The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, December 01, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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Tho City Book-Btoro,
' (rmosr sr., port-laxd, o. t.,)
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
aval Store, and will U receiving by the 1st of Job
Which they ofler to tha
At mall advances on New York pries.
va aa a call, or send as an order, aud we are
: : hcmnd to give you satisfaction !
A. to. Sninler fc Co.,
iue ths Box. Assets la Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sale of
Tiia n2rieaa CiiUsssaa.
A GREAT BOOK!! Being the only political Watery
of the United States.
Bead as yirsr mtrnn Price M t Payable oa de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September
to aK who aead oa their nsnes by 1st of If ay.
Cttsltpt tf rtri tf tir Stack :
aiaaa-V-Saodera' old -1st. !d. Sd. th, and 5th,
bad The Yeoni- Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, Sd, 3d,
tt and 5tV. Parken'-lst, Sd. 94, ith and 5th; If e-
tUkf'i 1st, TO, sa, u ana an.
New; Etemen-
nM Sud Pictorial. School and Parker.
G son a at aixs. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, (!
ys, Morse's, McN alley's, and Monteiths 1st and
3d nook.
M iTnniTtcs. Arithmetics Thomson's. Tabli
Venial. Analvsds.J'Taetical, and Higher; Davles' Pri
mary, Intellectual. School and University; Smith s
Calbare Bay's Stoddard's; Daviea Algebra, Snr
vejia?. Geometry. Practical Mathematics. Math. Die
ttooanr, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Puuosopny or Mathematics.
tiraitunars. Green's Clarke Bullion's Smith's
artrkA Atjeucgr'a Tower's.
. PaiLosorniKS- Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and
School; Comstocke Smith a.
nnrnun Wilson's Juvenile, and United State
Parley's Universal; WiUard's Universal, and United
l.i-.rinn Conner's Virgil: Andrew's Latin Rea
der Vtri Hhr Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClin-
tock's tit and 2d Book in Latin, and do. ia Greek; An
thon's Greek Grammar and Reader; Johnson's Cicero.
FasqaeUe'a Preach Grammar and Ueader; Woodbury's
German Grammar and Reader, Telemaqne. Greek Tes
tament: French, self-taught; Surrenne French Dic
tionary; Andrew's Latin d v. Liddcll A Scott s Greek
Ao.ABlhoa's Classical do. Smith's do do.
Dn.-noaaias-Webters School, High do, Aca
demic, University, Royal 8vo, Unabridged and Lobba
Pocket. ...
Mlscellaveot. Mattison s Astronomy. newman s
athetotic Wood's Botany. Kame's Elements of Crit
icism. Parker's Aid ia Composition, Parker's Exer
eJse. BrookSeld's Composition. McElligntt's Yoiag
Analyzer. d. Analytical ManuaL Porker's Word
BaUuer. MayUew'a Book Keeping. Waytand a Moral
Science. Paley "a Natural Theology. BUke's Agricul
ture for School. Cpham's Intellectual Philxophy.
Mahan' do. do. Milton; Young; Pollock: and Tao-np-aon;
(Edition for School) Cutter's Anatomy and
Pay;Jciogy. Americaa Debater. Newman's Politirsl
Boon my. Hitchcock's Geology. Great vanety cf
Speaker and Elocution. All kiad of School Station
ery; Slitrs of all size; Drawing Books; Drawing
Paper; Perforated Card Bxird; Bristol Bard; Pencil
and Brashes; O -bora's Color; Inkstands, every siae
and style, &c. Ac, Ao.
HrSTOsr BancrolVs United State. volume.
Hitdreth's do. do, volumes.. Frost's Pk-torial United
State. Taylor's do, do. d. Botta's Hist. Rwd-atiou.
Peterson's da. Wilson's United States. WiHard s do.
Hist. Indian War United States. Willtrd's Universal
Htst.TT. Mailer's do do. Rotteck's Hist. World 1 or
S volume!. RoHin's Ancient History. Farr's do, do.
H ame's England. Macaulay's do complete. Dickens
Child's dv. Liogard's d-.. Cib'wm's Rome. D'An-
. r. . :IL. ft...-. If E f-fcrawh A 111.,-,.
Hgnc nei ' -rn n ' .i- imu " - , . . . . "
Europe 1st sad td Series- Prescott's Work. Border's
III', of Uelijrioo. Hi.t, nt Council or Trent. Joe-
phset. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet.
Vie3S of Saia. Q;:een of Scotland. Help's Spanish
Coai-Msti. Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Kn
bank's BrszX Parioy's Universal. Hist iry of Cru-
' aales. Ancient Ejptlin. nIUm's Middle Atva.
ajiry for Bit, limner's Card's United States.
l.t.i;" Field l5 -ok of Rev l rtion.
BroGaarar Plutarvh's Live. life Brant Won-
" Cuaracters. Great aid Celebrated Characters.
' Uvea of the Sijmers. Aoto.iiojraphy or Finley. La
marti le's Celebrated Chara-ter. Liteof Adam Clarke.
- do Daniel Bione. do Robert, do Lafayette. Cap
tihx r R.imia Kcnnblic aud id World. Dr. Chal
mers, 4 vol. Lives of Huai'ioldts. Mrs. RoRers.
lfnzart. Wedev. Fletcher. 1-i e and Times of Clay;
Irvine's Wadiiatm. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of
Chief Jatices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb.
' Jsekaoa. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. Lad v Jane Grey.
J. O. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kings of
Rome. Kmc aad Qjeen. Liebmta. Lives of the
Pope. Prexeott's Philip Id. Miry and Martha Wash
Inrtm. Pfoneer Women of the West.
TaavEM. Hnck's China. Araneanlans. Stenbea's
Frypt. Olio's Travete. Mango Park. Nile Notea
Advectores on Mosquito Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav
els. Dnrbin's Travel in the Eat.
, K-rtmne Bnwle't Enrvelooedia. Phrsirsl Geo--
raphv of the aea. Wood's Xjt'iral Hitiry. Lardners
Lectores. Usefnl Arts. Cveaoa. Mathematical IHc-
T:lry. Iric of Mathematics. Wondeia of Science.
Miteiieil's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loorais' Re-
reat PlsMTresa of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Art aad Science. Enhank's Hydraulics. Pick a works.
Various work oa Architecture.
Poirjr. Bjron varioos styles. Shakespeare, do.
Milton, do. Bores, do. Hcmn, do. Moore, do.
TiKMBMO. Younif. Parflork. T upper. Cowper. Pope.
Csmpbell. Wadswortb. Ossian. Montgomery. Kirk
While. Female Poets of England, do. do. America
Sad many others.
Boobs or Rtrsaawcn. Cycloped ia of Geography,
do. do. Ffne Arts. do. do. Biofraphy. Useful Arts.
SJcOOocb's Gaaetteer. Harper's Universal Guettees-.
- FaxTT axn AoMCCLTtmaL. Elliot's Fruit ISook
Thomas' do. Dosmiug's do. Barry's do. Feswenden's
Fansey sad Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
a StrawSesry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book.
Alton's Oomestie Auiaaals. All of Sazton's Hand Books.
Works on Hone, Cattle. Sheep, Hois, Ae.
TssoUMicat, X Rmjotoca. Harmonv and Exp-I-Moa
of Gospel- Neander's Life of Christ. Butler's
Works. Knapp's Christtaa Theology. Western Meth
odise. Morris Miscellanies. Lectures on Romanism.
Brand of Do-ninic Role. Elliot oa Romanism. Barnes'
Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's
Exercise. Watson's Institutes. Larrabee's Evidenre.
Butler's Etiiical Discourse. Rogers' Eclipe of Earth,
do. Reano and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection.
Baker oa Discipline. Writings of Arminioa. Jaha's
Biblical Arcbssoloe-y. Bibles, all sixes and prices, from
1 t- fit. Teguments, areat variety. Methodist
Hrmas. Cnristiaa Hymn Books. Chnrch Pslmi.
PfynhKith Collection. Select Melodies. Christiaa
Mrmcii-Bachan's Family Physician. Ilydro
pathie do. Homospathie Works.
M mcks.1. a boc - Coustitutkms of United States
Miyhew's Popular Edacation. Crabbe'e Synonyms.
Piatt's Bnk of Curiosities. Odd's Manual.,
H-adley'a Work. 1 1 vols. Mrs. TuthiU'e, vols. Lay
ard's Nineveh. Bigelow'a Useful Arts. Harwell's En
saei's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
Ksowledim. ParitMadison. Peruvian Antiquities.
Way Down East. Pynhnrt. ' Ike Marvel's Works.
Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles
ia EapUnd. Tslesand Reveries, (aa excellent Temper
ance Book. Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Md
ter Old Red Saadatnoe. do. Footprints of Crest-w.
Yonna; Ladies' Counsellor. Yonns; Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Const ita
ttoaal Text Book. Capt!vein Patagonia. The Ameri
can Mouse wife. Half Hours with Old Humohrer.
Athens; it Grandeur and Deay. Mrs. Sedwi- k's
Redwood, do. New En 7- Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arth'ir's Soecessfn! Merchant. do.Tal. Mrs.
Partjnrfon. Horace Translation. Vinril do. Mrs-Csr-len's
Work. Heroines of !iitbry. Land and Ses
Deck and Pirt. Sn and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irvine's.
Culumhos. fMik Ahead. C'itv of New York.
Living rraton of America. Yonnjr Man Advixed. Mis-
moasin Tmscaand Feeee. Troth htran'rer Than Fic
tion. Kaout and the Ra'sn. Hvdrapatlnc Cook
Book. Deioh Bed Scenes. Gift Bvk for Young Mea
do. Jdo. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Bov.
Fontjwipts of Famous men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philoso
pher. Aoooua itarco rant books, as r ran coma.
And a nniaber of others too nime'oas to enumerate.
Constantly receiviag larje additioas to the foregoing
Sranoxzav. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let.
mc do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel
etaes aU atyles. Ink al. kinds. Pens and Ilnldeni
ifrc it rarifctv. Bn Book all sizm and styles
femoranduios. Diaries. Pass Book. Time B - k.
Paier Ortters. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
LUh graphic rPrints a large vanety. Wrapping Pn
per ?ood variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac., Ac
Finally, we have a (food vanety of
Music B-ioks New Carmine Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer. Pnlci mer. Cboms tii?e Book. Metropolitan do.
acred Melodian. Christian Psalmwt. Piano Instruc
or. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do, Yinlin do
M'ilodeon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sbeet
And the m wt varied assortment of Statioxert ever
ffered in Oreeon.
mr Thi stock is all bought in New York and other
astern cities and is sold at
sT We keep oa band SonooL Boots ia large quan
ea, toeythec with most of the publications of
Harper A Brothers;
$ Dertiy A Jackson;
Ivison A Phinney;
PbilUps A Ssmsim;
A. S. Barnes A Co.;
Miller. Ortoa A Mulligan;
IK we sasi your narriatae. smsble to ut
Books and Stationery.
ar ths obcoom cirr rosr omct sciuua.
WOULD respectfully call the attention of his friends
and the Dublin to ths fart that ha has on band.
aad keeps constantly supplied nitha large stock of
or ail kinds, which be oners for sale. Tor can, at the
above buildine. His nresrsf stock is comprised. In
part, of the following, via :
Oregon Statutes, session laws of Ore son session
Mid T; Washington livings works; Redleld's Com
parative Physiognomy; Discovery and Exploration of
the Mississippi; Sear's American Revolution; Sear's
Family Annual, Wilson's Essays sad Miscellanies; Be.
thunca Poems; Life of the Emperor Napoleon, by Lock
hart; Lives of the Presidents; Life of Andrew Jackson;
Webster's Life and his Masterpieces; Bancroft's Lire
of Washington; Life and Speeches of Henry Clay;
Buflbn'a Natural HUtory; Joscphna' complete Works;
Lane's Brigade In Mexico; Oliver Cromwell; A Ten
nessean Abroad; Indian Ware of the United States;
The B ok of the Ocean and Lire on the Sea; Miss Hall's
Practical Cookery; Mrs. Hale'a New Cook Book; The
Improved Honsesrife, or Book or Receipts, by Mrs. A.
L. Webster; History or the Mormons from their origin
to the present time; Fern 1 .eaves from Fanny's Port
Folios; The Spectator, by Blagdon; Topper's Proverbi
al Philosephy; Loots Napoleon and the Bonaparte Fam
ily; Thompson's Seasons; Young's Night Thoughts;
Paradise Lost; Pollok's Course of Time; Benjamin's
Pilgrims Progress; American's Own Book; The World
Illustrated 50 Engravings; Life and Essays of Benja
min Franklin; Life of Washington, by Sparks; Com
stock's System of Elocution; Fremont Exploring Ex
pedition through Oregon and California: Pictorial Ills,
bwy of All Nations, by Goodrich; Benton's SO years ia
the U. S. Senate; Byrns Works; IreecUa Bingrn-
Shtes and Critical Miscellanies; Presoott's Conquest or
exiro 3 vol; Prescotts Ferdinand and Isabella 9
vols; Prescott's Robertson's History of Charles 5 S
vols; Prescott's 1st and td Philip; Milman'a Gibbon's
Rome; Rollin'a Ancient History: Plutarch Uves; Ma
cauley'i History of England; Dick's Works; Cuntming's
Lectnres; Webster's American Family Cyclopedias;
Scott's Napoleon; Chamber's Information for the Peo
ple; Life in the Itineracy; Life of Gen. IjtTayette; The
Young American's Life of Fremont; History of Ire
land, br Mooncy; Heavenly Home: Carlrle'a New Es
says; British and American Female Poets: Barns'
complete Work; Moore's Poetical Wnrks: Burns" Po
etical Work; Mrs. Heman's Poetical Work: Milton's
Complete Works; Topper's Complete Works; Life end
Beauties of Shakespeare; Arabian Night; Balloon
Travels in Earon; tarard'a Discoveries at Nlnevah;
Wbeeplev's Comnend of HUdorv: Headier Micella-
nies March's Reminiscence of Consrres; Thaddena of
Warsaw: ace fianiers icuro: aieiuourne ana me
Chincha Island; Knitz's Sacred Historv; Pcnn4iiirt
his Wanderings and Ways or Thinking; Robinson
Crusoe: Children or the Abbev: Indian Battle. Captiv
ities and Adrent-ires; Dream and Realities or a Pas
tor and Tearben The Ship Carpenter'a Family; Victo
ria, or the World Overcome; Bibles and Testaments;
Webster's Dictionaries large and small; Gnnn's Cele-
nraieu iometic Urdirmes; f-nort lslent iermon. ny
Dow, jr: Larimer I.ittlecrood. Kq: Arthur's Tales;
Thomson's Practical Arithmetic; Calhoun Intellectual
Arithmetic: VomI and In-trainental Note Rooks; Mit
chell's Geogranhy and Atlas; Youstt on the Structure
and disease of the Horse: Saxton's Rural Hand Books;
Cole's American Frnit B ok: Downing's Rnrnl Ravs;
Downing' FmJt and Fruit Trees or America: F.lliott's
Western Book: American Cattle Dadd:
Frnit. Ilowrr and ewt-ible Ganlener's Co-npanioa:
American Fruit 'Mltarist. by Thoai.i.: The Strawberrv
Cnlture, ty Pardee; Amerii-an Poultry Yard, by Bmwa;
X" . . . , . .
i iMiai. onure si-ini-rmmi anu lo.eascs 01 ri:c-"D ;
Note. Letter and F:olcan naner: Pens and Pen' old
er; Sand and Sand boxe; Mark. Bine and Bed Inks;
Plain and Fancy Envelopes; Slate and Slate Pencils;
Oregon City, Jane S"J. 1S57. lTtr
25,000 Worth
TtHE snlwcribers would respectfully Inform their n
X tamers and the public geuerally that tbey have on
hand, and are in constant rreeiitt of smod fr,m San
Francisco and Aew rk a large aud well-se-
lerienstocs consisting in part oi
Alum, a'.Upi.-e, an I alpacca.
B nnets, lirrnges, and bro. linen.
Cambric, crah. and calico,
D metic de lai:sea, and damak.
Ed-ring, embroidery and everything,
Haawis, fringes, and fancy bxin'a,
:inghsms. gaiter." and gloves.
Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins.
Iron. ink. and inserting.
Jaconet .jeans, and Java enflee.
Knives, kid glove, aad knittin j pins.
Lawns, lard and Liverpool salt.
' Mutard, mirror, and matches.
Needles, nail, aad nice things.
Oil, overshirt. nd Oolang tea.
Pin, pant, and paper.
Q tilts, quills, and uueensware.
Ribbons, rar rs. and rat-trap.
Silk. Siiar. and -having soap.
Tea. t bc-"o. and turpentine.
Umbrellas, nnder-sleevcs. and nsefnl things.
Veil, varnish, and vinegar.
Wreathe, woolen goods, waffle-irons.
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions,
Hac, and aephvr worsted,
Ae Ac, and so on.
Beddes many other articles tx numerous to mention :
all of which we are offering at reduced prices, adopt
ing tne plan or " y nrasaie and small prom."
The ladies will And in their department a large stock
of fancy goods, direct from New York, which is not
usually Kept in uregon, and nv arrangement win ne in
constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies.
The Gentlemen's ltepartment of furnishing goods
will eli-vm be equalled, and excelled by none in Salem.
ltiu TV.i Idackmiiu and iron dealers will always
8nd a well-selected sto' k of all sizes and shapes, to
gether with a good assortment of iron axles, from 1-4 x
in-, to S x 1 1 incbe. which we are selling at Portland
prices, siding freight.
We are oreoareu ! receive all kind of produce In
exchange for good, and alo "toney. For full particu
lars call aad examine ror yourselves .
Salem. Feb. 10. 1S57. 4Stf
L. P. Fisher's
ADVERTISING Agency. San FranHsco No. 171 J
Washington street, up stairs, nearly opposite to
Maguire's Opera
L. P. FISHER U the authorized Agent of the
Oaeoo STAVxsnaa;
Marysrille Herald;
Sacramento Union ;
San Joaquin Republican. Stockton;
Pacific Methodist, Stockton;
Sonora Herald;
Nevada Journal:
Grass Valley Telegraph;
Red Bluff Beacon;
Columbia Gazette;
Mountain Democrat, Placervtlle;
Tnnlnmne Courier;
Calvarez Chronicle. Mokelumne Hill;
FJ Dorado Democrat;
Shasta Courier;
Maripoa Gazette;
Yrekis Weekly Union;
Trinity Jonmal, Weaverville;
Iowa Hill News;
Weekly Ledger. Jackson;
San Jose Telegraph;
Sonoma County Journal;
. Folsom Dipatch;
California Mining Journal; -Los
Angeles Star;
Panta Barunra Gazette;
San Diego Herald:
Almeda Cinnty iazette;
Placer Coarier, Yankee Jim's
Napa County Reporter;
Sierra Democrat, Downieville;
Hurauoldt Times;
Oregonian, Portland, O. T.
Pacific Christian Advocate.Salem.O. T.
Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T.
Pionr-er and Democrat. Olympia.W. T.
Washington Reubliban, Steilacoom, W.T.
Pnynesian, Il iuoluln, S. I.;
Pacific Commercial Advert!ser. Honolulu S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Honrkoug Register.
L.P. F.hasTnow completed hia arrangements for
the forwarding of advertixnient to all the principal
largest eircnlating Journals and Newspapers publirbcd
in the Atlantic State.
A. fine opportunity is here offered to those who wish
to advertise in any' part of the Union, or doing so at
the lowest rates, aad in a prompt and satisfactory man
ner. August 25, 1857. 24tf
For Sale.
TWILL sell one half of the land claim known
...i.. a, i . : i- . : . 1 1 r
aajoins Mr. peter II. listen s ana is anon pir
two miles from Oregon ?itv. on the uniier Wil-
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the
property, lying aad situated ia the beautiful and rapid
ly growing town of Corvallis, Benton Co., and known
as the Thomas" property, conwiKting of four lots of
lanu, vigeiner wn ail loe nuiiaingx uiereon. cwu
property is in a beautiful location. and both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at cash
price. Inquire of tit nubscriler. at his store in Ore
gon City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery,
in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis.
Also, six (6) lot or lan4 la Oregon City.
Oregon City, March 1. 1S57. Itf
Salem Drag Store
FRONT Street. Rector's building. Constantly
on hand a full assortment of Dnt-GS, Mriin
cixes, Paixts, Oils and Dye Sti ffs, Patent
In short almost every article usually found in a Drug
Store. and are offered-at Wholesale and Retail, at
extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as
. . r Orders solicited.
t Prescriptions free nf rh,ro r
SS" Prompt attention wUl be given to professional
" -I'J; . A. M. BELT. M. D.
Salem. O. TJune 3, 1957. IStf
TS hereby green, that C. S. Woouworth la authorised
J. to traasaci my persomai pusmeaa aurtng my absence.
i usisirou).
i sdsm.JaMl7.1857. istr
RY-GOnc for issues sna geatiemen, fn great va-
8. J. BlcCormlclt,
Fmrililin Cook Dtoro,
(mo iTRxxT, ronTL4sn,o.T.)
HAS consUntly on hand a large stock of Booxa ahd
STATIOMEXr . Which ha sella Bt a amall ariu on
PuBLisnxna Paicaa.
2sT A catalogue may be seen la the Oregon and
Washingtion Almanac ror 1857. Books ordered there
from sent postage free to any part of either Terrritorv.
Portland, Feb. It, 1857. 60yl
Corrallis Urns 8tre.
J. R. CARDWELL, Druggist and Apothecary, la eon-
stantly reoelving, per California steamer, targe
uu vaiawij mnw-vw b---l,mv, inwpina anKucinea,
Oils, PsinU, Varnish, Soaps, Perfumeries, Toilet Fur
niture, Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug
which will be furaLshed at California, wholesale prices.
Mr oaDcxt soucrnto.
OorvalllH. May 80. IKM. ltf
Blacksmiths and others, Look.
ALLAN McKIN LAY A CO. have now oa band a
large and well setae tod stock at
Bar Iron, Cast Steel,
Hone shoe do German dsl.,
Nail rid do., Plough do .
Plate do..
And intend to keen up ths assortment so as to suit the
wants of customers. Give as a call, and vnu will fled
that we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell
" aa cheap as the cheapest." We are constantly receiv
ing additions to our assortment, so aa to replace what
nt mhu.
Oregon City. Dec. S3. lBSs. ltf
Henry J oknsosl E Can
(148 Washington Street, Ban Francisco.)
ORbr for sale to the country trade, the largest stock
of goods ia their line on the Pscifla eaaxt rnmnH-
sing Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery. Patent Medicines of
all kind. Brashes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Turpentine, and
every article appertaining to the business. Having su
perior racilittea ror obtaining their goods thev think
they can oftVr inducements to buyers unequalled by
oiy moer aniw.
prdeni retectfully solicited. 401 y
CHAIN PUMPS, monkey wrenches,
match planes, screw arm,
sash planes, "
horse shoea and nails to fit.
gun lock, plugs and nipples,
tubes, bullet mould.
Woenholm's IXL pocket knives,
pruning and budding knives,
rat trap to eatck sewtrrrf. at
Books and Statloaerr
Parker's 1st. id. Sd, tth and Sth. .
Sanders' do do do - do
McGcffy's do do do do
I:ivics'"arith metic .
University and Common School,
lutellectus! and primary,
1 la tic' Kimrdon algebra,
Legendre, surveying,
Geometry and trigonometry.
Key to l)avie' Arithmetic,
Thomtson's arithmetic,
Parker's philosophy.
Juvenile and lit lesons.
Grammar Clark's. B illion's Smith's,
tieograpliies Mitchell's. Monteith's manual,
Munteith's 1-t lesson..
Mnio Ijite of Zion. New Carmina Sacra,
I'hri-tian Palmist, Missnnri Harmony,
Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at
Notice to Fruit Growers.
R. C. Geer.JbCo.
HAVE1M.0OO Frnit Trees consMing of 1S.000Eso
pus Spitzenbergs, 1 ,) Yellow N. T. Pippin, 10,
DUO Winruivcs. li.ooil White Peartnatna. and a Hne as
sortnicnt of Summer. Fall, and other Winter apples,
pears, plum, and cherry trees, from S tot years old,
which we will sell at the following prices for ca.-h :
Cherry tree 50 to tl 00
Plum " , 50 to 1 00
Apple $.,
Pear " 25 to 75.
and a liberal disconnt made where a person buys a
mTOsanu irees or ever.
We consider November the best month to transplant
trees. R. C. G EER A t O.
Fruit Farm. Marion Co.. Sept. $1. 18.57. Sittf
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE nndfrsi-ncd now off. r his valuable
larm fr sale, situated on Spring Creek,
in Marion Co., O. T.. one and a hair miles
south or McKinnav's Mill, en the County road
running trora Salem to said Mills. It contain 40 acres.
of whi -h Jit) acres is under a good substantial vtake
and rider fence, one hundred acre in good cultivation,
two hundred tine bearing trees, a good farm
bouse, togrther with other ont ImiMing. Said farm is
well watered, and the best adapted to stork raising
and wheat growing of any farm in theTerribwy. Said
farm has been settled since 145, and was among the
first claim taken in Marion Co. Any person desirous
of Imying a good farm, with a litle money, will do well
to call at the residence of the undersigned.
Spring Creek. March 30. 1357. 4tf
House. Carriage. Slim, and Steam
boat Paint Ins;.
C A. REED having established his Paint shop in
Salem, is prepared to execute with -dispatch all in the above line. Banners, Standards, and Em
blem', for societies painted on silk. satin, velvet or mus
lin. Paints of all col ir and descriptions mixed, ready
fortwe.for sale at his hoo ; alo White Lead. Linseed
Oil. Turpentine aad Vrnih, Wall paper and Border,
Window glass, rami nrnsnes. graining soot, ae. in
fections given in painting, also ia graining imitation
of wood, stone or marble.
X. B. Orders from abroad promptly attended to.
All jobs iutT'ed to h care warranted to give satis
Salem, Jan. . 1857. 3yl
TIIE jndges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and flfty-
sm, no nx ana appoint i luanri jaan, so ne neia in
village of Roseburg. in the county of Douglas on the
Brst Mimdsvs.of March. May, September and Novem
ber.annnally, nntil otherwise ordered, and do limit the
duration of said term to six davs each.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Cblerjust.ce
4ltf M. P. DEADY. Associate Justice.
At Kucenc CltT.
TIIE subscriber ha at Eugene City, one of the best
general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Hard
srare. Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene
ral finding store, to be found in Oregon. He is con
stantly receiving freh additions to hi stork, and al
ways keeps it np. My good are now all received direct
from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. All
Kinasoi inrmer sproauce received iu exchange tor goods
I nav higher prices for ptrxim-e. aud sell rood cbeaner
than any other store in the Territory.
Eugene City, July 1 , 1R36. ltf
STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber,
living In Albany, Linn Co., O. T., on or
about the nrt of December, 156, one sor
rel horse. Maze faced, right hip knocked
down, branded on near shoulder O. T-, vented V, hair
brand. No other brands or marks recollected. Anv
one returning said horse will be liberally rewarded.
.J. M. McCONNEl.L.
Albany. Jsnnary S7. 1S57. tHtfpsid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
IT is often the rase that persons suffer for a long time
with a curable disease from the fact that they do ant
know where to go to And relief. I am prepared to re
nt we all Tumor, Cancers and Diseased Bone to re
duce dislocated jo'nts of longstanding, straighten, wry
neck, elnb foot, and to correct all deformity of the
race and eyelids. D. G. CAMPBELL, M. D.
Corvallis, O. T. May . 1857. Mf
Marlon House, Salem.
THE undersigned announces to the public
that be ha purchased the well known
tavern stand, called the Marion House, in Sa
lem, together with the furniture and fixtures
thereof. He will keep it in Brst rate style, and Invites
u pnirmiim in toe puutic. tt. H. MAI
May S3, 1857. lltf
DR. J. R. CARDWELL. Dental Surgeon, Corvallis.
in his profession, at Corvallis, Eugene City, Win
chester, Scottdinrg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques
tionable: charges respectable; work, warranted. Teeth
examined, and advice given free of charge.
Due notice given of change of office.
April S3, 1855. Ttf
Look Here.
ALL persons that are indebted to James Strang, are
requeted to rail and settle their accounts by the
l.",th of Hay. and all those who do not, will And their
accounts in the hands of John D. Boon. Justice of the
Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem, I
want to settle tip my accounts. JAMES STRANG.
Salem. April 21. 1857. Stf
Reynolds V Law.
COMMISSION Merchants and dealers in all kinds of
Oregon Pruduca. Advances made on goods con
signed to us anil forwarded rf qf ckargg.
' Office at J. Failing A Co's. 15m
rXfififi bnshel Oats, and 5000 Wheat, and anynuan
tSVUU tity of dead swine, for which cash will be
naid on delivery.
Oregon City, Nov.SS. 1850.
TAR, at
TONS assorted iron, just received at
DEEDS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of
eorip, Sax receipts. Anal proofs, and notification
la. 1 at l.l - - -a j, a, a. aSaVs
nvw pnwcu avuv iur pare mm uia i naw aiiiiB 11
8. R. Uncklea
Salem, November 9. 1857. 35tf
1. I. nayer,
in Corvallis. Benton Co., O. T., opposite to the
City Hotel la said town. K"
W. W. Page.
ima, O. T., Offlce, Brst door south of the .States
man OIBes, np stair. SOtf
.raasAB. lakbixo stoct.
Fiirir Sioot,
Chancery and Admiralty.
Mr once oa r ront street, onn wnn vi we
Exchange." ....
Portland, O.T., July SO. 1857. tf
I. R. SOU"-
Solicitors in Chancery, Corveilia O. T.
fr-n. nrra.
I. W. Cilchell,
gene City, Lane Conntp, O. T.
r L. COOMBS. M. D- Surgeon, Ae. SPECIALTY
I DISEASES OF THE EYE. Corvallis, Oregon.
September S3, 1A56. S8m8
III Fraieisea AilTertisim ifrney .
T P. FISHFR. iron building, opposite Pacific Exoress
Ia Office, upstairs. Files or all the principal Paper of
California and Oregon msy be found at this offlce. Mr.
Fisher ia the authorized Agent for the Statesman.
Chester H. Terry,
"misHioncr or Deed, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgment. Ac. Ac. far Iowa, Indian. MUsonri,
Michigan. California and Washington Territory. Let
ters of Attorney, and all other instrument of writing,
drawn on short notice.
w Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collections of Notes. Accoonts, Ac, S2tf
Boise k KeBwaa,
licitors In Chancery, Proctors, Ac, iu Admiralty,
Portland, Oregon. 4.1 tf
n-rJing 1 Crorer,
Solicitors in Chancery. Office near the Court-house,
Salem, O.T.
Gee. I. Shell,
Solh'itnr in Chancery, will practice In the varvuis
courts of Oregon aud Washington Ten-it ries. Office,
Salem, O. T.
Delazoa Kmilhr
Solicit in Chancery, will promptly attend to all
business pertaining to his profession In the first Judicial
District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Office. Allaitiy. Una County. O. T.
N. B. When not at bis office, or absent on profes
sional business, he msy be found at his residence, f ve
miles sootlisM-t or Albany, oa what is known as the
Grand 1'rairie."'
IT. 8. Brack,
Solicitor in Chancery, will pra tire in the virion
court In this Territory, and promptly attend to the col
lection of all claims against the L usted States, through
an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. OQce
in Eugene City, Lane County, O. T.
H. E. Stratton,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in Jhe various
conrts or southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
Court or the Territory.
Office in Deer Creek. Douglas county. O. T. Resi
dence S mile north of Winchester, on the Willamette
N. B. Bmnty I -and Warrants obtained for claimants
on reasonable t-ms. ' SJtf
a. m. SAS.MS. i. a. a iLsoitj
Darn nut & Wilson.
lem. Oregon. Particular attention U given to the
collection or notes and accounts, aud cairns against
Bounty Land Warrants bought and sold.
Mr OiHe over Starkey's Stare. 4$
B. F. Bonhana.
Bce at the Court House, Salem. O. T. 6tf
J. B. Cole, M. !.,
Portland. Oregon.
rrt J. WRIGHT A F B. STONE, having associated
A together ia practice, respet trolly tender their ser
vices to the people of Bentm and Liun dexiring to se
cure the favor of the afflicted by success om'j. Office
near J. C. Avery's -tore. Cnrvslli.
1. B. Balloek.
A Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished eo
reasonable terms.
Wllltaaa C. Griswold fc Co.,
c. naiswoi.n. S2tf c. . woodwobth.
lua;ee City.
O&iE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eogene
City Ho:-4-
Mediral Notice.
THE subscriber, would inform the Inhabitants that be
Is at his old stand, ready to attend to all ra!i ui
bis profession ; also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
averted supply or Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms. W. WARREN.
Salem Decembers. l5. 3-tf
W. Is. Magen, M. D. -
PHYSICIAN and Surreon, OiBc-e in my new build
ing, on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S.
Mclteeny's fire-proof building ; where I will be found
when not professionally engaged. I will keep constant
ly on hand a freth supply uf Drugs and Medicines
which I will sell low for cash.
Corvallis. Dec. 9. ISSS. . 33tf
leJitil Kaliee.
DR. R. W. SHAW, late of Sn Francisco, California,
offers bis professional services t" the citizens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo
nublic favor.
Mr Office at Reed and Fellows' drug store.
14y It. W. SHAW.
Campbell Pratt
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California.
Offlce. corner Montgomery aud Sacremento streets,
over Parrott A Co. Bsnk.
Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their care. 3ltf
Jowpa S. Frtscott.
EALER in Family Groceries, Boot, Shoe, Ac, and
Paint and Oils, wholesale and retail.
July 7, 1SS6. lMf
S. Kllswortlt,
US. Supreme and other Court. OIBce Eugene
City, Lane County, Oregou Territory. Ali
Commissioner of Deeds fur New York, Connecticut, Ac.
August Stf, 1S5, SHf
WILLIAM F. HIGIIFIELO, (.hrouometcr and ,?s.
Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to ?J
the building jnstopposile totheMuiu-vtrcet House, "
where ne can be con-tantly found prepared to do any
business in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on
short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches and jewelry for sale.
March 5 , 1854. ly51
8. Hamilton, M. D.,
PHY8ICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad-
ioininc counties, that ha has located permanently at
leer Creek for the purpose of practicing medi-ine, and
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare no pains to render the patieut easy
and comfortable.
Orrica opposite R. H. Dearborn A Co.'s store, on
Main street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at lam cast pri
nt. 42tf
Wells Fargo, A, Co.,
Co.. in connection with their Express business, will
also transact a general Exchange and Cotltctim Bnri
ess. Collections and Remittances made in all parts ol
Oregon, California. the Atlantic State. and Europe, with
promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought aud sold.
Sight Exchange on iVete York, Bcmttm, Philadelphia,
Albany, RaekaUr, Buffalo, JSrU, Clevtlamd, Detroit,
Chicago, MUwaukit, Oaitna, St. ouu, iMuueiUt,
Cisnsssli, and fort g other principal towns in the Atlan
tic State and the Canadas, may be procured at any of
our offices. WELLS. FARGO, A CO.
114, Montgomery-street, San Francisco
Juie 1855. .
"tORVALLIS Wars House, No. 1, we offer for rent
I Tn connection with the above we have a pork hooae
and smoke bones for rent. -
18tf. " M0OBE A St.CLAIB..-
Dr. Ciapkaf i Hedieal notices.
D1LJ.L C7APKAY'8 Grand Medical and Surgical
Institute, Sacramento at.. below Montgomery oppo
site Pacific Mail! Steamship Co.'s Office, Sao Francisco,
California. Established ror the Permanent cure or all
Private and Chronic Diseases, aad the suppression or
-Dr. J. L. CZAPKAY, late In the Hungarian Revolu
tionary War. Chief Physician in the 2(rth Regiment of
Honveds, chief surgeon to the military hospital at Pesth,
Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases or Urinary Or
gans and Diseases or Women and Children, would most
respectfully inform the public of Oregon and California
that he has opened an Institute for the enre of Chronic
Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain
and the horrid consequences of self -abuse, and he hopes
mat nil long experience and success! al practice oi ma
nv rears, will insure him a share of nublic natronaae.
By the practice of many years in Europe ana the Uni
ted States, and daring the Hungarian war and cam
paigns, he is enabled to anol the most efficient and
successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He
use no Mercury charge moderate treats bis patient
in a correct and honorable war has references of un
questionable veracity from men of known respectabili-
. i it . i . i . . ... ., .
it ana uign stanuing iu society. All parties cuubuuihk
1.1 I . . 1 ' I , ' A I 1 . K .1
uim iiy letter, or omerw ise, win receive iuc uca. hum
gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Dr. s
offices are on Sacramento St.. below Hontgomerv. San
Francisco. California. tms
O Dr. L. J. Czapkay would call public attention to
Sermstorrho?a or local weakness. There is not in the
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than this, as well Itecanse of present distress, the
ultimate results, rue tone oi tne system unu.-r its in
flnente is either impaired or entirely destroyed, and i
ctasof symptoms ciperindaced that unfit. man for the
performance of any of the ordinary d ities of life. The
injuries d'jne to the physical part or man Is tru!y la
mentable, but trilling when compared to those of the
censortum, the great nervous center, aad to the ner
vous system gcneraiiy. i m. oisea;. wni :n is wi oiten
consciuent upon that solitary vice, self-abuse, involve-
pat!toloitriii condiuin ney.'-nii tne comprcnensirm oi
theummtiated. but wnien are wen u!iiersio:a ny inereg
ular practitioner. Among ttie symptoms most conpi:-
aous are the following: Love or soiit-tue. aversion to
business and so:-ietv. ditre?.i-jg timidity, nervnis eg'
citeaicnt from slight caus. Its or memory, eonfui.m
or ideas, inability to reason correctly, low spirits and
lassitude, dullness or apprehension and mi.-anthropy.
These being functional deranzement. are o:ten tne nar
binirers of horrid organic lesions of the brain, which
nro'l ire fatuity, dementia and dentil.
- For the cure of this and all kindred diseases. Dr.
Czapksy hase4.lilished his Institute, w'uere all m ty
relv witli nerfect conHJeuce upon that skill whijh l iuif
ex'Vrieuce and thorough devotion ta his pnfeian has
Those who ssTer s'jould call or write without delay
and tue the means by which tbey may recuperate and
All consultations, by letter or oCierwis. free. Ad-
dre to D it. L. J- CZ A P K A Y,
UrnS Medical Institute. San Francisco. CaL
O traordinary success is the treatment of seen t dis
eaisfs ia the iirim:rv and other sta-es. Ind ices bin t
call patilic attention 1 1 the fact that of the great num
bers who have made daily application to him. there is
not one who ha not been euectuaiiy a:m penna-jeauj
cured. In recent cases of private diseases, the Dr. guar
anties a perfect cure in a few days without hindrance
to tBisiness or other inconvenience. The Dr.'. method
of treitin? these maladies, omb'aes tbs tmnrtiveraents
tnade bv tiie meJical faculty with discoveries of his
own that are unknown 1 1 a-ivoneele.aid which, whe
applied, prevent the possibility of evil after conscien
ce. -
Secondary syphilis, which 5 so destructive of health
nrndujinc .:! -eratiaus of the throat, destr oriax the ;!
narti. and leaving the boue-s exooseJ. wbi--h m rtify.
sepante and come awiy. dii.l iriug the sufferer most
horriiily. as well as bis geiiet-il hea'th. and
nredisiK-sinir t eonsnniiitinn. de Ir. treats ia the mo-
ccrtain and eH-ient mnner. AUo. painful sweliiny-
noon the banes. disflTari'ig s;ii.tcties tiwrn Uis ski
re-. Dimples, and all other canse-iieace of privite
diseases he gunraaties 1 1 cure or a-ks no comi-eajatton.
lr. C. wo'.ld esnet-i i!!v call the attj-tstion of tlnsc win
have failed to o!.t;i-i relief fnm otiier. m.ny of whom
he has already cured, ar.d many are st":!l ttndT treat
ment. The Hr. mikes no cliartre for consTilt-iti'm. and
invites all to call at bit lr-t:tuie ;ar.d be will give them
such satisfaction as they can obtain now::ere else.
Thwe at a dstar.i-e. i.y writing to the Dr jran have
tlieir cure prjerlv at'.end-d t . OSi-es on S.icr.nne:.
t st.. Iielow M-'tit jnrrr.f -in Fran.-i-ro. C ..1. I-mS
The Citaicsi Disturrrf of the lf.
GREAT Bles-ias t- Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
DR.CZAPsiAY'S PBoratLACTicra, (self-disinrec-ting
agest.) a sure preventive against secret diseases,
and an uuarpa-ed remedy for scrofulous, gangreuous
aud cxnceruus ul.-ers. and all cutauoos eruptions and dis
eases. Fit sale at Da. Ciapxat's Office. Armory Hall,
corner of Sacrameuto and M jutgomery tits.. San Fran
cisoo, Cal. A morulatiou is preventive against small
pox, so i Dr. Czaokay's Prophilatticnm a preventive
against secret diseaser That they can be prevented by
proper agents, i c well an established la t astiiat they
ea 1 be cured after their establishment. This principle,
which is now universally recognised, was received even"
before the days of Jenner, the discoverer of vaccination,
in 1796, and it multiplied benerits ever since have re
ceived as tuey deserved, the attention of the Medical
faculty. It was in pursuit of this branch of the mediral
science tjat Dr. 1 J. Casnkay fortunately made the dis
covery of hi Prophylaciicam. ski tiucerou
and cutan ws disorders, stands unrivalled by any agent
In the Pharmaeopofa. The nocfu operandi of this med
icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons
possess chemical properties" which are neutralized by
being brought in contact with this prophylatic, as acids
are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering them inert.
The effect of this agent is immediate, and removes the
nossibilitv or a contraction or disease. If, however, the
disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralising
the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce
the consequences. known aa secondary disease. In can
cerous and gangemus ulcers, in f'rtid discharges and in
eutanous diseases where the secretions are excoriating,
it acts upon the same principle and is one of the most
eOectual remedies fT the purpose now known. Where
disease is once established it should te used in conuec
Hon with other remedies, and when so used never fails
of success. It has been administered by the floe tor in
many thousand rases, and he has yet to find the first
in which it has failed to subserve the purpose for which
it was administered. Price, S5. Full directions are at
tached to each package.
Jf. B In cae9 where the Prophylaticnm 5s csed a
curative. Dr. I- J. Czapkay will furbish (gratis) a pre
scription for his blood puriBcr.
All r-ratmanications from the conntry, addressed only
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. San. Francisco, Ca!., will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies,
with the greatest care aud secrecy, immediately dis
patched by express or otherwise to their de -tinatina.
r L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D.
12niS Sau Francisco. Cal.
To tii Ladies or Oasoos amd California. L. J.
Ca Arc at, M. D-, physician sunreon and a-coucher. in
vites the attention of the sick a:id afflicted females la
hiring under any of the various forms of diseases of the
brain, lung, heart, stomach, liver, womb, bl xxl, kid
neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The D-s
tor i effoctiog more permanent cures than any other
physician in Oregon or California. Let no false uelicac V
prevent y.i. but spply immediately, and save yourseL
from painful suffering and premature death. All mar
ried ladies, whose ib-licate health or other cireum -tances
da not allow Vi hare an iiK-ret-e in their families should
write or call at Dr. L. J. Czaikiy's Medi -al Institute
Arm ry Hall, corner of Sa-rainent j and Mont romerj
streets, and tliey will receive every possible relief anil
beli. The Doctor's Urfi es are so arranged that he can
ls cnnsnltrd without molest it ion. lim'S
Al coosultatious I by letter or otherwise,) free.
Address to ihluj. wvikai. m.r,
Medical Institute. San Fraucisco, Cal.
Sfj-The attention of the readers is called to the fol
owing: A lady of high standing in society and respectability,
published a card in the Puiladelphis Sunday Dispatch,
September 14. ISol, which is a loll wa:
A OAltn The undersigned feels it her duty to express
her hcartl'elt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay. for tiie success
ful cure or herself ami child. Tne latter having
alllicted by a severe attack or ''Cholera Infantum." was
given up as incurable by some of the most celebrated
physicians, when she culled on Dr. Czapkay. of wh mi
she heard very favorable report, and who, a'fter a short
period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour
aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice
herself, for the scrofulous malady, with which she had
been alllicted for eight year, aud which withstood the
treatment of the. best physicians in Eampe aud Ameri
ca. But lr. Czapkay lias succeeded in affording her
permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy lire, which,
for eight years had lust ali charms for her. She. there
fore deem it d ie to herself and to all si-.-k and afflicted
to recommend Dr. Czaokay, a one of the must skillful
physicians within the United Stite.
Corner of Walnut and Tth streets. Philadelphia.
A. Glazes. Notary Public. Via, 7th street.
The fJlowinU an editnrinl notice in the Boston
Daily Times of Anguht 6th, 1&4:
A Skillftl Physici av. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has
opened aa olfice at No. li Pleasant street in this city.
In-. C. Is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army a physician and surgeon under the
pntronageof Kosauth. lie combines with s unUhed
education and the most refined and agreeable manners
the most extensive scieutiiic abilities aud skill in his'
Erofession, and we feel ninch pleasure in recommending
im to our citizens as a physician and a gentlem.inS
Dr. Caapkay has spent some time in Philadelphia where
he won the confidence and friendship of those who be
came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil
adelphia are geutlemea of the highest respectability
with whom we are pemonally acquainted. He had an
extensive practice in Hungary before the Austrian and
Russians compelled him to leave it for being found
guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope be will receive
that patronage due a man of so eminent capacity.
: The above are only a few of the many testimonaUs
wnicn ur.un pny us ia sua 11 urn nun, bat
paJuUsn for want oi space, u "pminii
eflwimnntcaflntay fay
Pmnn polnnv nromnt attention, and who wish
to avoid the delay of corresponding, can have immed
are iuchuwi Dy sending ten dollar as conosuiuuu ice,
and can have medicine forwarded. Address to
. L. J. CZAPKAY, M. V.
I San Francisco, Cat
SPERMATORRHEA, or Local Weakness, nervous de
bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs
and back, indisposition, loss of memory, aversion to so
ciety, love o solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness.
neaoacne. piua in uc ut, wnmon of (tie eyes, phn
nlea on the face. Bexual and other inftnniti.. i .
cared without fail by the justly celebrated physician and
surgeon, L. J. Caapkay. His method of curiug diseases
Is new (nnanown to otoeisi inn umx u great suc
cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free.
Address, l. j.Cap&ai,bi.d
27m3 Ban Francisco. Cal.
THE Judges or the Supreme Court of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the Iuth day or December, isoo. o nx anu
DUtrict Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the
county or Marion, on the nrst Monusy ut im m
Monday, or December, 1858. and thereafter on Jhe Brst
u.a.m rr , .nd OctnlMtr. and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, aatil otberwiM order
ed, sud do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. uku. tl. wil.l.1 Asia, t,niei w.
41 - : CYKUSOLSIKY. Associate jasHce.
1 Eedieal BtTelBtiai ! The Warld Ciuimoii
GllAT CO U i TK K. J ItKII Afl l.
Tbe virus of disease often makes its way to the in
ter. -.ll or?a.i.s tliroagh the pores of the skin. This pen-
trati.ig Ointment, melting n:iaer tne nana a 11 u rnn
d in. is absorbed thronch Uie same channels, and
reaching the seat of inHamm itioa. promptly and inveri-
iLly Mi'idacs it. whether I -atcil in uic kiu.ieya. toe liv
r, the lungs, or any other important oraa. It pene
trates the surface to the interior, through the eoiuitleae
rubes that comm mi- ate with the skin as summer rain
ja-se. iato the fevered earth. di.Tusiug its cool and re
generating influence.
Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced
by the anti inflammatory action of this Ointment. An
z j, a:-h as Salt Eiieum, Erysipelas, Tetter.
t,n.;irirm, Scald Head. Nettle Rash. Scabies (or Itch
lC, die out. to ret-xrn no more, under its soplicution.
H.wpital experience in all part of the world proves its
infallibility in diseases of the skin, the muscles, the
joints and'the gland.
The effect of this unrivalled external remedy upon
S-irofula. aud other virulent ulcers and sores, is alnvwt
miraculous. It first discharges the poi-sin which pro
duces stinptrrstion and pried 8esh. aad thus tiie cure
which its healing properties afterward complete are
safe as well aa permanent.
In casee of the fracture of the bones, injuries caused
y steam explosions. Braises, Barns. Scaids, Rheuma
tism, Sti!fae.s of the joints, aad contraction of the sitt
ers, it is employed aad wamiy re-rorameided by the
faculty. 1 tin marvelous rcniedv r.-.s ceen lurroducec
''V it invent t ia per-'oa inti ail t":ie leading Hospitat
(" Europe, and no private honsebold should be without
The Medical Staff of the French snd English Armies
in the Crinfa have o'ficiitry signed the approval of
tl .lloway's Oir.tieiit. as the most reliable dressing for
saore cut, st. an-! gan shr-t wjmds. It is also sign
ed by tue cm-aeons t the Aliied aavies.
Bani- ns. B-rns. Chapped Hands. Chilblains. Fistnla,
Go':t. Iiioba 'o.MercrLtl Knu:tions, PilesJtheuniatism
Ringworm. Salt Rhenm. Scaids, Fkm I-fceaMis. Swelled
Glands, Sire Le-rs. S re B.-east. Sore Head. Sore
Throats. Sires of all kiuds. Sprains. Stiff Joints, Tetter,
Zl"' rs. Venereal -re, Wuttsds of al! kind.
S ld at the Mi fact-ries of professor Hollowar.
0 M:iilea Lane. Xesr York, and !lt Strand. Lc.rdoc.
bv all reTe -taUe Drnc;rit aad Dealers in Medici' e
.hrmeb'int t!ie United State and the civilized world,
ia pot, at j cem. 6""J. aad l eacn. .
Mr There is a consideralle Earing done by taking
the larger sizes.
N. IL Directions for the guidance of patients m eve
ry nisnr ler are artyed to es ch "Qt. s-y!
Tlie Laws of Oregon.
TlHE OREGON STATUTES, 1S5.. being a large vol
X nme of G50 pages, with complete index, annota
tions, and references, comprising au the taws in rorce in
the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session
of the Legt-uative Assemoiy, are lor saie at tne nmee 01
the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound ia law style, and
Ls-sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
he bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
ag"irethey can beanoroen lor nere. I ne price places
ibem wituia the reach of all who desire the laws tbey
live under. Order by mail accompanied with the cash,
Hied by return mail. It is the last rode of laws that
wiil probably be published in Oregon, for many years
In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem
bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence. Coustiratioti of the United States. Treaties with
Jreat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of
f.irce ' fl". Donatio- aw and all amendments.
and fall abstract of United .ate .,;;,"raIaffr,n Laws.
Estraw Animals.
THE subscriber at Harristmrg Linn Co-, has lost the
following described animal t
A bay horse, witn star in loreneaj. tittle white on
his nose, hind feet white np to the pastern j'nnt, and
branded " 21 on las right snouider, 3 year3 old this
"P"?- , : . .
Also a man eow. 1 or o years 01a, oranaea j. . on
the right hip, and 31" a abore. Has a white calf
with red ears, about 19 months old, branded " 21" as
above. The eow left last fall, and probably has had
another calf this spring.
Any person finding them will be rewarded for their
trrable, by informing me. . A. MclLWAlN.
June IS, liso7. " ltnWpoid
HULL'S No. 1 Soap, the best you ever used. Try it.
White lead, linseed oil,
turpentine, putty,
indigo, madder, copperas, alum,
' oil for lamps and machinery.
New Orleans sugar,
crushed sugar,
cream tartar, sa'eratus, soda, at
Ho ! Te Workf r of Irao mi Strrl !
XHAYE thi day received by the arrival of the J. Jt
Whitlng from Sau Frua -isco, the following assort
ment of inn a id steel, t wit :
t.OOO Iks. Ji-rwv shapes,
lbs. 2X4 ir.. (aat,)
2 Bia " 3-l(j -
5. trH) " 4:-;' " "
6. (100 " I, . 1, I, and 1 J.sqnare,
S.WW) " , 0-I8, i. l.aad 14, inch round,
1,000 " assorted castste!.
100 " horse shoe nails. (G)
Which together with stock in store mskes as eoC
idete an assortment as can lie found in Territory and
ill lie sol 1 cheap as the chkatkst for cash or coun
try produce. J. N. PRESOtlTT.
Oregon City. Feb. 23. 1&"7. -
Boot and Shoe Store.
.'.iM'tiiiva iu ivatiM would annoance
XT to the citizens of Salem, and the surround
ing country, that he have taken a store on V.m
east side of Commercial street, north of tne post-iSce
where he wUl keep constantly on hand a full assurt-me-it
of every kind r hoots snd sh;e., liota custom and
sile work, wiiicb be will sell at the lowest living pri
ce. Being a practical workman, all orders for the
manufacture or repair ef work will be complied with,
-md the work done in a substantial and wrkmanlike
manner. Give me a call and examine my stock.
Salem, March 12.-1S37. I3tf
Look Here!
TTTP Kv C.:' received K3JMNI liv. of mnM iS
W " j - ' r iu
salt, which we are seiuZg a. si.nO per hundred.
IF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
nndcrsigned have gt lS.fHXJ pounds best COSTA
1C1CA." Come ia and look at it.
Oregon City, Dec g, 1856. .
San Francisco. J Portland. O.T. J
KicUards & McCral&en.
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon
Flonr, Graia. Produce, Kmit, Pork. Bacon. Lard
Hams, Ac- Ac - Orders for Oregon trade nromntl f-'
tended to. Liberal advance made on consiument
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco!
January z, 11a. 4i;tf
INolice. .
T u whom this may come, greeting r That I am to
-A- leave ror the btates soon, and would respectfully
idiots iuwc wuo auuw vaemseives inueotea to me, iw
W.C. Griswold & Co., to call and settle without delay,
ana oblige . w.C.GRiSWtia.
Salem. Jtnnary 27. 1857. 6tf
W1MT1NG-P APER, superior articl.
Black ink. from quarts to 2 oa.
Slates and pencils,
Tabor's pencils.
Envelopes, wafers,
Rchool card aad toy books, at
Dickinson Tri
L.P. Flahen. AsnaC.
Saa Francisco- Orders solicited fortypa. laada,
The Oregon Statesman.
An independent Journal, drrvtrd to Politic. General
mmstgence, qrc, rumiuiia at Safest, Oregon,
ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publi-ter, and Editor.
The Statesman la Democratic in pbfitics. ana thor
oughly National in it character. It is hostile to every
species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolsranea ;
and Will vigortHMly oppose ell attempts to incorporate
any of the insane uu of the day into our Territorial
It will advocate all practical measaiea of Refers,
and Progress, economical and simple admin wtration of
our local government 5 faJthfnlneM, integrity, and ca
pacity in offlce, and a system of rigid and dhreet as-
countabiiity of toe omcer 10 tne people, n win 01s
enss all mcasnres agitating the pub lk mind, in a man
ner fearless, tnrpartlat, snojrast.
Its News Depsrnnero win o asucar
attention, snd nothing will bs spsrjd to furnish early,-
cenrate, and comprenenwTc famuHw. cur
ies intelligence.
The Statesman has a large, widely-scattered , and moat
excellent corps of correspondents, sad very complete
facilities for procuring news.
Doe attention ia also paid to the pabBcatioa of Miscel
lany, Agricultural ,d Literary matter. :
In this paper are published the laws, resolutions, and?
treaties of the United States, and the laws aad resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregnavby aathsrity. Tkt
paper la printed oa new material, and npoa sheas of
tne largest size. - '- Book and jaa odce.
WE hare Three Presses:, the best facintiea tor Book
printing north of CaBf inula, and an extensive as.
ortmentof JoEsms) MateSjal of every kind; and, with
master workmen, are prepared to execute BTomptly , and
ia a workman-like manner, all orders in ths above de
nartmeats, suca aa -
BlaSC Chkcks,
NoTiwor Haitd,
Ok dex Books',
ETsaxBo't Bills.
SrsAxsn Cfnit;
Biliji or Lapiko)'
Snow Bulls,
Cbtxk Boost,
Bl'5 BKrcirrs,
, Pavhthlxts,
Baix Ttcxxtt,
BcstKEsa CakdS,
Coscert Bills,
ADPBK?a Casm
in nf ,r Ivrvn Xrr Jt-- A-V
xacr of Newspapers. -
i. Subscribers . whs do not give express notice to ths
contrary, are considered as wulung to contiiine theis
Z. if CTOscnoersornepapeTsasacousurara.rnbnsnera
may continue to send them till all charges ere paid.
3. IT snusenners negiec or ivnne o lase ineirpaperw
"rora the ofS-e or rdace to which they are sent, tbey are
held responsible until they settle their bill and giva oo
tice to dieo:itinue them.
4. If subscriber mve to ether Blares wrtbont ir.foitmni
the Pu'olUber. and the paper is sent to the former dma
tion, thev are neld reionibie.
5. The courts have decided that refosfagto take a pa
per or periodical from the oSce, or removing a m leav
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of lutentioca.
anr Postmasters world oblige. By a strict ralaliment
of the re?ultinns requiring them tn notify Pcblisher.
once in three months, of papers not taken from their
nJTit by so iecrihers.
Hotel International.
rxvHIS boose is kept strictly as a hotel. The
a. nimosx care msu 1 J pieae every guest I. : : .
Uironf aout every de.iart me-it. a ,i tp o ale in hni
mjsqu-toes in anvnartof thehooFe. A coach
marked " Irrteroati unl" always at the boats to convey
;as--e;igers to the house, for tl each person, including
jagsae. A- .-- 11 1 I . Lse.
AsHted bv John J. Haley, and E. R. Robinson. lata
of the Rail Road House.
August 25, 1S57. 27m3
liiTery and Sale Stabler
WE are now keeping a Livery stable in
Oregon City, where Hashes can al
ways be obtained on liberal term.
Wc are also prepared with excellent sts-
oles, well sspplied with hay and oats, to keep horses
by dsy or week. Those who call upon us may feel as
sured th it every attention will be given to horses left
in our charge. GIBSON A POTTER.
Angxst 11, 1S37. J2tf
Salem Tannsry.
THE subscribers have purcHascd the f airaery at Sa
lem. formerly beionziag t? Klislia String. Ail de
s.:r ,'ti jns of ieaiaer will be kept constantly oa hand,
and the htrhe t pri-e, ia ca-a or leather.Vill at all
times be paid for hides and bark.
Szlea:, Oct 21. 1S37. Iy'i3?aid
Citj Hotel, Corral lis.
WOULD announce to the citizens A C-crvallU, and
the travelling pr.olic generally, that they have
thoroughly reStted this we'll known estatlisfcmeat, and
are now p.-epared for the arcomm-jdatien of customers.
The r. Wilis have all been i.ewly re;craEed. the beds
clean and comf'irtsLle. and their table will be furnish
ed with the best the market adbrds.
C-rvallis, Aug. 30, 1So7. 25yl
Allan, AlcKinlay, A. Co.,
HAVE just received a stock of New Goods, ana
would invite all those who wish to procure GOOr
articles at reasonable price, to call and see them. The
comastin part
.-t in part of the following:
Grain Cradles,
Grass Scythes and Snaths,
Brush do do
16 sq Harrows, 23 teeth
Garden Rakes,
do Hoes,
do Spades,
Polished Shovels,
Hay Forte,
Manure Forks, .
(.'haras, ' ,
Canal and Wheel Barrows
Fancy Brooms,
Plain do
Assorted Colored Pails,
Painted Tuba,
Zinc Washboards.
Blacksmith's Bellows, J
Cross-cut Saws, 7 ft
do ( ft
Mill Saws. 7 ft
Hair, double,
do . single.
Hair Bolsters, dooole,
do single.
Sperm Candles, ,
Adamantine do..
Grape brand Tobacco,
Window Glasa by 18
10 by It
do r i 7 bv 9
Wmdow Sasbes 8 by 10
do 10 by 12
or hows ana loxes.
uickc 00 do
Bla.ikets, Baize. IJndseTS, Sheetings. Tkk. Ac-t(f
We keen eon-tsutly on hand a Urge sudd! v of nnrv,
cles too numerous to mention.
Oregon City. ji-y
- Ken yen's Dasoerrean
THE aodersigned having recently refeimed from Ja
Francisco, is now pre)ared to tike those he-'iful
Pictures on Glass called AMBROTYPES, whi--a hav
almost entirely snperceded the Da uerreitype ia the
East and San Francisco. -
Gallery in the new boil ling, erected epecinTy for &
business, west or the Marion House.
Salem , November 1 1 , 1856. 25. tf
New Store and New Goods.
At Oatland, Mtiaenrge Ferry. O. T. : '
InFfrr ,7nKK- Dealer hi dry goods, groceries,
A ca-xkcry.hrdw---.rr;S - rflJ.
d aviu oaroh tse l the stoci ' td! f E. GetcS
ell, tosjetlier with he premises kwnwa as MetheneJ'
Kerry" oa the Willamette river, sad baring Sailt a new
storeitoase. and replenahed thessoc ?f e-xdson hand,
now offers to exchange, for produce or caab, 2 assort-nie-it
Dry goods, eonsistin? of clothing, eassimeres. satis,
netts, sheeting, shirting, and fancy gods; bats aad)
-aps. boots and shoes, groceries in variety, with spices,
nat. raisin, and candies; paint, oils, medicines, per
turnery, crockery, tinware, bidlow-ware. staves, hard'
wire cutlery, and many other articles to meet the wants1
of the pal lie.
He has also moved and repaired hi warehouse, ser
that he is now prepared to puivhase or take ia storage,
country produce, whk h he can discharge by a slide to
steamers' decks, without loss r expense of d.-avage--And
being determined to constant! r lMaVn
iLv gooas as me country trade may re,
a? ""ee no can maKe it an object for tne peo
ps. V exietid mm their patronage.
3. d'iffereuoe made in the price or goods, wbettsr"
er stld for cash or produce.
uctooer 2, ioi. sow
DEALER in clocks, watches and jewelry. Sa- -Jv
lem. O. T. Psriculsr attentioa paid to the jr-
repairing of watches and clocks. All work war
ranted. Jewelry repaired at short aoboe-
FOR SALE: . ; , ...
Watches and clocks. 8 day striking clocks at a Teijr
low price; also 30 boar inwinecJocks.
JEWELBl. - i
Indies and gents Brooches. Finger Rings, Ear BmgSr,
Gold Buckles. Guard Chains. Ac, Ac - -
Salem, July 6. 1"- . I7tf
Salt? Salt!!
rr TONS " San Quentin" SALT, in about 0 andr.
jLKj too lb. bags, iua received and for sale very cbeavw -
; Oregon City. Dec. 6, ISofi. "'
Allan $k Lewis
A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate stand for s
produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse and storw
will be rented together if required. . unnsr-
July 8, 1857- 18tt
Allan, MeKinlar,
a, co.
hMfcsaM sad Beta Dsstass hi Dry GoGra.
Harfwaxa Ac-. Oregon City, O-T. T
riety, at.
rale, Ac . . .' . .
August iS. 1857. tf
- MJRE8'
JoryT7, IS57. XMf
letter or etberwise,) free.
Dec. 20, 1851. "7l