The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, January 26, 1858, Page 3, Image 3

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Dm. L. J. Cxamcat's Surgical and Medical Institute is
ao extensively known fa this Territory that any notice
of it, or of him, might seem superfluous. Yet rearing
that there are those who heretofore having no need of
medical aid, have neglected to ascertain the proper
aoareea of relief in rases of misfortunes. To those
beg leave to direct attention to I)r. L. J. Czapkay. who
U certainly a Physician of great skill and wonderful
va cress in his profession. The Ir. has devoted mucn
attention to the treatment of chronic and private dis
ease, and stands unrivalled in his management of
them. To those who need seen assistance we en"'1,
recommend Pr. I- J. Czapkay ; it would
event to consult him, as he makes "o charge for cou
anltation.and ranch good might resnlt from HJ
guarantee a cure in all cs or ask? no compensation.
mm- See l)r. L. J. Oxankay'sadvertisements in another
Column of this paper.
- , Salem, January 26, 185S.
Wheat, while,.... -.
.Wheat, mixed, .1
potatoes, -
Onions, ..... .....
Beans, .. .
Bacon, sides,
Bacon, hams, ... .
5 Lard, in kegs,
"Bntter, fresh rolls,
Batter, packed,
Kggs, --
fjhickens, per dosen,
Floor, per 100 lbs-,
Perk,....- -
Dried Apples.
Dried Peaches
Dried Currants,
Apples, per bushel. Winter.......
1 371
I 35
75 a 1 00
2 50
3 00
1 50
3 50
3 504 00
Iff a H
13 a 25
9 00
, LeaDEK.
Tie, dear, per M 25 00 a2000
.'Cedar, per M 40 00 a 35 00
Shinies, cedar, per M, 7 50a7 00
Shingles, fir, per M,. 500
. u K o t ;e b i t. s .
Sutrar, IT. O-,
"Sugar, Chr,-"-.
'.Snjrar, white, crushed, . .
".Syrup 1
.Coffee, .......... ...... ......
Soap, .. ..... .
Salt. ..
Candles, adamantine, per box .
Candles, tallow, ..............
Saleratns, . .
16 a
14 a
23 a
1 50
a 17
15 a
15 a
12ja 14
2J a 3
35 a 40
25 a- 374
l'-IJa 15
25 a 33
... 15 Walt 00
... 7 50a 8 00
Cordage, ...
- White Lead
Kails, cuf, per keg,.- .-.
Kails, wrought, per keg,.. 12 00 a 13 00
Linseed, per gallon,.. ....
Itoiled OU, ...
Whale 1
' Glass, per foot ------
Dtt 600DS.
Sheetings, brown,....!'...........
Sheetings, bleached, -
Drills, brown, '. . .
Drills, bine, -. ..i;.. .....
Merrimae Prints, - - - -11--.
Common Fancy Prints,..-!. ..
Moos. DeLaine ... . .
Irish Linen.... ................
Brown Linen, II .
Brown Table Linen. :
S a
Satinett, doable nulled,.....:
Kentucky Jeans,... . . .
Cotton Jeans .
Pants, satinett, -
Boots, kip,.... -i.L ......
.... 1 00 a 1
37,8 60
20 a 35
2 00 a 4 00
2 50 a 4 00
Notice -
Offici Sctt- Ixpias AwAins, ), Oregon, Jan. 20. l"i5S.
From, and after the Is day of March next. nr as
voon as the necessary funds can be received imra San
Franciseo,) there will be paid on ont-tanding claims
for supplies fn.rnb.lied. or services rendered the Indian
department in Washington Territorv, prior to Mav Xlst.
Is57, the snm of 73.416,94, as follows: Fundi. will be
placed in the hands of agent JohnCain to pay liabilities
contracted by him. Fonds will be placed in the hands
of Agent H. T. Simmons and agent li. H. Landale t .
Say liabilities contracWd by them. Fonds .to pay the
ebts contracted by late tlov. and Snpt. Stevens. ill lie
placed in the bands of agent M. T. Simmons, with the
exception of soch persons an won Id prefer t- lie paid at
This office. All such as de-ire to be paid here will p least
file notice in this office to that effect, on r lfore the
10th day of March next, and the money w II be rt tam
ed here for them. Those who do not hie notice will be
resumed to prefer to draw their money at Olympia.
Claimants will be required to prodn--e the certificate
of indebtedness, given them by late Gv. and ?opt Ste
vens. , J. IV.XESMITH.
Supt. Indian Affairs fur Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories. 3w4j
, ilOEY.
Ofctck Sctt. Isimas: Arrant!'. 1
Sale. Oregon. Jan'y 2o. KjS. f
FK01C and after the 1st day of March next. or as
soon as the necessary funds can be received from
ban Francisco.) there will be paid on outstanding claims
for supplies furnished or erv.ces rendered the li d an
Department in Oregon prior to the 3th of J cine. 11.7,
the snm of 176511 to, as follows: Claims cootra.-tco
prior to Jnne 3th, 1S57, where the services ere ren
dered, or supplies furnished previoos to that date 1 y
Agent R. B. Metcalf, Agent John F. Mi:i?r. and Su'r
Agent W. W. Raymond, will be examined, and if f-nud
correct, will be paid at this oftVe. Parties presenting
claims will be required to present duplicate vouchers
exhibiting a detailed statement of their account, hav
ing the proper eertifk-ale of correctness of the Agent
rtrfch whom the liability was contracted.
Foods will be placed in the hards of Agent Ami Pr
-Dennison, and Sub-Agent K. P. Drew, to pay the debts
contracted by them, and which will be paid at their re--.
spec five agencies. J. V. XESMITH.
giipt. Indian Affairs for Oregon and Waslrngton Ter-
-ritones. 341
Administrator's Notice.
"TOTTCE is hereby given, that the nndersisoed .were
appointed Co. Administrat-irs of the estate of the
late deceased, JOHN" P. UAlXES.of Marion Co.. by
the Jode of the Probate Court, in and for said county,
on the lth day of January, 1 SoS. Therefore all fur
sons indebted to said estate, will make immediate pay
meat so the undersigned, at their residence, seven miles
south of Baiem. and all persons having claims again-.t
said estate will present the same within one year from
this date, that they may be settled if found corrcrt.
Co. trfstfirr'a.
January 19, 1858. 4wJ
rrS rXDIVIDCALS holding property in Salem School
"A District Xo. 24. At a meeting of the citizens or
aid district, held on the 2d day of February, A. D.
1857, a tax of three thousand dollars (:l,00) was
Toted forth pnrpose of buildings di.strk.-t school-house,
and tne directors of said district levied a tax of one per
' cent or ten mills on each dollar;
- - Now, this Is to notify all persons holding property in
' said district, that all taxes which are not paid by the
nrst day of if arch next, the same will be advertised tor
sale to satisfy said tax, together with the cost thereon.
B. F. BROWX, Collector.
" Salem, Jan. 19th, 1858. 4w46
L. Q. Washington,
AGENT for the prosecution of claims at Warning"
ton, D. C, before the Executive Departments, Con
gre-0 and the Court of Cl-ums. Will attend to the set
tlement of accounts of Marshals, District Attorneys,
nd other Federal officers, and of contractors with the
l Postuffice and otter Departments: also, to the prociir
, '. lag of Patents for Land. Land Warrants, and other bo
ldness of a" General Agency.
Refers to Geo. Joseph Lane. Oregon Territory; Gov.
Isaac I. Stevens, Washington Ter.; Hon. M. H. McAl
lister, Hon. Ogden Hoffman and R. Aug. Thompson, of
-"Saa Francisco, CalA Hon. James Guthrie, Louisville.
- Ky-, and to the Officers generally of the Treasury and
''Interior Departments at Washington.
' y46 Wanhington D. C.
Adsmtististrator's Notice.
rOTTCE is hereby given that the undersigned will
make final settlement of the estate of DANIEL
SUITh ammmI kts of Marion Co.. O. T., on Mon
day, Feb. J2d, 1858, at one o'clock P. M.. before the
'judge of the Probate Court in and for Marion Co., O. T,
All whom it mam ooneern may be present at said scttle--saesA.
EMILY SMITH,, Administratrix.
Salem, Jan. 33, 158. w6
z Dictionaries.
"" TUJlTTeomTCa,,-,if,eat the City Book Store,
V Webster's Unabridged Quarto and High School Dio-
"Sf?"" E- Is- BRADLEY A Co.
Oregon City, Jan. 1858. 40tf
. ScMooi Books.
TT "f'T"1' complete assortment or Sanders'
-l School Books, together with a large lot or TboroiH
-eon's Practical Arithmetics, all of which will be sold
-cheap, at the City Book Store.
E. L. BRADLEY ft Co.
Oregon City, Jan. 1858. 4);tf
' Hydropathic Books.
BY TralL Shew and O. 8. Fowler. For sale at the
City Book Store. E. L. BRADLEY tc Co.
Oregon City, Jan. 1858. 4Utf
Edncation Complete.
"1JT O. . Fowler. For sale at the City Book Store.
Oregon Ciy, Jan. 1858. . 4Utf
Land for Sale.
Purs IT 4.NT to a license to the nndersb;ned, granted
by the honorable probate court or Polk County, t).
guardian of Henry M. Turpin, a minor, I will
proceed to sell at public auction, in the town or Bethel,
ou Wednesday. t!io loth day or February, A. D. 1."S,
between the liours or ten (10) o'clock n. in. and two (2)
oi, I.K'k p: m. of said day, the Mlowitig described real tfVWit- ItUI irrm nf 1.111,1 itll:lte In tOWll-llip tiX
kt!) s-mth or range four (41 west, and m ire particular-
ly described as the soutn Hair or tue essi mu "'-
hitid claim entered by William M. Turpin. and recorded
in the Surveyor General's office in said Territory. Said
litid lies adjoining the town of Bethel, and persons
wishing t.i l.K-ate near a good and permanent school,
would do well to call and see the premises before the
d;y of sale. For further particulars vou are rclcrrcd
to Mr. Thomas Jeffries, merchant, in Bethel.
Tkrs op Sals Six months credit. lmjd and ap
proved security. W 1LLIAM M. TI KIMN.
PolkCo.,Jan.lOt!i,lS. s''l'aM
Notice to Builders.
SELF PRESERVATION Is an Inherent principle,
firmly seated in the heart of man. He alights njion
the shores of time, the most helpless or all God's rrea
tores, but as soon as Reason rears her standard, he sees
and thinks, and cncin-lcs himself with objects of pro
tection. 1 will make krKer and chttprr ltUU'K at my
Crd.nearSaletn.thananyother man in Oregon. It
s leen my oceupatiou for years, and chall continue
to be for seme time hence, notwithstanding the Salcra
Oh, never hold malice ! it cannot be good.
For 'tis nobler to strike in the rush or hot Mood,
Than to bitterly cherish the name or the roc
Wait to sharpen tha weapon or measure the blow.
The wild dog In hunger, the wolf in its sprin g
The shark of the waters the asp with its sting.
Are less to be reared than the vengeance or man.
When it lieth in secret to wound where it can.
Oh. never bold malice! dislike ir yon will.
Yet, remember, humanity 1'uUeth nsstill ;
We are all or ns human, and alt or us erring.
And mercy with ns should always be stirring.
Shall we dart to look up to the Father above.
With petitions for pardon, or pleading tor love
Shall wa pake, while we pant for revenge on another,
To ask from onr God, yet deny to a hnither?
Saltra,O.T..Jjnnaryllth,ltio3. 3wi5
ON the 7th hist., an envelope containing some vouch
ers on the Indian Department , and notes; one note
oa A. A. Skinner for $j(W; one on Ralph Bledsoe for
$100, signed by C. Lane, and somo other n tes, accounts
and debts not remembered. The tinder will be reward
ed by leaving them at the Statesman Office.
Salem, O. T., Jan. 15th. Swtopaid
ALL persons owing me. will please call and ray their
accounts, np till June l.-t- lo3.
41tf G. E. COLE.
iS'otice to Tax PnTers.
4 LL persons who have not yet paid their taxes fr
t tne years imi, is0ti ami isjT. avill ave costs in
paying the same to the sheriff f l.inn Conntv on M n
day, February lt. at H:irrislmrg; Tuesday, 2d. at Jas.
IterreV: 3d. Union Point: Thursday 4th.
i:rownvil!e; Friday. 5th, SplanrlV srhool-honse, I'.ro-h
Creek precinct; Mondav. th. Lebanon: Tuesdav. Mh.
I'eoria precinct. Xye's school-bone: Thursdaj. llth,
Claypnol's precinct, William Hay's; Friday. llth.Scio.
Mcinnaw i precinct; .Monday, i.hb, t tale s scnool-, Syracuse precinct: 10th, 17th ar.d lth. Albany.
JOHN SMITH, Sheriff Linn County,
r . ... i i-'-s . -
Register and RteciTtr't Xolitt I'mpqaa District.
2T - " 13
27 " J "
" 23 ' " It "
is " "' n "
.. 30 .. u ..
31 ' li '
31 " " " 10 "
" 32 " lj
" 32 " " Iti "
" 33 " " "15 "
s.j "14
35 " li "
3.5 " " 1 "
" , 3t! " " 15 "
The above Town-b.ip having been hrvryed and plats
thereof approved on the 7tU day of IVremUcr, 137 all
-etllers who have claim or parts of claims therein, are
req-.Te-tcd to appear at the Land OiBce. f r the I'mp'pia
D;trict of Oregon, ct Winchester, within thirty days
from and after the Tin dav of IVl.marr, 1-V. or rrvvf-
ons ta that time if convenient, when nr.d where we shall
I prepared to re-eive the notiScati ms or their claims,
ami er.tcr opoa the a.iju.Ntnicnl and settling acrcrding
to I.:w, or all conflicts of boundary that may lie found
to exi-t.
Given nn.ler ocr hands at Winchc-ter. this 50th dav
or December, A. D., Isj7.
I.. F. MISHEK, Kcgbter.
W;i. J. MAUI IX, luceiver.
Janntry 1. A. P.. 15"?. 4v4l
CittarJiau's Sale.
N'OTICEii hereby given th'.t the nndersiirned piar
din IVr lieor'xe M. Seward, Mar.ah H. Sewnrd.
J--ha W.Seward, ai.d Sarah Ana Stwatd. wiil sell ct
I'uMic am-tion by virtue if a license from the Probate
Conrt or Polk county the following described premises
to-wit 5 two thirds or the half aj-igned by the Land
03i--e department to the defeased wife of said guanl
an of land claim, no. 53 in townhio 6. s. of r.5. w. and
t, 6, s. of r,t. w. containing one hundred and eighty
ne acres. Sale will be at the store of Edward Clu3
near said premises at ten o'clock A. H. , of the tir t i!ay
of February A. I), l?is. Tetmsma-U' known .the ilav
of s.i!e. MASON S. SEWA'.'.D. "
Dallas, Jan. 4. 153. 3w4tp:iid
Cows, vs. 810,000 in Scrip.
T'HE nnder-igned will exchsnie cows for scrip, in
sums from one thousand dollars, and unward, to
the above amount. EDWAUD SHEIL.
Champoe--', Jan. B, 1.".S. 4trtl
w. e. urn, Portland. J. w. lidd, San Francis co
XV. S. Iandd & Co.
Shipping and C'ommisticn, Poil'and, Ofttn.
LIBERAL advances made on all consignments of Or
egon produce. Messrs Wakemau, Dinion & Co.,
No. 73, Sfjatli street'ew York, wiil reeei e aud for
ward all g.iods and machinery, addressed our care
via Sau I'ranci.sco, or direct to Oregon.
Jan. 1,1 5. 44tf
IS hereby given, that by an order of the Prolmte court
in and for Lane csmty, the under-igned will offer at
Enblic snle. on the eigiith day of February, 15S, in
oeeneCitv, Ijine county, the "goods and merchandise
belonging to the estate of HENRY H. FOCXTA1.V,
deceased: said estate is principally composed of cloth
ing of all kinds, cloths, and fancy goods, with some
groceries. Six moctas credit will be given on all ims
over ten dollars, with approved security; all sums less
than tea djars, cash in hand.
W. S. BROCK, Admin V.
Eugene City, Jan. 2d 3w44
Final Settlement Notice.
TTHEREA. Thomas L. Kimey, Administrator or
V tiie estate or ALV1S K1JJSEV, deceased. has tiled
his final account praying for a final settlement. 1 bis
is therefore to theend'tiiat the heirs at law, and all per
sons interested may appear at the Probste Court, to be
held at Lafayette, in said county.on the 3d day of Feb
ruary, liS, at 10 o'clock, A. of t aid day to thovr
cause if any, why the said account shall not be allowed
and a final settlement made. -
Jan.5,lS58. 3w44
BY the nndc-rsigncd, living in Marion County O. T,
the following descried notes, viz : one note on 11 i
chael Cnyle for (3so dated some time (I think in the
month ol June) 1W.6, and became dne twelve months
from the date thereor, with a credit on the
same $2o0. Two notes on John Goodell, one for $ 0,
made payable on demand with a credit of tin, endors
M on the same, and one for $50, also made payable in
money or lumber, at my discretion, and became due,
some "time in December inst., said notes were dated ei
ther in the latter part of April or first part of May
last. One note on Peter Clare-y for I5n, dated ( I think)
in the latter part or April last, and became due in De
cember io-t., also one note note on E. Pettier for seventy-four
bushels of wheat, dated in October or Nov.,
I V.6. The amount of seventeen dollars in gold was
lost also, in the purse containing the above notes.
Said notes and money was lost between Bethel and
Lafayette, some time in the latter part or September
laht, and anyone finding the same will be liberally re
warded by giving me notice or the same: and more
over the public are hereby cautioned not to trade Tor
said notes as I shall take the legal course for the col
lection of them. My address is Champoeg.
December 30, 1S57. 3w44paid
Final Settlement Kottce.
WflEBEAS Jesse C. Henderson, administrator or
the estate or ALFRED MOORE, deceased, has
filed his final report or said estate, this is to the end
that the heirs at law, and all persons interested, may
appear at the Court of Probate, to be held at Ijtfay
ette, on the 4th day of February next, at 10 o'clock, A.
M., or said day, to show cause if any, why the said ac
count shall not be allowed, and a final settlement
made. . MARTIN OLDS, J. I'.
January 5, lSiirt. 3w44
IN Probate Conrt, Iane county. Jn the mailer of the
e'tale of Jacob M. Rouih , defeated. "Ordered by
the Conrt that all persons interested are directed to ap
pear before this court, on Tuesday the bth day or Feb
ruary, 1X58. to show cause why an order should not be
granted to the administrator, to sell so much of the real
estate, as shall be requisite to pay the debts of the es
tate." Application will be made in pursuance of the
above order.
S. ELLSWORTH, Atfyfor the Adann'r.
Jan. 1,1858. 44
DTL'E. II. GrifBa will be at bis office, in Salem, over
J.N. liobb's store, on the 25th inst.
Jan. 1G, 1858. 3w4j
'HOT of all kinds, and powder, at
I42tf W. K. SMITH & Co'a.
Wallamet University.
rtsHE FACULTY during the present year will con
J. or
Rev. F. S. lloyt, A. M., President and Acting Prorcss
or of Ancient Iin juaqe t and Mathematics.
C. II. Hall. A. .. Proressoror Natural Science.
Dl" Sp'S!''' Teachers or Common English.
Mi-m Sarah Buckingham, Teacher or Instrumental
The Com.:iatk pKr otTMEVT of the Wiill inirt Uni
versity has been oranir.ud. Young men designing to
pursue a regular Course of Study, are Invited to avail
themselves or the advantages afforded by this Institu
tion. All availabla resources will be made use of to
meet the wants or Students. Ettort will be continued
to secure a suiUbl I endowment ;and no pains will be spar
ed in obtaining competent and experienced Instructors.
The Collegiate year is divided into three term, com
mencing as follows:
The lirst term itn the 3d Thnrsday In Septemlicr.
" second term on the 1st January.
" third " " last " " Anril.
The lirst two terms are fifteen tretki each; the third,
tlrvrn trerss.
Vacations There will be two vacations In the
year: one. in April, of firo ten, and one, in the sum
mer, or nine terrA. J
Trmos will be at tho rate or $1 per week, or $40
per annum.
Tkkms. The Academic year is divided iuto fovk
TkHMS of WfPrtl IrvrJts V.1-A.
The first term begins on the last Thursday or Angnst.
second term begins on the 2d " Novem.
" third lj. , " " January.
" lourtn List April.
Vacations. There will be two vacations in the t ear:
one in April, or two weeks; and one in the summer, of
Mi-i ireeK.
Ti-itiox will ! iiaid at the beginniug of each Term
in advance , at the following rates:
In tangnages. Hi ;her Mathematics A Chcui., 110 "0
Other studies or the Academic Division, .. T 50
Common English Division, C 50
Primary S 50
For nse of the Piano 5 50
Instrumental music lo 00
t Instnictioi:! in vocal music is given to all the
studeuUive of charge.
Admission. Students will be admitted at any time;
and will I charged for tuition from the time they.. en
fair only, but their progress will be greatly promoted
by entering early in the Academic year.
In ca-es where, from necessity, Mudents leave before
the end or the term Tor which payment has been made,
a just proportion not more than three fourths nor b.-fs
than nne-fonrth or the t'dtion fee will be refunded.
Student ore not allowed to leave Ju-t before examina
tion. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, iullict
great injury upon bcth the student and the Institu
tion. lOAnr:NG. Young grnt!emen and I ?dics can obtain
board at reas-maMe rates with private
CorttsB ok Sn nv A Course f Study has ln
adopted for both the Collegiate and Preparatory De
partments, well cal-nlated to seen re ripe scholarship,
mt atil discipline, and a preparation for the active du
ties of life.
A liberal Coarse of Study lias been a.l lpted for young
ladies who desire to obtaiu a thorough rdaeation.
nv A Dipl ima will be awarded t- all who fhall
complete the prescribed course.
The Govkhnhknt will be parental bet strict aim-i-iir
constantly at the formation or correct habits of
Self-tJovemnicnt. Careful attention will Le given to
manners and morals.
SctioLAKSiiirs. perpetual, or for the period or ten
years, securing 'tuition at very reduced rates, can he
purchased. For larUicr particulars apply to the Presi
dent. Per order of Executive Committee.
Sec. B ard or Trustees.
, Salem. Pec. 10, 1." 7. 41tf
Stationery, Stationery-.
EL. BR.VD1.EY V Co., have just receded, direct
from New York, per clipper ship Aurora, a tine
lot of blank Wk .and stationery generally, consisting
in part of the f' llowing :
400 Reams paper of every variety:
1-JOO tj iires blank bocks, half bound, foil bound.
Mi kinds;
200 Dox. ink. Davies best blark, blue, and red;
75 Iteiim wrapping paper dir. size:
50 gross pen holders;
50 slate pencils;
20 doz. slates.
Together with a penenl assortment or school and
miscillineoi slks Sander's spellers s.nd readers
Daries' and Thompson s mathematics complete. We
would sv to tUuse whol-y rt f!1 :uraln. j:tst give us a
call. " E. L. BRADLEY Co..
City Book Store, Oregon Citv.
Iec. 20. Is57
Shei ill's Sale.
NOTICE Is hfrery given, that, bv virttie nf an exe
cution to me directed . out of Oie Territorial Mde
of the United Stntes district coort for the 1st jadiHsl dis
trict of Oregon Territory, iu favorof Thomas H.Pearne
a-ciit Tor the Missionary Sciety of the Methodist Epis
cupnl Chi'rch. and agaiiist H imilton Campbell, for
want of : personal property. I have levied upon and will
prceed to sell at the rourtjionse in Salem in Marion
county. Orcein Territ.ry. on tlie 3oth day of Jsmtary.
ls, tiie rizbt. ti:Ie 'and interest of the said Hamil
ton Campl e'! to the south hsif of the following des
cribed real estate. t wit: The s, w. tr. of the n. w. qr.
of sec. S'5. the w. half of the s. w. ir. or sec. 2'5, the .
hf. of then.e. tr ft sec-27, the s. e. nr. of sec. 27, the
n. e. qr. of sec. 31, the n. w. qr. of the s.e. qr. of sec.
31. tiie w. hf. of the n.w.qr. of sec.35. in t. U s. r. 3 w.,
.mtrvininr; G4'l a res. more or less. Sale to be between
the hours of 10 o'rl -'. A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M , of
said d ir, for ra h t satis! v sai l ex'-ution.
- A. COR.NO YER, SheriflT.
January 2, 1 4rlJ
New Good3 at New Prices.
UT K. SM ITil A Co. wi!.l inform their patronx.
. and t!ie public generally, that they h-tvc inst
received a lar.'e ad iitioa lo their st-K-k or goods, which
they will exchange for pnduce, or cash, on the imxt
ravomble terms. Thty have now a complete assort
ment of dry goods, which they will sell
Vhejper than any ot)cr store in Salm.
Their stock or boots and shoes is eqnal to any to be
fonnd in Salem, consisting of men's and Is.y's coarse
and fine blots, men's a:ul boy's shoes; ladles' boots,
shi-es, and slippers, children and iafants shoes men's
ladies, and misses rubber evershoes.and in short, any
thing in the hoot and shoe line that can be desired.
Their stock of groceries is alsox full, consisting of
nf!.-e, green and black teas, crushed and brown sugar,
synip, saleratns in bu.k, cream of tartar, salt, soap, to
bacco, sago, ftirch. tapioca, macaroni, raWns, and
sweet oil, !1 or which will he sold cheap for cash or
country prod use.
Purcbasers will do well to call and examineonr stock
lfore purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to
give ur customers satisfaction in the quality and pri
ces ef our goods. 42tr
Long lookrtl for Come at Last.
7'i.Tie is money.
JUST received a consignment or clocks nnd
wjdche at C. B. Pillow's which will lie
sold at fair prices, and warranted to keep g ml
time; eight dsv and thirty hour weieht clocks.
Gold and silver hunting case watches, and a general
assortment of jewelry come one, come all.
Dec. 2!, 1557. . ' lm43
Something New
EL. BRADLEY 4 Co., have Jut received a Urge
lot or hand-books r.r home improvement; com-
irising how to write, bow to talk, how to behave, hdw
o d: business, in one volume; will be sent free or post
age t any part of Orcgou.oo receipt of $ .
jiauiuss r.. ii. uu.iuLr. i ,
City Bok Store, Oregon City.
Dec. 20, 157, 43tf
Jlooks! Books!
EL BRADLEY 4 Co., have recently received a
. large lot of Fowlers and Wells publications.
Take notice nil ve that are sick, water (cure) u a
powerful nice thing in a family.
tfec. 20, iso?.
OR stolen, on or about July 15,l"57, from the sub
scriber. 1.4 miles south of Albany. 1 vokeof cattle.
one white, oile red, no brands, large horns, weigh
about from 14 to i-t hundred each, one Spanish mare,
branded A T on left bin. Whoever returns said cattle
shall be liberally rewarded.
Dec. 23, ls57. 3m43paid
Short Settlements make long
- friends. ,
THE old year has passed, and we want all those who
know themse ve indebted to us to come forward
and settle and get their "New Years" present.
Don t forget this; we mean inst wnat we say.
January 1. IMS. 4:stf
A BOUT the 2f)th or October, from Spring
71 SOP
i. Vallev, PoIR Co., a yoke of work oxen
one a dark brindle, aud the other a brown.
Some ear marks not recollected. No brands. Eight
years old. The finder is requested to inform the suIh
scriber, at Valfontis post olli.-e. Polk Co., and he shall
be compensated tor bis trouble.
aLLif&a 1 1 1 v . v 1 1 .
Dec. 23, 1157. 42tf
Oregon Statutes.
BOUND volume for sale at John Fleming s, Oregon
City, and A. lb Shiplev's, Portland. Trice, $5 00.
Also laws or last sessiou $100.
Dec 17, 1S57. . 41
Cash. System Adopted.
NO more credit will be given by me, and those in
debted to me. who have not made arrangements
to pay their accounts in pork or other produce, will
please can and make payment or settle oy note, as I
intend closing my books. G.E. COLE.
.orvaiiis, bept. p, iso i. zoii
r. s. laud, Portland. J. w. laud, San Francisco.
W. S. Ladd &Co.
rM PORTERS aud dealers in Wines, Liquors, andGro
L ceries, Portland, Oregon.
Jan. 1, 185H. - 44tf
New Arrivnt for tho Winter Campaign!
S. J. aicCORMICK, .
Has Just Received direct from New Yorfc.a Large
Addition to his former Htock or
Vompruing, in Part, at Folloiht:
MONTEITU'S UEOGlt Al'H IES, Primary and Manual:
CAP do;
SLATES, assorted sizes; v
FRUI r BOOKS, six varieties;
POETICAL WORKS an assortment;
NEW HISTORIES a splendid lot:
3,000 ASSORTED NOVE1J5 A'i'lF,
Valentines and Toy Books,
For Christinas and Niw Year's Gifts.
aa-DONT IXUtGET-S . ...
Calf, or Send to the
FroutS!ret. Portland, Oregon.
S. J. McCORM K K, Proprutor.
November 2-?, 157. nfW
Dross! Drngs! Dra-s!
J K. SMITH A Co. have just received direct fmm
i'.,';rnr..i:. in.l fmm the States, a large
i;n tnlir stock of Dm?, and medicines, making.
with their former ttock. the largest, and best assort
ment ol thocC articles, ever offered for sale in the t il
lamef.e Vail.'v. They receive their goodi directly
from the importers and marmtacistres so " ar
ticle bought of them can l e relied nptn as fresh and
inn! Hiev sre determined not t i be undersold
by any ot!:er druggist in the country. Orders sent
fo.m a distance will be promptly tilled, and at satisfac
tory prices. Store near the bridrc, south end or Cora-
mercial rtreet. Salem
4-1 .
llo ! Te Workrrs of Iron and Steel !
Ill AYE this dav received by the arrival or the J. R.
Whiting from Sa:i Francisco, the foljowing assort
uient of iron and steel , to wit :
2.OU0 lbs. Norway shapes,
2,000 lbs. 2XJ Iron (Hat,)
2.000 ' 3::l-lti
3.0.10 " X,J " "
6.000 " J.J.I. 1J. and U. square.
S.0!0 " i.5-13, J. 1. and 'II, inch round,
1.00:1 " assorted east steel.
100 " horse shoe nails, (G)
Which bvrethcr with st.xk in fctore makes as com
plete an assortment as can I fonnd in Territorv and
will be sold as cheap as the cuEArcsT for caii orconn
trv produce. J- N- PUESCOTT.
Oregon City. Feb. 23, 1S57. 50tr
Boot and Slioe Store.
FIEHERICK WICK M O N would announce
t the citizens or Salem, and the snrr-jund-in?
eonntrv. that he have taken a store on the
east side of Commercial street, north ot the n-wtoOtce.
where he will keep constantly on. hand a foil assort
ment or every kind or boots and shoes, both custom and
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the
manufacture or repair or work will be complied with,
and the work done in a sab-tantial and workmanlike
manner. Give me a call and examine me stock.
Sclera. Matvh 12.1357. 13tr
IS ot ice.
VTOW r r large sales and small profits, for cash or
i l Oregon pmdure. A well .selected assortment of
dress patterns, Del lines. M'.-linas, Csticnes. Ginchams
and all i-ther g-MxIs for ladies. An assortment ot bon
nets and ladies bats of thelatcst fashion.
Alsoa well sIe-tod assortment of clot bin g, boots snd
s!ics of the best-qtiaht v. e.!lee. tea. suj-ar, salt, ri-e,
peoiier. salamtos. and imp oil, with other artb-les.too
numerous to mention. rr sale opposite Baum A Bro.,
cext door to the L uion Ha it i.
Mav 1?. 1 57. lbtr
Probate Notice.
Lin.- C'l STr.O. T. Is"
To Margaret Hg:ie. Samnel A. Hogne, Hester Hill,
formerly Hester Hogoe, Amandt Jane Ib'giie, I'lar
inda Non-ross, formerly Clarinda lloene. and Clar
i? WooJ. minor heir "of .Mary Ann Wood, formerly
Mary Ann Hogue, f the State of Illinois, and John
M. 11 gue. r.r the State of Iowa, heirs to the estate
of Thomas G H ne, deceased, Lite of the county of
l.inn and Territory of Oregon:
roU will take notice that ou the sixth day of Ocfo
. ber. instant, James P. Rogue administrator, and
one nf the heirs t s lid esta'e, filed his petition in said
Court for an order of sale of the real estate of said de
ceased, for the purpose of paying debts, expenses, and
for distribution: and ir the contrary be not shown on nr
Isjfore the first Tuesday in February next an order will
be made accordingly. It is further ordered that this
notice be published tu The Oregon Statesman for fifteen
week, suci-essivelv. S. D. H A LEY, J- of Frolmte.
Octotier !, IS55. I".w32
Administrator's Notice.
BY virt'ie or an order of sale to its issued, by the Pr
bate Court, of M iricn Cl, we shall proceed tc sell
at public aurti-id. at 11 o'clock, 'A. M-,on Saturday,
February 13. 154, at Salem, the following real estate
Iving in'Snlem. and being real estate bel mging to the
estate of WILLIAM H. WILSON, late deceased : blxk
m. 5, (7 lots) ; lot no. 2, block fit ; lots no. 3. 4, 5 ai d
A, block It ; l t no. l,blck 10 : lotsl, 2.?and4, block
9 ; lota I; 2. 3 and 4, block 8 ; lots I, 3, 7, and 8 ;bl xfc
73 ; block no. It. ( lots )
Tkrhs. 0e half cash, and one hair In three months.
Co. Admin'rt.
January 13, 15S. 4w45
TG.KRIECHRAt'M has opened a Restaurant. Bake-
ry snd Confectionary houstmt Cortallit. Benton
Co., O. T. Will set the best table that the market can
afTord.andat all hours. Give him a call next door
north of City Hotel. 12tr
CORN starch, tapioca, sago and hei ker, farina, for
puddings, at HHf W. K. SMITH & Co's.
RESTON C. Slerrils yeast powders and extracts ol
lemon ami rose, lor llavoring past r vs. nt
42tf W. K. SSIITH & Co"s.
AMP oil, candles, audsweet oil. at
14'JtlJ - W. K. SMITH Cos.
OPAL varnish, paints, oils, nnd paint brushes, nt .
H-'tlJ tv. K. til 1 1 ii co s.
AYERS Cherry Pectoral for sale nt wholesale and
retail, at 42tr W. K. SMITH & Co s.
SCHOOL books, at wholesale and retail, at
42tf W. K. SMITH & Co's.
PICKLES and pepper sauce, wnsli Ivonrds and sand
paper, at 42tf W. K. SMITH &, Co's.
IOTTON rope, for rl ithes lines, and small rope for
halters, at l-tlj . . iv. f.Mim z hi.
J. Fleminrr.
AT the Oregon Citv, Post Office Building, has just
received, direct" from New York, 10!) copies of
"Dawrniug's Fruit and Fruit Trees of Amcrica.T'revised
and enlarged, for 1S57 the latest published edition of
this valuable work. He has also on hand, a good stock
or in isrc 11 noons books and stationery, for sale on terms
to suit the times.
Oregon City, Dec. 15, 1957. 41tf
IF YOU WANT a reallv good article or COFFEE, the
undersigned have got15,0O0 pounds best " COSTA
RICA." Come in and look at iu
Oregon City, Dec 0, 1856.
PURE WINES and liquors for medicinal purposes,
at titfj W. K. SMITH & Cos.
BLASTING powder, and water proor caps, at
(utri . W. K. SMITH & Co.
SALT, sal soda, aud sassafras, at
(42tf) W. K. SMITH & Co's.
LADIES' cloaks, lateststyle, for sale cheap at
42tf W. K. SMITH & Co's.
MACKEREL and codfish, at
(42tf ) W. K. SMITH Cs's.
FRENCH merinos, and alpacas, at
42tf W. K. SMITH & Co's.
Xioolt. Here!
E have bud; received R8.000 lbs. of ground alum
salt, winch we are selling at f j.m per hundred.
I AROLINA rice, and'syrnp to sweeten it in 5 gallon
'kegs, at 12tf W. K. SMITH A Co s.
825,000 Worth
THE subscribers would respectfully inform their cus
tomers and tha public generally that they have on
hand, and are in constant receipt or goods from San
Francisco and New York a large and well-sc-lectedstock
consisting in part or
Alum, allspice, an 1 alpacca.
Bonnets, berages, and bro. linen,
Cambric, crash, aud calico,
Domestic de laines, aud,
Edging, embroidery and everything.
Flannels, fringes, and Taney ffxiu's,
Ginghams, gaiters and gloves,
. Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins,
Iron, ink. and inserting.
Jaconet Jeans, and Java coffee.
Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins,
Lawns, lard and Liverpool salt,
Mustard, mirrors, and matches,
Needles, nails, aud nice things.
Oils, ovcrshirts, and Oolong tea,
Pins, pants, and paper, "
Quilts, quilts, and queensware,
Ribbons, razors; aud rat-traps,
Silks, snar, and i shaving soap,
Tea. tobacco, arid turpentine.
Umbrellas, nnder-slceves. and useful things,
Veils, varnish, and vinegar.
Wreathes, woolen goodi, wafflc-iroiis.
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions;
Zinc, and rephr worsted,
Ac., Ac, and so on, '
Besides many other articles too nnmcmits to mention ;
all of which we are offering at reduced prices, adopt
ing the pldn or "O.iick sales and small profits."
The ladies will lind in their department a large stock
of fancy goods, direct rrom New York, which is not
usually kept in Oregon, and by arrangements trill be io
constant receipt adequate to the wants or the ladies.
The Gentlemen's Department of furnishing goods
willscMom be equalled, and excelled by none in Salem.
liSON. TheWicfcsmithsaud iron dealers will always
find a well-selected sto k of nil sizes and shapes, to
gether with a good assortment of iron axles, from 1-4 x
t! in., to 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are sellin at Portland
prices, adding freights. r
We are prepared to receive all kinds of. produce in
exchange for goods, and also money. For foil particu
lars call and examine lor yourselves,
Salem. Feb. 10.1357.
New Constitution for Oregon,
1ITE beg leave to annonnce to the public that we
V are iast rereirini? a larffe and well selected stock
or goods from San Francisco, which has been selected
with great care by Sir. Alexander, who lias been attend
ing that market for some time, therefore we can safely
say to the pablis tlmt we can, and will sell, gooes as
low at wholesale or retail
We will take in exchange for goods all kinds or pro
duce. X. B We will also pay cash for all kinds of pro
duce, ti-wit:
Wheat, Fl Mir, Batter. Eggs, Bacon, Tork, Lard,
Oats. Ac., Ac Ac.
All who wi-h to ptircbae. will .1 well to call snd ex
amine before purchasing clsewht re.
Our stocU consist of every thing in tl;e line that this
markrt calls for t--wit:
Grey, White, Red and Blue Blankets;
Coats, Vests, Par.ti, Hats and Hat covers:
Undcrar.d Over shirts. Wool and Cctton;
Every description or White Shirts:
t leens Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery;
Boots. Shoc. coarse aud line;
llropaus Calf. Kip and Cowhide:
Wool Plaids. Merino. Ielains, late patterns
In short every bind of pie.-e goods, anJ the BEST TEA
ever shipped to this market.
ALSO Cedar shingles. Timothy seed ar.d Hops.
Z 9' Give us a call, and ee for yonrselves."n's
Corvallis. Oct 19, ls57. 33tr
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c.
T ROSENTHAL informs his patrons and
J. Iriemts, tnat lie nas just r. tames rrom V.i
o3crs them for sale at his stre on Front street.
3" Oac door Ix-Iow Dr. C-ombs' o!Sce."a
J E W E L K Y .
Gold and Silver watches; Gobi and Silrer chains;
Gold bracelets; ti !d ear-rings; Gobi breastpins; IJold
finger riugs; Lockets; Gill pens and pencils; Cold
sleeve batfons; Silver and Plated ware: fancy goods
and perfumery.
Guitars. Flirte. Fifes; a large assortment of
Arcordeons. La-lie!.' work Ikixcs of ail kinds, tjnld and
Silver spectacles. Gold and Silver sassm. Cutlery,
Clocks an endless variety. Ac, Ac.
tS Watches, Clocks and Jewely repaired, and all
kiuds of Jewelry made taordcr.
e f All of my work warranted "TTa
7-Don"t forget "The Sign or the Big Watch.""-Si
Corvaliis. Oct. !4.15T Sitr
L. P. Fisher's
ADVERTISIXti Apency. San Ftam-h No.- 1711
WashinRton street, np ttairs, nearly opposite la
Magnire's Opera House.
L. P. FISHER is theathorized Asent of the
Oksgos Statessax;
Jlarrsville HtrabJ;
Sacfanieuto Uiihio:
Sari J'Mtqnin Republican. StocSton"; , .
Iaci!ic S'etltodist, Stockton;
Sonom Herald:
Nevada Journal:
Grass Valley Telegraph;
Red Bluff Beacon:
Columbia Gaiette;
Mountain IetnocRit, Placerville;
Tuoluraue Courier;
Calvarex Chronicle. Mokelnrarie Hill;
El Dorado le:n.crat;
Shasta Courier;
Mariposa Gazette;
Yreha Weekly Union:
Triuitv Journal, Weavervillc;
Iowa il ill News;
Weekly Ledge. Jackson;
San Jose Telegraph: .
Sonoma County Journal;
Folsom Dispatch;
Caliloruia Mining Journal;
Iris Angeles Star
Santa Barbara Gazette;
San Diego Herald;
AlniPila Cjunty Gazette; ..
Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's,
Napa County ReMrter;
Sierra Democrat, Dowuicville;
Humboldt Times;
tlregnuian, Portland, O. T.
Pacific Christian Adv.x'ate, Salem, O. T.
Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.
Pioneer and Democrat. Ol vmpia. W. T.
Washington Republiban, Steilacoom, W. T.
IJoynesiu, Honolulu, S. L;
Facilic Commercial Advertiser. HoBnlulti S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hongkong Register.
L-P. F-has'now completed his arrangements for
the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal
largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published
in the Atlantic States.
A fine opportunity is here offered to those who wish
to advertise in any part or the Union, c.r doing so at
the lowest rates, aud in a prompt and satisfactory man
ner. August 25. ia57. ' 24tf
THE Judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory or
Oregon, assembled at the scat or Government on
tiie 10th day r December, 185G, do fix and appoint
District Courts to be held In the city of Salem, in the
county or Marion, on the first Mondays or April nnd
September, and the fourth Mondays of May and Oot'i
bcr, annually, until otherwise ordered ; aud in the city
of Portland, iu the county or Multnomah, on the fifth
Monday, or December, ls56, and thereafter on the lirst
Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed. and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chier Justice.
il CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice.
Tit Laws of Oregon;
THE OREGON STATUTES, 1855. being a large vol
nine of .1.50 Daces, with comnlete index, annota
tions, and references, comprising all the laws in force in
the Territory, inclusive or thase passed nt last session
of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and
is soul at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
lie bought io any State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure thev cair lie afforded for here. Tho price places
them within the reach or all who desire the laws they
live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
tilled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that
will probably I published in Oregon, for many years.
In addition to the enactments or the Legislative" Assem
bly, tho volume contains the Declaration or Indepen
dence, Constitution or the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance or 1787, in
force in Oregon, Donatio" ' aw and all amendments,
and foil abstract or United vates Naturalization Laws.
Salem Drugstore.
FRONT Street. Itector's building. Constantly
on hand a foil assortment or Dki'os, Mkoi- (7
oinks, Paists, Oils and Dve STrrt-s, Patent ii
Mkihoines, Ac
Iu short almost every article usually found in a Drug
Store, and are offered at Wholksalk and Rbtail. at
extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warrauted as
Prescriptions rrcc of charge at office.
49- Prompt attention will be given to professional
calls in the tSty. A. M. BELT, M. D.
Salem, O.T., JuneS, 195T. 12tr
Corinthian Lodge
OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold
their regular communications on the Thnrsday
night before the foil or the moon or each month, ex
cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that
night in Albany. O. T.
Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to at
tend. . PlvLAZON SMITH, W. M.
SrtJiKGER, Sec y. . .- zil(
. . AT. .
The City Book-Store,
(FR0XT ST., PORTLAND, p. t.,1
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
ave b ' rtore.'and will be receiving by the 1st of Jane
.Vbich they offer to the
. At small advances cn New York prices.
ve ns a call, or send as an order, aud we are
bound to give yon satisfaction !
A. It. Shipley & Co.,
Are the Sole Auknts in Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sale ot
The American Statesman,
A GREAT BOOK ! ! Beiug the on! political history
or the United States.
Scud as y nir names. Price il 00 : Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st or Sepftmber
to all who send as their names by 1st or May.
Catalogue of Part of oar S!otk :
RinDKRs-zSanders' old 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th,
snd The Young Ladies"; Sanders' New It, 2J, 3d,
4th and 5tU: Parieri' 1st, 2d. 3J, 4tU aud 5tU; Mc
Guffcv 1st, 2d, 3d, 1th aud 5th.
Si-klleim. Sanders' Old, Sander.' New; Elemen
tary! Pbimeks Sanders' Pictorial, School and Paikcr's-
GEOOKAPHiESMitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ol-
ney's, Morse's, McXalley's, and Monteith's lat and
2d Book.
M atiiem atics. ?- Jt rithmetics Thomson's, Tables,
Mental, Analysis. PracticdL and Higher; Davies' Pri
mary, Intellectual. Sch'w! and. University; Smith's
Colbaru" Ray's Stoddard's; Davies Algebra, Sur
veying, Geametry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic
tionary. Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy or Mathematics.
Grammars. Green's Clarke's BaHlon's -Sinith's
Kirkam's Sjicnccr's Tower's.
PuiLOSornigs. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and
School; Comstock's Smith's.
Histories. Wilson's Juvenile, and United States;
Parley's Unirersj; Willard s Universal, and United
Lsstfi'AOES. Cooper's Yirgil; Andrew"s Latin Rea
det; Viri ltomaf: Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClin
tock's 1st and id ISok in Latin, and do. in Greek: An
hon's Greek Grammar and Read-.-r; Johnson's Cicero.
FftsfjupUe's French Grammar and Header; Woodbury's
German Grammar and Reader, Telemaqtie- Gretk Tes
tament; French, seli-t-iacht; Stirreane's French Dic
tionary: Andrew's l-atin da. IJddell A Scott's Greek
-lo, Anthon's Classical do, Smith s do do.
DicTiON'iRiES- Webster's School, High do, Aca
demic, Uaiversitv, Royal tfvo, Unabridged and CobUi'
PoJkct-'3 MaUIscn's A -tronomy. JfewniM"
Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. tLsm' Elements or Crit
icim. Park' r's Aids in Com.iosition, l'arkcf's Exer
cise t, Braokiield's Composition. MsEliigoU's Y'oung
Analvzer. di. Anilyti-.-al Manual. Parker's Word
Builu'er. Mayhew's Bk Keeping. Wavlaad's Moral
Science. Pafey's Natural Thetdogy. Blake's Agriccb
ture for Schools- Cpham's Intellectual Philosophy.
Mahan's do, do. Milton; Yoang; -Poll'jck: and Tho'inp
son; (Edition br Schools) Cutter's Anatomy and
Physiology. Acierican Debater. Newman's Political
Economy. Hit.-h-.xk's UeIogy. Great variety of
Speakers and Elocution. All kiuds of Schobl Station
ery: Slates of all sijrc; Drawing Biok; Drawing
Paper: Perforated Card IJ-mrd; Brist 1 Board; Pencil?
aud Bnishes; i.l.-o!?'s Colors; Inkstands, every size
and style, Ac. Ac Ao.
HisTosT- B.iacn!'t s United States. 6 volumes.
Hildreth's do. do, S vohanes. Frost's Pictorial United
States. Taylor's do, do, d-. P itta's Hist. Revolution.
Peterson's do. Wilson's United States! Wilfard's do.
Hbt. Indian Wars United States. Willard's Uaiversai
History. Mailer's do do, Rot:eck"s Hist. World 1 or
2 Toltunes. Koli'n's Ancient History. Farr's di, do.
Hume's England. Macaulay's do., complete. Dickens
Child's dj. Lingard's do. Gibbon's Rome. D'Au
bigae's Reformation. Bang's M. E. Church. Allison's
Europe, 1st and Id Series. Prescott's Works. Bnrdera
llist of Religioas- Hist, of Council of Trent. Jose
phns. AH of' Abbott's HL-trics. Historical Cabinvt
Otiecns.or Spain, yaeeas of Scotland. He!ps Spanish
Oon.iot'.'V. T Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Eu
bank a BrsiiK . Parley's Universal. History of Cra
ss les. Ancient Egyptians. H illarn's Mid.lle Ages.
Hitry for Bys. ""Bonner's Child's United States.
lo-iug's Kield BtoS of Hevolution-
BtOiSBArHr. Plutarch's Lives. Life Brant. Won
derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters.
Live? or the Sigriers. Autobiography of Finley. ba
rn irtine's Celebn-.ted Characters. Lifeof Adam Clarke,
d j Bishop Heddiug. di Xiebehr. do Gen- Harrison.
-1 , Daniel Boone- do Boberts. do Lafayette. Cap
tains or Roman Republic and Old World." Dr. Chal
mers, 4 vols. Lives or Humboldts. Mrs. Rogers.
Mozart. Wesley- Fletcher. Life and Times or Clay:
Irving's Washington. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of
Chief Justices. J.ephine- Napoleon. Charles Lamb.
Jackson. Gen.Oreen. Joan of Are. Lady JaneGrey.
J. t. Adams- Julienne- Daniel Webster; Kinrs of
Home- Kings and Queens. laebmtz. Lives of the
Popes. Prescott's Philip 2d. Mary and Martha Wash
ington. Pioneer Women of tbe West.
Tkavels. Hack's China. Araiicaiiians. Stephen's
Egypt. Oiin's Trafels. Mango Part. Nils Notes.
Adventures on Mosmit-- Shore. Bayard Tatbar'a Trav
els. Durbin's Travels jn the East. -
S-isn"TIF!C. Braitde's Encyclopedia. Physical Geog
raphy or the Sea. Wood's Natural Hi-tory. Lardner's
lectiircs. Useful Arts- Cosmos. Mathematical Dic
tionary. Logic" of Mathematics. Wonders of Science.
Mitchell's Planetary and SteHar Worlds. Loomis Re
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Arts and Science- tubauk's Hydraulics- Dick's works.
Various works on Architecture-
PoETitv- Bvron various styles. Shakesncare, do-
Milton, do. Burns, d. Hemaas, do. Moore, do.
Thomps m. Young. Pollock. Tapper. Cowper. Pope.
Csmpiiell. Wadsworth. Ossian. Montgomery. Kirk
White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America
and many others.
Books of Refekbscs CyciopeSia or Geography.
d.di. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Artk.
Mi-t-'olloch's Garetfeer. Harrier's Universal Gazetteer.
FariT aso AGKicrLTTKAL. Elliot's Fruit Bxik.
Tlromas" do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Fessenden's
Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
Gardener's Companion- Allen oa tiie Grape. Pardee
on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Karra Book.
Allan's Domestic Animals. All or Saxton's Hand Bxk:
Woaks on Horse. Cattle, Sheep, Hog, &e.
Theological A Relm:ioi"s- Harmony and Exposi
tion of Gospels. Meanders Lite ot l hnt. Butlers
Works. Kuapo's Christian Theology. Western Meth
odism. Moms' Miscellanies. lectures on Rojinanism-
Brand of Dominie Rule- Elliot on Humanism. Barnes
Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's
Exercises. Watson's Institutes. Larrabee"s Evidence
Batier's Ethical Discourses. Rogers' Ellipse of Earth,
do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection.
Baker on Discipline. Writings of Artrrinins. Jahn's
Biblical Arclneology. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from
il to $20. Testaments, great variety. Methodist
Hvmns. Christian Hymn BkU -Church Psalmist.
Pfvmoutu. Collection. Select Melodies. Christian
Medical. Buchaa's Family rhysieian. Hydro
pathic do. Homocpathic Works.
MtscBLLANEOt's. Constitutions of United States
Mavhew's Popular Education. Crabbe's Synonyms.
Piatt's f(-nM. ot Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual.
Headley's Works. 14 vols. Mrs. Tnthill's. 6 vols. Lay
ard's Nineveh, ifigelow's Useful Arts. Harwell's En
gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities.
Way Down East. Pynshurt. . Ike Maryei's Works.
Sanderson's Cook and" Confectioner. Conntrt Rambles
in England. Talcs and Reveries, an excelleut Temper
ance Book-7 Monet Maker. Escaped Nnn. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Md
ler's Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints! of Creator-
Yonng Iadies' Counsellor. Y oung Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Ken. -Constitutional
Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
can Housewife. Half Hours with Old Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur and leeay. Mrs.- Sedgwick's
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. . Kncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals.- Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
len's Works. Henines of History. Iand and Sea.
Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore-
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving's.
Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New York
Living Orators of America. Yonng Man Advised. Mis
sions in Tonga an Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Knout and the Russians.'. Hydrapathic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for Young Men
do. Tdo. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boy si -Footpflpte
of Famous mer. Charlotte Elisabeth's
Work's. Aftvice to Yonrig Men- Peasant hoy philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia.
And a number of others too mimeim to enumerate.
Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing.
Stationery. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do. do, do. Envel
opes all stvles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders
great variety. Blank B wks all sizes and styles.
Memorandums, Diaries. Pass Books. Time Books
Paper Cutters. Do Folder. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic 'Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa
ner?ood variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, &c, Ac
Finally, we have a good variety of
Mi-sic Books New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee B;ok. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do,
Malodeon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheel
Music. .
, And the most varied assortment of SrAjno.s-EKT ever
fibred in Oregon. r
- This stock U all bought in New York and other
Eastern cities and w sold at . .
tar We keep on hand School Books in large quan
lies, together with most of the publications of
Harper Si Brothers;
Derby Jackson;
Ivison & Phinney
Phillips & Samson;
A. S-Barnes Co.;
Miller, Orion Mulligan;
Leary & OU;
Appleton; And others.
We ask your patronage. If nnabl t to visit us
iA examine our stock, your onler will be attended to
on the same terms as ir yon bought in person.
Portland, March 2t, 1807. 2U
"AH of the above works may be had W. Ken von A
Co.'s City Book Store, Salem.'1 .
ElUha Padget two estrays; $1 only sent.
iue oilier uoiiar.j . .
Notices of all estrays are required by law to be a -vertised
in the Statesman. The charge therefor, Cxi
by the law, is one dollar .for each animal taken ni
No advertisement will appear under this head nnt :
paid for.
Where no money, of lessthan the correct amour 1
Is sent with an est ray notice, the notice will not be pol -published
until the foil amount is received.
TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, at this residence, ii.
Marion Co 13 miles southeast of Salem, tw
steers, one a large white Btcer. marked nndenlape fi:
the left year, and crop on" the right ; the other, a amah
red steer, with some while in the tace, and under tl
belly, bosh or his tail white, marked crop off the rigbi
ear; no brands to be seen on either. ' '.
January 10, 1857. 2w46
. . , n
TAKEN UP, by the sobecriber, livinr io "McDonaM
precint. Linn Co., one brovrn Indian ;marer. tt)roi
years old, black main and tail, no marks or Lranc!s fqr
ceivable, said nag came to my residence in Augasl.
January 15. 1853. 2w46
rpAKES I'P, by tfce subscriber, living In Cbebaler .
J. Valley, six miles fcam Lafayette, one white mart;
snppod to be ten or eleven years old. about foortrei
and one half hands high, no brands. Come to my plac
four months ago. BENJAMIN HEATEK-
January 5, i-i58. 2wl6
TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living six miles north
west or Lafayette, one red steer, three years old.
last spring, white belly, and tail; no marlls or brands.
The said fcteer came U my premises abort the lstoi
January, 1-558. EOBER t MERCHANT.
January 15, 1S58- 2w46
riAKEN CP, by the subscriber, living 5 miles sooth
X of Burlington, Linn Co., one yoke of oxen, one
white, with red head and neck, red spot on his left hind
leg, just below hock, some red on rigbt side of right
fore leg, a Mnall red spot n right side, jnst before bis
Bank, some little white in forehead, marked with swal
low-fork in right ear. and upper half crop; rc left; no
brands. The other is red, with a little white in th
bushor the tail, crop off right ear. and npper bit in tbe
left; no brands. 45w2 CHAS. B. CROSBY.
TAKEN UP, by the subferiber, living 9 miles east
of Eugene City, Lane Co., O. T-, one white steer.i
years old. some red spots on the neck, a crop and two
slits in the left ear. and a slit in tbe right, right born
droops, a dim brand on the left hip: taken np Decem
ber 29, 1S57. 45w2 WM- STAFFORD.
TAKEN UP, by the snbseriber, living in Willamette
precinct. Lane Co., O. T-. Dec. 20, 157, one white
steer, with brindle spots on Lissi3es. marked with crop
off each ear, and nnderbit in left, hole in each born.
14 veers old. Appraised at J12.
r-A K EN UP, by the subscriber. Irving in Coast Fork
J. precinct. Lane Co., O.T-. two estrays, one a reti
cow, small white spot in forehead, some white on each
Sank, branded Hit on right hip, with crop and slit in
right car appraised at f45. Also, one yearling, red
and white pided appraised at $1?.
ryiAKEN UP, about three miles from Hillsborough
X Washington Co., in Angnst last, one yoke of hal-Snani-ih
oxen, about ten years old, one red and one
spotted, no marks or brands- Appraised at I j0.
rrvAKEN UP, by the snbseriber, living 5 miles north
J of Harrtburg, Linn Co.. one pale red steer, whitc
face. swallow-fork in the left ear and under half crop
iu the right. Supposed to be six years old. Haa been
rtmninsr in my neighborhood some three years. No
brands. 45 MH-TON A. KOGEBS.
San Francisco, j . . Portland, O. T.
Richards & McCraken.
COMMISSION MERCHANTS. andVobbers in Oregon
Flour, Grain. Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon, Lard.
Hams. Ac, Art Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments.
No. 4 1 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco
January 27, 1?5T. - 45tf
TO all whom this may come, greeting : That I am to
leave for the States soon, and would respectfully
request those who know themselves indebted to me, or
W.C.Griswold & Co., to call and settle without delay,
and oblige W.C.GRISWOLD.
SoiemJannarv 27. 1S57- 4fitf
S. J. MeCormiefe,
Franklin Book Store,
HAS constantly on hand a large stock of Books ash
STiTioxEsr", which he sells at a small advance oa
Publishers Pe.ices.
S" A catalogue may be seen "in tbe Oregon an"
Washingtion Almanac for 1357. Boots ordered tbere
from sent postage free to any part or either Terrritory .
Portland, Feb. 24, 1?57- 50yl
Corrallis Drag Store.
J E-CARDWELL. Druggist and Apothecary, is con
. stantly -receiving, per Califoraia steamers, large
and carefoiiy selected stocks of Prcgs and Medicines.
Oils. Paints, Yaimish, Soaps. Perfumeries, Toilet Fcr
cit;:re. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drag
Stores. Agent for Jaynes, ar.d other patent medicines,
which will be fnrnished at California, wholesale prices
Oir Orders solicited. a
CorvariLs.May.lW. 12tf
Ulacksmitbs aud others, Look.
ALLAN McKINLAY & CO. have now on hand a
laree and well selected stock of
Br"Iron, st Steel.
Horse shoe da-, tSerraan do-.
Nail rod d-, " Plough do.,
Plate do-.
And intend to keep np the assortment so as to suit tbe
wants of cust-jmers- Give ns a call, and yon will ficfi
that we not only h we the fullest stock, bat will sell
" as cheap as the cheapen." We are constantly receiv
ing additioas to a assortment, so as to replace what
is sold. '
Oregon City. Dee. lS5i. 41tf
Books. Books. . ;
ttt K. SMITH Co. have recently received a large
V invoice of books, direct from Sew York, which
they offer for sale at reduced prices- They wiil be con
stantly receiving additions to their stock, and will keep
on hand every article in that line, which the wants or
the country "require. Oae of the firm will visit the
States in the spring, after which they will keep a full
assortment of
in addition to imscenaneoos and school books. Their
present stock includes all tbe different kinds ef school
books used ia thi eonntrv .'and a great variety or stand
ard scientific and miscellaneons works, ail of which
will be sold at greatly reduced prices, to make room
for new ones on the way.
They also have and will eontinne to keep a complete
assortment of stationery, slates, pencils, pens, ink, and
fancy articles. - - t- -
Sfore near the bridge, south en of CoTCmereia!
street, - "
Salem, Pec' Sf , IS57. 2tf
lOO Head of Cattle for Sale."
rriilE subscriber has at Amity, Yamhill eoun-
iv, l nt neaa n caiue, in luuuhuih.
whicb be will sell on reasonable terms. Apply
. K ' t -l in nr on tbe nremises. - , -
November 2, 1S57- S4tr
OPEN and covered buggies Concord Aj""55
make, for sale. Apply to -VSKvg
J. MeCRAKEN, Portland.
11. Mi tin Relle.
DEALER in Oregon Produce, Office at W. C. Gris
wold & Co.'s store, Salem.
Salem", July 1, 1857. 13tf
TAX receipt blanks fo' sale at the Statesman office
at SI per hundred.
UTTER 50.000 2. for which the highest market
price will be paid, by
i.u. uu ir-L.Lt, -
at Griswuld A Co.
Salem. July 1. 1957. lStf
T"lV ANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 100
V bushels or good apples, fo be delivered by the
10th or Angnst highest price paid. G. E. COLE.
Hogs. Hogs. Hogs.
THE subscriber wishes to contract tor 10,000 Pork
Hogs on foot, or in Pork, for which tbe highest
market price will be paid in cash.
Liberal advances will be made in rash on contracts
of Hogs. B. M. DU RELLE.
Office at w. C. Griswold aud Co. s, Salem,
Salem, July 1, 1357. IStf
1 AAA LBS.lon,(H)gEoo4iE'excnange
xOU,UUU for cash, by . , i
a- Office at Griswold & Co.
Saiem July 1, 1S57.
J ANTED in exchange for cash, 2fl.000.IbfL washed
wool, for which 1 will pay la cents per u-
WANTED In exchange for merchandise or on ac
count 10,000 lbs. good butter, fox which I will
pay the market price. G. E. COLE-
W ANTED in exchange for cash or mercaandise.
20.000 lbs. of bacon for which I will pa tne
highest price- G. E-COLE-
NAILS, glass, and window sasb. at
42tfl W. K. SMITH A Co &
rpHE best black tea yon SMITH A Co V
T0XS thziii iron, ju.4 received lat