r 3 . T r 'to Mar CmhIi Dtniintl Cow vtt. The Democratic Comity Convention or Marlon Cnf tv will be held at the Court house la Salem, on SATE R PAT. MARCH SIXTH, 1M9. for the p of se lecting delegate to attend the Democrat ale Con vention, to beheld in Balenv aforesaid, o.srrh Itftn. 1-M. and also for the purpose of nominating ramlhla'es nr rsanly nd nllm nmrfn, mate ana imwmi - be atrpported at the next June erection. ... It U recommended that the several pm-lnc their meetings for selecting delegate U 1 Convention, at tlieir wtml place of " d-T. February S7tU. law. Each precinct to elect nve delegate, a nrretoiure. a trm. J. C. PEEBLES WM.J- HBKItK Co. Com. 4.S.4 Polk. County PHao"1'4 Coiiwewtlon. A ltrmoeratlc Convention will he held at Tiin. In the county of Pt.lk.tnw'''J3' -M '. for tlie purpose of eleetlnir six delegate to attend the Htate Convention to be held at Salem on the 1Mb of raid month, also tn nominate the ration county iitHcer to lie elected' at the next regular election. The varum pre cinct are rennextrd to hold primary meeting on Satur day March the eth.at I o'clock In the afternoon: and are entitled to delegate a follow, to-wit; Dallas.).; Bridgeport, 4; Lncklmnte. laine. T; Monmnth, 6; Kola.; Bethel. 4; Salt Lake, 4: Jackoi,5; IhrngUa,. LUCIEX HKTU, ISAAC SMITH. A. J. WELCH. L II- HUTCHINSON. I. P. 11. BLTTt.En. A. C. K. SHAW W. M. WALKER. H. N- V. HOLMES, . B. 8AVERY. A. D. BAIllWK Dallas, January 30, l.8. 4std Vdnlpha Wolft't Jrtanapin. . A Medicinal diet drink, of eminently salutary qunli toes, manufactured bv himself exclusively, at the fac tory at Scbicdsm. In Holland. , It la made from the best barley that can be aelec ed In Enrope, with the e-rn-e of an aromantie Kalian Wry. of acknowledged and extrnor Unary metlu inal Erorirties. It ha long since ae uirrd a higher repn ition both in Europe and America, tiian any otherdi- 'nMtiiOrrner. 1 la WvW.tioiit,andRhei:mat"in,'n obstructions of ihe Bladder anil Kidney, an.t in t.enerai iv-mniy, 5ia effect are prompt, decided, and Invariably relia M.t and it ii not ontv a rctnedv for these maladies. bat in all rase in w hich they, are produced by drink ing bad water, which i almost universally the canse of them, it act a a srnE riCTisTmvt. i The distressing effect on the stomach, bowels, and bladder, of traveler or new resident, and nil person unaccustomed to them, produced by '-he waters of .nearly all oar great tnlan.t river, fine me oiuo, sns aissippi. and Alabama, from the large Quantity of de .rayed vegetable matter therein contained, in a state or I solution. well known, a l also that of the w:tter of limestone region, in producing ("ravel. Calculi and Stone in the bladder. THE AROMATIC SCHIEDAM k'HM APPS i an ahsolite corrective of these injurious MnporttiMM cf had wafer, and consequently rcvents the dlseew which they occasion. It is also found to be aire and preventii-ve of Fever and A true, a d; ease ranrd by t!ie rnr tut effta ts of vegetal ile malaria In the atmosphere and ve;rtaiV putrescence in the a lera of th'txe district in n hick t principally prevails. Tb Akomatic Sceji. Scbshtm i eonei!ietitly In great demand by reo:i traveling, or abmt to t ale in thnae parts of tin c-jontry. eiiallv, a well a v many In every eomi.tnnity, w here ith.is liecmje Vnowa. ea aceotiut of it variints other remedial ytvp-ert'es- ' In all ease of a Prpslra! tendency, it I generallj he only remedy rcqoircd, when adopted in the early tage nt the disease. ladyspev malsdie. when tnken In proper quan tities, as a diet drink, and especially at dinner, it I foaad. by nntf rm exnerieni e, to Isr eminently eHlca rii in the m obstinate eases, w hen even the best of the nana! remedies have fut-d to afTrd more than temjwarr reliT. In cae of FlatuTeiicy. it is an im mediate and invariable i.peeiftr, and it.mav I admin istered in diluted and ppiportiiamte quantilM-s. even to s-csing Infants, in all Uioms par!iysms of griping l'ain in the stomach and bowels t which they are especially anljeet. as well as in tile etilie of grown persons. lis jndici.His adoption in connection with the prim-i-pal meals, or when a sense of exhan-4ion liiitates its use. never fall to reiieve the dcWiity attenilant upon protracted ehmoie maladies. .w ttmijierameiit, a.nl exhausted vitl energv, by whatever ra ise induced These are facts tn which" many of the nw-t eminent medical men. both iu Enrw-.e nrid the Cnttcd State, have borne testimony, and nhich are cirr ibrat d by the hizhest written antlioritics. Put nn in qnart and pint bott'e. in rao or one di en, witn my came en the bottle. corV, and fac-simi'.e of my aiimature on the lals-1. For sa c hy all the respectable dmsits and dealers I Ca'irorul amt tn-g"n. 1'UOI.lilil WOLFE. Pole Importer. 22 Beaver stnrt. New Ytk. Febmary 4trl. Caution to the rublic. a Jjmtfon Ccniiml (win, 9 CVt.0 lIot Gin, SkhirtSrtvi .V-anajipt, .Ifrrfwa.'rrf Srhnjj pr, 4-r., r. After Kvtral years experimenting in the mannTne lure of Gin. I f.rtun.itc!y sncceede.l. in tlie year ls. In mak.ng a discovery in its manuiacti re by which it xraa deprived of all acrid aod inflsnimal'iry properties, and rendere.t perfeatiy pare. My i!annrs torv is at eV-beuiam. Ilolianil. AlV-r scvernl motitlts" relUi tion what till to give it. I intrxluced it to the American pub lic nmk-r the name of Wt.t.FE's Scheipaw Aromatic SfHxapra." Kcbeiuani I the name of the place in Holland where the liin i mancf.icfutvd. Aromatic deriyc ita name from the Itiliia Jiiniir IVrry, with whrfil it is tavorcd; and rVSotipp'' rs the i.erman word for drink Cojpje, dram, WYKe'a S..'lcidm Aro matic Drink. No aooner had my S.-hnapps be:t Ii.tr diccd to the American pnMU-.and received with aopr-ibnti-n, than the Liqnor Mixer of New York. Boston and riiiladt-l-lita. started in rrsit with their mixed aid p-oson. Mie stnfT. ander v rioti nsmes Schiedam tiin, S-hic-dara Sehnapp. Imd n Club lions ;in. London Cor dial Oin, Ice. and in several rases my la's ! have been so perfectly imitated, with only tlie 'ad.lition of a tew letter, to plead a technical avoidance of tlie law. and o carefully prepared a X-i hnrfe on careless purcha ser. 1 nnderstand a lane qnantity baa ltii fiin lu ed by merchant of California, on account of the cheap ne9of the article. I especially caution the public aTain-t Uuw vile im itation put up in imitation of my bottles, and wrsp pers of same color vkj.low rsi f a. with rt.fc ami KKD minting intended t- deceive enreles buyei fsnrh bottle contain the w;-r-i kind of doctored-np and Bnwholesome Liq'ior. I have appointed CK0?BY A PinnLEI", Pan Ifran etco. Sle Agents frtheSchkd.im Aromatic Scbnapp for California a d Oreiron. A merchant who participate indirectly in the fraud, by selling spuri ms article. i a mnch a'n oflcr.dcr, as the principle who planned the impoiti n. 1 hoe ev ery honest mn. alii v.:liie the health of t'le commu nity in which he live, will aid me in ferreting nntand exposing the nnscnipnlons merchant, who. for the sake of a few cent, w ill pot in jeopardy the live of the commnnitr iu which he lives. S.ich men should be ailed to the pillory of popular execration. The genuine SSchnapps ran tie purchased at whotc aa!e fr jm all t'.ie reinsi;ie lioior -dealer and dnig pi.tioSan FrjBCwco. VDOI.rilO WtlLFE. Feb, 4wiJ Covoii ANBCot-ns Wistar Balsam of wild Cherry is J .i-t. the remMv Tie a pnre-minded. unprejudiced man, thoroocliiv aJqnainted with every system of prac tice, and well acqntinled with the wh de Materia Medi cs, and experienced in general practirc. would twrnn mendaathelssstpossilileremeily for the cure of Coach. Colds. Asthma. Rroncbiti and Consumption. This remedy coouin the extraordinary medlrianal virtues of wild Cherry and the Fir, which are combined ami embodied in tiierr utmost power in this article. By a chemical prwes. everything deiewnoujs or useirs j-jI jected. so that what remain is tlie most extranrdi wary and truly efii ncion remedy for all kind of l ul Mnoary and 1-iver Diseases ever known to man. Caitiun -A there are many counterfeits, look well t tlie signature before purchasing : take none onless it haa the name of "SanforJ A I'arkr engraved on the outside wrapper all others are base imitations. Foe ale hy respectable Druggists. Surra A Davts Agent. Portland. O.T. Pak A White le agent., Imjiorters and "lm!esalc Dealer in all (ienuine Family Medicine. 135 Wash ington street. San Francisco. sjao. FraovJaa. l,l--",8. 3mlfl rrri(M! CACTtON! Beware of Counterfeits ! BiMnrfu'a Kin-rR.. The pnMie are aware that for aunae years past, Hnetettera Bitter have, by their in MAsic merit, as the best tonic of the present day. won a oame and celebrity beyond any other compound of the like kind. The immense and ready Rale which Hos tetter's Bitters met with, induced a nnmtw-r of per son, tn engage in counterfeiting them, by buying np the bottles, and filling tbera with a spurious arid nox ious compound- Also, several worthies preparatuxis are a;ottea up in this city, with the evident design of feeing pal wed off a the gsnnie Hostetter'a Bitters, taring a similar bittle and label, the direction, etc., taken off verbatim, save the omittance of Dr. J. Hos tetter'a name, and then making sales of the article to aaloon-keeisrs and others, at rednced price, nnder the neneesentatiou tliat thev are the genuine article. Pur chasers should always examine the bottle and see tlint H is covered with metalic caps, with the name of "Dr. J. Hostetter'a Stomach Bitters, stamped on. and not with tinoil or wax, aa is the rase with the counterfeit article. The above name is also blown in the gluss n one aide of the bottle. Sold by tne principle lrnx gista and Saloons. 8rra A Davis Agent. Portland O. T. Pjr. A White Ueueral Agent. 112 Washington s-, jsan t rancisco. San FranJm. 1,153. 3m4C Da. L. J. Cz arx at's Surgical and Medical Institute is so extensively known ia thi Territory that any notice of it, or of bim. might seem sno-rflnou. Yet fearing that tnere are loose who heretofore having no need of "-" Z - ";-,-c"' " ascertain the proper aources of relief in cases of misfortunes. To those we bey leave to direct attention to Dr. L. J. C7jtpkay. who i tci m.o. . m . .... mnn wonderful success in his profession. The Dr. ha devoted mnch attention to the treatment of chronic and nrivt- eases, and stands unrivaMed in his management of uem. To tnose wuo neeu seen assistance we cbeerrnl ly recommend Dr. L- J. Czapkay ; it would be well at all events to consult him. as he makes no charge for con- aultation.and much good might result from it. The Dr. guaranteea a core in ail eases or asics no compensation. mmT See Dr. L. J. Czapkay 's advertisements in another woiamu oi uus paper. stmj lUIW"" slant ait. Many of our Btatas sobaerlption expire at the cton or this volume, two weeks from the present data. Our rule 1 to discontinue papers sent to the Htate, when the time for which they ar paid expire. Per mui who are sending the Statesman to their friend In the tstntea, and wish it continued, will please liear thi In mind, and ra-onlrr, before the time paid for closes, that the palter may bavkept going continuously. Feb. IS, I8i8. A. HUWll. SALiKSt HI AIIKET. CORkEtTTRD TTBfiUbT, BT B. F. BROWN. Salrm, Februar 83, W$. noDUci. Wheat, wliite, Wheat, mixed Oata .' ; Potatoes, Onions, - - - -- -- - - 1 tea tm, Pens Ilncon, sides, Bacon, hams, I.ard, in kegs, Butter, fresh rolls, Butter, packed, Fprpr. - CUkkcns, per dozen, Flonr, per 100 lbs. Wool, unwashed,.... ...... ...... Wool, trashed, .................. Pork FRUITS. Pried Apples, Dried Penrhes Dried Currants, Apples, per bushel. Winter....... . LUMBER. Fir, clour, per M, S 041 I IK) 1 IHI 1 "5 i Ml a ihi i oo 14 10 10 7ft 6-'B :n i no i m 17 , 85 i Of, m SJO JO 13 4it 9 00 2.1 00 a 20 00 40 00 aX, (Ml ?ro7 oo 5 oo Cdr, per M Shitijrles, codar, per M,.... Shingles, fir, per M, GROCERIES. Sug-ar, X. O.,.. Suirar, China,... 10 a 14 a 23 a 25 a 1 Siijrnr, white, crushed, Syrnp, ...... ColTec, Rice, Sonp, Rait Candles, adamantine, per box ...... Candles, tallow....... ............ S.tlernt ii,. -. . Cordnpe, White I-eail, .i ........ .... Nails, cut, per kcp;,...... .......... Nails, wrought, per kejr, OILS. I.inseed. p.-r gallon, 1 15 A 15 a l4 II 2j a 3 o5 a 40 25 a a; 4 l?Ja 15 25 a :U 15 OOalrt 00 7 50 a t? 00 liono 2 25 2 25 Itollot un, Whale, It lass, r foot. ............. ntt il o n n Shcotfnp, brown, Sheetings, bleached, I 'rills, brown....... ...... .... . Drills, blue Mcrrinmc Prints, Common Fancy Print. Mon. Di-Iaine .. ...... Irish I.inen.. ............... Drown I.inen Drow n Table Linen Satinet t, doulilo milled,.. .... .. Kentuckr Jeans....... ........ Cottoti Jenns.... ............ . Pants, satinett, .... .... .. . Hoot, kip.................... ... I Ulli INt H a l-.'4 14 12 ls-4 17 14 H ! W 25 40 00 a 10 20 II 20 Di 14 37J lot) 60 75 25 a a a a a 1 37, ;o 20 a 35 00 a 4 tnt DO a 4 K) Dr. Ki trrlibniim'a. lliiitgarian It.MIt PRESEllVEIl. 1AH the restoration. Beauty and Pieservation of the Hair. Thi preparation remove nil harhttcs and hy i:cs of the hair, by exciting tlie scalp to a new and lidllhy action, and cleanses it front srutf and d.imlnilT: Iirevciit the hair from f illing oil' and getting gray. ut the most rematkaLlo resi:li which it will effect, "is if tritf product m acre rmp of hair km an rnhrrfg blsJd kmd. M sny young iersous sometime find the too early appearance of gcay hairs, this preparation will stop tins result. M tlur who wih their children to have line heads of hair, ran effect this bv the u-e of this Tonic; eMcially on their daughter if the hair islisht. 1 know few persons believe the hair can be re-ton d on a Isi'.il bead. but. if my diret lions are followed I will warrant a cure or refund the money, it I put up in two ounce bottles and for sale bv wiodcsale and retail w ith directions at one d.!ar per bottle; it ran Is? sent 1 v in.iii 1 1 any part of the I'mted Stale. Centlrmcn end on your onlcr. staling the cause and duration of tlie baldness and I will cure you. To insure .a cure.mv charge vanes from Twenty-live to Filly dollar, acror J i:i3 to the nature of the case. Prepared only by Dr. J. C. KKIECIIBAI'M. CvreaJlit, . T. Corral!!, 1'rh., 1 ii". (ltf Cortnllia inefrar Manufarlorr. 7K atwavsbave on hnnd a larje supplv of 11 I E tV STH' YINEiSAR. wlif.-h we will sell M 'X hdoMile and Ketail a cAct. if sot rhntprr, titan it can lie ntitainrd from San Franri.ro rany other port. Ieb-rs in Poll I in. 1 and oilier place In ihe Territory would do well to nive s a esll. 7.. i;koi;i;i; kbikchbacm a Co. Corv all i, Feb.. 1 . SOtf Dr. Kriechbaum's Eye Salve and Eye Water. rpill-SE preparation ir ued with my Lire Pills, will J. cflVct it cure in all ordinary cae of sore eye. I have never known them to fail since first utd iii l wa in Iv4., and I wiil ensure a cure if taken according to direction, or refund the mner. 1'ersons tending order will please state explicitly the nature of the ca-e and I will send all neceiry for cure, for which 1 will charge from Ten to Twenty doi: Proiiared oi.ly by Da. J. G. KltlECHB ACW. Vorrallit, t). T. Corv-allis, Feb., IMS. 5utf Caution. t I.L persons are hciebv warned no to purchase a V certain proraisory note, by me executed to John II. M. uiicmi tlie citlitli day t Marclt 1Ks3, fir tliiee huiidix'd and fitly dollar, due in one tear Irom date. drawing ten ier cent, per annum a the consideration lor said note has v ilustar.lv been withheld bv said J. B. 5lclane and his agent, even when the money was lawfully trndrrnt, and the consideration has since lieen purchased lrm another person, therefore I will not pay said ott, ntiHirr itt inin tt, as I will prove it was wrongfully obtained. ISAAC HA K Kit. lein, teli. . l.-sis. Sw.Mtpaid. Rrjistrr and Bfffivfr'i Solire rpO SETTI.EKS in Township I, sooth of range 9 west. ft " is) " " 1 east. The a'sive township having been st-.rveyed. and the plats tliercor approved on the 7th if lei-enilier, S57, all settler wliu have claims or oart of claims therein. are requested to apKwr at the land Office for the Wil lamette Pisli let of Oregon, at Oregon City, or at the office of the Surveyor tieneral at Salem, within thirty day from and after the 1-t day of March next, or pre vious to thbUtime if convenient, when and where we shall be prepared to receive the notification of claims respectively, and enter Uhwi the adjustment and set tlement, accrding to law, of all conflicts of boundary line that may be found to exist among tnem. Given under our hands at the Ijind Office in Oregon City, this -2.jtii day of January. K. nil l., Kfgister. JAMK6ULTHUIE, Jr., Keceiee,-. January J.5, 1S0S. 4wl7 To Kllrn Carpenter. "V7"OL are hereby notified that unless yoo appear in X the District Court of the 1st indicia) district of the Territory of Oregon, on the first day of the term, to 1 held on the 1st M nday or April, lvx, at Salem, and answer the complaint and petition of Wa. CarH?utcr for a divorce, the same will be taken for confessedatud the prayer thereof will lie granted hy the court. 4W4J ILLIAa t.Kl't,.Mt.l(, I'eiuioner. L.bt. " STRAYED from Salem about two months ago, two mares three years old this spring; one, blaze face and a light boy, tliree white icei.inane lays.o tue rigni. The other, lietween a brown and chestnut sorrel, one white hind foot, mane lays to the left. They were both from Portland last fall, to Salem. Both are small In dian nag. Anv one who can give information, please address Morris Thomas, Box 54, Salem: for which they will be paid by MOKIU3 -i hum as. FciiruaryG.ls.iM. wslllvl Hogs. Hogs. Hogs. THE subserilr wishes to contract for 10.000 Pork Hogs on foot, or in Pork, for which the highest market nrice will be paid la cash. I.i'ieral advances will be made in cash on contracts or Hogs. B. M. DU BELLE. 9- Offi- at W. C. Griswold and Co.'s, Salem. Salem. July 1. 1S57. ' ltf Wanted. TCTTER 50 J)00 lb, for which the highest market -M-j price win is: paid.liy B. M. DU BELLE. , at Griswold A Co. Salem. July 1. IR57. istf Buggies. o lPEX and covered buggies Concord make, for sale. Anulv to vi ". J. McCR AKEX. Portland. B, 31. Du Belle. D EALER in Oregon Produce. Office at W. C. Gria- wuld A Co. s store, salem. Salem. July 1. 1S57. ltf Punele. LL persons owing roe, will please call and pay their L accounts, up till January 1st. 1838. 44tf G. E. COLE ., Attention Farmers. E will pay the highest market price "in cash "for wheat. BEACH & HOUE. PIONEER EXdEL8lOR AGEICULTUIIAL 7OBK0. THE SUBSC IIIBEB beg leave to announce to the FA It Ml. Its ami DEALERS IN AtlltlCULTIII A L IMPLEMENT, of Cullfoi nl and Oregou. tli.it lie ha now facilities for iiiauiil'iictiiring and repairing Agri cultural Implement of every description, from- the smallest to the greatest, of the best and most improv ed kinds, and iu the best manner, having His simp so enlarged a to accommodate sixty workmen, and fur nished witn Huain power and all the necessary ma chinery or the LATEST and most Al'PUOVED styles, and Inferior to none now in use for the purpose alsivo named. He is coulldciit, that, w ith his pust II lice years' experience In California, he can nrovnle the ! mera with machines and imidc metit mui h iuoi- suim ble to the want or thn country than any Hint run bo Imported, a the soil and product of the country ate uinereiii irom nio-e at noiiie, ami re.inim mat liincs in most rase of a more, substantial make, and in many instances very different. He design maiinliicturlnir a nmn's-r of roii l.ln,..! Biasrs and Mowers, Imilieului ly udupted to theme oi tin country, which win pusses more combined strength, durability and lightness, than any other now in use. Hi Cast Steel Dccli Tiller I'low has alreailv attained a notoriety in this country far In advance of any lief.ire Itnruuiirrd. lie will lie able, with whnt other I'low are made witlilu the Slate, to supply lull y the demand for these Plow the coming m-nson. Q designs tnanufiictiitihg Smith's Patent tiultg Plow, so laroratily Known In tlie rstent Slate, and recently Intimluccd here. Also, Premium Funning Mills, Ir. iii Nik. I to B. which hnve given universal s ithlii'-liou.. Also, tlm World's Fair J'rlre lluller Working Churn, to which was nwanled the First Premium at the Cull- foi ni State mid Mechanics, Fulr. Is'87. Also; Har rows, t iiitivntor. si. ic hill suiisot ami I .eft Hand Mows, and all other similar Implements. UK WISHES t call the I'AKTHTLAK ATTEN TION of the Farmers to hi facilities for repairing nil kind of agricultural implement, being such as to en able bl in to do every part within disown shop, being prepared to make c.-tstiu-r both of iron and brass; there fore ho will be tjblc lo do repairing In the shortest time and with much les trouble t!t;m ha heretofore been the case. He wishes also t A.N XOI'NCE that he lias now on the WATEIt. hound for tliU POKT, on bonrd the clipper hlp WEW'OOT and M A II V HO 111 XSUN , forty of JOHN A. PUTS eelelirated TIIKKSHEItS and SKPEBATOliS, twenty each. and 10 horse pow ers, which are superior to any ever heretofore ollcred in thi market, with cast st'cei Cylinder Shalt and Journal, which ha not heretofore Wen the cae, and in many other respect iu surlta way n to mid much 10 the steady operation and wear of the machlnes.j Pcrsoiw wi-fimg any of the above maclilnes, will do well 1 1 forward their oiiler c uly, as these are alt tint n ill be in the market, of tli.-.t make Ihls sea .on. and he has Hie exclusive rluht of ialelor the msehlne In Ciihlor- li i. Uiegon and Washington Territories. Iln will act a Pilt' agent in protecting the patent on said machine. All iiersoti will please take notice tliat they will he held responsible for any int'iiugemetit on said patent. He lias also on Hie war a gw,l assortment ot Itraoer: among which are HCUH VLL'S, McCOIUI ICK'S lll'S- SKV'S and M AX X'S. AI"o a full supply r extras for anv and all oi the tiis.ve Macliluu). ( ti les. Sei lions. Casting of every d -scription, rtc. In addition, ho ha on hand a full supply of Hay ITes.es, iH- t style; liny and Straw Cutter; Oniin ('noli.-. Cram's; XI Ste, Plows; Ciiiciunati Eagle Steel plow; Evan A Adam' lialena plows; Itcvolvuii; end Wiie-Twitted Horse Kske; Cnm-WlK Hers; S yl lie and Snath. Iie.t make; Hay and Barley Fork: Thermometer and Dash Churns; White's S.-ll-Acting Cheese-Piefses; Douglas" Pomps; Seed Sower anil llrsln-Drltls; t"ider and Wine-!iesse.; Circular Saw Tables; (ini den Itakesand Spading Folks; Ami1 Short and I iiis Handled Spade; Wagons, Dray and Carts; Hahd-Cnrts; Ax and Pick Handle t Hunt's and Simmous" Handled Axe-; Steel Crowbars; Old Colony Assorted Nails; lirindst ne and nxturvs; Riliua Bope; WliecHMi-row: Plow Beams and Ttaudliw. In fact, a fuil as.,irtmriit of nil Implements riotiiml by the farmer. He propoar t sny that w h it he matt mat ture., as welt a w hat he Import, he will srll on as reasonable t -rm a anv can sell similar article. He i sure Hint he ran and will offer such imlueemeiits as lo mske it to the interest of farmer mid merchant 1 1 buy of bun instead (r Importing. He w-hiM. si the same time, tender hi thank to the pal lie for 1'ieir III nil piitcnate during the pat m-Ssoii. which has lsrti eutiielt to hi solisiai tion ami i.iiicU beyond Hi expectation at the beginning of the season. 1 NUM. Uli(. s. . ' Sacrament. st ml . Mamifactorv Corner Davis and Sai ramvnto stre, I. S.tn I'rsn. i. o, Caliloruia. Irhruarv, lsi. . Itnll Wooden Ware, Brooms, Baskets, IJ HUSHES, Clothes ISnra, AIatrlics In a!l ttieir varietic. ON HAND AND CONSTANTLY AltHIVINt! FBOM Till: EAST. For sale at lowest, and Whi le-Jil.1 prices, at the Wood and Willow Ware Eitauliahmrnt Of IIAWXHUKST .t SOX, 39 Sacramento St., Iicl-iw Frotit, SAN FHANC1SCO.CAI. Kan Fran., Feb., 1 3m I'i Strayed, FnOM Darham's In Polk Co.. acnss the river from Salem, in April lt.one blu ish roan Indian mare, the year old this spring; branded on left shimlder. not re- meinisred: three whi'e leel, white 111 foreheail. and a snip on Hie re-e. Alsn an iron grev Spanish Icirse, absit S or n vjar old; no bntn.l. fiad collar maika when strayed; a small spot iu forehead, nearly bald: a gentle work horse, very Lime. He Iclt in July lu.f , The tinder is re ine.ted to notify me at Salem or Kola. an I he shall be compensated lor his trulV. t . M. iMIKMii;iJ. Fe'misry l.'i, VS. jw4:ipaid School Books.' Jl'ST received at tlie fit v Book Sbre, in Oreg.in City, Ihrtrt f.-vm lUr I'MitStn: sANDr.lt s Primers; Spell -rs. old and new series; ' 1-t. J.I A 3d He.tdcrs.old and new scries; " High School " Young laities WILSON'S Ontlii-.es of History: " V. S. llisorj',schoilelition; " I'. S. " A mcri. educational scries; " Jurinile History, si hool cditi-m; PA HI.EY'S I'uiversal History: Ct)MSTOi"lv"M Natural History; And manv other roorf mriil'n numenmsto mention. lk-iilcrsaml Teachers are requested to give us a call. f. L. illlAi'Ll'. I .V t o. Oregon City. Feb.. ls."iS. 4stf For Sale. THOMPSON'S Arithmetical Tables; Meut.il Arithmetics, ' . Practical High School Arithmetic. E. L. BUADLEY Co. Oregon City, Feb., IR08. stf For Sale. TTTEBSTEB'S I'nnbrldired Dictionaries: V " Quarto " High School ' ' Primary and Pocket Dictionaries. E. L. BUADLEY Co. Cregon City, Feb., KiS. 4Mf For Sale. A FEW choice Melodeons.Princc's make, Piano case, divided swell, live octavo. "F to F." E. I j. BKADLEY Co, Oregon City, Feb., IMS. 4Mf " For S al e. 2fC ACRl-S of good land on Coper 51 ol.tlta prairii . I J For particulars enquire of II. Holland.on lioard steamer Snriirise, or E. L. Bit ADLEY.City Bmik Store, Oregon City. K. L UBADLKY t o. Feimtary, Iw. 4"ir NEW HARDWARE STORE. fpilE suliscrilier having taken the fire jinsif tlraiiitc r roni foore, next uoor to .ura co , f ront .it., would respectfully inform hi friends and the puetrc generally, that he ia now opening a full and COMPLETE" ASSORTMENT OF SHELF AND BUILDER'S HARDWARE, - AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS. MECHANICS' TOOLS!! TABLE AXD POCKET CUTLERY. And other articles in his line, to which he invites the attention of Merchants, Builders ami country dealers. JOHN IL FOSTER. Tin-Hand, February, 13j8. IStf John R. Foster. Importer and Dealer in . SHELF AXD HEAVY HARDWARE, MECHANICS' TOOLS, Farming ImpttmrnU, 4c, Ac, Ac. AT TUB FIRE-PROOF GRASITE FRONT STORE, Front street, Portland, Oregon. February, 158. Stf WANTED in exchange for merchandise or on ac count 10,000 lbs. good butter, for which I wiil pay the market price. - . G. E. COLE. FRENCH nierinna, and alpacas, at 2tfJ W. K. SUIT EI A Co's. CAROLINA rice, and syrup to sweeten it in 5 gallon kegs, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A CVs, Attention FAmier! t hire then, leapt n. tad Mo wen. JB have now on the way from the Eastern Siatei, VT to arrive about tlie latter part or April next, a superior lot uf the above mentioned machine. They coinliltio all of the latest Improvement, and we have no Hesitation in saying mat we neiteve tnem w be the most perfect machine we ever brought to this toast. They were constructed under our own supervision, hav ing all Ihe alternllou necessary to render them su i ta li lor ino country. The Thresher consist of two. four and six horse now er. (railway and sweep) with elevators and every es sential r-inv('iilpii''e known to the machine. Our Reaper and Mower are combined machine suitahl. fur either mowing or reaping, they work from two t'lfohr holies i with and without rakes, or, iu other Win ds, one I a self-raker. Iu ndililion tithe above, we have to arrive nt Ihe am time, the lolloiring a-i iciimn-il liitp..iiieiits, via: Peoria plows, X it lls-t ni CIIM-rplows,cxliii.oii culti vators, itrupo vine, grain cradle, scythe. smith, straw cutter., h,y pre-e. hay fork and rake, horse rakes, wheel. Iiuriotr. eider mil l i, shovels, spade. A c, Bark mills atnl Taiinur tool. Also, a select assort ment of S.iiith a' and carpeiilei' t Jols, with marv other in tli let not here iiiculloiivd. We wnild say 1 1 our rtHlnuieri ami tlia publlo gene rully.ll they are In want of any of the a sive mentioned article, they will do well to call and fee our before purchasing i lirwhere. a we are di'termined to sell l,,w for cash. We would al m add that our machine are rapidly soJ to arrive; better cull and secure 'one1 of ttirm, before too late. If preferred .machine delivered in Portland If engaged before arrival. tv.M. c. iii-j iir. r x Co.. Oreg.oi City, upp'wlle Land OITlcs. January 2o, 1k;.n, 3m47 Cash for Wheat. NEW FIRM AND SEW OOOD3. A V PAIth KllSVIl.I.E, O. T. II f ftlrlntrrc k Iln tic Iter. rl 'HE sii'wi rlU'r-i having leased from Mr. Win. Par J kcr, his Moining mill And store for a term of year, where they Intend carrying on milling and merchandiz ing. The mill ha gone tlirotigli u thir.uigli relittiiif. viz: new suction fan. bitting cloth, smut msclilne. with mi additional new nair of bur. The whola now roinplete and in running order, slid are now prepared tod'i all kind of cu.t on work with dispat :h, on the shortest notice. I he snljacribers havlnc lust received from Sun Fran. cisco, a I ir,-e, and varied assortment of dry oooi'. cm eerie, banlware, eris'kery. It and sh'ss, and tlie n hole of a Inch n ill be sold nt a small advance ahovn cost, we would Invite farmer and ottier, lo pive us a end and examine f.r tiieuiove. .Yon i)llw:iv llnd ns R.Hid ii-aliiird. plea-aot. ami ready to sli-iw our miils ami pi ices and sell If we ckm. ta-lhe highest rasli pri.-e HaiJ for all kind of ciwitilrv produce. " Win. Parker b is (.l ised out hi bnshir-s Iu nii.lin-r ami liicrcli.uuii.-ni J. and all -roii Ii ivina claims iifaiiist the S.IIIID me reiptcted 1 1 pre-enl tliem. anil their m nicy is i-eiidv. And all persons Indebted to him arc reuueslcd to come and mak" a sellleoient and sate co-ti. . .Mi'IN'TVKA ll'l t II Kit. January i'i, IVi-1. SiiiIJ Va mil ill Itiicc Course. 'IHE races will eomimm-e nt the Yamliitl Usee I Course on WKII.VI.SH.VV, June ItS, ls,aud eoii tiniie throiiL'h the week. The ppiprietor, havinx tensed Ihe Vamhill race trick. or .iiosc. to olt.-r Ihe loll mini PL"HE t be ruo, I jr. ucc . nlin-4 t- the r lies ol the Vauilt II J-wker Club. Fnt-T D tr M.lo Heats -lsl two in three Proprie tor's Purse '. turn. Sfe'iisu Da V Two Mi e llent-.-Proprietr"s I'uise ol tilMI. Tiiinn Pav Mile Heat lor Three V ear Old Pro prietor's Pur-e . ; i'Ki. FurarH Day Mile Heal I. t time hi live Pto prietor's Purse f PHI. Tr l-Kit i'KT kxtbancr will I rharei d f t the a sive purse. 1 liree utne or m ire lo make a rare, and In t start. K. T V I.UK I'. I'rooi i, tor. N. II The liroptiet -r ha rontra- t. d lor lonilier to build -iitil lf st ind for sim tutors, and ho intends to make olaer extensive improvements tor the a-i-ommo- dation of visil.-rs. For all p.-rs-un bavins; hor- to train, the track w ill lie rea.tr on the tiit ul April. l HuiiiM ( ., Jan. 2 ms. 47ir 1. . Vu.lilistoii, AC, 1.NT for the prosecution of claim nt R-h'113-t ni. D. C I i f.-re the Ksis-iitive m-pni1:netit',Cou- press i ml the Omrt of I liini. Will attend 1 1 l!ie Ml-llemi-ut of iii-coiint or M ir.li its. District Att-.r:M-ys. aid other Fcieral (4H'-ers. and of contractor with tlie lilof1i,-e nn.l ftiier m-imrtments- .I-jo. to tlie nroeitr- iiiTof Patents for L-itiit. I.and WaiT-aitls, at. othtr bo-rm-oiil it tieueml Airem y. i:eier lo i, en. .io.c)'li Line, Oreiron I erntory: tonr. Ijoc I. Steven. Wasliinirloii lr.: ilon. M. II. "McAl lister, II m. Oi'len llolTinan and It. An. Til wnpson. of San Francisco. Cat.: Hon. James Outlirie. lymisville. Ky.. and lo Ihe ofli -era aenenliy of Die Treasury and nierior Pepart'iieuts at it -1ihi jton. Add.au L. y. W ASHINGTON. lrf .5 Washintttmi D. C. AOmiui. rntor,A Aotiee. N'OTICK i berebr piven that the i!iidersined will make final seltfement of the estate of DANIEL SM ITH. ileceas -il. late of Mart o.. O. T.. on Mow I iv. Feb. rM Is .s.at one o . l u k P. M.. Is fore the jo. ,'e of the Pni'Mte Court In and for M ifimi Co..o. T. All wlioin it mav cm em r.ijv Is- present at mil seltl"- meut. , EMIL. SMITH. Administratrix. Salem. Jan. ltd. ls.-,s. 4wt' S. J. MrCormirk, Franklin Book Store, (t'SOXT STBKI.T. tOKTLAND, O.T.) n .X.t constantly on band a larjre t-M-k of Boov and STATionritY. which he sells ut a small advaucenn i'l Ul.l'llt.US I'lIK Ks. A catal 'ijue mav t jen in the Orrpon and Washiiiirtioii Almanac for lsi7. Ihsiks ordered tbrre- frotn. sent ravstape free to any iiart of either Terrritorv. Portland. Feb. it. H"iT. fkivl C'orvallia DrtiR Store. T R.CAUDWELL.Drnirri.t and Auothecarr. iscm- l stautly receivinsf, per California steamers, lare ami earerully -etecte.1 sIm-Ks of Prm; ami Meiticlnes. Oils, Paint." Varnish. S Mps. Perfumeries. Toilet Fur niture. St ttionrrr, ni l all articles usually kept in Drug Store. Airent for J.iyiie. and ot!(rr patent medicines, ahull will he furnished at California, wholesale price. Kg- OKllKIt SOLICtTKO. "6 n J. It. CARDWri.L. Corvatlls. May 2, ls-,7. J-tl Atliiiiniatrntor's Aolicc. FETTERS of A luiiiiislr.it ion have la-en trritiled to Ihe J und'Tsiancd. bv t!ie ProLate Covit of Linn count v. Oreoim Territory .up iu tlieeuteorOKOKliE IIL'STED deceased. Isr.u in date Jaiinarv i'lh. Is,, flierefore all pt-rsim indebted to said estate are requested to make nniiicilnle payment lo tlie uiulci iciil, stul all persons having dem mdt a: ilnst said estate are hereby notilled to present them with the proper proof within one vear fr un the d itc hereof. TIIO S AI.FOlttl, Admin. Januarv IVi. Iw4 Final Settlement. UTIIERE AS J. II. Line., executor or fhc Ut will and te-timent of J Ml N Bl'RKH ART, lateof Linn co uitv, do eased. has tiled his Hid report of said e-l.itc: 'l liis i i to the end Hint the? heirs at law, and all persons interested in iv a;iiear nt the Probate-Court, to Is- held at A 1'iany on the lirst Tuesday in March next, to show cause, if any. why the paid account slmll not Iw allowed, and a titial M.tl!ement made. 8. D HALEY. J. P, Dated. Fctiraury 3, Kis. Swt'-paid l"iunl Si'ttlriiieiit. JOAB POWEI.L. inlininistratoror tlie estate r XA Til AN IEL McC A IJ I X EY, deceased .bavitiR applied to tin) I'roliute Court of tlie count v of Linn, for final set tlement of aahl estate. Notice is hereby piven that the fir-t Tuesday in March next the time sot apart for bear ing the same. S. D. HALEY, J. I'. Albany, lehniary 3, Isjn . SwlS Final Settlement. JOSEPH CHAN K. administrator of thecstutcof NA THANIEL CRANK, deceased, having applied tn the I'roliute Coin tnt I. Inn county fortinal settlement of said etatc. Notice is hereby givei til it the tii-st Ta:. dav ill March next, is the time set for hearing tlie same. All persons interested can attend. S. D. n.VLEY, J. P. Altsiny, FebrnaryS. lSois. 3w4Spaid. Lumber! J WISH to employ several sawyer and log choppers tins season to run my sawmill, to whom pood wa pes wil lie paid. 1 expect to start my saw in 3 weeks. I shall make lir.ro quaiitilie.s of pood" lamlier this sea son, if I live, llrinjroii your bills for lumjicr. and hare themUlied. DAVID NEWSOM. Feliniaryl.lS.il. 4wlS Wool wanted. fPIIE Willame'to Woolen Manufacturing Company have a- tlieir Factory in snccesstui opention Dim wn: pay the hislie.-t market price for wool delivered, cither iu their iiurattfaetured good or in rash. A1IIO S. WATT, Factor IV. tf. M. Co. Salem, Feb. 3d. 1S5S. :im4,S Jissolntion. XTOTICE is hereby given that the copartnership licre- 1 1 to fore cxisti'ig Istwrcn llu.nli Thompsoii and John Parks has been this day dissolved, by mutual consent Tlie firm is not responsible for any debts contracted by either alter this date. Huph Thompson will pay all company debt prior to this date, and all due the firm must be paid to him. HUGH THOMPSON. Wm. E.N'ui.AM),tri7iir lo $ignalure. Salem.. I anna ry '-'5. is.is. atrfpnid Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned was appointed tlie lawful administratorof the estate of DAY IDT. SEWELL. deceased, lute of Marion county, O. T., on Cue 2t'a day of January 1853, by the Trohate Conrt in and for said county. Therefore nil persons indebted to said estate will please come forward and make settlement and all persons having claims against said estate will present the same to the undersigned nt Ins resilience ut uie Auaqua mill near Hiiverton. within one year from this date that they may be settled if found correct. l.n 1'ltKlt C .MOUKISO.X. ifmm. Dated Febrnary 6tii. 'oS. 4w-tSpaid 19 TONS assorted iron, just received at 9m3 RRISWOLD A CO"S. ,is. HOT of all kinds, and- powder, nt (C-'tfJ W. K. SMITH A- CoV loeki. Booki. WK. SMITH A Co. bare recently received a large . invoice r IxNik. direct from New York, which they onr for aalo at reducad price. Tb.y will be con stantly recelvlup additions to their stock, and will keep on hand every article In that Hue. which the want ol the country rcipiiru. One of the firm will visit the State In the spring, after which they will keep a lull assortment oi LAW Attn MEDICAL BOOKS. In nd lilioli In mil ellatiemn and school book. Their Iireseut stork Include all the different kind of school look used In the country, and a great variety of stand ard aelciitlllo and miscellaneous works, all of which will be sold nt greatly reduced prices, to make room for new ones on the way. They uhu have snd will continue to keep a complete assortment of stationery, slitus, pencils, pen, ink, uud fancy nrtlclc. Store ne ir the bridge, south end of Commercial street, Salem. Dec. 84, 10u7. 4?tf Not lee. riUlE Jtidje of the Supreme Omrt of the Territory of 1. Oregon, niwembleil at in seat ni ijoverumein on the lillh day of Dcccmlx-r, Hill, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held In the city or Salem. In the county of Marion, on the lirst Monday t April and St-pleuilM'r.aiidthe fourth Monday or May and Oeto. Imt. annually, until otherwise ordered : and in the city of 1'ortlur.il, in the county of Multnomah, on the filth Monday, of De'-iMnW, liiil. aud thereafter on the first Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays of I line and November, annually, until otherwise order ed, and do limit the duration of said Term to six day each. OEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Justice. 41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. Notice. VTOW f rlurire sate and small profit., for cash or 1 1 Oregon produce. A well aelected assortment of u i cs iiitfrm, pel imr. Merino. (. ancoe. liiugnania and ufl ether good for ladie. An assortment oi bon nets niul ladle hat of thelatest fashion. A No a welt selected assortment of clothing, boots and shoe of the best ipiulitv, colfce. tea' sugar, salt, rb-e. pepper, Kiilnitus, and i imp oil, with otlier article. too uumerotiii t iii"iitioii, for sale la Rector's building, Salem. I,. WESTACOTT. Mav lit. IS". l'Hf S'niiotirry, Slollonrry. J."t L. BRADLEY A Co., have Just received, direct j fnm New York. ier clipper ahlp Aurora, a Hue pit of blank hook. and stationery generally, consisting In part of the fiilluwing; 4'M) Reams paper of every vsriely: 1 mu Quire (.l ink IsMiks, half bound, full bound, nil kind 2'MI Dox. ink. Davie best black, blue, and red; i t Reams wrapping paper dif. .ize; !') griss pen holders; .;! " slate peneiN; 2u dox. .late. T -wether Willi a general assortment of school and mlsct It incous iMHiks Sander's srx Hers and reader- tlavii-s' and Ttlomusrui'a mutltemstic complete. We would a t tlne whobuv t i -ll again. Just give u a call. E. L. HltAHI.EY A Co.. City Rook Store, Oregon City. Dec. 30. H.-.7. 4,Hf Snlein Urnt Store. ITVlOXr Sli-eet, Hector's liiil linj. Constantly L on baud a full airt iie-il of Dn-'iis. Mkiu- cihk. I'aiits, On. acu Dvg STtrrs, 1'atxt MemciNRs, Ac. In short aim l everv article nsusllv f.ntnd in a Drug Store, and are oT.rred at Wiioi.es LK nn IlKTAit.. at extremely tow rates, iu quaittilie t i suit warranted as represented. -iiiiKKK soLiciTKV. -fca Prescriptions free of charge nt nl-t. r Prompt attention will be given to pr'ifeslo!ia, cull in the Citv. A. M. BELT. M. D. S.le n, O. T.. June 5. 1017. I'-'lf Corii.t lilait lotlge - OF Ancient Free nnd Accepted Masons, will hold ttieir regular communlcati in on the Thursday night Iwfore the full of the moon of evh month, ex cept when it full ntt Thursday night, then on that umi.l in Aloauv, O. T. Ilrotiireii in p km! staodinp are eor.llallv Invited to at tend. DKLAXON SM ITH. W. M. SraiNor.a. Sec"y. 37lf Something New J EL. BR tlH.EY A Co.. have just received a larpe . lot f lisnd-lioolt for h-Moe impr-vement; ruin- iirisiiiir how t-i write, bow to tlfe. Ir,w t l-!iave. bow to do I u -iocs". In one volume; will le se-it free of p.jst age I i a-iv part of Oregon, on receipt of $J. Address r.. I- Hlt.t Pl.r.t , City B-sik SUire, Oregon Citv. Dec. 2'). K".7. 4jUf Hooks! Hooka! It I-BRADLEY 1 l, have recently re.-elved a !j. I ire I d of Fowlers and Wells publications, lake notice all ve that are sick, water (curt )U a powerf-d nice thing in a family. Pec. jo. i-,. iti Strnretl, Oil stntcii. on or about July l.'i, 1357. from the rnte scrilr. Ii mile aitli of Alhanv. 1 yoke of nattle. me white, one red. mi brand, larsre horn, weieb about rsjon 14 to 1 hundred each, oiw pray Spanish mare; liraml- J A T, on the left Inp and H on tbe ripht; abo-it I'J reatsold. 'Vbisjver relorns said cattle shall be tils-rally rewarded. JOSEPH LACBANT. ler.2.1.Ti7. 3ml3paid Short Settlement niAke long frienda. rrvilE old year ha passed, and we want all those who l know themselves indebted to us to come forward and settle and pet tlieir "New Year" presenL D m t forget this; we mean Jast what we say, W. C ORIS WOLD A Co. January 1. li. 4::tf 'Strayed A P.OCT the Joth of Octolier, from Spring Valler. Polk Co., a yoke of work oxeu one a "Hark lu-iiiille. and tue otm-r a orown. S-mie ear marks not recollectiNl. No brand, hizht vrar old. The finder i reiuesled to inform the sub- criis-r, at Yalfnnti post office. Folk Co.,aud he shall Is? comiH?nsatea lor In iroiiuie. BELPEX HIGOINS. Dee.?3, IS".?. 4Jtf Oregon Statutes. BOUND volume for sale at John Flemine's, Orepon Cit ami A. IS. Shipley's, Portland. Price, j On. Also law of l i-t sewiuu $1 00. Deo. 17. l"-".7. 4ltf Cali Sfstem Adopted. NO more credit will lie piven bv me. and those in debted to me, who have not made arranpament to pay their account iu pork or other produce, will please call and make payment or nettle by note, a I menu t-iosiiip my issues. u. r.. t oi.r.. Corvulli. Sept. 8. l.-,7. 2tf w . s. Lapp. Portland. 1. w. la do, San Francisco. W. S. I.add Co. IU FOB I KKS and dealers In w ities, l.Kpior, and l,ro cerie, Portland, Oregon. Jan. 1, 1S.-.N. 44tr Itestaurant. TO. KRIECHRACM hao(eneda Restitnraiit.Bake . rr and Confectionary Inmsc at Corvallit, Benton Co., I . T. w ill set the best table that the market can alt'ord. and at all hours, (live him a call next door north of City Hotel. 12tf c 1i)RN starch, tapioca. sago and hecker, farina, for puililinps, at lt-ttj . . eoi 1 1 it Jt uo s. litES TtlN C. Mcrril yeast powder and extracts of m (cm u nun rsc, lor iiavoriup pa-sirT. a. W. K. SM ITH & Co s. AM l oil, candles, uud sweet oil, at 4 It.tll W. K. SMITH A Co's. c OPAL varnish, paint, oils, and paint brushes, at ICJll j W . K. 111 Co S. YWIS Cherry Pectoral for sale nt wholesale and L retail, at I'-t'l . rv. -t.uiiu ,t i o SCHOOL Ismks. at wholesale and retail, nt I'Jtn W. K. SMITH A Co's. PICKLES and pepper sauce, wasli-lwards and sand . r .... ... .- , . ITII L paper, a i(ij . it. a. Dana, v-u s. c )TTt)N rope, for rl dties lines, and small rope for baiters, at t 1 - 1 J w. K. tM 11 It A Co s, J. Fleming. A T the Oregon City, Post Office Building, has last f- received, direct from New York. 100 copies of I lawning s r nut and t nut Trees or America, revised and enlarged, for lsT,7 the latest published edition of this valuable work. He has also on hand, a good stock of miscellaneous books and stationery, for sale on terms to sun tne times. Oregou City, Dec. 15, 18o7. 41tf - " Coffee. TF YOU WANT a realty good article of COFFEE, the x undersigned nave got i.,ow pounds Dcst " coal A RICA." Come in and look at it. ALLAN McKIXLAY A Co. Oregon City, Dee. C, lfv6. JURE WINES nnd Iiquor3 for medicinal pnrposes, at t42tfj W. K. SMITH A Co's. B LASTING powder, and water proof caps, at 42tf . Wr. K.SMirit co s. Ilvilronathic Books T Y Trail. Shew and O. S. Fowler. For sale at the JJ City Book Store. - u"-"'"" . n.,.ra. T.m 4Ctf iMiiKiiian Comnlete. JgY O. S. Fowler. Fox sale ftg J Oregon City. Jan. ISoS. M N AILS, class, and window sash, at ' o' , so- v cwrrn a rv 4(l f , .... s k..u sw . THE best black tea you evr fsw, at 42tf W. Kr. SMITH A Ge's. BOOKS!! . .AT. . BOOK Tho City Book-Storh (rROlsT ST., PORTLAND, O. T., A. R. SIIIPLKY & Co., are l Uore, and will I receiving by the 1st of Juna S& S23 O W O N IIOOKH AND STATIONERY ! Which they offer to the SPRING TRADE At smalt advances on New York price. as a call, or send a an order, and we ere bourn! lo give yoo satisfaction I A. II. Shipley Co., Are the Hjlk A osiers In Oregon and Washington Ter ritories for the sale of Tho American Statesman, A ORE AT BOOK!! Ibilng tlie only political history of the United State. Bend u your nam. Price tl 00: Paya'ileon de livery of book. Can deliver by the lt or Kepb.-mlK.-r to all who send as their nnine by 1st of May. f atulogne of Port of our Slock : RCIIU IU BOOKS. RatnBB. Sanders' old int. 2d, 3d, 4th. and 5th. nd The Vono? IjidU'"; Kauders" New 1-t, 2,1, 3d, tthaudSlh: Parker' 1-t. Jd. 3J, 4th and flth; Mc tlufrey's 1st, Vd, 3d. 4th and fitb. SeKLLKits. Saudera' Old, Binders New; Elemca Ur i ! PillSKit. Sand -rs Plet-irinl, fehivd and Par!er's. fiKoilKsrillK-). Mibdietl's. Ancient and Modern, Ol ney's, Morse-, MeNulley's, and Monteith" 1st snd id Hook. M tTim tTics. Arithmetic - Thomson's, Tables. Jfcnt.li I, Analysis. I'tactlcal, and Higher; Davi-' Pri mary, Iutelli-ctual. School ami L'mversitr: HiultU's Cdljurn" lti'-St-uMardV; lavie Algebra. Kur Trying, lleotnetry. Practical Mnlheinatics. Math. Dic tionary, Logic of Mat'ieriMtlc, Analytical Ueoiuctiy, and Pliil isophy of Mathemsties. Crammer. Oreen's Clarke" Bullion's .Smith" Kirkam' SiM-neer's Tower's. Pilll.osorilifM. Parker 1st lcsn. Juvenile and Sclnml: UoiMstoek's Smith's. Histuiiik Wilson's Juvenile, and United Ktaten; Parley's Universal; Willard's Cniveriai, and United SSlaU-s. Liii.tnR. Cooper Virgil; Andrew I.alin Rea- det; Viri II un;e: Andrews Latin t.ranimai ; M I Im tock' 1st and l l' k in Latin, sod il '. in Creek; An- 'noil Creek irm:n.ir and Reader; Johnson' Cicero. Kasiiuelle's l-'rencb lram:n ir and lleailer; WmsJlMiry's Orrman Grammar ami ItMder, relemai".e. t.recK les- Viineul; French, srll-tauglil; hurrenuc rreilch lue- tionary; Andrew l-ntni ilf. I.idilell .V bcott s ureeli .1 1. Astlioa s 1.14- irail uo, ninici s uo .,. Dti-TioHAUiK Ve'iter's 6 -hool. Ilih do, A-n- demie. University, Ruyal 8v, Uiiabridcd and CobUs' Po.ket. Micm.L;iot-a Mattison's Astronomy. Newman's Rhetoric. Wo-mJ' B itauv. Kame' Element of Cril- b-ism. Parker's Aid in Composition, Parkers Liter else. Brtsikfield's Comisition. M' Elligott's Young Analyzer, do. Auatytn-al Manual. Paikers Hold Buihter. Maviiew's It k Keeping. Wnyland's M or.il rtcience. Pafev's Natural The -I 'y. Illafce's Agricul ture for fsch's.ls. I'pham" Intelleftmtl Phil wiiihy. Uahan's do, d i. Milton; Young; Poll wk; and Thomp son; tEdition for S-h-sd-) Cutter's Aimtomy and Physiol igy. American Dcoater. .ewtnan I'oniicul E-:iHioinv. Hitchcock's t;e..gv. tlreat varielv of SjSfakers and Elnetitiim. All kinds of Scliool SUli ni- ery; Male ol ail ies; I'rawiog hooks; irawiug l H-r; I'eriorati-o t.ru iv-aru; iiristoj twraiu; i encii. and Brushes; Oslsirn's Color j; Ink-lands, every sixe sn I style, Ac. .V- Ao. M l-iv-r.1,1, A r. Mo- ic ji f!sj. Hisroar Itaucruft'a liuited St;ite-i. s voltii.es H.hlrelu ' do, do. e volume. Frost's Pict-irial Cuitc-d tstales. Taylor's do. do, d '. 1'. t; i Hist. Rerol itiou. I'rterein s do. t 11 son I tilled flsies. n tiiard s do. Illst. ludian Warr United State. Wiii.ird's Universal History. Mutler do do. Rotteck's Ili.t. World I or 1 volume. U illbi's Ancknt l!L-b.ry. Fsrr's do. do. Hume's England. Ma- aulay" 1'., compk-te. Dickens Child's do. I.iiiinr.ls d'j. t,ii,iin s Home- l As- liigne's Retonaati m. Bang il. r-- Church. Allis-ou s Europe. It and 2d iserle. l're.ottV Work. Burder Hist, of Iteligiou. Hist, of Council of Trent. J,s;. phu. All of Aulsitt's Histories. Historical Cabimt. iueen.s uf Spsin. J ie-nsof Scotland. Help's Sonisb Conuest. Bnt-e's lluu.cary. Kidder's Brazil. Ku bink s Bmail. Parley's Cuiv-rstil. History of Cru sade. Auoteiit Egvptiau. llallams Molille Age. ilisloty for II its. it iuners I iuld s Lmted HI ites. Lsiiirf's Field II ik of Revolution. Bi'KiRArnv. Plutarch Ijvcs. jfe Brant. Won derful Character. OreJt and Celebrated Character. Live of tlie Sisrners. Autobiography of F mk-y. La- m irtine s t elebrated CliararU-r. l.itenr Adam i larUe. .1 1 Bishop llcdilia. do Nielmhr. do tieu. Harrison. In Daniel U sine. ! uot-rt. . ijcsyette. t ati- Uiusof Boiuan Republic and Oi.1 World. ir. Chai- mers, 4 T.-l. I.ive or unoo'il'ii. tint. Kogeni. Mozart. Wesley. Fletcher. Life and Time of Clay: irviuir' Washington. Kimoent Mecbsiuic. l.tves of Chief Justice, jusejihine. Napoleon. Cnarles Lamb. Jackson, tieu. (Jreen. Joan of Arc. Iady JsneOrey, J. O. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Wclwter; Kim of Rmc. King anl fVaeens. I.icluntr.. Live of Uie Poiie. Prescott's Philip 2d. M.iry aud Martha Vi'ab- iaa-too. Pioneer Women of t!ie W est. Tssrci.4. lltc-k Cum. Aranouilans. htrplrta Ejrvpt. Olio's Travels. Mangu I'.irk. Nile Note. . Adventure on Mupiito Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav el, l'urbiu s Travel iu tlie l-t-t. SciBSTino. Brando .Encyclopedia. Physical t.cog- raphy of the rVa. rI -s Natural Hi-tory. Ijlrdncr s lectures. I seiui an. om-.s. .-uauiemHiicai i nr- ttouary. LoBicofMatbemat.es. Wonders of cten.-e. Xitcbeil ria Hilary and r-ienar n ituk. w inns jte- ceut l'rgres of Atron'wny. Smith s Dictionary of Art snd Science. Luhaiik s Hydraulic. Dick a wurks. Ysrious work on Architecture. PoETav. Byron various st les. Iwkespeare, do. Milton, do. Burns, (to- Heinaus, do. M-sire. do. Thompson, i oung. Pollock. 1 upiier. t owper. I'oe. Cumpbclt. Wadswortli. Ossiau. Montgumery. Kirk tvbite. Female i im-ls oi biigiauu. u J. uo. America and many otlier. Boos or BErKRRXcB- Cyclopedia of (Jeoraphy. do-do. Fine Arts, d . d...tiigraphy. Useful Art. McColloch s liazetteer. Harpers Cuivcrsal liazetb.-r. FsriT axo AoKtct'LTiaAt- hJliot Fruit liooK. Tli Unas' do. Diwuiiigsdo. Barry do. F essenden F'armer and tlardeuer. F'ruit. Flower and Vegetable Uardeuer's Companion. Allen on the Crape. Pardee on Strawberry. Florist's tiiiide. American Farm liook. Allan s Domestic Animal, auoi eaxion s nanu iuqks. Woiks on Horse, Cattle. Sheep, ll'tgs. Ac. Thkhlouical A KsLimoi'. Hann my and bijia tion of tlospels. Neander s Life of thrisL butlers Works. Kuapp s Cunsuan t neology, iv csieru teiu- uilism. Morris Miscellanies, lectures on Kinianism. Brand of Domimc Bole. Klliot on Itoutjinism. iiaraes Notes. Clarke Commentary. Beuson's do. Jay's Exercise. Watson's lustitutes. l-rnljee" Evidence. Butler's Ettiical Discmirses. Rogers' Ecliji-e of Faltb. l-. Brason and Faith. Fosters tjirwu t'erfcction. Baker on Discipline. Writing of Arminius. Jahns Biblical Archieol-igy. Bibles, all sixes and prices, from $1 to 20. Te-tameiits, , great variety. JKltifslist Hymn. Christian Hymn htok. t nnrcii l-saimist. Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian Psalmist. . , Mkpicai.. Buchan a Family l'D)-ician. tijilrn- p.itli'.cd ). Ilom-epatliic Work. Mlst'KI.L.(Ktll S-1 oosi.,fii.i.oi oi . 'iio.ro chih-s Mayhews Popular Education. Crablie's Synonyms. I'l iit's Itook of Curiosities. Odd F'ellow's Manual. lliridlev's Work. 11 vol.. Mrs. Tuthi!l"s. S vol. Ijty- r.l" N'inrvt-h. Biirelow's Useful Arts. Haswcll's En- trineer's tiiiide. American Institution, fursuii ol Knowledge. Park Madison. Penman Annquities v. lk.irn F.tst. Pvnstmrt. Ike Marvel s Work, Sanderson's C'k ami Confectioner. Country Bambtes iu England. Tslesand Reveries, an excellent Temjier inn llnnk.1 Money Maker. Escawd Nnn. News it.iv iio-s-ti uson. .his. i air n ac vus i.. joll . "... . , s- . 1- ! 1- 1 . I ier's Old Red Sandstone, d". Footprint of Creator. Yoan? Ladies Counsellor. Young Man do. Pictorial Catechism. Thomson I.ect. to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Book, ("aptive in Patagimia. The Ameri- e.n llomewife. Half Honrs witn ui tinrapnrey. Athens; It t'randeur and lcC3y. Mrs. r-ciigwn-K s ?,iOTwut- An. New Ens. Talc. Uncle Sara's F'artn Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tat. Mrs. Partington. Horace iransunon. iirsuu isur ln". Work. Heroines of History. Iatid and Sea Deck and FTt. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore. Xaval Life. Star Paper. Masonic Chart. Irving'. Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New York. IJvok. Imtors of America, lonng ian Aur'sco. jiu .inn, in Tnniza and F'esee. Truth Stranger Thau F'ic tion. - Knout and the Itnssians. Hydrapathic Cook Bonk. Death Bed Scenes. Uirt BoR for losing Men do. 'An. I lilies. Anecdotes for OirL. do. do. Boy. Vootnrint of Famous men. Charlotte Elizslieth's Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philuso- i,er. A Limit's Marco Panl BaoSs. doFrancoma. And a number of others too iinmeeons to enumerate. rwt.niw re.-eivinir larire addition to the forecroing. STATioNKRY-Foolscap Paper great variety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt- Note do. d i, do. do. Envel opes alt styles. Inks all kind. Pens and Holders great varietv. li.aiiii hooks an vm ni ics tirn.nn.l.ima Diaries. Pass Bmks. Time Book Paper Cutter. I Folders. Shipping Receipt Bocks. Lithocranliic IPrinU a large variety. Wrapping Pa- .rna varietv. Wafers, healing Wax, Jcc, &c. kinallv. we have'a good variety of Mirs'ic Books New Carm'ma Sacra. Alpine Glee Sin"cr Dulcimer. Choras (lice Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred' Melodian. Christian Psalmist- Piano Instrnc lirs. C.uitardo. Flute do. Accordon do A loh'n do. Melodeon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet u.i. And the most aricd assortment of Statiosekt ever flercd in Oregon. - . . ... W This stock i all bonght in New l ork and other Eastern cities and is sold at UNIFORM PRICES. r- we keep on hand School Books in large qnan- lies, togetner wita mos oi tue puuucauons or Harper A Brothers; Derby A Jackson; . Ivison A Phi'nney; Phillips A Samson; A. S. Barnes A Co.; Miller, Orton A Mulligan: LearyAGetz;. x Putnam; . 1 J nl.s a We ask your patronage. If nnbf to v.t ns aidSamine our stock, yonr order will be attended to on the same terms as if yon bouSht in person. PartloiH March 20. Isoi.v -U i "AM of the above works may be bad W. Kenyan A Co. a Gity uooa dhh, BOOKfl ! E8TRAY NOTICE8. No changa wa made in the est ray law at Ihssesaloa of the Legislature justaujourned.) . . r.Vutleeof tlerays are required by law to be ad rertbed In the Statesman. The charge therefor, fixed by tliS law, ia one dollar for each animal taken vt. No ail'vpr'.incrn-nt will appear nnder this head until paid bir.J . , Where iio irioncy, or less than the correct amount I sent with an estrar notice, the notice will nut be nob- , published until the full mount ia received. " J"- 111 l -mmmmwrTl'mmmmrm' f, "aaaasaasasa fpAKEN UP. by the sulnclla-r, living at VannoVs L ferry, on Rogue river, Josephine Co., on the Slh day of Nov., IH'i7,the followino described cattle: One 2 year old yellow heifer; crop off t right ear and on derhitout of the left; branded th.( i. oa the left hip. Two 2 year old black h"ifr' sleu th crop of! the, right ears andsn nuderbit out of the left; branded thus , on the left hip. One old black and while Spanish cow, with a young ealf; cow I nVsit (J yean old; .crop off both ear and the end of both horn sawed offj branded on both hips and left itbonlder with a Hpsnisb brand. One yearling heifer; red alsmt the head and neck; red spot on the side; crop off the right ear and nuderbit in left; branded thus (-). One 2 year old steeri light red, with small patches of white on tbe side and flank; smooth rrop off the right ear: no brand perceiv able. One red Hue back 2 year old heifer; smooth crop off the k-ft ear aud a smooth onderslopw on tbe right; branded, very dim, either J or 8, on the right bip. One while spotted 2 year old heifer; half upper crop la tbe rigli thtearanda half nndercrop In the left: no brands perceivable, 2w.',0 JAM EH N. FANNOY. ri'AKEN UP, by the undersigned, at bis resilience ia X Marlon Co., 11 mites s. e.of Salem. one hjsckcow with white in the face and on the cupling, tail and belly? One white heifer with red ears and aoine red spot on. Iter sides. One black pid-d bull; no marks or brand perceivable. One red cow and ealf. the row i marked, Imlf undererop In the riztit ear and brinded tho H, on on the hip. ALEX AN DEB N KELB. Jan. It'. 1Sj. 2wi0 M'. KEN UP, by the siilcrilsr, 6 miles . e of Salem J. st the residence of Jotm Herreti, on or slcmt the Jsili tilt., one bay horse; three white feet; shod before; branded on the right hip with the letter O; mark of a wound on each shoulder, perhaps sli d; star in forehead. 2w.",0 P. I HERREN. r1AKEN UP. by Ihe snWrilier. living in Ppringcreek J. ettlement.oit the I2h Jau.jiU ue light Iron gray talllon p my; with dark mane and tail; lias a very sore back; has a rawhide rope around hi neck: came to my 1 1 ice about 1st of Sept. .sill E. B. LEW ELLEN. 'PAKEN UP, by the undersigned, I'ving at Oswego, X C l.icksma Co., on the feth of Felmiary, one small ti.'ht bar horse; bald face; some white on rmder lip; siipp- ed S year old. 2W.10 ii. H. pf'RH AM. rp.tKEN UP, by tbe uu-ritier. tesiuVnce 4 mile a. J e.of Salem, on or about the sth of Feb.ra moose colored mule; no brand perceivable. Fe'j. U. 185 1. 2w50 TOWNER SAVAGE. rp KEN UP, by t'ae subcrilier, residence t miles n. J. of Salern. on or alxeit the lt of Febrnary, IW, one red steer 4 yean tilj; branded on the M-ft hip with an unknown iwn l.rand. 1'r.LATl A il IHA1TL1X. Feb. II, !!. 2wi0. rp.KEX UP. by the ntjscriljer. living ia Siww X l.iw.ljr e Co..ne bor- mole; dark lay; soppo4 ti lie 3 vears 11; some sadiili marks; no brands. Jan. i. l-i!. 3wM JOHN C. LOO.VE. rtv. KEN UP. by the subscriber, living 1 mile e.of A Roselrarg, Dmglas Co., on cow snd calf; cow ia red britidle with white smit, msrked uuderslope in left ear and a hole in the right. Al ooe cow and clf;tbe cow is a dark red: said cow came to my plsce 1 fears sm--e. Also one steer 4 year old: red briiidl: marked, iron anil nnderliit in left ear. said steer ha been run- ping with my cattle about S year. Also one cow and . . . , i .i , : .1 1 ', , i. 1, ....... .s .t-sl can; me cow is r-o onw or w..,. j... a i-l.l in e.cli ear. dewl ip slit np; branded on the left hip: resembling Ihe 1 iwer half of the letter H; said cow ram t tor place 1 S m oith ago. Ali one 2 year old biill: roan back with red sides; no marks or brands perceivable, said bail came to my premises slsmt two - i tiriUf'S years since. January 27. 'Z. L. HOWE. 2w49. rpAKEN UP. by tbe alH:rioer, living 6 nulesa.of 1. Eogne eity.'in tane Co., one three year old heifer id call, oer"l!t in tue left ear: color, red: Also one I jear old red heifer; crop off of eacn ear; Also on s t ear old vellow lieifer: strKKrth crop off of the left ear and upper bit in the right; she ha the brand of O ar . 1 OARFTTE MAUPI.V. Ja.iuary, lsS, 2w49 r I A K EN I P. hy the-un-Jerstgned. living near Mddie I Ibitte. Linn Co., one steer. 4 year old next spring, maiked as follows; Crop off the right ear; under bit in t!ie left ear; color, bnndle, with some wuiteoa ine oa:K and some on the beiiv; said steer ba been in this range 2 vears. J.-UAII SMELCEH. Feb., 157. w pAKKN UP. l y tlie nndenosned . living In Linn Co.. J. one red fcs. branded on tlie rigilt bip with J; crop o.T both ear ami an underbit ia a-h ear.sonje white .o the back aud U.-i:r, alsxit S years olirr .... u Jan., ISji Wm. CARS3. l w J rftAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living 4 miles w.of X Euaene city. Lane Co., ate fed steer, waite back aud lieiiy. marked with suimre crop off tite right ear, bran del letter C on right bip ,o other narks or brand per -eivatile, supposed 3 yearsoia , feb.4. a. zwu .st-v i -s .-.-.- riVAKEN CP, ly tiie ouiler-oerotd. residng in hiase X I jit pret-inct, Ijtoe Vo one roan sto-er, 4 year old; maiked. um.er sioping rr"p irvui nu er. Jan. 21, V 2wlll THOMAS CROW. riv.KEN UP. bv the subscriber, living on the main X. traveled nntd.S miles s.or Corvain, Benton t,o,. one liifht lirindle cow. some white on tbe face, jaw, Isst i. t-i! rev white snot on the bodv; marked, a crop and underbit in the right ear. a swallow fork ia the lelt ejr. n i otiter marts or oranos pcrceioic, P'ed 5 vear old vbi spring, has beea rauniog in this neighlsifh sid since the 1st Sept. Jau. 2-1. 5s". Zwta ic jll i rusitn. TAKEN UP, by the nWnber. living Tf IJine pre t P.. It on. I.sv m. i re a boot 15 hands Inch. left bind foot white. 5 vear old in the spring. .. , - . .;m i imv riBB. rcu.4, .. s. s . s rtiAKEN UP. by the undersigned, living miles s-e, L of Harrisharg.Ijnn Co..ene pale red brind'.e steer, star in his forehead. whi belly, split and underbit in the rU'it ejr, suppsed 5 year old. Feb. w. zsu lAitLiuj uiiAin. r i.VKEN UP. by the undersigned, living S miles s. . X ' of HrrisUirg.ljnn Co., one red steer wim wnite llly and leg, some white on hi hint parts, white ia his fare, swall iw fork in hi nght ear and underbit ia tlie-left, supposed 4 year old. Notice to Fruit Growers. K.C. Geer.fc Co. HAVE 120.000 Fruit Trees consisting or llissj t--o nnsSait2cnberffs.!2.(sT0 Yelbiw N. T.Pippin.M,' ooo Winesapes. li.OoO White Pearmains. and a fine as sortnieut of Summer, rail, ana outer smwr (if-i, pear, plum, and cherry trees, from 2 to 4 years old, which we will sell at the following prices for cash Cherry trees 50 ! 2 Plum " 50 1" Apple " Vear " 7S and a liiieral discount made where a person boys a thousand trees or over. We consider November the best month to transplant tree's. R. C t'EEK IV. Fruit Farm. Marian Co., SepL 29, ISo.. 30TT School lioonuw JUST received. Complete assortment of Sanders' School Books, together with a large lot of Thonp- son s Practical Arithmetics, all ot wlucn win oeaiiij cheap, at the City Book Store. . " r.. is- ii..-, i 'iji. s- Oregon City. Jan. 15S. ' :tf Dictionaries. JUST received and for sale at tbe City Book Stove, Webster's Unabridged Quarto and His'h hool Dic tionaries. E-L-aJRADLEYACo. Oregon City, Jan. 1S5?. - sW w. 8. ladd, Portland. . w. laoo, San Francisco H". S. Ladd JW Co Shipping and Canmusnat Merchtmtt, Parllmd, Orrgtm. LIBERAL advances made on all consignments of Or egon produce. Messrs Wakrman. Dimoa A Co., No. 73. South street. New York, will receive and for ward all goods and machinery, addressed to oar carw via Sau F'rancisco, or direct Oregon. - - Jan. 1. 1S58. ilt j. Pork.! Pork! Pork! ALL those persons who have PORK, and HOGS ON F'OOT. to sell wi'l fiud it to their advantage before selling elsewhere, to call on the nndersigned, aa lie will pay the highest market price. IN CASH. B. M. i)U BELLE, at Griswolda A Co. Salem, Nov. 24, 1S57. '.f Wanted. IflA rrt-t I.Its.Ea-cm.(Ho5 Round) in eiohg lUUjUUU for cash, by B- JT. DU ltELLE." IStf KF Office at Griswold A I Salera July 1. 1857- ALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at . j 42tf) W. K. SMltM SOU. JVotice r, hereby given, that?. S. Wocdworth is anAoriwd tStrauLcTmy pormal Salem , Jane 17, IS?" 1511 Removal. WESTACOTT being crowded for room has removed bU store to Rectors building, where thepuhiic are requested to call and examine a fresh stocsrof iroods at extremely low prices. - Salem. Jan. 1358, . 'tf- Notice.- . . . . ; ALL persons indebted to the undersigned most "i1' and settle up on or before the first day of Marc next, as my accounts will then be placed the haaoa of the proper officer for l. RICSiRDSOIx. Salens January 50, 1SS?. 4w47aai