The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, January 19, 1858, Page 3, Image 3

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    . Oar attention has been called to the
misrepneentations of some of the black
"repablteans in regard to the "JatkumtUU
Herald" rutins: called the Kansas-Nebraska
et, "a splendid specimen of hell-born fanat
icism." As tbe "Herald" maj never see
the charge, we will Tentnre to sj that the
assertion is unfoundedly false, and that the
"mraW wholly endorses that and all other
democratic measures. We remember the
phrase being used in a sarcastic reply to the
Occidental, bnt no oce with as much brains
as could be contained in a peannt shell,
wontd attempt to make the statement im
plying that snch were the sentiments of the
editor: nor wonld any one acquainted with
the character of the negro press, hare the
least suspicion that they erer intended to
teU the trutn.
' to this County, on the loth lost., of croap, Alktb,
daughter of John W. and Melissa Hhrum, aged 2 years.
Salem, January 19, 1868.
"Wheat, white, 1 371
Wheat, mixed. 1 85
Oats, ' 75 a 1 00
Potatoes. ; - W
Onions, -
Bean, - 3 00
iw... l 60
Bacon, sides, 15
Bacon, hams, .................... la
Lard, inkers....... .............. 17
Batter, fresh rolls, 40 a 50
Batter, packed, - - 36 a 40
aackens,per dozen, ...... .. 3 60
Flour, per 100 lbs., 3 50 a 4 00
Fork, 7J
Dried Apples,..---.. 16 a 18
Dried Peaches 18 a 25
Dried Currants 75
Apples, per bushel. Winter... ..... . 9 00
Fir, clear, per M, 85 00 a WOO
Cedar, per M, 40 00 a 35 00
Shingles, cedar, per M, 7 50 at 00
Shingles, fir, per M .... ... 5 00
To Statesaaaai Snhseslucas.
In tea week t'i4prtat v-jlame of the Statesman
close. Our terms are ti 03 per year In advance;
O if not paid in advance, it pid within t months;
at so
and S5 00 if not paid within S months. Owing to the
short time intervening between the announcement of
xaoso terms and toe commencement of sne present vol
ume, tut spring, we did not in all eases adhere to tbe
published ternn. bat ra some instances we received
S3 00 thourh not paid in advance. But the comins;
year we must adhere strictly to our terms, in all eases.
When act paid ia advance, the price will be tt 00 or
So OO.areordia? ft tae time wneu paid. If paid Wnrt-
f sa mfvamrt, it wiU be S3 00, oaf mot orarrsnse. We
aire notice thus early that all may be enabled to send
us the S3 00 before the eomowncement of t.e new vol
ume. We hope all ia arrears will also uar ap, and
avail themselves of the adraaca terras before the
8th r jlome commences. A. BUSH.
Dec S, 1357. 4!tf
Tfe Statcsaujus Sena tm taw SMattrs.
Many of ear States subscriptions expire at the dose
of this volume, seven weeks from tbe present date.
Our rule is to discontinue papers sent to the States,
when the time for which they are paid expires. Per
sons who are sending the Statesman to their friends in
t!te tttatea, ana vna it continued, wiu please bear this
in mina. ana re-oraer. Dei ore tne time paid Tor doses.
ow paper may k aep going conmroousij'.
Jan. 19, 1853.
Tw ttte Deawtmry or Linn Conaty.
for av Stat Cni aawat.
In iwiauanee of the call of the Democratic Central
Committee of the Territory, tbe Central Committee of
usee cxrvrr w mi id nereoy respecuaiiy give notice to
xae leraocrsry oi ssia coaniy mat a coonty Conrra
tion will be held in the town of Albany, on Saturday,
tht fmrary tmemth day mf Froruon, proximo, for the
purpose of electins; ten drlrttn to represent the de-
mrtcraey of said county in the State Convention . to be
held at Salem, on tht V6M dan of Afore.
1353, "for the pun" we of nominating candidates to be
Mopporsea oyvue Democracy at tne June election ra
1S58, aad for the transaction of such otbec business as
may prosteriy came befire it.7
- The Committee would respectfully recommend to the
democracy of the several precincts in the conntr, that
they meet at their usual place of rotinr, on Saturday.
we zota dTv ar r eoruarg mat, at tne boar or 1 o clock
P. M-. for the pnrpose of electins; delegates to the afire
aaid Coa'nry Convention; each pret-i net electing the
number of delegates which each sent to the last Coun
ty loarention. A uekso.x coa.,
Linn County, Janoary lCth , !?;3. 45
V tbe Drmorratte Vwtera of Oresroo.
The andersirned.the Democratic Central Committee
f Oregon, hereby announce that the State Convention,
of the Demoi latic party of Oregon, will be held at Sa
lem, on Tuesday, the lGth day of March, 158, for the
purpose of nominating candidates to be supported by
the Democracy, at the Jane election in 1x58, and for
transaction of snch other business as may properly
mie Deiore it. in eubiidBing tne oasis ot representa
tion, the committee bare adopted the rote cast at the
June election, ia 1857. for tbe nominee of the Demo
cratic party for delegate to ConereM. and wonld ree-
ommenu wax eacn county send to sent convention one
delegate, for each 75 rotes ea.t for said democratic can
didate for Congress, at said election, and one rote for
erery fraction over 40; and that each connry shall le
esuuea to at i-ajft one delegate wnica oasis will enti
tle the respective counties to delegates, as foll-nrs?
Jackson 8. Polk 6. Josephine 5, Marion , Curry 1,
iiacaamas , ioo i . lamttiu 3. Douglas 6. asbmc-
toa t, Umpqna t. Mnltnomab 4, Lane 7. Wasco 1, Linn
10. coiomoia l, Kenton 4, Clatsop I. Tillamook 1.
The committee would recommend that each county
take early steps to secure a full representation in said
Salem. Dee. n, 1857. 41td
Portland Times and Jacksonville Herald, copy.
Is hereby given that the Central Democratic Com
mittee, for Lane county, are reouested to meet at the
courthouse in Eugene City, on tbe thirtieth day of Jan
nary. 158, for the transaction of such business as they
shall deem necessary, and for the more permanent and
efficient organization of tbe Democratic party of tbe
eounty. W. S. BROCK.
- - Chairman Central Committee.
. January 8, 1858. Jw44
Dn-L. J.CziriAT's Sargical and Medical Institute is
w umuivciy anowa in tbia Territory that any notice
of it. or of bim. miht neem nn4i.. vt rwn
that there are those who heretofore having no need of
? . K'ina so ascertain tne proper
m wn misfortonea. Totbosewe
beg leave to direct attention to Dr. L. J. Czapkay , who
. " ujsrtu oi great sciu ana wonaenui
soecesn ia his profesdon. Tbe Dr. ku amla nnek
ttentloa to the treatment of chronic and private dis
eases, and stands unrivalled fn hi mnvn. r
hem. To those who need sceh assistance we cheerfully
'recommend Dr. L. J. Czapkay ; it would be well at ail
ctchm k cmaun mm, as ne maces no cbarge for con
sultation, and much good might result from it. The Dr.
guarantees a euro in all eases or ask aa fjwnnM..!; '
aW See Dr.L. J.Czapkay'asdrsrtiaementsin another j
Dentistry-. ,
DR. E. H. Griffln will be at bis office, in Salem, over
. J. N . Robb's store, on the 25th Inst.
Jan. 16, 1856.
Astsssisiistrator's Notice.
BT virtoe of aa order of sale to us issued, by tbe Pro
bate Court, of Marion Co., are shall proceed tc sell
at public aoctiod, at 11 o'clock, JA. U; on Saturday,
February 13, 1858, at Salem, the followiug real estate
lying ia Salem, and being real estate belonging to tbe
estate of WILLIAM H. WILSON, late deceased : block
no. S, (7 lots) ; lot no. 2, block 64; lota no. S, 4,5 and
. Wick 11 ; lot no. 1, block 10 ; lota 1. , 5 aad 4, Mock
9; lots 1.2, 3 aad 4, block 8 ; lota 1, 2, 7, aad S ; block
73 ; block no. 12 . (ft lota.)
Trots One hair cash, and one half ia three months.
Co J&dlKiMT9m
Jaaaary IS, IhSS. 4wis
. for Sale.
PrarjAVT t a license to the undersigned, granted
by the honorable probata court of Polk County. O.
Tasraardiaaor Henry M. Turpm. a m inorl w il I
proceed to sell at pablic auction, in the towa of Bethtd
oa Wednesday, tbe 10th day of February. ADl5'
between the boors of tea (10) o'clock a. m. and two f 21
eaeleek p. at. of aaid day, the following described real
state, to-wit: 160 acres of land situate la township i
(C) south of range four (4) west, and more particular
ly described as the south half of the east half of the
mad claim entered by William M. T orpin, and recorded
Surveyor General's office ia said Territory. Said
J" He adjoiaing the town of Bethel, aad persona
7i!?5UJ?""1 "r a good and permanent school,
Tldr,J"w7"ioUaiKl see the premises before the
2. W "TW-. J!J5tber Particulars yoa are referred
to Jlr. Thomas Jeffries, arcbaat. ia Bethel.
Polk Co, Jan. 10th, 185S.
NeUci te OtUldcra.
OELP PRESERVATION b aa inherent principle,
O firmly seated in t -e heart of Man. He allghta a pen
the shores of thm-, t t moat helpless of all God's crea
tures, bat m aeon at t eaenn Kara her standard, he sees
ana mmu, ana eaorewa nimself with objects or pro-
vecuou. i win me mv ana rasnfwr muck, at m
yard, near fialatn.than ut other man ia Onmi. I
has been mj occupation for yean, and shall continue
t be forages tine hence, notwithstanding the Salem
v oincr. -.
Oh, never hold malice ! it cannot be good,
for 'ti nobler to strike in tbe rush of hot blood, -Than
to bitterly cheriah the name of the foe
Wait to sharpen the weapon or meaanre the blow.
The wild dog In hanger, the wolf In IU aprln g
The ahark of the watera the asp with iU ating.
Are leaa to he reared than the vengeance of man,
When it lieth in secret to wound where it can.
Oh. nerer hold malice ! dislike If you will.
Yet. remember, humanity linketh ua still $
We are ail of us human, and all of us erring,
And mercy with as should always be stirring.
Shall we dmn to look np to the Father above.
With petitions for pardon, or pleadine- lor lore-
Shall era Bias, while we pant for reTenge on another,
i mmm. uwu.yei aeny to s Drotberr
Salem. O. T., January nth, 1 858. 45wS
A Few ThKihts for the Mind.
ALCTOSB to name for one of the brightest stars
In the Plealdea. Around this magnificent center
our enure aoiar fraternity Son, and Ita rast family of .y wuut, nowciemy, cease 1 emir, wilb
oat a moment's rest, without a moment's fatigue. And
yet, nae a living. Dreaming, barroonial man. our plan
etary organisation lays seemingly destitute of anima
tion. Near the center of a wide spread bed of inter
lacing and inhabited stars, oar salar body tourney for
ward at the frightful velocity of fourteen WnnArA ihnn.
aaua owe per aay; ana yet it requires eighteen mil
lion and two thousand years for our risible aun and ita
planetary dependencies to rerolre once aroand "Al-cr-
, This primary planet ia nearly one hundred
and eighteen auilion times greater in magnitude than
our sun, which is many times larger than the earth, or
any otherr related globe. Some stars are distant that
thirty million of years will sink into oblivion, and infi
nite scores of human beings will lire and die oat of mat
ter, ere their light can reach our globe I and light flies
ww mum. in m wwvaouiv. miwa dot aeeona. hiui 1 1... mu
etatioa of nature before as, what shall we think of the
old hot popular theology Genesis which auketh
earth the center of all creations, and the earth's inhab
itants tbe source of infinite trouble to deity !"
-It was fashionable twenty years ago, to dear that
tbe earth was more than six thousand years old, but
geological researches liare p reran that it mast have ex
isted ror many nunareds or thousands of years."
Stop from cares to think a little aa ran win h.
joura-v ui nie. OAKlllULUMtW WHITE.
rairview, mix i o. o. T. wl
OX the 7th inst., an envelope containing some vouch
era on the Indian Department, and notes: one nni,.
a. a. oainner ior wu; one on Kalph Bledaoe for
100, signed by C. Lane, and some other notes, accounts
and debu not remembered. The finder will be reward
ed oy tearing incm as ue statesman Office.
Salem. O. T., Jan. 15th. 1959. 3w45paid
Notice to Tax Payers.
I A LL parsons who bare not yet paid their taxes fur
I J. the years 1354, 1856 and 1857, will tare costs br
m)"'K aiuv uc wenn oi unn vounty on xon
dsy. February 1st. at Harrisborg; Tuesday. 2d. st Jas.
Pierce's; Wednesday. 3d, Union Point; Thursday 4th.
Drownsvuie: rnaay. am. cmianrt scbool-bouse. Bnuh
ireea precinct; Monday, bin. Lebanon; Tuesday, 9th
Peoria precinct. Nve's school-hmue: Thnnitir 11th
naypools precinct. William Hay's; Friday, ltth, Scio,
McDonsld's precinct; llondsy, 15th, Hale's school-
house, Syracuse precinct; 16th. 17th and 18th. Albany.
rfuuji ojaiin.sacnn unn tonnty,
January IS. 1858. 45w3
a s ay iri -w- w w ni sp a . -
Irgister ltd Ictclrer'i Kolicel'fflpqot DUtrieL
TO SETTLERS ia Township S6 south, range 13 west.
17 - .. 3 M
The above Township having been snrrered and plats
thereof approved on tite 7th day of December, 1857 all
settlers who have claims or parts of claims therein, are
requested to appear at tbe Land Office, for theCmpona
tnstnes oi urezon, at wincnester. witnin tnirty navs
from and after the 7th day of Fehruarr. 1J56. or prevM
ons to tnal lime u convenient, when and where we shall
be pre pared to receive the notifications of their claims.
aad enter upon the adjustment and settling according
to law, of ail conflict of boundary that may be found
to exist.
Given nnder onr hands at Winchester, this 30th dav
of December, A. !., Is57.
I., r. KOSHER, RerUter.
WM.J.MABT1X. lteceiver.
January 1. A.D.. 1858. 4w4t
Guardian's Sale.
NOTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned guar
dian for Oeorse M. Seward. Mariah H.Seward. V. Seward, and Sarah Ann Seward, will sell at
Public a action br virtue of a license from the Probate
Conrt of Polk eonnty the following described premises
Uv-wit : two thirds of the half assigned by tne Land
Office department to the deceased wife of aid guard
an of land claim, no. 53 in township 6. a. of r,5. w, and
t, 6. a. of r.6. w, containing one hundred and eighty
one acres. Sale will be at tbe store of Edward Clan
near said premises at ten o'clock a. n. , of the Hrtt day
of February A. D, 1S58. Terms made known.the day
of sale. MASON S.SEWARD.
!allas. Jan. 4. l&5o. 3w4tpaid
Cows, vs. $10,000 in Scrip.
THE nndetvigned will exchange cows for scrip, in
sums from one thousand duliars, and upwards, to
the above amount. EDWARD SHEIL.
Champoeg. Jan. 8, 185S. 4wt4
a. Lapp, Portland. t. w. ladp, San Francisco
W. S. Lsdd t Co.
Shipping and Comrminitm ifrrckanta, Portland, Oregon,
T IBERAL advance made on all consignments of Or-
AU egon produce. Messrs Wakrman, Dinion A Co.,
ao. ti, Boutn street, yew iorx. win receive and ror-
ward all goods and machinery, addressed to our rare
via Saa Francisco, or direct to Oregon.
Jan. 1. io. 44tr
TS hereby given, that by an order of the Probate court
x in ana tor Lane county, tne eademgnea wui nrrerat
public sale, on the eighth day of February, 1858. ia
Eugene City, Iane county, the goods and merchandise
belonging to the estate of HENRY H. FOUNTAIN.
oeceaaeu; saia esuce ts principally composed or clottv
ingot an sidos, ctoios. ana rancv goods, witn some
gioceriea. Six months credit will be given on all sums
over tea dollars, with approved security; sll sums less
loan ten dollars, casn ia nana.
W.S. BKUCK, jSdwm r.
Eagene City, Jan. 2d 1858. 3wt4
Final Settlement Notice.
1TTHEREAS Thomas L. Kimsey, Administrator of
VV the estate of AIA'IS K1MSKV, deceased. has filed
his final account praving for a final settlement. This
is therefore to the end that the heirs at law, and all per
sons interested may appear at the Probate Court, to be
neiu at ijaiayeiie. in aaia county, on 10c an aay 01 reo
ruarv. 1858. at 10 o'clock. A. M- of aaid dav to show
cause ir any, wny tne said account ft nan not ue allowed
and a nnal settlement made.
Jan. 5, 1858. 3w44
TV the nnderrigned. living in Marion Coonty O.
D the following described otes, viz : one note on Mi
chael Coyle for (340 dated some time (I think in the
month of June) 1856, and became due twelve months
rrom the date thereof, with a credit on - the
same 250. Two notes on John Goodell, one for $50,
! navable on demand with a credit of S16, endors
ed oa the same, and one for $50, also msde payable ia
money or lumber, at my discretion, and became doe,
some time in December inrt., said notes were dated ei
ther ia tbe latter part of April or first part of May
last. One note on Peter Clarey ror so, oaten u mini,
in tbe latter part of April last, and became due in De
cember inKt.. also one note note on E. Pettier for sev
enty -Too r bushels of wheat, dated in October or ov
iboa. Tbe amount or seventeen ooiiara w avm wa.
lost alan. in the nnra containing the above Botes.
Said notes and money was lost between Bethel and
Lafayette, some time in the latter part of September
last, and anyone finding the same will be liberally re
warded by giving me notice of tbe same; and more
over tbe public are hereby cautioned not to trade for
said notes as I shall take tbe legal course for tbe col
lection of them. My address m Champoeg.
December 30, 1857. 3w44paid
Fill! setUeneit Sstiee.
WHEREAS Jesse C. Henderson, administrator of
fbe estate of ALFRED MOORE, deceased, has
Sled his final report of said estate, this is to the end
that the heirs at law, and all persons interested, msy
appear at the Court or Probate, to be heM at Lafay
ette, oa tbe 4th day of February next, at 10 o'clock, A.
M of aaid day, to show cause if any, why tbe aaid ac
count ahall not be allowed, aad a final settlement
made. MARTIN OLDS. J. p.
January 5, J858. . S
TV Probate Court, Ine county. Ia tht matter of the
L eatste of Jacob M. Hmak, deetamrd. "Ordered by
the Court that all persons interested are directed to ap
pear before this court, on Tuesday tbe 8th day of Feb
ruary , 1K58, to show cause why an order should not be
granted to tbe administrator, to sell so much of the real
estate, as shall be requisite to pay tbe debts of the es
tate." Application will be made ia pnranance of the
above order.
& ELLSWORTH. AU m for tht AdmimV.
Jan. 1,1858. . 4w44
THE FACULTY" during the present year will con
sist of
Rev. F.S. Hoyt, A. If., President and Acting Profess.
or or ancient language ana itatnemattca.
C. H. Hall, A. B.. Protessor of Natural -Science.
DA t tkV t
dTl? SpTuldlnSr ' Teachers of Common EnglUh.
ltiss Sarah Buckingham, Teacher of Instrumental
The Coluoutb DrrimiKXT of the WalUmet Uni
versity has been organised. Young men designing to
Sursue a regular Course of Study, are Invited to arail
lemselves of the advantages afforded by thia Institu
tion, jiii avanaoie resources win oe made use or to
meet the wants of Students. Effort will be continued
tu secure a suitable endowment;and no pains will be spar
ed in obtaining competent and experienced I ni tractors.
The Collegiate year la divided Into tares ferass, com-
mencing as iouows:
The nrst term on the 3d Thursday in September.
second term on the 1st " " January.
- third " " " last " " April.
The Brat two terms areVtet teeaks tae; the third,
Vacatioxs. There will be two vacations In the
year: one. In April, of two ama, and one. In the sum
mer, of mum specks.
TrmoK will be at the rate of f 1 per week, or S40
per annam.
Tkaiis. The Academic year is divided Into
Trans of Wet-en tnrrki coca.
The first term begins on the last Thursday of August.
umnd tnrmMliM An tm M Va.m
" third " last " ," January.
lounu iass April.
Vacations. There will be two vacations In the rear:
one in April, of two terra ; and one in the summer, of
TrmoK will be paid at the beginning of each' Term
ia atfeoace, at tbe rollowtng rates:
la Languages, Higher Mathematics A fjhenu, S10 00
- uwer atodies or the Academic Division, . . T 50
" Common English Division, S 50
" Primary " s 50
For use or the Piano I 50
" Instromental music 10 00
S9 Instructionl in vocal music is given to all the
nuwau jrtm ay csMsrge.
Adhissiox. Studeats will ha admitted at any time:
aad will be charged for tuition from the time they ea
ter oniy, nut tneir progress will oe greatly promoted
by entering early in the Academic year.
In easee where, from necessity, students leare before
tne ena oi tne term tor wntcn payment naa oeen made,
a just proportion not more than three-fourths nor leas
than one-fourth of the tuition fee will be refunded.
Students are not allowed to leave lust before examina
tion. Patrona who are inattentive to this point, inflict
great injury niton both the student aad the Institu
Boarding. Tonus rentlemen and ladies can obtain
board at reasonable rales witn private raraiiies.
Coi'nss or Stvpt. A Course of Study has been
adopted for both the Collegiate and Preparatory De
partment, well calculated to seenre ripe scholarship,
mental discipline, and a preparation for the active du
ties oi lire.
A liberal Conrse of Study has been adopted for young
ladies who desire to obtain a thorough education.
mi' A Diploma will be awarded to all who snail
complete the prescribed course.
The jOvxhsent will be parental but strict aim
ing constantly at the! formation of correct habits of
?eir-uorernment. carerut attention wui te given to
manners ana morals.
Scnotaasmrs, perpetual, or for tbe period of ten
years, securing tuition at very reduced rates, can be
pirchased. For further particulars apply to the Presi
Per order of Executive Committee.
Sec. Board of Trustees.
Salem. Dee. IS, 1857. ' 41tf
SUlientry, SUUsatrj.
L. BRADLEY A Co.. have Just received, direct
from New York, per clipper ship Aurora, a line
lot of hl.nk hook, .nd'tion'en venenllr. consisting
1 rum new iutk. ua-r cuuuci sum aurvia. si uuv
in part of the following '
400 Reams paper of everr variety:
1000 Quires blank books, half bound, full bound,
an kinds;
500 Doa. ink, Daviea best black, blue, and red;
75 Reams wrapping paper dif. size;
50 gross pen holders:
60 " slate pencils;
50 doa. slates.
Together with a reneral assortment of school and
miscellaneous books Sander's spellers snd readers
Daviea and Thompson a matbematics complete, rt e
would say to those who buy to sell again, just give us a
call. r aj. isn Lri-c. s avv.,
11 1 un a 1 . 1 a-sr A, .
City Book Store, Oregon City.
Dec 50. 1857. 43tf
Sheriffs Sale.
VTOTICE la herery given, that, by virtue of an exe-
JL v cutiontome directed, out or tne 1 em to rial woe
of tbe United States district court for tbe 1st Judicial dta
trict of Oreeon Territory, in favor of Thomas H. Pearne
agent for the Missionary Society of tbe Methodist Epis
copal Church .land against Hamilton Campbell, for
want of personal property, I have levied upon and will
proceed to sell at tbe court honse in Salem in Marion
eonnty. uregon territory, on tne sutn aay or januarv.
1353. all the rizht. title and interest of the said Hamil
ton Campbell to the south half of the follosring des
cribed real estate, to wit: 1 be s. w. qr. or tbe n. w. qr.
or sec. 54, tbe w. half or the a. w. qr. or sec 75, tbe s.
bf. of then.e. qrof sec 57. the s. e. qr. of sec 57, the
e. or. 01 sec. 34. tne a. w. or. or tnes.e. or. or sec.
34. the w. nf. of tbe n.w.qr. of sec 35. in t. 9 a. r. S
containing 640 acres, more or les. Sale to be between
tbe boor of 10 o clock A. M. and 4 o clock F. M . of
said day, for cash to satisfy aaid execution.
January 1. 1S53. 4w43
New Goods at New Prices.
J K. SMITH A Co. would inform their patrons.
and tbe
public generally, that they have just
addition to their stock of goods, which
received a large
they will exchange for produce, or cash, on the most
favorable terms. Tbey have now a complete assort-1 "l7"OU will take notice that on the sixth day of Octo
ment of dry goods, which they will sell I X ber, instant, James P. Hogue administrator, and
eMraprr tAoa amy other ttort in Salrm.
Their stock of boots and shoes is equal to any to be
found in Salem, consisting of men's snd boy's coarse
and fine boots, men's and boy's shoes; ladles' bouts,
shoes, and slippers, children and infants shoes men's
ladies, snd misses rubber oversboes.and in short, any
thing in the boot and shoe line that can be desired.
Their stock of groceries is also full, consisting of
coffee, green and black teas, crushed and brown sugar,
syrup, saleratus in buik, cream or tartar, salt. soap, to
bacco, sago, starch, tapioca, macaroni, raisins, and
sweet oil, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or
country produce.
Purchasers will do well to call and examine our stock
before purchasing elsewhere, aa we are determined to
give our customers satiat action la tbe quality and pri
ces or our goods. tztr
Ions; fjo Sxesl for Come stt Lrftst.
Tfsw ss saoavy.
JUST received a consignment of clocks and
watches st C. B. Pillow's which will be
sold st fsir prices, and warranted to keep good
time: eight dav and thirtv hour weight clocks.
Gold and ailver hunting cam watches, and a general
assortment 01 teweiry come one, come ait.
Dec 23, 1857. Im43
Something Nevrt
EL. BRADLEY A Co., have Just received a large
lot of hand-books for home improvement; com
prising now to write, now to talk, bow to behave, bow
to do business, in one volume; will be sent free of post
age to any part ot uregon, oa receipt 01 2.
Address E. L. BRA DLET,
City Book Store, Oregon City.
Dee. 20, 1857, 43tf
BooIlsI Books!
EL. BRADLEY A Co., have recently received a
large lot of Fowlers and Wells publications.
Take notice su ye tnat are sick, water (cure) is
powerful nice thing in a family.
fee. zo, lt7. tt
- Strayed,
R stolen, on or about July 15, 1857, from the sub-
I scriber. It miles south of Albany. 1 yoke of cattle.
one white, one red. no brands, large horns, weigh
a boot from 14 to 15 hundred each, one Spanish mare,
branded A T on left hip. Whoever returns said cattle
shall be liberally rewarded.
Dee. 23, 1857. 3m43paid
Short Settlements make long
rjinE old year bas passed, aad we want all those who
Know themselves luaeotcu wniw come lorwara
aod settle and get their "New Years" present.
Dont forget tola; we mean jnm wnai we say.
January 1, 1858.
ABOUT tbe 20th of October, from Spring
Vallcr. Polk Co.. a yoke of work oxen
ore a dark brindle. and the other a brown.
Some ear mr.rka not recollected, no brands.
Eight I
years old. The finder is requested to inform tbe sub
scriber, at Valfontia post office. Polk Co., aad he ahall
be compensated for bis trouble.
OfUfn. uiuui.10.
Dec 23. 1857. 42tf
Oregon Statutes.
T0UND volume for sale at John Fleming a, Oregon
AJ City, and A. R. Shipley a, r
Also laws of last session SI 00.
, Portland. Price, $5 00.
Dec 17, 1857.
Casn System Adopted.
VT0 raore credit will be given by me, and those in-
il debted to me. who have not maae arrangements
to pay their accounts in pork or outer pruauce, win
please call aad make payment or settle by note, aal
loieag closing my books. u. a.
vorvaiiia, oepu o, 18S7.
. a. ladd, Portland. t. w. laod. San Francisco.
W. S. Ladd k. Co.
tMPORTERS and dealers in Wines, Liquors, andGro-
.A, ri, mnniw, uregon
u.i, i9oe. 44IX
aCwstaaaaJ I
New Arrival for the Winter Campaign!
s. j. m cconmcK,
Has Jost Received direct from New York A Largs
Addition to bis former stock of
C'sasjw isiag, to Fart, ma Fallot:
MONTEITH'8 GEOGRAPHIES, Primary sad Manual;
lie WAIST'S UGOUHAraifSa pun;
CAP do;
at a tm . -i .a..
FRUIT BOOKS, six rsrleties:
weems Marion and Washington;
the camp fires of napoleon;
history of the mexican war;
works on architecture:
V J . . C WW i .
POETICAL WORKS an assortment;
NEW HISTORIES a splendid lot;
jtna arc. nr.
Valcntinsa and Tor Csoks,
For Christinas' and New Year's Gifts.
. Call, or Send to the
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
s. J. Mccormick, Prepnrtoi
November tt, 1857. m39
Brags! Drip! Drags!
WK. SMITH A Co. hare Just received direct from
. California, and from the States, a large addi
tion to their stock of Drugs, and medicines, making,
with their former stock, ths largest, aad best assort
ment of those srtides. ever offered for sale in the Wil
lamette Valley. They receive their goods directly
from the importers and manufactures so that every ar
ticle bought ot tnem can oe renea upon as rresu ana
fenuTae, and thee are determined not to be undersold
y any other druggists ia tbe country. Orders sent
from a distance will be promptly filled, and at satisfac
tory prices. Store near the bridge, south end of Com
mercial street. Salem.
Us ! le Workers at Iroi sis SUtI !
T HAVE this dav received br the arrival of the J.
X Whiting from San Francisco, the following assort
ment of iron and steel, to wit s
5.000 lbs. Norway shapes.
1.000 lbs. I XJ Iroa (flat,)
3 KS -16 "
fx J " "
I . fj. 1, 14. and 1. square.
j, &-IS. 1. l.and 1J,. Inch round,
assorted cast steel.
horse shoe nails. (G)
i Mn ... . -
. " men sogemer wiiu ssocn in sre maaea ai cour-
I fT0.r,Tn' " ' IIV.1??
will be sold as cheap as the cnsurxHT for rasa or coun
try produce. 4. xratwAin.
uregon city. Feb. 33. tsiJ. aou
Boot and Shoe Store.
FREDERICK WIC K MON would announce
tn the citizens of Salem, and the surround-
ins eonntnr. that he have take a store on the
eaat side of Commercial street, north of the postolBce,
where he will keep constantly on hand a full assort
ment of every kind of boots aad shoes, both custom and
ale work, which be will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workman, all orders ror tbe
manufacture or repair cf work will be complied with.
and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike
aanner. Give me a call and examine my stock.
Salem. March 15. 1857. 13tf
Ntttice. :
XTOW f .r larjre sales and small profits, for cash or
X 1 Oregon produce, a well st
dre-a patterns. Delaines. Merinos, Calicoes. Ginghams
sad all ether goods for ladiea. An assortment 01 bon
nets and ladies hats of the latest fashion.
Also a well selected assortment of clothine. boots snd
snoes 01 tbe best quality, con re. tea. susar, salt, rice,
pepper, aalaratae, and lamp oil. with other articles, too
numerous to mention, for sals opposite Unas Bro.,
next door to tne 1 nloa Hotel.
May 19.157. 10tf .
Probate Notice.
Lis Coi-stt. O. T. 1
To Margaret Hogne. Samuel A. Hogue. Hester Hill,
formerly Hester Hogue. Amanda Jane Hogne, Clar-
inaa Aorcross. torrnrriy ctanuda Hogne. and Clar
Inda Wood, minor heir of Mary Ann Wood , formerly
Mary Ann Hogne, of tbe State of Illinois, and John
M. Hoeue, of the State of Iowa, heirs to the estate
of Thomas G Higne, deceased, late of the county of
i.inn inu icmnrjoi vrregon:
one nf the heirs to said estate. Hied his petition in said
Court for aa order of sale of the real estate of aaid de
ceased, for the purpose of paring debts, expenses, and
for distribution: and If the contrary be not shown on or
before the first Tuesday in February next an order will
be made accordingly. It is further ordered that this
notice be published ia The Ore-on Statesman for fifteen
weeaa, successively. a. u. HALEY, J.of Probate.
October 19, 1 8A3. liwSl
Sublimity College.
WILL enter upon his first term In the Prinrtry De
partment of the Sublimitv College, oa Mundav
iuo inuii-ininiinrai novemoer. next.
Tuition. per term ot twelve weeks. $5 OOl
For each branch above the Primary, fifty cents more.
dj oruer 01 me lrusiees, tnts zist November. 190T.
ALLEN J. DAVIE. Samsnrw.
December. d, 1S57. SsHf
He statu rant.
T G. KRIECHBAUM bas opened a Restaurant, Bake-
y ry and conrecttunary house at Corvallit, Benton
O. T. Wilt set tbe best table that tbe market can
afibrd.and at all hours. Give him a call next door
aorta or city Hotel. lttf
1ORX starch, tapioca, sago and becker. farina, for
y puddings, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Co'a.
T)RBSTON C. Merrils yeast powders aad extracts of
A. lemon snd rosa, ror Savoring nastrys, at
tni SMITH A COs.
LAMP oil, candles, and sweet oil. at
42tf .. W. K. SMITH A Cos.
flOPAL varnishpaints, oils, and paint brushes, at
I42tf W. K. SMITH A Co'a.
AVERS Cherry Pectoral for sale at wholesale and
retail, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Co s.
SCHOOL books, st wholesale and retail, at
42tn W. K. SMITH A Co'a.
PICKLES and pepper
paper, at 42tr
wash-board and sand
W. K. SMITH A Co'a.
"lOTTON rope, for clothes lines, and small rope for
S halters, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Cos.
J. Fleming.
AT the Oregon City, Post Office Building, hah just
received, direct from New York, 100 copies of
'Dawning s Fruit and Fruit Trees of Aroerica."revised
snd enlarged, for 1857 the latest published edition of
this valuable work. He has slso on hand, a good stock
of miscellaneous books and stationery, for sale oa terms
to suit the times.
Oregon City, Dec. 15, 1857. 41tf
IF TOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned have got 15.000 Don mis best " COSTA
RICA." Come in and look at it.
Oregon City, Dec 6, 1866.
TJTJRB WINES and liquors for medicinal
A. at
K. SMITH A Co s.
BLASTING powder, and water proof caps, at
42tf W. K. SMITH A Co'a.
A LL persona owing me, will please call and pay their
accounts, up till June 1st. 1858.
SALT, sal soda, a
tfraa, at
W. K. SMITH A Co'a.
LADIES' cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at
42tf W. K. SMITH A Co's.
MACKEREL and codfish, at
(43tf) W.
K. SMITH A Cs's.
TTtRENCH merinos, and alpacas, at
1? f42tn W. K. SMITH A Co'a.
TTTE bay just received 88,000 lbs. of gronaoT alum
V I salt, wmca we art telling uhw per bundred.
SHOT of air kinds, and powder, at
42afJ W. K. SMITH A Co's. '
CAROLINA rice, and syrup to sweeten it in 6 gallon
kejs, at 42tfJ W. K. SMITH A Co'a. .
t5,COO Worth
rpHE subscribers would respectfully Inform their rus-
JL to men ana tne paouc generally tnat Uiey bare on
hand, and are in constant receipt of foods from Ran
Francisco and New York a large and well-se
lected stock consisting in part or -;
Alum, allspice, an-1 alpaeca.
Bonnets, beragea, end bro. linen, .
Cambric, crash, and calico.
Domestic de laines, and damask.
Edging, embroidery and everything'.
Flannels, fridges, and fancy dxin's,
Ginghams, gaiters and gloves,
Handkerchiefa, hose and hair-pins.
Iron, Ink, and insertings.
Jaconet Jeans, and Java coffee.
Knives, kid gloves, and knitting -pins.
uvu, lara ana ur
Jverpool salt.
Mastard, mirrors, and matches; .
Needles, nails, and nice things,
Ollsi over-shirts, and Oolong tea.
Pins, pants, and paper,
Quilts, quills, ana queensware, '
Ribbons, razors, and rat-traps.
Bilks, sngar, and shaving soap.
Tea, tobacco, and turpentine.
Umbrellas, under-aleevca, and useful things.
Veils, varnish, and vinegar.
Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons,
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions,
Zinc, and sephyr worsted,
Ac, Ac, and so on,
Besides msnv other articles too numerous to mention
all of which we are offering at reduced prices, adopt
ing we piao oi -- vuick sales ana small prants."
The ladies will Hud in their department a laiwe stock
of fancy goods, direct from New York, which Is not
usually Kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will be In
constant receipt adequate to the wants of tbe ladies.
The Gentlemen's Department of furnishing goods
willseldoni be equalled, and excelled by none in Salem.
IKON. The blacksmiths and iron dealers will al wars
And a well-selected stork of all sizes and shapes, to
gether with a good assortment of iron sxles, from 1-4 x
S in., tuixii inches, which we are selling at Portland
prices, adding freights.
We are Dreoared to receive all kinds of nradnee in
exchange for goods, and also money. For full partlcn-
mrscaii ana examine ior yourselves.
i.Feb. 10, 1RS7. 4Stf
Not Ccnstittaticn fbr Oregca.
WE beg leave to announce to the public that we
are just receiving a large and well selected stock
of goods from San Francisco, which has been selected
witn great care by Mr. Alexander, who has been attend
ing that market for some time, therefore we can tafelr
say to tbe public that we can, and will sell, goods as
ww as wuoieaaie or retail
We will take in exchange for roods all kinds of nra
N. B. We will also pay cash for all kinds bf pro-
auce, to-wit:
Wheat, Flour. Butter. Eggs, Bacon, Fork. Lard
Oats. Ac. Ac. Ac.
All who wish to purchase, will do well to call and ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere.
uur stocx consul 01 every ining in tne line tuat wis
marcet cans tor to-wit:
Grey, White, Red and Blue Blankets; .
Coats, Vests, Pants, Hats and Hat covers;
Under and Over shirts. Wool snd Cotton;
Every description of White Shirt:
Orieens Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery;
Boots. Shoes coarse and One;
Brogans Calf. Kip and Cowhide;
Wool Plaids. Merinos. Dehtins. late patterns
In short everr kind of piece goods, and the BEST TEA
erer snipped to tnis marcel.
alau cedar abingirs, rimotnyseed ana Hops.
AW Give us a call, and see for yourselves. "Sn
Corrallis. Oct 19, 1S57. S3tf
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c
J ROSENTHAL informs his patrons and
friends, that be haa jost returned from
San Francisco with a select sssortment of Jew
elry. Musical Instruments. Cutlerr. etc.. and
offers them for sale at his store on Front street,
BT One door below Dr. Coombs' office. "5a
Gold and Silver watches: Gold and Silver chains:
Gold bracelets; Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gold
ftneer rings: Lockets: Gold pens and pencils: Gold
sleeve buttons; Silver aad Plated ware: fancy goods
ana penumery.
musical instruments
Guitars, Violins, Flutes, Fifes; a large assortment of
Accordeons. Ladies work boxes or ail kinds. Gold and
Silver spectacles. Gold and Silver spoons. Cutlery,
i;iocks an enaieas variety. .T.C-, sc.
V Watches, Clocks and Jewelr repaired, and all
xinas 01 jewelry maae looraer.
mm All of my work wamntedca
sta-Dont Tor-jet "The Sign or the Big Watch."-.
Corvallis. Oct. 54. 185.7 33tf
Ia. P. Fisher's
A DVEBTISING Agency. Sao Francisco No. 1711
XX Washington street, up stairs, nearlv opposite to
Maguire a Opera House.
L. P. FISHER tt the authorized Agent of tbe
Obbqos STArrsAr;
Marysvilie Herald;
Sacramento Union; -
San Joaquin Republican, Stockton;
Pacific Metbodisr, Stockton;
Sonora Herald;
Nevada Joornal:
s Grass Vsl ley Telegraph;
Red Bluff Beacon;
Colombia Gazette; '-
Mountain Democrat.PiacerviUe; v
Tuolnmne Courier;
Calvaret Chronicle, Mokelemna Hill;
El Dorado Democrat;
Shasta Courier;
Mariposa Gazette;
Yreka Weekly Union;
Trinity Journal, Weaverville;
Iowa Hill News;
Weekly Ledge;. Jsckson;
8an Jose Telegraph;
Sonoma County Journal;
Folsom Dwnatch;
California Mining Journal;
Los Angeles Star;
Santa Barbara Gazette;
Saa Die eo Herald;
' Almeda Csunty Gazette;
Placer Courier. Yankee Jim's,
Nspa County Reporter;
Sierra Democrat, Downierille;
Humboldt Times;
Oregonian, Portland, 0. T.
Pacific Christian Advocate. Salem , O. T.
Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.
Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia. W. T.
Washington Republibaa, Steilacoom. W. T.
Poynesian, Honolulu, S. I.;
Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hongkong Register.
Lv P P. basnow comnleted his arranarementa for
the forwarding of advert He men ts to all the principal
largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published
la the Atlanf te States.
A fine opportunity ia here offered to those who wish
to advertise in an Part of the Union, of doina- so st
the lowest rates, and in a prompt aad satisfactory man
August 25. 1857. : ' 24tf
Wot ice.
THE Judges of tbe Supreme Court of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at tne seat of Government on
the 16th day of December, 1856, do fix and appoint
District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the
county of Marion, on tbe first Mondays of April and
September, and the fourth Mondays of Mar and Octo
ber, annuallr. until otherwise ordered : and in the city
of Portland, in thj coonty of Multnomah, on the fifth
Monday, of December, 185S, and thereafter oa the first
Mondays of Msy and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. . GEO. H.WILLI AMStChier Justice.
41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice.
Tne Laws of Oregon.
THE OREGON STATUTES. 1865, being a large vol
nme of A60 liases, with comnlete index, annota
I Hons, and references, comprising all tbe laws in force ia
the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session
of the Legislstive Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work ia ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
be bought in any State ia the Union, and at the lowest
figure they can be afforded for here. The price places
them within tbe reach of all who desire the lawa they
live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
tilled by return mail. It is tbe last code of laws that
will probably be published in Oregon, for many years.
In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem
bly, tbe volume contains tbe Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon. Ordinance of 1787, ia
force in Oregon. Donatio 1 aw and all amendments.
and full abstract of United States Naturalization Laws.
Salem Drug Store.
TJTRONT Street. Rector's building. Constantly
P on hand a full assortment of Danes. Ms Di
et XXS, Paixts, Oils axp Dti Srvrrs, Patxst
MKPICtXkS. sc.
In short almost every article usually found In a Drag
Store, and are offered at Wrolksalk akp Rbt&ii,, at
extremely low rates, in quantities to salt warranted as
represented. .
Prescriptions free of charge at office.
mw Prompt attention will be given to professional
cells in the City. ' A. M. BELT, M. D.
Salem, O.T., June 3, 1057. km
Corlntttlan Iodge .
OF Aaeisot Free and Accepted Masons, will hold
their regular raaaaaunioaiioos on the Thursday
niwtt uih ths full of tha moon of each month, ex
cept when It fulls on Thursday sight, thea oa that
night la Albany, O. T. -
Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to at
tend. WaZON SMITH, W.M.
Srai.NOCT, sec y. 3Jtf ;
BOOC0! DOOH0!.' DO 02
V':....':;: . AT. .
Th6 CityBoo&-titdd,
(ntONT ST.( rORTLAKO, d; f.,I
A. R. SHIPLEY ti Co".
ave ! 'tore, and will be receiving hf the 1st of Suae
s2 a3 n n d en
Which tbey offer to the -
At small advances on New if otic prices.
re as a can, or send sa an order, aod we are
oomd to give you satisfaction !
A. R. Shipley At Co..
Are tha Sols Aaairrs la Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories ror the sale of
The Anericsa Slatesnan,
A GREAT BOOK ! 1 Being the only political history
of the United State.
Send us your names. Price St 00 : Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September
to all who send na weir names oy ist or stay.
Catalogue ef Put if 1111 Slock :
Raancasi Sanders' old 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th,
and Tbe Young Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, 2d, Sd
4th aad 5th; Parkers' 1st. 2d. 3d, 4th and 6th; Mc
Gnffev's 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th snd 5th.
HrriTnti Sandir-i' Old, Sanders' New; Elemen
Paimas Sanders' Pictorial. School and Parker's.
GaooRAraiEa. Mitchell s. Ancient and Modern. Ol-
ney's, Morse's, McNalley's, and Monteith'a 1st and
2d Book.
Mathkxatics. Antbmetics Thomson s, Tables,
Mental, AnalysU, Practical, and Higher; Davies' Pri
mary. Intellectual. School and University; Smith's
Col burn a Ray s etoddard s; Danes Algebra, Sur
veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics. Math. Dic
tionary, Logic or Matnemattca, Analytical Geometry,
id Philosophy of Mathematics.
Grammars. Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smiths
Cirkam's Soenrcr'a Tower's.
PmLosorniks. Parkers 1st Lesson. Joyenile and
School; Comstock's Smith's.
Histories. vnison s j avenue, ana umtea mates;
o I ir.:.. I. WII.kI'. g r-i . ..I ITw..-J
rwie, . y m , c - i , -. u j ... , aim vium
Lts'srACES Coopers virsil; Andrew's Latin Rea-
det; vin izomx: Andres s um urammar; Mcciiir
lock's 1st and 2d Book in Latin, and do. in Greek; An-
non a tireek urammar ana tteaaer; Jonnson s Cicero.
Pa-vinelle's French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
German Grammar and Reader, Telemaque. Greek Tes
tament; t rencn. seli-uugnt; burrenne s rrencn Dic
tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Liddcll A Scott's Greek
-to. Aatnon s Classical do, emitn s do do.
Dictiosabiks. websters ocnool. High do. Aca
demic, University, Royal Svo, Unabridged and Cobbs'
Miscru-AVKors. Mattuon s Astronomy. Newman's
Rhetoric Wood's Botany. Karne s Elements of Crit
icism. Parker s Aids ra Composition, Parker a Exer
cises. Brookneld s Composition, xcuiigotts xoung
Analyzer, d.i. Analytical M-uiual. Parker's Word
Buiiuer. Mavhew's Book Keeping. Wayland a Moral
Science. Paley's Nstumi Theology. Blake s Agricul
ture for Schools. Upham's Intellectual Philosophy
Maban s do, do. Muton; Toung; foil i; snd Thomp
son; (Edition ror scnoou) (.utters Anatomy ana
Physiology. American iJebater. jievnui routical
Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of
Speakers and Elocution. All kinds of School Station
ery; Slates or all sizes; u rawing nooks; ittawmg
faper; fenoratea lara Doara; sraui noara; reucus
and Brashes; Oiborns Colors; Inkstands, every size
sad style, Ac. Ac. Ao.
Histobt Bancroft's United States. C volume.
Hildreth's do, do, 6 volumes. Frost's Pictorial United
States. Taylor's do, do, do. Botta's Hist. Revolution.
Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. Wil lard's do.
Hist. Indian Wars United States. Willard s Universal
History. Mailer's do do, Rotteck's Hist- World 1 or
2 volumes. Rollins Ancient History. Parr's do. do.
Hnme's England. Macaular'a do., complete. Dickens
Child's do. Lingard's do. Gibbon s Rome. D'Au-
bigne's Reformation. Bang's H- E. C'harch. Allison's
Europe, 1st ana 3d series, rrescott srtorxs. mraers
Hist, of Religions. Hist, of Council of Trent. Jose-
pha. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet.
Queens of Spain. Queens of Scotland. Help's Spanish
Conquests. Brace's Hnngary. Kidder's Brazil. En
bank'a Brazil. Parley's Universal- History of Cru
sades. Ancient Egyptians. Hal lam a Middle Ages-
History for Boys. Bonner's Cmids United States.
Lossfojr's Field Book of Revolution.
BiOGBArar. flntarcns uves. ure urant. won
derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters.
Lives of the Signers. Autobiography of Finley. La-
niartine'a Celebrated Characters. Life of Adam Clarke,
do Bishop Hedding. do Niebuhr. do Gen. Harrison,
da Daniel Boone, do Roberta, do Lafayette. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and Old ' World. Dr. Chal
mers. 4 vols. lives of Homboldts. Mrs. Rogers.
Mozart. Wesley. ! letcber. tare ana Times or Clay;
Irving's Washington. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of
Chief Jastices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb-
Jackson. Gen. Green- Joan of Arc. Lady Ja-rt Grey.
J. Q. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster: Kings of
Rome. Kings and Queens. Ijebmts. Lives of the
Pone. Preseott's Philip !d. Mary and Martha Wash
ington. Pioneer Women of the w est.
Teatct-S- Hocks China. Arancanians. Stephen's
Egypt. Olin's Travels. Mango Park. Nile Notes.
Adventures on Mosquito Shore. Bayard Taylors Trav
els. Durbln's Travels in tbe East.
Scrssnr tc. Brande e Kneyclopedia. Pnysical lieog-
raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural History. Lardnera
Lectures, (.seiui Ar. umms. aworauucii mc-
tionary. Logic of Mathematics, wonders or Science,
Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loomis' Re
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Various works on Architecture.
Porrar. Byron tsdous styles. Shakespeare, do.
Milton, do. Barns, do. Hemsns, da. Moore, do.
Thompson. Toang. Pollock. Tapper. Cowper. Pope.
Campbell. Wadworth. Ossian. Montgomery. Kirk
White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America
and many others.
BOOKS or nsFEBOcav cyciopeuia oi ueoirrapay.
do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts.
MeColloch's Gazetteer. Harper's Universal Gaz&teer.
Farrr axo Aoaii." v ltvuai- uuot s r mil nook
Thomas' do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Feasenden's
Fanner and Gardener. Fruit, r lower and Vegetable
Gardener's Companion. Allen en tbe Grape. Pardee
en Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book.
Allan s Domestic Amman, audi ?asm s nana: booes.
Wmks on Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs. Ac-
Theolooicai. KKLjQiocs- Harmony ana msposi-
tion of Gospels. Neander's Life of Christ- Butlers
Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth
odism. Morris' Misceilanie. Lectures oa Romanism.
Brand of Dtmnnic-Kale. rJ4Hot on Komamsm. Barnes'
Note-. Clarke's Commentary. Benson t do. Jay a
Exercises. Wataon'a Institutes. Larrabee's Evidences.
Butler's Ethical Discourses. Bearers' Eclfp of Earth.
do. Reason and Faith. Foster's ehrwrr Perfection.
Baker on Discipline, writings or Armtmnatr Jabn's
Biblical Archseology. Bibles, au sizes ana prices, from.
$1 to ). Testaments, great yariety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn rjoowi. i nnrcn rsaimist.
Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian
MsniCAX. Bucbsns Family fnysicuui. Hydro
pathic do. Homcepathic Works.
M 1SCKI.I.ANBOU8- onsunmons oi cniwa otawiejfa '
Mavbew'a Popular Education. Crabbe's Synonyms.
Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow s Manual.
Headlev'a Works. 14 vols. Mrs. To thill's, 6 vols. Lay-
ard's Nineveh. Bigelow's Useful Arts. Hasweil a En
gineer's Guide. American Institutions, rursmi or
Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities.
Way Dowa East. Pynshurt. Ike Marvels norks.
Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles
in England. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temper
ance 0ook.J Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News
Bov. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil-
nff Tted Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator.
Toang Ladies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu
tions! Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The An
can Housewife. Half Hours with" Old Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur ami ueeay. Mrs. aeagwicks
Redwood, do. New En sr. Tsle. uncle bams rana
Fence. Arthurs Successful Merchant, oo. lais. Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
ton's Works. Heroines of History- Land and Sea.
Deck and Port- Sea and Sailor, sbip and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving's.
Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New iork
Living Orators of America. Young Man Advised. Mis
sions in Tonga and Fegee. Troth Stranger Than Mo
tion. Knont and the Russians. Hydra pat hie iook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for roung Mea
do. fdo. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boys.
Footpripts of Famous men. Charlotte Elisabeth's
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia.
Ana a numoer oi qmwis wjo uunieous n enumerate.
Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing.
Stationbkt. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel-
pes all styles, inas an sinas. rens ana Holders
great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles.
Memorandums, Diaries, Pass Books, Time Books.
Paper Cutters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic IPrlnts a large variety. Wrapping; Pa-
rer good variety. Wafers, Sealing Wax, Ac., Ac
inally. we have a good variety of -Mtrsio
Books New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute ao, Aceoraon do. Violin do.
Melodeoa do, riymoutn tuiecuon witn Music, Sheet
Music. .
And toe most s anea assortment oi btatiosekt ever
ffered in Oregon,
sr This stock is all bought la New York and other
Eastern cities and is sold at
mm- We keen on band School. Books in larore aun-
tiea, together witb most of tbe publications of
Harper s nrowers; .
Derby A Jsckson;
Ivtson rntaney; v
Phillips A Samson;
A. S. Barnes A Co.;
Miller, Ortoo A Mulligan;
Leary AGeta;
fi-h, Wa askywor paaroaara. It anabl to rant as
sadaxamiae ouratodt, your order will be attended to
u 1 1 as if von bought hi person.
Fonland, March 20.1857.
All of the above works-may be had W. Keayoa A
EBaha Padget two aatrays ; SI only sent. Btai
tbe other dollar. . "
' Notices of all aatrays are required by law to be a'
vertiid in the Statesman. Tbe charge therefor, fix,
by tbe law, is en dollar for each animal taken si
No advert urment will appear ander this head until
paid for.J .
Where no money, or leaa than tbe correct amour
is sent with an estray notice, tbe notice will aotbe nob
publiahed antU the fall amount M received.
TAKEN UP, bf the tUbstMbet, llfipr 5 miles aooiV
of Burlington, Linn Co., one oke of oxen, or.i;
white, with red head and neck, red spot oa his left bin',
leg, just below hock, some red oa right side of rigli'
fore leg, a small red spot oa right fast before hi
flank, some little white in forehead, marked with siral
low-fork ia right ear, and upper half cropf in left; mf
oranas. xne otner le red, wren a nine wuite in m
bush of the tail, crop off right ear, and upper bit In too
left; no brands. 5w2 CHAS. B. CROSBY.
TAKEN UP. by tbe subscriber, living 9 miles eui
of Eagene City. Lace Co.. O. T.. one white steer. .1
years old. some red spots on the neck, a crop and twu
dita la the left ear. and a slit in the right, right horn
droops, a dun brand en tbe left hip; taken up Decern
ber 29, 1857. 45w2 WM. STAFFORD.
TAKEN UP, by tbe subscriber, Hying in WiUamett
precinct. Lane Co., O. T, Dec. 20, 185?, one whrt
steer, with brindle spots on his sides, marked with crop
off each ear; and enderbit in left, hole in each horn;
. jcot oia. Appraised at S1Z.
TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living in Coast Fork
precinct. Lane Co., O. T.. two estrsys, one a reii
cow, small white spot in forehead, some white on each
fisnk. branded HR on right hip, with crop and slit i
right ear-anpraiwd at aas. Aim on miiin. rmA
and white pided appraised at 1 18.
TAKEN UP, about three miles from HiUaborougb
Waahingtoa Co., in August last, one yoke of hat
Spanish oxen, about tea years old. one red and no.-
spotted, no marks or brands. Appraised at SdO.
TAKEN UP, by tbe subscriber, Irving 5 miles north
of Hsrraibnra'. Linn Co.. owe nale red rfm whrb.
race, swallow-fork ia the left ear and under half cror
in the right. Supposed to be six years old. Has beet,
running in my neighborhood some three years. No
brands.- 45 w2 MILTON A. ROGERS.
TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living on tbe Clack
amas, one mile from tbe bridge, ia tbe Mattooti
nrecinct. on the 23th day of November, a dark hmvc
horse, with black main and tail, white face and white
hind feet, and white saddle marks, supposed to be
Spanish, and seven or eight years old.
Dec SO, 1857. ' 2w44
TAKEN UP, by tbe subscriber, residing 8 miles east
of Portland, Multnomah Co., one heifer, one year
old last spring, red color, and white speckled ail over,
no manes nor oranas perceivable.
Dec. 25, I57- 2w44
TAKEN UP. by the subscriber. living in Cora Creek,
in Douglas Co., two black mules, about 15 years
old, pack saddle marks, and a brand F, W and X, and
another brand circular, with cross lines. Also, one bay
mare, about 15 years old. pack saddle scars, brand 1
and W. E. C. BRAY.
Dec 25, 1857. 2w44
TAKE- UP. by thesubscrioer, residence seven mile
strata west of Salem, on or about the 4th of Jaaa
ary. 1853, one sorrel horse, biased face, about 8 or S
January 9, - zw4
TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living in Dayton pre
cinct. Yamhill Co.. one small dark red work steer,
face, feet and belly white, about lour yean eld. mark
ed with a slit in each ear. JOHN WHITE.
Dec 31, 1357. 44w2
Portland, O.T. f
ban Francisco.
Richards av MeCraken.
jnOMMTSSlON MERCHANTS. andVoubers in Oregott
Flour, Grain, Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon, Lari ,
Hams, Ac. Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments-
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, Saa Frandaca
January zi, ssn
TO all whom this may come, greeting : That I aan to
leave for the States soon, and would respectfully
request those who know themselves indebted te me. or
W.C.Griswold A Co. to call aad settle without delay.
and oblige W.C. GRISWOLD.
Salem. January 17. 1857. 46U .
S. 3. McCormick,
Fninldin Cook Otcre,
irepsr STBSsr, rOBTLtsn.o.T.)
HAS constantly on hand a Urge stock of Books akc
STa-rroNnrr", which he sells at a small advance on
Pcbushbss Prices.
Ew-A catalogne may be seen in the Oregon and
Washingtion Almanac for 1857. Books ordered there
from sent postage free to any part of either Terrritcry.
Portland, Feb. 24, K57. SOyl
Corrallis TJrng Stores
JR. CARDWELL.Drnggtst and Apothecary, is cos
stsntly receiving, per California steamers. large
and carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines.
Oils, Paints. Varnish, Soaps, Perfumeries, Toilet Fur
niture, Stationery, and all articles esoally kept in Drag
Stores. Agent for Jaynes, and other patent medicine,
which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices.
mw traDxas souctteo. -w
Corrallis, May 29, 1957. 12rf
Blacksmiths and others, Look.
ALLAN McKINLAY A CO. have now en hand a
large and well selected stock of
Bar iron, cast aieei.
Horse shoe da. , German do..
Nail rod do Plough do
Plate do-.
And intend to keep np the assortment so as to suit tbe
wants of customers. Give ns a call, aad yon will find
that we not only have tbe fullest stock, but will sell
- as eneap as tne cneapere." we are eonsianiiy receiv
ing additions to our assortment, ao as to replace what
is sold.
Oregon City, Dec. 23. 1856. 41tf
lasls. looks.
WK. SMITH A Co. have recently received a huge
. invoice of books, direct from New York, which
they offer for sale at reduced1 prices. Tbey will be eoa-
staotiy receiving additions to their stock, and will keep
on hand every article in that line, which the wants of
the country rAxaire. One of the firm wit visit the.
States in the spring, after which they will keep a fall
assortment of
m addiSon to nriseeManeous and school books. Tboir
present stock includes all tbe different kinds of school
book? used ia thecouBW . and a great variety of atand-
ard scienter and miscellaneous works, all of which
will be sold at greatly reduced prices, te make room
for new ones on tbe way.
They also have and will continue to keep a complete
assortment of stationery, slates, pencils, pens, ink, aad
fancy articles. -
Store near tbe bridge, sooth end of Commercial
Salem, Dee. 24. 1857. 42tf
lOO Head of Cattle for Sale.
THE subscriber has at Amity, Yamhill coua-i
ty, 100 bead of Settle, in good condition J
which he win sell on reasonable terms. Apply
to him at Salem, or on tbe premises.
November 2, 1857. S4tf
PEN aad covered baggies Concord
make, for aal. AdwIv to
J. McCRAKEN, Portland.
JB. SI. Dtm ReHe.
T-vEALER ia Oregon Produce. Office at W. C Gria-
A-J wold s (Jo. sttore, aaiem
Salem, July 1, 1857.
TAX receipt blanks fv sale at tha Statesman office
at SI per hundred.
T) UTTER SfryjOO fts. for which tbe highest market
AJ i
price wQl be paid, by
at Griswoi4 A CV.
Salem. July 1. 1857.
WANTED ia exchange for cash or Bsew.aandiso, 10O
bushels of good apples, to bo deKasssd by bs
10th of A a gust highest price paid. 6.g.COLrV
Hogs. Hoss Uos-
THE subscriber wishes to contract for rark
Hogs on foot, or inTbrk, for w&ick tko hint sat
market price will be paid in cash.
Liberal advances wiU be made in" ess da eontracta
of Hogs. , B.M. BJ RELLE.
Mr omce at w. u. unswoia saa wo. s, wn.
Salem. July 1, 1857. IStf
LBS. Bacea, Hog Round) ia exchaaga
for cash, by
aTaT Office at Griswold A Co.
Salem July 1,1857.
WANTED ia exchange for cash. SO ,000 lbs. wasted
wool, for which I wirl pay 15 cents per lb.
WANTED ra exebahge for merchandise oroa ac
count 10.000 rbav good batter, tor which I will
pay tbe market price. - r G. E. COLS.
WANTED in exchange for casa or msitbaaitlss
SOiWS lbs. of bacon for which I will pay tha
highest price. G. E.COLE-
NAILS, class, and window
W. K. SMTTH Co'a.
THE best black tea you ever saw. at . .
tttfl W. K. 6X1 TH A Co t.
Co.V City Book Store, Salem."'