The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, November 03, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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ori -rr e-i r3 to tmCrjV li (fin
I) ; Ain r.?l
or t t
i O Ty 0 1 U Q T CI A D C v '
to giro yoa aatakfachsm I
Mr or
fi Cai CaA
C :.itKiaaiL Wea-44 M t tr-Ja da-
3 : cues d rsrtttotit ;
f v faa.'iW aid-Ui. Id. d. Ik. iM tk.
ra.l Toasg Ladlaa't Saadara' Kav lai, M, M,
J 4 ia; Piir' 1. 1. M. dk aad Mk Me
i . 11. Id. tk ttd I A.
Ii .Mi Uitdar' OU, Uara !Ttt
Ptovlal. ftoknal asd yarkarla.
ATa-itehania, AacWntaad Sidara. CH-
i. Um' HcSauaj a. im
i -jilTK IrUaMttoa Tbwaama tkWa.
r AWfaia. PraoHcal. aad Higkar; DaTiaa' Pri-
dtL, Behwl aad Uairaratff: Baritk
aMt--Saddrd'a: tMvtaa Al-a.
uirr. Practical itataamaUna. kalk.
bra af iaiatlra. AaaJjtieai toaaai
t ar af ll ila aillia
Oa aad
r taa Javm-v. aa vwm eataa:
. a Haraali WUiard'a OnJtaraal, aad Uaitad
I 7 faaaai i TM: Aadraw'a Latin Vaa-
iafti a4 kxajan Andrew' Galia OraaiaMrt MeCUa
4a4 ad m4 la Latla,aad . la Uraafc; Aa
I Uraataraad Bandar; JnkaarVa Clear
I - rraata uramatar aaa ai ; "-"wj'
f a t--waar aad fcaadar. Tiliqaa. Oraafc Ta-
t k . aatf-taaa
--, Aaarva-S Latia
As A. -a Oaialml aos I
j aaajrnt: mniaa a ni m
Ma. UddaH Scott'a Graak
, Batltk a a.
V n twmn wui, nin aw
f o, LarracMtr, o7i t'aabrldi-d aa4 Oaata'
r t WaadBntaar.
Kaaaa'a Paawata af Crt-
I a. fHftT' AM la Catapoaltio. Parker' Enr
..r traadaM' 0op4th. McE2axitt'a Ta
-t. Ax AaalTtkal Mnaal. Parkar'a Ward
Kawkaw'a Book Kwptiur. wmrkuaa'a Moral
ZZT HiZZTTT. Poltoek; and TWinp -
iitoa; Taaf; FnOoek; and Taomp-
t f ia for BcaoDta) cottar a Ai
.' sorr. Aaterieaa Imbater. Mawmai
yT E-saoock'a Uaotogy. Ureat
waaLiooati). All kinds of Bch
ror BcBjooatl i-auar Aaaaomy ano
Uabater. Ifewmaa'a rofltieal
Bchaal tUat
af all amaat Drawinc Books; Drawteg
a-eri tarf iralid Card mrd; BrmM avmrd: nacu
I ieamt Uaboma Oolara; lakstaadi, erary site
md Afa. am, v. dm.
rvaajr BaacroA'a United StaAo. eotnma.
T -rnak's do. do, ewlamsa. Frost'a IV-torUI UaUad
H sv Tarter do, a. B.itta'a Hist. ReromUoa.
-t mmaaVoV. WUaa Uaftad Bastes. Willard'a do.
I . ladla Wars Oartod Utslaa Willard Uorranal
j 7tj aianrdm. aVamsch'a Him. World I or
1 raiomoa. MuBiaa Aaemn Hmtury. Farr'a do. -p-
tvaaiand. Macaalay t d'v. rompieto. Pickeaa
Crnt da. Uagard' do. tiibboa'a R-wse. U" Aa
t ' Bron tlm. Bsas'a M. B. Charch. All won'
1 eaam, 1st aad td Series. Praseott'a Work. Bdrder'a
' 1 MvtirltiBB. MM. af Ooancrl of Trent. Joaa-
' m. An of Abbntfa Hwtnrie. HHtorical Cabinet.
; msaaof Rpain. Queeaaof Scotland. Help 8paah
Co ' aa.. Brace' Hangarr. KWder Brsxil. Kn
' IsjaciL PsrleT Vairerasi. HMnry of Crn
r . Ancient RgjiiHn Haihua Middle Ages.
' anj for BrrvBoner' Child' Oemsd Blilm j
L .' FmM Bank of Reroration.
ImMirtr. PtsSarcb' Lrea. tint Brant.
mtal 1 aaisitai Great aad Vetebrated Cternctor.
Lfcaaoftb Signers. AMaMograshy of Ftnmy. La
' i m CjeraJad CHaracter. Lir of Adam CHrke.
4,1 a Baddtag-. do Niebahr. do Geo. rUrrm-m.
Irabrrl oVma. do Robarta. do Larayett. Cap.
i tosaasf bVmma RepobUc sad Old World. Dr. Chat
em, 4 Tbv Urea of HomMdta. Mm. Rwer.
, mart. Waday. FWtcher. Ufe aad Time of Clay;
1 M' Waahiagtoa. Emiaent Xecbaafce. Ursa of
'l.fiasUoae. Jonas
Jeatlca. Ji ipbiaa, Rapnteoa. CtmrleaLamb.
J. a
Uea-Ureea. Joan of Arc. Lady jaaeurer.
J alien a. DaaM Wiaatti. Akngs of
Ijbsb sad Oasaaa. Uehsats. Lreaa af th
fr icM rTuup a. MMJ aaa sunam nao
Ptmwar WosMaaf tha Weak.
BAswHack'a Calaa. Arsaeaalsaa Btapkaa'
Travaas. Maago Park. NUa Wats.
i am Mm)to Bkrare. Bayara Taytorn Trae
In ! Trmeam la tba
rawarei iiwsaiTm. rajstoaioaoav
-e as'BBaBsa.
Wood's Nataral hl-tory. LardsW
1 Usafel Art. Onrnoa. MstheataUcal Dh
t ary. Logtcof MsstwmAtfea. Wonders of HnsM
kua'"s Pmsmry ad Btillsg World. Loomm B
. m r sss af Astraanou'. Bmitb'a Dictnaary of
; i .a al i i macs Inhisk a BfcasjUca. Pick wmi
ogTar-Arraa eartooa styles. Fhkaaiai'. do.
:r. da. Boraa, do. HenMas. do. Moor, do.
I '. Yoaag- Pollock. Tapmir. Cowper. Pop,
.'i WaaVwnrth. Oaalaa. Moatyaaatry. Ksrk
, V. a Femal Post f Eamad. do. do. Aamrlca
r: -amawaAaem. . . .
V. mta or RssWraV-CctomMM or uoogjraMy.
von. PIa Arm. 4. dv thnjeaoky. TJwful Art.
koaock a Gazetwer. Harper uairsai ttasaj.
Faorr AMwcxrrmAL. EUVdra Fnnt
Tkniaaa' do. Dwaiac'a do. Barrr'a do. Fe
r armor and Gardeoor. Fmlt. Fbfwer aad Vaaatable
t ii mrr'i Compaaioa. Alloa oa tba Grape. . Pardee
an Laraarberry. Flormt's Gaide. American Farm Bonk.
f raa'a Domaa. Animal. AUof Saxtoa'a Uad Bjaks.
Taaouaaioat. A Rauorova. Harm my aad Erpo
of Gmacss. Ns dar's Ufe of Cbrbt. Ratier
Vottsv KmtmChrMma Theology. Weara Math-
i II ll rni MtaceTmaie. lecture a R-imaawia
' la aad af Dmriato Itoie. fcWiot oa Romtamm. Bare'
Varna. Clarke'a Oaankrf. Re la's Vv Jay1
rereir. Waasmt'a taatiVite.. Larrabee' Kvtdenca.
iwrt BtMeal Dmeaanaea. Ragtn' &dipe of Earth.
dm. laasaoa aad Faith. Foter'a Chrmt, FarfacAtoaw.
"lkar am Dtscipline. Wrrlragn of Armiain. JahaV
1bk0al Armm4mry. WM, oO ''' P1? fr2
1 11 to ti. Ti4msati. great. variety. MefAndmt
b 1 'TBsl Cbrmtiaa Myma avtoaa, cnurva raadmmw
-I jmrrTh tnUmjttoo. Select Matodisa. Cfamtiaa
Family Phjmciaa Hydro-
1 J 11
e SHrte x HoasassMsa woraa.
kiiacBLLkaoc. Constitution of TJaitad 8tstss
r r a. barn's PapaUr Macattoa. .Crabb' Hyaoayms.
1 w's amok of lrkmHiea. Odd Fellow MaaL-
laaadley'a Work. 14 vol. Mrs. TathiU'a, enls. Lay
a. ! Tli ii nk . BigoloWa Dsafal Arts. HAiwell's Ea
i -am'i Ownte.' Amaitiisa laatitatinna Parsnft f
1 snmMedgav ParkXadiaoa. Per viae Antiqnitimw
: Imi tsst. Pysnkmrc. Tka MarveJ' wvk.
B f lu ii r ' " Oaa
t tXvMdand. Tama nnd Reverie, fssi exm
bToaew Maker, ammmed No. M
T lUw. Pick WRsotk. Mrs. Hsle'a Mem Cook Rook. Mil-
f-e Old ed SaadaArawu do. Footwrtota of Creator.-.
amtg Laataa' Conaatlior. TmmgMaa'sdo. Pletorial
Oaascnism. Tltoatwm'a Lee, to T. Men. CHtit
oaa Text Rook. Captrveia Patagonia. Tbe Ameri
aa Haoaewir. Half Hour wHk 0td Humphrey.
' Atbews; Ha Oi ladsaT aad Oeoay. Mrs. Sedgwick V
iMnt 4. New Boa. Tate. Unda Sm a Farm
Faaea. Artawr'a Saneiasfal Mrcbaut- dm. Tsl. Mrs.
Parsiweta. Bsrae Tramdattoa. VtrgUdo. Mrs.Car
lesrw Wsrka. Hiraiam af BsnViry. Land sad Sea
nookaad F-wt. Sea aad Sailor. Ship and 8horav-
' Naval LMIa. Star Papers, tfaeonie Chart. Irviag's.
Ooimnba. LmnLook Akaai. , City af New ork
. UemwOrammtaf America. YoangMaa Advtaed. Mia
. stoasta Toaita and Fegee. Troth Stranger Than Fie
. atoa. Kaoot aad tha Rassisna Hydjaaathia Cook
. Daek- Daath Bad 9aca. Gift Bk for Young Mcs
dowd-t. Lamm. Aaecdotea for Girt.
tmatpripta of Famooa mem. cnarKct iuitaortav
Work's. Advice to Tonng Men. Pesaant by philose
adssr. Abbott's Marc Paul Books, do Frsaooaia.
r of others tao aaatenrja to
Uy recetviag mSgt additioeM to the forejuuig.
r PuBmoaa Paper great variety. Let
T do, d. pmia aad gilt. Hot do, do. do. do.
Tuks-aH kind.
Blaa Racks al
niaries. Pass Book. Tim R-mfc
Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Book.
UMssjrapoielPrioto-o htrg rarny. Wraaptag Pa--Yav-rood
variety. Wafers. Soaliag Wax, sViv, Ac
t tosfl y. w have a good varmty of
: km Booes New Csnsma Sacra. Arptoa Glae
'" --- fhrimiaa Paalmmt. Piano laatrue-
Guitar do. Plate do. A coord no do. . ViHn do.
Aad tbfmontvBrie4 asaortmeat of St atiowxbt over
- This stock I all bought ia Now Tork aad
d maoM at
uxifohm r rice a.
tm band scaoov nwoom largo
with most of the BmMOima m
I a tf yarn
ag'itrWvtm kmi Hcmet aoogB to mrg aqgn
I" istusi with moat of the aasmmaatomt mf
u . i l-jTII-,- XJ I
-. I obi j At; - - o- - - 1 T9 toraby grvea.Osjt
Tj nwTsaot yaos If mmj tovhaa a alB.Juaa 17.1867.
rtiif " vtrr tt r-' 1 tr
-Vrr-U t-efm-.of kafrtnds
9 tit Hit) .tk kMM MM,
v ' t k 0 r" stock d
vtln for rta.tarcwk, MM
L.j frwnl etocA b rm,peisd, ia
. k m law of
lr-- wwrksi ttwtaeld s Ooat-
r -
H -r luriai lOTTutwuna; boar's
.1 laaa Wmrm ml tba
I ta akortkaOeaaaaal Utaaa tkagaai Mtaa Hall'
rwraWC-wfcert Mr. kal'a Kaw Uaok Boakj Tka
!"wLu' aionaawn. or buok af Haeatpl. by Mm. A.
U Waaatart UMury of Um Monaoaa Iroai tbair nrltlo
I ra"!
"i rra lnm mm many purt
a! Bpftotnt. by Blaadoai Tapawr'a PrimiaV
m r arpay; utata Rapuhoa aad Um boaar
ndtet Unt; Pallet Gwrmrt Tlnx; RenjamlnV
i.V luaiapa; arnean owa nnoi; tb wnrra
uiwiat-N BOfTanavai ui aad Haaya ar Benja
t Praakilat Lit of Waklnjrtnn. by Bpark; Cuai
akickli BTataia af Eloeatinat Prnan t Knlorlna Kx-
aaditloa tarrnvb Orraon and CallfnrnU: Pictorial Hi-
lory of All Kama, by Uoodrick; Bentoa'i M yara In
I tfc 0. . fianate; Byrm'a Work: Preacott'a Blojrra-
phtaa aad Crltteal Miarellaalr; Praarott'i Owoiwt of
aniwao at; Praaontt'a Fenilnand aad UaMla I
uki; Prcasntt'a Rnbertana' HIlorT nf Charle 5 3
il Pramtta 1 and 3d Philip: MilnMa'a OlbbonV
ft: R vHia" Ancient Hhd. rr; Plotarek Lire; M
jaalry'rJitnrTof EtiaUnd; Dii k' Work; Camming'
(.actarr; Wababsr'a American Family Cyrlnptdiv-t
4-ott' HapnWoa; Chamber' lnformti,n Tirtha Pen
plat Ufa la tha Itinerary; Life of tlen. Ifkyettet Tb
Ynanc American Lifanf Premmt; HMiry of Ire
land, oy Mmnayt HearenTy H me; Carirle a Kar r
ays; trltMi and Ameriraa Faniaw Pnatu; Burn'
amtrda Work; If one' Poetical Wnrka: Born' Po
etical Wrk; Mr. Neman' Puatieal Wnrks Miltna'
Cnmpieta Work; Tapper' Compter Works Lir aad
leant lea af MMkeapeare; Arabtaa Iflahta; BHom
Tmrat la Bimpat Layard llcwrrte at Iflnevah;
Wkanleya Cnmpaad of HMnry; Hadlyja MUeelU
"att M arrh'a Remintaeeareaof Comie; Thaddeaa af
vtnav: Tha Planter' Victim: Ateinaarna aad the
Chinch Ihtnd: Rail' Barred rlfctnrr; Pnaharal
hi Wandarian and War of Thluklna: Rtttimwia
Craaaa: ChiMren nf tba Abbey; Indian PatUm.Canttr
itia aad Adrantire; Dream and nealltte nf a P
tT and Teacbar: Tb PAsip Carpentera Family;
na, or in n on a iitmnnw; uiiica ann lanament;
Wabatar' Dicttoaariea large aad mall; flnnn'a Oie
Sratad Pomeatie Medirfnv; Bhort Patent fleimon. by
Dtv, Jr; L rimer Uttienod. Ej: Arthur' TIk;
rVtmano Practical Arithmetic; Calhnnaa lateHertnnl
trkhmetli-; Vocal aad laairameaUl Note B-mk: MiV
cheirUeAgranhy and AtU: Ynaattoa th Btractar
nd dim ta of the H'trae; Baxtoa Itnral Hand Book;
CVila'a American Frail B-wk: Doanina'a Rnral Rra:
Pnvnaing'a Fmlt and Frait Tree of America; Elliott'
Western Fruit Book: American Cattle Doctor. by padd;
rrnm, r lower aaa tecenM arrnrr a tMmpanlon:
A'marteaa Fnilt ('ultnriat. hv Th-Mnt: The Strawbeirr
Clt re, by Pardee; Aatethaa Pnaltry Yard, by Bon:
Voaatt a th Management aad lieaa of Bhaen:
Kola. Letter aad Foncap paper; Pana and Pea old
er: Hand aad Rend-bse: Black. Blae and Red Ink:
Praia and Faacy Eteelopea; Blalaa aad Blato Peacil;
1 rB" City. Jaae t. IMT.
095,000 Vrtai
TtHH sabscrlbers woulil rcsnectfnll infurm their rmv
A. twmeri and th pablic gaaarally that tuey hare nn
hmad, and nra la eonetaat receipt of aod from H aa
Fraaeiaea aad New York a larsn sad wll--
icioastocK ccmmacing m pan at
Alnm . illca . aa I el pace .
B mnet, borage, and pro. linen.
Cambric. tn.4, aad cation,
Domeatie de mine, and damk. '
Edging, emiiroidery end ererythlnf ,
Flannel, fringe, and fancy axt ,
Gingham, gaiter and gtore.
Hsadkerchiefs. hnae and luir-plsa,
Iron. Ink. aad inserting.
Jaconet. jean, and Java coffee.
Kaire. kid gtore. and ktillting-plaa,
Lwn. Inl and Lirerpool wUt,
Mnstard, mirror, aad mate ha.
Needle, nail, and aire things.
Oils, erenhirta, and 0l mg lam.
rin. pant, aaa paper.
Quilt, qnlll.
aad nueenswara.
Ribbons, rnanraond raMrapa,
Btlka. angar, ndhwing oap(
. Tea. Mmcco, and tnrpentin.
Umbrella, nndcr-amera. aad aasfal tklaga.
Veil, rarnloh. aad vinegar.
Wreathe, woolen good, weflamat.
Tan, yeast, and Vankee autiocw.
Zinc, nnd sephyr worated,
Ac, Ac, aad ao an.
Besides many other article too amotion to meatloa t
ill of whirh wa are offering at reduced price, adopt
ing tne pian y ncaaaie ana (mail prunu."
The ldia will find in their department a lirre atoch
of fancy good, direct from New York, which t not
Mostly kept In Oreroa. and by arrangement wil' be in
ant receipt adeqnate to the wants of tne ladle.
Tha Gentlemen' Deitsrtment of furnUhiig w
will-aeidom h en nailed, and excelled be none in Salem.
I tOM. The bl vkmithnd iron dealer will a! war
nd a wetl-etected tn- k of lBes and shape. fc
retaer wnn n goon asnrnneaM rroa nxies. rrom It
4 in tt I s 11 inrhen. which we ar aellinf at Portland
price, adding rrelghta.
W ar pre D red to recelre all kind of nrodnra la
XT ban r for gnnd. and aim money. For roll psrUcn
aincaii ana examine tor ynnreiee.
Salem. Feb. 10.1 7. aatf
L.P. FUher'R
ADVBBTIBIXO Agency. Baa Fraactora No. 17l
r Waahingtua street, ap stairs, nearly opposite to
ruirc a uuora nomr.
. L P- FIHHKR i the aathorUad Agent of tb
Oaaaon Httbh;
Msrysrill Herald;
Sacramento Union; .
Saa Joaoaia Repablicaa. Rtacktoa;
Pacide Metbodmt. Btochtom
eVmnra Ueraid;
Nevada J-mrnal;
Graaa Valley Telegraphs
Red BlinT ricnewn; r -
Columbia Gstette; - 4 i l -' J
Monatun iem vraA, PUcaraillei
Calvarn Chnmicla. Mokslamaa BUI;
: El D iradn IJaraocrat;
8hata Cnnrier; "
Mripoa tiasette;
:- Yreka Weekly Union;
- Trinity Jom-nal. Weavervtlle;
Iowa kill New; ' i
.Weekly Lediw. Jacksoa;
- Sao J.ise Telegraph;
, Soaoata County JvMtraal;
Polaom Dinpatch;
. California Mining Joaraal;
Lat Angele Btar;
Santa bWuar Gaactte;
Saa Piego Herald;
Aimed Chanty Gazette;
Placer Courier. Yankee JIa
, Napa County Reporter; .
Sierra Pem-icrat, DowoleriUa:
Humboldt Times; , r
Oregnnian. Portland, O. T.
' PaciBc Chriatiaa Advocate. Salem. O. T.
Jackoaville Herald, Jacksonville. O. T.
Pinter and Dem crat, Olympla. W. T
Washington Repubtibsn, Steilacoom,
, W.T-
royneiaa, Hioluln, S. I.: ,
Pacillc Commercial Advert'ser. Hoanrohi S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; i
Hongkong Regiater.
L. P. F.kan aow eomnleted hi arrangement for
the forwarding of advert tut ascot to all the principal
largest circulatinaT Jmraala aad Xawmmneta nobliahed
, im tbe Atlantic State. . .
A fa opportunity ia hero offered to those who wish
i to advertise ia aay part of the Union, of doing so at
tb lowest rates, and ia a prompt sad satisfactory maa-
Aagrtat 15. lftsr.
For Sale.
I WILL sell one half of tha land claim known
ss tbe D wight Pomroy claim. Said half
adjuiae Mr. Peter H. Hatch's aad ia about
two miles from Oregoe City, on the unner Wil-
lasseUc. 1 will also sell oa hair or the whole of tbe
property, lying- aad aitaatod is !h beautiful aad rapid
ly growing town of Corvallia, Beotoa Co., and kauwn
aa tao Tbumss" property. ennHmting of four lot ol
mad, together with all the bailding thereon. Said
property i ia a beantiful location . and both will be sold
st a great bargain in caah. or wheat or oats at
I pttre. laooire of tb ubacriber. at bia "tor i Ore
gon City, ia relation to bath, or to Hon. J. C. Avery
m rt-lattoB to the Thomas property, at Ctwvallie.
Also, six 16) l its oi moo id urcgon city.
OregouClty. March 1.1957. ltf
Salem Drag Storo.
TTtRONT Street. Boctorv koildiog. Constantly
A? ao hand a full aasnrtment of Dooao, Mkm
cimcs, Piijrr, Oils skb Dtx Srorro, Patdt
Ia abort almost every article oaoally found ia a Drug
Store, and ar offered at Wholcsal and Reran., at
axt real rly low rates, ia quantities to suit waxraniod as
garOaoaaa aoLunrni. m
Piontii lptlnaa frs of charge at ofAce. T
aW Prompt attentioa will be green to profs Inn
oaBahitaoCity. A. Af . BELT, M. D. ,
i.a.T-.iaaoz, it. - iztr
Wotleo-. i
C: S. Wonwworth I aathorixrd
rtwgavy i
15tf :
TVRT-GOOD8 for fatdiea aad geatleatea, to great va-
t mI, WlnsmH k way ond MlsrmlaaleS! Be-1
sproTfspoAo. y ux-1 and carefully selected stock
Uvw sftb Idsfltai Lif of A sdiww Jackson; I otto. Paints' VsraUh. Snap.
-"v " " Moerort Mie I altar. MatlorMry, sod all article
? " ' . , . " . r"";T r WITT yi star, a seat n My, an inner
r - 7" V" , . Ti " wwwj i watch wui be MnxMC at uaiiraraia, w
-soma - "msm we-owo' Vorer Cromwell: A T I SOS- Onnanm aumm
B. . lcCrMlc, ......
(raoirr Must, rntriAxs.n.T.)
Lf AS tonstantly on hand a larga stock nf ttoon 4KB
x x nrTionaaT . wurii ba aaiia at a aatau aavaaua an
PiraLiaNkaa Puicn.
Jfi caUlJtnta taMha aeatla tba Oitmi lad
WMlt-tlati Alnanaofor 18AT. Buuk urdrr3 tbara-
from nt ixMtaa (Vn to an art of either Ttrrrltory .
. Portland. Kab. 14, 186T.. . SO;!
CrralllB Drag Kr.
T R. C ARUWKI.L. Dracaitt aad AaniKvea'
I atantljr raoalrlnr. par Ualiibrnla alaaaiwi, larga
tt Draaa aad Madklnaa.
Parfamerien, Trtu Par
oauaily kapt hi Prog
patent wiiiimi
CoerallK. MT I. lWT. Mtl
Clacattikklthk mm tUmrt, Lk..
ALLAH MoKIXLA T A CO. bar now aa
large and WU aicted stack of
Bar Iron, Caat Bteei,
Horaa hi d, Oarmaa dL
Kail md dn., Pijoah do.,
Plata d.i..
And Intend tt keep ap IS aMortment an at to anil the
mnta af enHner. Uira a a call, and yon will lr d
it w not only kv tb fullest stock, bat will rl
achenD a th cheane4." W ara ounMnntlr rrl
lag addition to our aortatat, ao a t replM.- what
ta aniii.
Oregnn City. Pee, tl. Vl. ttt
Iiarr JtiliMaain i Civ
wnut.BBALB Ditvaoirra.
(ltd WaahUgtm Rlrect. Bab Fraaclaeo.)
Ollkr fr aal to th country trail, th Urgent atnch
ot good in their Una on th ParIHo enat eomprf
4ng Prng. Chamh-al. Perfumery. Patent Medicine nf
all kind. Brushe. Plnt. Oili. Olaxa. Tiirnentina. aad
eesry artl'-la apnertililnT ti the b-dne. H1n m
neniar raciiiuo rnr oi ruining uieir gnoaa Iftcr tnin
Ui'y rmn olTer indticamaato to baysr neqaalled b)
any mner annne.
Drrtrr rene-Uuiiy aoilciten.
ClriAI.H I'UMPcl. mHtkey wrench,
match plane, erw arm,
ah plane. " '
home ahno and nail to St.
gnn lock, ping and nipple,
tnlm, bullet mnnltr,
Woenhlra' I XI. porket kill,
pruning and biMding knlre.
rat trap to carA frrf. at
Uaosta gtnd Htatlvnorp
5 Parker' 1st. d. Sd, 4tk tad tk,
Sander' do do do do
McGuffV's do do do d
Imvies' arithmetic.
University and Common School,
Intellectual and primary,
Ibtrie' b-mrd m algebra,
Lanndre. urveying.
Geometry and trigonometry.
Key to Davie' Arithmetic,
Tbmpnn' arithmetic.
Parker's phibMnpUy,
' ' Juvenile and lt lemoe,
Grammar Clark's. R illlon' Smith's.
Geographie Mitchell's. Kuateilh's msnnal,
Monteitb' lt leaaon.
Mude Lnte f Zion, New Carmlna Sacra,
, Chriotian Paalmint, Mbunuri llanrrmy.
Normal Song Book. Singing Book, at
twr Mfrnnrs'
bicm. asTntLw. i,. v. a. uk.
N. Reynolds & Co.,
Mt. Htm An vs.
sea. 79 ah1 pan rmirr, Brrrtint ctT Anvwsra-
imrron rr.. saa rasjrcist.'O. cat..
nCRSONAL stteotion given to the ala nf Float-
A (train, fotatue. Oul-nia. Frult.Hutter. Ken Ct.r
ed Meats, Hides, IVouI, aud all ti 1 product ef th
tt ill HI order for good when aecomnanled l eah
or eq iirelant In sny way nf consigmenl.
Ilur constantly hand new and second hand Grata
an uunny tug, wnicb w oar by bal or bundle in
mt to nlt.
I'ir-t el tnran farnMied when reonlred. la libe
ral advance m ue oc cnntgnmeit in at.
Having ird rxiierience and localitr. we tract bv
wki luruuiiu vitt inn mwiruitn luan i piei
ant to both norwelvr and nnr romlgnnr. Sm29
Valuable Farm far Sale.
'T'HB anderairtied mnr nffvr his valuable
jb. tana nv aue. muuin n nfHiic t rrrt.
a Binm t o., u. i., one ann a nair mile
onthnf McRinnar' Mill, on the Croat rmd
rnnning Irrni Salem t ild Mill. ItonutainaCtOacre.
T WIiic-b StO acres launder a and milxtantial make
and rider fence, on hundred acre ia good cultivation
two handre,! One bearing fniit tree. good farm
now, t -gainer with other out bull ling. Said farm 1
II watered, and the beet admitted i t t.-k r-iin
nd wheat growlo of any farm ia tbe Terribwy. Said
'arm ha been aettled iix 14",. and waa uf the
or-t claim take in Marion Cs Any perann deirnn
if hnvinc a aond farm, with a lit t monev. will do well
to call at tb residence of the anderigned.
Spring Creek. MtrcB 30. 1ST. - 4tf
llouse, Carriage, sign, and
"I " 4m IBI gtrnVga
A. REED having eswblwhed hi Paint shop n
Rleo. U prepared to execnte with dMnatea all
:riailn tbe altnwo liae. Esaner. Standard. and I
xtn . fur neiee naratod nn .ilk.natia. velvet or n
llo. IViiit f all nd r and derripli'Hia mixed, readt
rnrne.fnr nte at hi bon ; aim While Lead. Llnwerd
Oil.Tnrpenthwand Vrnih. Walt paper aad B Oder.
Window gknw. Paint hrnahea. graining t !, Ae. Pi
recti on given hv painting, alao ia graining imitation
of wood, atnna or marble.
N. B. Order rrom ahmad promntTr attended to.
All jobaiatrastod to bis cere warranted to airs satis.
factl i.
Sla.Jan.t.lMr. . 43rl
THE Jndgas of the Stprem Court, of the Territory of
Oregon. aemlled at lite seat of Government oa
th ninth dsty of Janoary. eighteen hundred and Idr
even, ao ax and appoint instrtct court, to ij held tu
vtlltir of Uoaemirg. la th county of ttuagt nn tne
ir-t Mnnd-iyv.of Man-b. May. He litem her nnd Nnvrm
or.aaaaallr. nntll ushviwl ordered, aad do limit th
doratloa of aaid term t ix d ty each.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Jnatir.
4ttf , M.P. DEADY. Aam-iato Jartice.
At KMcemefJItr.
THE sabvrriucr hss si iCugvne City, on of the lieet
general asortment of Dry G'md. Orocerie. H.rd-
, Boot and Shoe, and all aitb le kept ia a gene
ral Nnding et-we. to I found in ttregon. He i enn
tantiy rereivlug frett additbma to hi stork, and el
way keep it np. My gnnd are now sll received dlrtrt
rnm San Francmco, where I have a resident agent. All
klndanf frmrr' pro,luc rorehred ia exrhaage fnrgnod
I nay higher price for produce, and ll rood cheanrr
tnaa any otocr tora to tne i erritory.
Engene City. July 1 , IKM. tf
CJTRATED. or stolen front the sahacrlber.
KJ ll'
iviug in Albany, Una Oh. O. T.
about the Brt or Daueroher. !$. on nor.
rel h're. hlaxe uced. right hip knocked
down, brsndeil on near .boulder 0. T- vrnted V,. hair
nrana. nomuer oranu nr mra reooiiecteo. ant
-ui rcMminx wmm aim; win 13 iiuerailj rewamea.
Afhany. January J7. K17. Antfrmid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
IT kt often the case that persons naffer for a long time
with a euraul dbw. frm the fact that they do but
snow wner to go to ana retier. 1 am prepared to r
m r all Tiimora. Cancer and Dirsrd Itone to r.
doc dN tested Jo nt of ongtanding. .traighten. wrv
oei-k, club foot, and to correct all def-.rmity of the
fare and eyelid. . D. G. CAMPBELL, M. D.
corvaiii. o. t. May a. 157. u
f & n...
Msriwu HVU9C. S9.avi
TH K anderigned announces to tlis putlie
that ha bs imrchaaed the well known
tavern stand, called tbe Marina Uoaee. ia Sa
lem, together with the furniture and fixture
tierenf. He will keep it in first rate style, nnd Invito
toe patmnss-eor tue pnbix. ilh. ai.
May n. iw. hit
TR. J. R. CARDWELL. Dental Surgeon. Corratli.
M-J in hi proremioa, at Cnrvalli. Kurene City, Win
chester, rH-otthurg. snd Jacksonville. Skill, unqne.
temaide: charge renectbie: work, warranted. Teetli
.vamlnecl, and advice given free of charge.
Due notice given ol cB9ttev or vmc,
April J6. IftVS. 7tf
Look Here.
A LL persrm that air indebted tr Jame Strang.
A. requested to, all and Mttle their account by thi
l.'ith of May. and .11 thie who do not. will rind tlieh
acconnt in tbe hand id John D. Boon. Justice of the
Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem,
want to settle np my accounts. JAMES STRANG.
Salem. April 71. Wt. - Otf
Reynolds k Law.
134 .waoarKOTOH T., . r., akd fbost st., roaTLaxa.
COMMISSION Mercbant and dealer in all kinds of
Crcfron lr due. Advnce made nn goods coa-
-ugneu to u ana rwaroea Ji t nj caat g.
Office at J. Failing A Co'. 15m
i-'--.. Wanted.
KCf( hnshel Oats, aad 5000 Wheat.and aaynaaB
OUUU tity nf deadswiae, for which rah will be
aid oa delivery.
Oregon City, Nov. 35, 1854.
L sotr
J f TONdl amorted lnm, just received at
j otns
ftUwlt,' I
1. J. Tliyer,
A. la Cirell . Bant a Co.. O. T. avpualte to IM
City Hotel la raid tuna. . ..- utr
V lam. tl. OfRue, lrt door aoatk of tha Rtata
mati Qmo. ap laalia. w
w. a. rtMAa. i -. iAi rroirr
rrrr k last,
ka,Mr anil IJailnKf.
fp Offl oa Frout atratt. oa door aorth of th
E. hang."
rortianit. t. T.. July in. imi. - nw
' I. I. Kaltfe.
XV Solicitor la Cbaacery , Vorvallla U. T.
u K.nimi. oih
1. W. Klttttll.
JtX. gene City. Lane Countp. U. T.
M. P.. Rnrgemi. RPRCT ALtT
J. -I
lI.t E ASES OF THB ETC. Cortallla, Oregon.
September II. 68. . IHm"
Kai Prtmltea Adrertioltg Iracf
T P. FISHr'R. lnm bi.ilding. nrmnnrte Paeifle Rsnrann
I J Offli-e. im Htnlra. File nf all th prim-liml Paper of
t'annwam ana uregnaamy nrmna aiHiMnmca. Mr.
FlrierithanthNried A eeait for tbe BUteaman.
" rhetler R. Terry,
mllniier nf Predt. and to take te-djmonr. ae-
I knowiedgmenU. Ac Ac. for Iowa. Indiana. Miaannri.
Mtehlxan. Csllfornia and Wahlagtm Territory. Let
ter of Attorney, and all other latniment of wrltiag.
trawn on snort notice.
tn. Particular attention Bald to taking denoaitloM.
coiiat imna m nuie, Accnnnia, sic, .zu
laiu ft CtXwil,
t. lienor la tmaacerv. Pmctura. Ac-, in Admlnalt.
iimnu. urewtm. aw
I rdiii ft Inrtft
n. Sullrltor la l:nancerv. Uffi. near tb Court-bouac.
mlem. O. T.
Gft. I. hrll,
t. Solicit- In Cbaneerr. will nractic la th variom-
juurts of Oregon aud Waahinobm Territurica. Oll.-a.
imiem.u. I.
Dcluaa Saila,
Sulicitiw in Chnneery. will promptly attend t i all
jines pertaining to bia nnm In tb Brit Judicial
Pietrict. and before tbe Sunreme Court of Oreiun
Offl'-e. AHmny, IJnn County. l. T.
n. h. nen not at hi om -. or absent on prnre-
vonai otuuite. ue mar no runnel at ni reideaca. nve
mile ontli-et of Allatny, em what is knawa as the
'uraaa rrain.
U. 6. Iiraeti,
jrx. mviior ia coaaoery. llcussi, folk county, o. T.
may i. ihi. utr
Solicibir In Chancery, will pra- tiio In th rsrion
twrt in tm iemi rr. sua prunntiy sitena f tne col-
' tion of all claim asalnst the United State, tbrmifli
tn efficient agent re-iding nt Whiugtna Citr. O0k
ia Kugmi City. Lane County, O. T.
1U E. Strattaa,
A TTORNET AT LAW, will prs. tire In tbovarion.
eourt nf onthera Oregon, aad ia tha Supreme
Court of the Territ'HTy.
-irrica m iicef uree. iiougia eoonty. (. T. itawlr
'ien-e a miles north or t mcbamer. oa too WiiLimett
N. B. Butnty tAnd Warrant obtained for e'ai-n.mU
m rmumnable term. Ulf
Ctaadxwlck. St Ulbka,
rv llcltnr tn cmtn-ery. Ac. on. a at Wlni-be-ter and
i;rlMrr. S. F.CasnwicB, Wincheater. imnglaa Co,
it. t. A.i;.tiaae, usraiuer, tmpqua Co.. n. r.
Nov.. I mm. istf
Darnnm St Wllsetn.
rV lem.Oreina. Particular stteuti U givea totb
wiievtioa of ades aud accounts, aad aiaM against
a Hiuly lnd Warrant bought and sold.
mw !. over Starkey' Kt we. 44
, u. r . nsBRia.
XX lice st the Cmirt llme, Slem. O. T. Ctf
J. D. Cale, M. D.t
Mf .. Portland.
T . WRIOHT A R. B. STO NR. navina? aanwelated
X V wether in prartlc. reaps i-tfwlly tomler their er
tlce to the aomda nf Benton and Una -desiring to e-
mre the favor r th afflicted ny sncosm oma. ont -e
J.C Avery's store, corvallm. inypaio
I. B. Hock. .
rV Dralgns. plaas, peciAYaUons, Ac- furninhed oa
reasooAuw terokv
William C. Grlawold Co.,
iVA w.
. c. stnrou,
c. wooowoara.
Eugene Citr
fTORACR B. LAWKKNCE. Proprietor of tb Eagene
11 City Hotel. ijv.
BlediccU NmtAce. 3
TMIE ahcriber, w.mld inform the inhabitant that he
A at nra um tou. re toy t a uenu to ail rail ia
ii. prorensHin ; aia on baa oo hand a well eleuled
VKkof E. lev-lie concentrated Medicine, with a well
torted supply of Syriugaa, all of whk-h be will dipoe
f mi raavuwaole terms. W. W AKRUf. j
Salem December 1. !. S tf
W. U. Blagero, 81. D.
rkHTSICI AN aad dim m. OA a ia my new bund
IT lug. n Main atreet. two d mn north of I nr. J. 8.
Meltcaoy Brs-pmnf tNiilding : where I will be found
wuea n prfeU malty eugagod. I will keep constant
ly on iiiki rrsMi ipaly or ur2 aaa Meatcine
which I will aril low f. cash.
Owvtlli. Dec. . Ifttn. IMf
leJic 1 Notice.
DR. R. W. SHAW, late or San Francisco, California,
offer bl prorajaainnsl service to th cRiseim fn
Salem and viciuity, and rcspecUullv soliciU a share fo
public favor.
ar omc at uaea aoo r mrowa- orog stor.
ly K. w. BH AW.
Cimpbcll ft "rati.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco. California.
Odlce. corner al utramerv aud Sacramento .tree la.
uvrr r-arrott s to. uaux.
Measr. Campliell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to atteud to all bueiucss
nsraated n ttwir rare. Iltr
AKxt!ngk Curai.L. O. C. Paarr.
DGALER In Family Groceries, lioot. Shoo, Ac anoj
Paint and OiU, wbolnnal and retaiL
July 7, lo.
8. KlUwortla, ,
TT 8. Supreme and other GuurU. Offlc Eugene
J City. lane Ownty. Oregon Territory. Alo
0immiaMonerf Deed lor New York. Connecticut. Ac.
AuTu.t JH. 1S. - - jttf
Watch maker. U re iron City, haa removed to
tbe building ju.topponlle to the il.iin-i-treet House.
where be can be con -tantlr found prepared to do any
boHinea in hi line. Wat he cleaned and repaired nn
Dort nouce and reus'in-iuie terms. Abo choice lot ol
watche and jewelry for aie.
March 4. Idol. lyst'
S. Hamilton, M. D.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would rcspertflilly
aanounce to the gu,! people nf D hisIs snd the ad
joining counties, that ha ha located permanently at
Deer Creek tr the piirpn of practicing medi-jin. and
in which nrofemtion he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spur no pain to reader the patient easy
nn oomrnrtaine.
Orrwa opposite B. H. Dearborn A Co.'o storo, oa
Main street.
Drags aad Patent Medicine for aal at lew tarn pn-
. . - . - - sitr
. Wells, Fargo, , Co., . ...
J Co.. la rnmnectiim with their Expre bniness, will
auo traamact a general A seAong " cwsscfisai tttm
ess. ColleeticMt and Remlttaoces made in all parts oi
Oregon. Csiifornis. the Atlantic Stote. and Europe, with
proraptnem and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought aud sold.
Hirnt Kxcnanaa on imo wont. aomm. nuioortpma.
Abtmv, JtscAeatrr. Buffo. Brit. CVerWoW. Detroit,
Caseagas AfirisamMe. Oaanss. - Lamia. Lmmimllt.
Csrn aft, and srte other principal towaa ia the AtUa
Mc Stota aad the Canada, stay be iH-ocared at aay of
wtuo, rajju, w,
114, Mob tgomery street, Saa Fraociaco
JAMES O'NEllX-dkoaf.
It. Cupktf'i Eedieal Rolicet.
tkR.J.I.CZPRAY'ROrand Medical and Snrglc!
J I UMtltoto. Sacramento St., below Montgomery oppo
it Peellte Ntlll HteamhlpCo.'aOBo,Bin Frnnriaon.
Ualtftwnta. Rtfablinhed for tb Permanent care of all
Private aad Chronic Diseases, aad tbe auppreasioB ol
Dr.J. L.CZ A PR AT. Into loth Hnngarlan Revolu
tionary War. Chief Phynkiaa In the totb Regiment of
it 'Hiva.cniei wgeon in ine military nopui at rn
Hungary, and late lecturer nn Dteae of Urinnrv Or
ran and Di isase nf Women and Children, wonldmnid
nMpacUuily Inrorm tba public nf Oregon and CallnwnM
that he ha opened an Institute for the cure of Chrmli
IHMease nf tbe lung, liver, khtnevs, heart. blood, brain
tnd the horrid eonCiieure of selfHibu, and be hope
that hi lung eiperienre and ticcefiil practice nf ma-
r year, will Itianre him a bare or putiiie patronage.
Ily the practice of mtnr vear In Europe and the Uni
ted State, and d (ring tbe Hungarian War and cam
paign, he i entitled to apply th btv-4 efficient and
tucceasful remetlie againit dieaae of all kind. He
isms ao Mercnrr charge m xlerate treat bi patient
in a correct anu honiwaide way ha reference nf nn-
ustionll veracity from men of known repectai,lll
ty aad hlh atondlng in nocletv. All partie eonnltlnv
nim ny setter, or otherwise, will receive the neat anu
rentiwt treatment, and implicit secrecy. Tbe Dr.V
ffloe ar nn Sacramento t.. below MoDtgaeaerT. Sun
Francisco. California. HmS
O Dr. L. J. Csaukay wmld call p itilie sttonti-m t
tfierm.ttorrbma or local weakne. There 1 not ia trie
Mtamguenr human mtladmannemor to n oeprecn
ted than thi. a well Iwcaiis nf present distress, a tin
inmate result. The tme of tne ytenr unner it n
luente i either impaired nr entirely detmyed. and a
slaiMof yiaptHB uperindin-ed that unlit man fn tin
erform:ic of any of tbe ordinarr duties f life. Th,
injtine none to tne niiyicsi pitrt in msn I truiy i
nenUMe. nut trtniug wnen eompsrea t tnoe tie
jenn-inm. the great nerv.Mt reuter. aid to the nr
rou ytem genentlly. This diee. whi'-b I too often
: liienl upon tn-il aontsry vp e. eir-niie. involve.
3-ith'dogk-al enndition bey -nd the enmiirelsrnd'm of
the t ii littited. but whk-h are well tU'ler.M hy thereg
ilsr practitioner. Am mg the symptom mnt ennplr
ouar the following: Lv of 4itode. evrnioa b
Htsiium aid ncietv. di.trriiig timidity, nerv m ex-
ite nent fr Jra linlit eau-vr. I of mem try. confud-w,
d ld. Imhillty t ream e-H-reetly. low spirit and
'ttitude. d illneof snpreheoaion snd mlmnthr ipy
These being run -tl :isi iiRrsnzement. are o.ten tne nar
ilnaer of horrid orilc ledon nf the brain, whin.
nmdiire fatuitv. dementia and death.
For tbe cure of thi and all kindred diese. Dr.
Ocapkav h elilihed hi Intit4ite. w'lere all at it
rely with perfect eonffdenre npoii th it .kill which lonf
exiterience anil tuwmgn uevmon to m pnHeasion its
I uoe wno 'iner nmii can or vnw witaont ami
tnd it the mean by wUlch t'.tey m ty recuperate ami
'ive. -
All conaultatloa. by letter nr otherwise, fre. Ad
I!in3 Medic! I n-dit Mte. San Franciscn.Cah
wici nci II30.I0&T- 1. i. m. .c.-K, w.n . a ...
., 1 .1 J L-J 111, I A 'f . ,f . VU
3 traorilinary . icre. in th treatment or wecret di
4ae In lit prim try nnu oturr uge. lira aces nun so
-all pulillc attenu ni v tne l t tnat oi tne great nuia
ier wbobsve nude daily spiilication t him. there I-
Kit one who hu not been eJeetualty and permanent);
vired. In re fnl eae of private dieae. the ur.guar-
tiilio a perfect cure in a lew day witii .it hiadram.-.
1 111 nea r other inonvenieace- tne ur. metnu
f treting thee m .Utile.. emtoines the improvement-
nad hy the meJieal faeulty with dcnvene uf hu
wa tnst are unknown to aayuneei-. ana wnicn.wnei:
ipplied. preveut t'je p jwtiliility of eril after cunseqiieii-
Secondary svphllis. whkh Is so destructive ef health
irndocin il r4ti,i of tlie fir tat. de-dr ying the ."ft
mru. and leavina the exposed, wuuh in m:r
pattte and come wy. diAuring the ulTerer m -l
t irntiiy. a wen a impairing ni general neaitn. nnr
ireiii'p-ving ii c uxuiiipiion. tne it. treat in tne m-t
ertaln and 3 lent m inner. Aio. painiul .weill-ig
nun the bne. di-rluring a pi ache upon the skin
' re. pirn pie, ami sll nther eonrMii e "f priv ttt
lieae ha gnarantie ti cure or ak no eampeuiattHi
Dr. C. w itd eiecla!ly call the attention oi tn e wn-
ive failed t old-tin retier rr tn otlier. many of whom
e bs already cured, and many are attil anoer treat
nent- The Dr. make no chtrae for ennsultatina. and
nvttea all to rail at hi lntitute :and he will give them
cico Mti-fat tina a tliey ran ottin nowhere ele
rho at a d stance. rv writing to t'ie ur.. can nr.
t'Hrir e-ire pr -perly atteri.lnl t OfB -e on Sacramei
to l!ow M'rtitverv wn Franclo 11. l?m
Tar iinairsl liuvrrr af the lie.
f"t BE AT IKea.i ig to Msukiiid! lumireut bat Potent!
VJr itlt.CZ VP ti. At' S l'oruil.cTlc1. f ti-diuue.
uug eiil.) s sure prersubve snun.-V sectet duere.
tnd a. i uiturarel lor cr rtiU HM. gngreHm-
tnd cancerous nicer. aieAall cutanou eruption smfitr
ae. r or aaie al us. 1 uriir ((nice. AmrlT nail
-oruer of Sacrament-, and M mtg-nnrry at.. Ssn Fran-
i.-, C.I. A in nidation M preventive agais-4 small
mix. so t Dr. Csapkty s l-rophilai ticum a preveulivt
urist Mx-rrt ,irair. That tliey aaa fa prereuted b
roper asreiito. i a well aa tebiiued ls t astnst ihet
tan na uml alter wieir estauiwnnieiii. tun pnacipie.
vhich i now univerullr reaMruised. wa received eve.
jefore tbe dty t Jenner, tbe dioovererT vacciaatioa.
ifjn. una it m iitipuea oeaent ever ann nava re
-elved a thrv deservro. tne atteutfm oi wie meaaca-
acultr. It wa in Dur-oiit of tbi branch of the mcdb-al
tcieme that Dr. I-J. Cxiks.r rortaaatrly made tbe di
ji-verv of hi Praimvbwttcura. which, fur the raucenm-
and caUnoua dumTUers. tnd unrivalled l,y any agent
in the I'barmsmpos. - Tbe msoTna onerah uf thi. tned
ciue Uexidaiued ap-ra the bypdbesl that aeoret putwn
oaaa cucmicsi prnierue wnicn are neutraiisea i,y
inx brought in contact with thi prophrlatie. aa acid
trekonwn It oeutniliM alkalies, ue-ir'ring entirety
tlieh original -pmpertie. and rendering litem inert.
rhe effect uf tbi. ageut i immediate, and remove tl
mwibility nf n e mtraction of diea.e. If. however, the
ti wase ha tune mtractrd. it is ueful ia neutralising
tha Bobmnoits secret ion, which by absorption. prud.M-.
tbe onneutwnc kuuwa a iwciNidanr disease. In can-
jemus and gangenms BR-er. in la-tni uicaarge ami it
, , -l.. . a
mtsnou uiesar wnere tne ecreum are excoriating
it act nnou the ssme principla and i wn of the m jwl
nectnal reined ie. ir tne puriHMe uow anown. n nere
limaelsmcea-taulided itrymtd tc aed in connec
tion with otlier remedies, sml when so nrd never fsil-
f success. It hss been sdmini-tered ly the D-wtor in
n th-Miand eae. and be ha vet ti nnd the Hr-4
in which it ha failed to .ubwrv the purp'w fur whicl,
;t wa ad niuiterrd. Price. Aa. Full directiou are at
teched to each package.
N. IL tn cf where tlie Prmbylatirnm need a
mntivc. Dr. I J. Cstpkay will RsraUh (grati) a pre
.-rii:tbm f'r hi blood mn-iner.
All oom-n inn-ati-m rrom tne country, adore only
o Dr. L. J.CZ VPK Y. San FrJtcico. Cat., will U
trlctlvand onulidvutially .ttendVd tv-. and remedie
with tne gre-itext care and set-re -y. immeiitaly du
IMtcbed by express or otoerwie t' their de ti itn.
it.ii. Uiirsai, at. i.
12m) Sau Fraiicltcw. Cal.
CSArxar. M. physician urem nnd accouche, in
vito, tha attention of tha Hick and afflicted female la
b wing under any of the various form, nf disc. of the
uratn. lung, heart, sttmacn. liver, wurou. Mood kmc
ney. and all diae peculiar tf their aex. The D -
tor i effecting m w perm-iueut cure than any othei
pliyalt-isa lu oreou or uaiiiornia. uei no iie aeiica f
prevent V hi. hut ap;ily iranediatety. nnd aave ymrel
from painful suffering and prematore death. All mar
ried ladie. who-e delicate health or other cir nm -tance-
d i tvt alliw to hsve an inrreaHB in their farailie ornmk!
write or call at Dr. U J. Caapk iy s Medical Institute
rmtwv 11 ill. Burner of Sturameuto and Mntgmieri
ttrvet. and they will re wive every poaioi relief ami
elu. Tbe I) act ,r ti n -a are arranged that ne cm-
be oonwltrd witlinnt m le-4at:nn. liiD
Al omtsultstlon ii,y letter nr ntnerwiae,! tree.
Addraaato nil. i-j. ( .Ai'iiAi, M.U.,
Medical intit,ite. Sau Francisco, Cal.
OVTbe attentioa of the readers L called to tb fut-
A Uty of high atanding ia society and respectabilit
uidlAiieu a oara in uw ruiiaueipnw sum
.September U. I Hoi. which i m full nr:
A Caso Tim uiiileragned feel it her duty to expre
her heart elt gratitude to Dr. Cx tpksy. for tue suueew
ful cure of beivelf aud child. Tlm latter having been
afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum, war
riven no a Incurable bv some of the m Mt celebrated
physicians, when she called on Dr. Csapkay. of vb m
die lieard very fav n-uble report, and who. after a short
period, restored tlm child to perfect health. Ettuour
iged by thi extraordinary reult. she wmgb. adviu
beraeir. fur tlm scrofulous milady, with which she had
been afflicted for eiiibt year, aud vllich withMtood tlie
treatment of the ls -t pTiyiciao in E irope and Ameri
ca. . oat IT. t'Xapsay ua wwxww in u h-uiiijc ih-t
narm.nent retier. o that be can now ciior li;e. srhich
f.M- eilht year had lt sll charm for her. She. therr-
r .re dec in it due t berxeif aud to all moV and aSirtrd
to recommend Dr. Ciauk.iy. a one or tba xsoet skillfa:
physicians within tbe United Stnte. i
Corner of Walnut and Jth treet. Philadelphia.
A. Glaxkb. Notary Public. 136. 7th street.
The r-dliwins is an editorial notic in to Boston
Daily Time of Augut 6th. 1854:
A hnam. PursiciaM. Dr. L. J. Cxspkar has
opened an n u re st au. tu i-ieaaaut .treet ia till city.
)r. C. I a H uigariaa by birth, and was connected with
tbe patriotic army a phydcian and surge-m under tht
p-ttronage of Ki-uth. He om!iiiies with a ffniahed
ed luatron and the m xt reined and ajrreenble manner,
the ra-Mt extenive svientillc abilities snd skill ia hi
npfeion. and we feel much pleasure in recummeadiiif!
him to our citizeus a a phynician and a gentleman.
ir. Cxauka v has spent some time in Philsdetnhia wbe.
be won the cooflilence and friendship or those who be
came acquainted with him. Ammg his friends la Phil
adelphia are gentlemen or tlie hl?het rcsimtHiabrnty,
with whom we are DeronaJy acanainted. Ha had an
extenHive practice in Hungary before the Austrian and
RuHstana compeiiea mm to leave ii ior being found
miltv of excemive patriotism. We bane he wiirnM.
Umt patronage due a man of ao eminent capacity.
- Th above are only a few of th many taarimjmrmi
which Dr. Csapkay has la his posswsiuo. hot caaoot
nuDiisn tor want oi mum. au comarani
' IP Pef SM IS deatrln twnmnl attMlMi and eta wlrL
to " corresponding, can have immedi-
tte attention byaondlusr tea dolmr sn ornmnltattoa to,
tad aaa bava amdlcio larwarded. Address to
t- - L. J.CZAPKAY. M.D.
-1w . , - San Fraociaco, CaL;
SPERMATORRHEA, nt Lnekl Wesknesa
, 'L ' keWnf tbe
;letr.t.u solitude, timidity, sell i&TiEJhJZ
nrdM!he, pain to tne aide, affection nf the eve tlm
pies oath face, aegdal and other lunrmrtle lamn li.
ourrd tritbout fall by th Justly celebrated pbyakta and
ttirgeon . L. J . Csapkay. H I method or etiriug AuLlZl
t new (unknown to other; aad hence the great ' mL
ma, . All cmmiUaMaaa, by latter r ntherwie. fre."
fl fill l T J. UAAKK A V . H. I
' JfmS ' ' San Franclco. Cst.
THE Jodgea of the S-tpreme Court of th Territory of
Oregon, aommbled at tb eat of Government an
the lth day of December, MS, do ix and appoint
ill-trtct CKirt to be held ia the rity f Salem, in tb
vnry nt Marion, nntbe ffrnt Mnadaynof April and
entmlr. and the fooi-th Momlar of Ma V aad Oeto-
r. annually, until itherwi ordered : aad In tbe eft:
if Portland. In the enuntv nf Multnomah, on tlm ffftl
londay, or December, l-t5. and thereafter on the In)
d"n day of M ty and Ootmer. aad the third Monday
.if June and November, annuall v. nntll otherwKe order
ed, and do limit the deration of iiald Term to six dsy
. - OBO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief da-wee.
41 s , ., CYBUSOLNRY. Am late Juvtice,
Cediet! IcratiU-i! TU VIbtU Entlztu !
The rir.i uf diea often make it way ' 1 1 the in
erual organ thr nigh tlie p-we of the skin. This pen
-tratiug uiut neiit. melting under th hand as it is rsb
ad in. i absurtMtd tbrougb tlm same channel, ant!
-caching the ett T indimia rti-m. primptly and Invarl
tbly -m-Kl te it. whether I icated in the kidney, tha Irr
r, the Iuuk. any other importsut organ. 1 1 prm
ratc the urfa-e to the interi-r, thr mgh tb cnnutteMr
-jibe that communicate with the kia a summer rait
me into the fevered earth. duTusiug It eoui aud re
generating intuence. . .
'' Every peele of exterior irritation U quickly red -iced
by tb aatViuttemmabiry rn-tpm of tbi Ointment. An
try Eruptkm. ui-b as Salt Itlieom. Eryxipebw. Tetter,
tiotfwortn. R-sld Head. NeUle IUh. Kcabie ( Jtch)
tc, die out. to return no naore. under it application.
:l wiiitil exirieitce la all part of tb world prove il.
infallibility in diarssesof tbe skia, tbe miisclo, tht
Joints and the gland.
" The effect of this enr! vailed external remedy upon
tcrot'ula. and 'Auer virulent ulcer and aare. is almiat
uiraculuu. It tirvt di.lur e the p-dnu whirb pro
luce uppuratiim and proud Bob. and thus tlie cure
whirh it healing properties afterward complete are
ufe a well sa permanent.
In of tbe fracture of the bones, injurie cause"
iy .team ev,il !m. Bruirs. Burn. Scald, Itheuraa
twm. 8tiraeHof tlie j not, and coeitracUoa of the sin
w. it is enjoyed aud warmly iymmended ny the
sculty. Thi marvelou refnodr tu been intnidwe
y it inveut-w in peroa mto nil the leading Hospital
r Europe, aud no private household should b without
Th Medical Staff 'if the French and Knzlixh Armi.
ia the Crifaws hive fnci.ry signed their appnor I n
I lloway a liintmeut. a tbe m wt reliable dreing nu
.ihre cuti. tah. and gnn ah-1 wmnd. It U alo aian-
ed by tbe n?en of tbe Allied Navies.
Banlou. B in. Chapped flind. ChiThlatn. PLtnl, Lt'nbaso. Mercurial Eriiti-m. Pile.RheTmatbm.
tingworm. Silt Rbeom. Scald, Skin InWs . Sweth
;iand. Sn-e t3. S -re Bmast. S-we Hesd. S-w
fbrxt. 8 of all kind. SjnMin. Stiff Joint. Tetter.
JI r. venereal , wmimt m ll kino.
sS dd at t'ie M inofact rie nf Profenr Hotlnway
4 M liden line. New York, and !4t Strand. Lou,
v a:t refect-tWe DrnggM and Dealer In Medicii e
thrmxhont tbe United State and t!te civilised world,
in post, st ii rent, a'ii. and tl each.
aar There I a t-onideraLM saving done by taking
tne larger iae.
N. BV Direction for the guidance of nntieataia eve
ry ai woer are amxen tn each pt 38yl
Tlie Lant of Oregon.
TWE OREtMiN STATCTESISSS. being a large ml
I A nme of sjo page, with cumolel index, aaaote.
l-w. snd reference-, compri-inr sll tbe laws in force it.
the Territory. iirhiive nf th--md at last eraev
f the Lexi-uative Awmlly. are far sale at the "Or o.
tbe State-arnau, at lire d -liar per enpy. The w rk is ex
ecuted in the he-4 manner, bound ia law style: and
a, otu tn puom-ner pneea. ami mm i or aa a nice w-wx can
a hnngnt In any rxwte in tne Union, and at the r-wa-t
tgiire they can be !T rded r-r here. Tbe nri e place-
mm witnin tne reaca ot n wno ae-ore tne laws thei
live under, Orden by mail accompanied with the cash
IKed by return niaiL It i tbe Isxt c-ds nf law thai
will pr-uiaMy he puNfsned in Oreg-m. tor many year.
In addittoa t tbe enactment of the laMfaJatire Aem
dy. th vol'-me ooatainj the Dedaratioa of ludepen
lence. Comtitution of the United State. Trestle wHl
treat Knuin relating to Oregon. Ordinance nf T"7. it
'orre in Oregoa. ItonatV-' aw ad all amendmenb-
ind full ahstrsri of United -Mte Xainnilirstion laiw.
Kstraf Animal.
THE snbcriber at Harri.burg Una Co.. has lost Um
full nring dcarriusd animal -
A hay h-ne. with star in forehead, a little white on
hi oos. bind feet white bp to the pctera i'dnt. and
wanded JI" an the right shoulder, 3 years bid tbi
Alo a man cow. 7 or yexr el 1. branded J. R- m.
the risht hip. and 11" a a" ve. Ha a white call
with red ear, ah Hit 14 month olj. branded " 1 1" a
toovu. Tlm, eow left lv-4 fall, and pruoaLly has- had
toother calf tlii spring.
Av nerow fi idinw them will n .ew .,1 tn. tt:.
trmlrfe. i,y infonaing me. , A.MolLWAIN.
jane in. ijj. . . . lam-ipaid
tTULI.'S No. 1 Soap, the bert yoa ever used. Try it.
XJL nitc leau. iin-?ei uu, . - t
t ir pen tine, putty. ''"'.'
indigo, m older, opperas. stnrn,
nil for lamp aad machinery,, r..
New Orleans ugar,
cruhed ugr. , i :
eream tortar.aaleratua.aoda. at
. 7'itf ...... . MOORRS.
II ! Te Varfcrn of Irsi aid slrcl ! , ;
H VYE tht day received by the arrival of tbe 3. R
Whiting from Saa Fraacisoo, the fuBowiag assort
itof jrua snd steel, to wit: '
t.00t Ilia. N:u-way shapes, ' V '
3 000 Iba. 1 M lnm (flat,) "
a. aoo
M. I. ll. and is.snuere.
-l. I. l.andll.lach raoad.
" assorted cat teel.
" lssr shne nails. fG)
Which together with stm.k ia stor trnke ao com
uete an aawn-tmeat as eaa be found in Tsrritnrr nnd
rill be wdl a cheap as the CHaararr for casanrenun
try produce. J. N. PRESCOTT.
Oregon City. Feb. 73. ia.,7. . 60tf
" Boat and Shoe Store. ,
to tbe citizen of Salem, and the surraund- T , I
tug enuntry. that ha have taken a tor on tbe " hoi
.t tde nt lnnmercwl .treet. aorth of tlm p-wtdnce
vbere be will keep Mantly m band a full aMrt-
nent of every kind r boots and .hoes, both mtom ami
al work, which be will sell at tbe lowet living IM
Being a pra-tic. I workman, sll order r,w the
.nanufacture ur repair of work will be compl.ed with.
no uw wots a in m suo-nnttai ana w rxmaMixe
manner. Give m a call aad exmin my tnrk.
& Ira, March 17.1837. . 13tf
Iaook Here!
WE hsve jnst received fct.000 In, nf ground alnm
salt, which we are setting st per hundred. .
; , . 41RISWOLD A CO.
Smith it. Dao-is,
TVPORTERS and wholesale Dcugxists ; ffr proof
A. tre. Portland. Ore iron.
Order from the country solicited.
rF TOO WANT a resits good article of COFFER, thr
nnderoigned have g 1 ".""" pound best " COSTA
fa t Cnm. in ..a 1..
Come in aud luok at it.
Oregnu City. Dec . 1S5. . j . , . j . .. -
a as. a. bichabiw,
San PrancHco.
. . WO. XkjCBAKBM, "
Portland. O. T.
- ' Illeteartls a. BfcCraken.
V- rwur, i.raia. fr Htore. r'mit. p.aj. Bacon. Lard
.lams, Ac, Ac. Onier for Oregon trade promptly at
'ended to." liberal advance made em consignment -No.
41 Sacrtmeoto street, below Froat, Saa Fiaawtem
January 7. IHI. ...... 4tf
; . - Notice,
TO aR whom, this amy eneac. greeting
hMM for tha KtatM ml and wnal
That I am to
M loepoctraiQ
request tbo.- who know tiiemsefves isdeoted to r. m
W-e.Orrrw.dd A Co., to call and ZS!n?, ?'
tndohlire w.v.u.a"r.-.
Jnsmary 37. isst.
AmarelOO) Sotlt. 4 -
O ALT 900 huge lam ABgesos oan. nmnv t, psar
M-Th. X M - T
Obumkeag. aad for sals st snwemr raw.
, JTt.e Oreon Statesitiaa. -1 ' '
An fiuL enaVnf Jhss-smf. rfevofra fo PoHHrt.- Omtrm4
tmtmHgfnet, d-c, PubHtd mt Mairm, Oregawr i ,
ASAHCL BUSH, ' Proprietor, PuWl-bT. aad BaTtor.
The Steteionsn is Demorratie la ft litire, and thor
mtgbly Nation I ia It character. It b hostile to ey rr
-perlos id sertionalism. fknatbifm, end h,totsrsaef
snd will rlgornalr appose sll attempt to tomrp,,au
any nf th Tuoxae ism of the day iaio nor Territorial
k-gi.1 ittoo. . ' ' . '
- It will advmmt all rartirsl irMmsor of Reform
snd P r grass, economicsl snd im le aOajhiistnUJOll of
oralcst and in ic MattnaraHon ot
nit i, fsitlifi.lue, integritr ,' I ea
ind a syatt-m of rigid aaof dhmri so
i tdtcrr to the rmOl'to, : U srlll dta-
mr I s al government ;
pacity In office, sod
aMsUbll w wf lbs id
cans sll msasnras sgitattng tbe public mind, tn X l
sr f carle., tronarti!. and Inwt.
It New Hnunnt will be edited WHS
"teat Inn, and Buthiug will be spared to furnwb early,
4ccurts and eompreheuaiv publicsUoo of Um ti
rent inutngeare. 1 , v .
TImStam.asuB has large. widelyTattered.sad ssost
'ni, r corresjHmdeBts, aad very coatplct
actiitms fw ptocariag new.
."i u, Pid to the pablicauioa of if iseel
laoy Agricairlural aoaWrsry mstter.
-J".!iU,Kf,.f!r Pj"Jwd tlie law, resnltttbw. and
treatHM of the Onlied Btstea. and tbe htws and reanrav
tirmaof tlm Territory .4 Oregmwi,. aatbnrHy. Tb
oaper b printed on new autcrUI, sud upon a Wt af
the larrct lxe. r ft
statesman liomk ana Job Cttee.
WB nTVlu'TTlt.htA !ti for Booi
printing north of Cahromis. and an eAtensfro ss.
irtmentof Jobbim MaTr.siai. id rr kia ..a .tth
maeter workmen, are prepared toexecute pnni:tlv. and
in a workman iikc uauBcr,
I orders in thssbwr d
uartments, such s
, Bias f'xrcxs, "
Onn Boosa, 1
. Stbabbb't Biuo .
. SrsasjaoT CaXtt.
, Bills or Lamaa
CmrnrKasa. aa,
Show Biiao,..!
Cones Boot. ,
Bali. Ticssto, ,-
Bcstnaaa Caxmi,
Cuvcxkt StLfA,
Elk Ricxirr, .
Annacss Caamt.
RLaXK o SLL Kixtm, Sc.c, .
Law ef Wewtpapers. , : , ,
: I. Sohscribers who do not give expre notice bt th
-nntnry. ar tismidrrid aa wbhing to cotiUtraa their
ubMrriptbuk .
. t. If wrerihers order papers dtscoatinnrd. PobisdsMO
say continue to .end them till ail cbrre rs paid.
3. If sahsri llatrs neglect or refime to take their ssmerO
rnrs the otl e or place hi which they are rat. thwy art
eld ismswawhte antM they settle their bill aad gnr ae
-ire to discontinue them. .. '
4. If ihrrilwrmove to other place without ir formmi
tbe PnlilMier. rd the paper m mmt to tb former dust)
mm. they are hrM rearcm-iMe.
h. Tbe c.rt- have dec I, led that refningto tsk a p
er nr iHrrHnVsl front theaVc. nr remoritg law
in H uncxlled fur. i prima facia e vide ate of n.tatiimo.
'rand. i
SOT Pnstmsstrrs would nldige. by a strb-t fnlfJmmt
if toe reriilHtuits' remiiring them to rtntrfy Put U! era,
wire in three months. f papers ant tskea fron thf
dT,-e he -mlrrirr.
New Ccnsiitctica for Oregca. :
WB beg leave t aan nnce tu tbe pablic that w
are Jut re eiring a large and weP sem.-ted abssk
ml4 I run Ssn Frsm-isro. which ha been .elected.
s-itb great care iy Mr. Alex tndrr. who has been attend.
mi tint maifcet lr wane lira, tbevefare we can mttif
ay in tne pi lie tint we caa, aaa wiu aaa, gooes aa
ow at wholesale retail - .
we will tax IB rxenance ior aoous au ama n svw-
N. B. We will also pay cash for a'l kind as fam
ine, t -Wltr
Wheat. Floor. Butter. Eggs, Bacon, park. Lard,
O its, Ar.. Ac. Ac
Alt win wi-b to pnrrha e. will do well te call aad -a
ol ief re pur gel e to re.
Oa s e'; c -m is of tvrry tLte ia tbe line that Ads
market el- for t -wR:
Grey, White. Ked and Bine Blanket:
' Coeis. Yert. Pent. Hsto ard Hut c-rers;
Under snd Over sblrt. W 1 srd Ca ttua;
Every "eeriptm f White Shirt:
Q eea Ware. Hard Ware and Cutlery;
' B.4.Shoe cesr-e snd rr:
Brigsi'S Calf. Kip snd Ctwhide?
Wo.. Fl mid. MeriiMK, DeUtrw. late parfarn;
Io short every kind uf pie -e good, aoj the BcMT TEA
ever shipped to tbi mstkef.
AI.8 Cedar .hinglr. Timntliyseed snd Rot.
' Aut" Give us a call and ee I f yir-elve..n
Orvatli. Oct 19. 1S7. -- - tfJ
Hsw Arrival cf Jewelry, cf
J ROSENTHAL inform tihv patron aad
Ineud.. that be has i-t returned mm
via Fraucii with a .elect a -tasent f Jew- .
dry. Mw-ksl Instrbmetits. Cbtiery. etc.. and
Here them tin-sah; at ha et ire oa Frt tree.
ATar One bel w Dr. Coombs,-offl.e.'Vay '
Gold and Silver wat. be; IJ.-M and Rf hrer chsfna;
Gold iraeh-; Gold ear-ringF; t -Id twepii; Gnid
Inger rings; Lm ket; Gohl rn ami pw-fl; tiedd)
leeve buti ass: Silver and Plated wart: fancy gods
aud pertfcmerv. . - .
Gnitar. Yb-iius. Flxte. File; a large snrurtawat of
tenwdeona. Ladie' W'-rk eo(es of alt kinds, &dd aad
Silver ;ctar!e, G-Jd and Silver spuwas. Cutlery,
Cl' k na ei din v.rietv. Ac Ar.
mr Wstohtv. 11 ck and Jewely repaired, aad sB
kinwa of Jewelry made to order. f t
' 00 I nf my a it aamntid OO
AuTrDna't forget "The Sigh of th BLr Watch.1
Coraliw,Ott.24.K47 ITOa
Allan, McKlnlnir, 4t. Co.,
HATE Jwat received a stock of New Goda, sap
would invite sD thmw who wiah to procure GOO
rtkle at reasnaaide price, to call sod ar tbi in They
M in part of th f-Jlowinr.
GrtiidVtooe. Canst snd Wheel Barrwwa
iraiu Cradles, ' Fancy Brnnem,
irass scythes and Snaths, nsin mo
Orarh do do
A-.wted 0-sd PsJU.
IB sq Harrows, 33 teeth
Painted Tub,
Zinc Washboard.
Blacksmith Beiiuw,
Crosaut Sawa, 7 ft
do tft ,
Mill Saw. 71 T
Hair Mattrsasm. VmM.
do . siaxle-Hah-
4ters. aVmMa.
do iagl,
, Sperm Candles,,. .
Adamantine do.. '
Gratm braad Tnaa una, " .
(iardea Kakes,
do : Hoes,
do Spades.
Polished ShuveU,
Hy rorx.
daware Porka, ,
Window Gtaas try 10
do. . 10 by IS
do 7 by 9
Wiadw Ssshe 8 by 14
uo in fey ix
OX Bows an Tintea,
usx-xe oo
Uankrt. Baize. Lan4eys. Shertinp. Tkrk. Ac.Jkc
We keep constantly m band a fctrse supply nf GRO
lea too numervMM tu Bentkm.
Orega CHv. ' Hay
Keoron't Dagoterrean
'c :.- it-. - - . t, Aaa) j - - .
THE nnderdgned having recently letuintd from Rao
Frsaciara. is aow prepsred to tke th hettful
tKtanuon Gla-seailed A MBROTYPES. whirh havo
Imo-t entarrly anprri-eded the DazarrreotTTm ia tba
fja snd San Francieo.
Callcry in the new h uldinr. trmetrJ maaraahi tmr Ah
mstosss. west of the Marios Uoa-e.
Salem. November 1 1. 1S56. . lit! :
Paper Hangings and Carpets
XUST RFCE1VED -Per I.te arrrram. by FRA
BAKKK. 110 and lllCtav stneUSaa Fi
ouo caoe raj er Hanguiga. trench ut
caa eveiy variety ; . .
6000 r 11 French aud American Borders; . '
U puTapctryBrnjb t urrets; - ,i t - t
300 pa Tape-try Velvet Carpet;
J10 p Threr-I ly Carpet; - . t i
S00 p Snperdna Ingrsia CorpeAs; S t
pa Extra Fine lugraia Caipeto;
300 ps Cam and Wuul Carvew;
1J5 ps Stair Carpets, assorted;
JfHi pa Ray Stat Dreggi tm$ , tf r .
HSJ O.ICKitha.aseoitcd; , - ,
tt psSitk Dartut-k snd Brerrr(s; -
J pnOdhmand WcdDsomik; ,
4000 psir Wind-w Sindea ; ,
375 psir lce Curtain:
?SO pair Mwr (Jlmtfm: . ..
8O0O Cornice od C-rt-in BaS: ,,, . J
. -i. . u.ts- wawted:
" Stair rod. Tsi le Cowers, Gimp. Fringes, Am,
; '' . " ' ? iio A lit CUj -. Saa Frraaciseo.
wdersrrom th country titled with cars d a-
aateh. ' . " ' ' 1Tm3
- C I filltw. -a
DEALER la clork. watches and jeweJcrt. 8a
lea. o. T. ParticBbrr tteatkm paid to th 1
reuawing nf wabebes and clwcka. - All aswk was- "
milted- Jewelry repaired at h'Tt notice. , '
- FOR SALE r - 5
Watehea aad docks, ft day striking clocks at a wgry
low prica ; also 30 boor rnsnneciocxa. .... . . . ,
Tidies and rout Bronrbea. Ptsirer RiartEsx Bixxs.
Gold Burkle.GaardCtsJns.Ae,Ac. r , -
Salem. J itv S. i"57. - I7T
Salt! Salt!!
te skint so am
7AJ 100 lb. bags, juot rsceived aad tor aaa
wcervwaasMt mr aaie very cheat
Portlaad. March to. U57
AJ rietr. at Mtr VOORR
v v uup i r.nKi tutu . .
Jon 1M.
ratter or therwiae,) frea.