The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, January 05, 1858, Page 3, Image 3

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    The . Lokdox Times o.v Dry Goods
clerks. ine i liunaerer, at whose Toice
all Britain trembles, steps aside for a mo
ment from the great erents of tlie day and
condescends to speak to the poor effeminate
simpletons who waste their energies aim
disgrace their manhood behind the counters
of dry goods stores. Its remarks will ap
ply to the clerks of New York as well as
Liondon :
" Whaterer a 'respectable young man,'
who smirks behind a Regent street counter,
may think or write, we maintain and the
' common sense of the country will bear ns
out in It that the showing and selling
of women's dresses to women is essentially
& woman's occupation, and that the habit of
employing men, whether it arise from the
caprice of the customers or the calculation
r of the shopkeeper, is inconsistent with the
dignity of the person who thus devotes him
self to an nnsnitnble occupation. That this
is not felt to be the case by the parties con
cerned, only proves how much use may
blnnt the scnsib'.lities. Many a man who
would shrink from niakinjr beds, like a Tor
" eign hotel waiter, yet spends his life in an
essentially feminine occupation, without a
Ihonght that there is any thiux nmlig,oi6ed
in the practice The 'respectable young
men' who serve in drapers' shops may have
their owa notions of dignity, but for our
bart we would fur rather see any son of
1 - . t . I . I
ours wielding me saw or .me iruy. vi, urcicu
standing-side by side with navies on parade,
than mincing and bowing and rubbing his
hands to 'carriage people' during the best
tiays of an effeminate lire.
: Laxi Co., Hee. 13th, 1837.
Mr. Bcsn You will do me a favor by
sending your paper to , Cal.
J would prefer yon would commence with
Volume 7, No. 3S or 39, as it will be likely
to give the official tote for the Constitution.
I have teen sending "Avery's' Ox to the
above named person, and have been foster
fnjr him awhile myself, but as I did not like
lis disposition very well, I muzzled him.
Ie appears ta be rather ill disposed, and
from his appearance, 1 should judge him to
be breechy-; there is no fence (lawful or un
lawful) that "will turn him, for wherever he
can 6ud the best -ranire, there he will be
likely to be found. His grazing country i
growing scarce, and should his owner not
wake some disposition of him before he gets
too poor, he will not be likely to realize his
importation money. Yours, resp'ly.
AxotherOregoxiax Loose.-A few nights
ago, a tall young man from Oregon, was dis
covered by the San Franeisco police in a
somewhat qnestionable place of entertain
ment on Jackson street, kept by a female
who labors under the thrilling title of "U"d
heaJed Kate." An officer recognized the
yonnsr man as a new comer from the land of
big vegetables, and accordingly took him in
charge. Some loose change, amounting to
$720 was foQod on his person. His meeting
with the police before the insinuating people
of Red-headed Rate's hone had made his
ncqnintnnce was a fortunate circumstance.
ExT Ex-President Pierce has accepted the
invitation tendered him some time since by
President Buchanan, offering himself and
wife a passage to Madeira in the Poiekiiin.
They will sail somewhere about the last of
tic month.
t f Jcrisre William and family bave left Saiera and
wlU k-ereallr reside at Portland. We regret to lose
them from Salem.
0"i the loth in, ia the Fort Santia-m. Mr. K. M.
Taruoa. of Marion county and Mrs. Mescillm C-b-vntnt.
tf Linn Co.
On the 22d inst.. et the bride Father", bv Rev. P.
C Chapman, Mr. Johx Wn.;Br.xwnonand Si is Mart
E. Ncvroi, all of Marion Co.
At Port Orford.O.T., Dee. 3.1. of consumption. Jawr?
larot Sarra, D. l.. of Xew Yurk Citj, aged S7 year
nd 8 devs.
Id this 'Tillage, on the 30th nlU. FKnwnucT Maim sax.
of consumption, ared ahont 26.
la Polk Co, on the 2th olt.. of typhoid fever. Jessk.
on of Geo. H. N"tloo, aged about 21.
- Salem, January 5,
"Wneat, wLiu-,.--
Wheat, mixed.. ..... ... ......
1 371
I 5J.-
Onions, ...1.-
Bacon, aides....... -
Bacon, hams, ...... .- --
Lard, inkers,
Batter, fresh rolls,
Batter, packed,... .........
Chickens, per down,
Klonr, per 100 lbs., 1
v it v l T a .
Dried Apples, -
Dried Peaches,
Dried Currants,
Apple, per bashel. Winter,....
Vlr, clear, per M,
Cedar, per M,
Shingles, cedar, per M,
Shingles, fir, per M...
"Sugar, If. O,--- .
Sugar, China,.
Sngar, white, crushed,
Soap, ---- -
Salt, -
Candles, adamantine, per box...
Candles, tallow, -
Saleratns, . .
Cordage, .
White Lead,
3 50
3 SO a 4 X)
25O0a 2000
40 00 a 3500
. 750a;
. 500
18 a
14 a
23 a
.... 1 25 a 1
15 a
124a 14
24 a 3
35 a 40
25 a 37J
124a 15
25 a 33
15 00al6 00
7 50 a 800
.... 12 00al500
Nails, cut, per keg, ,
Nails, wrought, per keg,..
Linseed, per gallon,
Boiled OU,
2 25
2 25
50 a 2 00
8 a 121
... 1
Glass, per foot...
"Sheetings, brown,. ........... ....
Sheetings, bleached,....--..------.
Drills, brewn, .--........
"Drills, bine,--..
Mcrrimac Prints,.... ---- -
-Common Fancy Prints, -
Mona. leLaine -
Irish Linen....... i...-- .... .....
brown Linen....... ......
lirowa Table Linen,.... .-
tttttiiMritt, double nulled, 1
JteutoiJcy Jeans....... .. .
371a 60
tpeciil latieei
SfaT Pound, in
Miniature. "
Salem, s anull Locket containing a
X aiaama SataMeitttera.
'la ten weeks tlie present volume oftUe Rtateamao
will close. Our terms are tJ 0 per year in advanee;
SI 00 if not paid in advance, bat paid within 6 months;
and $ 00 if not paid within 6 months. Owing to the
saort time intervening between the announcement of
those terms and the commencement of the present vol
ume, last spring, we did not in all cases adhere to the
published terms, but in some instances we received
3 00 tbourh not paid ia advance. But the coming
year we must adhere strictly to our terms, in all earn.
When not paid in advance, the price will be $4 00 or
as OO.aceordinr to the time whea paid. If paid ttrirt-
as siMav. it will be $3 1)0, but not attfliMC. We
give notice tbas early that all may be enabled to send
us the 3 00 before the commencement of tha new vol
ume. We hope all in arrears will also pay op, and
avail themselves of the advance terms, before the
tth volome commences. A. BUSH.
Dec. Z'J, DfS7. 42tf
To the Drinorratlo Voter of Oregon
The undcrslgncd.the Democratic Central Coram Itte
of Oregon, hereby announce that the State Convention
of the Democratic party of Oregon, will be held at Sa
lem, on Tuesday, the 16th dnv of March. IMH. for the
nnnuiM nf nnminatliifr rif4itltfta til ItA tftllinorted I
tha lVmiwrirr. at tint June election in lttjri. and for
transaction vt ancli other business an may properly
rnm., It Ik 1,1 ojt.l.xr the basis Of representa
tion ! uim...U. t...... ..toi.tnil th vote CUKt lit tllC
June election. In 1S57. for the nominee of the Deimv
cratlo pnrtv for dclerate ti tTonirres-w ana wotuu rec
imni..1 :. ixh rnontr (end to ram convention one
r.. ..k ts vatin cast forald democratic can
rti,lr rorlinvm. at naiil election, and one vote for
r, ti..n r in? and that each comity Khali I'
miiilifd to at Uust one delrente which bati will enti
tle the repectlvo coontie to dt legatcn, as rilljw:
U. k.nnS Polk S. Josephine 4, Marion 9, Curry
CUckamas 4. Cikhi 1 , Vnmhill 4, DonsUx 4, Wushinft
ton Umnana i. Miiltnomah 4, l.nne 7, w anco 1,
in I'olnnii.i I. Benton 4, Clatsop 1 , 1 ill imok 1.
The committee would recommend that each rnnnty
take early tcw to fecure a full reprciitation iu raid
WM. lil'GHES. A. 8. WATT.
Salem. Dec. II, 1937. 41td
Portlind Times and Jacknourille lleralj, copy.
Pa. L. J . CxAra ay's Surclcal and Metlical Inititntela
o extensively known In thM Territory thut any notic
or it. or of Dim. raicht eem miiw-mn, .n. Yrt Tr-irin
that there are thine who heretofore hnvinr no need of
medical aid. have nejlccted ascertain the proper
roneioi reuei in cascoi mts(,irtnne. To those we
beg leave to direct attention to Dr. J. Csankar. who
t i - ..... .l ...
is nm n v m l iiexiemn ni vrcni kkiii ami r,nifrrii
nece in in proiesslnn. The Dr. hai devoted mm
attention to the treatment of chronic nnd private dis
eases, and stand unrivalled in his management of
mem. to tnoe woo need snch a-wNtaiee we rheerfull
recommend !r. I.. J. Cxapkay : it would he well at ail
event to consnit mm, nx lie m ilses no cliat se rr ron
anitation.and ranch ood mtjfht resnlt fnra it. The Dr.
guarantees a cure in all case or asks no compensation
er See l)r. u.J.Czapkay xadrerliseraents in anothrr
eoinron or lois paper. 41ml
Stnlioncrj-, Stationrrr:
Tl L. BRADLEY A Co.. have iu received, dirrs'
Htm from New York, per clipper nhip Anrora. a 8ne
lot of blank books , and atationcry generally, consisting
m pan m in loiiowin :
400 fleam paper of every variety:
1000 ynires blank books, half bound, full bound
II kinl:
J00 Dos. ink. Daviea best black, blue, ant red;
75 Beams wrapping paper dif. site;
50 gross pen holders;
SO slate pencils;
19 dns. sl:ites.
Turether with a (feneral assortment of school and
ini sci llaaeous books Sanders spellers and reader
levies' and Thompson 'a mathematics complete. We
wonldsay to those whobny to sell anin. jn-t eive ns a
can. K. L KKAULtvY A I O.,
City Book Store, Oregon City.
Dee. M. 1 V.7. " 43tf
Something New
EL BRADI,KY A Co., have io-t received a
I t of hand looks for home improvement:
prsinjr how to write, liow to tal!c. h-w to In-have. lnw
to do business, t:i one volume; will he sent free of punt
age to any part of Oregon, on receipt ot f 2.
Address K. 1.. lilt A iM.KY,
City Book Store, Orepm fit v.
Pec. 20, 1;7, 43f"
Hooks! Hooks!
BRADLEY A Co., hnve recently received
E. It
arse I t of Fowlers and Wells publications.
Take notice all ye that are skk. niter (cure) is
powerful nice thin? in a family.
Iec. , !;. tf
Sherirrs 8ale.
NOl It h fc hercry a'ven, that, by virtne of an exe
entiontome directed, out of the Territoriul ide
of the Cnited Ststes district court fortlie 1st IndiriiJ dis
trict of Oremn favorof Thomas II. Peame
asent fr Uie Missionary Society of the Methodist Kpis-
coai t.nurcn. ana araint Hamilton tampceii. lor
want of personal property. I have levied npon and will
prveed to sell at the eoiirt hooso fa Salem in Marion
eonnty. tlreeon Territory, on the 30th day of Jamtarv.
lvW.all the ricut. title and interest of the said Hamil
ton Campbell to the south half of the fnllowins des
cribed real estate, to wit: The s,-w. qr. of tlie n. w. qr.
ot see. m, me w. lis i! or tne s. w. qr. of see.3H.tnea
hf. of then.e. or of sec. 27, the . e. qr. of aec.t7.the
n. e. qr. or sec. si. tne n. w. r. or thes.e. qr. of sec
34. the w. hf. of the a.w. nr. of sec. 31. in t-! . r. S w.
v'outainina 640 acre, more or k-s. Sale to I t?twecn
tne hnors or 10 o e.s-li A. M. and 4 o clock P. M ,wf
said day. fr cash to satisfy said esreetiti"B.
.. A,COUXO KR. Fheriir.
January 2. IV. 4wt3
Tt sto'en. on or about July I V. 1 Vi". from the sul
rils-r, II miles snith f Albany. 1 yoke of cattle.
one white, one red. no lirand. 1 inre horns, weiirh
ab-Hit ircra II to l-i handred each, one Spanish mare,
branded A T on left hip. Whoever returns said cattle
shall be liberally rewarded.
Dee. 23. 1S.-.7, 3ml3pnid
To II. J. Harris.
ripHERE i remaininir in our wire hniee, a is.-ka;e
J. addressed to von marked "Glass;" yon will idea
can, pay cnarires, aud take me same.
W. C. ; KlfsWOLD Co
Salem. Jannary 1 . ls . 2w3
KUort Settlements make long
T'HE old year has pased. and we wnnt all thosewho
X Inns Uk meves iudebtetl to ns to come forwai
and settle and s:et their "Kew Years" present.
0)u't forget this; we mean just whit we say.
January l. 1V4. 43tf
Lona; Looked for Come at I.aat.
Time it men if.
J VST received a conMsnment of clocks and
watches at C. B- Pillow which will be
Id st fair prices, and warranted to keep go-id
time; eijrbt day and thirty hour weight clocks.
Gold atd silver hunting case watches, and a general
assortment oi jewelry come one, come an.
Pec. 23, 1S07. . Iail3
New Goods at New Price.
K.SMITH A Co. would inform their patrons,
and the pnblie generally, thut they h ve inst
received a larre adrtiti.m tJ their stock of goods, which
they Will exchange for produce, or cash, on the most
lavoraoie terms, i bey nave now a complete assort
ment of dry goods, which they will sell
Cheaper than any oAcr (fore in Sa!rm.
Their tock of boots and shoes is equal to any to be
fnond in Salem, consisting of men's aud boy coarse
and fine boots, men's and boy's shoes; ladles boot.
hoes, and nippers, children and miauls shoes men s
ladies, and mwes ruboer overdoes. una in snort, any
thiiia in the bot and hoe line that can be desired.
Their stork of groceries is also full, 'consisting of
coffee, green and black teas, crushed and brown sugar,
syrup. Maleratus in bulk, cream of tartar, salt, soap, to
baeco. sago, starch, tapioca, macaroni, raisins, and
sweet oil, all of which will be sold cheap for cash or
country produce.
Purchasers will do well to call and examine our stock
before purchasing 'elsewhere, as we are determined to
give our customers saitsiacuon in tne quality ana pn
ces of oeir goods. 'M
11CUE W1XK8 and liquors Tor medicinal purpoxs,
at 42tf )V. K. SMITH Co s.
LASTING powder, and waterproof caps, at
I4itij vt . tv. n."ii i it k to a.
LADlfiS' cloaks, latest style, for sale cheap at
I42tf W. K. SMITH A Co.
FRKSH assortment of all wool plaids, at
W. K. SM ITH A Co's.
ACKERKL and codfih, at
W. K. SMITH A Ca n.
i ALT. sal soda, and sassafras, at
(42tf) W. K. SMITH A Co's.
Strayed. -
ABOITT the 20th of October, from Spring
Valley. Polk Co., a yoke of work oxen
. KrinHU. and the other a brown.
Some ear marks not recollected. Xo brands. Eight
vears old. The finder isj requested to inform the sub
scriber, at Yalfontis post oftiee, i-oia to., ana n snau
be compensated for his tronoie.
Dec. 23,18)7.
Oregon Statutes.
T0UN"D volume for sale at John Fleming, urcgon
City, and A. U. Shipley's, Portland.
Price, $5 00.
Also laws of last i-essiuu $1 00.
Dec. 17, 18i7.
Look Here!
WE have joKt received R.000 Ihs. or gronnd alum
salt, which we are selling at M.O0 per handred.
tiltlSN ULU dC -
Caste System Adopted.
NO more credit will lie given by me, and tnoae in
debted to me, who have not made arrangements
to pay their accounts in pork or other produce, win
nlease call and make payment or settle by note, as I
intend closing my books. O. E. COI.r-.
Corvallis. Sept. 8, ihoi.
HOT of all kinds, and powder, at
V. K. SMITH A Cos.
ALL persona indebted to the subscriber, are reqoested
to call and settle with him, oa or before the 1st day
of July next, aud save cost.
Oregon City. June 1
Pork! Pork! Pork!
AI-Lth-e pecsona who have PORK, and HOGS OX
FOOT, to sell will find it to their advantage before
selling elsewhere, to call on the undersiirned, as be will
pay the highest market prie, JJJ CAfcH.
B. M. UU Griswold'a A Co.
Balcm, Xov. 21, 157. 3;vi
Wallamet University.
rrHE KACCI.TY dnring the present year will con
J. sist of
Rev. P.R. Hoj t. A. M., President and Acting Profess,
or of Ancient Uingua?es nnd Mathematics.
C. H. Hall, A. H.. Pmrrawr of Nattirul Si lence.
Edwin Caitwrlght, I t . v
D. L. Ppaulding. f Teachcra of Common English
.miss fiarun iiiickiiignam, Teacher of liistruinciital
met oil. Mil atr l'i:rARTUKNTof the Wall imel llnl
versity has lieen oranixad. Young men designing to
a irK.uji v'nirse oi isiuay, are invited to avail
inemseivc or me aiivatitsgcs atlnrdcd by this Institu.
hoii. .in avnusijn- resources will be made lis ot to
meet tlie wants of Students. KBoits will be continued
to secure a suitable endowment ;und no pains will be spar
ed in obtaining competent nnd experienced Instructor.
The Collegiate year U divided into thrrt femii, coin-
meuciiiic as ii'innif:
The lirst term on the Sd Thursday in September.
' second term on the 1st " January
third last " April.
Tlie nrst two term trvjtjlrrn trecks fork; the third.
rtrrrn terris.
i ACnoss. There will lie two vacation In the
year: one. in April, or fico mi, and one, in the sum'
iner, of nine tcerk.
irmiw win tie at the rate of fl per week, or t40
per annum.
lERSis. uie Academic year Is divided Into pot'K
l ksms oi ritrtn vnKt tarn.
The first term ls?gins on the last Thursday of August
second term be c ins on the 2d Xnvem.
" third list ' " Jiiiimiiy,
' fourth " ' " Ust ' " 4uril."
Vacatioss There will be two vacation In the year:
one in April, of ftro trrrJts; and one iu the summer, of
IX irrTKM.
Trmox will be uaid nt the beginning of each Term
in artranr. at the rillnwing rales i
In Languages, HiTher Mathenmtic A Chem., 10 00
" Other studies of the A'-a Jtetiiic Division. . . 1 SO
" Common English Division, 6 CO
" Primary ' " S 5n
For use of "the Piano I SO
" Instrumental music 10 00
Instruction! In voral music b circa to ail tus
atnileutsjvye oy .-narge.
A pjussiom:. students will be aaailtted at any Unset
and will be charged for tuition from lb time they en-
ter oriy. but tni ir progress w-u ds greatly proianed
liy entering earlr In the Academic year.
In cases where, from necesaitv. students leave before
the end of the tenu lor which payment has leea made.
a jut proportion not more than three-fourths nor lea
than one-fourth of the tuition (ee will be refunded.
Students are not allowed to leave Just before examina
tion. Patron who are Inattentive to this point, lunici
great injury upon both the rtmlent and the Institu
lUviamNi:. Y011115 pentlemen and ladies can obtain
board at reasonable rates with private families.
Coras, of Srfpy. A C'tre of Study ha been
adopted for bth the IVUegiate and Preparatory le
partnients. wi II enlctilated to ecur ripe scholarship,
mental discipline, and a preparation for the active du
ties ot life.
A liberal Course of Study ha been adopted for young
ladies who desire to obtain a thorough education..
A IHpl ima will he awarded t- all who shall
complete the prescriletl course.
The tlovKKMUKsr will Is- parental but strict aim
ine constantly at the formation of correct habit of
Self-tSovemmer.t. Careful attrn'.lon will be given to
manlier and in irals.
Sciloi.snin. perretnal. or for the period of ten
years, securing tuition at very reduced rale, can lie
purchased. For furtlier particulars apply to the Presi
Per order of Executive Committee.
Sec. Board of Trustees.
Salem. lVc. Id, I-C.7. 41tf
The Graefenberg1
K S.
The Grnrfrnbrrg Companr.
THIS IXSTITl TIOX. (Incorrs.rated by the Legi
I iture of tlie State of New York. Cupiul loo .000.)
was founded f"r the purpos of supplring the public
with the celebrated G K A EFEX BEItli MED1CI.N l-S
The series comprise remedies lor nearly evety disease
adapted to every 1 liraate. For Families. Travellers,
Seamen, and Miner's u-e they are unequalled. All the
Medicines are PCUELY VEGETABLE aud warranted
to cure the diseases for which they are severally rec
ommeuded. The tJraefenlierg Company die not nmfmn t t cure
all disease with one or two medicines. Our series con
sists of ELEVEN d:B"erent kinds, adapted to tlie vari
ous disease incident to the temperate and tropica! cli
mate. The roll-iwing comprises tne series or Oraelen-
berg Medicine :
Tns QRjicrRNRKKn vraET.'.Bt.t rtt.i
Are onsiJcred the stsndArd Till of the d:iv. and are
nlinib Iv suiierior to any Pill before the pnMic Thev
openite without irritation on all the excretion, purg
ing tlie blood iy tlitf 111 K, liver, siduey and kin.
An infjll l 1? remedy f ir all disease of the womb
and urinary ont-ui. weakness in tlie back, pain in the
ireast. nervousness. ooilite, etc. In t aloornia aud
report, out of more than a thousand where tbia
medicine has been used, it has in no single instance
fa I 'd to give permanent relief or t effect a certain
TnauRAKVTNai mi aasAiAnii.i.A.
A powerful extra t. One Imttle eiunl to ten of the
ordinary Sarsapariila for purifying the Llood. A sure
cure for scrofula, rheum itisra. ulcers. dvsiepsia, salt
rheum, mer-11ri.1l diseases, cntaneou eruptions, Ac.
tos cnF.E; aorri! oiictiibst.
Invaluable fir burns, wiinjs. sprain, rhilhlnin.
res, swelling, scrofula, etc; A.f a I'aln Extraetor,
it cannot be exi-clled. alT -rjing immediate relief from.j
the mot cxcrutialing pains.
This extraordinary article U a speedy and Infallible
rcmedv in Diarrhoea, livseuterv. ChnUra Morbus. Chol
era Infantum and the Asiatic Cholera, if taken with the
lirst symptom of the disease. It is purely vegetable
in its cotnpound.
on iFrTOito cmi.DnicxV r acaci a,
ForsnmmerCompUint. and mot disease to which
chil'lren are subject. Its true worth can never Is? set
forth in words, hut it can be felt aud appreciated by
parent whose children have been saved. Xo Mother
should be without it. '
tns GBArrKMimo riLa auticnr.
Warranted a certain cure for this painful disease
with the Ointment there are very few case which can
not l rs'licillr and permanently cured. A surgical
operation for Piles or Ki-tn 1 should never be resorted
to until this Ointment baa been thoroughly tried. It
never fail.
CBAKrENscna ktb lotiow.
For disease of tlie eve this I.ition has no equal. It
ia a soeedv and positive cure for inflammation of the
eyes, weakness, dimness and failinx of sight. It will
always lie beneficial in acute Inflammation of the eye,
and also as a wash on iuliamed surfaces.
(;raefknkri,kkvkk axd acra rn.u.
A speedy and positive cure for this distressing com
plaint. Tiiese Pill are composed principally of Qui
nine, with oilier vegetable tonics, anti-epaMnodic and
febrifuge at tklc. Tlimu-ands have bceu permanently
cured by their use.'.
Sovereign In atl Bronchial and Pulmonary Piseases.
It is, beyond all question, true that Consumption is a
curable disease, and the Consumptive's Balm is the best
curative ever used.
These Bitters are skilfully and elegantly prepared
from a number of invigorating healthy roots, bnrks,
herb and vines. An invaluable tonic and health re
A handsomely printed volume of 300 nagrs, contain
ing concise and extremely plain description of all
manner of diseases, their Kvniptoms and treatment.
Every family should have one. Price only 25 cents
It will tie sent, post paid, to any post ollice in Califor
nia or Oregon, on the receipt of 2o cents by mail or ex
press. Address iceiiington x 1,0., did rraucisco.
The Ornefenbers' Medicines are for sale by all Drug
gists and Apothecaries throughout the country.
cneral Agents tor t aiuornia ami
Wholesale Druggist.
Xo. 107 Clay street.
San Francisco, Dec. 12, ISo". u41
J. Fleming.
AT the Oregon City, Pot-t Office Iiuilding, has just
received, direct'from Xew York, loo copies of
Dawning a 1 nut and Fruit Trees of America, revised
nd enlarged, for 157 the latest published edition of
this valuable work. He has also on hand, a good stock
of miscellaneous book and stationery, for sale on term
to suit the times.
Oregon City, Dec. 15, 1807. 4Itf
HEREBY notify all person, not to trust or hnrbor
Margaret J. Waddle, my wife, on my acconnt, as I
will not pay any debts of her contracting from and af
ter this day. FRANCIS WADDLE.
Eola, Dec. 9, 1857. 3w4t
TP YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
X undersigned have got 15,0Ort pound beat " COSTA
KICA." Come in aud look at it.
Oregon City, Dec 6, 1856.
San Francisco. 1 i-oniana, w. a. i
Richards & McCrafcen.
Flour, Grain. Produce, Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lard,
Ham. &c.,&c Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances mane on consignments.
No. 41 Sacramento street, ueiow rrouv, oui r rn.u--.ioto
January 27, 1857.
TO all whom this may coma, greeting : That I am to
leave for the State soon, and would respectfully
request those who know themselves indebted to me, or
w.C.Griswold A Co., to call and settle without delay,
and oblige W.C. GUrsWOLD.
balcm, January .1, 1 ?o 1. -j
New Arrivnl for the Winter Cumjmign
8. 3. McCOIlMICK,
Hun Just Received direct from New York.a Large
. Additlou to his former stock of
t'onun'Miiig, in Pail, at hotlmot:
JIONTEITH S tlKIHiRAPIHES, Primary and Manual;
CAP do;
SLATES, Bssoi ted Hires;
KRC IT BOOKS, six varieties;
OKS .Vfc'ir,
POETICAL WORKS an assortment;
NEW HISTORIES a splendid lot;
Valentines and Toy Books,
For Curislmaa and Nw Year's Gifts.
0 - '
urDONT For
you trAirr o; Hwk-sr
Call, r StndJolke
. Front Street. Portland. Oregon.
S. J. McCORMICK, Prvprutor.
November ii. 1S7. - 2m:l
Drags! Drags! Dross!
K. SMITH A Co. have Just received direct from
California, and from the State, a large addi
tion to their stock of l)me-i, and medicines, making,
with their former trk. the 1 irgest. and best assort
ment of thoe articles, ever offered for sale in the Wil-
lamette Valley. They receive their good directly
from the importer and manufacture to thut every ar
ticle bought of them can I e relied upon a fresh and
genuine, and they are determined not to be undersold
liy any other drucyiwta in the country. I irder Kent
from a distance will be promptly tilled, and at satisfac
tory price. Store near the bridge, south end of Com
mercial street. Salem. 4tf
Ho ! Te Worker of Iroi and StrrI !
T HAVE this day received by the arrival of the J
X titling: trom t-au t rancisco. tlie followinff
nieni 01 iron btiu meei. 10 wit :
S.OilO Hi. Norway shape,
2.IXK) lbs. 1XJ Iron (flat.)
1.000 " SX-l-ltl " '
3 INK! " j "
!oio " 1. 1. 1. 1 J. and 14. square.
3.000 ' j,5 1C . Land 1L inch round.
1 .noil ' assorted cast steel.
100 horse shoe nail. (G)
Which bicether wilhsbx k in store mike a com
plete an assortment as ran be found in Territory and
ill lie ld as cheap as the CHeirtwr for csn or coun
try produce. J. N. PRESCOTT.
tirearon City. i-eb. 73, 17: sntf
Doot and Shoe Store.
FREDERICK W 1 C K M O N wouli announce A
to the citizen of Salem, aud the surround- fml
inr country, tliat he have taken a store on tha '
east side of Commercial street, uorth of the p-toDice,
wnere lie twui Keep c-sn-tanitr on tuna a urn assort
ment of every kind of boot and'shoe. both . iL-toin and
vale work, which he will sell at the lowest livin pri
ce. Ileing a practical workman, all order for the
mannfactiiie or repair cf work will be complied with.
and the work done in a ub-tautul and workmanlike
manner. Oive me a call and examine m v stock.
Sclera, March 12.1V.7. 13tf
In the District Court, of the United State. In and for
the First Judicial District, in the Territory of Oregon :
VNDREW ROBERTS, r. Georee W.Summers. John
Norcross. and Isaac Mooie, hi ch merry. It satis
factorily appearing, that the di-i'endiut Summers and
Xorcroia r not resident of this Tenitrv: They are
hereby notified that unless they appear in said court,
on the first day of lie nexMerm" thereof, to be held in
Salem, on the first Monday ot A pril next, and answer
the hill of complaint, praiing a rrrtain note, and
receipt executed tic htm to defendant Summer for
niy be canceled, the Mid bill will lie taken as
confessed, as to said non-resident defendant. ,
E. J. HARDING, Clerk.
Salem. Nov. !l. ls".7. Cw37
N'OWf-r large sale and smal profits, for Cash or
Ore rou produce. A well selected assortment tf
dresa pattern. Del lines, Meriuo. Calicoes. Ginirliani
and atl other goods for ladies. An assortment o! bon
nets and ladiea hats of the In test fashion.
Alsva well selected assortment of clothlne.lioots and
shoea of the best quality, coffee, tea. sugar, salt. rice,
pepper, salaratiis. and limp oil. with other article, ton
numerous to mention, for sale opposite lUuiu A Bro.,
next door to the Union Hotel.
May I, 157. lotf
Probate Notice.
Linn Cotkty, O. T. i k
To Marjrarct Hfnie. Samuel A. Hopue, Hester Mill,
formerly Hester lloiriie. Amanda Jaue Hotruc, Clar
imla Norcross, formerly Clarinda Ho-ne. and Clar
inda Wood, minor heir of Mary Ann Wood, formerly
Mary Ann Hopue, f the State of Illinois, and Johii
M.llopne, of the State of Iowa, heir to tlie estate
of Thomas Q Hojrue. daoeased, late of the county of
Linn and Territory of Oregon:
YOU will take notice that on Uie tixth day of Octo
ber, instant, James P. liojrne administrator, and
oue or the heir to said estate, filed hi petition in said
Court for an order of sale vi the real estate of raid de
ceased, for the purpose of paying debt, expenses, and
for distribution: and if the contrary lie not shown on or
liefore the first Tuesday in February next an order will
be made accordinqly. It is furtlier ordered that this
notice be published in The Orecon Statesman for fifteen
weeks. successively. S. D. HALEY, J. of Probate.
October 19. 1S5.. llw-U
Attachment Notice. '
TOU are hereby notified thitt'uules yon appear in
. the District Court of the First Judicial District of
the Territory of Oregon, on the first day of the term to
lie held nn the first Monday of April. 1K-VM, and answer
the complaint of Wm. Parker on file in tho clerk' office
of said court, for the recovery of the sure of $271 51
with accruing interest and cost of suit, the name will
betaken as confessed aud the prayer thereof will be
granted by the court. 11. Ft HON HAM.
Atl jr for PUB.
Salom, September 2S, ls."7. 3m29
Sublimit' College.
Mr. MILTON W1UGHT. Teacher. ...
WILL enter upon his irst term In thai Prima rj De
partment i.r tha KabHr 0 "-Jlege, oa Monday
the TWKNTY-TH I RD day of Kvilr. next.
Tuition, per term ot twelve weeks, $5 (Hi -For
each branch above the Primary, fifty rents more.
Hy order of the Trustees, this 3lt NssmnlMtr, l-7.
ALLEN J. DAViE Secretary.
December, 2d, 1&57. 3'Jtf
Attachment Notice.
Justice Court- -To J A MKS SCOTT:
YOU are hereby notified that a writ of attachment
ha been issued against you. and your property at
tached to satisfy the demand of John Cox, plaifrtilT.
amounting to eighteen, AO-lflft dollar. Now nutess you
shall appear before It. H. PARSONS a Justice of the
Peace in and for said county, at bis office on the 1st
day of Febrnary. a. d. 1S58, judgment will he rendered
against you, and your property sold to pay the debt.
S. ELLSWORTH, Attorney.
December 1, IMS. 4w40
JG. KRIECHRACM hn opened a Ttestnnraiit.Bake-
ry and Confectionary house at Corvaliit, Benton
Co., 0. T. Will set the bc&t table that the market can
afford, and at all hours. Give him a call next door
north of City Hotel. I2tf
"TORN starch, tapioca, sago aud hecker, farina, for
O pudding, at 12111 W. K. SMITH Co s.
PRESTON C. Merril yeast powders and extract of
lemon and rose, for flavoring pastry, at
42tf W. K. SMITH & Co'.
LAM P oil, candles, aud sweet oil, at
ttf W. K. SMITH & Co's.
COPAL varnish, paints, oils, and paint brushes, at
45!trj W. K. SMITH & Co's.
AYERS Cherry Pectoral for sale ot wholesale and
retail, at 42tfl W. K. SMITH & Co s.
SCHOOL books, at. wholesale and retail, at
42tf W. K. SMITH & Co's.
PICKLES and pep pel
paper, at I4atfJ
per sauce, wash-boards and sand
W. XL. SMITH A Co's.
COTTON rope, for clothes lines, and small rope for
halters, at 42tf W. K. SMITH 4 Co's.
FHKN'CH merino, and alpacas, at
12tf W. K. SMITH & Co's.
25,000 Worth
rjpHB subscribers would respectfully inform their eus
J. tuBier uud the public generally that they hare on
hand, and are in constant receipt of good from San
Francisco and New lork a large and well se
lected stock consisting in part or
Alum, allspice, an i alparra.
Il'jnnet. beniges, and bni. linen,
Cambric, crash, and calico.
Domestic de laine, and damask,
Edging, embroidery and evervtbiug.
Flannels, frinse, nnd fancy fixiu'.
Ginghams, guiters and gloves.
Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins.
Iron, Ink, and insci tings.
Jaconetjenu. and Java cofTee,
Knivc. kid gloves, and kuittinpin.
Lawn, lard and Liverpool salt,
- Mustard, inirrors, and inatche.
Needles, nails, and nice things.
Oils, over-ili iris, and Oolong lea.
Pin, pant, and paper,
Quilts, quill, aud qiieensivare.
Ribbon, raanrs, and rat-traps.
Silks, sugar, and shaving soap.
Tea. tobacco, and turpentine.
I'mbrella. nnder-sli-eve. and useful thing.
Veil, varnish, aud vinegar.
Wreathe, woolen good, waffle-iron, .
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions,
SCiac, nnd tepbvr worsted,
. Ac, Ac, am) so on.
Beside many other article too mimerons to mention ;
an or which we are nnenng at reduceu prices, adopt,
ine the nlan of " o.iick sale and small profit."
the ladies will find in tlit-ir denai talent a large stock
of fancy goods, direct from New York, which I not
usually kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will be in
constant receipt adequate hi tne wants or tlie ladies.
The Gentlemen' Department of furnishing goods
will seldom be equalled, and excelled by none in Salem.
IRON Tliebljcksmithsaud iron dealer will always
nnu a wcii-seieciei no-k 01 an sizes and Kuape. to
gether with a good assortment of iron axles, from 14 x
il in., to 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland
price, addiug freight.
n e are prepared reeeive ail Kind or prodnee in
exchange for goaa. and l Mmvt r ov fuii particu
laracalt and examine for vonrselve.
n. v. uiusnw-p x .u.
Salew-h. l.n.l.KST. 4:-tf
ITCsstitutica fcr Oregon.
WE beg leave to annonnce to the public that we
are Just receiving a larse and well .selected st ick
of good from San Francisco, which ha leeil selected
with great care by Mr. Alexander, who ha been attend
ing that market fur some time, therefore we can safely
say to the public that we can, and wil! sell, gooes a'
low at wholesale or retail
We will take in exchange for goods all kinds of pro
N. B. We will als ov cash for all kind of pro
duce, to-wit:
Wheat. Flour. Butter. Eggs, Bacon, Pork, Lard.
Oats. Ac., Ac. Ac.
All who wish to purchase, will do well to call and ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere.
Our stocK consult or every thing in the line that tbi
market calls for t -witr -- -
Grey. Wliite, Red and Blue Illankets;
Coats, Vets. pants. Hats and Ht covers;
I'ndcrand Over shirt. Wmd and (Vttou;
Every i!ecription i'f White Shirts;
tjucri Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery;
Boots. S!io coarse and fine;
Hrttgsn t "alf. Kip and Cowhide:
Woo! Plaids. Merinos. Ik-Iain. bite pattern
In short every hind of pie.-e cikkIs, and the BEST TEA
erershlpiied to this market- t eilar shingle. I imnthy sed and Hop.
at Give 11 a call, andee tor
Corvalli.-Oct 19. 17. 33tf
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c
JIMSENTHAL Inform his patron and
friend, that he ha just returned from
San Francisco with a select a-wo-tnient of Jew
elry. Musical Instruments. Cutlery, etc, and
oflcr them for sale at 111 t-ire on Front street
aT One door below Dr. ChuhIm' olfict-lt
J E W E L 1! Y .
Gold and Silver wat.-hes; ITild and Silver chains-.
Gold bracelets: O dd earrings; G M breastpin; Gold
linger rings; Locket; Gold peu and pencils; Oold
sleeve button; Silver aud Plated ware: fancy good
and perfmnery.
Guitar. Vblin. Flute. Fife: a large a snort ment of
Areordeons. Indies work bote of all kinds. (S-dd and
Silver ic-tacle. Gold aud Silver spoons. Cutlery.
Clock nn eudles variety. Ac, A-c.
a" WaU-lie. Cbn-k-t and Jewclv repaired, and all
kiuds of Jewelry made to order.
3All of my work warranted"
as-Don'tforo-vfThe Signof the Big Watrh."-"!
Corvallis. Oct. 24. 17
L. P. Fisher's
VDVERTISING Agency. Sjn Fran isco No. 171
Wa-hiiigton street, up tairs, nearly opposite to
Magiiire's Opera House.
1- P. FISH EH is the autharirrd Agent of the
nitrons Statess;
Marysville Herald:
Sacramenbi l:nion:
San Joaquin Kepul lira 11, Sbn-kton;
Pacilic Methodist. St';kton;
Sonora H'-rald;
Nevada Journal;
Grass Valley Tele.?r.iph:
Bed Bluff Beacon
Columbia Gazette;
Mountain Denvx-rat, Placerville:
TiKilnmne Coarler;
Calvarrx Chronicle Mokelamiie Hill;
FJ Dorado HeraorrJt;
Shasta Courier;
Mariposa Gazette;
Yreka Weekly lTnin:
Trinity Journal, Weavertilie!
Iowa Hill News;
Weekly ledger. Jcknri!
San Jose Telegraph: "
Sunuma County Journal;
Folsora Dispatch;
California Mining Journal)
L- Anzelca Star:
Santa Barbara Gazette;
San Diego Herald;
Aimed (' uinty Gazette:
Placer Courier. Yankee Ji:u'.
Nupa County Reporter; ;
Sierra Iemerat, owiiievillei
Humboldt Times; .
Oregonian, Portland. O. T.
Pacific Christian Advocate, Salem. (. T
Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.
Pi-necr aud lemocrit. Olympia. W. T.
Washington Republiban. Stcilacoom, W.T.
I'oyneaiau, Honolulu, S. I.;
PaciHc Commercial Adirertiser. Honolulu S. L
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hongkong Register.
L. 1. F.bas'iiow completed hi arrangement. for
the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal
largest circulating Journals and Newspapers published
in uie Atlantic states.
A line opportunity is here offered to those who wib
to advertise in any part of the Union, of doing so at
the lowest rates, aud in a prompt aud satisfactory man
August 25. 1K.-.7. 24tf
THE Jndge of the Supreme Court of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at tlie seat of Government on
the B'.tli day of December, lft-iti, do tit nnd appoint
District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the
county of Marion, on the lirst Moudaysof April and
September, and the rourtn Mominy ot May and ucio
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; anil in the city
of Portland, in the eountv of Multnomah, on the fifth
Mnndayjpf Decemlier, 1(5, and thereafter on the first
Mondays Of May and October, and the third Monday
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed. and do limit the duration of said Term to six days
each. GEO. H. WII.1,1 AM5, Chief Justice.
41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice.
The Lawi of Oregon
THE OREGON STATUTES, 1SS5, being a large vol
nine of 660 page, with complete index, annotn-
tion. and references, comprising ail tne laws in lorce in
the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at Uie office of
the Statesman, at live dollars per co(iy. The work is ex
ecuted In the best manner, lound in law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
be bought in auv State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure they can be afforded for here. The price places
them within the njach of all who desire the laws they
livft under. Orders by mail accompauicd with the earh,
filled by return mail. It istlie last code of laws that
will prooauiy lie puonsueu in uregon, ior nimiv years.
In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem
bly, the yolbtne contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution of tho United State., Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787, in
force in Oregon. Donatio" ' aw and ail amendments.
aud full abstract of United states Naturalization laws.
s Salem Drnc Store-
FRONT Street, Rector's building. Constantly
on hand a full assortment of Drugs. Medi
cines, Paints, Oils ano Dve Sivfps, Patent
MKniciwji. .ve.
11 short almost every article usually round In a Drug
Store, and are offered at Wholesale and Retail, at
extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as
rrescriptions free of charge at office.
" Prompt attention will be given to professional
calls in the City. - A. M. BELT, M D.
Salem, O. T.. June 2, 1357. 12tf
Corinthian Lodge -
F Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold
their regular communications on the Thurads v
night before the full of the moon of each month, ex
cept when it falls on "Thursday night, then on that
night m Ainany, o. 1 .
Hrethren in good standing are cordially invited to at
SrRiKorB, Scc'y. 37tf
'' ". .AT. ....
The City Book-Store,
(FROW 8T., PC'ftTIJl.N'D, O. T.,1
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
ave.1: itore, and will be receiving by the 1st of June
?y L2S Z 9 3fe m 25 -
Which they olfcr to the
At small advaucet on New York price,
ye u a call, or send n an order, and we an
bmnt to give joa satisfaction!
A. It. Sliipler &. Co.,
the S L Auests la Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sale of
The American Statesman,
A Git RAT BOOK!! Being the only political history
of the Cnited State.
Send u your name. Price $1 03 : Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September
to all who send n their name by 1st of May.
Catalome of Part of our Slock :
RKl! Sander' old-lst. 2d, 3d. 4th, and 5th,
ud The Young Ladies'; Saudcr' Xew 1st, 2d, 3d,
-lib and 5th: Parker' 1st, 2d, 3d, UU and flth; Mc-Guif-y
1st, 2.1, 3d, 4th and 6th.
brti.LKSs. Maimer Ulu, auuc rteur; tlcmeo-
PKiasa. Sander Pictorial , School aud Parfctr.
GKOuatrHZEs Mitchell's. Auctctit and M-jderu. Ol-
aey's, Morse's, McNallcy's, and Mouteitli' lot and
2d Book.
MriiKATica Arithnictics Tuomsori . Taulc-.s.
Mental, Aua!y--4i. Practical, au.l Higher; Daviea' Pri
mary. Intellectual, &:noi aim i.uiversuy: tsiriitu .
Coliiuru'a Ilay's Stiddard'a; Davie Algebra, Sur
veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math- Dic
tionary, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Grammars. Oreen larKe s u.ui:on a Santa s
Kirkatn's Spencer Towers;
PHiMsorMie. Packer's 1st Lesion, Juvenile and
School; Comstoi-k's Smith's.
Hmatits. Vilonr-iJiiven11e. and l-nited Stat?;
Parley's UnierUi Willard's Universal, and United
LsorOK.: Cooiiers vir-il; Andrews Ijtin Rea-
det; Vlri HomT: Andrew' ltin Grammar: McClm
tock's 1st and 2d Uok iu L-tin. and do. in Greek; An-
hon' Greek Gramimr and Header; Johnson's
Pasuitelle's French Grammar and Keailer: rfVorslrmry's
German Grammar and Reader, Telemaqne. tireek Te-
imeut; t reach, it:-tati jlit: rsnrreiMtc s r rench lic-
t.i;nary: Andrew" ltttn do. l.iddc'l .V. Scott Gretk
lo, Antlton t-Ltsicai uo, .milit a u-i tin. -
Dictionaiukx. "iVclstcr's Svhod, liih do, Aca
leraic, Univer-sitv, Uuyal svo. Unabridged and Cobbs"
Mrst-'ELLANKOrs- Mattison s A.stronoinr. Xewma:is
Rhetoric Wood Botany- Kaine'a l"ietnent of Crit
icism- Parker Aids m Lomoosition. Parkers Kxer-
Ostn. Broukjveld Com oosil ion. Mcr-!!iL'ott . Young
Aiialrzer. d.u Analytical M.iuiial. Parser orrl
Builuer. Mavhew' li-ik Keeping. VTavIiind's Moral
.Srwncp Piii-v attiral liicoi'ij-y. tia!:c Agricul
ture for S.--1k-jLs. I'pham's luteHect-.ia! Pbibewinhv.
Mahan no, a-y. Miltn: tuuitg; 1'oihK-s; aim 1 tiomt
son; (Kdition lor nciiooi) inner .naiomy sua
PhvslologV; American iieuaten Newmans rotiiicai
Economy. Hitchcock's Oeolnsy. CJreat vara-tv of
Speaker and Elocution. All kinil of School Statran-
rry; Slate or an ic-; iirawjnj book; irar:ng
Papr: Perforatetl tam H ard; tfm-m limril: l'enciu
and Brashes; Osbora's C dur-; li:k-tand. every size
and stvle, Sc., Ac. o.
FIi.tobt Bancrofl's United State. S ydamps.-
Hildreth' df. do; 0 volume. Frost" Pt.-tor"l United
State. Taylor do. do, do. B rtta Ht. Keyolution.
tern's do. Wi!ons L-nited State, ttiilards do.
H!t. Indian War United State. "iViHjrd" Universal
History. Mailer's do do. Kntteck's Hist. World 1 -r
volume. HoMm s Ancient History, rarr sdo. do.
H'ime" Lneland. Macaulay's do., om"Iete. Dickens
Child's do. Lineard's do. Gibbons Home. D'Ait-
bigne's Itelonmrion. Bant! M. E. Church. Allison's
Europe, 1st and Sd Serie. '"resctjlt Vt orss. Burder s
Hist, of Belisrions. H"it. of Council of Trent. J-jse-
nha. All of Ab!itt"s Hi-torie. Historical Cabinet.
yaecn of Spain. Qsieensof Scotland. Help's Spanish
Conquests. Brace's Hnorary. Kidder' Enrril. Kj
bank's Brajtil. Parley's Ciiiverss!. Hi-tTy of Cra-
ades. Ancient Egrptt.m. llailau M-ddle Are?.
History for B'y. Bonner Child Lulled Stntes.
line's Field B'k of RevnKrtia.
Bio jRAPHT. Plutarch Live. Life Hrsnt. Wn
d"rful Character. Great and Celebrated Characters.
Lives of the Signer. Antobiogrsphv of Kinlcv. I.a
mtrtine's Celelnrated Characters. Liieof Adam Clarj-e.
3 Bishop Hedding. do Nie'juhr. do t'ea. Harrison,
dj Daniel iloone. d-i Kobert. d-j fifayftte. Cap
tains of Roman HcpnbHc an-l t!d World. Dr. Chal
mers. 4 vl. l.ive r iiu. jars, uppers.
MjEart. Wesy. r letcher. Life and Times of Clav;
Irvine' Wahia'ton. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of
r'hief Justices.'te. N;ole-n. Charles Lamb
Jackson. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. Fdv Jane Grey.
.1. O. A'Hras- Joiienue. Daniel Webster; Kin? of
Rome. King and tueen. I.iebmtz. I.sve of the
Pope. Prescftt" Philip 2d. Slsry and Martha Wash
ington. Pioneer Women of lite est.
TaAVRL. Hi" as lima. Arancansan. stprien s
Egypt. Oiin"s Travel. Mongo Park. Nile Note
Adventares on Miiimn mip. mraia isrrirs trav
el. Durbin's Travel in tlie East.
s-iKSnnc. BraTi.le tnrj.-iopeiia. Physical tocog
raphy of tht Sea. vi .kki s .Natural iti-iory. liMners
Iecttires. L'"ff.l Arts. Ciismo. Mathematical Die-
ttonsrv. Ixri!or Mathematics. Wonders of Scien'-e.
Miu-heil's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Looniis' Re
cent Proirre of Astronomy. Smith s PirtKnary of
. . J - Clnt'a llr.lntiilifsf.. Ilii-t's wnrta
Various works on Architecture.
Postkt. Bvron various styles. Sh-tcesneare, flo.
Milton, do. Burns, do. Hemns, doi Moore, do.
Thompson. Yonng. Polloct. Tupper. Cowpr. Pope.
Campbell. Wadsworth. Ossian. Montimcrr. Kirk
White, remaie t ocs 01 rjngiaiia. 00. a j. a uicnca
and many others.
Booms OP KFFHRFSC!; . . ;-.j.n;i vi ' f ; j'f i .
do. d. Fine Art, do. do. Biography. Cseful Arts.
M-Collochs Gazetteer. Harper uiversai t.azetteer.
Frtit and Au aictfLTtnt ai. tiiiot s rruii BK.
Thomas do. Djwning s do. Barry s do. t essemlen s
Farmer and Gardener. Frtrit. Fkwer and VeretsWe
Gar.leuer's Cora!anion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
on Strawberry. Florist's Gnide; American Farm Book.
Allan's Domestic Animal. All of Saxton s Hand B-xk.
Woak on Horse. Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Ac.
TuKotociCAt. HKbHiiors. Harmony ana r.sposi-
ti.m of Gospel. Xeander's Life f Cbri.-t. Butlers
"ivors. Knapp s . nnstian 1 niinr j. hcmc ..irtn-
odism. Morris' Miscellanies. lectures on lbnianim.
Brand of Ioniiiiic Rule. Elliot on Komjmsai. Barnes
XiitM. fl:rke Commentary. Benson no. Jays
Exercises. Watson's Institutes. I -an-aoe's EvIences.
Butlrr's Ethical Inscairse. Hogers- rciipse 01 trtft.
Ho- I?ennn and Faith, hosiers jurist, t crrcctson.
Baker on Discipline. Writing or Arruinme. JsIid s
liil.lical Archarslo?v. Bible, all sure and price, from
si to 1 i20. Testaments, great variety.. Jct:iodist
Hymn; Chnstiaa Hymn Books, uimrca rsulunst.
Plymouth , Collection. . Select Melodic. . Christian
I 'sal u 1st.
Mkoical Kuchan rannly Pdj-stcmn.- iiyare-
nfithie do. Homo?patlnc Work.
MISCBI.I.AXTOCS. imr-inwiB .
Mavhew's Popular Edncation. t ral.l f-monyms.
Piatt s Hook or curiosities. '.i rru-iwu .usuiui.
Hcadlcy's Work. 14 vol. Mr. Tiithill's, 6 vols. Lay-
..i'. v Ri!eIow s Useful Art, liaswell s mi-
irinr' liio. American I nstituti-ns. Iltrsuit of
Knowledge- rarR..iauiMm.
War iKirn Kast. Pynshurt. Ihe Marvel s Works-
Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. C'onntry Rambles
in En"l:nd. Talcsand Keveies. fan excellent femoer-
an- Rook.l Money Maker. KcaiMd Jinn. News
Rov Hick Wilson. Mr. Hale s -ew cook hook, aiu
ler's Old Red Sand-stotie. do. Footprints of Creator.
Younir I-ad'es Counsellor. Yonng Man s 00. nctonai
Catechism. Thomson s Iect. to . Men. tyonstita
tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
can Ifonscwife. Half Honrs with Old Humphrey.
Athens; it Grandeur and Decay, sir. oengwicK s
Redwood, do. New Bng. Tale, lincle Sam farm
Fnr. Arthur a Sncce;m Mercnanv. aft. iai. Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mr. Car-
Inn" Work." Heroines of History. Land and Sea- -
Deck and Fort. Boa ana sailor, "snip ana snore.
Naval Life. Star Paper. Masonic Chart- Irving's.
Colinnbn. Long Look Ahead. City ot ieir "rorit
Living Orators of America. Yonng Man Advised. Mis
sions in Tonga an4 Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Knont and the Russians. Hydrapathic Cook
Book. Denth Bed Scenes, Gift Book for Yonng Men
tn Mo. T jtilies. Anecdote for Girls, do. do. Biy-
Footprints of Famous men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Yonng Men. Peasant boy philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do rancoma.
And a numlicr of other too nuinerotrs to eanmerate.
Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing.
Stationery Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
ter do, do. plain and gilt. - Note do, do, do, do. Envel
ooesalt style, inks all kinds. Pens and Holders
-latest variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles, Diaries. Pass Books. Time Books
Paper Cotter. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
Litaographic PrinU- large variety. Wrapping Pa
pergood variety. Wafers. Sealing W ar, Ac, &c
Finally, we have a good variety of , :
Mcsic Books Xew Carnnna sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred' Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do,
Meiodeon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Statioxert ever
ffered in Oregon-
nW This stack i all bought in Xew York and other
Eastern cities and is sold at v ,
KW We "keep on hand School Books in large qnan
Ues, together with most of the publications of -Harper
A Brothers)
Derby & Jackson; - -Ivisoo
& Phinney;
Pbillina & Samson; :
A. S-Barnes-A Co.;
Miller, Orton & Mnlligan; ;
LearyAGeU; !
rutnara; ... ' j
PW.tonrthvg- " aWt
ainrourstocfe; your ordw. wiU be attended te
- - - ;r m hmiirht in person. ? r
on tne same . - j-- -
Portland, March .0, 1657.
-AJJ A YN JT 1 c E s
Notice of all estrays are required by law to be at'
vertwd in the State-man. The charge th-refor. fixec
ny me law, ia one dollar for each animal taken op.
paid" nent ap" nnder thi kead ont,!
isL"n ?.J", m'!n',"'',r I'than toe correct amonni
1 "1 1 th'"" amount is received.
rilAKEX CP , by the wlr-criber, living in PonTco..
X noont 2 rn.,. outhw.t from the ?rosing of !h.
Tkm.ltf; 1! ML' S"rPJ""- black nor? brand
dwitli the letters on nbt Uh,,- horse i, about t,
.;r 10 years oi l. and came iut., my promise about the
lirst of "November. p kvi;i icct
Dec. 17. IS57-
rpAKEM I'P, by the nubiK-riljer, being tn mile
X southeast of CoryiHis, Bcnbrn Co., O. T-. ortc
strawiierry roan filly, a small white spot iu her forehead
two white spots on the back; an other marks or brand
perceivable; supposed to be three years old next
spring. CASPER KOMP.
Per. 23lj7. 2w41
'"HAKEX CP. by the subscriber, living in Linn coon -A
ty, Albany precinct, seve-i milt south of the Cal
apooia, one yellow bay horse, blaze face, snip on the
none, some white spots on the back, right hind foci
wldie np to the pastern joint, mauc and tail black, ox
years old Iat spring, said horse was raised by C- t
Kuighten o! thi county, and was traded off, said horse
ha been running in this neighborhood about 9 months.
Xovernber 25, 1S57. 2w2
PAKEN CP. by the subscriber, living two miles and
A- a half east of Lafavctte, Yamhill Co., one brown
Imlian horse, npposed to lie about seven years old last
spring, right fore foot white, bald face. Also, one bay
Indian filly, black mane and tail, supposed to be three
yea r c!d 1 1st spring, said horse and 'filly came to my
premise some time in the m-jath of D-cemlr, 1955.
December S, 1S"7. 2w42
ffiJKES I'l. by tlie sobcriber. living 14 mile north
M. eat of Roeburg. on north Cmpqna. one pale red
steer, wliite speckled face, and bc-Hy, marked with two
nnder half crops, branded M on the left hip, supposed
to be four years old last spring, appraised at ti. Al-a.-,
one broVn spotted steer, smo-Hh crop olf the right
ear, bran'iel Spanish, on the right hip. supposed to be
3 year old lajt spring; appraised at J25.
Xov. IS, 1S57. 2wt2
r"lAKE"V CP, by the subscriber, living in Sooth Fork
X precinct. Yamhill eoonty, on the 30th day of No
vember last, a a stray one bright bay borse, black
mane and tail, lame in the right fore foot, and nearly
blind in the rk'ht eye; a littl? white on the end of the
no:, the ri'ht lurid foot white, with some saddle
marks. Supposed to be 9 or ten yar old.
baicnaku Mcrmurs
Nor. 39,157. 2w42
ritAKE"? CP. by the subscriber, living in South Fork
X precinct, Yamhill county, on the 12th day of De
cember, 157, one small ty bre. about 13 hand high.
black msne and tail, with a little white in the fore-iK-ad.
his right hind foot white, some saddle mark;
about four years old last ppring.
Psceinbcr 12. 157. "- 2w42
pAKEN CP, by the subscriber, on Bear Creek, about
A S mile frum'jacksonville. Jackson cotmty, a me
diant sited SpcnLsh mule, black, shows by saddle marks
that he has been uai for a pack mule, be carries hi
ear always erect, is about ten year old, ro brand vis
ible. FKAXC13 PL.TM ALE.
lfccembcr 3, 1S57- 2w42
rUKtN L'P, by tuetuHscriber.on Applegate Creek,
JL on the 2?tb dayof Xovember, ISit, one half Span
fcii steey, the color yellow briodle. no brands, bet baa
a small piece of the" left ear cnt oT. with a small Flit in
the rizitt ear. and two smalt anderbit; the said steer
weighs a'out r-0u poand. JL'iTUS WELLS-
Xoveroher2"J, 1S57. 2w42
r It AKEX LP, by the mbscribtr, living six miles west
A of Lafayette. Yamhill Co., cne red beifcr, two
year old last spring, white face, belly, and tail; no
marks or brands: the said heifer came to my premises
aoout the !jth dy of last September.
Dec. 17, 1S57. 2w42
rytAKEX CP, by the subscriber, Irving 13 miles north
A west of R'jsebcrg, oa the east Urnpqna, one red
and white pided ctter, smooth crop, and split in the
left ear, smooth crr.p. and underbit in the right ear,
brand undescribsble on t!e left side, strp posed to be
five years old last sprine; anpraised at forty dollar.
. J. S. X'OLAXD.
Xov. 9, 1557. ?w42
TAS.EX I P, hy t!: fahscrtijer. one brown luoian
hor-e, with a star in bis forehead, and with cne
hind toot white, with a pacing gait, and supposed to be
tea years old; appraised at twenty dollars.
Xov. 22. 17. 2W42
TAKEN CP. by the nnderagr.ed, residing twenty
nuleseast of Salem. Marion Co., a red steer, sop
posed to be three years old, dark red, with a littie
n-hite on the eoar'.ic;. and tail, ard a small spot in the
face: no other mirks or brand perceivable.
Dec. 3, lSi7. Iw43
rjTiAK&X CP, by the subscriber, living five miles
A north of Corvallis. on the 15th day of December,
l-o7, one red heifer, two years old next spring: mark
ed witn a swallow f irk and an onderbit iu tie letf ear.
and a smooth crop "(f the right; branded on the right
hip-with an onintclliible brand.
11.5.157. Iwt2
rrAKEN I'P, by ihe subscriber, living six miles north
A of Harrishiirg. Linn Co one ox,' supposed to be
iS or 9 years old. came to my residence twelve months
ago. said ox is black, with a white spot on his withers,
the end of his tail and belly also white, marked with
a crop and underbit off the rW&t ear. and a eropoff the
left; no brand perceivable. J HON P. RECTOR
Decembee 17, 1857. 2w42
rttAKEX L'P, by the subscriber, a resilient of Linn
A Co.. MeDonef precinct, a brown mare, three white
feet, with a star and snip in his forehead, with some
saddle spots on his back, aad collar marks on the neck,
five years old, shod before, about sixteen hands high.
Pecemuer 2. IS57- 2w42
Books. Books.
"I T J K. SMITH A Co. have recently received a large
V V invoice of books, direct from Xew York, which
tliey offer for sale at reduced prices-. They will he con
stantly receiving additions to their stock, and will keep
on hand every article in that line, which the wants of
the country "require. One of the firm will visit the
States iu the spring, after which they will keep a fall
assortment of m
ia addition to miscellaneous and school books. Their
present stock includes aH the different kind of school
books nseil in the coflntry. and a great variety of stand
ard scientific and miscellaneous works, all of which
will be sid at greatly reduced prices, to make room
for new ones on the way.
They also have and wil! continue to keep a complete
assortment of stationerr, slates, pencils, pens, ink, and
fancy articles.
Store near t je bridge, socth end of Commercial
Salem. Dec. 24, 1S57. 42tf
IOO IIad of Cattle for Sale.
THE saliscriber has at Amity, Yamhill conn- agSt
tv. 100 head of cattle, in good condition.JJ
which he will ss?ll on reasonable terms. Apply
to him at Suleui, or on the premises. .
November 2. 1S57. 3tf
PEX and covered buggies Concord
m.ik for srklft. ApTUV to
1$. 31. lu Uelle.
DEALER in Oregon Produce. Office at W. CGria
wold A Co.'s store, Salem.
Salem. July l,Ki7. lStf
TAX receipt blanks f" sale at the Statesman office
at $1 per hundred.
UTTER 5000 lbs. for which the highest market
price will tie paia, oy
ii. at. lici.Lr..
at Griswold A Co.
Salem. July 1, lc-7-
WAXTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 10O
bushels of good apples, to be delivered by the
10th of August highest price paid. G. E. COLE.
Hogs. Hogs Hogs.
THE subscriber Wishes to cot-tract for 10.000 Pork
Hogs on foot, or in Pork, for which the highest
market price will be paid in cash. .
Liberal advances will be made in cash on contracts
of Hog. . B- M. rL RELLE.
Mir Omce at w . c unswoja . .
Salem, July 1. 1S57.
trr Ann LBS. Bacoa, ( Hog Kmind) in en haago
100,000 for cash, by RELLE.
- Office at Griswold i Co-
Salem July t. ie-
T"f TA.XTED in exchange lor cash, zu.uuu 10s. wasned
VV "wool, for wiiich I wifl pay 15 cents. per lb.
,f - G. E. COLE.
WAX i t.D in eyenaugt i"r mcrenatimse r oa ac
count 10.00t9 lbs. good butter, for which I win
pay the market price. G.E.COLE.
WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise.
20.000 los. of bacon for which I will pay the
highest price. G. E- COLE-
AILS, class, and window sash, at
1 ...n vp- xt cinrn t-
luj i . a. - T ' ' 1 1 o a
THE best black tea yon ever taw, at
- I42tf W. K. SMITH ft Co's.
CAKOLIX A rice, and syrnp to sweeten it in 5 gallon
kegt?, at Ii?tn W. K. SMrrH 4 Co b.