The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, October 20, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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7ho City Book-Otoro,
V . (fROST ST., PORTLAND, , O. T.,1
A. U. SUIPLKY & Co.,
Have In Btore, anil will be receiving by th 1st of June
O o o o o
Which they offer to the
At null advance on New York price.
Airs aa ft Mil, or send as an order, aud we are
aosad to give yon aatlofactlon 1
A. H. Shipley Co.,
An the Sols Xatsnt In Oregon tod Washington Ter
ritorie for the sale of
A ORSAT BOOK 1 1 Being the only political history
of the United State
east a your . Price-tl 03 : Payable oa de
HMt of book. Can deliver by tbo 11 of September
" e aU who Mad a their name by a of May.
Cttr'ie ef Part f tur Slock :
uhu Sander' old 1st. Id, Sd. th, and Sth.
mm tha Young Ladle'; Sander New 1st, tit, 3d,
tthand tht larkers'-lst. td. 8d, th and Mh; Mc-
SlaEy5-!". td. Sd. 4th and th. ;
BrAt?- Sanders' Old, Sander New; Eletnen-
jIS1nM. 5vmd-rV Pictorial, School and Parker's.
Oatsaaarnta Mitchell's, Ancient antl Modern, Ol
aey'a. MorWs, McNalley'a, and Monteith "a 1st and
td Btmh.
II iraa tries. Arlthmetlea Thomson's, Tahtes,
stent!. Analyst. Practlral. and Higher; DavW Pri-
atary, intellectual, ocnuoi una tmiiu, c?wuu
rViloiirns--lUv's Stoddard's; Davie Algebra, Sur-
vevm-. Geometry. Practical Mathematics, Math. li
ttonarv. Logto of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry
and Palloaopny or jLainemaiirs.
UnnmiM. Green t Urke's Billion'
a-utsm. Silencer's Tower's.
PaiUoruia. Parker Wt Lesson, Juvenile and
School; Cootstork a raiu a. Q.
u.. wiUnn'a I uremic, and united State
Parleys Universal; WUlard Ualversal, and United
ctna). Cooper" Yirall: Andrew' !.atla Rea
Act- Viri Rma; Andrew' Latin Grammar; Met ha
tack' lt and td Book in Latin, and do. in Greek; An
then' Greek Grammar and Reader; Johnson Cicero.
Pamaailc a Frenca tiraminar ana wesuer; nirj
" iirmmr and Reader. Tclemaoue. Greek IV
.. s-..k .irinihi: Surrenne French IHc-
Andrew Latia d. Liddell A Scott Greek
a a 1'lMural do. Smith' do d'.
Wshster's School. Ililth do. Ac
domic. Uairewity, Koyal 8ro, Uaabridjed aud CoWj'
u.. . ..Mm Mtllxon's Astronnmr. Newman
fecaarif. Wood'a B rtany. Kama Element of frit-
DtrM.' xi.U la lonivilion. Parker txer
ciaca. Brookdeld'a fomtilUin. stcPJUntta miuir
Aaalnar. do. Analytical M.tuual. Parkers Word
Bulkier. Mayhew' U kiIc Keeping. Wayland'a Moral
PAler'a Xattiral Ilieuloay. rea
tara for Schoola. Upham' InteHectiial Philj)hr.
, fiahan do, da. Miltoa; loonj; nHiwun '"'"or
aa: (Editioa for School) Cutter Anatomy aoc
hrinlaT. American Debater. Newman P riitica
teJLmm ttitehcni-k'a GeolocT. tireit variety of
M.k; .-.I RiM.Miti.m. All kinds of BchiHd f-Uti ni
ary; Btetea of all eixe; Drawinn Bks; Drawing
Paper; Perforated Card Bard; Bntil BjarJ: IVociL.
aad Broahe; tMnom Color; inaiuna. eery n
and tjle, Ac. Ac. Ao.
Hirroar Kam-roft United State. olnme
' rSUdnth' do. do. ndnmea. Prost" Pirtorial United
Btaae. Taylor" do, do, do. B'Hta'a Ht. Revolution.
ni. Ja. WiUnn' United Stale. Wiilard'a .
HTM. Indian War United States. Wtllard'a Universal
Biatory. Muller'a da d, Kotteck'a Hit. World I or
1 aolaiaea. RoUin' Ancient History. Fair' do, do.
Ifane Kaglaod. Uaeaolay'a d -, complete. Pickett
Child' dt. Linard' do. tiibbon' U me. D'Au
Um'i Reformation. Hana' M. B. Church. Alltoo'a
taiape. It and td Serwa. IYeeotf Work. Ujrder
itL- of RrliTion. Hwt. of Council of Trent. Jw
-- All of Abbott' Hi tone. HUtnrival Cabinet.
Uuevas of Spain. Quren of Scotland, lleln Soauwh
iWubiU. Brace H.mirary. Kidder's UcxiU Ku-
fcul? Rrssil. PHev a L'uH-etiiwl. Ui.-t H- trf Cm
aadea. Aacient KgrpUan. H-ilUm' MM.lle Are.
Hiatorv for II jv. U niier" Child United SUtes.
liHdM'a Field Uoik of Rerolution.
RincBirar-PlnUrch' Lived. IJfe Brant. Won
derful Charartera. Vireat and Celebrated Character.
Live of the Signer. Autobiography or Tiniey. La
MArtine Celebrated Chrcten. Li I e of Adam "Isrke.
4a Bnhop Heddin;. do Niebnhr. do Gen. lUrriaon.
4a Daniel Boone, do Robert, do Lafayette, t'ap-
iaiea of ll-wnan RrabUe and Old t orui. itr. c nai
aara, 4 vM. Live of Hamboldu. Mr. R.ffer.
Xoaart. Waaler. Fletcher. Life and Time r Clay
IrTin' Wahio2t n. Kminent Mechanic. Liregt;
Jackaoa. Gra. Green. Joan of Are. LAdy JaneUrey.
J. O. Adam. Julienne. Daniel Webster: Kin;: l
Rome. Kins and Queen. l.iebmU. Lives t the
Pope. Precott'i Philip 2d. Miry aad Martha Wuh
in dm,. Pioneer Womea the West.
Tbatbxs. Hnck'a Cliiua. Anneanian. Stephen'
Ern. Una Travel. Monro Partt. tle .te
Atrea on Maaqnit j Sh-re. Bayard Tajior'a Trav
km. atn'i Trav,. in the East.
Bc'laarinc. BraaJ-:' iC.icyi-lopela. Physical Geoc
rashv of the Sea. W.d' Ntiu-1 HMorv. Lardner'a
I ri tm Useful Alt'. Cmo. Mathematical Dic
tionary. Lojie of Mathematiit. Wonder of S-iience.
Mliehcil'a PlaneUrv and Stellar W.m Id. Loom a' Re
cent Prnjrreaa of Antcon-nny. Smith" Iietmnry of
Art aad science, tvioan Hyaraniica. utcc s woraa.
Tarioaa worka oa Architecture.
PoataT. Byroa rarioos atylea. Shakespeare, do.
ITiltoa. do. Burna, do. Hetnan, do. M nre. do.
Taoaaaaoa. Toanr. Pollock. Tapper. Cowper. Pope.
Camooell. Wadmrortti. t)n. uonwromery. ivirk
White. Female Poets of England, do. do. Americi
aad aaaav other.
Booas or RsreaRXCK Cyclopedia of Georraphy
do. do. PItio Arta. do. d-K Bioffraphy. L:-rful Arta.
lfcCoUoch,a Gazetteer. Harper's Universal Gazetteer.
- Fbuit axa Ao.:ci"Ln"ajiu. uiiots rniti u
Tkomaa'do. Powuing s do. Barry's d). Keowix'en's
Fanaer and G inlener. Fruit. Flower and VeceUille
Gardeaer' Coatpauion. Allea on the Grape. 14 idee
Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm B-k.
AIIm'b DomeMic Animal-. All of Soxton's Haad Book.
waika oa Hone, Cattle, boeep, Hg, Ac
TaaoLoaioAt. A Riuiuiof. Harmay and Exnoi
ttoa of Gospel. Neander's Life of Chri-t. Butler's
Worka. Kaapp' ChnsUan Theology. Western ileth
e4isaa. Morrt-V Misccllauie. Lectures on Ruu inism.
Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on RomSoi?m. Barnen'
Kotos. Clarke's Commentary. Beiuon's do. Jay's
Exercise. Wataoa'a Institutes. Larrabee' Kvidem-e.
Butler's Ethical Iecoujse. Rogers' E-lipe of Earth,
do. Beasoa and Faith. Foster Christ. Perfection.
Baker oa Discipline. Writings of Armiaius. Jahn'
Biblical Archaydojry. Bibles, all sizes and price, from
$1 to 320. Testament. (Treat variety. Methodist
llvam. Christian Uymn Book". Chnrch Psalmist.
Ptvnsoath Coilectioe. Select Melodies. Christian
Ma-Dfcax. Bachan Family Physician. Hydro-
Ax Hnmaoathie Works.
MidcaxLAXKor. Constitutions of United Statesv
Xaybew Popolar Education. Crabbe's Synonym.
Ptatt'a Book of CnnMit:e. OOd tellowa Manual.
HesdleVs Work. 14 vol.. Mrs. TutbiU'a, 6 vols. Lav
ard's Nineveh. Bizelow' Useful Art. Harwell's Ka-
riaeer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
ITnnarledTe. ParkMadison. PernviaB Antiouitiea,
Way Down East. Pyndinrt. Ike M rvel' Works.
Henderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles
la Eagbuid. Tales and Reveries. excellent Temper
aaea Book.l Money Maker. Escaped Nun. New
Mar. rH-V Wilson. Mm. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil-
W'a Red Sandstone. d-. Footprints of Creat r.
vMn Lad:s' Counsellor. Yonng Man's do. Pictnial
r-.thma Thomson' Lect. t Y. Men. Courtita
tooaal Text B 10k. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
eaa Hooaewire. Hair Hours with Old Humphrey.
Athens: it Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedirwirk's
do. New Ml. Tale. Code bam s Farm
I'Mirr, Arthnr's Soccetsful Merchant, do. Tuls. Mrs.
Partiartoa. Horace Translation. Vir(pl do. Mrs. (Jar
lea Works. Heroine of Hixtory. Iand and Sea
IWt aad Part. Sea and Sailor. Shin and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irvinir
CiJnnln. Tvmir Imk Ahead. City of New York.
Livwa Orator of America. Yonnjt Man Advised. M is-
Tonzaand Pene. Truth Stransrer Than Fic
tioa. Kaoat and the Rassians. Hydrapsthic Cook
Bank-. IlMtb Bed Scenes. Gift Bk for Yonnir Men
4a. '4a. Ladies. Anecdote for Girls, do. do. Biys.
gnarinta of Famous men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Wort?. Advice to Yonnjt Men. Teasant boy philoso
pher. Abbott a Marco Paul Books, do r ranconia.
Aad a aumbcr of other too anmeroas to ennmemte.
CoaataatlT receiving large additions to the foregoing.
SraTttwaar- Foolscap Paper (Treat variety. Let
er do, do, ptaia and irilt. Note do, do, do. d-v. Envel
aiaji all styles. Ink aU kinds. Pens and Holders
Lreat variety. Blank Books all size and style.
IfeViraadnm, THaries, Pas Book. Time Bks
Pancr Catter. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Rooks.
UtWraphic (PriuU a large variety. Wrapping Pa-per-iood
vanety- Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, c
Ftaai.r. we have a rood variety of
Miano Books New Carmiaa Sacra. Alpine Glee
Shaacr, Dalcirser. Chora Glee Book. M etropolitan do.
atvd Melodiaa. Chrtetiaa Psalmist. Piano Iostrue
ra. Oattardo. Flute do. Accord do Violin do
Matodaoado, Plvmooth CoUection with Hauc, Sheet
iTosie. .
t tad the moat varied assortment of Statiosekt ever
ff:f-d ia Orecoa.
thU stock i all bought in Sew York and other
aaaera eMes and aoM at - - - -
aV We keep oa hatd School Book In larje innn
ra, sacether with most of the pnblications of
Farper A Brothers;
1 arby A Jarkson
fc Ivfcwm Ph raey; "
'. Pbalrn A Samson; . - ?
' " A. 8. Barnes A C04
;-w, Ortna A Mulliraa;
tearyAGeta; -
A-0stoi: and other.
"rW aakyour patrons rr. If imaMe V Twit a
a4 exaatine oor atork. roar orders will be attended to
a the aaaae terms sa if rsa liongUt ia person.
Iad,lfa50,i57- ttf
Cooks and Ctatlonery.
at rne orkoos oirr roar orrtca bi'iloino.
WOUUn respect fulty call the attention ofhl frlenil
and tlis nubile to tha tSi.-t that he has on hiltid.
and keep constantly sumilied a Kb a large- atork of
of all kind, whh h henrlVr fur sale, fur cash, at the
above building. Ill prttent (tuck i comprised, la
part, of the tallowing, viz :
Dregm SUtute. sesHlon law of Oregon session
IHtii '7; WiHhlnit-m Irv nir works; Hi J II old Com-
narative rhvslocwmiv: Discovery and Fxploratlnn ol
the MiMiai'pi: Scar' American Hcmlutiun; Sear1'
Family Annual, Wilson' Knya and Mlscellauies; Be-
thnne' Poems; Life or the r iiiprmr Napoleon, by I .oik
, . , . . . 1 . i. i 1 ... I 1 1'.. r a . 1 . .1. .
narX Lives 01 llir I immcqi" .uv wi niiiHCW4VH9uni
Webster' Life aud his Masterpiece; B.incrolt Life
of Washington; i.ue and speeciiet or Henry Clay
Buffoa'a Natural HKtory; Jusephu' complete Works
Ijtne'a Brigade m Mexico: Oliver Cromwell; A Ten
nessean Abnatd; Indian W ars of the United State
The B ok of the Ocean and Life on the Sea; Mia Hall's
Practical Cookery: Mr. Hale1 New Cook Book; The
imnrovea nonaewiie, nr Hooa or iirrelpta, by Mrs. A.
L. Webster; History or the Mormon rrom tlicir origin
to the present time; Fern leaves from Fanny' Port
ronos; 1 ne spectator, ny tllagdon; Tunia-r a Proverbi
al Philosephy: luis Naoolemi and the Ronanarte Fam
lly; ThoraiMon' Seasons: Young' Night ThoughU;
Paradise Lout; Poll ik's Course of Time; Retijaiiiln's
rngnins rroeresa; American tiwn llooa; me onI
Illustrated SO Engraving; Life and Es-y id Bcnja
min Franklin: Life of Wahititrton. Iv Soarks: Com
stork a System of El iciMion; Freran ta Exploring Y-X-
pedition thn ugh Oregon and Calirornla: Pivtoiinl His
tory of All Nation, by Goodrich: Benton' .10 year In
the U. S. Senate: Bvrrn' Works; Preseott' Biogra
phies and Critical Miscellanies; Preseott' Continent of
Mexico 3 vols; Frescott Fenlimind and lsalMlla 3
!: Preseott's Riihertson'a HiKtnre of I'lisrles ft 3
vols; Pre-ott' 1st and id Philip; Milmsn Gibbon's
Rome: li llin' Ancient History; I'lntarcli Lives; Ms
canley's History or England; Kick's Works; Cumtnlng'
lectures; Webster American Family cyclopedia'
8-ott's Nspoleon: Chamtwr' Information for the Peo
pie; Lite In the Itinerary; Life at Gen. Lafayette: The
Young American' Lite of Fremont; History of Ire
land, hv Mooney: Heavenly Home; Carlyle's New Es
says; British and American Female Poets: Burna
complete Works; Moore' Poetical Works; Burns' Po
etical Work; Mr. Hemsn's Poetical Works; Milton'a
Complete Work; Topper ' Complrle Works; Life and
Beauties of Shakespeare; Arabian Nights; Balloon
Travels In E impe; Lavnrd Discoveries at Nlnevah
Wheenlev'a l?omnend of llistorv- llesiller'a Mlsrells
n'es1 March Reminiscence of Congress; Thaddeiis of
Warsaw: The Planter's Victim: Melbourne and the
Chinrha Islands; Knit' Sacred Hiot-'ry; Pennshnrst
his Wanderings and Wsy of Thinking: Robinson
Crusoe: Children of the Alibet : Indian Battles, Cai.tlr
itles and Ad-entnre; Dream and Realities of a las.
tor and Teacher: The Ship Carpenter' Family; Yirto.
rla, or the World Overcome; Bible and Te-'taments;
Webster's Dictionaries large and small; Gunn' Cele
brated itomestis Meilicints; tnon fateni termons. oy
!ow. Ir; Ijirtmer Uttleirooil. fcso: Arthurs Tale
Thomson" Practical ArithmrKie; Calhoun lrMelle-tnl
Arithmetic; Vocal and lntntnentnl Note Books; Mit
chell's Geography and Atlas; Yenatt on the Structure
nd diseases of the H re: Sax ton Rural Hand Books
Cole' AmeHi-an Fruit B'ok: Downlng'a Rural Evs:
Downing" Fruit and Fruit Tree of America; F.lliotfa
etem I- nut Book; Amencnn Cattle Ioctor.liy IMdil
Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion
American Fruitl'ultarist. hjr Thimis; The Strs-vberrr
Cnllnre. hv Psnlee; American Ponltrv Yard, bv Rrown
Yonatt on the Management and ftneea of Sheen
Note, Letter and Foolcap paper: Pens and Pen' old
er; Sand and Sand-Mxes; Black, nine and Red Inks
Plain and Fancy Envelopes; Slates and Slate Papcils
tl I r I . a
iiiiii h ii-n'iv-, nr., t 1
Oregon City; June 23, 1R.17. litf
riHE subscriber would respectfully inform their eus-
A lomer ami tue puinic general y mat i!iey nave un
hand, and. are in cmstant receipt of goods Iroru Sen
Francisco and New York a large and well-e-
lected stock eonlting in part of
Alura. allspi.-e, an I alpacca.
IVmm-t--, bcrages, and Ito. linen.
Cambric, era. . and calico,
D'Haestic ile lames, and damask.
Edging, embroidery and everything.
Flannels, trinees, and fancy nxiu's.
Ginghams, gaiters and skives,
Hsndkercbiets, Uoe aud hair pins.
Iron. ink. and inserting.
. Jaeonet.jeana.and Java coffee.
Knives, kid gloves, arid knitting plus,
lotwns, lard and Liverpool salt.
Mustard, mirrors, snd matches.
Needles, nsils. and nice thing.
' Kia, overshirta, and Oxl nig tea.
Pins, pants, aud paper,
V tills, quills, and iueensware.
Ribbons, razors, and rat trap.
Silks, sugar, and shaving soap.
Tea. tobacco, and turpentine.
Umbrellas, nnder-oleevrs. and useful things.
Veils., and vinegar.
Wreathes, w.silen gtvxls, wafBe-irona,
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee action.
Zinc, and cephrr worsted,
Ac, Ac, and o 00,
Beside many other article too numerous t- mention
The ladis will Had in their department a large stock
of raney g.iod. direct from New oiK. which Is ntt
asually kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will lie in
constant receipt alcq"te to the wants or tie ladles
The Gentlemen's lepartment of furnii-hlng e'ds
will seldom lie e-mailed, snd en-elle J by none in Salem
IHO.V. Theblicksmitlisand iron dealers will always
and A well-selected sto- k of all sixes and shape, to-
rether with a good assortment or iron axles, from I4i
a in to 1 x 1 1 inches, which ae are selling at Portland
price, adding freight.
We are nreiiared to receive all kinds of produce iu
exchange for good, and (lo money. For full parUcn-
larscait ana examine tor yourselves.
Salem. Feb. 10. 1-', 7. . 4tf
L. P. Fisher's
A PVEBTI5IXG Agency. San Francisco Xo. 17U
XX Wa-limgt n street, up stair, nearly opposite to
Jiaguire s ii;era House.
L I', r iSHKit is tiie autuorized Agent or me
DBEOorc SrATtJinaN;
Marysville Herald;
Sacramento Union;
San Joaquin Republican. Stockton;
Pacitlc Methodist, Stockton;
Sonora Herald;
Nevada Journal:
Grass Valley Telegraph;
Red Bluff Beacon;
Columbia tiazette; .
Mojitiin IemKTat,riarTll!e;
T.ioliiuine t"onrier;
Calvarez Chronicle. Mokelnmne Hilt;
El lKirado lem'K-rat;
Shasta Courier;
Maripoa tSazctte;
Yreka Weekly Union;
Trinity Jitunnl, Weaverville;
Iowa llill News;
Weekly liedirer. Jackson;
San J use Telegraph;
Sonoma County Journal;
Folsom Dispatch;
California Mining Journal;
Los Angeles Star;
Santa Barbara Gazette;
San Diego Herald:
Almeda Cjunty Gazette;
Placer Courier. Yankee Jtm's
Xapa County Reporter;
Sierra Democrat, Downicville;
Humboldt Times;
Oregonian. Portland. O. T.
Pacific Christian Advocate.Salera, 0. T.
Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. 0. T.
Pioneer and Democrat. Olympia. W. T.
Washington llcpnblibao, Stcilacoom, W. T.
Poyncsisn, llolulu, S. I.;
Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I.
Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico;
Hongkong Register.
L. P. F. has now completed his arrangements for
the forwarding of advertisements to nil the principal
largest circulating Journals and Newspapers jnibliMied
in the Atlantic States.
A line opoortunity is here offered to those who wish
to advertise in any part of the Union, of doing so at
the lowest rates, aud in a prompt and satisfactory man
ner. August 25, 1837. Jttf
Salem Drug Store.
FRONT Strctt. Rector' building. Constantly
on band a full assortment of Dkcos. Mkiu-
cixrs. Paikts, Oil3 axd Drs srurrs, Patknt
Mkdicikem. 4c.
n short almost every article usually found In a Drug
Store, and are offered at WHOt.icsai.B and Retaii., at
extremely low rates, in quantities to salt warranted as
aa ukdeks pot.ictTrn. Tna
Prescription free of charire at office.
tar Prompt attention will be given to professlonai
calls in the City. A. M. BELT, M. D.
Salem. O. T.. Jnne 2. 13.57. 12tf
r hereby given, that C. S. Woodwortli is anthorized
to transact my personal bosinc-a dunnc; my absence.
Salem , Jnne 17. 1SS7.
For Sale.
WILL sell one half of the land claim known
as the Dwight Pommy claim. Said half
adjoin Mr. Peter H. Hatch s and I almnt
wo miles rrom Oregon t-ity, on we upper Wil
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the
oronerty. lying and situated In toe beautiful and rapid
ly growing town of Corvallis, Benton Co., and known
as the " Thomas" property, consisting of four lot of
land, toe-ether with all the buildioirs thereon. Said
property ia in a beautiful location, and both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at caxh
urioe. Inquire of th subscriber, at his store in Ore
iron Citv. in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Averv.
in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis. .-
Also, ul 16) Iota 01 tana in uregnn wuy. ;
Oregon City. March 1.JS57. ltf
KEGS Ronton Syrup for sale.
S. J. McCormlcks
Franklin Ecc!i Ctorot
HAS constantly on hand large stock of Boom and
Stationery, which he tell at a (mall advance on
l'tLisiii:iiH ln tens.
I A catalogue- may be seen lu the Oregon and
Washington Almanac for 1HA?. Book ordered there
from sent postage free to any part of either Terrrltory.
Portland, Fro. 34, IfMT. 0yl
Corrnllla Drug Store.
JR. CARD WELL. Druggist and Apntheeary, Is eon-
Htantly receiving, er California steamers, large
and carefully selected stork of Drug and Medicines,
Oil. Paints, Varnlth, Soaps. Perfumeries, Toilet Fur
niture. Stationery, and all article usually kept In Drug
Store. Agent rorJaynes, and other patent medicine,
which will tie furnished at California, wholesale price.
r Oapcas aoMutTin. ft
Corvallis, Msrf.lRIT. 12tf
illachtmltlt aHtt ottieras Ioott.
ALLAN MuKlXLAY CO. have now on band a
large and well selected stock of
Bar Iron, Cast Steel,
Hotv shoe do., German do..
Nail rid do.. Plough do.,
Plate do..
And Intend to keep np the assortment o as to suit the
wants or customer. Hire ns a call, and yon will flrd
tltat we not only have the fullest Mock, but will sell
" as cheap a the cheapest." Wo are constantly receiv
ing addition to our assortment, ao a to replace what
I od.
Oregon Pity. Dec, tl. IS38. 4ltf
lletiry Joltnaon Co.
(lid Waahlr.gtm Street, San Franetoeo.)
Ofler for sale to the country trade, the largest stork
of goods In their line on the Paeilla eot compri
sing I Iru -s . Chemical. Perfumery, Patent Medicine of
all kind. Brushes. Paint. Oils, Glass, Turpentine, and
every arll -le appert iltilng ta the basinass. Having sn
perior facilities for obLaining their goods the think
they can ntter inducements' ta buyer unequalled by
any oilier nisire.
Order respectfully aollclted. tOly
Now .llecelTing
rpHE following article from Bark Ocean Bird and for
x a:e tow.
60 gross matches ;
l.M) kegs of svrup ;
AO h. bbls. X. tl.augar ;
10 bbls. crushed (ugor ;
50 boxes candle ; .
10 bbls. vinegar ;
t cae tea :
1 5, doa. brooms ;
10 do, buckets ; .
t ra-ic men' fine calf boot ;
t " " calf brogana ;
1 " " goat "
3 boy' brogsn ;
3 " youth' calf brogana;
1 women' M'meco boot ;
t " " ' Imitation boots ;
3 " Mle' boots ; ,
, 17s pair children' shoe ;
12 straw cutters ;
21 grain cradle ;
I reaper;
I two horse thresher:
Oregon Cltv. June I. lt. I ttf.
C til AIM PUMIVS. monkey wtanuUes,
match planes, sci-ew arm,
sa-ib plahes,
horse sh-ies and nail t- fit,
gun lock.. plugs and nipple,
tnlie. bullet m Milds,
Wosenholm's 1X1. pocket knives,
pruning and building knives,
rat traps fo ra.'c sijati-rWs. at
llootis aud Statioiicrr.
Parker 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th and 5th,
Sanders do do d-t do
McGulTva da do do d
Dsvles' arithmetic.
University and Common School,
Intellectual and primary,
Ihivies' Bounlon algebra,
l?endre. surveying,
tieometry and trigonometry.
Key to lis vies' Arithmetic, " ,
Thompson's sritiimetic,
Parker' philosophy,
juvenile s'ld lt lessons,
Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's,
Geographies Mitchell's, Monteitb maun!.
Moiiteith' 1-t lessons,
M iio Lnte of Zios. New Carmln Sacra,
Chriitian Palmlt, Missouri Harmony,
Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at MOORES'
fTtll E Judge of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
a. tfregon, assemoied at uie seal 01 tioscrnmenl on
the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty-
seven, d 1 fix and apXint District Courts, to lie held m
village of Beburg, In the eoutity or D mgla on the
firt Mondays, or Man-b. Ma. September and Novem
her.aaiinaliv. until otherwise ordered, and do limit the
GEO. II. WhT-TaMS. Chief Justice.
4ltf M. P. DEADY, AsK-late Justice.
At Kuseiie Gitr.
THE snbscrilier lias si Eugene City. .ne of the best
renersl asstrtiuent of Di v tSonfls. GrrM-erlea. Hard.
ware. Root and Shoas, and all articles kept in a gene
ral nniiiiii sxore. o ue" usina 10 uregn. Ile Is con
stantly receiving fresh additions to his stork, and al
ways keep it up. My rood are now all received dirtct
from San Francisco, a here I have a resident airent. All
kinds of farmer' produce received In exchange for goods
I pay higher price for produce, and sell good cheaper
.1 .1 . I.. .1 - "
luau any umcitwic iuue scrriiury.
Eugene City. July I. IS . liitf
Salt! Salt!!
QnTONTR"S!a Qientln" SALT. Id abont rO and
aJJ 100 lb. bags, just received and for sale very rhean
.11 K. ...... ... ,
Oregon City, Dec. 8
, lftd.
ValMable Farm for Sate.
rTPHE undersigned now ofiVr his valuable
X larm ror sole, situated on Spring Creek, dl'i
in Marion t o., ii. 1., one and .a Half mile li-tl
south or McKinnav's Mill, on the County road
running Irmi Salem tasnid Mills. It contains C40 acre.
of which 4i0 acres isumlera gvl substantial stnke
and rider fense. one hundred acre in good cultivation
two hundred line bearing fruit trees, a good farm
house, t -get her with other out buildings. Said farm is
well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising
and wheat growiug of any farm in the Territory. Said
farm has been settled since ltj. mid was among the
first claims taken in Marion Co. Any person desirous
of bnvmg a good farm, witu a line money, will do well
to coll at the residence of the undersigned.
Spring Creek, March 30. 1?57. 4tf
House, Carriage, Sisrn, and Steam
' m . . . . . r
oat i Hiiiiui;.
C A. REED having esttbiished bis Paint shop in
. Salem, Is prepared to execute with dispatch nil
b bi the above line. Banners. Standards, aud Em
blem, for societies painted on silk, satin, velvet or mus
lin. Paints of all colors and descriptions mixed, ready
for oc. for sale at his shop ; also White Lead. Linseed
Oil. Turpentine and, Wall paper aud Border.
Window glass, raiui orusues. groining vxm, dec. Di
rections uiven iu painting, also in graining Imitation
or wood, sione or marine.
TV II iinlera T mm alimao nrsmnllr alfencliHl to
All job iutrasted to his care warranted to give satis
Salem. Jan. 6. 1&7. 43yl
STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber,
living in Albany, Linn Co.. O. T.. on or
aliout the first of December, l.5;,one sor
rel horse, blaze faced, right hip knocked
down, branded on near shoulder O. T., vented V, hair
brand. No other brands or marks recollected. Any
one reiuruing saiu nurse will oe noeraiiy rewarded.
J. M. aluCON NELL.
Albany. January 17. 17. tiitfnaid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
IT is often the ease that persons suffer for a long time
with a curable disease from the fact that they do not
know where to go to find relief. I am prepared to re
move all Tumors, Cancers and Diseased Bone to re
duce dislocated jo'nts of longstanding, straighten, wry
necK, emu loot, auu to correct an ueiorniuy nr iuc
race and eyelids. D. G. CAMPBELL, M. D.
corvallis, u. 1. May f, 9tf
Salem Bath House.
OPEN every Wednesday and Suturday,
and Sunday mornings until 10 o'clock.
Single Tickets, 31.00.
Per dozen. 36,00.
To be had at the house. Terms cash.
Salem, July 14. 1S57. lSm3
DR. J. R.CARDWELL, DeuUJ Snrgeon, Corvallis.
in his profession, at Corvallis, Eugene City. Win.
Chester, Scottsbarg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques
tionable; charges respectable: work, warranted. Teeth
examined, and advice given free of charge.
ins Dimcc Klveu ui cunjiB ui uuicc.
April 28. 155. 7tf
Lrook Here.
A LL persons that are indebted to James Strang, are
A requested to call and settle their accounts by the
L5th of May, and all those who do not. will find their
account iu the hand of John D. Boon, Justice of the
Peace. Having arid my Tin establishment in Salem, I
want to settle up my account. J AMES STRANG.
Salem, April 21. 157. 6tf
DRY-GOODS for Ladies and gentlemen, in great va
riety, at - 26tf . MOORES'
1 f BALES Drills just received and for sale
Jnne 15, 1857. istf
TONS assorted iron, just received at
I. J. Thiyer,
In Corvallis. Benton Co., O. T., opposite to the
City Hotel In said town. .- ttf
W. W. Page. "
lem. O. T., OlhVa, Hrst door aouth of the States
man Orllce, np atnlra. . tutf
w. h. rAaaaa. LAMaiMO btout.
Purrork Stont,
Chancery and Admiralty. ...
4 Office on Front street, one door north of the
Portland. O.T.. July 10. 1887. tf
I. R. Smith.
Solicitor in Chancery, CorvallU O. T.
t. M.aaiTB. Sttf
I. W. Kltchell,
gene City, Lane Conntp. O. T.
J L. COOMBS. M. D.. Sitrgein, Ao. SPECIALTY
.DISEASES OF TUB EVE. CorvallU, Oregon.
September 21. 150. IHm.'l
lai Friatltto Adrerlislng knwf
r' P. FISH PR, lmn bi.llding. opposite Pacific Express
J Office, up stslra. File of nil theprincliNirl'apersof
California and Oregon may le found at thi office. Mr.
Fisher la the authorized Agent ror the Statesman.
: I'heilcr N. Ttrrr.
inlssloner of Deeds, and to Like testimony, ac
knowledgment. Ae.. Ac., for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri,
Michigan. California and Washington Territory, let
ters of Attorney, and all other instrument of writing,
drawn on short notice.
Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collection uf Nutes, Accounts, Ae, 32ti
Btite It KcEwon,
J llcltor In Chancery, Proctor, Ac, in Admiralty,
Portland, Oregon.
Ilttrdlas 4 Grorer,
Solicitor ia Chancery. Office near the Court-house,
Salem. O.T.
Geo. I. Shell,
Solicitor la Chancery, will practice in the various
court of Oregon aud Washington Terriloriea. Office,
Salem, O. T.
DeltUB Smith,
Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all
business pertaining to his iirofe-sdon lit the tint Judicial
District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregun.
Office. Aliwny, l.inn Coorty. O. T.
N. R. When not at hit offlre. or absent on profes
sional business, he may b found at hi residence, live
mile sisitli east of Aloany, on what ia knvwn aa th
"Grand Prairie."
II. G. Burnett,
S dicilor in Chancery. Bethel, Polk County. O. T.
MaylH, 1S57. fltf.
W. S. Brock,
Solicitor In Chancery, will pra' tice in the various
courts in thi Territory, and promptly attend to the col
lection of all claims against the United State, through
an efficient agent residing at Washington City. Office
in Eugene City. Lane County, O. T.
It. E. Stratton,
A TTORXEY AT LAW, will practice in the various
I A courts or southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
Court of the Territory.
Orrica In Deer Creek, Dougls eonnty, O. T. Resi
dence mile .north of w incheeter, oa the Willamette
N. B. Bmnty Land Warrant obtained for claimant
on reasonable terms. 23tr
Chad trick fc Uibbs,
il licltur in Chancery. e. Ofll.-e at Winrhe-terand
ttanliner. S. F. Cbadwicc. Winchester. Dougtaa Cos,
u. 1 . a.c. ttiaas, uaraiuer, l mpqua Co., o. 1.
Nov. 9, IWJ. SJtf .
a. a. aaaiti'M. j. a. witaos
llarnum k Vllson.
XX lem. Oregon. I'artlcular attention eiven to tbe
collection of note aud account, aud e.aim against
Bvint T I .and Warrant bought and aold.
a OiH over SLsrkey's Store. 4S
M. Vt
L fiue at the Court House, Salem. O. T. 6tf ,
J. 11. Cole, M. D.,
8tf Portland. Oregon.
t Medietl.
rtt j. WRIGHT A E. B. STONE, having associated
JL atogether In practice, ivspet tfnlly tender their ser
vice to the people of Benton and Linn desiring to se
cure I lie favor of the afflicted by aucceaa W. Office
near J . C. Avery 'a store, Corvallis. 2 llypaid
A. B. Ballofk,
I. Designs, plans, spccificationa, Ac, furnished on
reasonable term.
William C. Griswold Av Co.,
c. oaiswoLO, 22tf o. a. woodworth.
Kuarene City.
ORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietorof the Eugene
City Hotel. i:itr.
Medical Notice.
rtIIE subscriber, would infbrni the Inhabitants that he
X. is at Ins old stand, ready to stteni! to an rails In
his profession ; also he has on hand a well selected
stork of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
asorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasonable lerms. ' W. WARREN.
Salem December 1, 150. 3stf
W. 11. Magers. 31. D.
"DITYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build-
X inir. on Main street, two door north nr or. J. s.
Mclteenv's fire-proof building : where I will be found
when not professionally engaged. I will keep constant
ly on hand a trcin supply or Drugs ana Medicines
which I will sell low for cash.
Corvallis. Dec. a. 1866. 39tf Notice.
TiR- R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California.
J oner hi professional services to the citizeu ro
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicit a ahare fo
public favor.
asr- ii nice at Ateeu ana rcuows urug sure.
Uy H. W. SHAW.
Campbell k Pratt.
A TTORXEYS AT LAW, San Francisco, California.
Office, comer M intirnmer aud Sacramento streets.
over Parrott A Cos. Bank.
Messrs. Csnipliell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all busiuess
entrusted to tlicir care. Sltf
Alexander Campbell. O. C. Pratt.
Joseph S. present..
DEALER in Family Groceries, .Boots, Shoes, Ac, and
Paints and Oils, wholesale aud retail.
July 7, I Soil. 18tf
S. Ellsworth,
US. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene
City, Lane Oounty, Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner of Deed for New York, Connecticut, Ac:
August 2. IS.Vl. 24tf
WILLIAM P. HiGHFIELD. Chronometer and
Watch maker, Oregon City, baa removed to
the building iustonnosite to the Main-street House.
where he can be constantly found prepared to do any
business In hi line. Watches cleaned aud repaired on
short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches aud jewelry for sale.
atarcno, loot. iysi
S. Hamilton, AI. D.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce to the good people of Dongloa and the ad
joining counties, that he haa located permanently at
Deer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, and
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy
and comfortable. '
Orrica opposite B. H. Dearborn A Co.'a store, on
Main street. -J
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at lorn ess arj-
ee. 42tf
Wells, Fargo, & Co.,
Co.. in connection with their ExDrcsa business will
also transact a general Exchange and Collection Ban
neat. - Collections and Remittances-made in all parts ol
Oregon, California. the Atlantic Statea, and Europe, with
promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought and sold.
Sight Exchange on JVrto ror, Hon ton, Philadelphia.
Albany, Rochester, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Detroit,
air ago, itjuwMniA-ic, uiunui. ac. iouim, gouumue,
Cincinnati, and forty other principal towns in the Atlan
tic States and the Canadas, may bo procured at any of
our offices. WELLS, FARGO, A. CO.
114, Montgomery-street, Ban Francisco
Ju-'e 1S."5.
Dr. Cupkij'i Eedleil Rolln.
R. J. L. CZ APKArS Grand Medical and Surgical
institute, Sacramento at., below Montgomery oppo
site racine Main steamship co.'omce,san r rancisco.
California. Established for the Permanent cure of all
Private and Chronic Diseases, and the auppreaaloa of
Dr. J. L. CZ APK AT. late In the Hungarian Revolu
tionary War. Chler Physician In the 20th Regiment of
Honveds. chief surgeon to tbe military hospital at Pesth,
Hungary, and late lecturer on Disease of Urinary Or
gans and Disease of Women and Children, would most
respectfully Inform the public of Oregon and California
that be has opened an Institute for the cure of Chronic
Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain
and the horrid snnsequenres ol self-sbuse. and he hope
that his long experience and successful practice of ma
ny year, will Insure him a share of public patronage.
By the practice of many years In Europe and the Uni
ted Stales, and during the Hungarian war and cam
paigns, he I enabled to apply the most efficient and
successful remedies against disease of all kinds. He
use no Mercury eharies moderate treat hi patient
in a correct and honorable way haa reference of on
questionable veracity from men of known respectabili
ty and hlifh standing In society. All parties consulting
U'im by letter, or otherwise, will receive the liest and"
gentlest treatment, and Implicit ecrecy. The Dr.'
offices are on Sacramento at., below Montgomery. San
Francisco. California. I2rt
Dr. L. J. Caapkay would call public attention to
Sierraatorrlma or local weakness. There I not In the
catalogue of human maladies one more to -be depreca
ted than this, a well because or present distress, a the
ultimate results. The tone of the system under it In
fluence U either Impaired or entirely destroyed, and a
clnssui lymptom superinduced that unfits man for the
performance of any of the ordinary duties or life. The
Injuries done to the physical part of man is truly la
mentable, but trilling "when compared to those or the
censoriura . the great nervous center, and to the ner
vous system generally. This disease, which Is too often
consequent upon that solitary vice, self-abuse, involves
pathological conditions beyond the comprehension ef
the uninitiated, but which are well understood by the reg
ular practitioner. Among the symptom most conspic
uous are the following: l-ove of aolit'ide, aversion to
busiuess and society, distressing timidity, nervou ex
citement from lii;h causes, los. of memory, eonfusion
of Idess. Inability to reason correctly, low spirit and
lassitude, dullness of apprehension and misanthropy
These being functional derangements, are often tbe har
binger of horrid organic lesions of the brain, which
produce fatuity, dementia and death.
For the cure or this and all kindred disease. Dr.
Caapkay ha est iblisbed his Institute, where all may
relv with perfei-t confidence upon thst skill which long
experience and thorough devotion to his profession has
Those who offer should call or write without delay,
and use the means by which they may recuperate and
iive. .
All consultation, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad
drrssto PR. L.J. CZAPKAY,
I2m3 Medical Institute. San Francisco. Cal.
O tmordinary success lu the treatment nf secret dis
ease in the primary and other stages, indnce him to
call public attention to the fai t that of the great num
bers who have made daily application t bira, there is
not one who has not been etfectually and permanently
cured, in recent case of private diseases, the Dr. guar
anties a perfect cure in a lew aay wnuoui uinoranee
to business or other inconvenience. The Dr." method
of treating these maladies, eotnbine the improvement
made hy tbe medical faculty with discoveries or his
own that are unknown to any on else, and which, when
applied, prevent the possibility of evil after consequen
ce. '
Secondary syphilis, which I so destructive of health,
producing ulcerations of the throat, destroying the soft
parts, and leaving the bones exposed, which mortify,
separate and come away, disfiguring the sufferer mo-t
horribly, as well a Impairing his genera! healih, and
predisposing to e tumption, the Dr. treats iu the ra'sst
certain and efficient, ra inner. Al. painful swelling
upon the bone, disfliruring splotchea upon the skin,
sores, pimples, aud all other consequence of private
diseases he guaranties to cure or ak no compensation.
Dr. C, would especially call the attention of th-ste who
have railed to out iin relief frun ot'ier. many of whom
he bs already cored, and many are still under treat
ment. The Dr. makes no charge for consultation, and
Invite all to rail at bis Institute ;and he will give them
such satismrtion as they can obtain nowhere else.
Those at a distance, by writing to the Dr.. can have
their ci res pruierly attended to. Office on Sacramen
to at., below Montgomery. Han Francisco. Cal. I Jmt
The Creaifsi Discovery of the Age.
GRE T !l!eins! to Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
lit.CZ.VPriAV'S PitnrntLscTlcra. Iself-disinfec-tiug
ageut.) a sure preventive agairtkt secret diseases.
mrr l niwiiii.. . 4 . mAy , .Mu wnTnonJ
and cam-erous ulcer, and all eutanon eruptions and dis
eases. For sale at Da. t'ltnir Office. Armory HoJI,
corner or Sacramento and Montgomery sU San Fran-cis-u,
Cal. As iuuculstiou is preventive against small
pox. o is Dr. Czapkay's Propbilacticum a preventive
agaiitft set ret disease. That they can be prevented by
proper agents, is as well au established fact as that they
can be cured after their establishment. Thi principle,
whicb is now universally recognized. Was received even
before the day of Jeuner. the discoverer uf vaccination,
ia 175, and it multiplied benefit ever have re
ceived a tbey deserved, the attention of th Medical
faculty. It was in pursuit of thi branch ol the medical
science that Dr. L. J. Czapkay fortunately made the dis
covery of hi Prophylactichm. which, for the cancerous
and cutams disorders, stands unrivalled by any agent
lu the Pbacmacopcea. The awd as operandi of this med
icine is expLuned upou the hypothesis that secret poisons
possess chenicat properties- which are neutralized by
being brought in contact with this prophylatic, as acids
are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering them Inert.
The effect of this agent Is Immediate, and removes the
possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, the
disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing
the Doisonou secretions, which by absorption, produce I
the consequences known as sretmdary disease. In can
cerous ana ganierous nicer, in iceria uiscnares and in
notanons disesses where the secretions are exenriatine.
H acts upon the same priucipls and H one of the most
effectual remedies for the purpose now known. Where
disease i miee estiblisbed it shoidd le ued in couneo
tion with other remedies, and when no used never fails
of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in
many thousand case, and he has yet to find tbe first
in which it has failed to subserve the purpose for which
it was administered. Price, $3. Full direction are at
tached to each package.
N. i- in cases where the 1'rophylaticnm is nsed a
curative. Dr. L. J. Czapkay will furuish (gratis) a pre
scription for his blood purifier.
All communications rrom the country, addressed only
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco, Cal., will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies.
with tbe greatest care and secrecy, immediately die
patched by express or otherwise to their destination.
t , J . II I 1
gj in&i, 31. IS.
12m J Sun Francisco. Cal.
To thb Ladies op Orbqok amp California. L. J
CzArKAT. M. D.. physician surgeon and accouuher, in
vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la
boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the
brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid
neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. Tbe Doc
tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other
nlivsu'inn In (ire iron or ualilornta. l.el no talse. dellearv
prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yourself
from painful suffering and premature death. All mar'
ncd ladies, wtirx delicate neaitn or inner ctrenmstnnce
do not allow to have an increase in their families should
write or rail at Dr. L. J. Czapkay s Medical Institute.
Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery
streets, and they will receive every possible relief and
help. The Doctor' Offices are so arranged that he can
be consulted without molestation. 12m3
a. Al consultations (by letter or otherwise,) Irce.
Address to D1L L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D.,
Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cat.
aa" The attention of the reader Is called to the fol
owing: A ladv of high standing In society and respectability.
published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch,
September 1. 1851, which Is as follows: '
A Card The undersigned feels it her duty to express
her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay, for the success
ful cure of herself and child. The latter having been
afflicted by a severe attack of '"Cholera Infantum," was
given up as lncuraoie dv sume oi tue moss ceieoraiea
nhvslclans. when she called on Dr. Czapkay. of whom
she heard very favorable report, and who, after a abort
period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour
aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice
herscir. tor tne scroiuious inaiauy, wmi which sne nod
been afflicted for eight years, and which withstood the
treatment of the best physicians in Europe and Ameri
ca, But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording her
ftermanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which,
or eight year had lost all charms for her. She, there
fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and afflirted
to recommend Dr. Czankay, as one of the most skillful
Dhvsicians within the United States.
r J xr r, him rxrr ri a v
Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia.
A. Glaxer. Notary Public. 126, 7th street,
Tbe following ia an editorial notice in the Boston
Daily Times of August 6th. 1S54:
A Skiixpfi. PHV8ICIAX- Dr. L. J. Czapkay haa
opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street ia this city.
Dr. C. ta a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army a physician and snrgeon under the
patronage of Kossuth, lie combines with a Onished
edooatioa and the most refined and agreeable manners,
the most extensive sclentitta abilities and skill in his
profession, and we reel much pleasure in recommending
him to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman.
Or. Czapkay has spent some time in Philadelphia where
he won the confidence, and friendship of those who be
came acquainted with him. Among his friends iu Phil
adelphia are gentlemen of the highest respectability,
mth whom we are personally acanainted. He had an
extensive practice in Hungary before tbe Austrian and
Russians corapeueu mm w no c 1 i uci-ig iwiau
guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive
that patronage due a man or so eminent capacity.
'I'lIB aOOVO aro OUIV a- ivw w umuji aeauuvowa
which Dr. Czapkay has in his possession, but cannot
publish for want of space. All communications, (by
letter or otherwise.) free.
a-or-Persons desiring prompt attention, aud who wish
to avoid tbe delay of corresponding, can have Immedi
ate attention by sending ten dollar aa consultation fee,
and can have inedlciue forwarded. Address to
i U ' CZAPKAY, M. D. .
J JmS. - Ban Franciaea, Cat.
SPKEr.M AiTO RiU? A . m f1 Weaknesa. nervoua d
bllity. low apirlU. lassitude, weak oea of the limb
and back. Indlspoaltlon. loss of memory, aversion to o.
cletf, lov. of aolitude. timidity S
iinuKuc, pfu ...v . i.uc.iiiii oi itio eye nlm
nlea on the face, sexual and other Infirm tt,- i .'
cured without fail bythe justly celebrated physician 'and
surgeon. L. J. Czapkay. Hi method of curias disease
I new (unknown to others) and hence the great suc
cess. All consultation, by letter or otherwise, free
Addreaa, : L. J. CZAPKAY. M.D.,
17mS San Francisco. Cal.
fTtHE Jodge of the Supreme Court of the Territory of
X Oregon, assembled at tne seal or uovernmen on
the 16th day of December, 1858, da IU aad appoint
District Court to be held In the city of Salem. In tne
county of Marion, on tbe first Monday of April aad
September, aad the fourth Mondays of May and Octo
ber, annually, anttl otherwise ordered ; and la tha city
of Portland, In tbe county of Multnomah, on tbe fifth
Monday, or uecetnoer, iko, ana tnereaiier on tne nrss
Mondays of May and October, and the third Monday
of June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order
ed. and do limit tbe duration of said Term to six days
each. '- GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Justice.
41 CYRUS OLNEY. A lite Justice.
Ettrar Animals.
THE subscriber t Harrlsburg Lino Co.,has loet the
following described animal :
A nay none, wim star in forehead, a little white on
hi nose, hind ret white np to the pastern joint, and
branded ' 21" on the right shoulder, S year old this
AIo a roan cow, 7 or 9 year old, branded J. 8. on
t!ieriht hip, and "21" as above. Has a white calf
with red ear, about 19 month old, branded ' 21" a
above. The cow left last fall, and probably haa bad
another calf thi spring.
Any person finding them will be rewarded Tor their
trouble, by Informing me. A.MclLWAIN.
June 16, 1857. ItruKpaid
U LL'S No. 1 Soap, tbe beat oa ever used, try It.
w niie icau, iinseea oil,
turpentine, putty,
indigo, madder, coppers, alum,
oil for lamp and machinery.
New Orleao sugar,
crushed sugar.
eream tartar, aaleratoa, aoda, at
Do ! Te Workert of Iron tad Steel !
rtT AVE thi day received by tbe arrival of the J. R.
Whiting from San Francisco, the following assort
ment of iron and slel. to wit r
2.000 lb. Norway shape,
1.000 lb. 2Xj Iron (flat J
1.000 " 3X1 IS
8.000 JX " -6.000
" 1,1.1.1 J. and 11. square.
S.OOO " 1.6-18. 4. Land 11. Inch round,
1,000 " assorted cast steel.
100 " horse shoe nail. fGl
Which together with stock in store makes as com
plete an assortment a can be found In Territory and
will ! sold as cheap aa tbe caearcar for csn or coun
try produce. J. N. PBESCOTT.
Oregon City. Feb. S3, 1857. 60tf
Boot and Shoe Store. -
FREDERICK WICKMON would announce
to the citizens of Salem, and the surround
ing country, that he have taken a St' ire on the
east side of Commercial street, north of the postnJHee
where he will keep ca.vtantly on band a full assort'
meot of every kind of boots and shoe; both custom and
sale work, which be will sell at the lowest living pri
ce. Being a practical workman, all orders for the
manufacture or repair ef work will be complied with
md tbe work done in a substantial and w-vkraanlike
manner. Give tne a call and examine my stork.
S&lere, March 12.1857. Utf
Iook Here!
E have J'ist received Ra.OOO lbs. of ground alum
eaJt, which we are selling at I." .no per handred.
sax L. jt.axrrB. ruoaaa a. davi
Smith DaTls
TMPORTERS and wholesale Drnggiata; lira proof
X store, rortland. Oreeon.
Order from the country solicited. - 8m
TF TOC WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
A nnilorsigned have got is.mjtl pound Best COSfA
RICA." Come in and look at it. - -
uregoa city, vec a. tttae.
las. a. atcRsan!,
San Francisco.
' Richards la McCralten.
Floor, Grain. Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon. Lard.
Hams, Ac, As. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances made on consignment.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below "Front, Saa Francisco,
anmiry tT, fsT. 41tf
TO all whom this may come, greeting : That I am to
leave for the States soon, and would respectfully
request Uwe who know themselves indebted to me. or
W.C.Griswuld A Co., to call and settle witbont delay,
and oblige W.C. GRISWOLD.
Salem, January 27. 1957.- 46tf
The Lam of Oregon.
THE OREGON STATUTES. IS55. being a large vol
ume of 650 pages, with complete index, annota
tions, and references, eorojo-ising all the law in force ia
the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last sussiou
of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at five d 'liars per copy. Tbe work ia ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in jsw style and
rs swu a puuii-suer pn;-es, b:hi as i-jw a a lite Work can
be bought in any Stste in tha Union, and at tbe lowest
figure tbey can be affSrdrd fr here. The price places
niu niiiuiiinciHci m an son oesire tne laws they
live umier. uraer y nail accompanied with tbe easb
tiled by return mail. It is the last code of law that
will pribcoiy be published in Oregm, for many year
In addition to the enactment of the Legislative Aasem
olr, tbe volume contains the Declaration of Indeoen
dence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17P7, in
force ia Oregon, Donatio" ' aw and all amendments.
and ruii abstract or united ?ates naturalization Law.
Ixs Aneflai Knlf .
Q ALT 300 bags Los Angelos Salt, received, per Na-
Nuuiu.jjtMlH iin Ml. a. jvwrsi i sir.
i Medical BeTolntion ! The World Caaaimoas !
The virus of disease often make its way to the in
ternal organs through the pores of tbe skin. This pen
etrating Ointmeut. melting under tbe hand as it is nib
bed in, is absorbed through tbe same channels, and
reaching tbe seat of inUamiu ttion. promptly and invari
ably subdues it. whether located in the kidneys, tbe liv
er, the lungs, or any other important organ. It pene
trates the surface to the interior, through tbe countless
tubes that communicate with the skin aa summer rata
passes into tbe fevered earth, diffusing its cool and re
generating influence. -
Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced
by the anti-inflammatory action of this Ointment. Aa
jrry Eruptions, such as Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Tetter,
Ringworm, Scald Head. Nettle Rash, Scabies (or Itch)
Ac, die out, to return no more, under its application.
Hospital experience in all parts or tbe world proves its
infallibility in diseases of the skin, the muscles, the
joints and the glands.
The effect of this unrivalled external remedy upon
Scrofula, and other virulent --leers and sores, is almost
miraculous. It ttrst discharges the poison which pro
duces suppuration and proud flesh, and thus the cures
which ito healing properties afterward complete are
safe as well as permanent.
In casee of tbe fracture of the bones, injuries caused
by steam explosions. Bruises, Burns,' Scalds, Rheuma
tism . Stiffness of the joints, and contraction of the sin
ews, it U employed and warmly recommended by the
faculty. This marvelous remedy has been introduced
by its inventor in person into all the leading Hospitals
of Europe, and no private household should be without
it. : ...
The Medical Staff of the French &nd English Armies
in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of
Hollows y's Ointment, aa the most reliable dicssiae for
sabre ents, stabs, and gun shot woond It 1 alsosiga-
ea DTlue aurgeons oi tne Aiiiea navies.
- CASES; --
Bunions, Barns. Chapped Hands, Chilblain. Fistula,
Gout, Lumbago. Mercnrial Eruptions. Piles .Rheumatism,
Ringworm, Salt Rheum. Scalds, Skin Diseases. .Swelled
Glands, Sore Legs. Sore Breasts, store Mesas,
Throats. Sore of all kind. Sprains. StuT Joints, Tetter,
Dicers, Venereal sores, " r' " '
aakia .t the sraanfactones of Professor Hollo war.
SO Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, Londoc.
by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine
.u...knt the United States and the civilized ,u
in pots, at 3S cents, 624. and 31 each.
jaar- There is a considerable saving done by takma
the larger sixes
N. B- Directions for the guidance of patients in m.
ry disorder are afflxed te each pot. Zfl
C. 1. HIw.
DEALER Iq clocks, watches and iewelre Ra- as. t
lem. O.T. Particular attenttoa'tdT; ita
repairing of watches and clocks. Airw.s-kwse!
ranted. Jewelry repaired at short notice.
Wstchea and clock, a day stri'kine elneka . -
tow price j also 30 hour marine clocks. very
Ladle and rente Brooebea. Pinger Rinea.Ear
Gold Buckle, Guard Chain, Ac, Ac.
Salem, July s. ltu7. lTtf
Allan, SlcKlnlaw, Co.,
HAVE Just received a stock of New Good, ana'
would invite all those who wish to croean unn
article at Kaaonable price, to call and aea them. They
consist ia part of tha following:
unrMstonea, . caaai ana wheel Barrowt
Grata Cradle, Fancy Broom.
GraB acvtBaa aaJ Plain An
Asaorted Colored PaQt.
Painted Tuba,
Eine Washboards,
Blacksmith' Bellows,
Croaa-cut Saw, 7 ft
do ft
Mill Saw, T ft
Hair Mattraaaca, doub!,
. . do aingle, .
Hair Bclstera, double,
do ingle.
Sperm Candle,
A danism' iu
aa noes,
do Spades,
Polished Shovel,
Hay Fork.
Manure Forka, - .
Window Glass 8 by 19
4s 10 by 13
do Thy t
Window Saahe 8 by 10
do 10 by 11
f "osr ana rosea.
sta. Baize, Lindsay. Sheeting. Tic, fte. e
eep constantly on hand a large opnly of t
n nsasaaaua'a a - f fii si. ' J v V
. aa
eeen eonsxanuy on nana a large sunn!. mr-
v -'- ..... v, , im. " .uu, kui4 axaay arti
cle too numerous to. mention.
Oregoa City. ' 2ltf
Ceoi aberneUija Co.,
iBernrtbT. flirk k C.,
San Francisco, Ca!., will attend to selling Ortgorf
prod nee, aad fill order for Goods, Groceries), Ac;,- at the
west rates. i ne patronage or tbe pecrme ef Oregoa
la respectfully solicited.
Angu.4, 1. 1SS5.
JCenfoa's Dagnerrean
ana .
THE nnderaigned having recently returned from Baa
Francisco, is now prepared to Lake those beantilul
Picture on Glass called AMBROTYPES. which have
slmort entirely superceded the Daguerreotype ia tha
Eat and San Francisco.
Gallery ia the new b-iildlng. erected especially for tie
b urine t, west of the Marion House.
Solera. November li, 1656. 35tf
rrfr buthel OaU. and 50t0 Wheat, and anTjnaa
eJUlU titv of dead swine, for which cash will bo
oaid on delivery.
Oregoa City. Nov. 25, 1356.
Orrgoi nd Cilifornit Picket Un.
TV-HE following vessels will run In i
X tion a a REU ULAR HXE
San Francisco and Portland
BARK OCEAN BIRD. Wrooss. Master, '
" JANE A. FALKESBERQ, Bajxter, "
" NAHM MICE AG. Williams'. "
Tbe Bark have all bees coppered recently, and are
in first rate order, commanded by experieaeed captain.
Freight will be carried at the Uttrett rale.
Produce sent from any part of tbe country to Oregoa
City or to tbe Linn City Work, will be received aa4
forwarded to Saa Francisco.
Oregoa City.
San Francisco.
November, g. 1P46. Siitf
. Grain Cradles.
T DOE.uperieT, 6ve fcigered grain eradle. "Jnst ra
O reived and for aaie. U- ABEBNETHY A CO.
Jnneli. 1S57. . J5tf -
Notice to Shippers and Merchants.
ONE of the firm being permanently located ia Saa
Francisen. all cqpsrgnrnents) of produce and order
to be filled, will bearflended to witbotrt delay, at mode
rate rates. ltf WAKEFIELD A CO.
Allan Av Lewis,
' - Reynolds V Law,
-COMMISSION Merchaate aad dealers ia alt Amd e
KJ Oregon Frxlae. Advance made oa good
Slgnea ta us ami iiimroeant aj emmrge.
Office at J. Failing A Go's. TSmS
WE have a Urge supply of powder fn hand.
Oregon City, Sov. 13, 18-j6, 37tf
Paper Hangings mud Carpets
TfJST RFCEITED Pev late arrivals, fcy FRANK
cl BAKES, 110 and 112 Clay street. Sa Francisco
: 600 cases Paper Hanging. French and Ameri
can every variety ;
6000 rolls French and Americas Borders,
300 ps Tapavtry Velvet Carpet;
. 230 ps Three-l'Ir Carpet: - .
300 ps Superfine Ingrain Carpets;
330 ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpets;
- 200 pa Cdti'ifsnd Wool Carpets;
125 ps Stair Carpets, assorted; " -
165 pa Bay State Droggi-ts; .
. frtKJ ps Oil Cloths, assorted;
125 ps Silk Damask and BroeateBa;
' S00 ps Cotton and Worsted Damask;
; 4W-0 pair Window Shades j '
375 pair-Lace Curtains;
; 750 pair Muslin Curtains;
8000 Cornices and Curtain Band:
325 dozen Matt, assorted;
Stair rod. Table Covers, Gimps, Fringes, Aa.
Wholesale and Retail, by
110 A 111 Clay st.. San Fraacisco.
Orders from tbe country filled with care and dis
patch. 17m3
The Oregon Statesman.
An Independent Journal, derated tm Politic. General
Intelligence, A-C-, PmhHmhed at Salem, Oregon.
ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, PubiWfaer. and Editor.
The Statesaiaa is Democratie in politics, and thor
oughly National in its character. It ia hostile to every
of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ;
and will vigoroasly oppose all attempts to incorporate
any of toe insane amis of the day into ear Territorial
It will advocate all practical measures of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
our lie I government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca
pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability of the ofSctr to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating tbe public saicd, ia a man
ner fearless, impartial, and just.
Its !ews Department will be edited with mora
attention, and authiog will be spared to furnish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication ef tha cur
rent intelligence.
Tbe Statesman has a large, widely-scattered, and asaat
excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete
faculties i or pxucunng news.
Due attention is also naid to thetutbtioatiAB aT lffise.1.
lany. Agricultural and Literary matter.
In this pi.-per are put Tibed tbe laws, resolutions, and
treaties of the United States, aad tbe laws and revela
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Tha
paper is printed on new material, aad upon a sheet of
tbe largest size.
Statesman Book, and JobCCice.
E have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book
printing north of California, and an eiteasive as
sortmentof Joaama Material of every kind; and. with'
master worKme.i. are prepared to execute promptly, ana
in a workman-like manner, all orders ia the above de
partments, socn as
Blahk Caracas,
.Noras or Haxb,
OuMta Booxa,
SraAaao'T Bills.
Stsajuo't Cabls, .
Bills of Ladi6
Show Bilxs
Crcce Books,
Ball Ticxzts,
Bcsnnss Cards,
PROORAmxs, -
i iniasin riT
vt, . w or all Krsroa. Ac. Ac Ac
-li "i- i. Law of Newspapers.
1. Subscriber who do not give express notice to th
contrary, are considered a aiahing tocostiaaa their
subacriptioB. .
3. if sabscribtrs svder papers discontinued . Publishers
may continue to send them till all charges are paid. -
3. If auhwribers neglect or refuse to taie their paper
. .i- - -je . . !.:. .u . Mt tlw-r are
I ntin utv umix or pivtcsr wr w 11 n. i. - - - - j -
held responsible until they settle their bill aad giva ao
Ui:t; m j u .lift uiiriii.
. .. . -. . .i i ;.lunl i fomin
s. ii suoncnoer move so i" ; " "
tk. PnKKsher and the saner fat seat to the former aueo
tion, they are held responsible. t .
5. The courts have decided that refusingto take a pa
per or periodical from th office, ar removmg a leav
inr it uncoiled f or, ia prima facia evidence of lUentiooa.
'"efcr Postraaeters woold oblige, by strict fulfillment
ol tue iegumsiuB a
"1T asoaths. of papers aot taken from then
MXSi aaa. -
office by sibcnber-v.