The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, December 22, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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    - I
books! nooco ir-Doou
Z Cj 1 . C ' A
:T ho City Boo k . D t o r e ,
A. U. SHIPLEY & Co., !
av h - itore, ard will bo rcfelvlns; hy the lt of June
- 5 Which they offer to the
i At mull odv-.vicej on New Tork price.
i T us a ealt, or send a an order, and wo ore
, tattMi! t give yon satisfaction I
j . - ' . . ; . . v
' A. it. ampler w Co.,
Ara tha Bolo Ansxrs in Oregon " Washington Ter
ritorie for f0 io r
The Anericaa Statesman,
A OUHVT BOOKS! Bring the only political history
. of the United Sbltes.
Send o r""" a""- I'rii-o Paynldeon de
livery of book. Cn deliver by tlio lt of Hcptcuilwr
to all wh mud iM their nautea by lit uf May.
," Catalogue of Tart of oar Stuck :
fat l rum 4 Sandra' rdd-lt, 2d. 3d, 4th, and 4th,
and The Young tadle'; Sanders' New.-lt, Id, 3d,
4th and 5th: Parkers' 1st. id. Sd, 4th and 6th( Mo
loney's 1st, 2d, Jd, 4th and Mb.
8rtum.-Sanders Did, Bander' New; Elemen
tary! l'Jitj. Sander Pictorial, School and Parker's.
GeoviKtrata Mitchell's, Ancient and Modem, Ol-
aey's, Mor', MeNalley's, aad Montuilh'a lt and
3d Book.
M stuku tio. Arithmetic Tlionuto i's. Tables,
Mental, All. Practical, and Higher; iavlu'Pri
tnary. Intellectual. School and University; Smith's
Collwrt' lUy'a Stoddard's; Davie Algebra, Sur
vey i:ig, llsomelry. Practical Mathematics. Math. Dic
tionary, Login of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy of Mathematics.
liraaimarv-Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith
Klrkam' Spencer's Tower's.
Pu 11.0 sonnies. Parker's 1st l,eon. Juvenile and
School; Comstock's Smith 'a.
Histohiks. Wilson "-Jvenlle. and Utdted States;
l-arley's Universal; Wlllard'a Uulversal, and Uulted
Lahicair- Cooper's Virgil; Andrew's tatln Bes
dd; Vlri Rom: Audrew's litin Urarantar: Mcllin
t wk'a lt and Id Book In tatln. and d. iu Hr.i k: ,n
hon'a titwk iSraroinar and RmkIt: Johnson's -lifro.
Kaiite(le'a Kiwth'h lirumniAr amt Header; M'and'mry'a
;.niin Uramnmr and Rea.ler, Tclemaqiie. tSreek Te
tJunent; r"rench, elf-tinht; Snrrenne a French Dio
ttnu:try; Andrew'a 1-otin d. IJddell Scott i tJrevk
do. Anlhon" flaolml do, 8mitha d. do. ...
iietiiiNARiB4 WelwU-r'-Si-hool. Hith do, As
dele, Unirersity, Koyal 8ro, Unabridged and CVbla'
MiLtxROf Mnttison" AtmnomT. Newman
m..,ri Wnml'i RntAnv. Knie Kleiuenta of t'rit
. k-Um. farker- Aid In immlliM, Inrker'a Fxer-
riss. Brookrield'a Composition. Mcl.Ili ."tt mitiR
n!rer. di. Annlrti-nl M.ian:il. Parker a Woi-d
lt;i.'. r IT ivhe .' Ihxk Keeping. ' Win lund'a Mr.l
Si-ienre. PshVa Natural Thndjy. Blnkea Auricul.
tnre for School. I'pliam'a Intellivtnal l'liil.i.hv
Mahan'a d vdK Milton; Vounp; Pollock; nnd Thouip-
non; (Kdition for 8--liooL- miner Anjumty ami
PhiNiif.Lurv. American leliter. Newmrin" Political
(.-mnomr. Hit--h.-ock'a tieol.KMr. tireat anetr of
Snnkm anil Klorution. AH kiud of School Station.
fy; Slate of all ine; lrwinn B.k; Urawinx
Paper; Perforated t'ard anl; Bristol B mrd; IVncils
and iMiwinrw, vuui n v. '" , . . . . . u . . j
and atyls, Ac. Ac Jk
Hiirrosr Bancrotta United Stnte 4 T.ilnme
llililreth'n do. do. 4 volume. Front' IVtoriul United
Hlitet. Tivlor'' do. d . do. BotU'a HUt. HTlntin.
Peterson ' do. Wiliu'a United Mate. Willard'a d-.
ludian War Umted State. WilUrd'a Hniver.-wl
Hirt M-y. Mnller' d do, Itottei-k' Hfcit. World t or
t volumes. Bol'in'a Ancient History, harr do dv
Hume'a Edjland. M-anlay'a do., complete. Ii"kena
t'hild'a . Lineard' do. tliblam' Konie. l'A
hiffue'a Beform-iti.m. Bins' M. K. Uhnn-h. All'won'a
Europe. lt and 2d Series. l'ti?scott ork. llunler a
Uit- of Helision. of I'.mm il of Trent. Jwe-
chu. All H' Abbntt'a Uwtorie. Historical t'abir.ct.
Qneon of Spain, tieena of Scotland. Ilrlp'a Siiani-'h
l'oiMiet. Brace'a Huntrary. Kidder' Krazil. Ku
bank Brazil. Parley' L"uiverl. Hutnry of I'ru
ade. Ancient Egyptian. lUllam' Middle Ae.
Hintorr for Bor. 15 inner' fluid United State..
Losing' Field Biok of lievolution.
BtOiBArwvPliitarch' Liven. life Bnint. Won
derful Character. tJrent aal (Vtehrated Character.
Uve of the. Signer. AuUiliiomiphy ot Fiuley. Iji
mirtine'a Celebrated Characters. I.iieof AdamClatke.
do llhihop HeJdln;. do Nietwihr. do t;en. H:rriim.
d IVaniel B-one. do Hubert. d: I.arnyette. Cap
taini of Boman Bepoblic and ld Wad I. Dr. Chill
tner, 4 rol. Live of IlttmH-ddt. Mr. K'Mrer.
Moznrt. Wexlev. Flet.-her. Life and Time of Clity;
InrlnV Wavhin tt.H. lloiiiient Methanir. Live of
Chief Jatlce. joseiihine. Ns:xleon. Charlvs Ijimli.
Jaclton. tjen.tSreen. Joan of Are. Ijtdr JaneCrev
J. I. Adam. Jiil'env.e. Ianiel Wrbater; Kiiiirs of
Rnae. Kiitfi and 0ieen. Lielitnta. Live of the
Pone. Precott'ii Philip 2J. M try and Mirtlia W'ah-
lnrtiH. Pioiiei-r Women of the Ve.t.
Tkmjt. ll'H-V Cuin. Ara-imoian". Stejihen'a
Hrvbt. Ol'.n's Travel. Mango Park. Nile Note
AiventuTT on Mui'tit. Shore. lWyard'a Trav
el. 1nrh'in'a Travel' In the l.'ist.
jScnKXTtm'. Brandt:' EncyclopedW. Physical "eojr
nphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural History, l.anlucr's
1. ture. t'cful Art. iVimj. Mathematical Iic-
tioaavy. Losic of Mathemtic. Womk-r of Science.
Mitf heil'a Planetarv and Steliar World. Iomi' lie-
cent PpvrreM of A'trontny. Saiit'a Iicti.iiary of
Art aad Science. KulMtik'a Uydrauiic. Dick'a works.
Vniia workt on Architecture.
PoETar Byron varioti tyle. Ph.ike'ioare, do.
Milton, do. Horn. tl-. neinan. d. Moore, do.
TUoaipHou. Toiiii. Poilck. Trtpper. lower. Pojie.
'ampoell. Wad worth. tian. Montgomery. Kirk
WMte. Kem lie "ot-U of hjijland. d. do. America
and many other.
iiviki t l.'ircurit'C Cvclonedia of OeOi?riihv.
."!. ii. Fine Arl- do. d.v. ftiorapliy. Uiefid Art.
McCoIIuwm' tiaxetteer. Harper's Universal iuettcer.
Ktnr and AUKicii-Tfai- Elliot" Hniit Bonk.
Thorn' d. Downtne'a do. Birry'a do. Feenden'a
Fanner and Oanlcner. Fruit. Floarer and Vectalde
tiardejer'a Companion. Allen on the t;rape. Pardee
on Strawberrv. Fliwirt's Uni.le. American Farm Book.
AUu'a Domestic Animal. All of Saxton'a Hand B joks.
Wojk ou Home, Cattle, Sheep, Hojfw. Ac.
Tneotosical. Rhcisioi". Harm.ny and Exponi
ixi of t!npeb. Neander'n Life of Chri-t. liutler'a
Work. Kaapn'n Chrictian Theology. Wetern Sleth
odLtm. Morn M incellanie. Lect.irva on Kom inisin.
Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on U.manUm. Barnes'
Note. Clarke' Commentary. Dchmo'i do. Jay'a
EffercUe. Wataon' ltKute. larmlHe' Kriden.
Butler Ethical Bwonuise. HofteiV Kclii of Earth,
do. Reason and Faith. Fonter Christ, Perfection.
Baker on licip!ine. Writin; of Armiaiiis. Jjlm'
li'blical Archatolo?v. Bible, all siae and price, from
' (I t- $2iK Tetamenti, freat varict-. Mcthodi't
Hymn. Chrintian Hymn Uook. ChnrcU Px-iImiKt.
Plymouth Collection. Ssclcct Mcl.-dkv Christian
PsaiuiUU -
Msixcat--Buchan's Family rhyaclan. Hydro
pathic do. H wuiepathio Work.
Miscelhhboc. 'oaitilation of United State.
M.tyhew'a Popular lCdnoation. Crabbe'a Synonym.
ll itt a B-xk or CnrioBiUe. Odd Fellow'a Manuiil
. Hadlev'aWork, 14 vol. Mr. Tuthill', vol". jy.
ar.l'a Nineveh. Bigelow'a Useful Art. Haw?!f En
(rineer'a tiuide. American Institutions. Inriiit of
Knowledrre. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antienitie.
Way Dowa Ka.t. Pynhurt. Ike Marvel" Work.
Sanderson' Cook and Confectioner. Country
in EnrUnd. Tale and Reverie, an excellent Temper
ance Book-1 Money Maker. Kricapcd Nun. New
Kor. Dick Wibion. Mrs. Hale' New Cook Book. Mil
ler's Old Bed Sandstone, do. Footprint of Creator.
Yonnjr Ladies' Counsellor. Yoanr Man' do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson' Lect. t Y. Men. Constitti
liiual Text Book. Csptive in PaUgonia. The Ameri
can Hiiewif. Half Hoar with Old Hnmphrov
Athea: it Gnndenr and Decay. M:n. Sedywick'a
Redwood. -. New Eni. Tile. Uncle Sam' Farm
Kem-e. Arthnr'a Seceful Merchant. d. Tal. Mrs.
Parti tic-ton. Horane Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
len's Work. Heroine of History. Iand and Sea.
Deck aad Psrt. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Paper." Masonic Chart. - Irving'.
Colombo- T.nit Look Ahead. City of New York
Livi.ic; Orator of America. Yotinjr Man Advised. iM
sions in Tons an? Fejee. Trath Stranijer Than Fic
tion. Kvnt and the Bnsxians. HvUrapathic Cook
B.wk. Deal h Bed Scene. tJift B.Kk"for Youn Men
d. Mo. Ltt, Anecdutes for tlirL. do. do. It js.
Footprints of Famous men. C'hsrl tte Klizalieth'a
WorV. Advice to Yonn j Men. l'ca.sant bnv philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Book, do Francouia.
And a namber of other too nnmcoos to enumerate.
CotuUnt'y receiving large addition to the foregoing.
8ttiosikt Foolscap plner preat T.rity. Let
er d. do, plain and irilt. N.ite do, do. do. do. Envel
ope ll style, '-iks all kind. Pen and Holder
Treat variety. Blank BoiAsan ntzes i,d ftyle
Mi-morandiims, Planes. Jsn Books, Time Books.
Paper Cntter. Do Folder. Shipping Receipt Books.
Ulln,-ripLic Pru.U large va.-i, ty. Wrappinff P-
F?r (raod Tsriety. Waler. Sealing Wax, ii Ac
inally, we have Rood variety of "'
Mi-sto Hooks New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Olee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chorns Glee Book. Mctrrxii jt,,, do
acred Mclodian. Christiaa PHalmist. Piano in..
or. Oaitar do. Flute do. Acconlon do. Violin do,.
Metooeoc do, ciymouui coueeuon wtin mosic, Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Stattonkky ever
ffered in Oregon.
MW This stock is all bought in New York and other
stem cities and is sold at
We keep on hand School Book in large quan
s, tmretberwith most of the publications of
Harper Brothers; ,
ttiuj rt. wacason;
Ivison& Phinney;
Phillips i SamwMi
A. S, Barnes i Co.;
Miller, Onon & If nhigao;
Leary 4 Uetz;
Appleton; and others.
Wo ask your patronaa. nnaW to visit us
;d examiio our otock. your order win b; mended to
tko tw t -mo as if yoa bought L i . "len,wa 10
TfiZ y irch 28,13. " ,tfi7
. , , Court cf , C;snca FkssT. j
Frth4StnterOrefOit., ft
C' "IKNTLF.MF.N or (he Jury, may It please tlio Coin ;
X w arise before you with roll cmill.leiu n In our abil
ity, lielirvina Hint uch evidence a w have hnd on lids
ease until I lie. auniclvnt U aire lis a verdict at yottr
hnnds. ell may tlie eannsel for the dele tire itrkuowl
rilite the truthfulness "r evidence. Oenlioiiicn have
e not In all candor, ratistlrd your minds that those
Hue linen khlrt bouKtil st Hie l.uiplre Sloro ,were of the
Im-sI mnterliilf The wiUies sny liU was well made,
and tlinl it ladled him Icm than two .rears t and those
lliiemtin vets; stippuHe thevldem-e was thut my Mend
bad worn it two years, and that it appears a KOod i
new; you mniemlier that be stnted'emphatleallv, that
he UoiiKht it at the KM PIBK STOKE T Only thliik ren-th-nien
id the testimuiir of all our witnesses, with ref.
ereiice to those China cups and snuiit-ra, those line ta
ble knives and forks, table and tea snoons. Hun and
cheap iKinU, hat, eont. and vests, yes, you remember
uai tuey aaiu sikmii hmhi s entailed iitar, also China
No. 1 sujiar. the best and sweetest they ever had used !
Mensif truth, vci Bt'litleinen Vonll beliawetheml Ther
say that they saved ten per cent by pun hasltiff their
Rmnlsst the Kmjilr Store, on Bout's Island I Trne,
Krntiemen tney did, and this Is the opinion ail over this
valley, that the cheapest and lsst goods run be iHiiiRht
at the Cmpire Store. The evidence says that the store
Is being enlarged, and the ladle are to lie seen there
at all hours of the day, buying and carrying on" loads
of tine gooil, true they are. you would lie astonished to
see the umountof goods dallr sold at the Empire Store.
The farmers are loading their wagons at the h.iniilre
Store, with coffee, tea, syrup a till- k as mm .' Nut
megs, ginger, and allspice, copperas. Indigo and alum.
The witness told yon that those nietlms were beauti
ful, and of a lax tic nature: and such Hne Scotch plaid
as he saw at the Empire Store Is not found everywhere
fun had belter believe. Now gentlemen yon will take
he Slicriir, and forthwith proceed to the Empire Stun
and aftrrmaking a thorough examination, it will l.e
your duty to bring In yunr verdict, we, the Jury, Ht:d
after a thorough examination thst the good in t lie Em
pire store were bought expressly for this nisrket, and
sold expressly for bnlter, r.jtt, rhlrkena, wheat, oats,
hay, venison, and cash. The clerk will now ad)tim
court till to morrow tnorulng, half past candle II lit.
ThU store ordinance to lie In force from and alter Its
approval by the people.
J. D. BOOX.Preddenl.
Passed Vox popull. Nov. l. X-T. 3m:lT
New Constitution for Oregon.
WK beg leave to announce to the public that we
are Jiixt receiving a large and well selected stock
of good from Ssu Francisco, which has lieen selected
with great csr by Mr. Alexander, who ha been attend
ing that market lor some time, therefore we can safely
ay to the public thst we can, and will sell, goods as
low at wtiulesale or retail
Wo will take tu exchange for goods all kinds of pro
duce. S. B We will aim pay cash for all kind of pro
duce, to-wil:
Wheat, Flour, Butter. Eggs, Bacon, Turk, Ijird,
Oat. Ac, Ac.. Ac.
All who wUh to pmvhase, will do well to call and ex
amine before imrrhasliis e!rwhtre.
Our stock consist of every thing In the line that this
market emisi.i vi-wit:
Grey, V bile. Bed and Blue Bhmketa;
Cout. V-st. Pant, Hats and Hut covers;
I'mlcrand Over shirts. Wool and Cotton;
Every description of White Shirts
Queen Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery;
Its its, cistrseanrl tine;
Brvisrans Calf. Kip and Cowhide;
Wool Plaid. Meriuos, lVliilns,- lute pntterns
In hrt everv kind of piece giKds,andthe BEST TEA
ever shipped to this maikrt.
AlJtO Cedar shlnnle. Timothyseed and Hop.
Br tJive us a call, and see b"r vonrselvrs.H&w,
Corvallis, Oct S3tf
ft25,UOU Wort h
riHE suhserlber would resiiectftilly inform their rus
JL t and the public generally that they have on
hand, and are In constant receipt of good ironi San
Francisco and New York a large and wrll-se-
lected .stock consisting in part of
Alum. sllsjii.e, an I nlpnrra.
B-miH-U, lienejrs, and bro. linen, "
Cambric, rra-ii, and raliea,
Ihmiestic de lame, and
Edwins, em'iroidcry and everything.
Flannels, fringes, and fancy dxin's,
tiinshams, gaiters and gloves.
Handkerchiefs, hose 'ij hair-pins, '
Iron. ink. and insrrtings.
Jaconet jeans, and Java coffee.
Knives, kid cloves, and knitting plus,
Lawns, lanl and Livrrpisd salt,
Mntard, mirrors, and matches,
Needles, nails, and nice things.
Oils, ovcrshirts, and Oolong tea.
Pins, p.ints, and pacr.
t,iiil!l. ipiills, ami queensware,
gibbons, razors, and rat traps.
Silks, sugar, and shaving S'Mp,
Tea. tobacco, nnd turpent ine.
Umbrellas, nnderoleeve. and useful things.
Veils, varnish, and vinegar.
Wreathe, woolen gixsl. aflle-imus.
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee uolioua,
Zinc, and aephvr worsted,
Ac, Ac, ami so on.
Besides many other articles too numerois to mention ;
all of which we are offering at reduced prices, adopt
ing the plan of " tj'iii k sales and snrill pro!it."
The ladies will liud in their department a lare stock
of fancy goods, direct from New York, which is not
usually kept iu Oregon, and by arrangements will be in
constant receipt adequate to the wants of the Indies.
The tieutlcnieu's Department of funiUhing good
will seldom ' e emialied, and excelled by none in Salem.
IttOX 11iebl.ick'initUsaud iron dealers willalwny
dnd a wetl-c!ectd to k of all tir.t and shape, to
gether with a good assortment of Iron axles, from 1-4 x
I in,, to i x 1 1 inches. wbkU we are sclliug at Portland
prices, adding freights.
We are prepared to receive all kinds of produce In
rxehange for goods, and al-si money. For lull particu
tarscall and examine for yourselves.
Salem. Feb. 10.1S.-.7. 4?lf
I. P. Fisher'a
4 PVEBTISIXtl Agency, San Francisco No. 171)
x. Washington street, up stairs, nearly opposite to
Msguire's era House.
U P. KIIsllKK is the authorized Agent of the
Oregon Svatekman;
Marysville Herald;
Sacramento Union;
San Joaquin Bepul liran, HbH-kton:
Pacific Methodist, Stockton;
Sonora Herald;
Nevada Journal:
;r.u.s Valley Telegraph; -
Kc-d Bluff Beacon,
Columbia tiazctte;
Monutain Dem K-rat,ri.tcervillv;
Tuolumne Cmtrler;
Cnlvarez Chronicle. Mokclumne Hill;
El lorsdo DemM-ntt;
Shasta C'Kirier;
Mari(K-a (iazctte;
Yreka Weekly Union:
Trinity Journal, Wcavcrville;
Iowa 1 1 1 II News;
Weekly Ijedge?, Jackson;
San J. Telegraph;
Sonoma CiMiuty Jisirnal;
Folsom Dispatch;
California Mining Journal;
IjOS Angeles Star;
Santa Barbara if.izette;
Sin Diego Herald;
Aimed Caunty ;azcttc;
Placer Courier. Yankee Jim's.
Napa County Reporter;
Sierra IeinKTat. Dowuieville;
llumlsi'.dt Times;
ttregouian. Portland, O. T.
Paeilic Cln rstian Advocate, K;ilcm, O. T.
Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T.
Pioneer and Dem-ierat. Olympia. W. T.
Wa.shiug1.n Itepiiblilian, Stcilacoom, W. T.
Poynesian, Honolulu, S. I.;
PaciHc Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. T.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hongkong llegis'er.
L. P. F.has"now completed hi arrangements for
the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal
largest circulating Journals and NewMpaK'rs public-bed
in the Atlantic States.
A Hae opportunity ii here ofTcred to those who wish
to advertise in any part of the Union, of doing so at
the lowest rates, and in a prompt and sati.-factory man
August 2.. l..-.7. !4tf
For Sale.
TWILL sell one half of the land claim known
Ik. rh.,l. llnmlMV ..lain. Ui.l k.lf
adjoins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's and is almut Ji-J
two miles from Oreaon Citv. on the miner Wil- a4n
.a. w s. uiui", vmaiii. ism unii i...
lamette. 1 willlso sell one half or the whr.le of the
property, lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid
ly growing town of CstrvallU, Benton Co,, and known
as the Thomas" property, consisting of four lot of
land, together with all the building thereon. Said
property i in a liesiitifu! location, and both will be sold
at a great bargain in" cash, or wheat or oat at cash
price. Inquire of th subscriber, at his store in Ore
gon City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery,
in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis.
Also, ax ( lot of iant in uresnn city.
Oregon City, March 1, 1857. ltf
Salem Drag Store- '
FBONT Street. Rector's bnilding. Constantly n
on hand a full assortment of Dnros, Medi- G7j
ciN-o. Paints, Oils ad Dye Sti-its, Patkst li
Mkiicixes,Ac d
In short almtwt every article usually found in a Drag
Store, and are offered at Whoi.ksalc and IIktail. at
extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as
Prescrijition free of charge at oflice.
.fTPro,rt"entio "I-iven to professional
calls in the City. - a. M. BELT If n
Salem. O.T.. Jun 2, 1057. t
ri hereby given, that C. 8. Woodworth Is authorized
to transact my personal business duriug my absence.
v . 1. OU1SVV OLD.
Salem, June 17, 1357. 15tf
8. l. Mctoriulck, $
Franklin Cook Store, j
(i ttoSr troMT, roan ami, o.t.)
f TAB constantly on baud a liirce stock of Bonis Attn
I 1 Stationubt, Which bo sells at a small advance on
i't tu.iNiiKK Pricks. 1
Mr A catalogue mar he seen n'thes)rrgon and
Washingtlon Almatiao flic ll.'.T. BiHiks ordered there
frotn sent postage free to any part of either1 Terrrltory.
Portland, Feb. 14, RT. nilyl
Cot Mils Drug Store.
J tLCAllDWELIDnigclst and Apothecary, leon-
stnntlr recelvini;, per California steamers, large
and caiofiilly selected st.ick of Dmgs and Medicines,
Oils, Paints, Varnish. Bonos, Perlumeiies, Toilet Fur
niture, Stationery, and all articles usually kept In Drug
Stores. Agent for Jayoe. and other patent medicines,
which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices.
sT Oiiiikhs Hoi.icn sn.
Corvallis, Marl", I."i7. I'-'tf
lllackamltha and otliert, laook.
ALLAN McKINLAY A CO. have how on hand a
large and well selected stock of
Bar Iron, Cnt Steel,
Horseshoe do., Herman do.,
Nail rod do.. Plough do.,
Plate do..
And Intend to keep np the assortment so a to suit the
wants of customer, (live us a call, and you will fin!
tlmt we nut only have the Till lest stock, but will sell
' as cheap as the cheapest." We are constantly receiv
ing additions to our assortment, an a to replace what
Is sold.
Oregon City, lec. It, 1 4ltf
C1IIAIN PUMPS, monkey wrenches,
J match planes, screw arm,
sash planes, " " ,
horse shoe and nails to lit.
f;un locks, plnr and nipples,
ulies, bnllrt mould,
Wosenholm's IXI. Meket knives,
pruning and budding knives,
rat traps lo ra'.r tqmtirU, at MOOBES'
Hooka nnd Stationery.
Parker's Int. 2d. 3d. 4th and fith,
Sundrrs' do do do do
Mctiutl'y'a do do do do
Davkes' itrllhnietiu.
University and Common Sellout,
lutellei tinil nud primary,
Davie' Bourdon ulgebia,
legendre, surveying,
(ieometry and trigonometry.
Key to Davies' Arithmetic,
Thompson's arithmetic,
Parker's philosophy,
juvenile and 1st lesson.
Crammar Clark's. Bullion's Smith's,
tieosraphie Mitchell's. Monteith'a manual,
Mmtteith'a 1st lessons.
Music Lute of .lim, New Carmina Sacra,
Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony,
Normal Song Book, Singing Bmk, at Mf)OIUK
Notice to Fruit Growers.
H. C., Jo.
HAVE 110 .000 Fruit Tree consisting of l.nno Kxo
pus SpiUciibergs, )2.'Hio Vellow N. T. Pippin, III,
iHXi Wiiirsapes, l.'.ouj Wuite Prarmains. and a tine as
snitnient of Summer, Fall, and other Winter apples,
pears, plum, and i lu-rry tree, from t to 4 yeaisold.
wiiicu we win sell at mo loiiowitig prices lor casu .
Cherry trees , .10 to 1 1 00
Plum ' fti lo 1 00
Apple "
Pear " 25 to .",
and a liberal discount made where a person buys a
thousand tree or over. ,
We consider November the best month to transplant
trees. II. C. OEEB CO.
Fruit Farm, Marlon Co., Sept. I t. IhoT. Sntf
'aliiable-l-''itriu for Sale,
fill IK andersigned now efftr bis valuable 4v
X lai-m tor sale, situated on Siimi . reek, :
in Marion Co., O. T.. one and a half nillr !i(.i
amithof McKinnav's Mills, on the fount T road
mnutng trim Salem t isald Mill. It contain tl lOai res,
of which ftio acres is nnder a good siilHtautinl -S ike
and rider fence, one hundred acre in good cultivation,
two hundred line besriug fnilt tree, a goHl farm
house, together aith other out Isiildings. Said fann is
well watered, anil the best adiinted to st ick ruising
and whest growing of any fann in the Territory. Said
fann has been settled since lsf.1, and ws among the
first claim taken In Marion Co. Any person desirous
of biiving a good farm, with a title money, will do well
to call at the residence of the undrrsie-iied.
Spring Creek. March SO, ln.37. 4tf
llotise) Carriage, Sign, and Stcniu
boat I'al tiling.
g A. HEED having establi.died hta Paint shop In
Vs Salem, is prepared to execute with dispatch all
I'dis In t!ie a!ive line. It itiiicrs. Standanl. aud Em-
blcui. for societies paiuu-d on silk. satin, velvet or mus
lin. Paints of ull cobirs and deset iptions mixed, reudy
turner. for sale at his shop ; alo White Lead, Linseed
oil. Turpentine and Vanu-b. Wall pu r aud Bottler,
Window gla, Paiut brushes, training tools, Ac. I'i
rectlnn given In uiiiitiiig, al'o iu graining imitation
of w-mh1, stone or marble.
N. B. Order from abroad promptly attended to.
All Job Intrusted to hi care warranted tj giva satis
f. ii l i hi.
Salem, Jan. B, 1-7. . 41yl
f IHE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
a. wp'gou, assemiicu ai ine seat ot iiovernnieni on
the ninth day of January, eitthtes-n hnndred and tlftr
seven, do tlx and aiKiiui District Cmirt. to lie held In
village of B'Mebiirg. In the county of liiuigla on the
first Mondnvs, of March. May, September and Novem
ber, annually, until i tlierwise ordered, aud do limit the
duration of said terms to -ox days each.
HEO. II. WILLIAMS, Chief Justice.
4ltf M.P. DEADY, Associate Justice.
At F.uzene itr.
rrtHK subsicriU r at Kugune City, one of the best
X. general a.vortuteut ol pry lois. tiroceries. Hard
ware. Boot and htns-s, and ail articles kept in a gene
ral finding store, to be found in Oregon. He is con
stantly receiving fresh additions to his stork, and al
ways keep it up. My goods are now all received dirert
froin Pan Fraucisco. where I have a resident agent. All
kind of farmer' produce received in exchange for goods
I pay higher price for produce, and sell gocd cheaper
thau any oiuer store iu too lemtory.
Eugene City, Juty 1 , lfUo. Hitf
CJTBA YED, or stolen from the subscriber
Iber, -
nor JSTS
O liviug in Allmny, Linn Co., O. T., on
about the nrs or nei-emiwr. ikh, one
rel horse, blare faced, right hip knot-
down, branded on near shoulder O. T., vented V, hair
nraiiit. .Nontiior nr.iiius or murks recollected. Any
one returning said horse will be lilsrallv rewarded.
AIlKiny. Jannsrr 27. 117. 4itfpnid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
JT is ofU-n the case that persons suffer for a long time
with a riiraMc dUrae from the fact that they do nut
know where to go to find relief. I am prepared to re
move all Tumors, Cancers and Diseased Ilone to re
duce di -located joints of longstanding, straighten, wry
neck, club foot, and to correct all deformity of the
lace and eyelids. D. . CAM PI1ELL, M. D.
Corvallis, O. T. May , 1H57. )tf
Marlon lfour, Salem.
TIlEunderdgned aniKHinces to the public
that he ha purchased the well known
tavern stand. called the Marion House, in Sa
lem, together with the furniture nnd fixtures
tliereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites
the patronage of the public. U.M. MA.
May 2.1. 157. lltf
DR. J. It. CARDWELL. Dental Surgeon, Cnrvalli.
in his profession, nt Corvallis, Eugene Cit, Win
chester, Scottsbnrg, anil Jacksonville. Skill, unques.
tinnahle: charges respectable: work, warranted. Teeth
examined, and advico given free of charge.
Due notice given of change of office.
April 2d. 1K.VI. 7tf
Look Here.
ALL persons that are indebted t Jame Strang, are
reqiie-tcd to call aud settle their account by the
l.ith of May, and all those who do not, will find their
accounts in the hand of John D. Boon, Justice of the
Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem, I
want to settle up my account. JAMES STB.VXU.
Salem, April 21. 1H.7. Gtf
Opposition to Monopoly.
TilE subscriber would inform the people of Salem
and vicinity, that they have opened a market on
t;ommerciat street, ts-iiem, nearly opposite the house of
Daniel Strang, where they will keep constantly on hand
all kind or meats which they will sell in lots to suit,
at the following prices:
Mutton atone liitt a pound; Pork at ten cent; lieef
from six cents to ten rents. The public are invited to
give nsa call. DEUEXGKU FISK.
Salcin, Oct. 7.1857. 31tf
tffn uns,,e' Oat, and 6000 Wheat.and any qaan
tUUvJ tity of dead swine, for which cash will be
paid on delivery.
Oregon .City, Nor. 25, ISofi.
TAR, at
T0X8 assorted iron, just received at
DEETS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of
scrip, tax receipts, final proofs, and notification
a new lot just printed and for sale at tho Statesman
July 27,1857. 20tr
-r-vtiV-firiODS for ladies and gentlemen. In great va-
JLI riety, at 2Ctf MOOBES'
Orleans Warehouse.
ORLEANS Ware House, opposite Corvallis, for rent
lettf ISAAC M00KE.
l)r. 8. 11. tiuckiet,
' II FFtCEl "
fl.UKM, ont5oof , TEniUTonf ."
Salem, November 9, 1137. . . 83 tf
iU A. J. Ttaijfry r f
In Corvallis, llvutou Co., O. T., upponito to the
City Hotel In laid towo. 2!tf -
W. W. Pate.
lein, O. T., OIHne, flrst door aouth of tlio State
man atuira. - 20tf
w. u. rARaAa.
Farrtr k Stoat,
Cbanrery and Admiralty.
mr Olllce un Front street, one door north of the
Portland. O. T.. July 20, MWT. s 2Jtf ;
1. R. Smith.
Solicitors In Chancery, Corvallis O. T.
o 1 VI
H. W. liUhell.
L gene City, Lane Countp, O. T.
. DISEASES OF TUB EVE. Corvallis, Oregon.
September 1J, DUO. ' 2sm0 '
III Franciaco Adrertiilng Agent y
rP. FISIIFR, Iron building, opposite Pacific Express
J Oflice, upstairs. Files of all the principal Papers of
California and Oregon may be found at this oflice. Mr.
Fisher is the authorised Agent for the Statesman.
! Chester N. Terry, 7
"misaiotter of tkreds, and to- take testimony, ac
knowledgnetita. Ac, Ae.. for Iowa. Indiana. Missouri,
Michigan. California and Washington Territory, let
ters of Attorney, and all other instrument of writing,
drawn on short notice.
Partii-ulnr atlenttnn paid to taking deposition,
collections of Notes, Accounts, Ac, J'itl
Boise k McEwaa,
licitors Iu Chancery, Proctors, Ac, In Admiralty,
Portland, Oregon. 4"itf
Htmling k Grorer,
Solicitors In Chancery. Office near the Court-house,
CroT i. Shell, '.
Solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the various
courts of Oregon and Washington Territories. Ollice,
Salem, O. T.
Drlaxon Imith,
V Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all
business pertaining to his professnun In the flrst Judii-iul
District, and lie fore the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Oltlee, Albany, l.lnn County, O. T.
N. It. When not at his ofHre, or aWnt on profes
sional business, he may be found at bis residence, lire
mill's smith-east of Albany, un what is known a the
" ,iramiJ'iri'"
W. 8. Brork,
Solicilor in Chancery, will practi-e In the various
courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col
lection of alt clniins against the United States, through
an erncleut agent residing at Washington City. Oflice
in Eugene City, Lane County, O. T.
It. K. Slratton,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice In the various
court of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
court oi me ternmry.
I'rrtca In Scottsbureh. UmiMina county, O. T. Best
denre G miles north of Winchester, on the Willamette
N". B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained fur claimant
on reasonable terms., J.llf
B. U. IM . J. a. IIJHIHt
IJarnuiu Wilson.
lem, Oregon. Particular attention I given tu the
collection of notes and accounts, and caini against
Bounty Land Warrant bought and sold..
JsT OiU -e over SUrkey" store. 40
II. i Uonliam.
lice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. Ctf
J. 11. Cole, M. D.,
I'ortiami. urcgon.
rtl J. WIUOtlT V E. B. STONE, having associated
A . together in practice, reape tfully tender tlieir ser
vice to the ieople ol Benton and ljutt slesiring to se
cure the favor of the afflicted by auoces only. Ofib-e
near J. C. A verv's store. Corvallis. 2llyaid
A. B. nalloek,
Iiesigns. plans, apecilicaUous, Ac, furnished on
reasonable terms.
William C. liriswold fc Co.,
jtl W.P.OKISWQ1.P, 22tf c. . woonwowrw.
Kngeue Clly.
ORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietorof ibe Eugene
Citv Hotel. 13U.
Medical Notice.
rpHE subscrilier, would inform the inhabitants that he
X is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in
hi profession ; also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
asorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms. W. WARREN.
' Salem December?, IMS. Sstf
W. 11. Magers, M. D.
PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build
ing, on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S.
Mclteeny's fire-proof building ; where I will be found
when not professionally engaged. I will keep constant
ly on hand a fresh supply of Drug and Medicines
which I will sell low for cash.
Corvallis. Dec. 9. 18,-iH. SlUf
Medical Sotlee.
DR. B. W. SHAW, late or San Francisco, California,
offer bis professional services to the citizens fo
Salcin and vicinity, and respectfully solicit a share fo
public favor.
XsT Ollice at Reed and Fellows' drug store.
I4y It. W. SHAW.
Campbell it Pratt.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco, California.
Ollice. corner Montgomery and Sacremcnto streets,
over Parrott A Cos. Bank.
Messrs. Campliell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their rare. 31tf
Ai.wxAMnsn CAmi-bki.i.. O. C. Pratt.
Joseph N. Preseott,
DEALER la Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and
Paints and Oils, wholesale and retail.
July 7, !... - 18tf
S. Ellsworth,
US. Supreme and other Courts. OfficeEugene
. City, lne Comity,- Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner ol Deed tor New York, Connecticut. Ac.
August Vrt. 150. 24 tf
WILLIAM F. HIGH FIELD .Chronometer and
Wuteh maker, Oregon City, to bo found at
his old stand in front of the United States Hotel.
late Main-street House, where he can be constantly
fisind prcmred to do any business in his line. Watches
cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable
terms. Also a choice lot of watches and jewelry for sale.
March 5, 1S34. lySl
S. Hamilton, M. JD.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce to the good people of Douglas a id the ad
joining counties, that ho has located permi oently at
Ueer Creek for the purpose or practicing meaicine, ana
in which nrofession he will be faithful to discharge aU
duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Omen opposite It. H. Dearborn & Co. a store, on
Mam street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at toto cos pri
ce. 4ZII
Wells, Fargo, & Co.,
Co., iu connection with their Express business, will
also transact a general ExrJumgt and Collection Buri
net. Collections and Remittances made in all parts of
Oregon, California.the Atlantic States, and Europe, with
protnptnem and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought and sold.
Sight Exchange on Tim York, BoMttm, Philadrlphia,
Albany, Horknttr, Buffalo, A'rie. Cleveland, Detroit,
' J..-........ ii.'i.vti', litdmn. St. liaui. Lmutnlle.
Cincinnati, nnd fortv other principal towns in the Atlan
tic States and the Canada, may lie procured at any of
our offices. WELLS, FARGO, A CO.
-114, Montgomery-street, san r rancisco
June 18.55.
CORVALLIS Ware House, No. l.we offer for rent
iTAlnaa SST. dtiAlll.
In connection with the above we have a pork house
and smoke house for rent. -
A Word to .Free and Slave State
Men. ,
THE question as to whether man ran bo a consist
... ,imiwrat ami vote for a free State. Is a ques
tion for politicians to dispute about at pleasure. But
Ih qunlion as to whore both free aud slave State men
enn buy g'Kids cheap, I the one that tho entire people
uf Oregon are Interested In.
The mnn that pays h'gh rents, " fares sumptuously
every day," and above all credit out hi good to those
who are slow pny, must of necessity soil good high,
or ho will ' go in." While ho who sells for cnA Wii
and no grumbling, ran Milord to sell low.
There, are ten stores iu Cnrvalli, nil selling on a
credit system. Now, 1 propose to make mine a CASH
rituici-., anil tuose wuo nave any ( an or i rmiurt hi
fiurchase gmnl with, can buy of mo 19 per rent lower
hnn they could if I was doing a credit business. The
man who pays for hi good when bo purchases them,
will not have to pay higher than they are really worth
I'i make good those accounts that are not tiiiid for in a
longtime, and In some Instances not paid for at alt.
And tills works no hardship to those who wish to
bny on credit, for there are ulna other stores In town
where good can bo bought on credit, by paying a lit
tle more than they are worth. The other merchant
in town are a very clever set of fellow, and to them I
commend those who have not the ' ready' to buy with
wmie to tuose wno liava
Cash, Bu'ter, Eggs, Pork, Bacon, Wheat, Oats, Shin
gles, Wool, etc., (don't mean credit) come to me,
1 intend to sell you good at l-OW BATES,
without regard; to ruling prices in town.
I am just receiving a large and well-selected stock
nf goods, consisting of
Dry Goods,
Boots and Shoes,
And In fact
to snpply the wants of the people of Oregon, as follows:
Domestics, brown and bleached : Ticking, heavy and
medium : Dentins, heavy and medium ; Prints Merri
mack, Cocheco. Ac; lie Laines all wool and half
wool; Alpacras a great variety ; Merinos French
and English; Silk black dress; Velvet various col
or ; Satlneti from SO rent to It ,00 per yard ; Lin
sey a large stock ; Plaid an assortment ; Flan
nel red, white, blue, yellow and gray t Toweling;
Table Linen, and red Blankets. In a word, a general
assortment of staple and fancy dry good.
20,000 list, salt, Liverpool blown,
ft.iHKI Oo coltee, best Itio,
6,OoO do sugar, brawn and white,
1.IHM) do tea, in caddies and in bulk,
fino do rice, Carolina,
AIM, do aaleratua, pure Boston.
S'Hj do tol.aeco, pure leaf and Golden Gate,
fin kegs E. B. syrup, S gall. Setb Adams,
20 do do do 8 do do do
list boxes adamantine candles,
Ii do pule soap Hi1!' and Fay's,
20 do pickles, gall. Gherkins,
20 do pie fruit, assorted,
10 do oyster. Baltimore cove,
2a dos. sardines, hlf. and qr. boxes,
10 do yeast powder, Ac,
..together with..
Prunes, Catsup,
Peptiersauce, Mustard,
Cloves, Spice,
Pepper, Cinnamon,
bda. Cream Tartar,
Indigo, Alnm.
Logwood, Madder,
Borax, Chalk, Beeswax, Matches, Ac.
Coat, vest and pants, nil kind ; India mblier rots
and pant ; red. blue and grey orershirt : overall
firry denims ; undershirt and drawers ; white and cai
co shirt; check fcbirt and hickory shirts; silk un
dershirt and drawers; 20 dux. ladies hose; 60 dos.
men's hall ho.-ie, a prmat variety; buckskin, kid aud
thread glove : gnautlets buckskin and kid. Indeed,
everything iu ladies and gent furnLshiiig line.
Mens heavy, medium and tight bod ; boys' medium
boot ; iinliocd kip and cowhide brogan ; cloth top,
and patent leal her gaiters; calf and heavy shoe,;
ladies gaiters, buskin and shoe ; niis gattrrs, bus
kins and shoes ; children' gaiters, buskins and shoe ;
in Tact, every style of Imots and shoe, cheap.
Crockery and glass ware.
Buckets and wooden ware.
Broom and window sash.
Churn and tubs,
Clock and looking-glasses.
Carjieuters and blacksmith' tools; cut, wrought,
and horse-shoe nail ; axes, batcbet- and hammers.
adzes, augers, and broad axe, planes, plane lots and
spoke augers, drawing-knives and pruning knives,
butcher knives and pocket knives, carving knives, and
knives and forks, screw, tack, brail and butts, locks.
latctie aud boll, me locks, chest locks and padlocks
everything usually found in a liardwarrjtore, includ
Iron axles, steel spring, cast steel and plongh steel.
carriage tsuis ami wagon poxes, macKsiniiu nana
hammers, blacksmiths' shoe hammers, masons' stone
hammer, strap hinges, door binge and trowels.
I keep a grocery store,
A drj good store,
A hardware store.
A clothing store
A boot and shoe store, and
If any b xlr can sell cheap, I can sell chesiier. My
motto is', as cheap as the cheapest, and a little cheap
er. Come and see. Post yourselves up on prices at
the other stores tiien buy of me.
If you will examine my good and prices, you cannot
go swsv diati--lled. G. hi. t OLE.
CoKaili. Sept. K, 1R57. 26tf
For Sale as Chrap as the Cheapest, and for Cash,
or Orrgoa Protlate.
Ill AVE received by bark Xahnmkeag, Halcyon, and
steamer Columbia, lut arrived, a fresh lot of groce
ries. Ac-, which, added to my former stock, offer as good
an assortment in groceries, provisions, paint and oils
a are to ueiouud mtne territory, to wit:
e.otsi lbs. China No. I sugar.
4,000 lb, best Bio green coffee,
V.iOlbs. " Java " "
2.000 lbs. Manilla No. I sugar.
2.H00 lb. N. O. and S. I. sugar in bbls. and kegs,
i-i, 1 1. ,.i w . i .
, .... lllhllUH. FV,UVr I I'll ii u
20 box gr. spices,
200 lbs. allspice, (round.)
10 dos. Eng. and Am. mustard in glass,
6 pie fruit
fresh peaches "
tomato catsup la cases 2 ea. In glass,
Cayanne pepper (in glass)
Fresh Baltimore cove oysters 2 lb cans,
LADswrs, iresu in z m cans,
painted pails, (3 hooped.)
Y. Collin A Co. axes, with and wlth-
ax handles.
fiO lbs. Borax.
60 lbs. Gum camphor.
60 boxes ad. candles 6's, 20 and 40 ea.
20 " Hills A Colgate's No. I soap,
6 " Olive oil " Splagnolia brand,"
5 " Cream Tartar,
10 " Salsrstus,
10 kegs ,
5 Soda,
20 chests, old and young hyson, gun powder.
Imperial and Oolong teas, in bulk and in 1
" 2 lb caddies,
100 half boxes sardines,
10 " Gherkins in gals.
20 " Tobacco" diff. brands,"
30 dos. papers smoking "
20 boxes matches,
2 bags nntmegs,
400 lbs. Carolina and China rice,
200 gals, sperm and polar oil,
150 sack Liverpool grd. and S. I. salt,
6 half bbls. Stuart 'a crushed sngar,
20 keg " Seth Adams" syrup In kegs,
Xbbl. pure cider vinegar, dried apples Ae.
Also a general assortment of paints, paint oils, win
dow glass snd nails, to wit :
300 gal, raw and unboiled oil,
20 Copal varnish,
60 Suirir's turpentine.
60 Isixes German glass SX 10, 10M 12. 10X 14,
10X 1C. Ac.
Dry and mixed paints of all colors, and any quantity.
. A good assortment of paint and other brushes ; also
a good assortment of Boors and Shoes.
I have or Oregon produce, 3,500 lbs. Oregon A Mo. 1
butter. 6 to 8.000 lbs. bacon, ham. shoulder, and sides.
30 bushel beans, 2 bushel peas, 50 bushel buck wheat
flour, 50 sacks S. F. flour, oats, timothy seed, and any
quantity of first rate potatoes. J. N. PRESCOTT.
S . T. 1. n , . " r 1 . .
Vfregou viiy, rco. if, ickii. qui
Bakery aud Confectionery.
THE undersigned would announce to the public that
they have established themselves in the baking and
confectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street,
second door north of the Union House. A thorough
experience at the baking business they trust will enable
them to give satisfaction to their customer. AU orders
promptly filled.
Groceries and Fruits, will also be kept constantly on
April 9, 1857. fitf .
Storage! Storage!
WE are prepared to store all kinds of farmers pro
duce, on the most liberal terms. Also to attend
to all kind of commission and shipping business. Our
warehouse is situated immediately on the bank of the
river, at the steamboat landing. And in shipping or
receiving goods or produce, unattended with expense
oi drayage. BEACH A HOGUE.
Albany, Sept. 10, 1857. 27m6
Salens Market
THE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, in
the center of the town, is happy to inform the pub
lic that he keeps constantly on hand a snpply of aid the
varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also has the
various kinds of vegetables in their season. Beef will
be sold as follows: Fore quarters, 6 cents per lb., hind
quarter 10 cents; and if yon want a choice piece, I shall
charge you a tit a ponnd.
AUkfndsof farmers produce and grain received in
exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS.
Salem. July 7, 1856. 17tf
rpHERMOMETER CHURNS, just received and for I
-t sale at septt W. C. GRISWOLDS A CO'
6 "
5 "
6 "
It "
6 "
S "
2 "
00118! 00.18.!
o-O-0 '
New Arrif&t for the Winter Campaign!
b. j. Mccormick,
Has Jmd Received direct from New York .a Large ;
Addition to his former stock of
Compriting, in Part, as Follow
MONTEITH'S GEOGRA PH IKS, Primary and Manual:
" " CAP doj
SLATES, assorted sises;
FRUIT BOOKS, six varieties;
POETICAL WORKS an assortment;
NEW HISTORIES a splendid M;
ssCkzetzj., ar.az2.
Valentines and Toy Esoks,
For Cbrlstroas and New Year's Gifts.
If you Want uoon books?
Call, or Send lo the
Front Street, Portland, Oregon.
8. 1. McCORMICK, Proprietor.
November 2, 157. 2m39
New Arrival of Jewelry, &c.
JHk..THAL inform hi patron and
friends, thst be ha just returned from
San Francisco with a select snortim nt of Jetr- .
elry. Musical Instrument. Cutlery, etc.. and '
often them for sale at his store on Front street,
" One door below Dr. Coomb' cmee.lTa
Gold snd Silver wstche; Gold snd Silver ehaln:
Cold bracelets; Gold ear-rings; Gold breastpins; Gold
finger rings; Lockets; Gobi pens and pencils; Gold
sleeve buttons; Silver and Plated ware; fancy goods
and perfumery.
Guitars, Violins. Finte. Fifes; a large assortment of
Aeenrdeons, Ladies' work boxes of all kind. Gold and
Silver spectacle. Gold and Silver spoons, Cutlery,
Clock an endless variety. Ac, Ae.
" Watches, Clock and Jewely repaired, and aB
kinds of Jewelry made to order.
st- All of my work warraotedta
-Dou'tforget"Tbe Sign of the Big Watcb."-s
Corvalll, Oct. 24. 157 33tf
I'M IE Jtidges of t ie Snpreme Conrt of the Territory of
-- fregon, sswrnriten at the seat of f iovernment on
the Ditb day of Ilecemher, 156, do fix and appoint
District Court to be held In the city of Salem, in t!ie
county of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and
September, aud the fourth Mondays of May and Octo
ber, annually, nntil otherwise ordered ; and in the city
of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, oo the fifth
Monday, of December. lKj. and theresfter on the first
Monday of May and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order
ed. snd do limit the duration nf said Terms to six days
eacu. i.r.u. it. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice.
41 CYRUS OLNEY. Associate Justice.
The Iwt of Oregon.
rTWE OREGON STATUTES, 1S55. beini a large vol
X. nine of G.VJ psges, with complete index, annota
tion, and references, comprising all the laws in force in
the Territory, inclusive of those passed at Is-t
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
Hie Statesman, at tire U'rilars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, boond'in htw style, and
is sold at publisher price, and as low as a like work can
be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure tbev can be afforded for here. The price places
them witbiu the reach of all who desire the law they
htw uuuvi. .'i s Vj wsii -iMj.iii! iru won me casn.
filled by return mail. It is the last rode of law that
will probably be published in Oregon, for many years
In addition to the enactment of the Legislative Assem
bly, tne volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution of the United State. Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon. Ordinance of 17S7, in
roree tn Oregon. liriallo aw and all amendment,
and full abstract of L'uted Mate Naturalization Laws.
Estray Animals.
THE subscriber at Harrisburg. Linn Co., ha tost the
following described snimals:
A bay horse, with star in foreheaj, a little white on
hi nose. hinB feet white no to the nsstra. ioint anil
branded " 21' on the right shoulder, 3 years old the
Also a roan cow. 7 or 8 yean eld. branded J R. m
the right hip, and " 21" as above. Ill a white calf
witnreo ears, auont is months old, branded 21" as
above. The cow left last fall, and probably has bad
another calf this spring.
Any person finding tbem will bo rewarded for their
trouuie, ny iniorming me. A.MclLWA!N.
June 16, 1S57. - 14m6paid
ULL'S No. 1 rtoap, the best yon ever used. Try it
. 111 K" IFH, IIIHSTU Oil,
turpentine, putty,
indigo, madder, copperas, alum,
oil for lamps and machinery,
New Orleans sugar,
crushed sngar,
cream tartar, ssleratos, soda, at
26tf - MOORES.
Do ! Te Workers of Iron aad Steel !
I HAVE this day received by the arrival of the J. R.
Whiting from San Francisco, tlie following assort
ment vi iron ana steel, to wit :
2.000 lbs. Norway shape.
2.000 lbs. 2 Xi Iron (flat,)
1.000 " 3X3-16 "
3.000 " 1x4 "
S.oco f.J, 1, 14. and lf. square.
3,000 " 1.6-16.4. l.and 14, inch nmnd,
1,000 " assorted cast steel.
100 " horse shoe nails, f G
Which together with stock in store makes as com
plete an assortment as can be found in Territory and
will be sold a cheap as the cheapest for casn or coun
try produce. J.N. PUESCOTT.
Oregon City, Feb. 23, 1857. SOtf
Boot and Shoe Store. '
FREDERICK WICK M ON would announce
to the citizen of Salem, and the surround- fSl
ing country, that he have taken a store on the
east side of Commercial street, north of the Dostofitce.
where he will keep constantly on hand a full assort
ment oi every Kind or ooots and shoes, both custom and
sale work, which .be will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the
manufacture or repair of work will be complied with,
and tlie work done in a substantial and workmanlike
manner. Give me a colt and examine ray stock.
Salem, March 12,1857. 13tf
Look Here !
E have just received 88,000 lbs. of ground alum
aatt, wnicn we are selling at ws.ov per nandreo.
TF TOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
JL undersigned nave got ponnd best - tiralA
B!CA." Cowo in and look at it.
Oregon City, Dec 6, 1856.
San Francisco. Portland, O. T.
Richards & McCraken.
COMMISSION MERCHANTS. and'Jobbers in Oregon
V J Hour. Oram, noanco, r run, eorK. uocon. laird
Hams, Ac. Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. . Liberal advances made on consignment.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco.
January 37. 187. 4tf
TO all whom this may come, greeting : That I am to
leave for the State soon, and would respectfully
request those who know themselves indebted to me, or
w.c.linswoia a uo-, to call and settle without delay,
anaomige w.c.uuisnoiai.
Salem, January 27, 1857. 46tf
W BITING-PAPER, superior article,
Black ink , from quarts to 2 oJ
Slates and pencils, . :
Tabor's pencils.
Envelopes, wafers,
School cards and toy books, at
26tf -
Dickinson Type Foundry.
PHELPS AD ALTON. Boston. L.P. Fisher, Agent,
San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads,
rule, Ae. -
August 25,1857.
Lard Wanted.
LARD 25,000 for which cash will be paid, by
, at Gnswuld A Co.
Satan, July 1,1857. IStf
. . The Oregon Statesman.
An Meprndrht Jmtral der to Polilirt. tVmersi
; fnleingener, fyf., PvbHtl,e4 at Salem, Oregon.
ASAIIEL BU8II, Proprletof Vnmt, ttl Edlkr
Tho Ptatewnsn to DsmnrrsUc m politirt, and thor
oughly National in it character. It is VtilA to every
specie of sectionslism, fanothisra, ud li.M-.rntc '
and will vigorously oppose all t tern pis to bieerixtrit
any of the insane it ins of ihod-iy kilo oor TeinMriaJ
It will advocate all practical measnrea of Ttefona
and Progress, economics and simple ad.-2sinlstKU.tun of
our local government; faitbfulncss, Integrity, and ca
pai lty in office, and a syttem of riffid and ditw-t c
conntubility of the officer to tho people. It will dis
cos sll measures agitating the public mind, in a man
ner fearless, Impartuilind just. .
IU News Department will bo edited with mnli
attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early.'
accurate, and comprehensive publication til the ei.r
rent intelligence.
The Statesman ha s large, w:d-!y-cttrr", snd most
excellent corp. of correspondents, and very complete
facilities for pmenring news.
Doe attention fat also paid to the publication of Miscel
lany, Agricultural and Literary matter.
In this paper sre published the law. rrc!.:t';ns, and
treaties of tho United State, and the laws snd resolu
tions of the Territory of Oresni,. authority. 1 1 e
paper is printed on new material, and upon a beet cf
the largest size.
Statesman Hook and Job Oflice.
WE have Three Presses, tlie best facilities for Bock
printing north of California, and an it-i.iTe as.
soi tun nt of Josbiwo Mstckisl of every kind; and, wills
master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and
In a workman-like manner, all orders in the abo'v de
partments, such as
Booas, Blasts Cnsrgs,
PAMurntrrs, . Notes or Hasp,
Hispfin.L. Onur Books,
Ball Ticsrrs, STEif'T liit.ts.
Cract'LAaa, S-ntAjiBo'r Casts, .
Wvitatiox, Bills ow l.sotxs
wsisess cjabiis, ccwriricAtt,
BiLLnasPs, Show Bills,
Coscest Bill, Canes Book.
1'BoaBAasR, Bl's,
Ammess Carps, ; Draft, .
Blakss or all Ktirps. Ac. Ac Ac. i
Law of Newspaper.
1. Subscribers who do not give exnres notice to the'
contrary, are considered as wMung to conttiiue thei
2. If snherilsrs order papers df scontimied, Publisher!
may continue to send them till all charge are psid.
3. It sntiscnoer oegier-t or reiose to laJte inetrpaper
from the office or piece to which tliey are -nt, they ait
held responsible until they settle their bilisnd give no
tice to discontinue thera.
4. Ifsnliscnbem move to other place wlthont Icfcnn'r-a
the PnblLsher, and Uie paper is sent to the f-armer diiea
tion, they sre held responsible.
6. The courts have decided that rt fn-ingto take s pa
per or periodical from tbee!8ce, or removiu"! 1-1 1 leav
ing it uncalled for, is prims facia evidence of ihU-.itiona.
fraud. ' .
VsV Postmaster wontd oblige. ty a strict fi lfiPTt.-nt
of the regulations requiring tbem to nt:fy put ! .!
once in three months, of paper not taken from ti t r
otHce by subscriber.
Hotel International.
rpiUS bonse is kept strictly as a hotel. The
throughout every department. No trouble tn t-t
moiiiit'ies in any part of the house. A earh
marked " International" alwajs at the-bosU toc-mvey
passengers to tlie boose, for II each incLid.!
baggage. A.S. H 'LKY. litf.
Assisted by John J. Haley, and & XL l:.-Uou, Ule
of the Kail Road Hoose.
August li, IK57. , 2"mJ
JLtlverf and Sale Stable.
11 TE are now keeping a Livery stable in
V V Oregon City, where Hos-ses can al
ways be obtained on liberal terms.
We are also prepared with excellent sta
ble, well supplied with bay and oats, to kef p borse
by dayeor week. Thoe who call apon us tity feel as
sured that every attention will be given to bor" left
in onr charge. GiaSO A k I'UTTT.n.
August II, 157. ?.'tf
Salea Tannery.
THEsnWrilier have purchae--l the Tanoery at Sa
lem, formerly beloosin to Kli.sha Strong. A'l de
scruti in of leather Will be kept constantly on band,
and tlio bibe -t price, in ea-h or leather, will at til
times be paid for hide and bark.
Salem. Oct. t , 1S57. lyJ.:paid
City Hotel, CorTalli.
WOULD announce to the citizen of CorrjUi", snd
the travelling public generally, that lljey have
thoroughly refitted tbt well known e-'ablis'ica nt. and
are now prepared for the acconmvKlrion of cu-tomers.
The rooiu Lave all been newly rei.rnisi-fd. the bed
clean and comfortable, ad their tAble will be furuiBBv
ed with the best the market affords.
Corvallis, Ang. 30, 17. 2"vi
Allan, JlcKinlar & Co
HAVE just received a stock of New Gvod, nop
would invite all lho-.e who wish to procure tOi 1. 1
articles at reasonable prices, to call and see tbem. Tbty
consist in part of the following:
Grindstones, . 1 anal and W7eel Barrows
Grain Cradles. Fancy Broom,
Grass Scythe aad Snaths, Plain do
Brash do do A Horted Colored PaiU,
IS so Harrows, 23 teeth Painted T il.
Garden Itakev, " Kinc Washboard.,
do Hoes, ' Black-raita BtUows,
do Spades, Cross-cut Saw. 7 ft
Polished Shovels, do 6 ft
Hay Forks,- Mill Paw. 7 ft
At snore Forks, - - Hair Mattrassv, double.
Churns. - do Rinjle,
Window Glass 8 by 10 " Hair Bolsters, doun.e,
do 10 by 12 do single,
do 7 by S ' : Sperm Candles.
Window Sashes 8 by 19 Adamantine do.,
do- 10 by 12 . Orape brand Tobacco,
Or Bows and Yoke. Locke do do
Bfaukets, Baise, Lindseys, Pbectinps, Ticks.
. We keep constantly on hand a iar?-e supply of GCO
cles too numerous to mention.
, Oregon City. 21r
JCenjron's Dagnerreaa
THE andersigned having recently returned from Saa
Francisco, is now pre pared to take those beur tlful
I'k-tu-es on Glass called AMBROTYPES, whkh have
alraost entirely superceded the Da juen-eotrpe in tho k
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in the new bnilding. erected erpecinKj fur tit
luiaai, west of the Marion House. ,
Salem. November 11, 1S56. , 35tf
New Store and New Good3.
At Oatland, MeUuney ferry, O. T.
ALBERT ZlEBER, Dealer in dry gods, groceries.
crockery, hardware, produce. Ac.
Havin? purchased the stock in trade or Q. E. O'tcb
ell. together with the premise known as Me'henej'
Ferry, on the Willamette river, and having Lniit a ct w
storehouse, and replenished the stock of g sd on band,
now offers to exchange, for produce or cash, aa assort- ,
Dry goods, consisting of clothing, eaasimeref. r tit
net ts, sheeting, shirting, and fancy good-:; h-iis sad
caps, hoot and shoes, groceries in sarjety, wnL n ctw.
nuts, rsisias, and randies; paints, oil. nrclit ins. p
mmery, crocaery, tinware, noucw-ware. stoves, naror r
ware cutlery, and many other articles to meet the wants -
of the public.
He has also moved and repaired hi warehouse, so-
that he is now prepared to purchase or take ra iimse, -
country produce, wbicbbeeaa discharge by a shoe to"
steamers' deck, without loss or expense of dnyie. ' ,
And being determined to constantly keep en bs.:.d a
good supply of such goods a the country troe oat if"
iuav, ire kiki w i,ii nM,c . an wjp n-i js- j
pie in his vicinity to extend him their paironage.
er sold for cash or prod ace,
October 2. 1857. SOU
C. S. FillOw.
DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry, Sa
lem, O. T. Partk-nlsr atteetkm paid to tho
repairing of watches and clocks. All work war. 1
ranted. Jewelry repairea st su-.i . uwci.
Watches and clock, 8 day striking clocks at a very
low price : also 30 hour marine clocks,
ow price, JEWELRY.
Ladies and gents Brooches, Finger Rings, Ear Rings,
Gold Buckles, Guard Chains, Ac, Ac
Salem, July 6, I. ho 7. - 17tf
Salt! Salt!!
Q( TONS "San QQentin" SALT, in about F0 ri
CAJ 100 lb. bags, just received and for sale very cheap -
Oregon City, Dec 6, XS56.
lb. fTsri.
1 . MUST TEJUUlUttl. .
A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for a
produce dealer. The Orieaos wawbocse and stersr
wiU bo rented together if se,niai. MfflTs
July 8, 1S57. 1Stf
Allan, MjoKinir,
W Co.
CB amasis -!-, , ,
. -smw.-skv r porn t v-Tsrsi 3
ele ni Eeta Dealers in Dr, GooOs, Gr
Si. 11 ..
eeries. Hardware,
Dec 20, lis?