The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, February 16, 1858, Page 3, Image 3

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    . . . . : ; : ; : : .. . . - " : ; -" v
The KUtrimnn Kent to tha Mntc.
Many pf our (states stilMcriptlnus expire nt tlie rinse
nt this volume, three weeks from the present Jute.
;0 ,rih: Is , discontinue paiicrs enl to tlie r-t!its.
when tlie lime f ir which th.y are p. !d expire". Per
son who are reed'n? the Statesman t a tin ir friends In
the Atatra, -imi! wish it r vitlu'tivl. will pie tc lu-ar lh
In mind, and n-s.rdcr, before the time paid fr do,
"-. ue iwtTr ntay ue aeti going continuously.
Feb. 15, lAS. A.lJPSH
TW Ik Urmwrarr of l.lmt roonl)'. Organise
ror at fetal Uotmimnil.
la Inrnn--e of the ea!l of the Democr-atlo Central
Coram ittre of the Territory, the Central Committee of CovxtY wnnld hereby re.nertini'y notice to
the IVraocra. y of said I'ountv ttint a County Conven
tioo will be hell! In the town of Albany, on Satnrriav,
tk hrrntpwtrmh it an a Vaarjr, proximo, for the
purpose of eltinerra rfefrra's t' represent the de
mocracy of said connir In the Hlale Convention, to be
hell at Salem. a lVaDT.' tnf lit 11090 Afoiv.
lH.i3, "fur the rmrttose of nominating candidate to I
nPBorteU be the rteninerarv at the June election in
Irt&t.and forth transaction of nuch other business a
ma troerl come before It
1'be Committee would respectfully recommend to the
democracy of the aerenl precinct in tha comity, that
sncy imn a tnetr usual place 01 voting, in """i,
Ma SOt ahta ef fVftmitra nrt. at the hour of I o'clock
P. U.. for the purpose of electlny delegate to the afore-
aaia t ouniy t onveatton; emit precinev eiectma
number of delegates which each sent to the lat limn
tyConvet.ti.rn. ANDERSON" COX,
8. I.
, Lina County , January tilth, IM. 41
Marlon Cauantjr Unawrntlo entlon.
Tlie Demoeratle tvmntr Conrentloo of Marion Coun
ty will be held atthetWrt hrntse In 8al.-m.on SATl'll
1AY. MARCH SIXTH. I. ftr the p irnose r ee
leetiBR deleiratr to attend the Democratic Vtate Con
tention, to behrM in Salem aforesaid, on March liltb,
IH4H. and at-n f tM piirpte nomluatliijr raniliiUttn
for Coootv and other olHi-ew. State and Temtorlul, t.
be eappoiiied at the next Jure election.
dt la recommended that tlie aeeeral pre-lnct hold
their nteetiarii for arlcctine, dclcntea to laiil Comity
Contention, at their iwnal pluces i ntinjr, on Saror
dar. fVSruary 1 7th. IW. Kch pn''1"-'' to l t nve
itlrh-gates, as'herctifore.
A. msi?. )
J. C. I'KK'U.KrJ. t-Co.Com.
rolk. Coanly tknx-eraur Coni-cntlon.
'A Ueatcr.itic Cotirrntion will lie liclJ at l.illn. In the
:ctunt) of rlk.en ftjiHiylmf Ikt IMi ttcrf .jira Bit,
for the puriKxe of elm tint ;x di I citc-ilo atti nd the
Stto C.Mivc-itiiK: to hi- lii 1.1 at S-il.-m on the I'.ih ol ami)
aionth. alii t anmi.l iU- l.iu v.trt.iiut county oltlct-ra to be
-le ted at the next r.-tilur rlc-tioa. Ti c vsriotw pre
eioct-iarTr-nea-J t h 1J primary mccl.-jti on .u ir
Jjy iljr. t'ie ut.'i. at I o'lK-i k i.i the ;-rj.w, aud
ra entith-J to dclesale aa foll-iim, t-vati; l)lla.K;
ltrvJnj'-rt. : I.nkimute, n; l.aue, T; Moutnoth, 6;
E-ta.S; K -thl.: U l.ake.4; Ja.k ..J: IV.uSla,4.
I. F. it. UV1H V.H. A. C. I. SU WV.
. B. S VUV, A. V. etAKCOCK.
PiUaa, January SO, HjS. -tJ
' .' ' Ignite Conul y t) mmrallr Convention.
Tlie IVm-H-ratic Cointv Convention for fjtne c"iiity
wUlbeh.-(atthe'o!irt ll-.a m l-cneCityou Tan
fs ireA fit .vr s. f r tl,e iirj oi-v ot clcvtin
even dc!cTat- to atrin l liie I onvca
tion to be l-ld ii on t!re i.'.ib day of M'-rvb, 1").S.
there to rfmir.iitr i!ii;.l!iic-i ior Stic ai.d Terr. tor aJ
!a-er to lc u f.U at t!ie Jui e ciixi m. It w re
ronitneudi Jtuai tuc prv.-i- t h 1 1 their nuitiKtr for
aele.-t!ti dcU t isi! County t i.eciui.o cl the-
Rwal place of v,.t.u,io S .tturLivt'.eitbdirof Match
lso.-. a. j. t iV:i;ax,
February, 4nrlS
Waalttofrtan Cennijr i?mo-ratle CooTentlnn.
The dera icntcy of Vahint-ui are fcrreby re-j'ie-ted
to meet by tlikau-a ol the Court l;e el
Hiliihoronph. on Sut-iid.iy the fcth d. yof M ir.h next,
at I o'clock. 1. M., for t"ie pur;e ..f '.t-yt -g tit le-
Sates to attend tUe M..te IH i:i - rlic Coiiernti-oi to lie
dd at Stlein on Ti: liy I .:h l.ty or March, K't.
in accArd:tme with the b-ii rei-'-t.iineiidcJ by the K ate
Central Commit. .e, and for the fu-.thor purpore ol
tnn--actiiijr ce'j t-ther b i-t !e a miy t it n arol tairo
be uit ihsi tccc- ry. T;e Cf.outT C ciciitu-e moi:!d
DKinanU l t.';e f 11 .wi. apponiuVim-t.t oT lt-U-;a".ca
fin the CTer-i! pre--incl-:
iiiilaxKOa.-k, IU: K-r.-t ('rove. B; Creek. 4:
Uutt;,3; l.iiry Ctock, 2; Uer lJtn,l; V.ajmto, 1;
S xith T. aUt;. 2.
Toe Cwiaaiil'.ee re--cmn-n.l tht primary nuctisiea
I heid on S.turd iy t':-.e 2 li t r-rmry In the
rev-imtf f. the lc. tum f their piwii-it dele-ti"n.
AttcittKHt to tm on tlie part of pre.-met I erae--tlT
auliciU-d. By urdcf IV-nt. Com.
It i Kit J Al Km IX,
?IaltwomAh Cuaiity Uiiux rallr tanvtritfOii,
The dciaocrj-y of Miltiionih County ure TipnUiI
to meet by Ueieateii at the C.r.iit Uo-.e i.i t.iecity of
I'ortland on Samr.l.iy the 2rij djy of Fclit-i nr. !-.-.
at Mo'cl.Kk A. ii.ti Mid d f nn
tnating four .li-Ie-rale to Btt--n.l tlie IH-nn-i ntic Stf,b
Co ne uion tj be h-U at -nl -ni on T-ie-diy t'.ie V.Vi
djy ot M.krvh next, in aocntme wi.h tia- I--!-, re-oiuiue-ided
by tlie St ite Ce it-il C-im'nittee. The.
Committee wiml 1 ret- nnmer.d t!ie foil in-in a;)p.rtion
aient of .Vlf iat fr ti the T.iri.ui-i pre. in t-:
XortU i'.HtUnd. U;-S.mth IVitbiu.l. 9; Siiivlc'i. ?.
land. ; bt. J.-h'-. l; WillaBK-tte.S; Sandy, 1; I'ow
ell Va!L-y, I; Jaaltmvmah. I:
Portland, Jan. 3. l-jH. 4Md
Whereaa, the Dcn-h ratie C mventom of tlie County
of Benton, at their la--t meeting, neglect-:-! to appoint
a Ceittntl Dem-icratie Coinmittt for aid tVur.ty. tiiere-f.-re
we the antbT-4MoeI llem ritic voter o! lie: t n
C'.wnty. repectfun-r reinet that precinct m-rtinr lie
held in the earinua pre--i-ict- f tie e nnty, on Satur
day, the 27th d.iy of February, 1 1 tie t tin una! num
ber of deieratca ti attend fte County I'-nvention to I
eeldatCorrallwonS Tl'Ri A V. tlie Hih d-iy of Man h.
I-iH, at one oVI ck, I. M., for tlie pirpo-e "of e!e.-tin(j
foar de'.efrUea t- attend the Democratic SVite Conven
tion, apT-onteJ to- be held at Salem, on the luth tlsy f
March next.
w., a. j. thaver.
K. t il AM BKILS, tJ. K. Ctl:.
J. L. COOM US. Time pleae copy.
Benton Co Jan. !1. ;v.!. ITtd.
CocoHa and Colds. WUtar'a Balaam of w'!d Cherry
la jot t ie rn?dy for a pnre-ntiaded. unprejudiced
maa. th irouclily acijauinteil with every ytrm of prac
tice, and well accpiaiatcd with tbe wh ile' Materia Mcdi
ca. and experienced in general practice, would recom
mend aa the best po.iiLl remedy for the cure or i oo-rliH,
Cold. Arfhrax. Bro.n h'.U-i iad;tion. Thin
rrmcilv mntaiu the extraordinary lnclL-iaial vlrto'
of wild Cac-rry and the Fir. which are ro n' meti and
rath-died iu t icir utmopt poxer i-t fliiK article. IU- a
nice chemical pr?e.. eve.-ythini d.-leterUm-i or c cfe
ia rejected, o tht Waal renan U the m--t extra-li-nary
ul eH .-a.-i3u re. Jy f;r a'l klndiof lul
miaary and Liver Pi eaie j ver known to m:m.
Caitios. As there are nany counterfeit, l.iok well
at the i?ut:;re t.-e." .re purv-ha-in : take oo:'e uK-k it
ha the nara of -Sa:j;ord &. Irk" enrivcd on the
oatide wrapper r.'l otiirs are bae iinital.iiiv.
' For aal ? by roiectal le lri:irit.
Samt i: D wis Aiei.U. Portlrmo. O. T.
Pane A White sole aent-. Imjci "ers :.:! WJtr.Toalc
Dealers in all ticnn'ce t- amily Meiliciae. 13i V. ai-h-inrton
Flreet. Sat Francisco.
San. Fraa. Jas. 1. 1V,S. 3iai5
CmoN! Ctmox! Ik-wars of ConntcT.Vit!
HosTrrrEs's B.-rri-R-Tje j.ui.lUr arc aware that f-r
mreyear past, H jntcttcr'a Bittern have, by their in
trinsic merit, as the bc-t t mic of the present Uay, won
a name and celebrity becond ar.y other rojr.ourid of
the like kind. The imnteae :ud icarty sale which
HoKtetter'a Bitters m wtth. Iclucel a of per
Honato engage in countc:.rei:ir t-co; 7 bovina; np
iU bottles, 2J nllin? thca wilh a -Ti;m Z.i "n S
4ott cnmnout.d. Aim. ssveml 'ui!c.-i preparations
are j.ittea vp in thia city, with the cvii!'.:t dexi-.-a of
Uuaa; pil a - I oa" a t'j iremie II wtet Vr" D.tter.
h.iT.uK a -i a lar b-ttli and 1 t'.acl. the diro-ti o. etc..
tak-n olT verbatira . xirc l!if "MitLu:f or lr. J. llos
tctter"a na-ne. makinT a!e of the articlot t-
- aal ton heeeia arvt .hcr-v aa reducrd pru-e. t.ialee tbe
represeiitali rt t'i.t tlicy are the cecnine attic!r. Pt-r-
- cliaa-Ts h n!d alaarx examine tlie IxT.:1l and see tout
it is covetM witi ru' t.Uir caps, with tiie name ol "Dr.
- J. Ho.tcttcTa Stomach Bitters. i-taiaed on. and not
with t.u.roil or wax, a is the rase with tue counterfeit
article. The al-ve naste hi alo bl wn ia the class cn
nui. ;Jj of thi b.-Uie. S..IJ by this principle Lrn-
gt-Oa and S.iltjons.
Surra Dins A?ents. Portland O. T
Park A White leceral Agetj. 112 Washington
street. Saa Francisco.
San Fraa., Jaa.l, IrntG
Pa-L. J.CzarriT's Surgical and Medical lostitnteia
o extensively kn'i-.ra ia thU Territory that any notice
of It, or of Uiat. miirht seom stipcriluoxs. Yet fearing
that there are those who henl aTore having no need of
me-l:cal aid. hive nctiecU-J tt ascertain the proper
aourre of relief in ca-is i f r3i-f-tnoe. Xo t'atie we
beT leave to direct atteatia to rr. L. J. Czpiny. who
ia certainly a Phyaiciaa of irre at skill and woiidcfiul
anccasata his :rat"e-ioa. Xhe Dr. has dToied much
atteatl m to the treatacnt of cUrmic au 1 j- -irate dis
ees, and staida nnnr-acd io hia maua moment of
them. To ttKXO wnn uw-d SCch a-istan;-e we cheerfully
recommend lr. I- J. Czapiy ; it w.-tuld be well at all
eventa to eoasult hiui. as be makes no ciaar;e for con
sultation, and stock trood atibt revolt from it. The Dr.
goarantees a cure in all cases or a.ks no compensation.
See Dr. L. J. Czapkay's a JscrtiacinenU iu another
colaran of thi Daner. 41m3
Vocal and Instrumental Concert.
THERE will be given, in the Conrt li ra-, tr
00 Toeodav eveuin?. Febreary lth, li8, JrJ'jJ
Vocal nd laitnimental Conccrt.f'tr tl-.e ben
fit of the CAPITOL BRASS BAND. Silem.
O. T. The public are cordially invited t attend.
3T Xoue but the best of Manic will be eelerted.-3
fcaoea. Feb. Li. lio!C l-49
' Puuclr-
k LL peza-aa winir me, will please call and pay their
f accwati. up t;!l Janoery 1st. 1S58.
4tJ-f G- E. COLE.
rpHK VM ' lees leave to announce M the
I FARM! lt-4 mnl DKALrili.SI.V Atilllt t'll I'ltAl.
I.Ml'i.llMKXT.ol Cnli! rtilit and nieon. Hint helms
now rui-tlitic lor liiauiiliii tin ing ami rcputi'infr A(:il
cultiirnl liuiilcnu ins or cveiy description, Irolil the
Miinllrnt to the f;i cu t.- t , of the Lot and mo-t improv
ed kinds, and I" the best manner, having- nis shop Vu
eliUrired as to accommodate ai.xty workmen, and fur-tibhi-d
with ateant ix.wcr and nil the ne-cHary ma
cbiiierv of the I.ATKST and moat AI'I'ltOVFD atvlcs,
and Interior to none now In 11 e for the iiurpose above
named. He h cotillJrnt. that, with h( past fifteen
vcarV experience In California, lie can provide the far
mers with machines and Implements much more suita
ble to Hie wants or the country than any that can be
Imported, as the aoil and products of (he country are
tlill'i-iTiit from those at homo, and retmire Ma. h-in-s in
nio-l can of a mora aubaUutial make, and lu manv
lntnci-s very ditti-ri-iit.
He d-Urti mannfacturini; a number of con.Uucd
Ili-aieni and Mowers, particularly adapted to the use
of this country, which will poc more rotublned
streugth, dimiliility nnd lightness, than anv other now
l.ifi-e. Ilia Cast Steel Deep Tiller Plow baa already
attained a notoriety 4n this country far lo ndvanca ot
tiny before introduced. He will Imj able, with a h it
otlier I'lows aiemude within the State, to aitpply rully
the demand for these Plows the eomiiiK aeaKou. 11
dcalHs mannracturtuit Smith's Patent linnjj plow, o
rvoibiy known In the Western State, and recently
Introduced here. Also, Premium Fauiiinir Mills, f run
Xa. 1 1- tl. which have (riven unlveraal a diatactinn.
Also, the World's Fair Prie Mutter Worklnff Ctmrit,
to which was awarled tho First Premium at the Cali
fornia Stale and Meehaulca' Fair, ls37. AImi, lla
Mara, Cultivator. Sidr-liill Suboiil and la;ft Hand
Plows, nri I all other similar iuiplcnicnts.
UK WlxllhX l call tha PAKTICl'I.AU ATTEX
TION ef the Farmers to his facilities for repairing; all
kinds of agricultural Implements, Is-lu audi as to en
able hlia to do every part within hi own shop. Mux
prepared t i make castings both of Iron and brass; there
fore he will he able to do repairing In the fliortct time
and with lam h less tnHible.ttian has heretofore txsu
the case. He wisheaalsn to AXXOCXcK that lie ha
now on the WATKR. iMinnd lor thU POUT, on board
theclippcrshliwWF.Iti'OOTand MARY HOlUXStl.V,
fortv nf JOIIX A. 1'ITTS celebrated'ltS
and SFPFUATOHS, twenty each. and 10 horse-now-ers,
which aie aupei ior to anv ever hrretoiora (lVrc.l
In this mii kt-t, with cast Mi el Cylinder Shalt and
Journal, which lias not li.-ivt it'ore Leva lh ease, and
In many other rese t-lii such a way as to ahl much
t tlie tca.'y oiciatloii and wear of the uta.-lilne.
Persons wislmia any of the above machines, will do we'l
to forw.ttd their order early, as these are all that will
he in ti eiuaikrl. of that make thia season, and be hit
the exvluaite rlcht of istle lor the machine iu Califor
nia, tites'm and Waj-liiiiKtou Territories. He will act
as I 'ill a.;ent In pr, to I ma the patent on said machine.
All pet sou id p!ca.-e take noti. e that they Will be
heM re-iponsilde lor any in:rini;i-metit on said patent.
He has also oa the way aiodassortint-iit of Rcaoers;
am-.n abii ii are itl'RUALL'S, Mct'OUMICK'S HUS
SKV S !id M ANN'S. Also a full aupply of extras for
any auI all of the aliove Machinea. Cv.-les. Sections,
Ca'-tlo.- "f every d', etc. Ia addillau, lie baa
on l au,l a till .-apply of
Hay presses, best ftyle;
Hay and Str.xw Cutter;-
tiniu t'nuliis, llrant'a;
XI rU-l I Plows;
I i'a innati Fanle Steel Plows;
!.v in A Adams' lialcna Plow-.;
I'cvolvin;. and Wire-To. theil liore Hakes;
Curii-shi llcrs;
Si-ytUe and Snaths, best make;
Hay and Bailey K"iki-:
Th-.-nii 'tui-l.-raiid D.t.h Churns;
White's Self-Artinj Chete-Prers;
liul.i' Parap;
Sei .Sowers aud flrain-DrilV;
Chirr and Winc-Prerse;
t 'i.cular Saw Tables;
Carh-ii liakoand SpadinR Forks;
Anus' Short and Louj-Haitdltd Spade;
W.ip.n. Dravsanl Carts;
Hand Cit;
Ax and Pick llar.Kes;
Hi rt aml Siounous' Handled Axe-;
St.t I Cnwbar.;
til-JCdoay Assorlcu XaiU;
Crimb-t iriraand U.xtures;
l'.ili:i pope;
PI iv lt.-.iiiiaiid K in'tci".
In f;o t. a f ill nsMtrtinent of all implements required
by tde fa:m r. He prijux-s to say that what lit-mn-u!'a as well as KUat he imp- its. he will sell on as
t-a .itri'jie t -nns aa any can fct-ll similar articles.
lie Is ire that he ca:i and a ill otfersu -h inducements
as to r.rke it to the interc-t of formers aud merchant
to hi:y of hna of imp.irtini. lie w ild, at tlie
ame t line, tender his t'.ia tks to the p'lMie fr their
liys-ri! patronaare durint! liie m-t M-an, whii-h ha
been entirely to hi fcutu:iit turn and htuch bcyund bia
es;f .tation at the beiuuiug or the eas-.n.
T!I-S. Oi :il SHAW.
Sacranteuto -trtet.
Ma!.aa. t- rj- Corntr Daviaaud Sjcraa'.e:uo attvets,
San Fiwtu-iaco, ('ulifcmia.
I''i. Iin43
Wooden Ware, Brooms, Baskets,
b n v s 11 k s ,
Clothes Iainrti, 31atclie, &C.
ta a!l their vtrlties.
For mle at Inrs.t, and Wholesale prli-es, at the
Tocd and Willow Ware Cs'.ablisbmrut Of
3'J Sacramento St.. bcl w Front,
Saa Fran.. Feb., IS.i. 3ml
St raed,
FaoM!" in Polk Co.. a.-rom the a
r.vcr fi-om Salcui, iu April Inst.oue bin- TlTfV
i-h Man Indian mare, five year old thia fLTt
p-.injr: branded on t It sh.Hil.lcr. not re-lueml-ercd;
three whi'e feet, white in forehead, and
snip on the no-e. A!o an grey ;aa iU horve.
a'.stt t r 9 yctrj old; n bi.tnd, had collar mark
when i-trayed; a small 'p t in forehead, nearly Uil.l; a
centle wcr!i hcr-c. very tame. He Icil in July last.
The linJ -r is renecd to u-tify mo at Saleta or Kola,
aaJ be shall he co:npeusatcd for hi trouble.
t . M. Li;ui.NuKlt.
February lo, "5. Aw4'Jaid
School Books .
Jl'ST received at the City Bitok Store, iu Oregon Cltv,
u-ec( f.vnt Ike lHbfUhtn
SAX D-.K a Primer;
tpel lers. old and uew series;
1st. 'id A Sd Keadem.oid and new teriea;
1 1 fen School
YiKtnx Lidic "
WIIX1X"S Oi-.tliuesol Hi-tory;
L". S. Uisnry, school edition;
L". S. Ameri. educational aerien;
" Juxinilc History, rchool edition;
PARLEY'S l"niver-al Histitrv;
KIMSTOCK S Natural llb-tory;
And many other zool r-orttt o n-ii;icrfiis to
IVaslrs aud Teacher are re.iioted t.ive ns a call.
r- L. liltADLEY A Co.
Oroyou City, Feb.. IS3S. ttf
?or Sale.
TUO.Ml'SOX S Arithmetical Table;
Mental Arithmetic.
Practical -"
Iligh Scb.-I Arithntctica.
Orop n City, Feb., 1V3. stf
For Sale.
1 TTESSTEU'S L'oabridged Divtionaries; '
' Qi-.arto
" Hih School "
Primary and Pocket Dictionaries.
ii. L. BUADLEY A Co.
Oregon City, Feb., t&i. Stf
For Sale.
FEW choice Mel xJfons.lhincc' mnke.Pianocasc,
X d.vidcd swell, five octavo, t Int.
O:sron City. Feb., 15S.
For S ale
CfYfi AClirSof jroodlonilor. lperMolaliprairi.
C I J F.-rpaiticuiamempiireof H. Holland.. board
steamer Surpii-e.or E. I- BHADLKY.City B00S,
Orccon City. E. L. BRADLEY A Co.
February, l!. ?tf
THE subscriber having taken the fire-proof firairlte
Frr.nt Store, ntxt door to SlcKet Co', Front St.,
would respectfully inr .rui hialrieuds and the public
pcmrally.tliat heinuowoieiMiif;a lull and
A nd other articles in his line. to which be Invites the
attention of Merchant, liuihlcr and country dealer.
Purtlaud, February, 1S5I1. , 4tf .
John R. Foster.
Imnorter aud Dealer in
MECUAyiCS" .TOOLS, farming Jmp'.mznts,
Ac, Ac, Ac
Front fctrcet, I'ortland, Oregon.
February. Isitt.
HEiX il uierinort, aud alpacas, at
titf W. K. SMITH A Co's.
C AROLINA rice, and syrup to sweeten it in 5 gallon
kes. at 42trj W. K. SMITH A Cos.
SHOT of all kinds, and powder, at
lltf w. K. SMITH A Co s.
Rejlitrr aud Rrcrircr'i Notice
fpO SETTLERS ItiTowiiKhip I , south of ran-ro 0 west.
J. ' ' i)
" I1. " " " 1 et.
The nbovu turn -!il p-i Ii tvl-ij; been mu v veil, nnd th'
pi its thereof approved im t.'m ",t'i of lm.Viii.n-r. I i ii,
nil mcI Iters a-1, 1 Inivi. i-l ill,., ,t. ,.,,., ,.r ..1 .1 i....-.i .
are tvipiestcd to appear at tlie .nnd OKI e for tlii- U ii'
lailiettl llistl let Ol Ol-e'.otl (it e...u., ff-ll, ....! ,1...
tlftl.-e of th Kiii-vovo i:,M,.l u w .1..... .ui.i.i.. .1.1.....
-J - '"i"! ai i-n. iu, w.,lliu,lir
day from and nrtcr the l.t duv ol Marcli urxt. or mi
.-i,a t I,H tlM ir I ?. u.l ... ...1 1 ...
- - ...... vuii.riiinu, m-ii nou WIIVIW tie
shall lie prepared to receive tlie uotitt -atioua of chiim
ir,(viiiirij,iiiiii i-tiier upon tue Uiipisilllt'lH ttllll lift ai-erillliir tti lutir or, ill vi.oli..i.. ,.r I........I ...
lines that may I found to eM anions tm m.
tilvrn muler our huuiN at the l.nud Ollicc in Oicioti
Cltr.thls Sitb day of January. Is'iS.
It. WILCOX, inr.'trr.
JAM US tl V Tl I Rl K, J r., lit iei .
JanuarySA, lsix. , ivtit
To i:ilnt Curpriiter.
AroU are hereby noliHed that null's you appear In
1 the IHstrli t Court ot the 1st fudieinl district id the
Territurv of Oreuon. on tlie I'nst day of the tei-m. to l
held on the 1st Monday of April, Isi-i. at, Saloin. and
ansu er the complaint and petition of Win. Cartu-nler
for a divorce, the same, will be taken for coiifessvd.aml
tlie prayer thereof Will lie planted by the tout I,
EX I Ell.
, Petitioner.
Valuable Ileal Kstutc for sale.
fllUE under.isned are dclrous t sell Cieir .tillable
I propel tv in Kola. Oregon Territory, nnd vb-iuitv.
tt of a steam a.iw lui'.l and cn-t mill, n lt'i tvro
run of st iuei nearly ready for operation; MO I its in
said town and PJiiO ncn- of llit quality or luml. tail
acre uuder fence, from till to XI) head of cattle and -oaie
horse. and ho.;with in iny other llilti.Tt to nnim-rniisto
uieiition. tihich will be j,l in whole or in part to suit
purchaser; thoie wis ilnif iiropnrt of the kind cannot
do better than to call and ex tniiiiu this. IV r its made
k no ir u on application to the uudi-rli;ni'd at Kola.
A. V. Ii. SHAW..
Eola.Feh. 1st, l"5s. 4 tf
STRA t ED from Salem alioitt two months a?o, two
mares Wi.ce year old this spilttir: one, blaze fare
and a Iteht bay, three white led, mane I iv. to the li-lil
The other, bttween a brown and rhystuut sorrel, oik
a liite ti m,l i'o l. uianv I its to l no Kit. '1 U.-y were Inilb
from l'orlliillil 1 1-4 fall, to Salem. II t!i am nmull In-
Uinu na'.. Any one v.ho ran Kite iiiturmatloii. please
adilnva Mnris Thouia. llox it, Salem: fir whb-h t'icy
will lw paid by MOltRIS THo.M VS. twtipuiii
I ..timber J
I WISH to employ several sawyers and kis rh-Mipcrs
this Hca-son to run my aaw null, to wliom Kood wa
Itc wi'l le paid. I rxpci l tu start my mw In 3 weeks.
I shall make lard quantities of rod, I IiiiuIh r this sca
soil, it I live. Hi III; ou biiU Mr I liiil-er, and have
them llllcd. DAVID XlittOM.
I'ehiiiiuy 1, 1R.1R. 4,I4
Wool wnuttd.
Til K Will luie te Woolen Manilla tiiiilij; I iitiimmy have
tbelr Factory in MiccesMul iii-iat:oii nlu! ttilil- iv
the highest market piii-e lor art- I delivered, tfilirr lit
their manufactured i(sids or in rash.
AIIIO S. WATT, fj.fvr II". M. .T Co.
Salem. Feb. .Id. is'.s. iml l
DtHHOltlf Ion.
NOTICE I hereby pivcu tin-, tlie copartnci.hi-lieio-tolore
existis l-tweet; iri,;ti Thompson nnd J -hn
Parks hit beeu this day dis. Ived. by nr.t ml eoi.jent.
t ue nrm it am rvspoo!ii te i--r any ucui c.ouri n u :.y
either alter this date, lln-rh Tuuioii ttill pay ail
company debt prior to tills date, and nil due tile firm
. . .;.i ... i.i... li':.:u i': 1 1 , ii r. v
Wit. Kvitaxn.teifitrta fo aig-iir.'usv,
Salciu, January 3a,sjs, Swt-puld
Attut-ltniriit Notice.
'pEllltlTOUY Or' tilll-iiioN. Corvrv or MantoN
1 InJuitirtt t' trait: t'-i JKSSK I.. A!AMS, V"u ate
hereby noli lied that a nr.t of attachment has been issued
ai? ii'i-1 )!. and y-'ir property uttai-'urd to i-atisly the
demand of j. It." Cn-.ell am uintimt tl twenty lite d d
!ar: now miles you hall appear In-fore N. h. l"tya
Jirstii-eof the IVa-einand I t fciid co his onl e
o't the 27lh dsy of Man-h Has. Juil.'iin'iit v. til l n n
drred ugaiut you. and your pntMitv sold to pav the
debt. j." it. c;:ivswi:i.i.,
i,....t r ...... s i uiit . . . i.i
4wtpnrt pnlii
Administrator's Notice.
VTOTU'E Is hereby Riven tint the lin,h r incd Wat
i ao'i tinted the I'aWlul u.lniiiii.trator i.f t!i- c -lte of
DAVID f. S'.;WKLL. d-ce.i.e,l, I ite ef Miri .:) r eiutr.
i . T i the I'liti d iv of J nuary l-';,-t. by th" Pr i-.jte
Co-art in and for said couiiiy. Therefore, all persons
Ir.dcb'cd to said esttte will please come firaa.-d and
make . ttleinnt and all pernios liavitix clsiius a'?ain-t
said est ite will present the ..auie to the umb rsi im I :;t
lit re'iilen -e at tlte .oapia milt near -.Ivcrt in, ilinn
mie vcar Irviu this date th- may !.- If. tl i: I '-.and
c irri- t. LITIIKIt C. MOSIIsO.V. A .aitt.
Dated February il!t, 'j.:. 4a;l pit.d
Ailminist tut orH Notice.
rETTERS if AdiuiiiisLretioo have been rranttd to the
J uiid'-rsiirtiC'l, bv the Prolate Coi.rt i Linn i ouitt v.
t l.-eou Territory .nit m t lie e-tatc or j EoiSi ;E II L"sTr;;
dc.-eased. l-eariii date Jau.iai-y-iltli, Isj". There;' :t
all per" is iiidelitcd t- s tid ct.ite a;e requested to make
ItU'iiedi-ilepiiymeut totlie uiidersicu-l. and ull teroiis
havtn.? deal tuds a-rainsi nai j e..t ite arehercly itolitled
to present tiiciu with the irif within one year
r.' i 4.. u.e r. - i':i'"s At.fonMi, A f-m-i.
January I'd. l'
rinnl Settlement.
T7HS.RE VS J. II. Lines, .x' tnt. r f the last will
Y and te-ttraet.t ol J'H' UCUKHAUT. Inte ..!
I. inn co ea-ej,, has tiled his dual rvpoit of luiid
estate: This it to the end that the heirs at I ftv. and all
iiersoiisiiitcn-.t-id may appear ut the PribateC'iuit. to
be held at Albany Oa the tirt Tiwstd ty in March lit t, to
s!em- ease. if nny.whr the said eccocitta stia got he
ulbnvcd.aud a tiuul acrilcmenl made.
S. D. II ALL V. J. r.
Dated. February 3, lsj''. 3w!puid
ritml Sftlleiiient
Tt) R POWELL, ad nini'tral'vor tlie estate of XA
TH VNIIil. Mi'CALTXEY. deceased. havinx apniied
totlie I'nibute Court of the county nf Liim.lor final -t-
tleuie'itof aaid estate. Notice is herehy piT?ti the
fir.t Tuesday in Murcb nct I.i tiie time set a part for hear-
ing the tvaino. 1'. llAL.c.1 , J. '.
Albany, February 3, ISit 3w4 i
Final Settlrnient.
JOSEPH CRAXK.a.lmini'tralorid" theestuteof N.
TH AXIKL CRANK, deceased, tiuvmir applied to
the ProlMtc C'Hirt of Linn county f ir html sctt.ctucnt ol
saidestute. Notice iKher.-liviriyul that tiio first Tues
day in March next, is tlie time set for hearing the same.
All person interested ran attend.
H. D. HALEY. J. P.
Albany. Februarys. KVS. 3w4-.pald.
S. J. JMcCormick,
Franklin. Book Store-
HAS constantly on hand a Inrae st-x k of Hooks ash
Sr tTio.NKKV . which he Falls at a siuull advance uu
Pt ai.iaiiKaa Prices.
- A catalogue may l ca iu the Oregon and
VVushintiou Almanac for I57. Ibaik oruered there
from sent postage free to any part of cither "i'ei rritory.
Portland, Feb. !4, 1-w7. 6l'vl
Corvnllis Urns Store.
JR.CARI)WELL,DiuS!iist and Ap,.thccaiy. is con-
Htantly rcceivine;, per California steainert. iarce
and care.'ully selected stocks of J ruir.s and Medicines.
Oils. Points, Varnish. Soaps. Perfuuicries, Toilet Fur
uit ire. Stationery, and all articles usually lc-jit in Dnijj
stores. A irent lor Jayuea, and other patent Dicdicines.
a bicli wi'.l uc furnished at California, wh ilcsulc. prices.
B3 OltDUlfS hOt.lctTi:P. "u
j. it. CAi:i)iv::r.L.
CorvallU, May2.s, ls:,T. p.'tf
TTT TEST ACOTT bet til? crowded for room has remove J
VV his store to Rcrtor's builditiR. where the public
are reipte'ted to mil and examluo lYenti stock ol
go-ids at extremely low pi ices. '
Salem. Jan. lti's. 47tf.
ALL persons Indebted - the u.iilrraineil must call
and settle op ou or letfure the first day nf March
a -xt. a my accunt will t it'll ba placed iu. tile h.illdl
of the proper ofll-x-r for collection.
S ilcin. Jannary 30, lSjs. 4w47.iaid
ry wife Anpcle, (fonneily widow Antrcle PcrratiSt)
lJL havinjr. without Just provocation, leit my bed and
board. I want all persons from trusting her IieiTciflet oa
ray account, ail I will be answi r.tlile for no debt of her
colitractins. SYLVA1.V ItOL'RGEAU.
ChamiKieR. Marion Co., Jan. pith. ls.iH.- 3w,7paio
Hog3. Hogs. Hogs.
THE subscriber wishes to contract for 10.000 Pork
lit!? on foot, or in Pork, for which the highest
market nrice will be paid in cash.
I.i'x-ral advances will be made in cash on contracts
of H-r-s. K. Sl. U RELLE.
nr OlHce at W. C. Griswald aud Co.V, Salem.
Salem. July 1. 13o7. lbtf
UTTER S0.000 ths. for which the highest market
: : 1 1 i ! t.
piicc will be paid, by
fi.M. DURELLE, .
at Gristvold A Co.
Salem. July 1. ISJ7.
OPEX and covered bassica Concord OE.T'.;
make, for sale. Apply to -vArH
J.McCRAKEN. Portland.
B. 31. Uu ltelle.
EALER in Oreifon'Prodnce. Office at W. C. Gris-
wold A Co. s store, Salem.
Salem, July 1,1Ho7. lstf
TOXS assorted iron, just received at
1TTAXTED in exebance for mcrohandine or on ac
VV count 10,000 lbs. good butter, for which I will
pay the marKet price. - . o. t. (.ULE,
Attention Farmers!
Thretberi, Reopen, and Mowers.
1 7 li have now on the way from the Eastern States,
t f ti urine iiiiont t:in latter part or April next, u
v .oriinr lot nl' the ttuavo niuiitloiied machines, Tl cy
c in i-io 1. 11 uf thu liite t Itiipioyciiieiits, and we have
no hesitation iu . tvitiif that tv believe them to ba the
most perfect linii lilue we ever brfiitlit In this coast
Tlu-y v. ere cou. Inieled under nur own supervision, Itav.
Ink all 'he aUi iatj ilia ucce'aiiiy to reuder them suita
ble (or the country.
Tito Thresher consist of two, four and l.t Imrse pow
ers, (inilwivy and sweep) with elevator and etciy es
Hetitlal ciinveiileU'-e known to the machine.
Our Reaper aud Mower nre coniblned tniu hlnes
Hiillablv for either mowing or leaping, (hey wotk from
tn o to four li' ; with and without rakes, dr, tu other
a nrdt. one is a self-raker. . . .
luadlitioii utile nbo, we hare to arrivn at the
same time, the b'llunliiH aKiicutturaJ InipleiimuU, tia:
Peoria plows, X H B istoii Clipper plows.i ateiiHlonciiltl
tutor, lirape tiim, rralu cradle, aeythea, snath. atr4iv
cutter., hay presses, bay forks and rake, horse rake,
w heel. burrows, cider mills, Nhorels, spajos, Ac.
Hark mill and T innor-i t-sils. Also, a select assort
ment of Smiths' mid carpenters' tools, with mart other
articles tint here mentioned.
We would av 1 1 uur cn.t nucrs and the nubile trene- they aiv In want of any of the a ve niriilioiied
hi 11. let. t'lerwilld i well in can ami see ours uetore
purchasing t-itewhere, as w e are determined to tell l-trr
for cash. We would nlto add that uur uiachiue are
rapidly sold to arrive; better rail and secure mie ol
them, before! si I ite. It preferrod.mnchiiies delivered lu
Portland If euaired before arrival.
WM. C. DEM EXT 4 Co..
Oregon City, opposite latud Olllee.
Jati'iary 2.'i, IS.iH. 3ml7
Cash for Wheat.
at PAnht Hsnr.LK, o. t.
IB f Mcliityro &. IloiiGlier.
'ItHKsubscriiier havlnr leased from Mr. Win. Par
at ker. in tiouritiir mm unil store ror a term of years,
where they intend carryiiiK on milling aud merchnndiz
iiii;. 'I lie null has Kottti titrouch a tharou.iU relittina.
vis : new mii tl'iii ia:i, b iltinh' vluth, mint machine,
with mi Rililitional new pah-ol bars. Tho ahulo now
complete tiinl in rnuntii onler, and are now piepared
to do ull kinds of cu4ora work with, on the
shortest notice. " ' 1
Tlie subscriber havln? Ju it received from Sn i Fian
cisco, a lar je, aud vari.-J nis n tinent or dry Bands, Rro
ceries, liaidtrare, epH-kerv, bout and sh-ies, uud Lie
whole of which will lie Kohl at a small advance sieve
eol. we woulit iitvte tanner aud others, t i eive us
a call and examine for ttirinsvlve. You will always
hiui us goon list ncu. piivtsiuii. ami ready to snow uur
;;ood nnd pr'ces and sell if we can.
- l lic highest rash price paid for all kinds of
country produce, -fc.
Win. Parker has cl-w, d out hi Imslnes Pi mllllna
and mereh ir.t'iztiijt. and all pi-rsott having vlaiius
Mal nt the sjuitf ure to present them, and
lln-ir in ni'-y is lenity. And all person Indebted to him
are rcipicud tocuinc and make a etlltnent and sare
January I"i9. 3m7
Yamttill ltare t'ottre.
f pHK races will eonimetu-e nt the Yamhill Race
JL C'Mire m WKDXESDAY, Ju re lii, Hi aud can
tinie tiiroiiK-h the week.
1 ae iir-.iMii-tor, liarini icaseii ti.e t auihill ra -e track.
propose to otter I Ue loil-.trlaj I'l'RsES to be ran lor,
accordm t the rales of tiie 1 a tili.ll Jockey Club.
Fiu-t Dav Mile lk-jti best two in three Proprie-
t ir'a Pur..' $200.
Hwoxb Two Mi e H ats I'roprict r's I'une
ol ... f-iwi.
Tiunn liar Mile Ilea'.-. !or Thiee YcarUlds I'ro-
pi-H-tor's 1'ur.e tfJ-.i:
I'oi'HTit Dtv-.Mile HeaU best thive iu live I'lo-
prfet tr'a Purse t'ts.i.
TtN ri:a iknt knvb x sck will le slinrnl lur the
aisive purses. lirve utnes or m-ire to make a rucv,
um.I two t i -tart. 11. TAJ.MEr, Proprietor.
X, H. The proprlctT ha. contracted for lnniisr to
bai'd it suitable iUl '. ir snci -tat irs. and he l.-HcniU tai
make other extc.isive Improvements (or the a'-cuiumn-
.li.tioti l visit rs. tor a. I t b-aviai! lurst-s ta
t.-aln, the track Will l re-idy ou the fir-t ni Ajiril.
lain!. !H to. .Jan. S5, l-'ii. 4ar
IS lien-by given to a'l w hum it mar eoacern, that a
tui. tniK 'l tiie Cotuwiiomr o the Astoria aud
tt iilanirt'.c Valley Ratlr-md Company will Le held at
.iiciit, O. T., n iltL' loth id iiur h. lJo i, for tao pur
p '.so of .'rauiziu tho i-aid Company by e!i-Hin a
I'lc-iileut. Secretary, uud i.i:e or umrv Titasurei aud f .r opc-iia book f-.r the rab-Mri iption uf
st jirovidcd by charter printed Da hi company in
.tnni'.ary, ISjS. All persons who leel iatcrested lu a
Ka ir ttd fr:w Astniato Salem and E'ii;eue Cltv, are
reoiitst.d to atte-id. A.SIH'CK.
J. it MOO0E8.
Adiiilulhtrator'n IVotlro.
N OTICE is hereby citcn. that the iindcralpiied were
appointed Co. Administrator of the estate of the
Inte de-eased. JOUX P. tl.UXES.of Marion Co.. by
tlie J ad-re of the Pr date Court, in and for said county.
o:i the Lull day of January, l"N. Therefore all per
s iur iudt-bti d I .tiil estate, u'.ll make immediate pay-
mint to the, at t:,cir resilience, seven unlc
south of Saleni, aud all person having eluims agatui-t
said estate will pre--nt tl:e same w itliin one year from
C'e. Adminr'i.
January Is, K1S. . 4w40
rpi) IXDIViPCAI-Sh'ddiUpT ppipertr in Salem School
X District Xo. "24. At a meeting of the c.t.zeus of
Aiid diotritt. held on the 3d day of February, A. D.
a tax or three ,tliotiand dollar (Sl.ovti) was
voted n r the piiriHMe orijoilillnpa district w-bool-uouse,
and tue directors of said district levied a ta.T of one per
cent or ten mills on each dollar;
Xow. this 1 to all person holdlne property in
said dutiict, that all taxes which ure not paid by the
first day or Marco next, the eamo will be advertisetl lor
sale to satisfy said tax, together with the cost tliereou.
U. F. BliOWX, CJlect,.r.
Salem, Jan. lath, 15. Iwlfi -
I. Q. Wusliington,
VGEXTfortheiirosecntion of claim at Vai-li!ng-ton.
D. C. l-cf'O-e the Eateeutive Iepartment.s,Cou
rres and the Court of Claim. Will attend to the set
tlement of accounts of Marshals, District Attorneys,
and other Fcdeial olll'-crs. and of contractors with the
pnfctoHice and other Departments: also, to the lirurur
in j of Pi'tcuts lor Laud. Land WaiTiutt, tviid otlu-r bu
siness of a l.i'ucral Aiccncy.
Refers to Gcu. Joseph Lane. Oreuon Territory; Gov.
tsanc I. Stevens. Washington Ter.; Hon. M..H. McAl
lister, Hon. Orfdcti llofliuau and It. Auir. Thompson, ol
siail Francisco, Cut.; Hon. James Guthrie, LotiUville.
Ky., and to tho Olllcer generally of the Treasury and
Interior Departments at Washington.
Addrita L.y. WASHIXC.TOX.
Ivtl Washington D. C.
AJiiiiiiltrators -otice.
TOTli'E is hcrel y Riven that the uudcrstned will
nniKe until M-illcmeiil or tlie cslute or U.l.Ml.l.
S.l IT i I .deceased, late nf Marion Co.. O. T.. ou Mon-
d ly. Feb. 2-'d. lSj-5. at one o'clock P. U before the
j.ide of tlie rrolsite Court in aud for Marion ;.i.,"0. T.
All v.-lt iiu it may c::i"erti may bo present ut said sctlle-
I'Mll.Y SUIT II, AdiuiuUt
, AdtniuUtraii ix.
Salem. Jan. 23d. l-o
Jl'ST received and Tor sale at the City Bmik Store,
Welistcr's L'L.t'aridcd Quarto and Hii;h School Dic-ti.ina.-ies.
E. L. HRADl.EY A Co.
Oregon City. Jan. ISiS. 4otf
Cows, vs. 810,000 In Scrip.
rf ,KJC unden-icued will exchange cowa for scrip, fn
L sums from one thousand dollars, nnd npw.inls, tn
tl-.e ahuve auumnL EDWARD SUEIL.
Chaiupoeg, Jan. 8, IsiS. 444
W. 4. lacd, PortL;BiJ, a. w. ladd, San Francisco
Vt S. Latld & Co.
S.'iifii:i; and Commistitn Merchant, I'wtlat.d.Oi tgcit.
LIBERAL ndvances runde on nil consignments of Or
egon produce. Messrs Wakeatan, ilitnou A Co.,
Xo. 7:1. Smith t-trcet, Xew York, will recei e and for
ward all irond and machinery, nddresscd to our care
via San Francisco, or direct to Oregon. s ,
J0. 1. lK.Oi. . 4ltf
liotice to Fruit Growers.
. It. C. eer,& Co. '
HAVE 120.000 Fruit Trees consisting r 12.000 Eso
pus SpiUenberRs, I2."00 Yellow X. T. Pippin, lu,
1)1 hi Wiuc-sapea, l'J.000 Wliits Peannaius. and a line aa
se-rtment of Summer, Fall, and other Winter app'es.
pcai-s, plum, and cherry trees, from 2 to 4 years old,
which tve will sell at the following prices for CiuU :
Cherry trees.......... T AOtofl OQ
Plum . 50 tn 1 03
Apple 25.
Pear 2d t 75,
and a lilicral discount made where a penon bays a
thousand trees or over.
We consider Xovember tho best month to transplant
trees. R. C. GEEtt A CO.
Fruit Farm. Marion Co., Sept. 2tf, 1857. 30tf
Scltool Books,
JUST received, a complete assortment of Sanders'
School Books, together with a large lot of Thomp
son's Practical Arithmetics, all of which will be sold, nt the City Hook Store.
Oregon City, Jan. 1&5S. . 40tr
Hydropathic Books.
Y Trail. Shew and O. S. Fowler. For sale at the
City Hook Store. E. L. BRADLEY & Co.
Orejcon City, Jau. IS08. 4tltf
"ISducatiou Complete.
BY O. 8. Fowler. For sale at the City Book Store.
Oregon City, Jan. 1858. 4:itf
A ILS, gloss, and window saslt, at
w. a., sarm t co a. ,
THE beet black tea you ever saw, at
I'JtfJ W. K. SMITK A Ce's,
, , ;.Booki. Books.
WK. SMlTfl Co. have recently received larire
Invoice or book, dim t fr.uu New York, which
they offer for sal 1 at reduced price. They will he eon
itanllv rc. civlii additions ti their stock, und will keep
011 haiul every uiticle In that line, which th wants ol
tho country n-ipiire. of the Hnn will vUit the
Stute In the sprluj, alter which they will keep a full
assortment "f ,
In addition to miscellaneous and school books. Their
present stock Includes all the different kind of School
looks used In the cuinitry. and a great variety or stand
ard sclenilllc mid miscellaneous works, all of which
will be sold at greatly reduced prices, ta make room
for new ones ou the way,
They also have and will continue to keep a complete
assortment or stationery, slates, pencils, pens, ink, and
fancy articles. ,
Store uear the bridge, south end uf Cotuiiicrcbtl
Balem. Dee. 21, ls37. 42tf
; jy-. ........
flUIE Judge of the S ipreiue Court ef the Territory of
Oreuon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the liith tiny of December, Hat, do tlx and appoint
iiistrici i;outn to be field in ine eity or naleiu, in tne
county of Marion, 011 the first Monday nf April aud
Scptciulier, and the fourth Mondays of May and Octo
ber, annually, until otherwUe ordnred 1 and lu the city
of Portland, In the county of Multnomah, on the fifth
Monday, of December, lHoO, and thereafter on the tirst
M'Miduy of May and October, and th third Muuday
of luno und X-.eiulw-r. nniiuully, until otherwise order
ed. aud do limit the duration of sa' l Term to six days
eaub. GEO. II. WILLIAMS. Chiel Justi.-e.
41 CYltt S) OLXKV, Aasoclste Justice.
NOWf.rlarce sales and small pruBts. for eaab or
Oregon pridiii e. A well seloeted assortment nf
dress patterns. Delaines, Merinos, Calicoes. Olncham
and all i-lhcr Kootl for ladies. An assortment 01 bon
net and ladies hats of the latest fashion.
Also a well selected assortment of clothing, boots and
shoe of the bct quality, coffee, tea. sugar, salt, rice,
pepitcr. salnrutits, and lamp oil. with other articles, too
numerous to ineuti-in, for salt la Rector's b illillu?,
Salem. .
Miri, It7. . - . lotr
Adnilniatrator's Notice.
BY virtue ol au order of sale to ns Issued, by the Pro
bite Court, of Mark a Co., we shall proceed te aell
at pttbl'-e uticll-id, ut It o'clock. A. M-.oa Saturday,
Frbmary 1 1, l-vit. at Saletn. the following real estate
IvinK lii Snlem. and lieinx real estate btl mai"? to the
ettateof WILLI AM II. WII.SOX. Isle deceased : hi x k
no. tU'i. (7 lots) j (ut no. 1, block CI ; lot no. S. 4. and
il. Id M.-V 11 ; I it no. I.ld i-U tu : lots I. J. ! aud 4. block
H; lotj 1,2, S nnd 4. block 8 ; lots I, 2, 7, and 8 ;Miek
73 : block no. 12. ( lots j
Tt-'Kat. One half cash, and one half In three months.
Co. Admin i t.
January l'i, IV,. 4wll
" Slnlionrrr, SUIioarrr.
11 I.. BR V DIXY Co., have Just received, direct
j. from Xew Vosk.per clipper ship Aurora, a line
Id of blank books, and stationery generally, couslnting
iu part of the fi l'owiug:
40 Rntui paper jfery variety:
l'.siu Ouiie blank booksbalf bouud. full bound,
II kinds;
2'HI D'. li.k. Davie best black, blue, and red;
;.' Reams wtappin? paper Oil. .ize;
Ci't j-ros pen holders:
fin " slate peucih; , ,
2ti dn. i-jtites.
T-.--thr with a tre'iral astment of school aud
misi t lltneoii Itis'ks Ssiid-r' tiellers and readers
Havies'atid Tiiouipsou's mathematics complete. We
would "sv tj t lose who buy to m-II attain. tul itive us a
call. " E. L. BRADLEY A Co..
Cily Uo,k Store, Oregon City.
Dee. 20. Isi7. 4Jtf
Saleifi Drut Store.
JT'ilOXT Stivet. Rector's buildin?. Constantly
;s. Mem (Of
, Patent j
L on hand a full asrt!tie-it of Uatus
i-ives, PaiMT. 0.1.4 akd Dve STvrrs
IlKMCiTtm. Ae.
li short nhnost every article usually found in a Drug
Store, and Are offered at WiiiLtMai.B avo Hrr t it., at
extremely loir rates, in ipiatitltie t suit warrautej a
tyw" Orpkbs eOLICITFO. '
Prescriptions free of eharse st office. T
Prompt attention will be given 10 professions,
calls in the City. A. M. BELT. M. D. '
Saieiu. O.T..Ju:ie i. 19'.7. 12tf
Cor int liia n Ijodge
Ot-' Ancient Free and A jeepted Masons, will bold
their regular comiinmicatinos ou the Thursday
niirht Iwfore the full uf the muou of each mouth, ex
cept when It full 1 m Thursday ulglit, then ou that
ui'-'hli-i Aliatny.O. T. '
li.-vt'.ucu in o.iod .taii'linq are cordially Invited to at
tend. DKLAZON SailTH, W. M.
SrittNOKa. Sec'y. 37lf
Something New
Irt I.. BRADLEY A Co., have just received a large
1. lot or liatd-book.s forborne improvement; com
piling how to write, bow Is talk, how to behave, bow
to do business, iu one volume; will be sent free of poat-
City Bock Store, Oregon City.
Iee. 20. IS57.
- Jiooks! Books!
I" I- BR VDI.EY A Cat., bare recently received
L targe I it of Fowler and Well publications.
Take notice all ye that are sick, water (cure) U
powerful nice tiling lu a family.
Pec. 20. lt-57. tftf
OU stolen, on or about July 15.1s.',", from the sub
scriber, 1 J miles south uf Albany. 1 yoke of cattle,
one white, one red, no brands, large horn, weigh
about from 14 to 1.1 hundred each, one Spanish mare,
branded A T on left hip, Whoever retnrus said csittle
shall be liberally rewarded.
Dec. 23. 1857. 3m4:ipaid
Short Settlements make Ions
THE old year ha passed, and we want all those who
know themsclve indebted to us to goum forward
and settle and get their "Xew Year" present.
Don't forget thw; we mean Just what we say.
January 1. 158. - tf
AJIOL'T the 20lh of October, from Spring
. Valley, Polk Co., a yoke of work oxen
oun a dark brindle. und'tlie other a brown.
Some ear murks not recollected. No brands. Eight
year old. The Under i requested to inf.wm the sub
scriber, at Valfuutis postoCi. e, Polk Co., and he shall
be roniiiensated for bis trouble.
Dec. 2a, is", 7. ' 42tf
Oregon Statutes.
BOUXD volume for sale at John Fleming's, Orejou
' City, and A. R. Shipley'B, Portland. Price, $5 0').
!v iuw of la-it setsion $1 O'J.
Dee. 17, 17. 41tf
Cash System Adopted.
N'O more credit will be given by me. and those In
debted to me. who have not made arrangements
to pay their accounts iu pork or other produce, will
please call and make payment or settle by note, as I
intend closing my books.
Corvvllis. Sept. 8, 18.17
w. s. Lapp, Portland. J. w. iadd, San Francisco.
W. S. Lndd & Co.
IMPORTERS and dealers iu Wines, Liquors, and Gro
ceries, Portland, Oicgoa.
Jan. 1. Ita8. 44tf
JC. KRIF.Cnn.VCM baa opened Restaurant. Bakc-
ryand Confectionary liouise at Corvallit, Benton
t:o., 0. T. Will set the beat table that the market can
aflord, and at all hour. Give bint a call next door
north of City Hotel. 12tf
CORN starch, tapioca, sago and hecker. farina, for
puddings, at i2tT) W. tv. SMITH A Co's.
1)iESTOX C. Merrils ysast powders and extracts of
lemon and rose, for liavonng piu-trys. at
. lit I W. K. SMITH A Co's.
LAMP oil, canillcs, and sweet oil, at
I42tl W. K. SMITH A Cu's. .
COPAL VarnUh, paints, oils, and paint brushes, at
l-'tll , V. K. SMITH i Co'a.
A VERS Ciierry Pet:tontI for sale at wholesale and
-TA. retail, at 12tf W. K. SMITH A Co's.
CUOOL book, at wholesale and retail, at
42tf W. K. SMITH A Co's.
PICKLES and pepper sauce, wash-boards and sand
paper, at flitf) W. K. SMITH A Co'k.
COTTON' roiie, for clothes lines, and small rope for
halters, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Co's.
J. Fleming
AT the Oregon City, Post Office Building, has Just
received, direct from Xew York. 100 copie of
'Dawning's Fmit and Fruit Trees of America, "re vised
aud enlarged, for 1S37 the latest published edition of
this valuable work. He bas also on hand, a good stock
or miscellaneous books and stationery, for sole on terms
to suit the times.
Oregon City, Dec. 15, 1857. ltf
IF YOtJ WAST a really good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned have got 15.000 pounds beet COSTA
KICA." Come in and look at it-
: Oregon City, Dec 6, IS56. -
PURE WINES and liquors tor medicinal purposes,
at 42tn W.K. SMITH Co'a.
BLASTING powder, and water proof caper at
ftCtq IV. fc. SMITH & Ca's.
300K8 ! DOOK8 !! BOOK
"-. . AT. . "
The CityBook-Stdro,
(fiw.vt st., portTUxn, t. r.,)
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
are I -tore, and will lie receiving by the 1st of June
stfs sa xx 4 ax xd x
.Vblcb they offer to the ,
At small aJrauce ou New Voik price,
re us call, or send h an order, aud are
avund to gits yon satisfaction t j .
A. It. Mhlpley Co.,
Are tbe Soli Aokxt In Uretrnn and Washington Ter
ritories fur the sale of
The American Statesman,
A GREAT LOOK!! Being tlte only political history
of the United State..
Bond it your name. Price-. ! I 00: Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September
to all who send at tbelr names by 1st of May.
Catalogue of Part of oar Stock :
Rk tiik'K. Sanik-rs' old 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and illi,
and Th Young Ladhw': Sanders' New 1st, 2d, ad,
Itli and 5th: Parker' 1st, 2d. 3d, 41b and 5th; Slc
UuR'ey's 1st, 2d, ad, 4lh and .'.til.
SrKLLEits. Sanders' Old, Sa.-.dcr Ktw; Lleineu
Ury! PiUXKiU. Sander' PlctorluJ, S -hool ami Parker's.
liteooaariliKl. Mitcheil's, Ancient and Modura. 01
ney's, Morse's, UcXallcy's, aud M Jutcit'i's Ut a.',d
21 Hook.
MiTUsaiTici. Arithmetics Thotui'm'a, Tables.
Mental, Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Davtea' Pri
mary, lutellectuiU, tseli.jol and L'ulver;tyi Smith'
C.ilburn's Ray's Stoie ird'sj Davies A'ijf'ira, bur
yeyiug. Oeoiuclr, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic
tionary, l.-igie of Mathematics, Analytical Oeoutetry,
aud l'lnlos jpliy of Mathematics.
OraimnursUreeu' Clarke' Uulliou's Smith's
Kirkaiu'a fiieucer's Tower's.
Pdiuosoi iiiK. Parker's 1st I-pmsod, Juvenile am!
sjchool; Cuiutoi-k'a Smith's.
llisrouiES. Wilson's Juteuile, and United ijtMt-s;
Parley's L'ulrersal; Willarl L'aiV'-ril, and United
' LtviitaaKS. Cooper's Virgil: Andrew's Latin Tlca
det; Viri Uonue: Andfew's Latin (rroiu'iiar; M-:CIin
lock's Ut and 2d ll sik in I.'ttiu. and do. in lireek; An
hou' Oreek tirammar aud Iteailer; J.hnoi's Cicero.
Fas.uelle's French Orainraar and iteader; Vl'-iodbury"
'Icnuttn IJrnminar and Itraili-r, Telemaipie. Uieek Tes
taiueut; French, sell lau.'ht; Kiu-reinie Frich Dic
tionary; Aiidicsr lattia do. Liildc!! A Scull's Oreek
1 , Anlhun's Clas-ical do, Smith's do do.
Diction tuti. Wclwter' S.-IhjoI, H:h d , A:a
deuiic, L'uiversity, lt yal Bvo, C 11 abridged aud'
MlscrxtAXBOf). Matron's Astronomy. Newman'.
Rhetoric. Wwul s Ilotany. Kame's Lletnents tf Crit
icism. Psrker s Alibt in Compff-.tion, Psiker's Exer
elses. Uncikfeld's INimpositioii. McEliig-rtt' Y-eaug
Analyxsr; do. Aiutlylita! Manual. Parker's Word
ll-iiluer. MSthe-.r' If ik Keeping. Wm laud's Moral
ociem-e. Pafey'a Xat'ira! Theol-gy. Iliake'i. Agricui-t-tre
for SIjoou. I'pliam" Intellectual Philosophy.
Mahau's ), d-. Milt . 11; Youug; Poll ck; and Thomp
son; (Edition for Schoob.) Cutler's Anatomy aud
l' American l"ebatcr. Newman's Political
Economy. Hitcbco-k's fleobigy. tireat variety of
Speaker and Elo.-11ti.1n. All kinds of School Station
ery; Slates of all aises; Drawing Ibnks; Drawing
PajK-r: Perforated Card lird; Itristul Hoard; Peoeibi
a no Itrusiies; Osl,ra's Color.'; lukstaud, every siie
and style, Ac. Ac.. A .
Histoht Daucrol' - L'uited HtuVe. volumes.
nildrvtir do, do, 9 volumes. Frost's IVtoria! Cnited
State. Taylor's do, do, do. H -tta's llu,t. Revolution.
Pelersou's jo. Wibaio's l'liitt-d State. Willurd's do.
HM. Indian Wars Flitted State. Willard's I'niversal
Hist-iry. Mnller's do do. llottrk's Hbrt. World lor
2 volume. Itollin's Ani-h-nt HUlory. Farr'a do, do.
Hume's England. Ma-aulay's r)o., c.imp'-te. Dickons
Child's do. Llngard'a doi liiblciu's it-uue. D'Au
bigoe's lta-foraiattou. Bang's M. B. Church. AHiso-i's
Kiuope, 1st aud 2d Series. Prescott's Work'. Bardcr's
llisJ. of Religion. Itt-t, f Couuet! of Trent. Jose
phus. All or Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet.
Ouecns of Spaiu. (loensof Sootl-iud. Help's Spanish
tkiiiiuests. Ilrace'a litiugary. Kidder' lira .it. Kn
bank's Uraiil. Parley's l'uiver.-ia. H-try of Cru
sndes. Aucie-it Egyptiaus: Uatlam's tliddie Ages.
History for II .y. "ll-mner's Child's Cnittd States.
Lo-viug's Field llisik of Revolutidii.
IliooKtruv. Plutarch's Live. Life Brant. Wtot
dcrful Character. Great aud Celebrated haracUrs.
Live of the s-iifirf-rs. Aulobiogratihy of Finley. La
in trtine's Celebrated Characters. Liteof Adam Clarke,
do lltshop Ileddiag. !o Nieouhr. do On. Harrisoa.
d't D inicl UiMine. d 1 Roberts. d I jlfajv'.te. Ctp
t aiiis of l!om:n Republic aud Old World. !r. Ciial
mers, 4 vol. Lives of HuiubuMta. ifrs. Rngeot.
M laart. Wesley Fletcher. Life and Time of Clay;
Irving' Washington. Etnim-nt Mechanics. Live if
Chief Justice. Josephine. Mapoleon. Cnarles Lamb.
Jackson, lieu. Oreeu- Joan of Are. LadyJar.eGrev.
J. W. Adain. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kin. "
Rome. Kings and Oueen. Licbmu. Lire of the
1'utiH- 'Wivu'. uL.i;ra. taT and -Martha Wasn
fugtoo. l'touevr Womeu ot tbo west.
lutun- iluck't, Cliina. Arancauian. Stepbea's
Egypt. Olin'a Travel. Mango Paik. Nil Xote
Adteutures on Uuuito Hhore. Bayard Taylor's Trav
el. Durbin's Travels in tbe Ea-st.
KcicxTiric. Bron.le's Encyclopedia. Physical Geog
raphy of tlie Sea. Wood's Natural Historyl . Larduer's
Lectures. L'seftd Arts. Cosmos. Matliematical Dic
tiouary. Logic of Mathematics. Wonders of science.
Mitcheil's Plsnetary and Stellar Worlds. LoomU' Re
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Art aud Science. Euistuk's Hydraulic. Dick's works.
Various works on Architecture.
Pusrav. llvron vaiions Mtyles. H'uKesoeare. dit.
Miilou. do. tturas, 1 . IKitiav'. do. Moore, do.
Thompson. Youug. Pollock. Topper. Cowper. pope.
Campbell. Wadsworth. Os-ian. Montgomery. Kirk
White. - Female PocU of England, do, do. Auicri.a
and many other.
Books or Rct-FJtescK. Cjtlopcdi of Geopraphy.
do. do. Fiue Art, do. do. Biography. Useful Art.
McCoHocb's Uaxctteer. Harper's Universal tiaatetteer.
FiriiT aso AitrLTt'KAL. Elliot's Fruit Book.
Thomas.' do. Downing' do. Barry's do. Peeiui'!i'f
Farmer and Gardeuer. Fmit. Flower aud Vegetable
Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grain?. Pardee
on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book.
Allan's Domestic Animal. Allur Saxton's Hand ila-iks.
Woaks on Horse, Csttle, Sltcep, Hog. Ac.
Tucououical A IUUtiloi:s. Harmjiiy and Exos-i-tioii
of Cupels. Neander's Life of Christ. . Butler's
Works. Knapu's Christian Thts.logy. Western Meth
otlisra. Morns j&Uicel'iLUte. Lectures on Iomanism.
Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Roman ksru. Barnes'
Note. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's
Exercises. V atson s lustilute. latrranee s tvt Jences.
Butler's Ethical Discourse. Rogers' K-!ipse of EastU.
do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection.
Baker on Discipline. Writing of Anniuiits. Jahn's
Biblical Archs-ology. Bibles, ail sixes and prk-es, from
fl tu $20. Testaments, great variety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn Rooks, Church IVahnist
Plymouth Coik-ctiou. tielcct Mcladiea. Ciarstiiin
MutCiW. Duchao' FamtiV Piu ak-San. Hi-dro-
path:c da. ItomxpatSiio tt orns. -
MisCKLblNEOl i:onst;iuuus 01 unncu ccaies.
Mavhcw's Popular E.lucalion. Vrabbe's Synonyms.
Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's .Maai-.iL
Headlcy's Works. 14 vols. ilrs. Tuthili's, 6 vols. ljy
ard's Nineveh. Bijrelow" Cseful Arts. Uaswcll's En
gineer's Guide. American Iastitntions. Pursuit of
Knowledge. ParkMadiaou. Peruviin Antiquities.
Way Down East, l'ynshurt- Ike Marvels Worts-..
Sanderaou's Cook and Conlectioui-r. Country Ramble
in Englend. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temper
ance Book. Monev Maker. Escaped Nun. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. " Mrs. Hale's Xew Cook B-wk. Mil
ler's Old Red Sandstone, do. Footpriuta or Creator
Young Indies' Counsellor. Young .Man's do. PicVirial
Cateehituii. Thomson's Left, to Y. Men. Constitu
tional Text Hook. Captive ia Patagonia. The Amei-i-oan
Hooscwife. Half Honrs with Old Humphrey,
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick s
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, dt. Tais. Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
len's Works. Heroines of History. Lord and Sea
Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ph.p and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Paper. Masonic Chart. Irving'.
Colombo. Longlxtok Ahead. City or New York.
Living Orators of America. Young Man Advtsed. Mis
sions in Tonga and Fegee. Truth Stranger Titan Fic
tion. Knoot and the Kussians. Hydrap-.thic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes- Gift Book for Young Men
do. 'do. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls. -do.d-. Doyss-
Footpripr f-f Famous men. CLailotte Elixabeth's
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy "UUO
p'uer. Abbott's Marco Pant Books, do Fraacouia.
And a number of othera tot nnmr&ns to enumerate.
Constantly receiving large adJittous to the foregoing.
Statiokeky Foolscap Paper great rariety. ic
tor do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, df. Envcl
oiies all styles. Ink all kinds. Pens and Holders
great variety. Blank Books all size and styles
Memorandums. Diaries. Pass Book. Time Books
Paper Cutters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Bot.&s.
Lithographic IPrints large variety. Wrapping Pa
pergood variety. Wafers, Sealras Wax, Ac-. Ac
Finally, we have a good variety of
Music Books Xew Cartnina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Ringer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan di.
Sacred Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instrnc
ttrs Guitar do,- Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do,
Melodeondo, PlymootU Collection with Music, Sheet
M And the most varied assortment of Statioseky ever
ffered in Oregon.
0T This stack is all bought in New York and other
Eastern cities and is sold at
-KB- We keep on haad School Books in large onan
ties, together with most of tho publications of
Harper & Brothers;
Derby & Jackson;
Ivison & Phinney;
Phillips & Samson;
A. S. Barnes & Co.;
Miller. Orton ft Mulligan:
', Leary A Getz;
Appletoo: and others.
W, ask your patronage. If unsul to visit ns
and examine our stock, your order will be atsended to
on tbe same terms as if yon bought ia person.
Portland. March T0.-1S57. !tf
AJ1 of the abavo works aav t9 h3 TT."Keyen 4
Co-'s C ity Bsok Stsre, Salem. '
Vu change was made iu the estray law at theses-don
of the Legidulure J i-t silj ourned J
Nuti -eof eilestray ure reiiniied LyJswtobead.
yciii-ed in the. Statesman. Tbe charge tlteref-ir, Bxeu
by the law, ia one dollar for each animal taken up.
No advertieuint will appear under this bead Bat I
paid fur.)
Where u nioaey, or less than the eorrect atnoant
u iwnt with an estrar notice, the notice will uut be pub
published notil the full amount is received.
rpAKEX CP. by the snbscriW, liHng 3 mllea e. ot
X ll-burg, DougU Co., on cow. aim calf; cow Ha
red brindle with white spot, marked underslope In left
ear and a bole in the right. Alto one cow and eslf;tbe
cow is a dark red; said cows came to my place i year
since. Also one steer 4 year vl I: ted bnuijiei ufaiked.
crop and underbit In left ear, said steer ba been run
ning with my cattle about 3 year. Also one cow and
calf: tlte eor I a rod tu-iuiile with vhiui poU;marked,
a rlit in each ear, dewl tp slit up; branded on the left
hip; resembling the lower hair of the letter H; aald
cow came to uiy place 1 month ago. A to t one 2 year
..1.1 Lull, man buck with red sides: no ciarks or brands
perceivable, said bull came t) iur premises Vmt two'
year since.
January 27, '?.
L- H'lWE.
ffA KEK L'P. by the subscriber, living d miles a. of
L Fiigetie citv, in Lane Co., one Uirce year old heifer
and calf, und-r'uit in the left ear; eolor, red: Also oua
J year old red heifer; erop off uf each ear: Also one S
year ol-l yellow heiier: iu-M,th cmp off of the left ear
aud upiM-r bit la the right: she bas the brand of O or
January, ls.jS. 2w4!j
'MAKES UP, by the uudcrsigeed, living near Saddle
J. Butte, Linn Co., one hteer. 4 yc-r old next spring,
tnatked as follows: Crop off the right ear; under bit ia
the left ear; enVjr. brindle, with some white on the back
and some on the belly; said steer ba been In this
range 't years, I-UAU SMLLCER, .
Feb., Uil. 2w49
rAKEN I P, by the ntider.igned. living In Linn Co.,
X one red ox. branded on tlie right hip with J; crop
oil' b..tii esrs and an underbit in each ear, .U; whits
on tlte bai k aud belly, abiit ycr old.
Jan., l-H-i. 2t9 V'a. CARX3.
f p A HEX I'P, by the itbstri;.er, livm-4 In !- w. ol
X Eugene city. Lane Co., one red steer, white back
aud lil v. marlied with sonare crop o9 the right ear,
handed tetter C on rizttt hip, no otiter markt or braud
ueri-eivabie, mipoed 5 rears "Id
Feb.4.'5sj. 2wlJ JAMES 1 WAT50S.
' I s.4 KEX L P, by tbe undersigned, residiug iu Siu
X. lair prelim l. Lane Co., one roan steer, 4 year old;
marked, utidi-r sloping crop from right ear.
Jan.21. tV". 21J THOMAS CHOW.
'PAKEM CP. t y the subscriber, living on the mu
X tr.ivtk-d r.. tJ, S eiilea s.of Corvallis, Benton Co..
lie light briu-l's cow.noute a hite o: the :ace, jaar,bi
Iv and tail, a fr white sp-rts oa the body: marked, a
.'roji and nndtrbit in toe right ear. a swallow fork Ixt
ti.e icit ear, uo other marks or brand perceivable, sup-p-med
5 year fcld tui, spring, has beea running ia tha
ueiUb iiit-sl since too 1st Sept.
jn.di, H. 2r4J McCAULY PORTER.
'PARES CP. by the sul-sciilr, living in Lsne pro
A tin. t P-di: Co.'tie bay mare.aliit!t IS baud bib,
h-!t hind f.sjt viuli. 5 year" old iu liit- sprint.
Feb.2.'s-J. 2w4' I.AKAS'CE.
: 1
'I'AKEN L'P. by the uv- cnogutu, uv-urf ao.e ..
X of Harritbarg-Lino C.,i.c pale red briudle steer,
tar lu bis lore'at-ad, white belly, split aud underbit la
tae rixht ear, su;ipo-U 5 year .!.!.
'PAKtN L'P, by t'ae uui'ersigned. living 3 miles - e.
X ot Harru;bu: .L:.-l!i Co.. one ted uteer with wbita
tieiiy and lee-;, soire wiiite oa hit hiud parts. bite ia
bis lace, swail w fort iu his right ear and ooderoit lu
the Icil, supp eu 4 year old.
Fe'a. o1;.
pAKE.V l'i. by tlw saoscriber. living one ui.le and
J. a bulf eat ot -iurr's point, Benton Co., two har
scsof the f-i!I iwii. de-riiitiou .- one is a strawberry
roau, wiiite face, &o:ae white on tiie jaws, hind feet and
leg are white op so tiie h'K.k: li other marks
braads per.-eivail..; mtpin.jtd to be ua years old. Tbe
other is a light ytif burse, branded on tbe Bear thigh
with the letters W II; supposed to be ten years old.
Said h' r-es have been tuuniug in the neighborhood
three er four moitths, wa shod ail round when they
Hr-t came, tiiev are lourtetn and I'lcrteett and a half
bands hiirli- ' WILLIAM MCKSOM.
January 2a. IKis. 2
rpAKICX l'i. by the subscniier. living in Asuiand
X precinct. Jacksyia Co.. on tlie 20th day of January.
15!, the ictl .wing descriiied strsy. to-wit: one bay
hor-e. aith white .-tripe in face, three white feet; a
brands; supposed t-- be 10 years old. One cream col
ored mare, white stripe in the face. !-.- white to tho
knies. no brand-. 5 vears old. Or.e bay borse. wbita
siritte in the face, three legs white t-a the knees; a
brand-it 8 yearsold. (ne bay nurse, witii slit in each
ear: a j otUir mark? or brand.
w. n. r.oeivAFELiw.
January 20. ISM. 2iwl -
'PAKES UP, by tbe subscriber, residence tw 1 mil
X slid a bsir s. - f Saicm on or about the "isth day
of Jaowiry ls-.s', one sorrel horse .there are a few whit
hairs ia his forehead aud a white strip down bis nose.
Also one sorrel mare, rig'ot bind foot wti:t sad a
white star io forehead, bo otuer mrk or brsnJ per
ceivable. . - DANIEL DURBLV.
February C. 'iS.' "' 2w43
'PAKLX CP, by the subscriber, living in e-tlh fork
X p.-e.'im t, Yaniii li Co.. on the 4th day of January,
1-&S. ona vellow tiily, black mane aud tail, with a star
iu tlie firthead. a l'ttie white on tbe u-r'P; b"M
les, branded on the left f boulder O T? H'POscd to be year old next upriag; 14a ot"- ro'-rf ".b.rAB1
perceivable. . . -- v . H- H. SIMMs.
January 4. tS- '
r pAKEN L'P, by th sui-scriyer. at Lawn Jtroor, Polk
X Co.. oa cr alx.-nt ae tia 01 jaoi . iiu lour
toms. for aooat t vt years.
Lawu Ar'at-r. Feb. I,
'"PARES l"P, by tue Stncriier. l.viug in Beutoa Co.
X seven iuil'J soulii of Corvaliis. one dark bay maro
pony, six tr seven years old. four feet white up to tha
pastern, and left hiud Tort white, small sadtile spot on
the risht side of the the back; no other marks or brand
February 1, 1S03
VKEX CP, l-y the uuders.gned, living on the west
J. side of ling Tom, Lane cuunty, aiiout ite lfctii uf
Dec., lSo7.i:e bay horse colt, two year old next spring
American J; black mane aud tale; both hiud feet whits;
small star in forehbad appraised at i0.
Also, one yearling stoir. pale red; marked with crop
uS le.tear; star ij the ra. e -Appraised at --
'PAKEN UP. by the undersigned, living 4 miles a. e
X or Sew. f'ks Santiam, Liun Co.. one while speck
eicd p a?y 4 years o!d next spring: roacbed mane: no pene'ivable; said pore.? wi3 traded to a me
liv!n iu Saiem, and catr.e back sboiit 1st of Aug. last.
TtKFX CP by tbe snUscntsir. eouui
west or Corvaili. on tte 27th rf January, 1-sii.
one red cw, wita the end of her :il T.b.te. marked
witli a crop and two spiits ia tiie right ear, aud swal
low fork iu the let. supposed to be 4 years eld next
sor.g. Also one red beiitr, two ycars-t li next spring,
o-marked. Also ..tie red beb'er one rar eld
next spring, unmarked. GEORGE W. ROSS.
Jau. i5, lS.
rp.VKEX L P, by the s.:lcrirr, on the 1st ilsy of
i February, la. one white cow: with seme red
a'oou! the neck and head; marked half-crop off th left
ear; said cow came to nay place in December. l&SS.
. w Al U A LL.
I;k Co., Douglas precinct, Feb. 1,1;5. 2w
TAKEN' L P. by the sabscrilier. living 4 mi!es above
K'.eses' M li, r-n the south Ss in Linn Co..
on the 25th of January, 1S6.-I. be red and while pidod
steer. 4 vears c'd. marird with a crop and split in tha
lert aud a sloping cron oa the underside of U.e ribt
r. ana has a scar or Wn.i OVL
January 15. 2w8
r; 14 KEN UP, by the subscriber, residing in Saaem,
A Mari.n Co.. one large spotted ex. about 8 years
oi.l. marked with a crop off the rigbt. and a slit ia the
left ear; 110 mart or brands perceivable.
February 3, 1S58. 2w4
,-KEN VP. by tbe subscriber. living in Willamette
X precinct. Lane Co one black and white spotted
cow. bead and neck dark red, crop off both ears.
SAMUEL - HOLT. -January
2?. Isi3. 2w3
Stolen, or Strayed.
Oa the Erst of January, near Sprague'a . .
mill, in tliis county, one black hor--e,
r.mrtcea and a half hands hi?h.w:ta whUe f
stripe on the paiut of his n.sse, alo a dun
star ou Lis forehead, some white on bis bind leg, cesr
the hoof. If any person should find tbe said heree and
will bring hiai or sead word to Sublimity, or Spngne ,
so that the proper owner con get htaa. they sba.1 be
liberally rewarded. . A-U V1"
January 25. 1So8- 3wpaid
lort! Pork! Pork! "
ALL those persons who have POKK. acd HOGS OX
FOOT, to sell will find it to their ad vantage before
selling elsewhere, to call on the nndersitmed, as he will
nav the highest market price. IN CASH,
pa t too t, u DJ EELLE, at Griawold's A Co.
. Salem, Nov. 24, l!v7. S7tf
lAfl Oflfl I-SS. Bacon, (Hog Uoand) in eohasg
for cash, by
lStf OEce at Griswold 4 Co.
Salem Ja!yl.lS57s
1 ALT. sal soda, and sassafras, as -"
42tO ,- -.W. K. S3tTTH&0g-
F, hereby given, tha C S- Woodwwrth ia aTthegaed
to traasact my pes- 02! -
a-?tn, -Ta n, tr - lSi
year oil sstser, m tstly Utck. or dark brown. w, Urg
white spots, rather motly race, oaderbit ofT r1lil
ear, no other marks or brands perceivable. Said -has
been running with my cattie ia tiie 1 amhill