f TntAscftut's Report. Below is the con clusion of the report of the Territorial Treasurer, J. D. Boon: Total amount of Territorial fnnds reeeiT ed in the Treasury during the last fiscal year, and in the Treasury, stands thus ' S08 11. Total amount paid out on Territorial war rants daring the fiscal year 1857, stands thus, $1,960 11. -m.it 40 Amount in the treasury, f2,n There are yet standing out, unpaid, two thousand dollars, which hare all leeu adver tised, and the money H in the treasnry to ry said warrants. Besides those warrauls, know of no others unpaid. MAitmeo, Ry the Her. Tho. Stephen. Nov. 20, Mr. Wu.l.i BAti.tv Sixmrros to Mum Mautha Jaks Cooi-ib both of Don la Co. By the Rrv. Thou. Stephen. Nov. 1 . Mr. Jons Piict to Ml lciiiAa Ows both of Dougl county . At Corvallia, by Kmi. Hargrove, on the 2'Hh Inst., Mr. rniLir Couks, of Portland, and MIiwCuiaStoc. of Corvalll. iiif.i. In thU place, during the put week, a of James Tomlmson. aged about t rear. Also a m of James B Thomas, agrd about 13 year. , In this place, on the iMhrast.,. daughter of C. A Reed, aged about 19 month. SALEM MAHKKT. coaasrTKU wbf.kly, nt" rt. r. brown. Salem. TVcember 29, 1SS7. rtoDCct WW!, white t I 83 Wheat, mixed ted, ) Oat, Potatoes, ...... Onions, ------ - JBeans, . Itacon, aide. '.'. Bkeeta, riams, ---- - ...... ... I.rrYd, ii ker,. -".-.'. ......... JPiittes. , tVrh "roll., Batter, packed, ............. -. -- Chickens, per doxen,... Floor, per 100 lbs., Pork, rucitj Dried Apple,.. Dried IVache,...... ........ Dried Currant Apple, per bushel, Wintei . 1 00 I 00 8 on .. 1 00- 17 17 40 a 50 33 a 40 40 3 Ml . 3 &04 00 8 Irt a I ltJ a ST. 73 ..6 00 a 8 00 LUMBER. Fir, clear, per M '... 00 a SO 00 Cedar, per M 40W:CiW) Shingle, cedar, per M, 7 SO a 7 00 Shingle, fir, per M, 500 GROCERIES. Sujrar, X. O-s Irt a Sugar, China, . 14 a 10. Sngwr, white, crushed, 83 a Syrnp, 1 85 a 1 50 Coffee, 15 a 17 Kice, 15 a W Soap... 184 14 Salt 4 a a Candles, adamantine, per box...... 35 a 4 Candle, tallow 85 a 374 Saleratu,.. 184 15 Cordage, 85 a :U White Lead, 13 00 a 10 00 Nails', cut, per krjr -7 50 a 8 Ml Nail, wrought, per kep 18 00 a 1300 OILS. Linseed, per gallon, 2 50 Roiled Oil, a 2 50 Whale, 1 SO a 2 00 Glass, per foot.... 8 a 184 'dry Boons, sheeting, brown....... ...... .... 14 a JO fsheetings, bleached....... ...... .. 18 a 20 Drills, brown....... ... .. 14 Drill, Uno 17 a 8 Merrimae Prints 14 a 1P Comnion Fancy Prints, 10 a 14 Mens. DeLaine.fc..... ... 18 a :C Irish Linen............. 50 a 1K) ltrown Linen,... . .1-1 a 50 ltrown Table Linen. I . 40 a 75 tvatinett, double milled, I 00 a 1 25 Special Sttltti . . Tm the Oratorrikfic Voter of Orrg-on. The wnsleTsroed.the Dera .TAtie CVntr.tl Committ of Oregoa. hereby innan-T that the St..te Convention of the liemocrwtic party of Oregon, will be lx I J at Si lent, on Tuesday, the Itith day of Minh, l5s, for the purpose of nominating candidate t- be supported by the IVnvicrary, at the June chi-tioa la livs,arid fr tranat-tioa of 9arh other btisinefM a tny prierlv rae before it- In et.mliin(r the hai of rffrMMa tion. the eomtnittee hrtre dpted the T ite oi't t the Jane election, in tKiT. for tlie nominee of the IH-iho-rratic party for d-lej.-te t Concre. and w.nil-1 re.--ommon.l that e-h c-inty wnd tn Mid ronventMn one dleirate. foreach 7o voir cast f.rwid domoor.uie can didste for t'onirrerw. at saiii t lection, and one vte fir every frrti:n ovrr 41; and that ea h crty sIibII ! entitled V at Iwt ooe del"mte whirh bsi will enti tle the respective cuntrtn to dctcjruto, a f.-li iws: Jirktui. V.li 6. J vephine 4. Marion . "nrry 1, Clack arm 4, C'o 1 . Yamhill 4, Donsl i 4. Vnhin? tm J. Umpqna 2. Multnomah 4, Ijine 7. Wud I, I.i.m 10. roHmtri 1. Benton 4.t'ltvn 1. TillimKk 1. The committee wottl.l rei-ommend that each county take eariy steps to recurs a full rrpreentation in raid convention. J. W. XESMITH, PELAZ'IV -MITH. JUHV AD.VIU, a. k. WAIT. a. bi'sh. KiAVARiisnrrr.. S.K.t H AlWlCK, J.t). WATHRMAN", WM. HCtJHKS. A. S. WATT. Salem. Pec.Jl.lSo7. 4UJ l'ortluid Timen and Jackmnril!e HersM, copy. Maaotile. YH treait has pleaeo the omnipotent anda!vri"e Arrh ftect of the Universe to call from onr midft. on tlie !Hhday of December. 1X7. onr worthy brother, and moch esteemed fellow citizen. Kx-tlovernor Junx I ;int. to trr another and betW-r world: Therefore, Be H OntvtJ. That we deem it onr dnty. with tbe mteMif hi wijow and children, as Main to have the barial perrice of onr order performed at hi gnre oa some suitable occasion; and we will on the M'.i d iv of Jaanary next aemle at onr lodge mom. and make the need fill arrangement', pre;aratorr to niJirvh in rcir nlar pmceniion from thence to his irnire: and thtt all Masons ta repnlar standing and the nci.ehborin.ff Lodges be m-ot respei-ttnlly invited to join as in discharge of lie sad and painful duty. JtVsvaVm. That it is mr dnty as Masins to wear the nana! bd?e of moarning for the spa of 30 days, in token of respect for the memory of tl.e departed broth er, and that while we recofrnie in tbia afnicticyi the hand of Providence, and bow before the stroke, yit we an but l jrc fit the occurrence. Rnelctd. That a copy of the foreotnf; proceeding!, sioiy attested, be -transmitted to the family of the de ceased. And, also to the editor of tbe Oreeon taies maa for pobiication. with a reqnextthat all the other editors in the Territory copy the same. By order of Salem Lod?e. No. 4. lec. l-.th.A. L. 557 lw2 THOMSON WAR1, Sec"jr. Hm.Tfc J.CzariAT'iiSarjjical and Medical Tustituteis ertensrrely known in this Territory that any notice of it, or of him. might seem superfluous. Yet fearing that there are those who heret.fore having no need of aaedicm! aid. have neglected t-t ascertain the proper aoorrea of relief in ca.es or mii!rtnnes. To those we bejr leave to direct attention to Dr. U J. Czapkav, who is certainly a rhysiriaa 0f eat kill and woridrrfcl auccess ia Lis profewios). The Dr. has devoted much aUtentloa to the treatment of chronic and private dbt aael. and stands unrivalled in bis man)rement of them- Ta those wbo need scch asMstnce we cbeerfnlly 'reeammend Ir. L. J. Czapkay ; it . uiJ 1 well at ail events to consult him, as he makes u- charge for con sultation, and much (food raiht result from it. The Dr. ciarantee a core ia ail ca,.- or arks no compensation. BsT Sea Dr. L. J. Czapkay '4vcrtisement in another coin mo of this naper. 41m.l tO"RX starch, tapioca, sago and hecker. farina, for V- paAlinp, at 42tf) W. K. SMITH Co's. RESTON" C. VIerrils yeast powders and extracts of lemon and rose, for flavoring rwn. at 42tfJ W. K. SMITH & Co. AMP oil, randies, and tweet oil. at J mrj W. K. SMITH Jc C. iOOPAL varnish, paints, oils, and paint brushes, at J fitn W k' SUITH.HV.. W. K. SMITH Jk. Cos. V YKRS Cherry Pectoral for aa!e at wholesale and retail, at H 'lQ W. K. SMITH A Co s. JCHOOL books, at wholesale and retail, at 2tq W. K. SMITH Sc Co's. N AILS, glass, and window n.h. at lt-t!J w. K. SMITH 4 Co's. 3E best I lack tea yoa ever saw, at tf W. K. SMITH & Co'b- CAROLINA rice, and ayrnp to sweeten it in 5 gallon kega, at Itaf W. hi. SMITH & Co s. SHOT of all kind, and powder, at sl'tfj W. K. SMITH A Cos. DICKLES and pepper saoce, wash-boards and sand A MTier. at Uzifl W. n SJllitl s. Co s. tOTTOX rope, for rl-tbe line, and small rope for halter, at titTJ W, K. SMITH "A Co'. FRENCH merinos, and alpacas, at C.tf W. K. SMTTH & CoV Nevr Goods at New Prices. WK. SMITH A Co. would Inform their patrons, . and the public (fenerally, that they hare Just nM-rircd a larire addition to their stock of rimmIs, which Ihcy will exchange for produce, or cash, on the must favorable terms. Thev have now a complete assort ment of dry Koo'bi. which they will sell Chraprt than any vthn- Hnrt ht Snlrm. Their htrnk of boot and shoes Is e-pial ! any t be f.mnd hi Salem, conslstinn or men's and bor a coarse and Hue boots, men 'a and boys shoes; ladles Iim.Ih, shoes, and lipprs, children and Infants sh.ies men s ladies, and mis rubber ovcrsh.ies.and In short, any thltia In tha boot and ah.H) line tlist ran be d.wired. Theit stm k of eriKertesis aiso y-.. ... cmiutrr produce. Purchasers will do well b call and examine onr stock lfore pun-ha.sli.ir elsewhere, as we are determined to pive our cnsumicrs siittslactiou In the quality and pri ces i'f our Rid-. 421 f Prnsil Drngs! Drng! tir K. BM1TH A Co. have just received direct from . t'nlil'ornia, and lnm the States, a larnu addi tion tothrir stock of linitr. and meilicinrs, inakinc, with their former stink, the lutKcst, and best assort ment or those articles, ever ottered for sale in the Wil lamette Valley. They receive their goods directly from the Importers and nianufactiin-s so that every ar ticle bought of them ran l e n-lii-d upon as fresh and genuine, and they are determined nut to be undersold l.y any ether diVKcrrsts In the country, ttnlers sent lnm a distance 'ul be promptly tilled, and at satisfac tory prices. Store near the bridge, south end of Com mercial stmt. Salem. 4'itf BjoRi. Book I. T K. SM ITU A eh. have recently received a Urge invoice nl honks. direct from New York, which they offer for sale at reduced prices. They w ill be con stantly receiving additions to their stork, and rill keep on hand every article in that line, which the wants of the own trr require. One of the flnii will visit the states in the sprma;, alter which they will keep a lull assortment c4 I.AtrA.li MEVICAI BOOKS, In addition to miscellaneous and school hook. Their present sbx k bit tmles all the dillcieut kinds of arhool book used iit the country, and a great variety of stand ard scientific and niiscrllaneous works, all of which will be sold at greatly reduced prices, to make room for new one on the way. They also have and will continue to keep a complete assortment of stationery, si ites, j eucils, pens, ink, and laocy artii l-.-a. Store near the bridge, south end of Commercial street. Salem. IVc. 2t. Isj". . 42tf 1 )CKKYV1S and liquor fr nirdiciiinl purposes, at It-ti K- s.Mllll t OS. B LASTING (Miwd, and water pnv.f cans, at ll'tl) V. K. SMITH A Co'i LA DIRS' vl .ik. latest ntyic, f.r sale rhe-ip at 14-t J W. k.SMil ll A Co's. KKESII aoit-ucntof all wo.. I plaids, at V. K.SMITH A Co's. ACKKRKL and codllah, at (42tt) XV. K. SMITH A Cs's. , S ALT, i il scds. and ssssatVas, at 1 till) V. K. SMITH A tV. St rnyetl. VPCTthe J.Xh of October, from Pprinf arr J Valley. Polk Co.. a joke of work even me a dark l-rindie. and tne other a brown. S-me ear tntirks not recollected. No briud.. E:7bt years old. Tbe fader is r"iiiest'd ti Inform the sub scnlr. at Valvulitis po-t c.!ti e, Poik Co., and he thall be comt'civ-stti d for bis tmnM-. SELDEX IIHKllN.-s. IV. 53, Hi7. 4Jlf llo! for the Mate! rIMIE nndcryiiTr-ed will leivefor the Atlantic St;ib-son X the 1-t -i. .mn r iu January next returning in May a.id will fnlull promptly any couimUsion be m.iy re ceive fr the purchase f LAW. SCIENTIFIC. MKDICAL. CLASICAL, THEOLOGICAL, and other kr books not ea;ly i.rocnred on this coaj-t ; Also. Pi tnres. M isie, Musical Instruments, or any other article which can be procured In the K-i-t. Send vtiuronlers t- S. J. McCtlllMICK. Portland. O. T., IVc. fi. Ii7. ImiJ. v Vilinliiistr.ttor'a IN'otice. N'OTH K is herer civea. fiat the un.leroijned wil VniVefinil set'-b-mcnt cf the e-tatc of RALPH WAT-')V. d'-.-eid.Ut of M iri .n Co., O. T..oi M n d.ir. IHt. -s. l J.ato!ic Vl.k. P. M.. bcf.ire tlie .liiilre of Pic Pr.'tmt Court. In nnd f -r Marion C-J., O. T-., tlierefore tho?e interested will t ike notice. AHXKll ALLEX. AdmlnV. Dee. X, l?-,7. tw.t.ipaid Xew anil l'.ts!iioiiahle Tailoring VN I elotbiivg e-tabli-bnicnt. The wndersiTied would n--pe -tdiily infrm the citizens ol Kaleni and suTTooinim: di-tn.-ts. that they bare on hand a well selected st n-k of clothes. cashmeres, and v-stiiiTs; wliich we hil nuke to onler. in the luie-t stvle. and ar prices to snit the time. Ojwra Peelen rbsiks il pur: own mann"a.'ture, on hand, besitles a superior lot rrsdv-aiade clotuing. CI.EAsOX liRKXVIX. Salem. Ie.-.S. l.,7. :i:tf .o4irr. TKOM and aTter this d ue all Ire'ibt by i' the ftearner M K'KWh will cmcsl by Kbip's m.'-as-irement onlv. JXO. V. C.ii ir.lAX. .V.Mcr. De em'ier 1, lsi7. 34i Orcpoii fattttcs. TIOCXD volume for sale at J-din Fleming's, Orepon I 9 i ity. ar.l A. R. sliipley's. Poiiland. Iri-e, f-i 00. Al law or !a-t sestti.m 41 00. Ibfc. K, l-7. 4Itf A (iood llarain. riilE uiidersignol. proprietor of the Pnnetl k w, J. Isfing tird of the buIties will either sell his fur niture or rent it on reasonable terms. I will sell the furniture at fifteen per cent discount. Tlie house has a good nin of custom. B. T. HI' XT. Salem. Pec. 12, Is.".?. SwtO Probate Court. JONATHAN" KEEXEV. administrator rf the entile of JOSEPH KEEXEY. deceased, having flled hie accounts and applied t the Prbate C"nit of Linn county. ). T.,f:r llnal settlement of aid estate, notice Is hereby g;ven to oil Interested, that the first Tuesday in January next b the t.me set for hearing the ssvne. S. I). HALEY. J. I'. Alhanv. Doc. 12, lo7. 3w40 II CLE'S No. 1 Soap, the liest yon everosed. Try itN vt bite lead, linseed oil. turpentine, putty. indigo, m.id.ler. copperas, alum, oil for lamps and machinery, New Oi leans sugar, crushed sucar, cream tartar, salcrat is, soda, at 2;tf MOORIS'. Look lfrs. TE have just received sn.oo lbs. of ground alum I ra!t, wliich w e arc selling at 11.00 per bnndrrd. IjlWSrt vl.i x t,u. Casrt System Adopted. N'O more crcslit will be given by me, and those in debted to me. who bare not made arrangements to pay their acconntt In pork CT ether produce, w ill please call and make payment or settle by note, as I intend closing mv book. C K. COI.E. O.rvallis. Scpl . v,7. 2'itf .Notice!!! ALL persons indebted to the subscriber, are requested to call and settle with him, on or before the 1st day of July next, and save cost. JOS. N. PRESCOTT. Oregon C ty. June 1. 1'.7. lltf FAMILY BIBLES, Wnbs-tcr'a ljuarto Dictionary, l'rivciity Variety of Miscellaneous Works, worth buying, at 2Gtf MOOKES'. Pork! Pork! Pork! ALL thosa persons who have PORK, and HOfiS OX ,.....-e . - ..it :) i it .tlk.f, adt'.nl.ir. k.fnr V r iji ' . i ' swrii , " ' ' .. ' " - selling elsewhere, to call on the nndersiirned, as be will pay the highest mancei price. i. i,a.-ii. IS. M. I'u lir-i-ijc, a .hp.wiu s v. Salem. Nov. 24, 17. 37tf lOO Head of Cattle for Sale. THE subscriber has at Amity, Yamhill conn- ejH ty. 100 head of cattle, in good condition. g-"w which he w'.ll wil on reasonable terms. Apply to him at S-llem, or on the preniLscs. JOSEPH WATT. Xovcmlr 2, 15s7. 3tf Hog3. Hogs. Hogs. THEsubscriter wishes to contract for 10.000 Pork Hogs oa foot, or in Pork, for which tbe highest market price will be paid in cash. Li's?ral advances will be made in cash on contracts of Hogs. It. M. DU ItELLE. - Olfi.-e at W. C. Griswold and Co.', Salem. Salem, Jaly 1, l-i"7. lstf AVanted. 1 n r frf LKS. Bacon, (Hog Kound) in exchange LVJVJ ,JW for cash, by B. M. DU BELLE. IStf rr Office at Griswold k Co. Saltm July I, lis57. ITANTEI) in exchange. for cash, 20.000 lbs. washed V V wool, for which I will pay 15 cents per lb. G. E. COLE. "7AXTET in exchange for merchandise oro V omit IO.OiKI lbs! good butter, for which I on ac- ill pay jne m u-uct price. G. E COLE. HAT Cotton Yarn has arrived, at 2Gtf MOO RES'. WAXTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 20.WJO lb. of bacon for which I will pay the highest price. G. E.C0LE. eoflee, erred and black leas, eni-nea '-..,, avnip i-ileratus in bulk, cream of turtar. salt soap, to bacco, sa,rrt. starch, tapbva. macaroni, raisins, and sweet oil, nil of which will be sold cheap lor ca-sh. or Wallamet University. SALKM, OKKUON. rpHK FA( L'LTY duiliin the present jrar will con- J. Slst of Hcv. F.S. Iloyt, A. M., Presidrnt and A'ctlng Profess, or or A in lent lui;imqes and Mntheiuatb-s, C. H. Hall, A. II.. Prolcir of Natural S-lvnre. DHpau, "o'id.. Miss Sarah Hucklnliani, Teacher of lu-tmuiental Music. The riii.i.KiiUTK Dkcaiitwkst of the IVnllamet Dili versity bus la-en ui'jsuiJisil. oung men ileslfining to pursue a n-gulur C.nirse of St ml v. are Invited to avail tlietimi'lvea of the ndcantages alWdcd by IhU liiHlitu llnii. All available ri'souives- will be lu'ulu use ol to meet tlm wants of Students. Kllmla will be cinitiniicil to secure a suitable endow inent;auil no pains will be spar ed in olilaiuing uoniieleut and cape ricm-cd lustnictors. The Collegiate J car is divided into in; re kirn, com. nirncing as li. Huns: The II rat term on the Hd Thursday In Heitembvr. ' " second term on the 1st ' January. " third last ' " April. Tha llrst two terms arvjiin-n mh eorA; the ihird, rtrvrn tnttkt. Vacatioks, There will be two vacations In the yeur: one. in April, of lira u-reA, mid one, iu the sum mer, of nine rrrrJis. Ti-ition will be at the rate or f I per week, or tin per annum. THE OIIEUOX 1XSTITCTE. Tuk PitBi-Aaironv liKraurMFNT. Tkbu.-TIio Academic year is divided Into rout TrMMS of frrm tarh. The lirst li-riii begins on the 1 1st Thursday nf Atignsl. second term begins on the '.M " " Novrin. " third I ist ' . " January. fourth " ' " List " April. V.ii-ations There will be two vacations In the year: one in April, of Itro trvttii; and one in the stimnie'r, of air tcrrAs. TriTiox will be iinld at the togiiinlng of each Term in nHranrr. at the following rates: In Languages, Higher Mallietnnli. s A ( hem., 110 00 Other studiisi f the Acadenilo Division, .. TM " Common English Division 9 SO Primary " " A AO For ue of the Piano ; 1 Ml " Instniniental mnsir 10 00 14. Instnictlntil lii vocal musia Is given to ell the students it ornrngf. Aiwissiox Slii.leiits will be admitted nt any time; an t will be ehnrged for tuition tmm the time tfiey en ter m ly, but their ppiitres w II be greatly promoted by entering eat ly in the Academic jear. In case where. fiom neceMliy, htmients leave before the end f the tenn fir which payment has Is-eu made, a Just proportion not more than tlncr loiirtb m l less than onr-lurth of the tuition tee will be rtfuiulrd Students are not allowed to leave Ju-t la-lore examina tion. 1'ati.ms who are inattentive to this pnint. lullu t great injury upon both the s'tub-iit and the lit-titii turn. H.nrriM:. Young gentlemen and ladies ran obtain board at reason Ma rates with private lannlics. Corasg or Sn nv. A Cnuive of Sludy has been adopted fr both the Collegiate and Pn-parst ry De paitoients, well eab nlated to sts-nre ripe scholarship, mental .lis, i line, and a prre.ir.ition lor tbe active du ties ol l.fe. A liberal Course of Study has Is-en a 1 ipte.l f.irytiung ladies who desire I obtain "a thorouuh education. i- A Pipl im willls awiidc.lt i all h'i hali complete the pirsctil rd eoure. The t!ovKarr will ls paieotal but strict aim birr eonstanlly tit Ihs f.imitilinii cf coireet habits of Selfiloverunient. t'arcful uttci.tion ill lie given t manners aud moral.. Sctii-L insmi-s. p-rp tnal. or for the period of ten years, securing tuition at very rvdnred rat. s. can lie purchased. For fm titer pattt -u!ar apply to the Piesl dent. .IVr order of Exe.-i.livo Committee. F. S. HOYT. Sec U ui d of Tru-'tees. Salem, De 1), ls.".7. 4ltf The Graefenberg F A M I L V M K 1) I U I . I! S. Tbe Crarfrnbtr; Company. rilHP INSTITCTIOX, (lnrorr.nit d l v the I.e,!s. X lituroof the State of New 1 oik. Cap:l:il tl'W.telo.) was fouuileil for the pnrp e of supplviuT the put lie with the celebrated t!KA KEEN ItEKH MKIUl IMS The series comprises remedies tor neai lv every di-ease adapted ti every ( lunate. For Families, Tmvtll. rs, Seamen, and Miner's use iber are nncputlled. All the Me-licines are PI ItEI.Y VEi'lK T A HI E and warranted t cure the diseases for which they are severally rec ommended. The Orac Cc-iber;! Company il s not profess 1 1 cure all disease with one or Ivr.i 'medicines. Our serlcscoii sists of ELEVEN" d iT.-ret.t kinds, adapted to the varl ous diast-s lnei,h-T:t t-1 tlie temHrate and tr.picclili mate. T!ie full iwi:i c mpil-es the series vf Graefen ln?rg M'-diciues : v;u .i.i ki KMurnii vr.iKT..m.K rii.t.s Are considemi the stan.l.rd IMl nf the dir. aud are luliiiit. lv suiMrior t.i any Pill ITore t!:e pui In-. They ojsrratc witliout irtitation nn nil the cx- n'tious. pinn ing the I 1.h1 by li e bowels, Lver, kidneys and skin. M.a.SIALLK rTKItlXK CITIIOI.HOS. An Infalli I rem-.l c f.r nil .Pleases or tbe wnml and nriitarr onr ins, weakness In tlie lai k. pain in the tir.-s-t . uerviMinc-s, ib'Sility, et. 1:1 Cr.lilontia and Oregon, out of more than a thousand ca-es w here this medicine has U-en used. It h n in no hiurle in-tj-ice laibdtogive permanent n 1 cf or t efl.it a certain cure. TliRnRtKFKNBrn i S.IK? Ar AKI LL A, A powerful extra-t. One rs.ttle e-pu"! to ten of tbe ordinary Sarsaparilla for p trifyin? t te t In d. A sure cure for scrofula. rhiim ltim. ulcers, dyspepsia, f-a It rl-.eum, mero'irinl diseases, cutatie-ms eru.tions, Ac. TIK ORV.RN HOfSTAlX OINTMKNT. Invaluable for biirus. wonnd-s. sprain, chilblain.. S'sres. Kwrilinps, s. n.ful a. ct--. A. a Pain Extractor, it cannot be (X. t in d. u.r.rlil.g iuiiueiliate relief Iroin the luo-t escrutiatiug pains. THK a l:KI KM UI-.U t StMtRY S KIT. This extraordinary article b a t.ee.ly a-.-l infill! Me remedy in iiari hn" lr vntery. Ch. l.-ra Morbtn. Choi era Infantum and fie A.iatir ln l.rs, if taken with the tirxt symptoms of the disease. H is purely vegetable in its compound. gk t:i KNnr.lt; I'lm.imENs' r.ixActA, ForsiimnierCompl tint, and in st diseases to wliicli children are subject. Its true worth can never 1 set forth in words, Imt it rau be felt and appreciated by parents whse children have lai-u saied. N'. Mother sh.s ll !? without it. tub c;hu:i'knhi'ri run nrvnov. Warranted a certain cure for this painful diseve with the Ointment there are very few caes which can not le radi -illv and permanently cored. A surgical opcrition Tor Ple. or Fi-tcli sh. sill never be reported to until this Ointment has been thoroughly tried. It never fails. Hn iFFV.NBKlWl VVK I.OTIOV. Fr diseases of the eje this L. linn has no equ il. It is a speed v and positive cure for inllammation of the eyes, weakness, dimness and failing of sight. It will always he lenctlcii!l in acute inllanimation ol the eyes, and klso as a wa-li on inllamcd surfaces. ORAKrKNBKRtS KKI KH AND Alii K riLM. A speedy and psitive cure for this di.tres-dng com plaint. Tliese Pills are crtmpoacd principally of Oiii nine, with other vegetal le tonic, aiili-spa-moilic ninl rebrirnge articles. Thousands have been pennancntly cured by thiir use. ca.ir.t-KNBniui consi mitive's nil m. Sovet-eign in all Itri.nchi:. I and Pulmonary Diseases. It is, beyond all o,:icitinit, troe that Consumption is a curable dL-casc, ai.dtiiC Consumptive's liuiru U the best curative ever Used. uuitri:sii::i:ii iikaltii iiitti:rs. These Hitters are i-kilfi lly and elegantly prepared from a number of Invigorating healthy roots, lark, herbs and vines. An invaluable t -tiic and hrrltli rc- ;!Akikndim:o uim u of hkaltU. A h:inds.imelj-printed volume of 300 page, contain ing concise sud extremely plain descriptions of H manner of diseases, their symptom and treatment Every family .should have one. Price only Si rents It will lc hciit, p v-t paid, to any post oliicc in Califor nia or Orcj,'0"' 0,1 iba receipt of 2" cents by mail orex pre.ss. Address Redingbm A Co., San Francisco. The Graefcnlwr Medicines arc Tor sale by all Drug gists and AjMrthecaries throughout the country, lo neral Agents for California and Oregon ltEDlXGTo.NACo., Win Tcsalc Druggists. No. 107 t lay street. 5an Francisco, Dec. 12. 1S.'.7. . timtl J. Fleming. AT the Oregon City, Post Office Iluilding, has Just received, direct" from New York. 100 copies of 'Dawning' Fniit and Fruit Troca of America.'revised and enlarged, for lto7 the latest published edition of this valoanle work. He has also on hand, a good stock of miscellaneous bookaatul stationery, for sale on terms to suit the times. Oregon City, Dec. 15, IS37. 41tf Notice. I HEREBY notify nil persons, not t' trust or harbor Margaret J. Waddle, my wife, on my account, as 1 will uot pay any debts of licr contracting from and af ter this day. FRANCIS WADDLE. Eola. Dec. !, 1V7. 3w4l CotTee. IF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the undersigned have got li.ooo pounds best " COSTA KICA." Coaie ia aud look at it. ALLAN McK INLAY" Ac Co. Oregon City, Iec. 6, J AS- K. RICH AltOP, I San Francisco. JSO. Ml-CBAKES, Portland, O. T. Hicliards & McCrakeu. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon Flour, Grain, Produce, Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lard, Hams, &c, Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Ubcrai auvances mane on consiiiiiiciiis. No. 41 Sicramento i-trcit, below Front, Sau Francisco " January 27, l-a7. 4'ttf Notice. TO all whom this may come, greeting : That I am to leave ftr the States soon, and would respectfully reuuest those who know themselves indebted to me. or W.G.Griswold 4 Co., to caU and settle without delay. and ob ice " SalcmTJauuary 27, 1857. Mtf BOOKS ! BOOKS I ! o- 0 -o New Arrivnl fur the Winter Cutiapuign! s. j. Mccormick, FltANKLIV' ItOOK STORE, PORTLAND, O. T. Has Just Received direct from New York, a Large Addition to his former stock of . BOOKS AND ST ATI0XI.lt V, 'im;ining, in Part, at Follows: S A X DP II S N E W SERIES OF RE A DEItS, -II O N'T K ITU'S (JEOI i II A I'll IES, Primary and Manuiil: MoWALLY'S t; lit It; It A I'll V, ltd part; ' Sl'PEUI'IM; CO.NGl:ES.S LETTEII PAPER: CAP do; nii.L, note and iikiefixg iiuj Col NTIXtl IIOI'SE INK-STANDS; I.IHMI MIPEU'S SELECT NOVELS; Fl't.L AND II 1.F-HOtND IILA.NIv HOOKS; SLA TES. Rs-uit ted size-; I'KTKH I'AItl.EVS RECOLLECTION'S OF A Lin TI.M E; ('OODIt ICR'S II ISTOUY OF Al l. NATIONS; IIILDliE I'H'S FX ITED STATES; lll.ACr S TUN E'S COMMENTARIES; HPAI-.K'S AMEKICAN Illot IRA I'll V; II A IINES" NOTES OX NEW TESTAMENT: KOI.'lHKS CENTRAL AMERICA; Flil'l T MtloK. six varieties; WKLMS- M WllOX AND WASHINGTON; TUKCAMP FIKESOE NAPOLEON: HlSTOHY OF 'I llri MEXICAN WAlt; WORKS OX ARCIIITEt I I TIE: INDIAN WARS OK THE WEST: VIOLIN. FLI'TE AND ACCOKUE0X ntECEPT- OlIS-Af.'M'; SOUTHERN II MtMOXY, Nolo Ibnik; IIISTOHV OK Til K HCSSIAN WAR; HIE AMERICAN LAWYER: POETICAL WORKS an assortment; NEW II I -STORIES a splendid lt: a,tnw ASSORTED NOVELS At' If, TOGETHKII WITH A SPLENDED STOCK OF CI I FT HOOKS', A Mi U MS, Valenlines and Toy Books, For Christmas nml IVt w Year's (lifts. tirDONT FORGET-at ir mtf u'.i.vr novo aovhs' CHEAP ROOKS! AND PLENTY OF TIIHMI! Calf, or Srnrt to the F li A .V A" . .V II O O A' S T O It ;, Front Street. Portland, Oregon. s. j. Mccormick. '?--. November 2, ls.-,7. . jm in Ho ! Ye Workrrt of Iran anil Mrrl! Tit AVK Eds day received by the arrival of the J. R. Whiting from S m Fiauclscu. the folloriing aasirt menl of irm and steel, to wit : t.ooo lbs. Norway shaiie. 2.ool is. 2 xj Iron O'-t.) 2.0011 3 9-M-l J.noil n.tHiit 3.000 1 .ooo 31 ' 1. 1, I.1J. and M. i.Vlc., j. Land 1 1 inare, L Inch round. ussorted i :t-t steel, hor-e liis nails. I on Wltlch together with Stock instate ml:is at etim- plete an assortment as can Ira I'ouiid In Territory and will tie s. as cheap as the t-OKAi-csr for cash or ciin try prodnce. J. N. PRESCOTT. Ore .n City, Fib. 21, 1317. r.uif Boot and Shoe Store. rREDEHH K W I C K M O N w-mld ann'mnre A.. t.i the ciliresjs ,.f Salem, and the surround- f ing country, tii.it be have t ifcen a store on the ' fi east side ol ComtiH-rcitil street, north of the post illi. e. where he will keep rmLnd'v on hand a full ss..rt ment ol every kind id" boots and'-Ws, In th . n.t sm and sale work, wliich be will sell at the lowe'-t living pri ces. Ileing a prj.-tlral workman, all orders for the manufacture or repair cf work will he complied with, and th work d-me ia a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give me a call and examine mrstoi k. 1 REHERK K WTCKMON". Sal-m, March ll.lf.17. Utr Notice. In Pie District C eirt. or the l'iiitd States, in nd for the Fir-t Jii!i. ial Distri. t, in tlie Territory of Oregon: VNDREW UOllEltTS. r. George W. Summers. John N'rcrss, and Nane Mo.iiv, rAanreiy. It satis larlorily apMaring, thit tbe delendauts Summers and Non-niss ar lint resjdcntof this Ten it-uv: Tlirv are hereby m titled that imless tiny appear In said C'su-t. on the llr-t day of the ne.t term' theie-rf, t lie held in Salem, on the t!r-t Monday ol April tient. nni! answer the bill or ciimpl int. prating that a certain note, and receipt exeruted by bin to detent! tut Snminers far t nsi. may be canceled, the said hill will I e taken as i i.uio-ed, as to said non-resident defciuln.ts. E. J. HARPING. Clerk. Salem, Nov. CI, 1-vjf. fwt7 Notice. VTOW f rline sale and (mil pr..fits. for c-i or IA On.-in pm-lave. A w II Ii led assortment of dress p litems. IH-Iames. tiwrioos, Calie-. i;ioHnaiiiS and all oilier c.vods for Ind'rs. An assoruneut ol bon nets nml I idies hats of tha-Intel f.i-lii.ar. Also a wdi Kelevtrd .si.irt'nent f d ithlii'.r, boots and e!iocs of the best quality. coRVe, tea. susar. salt, ri' e, pepMr. salaratus, and i imp oil, w ,tli other articles, too mimeroits to mention, for sale opp-isite Ritum itro., next door lo the Cniou Hotel. L. WESTACOTT. Mayl9. 1UT. ituf Probate -Notice. PRORATE OOI'IIT OK tss. A. II ? I. ivr Coi-tv, O. T. To Margaret llogue. e-ainii. t A. II-igtie. Hester i i 1 1 formerly lle-U r llogue, Amanili Jane liopoe, Cl.ir ind I N'on ross. f. rttn i ly Clarind i llg. and Clar tndi Wood, min r heir of Mary Ann WnoJ. formerlv Mary Ann llonue. of the State of IllinoU. and John M. llogue. of tha State, of Iowa, beira to the estate of Thomas ; llogue. deceased, late of the connive! Linn and Terriiorv of Oregon: A ''Ol" ill take ne"t.e thai nn the Mvth d ir of Octo 1 Ss?r. instant, James P. Ilotrue s hnini-trit-.r. and one of the hetrs t said ed.itc, tiled his petitioi in said t'.au-t bir an order of sale of the real estate of said dc rrAsed. for the purpos of paying .b l.ts. eKpensrs, and for distribution; and ir the inutrary be not shown our lsrorv the fiit Tuesday in February next an order will I made accordingly. It is further ordered thai this notice Is- published in The Oregon statesman for Blteen week, successively. S. I'. 11 A I.E V, J. of Pml-ate. Octolicr I'.i, liw.U Attaclimeitt Notice. 7'o joux a xn ton nt r baxas-. TOV are hereby notified Hint unless yon npjiear in I the District Court or the First Judicial DMrivt of the Territory (1r Oivgon. on the first d ly of the term to Is? held on the fir-t Monday or April, 1 v,s, and answer the complaint ir Win. Parker on rile in the clerk's nfrice oT said court, tor the recovery of the sum of $271 1 with accruing interest and costs of suit, the same will betaken as confessed and the prayer thoreor will be granted by tiie court. il. f. RONH AM. . , Att y tor PI "IT. Salem, Scptemlar 2', 1S37. - 3m-'9 Fruit Trees for Sale. NOTICE to all who are desirous of purchasing jv good ap le trees. Mr. II. Iloldcn, propric tor of tho Salem Nurwry. has a few more thous- " and trees for sale. All who ro desirous .if securing choice trees, would do well to call and examine the assortment Immediately, as now Is the lime to set them. The assortment com-ist's (f most of the leading varie ties of winter fruit. The trees are two and three venrs of age. The Nursery Is one block ea.t of the Salem In ti-.ute, where the proprietor will be round for the present. - - II. HOLDEN, Proprietor, i Decembers, K"j7. - : ., nVj Subllniltr CoUcseT'. Mr. MILTON WRIGHT, TVaeArr." , WILL enter upon his Hot tenn in the Primary lHs partnient of the Sublimity College, oil Monday the TWENTY-THIRD day Pf Noveinlxr. next. Tuition, per term of t we've wo ks, ." c,). For each branch above the Primary, fifty rents more. Ry order of tlio Trustees, this 2fst November, 157. ALLEN J. DAVIS, tirerrlai-g. December, 2d, lft7. . . S'.itf Mormons! Moruioiis!! OWING to the man nut taking my Fruit Trees thai I contracted to last summer, 1 now offer them fur sale again, with the detorininution of selling out. My trees consist of nil the principle Winter Keepers, that have yet never been picked over. Come ahead and gel your trees for I am sure you can l suited. My nursery is situated at Silverton 4 utiles noith of U, C.Gi-et's Fruit Farm, Marion. (X. 11.) He careful and not go toll. C. Gccr's, lor this ia otic of the other U'hoys! . H.J. GEER. Silverton. Dec. li!, IS.-7. 2'vO Four Homes Lost. fX "e 7th of December, was missing Vr Spanish Korrt l horse, branded M L, on the left hip. An American mare, roan col or, 15 hands high, with a lump under belly A black pony (Indian.) with roached main and while hind foot. And a black cult 2 years old. - A liberal reward will be paid for the recovery oT the above animals. Addr-.-sn at Champocg. Marion Co. Miiiutnui.n".!"1". . 1 December", 1S57 An . 1. Attacliiue'nt Notice. TERRITORY OF OREGON. TorsTT of Lanb Iu Justice's Court--To JAMES SCOTT: rOU are hereby notified that a writ of attachment JL has been issued against you, and your property at . v . . - .. . - . 1 j 1 ..!:..: utcucu iu sai;.siy me demand ol joim v. insmnu, amonutiug to eighteen, .",0-1 no dollars. Now unless you shall appear before R. H. PARSONS a Justice of the Peace 111 aud for said county, at his office on tha 1st day of February, a. d. 1S5S, judgment will be rendered agaiust you, aud your property sold to pay the debt. S. LLLSW0RTii,-i'toir. December!, 1858. 4wt0 Restaurant. JG. KRIECH B AUM has opened a Restaurant, Bake- ry and Confectionary house at Corvallit, Benton Co., O. T. Will set the bast table that the market can afford, and at all hours. Give him a call next door nurth of City Hotel. 12tf $25,000 Worth or SPRING AND SUMMER GOODS ! rpiIR subscribers would respeetriilly inform their rus J. turners and tha public generally that they have on hand, aud are 1 11 constant receipt or goods 1 rum San Francisco and New York a large and well se lected stock consisting lu part of Alum, allspice, an I 8liacca. Iloniicts, beragea, nnd bn).inrn, t'ambric, crash, and calico, Domc-slic delaine.:, and damask. Edging, embroidery nnd everything, Flannels, fringes, and fancy lixhi's, Ginghams, gailert and gloves. Ilanillicri lilcfH, hose nml liulr plus. Iron, Ink, and Inserting. Jacouet.Jeaiis, und Java codec. Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-plus, Lawns, lard and Liverpool suit. Mustard, mirrors, and matches. Needle, nails, and nice things. Oils, overshlrts, ind Ool nig. lea, Pins, pants, and liaper, 0 oil's, ipiills, and ipieeiistrure, liibbotis, razors, and rat-traps. Silks, sugar, mid shaving soap, Tea. t ibacco, nnd lurpciit'ne, Pmliti-llus, under sl.i vis. and useful things, Veils, varnish, and vinegar. Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons. Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions, Zinc, and tepliyr worsted, Ac, Ac, and so on, Beside muny other articles too numerous to mention ; nil of wliicli we lire Hirel ing ut reduced prices, adopt ing the plan of " Q 1I1 k sales nnd small prollts." The Indies will tlnd in their department a large stork or fancy g.Mids. direct from New York, which Is not usually kcit In Oregon, nnd by arrangements will be In constant receipt adeouato to the wants of the ladies. The Gentlemen's Department of furnishing goods will seldom he euiialled. and excelled by none in Salem. IIIOX Tlirl.l icksinitl sand irundealcrs will always And a well-selected to- k of all sir.ea and shajies, ( get her with a good assortment of Iron aslcs. frmu 14 x H In., to 1 H 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland prices, adding freight. We are prepared to receive all kinds of produce In exchange for goods, and nlui monc-. Fur full partlcu larxcall and examine for .your-elves. W. V. GRISWOI.D ft CO. Palem.Fe'l. in.ls.57. 4UU New Constitution for Oregon. 7E beg leave lo announce to the public that we t t are just receiving a large and wcl' selected stock or g.mds from S in Fraii'-isco, wlib li has been selected with great care by Mr. A leg. inder. who has been attend ing that maiket lor smne time, therel'isre we can .afely ay to the public that we can, and will sell, gooes as low at w holesale or retail AS ANY HOI'S!' IX OREGON. . We will take in exchange for goods all kinds of pro duce. N.R We will also pay cash for ail kin.U of pro duce, to-wil: Wheat. Hour, Butter. Eggs, Racon, Pork, laird, Oats, Ac, Ac. Ac. All who wi-U to purchase, will do well to call and ex amine IWore purchasing elsewhere. Our st ck emisist of every tiling lit the line that this market rails for t i-wil: Grey. White, Red and Itlne rVanJ.ets: Coats. Vests, Psnts, HaN aud Hat rover1; Ctidcrand Oyer shiils. Wo I ud Cett-'O; Every description "f W hite Shi. t: Owens Ware, Hani Waie and Cutlery; Itisits. Shoes roarse and line; RroansJ'nir. Kip and I 'owhl.te; W.miI PI ti-ls, M("iii., Delains, lale pattern In short every kind of piece goods, nnd the REST TEA ever shipped to this mat kct. A LSi I Cedar shins;!, s. Timothy seed and Hops. Bd Give us a call, nml .ec for vour-s lvm.-ia ALEXANDER A MlEWaX. Corvallis. Oct la. 1 V,7. S.'.tf New Arrival of Jewelry, &c. JUST FROM SAX I-'HANCISCO. T ROSENTHAL Informs his: patrons and . friends, that he has J ist ret .rued rrun i-fn r nn' ist.1 w utiaseieci assoimeni rn jew- t olri-s them lur sale al Ins store on 'Front street, BJ One d r below Dr. C.mbs" ornce."i J l; V K L It Y . Gob! nml Silver wat-!ie: Hold and Silver ehain.; Gold bracelets; Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Col.) tintrer rings; lx ket-: Gold sns and pencils; Oold sleeve ladt-His; Silver and Plated ware: Taney goods and perrumery. Mf. SIC AT. IS'ST11L'MF,STS. Guitar'. Yl-.lius, Flutes. Fifes; a larire assortment or Aeconleons, Ladiist work boxes of sll kinds. Gold and Silver ;sM-tacle, Gold and Silver s"ns. Cutlery, Cbs ks. an endless tarirtv. Ac Ae. C Watches, flocks aud .lewtly repaired, and all kinds of Jewelry made toorder. i All of my work warranted a er-Don'trorgefTbe Sign of the ilij Wateb."-fc CnrvnlHs. Ort.2l.Kl7 33lf L. P. Fi3her's VDVKRTISIXG A getter. San Fr.incisc.N'o. 171 W ashington street, up stairs, nearljropjni-.it lo Magoire's tiora lio-ise. 1 P. FISHER is Die authorired Agent of the OKNJI.X STATr.-:AN; Marysville Iferaiif; Sacramento Cnion; San Jououin Reput.liean. Stm kton; I'aeilic Metlmdtst, Stockton; Sonnra Herald: Nevada Journal: tirass Valley Telegraph; Red Itlutf lleacnn; Columbia Gazette: Mountain DesnH-rat,riarcrrille; Tuolnmiie Courier; Culvarez Chr-uiicie. Mokelumne Hill; El Dorado Drm1M-r.1t; . Shasta Courier; . M ari(M-a t;az. tte: Yreka Weekly Union; Trinity Journal. Weavcrville; Iowa llill News; Weekly ledger. Jackson; San Jose Ti Icgtaph; Sonoma County Journal; Folsom Dispatch; California Mining Journal; . ' l.os Angeles Star; Santa It irlma Gnzilte; San Dieu'o Herald; Almeda Calmly Gazette: Placer Courier, Yankee JiuiVt Napa County Reporter; Sierra Democrat. Powniev; lie; llumlsildt Times; Cnion: Oregonian. Poieland. O. T. Pacific Christian Advocate, Satr-m. O. T. Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T. Pioneer and Democrat. Olvmpia. W. T. Waslilncton Rrpnhliban, Stcilacoom, W. T. Poynesian, Honolulu. S. I.: Pacillc Commercbil Advertiser. Honolulu S. I. Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; Hongkong Register. ADVERTISING IX TH"E ATLANTIC STATE:-!. L. 1. F.has'now completed his arrangcmcuLs for the forwarding of advertisement to all the principal largest circulating Journals and Newspapers publi.-tjcil in the Atlantic States. A Hue opportunity is hero offered t: those who wish to advertise 111 any part of the Cnion, of doing so at tlie lowest rates, and in a pr.nnpt and satisfactory man ner. Augifrt 2.. !So7. - . 2ltf Notice. THE Judges nf the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon, assembled ot the scat of Government on the tilth day of lrcrmlcr. 150, do fix and appoint District Courts to-be held In the city of Salem, in the 0011 u t y of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and Septe'inlicr, and the fourth Mondays of" May and Octo ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and in the rity of l'ortlatidj'iu the county of Multnomah, on the tilth Monday, of December, 1S5, and thereafter on the first Mondays of May and October. And the thinl Mondays, of June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order eVl.and do limit the duration of "said Terms to six dsyw each. GEO. IT. WILLI AMS, Chier Justice. 41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. The Laws of Oregon. rpiIK OREGON STATUTES, lfv5, being a large vol J ume of Cot) pages, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprising alt the laws in force in tho Territory, Inclusive of those passed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the oflice of the Statesman, at live dollars per copy. The work is ex ecuted in the best manner, Ixjuud ia law style, aud is sold nt publisher prices, and as low as a like work cau be bought in auy State iu the Union, and at the lowest figure they can bo afforded for hore. The prie places them within the reach of all who desire the laws they live under. Orders hy mail accompanied with the cash, tilled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years In addition to the euactmcnta of the Legislative Assem blr, the volume contSins th'. Declaration of. Indepen dence, Constitution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17S7. iu force in Oregon, Donatio" ' aw and all amendments, and full abstract of United .-wttes Naturalization Laws. Salem Dm; Store. FRONT Street. Rector's building. Constantly on hand a full assortment of Dbitsw, Mkiu- fptS cines. Paints, Oils and Dvb Sti-kfs, Patknt Memcixes, Ac. In short almost every article usually found in a Drug Store, and are offered nt Wholesai.k and Retail, at extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as renrescnted. 3- Orders solicited. "TTa Prescriptions free of charge at oflice. tW Prompt attention will bo given to professional calls in the City. A. M. BELT, M. D. SaJcm.O. T., June 2, 1957. 12tf Corinthian Lodge P Ancient Free and Accepted Masons, will hold J their regular communications on the Thursday night before'the full of the moon of each mouth, ex cept when it fulls on Thursday night, then on that nitrht in Albany, O. T. Brethren in good standing are cordially invited to at tend. DLLAZON SMITH, W. M. Bprikuer, Sec'y. 37tf BOOKS t BOOKS!! DOOK . .Af . . The City Book-Store, (FRONT ST., rORTI.AKP, O. T.,J A. R. SHIPLEY & Co., ave I' Uore, and will be receiving by the 1st of June SrtS N HOOKS AND STATIONERY! Which they offer to the SPRING TRADE At amill advance 011 J.'cw York priceaC , ve u a call, or aend us an order, and we are boawl to give you satisfaction ! A. 11. Shipley t. Co., Are the Sol-e Acirsts in Oregon and Washington Ter ritories for Hie siiIm .r Tho American statesman. A GUEAT BOOK II Being the only political history of tne lj n lieu r-iaies. Bond us your names. Price tl O'l : Payable on de livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st or Septetnlicr to all wbo send us their names by 1st nf May. Catalogue of Tart of our Stock : RC110 IL IlOOrvS. Readers. Panders old 1st. 'IA, 3d, 4th, and Cth. nd The Voting Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, Sd, 3d, 4th and 6th: Parkers 1st, 2d. 3d, ttti and attt; Mc GulTey" -lst, 2d. Sd. 4th and Sth. - , . , ... tr l .t r-t BriiLLGBa. rsaiiucrs uiu, eanucr ;.c.j uciucir tary! . PitiMKas. Sanders Pictorial. -efiooi and Parkers. Gsookai-hi::s Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ob aey s. Morses, .HcMniicy s, aim .uouiciiu isi a.'iu 3d Honk. MATiirsttTtCs. Aritlimetlea TUomion s. Tables, Mental. Analysis. Practical, ait I Higher; Davies' Pri mary. InU-llectual. S li.sd aud University: Smith's Colburn'a llay"a Stoddard"; Daties Al'elira, Sur veying. Geometry. I radical aiatncmarics, .num. iu:- tio'nary, Ligic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, aud Philosophy of Wallieinalic. Grammars. Greeu's Clarke" tlullion'S Smith' K irk am s Sieiicr' .Tower . v PHiL.wopuiiai. Parker' 1st Isaon, Juvenile and School; Comslock Smith. Ilismimes "ilson s juvenile, hh u'liieu iaic: ParU-f' Culversal; Wiilard'a t'uiyer'al, and United States. . ' Lan'Iijoim. Cooper trgi!; Andrew ijitin iiea- det; Viri Itjins?: Andrew's Ijitm Grammar: fi :Cllil lock's 1st and 'id Book in Latin, and d". in Greek; An hon's Gretfk Grammar and Reader; Johnson' Cicero. Pascjuelle's French tirammar aud Reader; Wood'Hirya German firamii.ir and Reader, Telemaque. Greek Tes tament; Krencli, self-taught; Surroime trench 111c tionarv: Andrew's Latin do. Liddell A Scotia Greek 4o. Anthoii s Classical do. Sstit'i's do d .. Diniosmts Wel.-ter's fi'hwl. High do, Aca- dep.il'.-. L'nivcrsity, 11 -yal svo, L'uabridjjed and Cobbs' Pocket. S!i-ELt.A-Ktn Mattison" A-ttnmnmy. Newman s Uhetoric. Wood' B itiiny. Kamc' Elements of Crit icism. Parker' Aids in Composition, Parker' Exer cises. Rraokfield's Coimtosilion. McElligott'a Young Analyzer, do. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word HuilJer. Mav!iew"s is - k Ke..(iing. Wwyland' Moral Science. Pafey's Natural Theoloey. lilnke's Aericul ture for Sch s.U. Cpham's lnte'de -tnul PUihanphr. Mahau's do. do. Llt-n; Vo'ine: Pollock; and Tliomu on; (Edition for Schools) Cult-t" Anatomy and Physiology. American Debater. Newman's Political Hcoivanv. H t. bc.ck' O..logy. t;ret vant-ly of Speakers and Eltiention. All kiu-ls l School station ery; Slates of all sir.es; Drawim Rooks; l'rawing Paper: Perfonted Card II .aril; liri.t d 11 nird; Pencil, and Brush?; ll-born' Color-; Inkstands, every shte nd ty ie, Ac, Ac. An il ISCELLANEOCS BOOKS. HiSToav llineroft Coiled States, w volumes. Ilildrtth's do. do, 6 volume., krost's Pi' torial Cnited Stale Taylor's do. do, do. Rotta's Hi.it. Uei ilote.n. I'eterin" do. Wils-.n I'nited Stales. Will ird s d;j. I list. Indian Wars United St.ites. Wdlard's Universal History. Mnller d do, Ro'tftek' Hist. World I or I volumes. Rollii's Ancient History. Karr"s do, do. Hume's Knglami. Macaulay do., complete. Dickens Child's d-i. Iineard's do. ;iMon"s Itoine. D'Ao bigoe'a lielormati.m. Bang's 11. K. Church. Allison's Europe, 1st aud 2d Series. Piescott" Work. Burder's llist. of i!ligions. Ili.-t- of Council of Trent. Joseph-is. All of Ahbott Histiiiies. Historical Cabinet. iiiecns of Spain. Vucenaof S-iolland. Help' S11anu.l1 Conquests. Brace" Hmg.iry. Kidder' lirazil. Eu bank Braxil. Parley's Universal. History of Cru sades. Ancient Egyptians. II illam'a Middle- Aires. History f-vr H -vs. Itonner's t'liild United States. I ossiae's Field Ibs.k of Revolution. lltooRrnv- Plutarch' Lives. Life Brant. Won derful Character. Great and Celebrated Character. Lives .if tlie Sigirs. Autoiiioeraiiby or Finley. I A martine' Celebrated Characters, l.iteof Adam Clarke. i II. sh-.p iieildtng. do Nieliuhr. do l"n. ILrrim. 4j Dnaiel 11-J.me. d RolwrU. do lfarette. Cap tains or Roman llepublir and Hid World." Dr. Chal mers. 4 v L. Lives of Humboldt. Mrs. fber. tloaart. Wesley. Fletcher. Life and Time of Clay: Irvine's Vashinirt:n. Eminent lec Sanies, l.tvesi of Chier Justices. Josephine. Naimietui. Charles I jimb. Jackson. tien.Green. Joanof Arc. 'Lady Janet: rev. Q. Adims. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kings of Itoiue. King and Vieens. Liebmta. Lives of the Pope. Pre scot Is i'liilip id. Miry and Martha Wash ingbun. Pioneer Woinen of the West. TaAVEi.s Huek's China- Arancnnians- Stepbea' Egypt. Olin Travels. Mnngo Paik. Nile Notes Adventure) ou Muquit Shore. Bayard Taylor" Trav els. I lrliin's Travels in the KisL SciErriric. Brando's Eucvolnpei!.. Physical Geog raphy of tlie Sea. W.mkI's Natural History. Ijirdner's Leclnre. lTsefuf Arts. Cssmws- Mathmatif-al Dic tionary. I.ic 01 Mathemattc. tv..!id..r of S-ience. Mitchi-il's Planetary and Sleilar Worlds. Loomis' JU ccnt Progressi of Aslrmomy. Smith' Dictionary of Arts and Science. Euhauh'a flydraulic. Dick's work. Various works ou Architecture. PoETitv Byron various style. Rluikespeare, do. Milton, do. Bums, do. Heinaus, do. M.wre. do. Thompson. Young. Pollock. Top)r. Cows?r. Pe. Campbell. Wadsworth. t)ssian. iloiitgomery. Kirk White. Female Poets ol England, do. do. America and many others. Bimas or RKreBfWCE. Cyclopedia or Geography. d. do. Fine Art, do. do. Biography. Useful Arls. McColloch'a Gazetteer. Harper' Universal Gazetteer. FnriT and Aoaici'LTraAL. Elliot' Frnit II s k. Thomas' do. Downing" do. Harry 'a do. Fesisenden's Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener' Companion. Allen on the Graiie. Pardee 0:1 Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm U ik. AlUu's Domestic Animals. AUtd" Saxton's Hand Buuk. Wojkson Horse, Cattle. Sheep. Hog, Ac. TiiKoi.otilCAL A; ItKi.mmr.s. llamrony and Exposi tion of G.Hels. Neander's Life "f Clirifit. Butler's Work. Kuapp's Christian Theology. Western lleth oiism. Moms' Miscellanies. cctnrcs on Romanism. Brand or Divninic Rule. Elliot on IbimanLsm. Barnes Note. Clarke's Commentary. Benson "a ilo. Jay's Exercises. Watson's lustitute. Irrals-c's Evidences. Butler' Etlilcal iiiscourses. Roger' Eclipse of Earth. d Reaon and Faith. Foster' Christ. Perfection. Baker on Discipline. Writings of Armiuius. John's Riblica! Arclueotoirv. Bitdcs. all sires and price, from (I to Testament, great varK-ty. Methodist Hvmns. Christian Hymn ItmU tlnirch Psalmist. Plymouth Correction. Select Melodies. Christian Psalmist. , Medical. Buchan's Family Physician. Hydro pathic do. Homo-patltio Works. Miscki.lanboi'S. tlouRtit.itious of United States May hew a Popular Education. Crabbe's Synonyms. Piatt's B.sk of Curiosities. Odd Fellow ' Manual. Headlev'a Works. 14 vol. Mr. Totiiill's, C vols. lT ard'a Nineveh. Bigelow'a Userul Art. Hasweil' En gincer' Guide. American Institutions. Purauit of Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antirpiities. Way Down Eaft. Pynshtirt. Ik Marvel" Works, Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Countrv Ramble in Kngl.Mid. Tales and lleveries. an excellent Temper ance Booh. Money Maker. Kcaped Nun. News Bov. Dick vfilsou. Mrs. H ile'a Xew Cook BMk. MU erl Old lied Sindstone. do. Footprints of Creator. Young Ladles' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial C.itechism. Thomsou' licet, to Y. Men. Coustitu tlonal Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. Tha Ameri can Housewife. Half Hours with Old Humphrey Athens: its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick' ISedwood. do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sams Farm pence. Arthur' Succcssiul Merchant, do. I'als. Mrs. Partington. Horacf TrausUtion. Virgil do. Mrs. Car leu' Works. Heroines -of History. Land and Sea. Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore- Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving'. Columbus. Ijing Look Ahead. City of New York Living tM-ators of America. Young Man Advised. Mis sions in Tonsra and Kegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Kn.sit and the Russians. Hydropathic Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes- Gift Book for Young Men do. fdo. Ijidie. Anecdotes for Girl, do. do. Boy Footpripts of Famous men. Charlotte Elizalscth's Work's. Advice to Yonng Men. Peasant boy philoso pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Fraucouia. And a number of others toa numcons to e.iumeratc. CoostanUy receiving large additions to the foregoing. ' Stationery. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt- Note do, do, do, do. Envel opes all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders grat variety. Blank Books all sir.es and styles. Memorandums, Diaries, Pass Books. Time Books Paper Cutters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic IPrints a large variety. Wrapping Pa per good variety. Wafers, Sealing ax, Ac, Ac Finally, we havc a good variety or Mi-s'ic Books New Cannina Sacra. Alpine Glee Singer, Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred' Melodian. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tors. Guitar do. Flute do, Accordon do. Violin do, Melodeon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet Music. And the most varied assortment of Stationery ever fTered in Oreeon. g 4- This stock is all bought in New York and other Eastern cities and is som ar. UXIFORM PRICES. 3r Wo keep on hand School Books iu large qtian ties, together with most of the publications of ' -. Harper St Brothers; Derby & Jackson; Ivison & Phiuney; . Phillips A Samson; A.S.Barnes Co.; Miller, Orton A; MaUigau: v Leary A. Getz; . Putnam; - Appletoa; and others. -,Vo ask your patronage. If nnaU ! tovis.t us a-deAamine our stock, your order wuT be aticaded to .. - - : f Kmi.l,t in iuK.in on the same rerma k j 1 , Portland, March 20, 153T. 2tf JE3 T R A Y NOIC E 8 . Votlciv of all est rays are required by law be ar vertised lu the Statesman. Tlie charge therelori Hxed by the law, is. one dollar for each animal Ukea nji No adyertisetiient will appear under this head ante paldr..J Where no money , or femthan the correct amount is sent with an estray notice, the notice will not be pub- "t'' tlie u" mount received. ' rpA KEN UP, by tlw ubcrlkerT Bring lit" IdTiTeowD J. ty, Albany precinct, seven mile south of the Cal apooia, oue yellow bay. home, Idaxe face, snip on the nose, aome white spots on the back, right hind foci while up to the pastern Joint, mane and tail black, six year old !a:t spring, said horse was raised by C. P. Kuighten of this county, nnd was traded off, said horae has been ruiiulug iu this neighborhood IkuI 9 months. JAMU COCHRAN. November 2o, 1S57. . 2w42 , rpAKEN UP, by the snlmcrlber, living two mil- Mat L a half est or Lafayette, Ttmhill Co, ope brown Indian horse, supposed to fie about seven ytnr.oJd hurt spring, right fore foot white, bld face. Also, one bay Indian lllly, black mane and tail, supposed to be three years old last spring, mid horse and Ally came to my premise om time ia the moutb of Decemlier, 1S5S. JAMES WATT. December 1.1 S57. t 2w42 rpAKE-N UP, by the nijscrilM?r. living 14 mile north A. east of Kowei.org. on north Umpqua, one pale rod steer, white speckled face, and belly, marked with two under half crop, branded M on the left hip, nppoed to 1st fiair yeai old last spring, appralncd at tli. Al to, one browa spotted steer, smooth crip off tbe right ear, uraiioej npanisn.on the right hip. Supposed to lal 3 year old last snriiig; appraired at t ir,. i-If is T 1. T r, WM. KINDER. Nov. 19, 1U7. 2w2 rpAKEN LP, by the rabscrlber, living in rVruth Fork J precinct. Yamhill county, on tbe 30th day of No-vemlM-r last, a a stray one bright bay horse, blark mane and tail, lame in the right lore foot, and nearly blind in tlie right eye; a little white on the end of the nose, the right hind f.sit white, with some saddle marks. Supposed to be 9 or ten years old. BARNARD McPHILIPS . Nov. 30, 1S57. . 2w2 rftAKEN UP, by the ubcriber, living In South Fork X precinct, Ya'rhlll connty, on the 12th day of De cember, liT, dti stnall bar horse, about 13 hand high, black mane and aif, with a little white in the fore- . head, his right hind foot white, aome saddle mark; about four years old last spring. EDMOND WOOD. December 12, 1P57. 2wt2 rpTKE.V UP. by the Bubae-riber. on Bear Creek, about L 6 miles from Jacksonville, Jackson eonntv, a me dium sized Bpanbdi male, black, Khow by saddle mark that he has been used for a pack mule, be carries hi er always erect, is about ten yirs old.no brands via ible. FiJANCIS PLY MA I.E. 1'eremlier S, 1S57. 2w42 ri'AKEN UP. by tlie nulsw-riber. on Applegale Creek, X on the 2-ih day of Novemls-r, 1W 7. one half Span ish cteer, the color yellow brindle, no brands. I sat baa a small piece of the left ear cut off, with a small slit ia the right ear. and two small underbill; the mid ateer weighs about WW pound. JUSTUS WELLS. Novembers. 1-S57. 242 r tiAKKN UP, by tbe subscriber, living aix mile west X of lafuyette. Yamhill Co., one red btifer, two years old last spring, white face, belly, and tail; do marks or brands; the said beifer came to my preoiitasa alwut the loth day ut la-.t fcepU-mber. PETER SMITH. Dec. 17.157. 2w43 r MA KEN UP, by the tubscriber, living IS mile north X west of Itoseburg. on the ea-st Umua. one red and white pided steer, smooth crop, and split in tbe left ear, smooth crop, and underbit in tbe right ear, brand undescriliabie on tie left aide, supposed to be lire rears old Iat spring; appraised at forty dollar. J.S. N'OLAND. Nov. 9, 1A.7. 2w4J riiAKEN UP. bv the subscriber. one brown Indian X horse, with a star in hi forehead. and a ith c.ae bind foot white, with a pacing gait, and supposed to be ten years old; appraised at twtutv dollars. JOSEPH HENT0N. Nov. 22. 137. 2w42 rTViKEN UP. Lytbe nnlersigned, residing twenty JL. miieaeast or balem, Mam-n Co., a red steer, posed to be three year old. dark red. with a Iitti QD- white on the conpling, and tail, and a small spot ia tbe face; no other marks or brands percetvabie. BURNET TIFSC0MB. Dec. 3, 17. 2w42 riAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living five miles X mirth of Corvalli. on tbe 1Mb day of December. 137. one red beifer, two year old next spring; mark ed witn a swallow fork mid an ituderbit iu tbe letf ear. and a sm.sdh crop erf the rigbt; branded on tbe right hip, with an snintelligble brand. WILLIAM TATLOR. v Dec. 15, lV.T. 2w42 rf 'A KEN UP, by ibe subscriber, living six mile north X of Harrisborg. Linn Co-, one ox, supposed to be 8 or 9 year old. came to my residence twelve months ago. said ox is Idack. with a white spot oa hi wither, the end of his tail and belly alo white, marked with a crop and nnderl.lt off the right ear. and a crop off tbe left; no brand pereeitable. JHON P. RECTOR. December 17, 1S57. 2w42 rpAKEX UP, by the subscriber, a resident of Lina X Co., McDonel precinct, a brow a mare, three white feet, with a star and snip in bis forehead, with nn saddle spots on his back, and collar marks on the neck , five years old, shod before, about sixteen hand high. JOHN NEEL. December 22, 1S57. 2w42 r IV. KEN UP, by be eabscriber, ia Yamhill Co.. one X cow aud calf, and Obe two year old beifer; tbe cow is rel and white pided. marked with as upper half rrop off the left ear, and a crop off the right, supposed to be ten years old. and ha a calf about two month old. The beifer is mostly white with a Mack bead and some black eck on ber side, unmarked, with the ap pearance of a brand on tbe riebt hip. bat nmntelligibie BE.VJAMLN STEWART. Dec. 7, 1837. 2w41 rfTAKEX UP, by tbe subscriber, living sixteen mile X northeast of Jacksonville. Jackson Co., une red steer, a white spot on each jaw. nnder slope ia the left car. and a swallow fork in tbe right ear, two let ter or figures on tbe left horn, supposed to bp eight years old. And one deep red steer, branded C C or G G on the right hip, a scar on tbe right side of tbe back; marked a swallow fork ia each ear, supposed to be 8 years oli, they came to my residence aboot tw years ago. E.C P ELTON. Nov. 1?, Is.s7. Jw4t " rp.VKEN CP, by the aulcriljer, living three mile. X northeast of Lafayette, Yamhill Co., one bay mare and colt, eight or nine years old last spring, right hind f "it white, black main and tail, branded H on ber left hip; said mare came to my premises aboot the 2th of November. 18.7. WM. HILL. Lafayette, Dec. 8, ls57. 2w41 rpAKEX UP, by the subscriber, living in Baker's -X Prairie, ia Clackamas Co- one brown bone, about 1.JJ hands high, about 4 years old, both bind feet white; a small white spot in hi forehead, saddle marks on both sides, no brands or other mark perceivable; said hore has been ruQuing in mud prairie since last spring. K. T. JOSL1N. Dec. 12, 1857. 2w4l 'MAKES UP, by tbe subscriber, living seven miles JL eaxf from Harrisbnrg. Linn Co., a bright sorrel half American mare, star in her forehead, right hind foot white, no other mark or brands perceivable; sup posed to be three years old last spring. ; HUGH 3T. H0DGEN. Nov. 9, 157. 1 2wll riAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living eight miles X northwest of Eugene City, one bay horse, suppos ed to be 14 years old, three white feet, black mane and tail, some caddie mark, branded on the left shocljer O T, on the left thigh with the tefter J. JOHN BROWS. Dec. 9, 1S57. . 2w41 TAKEN CP, by the subscriber, living four miles south of Corvailis. Benton Co., one strawberry roau Indian mare, supposed to be about twelve years old. white face, aome white on ber legs: no brands per ceivable. - A.T. ATWOOD. Dec 12, 1K57. 541 TAKEN UP, ly the subscriber. living in Ashland Precinct, Jackson Co.. a pale red ox, with line back and white face; no marks or brands perceivable, and is supposed to be 8 or 9 years old. September 26, 1957. 2w41 TAKEN CP, by the subscriber, living two and one half miles south of Monmouth one stag, three years, white with black bead and neck. STEPHEN STAATS. Dec-8, 1757. 2w41 rtlAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living 10 miles aooth L west of Eugene City, Lane Co., one three year old cow, red and white, bug horns, branded 57 on the left, hip. .... JOHN CARTER. Pec 3, 157. wl . Buggies. o PEN and covered buggies Concord -'J'.-'McCKJiKE..P.rtlnd. Fresh from A'ew Yorls.. , O.V HAXD AXD A'tK RECEIVES. DRY GOODS, Clothing. Boots and f. Hard ware Groceries. Books and Stafcr,nhry Call in and sSem 2af J- H. A I. R. MOORES. B. 31. WnKelle. BALER in Oregon Produce. Office at"W. C.Gris- I J ,roid . Co. store, Salem Salem, July 1, lso- 15tf TAX receipt blanks fc sale at the Statesman office at tl per hundred. - Wanted- BUTTER 50,000 lbs. for which the highest market price will be paid, by . - " B.M- DC KELLE. at Griswoid Co. Saleii. Jaly 1,1857. IStf . 1T7ANTED in exchangefor cash or merchandise, IPO V bushels of good appres, to be delivered by the 10th of August highest price paid. G. E. COLE.