The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, October 27, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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. .AT; .
2ho City Dooli-Dtoro,
(rr.'xt st., portlaxo, o. r.,)
Atl. SHIPLEY fcXo,,
liar m Etocs.aad wUI ba receiving by the lt of June
Watch tby oCer to th
At Mtttl lantcM oa Nw York prion.
Sirs M aall, or send en order, and w are
mad to (It jron satisfaction t
...... (
A. II. Shipley fc Co., .
Ara th Sots AaaxT la Oregon and Washington Tei
ritoric fur lb at of
TL.3 Aasricoa Ctalccssa,
A OBUAT DJOIC!! Wring theobly political history
"..'.. of the UultcJ Stat.
Bead us fmr name. Price II 03 1 PayaU on de
,ntj of b wk. Can deliver by Uto lt of September
to all rli scad u iasir aimM bjr lit of afar.
Caialogai of Fart of. ear Slock ;
Bstosa Sander' old lt. !d. 3d. 4th, and 8th,
aad T! Young Ladle' ; Bander' New lt, Id, ja,
4th and Jt!i; Parker' Ut, ii. 3d, tt and 6th; Mo
Uafty a lt, td. 3d. 4lh and 3th.' Old. Sander' New; EUmen-
iu Sandn Pictorial, Bchnol sad Parker".
GiirnS Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern. OI
vjev's,'s, MdNaltoy', and Mnteitb.'s-lt and
Id Book. , -
Marata tries. Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables,
HerfU, 4 nalysi. Practical, and H if Iter; Davits' Pri.
aar, lutollcctaal. School and Uulversityt Smith's
Coiotnt' Kay's St Hld.ird': Davie Algebra, Bur
saying. Geometry, Practical MttUeuistics, Mth. Dic
tionary. Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Grammar. dreea' Cbuk' Bullion' Jni'ilV-.
Krrktta' Spacer Tower a.
PaiLJsomiaav Parker's lt Lesson, JurcuUe and
School; Comtock'a Smith.
Hiaroetcs Wilson' Juvenile, and United Plates:
Farley Universal; Willard'a Universal, and Uuited
LASOCtotM Coopera Ylin; Andrew a Latin Rea
ds; Vlri Rtnve; Andrew's Latin Grammar; McC'lin
tack' 1st and 5J Book la Latin, and d . iu Greek; An
boa Gtrk Grammar nd leader; Johns n' Cicero.
Fatqneile'a rran.'b Ortmm tr and Reader; Woodbury"
ierutso Grammar and Krader, Telenaaque. U reek Tes
tamoot; French, adf-laughl; Surrenue French Die
ioaary; Andrew' Latin io. LiJilt-il Svott Ureck
do. Aatbon'a CUMieal do. StnitYa do d
Owtiwaaiits Webalrre debwrf, tllsH do,
4ostc, L'aiTerattT, B jal tvo, V nabridgM and Cobb'
Mtscct.t.Eor Matiri: a Astranmny. Newman
Kbwtnri?. Wond'a t an. Kame'a Kle-wntM of Crtt
tebm. Parkrr'a Aid In Comp.aution. I'arker Exer
Hjan. Brook rtelJ" C'itnpraiiiott. McKUtolt a Vnunij
AniJitcr. d. Anrttvtical M.tnaU. Parker" Word
llottuer. Mehew's B'lk KeepiUrt. WarUnd' Moral
Scaenre. Paf-r'a f iUnn! TJwi"ry. Blake' Agrionl
tnre frtr Schools. I'rtbsm" intelietnal Phil-nhr.
ICahas d, dv" Milt m; Vonn.: Pll'K-k: and TWmp
w: (Editifl fr Bch) Cutter''mr aud
t , . ; . , ..L . . v - ' . n t:.! i
I ijaivilj . A hit-r TV J i itihki. nrwman a i Minimi
feeaoray lliti;h?rtck' ielo)ty. Ureat nty of
Bpeaker and Kinrutioa. AH kiud nt 8 :a l Hta'tlnn
ery; Slatra of all zes; Dmwine; Bka; Drawine
Paper; Perforated Card Bwrd; Brt.d ttoard; len-Hbi
aad Brosfcea; ttborn" C-lr; laktand, eeery slit
ad itjle, c, 4c. ft
Miscia-tjccnors books.
- TStsxoat B.incrrU Uartod Btate. C Jnra.
UUirel V d i. d , vulaa-s. rviC Pictorial I'nited
Btatea. TvIjt' d. d . d x. B tt' Hut. Kerol ition.
I'eteraoa't il'. Wilo' United 8UU-. Wi! lard a da.
I'.SUladua War United rUtea. WiiUrd'a t'lilverwil
Hiat ry. Mn!W do d-. P. ti i-W Iti.t. W. rid 1 r
1 eohinieo.' RiUinN Ancient lli.t.ry. Farra d. 4y.
Hut)'a lla'jadj Mtaiiay a ., eotunlet. llirkena
I'UUJ d. Linaril dn. tiii.on" R vme. K'.Vu
TMsae Beformati-m." M. B. Owrrn. Alli-wviV
Eurone, lt and id S.rrei. t'ruMB-tfa Work. B irder'a
HHt.f KeKronti. Hint. l toaarit of Trtnt. Jo
phu. Ail nf Abl(tV H;i-nc. lliattrk'l Cabinet.
QaeanaoV Syala. Qjriuol Scotland. Help a SpauiUi
Caaat. Bunt's Unusarr. KiJJer'e Bizil. Ka
.bank B.ziL Parley i Cuircrsal. Hi-t-rr of Cra-
ade. Ancient Egyptian. HilUm Middle Area.
History f-T Bjj-v. "dJ.incr" Child's L'uiud State.
IVvwituc' EirM Bvk of Koe.dution.
3osxrT. llutarvU'a Lire, li't Brant. Won
aWi'ul Cbracter. Great aad Celebrated t hjr tera.
Lire of liie SUuere. Anti ibi ograpUy of Fialey. La
aisrtine'a.Colebrated Cbarjcter. Liieof Adam Cltrhe.
4 Bihrp Ueddia;. d Xiebnar. do Uen. lUrriwtn.
to OaJuel Bxme. d Itibctt. dj Lafayette. Cap
.Uiaaof Kson lt'2p.ibUc and O'.d World. Dr. Chal
aaora. 4 rU. Lire of HamnoIdU. Mm. Rivera.
Mozart. Weley. Ftatcher. Life and Times of Clay;
Irvtax'a WaMiuaftoa. Emlaeol Mechanic. Uvea of
Chief Jatlcev J sepbine. Xan-Jeo. Charle Lamb.
Jaekwn. Gen.Oreen. Joan of Are. Ijidy Janetirey.
.J. Adam. Jalieuue. Daniel Webster; Kinr ul
tunc and veeua. urunu. i.iret or tiie
ProMoU'a Ptuiiu W. M.ry and Uartba Waab-
iuio. Piotseer Womeu of the Wet4.
- Taavsxa Ha. k a China.
Arancanlans. Btephea'a
SatyaaV Oiios Travelt. MuagD rark. .mio .Notes.
Aareekiiv on iiasqmto Shore. lUyard Taj Ir's Trv
to. Dwroia'a TraveU in tb EaL
1 S--nwTtrtc Bi-ae-les Eucvciopedia. Physical Geor
rxphy of tu itoa. Wood Natural Hi-4-iry.' Lardiier
lAKtHre. liefal Art. C'simut. Mathematical Dic
ttoajarr. Iocic of Mathematics. Wonder uf S tence.
Mttcbefl Planetary aad Stellar World, lymraia Re
cent Prtjre") of AHronvny. Kmita" Dictionary of
Arts aad iec. Eubank' Hyjraulica. Dii k's worksi
Vartsna work on Arch.tectare.
Fott Bjt-jo, various styles. Shakespeare, do.
Milton. i - Uavwa, o. . iicmao. d . Mom, do.
Tooa:v!in. Yonap. lollo.:k. : Topper. Co per.
Cam;Wll. WKoi-tU. O-cian. fi'mtomery. Kirk
WTii;-.-. rcmtle IV.-u of England, do. do. Aniertcsj
aal saaay other. .
BM.i or RzFKr.excc Cy.rlope.lia of Creojrraphy.
d.dv Hae; Attn. d. dx Biojrraphy. Unefnl Art.
McOdlocha Caxctteer. llarjer'a Uiiiveral tiajrettrer.
Farnr ao Ainreft.Tritat- Elliot's Fmit Botik
Tbomaa d. Downing do. Barry' do. Feenden'
Parmer anj G-ardener. Frnit. Flower and Vegetable
' Oarleser's CiKunani'Mi. Allen oa the Urai. I'ardt-e
a Strawberry. Florit tiaide. American V'artn Book.
AlUrt'f D me-tic Animal. All of Stxton's Haad Books.
Woakson Hor-e, CaU!e. Sheep. Hog. A.
Tnmtonicai. A Ruttoiot-s. Har.notiv aad ExnoM
tion of tvipeV. Nearhli-r' Ltfe of Chri-t. ButW
Works, Kn-ipp's Christian Tb0.-tl.t3y. Western Meth
tdista. M trn Miscellanie. l-ctitres on Romanism.
Brand of Dtminie Uaie. Elliot oa Romanb-m. Barnes'
Note. - Clarke" Comment try. Benson's do. Jay's
Exercises. Wstsoo,' lntitute. LarrabeeV Evidence.
Batter's Ethical Disrawrwtt. llotrerV E.4i)e of rUrth.
do. Reason aad Faith. Fo-tter's ChrvO. Perfection.. .
Baker ow Dbtcipliae. n nunga of Anuiaios. Jalio's
Biblical Arciueotifry. Btblea, all sizes and prices. fr-m
tl tat $29. TtameaU, erreat variety. Methodist
.tfysH. Cbristua Hyiaa Btoli. CUnrch Faaiuist
Plymmth Colicctioa. Sciect Melodte. Christian
- M crncat Bachan't Family rbx-sicUo. ITydro
pataic do. Homxpathk Witrk.
Miov.i.i.aneoc- Coastitutioas of United States
Mayaew'a Popolar EJacaUoa. Crabbe'a Svnonvm.
PlaU's Bk of CarioKttiea. 0id Fellow's Uanusl.
ricadlcy a Work. 14 vol. Mrs. Tutbili's, r..!. Lay-
A m ..11 1-. l ... fcf. l' V. l " 1 m-. V KJli
Jjiaffer's G.iiJc. AmeriBan in'titotktns. PnrmiH of
Knowledge. PsrkMadtsow. Pervriaa Antio-tities.
Way Dawn East. Prn-hirt. Ike Marvel's VVork.
SaiMerson's Cook and ConfeetioiKT. Country Rambles
in Eatr'.od. Tale and Reveries, (an excellent Temper
aac "Baok.1 Money Maker. Escaped Nnn. Nevm
Bay. Dick Wilson. Mr. Hale's Sew Cook FVik. Mil
Tar a Old Red S.uvJ.t.ine. d- FootprinU of Creattr.
. Yoane Ladles Counllisr. Yonajr Man's dK Pk-toria!
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. CooMitn
Sional Text Book. Captive In Patajronla. The Ameri
aa Hort-eirife. Half H'ajrs with Jl-I Ham;hrev
Atheas; its fjntndcar and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick"
Redwood, do. New En?. Tslu. Uncle Sam Farm
r ear. ArUinr's gueeessful Merchant, do. Tal. Mrs.
Parti nsrt on. Horac"Trans.tion. Vinrild-j. Mrs-Car-len's
Works. Heroines of History. Uand and Sea.
Deck and Txt. - Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving'.
Colambu. Ixmx Look Ahead. City of New York.
Xiviax lra.torsof America. Youn? Man Advised. Mis
mitsn in Toaza a:d Feijec. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tian. Knont and the Raasian. Hydrapathic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift P vk for Younr Men
do. 'do. Ladie-. Anecdotes for tirU. do. di. Boys.
Footprints of Famons men. Charkttte Elizabeth's
worn a. Aavtee to 1 onns .uen. j easant ooy pnuoso
pber. Abbott' Marco Paul Books, do Fraocoaia.
And a number of others tao n-tnieru to enumerate.
Ceaatantly receiving large additions to the foreuing.
SriTTOXEKT. FooLtcap Paper xreat variety. Let
er dit, do, plain and pit. Note do, do, do, do. EoveK
ope all styles. Inks all kinds. Pen and Holder
irreat variety. Blank Books all sue and style.
Mnondasna, Diaries. Pass Books, Time Book.
Paper Cotters. Da Folder. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic Priuts a large variety. Wrapping Pa
per rood rarietr. Wafers. Seolia; Wax, Ac-, Ac.
Finally, we have a Rood variety of -
Mutic Book. New Carmiua Sacra. Alpine Glee
Kineer. Dntcttaer. "horns fJlee Book. Metropolitan do.
aered Melodisa. cbrMtiaa Psslmwt. PiwnAnetroc
tra. Guitar do, Flnte do. Accord on do. Vfolin do,
Stelodconda, Plyrnonth Collection with Musle, Sheet
And the mud varied assortment of Stationert ever
ST -red In Oregon.
MT Tbi stock is 11 honght in New Tork and other
altera cities and ts ikH at
" We keem an band Soaooi. Book In Iar?e qnan
ca, together with most of the pabUcatiens of
Derby A Jackson;
'' rvtso k Pb1naer-.
Phillitt A Bamsoa
A. 8. Barnes A Co.: . . , ..
1 AJOar. Ortoa A Slul!i?n:
TsryAGetz; ,-' t' I
:: Tr"n; . . " ': -
nrtoa: aisdrotlars- - " .- r -
,, I aajr r. patr-inae. -Jf ormWc M vjsit QS
and sna-- ir atock. yearr orders will tie attended to
a t aajK tors) as if yst b-"?-b' in person. .
ftjrrktwd. March ?0. 1 .'.:. . ;tr
. . Dooka and Stationery.
it TiiROKiu.t i-iTT foatornca bi'ilpino.
WOULD respectfully call tbe attention irfhlafrlemU
and lue pnlilln to tbe fact that he baa on baud,
aad keeua conHiiitly mniplinl aitha Imite atock uf
bO)A'S AiI SI A TIOrir'R 1"
of all kind, Ulth he otti-ra lor ante, for cnh, at lite
above hiitMinr. Hi pmntf atock 1 vomprUvd, In
part, of tbe folluMriuR, it t
Oreacn Htatntra, antlon lawa of Oregon aenalon
IWtf 1: WaHhinatm Irvine a-orktt HetlHrld'a Cm..
paratlv Phv-haiiiuivt Diauorerv and Exnlorallna r
. I. - k I . . . . 1 - 1 ' . . " . 1 I . .
niiwii; rrati nuirriran neviHUiion; eear
raniuy Annual, n uaim tvayt ana Mlarellauie; Be
lli u ne ' Poemit Llreof the Emperor Napoleon, by Lock
hart: Lire. i or the President; Ure of Andrew Jarkaon;
W ebster a Lire aud bia UaatenilerM, n ,.n-. t i..
of Waahlnston; Llfo and BMMha of Henry Clay;
BnBon Natural Hitnrr; Joaepbu' eomplet Wort.;
Lane a Brtrado In Uexuwt Oliver Cromwell; A Ten-
Thu kT?"1, "" ar of the United Btatrn;
w-T-It J.r." w"n anu 1.110 on ue sea; Mta uall a
rraetlt-al CiNikar. Mn 14 v. .u.k n ..
mnroved Houewlle, or Book of ItereloU. br Mm. A.
" roatrrs tttiory or tbe Morm n fn.m their orlglu 'Sf'l.1 lim"! ,n frnni Faniiy'a P.iH
fvw"r, oy diukuoii; tapper a fnirerw
I Plil wcphyt U11U Nupolcu andtlieBonanartcFam
if1 . ,0,nJ"'B Beafoiia; Voutig'a Nisbt TbougliU;
raradiaa Loat; Pollnk'a tMurae of Timet Benl unln'
I IgTim rrogreM; American Own Book; Tbo World
llltwlrated ao EnBrnrlnat l.lfo and Eay ol Benja
min t-ranklln; Ltrenf Vhinst,.n, by Sparka; Com.
atnek a B.rHtcm of El; Frrmtmta Exploring Ex.
pedition thn-ntth Orefrnn and Callfonila: Pii tirial Ilia-1
;ry ni aii .an.m, by llooiirichi Benton a SO year In
the U. S. Senalp; Rinn'i Utrk. li;,.
phle and Critical Micel!nitie; Preaeoil'a Cnnnnrt of
aesieo a vi; I'rwoll a Ferdinand and lathella -S
v..l; Preacott ItobertMii' Hiatorr of Charlea A 3
vl; Prearott ' lt and 3d Philip; llilman' llllibnn'
Home; B llin'a Anrlent lllxtorrt Plutareha l.ivtx; Ma
caiilryaitlatnrynfKnKland: Dick'aWnrka; Cummlnaa
lecture; Wehnter'a American Family Cyclnprdiaa;
napnironi 1. namner a information rrth Peo
ple; Lire In the Itineracy; Life of Uen. Ufaretle; The
Ynnne American' I lt nf !'
land, by Mmney; Heavenly Unmet Carlrla'a Kew Ea-
my; onnn ana Amertcaa Female Pivetat Burn
c raplrt Work; Moor' poetical Work: Bum' Po
etical Work; Mr. Ueman'a P.tical Vork! Milton'e
i "B'i(iii Tupper a Coinplet Work; Life and
Hr-autie of Bhakeaprre; Arabian NiRhta; Ballimn
Travel In Eirnne: Lavard'a UlnmnriM it Nlnh.
Wheepley'a Ctmpeud of llixtnrv; Headley'a Mltreila
nlei Man'irnrminivencenl CnncreiW; Thaddcu of
ri The Pliinter Victimi Melbourne and the
Chinch Inland; Knltae Karred llixtnnr; Pennhnrat
hi Wandenna; and War of Thinkin:; Rnbinann
Cnnnr: Chiblren of the Abuer: Indian Rattle. Cantl.
itie anoVAdventitrr; Dream and liralitiea of a Paa.
uraaii leacner: The fhip Carpenter a Family; Wi-
' "i tiiewuriu uvrrrme; uiuiea ana ieiamenw;
Wehater'a Dlclmnarie larpe and amall; (iann'a Cel.
rated Domestic Medicliua; RUort Patent Bermona, by
Dw. Jr; Larimer l.itllri-nod. E., Arthur' Tle:
Thrvmion Practical Arithmetic; Calhoun Intellectual
Arithmetic; Vel and inMrumonUt Note B-wk: Mit
cheiratioKCraphy and Attn; Yonnlt on tbe Btrnrtnre
and dise4r of t'ie II re: Bjxton'a liiiral Hand Bok;
i rue a American Frill B mk; Downing Rural Eav
iTiTrmnR r nut ana r run Tree nr . merle: Klllott a
etern Fruit Bmkt American Cattle Dnrlnr.hy Dadd;
nun. rimnr ann tgetauie tiardener a I'ompamnn;
American Frtiit Cult .trial. v Thorn: Tbe Ptrawberrv
t 'iltnre, by Pan1; American Poultry Yard, hy Rmwn:
Yonatt on the Maniprmrnt and IiWaae of Sleep;
Xnte. Letter and P.vlcap paper; Pen and I'rn old
en; ?anj ana taua ioxe: mack. Dine ana !! ink
Ham an.I fancy Envelope; Blate and Plate Pencil;
i.isna Te.. vc. - -
Oregon City. Jnne 13, l?J7. ITtf
925,000 Worth
TIIK s'tlstcriber would reapeetfnllv Inform their coj-
A toraer and the public -enraliy that they have on
n ioa.ana are in cmtant receipt r Ro Irotn Hit
rrtaettcs and New York a large and well
lectd stock eoniaiing In part of, allspice, an I alpaora,
B mneta, be rages, and brn. linen,
Cniiiric,ir-h, and calic.
!-metic de laliies, and lUuvk,
E'lc;in?, emitroiilery and ererrthing.
Flannel, fringea, and fancy dmn'a, .
t.inrtiains. eailers and rlove.
Handkerchiers. hone and hairpins.
Iron. Ink, and Inserting;.
JaRonet.jran. and Java cnflVe.
Knlve. kid clove, aud knitting pins.
Lawn, lard and Liverpool
Mustard, mirrors, rA matches,
Neeiile. tisil. r nice tbin;r.
Oil, overdiirte, nd Ooltng tes.
Pin, pant, and pai'er,
Q-iilts, quills, and qneenswsre,
KibUna, razors, and rat tranr
Bilks, sugar, and 'having stap,
lea. tobacco, and turpentine.
Umlmllas.nnder-sleews.and naeful thiugs,
Veil. tarnih. and vinegar.
Wreathe, woolrn rooHn. waffle-irnn.
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notion.
Zinc, and aephvr wnvtedt
Ac., Ac, and so on,
Bel,k- manr other articles too nnmemn to mention
all of which we are offering at redm-rit prices, adopt
in? the plan of Q lick aalr and small profit."
The lajis will I'm J in their department a I irse stock
of rancr f;oisl. direct from New York, which I not
nually kept In Oregon, and by arranseinenta will lie in
constant re-eipt aueonate to the want of the l.idie.
The Gentlemen s Itcoartmcnt of fnrnihln mods
will seldom equalled, aad exalted by none In Salem. I
I (ON Theblicksmithsand irondealers willalway
Snd S well-selected stir k of alt sixea and fhapr, to-
retner wun a ijoon assortment or iron axles, from Its
in- tit S x 1 1 inche. which w are selling at Portland
prices, adding rrrlehts.
Wear prepared to receive all kind of ttntdtire in
exchange for good, and al money. For full particu-
laracsit ana examine lor yonreiv.
Salem. Feb. la, lA.iT. 4"tf
I. P. Fisher's
4 DVERT1SING Agency. San Francisco No.
ahiiicton street, tin ttair. nearlv oppoiite to
Mam ire's Oiter H.sise.
L. P. FISH KB is the authorized Agent, of the
is took STATtfuav;
Marysville Herald;
Sacramento Union:
San Joaquin RcpuLIlcan. Stockton;
Paciflc Methodibt, Stockton;
Sonora Herald; -.
Nevada Jourea I:
Gras Vsltev Tlegranb;
Red Bluff Beacon;
Columbia Gazette;
Mo.mtim Detn-terat.PlacerTine;
Tiiolnrane Courier;
Calvarex Clin.nicle. Mokelnmna Hill;
111 Durad Democrat;
Shasta Cornier; .
' Yrefc Weekly Union;
Trinity Journal, Weaverville;
Iowa Hill News;
Weekiy Lede;. Jackson;
. nib Juee leierapa:
Sonoma County Journal;
Folsom Di.tatlh;
California Mining Journal;
1 Anirele Star:
Sauta Barbira Gazette;
San Diego Herald;
Almeda Grnty Gazette;
Placer Courier. Yankee Jim's-.
Napa Conuty Krporter:
Sierra Democrat, Downieville;
HnmbclJt Times;
Oreonlan. P.trtland. O. T.
Pacific Christian Advocate. Salem, O. T.
Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. 0. T.
Pioneer and Democrat. Olympic W. T.
, Washington Rcpubliban, Stcilacoom, W. T.
Poyneian, Honolulu. 8. 1.;
Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hongkong Register.
L. P. F. ha now completed hi arrana-ement for
tne torwardmir of advertisements to all the tinnciiml
iarjret circulating Journals and Newspaper published
A fine opportunity is here offered to those who wish
to advertise in any part of the L nion, of doing so at
win rawest rates, ana iu a prompt ana satisfactory man
ner. .
Auirnt25. 157. - JAtf
Salem Drue Store.
CCONT Street. Rector's bnilding. Constantly
a. vu iiaiiuaiuii Mwnmnin URCOS, atRPi
cixbs, Paixr, Oils and Dyg en-rye, Patcxt
In abort almost every article usually found in a Drug
Store, and are offered at Wrolesslk asd Rktail, at
extremely low rates, tn quantities to suit warranted as
representea. ,
4T OnnEK solicitkp. -f n
Prescriptions free of charge at office.
rr Prompt attention will be given to nroresslftna
calls in the City. - A. M. BELT. M. D.
Salem. O. T.. Jnne I. 157. 1 -r
IS hereby given, that C. S. Woodworth ! authorized
to transact my personal business during my, absence.
Salem , Jaae 17. 1557. 15tT
Fop Sale. .
T WnXsell one half of the land claim known
A as tbe Dwight Pommy claim. Said half
adjoins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's and is. about
two miles from Oregon City, on the upper Wil
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the srhr.le of ftie
proisrrty, tying and situated in the beautiful and rapid-
iy rawiu. wwH.ia wtUIS, DCOIOn UO., and KDUWn
a tbe " Thomaa" property. consiHting of four lot ol
land, together with ail tb buildinp tbereon. Said
property is in a beautiful location, and both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wbeat or oats at cash
price, inquire u swoacnuer. at tit atore in- Ore
gon City, in relation to both, or to ijon. J. c. Avery,
lo relation w piuvci.,., .-'.rvajxis.
Alio, fix () lots of land la Ore iron City.
Jos. j . PREscorrr
- Ore City, March 1.1MT, -ltf -
' . ' i$Trup.
EBjG BoVa Snip for hle.
ft 1
. J. McCrmlck, '
nlilin Eoolr Dtoro,
(rnoMT STitKfcr. roKTLAMDro.r.)
HAS enn.tnnlly on hand a lar atock of Book no
bTATtoNKKv, whh h be sella at a amnlt advance on
... A catalogue mat I even In the Orevon and
WaNhlmrtlnn Ainmnae for IK.-.T. tliu.lra mAmA
'""JJ f""' free to any part of eltlier Terrrltory.
..,., rro. ".!. ooyt
Corrnllla lrn Stre.
T R. CARD WELL, DrnrKbit and Apothecary, la
O atanlly recelviiiff. per Cullturiila ateumara. Ian
u careiiiuy wioctea atoca 01 tirus; ana Medicine,
OH. Pitlut.4. VarnUh. Boau. Perfumcriaa. T..II.1 Pur.
nlture. Stationery, and all article usually kept In Drus
Qkuu A . -. I' 1 . u . . . I . ...
wiv-m ltu, HHIin. IQU woer DlUK UtadlullUM.
which will be funiixbed at Califoriiia. wholeaala nrlea.
4T" OlMM aoLIOITKD. "))
C-rvtlU. May 1. IB-IT.
lllackamltht and others. Look.
ALLAN McKIXLAT A CO. have now on hand
larKe and well aelected stock of
Bar Iron, cant steel,
llorae alio dd., Herman do.,
NailrMld., 1'liMighdo.,
Pi tie do..
And iutendlo keep up the aanrtment o a to suit tbe
winw 111 riwuiiiiPM. wir na a eall. and von will Hrri
thnt we not only b ive the fulleU stock, 'imt will sell
" a cheap at tbe cheatet." We are constantly recelv
Inc addition to our auortment, an a to replace what
I "!.!.
Ort-gon City. Dee. .tn. 4tf
lleiirr JoUnian USl
(19 Waihlnjtt rf Street, Pan Francisco.)
OITer rr ante to the emtntry trade, the Unreat atock
or modi In their Hue on tha Pacllln na.imahri.
Inz Drue. CliemlcnN. Perfiinit-rr. Patent Ui.-ln. .r
all kind. Brnshea. Paint. Oil. Olaa. TurnrntliM. u.
t.t. j nirw iirrumiii( ci tin niiaine. llvln an
nerliir farililie fur nbl.tlnlne their a-nnHa th think
(bey ran onVrAiducetnentt to buyer unequalled by
any other lion
Order respectfully solicited.
Nw RecelTlssK
nHE followlnf articles from Bark Ocean Bird and for
-a. aaie mw.
0 cms tnatcbea ;
l.'0 ke ol vrui ;
AO hi. bbU. N. O. mrar t
10 Ubl. crushed sugar ;
60 boxes randle ;
10 bbl. vlncjnr 1
SO eae tea ;
t J do, brooms t
JO di!. bnckrii ;
2 ene men's One ealf boot ;
J J' ealf brog-ans ;
J gnat "
S " tvoys' hroiran
S yoiith' calf brogan :
I " women's Morocco boot ;
S ImltUion boot ;
3 VIIe'booU;
17S pair children's shoe : ,
1 straw cutter ;
2t srain cradles ;
I reaper;
I two horse thtvher :
Oiv-eon City. .nne I. I.t. ttr.
Clil.ll.V PUMPS, monkey wienibea,
lint eh plane, screw arm,
sash plane.
horsr shoe and nail to It.
gnn lock, plug and nipples,
till-, bullet mould.
Wosenliolm'a I.TJ. pocket knives,
pruning and budding knlve.
rat trap to emtrk ru-rW. at
Itoosis and 8tattonrr -
Parker's 1st. 3d. 3d, 4lh and Ctb,
Finiler' do do do do
McGuffv's do do do do
. D ivies' arithmetic.
Uulvenlty snd Common School,
Inteileitudl and priiaary,
Ihtvie' Bourd'-m algebra.
Legend re, surveying,
lieometrv and trigonometry.
Key to Davie' Arithmetic,
Tlftmpson's srithmrtic,
Parker's philosophy,
" juvenile swd 1st lesson.
Grammars Clark's. Itollion's Smith's,
Geographies Mitchell's. Monteith's utsnnal.
UoHleilb s 1st Icasons,
Music Lute of Zi-tn, New Carmiaa Sacra,
Christian Paalmii4. Missouri Harmony,
Normal Sjng Book, Singing Book, at
rTt" E Judge ttf th S-iprem Court , of the Territory of
m. wreirou, miitmnieq at ui arat 01 uovernment on
tlie ninto dar of Janoarv. el rh teen hnmtneJ mnA arte.
even, do Sx and appoint District Conrt. to l held In
vuiase 01 KoseiMirc, in tbe county of Doaglaa w th
Hr-t Mondavs.of March. May. (September and Novem
ber, annually, nntil iherwise ordered, and do limit tbe
duration of aid term t alv Hv each.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chirr Justice.
4ltf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice.
At EnteneGllr.
THE subscriber has at Eugene Cltv, one of the best
general assortment of Drv town'. Oroceries. Hard
ware, Boou and Shoes, and all article kept In n irene-
ral finding store, to ba fonnd In Oregon. lis Is coa
t inlir receiving fresh addition to his stock, and al
vmy keep it np. My roods are nw alt received direct
from San Francisco, where I hav a resident agent. All
kimlo( farmer ' produce receited in eachsnge forennd
I par higher pricea for proditc. and sell sooda chestter
than any other store in t h Territory.
Etigene City. Jnly t. Wtf! Salttl
Oft TONS " San Qoentin" SALT. In about 0 and
U 103 lb. bags. Just received and forle vervrhean
Oregon City, Dec 6,
Valuable Farm for Sale.
TV1E uodrrsigned now oOers hi valuable
'arm for sale, situated 00 Spring Creek,
in Marion Co., O. T.. one and a half miles
south of McKinnay's Mills.ontheC'otintv mad
running I run Salem toaaid Mills. It contain i0 acres,
of which HO acre is ander a cnud suljetaatisl stske
and rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation,
two hundred fine bearing fruit trees, a rood farm
boose, together with other out building. Said farm Is
HI watered, and IM best adapted to stock raisin.
and wheat growing of any farm In the Territory. Said
farm has been settled since 11. and was among the
tint claim taken in Marion Co. Any persoo desirons
of buying a irood farm, with a litis money, will do well
to call at tbe residence of tbe underined.
Spring Creek. March 30. 107. 4tf
House, Carriage Sign, and Steam-
BSal A'ainiSUkT.
A. REED having established hi Paint shop In
Salem, I prepared to execute with dlrontch ail
00a in tue aoove tine, uanner. Bunaarda. and Km'r societies painted on silk, satin, velvet or mus-
lia. Paints of all color and descriptions mixed, ready
r aw, ' .io t ni oiiuu , m null Lnil. L.inSeH1
mi, inrpeiiiine ana Iimi.n, tvall paper and Border
w Indow glasa, faint brusbe. rraininx t'Kl. Ac. Ii
rectiou given In painting, also in graining imitation
of wood, stone or marble.
X. B. Order from abroad nrumntle attended An
All lobs iutrustcd to his cars warrauted to a-iva mtu.
Salem, Jan. C, 1837. 43yl
. Notice.
r-Ti 1 vert a, rini.i 1.. ...1
O living in Albany, Linn Co., O. T., on or Tv-rrv
about the first of Dcoamber, 18S0, one aor- Aff
rel borne, blaze faced, rinht hin knocked '
down, branded on near shoulder O. T-, rented V, hair
unum. . ewer oranas or marks recollected. A nr
v .u miu uui; win u iioeraiiy rewaruea.
... J. M. McCONNELL.
Allany.3nnary?7. 1K57. - 4fitrpaid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
TT is often tbe case that persons suffer for a long time
with a curable disease from the fact that the, d A mil
aoow wnere to a-o 10 nnd reller. I am tn M.
move all Tumors, Canrera and Diseased Rone tr.
duce dislocated jo'nts of lonjrstinding, straighten, wry
neck, eli-b foot, and to correct nil deformity of the
r - .1: j . ..... nn. .
Corvallis, O. T. May 8, 1857. ' - nt
Marlon House, Salem.
TH E undersigned announce to the public
that he ban purchased the well known
tavern stand, called tbe Marion House, in Sa
lem, together with the furniture and fixtures
tliereof. 114 will keep it In Brat rate style, and Invites
the p&trnnaee or the public. K.H. MAI.
May iJ, iru7. 1111
DR. J. R. CARD WELT.. DeuUI Surgeon. Corrnlli.
in his profession, at Corvalli. Eugene City, Win
chester, Scottburg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques
tionable; charges respectable: work, warranted. Teeth
examined, and advice given free of charge.
Vue notice given 01 cuange ot omce. - -
April 20, IS55. , 7tf
Look. ITcre.
ALL persona that are indebted tr. James Strang, are
requested to call and settle their account by the
13th of Mar. and all the who do not, will find their
accounts in tbe hands of John D. Boon, Justice of the
Pear. Having sold my Tin establishment in Sslem, I
want-to settle np my accounts. JAMES STRANG.
Salem. AprilZt.Abo7. ... A5tf .
TBY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va-
17 nety, at
n t r,iA rtriiu ot received and for sale ...
Jnne 15, 1867. . 15tf
10 TONS asoi-te iron. jat received at
I f Pn3 C.RI-W0LD A CO'S.
ii i. Tk5
In Corvalli. Ronton Co., O. T., oppuslle to tbe
city Hotel in aid town. wir
W. W Fage
XX htm. O.T., Oflce.flrst doorauuth of tb States
man oitics, np stair. zou
w. raasAB. lawsiko srotrr
rarrtra Stoat,
Chancery and Admiralty.
MT OOce on Front street, on door north of the
Portland. O.T.. July JO. 1MT. t3tf
A Solicitors In Chancery, Corvalli o. T.
1. n.awrrn. ltf
I. W. Kilehell,
A gen city, Utn uouiup. u. 1 .
T I COOMBS. M.D.. Burgeon, Ad,
Corvalli. Oregon.
September 13. IHSH.
Sn Friaelieo adrertlslag tpaer
I' P- FISH PR. Iron building, oppoalta Pacific Express
J Offic, upstairs. File of nil toe principal Pspersof
CsliOwnls and Oregon may b fonnd at this nOlce. Mr.
r isiier la tb authorised A treat rnr uM statesman.
Ctetter R. Terrr,
xa. miwoner 01 iieea. and to take testimnnr. ae.
annwietigment. o.. ., Pr Iowa, Indiana. Misnouri
Mlcblgan. Callfarnl and Washington Territory. It
trrsor Attorney, and all other Instrument of writing,
drawn on hort notice.
t'rtirtilr attention paid to taklnc deooirition
MnllK..t4M r v.u A ....- a..
Boito ft EcSwai,
icltorsln Chancery, Proctors, Ac, In Admiralty
Isrdlas ft Crorcr,
arm. none nor in t.naucerr. Ufflc near tlw Court-hou.
esiiem, u. t.
Geo. I. Shell,
Solicitor In Chancery, will practice in tha various
court of Orrsron and Washinirtoa Territories. Office
BBieiw. v. A.
Deluon Smith,
n. Solicitor 111 Chancery,
III uromntlv attend to all
business uerUinin to hi nnifession in til Judicial
District, aud before tb Sunrein Court of llmm
tM! - tl . . . . - 9
viio-r, Aosioj, iina vounty, u. t.
N. B. Wbsu not t hi ofBra. or absent on iimf.
slnnat bnsinass, be msy be fonnd at hi residence, five
mil smmi-enn or Albany, oa what la known a tne
"Grand Prairie."
II. G. Baraett,
XX. o Hiciior in cnaaeery. Bethel, Polk County. O. T
atsj iu, ihsi. , . . hi
i W. S. Rrock, -
Solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the rariou
rourta in tni Territory, and promptir attend to the col
lection of alt claim lnt the United State, thronsh
an rtflcient agent residing at Wahinftoa .City. UQlce
n roigeue t iiy, uine t.ouniy, j. t.
It. E. St rat ton.
A TTORNEY AT LAW. will nrartice la th .rlo.
XV Court of southern Oregon, sad In the Suureme
Court of the Territiwy.
Orrtcn in Deer Creek. Dourlsa eewntr. O. T. Rnrf.
anc mile north of V) incbeater, oa tlia Willamette
N. B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained for claimants
oa reasonable term. 13tf
Chadwrlck Globs,
XX iiewoc in c nan eery. e. 1 at n incbeater aad
tianliner. S. F.Cnanwica. Winchester. Doturtaa Ca..
. . . e, . . 1 1 1 ... n A '
vr. 1. j.v-. uissai, uarvioer, LBtpqua LO., r. t.
Nov. 9, lflio. J4tf
s. an BABJrca. . 1 . .- ? - ,1 t. o. wilsok.
Barnum 4W Wilson.
lem. Oregon. Particular attention Is riven to tbr
collectioa of notes and accvont. and tualm agdnst
ttonniy uind vrarrant nought and sold.
sT Orllje over Slarkey' Store. 40
D. P. Oontaam.
flce at tha Court House, SaU-at, O. T. 6tf
J. D. Cole, M. D
8tf Portland. Oregon.
TJ. WRIGHT A E. B. 8T0NE. having associated
a together in practice, respertrully tender their ser
vices to th people of Benton and Linn desiring to se
cure the favor of th afflicted by Mecca awre. Office
near J.c Averyasiore.tJorvauis. xuypaia
i. B. Kallock.
Desisns. plan. sneciAcaUoos. Ac- fnrnlsbed oa
reasonable terms. -
William C. OHswold AW Co.,
c. SRiawotn, litf c. s. woopwonrn.
Eugene Cltr
rTORACR E. LAWRENCE. Proprietor of th Enxene
li City Hotel. 13tf.
Medical Notice.
THE subscriber, would Inform tbe Inhabitants thnt he
is at bis old stand, redy to attend to all calls tn
hi profession ; also be bason band a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
aborted aupuly of Syringe, all of which be will dispose
of on reaonal
aonauie terms.
Salem December S, 1850.
W. II. Mager, M. D.
PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. OBtoa in my new bnild
iin. on Main street, two door nortu f Dr. J. S.
Mclteeoy' fire-proof building ; where I will ba fonnd
wben not professional! y engajred. I will keep constant
ly on hand a freth supply of Drug and Medicines
Uicn 1 win sen tow rorcasn.
Corva:.'!. Dtsc.0. 1S53. J?tf Soliee.
TAR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California
J J offer bla professional services to th citiMna fn
Salem and vicinity, aad respectfully solicit ft share '0
puoii ravnr.
r u.nce at Reed and Fellow' drug store. "
14y R. W. snAW.
Campbell, ft Pratt.
A TTORNEYS AT LAW, San Franclsoo. California.
XV. omce, corner Montgomery aad Sacramento streets,
over Parrott A Cos. Batik.
Messrs. Campbell A Pratt haw lately removed from
Oregon, and will b pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their rare. . : 3ltf -
AucXANDta CaaraKix. ; O. C. Pkatt
Joseph R. Prescait.
DEALER In Family Oroceries, Boot, Shoes., Ac, and
Paint and Oils, wholesale and retail.
July 7, Ig5K.
S. JEllswortn,
US. Supreme and other Court. Office Eugone
Citv. Xaae Conntv. Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Connecticut. Ac.
August M. 1K56. tr
WILLIAM F. HIGHF1ELD, Chronometer ana
Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to
the buildinr iustonnosite to tbe Main-street House,
where be can be constantly found prepared to do any
business in his line. Watcnes cleaned and repaired on
abort notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches and jewelry for sale.
March 4, is.j- ' iyoi-
- S. Hamilton, M. D.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce to the eood people of Donglas and tha i-
ioining counties, that he has located permanently at
leer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, and
1 i : . l e 1 u :11 u - - 1 .
iu wuvu pcwcaaiuH uc wm iro taiuiiiu to Qiacnargn All
duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Orrics opposite R. H. Dearborn A Co.' store, on
Main street. - - .
Drags and Patent Medicines for sale at fate eaa jar-
en. 4Stf
Wells, Fargo, , C.,
Co.. in connection with their Express bnsines. will
also transact a general Exehunf ana? CalltctUm But
tun. Collections and Remittance made In all parts ol
Oregon, Cal ifomia.the Atlantic Statca.aad Europe, with
promptnes and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought aad sold.
Sight Exchange on JVrte York, Bottom, Pktiadtlpliia,
Albamy, RodiaUr. Buffalo, ErU, Cleveland, Detroit,
catcag, MtnoauKie, tMuewa. 01. mjbvcu, tjamtouu,
CWanwrfi . and fort other principal towns in the Atlan
tic States and the Canadss. may be procured at auy of
our offiooa. , WELLS. FARGO, Ac CO. .
lit, Montgomery-atrect, San Fntucisco
JAMES 0'NEILIj.u4gitf.
Ju.c 155.
Br. Cuskajr'a Ceaieal Rotieet.
R. J. U CEAPRAY'S Oraud Medical and Snreiral
Institute. Haera men to .t l-lnw MmtimiiMrtMiiM.
-iw raciuc aiaiii nicamsnip t;o. umce,ran rraneiscn,
California. Established for the Permanent curs of all
Private and Chronic Disease, and tb Suppression of
Dr.J. L.CZAPKAY. lutein the Munearlsn Heroin-
tlonsry War. Chief Physician In the loth Regiment of
nonveus, chief surgeon to tbe military hospital at Pesth.
Hungsry, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or
gan and Disease or Women and Children, would am)
respectfully Inform the public of Oregon snd California
that h baa opened an Institute for tn rare of chronic
Disease ol the lungs, liver, kidney, heart. blood, brain
and the horrid consequence of self-abuse, and be hope
that his Ions experience and successful practice of ma
ny years, win insure mm a snar or pumie pmronaie
ny me practice or many year in r.nrope and tne tint
ted SUir. and diirlnc the Hitnrarlan war and cam
paign, be Is annbled to apply the most efficient and
ucceaafii reanedies agalntt uWase of all kind. He
use no Mercury charge moderate treat hi patient
in a correct and bhtiorable way ha refrreneea of urr
questionable veracity from men of known respectabili
ty and high standing In society. All parties consulting
blm hy letter, er otherwli. will receive the best and
gentlest treatment, and Implicit secrecy. The Dr.'
office, at on Sacramento t., below Montgomery, San
r rancisoo. i;aiiiornia. 1 zms
Dr. L. J. Csapkay would eall pjiblie attention to
Aiermatorrhna or locakweaknea. There I not in the
catalogue of human maladies on more to to) depreca
ted than this, a well because of present distress, as the
oitimat results. 1 ne tone 01 n system under Its in
ilueiue is either Impaired or entirely destroyed, and a
ulassof symptoms superinduced that unfit man for the
performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. Tbe
injuries done to the physical part of man I truly la
mentable, but trifling when compared to thoe of the
eensorlum. th great nervous center, and to the ner
vous ytem generally. This dieae. wliich Is too often
soneqoe!it upon that solitary vice. elf-ahue. Involve
pathological conditions beyimd the eomprehenstan of
tne uniniustea. out wnieu re well understood by merer
liar practitioner. Anton; th symptom moat eonsDic
onus are tbe following: Ixrre of solitude, aversioa tn
htiAluea and society, distressing timidity, nervoo ex
citement fromsllifbt cau-e, loss of memory, ennfaslnn
if idess. Inshillty to reason eorrectly, low spirit and
litude, dullness of apprehension and misantbrotir
1 nee being lunettonai oeranirements. are often the har-
oingersor horrid organic leion of the brain, ' which
prslue fatuity, uemenus and dealrk
Forth cure of Mil and all kindred diee. Dr,
Cxapkr ha established hi Institute, where all may
retv witn perfect confidence upon that skill which long
Trlenc and thorough devotion to bis profession has
Those wno suffer snonid call or write without delay
tnd 11 e th mean by which they may recuperate and
All consultation!, by tetter nr otherwise, free. Ad
12ml Medical Institute, San Francisco. Cal.
U18GA9M. U. J. UAArkAI D b.V
s3 traordinary success In th treatment of secret dU-
sase it the primary aad ntfe-' -ages. induce him to
-all public attention to the fa.nat of the great aum
iers who hare made dailv sntillcatton to faint, there la
not one who bs not been effectually and permanently
;urra. in recent eae 01 pnrate aiees, tne nr. guar
tntlea a perfect care in a few da without hindrance
to busloes nr other inennveuience. The Dr.' method
of treating these maladies, combine the Improvement
naos ny in meuicai 1 acuity wwn atacovene 01 ni
nr that arc unknown to nyoneele.and wbicli.when
tppiien. prevent tue poasioiiny of evu alter eowsequen
Secondary syphilis, which ia so destracure of health
producing ulceration of the throat, destroying the soft
parts, and leaving tne nones exposed, wnk-h mortiry
eparste and come away, disnguruig tb sufferer dim
HH-noiy. ss wen as impsinng tats general bealtb. and
trediiposine tn consumption, the Dr. treat in tbe most
ertain and enicient manner. A 10, painful (welling
ipon tne nones, aiiignnng antiacne upon the skin
ore. pimple, and all ether consequences of private
liseasea ne guaranties ia cure or sk no compensation.
nr. 1 -. would especially ran toe attention 01 tnose wbo
lav failed to obtain relief from others, many of whom
ie baa already cured, and many are atili under treat,
itent. The Dr. makes no charge for consultation, and
invite all to call at hi Institute ;and be will give them
sich satisfaction a they can obtain nowhere eise.
1 una at a awtanre. ny writing tn tne nr.. ran nave
their cure properly attended to. Office on Sacramen.
m st.. iielow MmtgHnery.nan i rancieo. fjal. llrea
The Greatest Diseorrrr of the lgt.
GREAT Blessings to Mankind! InBoreot bat Potent!
DILCZAPKAY'S PaoraiLACTtcra. (self-dtsinfec-
ting agent.) a sure preventive against secret dtseaae.
tml an nuurpasd remedy rvr acrotulott, gangrenou
and caacerous lUcers, and all eutanons eruptRHi and dis-
taaea. or ai ua. ctarxaT a iiuice. Armory nail,
corner of Sacramento and Montgomery at.. San Fran
Jsco.Oal. As iaoeulatioa to pres-enttv irainst amall
pox, so U Dr. Czankay'a Propbilscttcnm a preventive
gainst secret disease. That they eaa be prevented hy
oroner agent, is as well aa established fai t as that they
aan be cored after their establishment. Tbi principle.
bich i new nniversally retvgnised. was received evn
berore tbe dy of Jenner, the discoverer of vaccination,
in 17S0. and its multiplied benefit ever ine have re
vived at they deserved, tbe attention of the Medical
faculty. It was in pursuit of thi branch of the medical
c fence that tr. L. J. Caapkay fortunately made the dis
covery of bis Prophrtacticum. which, for tb cancerous
and cntanon disorder, stands unrivalled by any . agent
In tbe Pharmacnputt. The medut osenmistt of thi med
icine I explsined upon the hypothesis that sei wl poisons
possess chemical properties which are neutralized hy
being brought in contact with this prophylatic, aa acid
ire known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering t&em inert
the effect of thi agent I immediate, and remove the
possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, the
disrase ba been cmtracted. it is useful In neutralizing
the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce
tbe consequences known as secondary disease. In can
cerous and nnireroes nicer, ia fcrtid disc barges and in
outanous diseases where the secretions are excoriating.
it acts 11 pod the same principle aud is one of tbe most
effectual remedies for the purpose now known. Where
disease Is once established it snouid te used in connec
tlon with other remedies, and wben no oed never fails
of sncre. It has been administered by th Doctor in
many thousand case, and be ba yet to find th first
in wliich It has fulled to subserve tbe purpose for which
it was administered. Price, $5. Full direction are at
tached to each package.
N. Br la case where th Pmphrlaticum la used as
curative. Dr. L. J. Caapkay will furuish (gratis) a pre
scription for hi blood purifier.
All communication rrrnn tne country, addressed only
n Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco. Cal.. will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies,
with the greatest car and secrecy, immediately dis
patched by express or otherwise to their destination.
- Am i. M il aai at. i.
IJinJ - San Francisco. Cal.
Tn mi Ltnias or OaSoos anb CAUrOBXIA-L. J.
Purrir M. O-. nhvsician surgeon aua ACCouhT. in
viU! the attention of tbe sick and afflicted females 1-1
boring under any of the rarion brat of discaees of tb
brain, lungs, heart, atoraaeh, liver, womb, blood, kid
neys, and all disease peculiar to their sex. Tbe Doc
tor Is effecting more permanent cure than any other
physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy
prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yourself
from painful suffeniig and premature death. All mar
ried ladies, whose delicate health or other oircnratances
do not allow to have an increase In their Tamilies should
writ or rail at Dr. L. J. Czapkay'a Medical Institute.
Armory Hall, corner of Stcramento and Montgomery
streets, and they will receive every possible relief and
help. Tb Doctor' Offices are so arranged that be can
be consulted without molestation. - lim3
ww At consultations l by letter or otherwise,) free.
Address to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D.,
. Medical Institute. San Francisco, Cal.
' anr Tbe attention of the readers b called to the fol
owing: A lady of high standing in society and res)ectbflity,
published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch.
September 14. 1851. which is aa follows:
A Canp The undersigned feels it her duty to express
her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Csapkay. for the aucceas
ful cure of herself and child. The latter having been
afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was
given up as incuranie oy some ot tne most celebrated
nhvsiciara. when she called on Dr. Czapkar. of whom
she heaid very favorable report, and who. after a abort
period, restored toe cnua. to periect neaitn. tncour
aged by this extraordinary result, she aongh? advice
herself, for tbe scrofulous malady, with which ah bad
been afflicted for eight years, and which withstood tbe
treatment of the best physicians in r.uropsvand Ameri
ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording her
nermanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which
For eight years had lost all charms for her. She, tuere-
rore deems It oue tn nerseii ana to an hick ana amirted
to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful
physicians within the United States.
r 1 ..a niDOITVV HD.V
. .una. AWU...fl uctAa ,
Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia.
A. GiAzxa, Notary Public. 126, 7th street.
The following is an editorial notice in tha Boston
Daily Time of August 6th. 1854: - - - -
A Skiixftt. Puysician Dr. L. J. Czankaw h.
opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city.
Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army as physician and surgeon nnder the
patronage of Kossnta lie combines with a finished
education and the most refined and agreeable manners
the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in his
profession, and we feel much pleasure ia recommeodinsr
him to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman!
Or. Csapkay fas spent some time in Phitadelphehere
he won the confidence and friendshin of thnaa u
came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil
adelphia are gentlemen of tbe highest respectability
with whom we are personally aoonainted. Ft. k.a .'
extensive practice in Hungary before the Austrian aad
wissiana compeiiea mm to leave it for betas; fonnd
wnilty of excessive patriotism. We hope be vrilFiecerre
that patronage due a man of o eminent capacity.
The above are only a few of tha many ti iilim lain
which Dr. Csapkay has in his naBsession. hut cannot
publish for want of space. All communication, (by
Itter er atherwie,) free.
V Person desiring prompt alien tl mi, sad who wish
m aeiay or eurre ponding, can nave immeoi
ate attention by sending ton dollar as eonsnltatioa fee,
iu can navo meaicine rorwarded. Uddress to
. L. J. CZAPKAY, M. Ih
,Im' Ban FrancUtco, Cl.
ft"-1,,.!!tc sTwtok'isifa'i.
sr Diiitv. ww spinw. lassitude, weaknea of th limbs
and back. Indlsp-jtition loss of memory, aversion to
elety, lov ol solitade., timidity. lf distruiit, diaxinea,
,.snuw.o, pa.w. iu m nur, uircHiq or the eye, mm-
pie on the face, sexual and other Inflrmltie In man are
cured without fll bv tbe Justly celebrated physician and
trgeotl. L. J. Caaptay. Hi. method of eSrinTdlsea.
I new f unknown to others) and bene tb greataiuv
oessi All coflsultatlons, by letter er otherwise, tree
, Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M.dT'
7m Sanyraneleo.Cal.
TH B Judge of tbe Supreme Conrt of tb Territory Of
Oregon, aaaembled at tbe seat of Ooyernment 00
th ISth day of December, 1S50, do fig and appoint
District Cort to b held in th eity of Bwlem. ia tbe
county of Marion, on th Ant Monday of April aad
September, and the fourth Monday of May and Onto
ber. annually, until otherwise ordered ; and In tb city
of Pwtland. in tbe county of Multnomah, on the firth
Monday, of December, IHZ0, aad thereafter on the first
Monday of May and October, and the third Mondays
of Jnne and November, annually, nntil otherwise order
ed, and do limit the duration of ssld Term to ix dsn
each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Jostle.
41 CYRUBOLNEY. Aasoektto Jastie.
i JBstraf Animal.
THE subscriber at Harrislw;. Uns Co., as kwt tbe
following described snlmsl:
A by horse, with star la forehead, a Utile white en
hi nose, hind feet white np to the. (Skater joint, and
branded 21'' on the right (bauitler, year old this
Also a roan eow.t or 9 year old, branded J. B. oa
the right hip, and "21" a above. Ha s white calf
with red ear, about 18 months old, branded ' 21" a
above. The cow left last fall, and probably ha had
another calf this spring.
Any person finding them will be rewarded for their
trouble, by informing me. A. MclLW AIM.
June 16, 1S67. limepaid
HULL'S No. 1 Soap, the beat yon ever need.
White lead, linaeed oil,
Try tt.
turpentine, putty,
indigo, madder, copper, alum.
oil for lamp and machinery.
New Orlean sugar,
crashed sugar,
cream tartar, saleratas, aoda, at
J' M00RES'.
La ! To Workers of froi aid Steel!
IEAVB 'o.r received by the arrival of th J. R.
W biting from San Fraaclaco, tb following nmnrt
ment of iron and steel, to wit :
2.000 H. Norway shapes,
" 1.000 lbs. 2K1 Iron (Bat,)
2.000 " Jh116 "
,0U0 " jxi " M
S.000 f.J.l.ll.andli.sqtmr. " I.6-1S.4. . and lTlnch round,
1,000 " assorted cast steel.
100 " horse shoe nail. (G)
Which together with stock In store make as ms.
ptete aa assortment as caa be found In Territory and
will be sold as cheap a tbe CHSArwr for cash oynrsin-.
try produce. J. N. PHfcSCOTT.
uregoncity. Feb. JJ. 1857. otf
Boot and Shoe Store. .
FREDERICK WIC K M ON would announce)
to tlie citizen of Salem, and tb urround- fT
lug country, that be have token store on tbe ' 4!
east ride of Commercial street, north of the n.t.n,..
wnere ne win seep tatntly on hand a full assort
ment of every kind of boot and shoes, both rsntnm and
sals work, wliich be will aril at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workman, all order for the
manufacture or repair cf work will be complied with.
ww win uone m a euostaatiaA and workmanlike
manner, uire me a can and examine mr stock.
Salem, March 12,1857. lttf
JLook Here!
XTE have Jnst received MJ0O0 lb, of ground alum
11 , wntca we are eillng at f t, on per hundred.
' UK13W0LD A CO.
Smitn A DaTla, -
TMPORTERS and wholesale Druggists; fire proof
X store. Portland. Oregon.
Orders from tbe country solicited.
----- CosTee. ;
r" TOTJ WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned nave got ls.000 pounds beat " COSTA
RICA." Come in and took at it.
Oregon City. Dee. 0, ISSs. ,
4 AS. a. ntcnaKDS,
nep. awraaXEw,
Portlsad.O. T.
Baa Francisco.
nicnardsA. McCraksa.
"10MMISSIOS MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon
v.' r lour, trraia. mwaee, rruit. fork. Haooa. Aard.
Ham. A a., Ac Order for Oreeon trad Bromotlv at
tended to. Liberal adraao aaad ea ooixismaeots.
No. 41 Sacramento straet, below Front, Saa Franriseo.
January zi, issi. , 4fitf
. Notice.
rraO all whom tbi may come, greeting : That I am to
A leave for tb State soon, and would respectfully
request those who know themselves Indebted to m. or
W.O.GrwwoId A Con toeall and settle withnot delsy,
and oblige ,W.C.GBlSWOLD.
Estiem, January 17. 1957. ctf
Tlie Lawi of Oregon.
THE OREGON STATUTES. 1853. being a largo vol
nine of 650 pajre. with eomplet index, annota
tions, and references, comprising all tbe law ia force in
tb Territory, inclnaiv of those passed at last session
nf tbe Legislative Assembly, arc for sale at tbe office of
tlie Statesman, at five dollar per copy. Tb work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound In law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work caa
netwttgtrt to any SSsto ia taw Uatoa, awd at the lowest
ngnre tuey can be anordea for nere. Tne price place
them within th reach nf all who desire the lawa they
live nnder. Order by mail accompanied with tb cash,
filled by return mall. It is th last code of law that
will probably be published in Oregon, for many years. ,
in addition to tne enactment or to Legislative Assam
ly. the volume contain th Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution of the United State. Treaties with
ireat Britain relating to oresnn. Ordinance of 1787. in
fiwrc In Oregon. Donatio" aw and all amendments.
and full abstract of United ?ate Naturalization Laws.
JLos Angeloa Salt.'
SALT 300 bag Los Angelos Salt, received, per Na
hnmkeag, and for sale at lowest rate.
Siekaeu ! Cboou Betweti Tbem.
THE Blood furnishes tbe material of every bone,
muscle, gland and fibre in tbe human frame. When
pure, it secures health to every organ : wben errnpt. it
nere-sarily - produces disease. HOl-LO WA VS
PII.I.S operate directly upon tbe elements of tbe
stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease,
and thus radically caring tbe malady, whether located
in the nerve, the stomach, tbe liver, tbe bqwela. tbe
muscle, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the
sjotcm. .
Hollowsy's Pill are equally efflcaclona in comomrats
common so tn wnnie numaa race, and in disorder pe
ciuiar to certain climates ana localities.
Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source
of infirmity and u Bering, and tb cause of innumera
ble deaths, yield to these curative, ia all case, howev
er aggravated, acting aa a mild purgative, alterative
ana tonic; tney reiiev tne bowels, panry tne lloiaa,aad
invigorate tne system and tn coentitotton of tn aai
time. . . ; . : .
flAJNTS. -
When all stimulants fail, the renovating; and bracing
properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking;
nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general
uc uiu tjr .
All irregularities and ailments incident so tbe deli
cate snd sensitive organ of the sex are removed or
prevenieo. oy a tew noses of tftese mild, bat infallible
alterative. No mother who regards ber own or her
children's health should fall to have them within her
Tbe London "'Lancet,'' the London "Medical Review,"
anu tne mom eoiineut ol Urn Taculty in Great Britain,
France and Germany, have eulogized the Pilisand their
inventor . . - . .
HO 1. 1. CUV A VX prr a.a
n thm UTnrM tkw Aly, r " Bow-
ell Complaints, Coushs, Colds. Cbest DiseaaieajCostrre
ness, Dyspepaa. Diarrhoea, Dropsy. Debility. r'fTerBd
Ague, Female Complaints. HesdacAes. Indilioo. In
3aewxa, InrUmnution, Is want vVkness, Ueer; Com
plaints, Lownes of Spirit. J Gravel
Secsmdary SymptotmsT rtral Affectma., Worm, of
A SsttheMnnfctorie of Professor Hoaxowat.
80 Maidvnllne. New York. 244 Strand, London, by all
rntnectahle Druggists and Dealer to Medicine throagh
'ieijnited States and the civilised world, in boxes
st M oento. 6XS TIk. vt.. .
jrj yyjffa tatrVisMwiswAWi) S""5 v mm ssAg tSAo mmm
ffff fllaWBTi ' ' ' ' J'
. - tVtV 4k. OJ illiwniwa nf waiskAywa
Jl !- iWWV - sev B)-aaissil gl IB. , BBmaW UHIV
are amxra gojen twx. azyi -.
HAT Cotton Yarn ha arrived.
3tl -
' C. I. Pillaw.
DEALER In clock, watches andlewelrr Ha- as.
lem, O. T. P.rtlculsr attention ZVU Vj ffS
repairing of watches and clock. Allwork war
rauted. Jewelry repaired at short nutic.
Watch and clock. 8 day striking clocks at a vr
low pric ; slso 30 hour marine clock. "r
Ly" sad gent Brooche, Finger Kings, Ear Bin..
Gold Lack lei, Guard Chain, Ac, Ac. '
Salem. J!y 0, 1847. 17tf r
AUan, lcKlnlay, At Co.,
HAVE Just received a stock of New Goods, np
would invtt J tho who wish to aroeare Cfifi,,
article at rsasonabls prices, to call and se them. Taer
consist in part of til foiiowrng:
t. anai ana w neel Barrowt
Grain Cradle,
Uraw Scythe aad Snaths,
Fane Broom.
Plalu do
Assorted Colored Pails.
Painted Tab,
Fine Washboards,
blacksmith Bellow,
Cross-cot Saws, 7 ft
do ift
Mill Paws, 7 ft
Hair MattraKe. double,
do single,'
Hair Bolsters, double,
do single, f
Bperm Candle,
Adamantine do.,
Orap brand Tobacco, r
pman a
13 teeth
do Brrdo.
Polished bnovel. -Hay
Fork, .
Manor Forks. . . .,
Window Glass 8 by 10
do 10 by 11
do 7 br 9
Window Saahe 8 by 10
do 10 br 11
u now ant) l oses.
ijick do do
LttSnket. Baize, Lindsey .Sheeting. Tkk,Ae.c.
, wmuv, u.ojnj. E7iievtint, j leas, s(,r
. We keep eonxtantlr on hand large supply of
ctos to aaaeroua to meotion.
t BO-
maoy arti-
Oregon CTty .
Get. Iberifcthr ft Co.,
IbfrtfthT. flsrk A Co..
J San Francisco, Cai.. will atu-nd tn u.!iin
produce, and fill orders for Good. Groceries, c. at tbe
lowest rate. Tb patronage of tb ne.f t.i
is respectfully solicited. r .,
August 1, 1S54. lit!
f Jtlenron's Dagnerrean .
:' ' - - - , AKO ......
THE undersigned having recently returned from San
Francisco, i bow prepared to tike those beantifuJ
Pictures on Glass eaJled A MBROTYI'ES, which hve
almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in tie
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in tbe new boiliing. ereeted ttpecialtg for the
butinttt, west of tb Marion H -e.
Salem. November 11, ISIiS. . Sotf .
Wanted. I
rfifin bushel Oat, and &00f) any qnan-
UUUlf ttty m dead awtae, for waicn en wilt t
paiu on delivery.
Oregon tlty,' Nov. i5, 1856.
Oregon and California Paeket Liar.
THE following vesvel will run ia connec-
X tion UEGVLAR LINE between
Ham snd Portland t -- - -
BARK OCEAN BIRD, WHjonss. Vaster,
" ClIAS. DErEJS'R, HsitT, "
" NAHVMKEAU. WtiutM. " f
BRIO J. B. LVNT. RicaaBDsos, "
The Barks have all been coppered recently, and are
In first rata order, commanded by exr-Ci ienred captains.
Frtit'iU trill be carrwd at th latrtli rotes.
Produce erit from any part of tbe counto-y to Oregon
City or to tb Linn City Works, will be received aad
forwarded to Saa Francisco.
" " OregonClty.'
. Saa Francisco. .
November, 8, IMS. S'ltf
- Grain Cradles.
5DOZ. superior, fire fingered grain cradles. Jnt re
ceived and for sale. G. A BERNETH T A CO.
J owe I'.. 1857.
- , Allan, McKinlajr, At Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealer in Dry Gonda, Gro
eerie. Hsrd ware, Ac-, Oregon City , O-T.
Dec 20. 1851. , 40yl
Allan V Lee r Is,
Reynolds & Law.
134 WASBW0T0JI ST., S. T-, ASP F0XT ST., roCTtASTt.
tr-tOMMISSION Merchants and dealers ia sll kind of
KJ Oregon Prvsjnee. Advance made ea e-ooda um.
sqjraeu w wh iwvinciijm mj cMrge.
Office t J. Failing A Co s.
Powder. t
WE hare a large supply of powder in nad.
Oregon City, 3f or. 13, ISiS. $7tf
Parser Hxagingu and Carpeta I
TUST BFCE1YED Per Iste arrivals, by FRANK
I BAKER, 110 aad 112 Clay street. Saa Francisco
BOO cases fsper Hangings, trench end Amert
ean evety variety ;
. SOOO rolls French and American Borders
615 ps Tapestry Brussels Carpets; ,
. Soo ps Tapestry Velvet Carpet;
- 830 ps Thiee-Ply Carpet;
, 3fs psSuperfiue Ingraia Carpets; .
350 ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpet; '
-; ' 100 ps Cotton asd Wool Carpets; - - '
s 125 p Stair Carpets, assorted; ,
205 ps Bay State Druggi-ts; , '
'"'"600 ps Oil Clotbs.aaorted; ' -125
p Silk Damask aad Brneatolla;
800 ps Cotton and Worsted Damask:
' 4000 pair Window Shades ;
' S75 pair Ijlce Cnrtun;
J.Wt pair Muslin Curtains;
S000 Cornices and Curtain Bands;
S75 dozen Matt, asserted;
Stair rod. Table Com, Gimps. Fringe, ire.
Wholesale aad Retail, by
- r? : 110 A 112 (lay stv. San Francisco.
Orders from the country 14 with cars and dis
patch. 17m3
Tne Oregon Statesman.
fcdrprmdatt Jomrmat, linuXrd lo Paiilir. General
.. JntmUigrmct, fl-tu. rutnnxta at SxUrm, Ot egom. .
ASAHEL BCSH, Proprietor, Poblther, and Editor.
The States-man is Democratic In prTtics. and lbnr
rmghly Natfcmal in its character. It t hostile to every
imti d tinnai s m . fanat ir-im mnA i .....1
(and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate)
aay of to itt""" rv ;
letffe-lation. .
It will advocate all practical measure of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple admintratka of
our lscal government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca
pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability of tbe Btcrr to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating the puLlie mind, ia a man
ner fearless, impartial, and just.
Its New Department will be edited with mech
attentioa,ad autniug will be spared te fornksh early,
accurate, asd comprehensive publication cvi the cm
rent intelligence. - - -
Tl Statesman has a larre. widelr scattered ann1 m.
excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete-
Dne attention is also paid to tb publication of Viacel-
lany. Agricultural and Literary matter. .
In this pc-per are puhlu-bed tbe law, resolution. and!
treaties of tbe United States, aad the laws and reaola
tiona of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Th'
paper is printed on new material, and upon a sheet of
the largest size. .
Statesman. Book, and Job COrce.
WE have Throe Presses, tbe best facilities tnr Book -priotiug
north of California, and an e tensive aa. -sortmeotof
Josbixg MarewaL of every kind; and. with '
master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and'
in a workman-like manner, all order in tb above de
partments, snch as
lioocs, ...
PaxBTHtaers, " Norxaor Haira,
Huikiua. - Oatwa Books,
Bau. Ticxxts, .-- ; . Stbsstbo t Bills, Stexxbot Caeis.
brrirarsoM. . t Law
Brent-ass casuas, Lunnctrts.
Bii ir'"- " Sbow Bilu,
Cocsst Bills, Cukcs Ejoa.
PBOoaaDr. Et'iRicnm,
., Aooaass Caxos. Dkatts.
Blaxk or all Krsos. Ac Ac. Ac.
Law of Newspapers.
1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to th
contrary, are considered aa wishing to continue their
S. If subscribers order papers discoeitlnoed, Publiahers
may continue to send them till all charges are paid.
X. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers
from the office or place to which they are sent, they or
held responsible nntil they settle their bill sad giv no
tjee todjseontiaa them. -
4. If subscribers move to other places without Icformin. . -
the Publisher, and the paper is sent to tbe forme? ibJ
tion, they are held respojasiTJte.
5. Tne courts nave oecioea utat reiuaingto take a pa. -'
iter or neriodical from tbe office, or removinc , JTZ .
iag it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of iutentkma
ss- Postmasters would oblige, by a strict rnJmi. .
of the regulations reqmrma; them to aotify PubBsbers
one in three mUlta,of papers not taken from tkejA
nffiee hv subseribers.
- to ,