DOOUD ! BOOHS !! BOOK . .At. . 2ho City Dook-Qtoro, (FRO XT ST., roRTI.AXD, O. T., A. R. SHIPLEY & Co., Have in Store, and will be receiving by the lit of June O O d d CD .' IN COOKS AND STATIONERY! Which they oSer to the SPRING TRADE At ammll advances on New York prices. Hive us a call, or end a an order, and we are touad to give you satisfaction '- A. It. Shipley Co., Are the Sou Assam in Oregon and Washington Ter ritories for tbe sale of Tt3 tosiicia Coitccizsa. A GREAT BOOK i ! Being the only political history of the United States, o m mimi Price ft 00 : Parable on de livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September H to all who MM a tueir names vj in ui mmj. Ctulofie if Put tf tu Stock : SCHOOL BOOKS. - Ruku. Sanders' old 1st. Id. 3d. 4th. and Sth, aad The Young Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, Id, 3d, 4 lb and Sth: Parkers' 1st, 3d. 3d. 4th and Sth; Me Utney's 1st. 3d, 3d. 4th and Sth. grtunt. Sanders' Old. Sanders'. New; Elemen- &asa.ders' Pictorial, School and Parker's. Ucooa&rauB. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ol neys, Moue's, McNaUey'a, and Monteith's 1st and 3d Rook. - Mathematics. Arithmetics Thomson's, Table , Mental. Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Davies' Pri mary. Intellectual, School and University; Smith's Col barn 'ft Ray's Stoddard's: Davies Algebra. Sur veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic tionary. Logio of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, and Philosophy of Mathematics. Grammars. Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith's C irkam'a Kiwnoer's Tower's. PsriLOSorniBS- Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and School? Comstock'a Smith s. Hreroanec Wilson's Juvenile, and United States: Parley's Universal; Willard'a Universal, and United StLa5rA0KS Cooper'a Virgil; Andrew's Latin Rea det; ThH Rum: Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClin toek's 1st and Id Book in Latin, and do. in Greek: An ion's Greek Grammar and Reader; Johnson's Cicero. Faaquetle's French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's ierman Grammar and Reader. Telemaqne. Greek Tes tament; Preach, self-taught; Surrenne's French Dic tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Liddell A Scott's Greek Jo. Aathon's Classical do. Smith's do do. DtcnOTASixs Webster's School, High do. Aca demic, University, Royal 8 to. Unabridged and Cobbs' tocktw Mrscsu.A'vzoi-s- Mattiaon'a Astronomy. Newman V Rhetoric Wood's Botany. Kame's Elements of Crit icism. Parker's Aids in Composition, Parker's Exer cises. Brookneid Composition. McElligotts Young Analyzer, do. Analytical ManuaL Parker's Word Builiir. Mayhew's Book Keeping. Waytand's Moral Science. Paley a Natural. Theology. Blake's Agricul ture for Schools. Up barn's Intellectual Philosophy Mahaa's do. do. Milton; Young; Pollock; and Thomp son; (Edition for Schools) Cutter's Anatomy and Physiology. American Debater.- Newman's Political Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of Speakers and Elocution. All kinds of School Station ery; Slates of all sizes; Drawing Books; Drawing Paper; Perforated Card Brd; Bristol Board; Pencils and Brashes; Osborn'a Color; Inkstand, every size and style, Ac Ac Ao. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Hibtouy Bancroft's United States. volume. ITildreth's do, do. 6 volumes. Frost's Pictorial United States. Tartar's do. do. do. Bottas Hist. Revolution. Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. Wilhrd a do. Hist. Indian Wars United States. Willard's Universal Histnrr. Mutter's do do. RottecVs Hist. Worid I or 3 volume. Rollins Ancient History. Fair's do. do. Hume's England. Macaolay's do., complete. . Dickens Child's do. Lincard's do. Gibbon's Rome. D'Au- bigne's Reformation. Bang's M. B. Church. Allison's Earooe. 1st and 3d Series. Prescott's Work. Barder'a Hi, of Reli-iuns. Hist, of Council of Trent. Jose ph:. All of Abbntt's Histories. Historical Cabinet. Q.ieens of Spain. Queens of Scotland. Help a Spanish I'onqrwts Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Eu bank Brazil. Parley's Universal. History of Cru sades. Ancient Egyptians. Hallara's Middle Ages. History for Boys. Bonner's Child's United States. I .casing's Field Book of Revolution. BrOGSirwr. Plntarch Lives, life Brant. Won derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters, lives of the Signer. Autobiography of Finley. 1-s-martine's Celebrated Characters. Life of Adam Clarke, do Bishop Hedding. do Niebnhr. do Gen. Harrison, do Daniel Boone, do Roberta. . do Lafayette. Cap tains of Roman Republic and Old Worid. Dr. Chal mers, 4 vol. Lives of Huraboldts. Mrs. Rogers. Moaart, WesW- Fletcher. Life and Times of Clay; taring's Washington. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of Chief Justices. J jsrphine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb. Jackson. Gea-Greeu. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane Grey. J. O. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kings of Rome. Kings and Q leens. Liebmtz. Lives of the Popes. Prescott's Philip 3d. Mary and Martha Wash ington. Pioneer Women of the West. Tzavels, Hack's China. Araneaniaa. Stephen's Egypt. Olio's Travels. Mungo Park. Nile Notev Adveatares on Mosquito Shore. Bayard Taylor 'a Travels- Durbin'e Travels in the East. Scrasrxrtc. Brande's Encyclopedia- Physt.l Geog raphy s die Sea. Wood's Natural History.' I-ardner's Lectures. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mathematical Die ttonarv. Logic of Mathematics. Wonders of Science. Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loomis' Re cent Piugics f Astronomy. Smith's IWctmnary of Arts and Science. Enbank's Hydraulics. Dick's works. . Various works on Architecture. Poai atv Byron varioua style. Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. Burns, do. Hemans, do. Moore, do. Thompson. Young. Pollock. Topper. Cowper. Pope. Campbell. Wads worth. Oasian. Montgomery. Kirk While. Female Poets of England, do. dot. America and many others. Booss or Rbtsbesck Cyclopedia of Geography, do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts. MeCollocna Gazetteer. Harper's Lniversal azeUeer. Fncrr asd AoaiccxTTSAL. Elliot's Fruit Book. Thomas' do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Fesenden's Farmer and Gardener. Fruit.- Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book. Allan's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton's Hand Books. Wonka on Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, Ac. Theological A Rsxigiocs. Harmony and Exposi tion of Gospels. Neander's Life of Christ. Butler's Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth odism. Morn Miscellanies. Lectures on Romanism. Brand" of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes' Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's Exercise. Watson'a Institutes. Larrabee'e Evidence. Butler's Ethical Discourses. Rogers7 Eclipse of Earth, do. Reason and Faith. Foyer's ChrWt. Perfect km. Baker on Discipline. Writings of Arminin. Jahn's Ribiical Archaeology. Bibles, ail sizes and prices, from tt to $20. Testament, great variety. Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist. Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian Psalmist. MsDfCAL- Buchaa's Family Physician- Hydro pathic do. Hommpathie Works. MiscZLLASTtocsJ Constitutions of United States. Maybew's Popular Education. Crabbe's Synonyms. Piatt's Book of. Curiosities. Odd Fellow's ManuaL Headley'a Works, 14 vols. Mrs. TuthiU's, 6 vols. Ley ard's Nineveh. Bigelow's Useful Arts. Haswell's En gineer's Guide. America a Institutions. Pursuit of Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities. Way Down East. Pynshurt. Ike Marvel's Works. Sanderson's Conk and Confectioner. Country Rambles in England. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temper ance Book.1 Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil ler's Old Bed Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator. Yonng Ladles' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Book. Captive SB Patagonia. The Ameri can Housewife. Half Honrs with Old Humphrey. Athens; ito9randenr and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs. Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car len"a Works. Heroines of History. I -and and Sea. Deck and P-jrt. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore. Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart, firing's. Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New York Living ratnrs of America. Yonng Man Advised. Mis sions in Tonga and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Kaamt and the Russians. Hydrapathic Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes. iift Book for Yonng Men no. do- Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boys. Footprints of Famous men. Charlotte Elizabeth's Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant boy philoso pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Fran con ia. And a number of others too numerous to enumerate. Constantly receiving large additions to the foregoing. STATtoyasT. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let er do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel opes all styles. Inks-all kinds. Pens and Holders great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles. Memorandums, Diaries, Pass Book. Time Books. Paper Cutter. Do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa pergood variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, Ac- Finally, we have a good variety of Mrsic Books New Carolina Sacra. Alpine Glee ' Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. acred Melodian. Christian Psalmist Piano Instroo or. Guitar do. Flute do. A coord rm do. Violin do. Melodcoo do, Plymouth Collection with Music, Sheet Music. And the most varied assortment of Stationery ever flered in Orezon. aw This stock is all bought in New York and other lulu ciues ana is sora at UNIFORM PRICES. W We keep on band School Books in large quan ta, togewer with most or the publications of Harper A Brothers; Derby A Jackson;- IviaonA Phinney; Phillips A Samon; A. S. Barnes A Co.; Miller. Orton A Mulligan; Leary A Getz; Appteton; and others. t We ask your patrouaew. li unable to visit us and examine our stock, your nrtk-rx will be attended to n we same term as n va oaitgni id person. Portland, March :. ISO?. 2tt Book nd Stationery. AT TBS 0BK30X CITT POST 0FC l'IUIKO. . JOHN FLEMING OULD resnectfully call the attention or his friends mnt th nubile to the fact that he has on hand. anil twin eoiiatantlv supplied with a large stock of r BOOKS XliO STATIONERY -or all kinds, which he oilers for sale, for cash, at the above building. His prtttnt stock is comprised, in part, or the following, viz : Oregon Statutes, session laws of Oregon session 185-7; Washington Irvings works; RedUeld's Com parative Physiognomy; Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi; Sears American Revotauon; Sear's Family Annual, Wilson's Essays and Miscellanies; Be thune's Poems; Life or the Emperor Napoleon, by Lock- nni bimui uv icsiumw; uifl 01 Anorew jacsson; Webster 'a Life and his Maaterniwa; Ru-rrt' I ir. of Washbigton; Life and Speeches of Henry Clay; Buffon a Natural History; Josephus' complete Works; Lane's Brigade tn Mexico: Oliver Cromwell; A Teo nessean Abroad: Indian Wan or the United States; The B ok of the Ocean am. Life on the Sea; Miss Hall's to the present time; Fern Leaves from Fanny's Fort Folios; The Spectator, by Blagdon; Tapper's Proverbi al Philosephy ; Louis Napoleon and the Bonaparte Fam iiy; lnompson s Heasons; Xonng's Rigbt xnonguu; Paradise Lost; Pol Ink's Course of Time; Benjamin's Pilgrims Progress; American's Own Book; The Worid Illustrated SO Engravings; Life and Essays of Benja min Franklin; Life of Washington, by Sparks; Cora stock's System or Elocution; Fremonts Exploring Ex pedition thrcngh Oregon and California: Pictorial His tory of AU Nations, by Goodrich; Benton's 30 years in the U. S. Senate; Byron's Works; Prescott's Biogra &aiea ana critical Miscellanies; 1'rescow s conquest oi exico 3 vols: Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella 3 vols; Prescott's Robertson's History or Charles S 3 rob; Prescott's 1st and 3d Philip: Milman'a Gibbon's Rome: RnlUn's Ancient History; Plutarcbs Lire; Ma cauley's History of England; Dick's Works; Camming s Lectures; Webster's American Family Cyclopedias; Scott's Napoleon; Chamber's Information for the Peo ple; Liiie in tne itineracy; i,ire or uen. iaiayene; me Young American's Lire of Fremont; History of Ire. land, bv Mooney; Heavenly Home; Cartyle'a New Es says; British and American Female Poets: Burns' complete Works; Moore's Poetical Works; Barns' Po etical Works; Mrs. Heman's Poetical Works; Milton's Complete v orks; Topper s Complete n orks; ana Beauties of Shakespeare; Arabian Nights; Balloon Travels in Europe; L.iyard's Discoveries at Ninevah; Wheepley's Compend of History; Headley'a Miscella niesi March's Reminiscences of Concress; Tbaddena of Warsaw: The Planter's Victim: Melbourne and the Cbincha Islands; Kaits's Sacred History; Pennshnrst his Wanderings and Wsya of Thinking; Robinson Crusoe; Children of the Abbey; Indian Battles, Captiv ities and Adventures; Dreams and Realities of a Pas tor and Teacher; The Ship Carpenter'a Family; Victo ria, or the Worid Overcome; Bibles and Testaments; Webster's Dictionaries large and small; Gnnn's Cele brated Domestic Medicines; Short Patent Sermons, by Dow, jr: Larimer Littlegnod. Esq; Arthur's Tales: Thomson's Practical Arithmetic; Calhouns Intellectnsl Arithmetic; Vocal and Instrumental Note Books: Mit chell's Geography and Atlas; Yonatt on the Structure and diseases of the Horse; Saxton's Rural Hand Books; Cole s American Fruit Book: Downing s Rural Kssays; Downing's Fruit and Fruit Trees of America; Elliott's Western Fruit Book: American Cattle Doctor.hy Dadd; Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion; American Fruit Culturist. bv Thomas: The Strawberry Culture, by Pardee; American Poultry Yard, by Brown; Yonatt on the Management and Diseases or Sheep; Note. Letter and Foolscap paper; Pens and Penhold ers; Sand and Sand-boxes; Black. Blue and Red Inks; Plain and Fancy Envelopes; Slates and Slate Pencils; Blank Bonks. Ac. Ac Oregon City, June 39, 1SS7. ' 17tf 925,000 Worth SPRING AIID SI JOLTK I GOODS! THE subscribers would respectfnlly inform their cus tomers and the public generally that they have on hand, and are in constant receipt of goods from S a a Francisco and New York a large and well-se lected stock consisting tn part or Alnra, allspice, an I alparra. Bonbets, berages, and bro. linen. Cambric, crah, and calico, IXiniestic de laines, and damask. Edging, embroidery and everything, Flannels, fringes, and fancy Bxin's, Ginghams, gaiters and gloves. Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins, Iron, ink. and Inserting. J sennet .jeans, and Java coffee. Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins, . I Awns, lard and Liverpool salt, Mustard, mirrors, and matches. Needles, nails, and nice things. Oils, orershirts, ind Oolong tea, Pins, pants, and paper, Qnllts, quills, ana qneensware, Ribbons, razors, and rat-traps. Silks, sugar, and 'having soap. Tea. tobacco, and turpentine. Umbrellas, nnder-eleeves, and useful things. Veils, varnish, and vinegar. Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons. Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions. Zinc, and zephyr worsted, Ac. Ac, and so on. Besides many other articles too numerous to mention ; all of which we are offering at reduced prices, adopt ing the plan of Quick sales and small pnffts." The ladies will find in their department a large stock of fancy goods, direct from New York, which is not usually kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will be in constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies. The Gentlemen's Department of furnishing goods will seldom be eoualled.and excelled by none in Salem. I HON. The blacksmiths and Irond alers will always find a well-selected stork or all sizes and shapes, to aetber with a rood assortment or iron sxles. from 1-4 x 6 in., to 3 x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland prices, adding freights. We are prepared to receive all kinds of nrodnre in exchange for goods, and also money. For full particu lars call and examine for yourselves. W. C. GRISWOLD A CO. Salem. Feb. 10. 1S57. 4tf L. P. Fisher ADVERTISING Agency. San Francisco No. 171J Washington street, np stairs, nearly opposite to Haguire's Opera House. L. P. FISHER is the authorized Agent of the Oswsosj States a; Marysville Herald; Sacramento Union; San Joaquin Republican. Stockton; Pacific Methodist, Stockton; Bonora Herald; Nevada Journal; tSrass Valley Telegraph; Red BlmT Beacon; Columbia Gazette; Mountain Democrat, PlacervUle; Tnotnmne Courier; Calvarez Chronicle, Mokelnmne Hill; El Dorado Democrat; Sliasta Courier; Msripoa Gazette; Yreka Weekly Union; Trinity Journal, Weaverville; Iowa Hill News; Weekly Ledges, Jackson; San Jose Telegraph; Sonoma County Journal; Folsom Dispatch; California Mining Journal; Los Angeles 8tar; Hants Barbara Gazette; San Diego Herald; Almeda C mnty Gazette; Placer Courier, YssJree Jim's Napa County Reporter; Sierra Democrat, Downieville; Humboldt Times; Union; Oregonian, Portland, O. T. Pacific Christian Advocate, Salem, O. T. Jacksonville Herald. Jacksonville. O. T. -Pioneer and Democrat. Olvmpia.W. T. Washinet-m Repobliban, Steilacoom, W. T. Poynesisn, Honolulu, S. I.; Pacific Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I. Mexican Extraordinary, City of Mexico; , Hongkong Registea, ADVERTISING IN THE ATLA NTIC STATES. L. P.P. has now completed his arrangements for the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal tsrgest circulating Journals and Newspapers published in the Atlantic State. A fine opportunity is here offered to those who wish to advertine in any part of the Union, of doing so at the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satisfactory man- Augnst25. 1837. S4tf Salem Drag Store- NT Street, Rector's building. Constantly on hand a roll assortment of Dncos, Medi cines, Paiwts, Oils and Dtk Stvits, Patejct M emcrNK. Ac In short almost every article nsnally found in a Drug Store, and are offered at Wrolksai.k and Rrtaii., at extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as represented. Prescriptions free of charge at office. sT Prompt attention will be given to professional calls m the City. A. M. BELT, M. D. Salem. O. T., June 3, 17. Notice 153 ubi'"J - - -; " ; "- to transact my personal business dnnng my absence. J 1 w c'nui Salem, June 17, 1857. lotf For Sale. TWILL sell one hair of the land claim known - . n CIA A- as tue irwigui roanij vimhb. cwv uwi adjoins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's ana is aoont j two miles from Ore iron Citv.on the nnner Wil- lamette. 1 will also sell one hslf or the Whole of the ironerty, lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid y growing town or Corvallis, Benton Co., and known as the " Thomaa" property, consisting of Tour lots of land, together with all the buildings thereon. Said property is in a beautiful location , and both will be sold at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at cash price. Inquire of too subscriber, at his store in Ore- irnn City, in relation to won, or to Hon. J. C. Avery in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis. Also, six () lots oT land in Oregon Citv. JOS.N.r'RESCOTT. Oregon City, March 1. 1857. ltf Syrap. KKG4 Bw-ton Syrup for sale. G. A BEUX KTH Y A CO. 30 S. J. Mccormick, Frtnhlin Lzzk Ctcro, (raoxr smrrr, romxAND, o.r.) HAS constantly on hand a large stock of Boobs and Station est. which be sells at a small advance on Publishes Pa teas. SV A catalogue may be seen In the Oregon and Washinrtton Almanac for 1857. Books ordered there from sent postage free to any part of either Terrritory. z-oruana, reo. zt, isai. ooyi . Corralils Druv Store. JR. CARD WELL, Druggist and Apothecary, lacon- atantly receiving, per California steamers, large and carefully selected stocks of Drag and Medicines, Oils, Paints, Varnish, Soaps, Perfumeries. Toilet Fur niture. Stationery, and all articles usual lj kept in Drug Stores. Agent for Jaynes, and other patent medicines, which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices. mr ukdbbs solicited. A, J. R. CARD WELL. Corvallis. May M, 1857. 13tf BlaekSBsalttia and others, Look. ALLAN McKINLAY A CO. have now on hand a large and well selected stock of Bar iron, cast Steel, Horse shoe do., German do.. Nail rod do.. Plough do., Plate do.. And intend to keep up the assortment so as to sul wants or customers. Give us a call, and you will v that we not only have the fullest stock, but will k4 as cheap as the cheapest." We are constantly receiv ing additions to our assortment, so as to replace what is sold. Oreg-m City. Dec. 33, 1856. 41tf Ilenrr Johnson Co. WHOLESALE DRUOOISTS. (ltd Washington Street. San Francisco.) Offer for sale to the country trade, the largest stock of roods in th-lr line on the Pacific coat compri sing Drugs, f?heml'.als, Perfumery, Patent Medicines or oil kinds. Brashes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Turpentine, and every article appertaining to the business. Having Su perior racllittes ror obtaining tnetr goods tney tninc they can offer inducements to buyers unequalled by any otner nousei Orders respectfully solicited. tuiy Now Receiving THE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and (or sale low. 60 gross matches ; 130 kegs of syrups ; 50 hi. bbls. N. O. sugar ; 10 bbls. crushed sugar ; 60 boxes candles ; 10 bbls. vinegar ; SO cases tea ; 15 doz. brooms ; 20 doz. backets; 3 rases men's fine calf boots ; 3 " cab? brogans ; 3 " " goat " 3 " boys!4srogaa ; , 3 yonths calf brogans; 1 " women's Mwocco boots ; 3 " imitation boots ; 3 " Misses' boots ; 175 pairs children's shoes ; 11 straw cutters ; 31 grain cradles; 1 reaper ; 1 two horse thresher ; GEO. ABERNETHY A CO. Oregon City. June 1. 13. IStf? CHAIN PUMPS, monkey wrenches, match planes, screw arm, sash planes, " " horse shoes and nails to fit . gun locks, pings and nipples, tubes, bullet moulds, Wosenhnlm's IXL pocket knives, pruning and budding knives, rat traps to eatek sssnrrWs, at MOO RES' Book! and Stationery. SCHOOL READERS, Parker's 1st. 3d. 3d, 4th and Sth, Sanders' do do do do McGnffy'a do do do do Davies' arithmetic. University and Common School. Intellectual and primary. Davies' Bourdon algebra. Legeadre , surveying, tieometry and trigonometry, Key to Davies' Arithmetic, Thompson's arithmetic, Parker's philosophy, " juvenile and 1st lessons. Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's. Geographies Mitchell's, Monteith's manual, Monteith's 1st lessons, Music Lute of Zion. New Cartnina Sacra, Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony, Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at 36tf MOORES' Notice. THE judges of the Supreme Court, or the Territory or Oregon, assembled at the seat or Government on the ninth day or January, eighteen hundred and fiftr seren. do Hx and appoint District Courts, to be held in village of Roseburg. in the county or Douglas on the nrst Mondays, of March. May, September and ovem ber.annually. until otherwise ordered, and do limit the duration or said terms to six davs each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief JnUce. 4ltf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice. At BnceneUttr. THE subscriber has st Eugene City, one or the 1est general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard ware, Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene r' Snding store, to be found in Oregon. He is eon i t rrivtasr fresh additions to his stork. nnA al- w,s keeps it up. My goods are now all received direct inn rsin rrancieco, wnere i nave a resident agent. All kinds of farmer's produce received in exrhange for goods I mtv hfrher nrires Tor nrodnce. and sell roods eheanev than any other store in the Territory. ir.AL. Eugene City, July 1 , 1830. HStf Salt! Salt!! Qfl TONS "San Qnentin" SALT, in about 80 and AAJ 100 lb. bags, just received and for sale very cheap ALLAN McKINLAY A CO. Oregon City, Dec 6, 1856. Valuable Farm for Sale. THE undersigned now offers his valuable py larm for sale, situated on Spring Creek, '' I in Msnnn i.o.. J- .. one ana a nan miies utf south of McKinnay's Mil Is, on the County road running from Salem to said Mills. It contains 40 acres, of which 540 acres is under a good substantial stake and rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation, two hundred fine bearing fruit trees, a srood farm house, together with other out buildings. Said farm is well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising, and wheat growing or any farm in the Territory. Said farm has been settled since IHt.;, and was among the first claims taken in Marion Co. Any person desirons of buving a good farm, with a litle money, will do well to call at the residence of the undersigned. Ol.n Ell TICKARD. Spring Creek, March 30. 1857. 4tf House, Carriage, Sign, and Steant- duri raiuiiu;. C A. REED having established bis Paint shop in . Salem, is prepared to execute with dispatch all jobs in the above line. Banners, Standards, and Em blems, ror societies painted on silk. satin, velvet or mus lin. I'slnts of sll colors ana descriptions mixed, ready tor use, for sale at his shop ; also W bite Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Varnish, Wall paper and Border, Window glass, Paiut brushes, graining tools, Ac. Di rections given in painting, alao in graining imitation of wood, stone or marble. N. B. Orders Irom abroad promptly attended to. All jobs intrusted to bis care warranted to give satis faction. Salem, Jan. , 1857. 43yl Notice. STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber, living in Albany, Linn Co., O. T., on or about the first of December, 1856, on sor rel horse, blaze raced, right hip knocked down, branded on near shoulder O. T-, vented V, hair brand. No other brands or marks recollected. Any one returning said horse will be liberally rewarded. j . a. siccun BLU. Albany. January 37. 1857. 46tfpaid Medical and Surgical Notice. r' ia often the case that persona sufier for a long time with a curable disease from the fact that tbey do not know where to go to find relief. I am preps red to re move all Tumors, Cancers and Diseased Bone to re duce dislocated joints of longstanding, straighten, wry nerk, club root, and to correct all deformity of the race and eyelids. D. G. CAMPBELL, M. D. Corvallis, u. t. Hay , iso. Btf Salem Bath House. OPEN every Wednesday and Haturday and Sunday mornings until 10 o'clock !-C3 Single Tickets, Sl.00. Per dozen. M.0O. To be bad at the honse. Terms rash. MORRIS THOMAS, Prop'r. Salem, July 14, 1857. I8m3 Dentistry. DR. J. R. CARDWBLL, Dental Surgeon, Corvallis, in his profession, at Corvallis, Eugene City, Win chester, Scottsburg, and Jacksonville. Skill, unques tionable; charges respectable; work, warranted. Teeth examined, and advice given free or charge. Due notice given of change of office. April 36, 1855. 7tf Lool Here. ALL persons that are indebted to James Strang, are reonested to call and settle their accounts bv the 15th or May. and all those who do not, will find their accounts in the hands or John D. Boon, Justice of the Peace. Having sola my Tin estaDiianment in Salem, I want to settle np my acconuts. JAMES STRANG. Salem, April 21.1857. 6tf DRY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great v riety, at 36tf MOORES' Drills. 10 BALES Drills just received and for sale G. ABERNETHY A CO. June 15, 185' 15tf 10 TONS assorted iron. Inst received at 9m3 GRISWOLD & CO'S. 1. J. Thtrer, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office in Corvallis, Benton Co., 0. T., opposite to the City Hotel In said town. W. W. Page. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Sa lem, O. T., Office, first door south or the States man Offlce, np stairs. 30tr W.H. rARKAB. tAKSWO BTOCT. Famrfc Stoat, ATTORNEYS AT LAW AND SOLICITORS IN Chancery and Admiralty. 0f Office on Front street, one door north of the " Exchange." Portland. O.T.. July 30,1857-. 13tf I. H. Smith. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND Solicitors in Chancery, Corvallis O. T. t. w. 8XITB. . I. W. Eltehcll, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, EU gene City, Lane Countp.O.T. , girgieil. JL. COOMBS. M. D.. Surgeon, Ac SPECIALTY . DISEASES OF THE EYE. Corvallis. Oregon. September 33, 1858. ZSmS K Frueitea IdnrtUliglgeief P. FISHFB, iron building, opposite Pacific Express J Office, no stairs. Files of all the principal Papers of California and Oregon may be found at this office. Mr. Fisher hi the authorized Agent for the Statesman. Chester H. Terry, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM, OREGON, COM "missioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments. Ac, Ac. for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Territory. Let ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice, 9L Particular attention paid to taking depositions, coUectiens of Notes, Accounts, Ac, 32tl Boitt ft EeEwtB, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, So licitors in Chancery, Proctors, Ac, ia Admiralty, Portland, Oregon. 45tf. Iirtliig k Grarer, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. AND Solicitors in Chancery. Office near the Courthouse, Salem, O.T. Ge. I. Shell, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND J. Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various courts or Oregon and Uashingion Territories. Office, saiem.u. r. Deluai Kmith, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial District, and before the .Supreme Court of Oregon. Office. Albany. linn County. O. T. N. B. When not at his office, or absent on profes sional Business, Be may be round at bis residence, five miles south-east of Albany, on what is known as the - urasm rraine. - I. G. Burnett, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND XX. Solicitor in Chancery. Bethel, Polk County. O. T. May 16. 1857. lltf W. 8. Breek, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the various courts in this Territory, snd promptly attend to the col lection of all claims against the United States, throuxh an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. Office in Eugene City, Lane county, v. a. R, E. Stratton, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the various courts or southern Oregon, .and in the Supreme Court or the Territory. ' Ofc in Deer Creek, Douglas county, O. T. Resi dence miles north or Winchester, on the Willamette road. . N. B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained for claimants on reasonable terms. ;:iu Chad wick Glbbs, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, So licitors in Chancery, Ac. Offices at Winchester snd (iardiaer. S. F. Chabwicx, Winchester. Douglas Co., 0. 1 . A.C. U i BBS , liardiner, I. mpqua Co., O.T. Nov. 9, 1855. 3otf a. at. aaaxra. j. o. wilsox. Barnunt fc Wilson. ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Sa lem, Oregon. Particular attention s given to the collection of notes and accounts, and cairns against government. Bounty Land Warrants bought and sold. mW Office over Starkey'a Store. 46 B. F. Donham. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- 2. lice at the Court House. Salem, O. T. ttf JT. B. Cole, 31. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Str Portland. Oregon. Erdietl. TJ. WRIGHT A E. B. STONE, hsving associated together ia practice, respectfully tender their ser vices to the people or Benton and Linn desiring to se cure the favor of the afflicted by success swy. Office near J. C.Avery's store, Corvallis. Sllypaid A. B. B.llotk, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER, PORTLAND. O. T. Designs, plans, specification. Ac, furnished on reasonable terms. William C. Oriswold a Co., TYfERCHANTS. SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. lfX w. c amtswoLB, S3tf - o. a. woodwobtr. Eugene City. H GRACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eugene City Hotel. 13U. Medical Notice. THE subscriber, would inform the inhabitants that he is at his old stand, ready to attend to all rails in nis proiessioa ; also ne nas on nana a wen selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well aaorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. W. WARREN. Salem December 3, 1856. v Stf W. B. Magem, M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build ing, on Main street, two doors north or Dr. J. S. Mclteeoy's lire-proof building ; where I will be round when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant ly on hand a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines which I will sell low for cash. Corvallis, Dec 9. 1856. 39tf Kedieal NoUee. DR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California, offers his professional services to the citizens fo Salem and vicinity, and respectfnlly solicits a share fo public favor. Star- umce at ueea ana r eiiows arug store. lty R. W. SHAW. Campbell Frail. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California. Office, corner Mnntzomery and Sacremento streets. over Parrott A Cos. Bank. Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business entrusted to their care. Sltf ALEXANDBa CAMTBKLL. O. C. I B ATT. - Joseph H. Preieott, AIM ST., oaaooK CITT. DEALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Show, Ac, and Paints and Oils, wholesale and retail. July 7, 1856. 1" V - S. Ellswortlm, ATTOBinir COCKSBX1.0R, n8. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene Commissioner or Deeds for New York, Connecticut, Ac AnmM 9S I M..K Watchmakinc. WIl.MAM F. H1GHFIELD, Chronometer and Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to tne Duuaing juju !"'" - - ; wnere oe can no Mi,v ft j i business in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of watches and jewelry lor smie. March 5. 1854. yiV S. Hamilton, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that he has located permanently at Deer Creek ror the purpose of practicing medicine, and in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy snd comfortable. . Ornca opposite R- H. Dearborn A Co.s store, on M Dragsand Patent Medicines for sale at low eoth pri nt. ,2tf aarll. Vbiwa. Ml. "?.- B ANKERS and EXCHANGE DEALERS. W..F..A i Co- in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Kxckmgt and Cotecftott Hun nsss Collections and Remittances made in all parts of Oregon.California.the Atlantic SUtes and Europe, with nromntness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Cola addBullhm.boiightandsold. M..,J.1l. Sia-ht Exchance on nao ti rmuooopiam, .rfcSler. Buffalo. ErU CteeeW OelroU, Chicago, MUtoamku, Galtna, St. Low lmumU, Ciminmmti. and oriy other principal towns in the Atlan tic States and the Canadas, may be procured at any of JEL WELLS. FARGO. A CO. 114, Montgomery-street, San Francisco . - I1UN OiVL'TI I A J Jue 1'jj. Br. Ciifkifi Ct4ietl Kitiees. D .R. J. U CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical 1 Institute. Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oppo- siie Pacific Mailt Steamship Co.'slfflce,Saa Francisco, Calirornia. Established for the Permanent cure of all Private and Chronic Diseases, and the suppression oi quackery. , Tie. J. I . CV7. k PK k T tstji In the Hnnearian Rcvold- tionary War, Chief Physician in the 30th Regiment of nonveas, cmei surgeon to tne military nospnai at ctm- , Hnnnn. and late lectnrer on Diseases of Urinary Or gans and Diseases of Women and Children, would most respectfully inform the public or Oregon and California that he has opened an Institute for the cure of Chronic Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain and the horrid consequences of self-abase, and he hopes that his Ions; experience and successful practice of ma ny years, will insure him a share of public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe and the Uni ted States, and daring the Hungarian war and cam-nais-na. he is enabled to 80014- the most efficient and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He uses no Mercury charges moderate treats nis patient in a correct and honorable way has references of un questionable veracity from men of known respectabili ty and high standing in society. All parties consulting him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Dr.'s offices are on Sacramento St., below Montgomery, San r rancisco. cainornia- Ainu SPERMATORRHEA OR LOCAL WEAKNESS. Dr. L.J. Czapkay would call public attention to snermatorrhasa or local weakness. There is not in the catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca ted than this, as well because or present aistress,as tne ultimate results. Tne tone or the system nnaer its in fluence is either imnaired or entirely destroyed, and a classof symptoms superinduced that unfits man for the performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The injuries done to the physical part or man is truly la mentable, but trilling when compared to those of the censorinm, the great nervous center, and to the ner vous system s-enerally. This disease, which is too often consequent upon that solitary vice, self-abuse, involves pathological conditions beyond the comprehension or tbeoninitiated. but which are well understood by the reg ular practitioner. Among the symptoms most conspic uous sre the following: Love of solitude, aversion to business and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex citement from slight causes, loss of memory, confusion of ideas, inability to reason correctly, low spirits and lassitude, dullness or apprehension and misanthropy. These being functional derangements, are often the har bingers of horrid organic lesions or tne Dram, wnicn produce fatuity, dementia ana aestn. For the cure of this and all kindred diseases. Dr. Czapkay has established his Institute, where all may rely with perfect confidence upon that skill which long experience and thorough devotion to his profession has given. Those who suffer should call or write without delay, and use the means by which they may recuperate and live All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad dress to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY. 13m3 Medical Institute. San Francisco. Cal. CI EC RET DISEASES- DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S EX O traordinary success in the treatment of secret dis eases in the primary ana otner stages, induces mm to call nublic attention to the fact that of the great num bers who have made daily application to him. there is not one who has not been effectually and permanently cured. In recent cases of private aueases, tne i'r- guar anties a perfect cure in a few days without hindrance to business or other inconvenience. The Dr.'s method of treating these maladies, combines the improvements made by the medical faculty with discoveries of his own that are unknown to any one else, and which, when applied, prevent the possibility of evil after consequen ces. Secondary smhilis. which Is so destructive of health producing ulcerations or the throat, destroying the soft parts, and leaving the bones exposed, which mortify, separate and come away, disfiguring the sufferer most horriblr. as well as impairing bis eeneral health, and predisposing to consumption, the Dr. treats in the most certain and emcteot manner, also, painiui swellings upon the bones, disfiguring splotches upon the skin, sores, pimples, and all other consequences of private diseases he guaranties to cure or asks no compensation. Dr. C. would especially call the attention of those who have failed to obtain relief from others, many or whom he has already enred, and many are still under treat ment. The Dr. makes no charge for consultation, and invites all to call at bis Institute ; and he will give them such satisfaction as tbey can obtain nowhere else. Those at a distance, bv writing to the Dr., can hare their cures properly attended to. Offices on Sacramen to St.. below Montgomery. &an t rancisco. i ai. izmi The Greatest Diseorrrr of the Age. "I REAT Blessincs to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! JT DR. CZAPKAY'S PaorBiLACTicrsi, (self-disinfec ting agent.) a sure preventive against secret diseases, and an uasuroassed remedy fur scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, and all cutanous eruptions and dis eases. For sale at Da. Czapxat's Office, Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery sts.. San Fran cisco, Cal. A iuoculatkm is preventive against small pox, so is Dr. Czapkay 's Prophilacticum a preventive against secret disease That they can be prevented by proper agents, is as well an established fact as that they can be cured after their establishment. This principle, which is now universally recognized, was received even before the days of Jenner. the discoverer of vaccination, in 179. and its multiplied benefits ever since have re ceived as tbey deserved, the attention of the Medical f acuity. It was in pursuit of this branch of the medical science that Dr. L. J. Czapkay fortunately made the dis covery of bis Prophylacticum , which, for the cancerous and c'ntanous disorders, stands unrivalled by any agent in the Pharraacopo?a. The atadats oprrmdt of this med icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons aossess chemical properties" which are neutralized by heing brought in contact with this prophylatte, as acids are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely their original properties, and rendering them inert. The effect or this agent is immediate, and removes the possibility or a contraction of disease. If, however, the disease has been contracted, it is useful ia neutralizing the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce the consequences known as secondary disease. In can cerous and gaugerous ulcers, in fostid discharges and in cutanous diseases where the secretions are excoriating, it acts upon the same principle and is one of the most effectual remedies for the purpose now known. Where disease is once established it should te used ia eonneo tkra with other remedies, and when so used never fails of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in many thousand cases, and he has yet to find the first in which it has railed to subserve the purpose for which it was administered. Price, $5. Full directions are at tached to each package N. B. In cases where the Prophylatieum is nsed as curative. Dr. I. J. Czapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre scription for his blood purifier. All communications from the country, addressed only o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, San Francisco, Cal., will be strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies. with the greatest care ana secrecy, lmmeaiateiy ois oatcbed by express or otherwise to their destination. r , r rviDtriv v r Mj VJAt nai, aft. v. 12m3 San Francisco, Cal. To tub Ladies or Oregon and California. L. J. Csapkat, M. D.. physician sorgeoa and accoucber, in vites the attention of tbe sick and afflicted females la boring under any of tbe various forms of diseases of tbe braiu. lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, khl nevs. and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other physician In Oregon or cainornia. uet no laise oeiicacy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful snflenng and premature death. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other cirenmstances do not allow to have an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay "s Medical Institute, Armnrv Rail, corner of Sacramento and Mooteomerv streets, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor s unices are so arrangea ne can be consulted without molestation. Um3 n- Al consultations I by letter or oinerwise.j iree. Address to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY, M. Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal. SS-Tbe attention of the readers is called to the foi- owing: . A of hinh standing in society and respectability. published a card in the Philadelphia 8unday Dispatch, September 14. 1851, which is as follows: A Caud The undersigned feels it her duty to express her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Csepkay, for the success ful cure of herseir and child. The latter having been afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was given np as lncumoie oy soon ot toe sm ceieoratea physicians, when she called on Dr. Czapkay, of whom she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice herself, for the scrofulous malady, with which she had been afflicted for eight years, and which withstood the treatment or the best physicians in Europe and Ameri ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeed ed in affording her permanent relier, so tnat sue can now enjoy lire, which, for eight years bad lost all charms for her. She, there fore deems it due to herseir and to all sick and afflicted to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one or the most skillful physicians within the United States. P Mas. CAROLINE GRAY. Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. A. Glass. Notary Public. 136, 7th street. The following is an editorial notice in the Boston Daily Times of August 6th, 1864: A Skhxfti, Pbtbicias. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city. Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and waa connected with the patriotic army as physician and surgeon under the patronage of Kossuth, lie combines with a finished education and the most refined and agreeable manners, the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in his Krofession, and we feel much pleasure in recommending im to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman. Or. Czapkay bas spent some time in Philadelphia where be won the confidence and friendship or those who be came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil adelphia are gentlemen or the highest respectability, with whom we are personally acquainted. He had an extensive practice in Hungary before the Anstrians and Russians compelled him to leave it for being found guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive that natronaee doe a man of so eminent capacity. The above are only a few of the many testimonials which Dr. Czapkay has in his possession, bat cannot publish for want of space. All communications, (by letter or oincrwir!j ii. aT-Persons desiring prompt attention, and who wish to . ----- vi cuonuwumi, caw nr isssseui- at aftA4.ffltlnn k. . j, a. . i. . j Kuumg icq aoiiarc as cohsuibsskms icc, and can havs medicine forwarded. Address to A- J. IS&APK.AI, a. V. Ainu o. Vmuiaa r.l headache, pains in the side, affectloi'of'evesfa!: pies on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man m cured without fail by the justly celebrated nhlr"' surgeon, L. J. Czapkay. Ilia method of carina- diM. i new (unknown to outers) and hence the " cess. AU consultations, by letter or otherwise. 1m 17m3 , San Francisco. Csl. - notice. f THE Judges of tbe Soprenu Court of the Territory of Oregon, assembled at tbe seat of Government on the 16th day of December, 1856, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the county of Marion, on tbe first Mondays of April and September, and tbe fourth Mondays of May and Octo ber, annually, until' otherwise ordered ; and in the city of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on the fifth mouuay, oi uecemDer, 1856, ana thereafter on tne nrst Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays of Jane and November, annually, until otherwise order ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice. 41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. Estray Animals. rpHE subscriber at Harrisburg. Linn Co., baa lost the iouowiug ocscnuea animals : A bay horse, with star ia forehead, a little white on his nose, hind feet white up to the pastern joint, and branded " 31" on the right shoulder, 3 years old this spring. Also a roan cow, 7 or 8 yean old, branded J. S. on the right hip, and " 21" as above. Has a white calf with red ears, about 18 months old, branded " 31" as above. The cow left last fall, and probably has had another calf this spring. Any person nnomg tnem will be rewarded ror their trouble, by informing me. A. McILWAIN. June is, 1857. I4m6paid HULL'S No. 1 Soap, the best yon ever used. Try it. White lead, linseed oU, turpentine, putty, . indigo, madder, copperas, alum, ' oil for lamps and machinery, New Orleans sugar, . crushed sugar, cream tartar, saleratus, soda, at 36tf MOORES'. lie ! Te Worker of Iron ud Steel ! T HATE this day received by the arrival of the J. R. jl v niting irom ban r rancisco, the following meat oi iron ana steel, to wit : 3.000 lbs. Norway shapes. 3,000 lbs. 3 X Iron (fiat,) 3.000 " 3 X3-16 " " 3,000 " JXi " " 6.000 " ,. l.lLabdU, square. 3,000 " i. 5-16, j. l.and 1L inch round. 1,000 " assorted cast steel. 100 " horse shoe nails, (Oi Which together with stock in store makes as com plete an assortment as can be found in Territory and will be sold as cheap as the cheatzst for cash or coun try produce. J. ft. pke&cott. Oregon City. Feb. 13, 18S7. - 50tf Boot and Shoe Store. , 'i.r.ijciwv-iv it season wtmia ihbrucq --m X to tbe citizens of Salem, and the surround- I". I ing country, that he have taken a store on the kC east side of Commercial street, north of the Dostoffice. where he will keep cast tan tlj on hand a fall assort ment of every kind of boots and shoes, both custom and sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the manufacture or repair cf work will be complied with, and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give me a call and examine my stock. FREDERICK WICKMON? S?.Iem. March 13,1837. 13tf jLooat Here! w E have just received 88,000 lbs. of ground ahrm salt, which we are selling at f3,iH) per Hundred. GRISWOLD A CO. SAX'l- SMITH. VBQSIiS A. DAVIS Smith is. Dawis, TMPORTERS and wholesale Druggists; fire proof X store, Portland, Oregon. Orders from tbe country solicited. 8m6 Coffee. TF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the X undersigned have got 15.000 pounos best " CUSTA KICA. ' Come in and look at it. ALLAN McKINLAY A Co. Oregon City, Dec 6, 1856. J AS. B.aiCHABBS. I - JXO. MCCKAKKS, San Francisco. I Portland, O. T. Richards & McCrakea. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon V- r lour, train. Produce, r ran. pork. Bacon. Lard Hams. Ac, Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco. January 37, 157. 4W Notice. rrro all whom this may come, greeting : That I am to JL leave for tbe States soon, and would respectfnlly request those who know themselves indebted to me. or W.C.Griswold A Co., to call and settle without delay, and oblige W. C GRISWOLD. Salem, January I7.1S57. 46tf The Laws of Oregon. THE OREGON STATUTES, 1S55, being a large vol nme of 650 pages, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprising all tbe laws in force in the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session of tbe Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office or the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex ecuted in tbe best manner, bound in law style, and is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can be bought ia any State iu the Union, and at the lowest figure tbey can be afforded for here. The price places them within tne reach or all who desire the laws they live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, filled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years. In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen dence, constitution oi tne united btates. Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787, ia force in Oregon. Donatio- ' aw and ail amendments, and full abstract of United Ates Naturalization Laws. Ijos Angelos Salt. SALT 300 bags Los Angelos Salt, received, per Na humkeag, aad for sale at lowest rate. IStf . G. ABERNETHY A CO. I ledittl EfToInuti! Tbe World Uiuibiobx ! HOl,LrOWAYS OINTMENT. THE GREAT COUNTER IRRITANT. The virus of disease often makes its way to the in ternal organs through the pores of tbe skin. This pen etrating Ointment, melting under the hand as it is rub bed in, is absorbed tbrongn tne same c nan nets, aad reachinar the seat or inflammation, promptly and invari ably subdues it, whether located ia the kidneys, the liv er, the lungs, or aay other important organ. It pene trates the surface to the interior, through the countless tubes that communicate with the skin as summer rain passes into tbe fevered earth, diffusing its cool and re generating influence. DISEASES AND GLANDULAR SWEL-1 .LINOS. Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced by the anti-inflammatory action of this Ointment. An gry Eruptions, such as Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworm, Scald Head, Nettle Rash, Scabies (or Itchl Ac, die out. to return no more, under its application. Hospital experience in ail parts of tbe world, proves its infallibility ia diseases of the skin, tbe muscles, the joints and the glands. ULCERS, SORES. AND TUMORS. The effect of this unrivalled external remedy nton Scrofula, and other virulent ulcers and sores, is almost miraculous. It nrst discharges the poison which pro duces' suppuration and proud flesh, and. thus the cures which its healing properties afterward complete are safe as well as permanent. WOUNDS, BR UISES, B URNS, AND SCALDS. Tn easee of the fracture of the bones, iniuriea cuwl by steam explosions. Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Rheuma tism, Stiffness of tbe joints, and contraction of the sin ews, it is employed and warmly recommended by the faculty. This marvelous remedy has been introduced by its inventor in person into all the leading Hospitals of Europe, and no private household should be without it. UNDENIABLE TESTIMONY. The Medical Staff of the French and English Armies in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of Hollowaya Ointment, aa the most reliable dressing for sabre cats, stabs, and gun shot wounds. It is also sign ed by the surgeons of the Allied Navies. BOTH THE OINTMENT AND THE PILLS SHO ULD BE USED IN THE FOLLO WING CASES: Ttnnmna. Bnrns. Chapped Hands, Chilblains. Fistula. Gout, Lombairo. Mercurial Eruptions. Pi les .Rheumatism , Ringworm, Salt Rheum. Scalds, Skin Diseases, Swelled!L Sore Leas. Sore Breasts. Sore Heads. Dm. Throats, Sores of all kinds. Sprains, Stiff Joints, Tetter, Ulcers, Venereal Sores, Wounds of all kinds. - ,Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hollo way, SO Maiden Lane, New York, and 344 Strand. London by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout tne united tscaseaand tbe civilised world in pots, at 35 cents, 63a. aad tl each. S3 There is a considerable saving done by taking tne larger sixes. N. B Directions for the guidance of patients in eve ry disorder are amxed to each pot. 3$yi c. b. miiwv repairing of watches and docks. Alftk wa ranted. Jewelry repaired at abort notice. FOB SALE : Watches and clocks, 8 day striking clocks at a vere' low price ; also SO honr marine clocks. ' JEWELRY. Ladies and gents Brooches, Finger Rings, Ear Rinaa -Gold Buckles, Guard Chains, Ac Ac " " Salem, July 6, 1857. . lTtf- Allan, SlcKinlay, Co., HATE just received a stock of New Goods, anp would invite all those who wish to procure GOO(f articles at reasonable prices, to call aad see them. The v wnniuinHigi uwiutwwuiv Grindstones . Canal aad Wheel Barrows Fancy Brooms, . Plain do Assorted Colored Palla. Paisbd Tubs, Zine Washboards, Blacksmith's Bellows, Croas-ent Saw, 7ft do Cft Min Saws, 7 ft Hair Mattresses, doable, do single. Hair Bolsters, doable, a ""ede. 'Jssnu candles. raJs Cradles, "vtseytheaand Hasina. Brush as do GardSS" w r noes, do Spades, Polished Shovels. Hay Forks, Manure Forka, Chains, Window Glass Shy 10 do - lOby It do 7 by Window Hashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 13 Gr" hrand Tobacco, ox Bows ana loses. Blankets, Baize, Lindseya, Sheetings, Ticks, AcLAe We keen constantly on hand a lam maLZTTS Arm - - go fn CERIE8, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, and atuv srti-' dec too numerous to mention. J ALLAN, M'KISrLAY A CO. Oregon City. Ceo. Uemlljk tt., M ERCHANTS, OREGON CITT, OREGON TERr IbenetXT. nark 1 fa.. 'COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS,. j San Francisco, CaL, will attend to selling Oregon nrodnce, and mi orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac, at the 10 rates. The patroaacre of the neonle of Ores-on' u respectfully solicited. - August 1, ABM. lltf - : Kenyan's JDagnerrean AMBROTYPE GALLERYV rTTHE undersigned having recently letmned from Saa X Francisco, is now prepared to take those beantifal Pictares on Glass called A MBR U T YPjES. which have almost entirely supei ceded the Daguerreotype ia the East and San Francisco. Gallery in the new building, erected nprrinilj far tt 6asmess, west of the Marion House. WILEY KENTON, i Salem. November 11, 1856. 35tf - - - Wamted. rZrrn hasM Oats, and 5000 Wheat, and any quaa clUUU tity of dead swine, for which cash will be paid on delivery. J. N. PRESCOTT. , Oregon City, Nor. S3, 1356. 39tf tirgBfl md California Fatket Lise. fTQIE following vessels will run in con nee J tion as a REGULAR LINE between JV San Frandsto and Portland z 9 BARK OCEAN BIRD. Wrcsrxs. Master, " " CHAS. DEYENS.UKA1.T, JANE A. FALKENBERG, Babges, J " NAHUMKEAQ. WnxiAxs. BRIG J. B. LUNT. Rictabmkk, " The Barks have all been coppered recently, aad are in first rate order, commanded by experienced captains Freight will se lanital as! tne aossest rmtt. Produce sent from any part of the country to Oregoa City or to tbe Linn City Works, will be received aad forwarded to San Francisco, AfiESrs: GEO. ABERNETHY A Col. Oregon City. ABERNETHY, CLARK A Co. San Francisco. November, 8, 1846. 36tf Grain. Cradles. DOZ. superior, Ave fingered grain cradles, fust re ) ceived and for sale- G. ABERNETHY A CO. June 15. 1957. 15tf Notice to Shippers and Mereliasits. ONE of the firm bring permanently located ia Saa Francisco, all consignments of produce and orders to be filled, will be attended to without delay, at mode rate rates. 36tf WAKEFIELD A CO. Allan & Lewis, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, OBK GON TERRITORY. Reynolds & Law. 134 WASHDCOTOX ST., 8. F-. ANB FXOST ST-, rOrTXASn. COMMISSION Merchants and dealers hi aB kinds ot v Oregon Produce. Advances nude on goods con signed to as and forwardedree of charge. -Office at J. Failing A Co s. l.g Powder. WE have a large supply of powder in hand. GEO. ABERNETHY A CO, Oregon City, Nov. 13, 1856- STtf Paper Hangings and Carpets ! JUST RFCEIYED Per fate arrivals, by FRANC BAKER, 110 and 113 Clay street, Saa Francisco 809 cases Paper Hangings, French and Ameri can every variety ; 6O00 rolls French and American Borders; 635 ps Tapestry Brussels Carpets; 300 ps Tapestry Velvet Carpet; 330 ps Three-Ply Carpet; 300 ps Superfine Ingrain Carpets; . So ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpets; Son ps Cotton and Wool Carpets; 135 ps Stair Carpets, asserted; 25 ps Bar State Druggists; fOO ps Oil Cloths. assorted; 125 ps Silk Damask and Brocatella; eXN) ps Cotton and Worsted Damask; 40P0 pair Window Shades ; SIS pair Lace Curtains; 750 pair Moshn Curtains; - - , -" 000 Cornices and Cnrtain Bands; 335 dozen Marts, assorted; Stair rods. Table Covers, Gimps. Fringes, Ac. Wholesale and Retail, by FRANK BAKER. 110 A 113 Clay st. Sn Francisco. "' Orders from the coontry lilted with care and dis patch. 17st3 The Orrzon Statesman. Am Indtpcrndtxt Juui mot, drroird to PoKtie. General JntcUigcmrt. Published mi Sakm, Orcgom. ASA H EL BUSII, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor. The Statesman is Democratic in politics, aad thor onsrhly National in its character. It is hostile to every species cf sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance; and will vigorously oppose all attemots to incorporate aay of tbe insane isms of the day into our Territorial iegieiaeonw , It will advocate all practical measures of Reform and Progress, economical and simple administration of our local government ; iaitnroiness, integrity, and ca pacity ia office, and a system of rivid aad direct ac- conntability of the officer to the people. It will dia cuss all measures agitating the public mind, in a atas ner fearless, impartial, and just. Its News Department will be edited with lanr-b' attention, aad nothing will be spared to furnish earlv. accurate, and comprehensive auMicatioa of tbe cur rent intelligence. Tbe Statesman bas a luge, wideiy-arattered , and bmsi excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete lacmues lor piocwnng news. Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel lany, Agricultural and Literary matter. in tnw paper are punitsnea me saws, reaonroons, and treaties of the United States, aad the laws and refla tions of tbe Territory of Oregon by authority . Tb" paper is printed en new material, and upon a sheet ot toe largesxsise. Statessmast Book audi J Office, W1 E have Three Presses, the best facilities for Boofe printing north of California, and aa el tensive : sortmentof Joannes Matzxiai. of every kiad; and, with master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, aad? in a workman-like manner, ail orders im the above da- 1 partments, such aa HOOKS, sbuks. PAsmmcrsv Noto op Hajtb. Okdbx Boots r Stbambo't Bn.i Stsahsot Cams. Bills or Ltnm CnrincATsav Snow Bills, Cases: Books, Bl'z Rzcxrrrs, HAjrpanxa. Bali. Ticaai-V ClKCCtASS, IxvrrATJOits, Bpsrase Canns, Binnaana, Conczbt Blt.1.8, PaonaajfaTss, AnDBBSS Casdk, AKATT8, -' Blanks op all Enron. "Ac Ac. . - ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED LNKS-t Law of Newspapers. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to ths coasrary. arc constoerea aswisAing toonattaoe anew suhscrintiorA. - - 3. If mbscribers order papers discoatinoed, Pnbfishera mav continue to send them till all charges are paid. J 1. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers f from tbe office or place to which they are sent, tbey are J held responsible until tbey settle their bill and giv ne ties todiscontiniM! them- a TrK-m mn tn other places without icforauna 1 . n.i.i:.v --n t K naner ia sent to the former aHree . UHS rauusuci , i r , , lXtV refusing ut, , . i m ka ttflKdm fan lana'riaaa a f.t laao ng ttsScaUedfor, mprissa facia evidence of ij, tea tioa. ttar Postmasters would oblige, by a strict fulfiltnMBt i.tnu reouirinr them to notify Publishers. aneeia three months of papers not taken from their f lZ. k snhscrners. t UU1W "J 7