The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, November 24, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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. .AT. .
The City Booli-Otoro,
ave i "tore, and will be receiving by the 1st of June
23 d 9 CD CD CD
Which they offer to the
At small advances on Xew York prices.
jt om a c.-.ll, or send va an order, and are
ftounj to give yon satisfaction !
A. R. Shinier Jt Co.,
Are the Sol Aokxts in Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sate of
The Amsrican Ctstecrsin,
A. GREAT BOOK ! Being the only political history
of the United States.
Send ns your names. Price 1 00 : Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September
to all who send ns their names y is w may.
Catalsfie of Fart ml tar list :
BUAOsns. Senders', old 1st. Id, Sd. 4th, and 3th.
ua The loony Ladies': Sanders- near 1st. Zd. 3d
4th and 3th: Parkers' 1st, 3d. 3d, 4th and Sth; Mc-
CanVy s 1st, 3d, 3d, tn ana on.
Sreij.a Sanders' Old, Sanders' Sew; Etemen
rrisKin. Sander' Pictorial. School and Parker's.
GsooBArnrss. Mitchell's, Ancient end Modern. Ol-
neys, Stones, MOalley s, and Montaatua Ut and
3d Book.
ViTamncs Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables,
Mental, Analysts, practical, and Hinder; Uavie In
' saarr. Intellectual. School and L'uMfcraity; Smith's
Vl J . t m iwj vnfuinHU. ... . v. "t ... uu. -
veying. Geometry,. Practical atathematics, Mth. Dic
tionary. Logic or Mathematics, Analytical tieometry.
and pniiosnpny or natnemaiics.
Grammars Green's Clarke's BaHkm's Smith a
Kirkam's Soenccr's Tower's.
PmLOSornim. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and
School; Comstock s Smith 'a.
Hisroaias Wilson's Juvenile, and United State:
Parley's Uuiversai; WilUrd'a Universal, and United
State. -v
LasorAGES. Cooper Virgil; Andrew's Latin Re.v
dctr V'- nac: Andrew's Latin Grammar; Medio
.. Suck'r ' d B6k in Latin, and do. in Greek; An
the . antra fx And Deader; JohQiun's Cicero.
fa(L ach Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
Germ .rfSmar and Header, Tclcmaque. Greek Te
tameat; French, self-taught; Surrenne's French lic.
tionary: Andrew's Latin d . Liddeil Scott's Greek
4o. Aathoa's Classical do. Smith's do do.
Diction akiks. Webster's School, High do, Aca
demic. University, Rjyal 8ro, Unabridged, and Cobbs
' Mxscxzj.a visors. Mattison a Astronomy. Newman a
Rhetoric Wood's Botany. Karae's Elements of Crit
icism. Parker's Aids ia Composition, Parker's Exer
cise. BrookncU's CoraKsitim. McElligott's Yonnz
Anaivzer. d.. Analytical ManaaL Parkers Word
Builuer. Mayhew's Book Keeping. Waytand's Moral
Science. Paley'a Natural Theology. Blake's Arricul
tare for Schools. Upturn's Intellectual Philosophy.
Hahaa's do. do- Hilton; Yuan?; Pollock: and Thomp
eon; (Edition for Schools) Cotter's Anatomy and
Physiology. American Debater. Newman's Political
Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety nf
Speakers and Elocntioa- All kiuds of School Station
ery; States of alL size--; UrawioT Books; Drawing ,
Paper; Perforated Card ilmrd; Bristol B rd; Pencils
and Brashes; Osbora's Colors; laktiad, every size
and style, A c, Ac, &t.
TIistobt Bancroft's t'nitel States. rolnmet.
BildrcthV dj. it, 6 roiunes. Frost's llttotUl United
State i. Tarl'ir's do. d J, do". Botta's Hi-t. devolution.
Peterson's d-'. Wihm"s United State-". Wil'.ard's to.
HTt. IndiaT Wars United State. Wiliard's Universal
HistorT. U-'.'ler's doo, lVittecVs Hist. World 1 or
3 Volnuvs. Itjllia's Ancient lliitory. Farr's d'l, do.
Kame's England. JUcauIay's da., coraptete. Dickens
Chili's d. Liaard's do. C:bVa"s Rome. D'An
bigoe's Refonnatiira. Bang's II. E. C'hr.roh. Allison's
E'irope, 1st and 21 Ssrie. !rwcotts Work. Burdcr's
Hi -it. of BcHzioop. Hit. of O-Miacil r.f Trent. Jose
soas. AU of Aobutt's HLiUiries. Historical Cabinet.
Qaeens of Spain. Q -.eons of Scotland. Help's Spanish
ConTnest. Braces Hnnyary. Ki-iders Brazil. En
back's Brazil. Parley Uaiwratl. HUory of ("rn
aade. An.-ieat E?yjrt:". '" Middle A?k.
History f r ftvs. " B"aaers Child's United States.
Lo,cj5's Field B vjk of i!cvoI:it:on.
BiiKiawaT. Ptutarcb's Live.. life Brant. W.n
derfol Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters.
Lives of the Sisters. ArctoUograjihy or Kinlcy. Ijt
martine's Celebrate.1 Charaeters. Li:e of Adam Clarke.
d Bi-diop Heddin;. dj Xiebnhr. do Gen. Harrixnn.
da Daniel Boone, do Rjoen. do Lafayette. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and tld World. . lr. Chal- I
mers, 4 rolt Ijv of Hamholdts. Mis. R-em.!
If oxart. Wester. trletAer. Life and Times of Clay; !
Irvine's Wahin?ton. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of
Chief Joyces. Josephine. XapMoas. Charts UmL.
Jaekma. Gen-Greea. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane dev.
J. i- Adams.' Jnlienne. Danit-l Webster; Kinrs ut
Kome. Kings ani Qnceas. I.iebmti. Lives of the
Pope. Preacotl's Philip 3d. Mary and Martha Wasb-la-Via.
Piencer Women of the Wet.
Tbsteu. Hack's Chin-u Arancanian. Stphens
Etui. Olin's Trae'. Mungo Park. Xilo Note
AdVentnres on Mosquito Shore. Bayard Tajlor's Trav
eL. Din-bin's TraveU in the Eat.
SciEXnFtc Brande's Encyclopedia. Physical Geoc
raphr of t!ie sea. Wood's Natural !IUt.ry. Lanlner s
Lectures. Useful Art. Cosmos. Mathematical le-tionarr-
Logic of Mathematics Wonders of Science.
Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loorais Be
cest Pisiesa of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Arts and Science. Eo bank's Hydranlica. Dick's works.
Varioos works on Archrtectnre.
PorrtT. Byron varioos styles. Shakespeare, do.
Milton, do. Boras, do. Hemans, do. Moore, do.
Thomamn. Yoangr. Pollock. Topper. Cowper. Pope.
Campbell- Wad worth. Oiwiaa. Montgwmery. Kirk
White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America
and many others.
Books or ftrrrxmcT- Cyclopedia of Geography,
do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Art
McColloch's Gazetteer. Harper's Universal Gazetteer.
Ynrrr avn AOBicn.Tma.i Elliot's Fruit Book-
Thomas do. Downtng's do. Barry's do. Fessenden's
Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
i Strawberry. Florists Gnide. American Farm Book.
Allan's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton's Hand Books.
Woaks on Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, ice.
THZOLOOiCii. llautcioi-s. Harmony and Exposi
tion of Gospels. Xeander's Lire of Christ. Butier s
Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth
odism. Morris' Miscellanies. lecture on Romanism.
Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes
Votes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jays
Ksereises. Watson's Institute. 1 -arm bee's Evidences.
Batlcr's Ethical Disoonrses. Rogers' Eclipse of Earth,
do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection
Baker on Discipline. Writings of Armmh a. Jahn a
Biblical Archaeology. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from
SI to $20. Testaments, great variety. Methwiist
Hymns. Christian Hymn Book. Church Psslmist
Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian
Psalmist. . .
Medic at Bachan's Family Physician. Hydro
pathic do. Homtpathic Works.
Micei LAXEors- Conrt:tntions of Lnited States.
Mayhcw's Popular E.rucation. CrnWies Synonyms.
Piatt's Book of Cnriosilies. Odd Fellow s Mannal
Head ley's Works. 14 vol. Mrs. Tothill's, C vols. Lay
ard's Xineveh.. Bigelow's Useful Arts. Has well s Krv
gineer's Gaide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
Know!ed;fe. PsrkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities
Way Dxra Est. Pynhnrt. Ike Marvel s urks
SafHlenon's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles
in England. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temper
ance Biok-1 Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News
Bit. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's Xew Cook Book. Mil
W s Old Red Sandstone, do. J-'ootprints of Creator
Yonng Ladies' Counsellor. Voting Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. .Constitu
tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
can Housewife. Half Hoars with Old Harm ph rev.
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick s
Redwood, do. Xew Bu Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant. do.Tsls. Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. ar
len's Wfrks. Heroines of History. IJind and Sea.
Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval lire. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving.
Colurabas. Long Iok Ahead. City of Xew York.
Living Orators of America. Yonng Man Advised. Mis
sions in Tonza an 4 Kcgee. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Knout aid the Russians. Hvdrapathic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift B ok' for Yonng Men
do. Mo. Ladie. Anecdotes for Girls, do. io. Boys
Footpripts of Pamons men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Ywnj Men. Peasant boy philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia.
And a nuna'Jer of others too nnmcons to enumerate.
CoDsUn:!y receiring large additions to the foregoing.
STaTtoSERV. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let-
er do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel
opesall stvlca. Inks all k'nds. Pens and Holders
reat varirtv. Blank Books all sizes and style
arV?n.n.n.i.inis Tuiries. Pass Books. Time TVw.l..
Paper Cutters. Da Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic PrinU a large variety. Wrapping p-r-eood
variety. Wafers. Sealing V ax, ic, 4C
t-i.ii- . tiavs trnnd varletv or
Mrsic Books New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
- Ttnlimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
...A u.iniuii. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instrac-
ors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do.
Melodeon do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Statiosebt ever
ffiered in Oregon.
Ktr Tbis stock is all bought in Xew. York and other
astern cities and s sold at
CsT We kseff on hand Scbool Books in large qnan-
s, togeuier who mon ot tne paoucauons oi
Harper & Brothers;
Derby ft Jsckson;
Ivison & Phinney;
Phillips & Samson;
A. S. Barnes A Co.;
-Miller. Orton & Mulligan;
Iary & Getz;
a nnleton : and others.
We ask your patronage. unable to visit ns
and examine our stock, your order will be attended to
the same terms as a you oo ijn ins.i s
Portland, March 30. IS. It IB 7
Docks end CUiioner-f.
ar TB oacoox crrr rosr orncn sciLMita.
WOULD respectfully call tbe attention or his Mends
and the nubile to the fact that be has on band.
and keep constantly supplied ith a large stock of
of all kinds, which he offers ror sale, for cash, at the
above building. His pittrnt stock la comprised, in
part, of the following, viz :
Isregen Statutes, session laws of Oregon session
ISJC ; Washinst-in Irving works; Reddeld e Cum.
pa rati ra Physiognomy; Discovery and Exploration of
the Mississippi; Sear's American Revolution; Sear's
Family Annual. Wilson's Essays and Miscellanies; Be.
thonea Poems; Life of the Emperor Xapoleon. bv Lock-
i . . . r: . r . U : i . 1 i . . . . . . . .
wn, utnvi iwrmiuvnu; llic VI Anurew jacKSOU;
Webster's Life and his Masterpieces; Bancroft ' Life
neasean Abroad; Indian Wars of the United States;
The B ok of the Ocean and Life on the Sea; Miss Hall's
Practical Cookery; Mrs. Mile's Xew Cook Book; The
Improved Housewife, or Book or Receipts, by Mr. A.
L. t ebster: HU-tore of th
to the present time; Fern Leaves from Fanny's Port
rtoHoe; The Spectator, by BUgdon; Tapper's Proverbi
al Philossphy; Louis Napoleon and the Bonaparte Fam
Paradise Lost; Pollok's Coarse of Time; Benjamin's
Pilgrims Progress; American's Own Book; The World
Illustrated SO tnmrhtv IJflt aiul ban of Bcnls.
mla Franklin; Like of Washington, by Sparks; Com
tack's 8ywtem of Elocution: Fremonta Exploring Ex
pedition through Oregon and California: Pictorial His
tnry of AU Nations, by Goodrich: Benton's SO yearn in
the U. 8. Senate; Byron's Works; Preseott'a Biogra
phies and Critical Miscellanies; Presrott's Conquest of
Mexico 3 vols; Preseott'a Ferdinand and Isabella 3
vuls; Preseott'a Robertson's History of Charles S 3.
vols; Prescott's 1st and 3d Philip; Mllman's Gibbon's
Rome; R Jtin's Ancient History; Plutarch Lives; Ma
eauley's History of England; Duks Works; Onmmlng's
Lectures; Webster's American Family Cyclopedia;
Scott's Xapoleon; Chamber's Information for the Peo
ple; Life in the Itineracy; Life of Gen. Lafayette; Tbe
Younr American's Life of Fremont: Historv of Ire.
land, by Mooner; Heavenly Home: Carlyle'a Xew (Be
ssys; British and American Female Poet: Burns'
complete Werks; Moore's Poetical Works: Bums' Po
etical Works; Mr. Hcraan's Poetical Works; Milton's
Complete Works; Tnpner's Complete Works; Life and
Beauties of Shakespeare; Arabian Nights; Balloon
Travels in Europe; Layard's Discoveries at Xinevah;
Wheenlev's Comneiul of llistorr? Ileadler'a Misretls.
niest March's Reminiscence of Congress; "Thaddcu of
Warsaw: The Planter's Victim: Melbourne and the
Chincha Islands; Knitz's Sarred Historv; Pennshurst
hi Wanderings and Wsy of Thinking: Robinson
Crusoe; Chiidren of the Abbey; Indian Battle. Captiv
ities and Adventures; Dreams and Realities of a Pas.
tor and Teacher: The Ship Carnenter'a Family; Yicto
ria, or the World Overcome: Bibles and Testaments;
Webster's Dictionaries large and small; Oonn's Cele
brated Domestic Medicims; Short Patent Sermons, by
ItlW. Ir- I lrimM I i t T U.nnil I'jn S wtKnw'a T. 1 mm
Thomson's Practical Arithmetic; Ca'lhouns Intelleetnai
Arithmetic: Vocal and Instrumental Kate Books: II it.
chell's Geography and Atlas; Ynnatt on the Structure
and diseases or the Horse; Saxton'a Rural Hand Hooks;
Cole's American Fruit Book; Downing' Rnral Esmrs;
imwnings rnut snd trut Tree of America: Elliott s
Western Fruit D-iok: American Dadd;
Fruit, Flower and Vegetahle tSardener'-s Companion:
American Fruit Cui tnrist. hv Thorn is: The StrawberrT
Culture, by lardee; Amerir'an Poultry Yard, by Brown:
Yonatt on the M una .cement and -Disease of Sheep;
Note. Letter and Foolscap paper: Pens and Pen'-old-
er; jami and $and-noxe: Black. Blue and Itetl Inks;
Plain and Fancy Envelopes; Slates and Slate Pencils;
luana it-ms. te jrc.
Oregon City, June 39, le57.
$23,000 Vor1h
THE sahseribers wnnld respectfully inform tlieir cus
tomers and the public generally that they hare on
Hand, and are in constant receipt f goods rrom San
Francisco and Xew York a large and wcll-se-1
re ted stock Consisting in part of
Alum, allspice, an I aliacca.
B winets, be rape, and bro. linen,
Cambric. era--h, and calico.
Domestic de laincs, and damask.
Editing;, embroidery and everything.
Flannels, rriaes. and fancy nxia's,
Ginhams. zaiters and glove.
Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins,
Iron. ink. and insertimrs.
Jaconet.jenns. and Java ceffre.
Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins,
Ijurns. lard and Liverpool salt.
Mustard, mirrors, and matches,
Xeed!es. nails, and nice things.
O-ls, overshirts, tnd V1 ng tea.
Pins, pants.-n j piper,
Q-:iits, qniils. hud queenpware,
h. boons, razors, and rat-traps,
Silkv sngir, and shaving soap,
Tes . tobacco, and turpentine.
Umbrellas, undcr-sleevcs. and useful things,
Veils. rarnLh. and vinegar.
Wreathe, woiden roods, waffle-irons.
Vara, yeast, and Yankee notions,
IQnc, and zephyr worsted,
Ac, Ac, and so on.
Besides many other articles too nnmernns to mention ;
all of wbirh we sro tfcring at reduced price, adopt
ing the plan of Vaictr sales and small profits."
The ladie will find in their department a large stock
of fancy good, direct from Xew York, which i not
nsnally kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will be in
constant receipt adequate to the want of the ladies.
1 ne Uentlemen s lfepartraent or iiirntsnms S"oas
will e'doni I eona'led.and excelled by none in Salem.
IKON. The blacksmiths and iron dealers willalwavs
Sad a well-selected stor k of nil sixes and shajies, to
gether with a good assortment or iron axles, from 14 X
ft ia., tj 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland
prices, adding freight.
We are prepared to receive all kind of produce in
exchange for goods, and nto money. For full particu
larscalt and examine for yourselves.
Salem. Feb. 10. 1M7. 4&tf
L. P. Fisher's
ADVERTISIXG Agency. San Francisco Xe, 171)
Washington street, up stair, nearly opposite to
Magnires Opera House.
I. i'. KlsHbU ts the authorized Agent or tne
Onosos Statcvas;
Marysville Herald;
Sacramento Union;
San Joaquin Republican. Stockton;
Pacific Slethodist, Stockton;
Sonora Herald;
. Nevada Journal:
Grass Valley Telegraph;
Red Bluff Beacon;
Columbia 'razette;
Mountain lemocrat, riacerville;
Toolnmne Courier;
Calvarez Chronicle. Mokelumne Tltll;
El Dorado Iem-icrat;
Shata Courier;
Mariposa Gazette;
Yreka Weekly Union:
Trinity Journal. Weaverville;
Iowa Hill News; .
Weekly I-crtser. Jackson;
San Jose Telegraph;
Sonoma County Journal;
Folsom Dispatch;
California Mining Journal; .
L' Antrele Star;
Santa Barbara tJazette;
San Diego Herald;
Almeda Ciunty Gazette;
Placer Courier. Yankee Jiros
Napa County Reporter;
Sierra Democrat. Downieville;
Humboldt Times; '
. Union;
Oregonian, Portland. O. T.
Pacific t'hristian Advocate, Salem, O. T.
Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.
Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia, W. T.
Washington Jtepuiiliban, Steilacoom, W.T.
Poynesian. Honolulu. S. I.;
Pacific Commercial Ad-ertiser. Honolulu S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hopgkong Register.
l. P. F. bas'now comnleted his arrangement for
the forwarding nf dvertiements to all the principal
larsrest ciruulatmg Journals and newspapers puoiisnea
ia the Atlantic State.
A fine onnortnnitv ishere offered to those whowum
to advertise in any part or the Union, of doing so at
the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satisfactory man-
August 25, 17. ' 3"
. For Sale.
WILL sell one hslfof the land claim known
as vile lwiiril. riHur'V vimiw. nm iiuii i.,.
adjoins Mr. Peter II. Hatch's and is about M
twn miiM from t treffon i.iiv. on wn uoiirr ii-
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the
property, lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid
ly growing town of Corralli. Benton Co., and known
as the " Thomas' property, consisting of four lots of
land, together with all the buildings tnereon. rii
property is in a beautiful location, and both will lie sold
st a crrrxt bargain in cash, or wheat or osta at cash
price. Inquire of th mibscrilper, at his store in Ore
gon city, in relation to uoiu, or mi nun. . v.. aci j,
in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis.
Also, six (!) lots of land in uregon city.
Oregon City. March 1,1857. ltf
Salem Drug Store.
T?iR0XT Street. Rector's building. Constantly
A on hand a full assortment of Dncos. Mn
ctxEs, Paists, Oils and Dvb Stvffs, Patent
Mkdicikks. Ac
In short almost every article usually found ia a Drug
Store, and are offered at Whoucsalc aso Retail, at
extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as
S" Oanras BOMCinrn.
Prescrintiona free or chares at offic.
BV Prompt attention will be given to professional
rsllsinuiecity. A. M. BELT, M. D.
Salem, O. T, June 1, 1957. i2tf
tr herehr iri van. that C. S. Wood worth is authorized
I to transact my personal business during my absence.
Salem, June 17, 1607.
I pvRY-GOODS for ladies and ffsntiemen, in freat ra-
U m-ty, at anu atroaiso
S. J. McCormick,
Fnaililin Ecoh Ctoro,
(raOHfSrnBET, rXBTt.ANI,O.T.)
LT AS constantly on hand a large stock of Books ash
-a- a. sTATioKxar, wmcn ut sens at a email aavaoce on
Publish ns Piich.
s9F A eatsloms ma tui aen In the Ore eon and
Washington Almanac for 1957. Books ordered tbere-
irom sent postage free to any part oreltner l errntory.
i-oruana, r eb. zt, l!7. suyt
- Corrallla Drag Store.
JR. CARD WELL. Druggist and Apothecary, iseon-
ntasnly receiving, per California ateamera, large
and carefully selected stocks, of Drugs and Medicine.
oils, rants, t arnisa, soaps, renumertes, xoiiet rur.
uiture. Stationery, and alt articles usually kent in Dros
Stores. Agent for Jayues, and other patent medicines.
wnicu wui oe nirnisncd at niuornia, wnoiesale prices.
. r OnDEit soucirco. va
CorvaUls.MnySS. 1S57. 13tf
lllacltstntth and others, Look.
A I.LAN McKIXLAY CO. have now on band a
XI. large and well selected stock or
Bar Iron, . Cast Steel,
Horse shoe do., German do.,
Kail rod do., , Plough do.,
Plate do..
Ami Intend to keep np the assortment so ns to suit the
wants of customers. Give ns a call, and von will And
that we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell
' as cheap a the cheapest." We are constantly receiv
ing additions to onr assortment, so as fo replace what
Oregon City. Dec. 33. 18SB. 41tf
Henry Johnson A Co.
(148 Washington Street. San Francisco.)
Oder for sale to the country trade, the largest stock
of rood in their line on the Pacillc coast eomnri-
sing Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, Patent Medicine or
all Vl.. .1 . I . . n.t. 1 : I . I . . - rm ,
I miiius. onwm, i sinus, iis, uis, aurpenune, aim
every article appertaining to the business. Harinx su
perior facilities for obtaining their goods thee think
they ran offer inducements to buyers unequalled by
v oioer noose.
Orders respectfully solicited. 401y
CHAIN PUMIS, monkey wrencnea, -matrh
planes, screw arm.
sasn planes, .
horse shoes and nails to fit.
gun lock, plugs aud nipples,
tube, bullet moulds,
Wosenholra's 1X1. pocket knives,
pruning and budding knives,
rat trap to catek jutW. at M00RE3"
"Books and Stationery.
) Parker's 1st. 2d. 3d, 4th and Sth,
Sanders do do do do
Mcliittly's do do do do
" levies' arithmetic.
University and Common School,
Intellectual and primary,
Ihivies' B rardon algebra,
Legeudre. surveying.
tieometry and trigonometry.
Key to liavie' Arithmetic,
Thompson's arithmetic,
Parker's philosophy,
juvenile and 1st lessons.
Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's,
Geographies MiU-hcll's. Monteith's manual.
aionteitu s 1st Icssocs,
' , Musc Lute of Zion, Xew Carmina Sacra,
" 'J .Christian I'salmUt, Missouri Harmony.
J-..- .1 o n i. r i. .
notice to Fruit Growers.
11. C. Grer.s Co.
HAVE 130.000 Fiuit Tree consisting or 13.009 Eso
pusSpitzcnlicrp. 13."00 Yellow N. T. Pippin, 10,
000 Winesapes, 12.IKK) White Prarmains. and a line a
sortaicnt of Summer. Fall, and other Winter apples,
pears, plum, and cherry trees, from 3 tot years old,
which we will sell at tlie'followins prices for cash t
Cherry trses SO to $1 00
Plum " 50 to 1 00
- Apple " 35.
Pear 35 to 73,
and a liberal discount made where a person bnys a
th"nand trees or over.
We conidcr Xovcmlr r the best month to transplant
trees. U.C.GEERACO.
Fruit Farm. Marion Co.. Sept. 2i. 1S37. Sotf
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE undcrsizned now rSersliis valinMe
lann for sale, situated oa Spring tireek,
in Marion Co.. O. T.. one a:id a half miles
south of McKinnav s Mill, on the County read
running from Salem tifai.l Mills. It coutnins 10arre.
of which 40 acres is under a gsod suljtantiai Make
and rider Tonce. one hundred acres in good cultivation,
two hundred fine bearing fruit trees, a good farm
house, together with ether ont buildings. Said farm U
well watered, and the best adapted t stock raiding,
and wheat growin of any farm in the Territory. Slid
farm has been settled since l-t, and was among the
first claims taken in Marion Co. Any person desirous
or burin? a ir xwl farm, with a litis nionev, will do well
to call at the rcsid
Spring Creek. March 30,
157. 4tf
House, Carriage, Sign, and Steam-
ooag fanning.
C A. REED having estal-IL-hed hi Paint shop in
Salem, is prepared to execnte with dispatch all
join ia the above line. Banner. Standards, and Km-
l.leni. for societies panited on si!K.s:iin. velvet or mus
lin. Paint of all colors and descriptions mixed, readv
frne.ror sale at his shop ; alo bite Ixad. Linseed
Oil.Turpent" on" Varnish, Wall pas-r atid B-mlrr,
Window glass, Paii:t bmshes. sraiuing tMils, 4c. Di
rection given in painting, alsin graining imitation
of wo"d, stone or marble.
X. B- Onlers rrora abroad promptly attended to.
All Jobs intrusted to his care warranted to give satis-
Salem, Jan. . l-7. 43yl
THE Judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the ninth day or January, eighteen hundred and fifty
seven, do fix and appoint District Courts, to be held in
village or l(osebur. in tne county ot ltougias on tne
first Mondavs.of March. Msy, Septepiber and Xovem
ber.annuallr, nntil otherwise ordered, and do limit the
duration of said term to six days each.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chier Justice.
4 ltf M. P. DEADY. Associate Justice.
At Eusene Gltr.
THE snhscritsir has at Eugene City, one of the lest
general assortment of Dry tloods. Groceries, Hard
ware, Roots and Shoes, and all article kept in a gene
ral finding store, to be found in Oregon. . He is con
stantly receiving fresh additions to bis sbick, nnd al
ways keeps it np. My goods are now all received direct
from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. All
kinds of farmer snmduce received in exchange for goods
I nav hither prices Tor produce, and sell goods cheaper
man any oiuer siore in ids aerriwry. ir.Ai
Eugene City, July 1 , 1956. lfitf
STR AYED, or stolen from the subscriber,
living in Albany, Linn Co.. O. T., on or
about the first of December. 156, one sor
rel horse", blaze faced, right hip knocked
down, branded on near t-houlder (. T vented V, hair
brand. Xo other brands or marks recollected. Any
one returning said horse will be liberally rewarded.
Albany. January 37, IK57. 4tfpaid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
IT is often the case that persons suffer for n long time
with a curable disease fmm the fact that tber do not
know where to go to find relief. I am prepared to re
move all Tumors, l anrers and Diseased Bone to re
duce dislocated jo'iit of longstanding, straighten, wry
neck, club root, and to correct alt deformity or tbe
race and eyelid. u. . CAJll'iir.L.1., si. u.
Corvallis. O.T. May S, 1Sj. atl
Marion House, Salem.
rrtH fi undersiirned announces to the public
X that he has purchased the well known
ii . .i . , , i c- I : 7
tavern tanil,cnneu me .Marion iiinise. in ra- jny
lem. together with the furniture nnd fixtures
thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and Invites
tne patronage oi me puutic. . u.h. nai
Mayzi, jno. iih
"TVR. J. R. CARDWELL. Dental Surgeon, Corvallis,
1 J in his profession, at Corvallis. Eucene Citv. win
Chester, Scottshurg. .nd Jacksonville. Skill, unques
tionable; cnarre respectable; work, warranted, leeth
examined, and advice given Tree or charge.
line notice given oi cuantre ot omce.
April 2il. 1M5. "If
Look. Here.
ALL persons that arc indebted tc James Strang, are
rewiested to call and settle their account by the
I5th-fr May. and all those who do not, will find their
accounts in the hands nf John D. Boon, Justice o( tbe
Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem, I
want to settle up mv secount. JAsba m kaau
Salem, April 21.1S-V7. Btf
Reynolds & Law.
"IfiMMISSlOX Merchants and dealers in all kinds ol
V Oregon Produce. Advances made on goods con-
signed to us and torwaraea jrtt oj cmargt.
Offiee st J. Failing A CoV 15m
Kflfin bushel Oats, and 5000 Wheat, and anynusn-
tJJJJ tity orueadswiuc, lorwuicn can win be
naid on delivery. . ..rwiivuii(
Oregon City, Nov. Vi, 1856.
TONS assorted iron, just received at
DEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of
serin, tax receipt, final proofs, and notifications
a new lot just printed and for sole at tbe Statesman
July 37, 1857
'. Dr. S. It. Unclalei,
Salem, November 8, 1857. . S5tf
1. h Thayer,
in Carrallt. Benton Co., O. T., opposite to the
City Hotel in said town. 29tf
W. W. Page.
lem, O. T., OiUce, flrst door south of tbe States
man Office, up stairs. 20tr
Fomr k Stont,
Chancery and Admiralty.
T HiSr on Front street, one door north of the
' Exchange."
. Portland. O.T.. July JO, 1S57. - i3tf.
I. H. Smith.
Soliettors in Chancery, Corvallis 0. T. -i.
K. Barm. " 51tf
I. W. EiUhell,
gene City, Lane Countp. O. T.
- SBrfieil,
DISEASES OP THE EYE. Corvallis. Oregon.
September tl. 1850. , 2sm8
tit FrtMelxo AdTcrtisIng I gene j
I P. PISHFR, Iron bi.ilding. opposite Pacific Express
J OftVe, op stairs. Piles of all the principal Papers of
CahTarnis. and Oregon may be found at this office. Mr.
Fisher ia the authorized Agent for the Statesman.
Chester B. Terry,
"OusstCEJe of Deeds, and to take testimony, ae
knosnedgmenta. Ac. A. for Iowa. Indiana, Missouri.
Michigan. California and Washington Territory. . Let
ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing,
drawn en ehort notice.
S. Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collections of 1 s , tanta, Ac, 3Itl .
-- .
Proctors, Ac, in Admiralty,
- i 4 Grorer.
Solicitor in Chance Set near the Court-house,
Salem. O.T.
Em. I. St
Solu itor in Chancery, will practice in the various
coortaof Oregon and Washington Territories. Office,
Salem. O. T.
Delazoa Smith,
Solicanr in Chancery, will promptly attend to ail
Isisiness rtai:iing to hi profession in the first Judicial
District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Office. Albany, Linn County, O. T.
X. U. When not at his "office, or absent on crofes.
slonal bitslness, he may be found at his residence, five
miles suutc-east or Albany, on what is known as the
Grand Prairie.1
W. 8. Brock,
Solietf-w in Chancery, will practice in the various
courts in tais Territory, and promptly attend to the col
lection or all claims airaiust tbe Uuiied States, through
an efficient ageut residing at Washington City. Ottice
t. f - 3 ' r V '
11. E. Stratton,
ATTOB'TET AT LAW. will practice In the various
courts or southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
Conrt or the Territorv. .
Orrtrt In 1 V-r Creek. Donsla eoontv. O. T. Resi
dence C mit north of Winchester, on the Willamette
X. B. Bounty Land Warranti obtained for claimants
on reasonable terms. Utf
Chadtvick & Uibbs,
licitor, in Chan.-ery . Ac. OITh-es at Winchester and
Gardiner. S. F-Cuadwick, Winchester. Douglas Co.,
O. T. A.C. GiBBd, Gardiner, L'mpqua Co., O. T.
jicv.t. itoo. 3otr
Barnum & Wilson.
lem. Oregon. Particular attention is Riven to th;
collection of -notes and accounts, and cairns against
WTtintv uid " arrants tymgiit and sold.
jar w4im a
11. P. Bnnhnm.
fice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. 6tf
J. I. Cole, M. 13.,
Str Portland. Oregon.
TJ. WRIGHT E. B. STOXE. having sssociated
. together in practice, respectfully tender their ser
vices to the people of Benton nnd Linn desiring to se
cure the favor of the afflicted by success . Office
near J . C. Avery s store, corvallis. 1 1 lypaia
I. B. Balloek,
Designs, plans, specifications, Ac-, furnished on
reasonable terras.
William C. Grisvrold ft. Co.,
. - Eugene City.
ORACE E. LAWRKXCE, Preprietorpf the Eugene
City Hotel. 13tr.
Medical Notice.
THE snhacriber, would inform the inhabitants that he
is at his old stand, ready to sttend to all calls iu
his profession ; also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
asorted supply of Syringes, all of which be will dispose
of on reasonable terms. W. WARREX.
Salem December 2. lo. u
IV. It. Mavprt. M. I).
TtHYSlCIAX and Surgeon. . Ollloe in my new build
I , i . . . j r i. nr 11 J
Mclteenv's lire-proof building ; where I will be found
when not professionally ensaged. I will keep constant
ly on hand a freih sapplv of Drujs and Medicines
winch 1 will sen low mr ca?n.
Corrallis, Dec. 9. lSjii. ayti Notice.
DR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francmo, California,
offers his professional services to Hie cit'iEens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respecuuliy solicits a snare 10
public ravor.
mr 1IU1CC a. iwn win tuivai ukuk
14T R. W. SHAW.
- fnmnhpll It Pratt.
ATTORXEYS AT LAW, San Francisco. Calirornia.
Ofllce. corner Montgomery aud Sacremento streets,
over Parrott tc Cos. Rank. . .
Messrs. Campbell k Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, andwiH'be pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their care. Sltf
At.r..vNnEii Cinrnpi.r.. w. c. i-ratt.
Joseph N. I'rcstolt.
i',MAU ' ST., OllEOO! CITT.
E ALER l illy Groceries. Boots, Shoe, Ac, and
Paint a . ds, wholesale and retail.
Juty-7, IV s IStf
S. Ellswortlt,
US. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene
City, Line Comity, Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner f Deeds for Xew York, Connecticut, Ac.
Aiitust 2C. lS-iO, 21tr
, Watchmaking.
WILLIAM F. HIGHF1ELD, Chronometer and
Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to
the buildine iurtomiosite to the Main-street House,
where he can be constantly, found prepared todo any
business in hi line. Wstclirs cleaned and repaired on
short notice nnd reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches and jewelry for bale.
March .1. lSo. , ly51
K. Hamilton, M. D.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce ti the good people of Donglas and the ad
joining counties, that he has located permanently at
Deer Creek for the purpose or practicing medicine, nnd
in which profession he will be fuithful to discharge all
duties, and spare uo pains to render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Offick opposite R. H. Dearborn A Co.'s store, on
Mam street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at low eiuh pri
ce. 42tf
Wells, Fargo, &, Co.,
Co., in connection with their Express business, will
also transact a general Exdumgt void' Collation Butt
on. Collections and Remittances made in all parts oi
Oreiron.Califiiraia.the Atlantic States, and Eu rone, with
promptness aud despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought und sold.
Sisrht Exchanae on Aw York, Bo torn. Philadrtohia.
Albamy, Roehtttrr. Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, IMtroit,
catcago, JMUvaauKte, uaiema. si. otu, IMimUle,
Cincinnati, and forty other principal towns in the Atlan
tic States and tbe Canada, may be procured at any of
our nice. hujus, rAiiuu.s ui.
Ill, Montgomery-street, Sau Francisco
JAMES U MULX,,fgenf.
Jaie 1856.
Br. Cnphay'i Kedieal Rolieti.
DR. J. L. CZAPKAY'S Grand Srcdickl and 8nrglcal
Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery oppo
site Pacific Mail! Steamship Co.'s Office, 8au Francisco,
California. Established for the Permanent cure of all.
Private and Chronic Diseases, and tbe suppression of
quackery. . - t i'
Dr. J. L. CZAPX AY, late in the Hungarian Revolu
tionary War, Chief Physiciau in the 20th Regiment or
Houveds.chier sargeou to the military hospital at Pesth,
Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases or Urinary Or
gans and Diseases of Women and Children, would most
respectfully iufo-m the public or Oregon aud Calirornia
that he has opened an Institute ror the cure or Chronic
Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidueys, heart, blood, brain
aud the horrid consequences ot serf-abuse, and be hopes
that his lonir experience and successful practice of ma
ny years, will insure him a share of public patronage.
By the practice of many year in Europe and tbe Uni
ted States, and during the Unngarian war and cam
paigns, he is enabled to apply tiie most efficient and
successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He
uses no Mercury charges moderate treats his patient
in a correct and honorable way has references of un
questionable veracity from men Of known respectabili
ty and lilu'h standing iu society. AU parties consulting
him by letter, or otherwise, w'ill receive the best and
gentlest treatment, and Implicit secrecy. - The Dr.'s
office are on Sacramento St., below Montgomery. San
Francisco. California. , fiinS
Dr. L.J. Czapkay would call public attention to
spermatorrhoea or local weakness- There is not in the
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than this, as well because of present distress, as the
ultimate results. The tone of the system under its in
fluence is either Impaired or entirely destroyed, and a
classof symptoms superinduced that nnht man for the
performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The
injuries done to the physical part of man is truly la
mentable, but trifling when compared to those o the
censorium.the great nervous center, and to the ner
vous system generally. This disesse. which is too often
consequent upon that solitary vice, self-abcse. involves
pathological conditions beyond, the comprehension of
tbeuninitiated. but which are well understood by the reg
ular practitioner. Araoug the symptoms most conspio
nousare the following: Love of solitude, aversion to
business and society, distressing timidity, perrons ex
citement from slight causes. loss of memory, confusion
of ideas, inability to roason correctly, low spirits and
lassitude, dullness of apprehension and misanthropy.
These being functional derangement, are often the ns.r
bincrers of horrid org-itiic lesions of tiie brain, which
produce fatuity, dementia and death-
For the care of tlijs and all kindred diseases. Dr.
Czapkav has established hi3 Institute, where all may
rely with perfect conSdcnce upon that skill which long
experience and til irough devotion to his profession ha
Those who suffer shonM call or write withont delay,
and use the meaa by which they my recuperate and
A'l emsaltations, bv letter or therw-i-;v free. Ad
drcsto " DTL L. J. CZAPKAY. -
liai3 Medical Institute. Sin Francisco. Cal.
traordinary ssccess in tiie treatment of secret dis
eases in the prianry -and otiier stages,' induces him to
cs'.l public at:eotion to the fact that of the great num
bers who have made doily application to him. there is
not one who has cot been eTsctoally and permanently
cured. In recent cases of private riiieases, the tr. guar
anties a perfect care in a few davs without hindrance
to business or ether incoavenienco. The T)r.s method
of treating these maladies, combines the improvements
made by the me lical faculty with dis?overies of his
own t!uit r.rc unknown to any one el.-, and which, when
in-j'.icd, prevent the passi'jilltv of evil after consennen
ces. - -
Se-ondary synliuis, which is S3 desf ractivs of health,
producing ulcerations of the throat, destroying the soft
parts, aud leaving the bones exposed, which mortify,
separate and come away, disluring the sr.Serer m-.xt
horribly, as well is hnpairiag his general health, and
predisposing to consumption, the I'r. treats in the most
certain and eSoient mmner- Also, painfi swcliin j
npon the lone. di-Jirurinsr splotches cp"a the sfcin.
S'-ires, pimples, and all ether coasc-incaces of private
dieat'eshe guaranties to cure or a-ks no compensation.
Dr. C wotdd eie-ia!!y ea!i the attention of t:f'e who
have faited t-i obttin rcii'ef fr itvrlbers.rfn jny ef whom
he has a'ready nred, and mny are stiH under treat
ment. T'uo Dr. raakes no charge (or consultation, aud
invites alll-i call at bis lastittte :and he will give them
sneh satisfaction as they can obtain no here else.
These at a distance, by "writing to the Dr., can have
their cures pnner'.v attended t". OfSceson Sacrjmec
to ft-, below Montgomery. San Francisco, tisl. Iim3
The Erratcsl Disforfrr of the l?f.
f'i REAT Uies-inss i-j Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
I DR. CZAPK AV"S PaorHtLiCTicrM. (sclf-disiafcc-
mieiyst.) Mwriniiiii.ii TnraTriSt wct diseases.
and aa uns-irpa-ssed remedy for scr iful-Kis. gangrenous
and caarerous -ulcers, and all cuLaou eruptions and dis-
eaes. 1- or saie at U. I.ZAPK4T s l:ncc. ArmirT Hall.
corner of Sacramento nnd M jul joiaery sB.. San Fran
cisco. Cal. As t:ioeiil;:l'n is preventive aaiu t small
pox. so is Dr. Caipkay's PraphiUcticnra a prevective
5jrai;i?t set-rtt die-;-e. That they can !e prevented by
proper a ser.ts, is as wt '1 ar e-.ablis!ied fact as that they
can be cured aiier tiieirestiblisumeat. This principle.
which is now universally rceoji:id, was received even
before the davs of Jcnner. the discovererof vacciaation,
in 7JS. and its mnltirlied beceiits ever since have re
ceived as they deserved, the attention of the Medical
facultv. It was in pursuit of this branch of the medi al
science that I'r. L. J. Czapkay fortunately made the dis
covery of his Prophylacticam, which, ror the cancerous
and cutanous disorders, stands unrivalled by anv agent
in the P!armaeopo. The modta operandi of this med
icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons
possess encmicai properties wnicn are neuirauzcu oy
being brought iocont;irt with this pmphylatie, as acids
are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering them inert.
Theffectof this agent is immediate, and removes the
possibility or a contraction or disease, ir, however, the
disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing
the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce
the consequences known as secondary disease. In can
cerous and gangcroos ulcers, in foetid discharges and in
cutanous diseases where the secretions are excoriating,
it acts upon the same principle and U one of the most
effectual remedies for the pnrur:e now known. Where
dieae ia once establi-hed it should te used in connec
tion with other remedies, aud when so used never rails
or success. It has been administered by the Doctor in
manv thousand cases, and he has yet to find the first
in which it has failed to snhserve the purpose for which
it was administered. Trice, $j. Full directions are at
tached to each package.
If . B. In ra-es where the Prophylatienm is used as
curative. Dr. L. J. Czapkay will fnraish (gratis) a pre
scription for his blood purifier.
All communications from the country, addressed only
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, San Francisco, Cal., will be
strictly and contidentially attended to. and remedies,
with the greatest care aud secre-y, immediately dis
patched by express or otherwise to their destination.
12m3 San Francisco. Cal.
CzirxAT, M. D.. phvsician surgeon and accoucher, in
vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la-
horinir nnder anv of tne various forms of diseases of the
brain, lung, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid
neys, and all diseases peculiar to tlieir sex. The Ioc
tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other
physician in Oregon or California, ui no laise ueiicacy
nrevent von. biit apply immediately, and save yourself
from painful sutTerins and premature death. All mar
ried l:idies, whose delicate health or other cin-nmstances
do not allow to have an increase in their families should
write or call at Dr. L. J- Czapkay's Medical Institute,
Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery
streets" and they will receive every possible relief and
help- The Doctor's Ofoees are so arranged .Wat ne can
l,o i-nnsiilted withont molestation. 12m3
fla. Al consultations by letter or otherwise,) free.
Address to I'll. i J- t. iai. -m. v..
Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal.
3-The attention of the readers is called to the fol
owini: A lady of high standing in society-and respectability,
published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch,
3entpmber 14. 1351. which is as follows:
A Card The undersigned feels it herduty to express
her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay, for the success
ful cure nf herself and child. Tiie latter having been
afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum, was
given up as incurauio ny some oi me uii cticumKu
.o.:..ion. wlirn slio called on Dr. Czankav. of whom
she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short
period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour
aed by this extraordinary result, she sought advice
i,'raelf for tbe scrofulous malady, with which she had
been afflicted for eight years, aud which withstood the
treatment of the best physicians in Europe and Ameri
ca. But Dr. Cssapkay has succeeded in affording her
permanent relief, so that she -can now enjoy life, which,
for eiaht years bad lost all charms Tor her. She, there
fore deems it due to herseir and to all sick and afflicted
to recommend Dr. Czpkay, as one of the most skillful
uhvs cuius witlun tne unneu auiie.
Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia.
A. r.i.A7.i.K. Notary Public. 12G, 7th street.
The following is an editorial notice in the Boston
Daily Times of August bth, ISO:
A SstLi.Kt'1. Phvsiciax. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has
opened an ollue at . o. id r le&sam street in tnis city.
Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army as physician and surgeon nnder the
patronage of Kos-uith. lie combines with a finished
education and the most refined and agreeable manners,
the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in his
profession, aud we feel much pleasure in recommending
him to onr citizens as a physician and a. srentleman
Dr. Czapkay has spent some time in Philadelphia where
be won the confidence and friendship of those who lie-
came acquainted with uim. Among his mends in Phil
sde.lohiaare ccntlemea or the highest respectability.
with whom we are personally acquainted. He had an
extensive practice iu Hungary before the Austrian and
Russians compelled him to leave it for being found
guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive
that patrouage due man of so eminent capacity.
The above are only a few of the many testimonials
which Dr. Czapkay has in his possession, but cannot
pnblibh for want of space. AU communications, (by
letter er otherwise,) free.
W"Pcraona desiring prompt attention, and who wish
to avoid the delay of corresponding, can have immedi
ate attention by sending ten dollar as consultation fee,
and can have medicine forwarded. Address to '
m, . - L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D. S
12m3 Ban Francisco, CaL
SPERMATORRHEA, or Local Weakness, nervous de
bility, low spirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs
and back, indisposition, loss of memory, aversion to so
ciety, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness
headache, pains In tbe side, affection of the eyes pim-'
pies on the race, sexual and other infirmities in ma'n are
cured without fail by the justly celebrated phyii-4an'lnj
surgeon, L. J. Czapkay. His method oi curing diseases
is new (unknown to others) and hence tbe great suc
cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. s
Address, . L. J. CZAPKAY, M.D.,
l7mS San Francisco. Cal.
THE Jod"r of the Supreme Court ft rs. T ' "
Oregot --em1 'led at tiie seat of Ooser -the
lGth f .cember. IS56. do an appo
District Court: s bield fn the1 citjr ot Salem in the
county of M iri on, on the first Mondays of April and
September, and the fourth Mondays of-Jay fiad Octo
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and in the city
of Portland, in the county of Mnltnoraah, on tbe fifth
Monday, of December, 1856, and thereafter on tbe flMt
Mondays of May and October, and the third Monday
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. GEO. H.WILLIAMS, Chief Justice."
41 CYRUS OLNEY. Associate Justice. '.
Health or Sieknets ? Choose Belveen Then.
THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone,
muscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. When
pure, it secuies health to every organ ; whea corrupt, it
uece-sarily produces disease. IIOL.L.OWAY'S
PILLS operate directly npon the elements of the
stream of lire. - neutralizing the principle of disease,
and thus radically curing the malady, whether located
in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the
muscles, tbe skin, the brain, or any other part of tbe
system. ,
Hollowzy's Pills are equally efScacinus in complaints
common to the whole human race, and in disorders pe
culiar to certain climates and localities.
Dy-pen?ia, and dennscment of the liver, the source
of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumera
ble deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, howev
er aggravated, acting' as a mild purgative, alterative
and tonic : they relieve the bowels, purify the fluids, and
invigorate the system and the constitution of tbe same
time. .
PIAIXTS. WEen all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing
properties of these Pil's give firmness to the shaking
nerves and enfeebled mucfes of the victim of eenexal
All irregularities and aCImenU iacident so tbe deli
cate aud sensitive omans cf the sex are removed or
prevented bv a few doses of these mild, bat infr llible
alteratives. No mother whi regards her own cr her
children's health shoa'd fail to have tacm within her
The London "Lancet," the London "Medical Review.
and the eruinent of the faculty in Great Britain,
France and Germany, have eulogized the Piiis aud their
HOLLOrVA ITS PILLS are the best rtmeda knmm
in tie li'orld for the foliatcme diseases- Asthma, Bcw-
ell Complaints, Coughs. Colas, Chest Costive-
ness. Dyspepsia, LMarrtKBa, Urupsy, ueaaity, r ever ana
Ague, lemale Complaints, LteaJaches, Indigestion. In
fluenza, Inflammation. Inward Weakness, Liver Com
plaints, Lowne-a of Spirit. Files, fet one and Gravel,
Send rv Svmptom3, Venereal Affections, Worms, cf
All kind"!
.S fid at tne Msanrs-rwies or Professor uoixowat.
0 Maiden, New icrs. HI btraaa, London, by ail
rcspe.taiilc Dnur:ts an 1 Dialers in iledicise tlirough
oct the United States and the civilized world, iu boxes
at 2 cents, 61 j cent?, and SI each.
3-There iscoasiueral l? saving by taking the lar
t sizes.
N. B Directions for the gsidttiee of pstients jceve-
ry disorder are aiaxed to each box. 37yl
T.-1AT Cottoa Yarn has arrived, at
The Laws of Oregon.
rnrrn OREGON STATUTES. l?5S.beinr a lar-evol
I nme of 650 pages, with complete index, annota
tions, nnd references, comprising an tne laws to force in
the Territory. elusive of those passed at last session
of rhe LeiTislative AstemWy. are for sale at the ofSee of
the Steteasinaa. at five dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and
is sId at publisher prices, and as low as a like wcrS can
be bonght ia any State in the Union, and at the lowest
fieure they can be afforded for here. Tbe prire places
them within the reach of all who desire the laws they
live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
filled bv return mail. It is the la code of laws that
n-i'J probably be published in Ore.T--!. for many years-
In addition ts the enactments of the Lerfslatir; Assem-
!v, the vol:.fne contains the Declaration of ladepen-
lence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Jreat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of Hsw. in
force in Oregon. Donatio" aw and ail amendments.
and full abstract of United .?ates Naturalization Laws.
Estrar Animals.
THE subscriber at Harrisbarg. Linn Co., has lost the
following described animals:
A bay horse, with star in forehead, a little white on
his nose, hind feet white up to the pastern join, and
branded" 21' ontue rignt saouiuer, 3 years old Uiis
a iso a roan ecw. i or o rears oia, nnnaea j . a. on
the riht hip, and " 21" as above. Has a white calf
above. The cow left last fall, and probably has had
another calf this spring.
Any person finding them will be rewarded for their
trouble, tiy informing me. A. McILWA JN.
June IG, iso 7. itmBpaid
ULL'S No. 1 Soap, the best you ever used. Try it.
w bite lead, imseea on,
turpentine, putty,
indiso. madder, copperas, slum,
oil for lamps and machinery,
New Orleans sngar,
crushed sugar,
cream tartar, saleratus, soda, at
2(itf MOORES.
Uo ! Te Workf rs of Iron and St I !
IH AVE this day received by the arrival of the J. R.
WUitinsr from San Francisco, the foUowin assort
ment of iron and steel, to wit :
2.000 lbs. Norway shaces,
2.003 lbs. 1X1 Iron (Oat.)
2.000 " 3X3-16 " -3,000
" iXl "
6,000 " j.j. 1,1. and ll.sqasre,
3,000 " j.5-15, i. l.and Ij, inch round,
1,000 " assorted cast steel.
100 " horse shoe nails, (G)
Which together with stock in store makes as com
plete an assortment as can be found in Territory and
will be sold as cheap as the cheatest for c ash or coun
try prodnce. - J. N. PRESCOTT.
'Oregon City. Feb. 23, 1357. 50tf
Boot and Shoe Store.
TTIHRDEEiri WIdgltftV wnnM unnonneo
X? to the citizens of Salem, and the surround- f
ing country, that ha have taken a store on the i
east side of Commercial street, north of tbe postoflSce
where ho will keep constantly on hand a full assort
ment of every Kind ot Doots ana suoes, botu enstom and
sale work, which tie will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the
manufacture or repair cf work will be complied with.
and tne work done in a substantial and workmanlike
manner. Give me a call and examine my stook.
Salem. March 12,1857. 13tf
Look. Here!
E have jnst received S3.000 lbs. of ground alum
salt, which we are selling at aj.mi per bnndrt-d.
TF YOU WANT a refily good artic! - of COFFEE, the
A undersigned have got i;.ooo pounrs best COSTA
KlLA. Come in and look at it.
Oregon City, Dec. 6, 1856.
San Francisco, f Portland, O. T.
Richards & McCratten.
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon
J t lour, urain. Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon. Lard
Hams, tcM Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisoo-
january 27, lo7. -fritr
TO all whom this may come, greeting r That I am to
leave for the States soon, and would respectfully
request those who know themselves indebted to me. or
vv .CGriswold Co., to call ana ?"':"'n; '
and oblige w.C.GBlSWOl.i.
Ci T T 10I7 -sruwa
RIT 1NG-PA PER, superior article,
Black ink, from quarw -
Slates and penens,
Tabor's pencils, ,'
Envelopes, wafers, . ..
School cards and toy books, at
2fitf ' -
. Dickinson Type Foundry..
PHELPS & DALTOM. Bwton. L.P. Fisher, Agent,
San Franciscor Orders solicited for type, leads,
rule, kc.
August 55,1857. 2f
' Tne Oregon Statesman.
Ah Independent Journal, dtrcltd to' Polilict. General
Inlelligrnee, fa Published at Satan, Oregon.
ASAHEL BUSH,- Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor;
- The Statesman is Democratic in politics, and thor
oughly National in its character. It is hm-tile to every
species of sectionalism, fansticu-m, and intolerance J
and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorperatej
any of the Insane bans of the day into ocr Territorial
legislation. '
It will advocate all practical measures of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
onr local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca
pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability -of tbe officer to tbe people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating tbe public mind, in a man- -ner
fearless, impartial, and just.
"i Tssm Bsiisitnil ill "ill be edited with mock'
-km, and nothing will be spared to furnish early;
' S -. i : i i : . : t .v . '
r . t!o
: ; Due
a large, widely-scattered, and most
rtTet of correspondents, and very complete'
or ptoenring news.
eotion is also paid to the publication of Miscel
gsltural and Livenr. matter. - - . .
In th ucner are cnblUhed th i. . MTniLm, anil
treaties of the United States, said tbe laws and reaoln-"
tiona of the Territory of Oreeoi,y antbority. The
paper te printed on new material, and apon a sheet ot
tnr largest size.
, SUtteuxtJiii Book, and JobOQce,
WE have Three Presses, the best facihtiea for Book"
printing north of California, and an eatewuve as,'
sortment of Josaiso Matkwai. of every kind; and, with
master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and'
in a workman-like manner, all orders in the above de
partments, such aa
Books, ' : BtJ Cnecxs,
pAaarHUTS, Noror Haxn,
Hmnui, Onnca Booxs,
Ball Tickets. Btosb't Bills.
CiaccuAES, . ; . ; Stssjuo't Casta,
fjrvTTATtojcs, ' ' Bills ttr Ladiso
Btstxebs Csjcna, Cunmins,
BiLLBKans, . Show Bhas, ,
Coxenrr Bills, . Cmecjc Boom, .
PaooBJUores, : Bt'x RecKtrr,
. Abdbebs CaBDS. - DaaFTS.
Blaxks op af-L Knrns, Ac. Ac-. Ac.
Law of Neiripapm.
1. Subscribers who do not give express notice te the
contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their
subscription. - - - '
2. If subscribers order papers discontinued. Publishers
may continue to send them till all charges are paid.
3. If snhsrribers neglect or refuse to take their papere
from the ofnee or place to which they are sent, they are
held responsible until they settle their bill and give bo
tice to discontinue them.
4. If sabscribere move to other places without infornrni
the Publisher, and the paper is sent to tbe former direc
tion, they are held responsible.
5. The courts have decided that refasingto take a pa
per or periodical from the office, or removing i-J leav
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of ibtentmsm.
er-ir Postmasters would oblige, by a strict fulfillment
of the regulations requiring them to notify Publishers,
once in three months, of papers not taken from tbeir
office by su"serihers. .
Hotel International.
THIS house is kept strict? as s hotel. The J 'C
utmost care used to. please every guest gj-
throughout every department. No trouble m I
mosquitoes ia any part of the house. A coach 1 a
maried " Icteraational always at the boats to convey
passengers to the bouse, for tl each person, including
baggage. A. S. H LEY. Leasee,
Assisted by John J. Haley, and E- R. Robinson, late
of tl Rail Road House.
August 25, 1So7. S7m3
Livery and Sale Stable.
WE are now keeping a Livery stable in
Oregon City, where Horses can al
ways be obtained on liberal terms.
Ve are also prepared with excellent sta
bles, well supplied with hay and oats, to keep horses
by day or week- Those who eail cpan us may feel as
sured thit every attention will be given to horses left
in our charge. GIBSON & POTTER.
August 1 1, 1S57. Sftf
Salem Tannery.
THE subscribers have purchased the Tannery at St
lem, formerly belonging to Elisha Strong. AB de
scrptions of leather will be kept constantly on hand,
and th: highest price, in cah or leather, wSI at ail
times be paid for hides and bark.
Salem. Oct 21. 1537. Ir33naid
City Hotel, Corvallis.
TTT0ULD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and
V the travelling public Eeceraily, that they have
thoroughly reSttec this well known establishment, and "
are now prepared for the accommodation of customers.
The rooms have all been newly refurnished, the beds
cleaa and comfortable, and their table will be furnish
ed with the best the market al jrds.
Corvallis. Aug. 30. 1457. S5t1
Allan, 31cKinlsf, & Co.,
ATE just received a stock of New Goods, ana.
would mnte ail those who wish to' procure GOOjt
articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They
const t in part of the Kilowing:
Grinsfc-tenes. Canal and Wheel Harrows
Grain Cradles, Fancy Brooraa,
i;ras tH?ytnes ana fcn.ttLs triain o
Brush do do
Assorted Colored Tans,
10 so Harrow3, 23 teeth
rxiutci Auos,
Zine Wa.hboards.
Biacksmith's Bellows.
Crosscut Saws, 7 ft
da fift
Mia Saws, 7 ft
Hair Uattrasses, double,
do single.
Hair Bolsters, double.
do single,
Speym Candles.
Adamantine do
Grape brand Tobacco.
Garden Rakes,
do Hoes,
do Spades.
Polished Shovels,
Hay Forks.
Manure t arts,
Window Glass 8 by 10
do 10 by II
do 7 by 9
Window Sashes S by 10
uo in by tl
UX hows and i oKes,
Lane oo no
Blankets, Baize. Lindseys, Sheetings, Ticks, Ac-lc
We keen constantly on hand a lar?e scnolv nf r.Rn.
cs kiu numerous to mention.
Oregon City. iltf -
Kenyon's Dafaerreu
THE undersigned having recently returned from Sa
Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautiful
Pitnru nn 1'11 A ST TV wKieh InK
almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in the
feast and ban Francisco. t-
Gsilery in the new boildms. erected eneeranv for the
basinets, west of the Marion House.
Salem. November 11, 1S56. 35tf
New Store and New Goods.
At Ootlond, Mtthenefs Ferry, O. T.
A LBERT Z1EBER, Dealer in dry froods. troceries.
V crockery, hardware, produce, Ac.
r Havin? p-archased the stock in trade of G. E. Getch-
en, togetaer wita tue premises Known as Metneneyn
Ferry Ton the Willamette river, and having built a new
storehouse, and replenished the stock of goods on hand.
now ofieri to exchange, rgr produce or cash, aa assort
ment of
Dry goods, consisting of clothing, cassimeres. satie
netts, sheeting, shirting, and fancy goods; bats and
caps, boots and shoes, groceries in variety, with spices,
nuts, raisins, and candies; pai'jts. oils, medicines, per
fumery, crockery, tinware, holiow-ware, stoves, hard
ware cutlery, aud many other articles to meet the wants
of the public.
He has also moved and repaired his warehouse, en
that he is now prepared to purchase or take in storage.
country produce, which he can discharge by a slide so.
steamers' decks, without toss or expense of d ravage-
And being determined to constantly keep on hand
good supply of such goods as the country trade msy re
quire, he believes be can make it an object for the peo
;le in his vicinity to extend him their patronage. .
3 No difference made in tba price of goods, wheth
er soid for cash or produce.
October 2. 1357. 30tf
I". R. Pillow.
TYEALER in clocks, watches and iwr7 J
j lera. o. T. particular tiwnw- t
' ..i ,iA,-k!i. All work war-
ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice.
Watches and clocks. 8 day striking clocks at a very
low price ; also 30 j'rLRY.
, Rmoi-hea. Finder Rintt Pr TinB
IJiflies snu j?v" "zr . . . "I '
fi.ii d tw limn) Chains. c 4c
Salem. July . 1So -
Salt! Salt!! . . y
rf TONS " San Quentin" SALT, in about SO andt
J 100 lb. bags, just received and for sale very cheap.
Oregon City, Dec 6, 1856.
Allan & Lewis,
A STORE room in Orleans, a first rate
ia i i , rpk. o.... .MKfiitfs tod uoni
wUl be rented together if required. c MOOBE
July 8. 1857. 1Stf
Mb'lnlar. &. CO-
VJT noiesaie vw p;. '
n..,,-.,. .tc.. Oregon City, O.T.
' .
Dec, zo, too