The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, November 17, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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3 "
; Bcpzpf .Bpouai!., epos
. . AT.
,Ehb City Booh-Qtore
lvi . 4otw,aa4 wiBoaraoelvlngby the ltc4 Jon
.... nnooooo '
n j ;-ia ino ctatioitsiiy
.. wfcfefc they oftt M thr
iB advance aa Mew York price.
can., or send u aa otier. sad w are
IJi. 1
wtn to girt you satisfaction !
" ' A- n. MklBU At. Co.. '
Ar the Sols Avon Is Oregon eaa Washiogtoa Ter-
... . , . i - 1 ittoriM for the ale of
Via isiicn Cialccnm,
A SaElT BOOK!! Being tbeeoly pobUcal history
. . af the CniMd State.
a rosa- wir Price ft Mi Payable on de
livery ef book. CM deliver by tbe 1st of September
all whs Mad n tbetr name by 1st of May.
: Lis !-
old-lAt, td. 3d. Ith. ud 5th
mmA . Yodjry L 8anders' New 1st. 3d. 3d.
! and ith: P 1 lit. 2d. 3d, Ith aad Sth; Me
Oa eyWlst.zd.3d.4.tnnnd5th.. .
-lftitir a-" -'' Old, SAuder' Mew; Eemea-
arsra-SaaoW Pictorial. School and Parke'.
' GMAririKS. k'tehett's. Ancient and Modern, ttt-
. aey's. Mors . McJlalley s. Mid Mootelth 1st Md
' SXFook.
M axsc rrca. Arithmetics Thomson's. Table
j Keatel. Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Davies' Pri
. run. Into ectavl. School aad University; Smith's
- tJu--,-'od.Hrd'i Davia.AIbra. Bar
, vawte, Cmmt. Practical Mathematics. t'Atb, Pie-
., t r.Le-'.o of Metaplastics, Analytical Geometry
t.a. aosAv of Mathematics.
Gvaatsar-Green' Clarke Bunion" South'
. Qp-w Tower's.
j, Pauosoraiav Parker's 1st Lesson. Juvenile and
.a inl; Casnstock1 Smith.-. - t
-. Hiaiswm TTi'mn's InTTaiTr and Catted States
Farley' GoireraaJ; Willard a Universal, and United
L lull I -
lMtiuW-fmMaa Tirzil; Andrew's Latin Rra
daft; Virl Uorase: Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClin
took's 1st and Id Book in Latin, and do. ia Greek; Ao-
. thoa a thsjek Graeniar JM wsetr: Junnson s ocero.
' " seslli'i Preach Grammsr and Header; Woodbia-vs
Wraww Gfnawsar and Reader, Teleotatne. Greek Tn
taawBt; ' n h. aetrtaogM; 8arrnn's French lMe
S ibsi i , Andrew's Latin do. Liddell X Scott's Greek
si i Ami's llssslrsl An ImrfTi's ill ill
Dtcnaxaaua. Webster-School. HiiA d-, Aea-
, Cniversity, Boyal 8ro, Unabrtdtrd and Cobba
- afiaealilJtDr Xat&on Astronomy. Kewnmn
ic wood Batonv. Kame tleoients er Unt
PnrkerB Aids in t"omDoeitioB. Parker's Ezer-
BreoMteld'a Compuaition. McH Herat's Tonne
Analyser, do. Analytical Mannal. Parker a Word
k Pafcy'a Natural Theolujry. Blake's Aerirul
. Ok fcMifa-- ITaliam'a IntsUectnal PhHononhr.
r-vaaa da. do Milton: Yoanjr. PoUeok: and tbomn-
sa lEdilion. Tor TScBoou) enners Anatomy ana
TPfcishwr.- Anseriean Pebater. Xewinan's Political
IT. IUKHCDCX1 UfKT'rj. urn wi
and Etoeatioa. All kiudl of Sch ool 8tatf-xt-
Slats of" all sixes; lrawinr B-k1o; Irawuif;
t Paawn rerrarated Card Baud; Bristol Board;. Pencils
astd Brashes; Osborn a Uoiori;
every mze
' aad strle. k, Ac fto.
Hnrrovr Bancroft United State. vjhims
Htareth's do. do. rotoases. Frost's Pictorial United
rnalss TarlMra do, do, do. Botta's Hist. Berohirm.
re i sou's do. Wnson'a United States. WUHrd's do.
rfjcladian tTars United Sutet. WUUrd't Universal
Kaftorr- HnHer's do do, Rotteck't Hist. World 1 or
vt roramc. Boilin's Ancient HUtary. Fair' do, do.
- Hants a Engtand. tlacaolay's do., complete. Dickens
(Ml1! do. Liagnrd's do. Gibbon's B-ime. D'An
Mgne'a Bnfiwisliini Band's X. K. Ch irch. Allisoa's
iiaroae, 1st and td Series. Prescott,t Worlra. Border's
Hist, of Belifrions. HUt. of Council of Trent. Joe
phna. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet,
unacoa of Spain. Queens of Scotland. Help's Spanish
Cuu i in st i - Brace's Hiranrr. Kidder's Brazil. Eo
Watk s Bratt.- Parler' Vnirersa'. Hwt--rr uf Cra-
sulf s Ancient Egrptiaiia. ; iiaita-n s MidUie Ajrc.
HMnry for Bor. Bonner's Child's United States.
'TLasehw's Field Book of ReTorotion.
c- BronnarHT. Plotarcb" Lire. lift Brant. Won-
drrfal Ctjaracters. Great aad Celebrated Chsracter-.
Lrres of the Signers. AntoMisraphT of Finiey. La-
' am tint's Celebrated Charactert. Lire of A dam Clarke.
4o Bishop Heddinj. d? Kirbahr. do tjeit. Harrison.
'do Daniel Boone, do Robert, .do Lafayette. Cap
tains of Soman Reenblic and Old WorlJ. Dr. Chal-
' mil, 4 tt19. Lives of Hnraboltlta. Mr. Roers.
I lonart. Wealer. Fletcher, me and Times or Vlar;
frvin Washinetn. Emiaert Wechanics. Lives of
Chief Jnslii I Josephrae. Napoleon, llaiw Lamb,
Jafkxnat. Gent. Green. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane Over.
J. A. Adaata. J alien ne. Dasivl Webxten KinH of
it. Kinea and Oreen. Licbmtz. Uvea of the
popes. Praacotl's Philip 2d. Mary aud Martha W'ash-
lanoo. iToneer raira ,e i c-k-
liiihck"'s "Chlasi Arntrcann.n. fcpljen's
isTrrns. O fin's Trareli". Monro Park. Xile Xote
t-Aneiiij tares a Maaaaito Shore. Bayard Tyl-.r"s Trav
kli run Ilia's TriTni f-
- nr.inM- ajaiide's Encvdonedia. Phrak-al (enF-
laphi of the Sen. Wood's Xatoral Hi.4"ry. Lardner's
Ijot-turea. Ussfal Arts. Cokbm.. afatbvtnatical Dic-
bamrr. Lonte of Mathematics. Wonders of Beienee.
Plaaatarv aad Stellar World. Loorais' Be-
eanA Piuaieaa of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Arto and Science. Rn bank's Hydra alica. Dick work.
Vhn iMhaasi Arccntectnre.
Poerzr. Brron-!-artoos styles. ' Shakemare. do.
Kilton. do. Barns, do. Hetnans, do. . Jioont do.
kiaMn. Ton 7. Pollock. Tapper. Co per. PMe.
(VaBDbeTL Wadawortb. Ossiaa. aontsomery. Kirk
tshste. retaale Poeta of En-Ian.
do. do. America
nd many others
Boon or RaTMesr Cyciopedia of Geozrapliy.
bdo. Fba Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts.
-CoOoch's Oasctteer. Harper's Universal Gazetteer.
Pncrr asb
AaamrLrcaal. Elliot' Frait Book.
daw Jtowntof do. Barry a do. rlewnden
Gardener. ran. nower ana earetawe
rr I jih'b t in ' '" A Den on the Grape. Pardee
m nil .limn. Florists Gnide. American Farm Bonk.
Jfl, t"l Duwintlr llrim- All of Saxton's Hand Books.
Voi-a oa Hone, CMtte, Bheep. HOfn. tr.
y . m ----- a Rn.fninni Harmon T and Exnon-
Kaaevv vnrnnaan a inuwx J ' enen
. fanf kTiaeetlaniea. Lectures on Romanism.
I of Dominie Rale. Elliot on Romanim. Barnes'
aotoa. dare a Conunentary. Benson s o. jay s
fhnitclaea. etoa" lnatnte. " Larrabee's Evidences.
ItjtrW Ethical Dsasoorae. Rogers' Eclipse of Earth,
i . ktwa rod Faith. Foster's Christ. Terfectioito
en IVaKipUne. Writings of Analgias. Jahn's
I uJcal Aichsyiiory. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from
I to ." Tesaaments, great variety. MettodUt
pgiaa. Christian Hymn Booki. ChnrA Psalmist.
rirA CoBeedon. Select . Melodies. Christian
u Bachan's Family a .FhyaicUa. ttydro
nvmtMe Works.'
liwmavt. CninTitiiriimn Of - United Steceai
fVsMdar BdneaMow. tjraonen nyoonvms.
tot aek of CoriosiUea. Odd Fellow' Mannal.
nn Work. 14 voU Mr. Tothill's. voIp. Lay
" - ' - sBnlnar'a Useful Arts. Haweir E- (toate. Ameriaaa Institntion. Pnranit of
VaowleoVra. ParkMsdison. Pemvir.a Antignttiea
Way Down East. Pynshart. Ike Marvel' Workv
shaderaoa'B Cok and Oonfectamer. Cotmtry Rambles
ia ITariand Tales and Reverie. Jan excellent Tempet-aaaSTBook-l
Money Maker. ErPfd Jfan. Sew.
m auWnmL Ura. Hale's New Cook B-ok. Mil-
tort Old Baal Sasdstaoe. da. FootprinU of Creator.
Team Ladies' Counsellor- .Yoang Man's do. Pictorial
felons. Thomson's Leci. to x . ncn. vomnw
I Text Book. Captive ia Patagonia. The Ameri
aaa nisii ii If I Half Honrs wnn uio nompnrey-
- I Ma Graaxtes- aad Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's
ow Mew Ear. Tale, uacie rarm
ecessfal Mercnanv. aire.
Horace Translation. Virgil ao. Mra-tar-
kl'i Work. Heroiaea of History. I nd and
Deck aad Port. Sea and Sailor, anrp ana noore.
Mean! Lata, tar Paper. Masonic Chart. Irving'.
Colaanana. Long Look Ahead. City of New York
Ltoiac Otatots of Atnerioa. Yoang Man Advised. Min
toaa ta Teaaa aad Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Kaaat and the Bassians. Hydrapathlc Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Biok f.r Vonn? Men
do. Ida. ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. Hi. Bnyn.
Is of Faaaoas men. Charlotte Llizabeth's
Adsiea to Toanor Men. Peasant bov nhiluao-
Ahbott's Mare Paal Bnaks. do 1'ranconia.
. JaJtd a asnahsr ef sthei to nnmeroas to enumerate.
' CnnstsBtly receiving large additions to the foregoing.
BrarioaaaT. FeoUcap Pper great variety. Lct-
cr ao, do, plain and pit. sote do, do. d s d . Envel
tf H tyle. Inkiv-all kind. Pens and Holder
great variety. Blank Books-all sfee ,d iyloa.-L
Menteraadwaas, Dmrie. Pass L Books. Time BoV.kaB
Paper Cast in. D Folder. Shipping R. lpt Books.
WAogiaphieHtM 1 nety -Wrapping Pa
per good -rariety. Wafer. Sealing W.x, c
haeJly, we have a good variety or ' '
Mcsw Books New Camlna Sacra Alpin, G!ee
Singer, Dulcimer. Chora Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Ml Hsaoenaa. iumH bmui j aim infitrao.
Oattar do. Flute d. Accordon do. Violin do.
ids. Ptvmoath uojracoon wttn MMc, sheet
Mesie. - '
- Aad the moat varied aasottaant of 8ttuxzt ever
'is all beught in New York and other
and ia sold at
ay We keep on hand School Book in Urg qaaav
e'.jognthat wllli saoat of the publicationi of i .
t At daoksosu
Ivisaa Ac PhisnMy; 1 1 ;
s- A.e.aaaraaJk Cav; ---- : .
Millar. Ortoa A Maillgu;
"fanrBaaea, yonr order will ao attended tai
iei" .
AfBntn4 aaal eaaer.
ends aria
B jr-ons
tawsmdasarake. l-7
Doo!uuid Ctatlonerj.
' t Tat oaaaoM orr font oHncc ariLBma.
WOULD respectfully call the attention of hi friends
and the pobUo to the fact that ha has on hand,
aad keen rnni tlv led nlth a huve stock of
of all klads, which h cars for aale. for eah, at the
abov bmiiV". Hi arsssaf stock la comprised, ia
part, of the following, vif t- -
Oinfv ptatate. seaakm law of Oreaoa sessioa
ldM'f; Washington Irving work; RenU' Coat,
paxativ Phystognomyt Diacovery and BxptoraUon of
the MiaslaafrjP-rVr'aetkaa Bevolalioo; Sear'
Family Anawl, V uaoa'a t-waya aad Miaoellaaien Be
thaa Poems; Life of th kmperor Kaaoleon. by Lbok
hart; Lives of the PreaiaenU; LIT of Andrew Jackson:
Vir" L" . to Maaterptoces; Baacrofl'a Life
f wf Ttoai Life and P-anchea ef Henry Clar;
Bufbti' fcatoral LiitoTv; Joshua' complete rTorka;
Laaa Brleada ta Mexico: Ohver Croawell; A Tn
aemaaa Ahmad; Indian War of th United States;
The Bxk of the Ooeaa and Life on the Seat ilae lis Us
Practical Cookery: kr. t ale's !few Cook book; The
Improved HonsewUe, er book of Receipt, by Jan. A.
U fli ebsten History of the Mormon from their origin
to the present time; Fern Leave from Fan ay' Port
FoToa: The Spectator, by Blagdon; Tupper Proverbi
al Philosephy; Louis Napoleon aad the bona parte Fanv
Py; Thomnson'a Seaaons; Yonag'a Night Thoughts;
Paradise Lost; Piriiok'a Ooone ef Time; Paajamln's
PDgrna Progress; American's Own book; The Si'orid
HlustiahLd aO Ensravinvs: Life and Baaava of Banln.
mla Franklin; Life of Waahington, by Sparks; Cum
stonk's 8yatem of Elocution; FremonU Exploring Ex.
pedltion thrcngh Oregon aad California: Pictorial His
tory of All Nation, by Goodrich; Benton's 3d year ta
(ka IT o tt.u.1.. d-t. ur.a... " . . i - - '
phies and Crhieal Xiicelbinles; PresboU's ConnneaT of
Menseo 3 rob; Preseott's Ferdinaad aad habetU-3
vol; Preseott Kobertson's History of Charie 3
vats; Preseott's 1st aad 3d Phliip; WHrnaa
Bnlliaa Aadeat Hkdorr: Ptntarcha Urea: Ma.
canary's History of England ; Dick's Worku; Cumnrlng-'a
Lecture: Webs tort American Familv CvrloDedias
i; wensi
Soott's Napoleon; Chamber's laformation forth Peo
pse; uie me itineracy, Lire er Oea. LArayette: The
Vouaa American's Lire of Fremont; History of Ire
land, by Mooney; Heavenly Hornet Carlrle'a New Ea
ava: British aad American Femaln Poets: Burns'
complete Works: Moore's Poetical Work; Barns' Po
etical Works; Mrs. Heman's Poetical Works; Milton'
complete wersat Tapper complete woras; Lire ano
Beauties of Shakespeare ; Arabian Nights: Balloon
Travels in Earooe: Lavard'a Disrovevies at Xinevah
Wheepley'a Compend of Historr: Ueadler'a Miseella
aiea Marrh's Reminiscence of Cone-res: Thaddena of
Warsaw: Th Planter Victim: Melbourne and the
Chiacha Islands: Knim's 8aeeed Historr; Pennafcnrat
his Wanderinga and Ways of ThinkJag; Robin son
Crusoe; Children of the Abbey; Indian Battles, Capttr
itiea aad Adventures; Dreams and Realities of a Pa.
tr and Teachcn The Ship Carpenter Family; Victo
ria, er the World Overcome; Bible and Testament;
Webster's Dictioosries large and small; Gnnn'a Cele-
oraiea uomeaue Medicines: f-nort ntent Sermona. bv
Dow, jr: lrimer Uttlegaod, Esq; Arthur's Tales:
inomsoa I'ractical Arithmetic: Calhoun Intellectual
Arithmetic: Vocal and Instrumental Mot Books: Mix.
cnell ueogranhy and Atlas; Yonutt oa the Strnctnre
and disease i of in Horse: Snxton's Rnral Hand Books;
Cole's American Fruit Book; Dovuiaw's Rnral Ewmvs:
I'lvarning-a rroii ana rrun Trees or America; Elliott a
vi astern r rotl book: American Cattle Doctor, by Pndd;
Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener'a Cnmoanlon;
American FmJtCultnrist. bv Thomas: The Strawberrv
Onlture, by Pardee: American Poultry Yard, by Brown;
s huh t,n iuc aAuacmciii ano iitfrsacs 01 oceep:
Note. Letter and Foolscap oaner: Pena and Penold-
ers; Sand nnd Sand-boxes; Black. Blue and Red Inks;
nam and Fancy Envelopes; Slates aad Slate rencils;
Blanc bwk. ore.. Xc.
Oregon City, June 59, 1S57. , Ktf
25,000 Worth
C?IUi;a MID 8U
r iHH subscribers would respectfully inform their ras-
A. lomers mm tne pnntir generally that they nave oa
nana, ana are in conataat reoeiut ol cuousirom Ml
Franciaco and Xew Yor k a large and we!l-se-
lectedstocK consistuig in part of
Alnm, allspice, nn i alpaeca.
Bonnets, berages, and bro. linen.
Cambric, crash, and calico.
Domestic de laines, and dama.k.
Edging, embroidery and everything.
Flannel, fringes, and fancy Bxin's,
Gingham, gaiters and glove, i
Handkerchief, hose and hair-pin.
Iroa. tear, aad inserting. . r -
Jaconet, jeans, and Java coffee. i
Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pin. '
La-ns. lard and Liverpool salt.
Mustard, mirror, and matches.
Needles, nails, and nice things.
Oils, ovenhirta, sad Oolong tea.
Pin, pants, and paper,
Q lilts, qaiUs, and qot-ennrare. .
Ribbons, razor, and rat-traps.
Silks, sngar. and hevinT soap.
Tea. tobacco, and turpentine.
Umbrella, nnderwieevesi and urfni things.
Veil, vamish, and viarar. -
Wreathes, woolen goods. waifle-Sr jns.
Vara. reut.and. Yankee uotionsi.
Zinc, and zcpln-r worsted. .
Ac, Ach and so on, ' " t
Be-ides many other articles too numerous t mention ;
all or wiiK-n we are onering at reduced prices, adopt
Inx tbe plan of " 0ucksala and small pronto."
The ladies will Sad in tiicir depart uxait a lare stock
of fancy irondit. direct from Sew Yrk, mhicb is not
oxaally kept in uregoa, and by arranfrement will be In
constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies.
tne ucntiemens IJepartment of furni-lusg good
'iilHdom be eqoalled.and earelled by none in Salem.
I RON". The blacksmiths and iron dealers will al wars
Hnd n well-selected stock of all sizes and shape.
rexner wnn a cooa asonmcnt or iron axle, rrom i t x
n in., to X x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland
prices, adding freights.
We are nremwel to receive all kind of nrodnce In
eaxnange mr goon, ana i money. I: or rail pamcn
!arcall and examine for yoaraelw.
Raton. Feb. 10,157. 4Stf
' L.P.FUller'i ,
A DVERTISINU Agency. Baa Francisco No. 1711
-fa. viasbingtoa street, np stairs, nearly oppomte to
Magmre's Opera House. . .
U. P. r ISHKK is tiie annawired Agent or the
" Mervsvilre Herald; ' ' ' " "s ' ' ' ' ' '
Sacramento Union; 1 ""'' ' '
. San Joaoain KcpnblU-an, Stockton; - . t
Pecille Methodist, StocUun; ... - i
. Sooora Herald; . . . . . . J t . . f
'' Kevada Journal: '"' . . ,
' Grass Valley Telegraph; , , ,'
Red BlnffBeaain; .. ".,. ,
Colnmbia Gazette; t
Monntain Democrat, riaecrrillr; '
Taoinrane Courier; . t -
Calvarez Chronicle. Mukelumne Hill;' . . s
El Dorado Democrat; , , ...
Shasta Conrier: . '' T'' ,
Mariposa Gazette; ,
Yreka Weekly Union: '"'.' . ' ;
Trinity Journal, Weaverviile;
Iowa Hill News; ;. f ' .
Weekly ledger. Jackson;
Ban Jose Telegraph; " ', .
Sonoma County Journal; ' . ;
- Fobom Dfepetch;
California Mining Jonroal; '
lyis Angeles Star;
. Santa Barbara Gazette; ' ', ,
' Ssn Pieo Herald; V
Aimeda Cwnty Gazette;
Placer Courier, Yankee Jim's-,
Napa County Reporter; . , .
Sierra Democrat. Pownicv;llc; ,
ITnmbotdt Time; ' .
Union; ' ..
Oregonlan, Portland. O. T.
Pacillc Christian A dvocate, Salem , O. T.
Jacksonville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.
Pioneer and Democrat, Olvmpia, W. T.
Washington Republibaa, Steilacoom, W.T.
- Pojmesian.Honolnln, S. I-:
" Pacillc Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hongkong Register.
L. P. F.haanow completed hi arrane-ementa for
the forwarding of udvertmement to all the principal
largest circulating Journals and Newspaper published
in tbe Atlantic. State,
A line opportunity i here offered to those who wish
to advert i in any pert of the Union, of doing so at
the lowest rates, and ia a prompt and satisfactory man
ner. -
AagnstU. 1857. . : 24tf
For Sale. v;
WriXsel! one half of the land claim known
as tbe Dwielit Pommy claim. Said half
adjoina Mr. Teter II. Hutch's and is about
two mile from Orpon Citv. on the umjcr Wil
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the
property, lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid
ly rrowina; town of Corvallia, Benton Co-, and known
as tbe V Thomas" property, consisting of four luU
land, together with all the buildinra thereon. Said
property 1 In abeantifnl location, ana both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oat at caab
price. loouir or to auDacnuer. at ui store in ure
gon City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery,
in relation to tne i nomas propenr. ui iorvaiiis.
Also, six (6) lots of laad M Oregon Cil v.
Oregon City. March 1, 1957.
Salem Drvar Store
TTOOXT Street. Sector's building. Constantly
A' oa haad a full assortment ef Dnoon. Mnm-
cixna, Pajkts, Oil aan DraSrc-rra, Patbkt
HEMCImi Jrj.
In abort alnuarf rm-c m-4n MQT,aT1w rnul in
sore?d,are oaered at Wholxsal axp IlmiL, at
extromery Jow rates, ia quantities to suit warranted as
r Oawtmt anLlciTBli. "S3
i free of ebanre at oflice.
frescnptions tree of akm a as.
H Promnt attcatioa arid k ma
LT. M. T.
12 tf
:t -
Notice -
rl hererry"1ccn7Thal V. 8. Wood worth is authorised
aaaraiiaaet any personal ttusineas during my abxenm!
Sslsm,Je37. 1A'7.
TVUV-GOODb. fc.t Udje end wepUnaca. 1a great va,
JJrlcty. at " " 25tf i. jMQOBES' -
" 8. J. SleCbrmlck, " '
FrCanhlin Ecolx Ctcre,
(raosrr itbcxt, roMxaD.o.t.)
HAS constantly oa hand a large stock of Book ab
Statioxsjkt, which he sell at a axnall advance on
PcnuHkBa pBicsa.
r A catalogue may be seen la the Oreaoti aad
Washhurlioa Almanac for ldfi7. Books ordered there-
ironi sent postage tree to any pan ef either Terrrltory,
Portland. Feb. 24, WT. . oOyt ,
: - , CorralXU Drag Store.
JR. CABDWELL, Druggist aad Apothecary, ta eoa
a ataatly leeeivina;, per California teamen, large
aad earafnlly selected stock of Drags nnd Medlcinsa.
Oil. Palntt, Tarnish, Soaps, Perfumeries, Toilet Fnr
nitnre, btotioaery, aad alt article usually kept In Drag
8tora. Agent for Jayaea, and other patent medicine,
which WiUb fnrniabad at California! wholesale prices!
dy OBPsaa soLicmo. -va .
0rvallt.Myl8,l8JT. lJtfl
Elacktamlttea mm otttora, Look.
ALLAH McKIXLAT A CO. have aow on hand
larg and well selected stock of
Bar Iron, Cant Steel,
Honw aboe do., German do., :-.-"
: Nail rod do Plough do.,
Ptotodo ;
And Intend to keep p tbeasaurttaent ao a to suit the
wsuis oi customers, uive n a can, and yon will find
w v awt on it aavv tne luiieat stocx, out Will sell
' as cheao a th eheanesL.n We ar natantl
Ing additions to oar saaortment, so as to replace what
Oregon City. Dec. 13. 1856. ' 4f
Ilenrr JoaagMon fc Co.
(14S Washington Street, San Francisco.)
fXBer for sal to the country trade, the largest stock
or goods in their line on the Paeidis coast enmnri-
iaa; Draga, Chemicals, Perfamary. Patent Medicine of
ati aiM,sirusBa. faints, oils. Grass, Turpentine, aad
every article anoertelnina- to the hnsiness. Havlna- an.
perior facilitie for obtaining their goods they think
they eaa offer induoenatnta to buyer aaeqaalled by
Ordtra rsspsctfally solicited. . Idly
CHA15 PUMPS, monkey wrenchea,
match plane, screw arm, ,
sash planes, "
horse shoes and nails to fit .
gan locks, pings and nipples,
tabes, bnllet monlds,
Wosenholm's IXL pocket knives,
pruning and budding knives,
rat trap to rate aaaii nh. at
Baakt aad Statioaer y.
Parker's 1st, td. 3d, Ith and Sth, "
Sanders' do do do do
McGufry-s do do do do
Davie' arithmetic,
Fniversityand Common School.
Intellectnal and primary.
Davies" Bonrdon algebra.
Lrcendre, surveying.
Geometry and trigonometry.
Key to Daviea' Arithmetic,
Thompson's arithmetic,
Parker's philosophy,
" juvenile and lt lcn.
Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's.
Geographies Mitchell's. Monteith's manual,
Moateith'a lt leasoita.
Musics Lute of Zion. New Carmlna Sacra,
Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony,
Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at
N. Reynolds V Co.,
sos. T9 and 81 pa vis stsxkt, arrnaaa cXat axp WA8B-
PERSONAL attention given to the sale of Flour
Grain, Potatoes. Onions. Fruits jButtrr. Eggs, Cur
ed Meats, Hides, Wool, and all stable product of the
WilfflH orders for goods when accompanied by eath
or eqmveiant in any way oi con si rm en is.
Have constantly on hand new and second hand Grain
and Gunny Bags, which we offer by bale or bundle in
iota to suit.
First rlsss storage furnished when required, in libe
ral advance mdo oc consignments in store.
Having good experience and locality, we trust by
stru t attention to give that satisfaction which ia pleas
ant to nutn ourselves ana our consignors. zm:9
Valuable Farm for Sale.
rfHE undersigned now offers his valuable
X larm fr sale, situated oa Snrinr Creek, ri"
ia Marion Co.. O. X., one and a half miles K:i'
south of McKinnay a HUH. on tbe County road
running from Sl-m to said M ills. It contain 610 acres,
of which 5 10 acres is under a rsod substantial stake
snd rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation,
two hundred flue beariua: fruit trees, a eoud farm
hone. together with ether out buildine. Said farm is
wen waierra. ana tue nest adapted to stock raising,
and wheat growing of any farm in tbe Territory. Said
farm ba been settled since lsfo. and was amone tbe
lint claims taken in Marion Co. Any person desiroes
of bnying a eood farm, with a litle money, will do well
to call at tue residence of tbe nnderi?ned.
Spring Creek, March 30. 1S37. 4tf
House, Carrlare, Siajn, and Steam-
nasi a stinting.
1 A. REED having established hi Paint shop in
. Salem, is prepared to execute with dispatch all
jobs in the above line. Banners, Standards, and Em
blem', tor societies painted on silk, satin, velvet or mus
lin, t'atnts or au coin and eemntious mixed, ready
for nse. for sale ad hi shop ln White Lead IAaaMl
Oil. Turpentine and Vsrnish. Wall paper snd Border.
Wind-iw gla, Paint bmshea. irraining tools, Ac. Di
rection given ia painting, also ia graining imitation
of wood, stnn or saarbl. '
If. B- unteva I mm a ore if promptly attended tn.
All job int mated to hi ear warranted to give satis
faction. -
Salem, Jan. 4.1857. ' - . - 43yl J
, , Notice. ..
rTHE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
jl uregon, assemniea at tne seat ot uovernment on
the ninth day of January, eiarhtoen hnndred nnd fty-
seven, do fix and appoint District Courts, tn be held in
village or Hoaeourg, in toe county ol uoaana oa toe
flrst Mondays, of March. May, September and Novei
ber.aannally, nntil otherwise ordered, and do limit the
duration of said terms to six days each.
t . . . , ; GEO. H.WIIAJAMS. Chief Jaatfae.
' 4 ltf M. P. DEAD Y, Associate Justice.
At Enarene Oltr. .
THE suhaeriber has at Eugene City, one of the best
eeneral assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries. Hard
ware. Boot and Shoe, and all article kept in a arene-
ral Boding store, to be found In Oregon. He ia con
stantly receiving fresh addition to hi stock, aad al
1 1. M - , t A .. A
wnys aeepa i up. mj guuuatv now an recetveu uirect
from San FrancWeo, where I have a resident agent, All
kindsof farmer sproduce received tn exenaace for roods
I nsv hiz-ber prices for produce, and sell roods cheaper
man any otaer store ia tne lerniory.
i . - ; .lOtMsrn 1EAU
Eugene City, July 1,1856. 16tf .
QTRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber.
11 nTv
U living in Albany, Liun Co., O. T.
about tbe first of December, one
rel horse, blaze faced, right hip knocked
down, branded on near shoulder O. T-, vented V, hair
brand. So other brands or mark recollected. Air
one returning said horse will be liberally rewarded.
Albany. January 17.. Ia57. t 46tfaid
Medical and Sorglcal Notice.
r' is often the case that persona suffer for a long time
with a curable disease from the fact that tbev do not
know where to go to And relief. I am prepared to re
move all Tumors, Cancers and Diseased Bone to re
duce dislocated joints of longstanding, straighten, wry
neck, club foot, aud to correct all deformity of the
face and eyelids. D. G. CAM l'BELL, M. D.
corvaius, o. t. siay o, i7. 8tf ;
, Marion House, Salem.
THE undersigned announces to the public
that he has purchased the well known
tavern stand, called the Marion House, In Sa
lem, toa-etlier with the furniture and fixture
thereof. He will keep R In first rate style, and Invite
th patronage of the public. ;. K.M. MAY.
May 23, 1837. utr .
DR. J. R. CARDWELL, Dental Surgeon, Corvallis,
ia Lis profession, IA Corvallis. Euirene City. Win-
Chester, Scottsbnrg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques
tionable; charaes respectable: work, warranted. Teeth
examined, ana advice given free of charge. ' v
irue notice given oi cnange Of nice.
April 26, 1855. 7tf
Iooat Here.
AU. persons that are Indebted to Jamea Strang, are
requested to call and settle their account by the
15th of May. and all those who do not. will find their
accounts in tbe hands of John D. Boon, Justice of the
Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem, I
want to settle np my accounts. . JAMES STRANG.
Ralem. April 31.1857. M
- Reynolds 6t Law. '
COMMISSION Merchant and dealer ia ail kinds of
Oregon Produce. Advance made on soods eou.
signed to a aad forwarded .free qf ehargt.
ufnee at J . railing co .
- . Wanted.
PZflff bushel OaU. and 50MWheat,andanyqnn
JJJJ tity f dead awine , for which caxh will be
pa id on delivery. lKlSSCOTT
7regon t;ity. nov. u, iwu. t. It
' jar
: 1 '. MOORES'
1 fi TONS sortcd Iron, just received at
: . - -Allan. H, Lowia, vi- i V
GOX TERRITORY. -,'".--'--.
Dr. S. H. Uncatlea,
' OFFICE,' ' '
Salem. November 9. 1857. Stf
A. 1. Tktrer,
JA. in Corvallis, Be- on Co., 0,. T opposite to the
City Hotel la said towa. ... :J .-',., Rf j
A . . w. W; Pago. , . I
. O. T., Oulee, ant door south of the State
man Orfice. np stairs. 30tf
w.H.rAjuun,. ..... . ; : i - uutaiMD rrouT.
tunsk Kit&V ..'
n.. .a aitmlralt-
rw uncs oa tnn awuai, saw uour uortn u tue
' F tchaai
rUaaa!o.T.. Jnljf 10,1837.
,'. I. I. iBitk. ,i.:r
I Bolieitor in Chancery, corvaina o. T. - t
1. M-aarra. ' ' ! ' Sltf ,
XX. gene City, Lane vBtiTw.
T. t- COOMBS, M-D-. flerjeon, Ac, SPECIALTY
J .DISEASES OF THE EIE, Corvallia, Oregon.
r September 33. lS6d. 8m8
lai Frutltet Ifftrthiig Iseney ...
T P. FISHFR. Iron buildinr. oppotiitc Pacific Exoress
XJ Office, np stairs. File of all the principal Paper of
tumorals ana vrevou may ne louna at tnis omee. sr.
Fisher is tbe authorized Agent for the Statesman. 1 t
t ... Cknter R. Terry, '-.
XX'miasionor of Deeds, and to- take testimony, ac-
anowieagmenis. c. erc i or towa, inoiana, nisaourt
Michigan, California and Waabingtoa Tasrisory. Let
ters of Attorney, and all other inatromeato of writiag,
drawn on short notice.
wB. Particular attention paid to taking depositions.
tmiKuoia of 2iote, Accounts, ate, sztt
1 Beiu ft leEwan.
licltors In Chancery. Proctor. Ac, in Admiralty,
lardins ft Grarer. '
Solicitors in Chancery. Offlce near the Court-hoase,
eaiem, u. l
. . 6(0. I. KbeU,
Solicitor in Chancery, trill practice in the various
court of Oregon and Washington Territories. Offloa,
oaicm, u. x.
Deluon Smith,
A Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all
business pertaining; to his profefcioo in the first Judicial
District, and beftwe the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Oflice, Albany, Linn County. O. T.
N. B. When not at hi oSce, or absent oa profes
sional hnsiness. he may be fonnd at his residence, five
miles south-east of Albany, on what is known as tbe
urand 1 rainc.
W. 8. Brock, ,
J. X Boiicitor in ctiancery', wui practice in the various
court in this Territory, and promptly attend to the c
lection of all claims arainst the United State, thro
an efficient agent residing at Wahington .City. Office
a curene i. uy, ism lounty, v. i.
It. C St ratten,
A TTORXET AT LAW, will practice la the variant
court of southern Ore son. and in the Supreme
Court of the Territory. -
Omen in Deer Creek. Douglas coonty. O. T. - Resi.
oeucv o mues nonn oi . n mcnester, on tn n maxnette
read. . .
N . B. Bounty Lud Warrant obtained for claimant
on reasonable term. Z3tr
Chadwiek a Glkbs.
licitora in Chancery. Ac- Offices at Winchester and
Gardiner. S. F.Chaowicx, Winchester. Dearie Co..
u.i. a.u. oibbb, uanuner, Lmpoaa ve.,u.T. . - '
Nav.9. 1S5S. . . 35U , i
a. BAasrx. . e. wilsos
, Baruuinfc Wilson.
-TV. lem, Oregon.' Particular atteottoni riven to the
collection of note and accounts, nnd cairns against
government. . . .. r .
Bounty LMaa " arrant ooagut and sold. . -,. . ...
atar Offlje over Starkay's Store. , 44 s . ,
- . B. F. Bonham.
lice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. 6tf
J. B. Cole, M. D.,
HTSiCtAN AND BTStiEOX,' :" " 13 '
t?tf .. Portland; Oregon.
r Kedlctl.
rp J. WRIGHT A E. B. STONE, bavuig aociatod
A . tueetber In practice, respecuuiiy teaaer tnen-1
vices to the seoole of Benton aad Linn desirine: to
cure the favor of tbe afflicted by success aW. . Office
near J. C Avery store, uotraius. . zuypaia
1. I, tillMk,
Design, plana, speciflcabons, Ac, furnished en
re siienable term. . - . . ..
William C GriswoM a. JoM
1TX W.C.ai8WOLP, , . Cr .. WOOBWOKTH.
... F.araa Citv. "..t
wnnirr t- La WHENCE. ProorietoTof tbe Eugene
Jl City Hotel. IStf. - -- " ' - ;
- - r Medical Notice. - - '
THE subscriber, wtmM inform the Inhabitants that he
mat hi old stand, ready to attend to all calls in
hi profession ; also be hastm hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated' Medicines, with a well
aaerted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dinftofe
of ea reasonable term. xt. Yi. WAHREXi
Salem December 3, 185&. - smr -
. W. B. Slasera, M. D. - r -
PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build
ing, on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S.
Msltoenv's fire-proof building ; where I will bo found
when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant
ly on hand a fresh supply of Drug aad Medicines
which I will sell low for cash.
Corvallis, Dec. 9, lftt. . ' : : 39tr
Medical Kotiee.
DR.R. W. SHAW, late or San Francisco. California,
offer hie professional service to the citixen fe
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicit a share fo
public favor.
or wiuca at Keen auu r uiqwb ui uk huiv.
14y ,. - H- W. SHAW. '
Cunpbell ft rratt.
ATTORNEYS AT I, A W.Han Francisco, California.
Otace, corner Montgomery and ftocrenwuto streets,
over Parrott A Cos. Bank.
Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have totory removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to nil bosinosa
entrusted to their care. Sltf -
A i.n Airfare Cabtbrll. 1 O. C. PaATT. -
. Jowpk H. FraeoU.
itanr r-.( onsaox crrr.
DEALER ia Family Groceries, Boots, Shoe, ic, and
Paints aad Oil whitmla. aad retaiL a - , r-r
Jidy 7. 1W44.. t j v j. t x -- -Hi! ? J i. i 18U.
S. Ellsworth,
US. Saprem and other! Courts. Oflloe Eugeue
City, Lane Connty, Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Connecticut , As.
Auirust 3d. 18S8, 3f'
TTTILLIAM F. HIGH FIELD, Chronometer and
V V Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to
the buildine- instonooHite totbe Main-street Honse.
where he can be constantly found prepared to do any
business in his line, Watchea cieeaed and repaired on
short notice and reasonable term. Also a choice lot ol
watchea and jewelry for sale. ;. .
March a, lbs. ' .. , , :; lysi-
,r , . - S. Hamilton, M. D., - '
PIIY8ICTAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad
joining counties, that he haa located permanently at
Deer creek lor tne purpose oi. pracucinB.meotcine, and
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare no? pain to render the patient easy
and comfortable, i - x v
Orrtca opnomta R. u. Dearbora A Co. a store, on
Mainatreet. .' ... '
Drags and Patent Medicine for sale at tow cos pri-
ctm. tut t astf
Wells, Farco, 4i-Co. it ).UG1
Co.. in connection with their Kxpreaa hsminea. will
also transact a general Exchange mad Ootteeham Jaisi
nmt, ColieetiouB and Remittanees made in all porta of
O re ron, California, the A tiaatic State .and Europe, with
promntnesa and dospatcb Dust, Gold aud Silver Poia
and Bullion, bought lad sold. . ...
Sight Exdtaage oa JVem ror. MotUm, TluUtUpkU,
Albany, Kodktder, Buffalo," Erie. Cleveland, Detroit, jMirBaaurtc. uaaas, o. Ma,
tic States and the Canada, amy be imsmul at
a, xaay ne pissmu av aeiy a.
par offices, v i j WELLS, FARGO, A CO.
i Itoirtgoaaery stiect, San Fraaclsco
Brv CKjiij i ttHai HotJeff. '
if fttea
R. J. L. CZAPKAY'8 Grand Medical and Surgical
Instttate. Sacramento st.. below Hontromerv oppo-
tito PaeWe Malll Steamship Co.'sOfHee. Ban Francbco,
Califnrnia. Established for the Permanent core of all
Private and Chronic Diseases, and the suppression f
quackery. - - '
Dr. J.UCZAPKAT, toto in the Hnngariaa Revolu
tionary War, Chief Physician in the 20th Regiment of
Hocveds, chief surgeon to the military hospital at Perth,
Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or
gans and Diseases of Women and Children, would most
respectfully inform the nubile of Oregon and California
that he has opened an taRtltnte for the care of Chronic
Diseases of tbe bangs, nver, kidaeys, heart, blood, brain
and the horrid consequences of u-aboae, aad he hopes
that his long experience and successful practice of ma
ny years, will insure him a Share of publle patronage.
By the practice of many year ia Europe ana tbe Uni
ted States, and daring the Hungarian war and cam
paign, he I enabled to apply the most efficient and
successful remedto against diseases of aU kind.' He
uses .no Mercury charges moderate treats his patient
In a correct and honorable way has reference of oa
oxasstinaable veracity from men of known respectabili
ty snd hi?k standing in society- All partiea consulting
him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and
gentlest treatment,- and implicit secrecy. Th Dr.'s
(Bee are on SacraraarAo St., below Montgomery, San
Francisco. California. .,;.., , ; llnjS
Dr. L. J. Czapkay would call public attention to
spermatorrhoea or local weakness. There is not in the
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than this, as well because of present distress, the
Ultimate results. The tone of the system under its in
finenee ia either Impaired or entirely destroyed; and a
class of cymptoia superinduced that unfits man for the
performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The
injuries done to tbe physical part of man is truly la
mentable, but trifling when compared to those of the
censorium, the great nervous center, aad to the ner
vous system generally. This disease, which is too often
consequent anon that solitary vice, self-abase, involves
pathological conditions beyond the comprehension of
the uninitiated, but which are well understood by the reg
ular practitioner. Among the symptoms most conspic
uous ar the foflowingt Love of solitude, aversion to
business and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex
citement from slight causes, loss of memory, confession
of ideas, inability to reason correctly, low apirits aad
lassitude, dullness of apprehension and misanthropy.
These being functional derangements, are often tbe har
binger of horrid organic lesions of the brain, which
prod ace fatuity, dementia aad death.
For the cure of this and all kindred diseases. Dr.
Czapkay has otabtished his Institute, where all may
rely with perfect Confidence npoa that skill which long
experience and thorough devotion to his profession has
Those who suffer should call or write without delay,
and use the means by which they may recuperate and
live.:' . .. .
All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad
dress to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY, .
Ilm3 ' Medical Institute, Sao Francisco. CaL
traordinary soceejs in the treatment of secret dis
eases in the primary and other stages, induces him to
cail pnblic attention to the fact that of the great num
bers who have made daily application to him, there is
not one who has not been effectually and permanently
cored. In recent cases of private diseases, the Dr. guar
anties a perfect cure In a few days without hindrance
to busrnesa or other inconvenience. The Dr.' method
of treating these maladies, combines tbe improvement
made by the medical faculty with discoveries of his
own that are unknown to any one else, and which, when
applied, prevent the possibility of evil after conseqnen-ces-
- SftoudilT trpnflis, which H to destrnctryB" ef health,
producing ulcerations of the throat, destroying the soft
parts, and leaving the booee exposed, which mortify,
separate and come away, disfiguring tbe sufferer must
horribly, as well as impairing his general health, and
predisposing to consumption, the Dr. treats in the most
certain and efficient manner. Also, painful swellings
upon the bones, dtAjrnring splotches npoa the skin,
sores, pimples, and all other consequences of private
diseases he guaractie to cere or asks no compensation.
Dr. C. would epedal! v call the attention of those who
have failed to obtain relief from others, mm of whom
he has already eared, and many are still nhder treat
ment. The Dr. makes no charge for consnltatioa. and
invites all to call at his Institute ; and he will give them
ueh satisfaction as they eaa obtain nowhere ebe.
Those at a distance, by writing to the Dc, can have
their cures properly attended to. Oflices on Sacramen
to st.. below Montgomery, San Franciaco, CaL . 12m3
1 : The Grcalfit DiswrnT ef the Ip.
SREAT Blessings io Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
iT DR-CZAPhlAY'S Pnorail-ACTicra. (seJf-disuifec-
Unr a cent. 1 a sure preventive aesiast secret diseases.
and an nanvpased remedy for scrafnlon. eaua'ejwia
and cancerous ulcers, aud all cutanmeraptionsand disease.-
For sale at DcOurur'tUlBce, Armory Hall,
coram-of. Saorameatoaod Moertgemery atoi San Fran
cisco, CaL As inoculation is preventive against small
pox. so is Dr. Csapkars Prophilarticam a preventive
against secret disease. ' That thcr can be prevented by
proper agents, i as well an established fact as that they
can be cured after their establishment. This principle,
wnien i now nniversauy recogmzeo. was receiveo even
before the days ef Jenner. the discovererof vaccination.
ia nv. r-l it nri15!1"- " ewer since have re
ceived as they deserved, .Ue . attention oi tue aicaicai
raraltT. It a as in nnrsntt of this branch of the medical
rtonea that Bn Lu J. Caapkay fortunateiy made tbe dis
covery of hi Prophrlacticum, wfaiob, for the cancerous
snd cutanoua susoruers asanas nma oy any wi
in the rharmaoorxea. The ateira aoarga of thi ased-
ieiae is explained apoathe hypothesis that secret : poboaa
ssess chemical properties wntea are neinranzea oy
ing brought in contact with this propbylatie, as acids
knows to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering them inert.
The ellect or tins agent ai immediate ana removes tne
nssabutty or a coatraesma ol disease, u, aowever. tne
isease haa been contracted, it is useful in neutralising
the poisonous secretiona, which bv absorption, prodnce
toe ceaaeeaencei bbowb as sronraary oinaa,. . in can-
ceroos and gtagwaa ulcers, in lirVHi niscnarges ana in
eutsnons diseases where the secretions are exconaung,
it acts upon the same principle and is one of tbe most
effectual remedies for the purpose now known. - Where
disease is once established it should le used ia connee
tion with other remedies, and when so used never fails
of success.- It has been administered by the Doctor in
many thousand c-es. and he has yet to find tbe first
in which it has failed to uberve the purpose for which
it was administered. Price, So. Full directions are at
tached to each package.
N. R In eases where the Ptonhrlatictna is used as
curative, Dr- L. J. Czapkay will tarnish (gratis) a pre-
wnpiHin iut na uuiuu uunwrr.
. All communications from the country, addressed only
o Dr. 1- J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco, CaL, will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies,
with the greatest care and secrecy, immediately dis
patched by express or otherwise to their destination.
ZV!ittm3SA..'Xs;mmlfJiGg&rftXYi M. D.
lm3 - .. , : San Francisco, Cal.
Tn mi I.tnir or Oasson ako California- L. J.
CsAriAT, M. D-, physician surgeon and accoucher, in
vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la
boring under any of the rarioos forms of diseases of the
brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, wufflb, blood, kid
neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc
tor is effecting more permanent cores than any other
physician ia Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy
prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yourself
irom p'UUiUl suueruia auu prematura ucmi. aj, mc
ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances
do not allow to have an increase in their families should
write er call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay a Medical institute.
Armors Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery
streets, snd they will receive every possible relief aad
help. The Doctor's Offices are so arranged that he can
be consul lea wunout annisuos. ; iou
ou Al consul tauons f by letter or otberwise,) free.
Address to nit-1 J. uz-ai-ivai , ai. v..
Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal.
"The attention of. the readers ts called to the fol-
A lady or aign stanainc in society ana respectability,
published a card in tne rmiaoeipnia sunaay inspatcn,
Sentemher 14, 1851, which is as follows:
' A Cap The nndendgned feels it herdnty to express
her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay, for the success
ful enre of herself and child. The latter having been
afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum was
given up as ineoraDie oy some or tne mon celebrated
nhvsicians. when she called on Dr. Czapkay. of whom
she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short
period, restored tne cniid to penect neaitn. encouraged-by
this extraordinary result, she sought advice
herself, for the scrofulous malady, with which she had
been afflicted for eight years, and which withstood the
treatment of the best pbysiciana in Europe and Ameri
ca. But Dr Czapkay has succeeded in affording her
permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which,
for eight years bad lost ail cnarms ror ner. nne, tnere
rore deems it dne to herself and to all sick and afflicted
to recommend Dr. Czapkay. as one of tbe most skillful
physicians within the United States.
puyaroiaoa w. nipAf.TVf! RRIV
' Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. .
' aT Glaxxx, Notary Public. 126, 7th street.
VhafMiowinr ia an editorial notice in the Boston
Daily Times of August 6th, 1854: s T . . - i
, B.njmL Phvsiciax. Dr. I. J. Czapkay has
opened an offios at No. 16 Pleasant street ia this city.
nVc. U a Hungariaa by birth, and was connected with
th patriotic army as physician and aargeon under the
-.-LT.n' Kossuth. , He combines with a finish!
eduoation and the moat refined I and agreeable maaners,
the most extensive scienbflo abilities and skill to his
profession. nod we reel muca pleasure in reooauneuding
him to our citizeus aa m pu,m;iu ami a Kenuemna
Or. Caapkay baa spent some tiase ia PUadelphia where
bo wosjtne couddonoo and friondatop of tbnse who be-
- h - Amonw his fji i- p.ji
adolphiaare ?tjeanea of the- higheat raspoctebjlity,
witn wnom wo iniiij auaiaiea. - ria bad an
rtonaiTOPBalaam WWior the Aastriaa&and
BusMna opsnpalled torn- to. leave it for tain- fonnd
guilty of laaiasl v-f trl ntiaaa-i We hope be will receive
hat pktrenag do a xaaaof a iimiiat capacity,
j The above ate oaly a few of the maay teatiaiawialt.
WkP hlw.CiapSBvy Ltt ia, hi Bnimmiiin.- ba aajot.
ibihfV tor want of space.Ail iiininii mi nn (by
letter or otherwise,) free.
-Persons desiring prompt attention, and who wish
to avoid the delay of corresponding, can have immedi
ate attention by sending ten dollars as consultation fee,
aad can have medicineTorwarded. Address to
... JL. J. CZAPKAY. M.D.
, Hm3 San Francisco, CaL
SPERMATORRHEA. or Local Weakness, nervous de
bility, low apirits, lassitude, weakness of the limbs
aad back, iadiaposiUon, loss of memory, avendoa to so
ciety, love of solitude, timidity, aelf-dutrnst, dizain eas,
headache, pain ia tbe aide, affection of the eyes, pim
ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man, are
cored without fail by the Justly celebrated physician and
surgeon, L. J. Cxspkay. His method of curing diseases
la new fankaowa to others) and hence tbe great suc
cess. AU coossd tattoos, by letter or otherwise, free.
- Address, L.J. CZAPKAY, M.D-,
:' 17ml: r San Franciaco. Cat.
Notice. . "
THE Judges of the Supreme Court or the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at tbe seat of Government oa
the 16th day of December. 1856, do tlx and appoint
District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the
connty of Marion, on tbe first Mondays of April and
September, anddae fourth Mondays of Mar and Octo
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and. in the city
of Portland, ia tbe coonty of Multnomah, on the fifth
Monday, of December, 1856. and thereafter on tbe first
Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order
ed.and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Justice.
- 41 - CTRU8 OLNEY, Associate Justice.
i Ebwieal lerolitioi ! Tie Vtrli Ciiiioou!
The virus of disease often makes its way to the In
ternal organs through the pores of the skin. This pen
etrating Ointment, melting under the hand as it is rub
bed in, is absorbed through tbe same channels, and
reaching tbe seat of inns mmatkm , promptly and invari
ably eobduea it, whether located in the kidneys, the liv
er, the lungs, or any other important organ. It pene
trates the surface to the interior, through the countless
tubes that communicate with the skin as summer rain
passes into the fevered earth, diffusing it cool and re
generating influence.
LINGS. Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced
by the anti-inflammatory action of this Ointment. An
gry Eruptions, such as Salt Rheum, Fjryrpeia, Tetter,
Ringworm, Scald Head, Nettle Rash. Scabies (cr Itch)
Ac, die out. to return no more, under its application.
Hospital experience in all part of the world piovea its
infallibility in diseaseaof tbe skin, tbe muscles, toe
joints aad the glands.
The effect of this unrivalled external remedy upon
Scrofula, and other virulent nicer and sores, is almost
miraculous. It first discharges toe poison which pro
duces suppuration and proud flesh, and that the cure
which its healing properties afterward complete are
safe aa well as permanent.
In casee of the fracture of the bones, injuries caused
by steam explosions. Bruises, Barns, Scalds, Rheuma
tism, Stiffness of the joints, and contraction of the sin
ews, it is employed and warmly recommended bF the
faculty. This marvelous remedy rr-s been introduced
by its inventor in person into all the leading Hospitals
of Europe, and ao private household should be without
The Medical Staff of the French snd English Armies
in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of
Hotloway's Ointment, aa the moat reliable dressing for
sabre cuts, stabs, and gen shot wound, it is also sign
ed by the surgeons of the Allied Navies.
Bunions. Burns, Chapped Hands, Chilblain, Fistula,
Gout, Lumbago, Mercurial Eruptions, Piles Jibemnatisin,
Ringworm, Salt Rheum. Scalds, Skin Diseases, Swelled
Glands, Sore Legs. Sore Breasts. Sore Heads. Sore
Throats, Sores of all kinds. Sprains, Stiff Joints, Tetter,
Ulcers, Tenereal Sores, Wounds of all kinds.
Sold at the Manufactories of Professor HoRowav,
80 Maiden Lane. New York, and 244 Strand, Londoc,
by all resewesable Druggists and Dealer in Medicine
throughout the United States aad the civilized world,
in pots, at 25 cents, 624. and f 1 each.
mW There is a considerable aaving done by taking
the larrer sizes.
X. B. Directions for the guidance, of patients in eve
ry disorder are afltxed to each pot- -; isji
The IVdtws of Oregon.
rTtHB OREGON STATUTES, 1S55, being a large vol
JL ame of 650 page, with complete Index, annota
tions, and references, oompnsnsg an tne taws in force in
toe-Territory, inclusive of those passed at last sessioa
or tbe Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at tire dollars per copy, xne worx is ex
ecuted ia the best manner, bound in law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as s like work can
be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure tbev can be afforded for here. The price places
tnem witain tne reacn or ail wno oesire tne laws tney
live under. Orders by ma;l accompanied with the cash',
ailed by return mail. It is tbe last code of laws that
will probably be published ia Oregon, for many years.
In addition to tne enactments oi tae uegiaiaxtve Assem
bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution ef the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787, in
force tn Oregon, Donatio ' aw and ail amendments.
and fall abstract of Uwited iates Naturalization Laws.
Eatraw Aalmals. . r s .
THK sahscriber at Harrisoor. Linn Ov, has lost the
following described animals;
A bay horse, with star in forehead, a little white oa
his nose, hind feet white np to the pastern joint, and
branded " 21" on the right shoulder, 3 years old this
Also a men eew. 7 or 8 rears old, branded 3. S. on
the right hip, aad 11" as above. Has a white calf
wna red ears, snout is montna era. ornaoea - zi - as
above. The cow left test fall, and probably has had
another calf thu spring. -. -
Any person nuaina; tnem wiu ue rewaraeo tor anew
trouble, hy informing ne. . , . A. MclLWAIX.
June 16, 1857. - 14m6paid
ULL'S No. 1 Sosp. tbe beat you ever osed. Try it.
White lead, linseed oil,
turpentine, potty,
indigo, madder, copperas, alum, ...
oil for lamp and machinery, .. . . -
New Orleans sugar,
crashed sugar,
cream tartar, sateratas, soda, at
36tf MOORES'.
- Ha! Te Wtrkert f Irti ni Steel!
I HATE this day received by the arrival of the J. R.
Whiting from San Francisco, the following assort
ment of iron snd steel, to wit : .
' 1,000 lbs. Norway shapes,
2.000 Iba. 3 MJ Iron (flat.)
- 2.000 " 3X3-16" "
3,000 ' K " "
.6.000 " , , 1, Ij, and H, square.
J,?"" ' I, S-16, 4, 1, and 1L men round,
' ".1,000 ' assorted CJt steel,
s 100 horse shoe nails, (G)
' Which together with stock ia store makes as com
plete aa assortment as eaa he found in Territory and
will be sold as cheap as the chkafest for cash or coun
try prodoee. . J. N. PRESCOTT.
'Oregon City. Feb. 23, 1857. 0tf
Boot and Shoe Store. -
TT'REDERICK WICKHON would annonnee
J? to the citizens of Salem, and toe suTronnd- I. I
ing country, that he have takea a store ea the !
east side of Commercial street, north of the jMetoSce,
where he will keep ckaVtantly on hand a full assort
meat of every kind of boots aad shoes, both enstonsand
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workman, all order for the
manufacture or repair of work will be complied with,
and the work done ta a substantial and workmanlike
manner. Give me a call and examine my stock.
Salem. March 12, 1857. ' 13tf
jLiOok. Here !
WE have just received 88,000 lbs. of ground alum
salt, which we are selling at 3 .00 per hundred.
Coffee. ,
IF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned have got 15,000 pounds best " COSTA
RICA." Come In and took at it.
Oregon City, Dec 6. 1856.
JAB, B-atcHABPS. ' . t . , JNO. MUCUKaN, I
San Francisco, f Portland, O. T. J
Rlcnards &, McCrakeB.
tOMMTSSION MERCHANTS, andVobbers in Oregon
Vy Floor, Grain. Prodoee, Frnit, Pork, Bacon, Lard,
Hams, Ac, Ac Orders for Oregon trade oromntiy as.
tended to. Liberal advances mad on coninnna.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front. San Francisco.
January 27, 1857. . . 4tf
TIQ aU whoa this may eome, greeting r That I am to
.a. leave tor tne states soon, ana wmu .ojr-v
request those who know thestselves indebted to zae. er
W.CGriswold A Co.. to call and settle withontdelay,
and oblige w.c.ukiswouo.
Kalem, January TT. Ift57. 46tf
RITING-PAPEB, auperior artiel. - .
Black ink. from quart to 3 on, m 5
Slates ana pacu. . . ... ..... - ,
Tabort pencils. ' '
Eavelops wafers, r,
t School card ana toy ouuaa,at
It ir art maws TTTrrt Fnawdrr
toHKI D ALTON, Boatoa. L.P. Fiaher, Agent,
A San Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads,
rulo.ftc.-' -'W.
August lo, 187. ltf
. . . Th mm Statesman.
An Independent Jcmrmai, deeotsd a Pditirm. fL--i
ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor. rNmnaber, and Editor
The Statesman is Democratic in oolitic. ,
ooghly National in its character, h ST hoaii, , '
species of sectionalism, fanaticism, aad iatokiranre
bod vriU vtMTously oppose all attempts to incorporate
any of the insane Ism of the day into oar Ierr!t-i.i
legislation- , . . . . .
It will advocate all practical measures of Reform
snd Progress, economical and simple administration of
our local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca
pacity in office, and a system of rigid aad direct ac
countability of tbe officer to tbe people. I will dis
cuss all measure agitating the public am ad, in a man
ner fearless, impartial, aad just. , ,
Its News Department will be edited with aweb
attention, aad nothing will be spared to faraish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur'
rent Intelligence.
TheStstesman ha a large, widely-scattered, sbi3 most
excellent eorix of correspondents, and very complete
facilities for procuring news.
Doe attention also paid to the pcblication of Miscel
lany, Arriccltaral aad Literary Blatter.
la this paper are pobihed the tows.re3olntiotia.aBd
treati-a of the United states, and the laws and resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The
paper is printed on new material, and npoa a sheet of
toe MMTgtXt RZs.
Statesman Beak and Jab nar
EhfT" T1PIF5e"i," fie for Book
printing north of California, and as ... ;
nrtmentof JoaazMO kitxau. of every kind; and, with
i" promptly, and.
in a workman-like manner, all orders tn tbe above de
partments, soch as
'-. HAjrmtn-LS,
DryrrATiows, ;
Buinssa Cms, ... .,
. Bui, ns ids, -
Coscvjrr Bnxl,
' PaoosAmTtrs,
' ' Annans Canns.
NoTxs or H jorw " -
Oases Books, --
Stxaxtso t Box -SrEajtBor
Bruaor LaMs
- CuririCATsa,
Show Brxxs,
Check Boors,
BX,'s RXCXTTTS ur ax. iluds, ot., ac, crc. -
Law of News-papers.
1. Subscribers who do not rive express notice to the
contrary, are considered as withinr to cunlimaa their
subscription. .
z. ii KnuacTiocTS oraer papers oisconunoed, Fobliohers
may continue to send them tin all charges are paid. -
3. If snbscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers
from the office or place to which they are sent, shey ar
held responsible nntil they settle their bill and giro ao- '
tice to discontinue them.
4. If subscribers move to other places without infmrm.
the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former aires
tion, tney are new responsible.
5. The courts have decided that refosipg-to take a pa
per er periodical from tbe office, or removing sad leav
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentions
cT Postmasters would obhre. bv a strict fuTnTJment
of tbe rrmlatioiM reouh-inr them to notify Publisher-
orcein three months, of paper not takes from- their'
office oy auoserroers.
I73T7 CCaistitclicii for Oregon.
WE beg leave to annonnee to the public, that we
are just receiving a large and well selected stock
of goods from San Francisco, which has been selected
with great care by Mr. Alexander, who haa been attend
ing that market for some time, therefore we eaa safely
say to the public that we can, and will sell, goods as
low at wholesale or retail
We will take in exchange for roods all kind oi pro
X. B. We win also pay cash fjr all kinds of pro
dace, to-wit:
Wheat, Flour, Butter, Esgs,- Bacon. Pork. Lard.
Oats, Ac, Ac, Ac - - . . .
All who wish to pnrchse. will do well to call aad ex
amine before purchasing elsewhere.
Oar stock eoesst or every itimg in tne nne that sum
market calls for to-wit:
Grey, White, Red and Blue Blankets; -Coats,
Tests, Pants, Hats and Hat covers;
Under aad Over shirts. Wool and Cotton;
Every description of White Shirts;
Queens Ware, Hard Ware and Cutlery; 4
Boots, Shoes coarse and fine; '
. Brora ns Calf. Kip and Cowhide: -Wool
PlaiBs, Merinos, Delains, late patterns;
In short every kind of piece goods, aad the BEST TEA.
ever shipped to this market.
ALSO Cedar shingles, Timothy seed and Hops. .
aTT" Give ns a call, and ?ee for yocrsejTes.V
CorvalKs. Oct 19,1857.------ - 33tf
Hew ArriTal of Jewelry, &c
J" ROSENTHAL informs his patron and
friends, that he hns jnst returned from
ban rrancisco with a select assortment of Jew- ,
elry, Musical Instruments, Cutlery, etc. and
offers them for sale at his stare oa Front street, -,
A3" One door below Dr. Coombs' office.-?, -
Geld and Silver watches-. roM and Slrrer chains;
Gold nrsceiets; Gold ear-riugs; Gold breastpins; Gold
finger rings; Lockets; Gold pens and pencils; Geld
sleeve buttons: Silver and Plated ware: fancy geeca
and perfumery.
Guitars, Violin. Flutes. Fife; a large assortment of
Accordeons, Ladies-' work boxes of all km. Old mA
Silver spectacles, Guld and Silver, spoons, Cattery,
uiock an eau.-t?3 vaxiy. c, oc. ,
Sat- Watches. Clocks and Jewelr reDaired. and all
kinds iof Jewelry made to order. . , .
3-Ail cf my wort warranted -t ; :
W Don't forget The Sign of the Big Wateh."-en t
CorvalTis, Oct. 2. 1857 - sstf -
Allan, McKlalay, & Co., ...
HATE just received a stock of New Goods, ana
would invite all those who wish to procure GOO.v
articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They
consist ia part of the following; - -Grindstone.
- , Canal and Wheel Barrows
Grain Cradles, Fancy Broomsv . "
urass scytnes ana ssnatn, f lain do
Brash do do
A snorted Colored Pails,
16 so Harrows. 23 teeth
ranteo xuos, -. - ,- t
Zinc Washboards.
Blacksmith's BeBowa, t
Cross-cat Saws, T fl
Hair Matuassta, doable, "
- do single.
Hair Bolsters, double, -
do single,- 1
Sperm Candles,
Adamantine do..
Grape brand Tobacco,:
Garden Rakes,
do - - Hoes, - -do
- Spades.
Polished Shovels,
Hay Forks,
Window Glass 8 by 1
do - 10 by 13
do 7 by 9
Window Sashes 8 by 10
do 10 by 12
Ox Bows and Yokes.
LiocKe ao do
Blankets, Baize. lAndseys, Sheetings, Ticks. AcJtr
We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GRO
cles too numerous to mention.
Oregon Cty. - 21tf-
Kenvon's Daraerreaa
npHE nndersigned having recently returned from Salt
A. Francisco, is now prepared to take those beantiftt
Pktores ea Glass called fiJROT YPES, which have
almost entirely snpcrceded the Daguerreotype in the
East and San Francisco. '
Galleiytothenewbuflding,eie&a7 pec&lyfer tW
torraws, west of the Marion Boose. . '1
Salem. November 11. 1856. 35tf !
New Store and New Goods.
At Omtlmnd, JMsttoary's rtrrg, O. T. - . ;
ALBERT ZIEBER. Dealer ia dry goods, groceries.
crockery, hardware, produce, Ac.
Having purchased the stock in trade of G. E. Getcb-
ell, together with the premises known a Metbeaey's ,
Ferry, on the Willamette river, and having built a new
storehouse, aad replenished the stock of goodson hand
now offers to exchange, for produce or cash, an assort-"
mentor .
Dry goods, consisting of clothing, cassimeres, satit. ,
aette, sheeting, shirting, aad fancy goodshats and
caps, boots and shoes, groceries to variety, with spices,
nuts, raisins, aad saadies; paints, oils, medicines, per
fumery, crockery, tinware, hollow-ware, stoves, hard
ware cutlery, and many other articlos to meet the wants
Of the public- . , ,, s
Ho aaa ateo asoved aad repaired his warehouse, s
that he is now prepared to purcbaaa or take ia storagayf
country prodoee, which he can discharge by a slide to
steamers5 decks, without loss r expenr a ef drays ge--'
Aad being determined to mngtsntly keep on hand a
good supply f sack goods as the country trade may re
pair, he believes be can make it an object for th peo ,
pie ia hi vicinity to extend him their patronage. '
W Ne eUflereace madein th price ef goods, whata-
er soid for cash or produce, . , . .-
October 3.1857. - " , SOtf
; C. B. Piltaw. -
TYEALER in clocks, watches- aad jewelry, Sa-
I f Imiwm A. T tarir.iilv attention rtaid to the
repairing of watches and clocks, au wors w
ranteo. Jewelry repairm a siwn - -
Watches and-clocks, 8 day striking clocks at a verv
low price ; ajso hour marine clocks. -- - -'
JBWEIJtti" ' .
Ladtos and gents Brooches, Finger Rmga.EarJtngs.
Gold Buckles, Guard Cbim, c" . Ji
Salem. July 6. 1857. . . . '' , , ,
Salt! SaltM -.
5y O IT 1 " "rW aVowl A a.
v TONS Sjin vuex4WU w ai
20 JOOto.baaw.justrrceived.nd
Ore6pa City, DecSoSL