For the Statesman. Alaat A las ou yester-eve ire saw, Like lanes io Jamaica 8 ewee ahe seemed, we envied om Whoa fate it waa to take her. Beside the altar they had come Their single state to alter. And baited there awhile to let ' The Bishop tie the "halter.:' The fellow trembled, half mid. And seemed a aolema qaake(r) Aa in a shaky mice he said ' He nerer would.-forsake" her. Bat ringing clear aa liquid chime From belts of heavy metal. Thai belle with silver to ice and sweet. Agreed with him to settle. We turned away half sad to see This "lamb led to the slaughter And bad hair a mind to -lam" The lucky chap that got her. H . Explained. It has long been a mystery how Yamhill, year after year elects sncb men to the Legislature as she does; (Shack is a good hearted man,) and some have con cluded that they hare no other kind there. But, in the discussions on the gag resolution the other day, Mr. Woodsides explaiued the matter. He said that a citizen of one of the back counties of Missouri was asked why they always sent such brainless igno ramuses to the "Legislature if they had no other kind? He said they had a dod rotted night smarter men, but tkry Aadn't got gocI clothes.' He believed Yamhill had smarter men, but probably their clothes wern't fit to wear to the Legislature. Sr Judge Deady, in suspending P. B. 'Hsrpte, said: i have long since ceased to regard anything yon assuit " All vonr acta ahow a degree of mental and moral obliquity which renders yoa incapable of dis rimiaaiiaa; between truth acd falsehood, or right and wrong. Yoa have no capacity for the practice of law, and is that profession yoa will ever prove a enrse to yourself and to the community. For these reasons, sad altogether overlooking the present allegations ot unprofessional and criminal conduct, it would be an act of mercy to strike your same from the roll of at- Marple charjresihat the suspension has been the work of 'jealousy, on account of his being an erudite scholar.more thoroughly read in the theory of the law than the court, and other members of the bar." EaaaTJU The proof of a portion of out outside was unread, by mistake- Several errors will be 1 ootid. la the eommeuU op-n the N. Y. News article, List line bat two. the word "par"1 shoatd be omitted. In the article following that, the word '-anything" has "cry" too mock in it; Ac Editorial and news matter will be found on our first pace. STbe eighth of January was observed here by the firing of a salute iu the morn ing, and half hoar guns daring the day. tSGor. McMnllen, of Washington Ter ritory, Las been divorced by the Legislature of that Territory, from his wife, residiug iu Virginia. Voixxtxsbs Foa Salt Laek. Capt. AbeJ George is raising a company of Mounted Bidemen to hold them selves ia readiness, at the first call, in the event of a reqoisitioa irom the Government lor volunteers to anp press the Mormon rebellion. Persons enrolling them selves are requested to meet at Kirbeyvillc. O. T., on Moaday,the mat day of February next. JatkeonmOle tUruM. Ia this vula'ge. at St. Paul's Church, on the 7th int-, by Bev. Bishop Scott, iir. Crsrs S. Woodwobth of the ana of Griswold A Co-, and Miss Sanaa Hvaixanxx, formerly of Norwalk, Ohio. The above announce meet was accompanied with a liberal donation of cake. On the Sbth inst.. at the residence of Philip Foster Esq., by Bev. S. L. Parriah, Mr. A. J. Bckxett, of Dong las ooonty, to Miss Lrxrr A. Fopteb. On the 13th, at Mcttinville, by F. C. Griffith, Esq, W. B. Mobse to Xikt V- McBbxdc. Oa board the steamer Seaorita. le?. 22. by Hon. O. B- McFadden. Mr. H. J. Bess, of San Francisco, to MUs Hassan La Dc, of Cowlitz coonty, W. T-, late of Prov dene K. 1. la PortUad. Dec 20, 1957. by Wiliisra Beck. J. P., Dasibx, D. Baixsr. of Yamhill Co., to lira. C'acm u Watxiss, of Multnomah Co. . At Cue oase Smith. Ctasaop ptarao, Dee. It. y H. Ueerhart, Esq., Locis Boxabd, to Mabia Lattt, if Clatsop. Ia Washington county, Dec 9th, by A.Hinmaa, Esq., Hr. Geobse brsNcca, to Mias Sarah Brows, all v Washington coonty. Near Etgene City, on New Years day, at the resi dence of the brideVfather, by Judge Whiteaker. Mr. iJajks W. Hrrr and Mi2SitlXoa,dauirhter of Prior F. Blair, Esq. Spring came to yon. at the farthest, la the very hand of harvest ; Scarcity and want shall shon yon; Ceres' blessing so is on yoa . DIED, la Mario coonty. at the residence of Duff. Kimsey, a the 4th iesU. Miss Habbiev E- Sstth, aged 17 years st months, of consomption. Mo. papers copy. At the residence of bis father, in Jacksonville, on the 14th alt, Johx R. Bigbax, aged about 19 years. J awes Abxstbong Caeey died at the residence of his father, near Dayton, YamhUlCo.. Dec. 25, aged nearly 15 Tears. Oa the 7th inst Babaw Emma, infant dsngliter of wealev and Rebecca braves, of Corvallis, aged C weeks aad 1 da vs. Ia Clackamas county, Tnesday Dec 15, Mrs. Lebo, wife of James Lebo. lira. Letttia Rosens st her resilience, Chehalera Val- Tev. Yamhill eoontv. Dec. 22. aired about 32 years. She was cut off in the prime of life by a dreadful ae eident. She fell into the fire, in a fit. bv whic'a she waa-so dreadfully scorched, aa to survive only II day. la bct last hours sne cave evidence oi a toil nope uti her n reflect loss, would be her eternal ma. Com. SALEM MARKET. CORRECTED WEEKLY, BY B. F. BROWX. SaLEM, Janaary 12, 1S5S. raooccE. Wheat, white, Wheat, mixed, Oats, Potatoes, Onions, ... ........ . Beans, ...... .. Peas, Bacon, sides,... Bacon, hams, ..... ...... Lard, in keeps,. ....... .... .. Batter, fresh rolls, .. ...... Batter, packed, ...... ...... .... Egir, -- Chickens, per dozen, Floor, per 100 lbs., Pork, FRUITS. Dried Apples....... .. - . .. Dried Peaches,... .... Dried Currants,.. Apples, per bushel, Winter. L cat BE. Fir, clear, per M, Cedar, per M, 1 374 1 85 l 1 t0 75 2 50 3 00 1 50 15 18 17 40 36 50 40 35 50 3s70a4 00 16 18 a IS a 35 9 00 . 25 00 a 20 00 . 40 00 a 35 00 7 50a7 00 500 16 a 20 14 a 16 23 a 28 Shingles, cedar, per ... . .Shingles, fir, per M, (KOCEKIKB. Sugar, N. O., . Sugar, China, Sogar, white, crashed,.-. ...... Syrup, 1 Toffee, Rice, Soap, eUlt, --- - Candles, adamantine, per box - Candles, tallow, Saleratos, I 25a 1 50 15 a 17 15 a 20 124a 14 24 a 3 35 a 40 25 a 37) 12Ja 15 25 a 33 15 00al6 00 750a 800 12 00 a 15 00 Cordage, White Lead, Xaila, out, per keg, Kails, wrought, per keg, Ipceial Setleei T Statu swat J9socstaesw. ia lea weecs tne present volume 01 rae ow3u will close. Our terms are S3 00 per year in advance; $4 00 if not paid in advanae. but paid within 6 months; aad $5 00 if not paid within months. Owing to the short time-intervening between the announcement of those terms and tbe commencement of the present vol anae, last spring, we did not in all eases adhere to tbe published terms, bat in some instances we received S3 00 though not paid in advance. But tbe coming wear we mast adhere strictly t- oar terms, in all earn. When not paid in advance, the price will be $4 00 or tS 00, according to the time when paid. If paid ttrict tj in mdeanet, it will be ti 00, but not otherwise. We give notice thns early that all may be enabled to send as the S3 00 before the commencement of the new vol saae. We hope all in arrears will also pay np, and avail themselves of the advance terms, before tbe h volume commences. A. BUSH. Dec. 19. 1857. ' 42tf " Foond. ia Salem, a small Locket containing a I VinufnM To th. Deswaeasitt mra ot Oregon. The nndersiroed.tbo Democratic Central Committee offhtsn tercbyannonnce that the State Convention of thTfSmorraUcpsrty of Oregon will be held st Sa lenToo Tuesday, 1 March, 1858, for the nnrpose of nominttting candidates to be supported by !,.. nimvMip st th Jnna election in 1HSH snH fur transaction f snch other business as may properly enme before It. In establishing the basis of representa tion, the committee have adopted the vote cast at the June election, in 1 AST. for tbe nominee of the Demo cratic party for delegate to Congress, and would rec ommend that each coonty send to said convention one u!e;rate, for each 75 votes cast for said democratic can didate for Congress, at said election, and one vote for every fraction over 40; and that each county shall be entitled to at least one delegate which basis will enti tie the respective counties to delegates, as follows: Jackson 8. Polk 6. Josephine 4, Marlon 9, Curry 1. Clackamas 4, Coos 1 . Yamhill 4. Douglas 4, tt ashing ton J, Umpqiia S. Multnomah 4, Lane T. Wasco 1, Liun 10, Columbia 1, Benton 4. Clatsop 1. Tillamook 1. The committee would recommend that each county take early atcpa to secure a full representation in said COjnNrisMITH. DELAZOX SMITH, JOHN ADAIR. A. E. WAIT. A BUSH. EDWARD SHEIL. 8-"f. CHAD WICK, J.O. WATEUMASf , WM. HL'GHES. A. S. WATT. ' Salem. Dee. II, 1857. 4ltd Portland Times and Jacksonville Herald, copy. Satire Is hereby given that the Centrsl Democratic Com mittee, for I.ane county, are requested to meet at the courthouse in Eugene City, on the thirtieth day of Jan nary, 1858, for the transaction of such business a they shall deem necessary, and for the more permanent anil efficient organization of the Democratic party of the county. W. s. BROCK. Chairman Central Committee. January 2, 1S58; Swt tVhrs "Pror." Van Dart He left here in a fit of oAtent mindtdnttt owing; the "Gem," a small sum. Unless the Pror." sends tbe proprietor of tbe "Gem'' said bill, he must be permit ted to tonsider Mm a liar and scoundrel, as well as a humbug. Do yoa cumtax gin cocktails and seears, Prof" P. D., Salem, Jan. . 1858. lw4t Da. l. J.Czatiay'S Surgical an J Medical Institute Is sa extensively known in this Territory that any notice it, or of him, might seem superfluous. Yet fearing that there are those whit heretofore having no neen of medical aid. have neglected to ascertain the proper sources of relief in cases of misfortunes. To those we beg leave to direct attention to Dr. L. J. Cxapkay. who is certainly a Physician of great skill and wonderful success in n! profession. The Dr. has devoted much attention to toe treatment of chronic and private dis eases, and stands unrivalled in hia management of them. To those wbo need scch assistance we cheerfully recommend Dr. L J. Czapkay ; it would be well at ail events to consult him. as he makes no charge for con uiltation.and much good might result from it. Tbe Dr. guarantees a cure in all cases or asks no cotnivensat ion. aar See Dr. L.J. Czapkay "s advertisements in another columo of this paper. 41ra3 Register tad Rctti.rr's Xoticei'mpqui District. 'TO SETTLERS ia Township !6 south, range 13 ws(. ST 13 27 5S IS S3 30 SI 31 ss 3S 33 35 35 3 It 14 15 15 15 15 1 15 111 15 14 1 II 3d 15 The aboe Township bavins been survcred and plats thereof approved oa the 7th day of December, 157 all settlers who have claims or parts of claims therein, are requested to appear at the Land Office, for the Umpqua District of Oregon, at Winchester, within thirty daya from and after tiie 7th day ol Fchroarv. loS. or previ ous to that time if convenient, when and where we shall be prepared to receive the notitirations of their claims, ana enter npon the adjustment and settling according V L.w, of ail conflicts of boundary that may be found to exit. Given under our hands at Winchester, this 30th day of December, A. D-, ISo". I.. F. SIOSHER. Regr-tcr. WM.J. MAltTIN", liecrivcr. Janaary I. A. P.. 1 SoB. 4w4 1 Ciuardian's Sale. NrOTlCE is hereby given that the nndersljmed guar dian for Georsre M. tfeaard. Mariah H. Seward. John W.Seward, and Sarah Ana Seward, will c!l at Public au-ticn by virtue of a license from the Probate Court of IV! k county the following described premises to-wit : two thirds of the half assigned by the Land Office department to the deceased wife of saM gnard aa of lan l claim, no. 3 in township 6. s. of r.5. w.and t. C. . of r.6- w. containing one hundred and eirhtv one acres. Sale will be at the ttore of Edward ClulT near said premises at ten o'clock a. a. . of the first dav of February A. D, I.sjg. Terms made known.the dsv of sale. SIASOX S. SEWAIID. ' Dallas. Jan. 4, IMS. Swltpaid Cows, Va. $10,000 in Scrip.- THE onderMjmed will exchange cows for serin, in stuns from one thomiaud dollar, and upward, to the above amount. EDWARD SHEIU Champoeg, Jan. 8, 165. 444 w. s. laud, Portland j. w. ladd, San Francisco. W. S. Ladd & Co. Til PORTERa and dealers in mcs, Lienors, andGro- eerier. Portland. Orezon. Jan. 1. lo8. 4ttr w. s. LA no, Portland. t. w. lads, San Francisco W. S. Iadd &, Co. Shipping and Ccwtmiititm Merchant t, Portland, Ortgxm. LIBERAL advances made on al! consignments of Or egon produce. Messrs Wakrmnn. lhnmn A Co., Xo. 73. Sjuth street. JCew York, will recti. e and for ward all goods and machinery, addressed to our care via San Francisco, or direct to Oregon. Jan. 1, lso8. 44tf INotice rl hereby given, that by an order of the Probate eoort In and for Lane county, tsje- jm'-r-sxnrd wjl nflferat public sale, on the eighth daTif FeWaaiy.' in EuseneCity, lne county, the 'goods and nierb"a9aiie belonging to the estate or HENRY H. F0UXTA1X. deceased; said estate is principally composed of cloth ing of all kinds, cloths, and fancy potds, with some groceries. Six months credit will be given on all rams over ten d-wisrs, with approved security; all suras less than ten dollars, cash in band. W.S. BROCK, Admin r. Eugene City. Jan. 2d 1958. 3w4 Final Settlement Notice. TTTHEREAS Thomas L. Kimsey. Administrator of s T tiie estate of ALMS KIMSEY, deceased, has filed his final account praxir.gfora fnal settlement. This is therefore to tbe end that tbe heirs at law, and all per sons interested may appear at the Probate Court, to be held at Lafayette, in Mid count v, on the 3d day of Feb ruary, 158, at 10 o'clock, A. M, of said day to thow cause if any, why the said account shall not be allowed and a hnol setm-ment mace. MARTIN OLDS.X P. Jan.5.1S58. 3w44 Lost T)Y tbe undersigned, living in Marion Conntr O. T XJ the following described notes, viz : one noteon Mi chael Covle for S3S0 dated some timed think in the mouth o June) 1856. one became dt;e twelve months Irom tne date thereof, with a credit and one on the same (250. Two notes on John Goodell, one for tiO, made payable on demand with a credit of f 16, endors ed on the same, and one for foO, also made payable in money or lumber, at my discretion, aud became due. some time in uecember lust., said notes were dated ei ther in the latter part of April or Brt part of May last. One note on Peter Ciarey for t-"8. dated (I think) in tbe latter part of April last, and became due in De cemlier inst.. also one note note on E. Pettier for scv- jnty-foor bushels of wheat, dated in October or Nov., 1306. The amount of seventeen dollars in gold was lost also, in the pnre containing the above notes. Said notes and money was lo.-t between Bethel and Lafayette, some time in the latter part of September last, and anyone finding tbe same will be liberally re warded by giving me notice of tbe same; and more over the public are hereby cautioned not to trade for said Dotes as I shall take the Jegal course for tbe col lection of them. My address is Ohampocg. ROBERT KEATING. December 30, 1857. 3w44paid Final Settlement Notice. TT THEREAS Jesse C. Henderson, administrator of V V ihe estate of ALFRED MOORE, deceased, has filed bis final report of said estate, this ' is to the end that tbe heirs at law, and all persons interested, may appear at the Court of Probate, to be held at Lafay ette, on the 4th day of February next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., of said day, to show caue if any, why tbe said ac count bhall not be allowed, and a final settlement made. MARTIN OLDS, J. P. January 5, 1S58. 3w44 IN Probate Court, Lane eountr. In the mailer of the etate cf Jacob SI. Rimdi, deceased. "Ordered by the Court that all persons intcre-tcd are directed to ap pear before this court, on Tuesday the 9th day of Feb ruary, 1S58. to thow cause why an order should not be granted to the administrator, to sell so much of thereat estate, as shall be requisite to pay the debts of the es tate' Application will be made in pursuance of the above order. K. ELLSWORTH, Ally far the AdminW. Jan. 1,1858. 4w44 PURE WINES and liquors for medicinal purposes, at t42tf W. K. SMITH A Co s. BLASTING powder, and water proof caps, at 4-tn W. K. SMITH A Co's. ALL persons owing me, will please call and pay their accounts, up till June 1st. 1858. 44 tf G. E. COLE. SALT, sal soda, and sassafras, at (42tf) W. K. SMITH A Co's. LADIES' cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at U2tf W. K. SMITH A Co s. 7allan8t University. SALEM, OREGON. ri-HE FACULTY during the present year will con- 1 Hist Of Rev. F.8. Hoyt, A. M., Prexldcnt and Acting Profess or of Ancicut Languages and Mathematics. C. II. Hull. A. B.. Professor of Natural Science. 5? Spaiddhi'f'f teachers of Common English. Miss Sarah Buckingham, Teacher of Instrumental Music. The CoLMCQtATC DLFARntKNT of the Wallamet Uni versity has boon organized. Young men designing to pursue a regular Course of Study, are invited to avail themselves of the advantages atrorded by this Institu tion. All available resources will be made use of to meet the wants of Students. Efforts will be continued to secure a suitable endowment ;and no pains will be spar ed in obtaining competent and experienced Instructors. The Collegiate year ia divided into fArre term, com mencing as follows: The first term on the 3d Thursday in September. " second term on the 1st January. third last - " April. The fir-t two terms An fifteen trttkt each; the third, eleven week. Vacations. There will be two vacations in the year: one. in April, or fieo tree, and one, in the sum mer, of nine week. Tfmoc at the rate of f I per week, or $40 per annum. THE OREGON IXSTITCTEv Th PasTAaaToaT DtrARTMr.NT. Trans. The Academic year isllvidcd into tors Terms of eleven verke each. The first term begins on the last Thursday of August. second term begins on the Id ' 44 Novem. third last " " January. fourth " ' last " " ApriL Vacations. There will be two vacations in the year: one in April, of ftro irerat; and one In the summer, of sir mekt. TriTtos will be paid at the beginning of each Term in advance, at the following rates: In Languages, Higher Mathematics A Chem., (10 00 Other studies of the Academic Division, ... T 50 " Common English Division C 50 Primary 5 50 For use of the Piano 2 50 " Instrumental music 10 00 a. Instruction! In vocal music is given to ail the students re a'enarge. Atraisaiox. Students will be admitted aA any time; and will be charged for tuition from tbetiaie they en ter only, but their progress will be greatly promoted by entering early in the Academic year. In rases where, from necessity, students leave before the end of the terra for which payment bas been mide, a just proportion not more than three fourths nor less than one-fonrth of the tuition (ee will be refunded. Students are not allowed to leave just before examina tion. Patrons who are inattentive to this point, inflict great injury upon both the student and the Institu tion. BoARnnco. Yonng gentlemen and ladies can obtain board at reasonable rates with private families. Coras or Stvdt. A Course of Study has been adopted f'r both the Collegiate and Preparatory De partments, well calculated to secure ripe scholarship, mental discipline, and a preparation for the active do ties ot life. A liberal Course of Study lias been sdopted for young ladies a lio desire to obtain s thorough education. CM- A Dipl'ima will be awarded to U who shall complete the prescribed course. The Government will be parental but strict aim ing constantly at the formation of correct habits of Self Government. Careful attention will be given to manners and morals. ScaoLAiu-utrs; peiretnal. or for the period of ten years, securing tuition st very reduced rates, can be purchased, t or further particulars apply to the Presi dent. Per order of Executive Committee. F. S. HOYT. Sec. Board of Trustee. Salem, Dec. 10, 1S5T. 41tf Stationery, Stationcrr. EL. BRADLEY A Co., have just received, direct from New York, per clipper ship Aurora, a fl::e Ijt of blank books .and stationery generally, consisting in part of the following : 400 Beams paper of every variety: 1UO0 Quires bis nk books ."half bound, foil bound, nil kinds; 200 Dos. Ink. Davies best black, blue, and red; 75 Ream wrapping paper dif. size; 50 gross pen holders; h0 " f-iate pencils; v -'9 dor. slates. T pether with a general assortment of school and misci llaneons booksSander's spellers and readers lHtvies' and Thompson 'a mathematics complete. We would sav to those who boy to sell again, just give us a rail. . E. L. URAULEi 4 Co Citv Back Store, Oregon City. Iec 50. IS57. " 43tf Sherirrs Sale. NOTICE is herery given, that, by virtue of an exe cution to me directed, out of tne Territorial side of the United States district emirt for the 1st judicial dis trict of Oreron Territory, in favor of Thomas 11. 1'eame asent for the Missionary Society of the Methodist Epis copal Church, aud against Hamilton Campbell, for want of personal property. I have levied nponand will Proceed to sell st tbe court bouse in Salem in Marion Oregon Territorv. on the 30lh day 01 Januarv. IV. all the riait, title 'aad interest of the said Hamil ton Campbell to the south half of the following des cribed real estate, to wit: 1 tie p. w. qr. ol the n. w. qr. of . lo.tbe w.half of the s. w. qr. of sec. 26, the s. fcf. or then.e. qrot sec. Ii, tue r. e. qr. ot sec If, the n.e.qr. of sec. 34. the n. w. qr. of the s. e. qr. of sec. 34. tbe w. bf. of the tx. w. qr. of ace. 35. in t- 9 s. r. 3 w., containing 610 seres, more or le-ss. Sale to be between the hours of lOoclxk A.M. and 4 o'clock P. M.of said day, for rash to satisfy said exeruti-m. N. A , CO RN OYER, Sheriff. January 2, 1S53. 4w43 New Goods at New Prices. WK. SMITH A Co. wtmld inform their patrons. and the public generally, that they have just received a lare addition to their ftock of goods, which they will exchange for produce, or cash, on tbe most favorable terms. They have now a complete assort ment of dry goods, which tbey will sell Cheaper than anf other etore m Salem. Their stock of boots and shoes is equal to any to be found in Salem, consisting of men's and boy's coarse and fine lo"ts, men's sud bny's shoes; ladles' boots, shoes, and slippers, rhihlren and infants shoes men's ladies, and misses rubber overshoes, and in short, any thing in the boot and shoe line that can be desired. Their stock of eroceries bt a 1 -n full. eotiHitiiiv of yeotfee, green and black teas, crushed and brown sugar. syrap, saicratus in imjs, cream ol tartar, salt, soap, to bacco, aagn, rtarcb, tapioca, macaroni, nysins, and sweet oil. all of which will be sold cheap for cash or country produce. Purchasers will do well to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere, as we are determined to give our customers satisfaction in tbe quality and pri ces of our goods. 4'itf Long Looked for Come at La(. CLOCKS! WATCHES! CLOCKS! Time t-i money. JUST received a consignment of clocks and watches nt C. B. Pillow's which will be sold at f;iir prices, and warranted to keep good time: eiuht dsv and thirtv hour weight clocks. Gold at d silver hunting case watches, and a general assortment ol jewelry come one, come all. C. B. PILLOW. Dec. 23, 1837. Im43 Something New ! EL. BRADLEY A Co., have just received a large lot of hand books for home improvement; com prising bow to write, how to talk, how to Iwbave, how to do business, in one volume; will be sent free of post sge to any part of Oregon, on receipt of ti- Address K. L. BRADLEY, City Book Store, Oregon City. Dec. 20, IS57, 43tf Hooks! Books! EL. BRADLEY & Co, have recently received a large ljt of Fowlers and Wells publications. Take notice alt ye that are sck, water (cure) ia a powerful nice thing ia a family. Dec.20.le37. . - " IStf Strayed, OR stolen, oner about July 15,1557, from the sub scriber, 1 miles south of Albany. 1 yoke of cattle, one white, one red, no brands, large horns, weigh about from 14 to 15 hundred each, one Spanish mare, branded A T on left hip. Whoever returns said cattle shall be liberally rewarded. JOSEPH LACRANT. Dec. 23, 1857, 3ra43paid To II. J. Harris. THERE is remaining in our ware honse, a package addressed to yon marked "Glass;' yon will please call, pay charges, and take the same. W. C. GRISWOLD A Co. Salem, Janaary 1, 1S58. 2w43 Short Settlements make long friends. THE.olJ year has passed, and we want all those who know themselves indebted tons to come forward and settle and get their "New Years" present. Don't forget this; we mean just what we say. W. C. GRISWOLD A Co. Janaary 1. 1858. 43tf Strayed ABOUT the 20th of October, from Spring Valley, Polk Co.. a yoke of work oxen one a dark brindle. and the other a brown. Some car marks not recollected. No brands. Eight years old. The finder is requested to inform the sub scriber, at Valfontis post office. Polk Co., and he shall be compensated for his trouble. SELDEN HIGG1NS. Dec 23, 1857. 42tf Oregon Statutes. BOUND volume for sale at John Fleming's, Oregon City, and A. K. Shipley's, Portland. Price, $5 00. Also laws of last session tl 00. Dec, 17. 1857. 41tf Cash System Adopted. O more credit will be given bv me. and those in debted to me. who have not made arrangements to pay their accounts in pork or other produce, will E lease call and make payment or settle by note, as I itend closing my books. G. E. COLE. Corvallis, Sept. 8, 1657. 26tf BOOKS! COGUE!! 0-O-0 ) New Arrival for the Winttr-Campaign ! s. j. Mccormick, "FRANKLIN" BOOK STORE, PORTLAND, O. T. Has J ust Received direct from New York a Large Addition to his former stock of BOOJCS AND STATIONERY, Comprising, in Part, at jfeUnot: SANDER'S NEW SERIES OF REAKBS. MONTEITH'S GEOGRAPHIES. PrUasry and Manual; McWALLY'S GEOGRAPHY, Sd part! SUPERFINE C'PNGRESS LETTER PAPER; CAP ' , do; BILL, NOTE AND BRIEFING ' do; COl'NTING HOUSE IN K-STANDSl I.oot HARPER'S SEIJCCT N0VEL6J FULL AND HALF-BOUND BLANK BOOKS; SLATKS. assorted sizes; M PETER PARLEY'S RECOLLECTIONS OF A LIFE TIM E; . GOODRICH'S niSTORTOF ALL NATIONS; HILDRETH S .' L'NITEU STATES; ItLACKSTONE'S COMMENTARIES! SPAbK S AMERICAN BIOGRAPHY BARNES NOTES ON NEW TESIAMENT: SQUIRES' CENTRAL AMERICA; , 4 FRUIT BOOKS, six varieties; WKEMS MARION AND WASHINGTON; THE CAMP FIRES OF NAPOLBOK" HISTORY OF THE MEXICAN VAVi WORKSON ARCHITECTURE: INDIAN WARS OF THE WEST; ? VIOLIN. FLUTE AND ACC0RDS0K PRECEPT ORS XEIV; SOUTHERN HARMONY. Note Booll HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN WAI; THE AMT.BICAN LAWYER; POETICAL WORKS an asortmelt; NEW HISTORIES a splendid lot; 3,000 ASSORTED NOVELS XEV. arjaraz:., srG-.cra. TOGETHER WITH A 8PLENPEDSTOCK OF GIFT HOOKS, ALBUMS, Valentines and Ty Books, For Christmas and Nctf Year' Gifts. O -v ' esT-DONT FORUfTl ip vptr nAir'' rsopjrs - --. CHEAP BOOKS! AND PLE 1 if OF THEM!! Calf, or Srnd 16 the F R A iV KL IX BOOk STORE, Front Street, PoSlsnd, Oregon. S. J. McCJUMICK, Proprietor. November S. 1S57. f Im"t9 Drn?s ! Dragi Brngi! J K. SMITH A Co. havjttst received direct from . California, and from the States, a large addi tion to their stock of DrntM and medicines, making, with their former itock. thclargest. and best assort ment of those articles, n- ofered fur sale in tbe Wi. lainette Valley. They recsve their goods directly from the Importers and mar.dactures so that every ar ticle bocght of them can I .s!led upon as fresh and genuine, and they are detcmined not .to be undersold hy any other ilrnppits in tie country. Orders sent from a distance will be pronutly filled, and at satisfac tory prices. Store near thebridge, south end of Com mercial street. Salem. 4Jtf lio ! Te Workers tf Inn and Steel ! I HAVE this day reecivedby the arrival or the J. tyL Whiting from San Franrisco,- the following aasori-T. meat of iron ana steel, to nit : i.yoo lbs. Norwavsha;.'" -S.OOO lbs. I X Irun (nut,) ' l.OO'l " 3t31S" " 3.WH) " ii " .0"0 " ,J.l,U.sutl,sa;:are, 3.000 " j.5-lii. l.aod 1 J, inch round, 1,000 " assorUd cast eel. 100 " borse shoe na 's. G) Which together with stuck ist-stsre makes as com plete an assortment as can be ond In Territorv and will be sold as cheap aa the cUKtr&rr for cn or eoun-tn- produce. i J. N. PRESCOTT. 'Oregon City. Feb. S3, P357. j 60tf Boot and &hop Store. FREDERICK W I C K M O N vnald announce tt the citiaens of Salem, aul the surround- fi ing country, that he have takes a store on the ' a east side of Commercial street, sorth of the pnstofSce, where he will keep coitautlyon hand a full assort ment of cverv kind of bo"ts and iboes, both custom and sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Rein-; a practical workmai, all order futr tbe manufacture or repair cf work ill be compiled with, and the work d jiie in a sab.ta.-tUI and workmanlike manner. Give me a call and era -ne my stock. FREDERICK W1CKMON. Salem. March 12. 7. 13tf IVoticA In the District Conrt. of the Ui fed States, iu and for the First Judicial District, in IM Territory of Oregon: ANDREW RgBFRTS. vs. "erge W.Sumraers. John Norcross. and Iac Moon. In rhinrrty. It satis factorily appearing, tiiat the dfeuJiiit. Summers and Norrroisart not residents of fU Tenitory: They are hereby aoiSed that valetf th ayz'nt In said cocrt, on the fitat dav of the next term Ifiereof. to be held ia Salem, on the'Brst Monday o! April nest, and answer the bill of comnl tint, praying t!t a certain mde. and receipt executed bv lsim to tlifcnant Summer for fXM). may be canceled, the salt bill will betaken as conlessed. as to said non-resuieat ueienoani. E. J. HARPING. Clerk. Salem. Nor. 21, 1S37. s 8wS7 JVotlrtl. NOW f .r large sales and smrtl profits, for cash or Oregon produce. A well .elected assortment of dress iiattrn. Delaines. MeriuiM. Calicoes. Ginghams and all other goods for ladies. Am assortment ol bon nets and Indies hats of the latest fashion: Also a well selected a-tsurtmes of clothing, boota and shoes of the best quality, eofl-e, tea. sngar. salt, rice, pepper, salaratus. and lump oil. with other article, too numerous tp mention, for sale opposite Baum A Bro., next uoor to tue L nion itotei. , ! I- WESTACOTT. Mav 19. 1S57. 10U Probate Notice. PROBATE COURT OF Li-.!Coirrv, O.T. j1. To Marsaret Hranw. Samuel A. llotrue. Hester Hill formerly Hester Hogue, Amanda Jane llogue. Clar- lnus .orcross. formerly IMrtniU Hogue. and t iar inda Wood, minor heir of Maty Ann Wood, formerly Marv Ana Hopiie. of the State of HlinoU, and John M. Hogue, of the State of lows, heirs to tbe estate of Thomas G Hogue. deceawt, late of tbe county of l.inn and Territorv of Oregtai: "TOU will take notice that ou the firth dav of Octo- X ber. instant. James P. Hegue administrator, and one of the heirs t said estate. Sled his petition in said Court for an order of sale of tff real estate of said dc- eeaaed. for t'je purpi'e of paring debts, expenses, and for distribution: and if the cotirarv be not shown on or before the first Tnesdav in February next an orJer will be made accordingly. It is further ordered that this notice be published in The Or-yon Statesman for fifteen weeks, successively. S. v. II A Lr. 1 , J. of Proliate. October 19, 1S5. 15w32 Attachment Notice. TO JOH.V AX I) ROBERT BANKS: rOU are hereby notified that unless yen appear in . the Diktrirt Court r the First Judicial District of tbe Territory of Oregon, on the first dav of the term to he held on the first Monday of April, lAoS, and answer the complaint of Wm. Parker on file in the clerk's office or said court, lor the recovery of the sum of $271 51 with accruing interest and costs of suit, the same will be taken as confessed and the praver thereof wilt be granted ny tue court. li. l-.LSl. HAM, Att'y for Pi n". Salem, September 2.1, 1.S57. 3m29 Sublimity College. Mr. MILTON' WRIGHT, Teacher. WILL enter upon his first term in the Primary De partment of the Sublimity Colicge, on Monday uie iDLAii-iniuu my pi is oveuiier. next. Tuition, per term ot twe -& Uoeks. - no. For each branch above tt Prlmury. fifty cents more. uj oraer of tne rrustees, tm aisi November, lS7. ALLCN J. DAVIE, Secretary. December, 2d, 1807. i 3Dtf KeMnurant. T G.KRIECHBAUM luwopeneda ResUnrant, Bake- . ry ana v. oiueciionary nouse as uorvaint, lienton Co., O. T. Will set the beM table that the market can atl'ord, and at all hour. Give tjiin a call next door north or city Hotel. lztf 10RN starch, tapioca sago and hecker. farina, for puaumgs, at 14311 J w. .. "SMITH A Cos. IRESTON C. Merrils vetst powders and extracts of lemon and rose, for laroring pastry", at mf W. K. SMITH ACo's. AMP oil, candles, and arcet oil. at J Citf W. K. SMITH A Co's. G0PAL varnish, paiuts, tils, and paint brushes, at t'itfj j W. K. SMITH A Co's. t YERS Cherry Pectoral for sale nt wholesale and i. retail, at 42tf j W. K. SMITH A Co's. . JC1100L books, at wholesale and retail, nt ) 42tll W. K. SMITH A Co's. PICKLES and pepper snkce. wash-lmards and sand paper, at I42tfl j W. K. SMITH A Co's. COTTON rope, for clith lines, and small rope for halters, at lltf j W. K. SMITH A Co's. V J. Fleming. AT the Oregon City, Po Office Building, has Just received, direct front Wavr York, 100 copies of "Dawning's Frnit and Fruit Trees of America."revtsed and enlarged, for 1S57 tlu latest published edition of this valuable work. He hw also on hand , a good stock of miscellaneous books and itakionery, for sale on terms to suit the times. Oregon City, Dec. 15,187. 41tf Coffee. IF YOU WANT a really mod article of COFFEE, the undersigned have got LiCOO pounds best " COSTA RICA.' Come in and lookat it. A'XaX McTCIXLAY 4 Co. Oregon City, Dec 6, 186t 025,000 Wortis 3PIU7tQ AIID SI JOZTE I GOODS! THE'nbftertbers would respectfully Inform their ros toners and tbe public generally that tbey have on hand, and arc in constant receipt of goods from San Francisco and New York a large aud well-se lected stock consisting in part of Alum, allspice, and alpacca. Bonnets, borages, onoTbro. linen, Cambric, crash, and calico. Domestic de lainea, and damask. Edging, embroidery and evervthing-, Flannels, fringes, and fancy fixln's. Ginghams, gaiters and gloves. Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins, Iron, Ink, and insertings. Jaconet .jeans, and Java coffee. Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pius, Iwns, lard and Liverpool salt, Mnstard, mirrors, and matches. Needles, nails, aud nice things. Oils, orershirts, and Oolong tea. Pins, pants, and paper. Quilts, quills, and queensware. Ribbons, razors, and rat-traps, Silks, sugar, and shaving soap. Tea. tobacco, aud turpentine. Umbrellas, nnder-sleeves. and useful things, - Veils, varnish, and vinegar. Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons, Yarn, yeast, and Y'ankee notions, . Zinc, sud zephyr worsted, Ac, Ac, and so on. Besides many other articles too numerous to mention ; all of which we are ottering at reduced prices, adopt ing tne plan or tauter sales aud small prunu." The ladies will find in their department a lam stock of fancy goods, direct from New York, which is not usually Kept tn Uregon, and by arrangements will be In constaut receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies. The Gentlemen's Department of furnishing goods will seldom be equalled, and excelled by none In Salem. IKON. The blacksmiths and iron dealers will always find a well-selected sto? k of all sizes and shapes, to gether with a good assortment of iron axles, from 1-4 X 6 in., to 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland prices, adding freights. We are prepared to receive all kinds of produce in exchange for goods, and al-to ruoucy. For full particu lars call and examine for yourselves. W. C. GRISWOLD A CO. Salem. Feb. 10. 1R7. 4Stl IUTE beg leave to announce to the public that we V V are Just receiving a larae and well selecdtick( r c c....AcUI. u : ..u 1 1 1 ' with great care by Mr. Alexander, who has bee ing that market for some time, therefore we can sarc ssy to tbe public that we can. and will sell, cooes as low at wholesale or retail AC 1 w uniTi? iv oDrrntf sv iff 3 We will take In exchange for goods all kinds of m dace. N. B. We will a!so par caslt for all kinds of pro duce, to-wit: Wheat. Fljar. Butter. Eggs. Bacon. Pork. Lard. Oats. Ac, Ac, Ac ' All wbo wish to purchase, will do well to call and ex amine before purchasing elsewhere. - uar stock consist of every tiling in tue uue mat tins market calls for t vwit: Grey, White, Red and Blue Blankets; 1 Bil'" 11" .1111 iiatiwin., A I .dcrsnd Over shirts. Wool and Cotton; trcry description or nhite Shirts: Ll Quarns Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery; A j Bouts. Shoes coarse and fine: ' urogaos Calf. Kip and Cowhide: Wool Plaids. Merino. Detains. late natterns la short Cverv kind of piece goods, and the BEST TEA ever shipped to this market. auo cedar shingles. 1 traoiny seea anu Hops. ATsT Give us a call, and see for voorselves.-.a ALEXANDER A McEWAN. Corvallis. Oct 19. 1&17. - 33tf New Arrival of Jewelry, Ac JCST FROM SAX FRANCISCO. J ROSENTHAL iuforms his patrons and friends, that be has im-t returned from Sau FrancUco with a select assoment of Jew elry. Unsical Instruments, Cutlery, etc.. and odcra them fur sale at bis store on 'Front street 4aV One door below Dr. Coombs oSce. JEWELRY. Gdd and Silver watche: tSold and Silver chains: Gold bracelets: Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gold anger rings; Locket; Gold pens and pencils; Gold sleeve butt-ins; Silver and Plated ware; fancy goods and perfumery. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS. -Guitar, Violins, Flntes, Fifes; a large asmrtment of Aecordeons. Ladies' work boxes of all kinds. Gold and Silver sjjectacles. Gold and Silver spoons. Cutlery, Clocks an endless varietv, Ac.. Ac. 03T Watcheo, Clocks and Jewely repaired, and all kinds of Jewelry made to order. mf All of my work warranted "a -Don't forget" The Sign or the Big Watch.--ta Corvallis, Oct. 24.1 57 S3tf L. P. Fisher's ADVERTISING Agency. San Francisco No. 171 ttasalngton t reet, tip stairs, nearly opposite to Ma (aire's Opera Honse. U P. FISHER is the authorized Agent of the Obeuon States an ; Marysville Herald; Sacramento Union; San Joaquiu Republican. Stockton; Pacific Methodist, Stockton; Saora Herald; Nevada Journal: Grass Valley Telegraph; Red Bluff Beacon; Columbia Gazette; Mountain Democrat, Placerrille; Tuolnmne Courier: Calvarez Chronicle. Mokelnmne Hill; El Ifcwado Democrat; Shasta Courier; Mariposa Gazette; Yreka Weekly Cniou; Trinity Journal, Weaverville; Iowa Hill News; Weekly Ledge;. Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma County Journal; Folsom Dispatch; California Mining Journal; Iyw Angeles Star; Santa Barbara (.asette; San Diego Herald; Almeda Cjunty Gazette; Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's. Napa County Reporter; Sierra Democrat, Downieville; Humboldt Times; Union; . Oregonian. Portland, O. T. Paci8c Christian Advocate, Salem. O. T. Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T. Pioneer and Dem crat, OlynipU, W. T. Washington Kepubliban. Steitacoom, W. T. Poynesian, Honolulu. S. I.j Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I. Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISING IN TIIE ATLANTIC STATES. L. P. F. hssnow completed bis arraneements for the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in the Atlantic States. A line opportunity is here offered to those who wish to advertise in any 'part of the Union, of doinc so at the lowest rates, aud in a prompt and satisfactory man ner. Augnst 25, 1857. 24tf Notice. fTMl E Judges bf tbe Supreme Court of the Territory of JL regon, assembled at tne scat or uovernroem on the 16th "day of Ileeeralier, 150, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held in the citv of Salem, in the eonntv of Marion, on the first Mondavs of April and Septemlier. and the fourth Monda vs of May and Octo ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; sntl in the city of Portland, iu the county of Multnomah, on the fifth Monday, of December, 1S5, and thereafter on the first Mondavs of Mar and October, and the third Mondavs of June4ind November, annually, until otherwise order ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Justice. . 41 CYRUS OLNEY. Associate Justice. The Lam of Oregon. rnHE OREGON STATUTES, 1855, being a large vol X ume of 6)0 pages, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprising all the laws m force in the Territorv. inclusive of those passed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. Ihe work is ex ecuted iu the tdt manner, bound in law style, and ia sold at publisher prices, aud as low as a like work can be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest ngure they can be attorned ror here. Tbe price places them within the reach of all who desire the laws titer live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, filled by return mail. It is tbe last code of laws that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years In addition to the enactments of the legislative Assem ble, the volume contains the Declaration of Indenen dence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1737, in force in Oregon, Donatio raw and all amendments, and full abstract of United oates Naturalization Laws. Salem Drug Store- FRONT Street, Rector's buildiug. Constantly ou hand a full assortment of Davos, Mem cixks. Paints, Oils and Dvb Stuffs, Patext Medicines. Ac. I? In short almost every article usually found in a Drug Store, and are offered at Wholesale and Retail, at extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as represented. 9 Oanaas solicited. a. Prescriptions free of charge at office. tar Prompt attention will be given to professional calls in the City. A. M. BELT, M. D. Salem, O.T., June 2, 1957. 12tf Corinthian Lodge OF Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will bold their regular oommnnleatioaa on tbs Thnrsaay night before tbs fall of the moon of each, month, ex cepVwhen it falls on Thursday night, then on that night io Albany, O. T. Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to at tend. DELAZOX SMITH, W.M. SrrGM, Sea'y. 37tf BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOK . .AT. The City Book-Otore, (FRONT ST., PORTLAND, O. T., A. R. SHIPLEY & Co., aveb Store, and will be receiving by the 1st of June Sift 29 4Xa 9 3a d CCD HOOKS AND STATIONERY! N Which they offer to the SPRING TRADE At small advances on New York prices ve us a call, or send as an order, aud -we an bound to give yoa satisfaction ! A. R. Shipley Co., Are the Soli Aoknts in Oregon and Washington Ter ritories for the sale of The American Statesman, A GREAT BOOK ! ! Being the only political history of the United State. Send us your names. Price tt 00: Payable on de livery of book. Can deliver by tbe 1st of September to all who send as their names by 1st of May. Catalogue of Part ef ear Slock : SCHOJL. BOOKS. R.vdkk. Sanders' old Ut, Sd, 3d, 4th, and 5th, nd The Young Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th: Parkers' 1st, 2d. 3d, 4th and 5th; Mo Guffey's 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th. Stcllkics Sanders' Old, Sanders' New; Elemen tary! PniKit3 Sanders' Pictorial, School and Parker's. . GEooSAraiES. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, OI aey's, Morse's, AlcNailey's, and Monteitb's 1st and 2d Book. U ATBEHATtcs. Arithmetics Thomson's. Tables, veying. Geometry, Practical Mathematics. Math. Dic tionary, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, and Philosophy of nthematics. . GranVpaarJ. Greca's Clarke's BaUioaV-Snaith's Kirkasl's Spencer's Towers- ; PaiLOSoraiKS. Parker's hA Lesson, Juvenile and School; Comstock's Smith's. 1 ' taToaiBS. Wilson's Juvenile, and United States; ttty'm Universal; WUlard's Universal, and United Spates. 4 "Tiawocaoes. Cooper's Virgil; Andrew's Latin Rea ri Rihdx; Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClin vuaad 2d Book in Latin, aud do. in Greek; An Vmmar and Header; Johnson's Cicero, neb Grammar and Header; Woodbury's or and Reader, Telemaoue. Greek Tes- 4a. self-taught; Sorrenne's French Dio- ti itw Latin ao. Lauaeu s &cott s orees 4o, Anyd t Classical do. Smash's do do. DlcnoMAUKS. Webster's School, High do. Aca demic, University, Royal Evo, Unabridged and Cobbs' Pocket. MiscclLANEOCS. Mattison's Astronomy. Newman s Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. Kame's Elements of Crit icism. Parker's Aids ia Composition, Parker's Exer cises. BrookSeld'a Composition. McElligott'a Young Analyzer, do. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word Builuer. Hayhew's Book Keeping. Wayand's Moral Science. Palev's Natural The-ilogy. Blake's Agricul ture for Schools. Upham's Intellectual Philosophy. Mahan's do. do. Milton; Younar; Pollock; and Thomp son; (Edition for Schools) Cotter's Anatomy and Physiology. American Debater. Newman a Political Economy. Hitehcock'a GcJogy. Great variety of Speakers and Elocution. All kii4s or School Station ery; Slates of all sizes; Drawing Books; . Drawing Paper; Perforated Card Board; Bristol Board; Pencils and Brashes; Osborn's Color; Inkstands, every size sad style, Ac, Ac, Ao. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. KisTOBT Bancroft's United States. C volurne- Hildreth's da, do, C volumes- Frost's Pict rial United States. Taylor's do, do, do. Botta's Hist. Revolution. Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. WUlard's do. Hist. Indian Wars United States. Willard's Universal History. Mailer's do do. Rotteck's Hist. World 1 or 2 volumes. Rollin's Ancient History- Farr's do. do. Hume's Enlaud. Macaulay's d'i-, corajilete. Dickens Child's do. Liugard's do. Gibbon's Rome. D;Ao bigne's Reformation. Bang's M. E. Church. Allison's Europe, 1st and 2d Series, i'rescott's Works. Border's Hist, of Religions. Hist. if Council of Trent. Jose phas. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet. Queens of Spain. Qaeeua of Scotland. Help's Spanish Conquests. Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Ku bank's BraziL Parley's Caiversal. History of Cru sades. Ancient Egyptians. Hallams Middle Ages. His tore f r Bovs. Bonner s Child s United States. living's Field Book of Revolution. BiosiirHT. Plutarch's Lives. Life Brant. Won derful Characters. Great aad Celebrated Characters. Lives of the Signers. Autobiography of Flmey. La martine's Celebrated Characters.. Life of Adam Clarke, do Bishop Hcdding. do Niebabr. do Gen. Harrison. -Io Daniel Uoone. ao KODerw. ao iiavene. Cap tains of Roman Republic and Old World." Dr. Chal mers. 4 vols, lives of Hstnboldts. Mrs. Rogers. Mozart. Wesley. rTetetier. l.iieana limes ot t lay; lr-rin TCashinTton. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of Chief Justices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb. Jackson. Gen. fjreen. Joan at AreC Lads- Jan lirer. J. O. Adams. Jnlience. Ianiel Webster; Kings of Rome. Kings and yncens. l.ieomii. Lives or Me Pooes. Prescott's Philip 2 J. Mary and Martha Wash- in ton. Pioneer n omen ot tue est. Tbavels. Hacks China. Araucanians. hteplien s Egvpt.- Olin's TraveSi. Mungo Park. Nile Notes. Adventures on Mosquito Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav els. Durbin s Travels in the Ka-n. Scientific. BranUe s Kncvclopef.ia. I'nysical Ueog- raphv of the Sea. Wood's Natural History. Ijirdners Lectures. I'semr Ares, vocmosv jnaiuematicu Alc- tionarv. Loeie of Mathematics, v omiera or tcnce. Mitchells Planetary and Stellar Worlcis. Loom is' I! cent Procresa of Astronomv. Smith s I'ictionary of Arts and Science. Ennank s Hydraulics- 1-nck a works. Vanons works oa Arehitectore. Poetbt. Bvron varions styles. Shakespeare, do. Milton, do, iBnms, do. Hemans, do. Moore, do. Thompson. Young. Pollock. Tapper. I owner. Pope. Campbell. Wadsworth. Ossian. Montgomery. Kirk White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America and manv others. Booes of KKlEKrvcE- l ycwpeuia 01 t.eorrapiiv. do. do. Fine Arts. dd. d-. Biography. Useful Arts. McColloch's Gazetteer. Harpers UuKersal Gazetteer. Fbcit an " AGRicmTTBAL. Elliot'a Friit Book. Thomas' do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Fessenden's Fanner and Gardener. Frnit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion. Allen on tbe Grape. Pardee on StrawbeiM- Florist's Guide. American farm Book. Allan's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton's Hand Books. Woiks on Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Ac. TnKOLOStCAL A Religiocs. Harmotir and Exposi tion or Gospels. Neander's Life of Christ. Butler's Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth odism. Morris Miscellanies. lectures on Romanism. Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes' Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Bensoa's do. Jay's Exercises. Watson's Institutes. Larrabee's Evidences. Butler's Ethical Discourses. Ropers' Eclipse of Earth, do. Reason and Faitlu Foster's Christ. Perfection. Biker oa Discipline. Writing of Arminina. Jalin's Biblical Archaeology. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from tl to $20. Testaments, great variety. Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian Psalmist. Medical. Buchau's Family Physician. Hydro pathic do. Honwepathic Works. Miscellaneous- Constitutions of United States, Mavhew's Popular Education. Crabbes Synonyms. Piatt's Book of Cariosities. Odd f ellow s Manual. Head lev's Works. 14 vols. Mrs. Tutbill's, 6 vols. I-av- inl't Vineveh. Riirelow's Useful Arts. Has well's En gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities. vr.w nnwn East. Pvnshurt. Ike Marvel s Works. Ssmierson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles Talesaiid Reveries. Ian excellent Temper ance "Book.l Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News Bov. Pick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil ler's Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator. Y01111? Indies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri can Honse wife. Half Hours with Old Humphrey. Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood, do. New Enz- Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs. Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car leu's Works. Heroines of History. Ijuid and Sea. Deck and Fort. Sea .and Sailor. Ship and Shore. Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving's. Columbus. Img Look Ahead. City of New York Livinz Orators of America. Yonng Man Advised. Mis sions in Tonea ani Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Knout and the Russians. Hydrapathic Cook Rook. I lest h Bed Scenes, uitt hooe lor lonng Men do. 'do. ladies. Anecdotes for Hirls. do. do. B.v Footpript of Famous men. Charlotte Elisabeth's Work's. Advice to Yonng Men. Peasant boy philoso pher. Abbott s Marco Paul Books, do r ranconia. And a number of others too numerous to enumerate. Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing. Statiosert Foolscap Paper great variety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel .il .tvles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders great varietv. Blank Books all sizes and styles. Memorandums, Diaries. Pass Books, Time Books Papcr Cutters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic IPrints a large variety. Wrapping Pa pergood variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, Ac Finally, we have a good variety of Mrsic Rooes New Carmina Sacra- Alpine Glee Singer Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred' Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tors. Guitar do. Flute do, Accordon do. Violin do, Melndeonda, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet M And the most varied assortment of Statioxext ever flared in Oregon. ar This stock is all bought in New Tork and other Eastern cities and is sold at UNIFORM TRICES. sj- We keep on hand School Booes ia largo qoajv ties, together with most of the poblkations of - -Harper A Brothers; Derby A Jackson; IvtsooA Phinney: - ,. . Phillips A Samson; A. S.Barnes A Co.; Miller, Orion A Mulligan; Leary&GU; Putnam; A.tiletoo: aad ethers- . We ask your patraeago. If naaBf ra flsaw asdexamina our stock, yoar order wtflbo attanstdaa on the same tons as if you bought in person. - , PortUnd, March 20, 1S57 3tf ESTRAY NOTICES f Notices of all estrays are reanired bv law to be nS vertised in the Statesman. The charge therefor, ar by tbe Isw, is one dollar for each animal Issia B ' No advertisement will appear under this head aatiJ paid ror.j Where no money, or less than the correct aacamf U sent with an est ray notice, the notice will not be pab- puDiunea until tne rail amount is received. , TAKEN CP, by the subscriber, living on the Clack amas, one mile from tue bridge, in tbe atastoou precinct, on tne Join day or November, a dark browi. horse, with black main and tail, white face and whil bind feet, and white saddle marks. soDnosed to U Spanish, and seven or eight yean old. JUHS blfcl-HESSUS. Dee. SO. 1857. 2w44 TAKEN UP, by tbe subscriber, residing 8 mOea east of Portland, Multnomah Co., one heifer, one year old last spring, red color, and white speckled alt over; no Diaras nor Dffanas pccccivsoie. UtAJtiUE UAJ41L.TUS. Dec. 25, 1857. Iw44 TAKEN UP, by tbe subscriber, Irving ia Cora Creak, in Douglas Co., two black moles, aboot IS years old, pack saddle marks, and a braaa r. vr ana jl, ih another brand circular, with cross lines. Also, one has mare, about 15 years old, pack saddle scars, brand I and W. E. C. BRAT. Dec. 25, 1857. 2w44 TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, residence aevea ssilew southwest of Salem, on or about the 4th of Jaaa ary, 1858, one sorrel horse, blazed face, aboot R or years old. WILLIAM A. TOWNSEND. January 9, 1S58. 2w44 TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living ia Dayton pre cinct, Ytmbill Co.. one small dark red work after, face, feet and belly white, about four years old, asark ed with a slit in each ear. JOHN WHITE. Dec 31, 1857. UwJ TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living in Polk Co., a'mot 2 miles southeast from the crossing of the Luckiamute. at Mr. Simpsons, one black horse, bread ed with the letter S on right bip, said horse is aboot or 10 years old. and came into my premises abont the first of November. B. F. ENGLISH. Dec. 17, 1857. 2w TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living ten aulas southeast of Corvallis. Bentoa Co., O. T-. oao strawberry roan fUly.'a small white spot ia her full In sd two white spots on the bock; ao other marks or lassa perceivable; supposed to be three years old next spring. CASPER KOMP. Dec. 23. 1837. . Jw4i JA8- E. BlCHAKDe, 1 fSO. atCCaAEZX. I San Francisco. rortiaad, u. T. Richards &. McCralien. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and "Jobbers ia Oregon "Ly Flour, Grain, Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon, Lard, Hams, Ac, Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Fraariso Janaary 27, 1857. 6tf Kotice. TO all whom this may 'come, greeting : That I ant t leave for the States soon, and would respectfaliy request those who know themselves indebted to me. av vt .u. unsworn s lo-, to call ana seme wiinmi ami, and oblige W. C. GRISWOLD. Salem, January zi. tsoi. . via S. J. McCormick, Franlilin Book Otoro, . m (FSOXr STBEZT, rOBTLAXB.O.T.) HAS constantly on hand a large stock of Booca a Stationery, which be1 sells at a small advancs) as Pl'BUSKEXS PKrCES. ma A catalogue may be seea in tbe Oregon aad Washinetion Almanac fur 1S57. Books ordered there from sent postage free to any part of either Terrritorj. Portland, Feb. 24, 1S57- aoyi Corvallis Drag Store. JR. CARD WELL, Drnggist and Apothecary, is coa stactly receiving, per California steamers, fesraw and carefcllv selected stocks of Drags and Meditiaas. Oils. Paints, Varnish, Soaps. Perfomeries, Toilet Fwr- aitose. Stationery, and all articles usually kept ia Drag Stores. Agent for Jaynes, and other patent medicines, which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices. 0a OaoEzs souctted. "fca J. B. CARD WELL. Corvalns, May 2, 1857. 12tf Blacksmiths and othera, IooIl. ALLAN McKTNLAY A CO. have now oa hand a large and well selected stock of Bar Iron, Cast St(el. Horse shoe da, German do. Nail rod do.. Plough do, I'late do.. And intend to keep np the assortment so as to suit the wants of customers. Give as a call, and yoa will and that we not only have the fullest stock, bat will soil " as cheao as the cheapest.' We are constantly receiv ing additions to oar assortssent, so as to replace what is sold. Oregon City. T)ec. 23, ltf Bookt. Bosks. WK. SMITH A Co. have recently received a largo . invoice of books, direct front i ew Tork. which they offer for sale at reduced prices. Taey win be con stantly receiving additions to their stock, and will keep on -s-.-l every article in that line, which the wants of the country require. One of the firm will visit the States in the spring, after which tbey will keep a fat! assortment of LAIVAXD MEDICAL. BOOKS, in addition to miscellaneous and school books.. Their present stock includes all the different kinds of schso I books used in tbe country, and a great variety of stand ard scieatilie aad miscellaneoBS works, all of' which will be sold at greatly reduced prices, to maka room for new ones on the war. Thev also have and will continue to keep a cosbbMo assortment of stationery, Elates, pencils, pens, ink. mmC lancv arucies. Sfctre near the bridge, sooth end ef Cosnsaereial street. Salem, Dec 21, 1S57. - 42tt lOO Head of Cattle for Sale. THE subscriber has at Amity. Yamhill eoaa tr. 100 head of cattle, io rood condition which he will sell on reasonable terms. Apply' to hint at Salem, or on the premises. jua&rit Air. November 2, 1857. 34tf UKtargieK. "VPEX sad covered bnsgies Concord J make, rur sale. Apply to J. McCEAKKX. Portland. B. M. Do Relle. D EALER in Oregon Produce. Office at W. C.OrW- woid s Co. s store, Salem. Salem, July 1, 1S57. litf TAX receipt blanks fr sale at th Stateamaa ease at tl per hundred. Wanted. BUTTER 50.000 Tbs. for which the highest market price will be paid, by B.M.DTJ RELLE. 1 at Griswold A Co. Salem. July 1. IS57. 18tf WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 100 bushels of good spples, to be delivered by th 10th of August highest price paid. G. E. CO LB. Hogs. Hogs. Hogs. THE subscriber wishes to contract for 10.000 Pork. Hogs on foot, or in Pork, for which th highest market price will be paid in cash. Liberal advances will be made ia cash oa eon tracts of Hogs. B. M. DU RELLK. r Office at W. C. Griswold and Co-'s, Salem. Salem. July 1, 1857. IStf. Wanted. inn fififi Lr Bacon, (Hcsrltoond) in exehaate M.JJ fXJKJyj for cash, by B. M. DO RELLB. IStf aw Office at Griswold A Co. Salem July 1.1857 w wool, for which t win pay is eeaw pex ot. G. S. COLB. WANTED in exchange for merchandise or on ac count 10,000 lbs. good batter, for which I sriO pay tbe market price. Q. K. COLE. TVT ANTED in exchange for cash or inerchandiso. VV 20,000 lbs. of bacon for which I will pay th highest price. G. E.COLE. NAILS, glass, and window sash, at 42tf W. K. SMITH A Co s. THE best black tea yon ever saw, at 42if W. K. SMITH A Con. CAROLINA rice, and syrap to sweeten it ia gaUoa kegs, at I42tf W. K. SMITH A Co's. F KENCH merinos, and alpacas, at . . r nu as ww a, A.i. T jiaIf Here! w E have just received RS.00O lbs. of ground alaat .. si! AaA sua --- sa. w. (; R j -sw O I ,D A Cp 1H0T of all kinds, and P-'" fc IVatice!!! ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, are rsnasstad iTTi .nd settle wUh him. on or before the 1st dav of Jaljat,aav. -st. nrarVt Vha VW SSSSVJVV MA Oregon City. Jnne 1. 18ST. IStf " Pork.! Pork.! Pork.! i IX those persona who have PORK, aad HOGS ON V FOOT, to sell will aud :t totacir advantan hefor selling elsewhere, to call onth nndersigaad, as ho will nay th burhast market price, JN CASH. ' n u nrr on i.r . cia s, r e, Nov. M. 1857. ' nt AFKESHaasortnjent of all wool plaids. UJtfl W. af.SMlI st 6M1TeTC'o. Tk f ACKEREL aad cedftsh, at 111 (42tn Tf , K. SMITH A C a.