The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, December 08, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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..AT. .
Tho City Dook-Dtoro,
As l. 'tors, and will be receiving by ths 1st of Jan
Which they offer to the
At raull advance on New Tork price,
n u I call, or end a an order, and w are
owmI to giro 70a satisfaction t
A. R. Shipley C.,
Art too Bol Aosjrrs in Oretoa and Washington Ter
ritory for fes sale of
A GREAT BOOK 1 1 Being the only political history
of the United State.
Bead a your naiaea. Prica $4 00 : Parable 00 de
li rary of book. Caa deliver by tb lit of September
tooll whearad a
bj as vs mmf.
den' old 1st, Id. 3d. 4th. and 5th.
mmm The Yonng Ladies': Sander' New ldit. 2d. Sd.
4th Bad Still irkor' 1st, 14. 3d. th and Sth; Mc-
tiaflvy is, za, sa, sin ana u.
EiraLL- Sanders' Old, Sander' New; Berne
Panax Senders' Pictorial. School and Parker.
OjsMaartna. -Mitchell's, Ancient and Madera. Ol-
ey , Morsa'e, McNalley a, and Moatcith a Ut and
Maths atic Arithmetic Thomson', Tabli
vevtng. Geometry, Practical Mathematics. Hath. Dic
tionary. Logic or Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
ma x rhiloopoy or Mathematics.
Oraraaaw-Greeu Clarke' Bank' Smith's
Kirkam's Silencer Tower's.
I'BiLJsoraia. Parker' Ut Lesson, Juvenile aad
Bchool; Conbtork. Smith .
.. - -. . zi. 1 v 1 e..
nnmiss nimw -amivs, vauww own.
Parley's Universal; WUlard'a Unireraat, aad United
LamcaoTBV-Cooner' Virgil; Andrew' Latin Ree-
at; Virl Romas: Andrew' Latin Grammar; Mcl'Iin
Sock's 1st and id Book in Latin, and do. ia Greek: An
aoaa Greek Grammar aad Reader; Johnson's Cicero.
Faaquelle's Preach Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
6tma Grammar aad Reader, Telemaque. Greek Tea
tunent; French, self-taught; Surrenne's French Die-
atoaary; aborw Ljttia an. uaura a owm
40. Aatnoa uiajsieai uo, omiw x
DicTtOttABics. Webster' School. High do, Ac
afewiie. University. Royal 8t, Cambridge and Cobb'
MiscKLLASTroc. Mattiaon's Astronomy. Newman
Rhetoric. Wood' Ritnnr. Karae's laemetit of Crit
icism. Parker ' Aid in Compoaitioo, Parker' Excr
eta. Brookneld'e Compoartkm. McElligntt' Yonng
Inlcvr. do. Analytical ManaaL Parker" Word
itnii.r. ,rimt'i Keening. Wavmad'a Moral
Science. PaJey'a Natural Blake Agricul
ture for School. Upham Intellectnal lilsonhy.
' Mahaa'a do. do. Hilton; Young; Pollock; and Tnomp-
aoa; fF-lition for Schools) Culler a aoauny and
r;uJ Jorr. American Debater. Newman' Political
Economy. Hitchcock' Geology. Great variety of
Speaker and Elocution. All kind of School Station
ary; blate of all iae; Drawing Book; Drawing
FoJer; Perforated Car.l Board; Bristol Board; Pencil
aad Brasses; uanmi umn; imwhw, iraj sue
aad atyle, ax c-, 1
HisToar Bancroft' United State. ?oluiw
n i-lrath's Ai. do. volume. Fmat' Pictorial United
Staiec Taylor do. do, do. Botu' Bit. Involution.
Pevrron' do. Wilson's United State. Willard' do.
HU. Indian War United State. Willard' Universal
HiatoTT. Mailer's do do, ltotteck' Hbr. Worid 1 or
a Tolome. R.l!ia Ancient Historr. Farr'a do. do.
Home' England. Macanlay' do complete. Dickeaa
Child's do. Lingard' do. Gibbon' Borne. D'An
bigae Befomv-itiun. Bang's M. K- Chnrch. Allison'
Europe, ut aad 3d Series. Prescott' Work. Bnrder
Hit. of ReUzion. Hist, of Council of Trent. Joe
aho. All of Abbott' Historic. Historical Cabinet.
Docvn of Spain. Queens o( Scotland. Help a Spaatsh
Conqnest. Brace's Hongary. Kidder's Brazil. Ku
bank'a Brazil. Parley' Universal. History of t'ro
aades. Ancient Bzyptians. Hallam'a Middle Age.
History for Bv. ' Bonner' Child" United 8tate.
Lominc Field Bonk of Revolution.
BionRArnr. Plutarch's Lire. Ufa Brant. Won
derful Character. Great aad Celebrated Character.
Lives of tho S?i:rtier- Autobiography of Ftnicy. Iji
martiae' Celebrated Character. Lifeof Adam Clarke.
do Btiaop Heddia?. do Niebuhr. do Or-a. Harrison.
4 Daniel Boone, do Robert, do Lafayette. Cap
tains of Roman Keoabiie and Old world. UT. cnal-
nera, 4 vol. Live of Hnmholdta. Mr. Rogers.
Mozart. Wester. Fletcher. Life and Time of Clay:
I Trial's Washincrtoa. Eminent Mechanic. Live of
Chief Jastices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb.
Jackson. Gen. Green. Joaa of Are. Lady Jane Grey.
J. Q. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; King of
Rome. King and Queens. Liebmtz. Lives of the
Pope. Prescott'a Philip 2d. Mary aad Martha Wah
fogtou. Pioneer Women of the West.
TAVu. Huck'a China. Araucaaian. Stephen'
Egvpt. Ulin Travels. Mango fartx. Aue oteL
Adventure on Uos.iiito Shore. Bayard Tayi V Trav
La rytTTiin' Travels ia the East.
KaBmw. Btmnde'sEaevdone'lia. Phvsleal Geoa
raphy of the Sea. Wood Natural History. Lardner'
Lecture. Useful Art. Cosmos. Mathematical Dic
tionary. Logic of Mathematics. Wonders of Science.
Miteheil'B Planetary and Stellar World. Loom is' Kc-
ee.-rt Pinaivas of Astronomy. Smith Dictionary of
. . . . ,.1 1 . . mw : .
an aad science, mouk njuwum. vuzu. m woras.
Tarioos works oa Architecture.
PosTBT. Byron rarioos strles. Shakespear. d.x
Milton, do. Barns, do. Heraans, da. Moore, do.
Thorn oson. Tonng. Pollork. Topper. Cowper. Pope.
Campbell. ' Wads worth. Osiaa. Montgomery. Kirk
White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America
aad many others.
Rnixi or Rxrafrsce. Cvclonedia of Geoaraphr.
do. do. Fin Art, do. do. Biography. Useful Art.
McCoUoch's Gazetteer. Harper's Universal (azetteer.
FatTT and Auaicri.Tra.ii Bitot's Frnit Book.
Thomas' do. Downing' do. Barry do. Fesseaden
Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower aad Vegetable
Wdeaer's Comnanioa. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
9 Strawberry. Florist Guide. American Farm Book.
Allan's Domeatie AaimaU. All of Saxtoa 'land Book.
Walks on Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs. Ac-
TsuBOLOoicaL, A IIklioioc. Harmony and Exposi
tion of Gospels. Xeaader's Life of ChrM. Butler'
Work. Knajp's Christian Theoloay. Western Meth-
Brand of Dominie Rule. Elliot oa Romanism. Barnes'
Motes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson do. Jay'
ExerctTe. Watson Intrtdtes. Larrabee' Evidenevs.
Butler's Ethical Diseounes. Rogers U-Iiie of Earth.
do. Beasoa and Faith. Foster Cbrstt. Ierrectioj
. Baker on Discipline. Writiugs of Anniniua. Jahn
Biblical Archae-lo7y. Bible, all sizes and pri.-e. from
tl t $2. TeAnnents great variety. Mithodist
Hv-nn. Chrisiian Hymn Books. Chor-h Psalmist.
Plym-mta Collection- Select Mclodiea. Christiaa
Msricat Bachan' Family Physician. Ilydro
pataic dx Hoaitpithic Works.
MiscKLLAxxoi-a Corurtitrrtion of United State.
Mayhew's Popular E.lntion. Crabbe' hynenyma.
Platt's Book or Coriosities. Odd Fellow's ManaaL
Headley'a Work. 1 vols. Mrs. TcthiU . vols. Lay
ard's Nineveh. Bigelow' Useful Arts. Harwell's En
gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
Kovriede. PsrkMadtsoa. Pernviaa Antiquitierv
Way Down Bant, Pynshort. Ike Marvel' W.H-ks
Sanderson's Conk aad Confectioner. Country Rambles
ia England. Taleaaad Reveries, -a excellent Temper
ance Book-l Money Maker. Kseajted San. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mr. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil
ler a Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprint of Creator.
Tonng Lad' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Leet. t Y. Men. Constita
tional Text Book. Cantivw in Patagonia. The Ameri
can Housewife. Half Hoars with Old Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mr. Sedgwick'
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthnr' Saecessfnl Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs.
Partington. Horare Translation. Virgil do. Mr. Car
tea' Works. Heroines of History, lautd and Sea.
IVck and Psrt. Sea and Sailor. Shin and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irriag's.
Colombo. Long Look Ahead. City of New York
Living Orators of America. Yonng Man Advised. Mis
eious in Tone an 4 Fegce. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Kaoat and ho Bawiawi. Hydrapathio Cook
Bnk. IV-ith Bed Scone. Gift Book for Young Men
do. "do. Ladies. Anecdote foralirls. do. do. Boys
FootpripU of Fanmos raen. Charlotte ElixalsHh's
Work's. Advice to Yoong Men. Peasant boy philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Book, ds Fraacooia-
And a another of other too numerous to enumerate.
Constantly receiring large additioas to the foregoiag.
Statioxzkt- Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
r do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Eavel-
style. Inks aTI kinds. Pea aad Holder
great variety. Blank Books all sixes aad styles.
Memorandums, iianes, ram hooks. Time Boots.
Paper Cotter. Do Polder. Shipping Receipt Bonk,
lithographic Print a large variety. Wranpiag Pa-
rer good variety. Wafer, Sealing Wax. Ac., Ac
inally, we have a good variety of
Mcaic Booa New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
ftiager, Dalcimer. Cborua Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
acred Meiodiaa. Chrb-tiaa Psalmist. Piaao instrue.
ors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordoa do. Violin do,
Melodeoa do. Plymouth Collection with Masic, Short
And the moat varied aaaortment of SranowcaT ever
bred ia Oregon.
M This stock to n bought in Sew Tort and ether
astern c.tM and is sold at
aar We keep oa hand Scaoot Booas ia large waaa
ea, together with most of the pablicton of
Harper A Brother;
Derby h Jackaoa;
Irison k Phianey;
PhiUipsA Samm;
v A. S. Barnes A On.;
" MiUar. Ortoa A Mullicaa:
LaaryAGeU; ma'
k your pe-rona. nnebl 1 to viait as
ear stock, yosy order win bt attended to
,MarohM,ie. -to.
Dooks and Stationery.
at thi oBBoox cmr fosr opnea ariLDiMO.
WOULD respectfully call the attention of bis friends
and the public to the fact that he has en hand,
and keens constantly supplied with a larza stock of
of all kinds, which ho offers for sale, for rash, at the
above building. Hi present stock 1 compiiaed, in
pari, m tue loiinwing, viz z
OreircB SUtutes, aeasioa laws of Oreson
tf '7; Washington Irvtng works; Redleld' Com-
Physiognomy; Disoovery and Bxnloratloa of
the Misaiasrppl; Seur American ReyolnUon; Bear'
Pamllir Aiianal Wlb-.- ax .i
Lane a Brigade In Mexioj Oliver CromweliT A Ten
SSfo" JHT AK ,ndi,m w,r" of United State;
S?-5" f M" e" " Life on the Sea; Mia Hall
"actieal Cookery; Mrs, Hale New Cook Book; The
Impmed House wile, or Book of Receipt, by Mrs. A.
U Webster; History of the Mormon from their origin
to the present time; Fern Leave from Fanny's Port
PoHaa- The Spectator, by Blagdoa; Tapper's Prorerbi
al Philoaephy; Louis Napoleon and the Bonaparte Fast
Uy; Thompeon'a Season: Young' Night TboogbU;
Paradise Lost; Pollok s Coarse or Time; Benjamin'
PUgriats Progress; American's Owa Book; The World
luussrasea so t-irmTlnrs; Life and Bssaya or Uenja
tory of All Nations, by Goodrich; Benton's SO year la
the U. S. Senate; Brron'a Work; Preseott's Biogra-
fihiea and Critical Miscellanies; Prcacott's Conquest of
iezico 3 vols; Preseott's Ferdinand and Isabella S
vols; Prescott Robertson' HUtory of Charles S 3
vols; Prescott 1st and 2d Philip; Hitman' Gibbon'
Rome; Rollin' Ancient History; Plutarch Live; Ma
canley's History of England; Dick' Work; Cnmmlng'i
Lectures; Webster' American Family Cyclopedias;
Soott' Napoleon; Chamber' Information for the Poo-
SLIfe in the Itineracy; Life of Gen. Lafayette; The
ng American's Life of Fremont; History of Ire
, by Mooney; Heavenly Home: Carlyle'a Kew Es
says; British and American Female Poet: Burn'
complete Works; Moore' Poetical Work: Burn' Po
etical Works; Mr. Heman's Poetical Works; Milton'
Complete Works; Topper's Complete Works; Life and
Beautie of Shakespeare; Arabian Night; Balloon
Travels ia Europe; Layard'a Diarovene at Niaevah;
Wheepley' Cnmneud of History: Headley' Mlscella-
niei March Reminiscences of Conereas; Thaddens of
Warsaw; The Planter's Victim: Melbourne and the
Chinch a Islands; Knitz's Sacred History; Penmdmnt
hi Wanderings and Wavsof Thinktnr; Roblnaoa
Crusoe: Children of the Abbey; Indian Itattlos, Captiv
ities and Adventures; Dream and Realities of a Pas
tor and Teacher; The Ship Carpenter's Family; Victn.
ria, or the World Overcome; Bible and Testament;
Webster's Dictionaries large and small; Gunn'a Cele-
nreMst iiomestle Medicines; Short rztent Mermoos. t.y
Dow. jr; irimer Llttlecond. Esq: Arthur's Tales:
Thomson's Practical Arithmetic; Calhouns Intellectnal
Arithmetic; Vocal and Instrnmental Note Bmka: Mit
chell's Geography and Atlas; Yonatt oa the Stnictnre
aad diseases of the Horse: Saxtoa 'a Rnral Hand Rooks;
Cole's American Fmit B ok: Downinr's Rural Essavs:
Downing'a Fmit and Fruit Trees of America; Elliott's
western Fruit Bonk: American Padd;
Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Gardener Companion;
American Fruit I'ultnrist. by Thomv; The Strawberry
1 01 rare, ry rardee; Americaa roultry Yard, hy Brown
Yonatt on the M uiazement and Disease of Sheen:
Note. Letter and Foolscap paper; Pen and Pen eld
ers; anna ana nand-ooxes; ruack. Woe and Ked ink;
Plain and Fancy Envelopes; Slate and Slate Pencils;
uranx books, arc. jrc.
Oregon City. June S, 1MT. lTtf
25,000 Wortla
rrtHE subscribers would respectfully inform their rus-
M. xomera ana tue pnoiic generally tnai tney nave on
hand, and are in ocstant receiot of aroods from ft a
Francisco and New York a large and weU-e-
lecicd stock consisting in part of
Alum, allspice, aa-l alpacra.
Bonnets, berasest and bro. linen.
Cambric, crah, and calico.
Domestic de lar.ies, and damask.
Edging, embroidrry and everything.
Flannels, fringe, and fancy tfxin's.
Ginghams, gatter and ar lores.
Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pioa.
Iron, ink, aad insertings.
Jaconet .jean, and Java enflee.
' Knives, kid glove, and knitting pine.
Lawns, lard and Liverpool salt.
Mustard, mirrors, and matches.
Needle, nails, and nice thing.
Oils, overshirt. ind Oolong tea.
Pins, pants, and paper,
0 lilts. quilU, and queens ware.
Ribbons, razors, snd rat-traps.
Silks, sugar, and shaving soap.
Tea. tobacco, and turpentine.
Umbrellas, nodcr-sleevrs. and useful thing.
Veils, varnish, and vinegar.
Wreathe, woolen good, waffle-iron.
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notion.
Zinc, and zephyr wonted,
Ac, Ac, and so on.
Beside many other articles too no "nemos to mention :
11 or wuica we are offering at reduced prices, adopt.
ing tne piaa 01 uuick sales and small nront. '
The ladies will rind in their department a larse stork
of fancy good, direct from New York, which is not
usually kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will be In
constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies. .
The Gentlemen's Department of furnishing goods
will seldom he equalled, snd excelled by none in Salem.
IRON. "The blacksmiths and iron dealers will always
find a well-selected sto- k of all size and shapes, to
gether witn a aooii assortment or iron axles, from I 4 x
in., to t x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland
prices, sailing ireignis.
We are rrenared to receive all kind of nmduee in
exchange for goods, and also money. For full partica-
lancait ana examine lor yourselves.
Palem. Feb. I0.17. 48U
L. P Fisher's
A DVERTISING Aimer. Saa Francises No. 1711
-Ta. Washinirtoa street, an stairs, nearly opposite to
jtaawre s irpera tsouse.
A. F. flane.K I the authorized Agent 01 tne
Oaeflox pTATXimA!;
MarysvUle Herald; '
Sacramento Union ;
Saa Joaquin Republican, Stocktoa;
Pacific Methodist, Stocktoa;
Bonora Herald;
Nevada Journal:
Grass Valley Telegraph;
Red Blnff Beacon; 1
Columbia Gazette;
Monntiin ltemoerat.PUeerrUle; .
Tuolnmne Courier;
Calvarrz Chronicle. Mokelumne lTilt;
Kl Dorado Democrat;
Shasta Coarier;
Mariposa Gazette;
Yreka Weekly Union;
Trinitv J'sirnal, Weavervflle;
Iowa Hill New;
Weekly Ledge. Jackson;
Saa Jose Telegraph;
Sonoma ( "ounty Journal ;
Polnmn Dispatch;
California Mining Journal;
Ivts Angeles Star;
Santa Karlmra Gazette;
Saa Diego Herald;
Alraeda Cnnnty Gazette;
Placer Conner, Yankee Jim' '
Napa County Reporter;
Sierra Democrat, Downieville;
Humboldt Times;
Oregnnian, Portland. O. T.
Pacific Christian Advocate. Salem, O. "I .
Jscksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.
Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia. W. T.
Washington Republihan, Steilaeoom, W.T.
Poynesian. Honolulu. S. I.;
Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary. City of Mexico;
Hongkong Register.
L. P. F. has "now comoleted hi arrangement for
the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal
largest cirmlatinir Journals and Newspaper nublialicd
ia the Atlantic States.
A line onoortunity is here offered to those who wish
to advertise ia eny part of the Union, of doing so at
the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satUfactory maa
August 75. 1S57.
For Sale.
T WILL sell one half of the land claim known
J. as the Dwirbt I'oraroy claim. Said half !!!'
aojnins mt. reier ii. naw:n a ana I aoont
two miles from Oreaxm Citv. on the uoner Wil
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the
nroperty, lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid
ly growing town of Corvalli. Benton Co.. and known
a the " Thomas" property, consisting of four lot of
land, together with all the building thereon. Said
property i ia a beautiful location, and both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oat at cash
price. Inquire of tb subscriber, at hi store ia Ore
foa City, ia relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery,
ia relation to the Thomas nroperty, at Corvallis.
Also, six 6) sou or tend la Oregon City.
Oregon City. March 1. 1857. ltf
Salem Drag Store.
NT Street. Rector' buildinc Constantly
on hand a fnfl assortment of Dames, linn-
oncaa. Paihts. Oils ana Dra Stuffs, Patbut
la abort ajinost every article usually found in a Drag
Store, and are offered at Wholmauc axb Reran., at
extremely low rate, in quantities to suit warranted a
awOaDEssa Mucim va
Proscriptioos free of chary at oflloe.
"P attention will be given to profawdoaal
c"Ihith CtT; A. II. BELT, U. D.
Salem, O. T., Jane J, 1957. 'ittt
T8 hereby givea.that C 8. Woodworth i authoriaed
s fo sraiMBKs mj isim
ws aunag my abseaea.
DRY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, la mat va
riety, at Jetf MOCHAS'
- -y . " a"cunie; ne-
tiiune Poenu; Lifeof the Emperor Napoleon, by Lock-hJr-L.UTe.
the PrpWenU; Life of Andrew Jackaoa;
aaswrpiecas; Hancrons Lire
2T 2hhto 1A,e nd Speecbea of Henry Clay:
Bulua'a Natural Hl-tim. J!- ... " '
8. J. Mccormick, '
Fniiililiii Eook Dtoro, -
HAS constantly on hand a large stock or Boos and
Statiokkbt , which he sell at a small advance uu
PviLtsnxa Paten.
CsT A catalogue nay be seen la the Oregon and
WathlBgttoa Almanac for 185T. Books ordered there
from sent postage free to any part of either Terrritory.
Portland, Feb. 14, 18.11. fiflyl
Corrallta Drue; Store.
JR. CARDWELL, Druggist and Apothecary, I eon-
atantir receiving, per California steamer, large
and carefully selected stock of Drugs and Medicines,
Oil. Paint, Varnish, Soap. Perfumeries. Toilet Fur.
olture. Stationery, and all article usually kept In Drug
Store. Agent for Jaynea, and other patent mediclues,
which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices.
' Oaos
aoucirap. Sa
CorvallU,Msy. 1MT.
Blaektmltsa stud others, Lok.
A LLAN McKINLAT ds CO. have now on band a
XX large and well elected stock of
Bar Iron, Cast Steel,
Horse shot do German do,
N ail rod do., Plough do.,
Plate do..
And Intend to keep np the aaaortment so as to unit the
want of customers. Give na a call . and you will find
that we not only have the fullest stock, bat will sell
" a cheap a the cheapest.'' We are constantly receiv
ing additions to oar assortment, so as to replace what
1 soia.
Oregon City. Dee. 13. lUg. 4Hf
Henrr Joknecm Co.
(146 Washington Street, Baa Francisco.)
Oder for sale to the country trade, the largest stock
of eoods la their line on the Pacific coast enmnri-
ing Druaa. Cbemicaat, Perfumery, Patent Medicines of
all k! ..-I. n... .1. . . D.I.. nil. fll. Snu.K.I -1
vTery article appertaining to uie ouainesa. Marinr su
perior facilities for obtaining their goods they think
they can offer inducement to buyer unequalled by
aji 7 ntner nnuae.
Orders respectfully aollcited. 401y
CHAIN PUMPS, monkey wrench,
match planes, acre ana,
ash plane. ' "
horse shoe and nail to lit.
gun lock. pl.n and nipple,
tubes, bullet mmlda.
Wosenholm's IXL pocket knivea.
pruning aad budding knives,
rat traps to coca a win eta. at
Books and Statlonerf.
Parker 1st. zd. 3d, 4th aad 5th.
Sanders' do do do do
McGuffy do do de do
levies' arithmetic.
University and Common School.
Intellectual and primary,
Ihtvies' Bourdon algebra. "
Legendre . surveying.
Geometrv and trigonometry.
Key to Davie' Arithmetic,
Thompson's arithmetic,
Parker philosophy,
juvenile and 1st lessons,
, Grammars CUrit's. Bullion's Smith'.
Geographies M itchcU', Monteith' manual,
Monteith's 1st icaaon.
Musio Lute of Zicn, New Carmina Sacra,
Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony,
Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at
ITotico to Fruit Giwers.
R.C. Geer.k Co.
HAVE lW.Ono Fruit Trees consisting t-f H OW Esc
pus Spitaenlierirs. lt.isto Yellow X. T. IMppio. 10,
000 Wineaapes. 11.000 Wnilo Pearmains. and a fine as
ortraent of Summer. Fall, aud other Winter anules
pears, plum, and cherry trees, front 1 t-f 4 years old.
wnica we will sen at tne following price for ca n :
Cherry toeea 50 to ft On
Plum 50 to 1 00
Apple " X,
Pear " IS to 73,
and a liberal discount made where a person buy a
thousand tree or over.
We consider November the best month to transplant
tree. r. c. U EER O.
Fruit Farm. Marion Co., Sept. I J, 1T. SiHf
Valnoble Farm for Sale.
'T'HE nndersi?ne ! now offers hi valnable
-a. larm for sale, situated on Spring Creek, fi'll
in Marion Co.. O. T.. one and a hair mile
south of McKinnay's Mills, or the County road
runninc Iroin Salem to said Mills. It contains 6 10 acre.
of which 540 acre is ander a gnod substantial strike
ana naer lenee. one nundred acres a jt sd eultivathm.
two hundred fine besrinr fruit trees, a rood farm
bouse, together with other out buililiugs. Said farm is
wen watered, and tne nest adapted to stork raisin?,
and wheat erowmr of any farm in the Territory. Said
farm has been settled since IMi. and was among the
first claim taken ia Marion Co. Any person desirous
ni nuTing a gona :arm. witn a line money, will do well
to call at the residence or the undersigned.
Spring Creek. March 30. 1957. 4tf
Uowae, Carriage, SIxm, aad Steam
boat Paint ins.
1 A. REED having established hi Paint shop in
V7. Salem, i prepared to execute with dispatch all
job in the above hoe. Banner. tMandarris. and Km
lems.fnrsoclct'es painted on silk.sntiu. velvet or mns-
lln. faints or ail eoitirs ana aesrnptmns mixed, ready
for use, for sale at hi shop ; also White Lead, Linseed
Oil. Turpentine and Varnish, Wall paper and Border.
Window giaa. Paint hen he, graining tools, Ac. Di.
netions given ia painting, also ia graining imitation
of wood, stone or marble.
N. B. Order from abroad promptly attended to.
All job intrusted to bis care warranted to give satis
faction. Salem, Jan. 6. 1957. 43yl
rT,nE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
a. uregoa. assrmowsi at tne eeat of uovemment on
the ninth day of January, ehrhteea hundred and fifty-
seveu, do fix and appoint District Courts, to be held in
ni lace or Koseonrx. in the county or uouela nm the
first Monday, of March. May, September and Nnrem
orr.aanuany, nnui otaerwiae oroerea.ana ao limit tne
auraaoa 01 aaia terms to six oars eacn.
Gl. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice.
44tf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice. :
At Karene Oltr.
THR Mkseriber ha at Engene I'lty, one of the best
general asmrtraent of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hard
ware, Hoot and Shoes, and all article kept in a gene
ral finding store, to be fnnnd in Oregon. He is con
stantly receiving fresh additions to his stock, and al
ways keep it up. My goods are aow all received direct
from San Frauciaeo, where I have a resident aeeat. All
kinds of rarmer s produce received in exchange for roods
I pay higher prices for produce, aad sell goods cheaner
tnaa any otner store in tne territory.
Eugene City, July 1. 185. IGtf
STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber,
living ia Albany, Una Co., O. T.. oa or
about the first of December. lA5o.oae sor
rel horse, blaze faced, rixht bin knocked
down, breaded oa near shoulder O. T- vented V, hir
urana. aoo:ner oraaas or mark recollected. Any
one returning aaia aorse ww oe iinersuy rewarded.
AllanT. Jswnsry 77. 157. trttfpaid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
TT is often the ease that person suffer fwA long time
JL with a curable disease tmm the fsct that thev do not
know where to go to find relief. I am pictured to re
move an Kimors, cancers and inseased Hone to re
duce dislocated Joints of longstanding, straighten, wry
neva, ciuit i"o, auu tv correct an ueirmity or ne
face and eyelids. D. G. CAMPBELL, M. D.
Corvallis, u. T. May 0, IK 7. tf
Marion House. Salem.
THE undersigned annonnrea to the pnLlio
X that he has purchased the well known l!:!
tavern stand, called the Marion Hoose, in Sa- It's:
lem. together with the furniture and fixture
tlMMeor. He will keep it ia first rate style, snd invite
the patronage of the public. R. M. M AY.
May 13, 11.7. lilt
DR. J. R. CARDWELL. DenUI Sorgeon, Corralli.
in his profession, t Corvallis. Eugene City, Win
chester, Scottsburo;, and Jacksonville. Skill, unqttes.
tionabl; charge respectable; work, warranted. Teeth
examined, and advice given free of charge.
irae notice given 01 coange or omce.
April 28. 1SA5. 7tf
Look Here.
ALL persons that are indebted to James Strang, are
requested to call and settle their account by the
loth of May. and all those who do not, will find their
account in the band f John D. Boon, Justice of the
Pear. Having enld my Tin establishment in Salem, I
want to settle up my account. JAMES STRANG.
ftalem. April ZI.1W7. 6tf
Reynolds V Law.
-COMMISSION Merchant and dealers in all kind of
V Oregon Pruluce. Advance made on goods con
signed to us and forwardedret of ekm-gt.
twnce at J. railing u . 1 rm
Wanted. :
tTAAA bushel Oate, and 5000 Wheat, and anyqnan
OUXJU Uty of dead swine, for which cash will be
paid oa delivery. J. N. PRESCOTT.
uregoa taty, nw. ia. injo. ihu
TAR, at ,
?6tf .
TONS assorted iron, juat received at - -
DEEDS, mortgage, powers of attorney for sale of
crip, tax receipt, final proof , and notification
a aew lot just printed aad for sale at the Statesman
Jaly 37. 1K7. aotf
Dr. 8. R. Ujtckles,
Saifm, NdVembef 9, 1457. 35tf
; A. J. Thiyei1, ; j
. in Corvdlli. Bentun Co., O. T., oppusite to the
City Hotel In said Iowa. 39tf
... IV. W. Page.
lem, O. T., Oflloe, first door south of the States
man Office, np stairs. , JOtf
. Farrtr k Steal,
Chancery and Admiralty.
mw Office on Front street, one door north of the
" Exchange."
Portland, O.T., July 20,1867. 23tf
I. R. Bmitk.
Solicitors in Chancery, Corvalli 0. T.
1. x. smith. Sltf
I. W. Kltchell,
gene City, Lane Countp, O. T.
T L. COOVR3. II. D.. Sorgeon. Ao. SPECIALTY
J DISEASES OF THE EYE. Corralli. Oregon.
September 23. 1856. 2Sm8
Saa PrMCiwt idTCrtisInf Iacr
T P- FISHFR, iron building, opposite Pacific Express
A J Oflire, ap stairs. File of all the principal Papers of
ismnruia ana tsregnu msv ne louna at 1111s omce. Air.
T . i I , - . a, ' - . ....-
r nxier w toe autuorixea As:eot lor tne niaiesman.
CheMer R. Trrry, -
XX'mi-siioncr of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgments. Ac, Ac., for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri,
Michigan. California and Washinztou Territory, let
ters of Attorney, and ail other instrnmeut of writing.
arawn on snort notice.
9- Particular attention paid to taking deposition,
collection 01 Mote. Accounts, c, 3Ztl
Raise k MtRwas,
licitors ia Chancery, Proctors, Ac, in Admiralty,
t-uruanu, urrgna. .itr
H nliBg k firarrr.
XI Solicitor in Chancery. Um. e near the Court-house,
Salem, O.T.
Gro. I. Shril,
Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the various
Salem. O. T.
Delaxoa Smith,
S.licitir in Chancery, will promo! I r attend to all
ln:ness pertaining to ltis iinfessic n in the iirst Judicial
District, and before the Supreme C'ooit of Oregon
Office. Albany, IJnn County. O. T.
N. R. When n-s. at his 'oface. or absent on nroft
sional business, he may be found at his resi.lcnc-e. live
mile sotitb-eat of Albany, on what is known as the
" t.rand Frame.
W. 8. Brock,
-fa. S.-!icitor in Chancery, will practice in the various
-airts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col-lei-ton
of all claims agaiust Uie Uuited State, thrnngh
an efficient agent re-iding at Washington City. Oflice
in tugeoe city, uiue tenuity, u. 1.
It. E. Stratton,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in the virions
courts of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
I ourt of the Territorr.
Office in Deer Creek. Douglas county, O. T. Resi
dence 6 miles north of Winchester, on the Willamette
N. B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained for c'aimanta
on reasonable terms. Iltf
a. a. iaksu. 1. . wilsoiH
llstrnnin fib Vt ilson.
aTL lem. Oregon. Particular attent.nls riven to the
collection or notes and aceouuL., aud cairns against
Baintr Land Warrants bought and soUL
mr 0;M -e over 8t:irkev's St ire. 4B
B. F. Iloiiliam.
jtX. See at the Court House, Salem, O. T. 6tf
J. B. Cole, M. D.,
Portland. Oregon.
m J. WRIGHT A F B. STONE, having associated
X together in practice. respe-trn'!y tender their ser
vices to tue people 01 uent-m ana Lann aesinug to se
cure the favor of the afflicted by success mt!a. OfBie
near J. C. Avery's store. I 'orrs'lis. Ulypsid
1. B. Hallork,
Design, plans, specilicatioas, Ac, furnished on
reasonable terms.
' William C. Grisnwold Co.,' .
w. c. omswoi.n, Titf c. s. wqopwobth. -
Eugene City.
HORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eugene
City Hotel. 13tf.
.. Medical Notice.
TBB snbscrilier, would iarorm Uie Inhabitants that he
Ls at his old stand, ready to attend to ell rail in
his professiea ; also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a Well
asorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasooab
asouable terms. W. WARREN.
Salem December 2, 1J6.
W. B. Dlagers, 91. D.
PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build
iug. oa Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S.
Mcltecuy' fire-proof building : where I will be found
when not professionally engaged. I will keen constant
ly on hand a fresh supply uf Drags and Medicine
which I will sen low for cash.
Corvallis. Dec 9. 1 V.O. SMf
leJieul Route.
DR. R. W. SHAW, late or Ran Francisco, California,
offer hi professional servit e to the citizens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicit a share fo
public favor. -
r Office at Reed and Fellows drug store.
14 It. W. SHAW.
Campbell k Pratt.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco. California.
Office, corner Montgomery and Sacremento streets,
over Parrntt A Coo. Bmk.
Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business
entruided to their rare. Sltf
Joseph R. Frescott.
DEALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and
Paints aud Oils, wholesale and retail.
July 7. lap. 18tf '.
S. Ellsworth,
US. 8nprerae and other Courts. Office Eugene
. City, Lane County, Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner of Deeds lor Xew York, Connecticut, Ac.
August 2i. 15. 24tf
WILLIAM F. HlGHFIKLD.Chronometeraud W.
Watch maker, Oregon City, to l.e found at
his old stand iu front 01 the United SUtea Hotel. 5ir
late Main-tdreet House, where he caa be constantly
fiHAud prepared to do anybiisine in his line. Wutchea
cleaned aud repaired ou hort notice and reasonable
terms. Also a choice lot of watches and jewelry forale.
March 5, 1&14. . ly51
S. Hamilton, M. I).,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce to the good people or Douglas and the ad-
joiaing counties, that be ha located permanently at
ier v reea-ior tne purpose 01 practicing medicine, snd
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare no puins to render the patient easy
snd coiufortuble.
Opficb opposite R. H. Dearborn A Co-'a store, on
Mala street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at cos Bra
ces. 42tf
Wells, Fargo, k Co.,
Co., in connection with their Exnresa business, will
also transact a general Exchange and Colirrticm Butt
wsa. Collections and Remittances made in all parts ol
Oregon, California, the Atlantic States, and Europe, with
promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought aud sold.
rlieLtExclianre on veto York. Botton. PhilaAelakia.
wfoaay, Hochrtter. Buffalo, Erie, Clttttamd. Detroit,
unteago, jMitraaurte, ia.rna. si. imum, ijommnlu,
Cincinnati, and fort other principal towns I n the Atlan
tic States and the Canada, may be procured at any of
our offices. WELLS, FARGO, A CO.
114, Montgomery-street, 8an Francisco
Jane 185S. " -
CORVALLIS Ware House , No. 1, we offer for rent
In connection with the above we have a pork hoose
and smoke hoose for rent.
Sr. Czapkaf Cedleal Holiecs.
R. i. L. CZAPK AY'S C.raud McJical and Surgical
Institute. Sacramento Rt.. below Montgomery oppo
site PaciUoMaill Steamship Co.'sOfflce,San Francisco,
California. Established for the Permanent cure of all
Private snd Chronic Discsses, and the suppression of
Dr. J. L. CZAPKAT, late In the Hnngarisn Revolu
tionary War. Chief Physician In the 20th Regiment of
Honreds, chlersurgeon to the military hospital at Pesth ,
Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or
gans and Diseases of Women and Children, would most
respectfully Inform the public of Oregon and CaHfornia
that he has opened an Institute for the cure of Chronic
Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, henrt, blood, brain
and the horrid consequences of self -abuse, and he hopes
that his long experience and successful practice of ma
ny year, will insure him a share of public patronage.
By the practice of many year in Europe and the Uni
ted States, and during the Hungarian war and cam
paign, he U enabled to apply the most efficient and
successful remedies against diseases of all kind. He
uses no Merrurr charges moderate treats his patient
in a correct aud honorable way has reference of un
questionable veracity from men of known respectabiK
ty and high standing in society. All parties consulting
him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best aad
gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Ir.
ntfise are on Sacramento St.. below Montgomery, Saa
Francisco. California. 12m3
U ur. I. J. Czapkay would call piblie attention to
gnermatorrhosa or local weakness. There Is not In the
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than this, as well liecause of present distress, a the
ultimate resuls. The tone of the system under its in
fluence is eitlier impaired or entirely destroyed, and a
clas or symptoms superinduced that unfits man for the
performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The
injuries d jue to the physical part of man is truly la
mentable, bnt trilling when compared to tboe of the
censorlum, the great nervous center, and to the ner
vous system generally. This disease, which is too often
consequent upon that solitary vice, self-almse. Involves
pathological conditions beyond the comprehension of
the uninitiated, but which are well anderstood by the reg
ular practitioner. Amon" the symptoms most conspic
uous are the following: Love of solitude, aversion to
business and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex
citement from slight causes, loss or memory, confusion
or i.leas. inability to reason correctly, low spirit and
lassitude, dullness of apprehension and misanthropy
These being functional derangements, are often the har
bingers of horrid organic lesions of the brain, which
produce fatuity, dementia and death.
For the cure of this and all kindred diseases. Dr.
CzTipkay has established his Institute, where all m;iv
rely with perfect confidence upon that skill which long
experience and thorough devotion to his profession has
Those who suffer should call or write without delay,
and ase the mean by which they may recuperate and
All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad-dre-sto
12mS Medical Institnte, Sun Francisco. Cal.
traordinary success in the treatment of secret dis
eases in the prrnjry a:i 1 other stigrs. indsce him to
call public attention v the fact tUat of tie great num
bers who have made d.ii!y applicztion to him. there is
n-t one who has not beeu ede"taal?y and (lermaaently
cured- In reoent ea of private di-ea--es. the Dr. aiar
antien a perfect cure la a few davs wituont hiudrcre
to business or other ianveaienre. The Dr.'s metliod
of treatius these maladies, corallines the imprcveraeiits
made by the medical faculty with discoveries of hi
own that are unknown to any one else, aad which, whes
applied, prevent the puusibiiity of evil ailer canacjuea
ces. Secondary syphilis, which is so destmctire of health,
producing ulcerations of the thriut. destryinjr the soft
tarts, and leaving the bones exposed, which m;rtify.
separate and come away, disfiguring "the auiT-rer mtt
horri:ily. as well as iiupairing hU general health, aud
predisposing to consumption, the It. treats in tue most
certain and eScieot msnner. A Wo, pa'm:"ul ."Telling; s
ipon the iiones. dKtiguriog plvjtches upuu the skin,
sore, pimples, aud ail othrr consequence of private
diseases he g to cure or asks no comneosatioo.
r. C. w-v-ild e-.peci:Ulr call theattcntija of th-we who
have failed to obtain relief from otiiers, many of whma
he has slrea ly cured, and many are still under treat
ment. The Dr. makes no eh.irse for cousultatjon. aati
invites all to call at his Institute ; and he will give them
such satisfaction as they can obtain nowhere eLse
Those at a distance, by writing to the Dr., can hare
their cures prperly attended to. Office on Sacramen
to L. below Moutgomery.San Francisco, Cal. . 12m3
The Greairst Dittorrrr of the A?f.
GREAT Messing to Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
DR-CZ-VPKAY"S Pbopbh-actiitm, (seir-disiufee-tiug
agent.) a sure preventive against secret diseases,
and an unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous gangrenous
and cancerous ulcers, and all cutauous eruptions and dis
ease. For sale at I)k. I zapiat's Office. Armory Hall
corner of Sacramento and Montgomery sts.. San Fran
cisco. Cal. A inoculation is preveotive agcinst small
pox, so is Dr. Czapkay 's Pmphilacticum a preventive
agaiot se-ret disease. That iliey can be prevented by
proper agents, is as well an established fsct as that they
can be cured after their establishment. This principle,
which is now universally recognized, was received even
before the days of Jenuer, the dscevererof vaccination,
in 17:X5, and its multiplied benefit ever siuee have re
ceived a they deserved, the attention of the Medical
faculty. It was in pursuit of this branch of the medi al
science that Dr. L. J. Czapkay fortunately made the dis
covery of bis Prophylacticuni. which, for toe caaceroas
and cuts nous disorders, stands unrivalled by auy agent
in the Pbarmacupoca. -The maitt oper-aoxft of this med
icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons
possess chemical properties'which are neutralized by
being brought in contact with this prophy latie. as acids
are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, aud rendering them inert
The effect or thi agent is immediate, and removes the
possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, the
disease ha been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing
the poisonous secretion, which by absorption, produce
the consequences known as secondary disease, fa can
cerous and gangerous ulcers, in furtid discharges and iu
eutanous diseases where the secretions are excoriating,
it acts npo:i the snme principle and is one of the most
effectual remedies fir the purpose now known. Where
disease is once established it should t e used in connec
tion with other remedies, and when so used never fails
or success. It has beea administered by the Doctor in
mauv tbousaud cases, and he has yet to find the first
in which it has filled to subserve the purpose for which
it was administered. Trice, to. Full directions are at
tached to each package.
N. B. Iu cases where the Prophylaticum is used a
curative. Dr. L. J. Czspkny will furnish (gratis) a pre
scription for his blood punuer.
All communications froiu the country, addressed only
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, Sao Francisco, CaL. will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies,
with the greatest car anil secrecy, immediately dis
patched ty express or otuerwise to uieir uetination.
12m3 - San Francisco. O'-
To thk Laoies or Orhgos and Cauforxi L.J.
CzArEAT, M. D.. physician surgeon and acco;her, in
vites the attention of the sick aud aTUicted emales la
). ri r miller ,n, nf the Tnrirms fnnns of alseases of toe
brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, wosi. blood, kid
neys, and all diseases peculiar to thei' ex. tne ioc
tor is effecting more permanent cues than any other
physician in Oregon or California Let no false delicacy
prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yourself
from painfol suffering and premature death. AH mar
ried ladies, whue delicate aealth or other circum tancr
do not allow to have an increase in their families sbonU
write or cull at Dr. L. J. Czapkay' Medical Institute.
Amvry Hall, corner of Sacramento -and Montgomery
streets, and they will receive every possible relief and
help. The Duetor'a Offices are ao arranged that he can
be consulted without molestation. Um3
n Al consultations f by letter or otherwise J free.
Address to DR. L. J.' CZAPKAY. M. p.. ,
Medical Institute, San Francisco. Cal.
TsT-Tbe attention of the readers is called to the fbl-
0A'"aiy of high standing in society and respectability,
published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch.
September 14. 151. which i- as follows:
A Card The nnder-igned teel it her duty to express
her hoartfelt gratitude t Or. Czapkay. for the success
ful cnrc 0r harseir aud child. The latter having beeu
afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum." wa
sivc'i up as incurable by some ol the inost celebrated
n.lrl.n. when she called on Dr. Cz.tpkay. of whom
she beard very fnvorable report, and who. after a short
period restoreu tne niim w n?rici. uanu. uicuur
aged by this extraordiuary result, she sough! advi
herself ror the scrornlons malady, with which she had
been afflicted for eight years, aud which withstood tlie
treatment or the best physician in Europe and Ameri
ca. Bat Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording her
permanent reuef, so that she can aow enjoy life, which,
for eight years bad lost all charms fur her. she, there
fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and afflicted
Dr. Czanknv. as one of the most skillfnl
nhvsicians within the Uniied State.
Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia.
A. Guazeb, Notary Public. 126, 7th street.'
The following is an editorial notice in the Boston
Daily Times of August 6th. 1,854: . ;
A Scim-fiti. PnvsiciAH. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has
opened au omce a. wifcw mwun aww. iu tuts city.
ITr. C. ia a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army as physician and surgeon under the
patronage of Knusuth. He contbioes with a fiakhed
eilacatioa and the most refined and agreeable manner,
the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in his
irofesKiun, ana we ma uiuvu pleasure w lecommeadina;
tin to our citizens as a physician and a eentleman
nr. Czaukav baa spent some time in Philadelnhia when.
ha won the confluence and friendshiB of those who ha.
came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil
adelphia are gentlemen of the highest respectability
with whop we are personally acquainted. He .'
extensive practice in Hungary before the Austrian! and
Rnastans compelled him to leave it for beiag round
guilty oT excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive
that patronage due a man of so eminent capacity.
The above are only a few of the many testimonial
which Dr. Czapkay has in his -possession- bat cannot
publish for want of space. All communications, (by
letter or otherwise,) free.
aaT-Persons desiring nromnt attention, and who wish
to avoid the delsy of corresponding, caa have imtnedi-
ie attention ny sending leu dollars as eemmrtatwo tee,
u nave medicine forwarded. Adores to
.-'- L. J. CZAPKAY, M. V.
,"n3 an Francisco, CaL
AT0RRH f? A , or Local Weakness, nernm de
. I' V" hwsttude, weakfiea of the liatn
and back, indisposiUon, lust of memory, aversion to so
ciety, love ot solitude, tlp,idity, aeli-dwtroet. dizziness.
v'" "w, affection of the eyes, pim
ples on the face; sexual and otherlnfirm'.tu. in ..
cared without rail by the justly celebrated nhvsician and
jitrgeon, L. J. Czapkay. His method or curing diseases
Is new (anknnwn to others) snd hence ,. . . .
cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise free.
, . . Address, , L. J. CZAPK A Y, M. d!T '
linn . e-"" ;riHieiaeo.Cal-
" Notice;-
THE Judge of the Supreme Court of the Territory r
Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the 16th day of December. 1856, do fix aad appoint
District Court to be held In the Hty of Sslera. in the
rnnnlt nf tfarinn im the first Mond.lTS Of April SIM
September, and the fourth Mondays of My and Octo-
oer, annually, until otuerwise oraereu , uD vo.
of Portland, In the county of Multnomah, on the fifth
Monday, of December, 1H50, and thereafter on the first
Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed, nd do limit the duration of said Term to six days
each.. GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice- i
, l CTRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. !
1 Eedicai lerelitin ! The WtrM EmiMu
The virus of disease often makes Its way Sr the in
tevn.i nmiu hi-:igh tv pores of the skin. This pen
etrating Ointment, me'ting sader the hand as it is rub
A n ia .hanrhMi thnmiaii thd same channels, and
reaching the seat of innammiUo;. pr.?nptiy and inTsri
a'.ly suljdue it, whether located in ill ki Joeys .the liv
er, the lungs, or any other important ortC". pene
trates the surface to the interitir. through the poai.""'ess
tube that communicate with the f-kin a summer rain
passes into the fevered earth, diffusing it cool and re
generating influence. -
: . - : UNGS. . .
Every species of exterior h-ritatiod is quickly reduced
by the anti-inflammatory action of this Ointment. An
gry Eruption, such as Salt Rheum. Erysipelas. Tetter,
Ringworm, Scald Head, Nettle Rash, ncabiea (or It-h)
Ac, die oat. to return no more, under ita applicative.
H -sptfcil experience in all pal ts of the world "proves it
infallibility in dUeaaeaof the. skin, the muactes, the
joints and the glands.
The effect of this nnrivaUed external remedy npnn
Scrofula, and i4her virulent ulcers aud sores, is alru irt
uiiraculoos. It tint di-hares the poison w.'ucb pro
io.jes suppuntjoa and proud lie h. and thus the cures
which its hcatiug properties afterward complete are
safe as well as pertnvient.
In casee of the fracture of the bones, injuries ean.-ed
!y steam explosions. Braises, Burns, Scalds. Rheanti
tisrn, Suff.Tes of the joints, aud contraction of tae sm
ews, it is employed aad war-uly recommended by the
."a-city. This luarrdous remedy been introduced
!y its teventor in per-on into all the leading Hospital
if Europe, and no private household should be without
The, Medical Staff of the French and English Armies
in the Crimea have officiary signed their approval of
Hn.w!ys Ointment, as the m -st reliable dressing for
sihie cuts, stabs, and gnn sh t woonris. It is also sign
ed by the surgeons of the Allied Navies.
B mions. Bans. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. FiftrJa.
rtont. Lumbago. rcnril Ernj-tions. Pi!es.RheuoatisT::,
Ringworm, Salt Scalds, Skin i'i-esses. Swelirii
Glands, Sore Legs, Bre:t-ts, S're Heads. Sore
Thi-mts. Sores of all kirds. Sprains. Stiff Joints, Tetter,
Ulcers. Yeireresl Sores. :Hinds of all kinds.
,S.-!d at the or Pr.?e-or HoM.wav
so Maiden Lane, New York, -.nd 34 Strand. ljr..fri
by ail respe.-tal.!e Druggists ar, Heelers in Mfsliri,.e
throushoi.t the United States acu the civilized world
ia pots, at 25 cents, 62J. and tl eS.
TaT There is a considerable saviu&aone by taking
the larger sizes.
N. B. Direction for the guidance of parents in eve
ry disorder are affixed to each put. 3?yl
The Laws of Oregon.
THE OREGON STATUTES. 155. being a largiro!
nme of 650 page, with complete index, annita.
tions. and references, comprising all the law in forreiD
the Territory, iuclosire of those passed at last sessbn
or the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office i
the Statesman, at five dotlars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the be-t manner, bonnd in law style, anc
is sold at publisher pri es, and as low as a like work can
be brmght in any State in the Union, aad at the lowest
8gcre they can be afforded for here. The prite plseev
them witliin the reach of all who desire the jaw they
lire under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cob.
Biea ny rerarn man. it is tne last code or laws that
wiif pr-sbably be pi;losbed in Ore? n. for many years.
In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem
bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence. Con-tit'jtion of the United State. Treaties with
(Ireat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17if7, hi
force in Oregon, Donative aw aud all amendments,
and foil abstract of United 'ates Naturalization Lavs.
Estraw Animals.
THE subscriber at HarrHburg. Linn Co., has Is" the
following described animals :
A bay horse, with star ia forehead, a IiUU"hite on
bis nose, hind feet white up to the pastes joint, and
branded " zl" oa the right shoulder, 3 years old this
Also a roan cow. 7 or 8 years old, orahded J. S. on
the right hip, and - 21" as above. H a white cab
with red ears, about 13 month WJ, branded " 11"' as
above. The cow left tat fall, and probably ha had
another calf this spring.
Any person Hading tbewil! be rewarded for their
trouble, by informing me. A. McILWAlN.
June 16, 1357. y " ltnKpaid
CLL'S No. 1 Soa. he best you ever used. Try it.
White lead, lirea ou,
turpentine. otty, ,
indigo, msiiaer. copperas, alum, ; .,
oil for laivP and machinery,
Kew Oin sugar, ... ,
crushel sugar.
rrea tartar, saieratus, soda, at '
.- r Ha ! It Warkers af Iron aad Steel ! ;
1 HAVE this day received by the arrival of the J. R
Whiting from San Francisco, tbe following assort
ment of iron and steel, to wit s s -2.000
lbs. Norway shapes.
1.000 lbs. J XI Iron (flat,)
- J.000 " 3X3-16" " . ! .
8,000 " Kl "
. ' 6,000 " j. J. I, LJ. and H, square.
3,000 " f, 5-16, j. 1. and 1 J. inch round. .
1,000 " assorted east -teel.
100 " horse shoe nails, (G)
Which together with stock in store mikes a com
plete an assortment as can be found in Territory and
will be sold as cheap as the cheapest for cash or c-wn-try
produce. J. N. PRESCOTT.
Oregon City. Feb. 1-1, 1857. ' 50tf
Boot and Shoe Store.
FREDERICK WI C K M ON would announce
to tbe citizens of Salem, and the surround
ing country, that be have taken a store on the
east side of Couimercial street, north of the rmst-ifi;
where he will keep (Stai-taotly on hand a nil assort
ment of every kind of boots and shoes, boto ciist ra and
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workman, all order for thr
mannfacture or repair cf work will be cwnpl c i with,
and the work done in a substinli il and w rtcmaal.iie
manner. Give me a call and examine ray sck.-
Salem. March 12,1857. : - . , 13tf
Lok Here!
E have just received R.OOO lb, of ground linn
, salt, which we are selling at $3.0fJ per hundred.
, tinloWULaJ A CO.
, CatTee. -'""-
IF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned have got l.".( pounds best " COSTA
tCICA." Come in and look at it.
Oregon City, Dee. 6. 1856. . , .
Sar Francisco.
Portland, O. T. . I
utcnarni a, jncfJraken. 1 .
KJ Flour, Orain. Produce, Fruit. Pork. Bacon. Lard,
Hams, Ac, Ac. Orders for Oregon trade nmmntlr at
tended to. Liberal advance made oa consignments.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, Sen Francisco.
amuuary at, leo?. - 4ntf
Notice.: ......
fTH) all whom this may come, greeting : That I am to
J- leave for the State soon, aad win Id respectairy
request those who know themselves indebted to me, or
W.C.Oriswold A Co- to-call and settle wtthoot delay,
and oblige W.C GRISWOLD.
Salem. Janaarr 27. 1R57. - 46tf
WRITING-PAPER, superior article,
Black ink, from quart to J os,
Slate and pencils,
Tabor's pencils, v -
Envelopes, wafers, . . . .. ..
School cards aad toy books, at
26tf - - - -
mcatinsen Type Fannlrr. 1
PHELPS ft D ALTON. Boats. LP. Fisher, Agent,
Saa Francisco. Orders solicited, lor type, leads,
rule, Ac
Aagaat S3, 1857. 24tf
The Oregon Statesman. , ,
An Independent Jtmrrjai. devoted to Politic. General
mteuxgence, 9rc., PrntAohtd at Salem, Oregon. .
ASAHLL BUSH, Proprietor, PobliJier, and Editor.
The Plate-man is Democratic in pt Ltic, and thor
aughly National m its character. U is liotilr to every
Msicibs f f tioimi'.-m, fai ?v.. hm, and ii.t-'Umnce i
and will vigurously oppose H arterupts to imy rp'rte
any of tlie insane Lao of the day into car Territorial
leghlatioa. 1 - .
It will advocate all practical measure of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
our local government; tarthfuluei, istegrity. and ca-
parny ia ,orace, ana a eysiemoi ngia ana oirect ac--uiuntability
of the officer to the people; It will dia-
rns all measure agitating the puulic kiind, in a maa-
uer fearle, impartial, aud just. j . ,
Its News Department will be edited with mnch
attention, snd nothing will be spared to furnish early,
accurate, and comprehensive pobliratioB of the car-
rent intelligence. . -r . . ,
The Statesman has a large, widefy-scattered.and mast
corps of eorreioBlents, and very complete
fscilities for ptoenring news. . .
Due attention is also paid to the paolication of Misctl
sny, Agrfcnhural and Literary matter. ' , .
In tma pwier re paUibed tbe laws, resolutions, and
treaties of the United States, and the laws and resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The
paper k printed oa new mavrial, and upon a sheet of
the largest size. t. 1 , .....
Statesman Behi ami Job Office.
WE hare Three Presses, rhe beat facilities far Book
printing north of California, aad an extensive as.
aortmentof Joaaisa Matkmal of every kind; and, with
master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and
In workman-like manner, all order ia the abovs ds .
partznests , such a
Books, ; Blawc Cnzcx.
tii-"' PAampsTLaM.-r' NotzsovHaxs, " '
-f Haspmixsj - r . Obokb Boocs, -
Ball Ticxxts, ' ' - Steaxbo't Bill
CtBccLABS,' Snimo't Cmt, .
IirvTTATioirs, . . 1 Bill or Ladtsw'
.Bcsikbss Cards, : CmTinCATza,
: CovcexT Bills, Cwrcx Books,
ParxiRAHiirs, Bl'k RxcnrTS,
A dukes s Cakds. Dbapts, .
' ' Blatocs or all KrvBS, Ac Ac-, Ac
Law f Newspapers.
I. Duias-iiucrs woo so itji give cxpi ess notice vm tue. - .
contrary, are considered a wishing to continue thei I
1. if siiusenher order papery aisLjntunied. Pnhrihefrw
may continae to send them till all charges are paid.
irom .ne om- e or p. tee to warn toey are sent. Tncy arw
hrl respocsil.le nritil they settle their bill aud give no
jt-J-ntinne them.
, .rV.vl r?!.s move to other places w'fhont isfCTttuaS'
the Publisher. an3 " PIT sen' ue i ormcr
5. The courts hare dc;-;a...
r per or yri!d;cal frota tbe (
log it ancailea ror, is prima
mV Postmasters weald
of the regolations rerpriring
it in three months, of papers not taken froas tsehr
office by sulsNrrH-ers.
Hotel International,
THI- boue is kept strictly as a hotel. The
utmost care used ta y, lease every guest
throughout every Jepartme'it. No troable in
m jsquit'ar in aavpartof tiiehoiiye. A coach
ui irked " 1 ter.iati jnal"Ia!wiys at the host to convey
ia--iigcrs to the house, for $1 each person. in.-!adina;
:ns?. . A.S. H LSr. Lessee.
Assisted by John J. Haley, aad E. R- ttubinson, lata
of the Rail Road Hocse.
Aaga-t 25. 1-57. I7m3
Liver y and Sale Stable.
tryE are now teeping a Livery f-tule in
VV Oregon City, where JSaxts can al
ways be outair.etl on liberafterms.
We are also prepared with excellent sta
bles, well sappiied with hay and oat?, to keep bin a
oy dty or week. Those who rail upon us may feel as
sured that every attention will t 'given to hordes left
in our charge. GIBSON A POTTER.
Augnst 11. 1957. iltf
Salem Tannery.
rpHEsnbs)criaers bare p-!roua.-eal tbe Tannery at 5a
X iera, formerly be! o.tiaj u ElUha Strong. All de-s-:r?t!as
or leather will be kept constantly on hand,
and the highest price, iu ca h or learner, will at ail
lime be paid for hide and bark.
Salem. Or. 21, 1857- ly 33 paid
City Hotel, Corvallis.
TTOULD announce to the citiseis of CorvallM, aad
V the travelling puhlic generallr, tost ther have
thoroughly refitted this well known etaoliskment. and
are now prepared for the accommodation of customer.
The rooms have all tea newly refurnished, the beds
clean and comfortable, aud fieir tuble will be furnish
ed with the best toe m.irkct affords.
Corvallis, Aug. 30, ls57. J5yl
Allan, McKintay, & Co.,
AVE just rece ded a stock of New Good, ana
would iavite all those who mrm An rmenn. izru Z
articles at reasonaTte prices, to call and see them. Ther
consist in part of the folio win-;
Grindstones, . - Canal ard WlCr"'
'jrain Cradles,
Orass Scytbea and Snaths,
Brash do - asc-'
16 sq Harrows. eeth
Garden Ra,
do ffoes.
do Spade.
Polished Shovels, 1
Hay Frks,
arauure Forks, ,
Window Gla$s S Tt 10 -
do IS by 12
do 7 by 9
Window Sashes 8 by 10
- - do 10 by 12
.Assarted Colored, Hails,
Painted Tabs,
Zinc Washboards,
Blacksmith s Bellows
Croas-cctSawa, 7 ft
do ft .
MiB Paw. 7 ft
Hair Mattresses, doable,
do - single.
Hair Bolsters, doeble.
- dot single.
Sperm Candle.
Adamantine do..
Grape brand Tobacco,
sows ana a ocesv
laicae no ao
itlaakets. Baize. Lindsevs. Sheetings. Ticks. A-c -t-e
We keep eontantlv oa band a large supply of CRO
ciea too numerous to mentxai.
Oregon CKy.' ,tf
t KeHTon't Oagnerrean
7 ;: -
THE anderslgned having recently returned from Saa
Francisco. a aow prepared to take those beautiful
Pictures oa Glass called A Mil R O TYPES, which have:
almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype ia the
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in the new h iljing. erected espeeiallw for Ao
banae, west of the Marion Hoose.
Salem.Novemberll.185S. 35tf
New Store aad New Goods.
At Oaf '!. 3Ietkenen' Ferry, O. T.
ALBERT ZIE3F3.1eaer iitdry good, groceries,
eeockery, hardware, prod ace. Ac.
, UaviagV'irchAse'l toe stock io trade ofG. E.Getch
ell. tgether with the premises knr.wn as Metheney'a
Ferry, oa the Willamette river, aud having hoist a new
stfreliouj. and replenished the -Sock of goods on hand .
nw offers to exchange, for produce or cash, an aseort
sent of
Dry jioods. consisting of clothing, eassimere. satit.
re. is. sheeting, shirting, and fancy goods; hat and
caps, boots and shtes, EToceries in variety, with spice,
nuts, raisins, and candte-; patete, oils, saediciBe. per
fumery, cn ekery. tiaware," hollow-ware, stove, hard--w
are cutlery, aud many other articles to meet the wants
of the pul'lfi". ; ...-"- l - .;
Lie has ls- moved ar.d repaired his warehouse, o
tLat be is no prepared to purchase or take in storage,
country produce, which i.e can discharge by a slide to
teamers' 1 ks. without tess expeite of draysge.
And being detemiacd to conj-tsnt'y keep on hand a
good supply of suc'i goods as the coontry trae miy re
onire, be beheves he ean juake It an obfect for the- bso
pie ia hi vk-inity to extend hira their papneae-
. No diiference made in tbe price ot poods, whet&s
er Hd for cash or pidoee, , .
October 2. 157. . t - f 3tr
DEALER in clocks, wstche and jewelry. Sa- a.
lem. O. Tv Particular attentmi paid b tas f
re pairing of watches aad clocks- All work war
ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice. ,
FOB SALE r ' .
ir-v .ww a i:v striking clocks at a verr-
i : lii a.K.r mirineciocka.
s Ladies ard gents Btooeh. Fmrer Rings, Ear Itinga..
Gold Ruckles. tisardChaina, Ac, e- .
8alem.Jjly8.lS57. - , 17tf
- a-Kc;-Tfr si i Ssklt! Salt!! .i I
fff TONS "Saa Qiientin" SALT, ia aboat SO -A.
!vl 100 lb. bags, just received and for sale very fV.H -ALLAN
fjwsyn Gty,Tec.6,18o6. - -v
&. Ietwis,
A STORE room in Orleans, a Srst rale stand for a
produce dealer. The Orleans warebooee and ators
U1 he rented tceUr if rennd. . e
July 8. 1857. - . . . 18tf
Alt. MeKinlar. dt CtsW
wmnocinv vr.irn A VTR mJt.
ClEJIBiBali tuaa"-' . -
j- wholesale aad Retail lealr m Dry Good. Gra-
OT Wholesale aad BetsilJUear m v,
ceries, Hardware, Ac Oregon City , (XX.
1 'hat refusfoa-to take a psv
ffie t. x-Jc.rTTi eij iea- j
facia' cvia:w"B-,c6o' ,; hr a rtrict rn.'?Tme i
them to m-t fv Pahfiyl-T-r..