatinctU from 50 rents to tl ,W per yard ; Lln cy a bilge stock ; Plaids nn assortment ; Flan nel red. white, blue, yellow and gray; Tuweline; Table Lluen. and red Rlankets. In a word, a general assortment of staple and fancy dry goods. anovERiicfi. in, noo salt, Liverpool Mmn, 6.0IMI ,o collee, best Rio, 6.11011 do augur, brown and white, l.onn o tea, iu caddies and In bulk. Alio il- fiee, t'arolina, flisi Ho stileratiis. pure It-istoii. fioo t- t'Miaeco, pure leaf ami Onlden ISate, fiu kegs E. II. syrup, 3 gallt. Seth Adams, d'i do do 8 do do do l(Ml Ihixc adamantine candles, 75 d pale snap HiM' and Fay", 2 do -pickles, gall, liherkins, 20 do pie Iniit, as-H'ted, 10 do oy.lers, Baltimore cove. "j d ot. sardine, hlf. and 'jr. boxes, 10 dj yeast powders, Ac, together with.. Cntsnp," Mustard, Splee, Cinnamon, Prune. Peppersniice, Clove. IVpper, Sola, Indigo, Cream Tartar, ' Alum. liiWnod. Madder, Uoiax, Chalk, Beeswax, Matches, Ac. VIMTHIXti. Coat, vest and pant. all kinds : India rubber coats and punts; red. blue aud grey oversbirts ; overalls iirey denim ; undershirt -i and drawers ; while and cal iio shirt; ehe, k hirU aud bkkory shirt; silk un dershirts and drawers ; .t) d . ladle base ; SO il n. mens bull hi-e, a .ie.it variety; buckskin, kid and thread glove ; goautltt buckskin and kid. ladvcd, eveiytiiiug in ladies and cents furnishing liue. BOOTS AXO SHOKS.' Mens heavy, medium and light b.eits ; boys medium Nit : tiiiiincd kip and cowhide brogsns ; cloth top, tnd patent leather eaiter : calf and heavy shoes ; ladie gaiters, buskin and shoes; mise gatter. bns in and shoes : cliiliiens gaiter, bti.-kin a'ld allocs ; iu fact, every style of hoots and sin?, cheap. Crockery aud gls. ware. Bin ket and woodcu ware. Brooms nnd window sash. . Churns and tubs, Clot ks and looking gUissc.. luiwirjRK or au. Ktsns. Carpenter' and blacksmiths" t-sd ; cut. wrmTut. ind bore-she nail; axes, hat-'bets, and baoimers. adse. auirers. and broad ux. planes., plane bits and spoke nosers, ilrawins-kitives and pruning knives, ut -her knlve and e ket kuivi-. crrviug knives, and knives anil fork, screw, larks, brad and bulls, b-k, latc'iesand bo lb--, tile bs-k. chest locks and pail licks everything usually found iu a harilwarestore, inclad- "K lltO. AXD STEEL. Iron axle, steel spring, cat steel and plough steel, .-arii.ia'e bolt and wagou Ikixis. biacksittit,.isT hand hammer, blacksmith' shoe hammer, masons stone taiiuner. strap billies, d'jr binges and trowels. 1 keep a grocery bre. A dry good store, A hardware store, A clothing store. A bool and shoe store, and A general VARIETY STORE. If any body can sell cheap, I can sell clieaer. My notl vbsap as the chcaet. and a little cheap er. Come aud see. I'ost yourselves up ou prices at the other stores then buy of me. If you will exsmine my good and prices, yon cannot go awav dissatisfied. 11. 1 COLE. CorzallK Sept. . 1S57. 2iitf INotice. For Sale oi liirnp ns ibe Cheapest, and for Cash, or Orrson rrotlare. r 11 AYE received by bark N'ahnmkeag. Halcyon, and steamer Columbia. Inst arrived, a fresh h'C.f groce ries, Ac. which, added to my former stock. offer a good an assortment in groceries, provisions, paints and oils I are to lie found in the Territory, to wit: 5.0011 His. China No. 1 sugar. ,0l lbs. bct Rio green coffee, 2.-.0 ll. Java " 2,(HI lb. Manilla N'o. I sngar. J.imki lbs. X. O. aud S. I. sugar in bid, and keg, l '.O lls. black pepper (round) 20 Isn gr. spice. ' 2'M) lb. Allspice, (round.) 10 doa. Eng. and Am. mustard in glass, 6 " pie fruit & " Tresh peaches " 5 " tomato catsup in cases ea. in glass. It ' Cayanne pepjier (in glass) 11 " Fresh Baltimore coveoysters 2 Ibcans, 5 libster., fresh in 2 lb can, A brooms, 3 " painted pails, (3 h'Siped.) 6 " W. Collins A Co. axes, with and with- bandles, 3 " ax handles, oU lbs. Borax, 50 lbs. Hum camphor. AO boxc ad. candles U s. 20 aud 40 ea. 20 " Hills A Colgate's Xo. I soap. 1 " Olive oil " Splagnolia brand," 5 " Cream Tartar, 10 " Salaratus, 10 kegs 5 Sla, 20 chest, old and young hyson, gun powder, Imperi&l and Oolong teas, in bulk and iu 1 2 lb caddies, , 100 half boxes sardines, 10 l.herkins in 1 gals. 20 Tobacco" dilT. brands," HO doz. papers smoking " 20 boxes mat' hes, 2 bags nutmegs, 300 lbs. Carolina and China rice, 200 gals, sperm and polar oil. 150 sacks Liverpool crd. and S. I. salt, 11 linirhbls- Stuart's crushed sugar, 20 kegs ' Seth Adams" syrup in kegs, 2 bbls. pure cider vinegar, dried apples Ac. Also a general assortment of paints, paint oils, win- dow glass and nails, to wit : sun gais. raw ami tinnoura on. 20 Copnl varnish, SO Snirifs turpentine. 50 Is.xcs German glass fiX 10, 10VS 12. 10! 14, lt 10, &o. Pry nnd mixed paints of all colors, and any quantity. A good assortment of paint and other brushes; also a good .'ssurtmeut of Boots and Snorss. 1 have or Oregon produce. 3.500 lbs. Oregon A No. 1 butter, 0 to 8,000 I lis. baron, ham, shoulder, and sides, .10 bushel beans, 21 bushel peas, 50 bushel buck wheat tloiir. SOsacKs t. r . Hour, oats, timothy seed, nnit any quantity of tirst rate potatoes. J. X. PRESCOTT. Oregon City, Feb. 9, 1S57. 51tf Bakery and Confectionery. THE undersigned would announce to the public that they have established themselves in the baking and confectionery business t Salem, on Commercinl street, second door north of the Union House. A thorough experience nt the baking business they trust will enable litem to give suiisiacuou to tucircusioiucrs. -ni oruers promptly tilled. Groceries and Fruits, will also he kept constantly on hand. McGIXSA BYRN E. April . 1.. "tf . Storasc! Storage! WE are prepared to store all kinds of farmers pro duce, on the most liberal terms. Also to attend to nil kinds of commission and shipping business. Our warehouse is situated immediately nn tlie bank or the river, at the steamboat landing. And in shipping or receiving goods or produce, uuattended with expense oi drayagc. BEACH HOGCE. Aioany, tsepi. in, i.-k. zimti. Salem Market. THE subscriber, proprietor of tile Salem Market, in the center or the town , is happy to inform the pub lic that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of all the varieties or meats, fresh and pickled. He also has the various kinds of vegetables in their season. Beef will be sold as follows: Fore quarters, 6 cents per lb., hind quarter 10 cents; and iT you want a choice piece, I shall charge yon a tit a pound. All kindsof farmer's produce and grain received: in exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS. Salem. July V, ihjo. I7tl THERMOMETER CHURNS, just received and for sale at PSJ W. C. ORKWOLDS CO' LledicaL irC s 'Si DR. Ii. J. CZAPKAY S PRIVATE medical and surgical Institute. Sacramento street, below Montgomery, opposite pacific Mail Steamship Co' olllce, San Francisco, California. Es tablished In 1H54, for the permanent cure of all Private snd Chronic Disease, and the suppression of Quackery. Attending and Resident Physician L. J.CZAPKAY, M. P.. Inle in the Hungarian 'Revolutionary War, Chief Physician tn the 2)lh Regiment or Honveds, chief Sur geon to the Military Hospital nf I'estlt, and late Lec turer on Pisseasc of women and children. TO TIIE AFPLKTFP. Ir. L. J.CZAPKAYretums bis sincere thank to bis numerous patients for their pntronate. aid would take this opportunity tit remind them Unit he continue t icnnuiltut hi Institute for the enre of Chronic diseases of the Lungs Liver Kidneys.di getive and genitive organs, nnd all private disease, via : Syphilitic ulcers, gonorrhoea, gleet, strictures, seminal weakness and all the horrid consequence of self abnse, and heliopes that his long experience and successful practice of many jears, will continue to ensure him a share of public pa-tronage. By the practice or many year in Europe snd the United States, and during the Hungarian war and campaigns, he is enabled to apply the most effl' lent and successful remedies acninst diseases of all kind. He nse no mercury charge moderate treats bis pa tient in a correct and hotiorab'e war has references of tmque.tinua'de yeraiity from men of known respect ability and blah standing iu society. Ail parties con sulting him. by letter or otherwise, will receive the best and gentle-t treatment, and implicit secresy. To tmk LaniK or Ourjius aio Cai.ikorni. L.J. CxarrAr, M. P.. Physician Surgeon and Accoucheur in vites tile n 1 1 cut ion of the sick and afllicteil females la boring under any of the various form of diseases ol tlie brain, lung, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid ney, and all disease peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other uhvsician iu Oregon or California. Initio false delicacy prevent you , lint aoply Immediately, snd save yourself ironi p:ituiui snn'-riotr atii premature ileatn. All mar. ried ladie, whose delicate health nr other cin-nm-tanee do not allow to hare an incrca-e la their families should write or rill nt Pr. L. 3. Oipkar's Medlcrl In-titute, Sacramento st.. lie low Montgomery, opposite P. M. S.S. Co s .liee.and they will reneire every posobie relief and help. The doctor s I IIH'-es are so arranged that he ran be consulted without molestation. I'2ni3 w Al coMsultati in Iby letter or otherwise.) free. Addre-a tu Pit. L. J. r ZA I'KA Y, Medii-sl Inslitote. San Francisco, ( al. R" ErltKATii.l:nixsrTNcEn7r I.lhK Below we publish the certilicates- of two of the sufferer from the pang of disease, who having recovered their f'-nner health, and impelled by grati-t-ide. make known their rae and remedial agent, and their statement are authenticated bra Notary Public. The rhwiaiidi of S,K.-icty imperiously command their put li. ily. a d we rouruciid liicir pernsal t tiie atten tion of all ofiii t-d : CERTIFICATE-. Tlie nudcr.l.meil. desirrvn of a -luamltng those who may be unfortunate enough to be similarly sfllicted. where a permanent relief of their angering may be obtained, lii-li it hi duty to tint pubh.-lr express: hi mo-t sincere gratitude t dr. L. J. Cxapkay.fi-rthe permanent recovery f hi lie.iltli. Rome down bv the distressing symptoms incident tt Ihe vicious practice of uncontrollable p.iiou inyoi.tii ; deprc-sed in body and mind ; unable to jierform even the ml triflme" duty impsiss! iiKn the daily avocations tf lire, I sought the advice of many phrsii ii.ns. who at rii-iit itgun!-d mv disease as of lri!l::;2 iuiportauc-e butr'; altera tew week, and in several ntstan'-es m-uitii. o. 'K-ir treat ment, 1 buii'd to my unutterable leirr- r. thi.t instead of relief, the symptom lieai!ie more alarming in their torture : anil l-ing. ti l l by one that my lii-ea-e. being prin ipally confine. 1 to the brain, medicine would lit ut I ttf" eoTieMcfi-'e. I despaired of ever regaining my health, strength afd enenrv : and. a I wt n-smt, and with but a taint hope, railed njuin Pr.Czapkar. who. arter examining my case, prescril'd seme tnediriue which almost inetaiitly relieved me of the dull pain and dizitine-- in mr bead. Kn--onm?ed by Uii result, I resiived to l.ice myself itninedist' ly under hi care, and by a strit I lil-ciitence to bis diret ;i':i nnd advice, my head is-amscle-ir. my idn col'it-ted. the constant pain in my back and gcio. the weakness of my limb, ihe nervous reaction of my whole body on the slight est alarm r ex. he meet; the rris-intbropy and evil foreb"Kli!i-f'': !! self distrust and want of "con fid nee in others; the i'tcapacily to study, and want of refla tion; the frightful, exciting, and r.t trmes pleasarable dreams at niirht. followed by involuntary discharge, have nil disapii-earcd: and in fact, in two months after bavins consulted the liv tor. I felt a if in-pirwl by a new lire that life which, but a short time ago, I con templated t end with my own hand. With a view to guard the tmfoitunate from failing into Ihe snare of inroinpetent rpiai k. I deem it my duty to i.rfer this testimony to Ihe merit and skill of dr. Cxapksy, and rreoiumend him toaii who mayi-tand in need of ui.-tli---l sdvice, beim asurel by my own experience, that nin e under bis care, a radical and permanent cure mill be eflectcj. R. F. Fll.I.HORE. State of Califurni.t, Comity of San Francisco. Sub serilwd aud sworn to before me. Ibis lTlli day of April, LIMDM. (Signe-t) JOHX MIPPLETOX. L.N. Xotary Public. C A ltd. Promjited by an honest desire of my heart. I wMi to lay before the public a case which deserves a high com mendation, not ouly a an act ot scientific skill, tut that of humanity, also. A Unit two years ajo, I sud denly and Irom causes unknown to me wa seized with a lit or KriLErsT. alii. b. owing to my iraLility to meet the expense cone-'Uent upon a thopmgb mcdn-al treat ment, and the discouragement which I met with on attempting it. non became snrli (as I was then led to lielieve,) as to defy the skill nr any physician. I was rreqneittly. while in" pursuit of my calling, thrown down to the ground without the slightest waiving, and al though insensible to the agouies.yt't I despist d the mis cry of my existence. While in this slate, and having previous to my aHh-lion tasted tlie sweet of life, 1 once more was induced Pi attempt seeking aid nf a physician, and. by recommendation, called unoa Ir. L. J. t'xap kay. 1 told him my cirenmt.inees. and my inability to reward bim for "his service regardless or which, however, lie at once nndcrtook "Vny ca.:e. and with the blessing of God, I w.is on:-e more rest ired to erfect health. I'nable to reward him for'tbe Imon which I enjoy at pre-iit. and yet ennscions of my indebted ness. I rnnsidtr it due to myself and to all kfHicted. to make the case public, in order that thise in need of medical advice may Ond a physician in whom every coulideuce can be placed. MEYER YAI5LOXSKY. is. State of California. ( County of San Francisco. ( Sulwrribcd and sworn t before me this first day of August, A. d. ISiO. Gilbert A. Gbast. Xotary Public. i s.J SPKRMATORl.HlEA.or Iocal Weakness.nervons de bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs and back, indisposition and incapacity for labor and study, dullness of apppctite. loss ot' memory . aversion to society, love ol solitude, timidity, sell-distrust, dizzines, headache, pains in the side, affection of V eyes, pim ples ou the face, sexual and other infirmities in man. are cured without fail by the justly celebrated physician and surgeon. 1 J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases is new (unknown to other) and hence the great suc cess. All cons'iKat'cns, by letter or otherwise, free. Address, L. J. CZA PK AY, M. P.. Sn Francisco. Cal. Tbe Greatest Discovery of the Age. GREAT Blessings to Maiiklu.l! Innocent bnt Potent PR. CZ.VPKAY'S PnorHiLACTicrit, (self-disinfco-ting agent.) a sure preventive -against Gonorrhoea mil, Syphilitic diseases, and a ceit.iiu and unsur passed rcniedy for all venereal, scrofulous, gangreno-u and cancerous ulcers, freted discharges from vagina, utenis and urethra, nnd all cutanous er.iptions and dis ease. As innociilatmn tspreventive agamstsmall pox, so is dr. Czapkay' Prophylacticnm a preventive against Sypliilitic and Gonorrhoeal diseases. Harmless in it self, it possesses the power of chemically destroying the syphilitic virus, and thereby saving thousands of debauchee from being infected by the most loathsome of all diseases, let no young man who appreciates health be without l)r. Cjtapkny's Iropbylacticum. It is in very convenient packages, and will be found con venient lor nse, being used a a soap. Price. &j. For sale at Dr. L. J. Czapkay 's Private Medical aud Surgi cal Institute, Sacramento st below Montgomery, ori no- site P. M. Co'a. office, San Francisco. All letters must be addressed to L. J. Czapkay. M.D.. San Francisco. DR.LJ. CZAPKAY S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oppo site Pacific Mail! Steamship Co.'sOffic"1 San r Rancisco. The Doctor oflers free consultation, an.; iitk u remu neration unless he effects a cure. Office hour? from 9 A.M. to 9 P.M. CERTIFICATE. I, tbe undersigned. Governor of Hungary, do testify hereby .that 0r. L. J.Czapkay has served during the con test tor Hungarian liberty, as Chief Surgeon in the Hun garian army .with faithful perseverance whereof I have given him this certificate, and do recommend him to the sympathy, attention and protection of all those who are capable of appreciating patriotic self sacrifice, and undeserved misfortune KOSSUTH LA JOS, Governor of Hun-rarr. Washington City, Jan. 0, BW Persons not wishing to lose time in correspond ing, please enclose $10 in their letters, and they will get immediate attention to their rases. Address, L. J. CZaPKAT. M. ! San Francisco. Cal. Pec. 21. l-sr.7. 3m41 Dickiiison Type Foundry. PHELPS A DALTON. Boston, P. Fisher. Agent. San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule, Ac. .. . ii3j;7. . 2tf TADlES'cloahs.iatesisiyie, . fC'tfl W. K. SMITH A Cos. FRESH assortment of all wool jptaMta i, at 42tfl W. K.fcMlTHS Co s. 25,000 Worth or SPRT' AND SUmiER trOODS ! fTtHE lAllier would repectfully Inform tbelr ens X tomcTSaiid the public generally that thy have oa band, and are in constant receipt or good front Ban Franeiseo aud New Y o r It a large and wU-s-lected stock consisting in part of Alum, allspice, and alpacca. Bonnets, berages, and bro. linen. Cambric, crash, and calico, domestic de laines, and damask, Pdi'inir enibridilerv nd evervtlitniv I- - ' j - j n , Flannels, fringes, and rancy flxin's, I inrliMm. viter And rliifM Handkerchief, hose and hair-pins. Iron, ink, and inserting. Jaeonet.jean, and Java coffee. Knives, ft id gloves, and knitting pin. Iiawna, lard and Liverpool salt, Mustard, mirrors, and matches, Xeedles, nails, and nice things. Oils, overshirts, and Oolong tea. Pins, pant, and paper. Quilts, quills, ana uueensware. Ribbons, razor, and rat-trap. Silks, sugar, and shaving soap, Tes. tobacco, and turpentine, Umbrella, under-sleeves, and useful things. Veil, varnish, and vinegar. Wreathe, woolen goods, waffle-iron. Yam, yeast, and Yankee notions, Zinc, and gephyr worsted, Ac, Ac, and so on, Resides many other articles too nnmeron to mention ; all of which we are offering at reduced prices, adopt ing the plan of " 'nick sale and small profit." The ladles will And in their department a lirgs stock of fancy goods, direct from New York, which i not usually kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will be la constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies. The Gentlemen's pcjiartment of furnishing goods will seldom be eqnalted.snd excelled by none In Salem. IROX Theblickmithsand iron dealer will always And a well-selected b' k of all siises and shape, to gether with a good assortment of iron axle. fsj)n 1-4 g 8 In., to 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are seHing at Portland prices, adding freight. We are prepared In rseelve all kind of produce In exchange for gooJ. and also money. For full particu lar cal I and examine fur yourf lve. W. C. GRI3WOLD A CO. Salem. Feb. 10.1 ar.7. 4stf Drnfs! Drugs! Drags! . WK1 SMITH A Co. lrave just received direct from California, and from the State, a large addi tion to their stock of drugs, and medicines, making, with their former etck. the largest, and best assort ment of those article. ever offered for ale in the Wil lamette Valley. They receive their good directly from the importer and manufacture so that every ar ticle bought of them can I e relied upon as fresh and genuine, and they are determined not to be onirsold by any other dniugist in the conntry. OrdtXent from a distance will lie promptly filled, and at faTi.fae tory price. Store near the bridge, south end of Com mercial street. Salem. 42t Lrirery and Kale Stable. tTt TE are imw keeping a Livery stable In t t Oregon City, where Hokses can way be ohtaioed on Hijeral term. We are also prepared with excellent sta ble, welt supplied with hay and oats, to keep horses by day er week. Those who call upon us may feel as sured th it every attetitiun will 1 given to h-re left in our charge. GIBSON A POTTER. August II, 187. J2tf Salem Tannery. rtIIEiUerilers have purchased the Tanner tSa All de X lem, lormeriy ueionsmg t-i Kli-Iia si rung. crution of leather will be kept constantly on band and the hishe-t price, in eaih or leather, will at al time be paid for hide and bark. CLARK A HOLMAtf. Sslera, Oct 21, 1S57. Iy33paid City Hotel, Corrallis. MESSRS. A. B. & J. SPHENOEE ITTOCLP announce to the citizens of Corvaliis. and V the travi-iiiug public generally, that they have tbofwigh'y relitied this well known establishment, and are now prepared for the accommodation of customers. The room have all been newly refumislied. tlie beds clean aud comfurtable. acd their table will be furnish ed with the be-t the market aSUrtls. Corvaiii, Aug. 30, lsoT. lovl Allan, 31cKinlay, & Co., H ATE just received a stock of New Good, anp would invite all fnose who wish to procure GOOi articles at reasonable prices, to call and sxe them. They consist in part of tbe following: Grimisi'-sies, Canal and tVbeeJ Barrows Grain Cradles, Fancy Brooms, Grass Scythes aud Snaths. Plain do Bn-sh do da Asrrted Colored PaT5, Ifi sj Harrows, S3 totti Painted Talis, Garden liakes. Zinc W ashiioard. du Hoes, IHarksmitlrs Bellows, do Spades, Cruss-cnt Saws, 7 ft Poiished Shovels, do 6 ft Hay Forks. - Mill Saws, 7 ft Manure Forks, Hair Mattrasjes, double, Chnrns, do sineie. Window Glass S by 10 Hair Bolsters, double, do 10 by II do single, do 7 by 9 Sperm Candles, Window Sashes 8 by 10 Adamantine do do 10 by 12 Grane brand Tobacco, Or Bows and Yokes. Locke r!o do Blanket. Baize, Lindseys, Sheeting. Ticks. Acjlc We keep constantly on hand a larse supply of GRO CERIKS,CIXTHI.G, HARDWAIiE.and man's, arti cles too numerous to mention. ALL AX, UXIX-LA Y A CO. Oregon Cltr. tf Kenjon's Dacaerrean aso AMBROTYPE GALLERY. t7 1 THE nadersigned having recently re tu reed from Francisco, is now prepared to take t'mse beautiful Picture-- on G!ascalie-J AMBROTYPES, which have almost entirely superceded the Daguc'Teotrpe in the East and Saa Francisco. Gallery in tbe new building, erected erpicim fj Jmr (A 6usmrj, west of the Marion Uone. WILEY KESTON. Salem. Xovember 1 1 . f 6. . 3JU New Store and New Goods. At Oat; and. MeUirnry't Ferry. O. T. VLBERT ZIEBER. Dealer in dry goods, groceries, crockery, hardware, produce, Ac. Havinir parch cd the stoclrin trade of G- E- Getcb ell. together with tlie premises known as Mrthepey's Perry, on the Willamette river, aod having buiit a new storehouse, and replenished tbe slock of goods oa hand, now offers to exchange, for produce or cash, an assort ment of Dry eoods. consisting of clothing, caasimeres. ratit netts, sheeting, shirting, and fancy goods; hats and caps, boots aud shoes, groceries in variety, with spices, ants, raisins, and candies; paints, oils, medicines, per fumery, crockery, tinware, hollow-ware, stoves, hard ware cutiery, and many other articles to meet the wanta of the public. He has also moved and repaired bis warehouse, so that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage, conntry produce, which he can discharge by a slide to steamers' decks, without loss or expense of draractr. A nd being determined to constantly keep en haiW a good supply of such goods as the country trade may in quire, be believes lie can make it an object for the peo ple in bis vicinity to extend him their p iron fire. w Xo difference made in tbe price of goods, wheth er sold for cash or produce, October 2, 1S57. 30tf , - C. B. Pillow. DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa lem, O. T. Particular attention paid to tbe repairing of watches and clocks. All work war- I ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. FOR SALE: Watches and clocks. 8 day striking clocks at a very low price ; also 30 hour marine clocks. j. JEWELRY. '9 Ladies and gents Brooches. Finger Rins, Ear Rm Gold Buckles. Guard Chains, Ac, Ac. Salem, July 6. ii57. 17tf Salt! Salt!! TONS "San Quentin" SALT, in about SO aA 100 lb. bags, just received and for sale very cheap' 20 ALI.AN MchULAY A CU. Oregon City, Dec 6. lSofi. Allan & Lewis "ITTnOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, OR V V GOX TERRITORY. 'A STORE room in Orleans, a arst rate stand for A produce dealer. The Oriels warehouse and store will be rented together if required. MOORR July 8, IS57.' 1SU Allan, -McKinlay, & Co G'FVEBAL COMinSSTOX MERCHANTS, and w holesale and ltetail Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro- reries. H-nt"-. -, - Dec. SO, 151- 40yl Iaard Wanted. LARD 25,000 for wkich cash will be paid, by -B.M. DURELLE. at unswoia at iv. Salem, July 1. 1S57. I5 Blanks. DEEDS, mortgages, powers of attorney ror aw scrip, tax receipts, final proofs, and ot-ncaaat a new lot just printed ana tor sate at Office. mm - "'j - . Artenilwn - - win nay the highest market price "in cash"' of s i 1 . Qsdjr MlyZTM Pt -aaaJ"faVJaStsaWf aL-' Al afc - tnmmmmmmmmmmMmnmmmnmw 1