The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, September 22, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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! I- 's
Tho City Book-Store,
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
Have ta Store, and will be receiving by the 1st of Jane
Which they offer to the
At small advance on Sew York price.
Give as a call, or aend u an order, and we are
sowmf to give jroa satisfaction 1
A. R. Shipley Co.,
Are the Solk Ao-ost in Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the Rale of
The American Statesman,
X GREAT BOOK ! ! Betas the only political history
of the United States.
Send a yon name. Price f I 00 : Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September
ta all who send us their names by lit or May.
Catalogue of Fart of our Stock :
BsaDkbsv Sanders" old 1st, 2d. 3d. 4th, and 5th.
(ad xtae Young Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, !J, 3d.
m and Sth: lakers' lt, 2d, 3d. 4th and 5th; Mc
Uaffey't Lit, 2d, 3.1. 4th and 5th.
SrsLLsaa Sanders' Old, Sandera New; Elemen-
'"Susrea. Sanders Pictorial. School and Parker's.
GsotiSArBics. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern. Ol
aey's, Morse's. McNalley's, and MonteitU's lot and
Mathi: Mines. Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables,
Mental, Analysis. Pra-tical, and Higher; Darin' lri
mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's
Colbaraoi Ray's Stoddard's; Davie Algebra. Sur
veying, Geometry. Practical Mathematica. Math. Dic
tionary. lgie of a! at hematics. Analytical Geometry,
and Plulosoptiy or Matneaiatic.
Grammars. Greea'a Claris s nioa'.- Smith
Kirkam's Soencer s Tower's.
PuiLOSoraiss. Parker's 1st Lesson, Javenile and
School; Coot, toe k s Suv.tu a.
litsroniKS Wilson's Juvenile, and United Stites
Parley's Universal; Willard's Universal, and Un.ted
Lakocaow. Cooper "s Ylrjrfl; Andrew s Latin lies
dot; Virl Ronus; Andrew's Latin Grampian Mol'lin
tock's 1st and 2d Bock ia Latin, snd do. in Greek; An
thm't Creek Grammar and Reader; Johnson's Ctccro.
Fajoelle"s Fren-;h Gramm-ir and Reader; Woojanry's
German Grammar and Reader. Telemaone. Greek T -
fcunent; French, sclf-tangh:; San-cane's French Dic
tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Lid-Jell Scott's Greek
4, Aatboa s Classical do, sow s ao U".
DtCTtosaaiti. Webster's School. High do, Aca
demic, University, Royal svo, Unabrid ed and Co aba
HrscsxLANUM-s. Mattison s Astronomy. A ?wman
Rhetoric. Wood's B jtany. Kame's Elements of Crit
icism. Parker's Aid ia Composition. Parker's Exer
cises. Brookield's Corap-awtioa. MjElligott's
Analyzer, da. Analytical Man-ial. Parker's tt'ofj
Boiluer. Mavbcw's Uak Keeping. Wa via ad's Morel
Science. Palcy's Natural Theology. Bi-ilvcU AsTicul
tare for Schools. L'pham"- lutelicctual Pail-tsnphr.
Maaan's do. do. M Iron; Yoaag; Pulbc-k: and Tn:nv
son; (Edition f-r S-hcsds) Cutter's Anatomy auj
PhynofciirT. ' American lteoater.. Newman's Political
Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Ureat variety of
Speaker and Elocnti m. All kiud of S:hool St iti-m-err:
Slates of all size: Drawing Books: Dr.swuii
Paier; perforated Card Baard; Bristol Baard: Pencii..
and Brnsbs-; Osbon's Colors; Inkstands, every size
and atyic, &c, c. to.
HrsroaT- Bancroft's United State. C rofamr
Hildrcth s d. do. Tolnmes. tYcwi's PicVirial l"ni?rl
States. Taylor's do. do. do. B eta's Hist. Bevid:;to!i.
Peterson's do. Wilson s United State. Will ird d '.
HUt. Indian Wars United Stites. Wiiiard's Universal
Htsttn-r. Mnller do a i, itrtcc s Hist. oriij I ir
1 Totames. Kollin's Aasnent H'wtory. F"arr"s d . d i
Hame's Enslaad. Macaalay's do.. ermp!t u. li.-kn
Child's do. Liairard's do. Gibbon's R-itne. D'An
Ttrizne's Beformati-m. Bias's M. E- Ch irch. Alii-on"
Europe, 1st and 2d Prescolt ork. Bardei's
Mbit, of Religion. Hu-t. of fou-ictl of Trent. Jo--
phas. All of Abbott's HifriiM. llistori-al
yaeens of Spain, t-aeesof S-jollan-l. lleip's Srtanih
Conqnets. Brace's Kuniry. Kidder's Brazil. Ku
back's Brazil. Parity's Universal. Hi.fcry Cru.
sades. Ancient ETypti3- " Hallam's MM-ile A?i-.
History fur Biys. llnnaer's 1 uiid's United Stales.
Losstni; s Field Bwk of Revolution.
Brocsarar. Platarcb's Lives. IJ.'e Brant. VTnn.
derfol Characters. Great and Celebrated Character)'.
Uves of the Siiruer". Ant.;j,arihy of Finley. La
martine's Celebrated Characters. Lileof Adam Clarkr,
do Bishop Hedding. do Xiebahr. do tlen. Harrin.
4o Daniel Bone. do Roberts, do Lafayette. Cap
tains or Roman Kepnoue an.t )!i oiiii. Lr. Cuai
raers, 4 vls- Lives of Uaislioldts. Mrs. R nrers.
Morart. Weslev. llct -iier. Lii'e and Times of cisiv:
Irvine's Washington. Eaiiaent Mechanics. Live of
Chief Justices- Jovsphine. Napo!era. l";;aries Lamb.
Jackson, tien. Green. Joan of An-. LadyJ;neTrt-y.
J. Q. Adams. Juliecne. Daniel Webster; Kin? ".f
B'Mne. Kins and Qieen. I.iebralz. Lives of the
Pope Preicotl's PUilip 2J. Mary and M-irtLa Wa- h
taetoa. Pioaeer Wom 3 of the Wert.
tlirEL. Hack's China. Arancaniaa'. Ftenttea's
Esyp. Olio's Travel. Mirigo Park. Xi'e Njt
AdVentnres on Mnsqnito Shore. Bayard Ti lor's Trav
eU- Dorbin's Travcis in the East.
Sctcmnc. BraV.'e's Encyclopedia. PI-.rsi-.-alCj-i'.
ItjiUt of the Sea. Wood's Nstnral History. I..:i:r'i
hectares. Useful Art. Cosmos. Mathematical Die
ttonarr. Loeie of'es. Wonders of Science.
Mitchell's Planetary and Steiiar World. Lon-nis' Re
cent PmsresB of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Arts and Science. Laioans s tiydrauacs. Lick s works.
Tarions works oa Architecture.
powrar. Bvroo varioos stvles. Shakespeare, do.
Milton, do. Barns, do. Hemans, do. Moore, do.
Thompson. Yoonjf. Pollock. Tapper. Cowper. Pope.
Campbell. Wadsworth. Osiian. M'Mitgomery. Kirk
White. Fern Je Poets of England, do. do. America
and many others.
Books or Refkhence. Cyclopedia of Gencraphy.
- do. do. Fina Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts.
McCoUoeh's Gazetteer. Harper's Univetsl izettecr.
FBtrrr asd Agsicvltvuax Elliot's Fra:t Hook.
Thomas' do. Downiog's do. Barry s do. Pesendcn's
rum bhu . . . . .. . ...... ..... v.
Garicner'a Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
a Strawhemr. Florist's (Vaidc. American farm Book.
Allan's DomeHtie A nimil. All of hoxton s Hand Books.
Woaks oa Hotjc, Cattle, Sheep, H, Ac.
TaBMMtcai. Jc Rkuiiiots. Harmony and Erpoi-
tioa of Gospels. Xeander's Life of Ctirit. Butler's
Wirfci. Knapp's Chrrtiaa Theology. Western Meth
edisni. Moms Misce'.iame. 1ect.ires on Rimanism.
Brand of Dominie Rale. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes'
Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's
Exercise. Watson's Institutes. Larrabee's Evidence?.
BoUer'a Ethical Discourses. Rogers' E:Iipe of Earth,
do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Cari-tL Perfection.
Baker oo Discipline. Writings of Armiaias. Jahn's
Biblical ArcoasJopy. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from
SI v $2. Testaments, c-reat variety. Methodist
Hymns. Cdrislisn Hymn Books. Cborch Psalmist.
pTjaooth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian
MracsA-Bae'ian's Psmity rh)-iclan. Hydro
pathic do. Hontojpathic W.vrlc.
Miscat-Lssmra. ConstTtations of United States.
Maynew's Popolar Edncation. Crabbe's Synonyms.
Piatt's Book of CorhMities. Odd Fellow's ManniL
Heidler's Works, 14 rols. Mrs. Tuthill's, Tols. Lsy
ard'sNiaevch. BigeloVs Useful Arts. Has well's En
rneer's Goide. A mad -an Intitiions. ParWt of
Kaowledse. ParkMa-li'Wm. Pernvian Antlooiiiei
Wit Down lias. Pyn 'nsrt. Ike M irrel's Virks.
Sanderson's Cook and Confe-iooer. Coantry Ramble
ia Eitsnd. Tales and Reveries, (an excellent lemorr
ance Biok.l Maocy Maker, lvtcaped Nun. Newn
Bos-. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook U-ok. Mil
ler's Old Red Sndit-ne. d . Footprints f Creator.
Yoana- Ladies" Coonseilor. Yonog Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Contitu
tiooal Text Bvk. Captive in Patatfonis. The Ameri
can Hoo-ewi.'e. Ilalr Hours with 01 1 IIum;hrey
Athens; its Grande ar and Decay. Mrs. Sej jvri Vs
Redwood, do. New Eo. Tale. Uacle Sim's Farm
Pence. Arthnr's Saccsral Merchant, do. Tal. Mrs.
Pam-irtoo. ' Iforaec Traaflition. Vfnril da. Mrs. c'ar
len's Work". licroines of Hiitory. Land aod Sea.
Deckatd Port. Sa and Silor. Sh;p and Shore.
NasU U.'- l-Axt Ptfr. Masonli Curt. Irving's
Coiambns. Txn? Look Aliead. City of New York"
Livm-r ato.-s of America. -Yotjn.e Mm AdviseL -M(s-stoos
ia Ton3a and Kcg5. Truth Stnnjrer Thau Fic
tion. Ka til an-1 the Radian'. II vdraput jio C ul
Book. Death Bl S-renes. Gift Boj!t"f r Vout Men.
do. do. Lwdits. Anecdote1 for Girls, do. do. H .y.
PootprinLs of Famous Men. Charlotte Elhihrth's
Work's. Advice to Yo:m Men. Peasant R-iy Philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Pivnl Bxk. do f ranconia.
And a uamber of others too numerous to enumerate.
Cssaf.tsntly receiving larire additions tt the foroin?.
6t t:oxzbt. Foolsrp l'aper preat variety, le t
ter do, do. plain and Rilt. Note do, 6r, do, do. Envel
opesail fctyles. Inks all kind. Pens and Holders
great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles.
Memorandums. Diaries. Pa Books. Time B k.
Paocr Cutters, do Folders. Shipning Receipt Book.
Lithorayhie PrinLs a large variety. Wrapping Pa
per ood variety. Wafers. Reslins Wax, Ac, A(
rinally, we faave a (rood variety of
Mcsic BooKS-New Carmin Sacra. Alpine r.!(e
Ringer. Dtilcimer. f "norns Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred MHodeon. Cbrixt'aa psalmist. Piano Intmc
do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do.
Melodeon do. plymootb CoUectioa with Mnsic Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Statiovest ever
offered ia Oregon.
ST This stock is all hon;ht ia New York and other
Eastern cities aod is sold at
W We keep on hand Scnooi. B.oois in larjre qoan
Uties. together with most of the publications of
Hsuter k Bkotiikks;
DsKsr A Jackson;
InsoM A PiitKXEr;
Puiuups A Saxson;
A. S. Baaves A .;
Miixeb, Ortox 1l Mcujgax;
Ijtaar & Getz;
Arrurov; and others.
-We ask your patronage. If enable to rL t .
sad examine oor stock, your obbcrf wiU be alien kd to
ia the saws raits as ii yon oeogni ia person.
8. J. McCormick,
Franklin Book Store,
(FROST STBKtrr, rorm.Asr.o.T.)
HAS constantlv on hnnd a larje st :rk of Books anb
Stationery", which ho sells at a small advance on
l'i'BMsiiKits Pricks.
J-A catalogne mav be seen In the Orojton nnd
Washin'rtion Almanac for 1S57. Bmks orCrrvd there
from sei.t pnstsp; free to any part of either Tcrrritory.
Portland. Feb. 24. 157. 50yl
Corrnllis Drug Store.
JR. CARDWELL, Drn?Kit and Apothecary, U eon
. stantly ieceivin!r. ier California steamers, lurpie
and carefully selected st'ick of Drugs and Medicines,
Oils, Paint. VarnL-h, S-vips. Perfumeries. Toilet Kiir
nitiire. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug
Stores. A cent tor Jaynes. and other patent medicines,
which will be fami-hed at California, wholesale prices.
s Okpcks kolioited. ft
Corvallis. May?, ISoT. 12tf
Blacksmiths aua others, Look.
ALLAX StcKTXLAY CO. have now on hand a
Urge and well selected stock of
Bir Iron. Cist Stoet,
Horse shoe do., . German, do.,
Nail rod d.. Plough 3o.,
Plate do..
And intend to k'cp np the assortment so as to salt the
wants of customer. Give ns a call, and you will flr.d
that we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell
as cheap as the cheapest." We are constantly receiv
ing additions to onr aisortment, so as to replace what
is sold.
Oregon City. Pec. 53. 1S56. 41tf
Henry Johnson fc Co.
wholesale nnrcc.isTS.
(Ill Wa-diinirt ia Street, San Francisco.)
OTer for sale to the eonntry tr.ide. the larset stock
of good la their line on" the Paciilc roat compri
sing Drnes. ChemircM. Perfumery. Patent Medicines of
all kind.Rrnshe. Paints, 0:l. Glass. Turpentine, and
every article appertaining to the basinei. ll.ovini su
perior facilities" for obtaining their good thev think
they can oTer inducement ta buyers unequalled by
anv other honse.
Orderv rs-pectfu;ly solicited. 401y
Drt J. Tt CARDWELU Dental Surgeon
Cnnrallis, wdl practice in nrofes
sim.ftt tnrvai!i. Kuzrnt Ci.'i. IFinrArs-
trr. iV-o.'i.'ftnrg.and Jarkrtmritir. fkill.nnviestionablc
pharccs.niccta'.le; work, warranted. Tvcth examm
ed. sad advice given free of charrre.
Due notice given of chance of office.
April 25. 15S. 7tf
3iov llec-ifin?
rrHE fo'l.nving artklos from Bark Ocean Bird and lor
X. sale loir.
50 grws matches ;
1") ke of syrnp ;
50 hi. bid. X. O. sngar ;
10 buls. ennhcd sngar;
50 boxes candle ;
10 bbls. vinetrar ;
20 caes tea ;
1 3 doz. broom ;
2 ) doz. back'.-t-;
2 cases men's fine eslf boots ;
2 " " calfbrozass;
2 " " goat
T&fys";a ;
rv.ith"e-i!f fcrnrvi"; "
Vivnien's Morx-co boots ;
imitation boots ;
Mines' b-xu ;
175 pairs chiMren's j-hes;
Ii -ti-aw cmter ;
2 1 grain cradles ;
1 reaper ;
1 two horse threnfr:
Cttr. Jnne 1 . 1 l.itf.
CttlAI.V i't'Ml"S, m-iikey wrcucbe.-.,
match pluaeK, ?-rew ara,
-ji.h plaae-.,
h re !ioe :".nd iia: t ftt .
enn I ij pi.i'rs .t-.d eip'ea,
t .be, Isillet m n-.lii.-,
Wn--enholm"s 1X1. p-n ket knives,
pniiiT a-1 bod line ko:v.
rat tra: to ra.'e r'Tr. at
Uooki and Stationery.
Parker's l.-t. 21. 3d. 4th and Uh.
San.iers' do do do do
McGufty's da do do da
University and Common School,
latciievt'Ml and priinary.
Davies' B n:rJon alelira,
Lerendre. surveying.
Geometry and trigonometry.
Key to Davies" Arithmetic
Thompson's aritiinteUc,
Paiker's philosophy,
javenile aild lt lessons.
Grammtr Clark's. IV'.!:irn'i Smith's.
Geo.rrnpuie liit-hell's. Monteith's manual,
ManteitU's lt lt?sor;s,
M-:sis Lute of Zion. New Carmina Sacra,
ChrUtiaa Psalmwt. Missonri Harmony,
Norm a Song Bk, Singing Book, tt MOOPES'
'T'HE jad tea of the S-ipreme C.nit. of the Territory of
-A. way-.;, iemuwa n ine i in t.rernmer.t oa
ti;e nmla ur.y of Ja.n.i?ry, eighteen hundred and i"
seven, co nx aca appoint iistnct cmirt. to be held in
villi? of Botebnrg, in thecoutttyof Inglas on the
fin-t Mondoys.of Marrb. My, September and Novem-ber.annnally.uat.lf.iherwi-e
ont-red . and do limit the
duration ot said tern imtuanf i n.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS. CMor J.Tstice.
4 Itf M. P. DK V. Assori .fe .Inst-. A.
At i:u?ec Citr.
MIE snbcriler has at F.v.gene City, one of the lrt
. general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries. Hard
ware, Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene
ral finding store, to be found in Oreron. He is ron-
tar.uv receiving fresh additions to his toek. nnd al
ways Keeps it np. aiy goo-is are now all received direct
front San Francisco, where I have a resident as-ent. AH
kinds of farmer's produce received in exchange for goods
I pay higher prices for produce, and sell goods cheaper
laan any oiuer store ia ine aerr.Kry.
Eugene City, July 1 , 1S56. U;tf
Salt! Salt!!
CICk TONS " San Quentin' SALT. In abont R0 and
AJ 100 lb. bags, Just received snd for sale verv cheap
Oregon City, Dec. R, K5d.
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE ondersigned now offers bis valuable
(arm for sale, situated on Spring Creek,
in M-jrion Co., O. T., one and a half miles
south of McKinnav's Mills, on the Coiitf v road
running from Sslemtosaid Mills. It contains 640 acres.
of which 5 10 acres is tinder a good substantia! stake
and rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation,
two hundred fine bearing fmit trees, a good farm
honse, togeti-cr with other out bniMings. Paid farm ia
well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising,
snd woeat grow: -g of any farm in the Territory. Slid
farm h-.s besn settled since ln, and was among- the
fir-t claims taken in Marion Go. Any person dermis
of iipying a good farm, with a litis money, will do weli
to call at the residence of the undpnofrneo1.
Spring Creek, March 30, 1 -ST. 41 f
BAuM A BROTH EU biive removed to their New
Store next door to J. Strai.'tf Steve estehlishmt t t
They have jnst received a general assortment of Diy
llrt.A. d.uhintr- Hts and Cans. Ii.v-.Ls an.l SHis.
Grocetles, Crockery, ic, which he cSi-rd for casU or
X. B. Wanted Batter.Eggs.Tiaeon. Lard, Flonr.and
Wheat, for which they pay tae highest market price.
bjicm. Ji;iy 1 J, isi.. utr
House, Carriage, Si;n,and Steam-
ooai ruiniiiis.
C A. REED having established his Paint shop fn
. Kilem. is prepared to execute with distAtch all
jtUts in tlie a'oove Baooer. standards, and Ein-
' lent. for aocMOs psifSed un silk, utn, velvet c-iaas-i:n.
Paints of all colors and de..-riptios mive.. r.-a-'y
fr nse, for sale at his shop ; ala White Lea 1, L,i.i-.U
Dil.TiitTentine snd Vsrui- h, Wall paper snd Bonier,
Window glass, f-aiiit brashes, gr.iiuing tool 1, Di
rections given id painting, aUo in griuing imitation
of wood, ht-one or marble.
N. B. Orders from abroad promptly attended to.
All jobs intruded ta hU care warrauU-d t) give satis
Salem. Jan. 6. 1M7. 43yl
OTRAYED, or etiicn from the snliecriljer.
: iwimizn-rvr, sa
O. T.. 0.1 cr 7-to.
1,one sor- fTT-V
ip kr.r.-kcd
living in Albany, Co.
IsM.t the first of December, Is
rel horse. bUze faced, right Lin
wn. branded on near slioulder it. T., ventca V, hur
brand. No other brands or mark recollected. Anv
one returning said horse will be libera';;, rewarded.
Albany. Jsnnsrr 27. 1"57. 4ctfnid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
IT is often the case that persons suffer Tor a long time
with a curable disease from the fact that tber do not
know where to go to find relief. I am prepared to re
move all Tumors, Canceri and Discard Bone to re
duce dislocated joints of longstanding, straighten, wry
neck, club foot, and to correct all deformity nf the
Tare and eyelid. D. G. CAMPBELL, M. D.
Corvallis, O. T. May 6, 1S57. tf
Baum & Brother
FP.OXT STREET. Portland, opposite the Metropolis
Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots,
and Shoes, Groceries, Ac.
X. B. All kinds of prod-ace taken in exchange for
merchandise nt the highest market price. utf
B VTuES Drills just received nnd for sle
June 15, 157.
TONS assorted iron, jtzst received at
Books and Stationery.
WOULD respectfully call the attention of his friends
mid the llll'olic to tlis t u t tlmt hn 1ms Mi bund.
and keeps constantly supplied iiti a lan;o Block of
or all kinds, w hich lie offers for sale, Tor cash, ot the
above lmiUiu:x. HU prrtmf stock is comprised, in
mn, vk mr looowiug, viz;
Oregon Stamtes, session laws of Oregon session
lSotl 'f; Wasliln 'ton lrvings works; Uedlield's Com
parative I'bysiopr.oniy; LHscovery aud Exploration of
the Mississippi; Sear's American Revoluiion; Sear's
Family Annual, Wilson's Essays and Miscellanies; Be
thane s Poems; Lire of the Em peror Napoleon, by Lock
hart: Lives of the Presidents; Life of Andrew J.x-ksnn;
Webster's Lire and bis Masterpieces; litneroit's Lile
or Washington: Life and Spetrhes or Henry Clay;
linrfon's'iml History; Jusephus' complete Wotks;
Laue's Brigade in Jiexico; Oliver Cromwell; A Ten
nessenn Abroad: Indian Wars cf the United States;
The B ok of the Ocean nnd Life on the Sea; Miss Hull's
Practical Cookery; Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book; The
improved Hoiiscwise. or Book of Receipts, by Mrs. A.
L. Webster; History of the Mormons from tlieir origin
to the present time; Fem Leave from Fanny's Port
Folios; The Spectator, by Blagdon: Tapper's Proverbi
al Philof ephy; Louis Napoleon and the Bonaparte Funi
ily; Thompson's Seasons; Young's Night Thoughts;
Paradise Lost : Pollok's Course of Time; Benjamins
Pilgrims Progress; American's Own Book; The World
Illustrated AO Engravings; Life nnd Essays ol Benja
min Franklin; Life of Washington, by Sparks; Corn
stock's System of Elocution: Fremont Exploring Ex
pedition through Oregon and California: Pictorial His
tory of All Nations, by Goodrich: Itenton's 30 years in
the" U. S. Senate: Byron's Works; Prescott's" Biogra
phies and Critical Miscellanies; Prcscott Conquest of
Mexico 3 vols; Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella 3
vols; Prescott's Roliertson's History of Charles 5 3
vols; Prescott's 1st and 2d Philip: Mil:nan's Gibbon's
lloms; R tllin's Anricut History: Plutarchs Lives; Ma
catiley ' History nf England; Dick's Works; Camming
Lectures; Webster American Family Cyclopedias:
Scott's Napoleon; Chamber's Information for the Peo
ple; Life in the Itineracy; Life of Geu. Lafayette; The
Young American's Life of Fremont; History of Ire
laud, by Mooney: Heavenly Home: Carl) le's "New Es
says: British aud American Female Pict: B-.rns'
complete Works; Moore's Poetical Works: Burns' Po
etical Works; Mrs. Hemnn's Poetical Works; Milton V
Complete orks; Toper s Complete orks; Life and
Beauties of Shakespeare-: Arbi.iu Nights; Balloon
Travels in K irope; Liyard's Discoveries nt Niucvah:
Wheel-lev's Com nerd of Hist rv: lleadlev's Mlscella
nic; rlan h's lleTnini.scfnres or Congress; 'fhaddru of
Warsaw: T:ie Planter's Victim: Melbourne and the
Chincl-.i Inlands; Knits' Sacred Hi? tore; Pcnn-hnrst
his Wandering nnd Wars r.r Thiaking; R ibinson
Crusoe: c:-!!i!io"i or the Abbrv; Indian Battle', Captiv
ities and Ad..-:it-Tre: Dream and realities nla Pas.
tor and Tcn-V r: TI.e Sliip Car-enter s Family; Yicto
rvi.or the WorM Ovcre me; Hi! Ic and Te-tament;" !':c!i-mries large and small; Gunn"s Cele
brated Po::i -s;!.- Te '--!'f.F: Sh-rt Patent Serman. by
Dow. jr: Lniimrr l.'t lcTo--1. Io: Arthurs Tale-":
Thomson's Pr.u-t'ca! Ariilmntic; Calhoun lute!lc.-t"a!
Arithmetic; Vocal and Instnin-"it.-l Note Books: M.t-
rhell's G"ogrn;'":v ai-d At! i--; Yountt on the Structure
and disease o.'l'ie H -rse; Saxton's Rural Hand B iok:
Cole's Am ri -an Kr i: T .k: Downiag's K--ays
D iwninc s Kmit nnd Fn-.:! Tree of America: El.i'dt s
We--t'-n 'I'nit B kK: mc r:,-in Catt'e !V" ladd:
Fruit. Flower end Ve;etib!, G inltr.-'r". Companion
Americsn t.i.t tri-t. T.i n-is; Tiie Str nvl-rry
Culture, bv!e- A::w:lcan Poi!':rv Yard. 1V Brown
Yonitt cntiic M i:.i7enTe'-.t r.i;l i-israse of Sheen:
rC .'.'. Tei-t-rsnd Fo N-ji r.ip.-:-; I'ens ar.dil'en'-r-ld.
er: Sa.. and S.nd-h.-x.-; V-' k. P'ne nnd Be l Ink:
Plain to J V:trrv E-.rvl ."tr; r!.'.!e ind Slate Pcucils:
3'n:k U...':. i"-.. : r.
Ortjin '.'it .-, J ine 2 157. lTtf
rftiIE snbs -r.Hers wot: Id rect!it!ly inform their ens-
JL tomers alio the p-.iolic general. y tbat tliey have on
aand. at: I ;re in constant receipt of g.nnls tr -m San
r ttneujo a.i New YnrS a large aud wcll-se-
.ertca.; -. c c -.:i-L-tiu la part ol
At'.u: aii-picc. an I ai;acca.
B t. beises, cnd'l-ro. linen.
Cm: ric, crash, and calico,
P e.e laiiM-s. and ! una k,
L-! ;mg. em'iroidery and evervtiilpg,
Fl.i'.tu I", fringes, and fan-y Uxin's,
Ciiuiams. gaiters and glove.
Handkerchief, hose and hair-pin.
Iron. ink. and iustrtings. j.-3n. and Java coffee.
Knives, kid gioves, snd knitting-piss,
Liwn. lard and Liverpool salt.
Mustard, iniin rs. snd ditches,
N'-edic. noils, an 1 nice thins.
Oi!. overs'.-.irts, 1 id 0 :1 -ng tea,
Pins. pant, and paper.
J I'its, -.ii!l. and itieenware,
li.-nlKvns. razors an.l rat-trnns,
S I!:. s---rar, at.d shavirg sjfp.
Tea. t Vicco, and torpeTitine.
Umbrella. under-:eevt . and useful things,
Veil, varnish, and vinegar.
Wreat'ae. woolen co -ds, wafll'viror..
Vara, yea-1. and Y'atikee notions.
Zinc, and z.-'phyr worsted,
ic, i-., and soon.
Besides matiy otii r arrv-tes too nnmcront mention:
ail of whii li we arc ol.'ering at reduced prices, adapt
ing tse p!an of y ncx :'.!es and small pmi.t. -
Ihe Udic will tuid in their department a large siock
of fancy goodi. direct from New Y'ork, which is n-it
nsnally'kept in Oregon, and by arraniieraents will lie in
c?:-t irt receipt adeuuate to the wauls of tiic ladjf.
ihe ;cntie-nen's ilep.srtraeiit of fantishing eoods
win. e! lorn be ennalle i. ana excelled ir none in nmem.
I ON'.Theblieksmitlsand iran dealers willalxavs
Snd a we!l-se!ected sto k of all sizes and shape, t
gether Wit: a good assortment of iron sries. fr-m 11 J
1.. to 2 x 1 1 inch, which we are selling at Portland
prices. adding freigVts.
eare Tirepare-I tj receive nil sin-js pi pmouce in
exchange for good, and al-w money. For full particu-
Urscail and examine for vonrselve.
Salcra. Feb. 10. 1.'7. 4tttf
City Drug Store.
Tnr n-.d.-r.-i ;rod, has l:i M -re. s. general msoi tment
of D.e s. Medicines, paint. Oils. Dye stuffs, Pat
ent Medicine'. Ac. and is re.-riving gimd almost week
ly, and in ia ..-i 1 trer qnantittes tlian bilherto, and of
fers them t I. is nunirr J. is c.u-t imers and friends, at
wliole;ile rel i t ill riiAn:!'1 to suit, at much low.
er rates tn ever eSop-i in tiiis market. Every arti
cle warranted a renrc-pnted.
Please enU and examine t-w yonrselres.
Presirip'.ior a w.ll be given ircc of chargo to those
wanting McJi. incs.
v . v 11, i l lit.ui-ui.ii. .11. 1;.
Portland. 5, 17, Iiiml
Salem Dm? Store.
TT1RONT Fti-e;t. ItccW budding. Constantly
I" on hand a fall asfvtnjcnt ot I'rccs. Mfp
isc. I'ai Ta, Oils a . l:Lu rra, Paten
Mepcin:. Ac.
In short r.'.iH t every arftrla netaly fonnd in a Pros
St-TC. and aie oT. .ed it V, minis i.K and ll?rril., st low rates, iu quantities ta suit warranted as
m m vmoERs fci'i-n 1. 1 p. a
Preeripticn free ort-harte nt olii'-e.
S Trotiipt atlontipn W ill be given to professional
calls in the '.ii'y.
A. M. Br.LT, M. I.
Salem. . T...I in 2. in 11.
bercy given, .oat C S. Wood worth Is authorized
to ln.iia ;uy pcisonai onsuiess aunng mv nt)cncc.
Sale-,!, Jane 17, IVi". l.itf
For Sale.
WII.Lel" one half or the landclalm known
a the Dw'ght l'omry cluiui. Said hair
adjoins Jlr. Peter t. iiatt'n s and is Hmut lilfyl
two miles ii-om tireron 10, on ine upper 11-
lamctte. 1 will also sell one half or the whtle of the
property, lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid-
y irowuig town 01 1 iiiviiiim, ih-imoo i,o., nnu Known
... ii.a Thomas' oroiiertv. consisting i.f f.ur luta nt
laud, together with all the buildings thereon. Said
property is in a beautiful location. and both will lsold
at a greut bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at cash
price. injuiiu pu.i.ii , . manjrem virc-
iroo Citv. in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Averv.
in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis.
lso six t'jl i-rts 01 jaii'i iu uothi t-nv.
Orcgou City, March l.lsj-. itf
JLaoXa. Here.
ALL persons that are lnuemea w James tstrang, are
reipic- tcuifc call and settle their accounts by the nf Mav. iSl all tlwe who do not, will find tlieir
accounts iu t!if bands of John D. Bonn, Justice of the
Peace. Having sold my lin eslaoinunient in Salem, I
want to settle up niy accounts. JAMES STRANG.
Salem. April 21.17. " Ctf
KEGS Boston Syrup for sale.
W. W. Page.
lem, O. T., Oilice, tlrst door south or the States
man onjee, np stairs. 20tf
Farrar& Stout,
Chancery and Admiralty.
a- OlHce on Front street, one door north of the
" Es.-hange."
Portland. O. T., July 20, 157. 23tf
1. N. Smith.
Solicitors In Chancery, Corvallis O. T.
1. N. SXITD. Sltf
M. W. MHchcll,
gene City, Ijine Countp, O. T.
DISEASES OF TUB EYE. CorvallU, Oregon.
SeptamlM-r 2:1, ISofi. 2sm
Snn Francisco idrerllsiog ageney
IP. FISHFR, iron building, opposite Pacific Express
J Oilice, upstairs. Files oral! the principal Papers or
California snd Oregon may beronnd at this nRicc. Mr.
Fisher is the authorized Agent ror the Statesman.
Chester N. Terry,
Jmisxiotier or Deeds, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgments. Ac, Ac. rr Iowa, Indiana, Missouri,
Michigan. California and Washington Territory. let
ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing,
drawn on short notice.
S. Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collections of Notes, Account, &c, il'tt
Boise & MeEiTan,
licitors in Chancery, iToctors, Ac, in Admiralty,
rartiand, Oregon. sou
llardin; & Grorrr,
Soliritois la Chancery. Office near the Court-house,
sairm, v. I.
Gro. I. Shcil,
Solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the various
courts of Oregon and Washington Territories. Office,
suicm, u. l.
Dclazan Smith,
JrA Solicitor in Clianecrv, will promptly attend to nil
business pertaining to his proression in the lirst Judicial
District, and IWoie the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Uliice. Al'.any, Linn County. O. T.
N. It. When not at his "oSie. or absent on profes
sional business, he may be found et his residence, five
miles south e:L-t of Al any, on what U known as the
Grand Prainc
Ih C. Burnett.
1. S .licitor in Chancery. Bethel, Polk County. O. T.
atav i j. isoi. 1111
V. S. Crock,
Sdicitor in Chsnrery. will practice in fie varioii
courts in tins T -irit -i v. aud promptly attend to the co!
Ieti of all claim 4 k.; linj-t the Cnit'ed States, throng!,
an eSicient ager-t te-ii'ing at Va-!ii:igtoa City. U"3et
in Euirct-e C:ly, Lane .'ii!ity, O. T. " ,
It. K.fstratton,
V TTORNEY AT LIT,', will practice in the virion'
court of miti-ern Oregon, and ia the Supreme
Court of the Territ rc.
OrrifE in Jver Ciaytc. Door'.-.s eonn'r. O. T.
dence 6 mi'es north of V'tn-.ltes!er, on tiic Wiilsmtttt
N. B. B nny Land Warrant obtained for r'abnacts
on rcasonaidc terms. jjtf
CliadTick & tiibb.
A lieitors in Chsn'-enr. Ac. OHi. es at Winchester and
Gardiner. S. F. Cnapwicc, Winchester. Douglas Co.,
o. l. A.cotBB?, Gardiner, Linp'p-.a Co., O. T.
Nov. 5, 1S55. Sotf
I'arnnin & AVilsoii.
lem. Oregon. Particular atteuti n is givea to t!ir
collection or notes and accounts, aud cairns agaiaal
Bounty ljnd Warrants bangl"t and sold.
S3- OJLe over Starkev's Store. 43
B. 1 Rnnham.
li -e at the Court House, Salcca. O. T. 6tr
w. w. cnarMax.
VTTORXEYS and Connwlor at law. Solicitors in
Cltaueerr. -Ji f in R ert's build::: Main
t:eet. Corralli. Beat m Co., O. T.
CorrMlis. Anril 1. lv-7. Str
J. B. Cole, 31. 1.,
etr Tortland.
rop J. WRIGHT A E. B. STONE, bsvinc associated
J. together in practice. respect'iiHy ton.ler their ser
tice to the people ot Benton and Lhia drilling to se
cure lh Tavor of the afflicted br saccess cni.'. Office
near J. C. Avery s store, Corvallis. illypaid
A. B. Ilallock,
Desijms, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on
reasonable terms.
William C. Gristrold & Co.,
1X w.
. C. 0BISW0LD,
n;eiie City.
OR ACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Engene
City uotei. I3tr.
Medical IVotice.
THE snbscrilier, would inform the inhabitants that tie
is at his old stand, ready to attend to all rails in
his profession f also he has on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medici.ies, with a well
aborted suunl V of Srrinire. all of which he will disnnse
or on reasonable terms. W. WARREN.
Salem December 2. 1356. 3-tf
IV. It. Mnj-er.. 1U. I).
PHYSICIAN and Snrje-m. OSce in my new bnild
ini, on Main street." two doors north of Dr. J. S.
, f , . ..' r. .. , 1 : 1 1 : 1 1 w;ll 1.. r ..... .1
when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant
ly on hand a freh sTippIv of Drugs and Medicines
which I will sell low for cash.
Conr illis, Dec. 9. 1S5G.
KeJicil Notice.
DU. R. W. SUAW, late of San Francisco, California.
oQ'ers bis orofcssional services to the citizens fo
Salem nnd vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo
public favor.
ST omce at ueco ana r enows umg store.
14y It- W. SnAW.
Campbell 4 Prnlt.
A TTORNEYS AT LAW. Sin Francisco. California.
A O.Bce. comer M ontoinory and Sacreineaia streets,
over Parrott A Cos. Bank.
Messrs. f nuipbell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their care. 31tf
Alexander CArnKi.t O.C. Pbatt.
Joseph Jl. l'rcsrott.
ALETt Jn Family Grxsaries. Hoots. Sboe, Ac, and
Paint and Oils, wholesale and retail.
July 7. lSAti. lStf
S. JCUstvortli,
US. Snpremo nn 1 otlier Court. Office Eugene
Citv. L:n Comity. Oregon Territory. Also
Commissionf ro;' Deeds for New York, Connecticut. Ac.
August 2H. is'.-.i;, zur
TTTII.LI AM F. HUlHI'lr'.I.D. Chronometer and
VV Wuteh ninker. Ore-roii Citv. has removed to Fifyi
tti a tiiiil.linc lost i.tinnil. Irbllia ,i:f nt I loilRff. t.
where he can be cou-taiiliv f.mud prepared to do any
business in lifs line. War-ites ck-aued nnd repaired on
short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot oi
watches and jewelry for uiie.
Maren o, Ifoi. ijjl-
S. Hamilton, HI. !.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would rcspcctfnllr
announce to the -rood neonle or Douglas and tho ad
joining counties, that be has located permanently at
ieer i.recK lor tne purpose oi pracLiviti. iii-uiviiit, ni
in which profession he will bo faithful to discharge a I
duties, nnd spare no pains to render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Offick opposite R. II. Dearborn S Co. a store, on
Mam street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at tote eA pri
ces. -II
Wells, Farso, &. Co.,
Co., in connection with their Express business, will
also transact a gcueral Exchange ami Collection Butt
nes. Collections and Remittances made in all parts of
Oregon .Califor.iia.the Atlantic States, and Europe, with
promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought and sold.
Sight Exchange on ieu t art, jionon, rauaaripma,
Albany, jtorlmier. Uuffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Detroit,
Chicago, Aliltcauiie, Galena. St. -oui'j, Louisville,
rinrinnali.&nd fortv other principiiltomis in the Atlan
tic States and the Canada, may be procured at any of
our offices. WELLS, FAliGO, CO.
114, siontgemery-fiireet, tsan r rancisco
Jane 1855.
Dr. Czapkay'i Medical Kotieet.
B.rc ,C t ra'
s-.?r-s'ic si.
DR. J. I CZAPKAY"S Grand Medical and Surgical
Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery oppo
site Pacitic Maill Steamship Co.'02ice,Saa Francisco,
Caiiforuia. Established for the Permanent cure ol all
Private and Chronic Diseases, and the suppression or
Dr.J. L. CZAPKAY.late in the nun-nrian Revolu
tionary War, Chief Physician in the 20th Regiment of
Honveds.chief surgeon to the military hospital at Pest'a,
Hungary, nnd late lecturer on iiseases of L'riuary Or
gans anil Diseases of Women and Children, would most
respectfully infirm the public or Oregon nnd California
tint he has opened an Institute for the cure of Chronic
Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain
and the horrid consequence ol self-abuse, and he hopes
that his long experience and successful practice of ma
ny years, will insure him a share of public patronage.
uy tue practice ot many years in Kurope and tne uni
ted States, and during the Hungarian war and cam
paigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and
viceessftil remedies against diseases or all kinds. He
nscs no Mercurr charges moderate treats hi patient
in a correct and honorable ws v has references of un
questionable veracity trora men of known respcctabili-
:y and mga standing in society. All parties consuiimc
!ii:n by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and
gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Dr.'
omces are on Sacramento St., below Montgomery. rm
Francisco. California. 12ra3
Dr. L. J. Czapkay would call public attention to
pcrmatorrho;a or local weakness. There is not in the
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than tuts, as well because or present distress. as me
ultimate resnlts. J he tone or tue system under its in
rtuenee is either Impaired or entirely destmved, and a
dassor sympVims superiudaced that unfits ma;t Tor the
oerTormanrc or any or the ordinary duties r life. The
injuries done to the physical part or man is truly la
nentable, but trilling when compared to those o, the
jensoritim, the greai nervii3 center, and to the ner
vous sydem generally. This disease, which is too often
ionequent upon that solitary vice, self-abuse, involves
nat'lological conditions beyond the comprehen-i m of
iheumuiti ited. but which are well un ler-t aod by trie reg-
ilar practitioner. Among tlie symptoms modconspic
aon are the following: Love of solitnde, aversion to
onsiness and societv. distressing timiditv, nervous ex
itement from slight causes, loss of memory, confusion
f ideas, inability to reason correctly, low spirit acd
!.titade. dallnes. of apprehension and misanthropy.
These being pin-tional deranenient, arc often the nar
limersor horrid organic Ic-ion or the brain, which
rort iee fatuitv. dementia and death.
For the care or this and all kindred di-ea. Dr.
Tzapkiy ha eitablisbcd his Iatit'ite, -v.--.ere a.i may
rely with perfect canfi lence upon that stiii which Ions
X'M-ricnre and thorough devotion tj laia prft-iioa has
Those who snTer should call or vrrita without delay,
tad use the means by whi-h t'aey may recap.-rate and
All coasaltaUons, by lettsr or otherwise, fi-ee. Ad-
lressto DIS. L. J. CZAPKAY.
12mJ Medical Iirstitnte. San Francisco. Cal
O trtor.iinary a.icces in tiie treatment or ?e.:ret dis-
;ases in tiie prim iry and other stasres, ind ices hint to
ail p i'ilic attentim to the fact that of tiie great cara
jcrs who hire made daily application t hint, there is
lot one who has not been elfcctual'y and pcrmiaently
:nrrd. In recent cases of private aiaca-s.-. the tic. guar-
tn'.ies a perfect care ia a few d tv witiiout hindrance
:o business or oilier inconvenience- l lie lt. s luctnoti
if treating thee maladies, corniiines t!ie iinpravement
nude hv the medical faculty with discoveries of his
wn that are nnknown 1 1 any one e!e. and which, when
ipplied, prcveut tiie p as--i oillty of evil after coaseqnea-
Secondare syphilid, which is so destructive of health
orodacini ulcerations of tiie throat. !--tr"viu'r the soft
art., and lu-avinc the banes exposed, waich mortify.
-epante ana come awav. dis.i j .ring tie si'ilerer most
iorri!i'v. as well a imi: airing hii tenerul health, and
ire liisoiing to consumption, tlie Dr. t.-trat in the most
-rt ii i aul " e3;ient ri.tmer- Also, painful swellings
:;.onthe bites. spl tches cp-in the rtm
-re. pimple. a:,d all other conse-piences of private
Iiseise he guaranties to cure or x-ks no compensation.
Dr. C. wouIJ especially call the attention of tii re who
have failed to o'ntain relief frr.a otiaers, miny of whom
le has elready cured, asj m ny are still under treat
Tient. The Dr. rairkes no charire for consnit ition. and
invites aH to call at hi Institute :and he will arive t'lem
';..-li satisfaction as they can o'-itain nowhere else.
Those at a distance, by "writing t t'ie Dr., .can have
,'ieir c ires properly attended to. ODaneson Sacramen
to st.. Iielow Montgomery . Pan Fmncisru. Cal. PJmt
Ths Crtatcst Diseavrrr of tc l;r.
GRHAT Blessings to Maakiuc! Innocent but Potent!
L'R-CZAPiiA Y"S iVoruiLacTiti-jt. (-elfslisialee-iing
agent.) a sure prevei.tiTe against secitt diseases,
ind aa uusarp as-ed remedy for serafutaas. gangre:i"us
lad caacer ms ulcers, and all etitano-js eraptiohs and dis
hes. Fur sa!e at Di:. Czapsat s OSi-e. Armory Hall,
-orner of St-raraent sad Mntjomery t.. San Frarf-.-Ucu,
Ca. As inoculation is preventive against s:na!i
dox, 6-.' i Vt. Czapkay "s Prophilaeticuin a preventive
"igainstse nrt disease- That tney can ie prevented by
proper agcLt. is as weil an e-dablished fact as that they
L-an be cired after their establishment. This rriai iple,
which is now universally recognized, was received even
before the dtys of Jenner. thediscovererof vacciuation.
in lTiH, and its multiplied benefits ever since have re
ceived as Ciey deserved, the attention of ti.e Medical
faculty. It was in pursuit of t!ii branch of the medical
science that Dr. L. J. Czapkay f ortimattly nade the d:
iovery oT his Frup'iylacticaiii. which. r-r the caacerons
ind ciitanous di-irdcrs, stands cnrivalled by any ajent
in the Pharmaooptua. The mo:iH operandi of tlis med
icine isexolained upon tlie hypothesis tliat secret pions
possess chemical properties" which are neutralised l y
aeing brought in co.itn-t with this prophylatic, cs aciils
ire known t-o neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering them inert.
The effect of this agent i immediate, and removes the
possibility of a contraction oT disease. If, however, the
lisease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing
the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce
the consequences anosrn as seconusry aisesse. jd can
cerous and cangerons ulcers, in fuetid discharees and in
.-ntanous dU-eases where the secretions are excoriating.
it act nnoti the same prmcip'e and is one of the most
effectual remedie f r the purjiose now known. Where
lisease i once established it should I e used in eonnec
tion with oilier remedies, and when so used never fails
of success. It has len administered by the Doctor in
oianv thousand case, and he has vet to find the first
in which it ha failed to subserve ;ne purpose for which
it wss administered. Price, $5. Full directions are at
tached to each packsge-
jf. B. In ease where the ifopnyiaucnm is nsed as
-nntive. Dr. L. J. Czapkav will furnish, (gratis) a pre
scription for his blood purifier.
A.I communication inrni tue conr.try, adiircssco oniy
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco, Cal will lie
strictly and coniidantially attended to. anil remedies.
with tne greatest care ana secrecy, immeuiaieiy ais
natched by express cr otherwise to thir dedinatioa.
ii. . ti-ir n. .a. i , aa. i'.
Uml Sin Francisco. Cat.
Cz ArKAT, M. D-, physician surgeon and aecoueher, in
vite the attention o"r the sick and afflicted reraales la
xiriu under any of tiie various forms oT diseases of the
nniinsliinrs. heart, st-.imarli, liver, womb, ll-md, kid-
neys, and all diseases peculiar to tlieir sex. The Doc
tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other
. . . . . - , r - . -
physician in Oregon or vjiuornia. isc no iuis ueticacy
prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yourseb
'mm nai'uful sutfeniig and premature death. All mar
ried ludie, whose delicate health or other cirenmstnnces
to not allow to hare an increase in t.ieir lamuies snoiud
write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay "a Medical Institute.
nnory II ill. corner of Sioramento and Montgomery
dreets. and they will receive every possibls- relief and
'ielp. The Doctor's OHS -es arc so arraitged that he can
be consulted without molestation. 12ml
- Al consultations oy iruer "r i.-'r--:,sr, iree.
Addreis ta DR. L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D..
Medical lust'tiite. San n. CaT.
eirThe attention of the readers is called t the fol-
A'laiiy of high standing ia society and rcpectability.
oubli-shed a car.I in tiic I'uiiaueipiiis eunu.iy Wipatea,
Septemlier 11. 1S51. which i a follows:
Cakk The nuiler-i.joed feel it her duty to express
her heart elt gratitude to Dr. Czopkay. for the success
ful cure or berscir and child. T!ie latter having een
alllicted by a severe attack of Cholera Infantum." was
five i np a-i Incurable by some of the most celebrated
uhvsicians, when sl-3 called on Dr. Czapkay. of whom
die heard very favorable report, and who, after a short
period restored the rhild to perfect health. Enconr
aced by thi extraordinary result, she sought aojvice
herself, for t'.ie scrofilous malady, with which she had
been aliiicted Tor eight year, and which withstood the
treatment of the bed physician in Europe and Ameri
ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded i" atT-Wiug her
permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which,
for ci"ht year had lost all charms for her. She, there
fore d?cm It doe to herself and tj all sick and afflicted
to recommend Dr. Czankay, a one of tho most skillful
nhvsiciaus within the United State.
Corner of Walnut and Ttli street. Philadelphia.
A.. O'.szeu, Notary Public. I'M, th street.
The following is an editorial notice in the Boston
Dailv Times of Angast btn. lsa:
A Sstt-LFrL PiivsiciAS. Dr. L J. Czapkay hae
opened an o:B-ent No. 18 Ple.vanl street in tuis city.
Dr C. i a Hungarian ny oina, ana was connected with
the patriotic army a phyic.iaa and surgeoa under the
patronage or Kossuth, lie combines with a finished
education and tho most reHned and agreeable manners,
the most extensive scientific abilities acd skill in his
profession, and wo feel much pleasure in recommending
him to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman.
Dr. Czapkay bus spent some time in Philadelphia where
h.'anii the confidence and friendship of those who be
came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil
adelphia are gentlemen oT the highest respectability,
with whom we arc personally acquainted. Ho had an
extensive practice iu Hungary before the Austrian. and
Russian compelled him to leave it for being found
guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive
that patronage due a man of so eminent capacity.
Tlie above are only a few of the many testimonials
which Dr. Czapkay has in his possession, but cannot
nv.i;sh want of space. All communications, fbv
letter or otherwise.) Tree.
aPersons desirinr nromnt attention, and who wish
to avoid the delay or corresponding, can have immedi
ate attention by sending ten dollars as consultation fee,
and can have medicine forwarded. Address to
, L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D. -
lzm L San Francisco, CaL
CPERSLiTORRHEA or Wai Weakneis.-'neryous de
O bilitv. low spirits, laisitnde, weakness of the limbs
and back, indisposition, loss or memory, aversion to so
ciety, love of solitude, timidity selt distrust, dizziness,
headache, pains in the side, afTection of the eyes wim
ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities in man are
cured without Tail by t! e justly celebrated physician and
-surgeon. I J. Czapkay. His method or curing diseases
is new (unknown to others) and hence the great suc
cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, f ree
Address, L. J. CZ A PK A Y. M. D..
27m3 San Francisco. Cal.
THE Judges oT the Supreme Court of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled ut the scat of Government on
the 16th day or December, 1S.5S, do fix and appoint
lusinct nouns to te Beta in tue ciiy or caiera, ia me
county oT Marion, on the first Mondays oT April and
September, and the Tonrth Mondays oT May and Octo
ber, annually, until otherwise or lered ; and in the city
oT Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on the fi'th
Monday, of December, ls56, and thereafter on the firet
Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays
or June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order
ed. and da limit the daration of said Terms to six days
eacb. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chier Jnstice.
41 CYRUS 0 LNEY, Associate Justice.
Estray Animals.
THE subscriber at Harrisburg. Lian Co., has lost the
following described animal :
A bay horse, with star in forehead, a little white on
his nose, hind feet white op to the pastern joint, and
branded " 21" on the right shoulder, 3 years old this
A 1 so a man co w, 7 or8year3 elj, branded J.S. on
the right hip, and "21" a above. Has a white calf
with red cars, about 18 months old, branded " 21" as
aixive. The cow left last fall, and probaLly has had
another calf this spriug.
Any person finding tbea will be rewarded for their
tr iuble, by informing me. A. McILWAIN.
June 16, 1857. 14mipaid
ULL'S No. 1 Soap, the beat you ever used. Try ft.
nite ieaa, i msec a on,
tirpentine. patty, -indigo,
madder, copperas, alnsi
oil for lamps and machinery.
New Orleans sugar,
crushed sugar,
cream tartar, saleratns, soda, at
lb ! Tt Workers cf Iroa and Steel !
T HAVE this day received by the arrival oTthe J. R.
L Whiting Tram San Francisco, the following assort
ment oi iron anu steei, ta wit ;
2.000 Pi. Norway shapes,
2.000 las. 2 X! Iron (Oat.)
2.00(1 " 3XS-18 "
S.0J0 iil " "
6.001 " 1,11 and 1. square.
3.009 " . 5-16, i, l.and'14, inch round,
1.010 " assorted cast steel.
103 " horse shoe nail. (G
Which together with stock ia store makes as com
plete aa assortment ss can be found in Territorr and
will be sol j as cheap as tue cazarEsT for c?H or coun
try produce. . J. X. PRESCOTT.
' Oregon City. Feb. 23, 1357. SOtf
Boot and Shoe Store.
TPSSOERlCK WICKMON won! 1 announce
JL to the citizen of Salem, and the surro:
ing country, that he have taken a store oa
east de of Commercial street, north of the po;.t Sce
sriiere he will keep ifvactTy oa hand a full assort
ment of every kind of ts and shoes, both custom and
sale wor!;. which be wiU sell at the lowest living pri
ce. Being a practical workman, all orders f-,r the
mmnf ictnre or repair cf work will be co-ni l'ed with.
and the woik done ia a sub-tmtial and w r!c manlike
manner. Give me a call and examine mv stock.
S--.lara, March 12,1557. 13tf
- XjooK Here!
TTTE have just received 93,033 Ir.of gronnd alum
t 1 sait, waicuwe srciseiiia i ..-o per nunurro.
3ax i x. surra. TiioaiiS a. bavts
Smith & DaTi$,
TM PORTERS and wholesale Drctjgists ; fire proof
A et re, Portland. Oreson.
Orders from the country solicited. Pm5
IF YOU WANT a real' v good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned have got 15.000 poends best " COSTA
RICA." Come ia and hx k st it.
Oregon C'.tr, Pec- 6, 1S5G.
1X3. r. BtcnAETas, 1 jso. jtccitArES,
San Francisco, f Portland, O. T.
RicJsards & McCralterj.
COMMISSION M ERCHANTS. ard J ibl.ers in Oregon
Fiorr, tlraia. Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bicon. Lard.
Ham, Ac-. Ac Oniers for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Libcrr.1 advances ma le oa eonsiimmeots.
No. 41 Saonmento fctreet, below Front, Saa Francisco.
Jaiir.arv 27, 1Sj7.
TO all whom this msy come, greeting r That I am to
leave Tor tiie States soon, and would respectfully
req-jcst tliose who know themselves indebted to me. or
w.C.liriswold A Co., to call and settle witnont aeiay,
and oblige W.C. GRISWOLD.
Salem, January 27. 1S57. 46tr
The Laws of Oregon.
rriHE OREGON STATUTES, 1P55. being a lanre vol
JL urae of 6i0 rages, with complete index, annota
tions, and references, comrrt-i: g ad toe laws in force in
the Territory, inclusive of tiose passed at last session
oT the IjCiisiative Assembly, are for sale at the oiEce of
the Statesman, at five dollars pr core. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner. Maud in law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as luw as a like work can
be boucht in anv State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure they can be afforded for here. The price places
them within the reach of all who desire the laws they
live under. Order by mail accompanied with the cash.
tilled by return mail, it is the last code et laws that
will nrobsbly be naWished in Oreson, for many years.
In addition to the enactments of the Leeislative Assem
blv. the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence. Constitution or tne umted states, l reaties witb
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1737. in
force in Oregon. Donatio" ' err and all amendments.
and full abstract of United j.ates Naturalization Laws.
L,os Anselos Salt.
ALT 300 bags Los Angelas Salt, received, per Na
5liamkeaij, and for sale at lowest rate.
Hfaliii or Sic&nrss! Choose Bctweea Them
THE Blood Tnraishes the material of every bone,
muscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. When
pure, it secuies health to every or-raa ; when corrupt, it
iiece-sarily produces disease. HOt.L.OJVArS
FILLS operate directly upon the elements of the
tream of lile. neutralizing tlie principle or disease.
ud thus radically coring the mal idy, whether located
ia the nerves, the stomach, the liver, tiie bowel, the
muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the
noil "way's Pill are eonallv efTIeario-js in complaints
romra.m to the whole tinman 'rare, and ia disorders pe
culiar to certain climates and Ix-alitiess
Pvs-nenia. and derangement of tho liver, thesorrce
of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumera
ble death, yield to the, curative, in ail case, howev
er norsrsv.ited. acting as a nvld pur.Tstive. alterative
and toaic ; they relieve the bowels, purify the fluids, and
invigorate the system and tae constitujioa oi tne same
PIAIXTS. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing
properties oT these Pills give firmness to the shaking
nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general
AU irregnlarities and ailments incident so the deli
cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed cr
prevented by a few doses of these mild, but i aft Bible
alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her
children's health thou'.d fail to have them within her
The London -Lancet," the London "Medical Review.'
and the most eniineut of ths faculty ia Great Britain,
France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their
HOLLO JFA YS PILI art the best remedy kntxn
in the H'orldfor Ou flowing diteavt: Asthma, Bow
ell Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costive
ness. Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy. Debility. Fever and
Ague, Female Complaints, Headaches. Indigestion. Iu
Uiieuza, In'dammation. Inward Weakness, Liver Cora
plaint. Lowness of Spirit. Piles. Stone and Gravel,
Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections, tt oras, ol
A Sold at t'ae Mannractories orProfcssor Houorii
cf, Mden Line, New York. 244 Strand, London, by all
etlhte Dm'-riste and Dealers ia Medicine tarough
She Uni S world, ta boxes
at o-4 rents. 6Ji cent, and 1 each.
is-There is considerable saving by taking the lar-
vS'b! Directions for the gnidaace of patients ineve
ry disorder are affixed to each box. 37yl
'HAT Cotton Yarn has arrived, at
26 tf
C. B. Pillow.
DEALER In clocks, watches and jewelry c..
lem, O. T. Particular attention paldto the
repairing of watches and clocks. AH
v 1 1 a rnvbi. i -
- Watches and docks, 8 day striking clocks at a erw
low price ; also so hour marine clocks. 7
Ladies and gents Brooches. Finger Bingg.Ear Bion
v1'" auvnss..of -uuus u saacsjaat7v saL-v.f tVa
Salem, July 6, 1857.
Allan, McKinlay, & Co.,
HATE jnst received a stock or New Goods, ana
would invite all those who wish to procure GOO or
articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. Tkey
vmaiMUi ,. ui UtCl'
Grindstones, Canal and Wheel Barrowa
Otain Cradles, Fancy Brooms,
"-ocythcs ana Snaths, i'laia do
cran do do
Assorted Colored Pails,
in sq narrows, 23 teeth
Garden Rakes,
do Hoes,
do Spades,
Polished Shovels,
Hay Forks,
Manure Forks,
Window C2as 8 by 10
do 10 by 12
do 7 by 9
Window Sashes 8 by 10
do 10 by 12
jramiea inos.
Zinc Washboards,
Blacksmith's Bellows,
Cross-cot Saws, 7 ft
do 6 ft
MifJ Saws, 7 ft
Hair Mattrasses, double,
do single.
Hair Bolsters, doable,
c do single,
ppenn Candles,
Adamantine do..
Grape brand Tobacco.
Ox Bows and Yokes,
Blankets, Baize, Lindseys, Sheetings, Ticks, &eAc
We keep constantly on hand a large supply of ripn
cles too numerous to mention.
Oregon City. Htf
. r.n
Geo. Aberctthyi Co.,
r.nujti. tf
Abernelby. TIark I Co.,
KJ San Francisco, Cal will attend to selling Oregon
produce, and till orders for Goods. Groceries, Ac. at the
lowest rate- The patronage of the peeple of Oregoa
is respectfully solicited.
August 1, IS.1.,. - . Jl tf
Kenron'a Daffuerrean.
TUE undersigned having recently retnmed from Sa
Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautiful
Pictures on Glass called AMBROTYPES, which have
almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in the
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in the new bail ling, erected especially for the
bushteis, west of the Marion Honse.
Salem. November 11", I55G. 35tf
rrvrtfl bnshel Oats, and 5000 Wheaf, and any qnaa
OULLf titv or dead swine, forwhich cash will b
paid on delivery. J. N. PRESCOTT.
Oregoa City.' Nov. 25, IS5S- 33tf
Orr:on and California Packet Line.
rrrtHE following vessels will ma in eonnec-
X tion a a REGULAR LINE between
Fmnisco and Portland z
BARS' OCEAN BIRD. Wiggins. Master, '
NAHUMKEAG. Wiluaxs. "
BRIG I. B. L UNT, Ricn abdsos,
The Barks have all been coppered recently, and are
in first rate order, commanded ty experienced captains
Freights mil be carried at the lowest rates.
Produce sent from any part of the co miry to Oregon
City or to the Linn City Works, will be received and
forwarded to San Francisco,
Ore ron City.
San Francisco.
November. 8, 1S43. 3'tf
Grain Cradles.
5POZ- superior, five fingered grain crad'es. just re
ceived and for sale. G. A KERNETHY A CO.
JLnne 15. IS57. 15tf
Notice to Sliiyapers and Mercttants.
ONE of the firm being permanently located ia Saa
Praneisoo. all consignments of produce and orders
to be filled, will I zttended to withont delay, at mode
rate rate. 2"tf WAKEFIELD & CO.
Allan & Lewis,
Reynoids & Law.
134 wAsttrxaTOs sr., s. f., and ntosr sr., rorri-AS-p.
COMMISSION Merchants and dealers in all kinds ef
Cregon Pr. dnce. Advances made on goods con
signed to ns and forwarded free ef charge.
"Office at J. Failing A Cos. ISmS
WE have a large supply of powder in hand.
Oregon City, Not. 13, 1SS6- 37tf
Paper Hanging's and Carpets
JUST RFCFIVED Per late arrrrals, by FRANTfJ
BAKER, 11 and 112 Clay street. San Francisco
SCH eases Paper Hangirgs, French and Ameri
can every variety ;
6000 rclls French and American Borders;
625 ps Tapestry Brussels Carpets;
300 ps Tapestry Velvet Carpet;
230 ps Three-Ply Carpet;
300 ps Superfine Ingrain Carpets;
350 ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpets;
200 ps Cotton and Wool Carpets;
125 ps Stair Carpets, assorted;
265 ps Bay State Draggfcts;
fOO ps Oil Cloths, assorted;
125 ps Silk Damask and BrocateTIa;
SCO ps Cotton and Worsted Danaak:
4000 air Window Shades ;
375 pa;r T-ace Certains:
750 pair Meslin Certains;
000 Cornices and Curtain Bands;
325 dczen Marts, assorted;
Stair rods, Tal le Covers, Gimps, Fringes, Ac
Wholesale and Retail, by
110 & 112 Clay st.. Saa Francisco.
Orders from the country filled with care and dis
patch. - 17m3
The Oregon Statesman.
Am Independent Jew a', dmfed to Polities. General
IrJeUigenee, c. Published at Salem, Oregon.
AS A BEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor.
The Statesman is Democratic in politics, acd thor
oughly National ia its character. It is hostile to every
species of sectionalism, lansm- is in, nna intolerance ;
and wi'l vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate
any of tiic insane isms of the day into onr Territorial
It will advocate aU practical measures f Pefcrnt
and Progress, economical and simp le administration of
our 1 ical govemmeii ; wiiuimucss, integrity, ana ca
Mcitv in office, and a system of rieid and direct ae- of the officer to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating the public Blind, in a man
ner fearless, impartial, and jutt.
Its News Department will be edited with mncb
attention, and nothing arill be spared to furnish early.
accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur
rent intelligence.
The Statesman has a large, widely-scattered, and most
ex.!!?r.t corps of correspoa J nj nmcttu
facilities lor ptoconng news.
Iue attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel
lany, Agricultural and Literary marter-
la this pnper are published the laws, resoltitaoiis, anil
treaties of the United States, and the laws and resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Th
paper is printed on new material, and open a sheet ot
the largest size.
Statesman. Book and Job Ofifce,
TTTE have Three Presases, the best facilities for Boco
V V printing north of California, and an extensive as.
sortmeutof Jobbing Matkkiai. w every kind: and, with
master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, andj
in a workman-like manner, all orders in the above de
partments, snen as
Blakk CHKca-a,
Noras or H asb,
Obd Books,
Stbaxbo't Bills
Steambo't Carls,
Bills of Lasucvl
Show Bills,
Cbsck Books,
Bl'k RBCKtrrs,
Ball Tickets,
Bests kss Cards,
Cos-cKT Bills,
Blanks or all Kinds. Ac. Ac, Ac.
Law of Newspapers.
1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the
contrary- are considered as wishing to continue their
. If subscribers order papers discntinned,Pnblishera
may continue to send them till all charges are paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their paper
from the office or place to which they are sent, they are
held responsible nntil they settle their bill and give ao
tice tod iscotitinne them.
4. irsubscribers to other places withont iriformrcj
the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former dae
tion, they are held responsible.
5. The courts have decided that refasingto take a pa
per or periodical from the office, or removing ana leav
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of iutentiona.
fraud poetmastcrs poid oblige, by astrict fulfillment
or the resolutions requiring tiiem to notify Publishers,
once in three months, of papers not taken from their
office by subscribers.
Portland, Marca Z9, aiw. jtf