I- r y HA i 4 I ft - v r ar tion fnt: confutation, .tbe legislator maj pwVLl)y liw for tnbnittien to the Meeton of the EUte tb location of seat of Corcntment; o claei beta the seat of rot mmeni unless it receive a majority or an he votes east. That no tax can be levied. Or mooes tinKidnl for the erection of a CtaU hoate fcrior to blank year. The scat t Jgorerrrt, when 60 located, hall not ta remen . .r blank year,nor In any other manner, its provided above. Mr. O ROVER reported the btfl of rights eajrosaed. ' Mr, LOGAN moved tore-commit the Mil .:). i.ciiiiii tf xtrika oat the amendment offered bj Mr. Williams prohib iting the drawing of money from the Treas krj for coiransatioa of religions services in elJier hootof the Legislatare. The mo tion was lost, as follows: . Ti'si f T f ClcV s. Farrar, Logan, Tr9, J'eeres, Niehots. jtrt, Sbattuck, V. j. Kinney 11. - Lass "Anderson. V' la, ef Linn, Brattoia, of Lane, Bois. O- Duncan, Fitxhujrh, Omcr, Holt, T y, lvejoy,Mei,McCerwuck, ltawcsaab, Po vPaekwood, Robbins, Shannon, ChielU. frewtt. Starkweather, vHlliams, Wbitted, Ur. rvvJDt S4. Tfce article was passed, as follows: Fast Pi attain, of Tint). Brmttain, of Lane, Talae, C"adwickjjuncaa, Fitthngh. Orover. Holt, 1 ly, Kinney, Loveioy, Maiple, Moores. Meigs, J rC ' k. Kewc-'-o.Olds, Peebles, Bobbins, Lv- " ' vkweathav.WUUama, Whit- t - i, Campbell, of ClMaantas, Far rr, !-,.. la, Pack wood, Short, EAattaek, Leon, i hi. i. . , .. '. '.., ' TL eor-sri-on jtCS.i was r:3, tvjtr Hr. G ROVER. As chairman . of the Committee om the Bill of Rights, it may be expected of roe to state briefly the reasons which todaovd them to report this section as . it standi. Religions as well as civil liberty has been of progressiva growth in onr country since Che time cf the revolution. The two leading States of the Union Virginia and Massa chusetts when they adopted their constitu tion!, recognized the right of the4State to in terfere with and control matters of religion. I will read a clanse which still remains a part of the constitution of Massachusetts: - "A the kappineas of a people, and th good or der and preservation of civil arorernmenta entire lr depends, npon piety, relirion and morality; and as these cannot be generally didfased thronphont the community but by the inMitntion of public worship of God. and of public institutions in pie ty, religion and nWality; therefore, to promote taeir happiness, and to secure the good order and preservation of their government, the people of this Commonwealth fcrre nit to invest their legislatnre with power to authorize and require, and thelefrisUtore shall from time to time amhor ixe and repairs the sereral towns, pirilies, pre eJneta, and other bodies politic, or religions socie ties, to make suitable provision, at their own ex pense, for the institution of the public worship of God, and for the support and maintenance of pub lie, Protestant teachers of piety, reliirion and i aa cv a Ullll M Mr osst, Wr InaOl aw mm taw 1i i iiy la aniiaatfow Saw ntlgUai s Uss." morality In all eases where aacn provision shall "T not be made voluntarily." :.' The first portion of this c'ane only ex ii . presses the common conviction of the Ainer T: - ican people, and upon which tLcy uniformly f ' act. That the happiness of a people, and the rood orler of a governmept depend upon true piety aad morality, no one doubts. But to say that therefore religion should be es tablished and sustained by the government, is to jro back two centuries in the world's bistorv. Under this clause creat civw abases and much tyranny grew up in MiFsachu.wtt. Laws were passed requiring that a certain portion of a man's annuel income should, be devoted to- the sopport of a particular church called the " stauding crder," to tbe exeUtioa of all others. Citizens were coi- frelTeoT cTTCff ptnaltie, to; attend once a quarter nponthal chcrcb. Similar leyisla- tion was bad in Virgihia, when the Ej:-co-" pal church, a " Church f England" as the favorite of the State. When the State cf Maine was stricken from Massachusetts in 1823, it was a lead ing point of contest in her constitutional convention whether the clause I have just read should be retained in the new State; bat it was rejected. The arguments of the gentleman from Clackama, (Mr. Campbell) were the argu ments in Maine again$t any change from the Massachusetts constitution in this particu . Ian But, at this time, not a State in the Union approves or recognizes in their con stitntiona the clanse I have read from Mas sachusetts; and her own people, following the more liberal example of tier offspring-, "v. since 1820 have eradualiv disregarded it hcm3clves. . e late constitutions of t'jc Western have, step by atep, tended to a more distu eparation of church and state, until therrel tate ol Indiana, whose new con- atitotion graced very ih fhe prilicil,le contained in this section, as, ' ' A ws aiaivii. - -I jL' . " "' """X-on goes a step -farther than other constituhL .;. t! jft; but if that step ia in the, dircc tion, aad consistent with the prorxVLi. 'opmeot of oar instUationa, I see no weipfrJ -in me oriection that it is new.. Let ns take toe step farther, and declare a complete di -vorce oi ccarcn and btate. iHe gentleman from Coose thinks th eeUo ignores religion and reoraJUy in the Ctata, and Tefers ta the history of France, flaring a certain revoiatkn there, as illus trative of the calamities which befall a peo le who pursue soch course. Mr. Cliair ttian, I do not read the history of France in the same lisrht with the gentleman. It is true, a public convention did there resolve thai there was no Go.1, and that death was otfi .wiim kecp. jsbx litis aid not occnr t run til for cetacr'w previously the public , .mind had become ienroralized by a anion of Church ad sUtc, promulgating and enforc ing forms rather than faith, conventionalisms V rather than true morality. X, My reading and reflection teaches me that ' 4 the Cbristiau religion grew op, not only un aapported by law, but even against the laws ad edicts of the government where it ori" iVed, and that its early teachers always, with Kost scrupuloas care, rejected tempo- ral authority aud honors; and the great cor , . rnption of that faith, as contended by the Protestant church, occurred in that period V tho middle ages, when there was a union t political and ecclesiastical authorities, rf r Our government is based upon absolute ! I -freedom of conscience, guaranteeing foil tol- eraUon and protection or religious faith but t tba aan time witaolding State patron- aga aud political from tLe chnrt:UCS- i !rr- D?fDT do not intend to be ? waenccd in my vote opon this qoestion bv i $jtj threats that if thia or that provision is ,ton of the people will become prejudiced funst tlui constitution and vote, against ie adoptioa of tho constitution we. may 4aake. The gentleman, (Mr. Farrac,f6ayg Ihat the religious portion of the community are already disjrastcd with this convention ,on account of Ute vote of this body refusing o employ a chaplain to cuiciate daring the letting f the convention. Jbt may or may not be so. The geutlencn (Mr. farrar.) may think it. It Is way fir him to say it, but another thing for me to believe it. I want to make a const! U tion for which I can vote myself. I do nO want to leave this convention with a conr Nation made by my votes that I mnst go t me and vote against at the polls. So far u I am concerned, I want it to have my approbation, to embody what Is right in and of itself without refer ence to outside imaginary influences or opin ions which gentlemen may conjure npon this floor to induce you of I to vote thia way or that. I admit that there are persons in this community end npon this floor who hope to arouse prejudice agaiaat thia constitution, If this nnu-ndmeut is not made 1 assert it to be equally true that-: there are others who would oppose this constitution if the prohi bition against appropriating the public funds to pay "for relipian services be stricken out. Bat I am not here to adapt myself altogether o the opinions of either of these classes of persona, I am here to determine pon correct prindLt what is right and what is wrong. I have great respect for the gen tleman (Mr. Campbell, of Clackamas,) who offers this amendment, I believe that He is sincere. With him, I believe that morality and private virtue aud a proper sense of de pendence Bpon nn over ruling Providence are the true foundation1) of a nation's great ness. Bat sir, what is the theory of our government npon tbi!"": subject? It is that the government ,chav, be segcratcd from 1-';arcue and tn& vainiainaace ana aamm of tC iton: thai religious duties shiTt be no fiittion of the government. And why? Becnase the country contains persons of all religious denominations, as well as aon believers, and if you have reli gious services carried on and paid for by government, yoa necessarily tax all the peo ple to support some one religion, let their sentiment be what they may. This is the Inevitable result and cannot be avoided. But :t is not the function of government to carry on religious services. It is not con- ttituted for that purpose. If it is the duty of government, why not ro the whole Dgure. Provide for an established church, so that your people may be furnished with "religious services"' by the State; that they may be taught their prayers and their catechism, that they may have religions instruction ac cording to law and views of the dominant sect in their houses and parishes. But gen tlemen say that this provision will prevent the services of a chaplain in either branch of the legislative assembly. T.hat is not true, Mr. Chairman ; were I a member of the legislative assembly and the question was to arise whether a chaplain should be invited to Eciate in that body, I should bejrovern ed by considerations cf this nature: I would ak if he was a holy man, a roan of practi cal piety, and one who bad at heart - the rood of his fellow-men, if he possessed those qnili5cations I chonld vote to invite him. Bat if he were one of tho;e stamp pulpit orators and fanatical demogoaes with which our generation i cursed, I sliouIJ vote njainst him; a pious and good man would not 19 insulted by being asked to pray with out pny. lu yonr legislative asemblv are men cf various religions sentiments, so i:i your penitentiaries, you find men of ail sorts of religions convictions and predilections. Are you goiug to "prescribe that some par ticular ruiniitcr out of some one of all the religious denominations of the country shall minister to the rcli-rious wants of these un fortunate men, without reference to their own opinions or preferences? This would be adding persecution to pnnishtnent, it would be so far establishing a particul r rfliion. It would be making religious services" one of the functions of government, aad there fore I oppose the amendment. As to the talk about in?.l;'lilv and atheis t?, .1 p vv en, ttt(mt!0:i to it, it is'sll moouh!tte,' has uOt5 ing to do with toe question and is oflly brought in as a make-weiprht. OREGON STATESMAN. "TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 15, 185T. Mormon ' Settlement I Ortgon Brl jbam Toen Indian Agent R. II. Lansdale, who has just returned from a trip to the Flathead country, reports to the Superintendent of Indian Affairs that a year ago last May about thirty Mormons from Salt Lake City, with wagons and stock, established them selves on Salmon river, in this Territory. They are said to have raised abont one thou sand acres of excellent wheat during the present season. In May last, Brigham Young came down to the Salmon river set tlement, accompanied by seventy-five men and thirty women, and returned with a part of bis retinue to Salt Lake, in June, for the purpose of bringing down a large number of the " faints, " to make a permanent settle ment. Salmon river is a large tributary of Snake river, and empties into the latter on the north side, nearly opposite Grand Konde, and is entirely within this Territory. The cy is said to contain much excellent land, " OI.U isKT: and aovnda with ric h coal beds. X TheatricJiv. The talented "Chapman Family" have ploying in this place during the past weck.vj respectable houses. Ou Thursday evening was -produced Kotze buc's thrilling drama of "Tha Stranger," the part of Mrs. Ilallcr being ably sustained by Mrs. Chapman who is certainly an actress I of great versatility. On Friday evening the great moral drama of "Kosina Meadows, or the Bono of Boston," was performed. This is a play of mnch interest, and when first produced in Boston was played over one hundred consecutive nights to immense audiences. On Saturday evening, the evcr popnlar play of " The Lady of Lyons " was admirably performed to an appreciative au dience, Mrs. Chapman appearing, of course, as Pauline. The dancing of Miss Chapman elicited mnch applause, and the comic siuging of her "parient" is indeed inimitable. 16?" The waters of the Santiam have been let into the canal of the Willamette Wool en Manufacturing Company, and are now emptying into the Willamette, via. Salem. When first let in Boon fired a salute of aloiit fifty. Cossnrunox Rejected. The new con stitution of Iowa Las just been rejected by the people by a majority cf 2000. We quote Mr. Applep&te because his opinion on any question is entitled to more weight than any other man is the territory. He is a man of the very strongest and keenest acumen, and more deliberate in forming his opinions and ei- If the "fool-killer" ever visits Corvallis, there will be no more On. ) Kewa from tne StataW We are indebted to Wells, Fargo & Co., for papers. Tho no contains no features of marked Ira- jortnnce: tins. Crx!XCHAM Re-Arkests Tha ex citement hi the BnrJell murder case has bm n re vived in New York by the arrest of Mrs. Cnnntna batn, on a charge of baring simulated pregnancy and nretended to he delivered of a child, with a view to its Inheritance of the property of Dr. Bur dell, who widow she claims to ba. The disclo sures leading to her arrest were made in a curi ous ntannor, ant tlieir amain occupy a large space in tho New York papers. The action in question U a fulony under the law of New York, bnt as it was discovered before it had proceeded to the length of instituting a claim lor tne property on behalf of the infant, it ts apprehended that Mrs. Cunninrham will not meet the punishment ao richly her due. We copy a eoncise account of the aflalr from the riew xork limes : -tor some time Mrs. Cnnnlnaham has riven out to the world that early in Angust aha expected to become a mother the fruit of her anion with the late Dr. Harvey Bnrdcll. To attend her in that interest ing situation, she applied to Dr. Uhl, and, after Several visits, tho Doctor entertaining suspicions as to her really being tmeienle, confided his doubts to tbe District Attorney. An ingenious pian was then devised for the detection of tha crime if anv were contemplated. Dr. Uhl returned to Mrs. , m . . t I I unnningnam, ana preicnaia to do in. ncr con fidence, drew, from her the admission that tha nroiected birth was a humbuir. Ha moreover. was offered by her $1000 if he would find a new born intant to -assist at me treoneamem. mis, under the directions of District Attorney, Hall, waa effectually done. 'On Monday last Mrs. Cun ningham received from a house in Elm street the child of a poor woman in Bellevne Hospital; the 4 confinement' takes place the same evening, accordias; to rule ; an uuehtur (Dr.Catlin) and a ra'm im .aU.au a . Jan I and Wtdle, with a mother's lore, she Is fondling her newly-born infant enter police officers, who change some what the Jenoutmatt cf this curious drama. Mrs. Cunningham, Dr. Catlin, the awavcier, and the nurse hve all been arrested on the charge of feloniously pretending that Mrs. Cunningham had given birth to a child who would be enti tled to inherit the property of Harry BurdelL" . CP A man named Hurt, living at Liberty, Johnson county, Iowa, hearing that his wife had determined to obtain a divorce from him, took an axe, on the 16th Jiilr, and chopped off her head and limbs, and her body nearly to piecea. He then went into the woods and attempted to com mit suicide with a small knife, bnt lost it before be succeeded in accomplishing his purpose. He finally crawled back to his house in the night, gq his gun, put it to his ear and blew oat his brains, his body being found in the morning lying beside the house. - E5 State elections have taken place in Ala bama Kentucky, Texas, Iowa and Missouri. Tbe returns received are meagre and indefinite, but indicative cf Democratic successes. St-nstor Ensk, of Texas, is reported to have commited suicide by shooting himself with a rifle. Tho eanse assigned is low spirits conse quent on tho death of his wife some tirao since. CV Affairs in Kansas seem to be growing quiet. The troops for Utnh detained there in consequence of apprehended difficulties, had been ordered to proceed on their march to Salt Lake immediately CiT" The difficulty between Enain and Mexico is reported to be in process of amicable adjust ment. Great Britain. Tha Niagara had over one thousand miles of the telegraphic enlle on board, and the shipping of it woul 1 be finished on the fallowing week. Continued tests of tho coil are very satisfactory, and at Cork, whence the ves sels would s.nil on the first of August, experiments will be made through the whole length cf the cable. Insurance had been effected on the safe laying of the cable, at rates ranging from ten per cent, upwards; but many stcck-holJers wer san guine enough to prefer running their own risks. An important alteration in the arrangement for laying the cable has been determined upon, and the plan now is instead of commencing in mid ocean, to submerge the whole cable, in a continu ous line, from Valentia Bay, in Ireland, to New foundland. Spcei4 !! o4 ices To SttiriPers ta Arrears. As S"wn as possible after liii adjournment of th Coa sti'ucocal Convention t shall e:ul out bills and circa Isrs t rrry ubcritjer ii arrears fertile Statesman. The hills will then t mtl rr.t in accordance w.tb our a ivertiaed terms 5,C0 per year, as the flrst ttf of the volume will have thn closed. Before the half valame expires we h f every man ia arrears will ny, howev er, and aet tjs piper, at cheaper rates, and wrtm the tejewity cf seiidiaj bill. A. PCSH. . ra. t. T. CtsrKAV's n-plctl sn Meai'al l:ut'tute ta s exteniv;y known Ij tiiis Territory that any notice f it, or of hint, raijrlit seem sopcrliu'nis. Yet fenring tti-.t there are tii'ise whi herct ifore having no need of meall'-al aid. Iisve ne?!ectd to ns.rertnin th proper s jxirvrR of nr(if irt cases of misfortune. To th'?e we iej Isre t j dtr?rt attention to Pr. 1.. J. Czipkay. who is certiintv a Phys'ciaa of p,reit .'kill and wonderful success ia h;s profess! .-n. Tbe Ir. has dr voted much attention t- tne treatment of chronic and privnte dis eie, aad stands unrivalled in it's niin jrement of them. To tli-e who noed scch assistance we cheerfully recommend Dr. 1 J. Czapkny ; it would be well at ail events to cmsult him, as ho makes nn cliarze fr con sultation, and mach irood mi?ht remit from it. The Dr. gusnntes a cure in all cases or asks no compensation. e See l)r. L.J.Cxapkay'sadvertiseiaentsin another column of this paper. 27m3 IIoLt WAV'S Pll.tS AS A REMEPV VO DrSTFTt Xo one who has seea the effect t Hoilaway'a pplstn eases of dyspepsia, can believe for a moment that this depressing and dansvroas disease is incurable. The patient who has suffered from it for years, whose trenettl. appetite, and cheerfulness, seem utterly cone, ti whom life is a burthen, and who has ceased to hope for relief, may be radU s'lr cured by a conrse of this powerful stomach and mild aperient. Hundreds of in stances of this kind are oa record. Iw27 HsIIRIGP. Oo the evening cT the 6th lnt.. r-t St. Paul Chtirch. by the Right Ker. Bishop Kcott. Mr. JoRtrn J. Eeebi aad Miss Anxa B. Wavsox, both of this city. Compliments of parties acknowledged. On the 27th dsy of August, by Eliler William Simp son, Mr. Soloxo Smith to Miss Jemima Tmn, all of Marion Co. In Portland, on Wednesday, Sept. Jd. by Ilev. J.ScI wood, T. I. Woooai-rr to Miss Jasb Viaikv. Ta Washirson eountv, by Rcr. Wa. Jolly, Mr. J. Teax to Miss F. Kmgbton. In the Forks of the Santis.ro. SS alt., by Rev- Mr. BUbop, Mr. W'x. Clavpool to Miss H.Dvrb. DIED. In this city, oa the 1st Inst. .of flux, Atqalia Isa nona, daughter of A. B., and M. J. Kichtlinger, aged 11 months and 26 dajs. Hotel International. PAX FRANCISCO, CAL. rpni3 hovse is kept strictly as a hotel. The throughout every department. No trouble In Iml mosquitoes ia any part of the house. A coach marked " International" always at tbe boats to convey passengers tJ tlie hou.se, for (1 each person, including baggage. A. S. H v LEV, Lessee, Assisted by John J. Haley, and fl. It- liobinson, kite of the Kail liord House. August 25, 157. , tTmS Wanted, IB1 KAYER castors, for which fair prices will Ho raid, -it. Jiu&osruch., 65 California street, near Front. Up stairs, San Franciao'v. Furs Wanted- WANTED sea otters, land otters, beaver, bears, deer, raiaks, Coyottes, foxes, and all other kinds of fnrs, for which fair prices will be pain, by M. K0SEXSTOCK. 65 California street, near Front, 27m3 Up stairs. Srrj Franc.i.sco. Strayed or Stolen. A BAY mare, about 14 hands Inch. 5 years old lust spring, branded I T on the left or riht thigh; no white except saddle marks. Said mare was taken or strayed lr m Mr. Sprenger'a in Linn Co.; about 10 miles south of Albany. Whoever will return her, or give in formation to me at Portland, where she may bs found, shall be liberally rewarded. J. W. STROWBRIDGE. September 3, 1S57.. 2Twpaid Final SclUement. JACOB L. MILLER, administrator of tbe estate of VOHN B. MILLER, decased, late of Linn Co., hav UIZ filed bis accounts in the Probata court of said coun ty for final settlement of raid estate. Notice is hereby given that the first Tuesday in October next, is set apart for hearing the came. STEPHEN D. HALET. J. P. September S, 1S57. 27w3 Storage! Storage! WE are prepared to store ail kinds of farmers pro duce, on tlio most liberal terms. Also to attend to all kinds of ooaimisRiou and shipping business. Our warehouse is situated immediately on the bank of tbe river, at the steamboat lasdinpr. And in shipping or receiving good or produce, unattended with expense oi arayage. BEACH &. HOGUE. Albany. Sept. 10, 1S7. 27mC Attention Farmers. 1 w E win pay the hlghevt market price "in cash" for vrti. dcai h ar wwuK, Great Pcita Htcca at Certain OVea THE TRACM OK JAMB Bt?l?rT'8 CLAIM OJf THCHJD1T, FR1D1T, AID SATITIDAY, tsrt. 1st, d, KKtl a, 183. rHE fu!l )wlng purses will be offered and run for on J. the tracks a iovs named, situated on the claiia or Hon. James ll'iioett, one mile west of Corval!:, sa above Pticcilied. The track la in Bu order, and the committee of arugcaients will spare no pain to rea der tha oucaslon on of interest to all lovers of honora ble sporting. Entire satisfaction la pUdged r On THURSDAY, Oct. 1st Pars of 1150 ; sntranea StU; hair forfeit. Free fur all Oregon bornas; mil heats, liext two In three. Samt .- Sweep-take for nil saddle horses ; dash of a mile I eutrvnee $10, play or pay. On F1UDAY, Oct. 2d Purse of $160 ; entrance I0 ( half forfeit ; mile beats, best two in three. Free for ail Oregon stallions. Sam Daf Sweepstake for two year olds ; entrance til) ; bair forfeit. L)a-b of a mile. On SATURDAY, Oct. Sd Parse of ttOO; eutraaca 130 : hair forfeit ; free for all Oregua boric. Dash of a mile. Sam lay Sweepstake for all Oregon stallions j entrance li ; half forfeit. Dash of a mila. Wkight. Aged horses, lot lbs., and ranging for 9. 5. 4. and S years old, la the same proportion as ia Yamhill Jockey Club. 2 year olds carrying eo I'js., or las. The committee bore endeavored to offer suBclent tnconraeiuent Tor all who are Interested ia Improving tha stock of horses in Oregon ; aud trust Otis move ment fur tbe formation of a Jockey Club ia Bwatnn county, will receive a hearty support from Oregon's Sportsmen. The rules of the Taishill Jockey Club, so far as ap plicable, will govern tbe track. sta. Entrances to be made with L. B. Hall, editor of the Occidental Messenger, Corvallis. O. T., oa or be fore the 3'Jth day of September, 185T. v Bv order oT Committee of ArraagewetiU. Sept. 8. 13;l7. 4wS$ - A Word to Free and Stare State Men. . s THE question as to whether a man ean be a etnslst eul demoerat aud vote for a frea State, is a ques tion for politicians to dispute about st pleaswre. But qutttton as to where l th free and Uave kjfetc men can nny goods cheap. Is tka one that Ihaetftue neople of Oregon are interested in. The man that pays h'gk rents, " fares sumptuously every dny," and ahove all credits out his goods ts those who are slow par. mnst of necessity sell foods high, or he will " go iuV' While be who sells for emsk dotcn and no grumbling, ran afford to sell low. Thete are ten stores In Corvallis, all selBnf on a credit svstem. Kovr, 1 propose to make nine a CASH STORE, and those who have any Ceuh or Ptwrlnrt to purchase goods with, can buy of me 10 per cent lower than they could if 1 was d 'ing a cradit im-inasa. Tbe man who pays for his goods when he purchases them, will not hava to psy (richer than they are reaHy worth to make good those accuauta that are not paid f'r ia a long time, and in some Instances not paid for at all. Aud this works no hardship to those who wUh to bny on credit, for there are nine other stores In town wliete goods cau be bought oa credit, by paring a lit tle mute than they are worth. Tbe other merchants in town are a very clever tet of fellows, and f them I commend those who have not the ' ready' to buy with ; while to those who have ' Ca-.li, Butter, Egga, Pork, Bacon, Wheat, Oats, Phiu gles. Wool, etc, (don't mean credit) come to me, I intend to sell von foods at LOW BATES, without regard to ruling prices in town. , I am Just receiving a In ire and well-selected stark of goods, consisting of Dry Goods, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, I'lotuiag. Vueensware. Hardware, And in fact EVERYTHING to supply the wants of the people or Oregon, as follows: Do'me'stics, brown and bleached ; Ticking, heavy and medium : Denim, heavy and medium ; Prints Merri mack, Cocheco, Ac; De Laines ali wool and Utif wool; Alpaccas a great variety ; afertaoa French and English ; S:lt U.;ck dress ; Velvet various e; Is ors ; Satinetts from 50 cents to I!, 00 per yard ; Lin seys a large st ck ; Plaidi a assortment ; Flan nels red. white, blue, yellow and grayi Taweline; Tsule Liuea. and red Blankets. Ia a word, a general assortment of staple and fuorv dry goods. GROCERIES. I0.CJ0 I'M. salt. Llverp I Lljwn, 6,tHJ do erBVe. best 1U, 6.0"0 d sugar, brown aad white, 1.000 dj tea, ill eaJdiea and in bulk, Kisu do rice, Carolina, 00 d' ealeratos. pure Bosta, 6i0 do toiKicco, pure leaf and Cldesi iate, CO keg E. B. syrup, S galls. Beth Adams. 10 do do d 8 do do do Imj b-'ies adamantine enndl?s. T5 do pale soap Hill's and Faya. 20 At pickles. gall. Gherkins, 19 do pie fruit, assorted, 10 ia oysters, l'atlUniore cove, 25 doa. sardines. l.If. and qr. 10 do yeast powders, Ac, ..together wit.. !.; Prsres, CaL-,up. reper.uce, UutArd, lluvaa, optce. Pcprsff. cianam: n. L: t i'a, ; , ' lavas TsrU 1.id:-j. Aium. Logwood, li adder. liorax. Chalk, Beeswax, Hatchet, Ac CI.OTm.XG. C ists, vrsti and pauts.all kluds : India rubber coats and pauts ) red. biue and grey over&h'rtu ; overalls grey dvnims ; undershirts and'drawers ; wbite aad cal ico shirts ; check shirt and hickory abirta; sj!k un dershirts and drawers ; 20 doz. ladies hose ; 0 doc. men's half bose, a great variety: buckskin, kid and thread gloves ; guantlets buckskin and kid. Indeed, everything ia ladies and genta fnrnisbing line BOOTS AND SHOES. Mens heavy, medium and light boots ; boys medium boots ; ualined kip and cowhide broans ; cloth top, and patent leather gaiters; calf and beavy shoes; ladies gaiters, buskins and shoes ; misses gaiters, bus kins and shoes ; childrens' gaiters, buskins and shoes ; in fact, ertry at vie of boots and shces, cbesp. Crockery and glass ware. Buckets and wooden ware. Brooms and window sash, '" Chums snd tubs. Clocks and looking-glasses. TIARDli'ARC OF ALL KIXDS. Carpenters and blacksmiths' tools ; cut, wrought, and liorse-sh-ie nails ; axes, hatchets, and hammers, adzes, augers, and broad axes, pler.es, plaue bits and spoke augers, drawing knives and pruning k aires, butcher knives and pocket knives, carving knives, and knives and toiks, screws, tacks, brads and butts, licks, latches and bolts, tile locks, chest locks and padlocks everything usually found in a hard ware tote, includ ing IROX AXD STEEL. Iron axles, steel springs, cast steel and plough steel, carriage bolts and wagon boxes, blacksmiths' hand hammers, blacksmiths' shoe hammers, masons' stone hammers, strap hinges, door binges and trowels. I keep a grocery store. A dry goods store, A hardware store, A clothing store, A boot and shoe store, and A geueral VARIETY STORE. If any body can sell cheap, I can sell cheaper. My motto is, ss cheap as the cheapest, and a little cheap er. Come and see. Post yourselves np oo prices t the other stores then l.ny of me. If you will examine my goods snd prices, yon cannot go ajvay dissntistled. O. E. COLE. Corzallis. Sept. 8, 1857. 2rnf WAXTEI) in exchange for merchandise or on ac count 10,000 lbs. good butter, for which I will pay the market price. 0. 10. COLE. . WANTED In exchange for cash or merchandise, 20.000 lbs. or bacon for which I will nay tbe highest price. O. E.r tE. WAXTED In exchange for cash, 20.000 lUbA'mshed wool, for which I will pay 1 cents par-lb;, t- : WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 100 bushels of good appbjs, to be delivered by tbe 10th of August highest price palJ. G. E. COLA. Administrator Notice. NOTICE is hereby given that tho undersigned will make final settlement of tbe estate of Win. Pugh. sea., deceased, before the Judge of the Probata Court in and for Marion couuty, O.T.. on the first day of October. 1SS7, at the hour or 3 o'clock, r. si., Sept. 2d, 1857. JOHN M. PCGH. Adm'r. Sept. 8, 1V,7. 3w26paid TERRITORY OF OREGON. Maxion Cocntt. Ad ministrator sale.- Whereas by an order of the probate conrt, of the County of Marion, Oregon, issued on the 4th day of Angust. 1857. to me aa administrator of the estate or ELI GIGUERE. deceased, authorizing mc to sell tbe real estate of said deceased at auction. I hereby give notice that on the 26th day of September, 1S57, 1 will offer for sale to the highest bidder, the west half of land claim no. 83. 1 4 s r 2 w, ia sections 55 6, described as follows: - , . . . Beginning at a point 7,23 chs t of cor. of sec 25, 36. 35, 36. var'u 20 e. thonce n 78 w IT.10 obs to a stake; thence a 23 25 w 3 M chs to a stake; thence 46" w, 18.97 chs to a stake; thence a 71 4V w 10 00; thence s 46 w, 16.00 chs to a stake; thenee a 71 w. 66.17 chs to a stake; thence n 25 05' e 43.03 ens to a stake; tfcence n 76' w 53,03 to the place of besinning. Tkrxs Cash. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, a. jn on the premises, at the lowerend of t rench Frame. LOUIS B. VA2 DAL, Admm'r. August 16, 1357. 26w THERMOMETER CHURNS, jnst received an.1 f sale at fsepSl W. C. GRISWOLD 4 CO.S for Stolen FROM the gribansenber in July last, a nny norse. Dan face. Hi hinds high, four whi'e feet, branded O. T. on the lelt anouiacr; six yeuiauiu. The finder snail De nneraiiy rewnnwu. i tie nnaer w (J GIBSCuv & POTTER. Oregon City. Aug. 31, 1857. 3Cw6 iRTVrS apring and summer styles, Merrimack, Co rhico, Unhn, Philadelphia and Manchester at (J. F;. Coie's. J. Rbenthrall. tlTE BEO leave to rail the attention of the citizens ? of Corvallis and vicinity, to the arrival of J. Bos avnikAt, who has opened In our city one of tbe best selected stock of WATCHU, IJIAMONPH, SItVXaWAnB, JKWKLRT AMD S!L-VEn-t-LAVED WAE on the Pacific, all of which he wiU sell at the lowest 9au Francisco prices. Having bean a practical Jeweler In Paris for ten vears, he will ensure any work which may be intrusted to his . care. Tbe public are respect fully requested to give him a call. His place of busi ness is on Main street, two doors north of Dr. Card well's Drug Store, lininediataly opposite II. Danforth's Livery Stable. , 3 Watches repaired with ear and Warranted. September 3. 17. 20tf Executor's Notice. NOTICE Is hereby given. Unit tbe tbe nudeniigued was continued by the judge of probate court. In and for Linn Co.. on the 2d day of June. H57, execntor of the last will and testament if JOSEPH TUBN1DGE, deceased, late of Linn Co., therefore persons owing the said estate, will please come "forward snd make pay ment, and a'l persona having claims against the said estate will present the asm accnrriingto l.w, to the undersigned at his renldeoca iu the forka of the Santi am, Unu Co. - JAMES BASSETT. Jane 2. 1S57. 2Cw4paid Cttr Hotel, Corrallis. MESSRS. A. B. &. I. SPREKOER WOULD announce to the citizens of Corvallis, and the travelling public eenerally, that tbey have thoroughly refitted this well known establishment, and are now prepared for the accotnmodatioa or customers. Tbe room have all been newly refaruLshed. tbe beds clean and comfortable, and their table will be furnish ed with the lest tbe market affirds. Corvallis, Aug. SO. 185f. ' 25rl Attachment Notice. TERRITORY OF OREGON, Cocstt or fKrH A.as: In Justice's Court. To EctiESB R. Fissc You are hereby notified that a writ of stUchment has been 'is sued against you. and your property attached to aatlsfv the demand of John K. Williams, amounting to eight dollars ; now unless you appear before William lief, bert. Justice of tbe Peace in aad foresid county, at h:s ofiioe. on the Ma day of October, 1857, judgment will 1 rendered againt you. and your propertv sold to fay the debt. JOHN B. WILLIAMS. Plaintiff. , Angust 19,1857. 25w4 Tne Yamhill Races 'V'Cy ILL eommenoaoa Wednesday tb 16th day of Sep V V tember, 185T, and continue lour daTS , First day Puna $ 150 for ail ages; club weights; wo mile beats ; entrance $10 ; half forfeit. . Second day a sweepstake for two year olds ; en trance f-ij ; hn If forfeit; oue Kilf. Third day A sweepstake for ali ages; (10 entrance: 115 forfeit j the club to add f lyO if two or more start ; mile beats. Same day A sweepstake for saddle horses ; 110 en trance ; oue mite. Fourth d.iy A swecpst-ifce for a'l ages; 110 en trance; $20 forfeit; If two or more start, the club to add $125 ; mile beats ; best three in five. Same day- -A sweepstake for two years old ; en traaea $10 ; one mile. Nominntions ti be made with the Secrctsrv. JOHN A. MONROE. August 4. 1857. 23 rj Li. P. Fisher's ADVESTISINO Agency. Saa Francisco No. 171 Washington street, up stairs, nearly opposite to Maxulre's Ocera House. L. P. FISH K!i is tbe authorized A feet of the OCmOS fsTATF33AN; Jlarysville Herald; Sacramento Union; San Joarjuia Kcpul lican. Stockien; Paeiac Aietboditit, Htjckwr; Sonora Herald; Nevada Journal; Grass Va!!y Telejraph; Wed Biaif Beacon; lolumbis Gazette; JiojTttiin Democrat, Plicerville; Tuolumne Courier; Caivarex Chronicle. Mokelutnbe Hill; Kl Dorado Democrat; Shasta Courier; MaritKwa Gazette; Yreta Weekly Colon; Trruity J juriial. Waaverville; l"wa Ilill evt; Weekly Id?e. Jackson San Jim Trle-iraph; Sonoma County Juuroal: f olsom Iiispatch; Calif-jruia Mining Journal; Lu Ar-gek-s Star; tanta Br'er-i Gaxette;"; San Diego Herald; Aimed County UaieMe; Placer Conrier. Ta&kee Jim's; Napa County Reporter; Sierra Democrat, Dowaieville; Huml-o!dt Timea; Union; Ores-otl-.e. Part's-.,"!. 0. T. Pacific Christian Advocate. Salem, O. T. Js?ksonril!e Herald, Jacksonville. O. T. Pimeer and Democrat. Oivrapia.W. T. Wshii-qt-a Republiban. feteiIaco?m. W.T. rornesian. Htmulclu. S. 1. PaciSc Commercial Advertiser. Honolulu S. I. Merk-an Estraordirtary, City of Mexico; lto).'kona- K-giter. a d rnrtnsr?. j in tits at: a sTic statest " L. P. F. has bow complete! bis ' arrangeineata for the forwarding of advertisements to all the principal largest circulating Journals end Newspapers published in the At!ai.tio States. A fine opportunity is be re oflereil to those who wish to advertise in any part of the Uuiou, of doing eo at the lowest rates, and in a prompt and satisfactory man ner. August 23. 1857. 24tf Dickinson Type Foundry. P HELPS DALTOV. Bton. L. P. Fisbcr. Agent, Saa Francisco. Orders solicited for type, leads, rule. As. August 25, 1857. S4tf Notice!!! ALL person indebted to thesubscriber.sre requested to oall and settle with him, on or before tbe 1st day of July next, and save coct. iJr J03. X. PRESCOTT. iiaregoa City. June 1. 1S47. 13tf Notice. NOW f.r large sales and srnsll profits, for cash or llmcrnn nnvtin. A w.TI ..1amaJ . . . drea ftatls-rfW 1 1 I , i M.rinna rviiiwu. : I r , . . vulvvc3 utuftiuujl and all other goods for ladies. A a assortment oi bon- uw uu win. vi .uv.BKeft laaninn. Also a well selected assortment of clothing, boots and idioes nf t!ie tMHst ntialitv. rifll Im .-. . . i pepter. salaratua, and lamp oil. with otber articles, too uu.uv-.vwn mcutiuii, lur wtie uppoene isum tX tiro., next door to the Uuiou Hotel. . L. WESTACOTT. Hay 19, 1857. iotf liafeery and Confectionery-. THE undersigned would announce to the puMic that tbey h ive esUblisbed themselves ia the baking and confectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street, second door north of the Union House. A thnronirb experience at tlie taking business they trust will enable them to give satisfaction to their customers. All orders promptly filled. Groceries and Fruits, will also be keot constant! v on hand. McGLS'N WRIGHT. April 9. 1S.17. stf Strayed, PlOtf the subscriber, a portion of his stock, marked and branded as follows: Crop off tbe left ear, and swallow-fork in the right. U. brand. Anv person know ing the whereabouts of cattle bearing this brand and marks, will be properly rewarvted by sending me infor mation. JAMES HEATHERLY. Lane enmity. Ang. 7. 185C. 22tf Marion Home, Salem. THE undersigned announces to the' public that ha has purchased tha well known tavern stand, called the Marion House, in Sa lem, together with the furniture and fixtures thereof. He will keep it in first rate style, and invites the patronage of tha public. - R. M. MAY. May 23, 1857. lltf . Hogs. Hogs. Hogs. - THE anhscriber wishes to contract tor 10.000 Pork Hogs cn foot, or In Pork, for which the highest market price will be paid in cash. Liberal advances will be made in cash on contracts of Hogs. B. M. DC REI.LE. Mi- OfU'-e at W. C. Grlswold and Co-'s, Salem. -Salem, July 1,1557. lPtf Dental. JR. CARDWELL. Dentist, will practice-.ta sVHrene . City, from July 21st, to August Mb: will practice in Riseuurg fr-jra August 7th, to 31st ; will practice in Winchester from September 1st. to 1'Jth ; will practice at Baker's Mills. September lltli, ta 15th. Will visit intermediate points when requested. - J. R. CARDWELL, - Dentist, Corvallis. -July 14. 1867. IMA HERCERT rETETT, vs. Petition for Divorce. FaiERAXSB PETITT, T71MT.RANSE Pctitt, the defendant in this case, win JJ take notice that ualess she appear at tbe District Court, to be held at Salem, in Marion county, ia the Territory of Oregon, on tbe 3d Monday of September, 1S57. and answer the petition heretofore filed in this case, tho same will then and there be beard and deter mined bv the Court. R, P. BOISE. Sept. 4, 1857. Sw2Cpaid Atfy for Petitioner. Dentistry. DR.E.H. GRIFFIN will visit profissalona'ly. Albany from the 15th to the last of September: Salem from the Ut to tbe last of October; Portland from tha 1st to the last of November. E. H. G. AigUft 30, 1S57. ' 2 JmSV . Cash System Adopted. N" O more credit will bo given bv me. and those in debted to ma. who have not made arrangemente to pay their accouaU In pork or other prodnco.-will fi'easecall and make payment or settle by tot, aal nteod rinsing my booke. O. E. COLE. Corvillis. Sept. 8, my. :oy Notice-;' -.r---' For Sale as Cbeap u the Cheapest, and for Cash, or Oregon Produce. IH AV"E received by bark Kahnmkeag. Haleyontand steamer Columbia. juMt arrived, a fresh lot of groce ries, Ac, which, added to my former stock. offer sago-d an aasortnicut in groceries, provisions, paints and oils as are to be found In the Territory, to wit: -6,000 lbs. China No. 1 sugar. 4,000 lbs. best llio green cotfi, . . 250 lbs. Java " 2.000 lbs. Manilla No. 1 sugar, 2.000 lbs. N. O. and S. I. sugar la bbl und 150 ibn. black pepper (rouodj 20 box gr. spices, TO 390 lb, allspice, ( round.) - ' - IV d')X. rJng. and Ana. souatard lo glass, - 0 6 pia iron fresh peaches tomato eatsnp In cases f ea. in glass, Cavanne nenrjer (in s-lasal 13 e Fresh Baltimore cove oysters f ft cans. ixosiers, rresri in n cans. brunma. pntntcd palls, f 3 tmoped.) i .i . Colli us i. Q. axes, with aad itb- nandles, 2 ax handles. ! 90 Iba. Borax, r ' :' ' 50 lbs. Oora camphor. 60 boxes ad. randies e'a. 20 and 40 ea. 20 " Hills A Colgate's No. i aoaa. 5 " Olive oU SplagnoJia brand,'' S " Cream Tartar, 10 Salaratua, "' ' ISi kega 5 " Soda, 20 chests, old and yocof bysoD. gna powder. Imperial and Oolong teas, in buik aud la I 2 B caddies. - . 100 half boxes aajdlues. ' - - 10 - Ofcavaias in gala. 20 ' Tobacco " diB- bransis," f. 30 dox. papers smoking . r 20 boxes nratcbea, 2 bags nutmegs, ' SOU lbs. Carolina end China rice. 200 gals, sperm and polar oil. . ISO sacks Liverpool grd- aad S. L salt. half bbls- atoart's ciuahasl sugar, , 20 kegs Setb Adams" syrup in kegs. 2 bbls. pore cider vinegar, dried apples Ae. Also a general aisMrtment of paints, paint oils, win dow glass and Bails, to wit: 300 gals, raw and unboiled oil, 20 Copal varnish. 50 Sou-it's turpentine. 60 boxes German glass X 10, lfX 1?. If-! 14, 10X16. Ac. Dry and mixed paints of all colors, and any quantity. A gjod assortment of paint and other brushes ; also good assortment of Boots and Saots. I have of Oregon produce. 2,500 Itja. Oregon A No- 1 butter, 6 to 8.0U0 lbs. Iiacon. bam. shoulder, and sides, 80 bushel beans. 2 bushel peas, 50 bushel bock wheat floor. 60 sacks S, F. tour, oats, timothy seed, and any quantity offlrt rate potatoes. J. N. PIIESCOTT. Oregon Citv. Feb. 9.1Sr. 51tf Reapers. Tbresners. PERSONS who have purchased Reapers or Thresh ers of os, are lereby notified that they have arriv ed and are ready for delivery. AUo oa hand 2 elgut horse Threshers for aale. ii. ABERXEIHT A CO. Jnnel5.157. IStf lsime tills. L!me,Jut received ot 50 U. ABtSSt llit a CO b. Jnne 1'.. l'-7. 15tf Tobacco. CA SES befet brands received aad for sale low ; 6 C. Prida of the Union ; 6 C. Alliance; S C. Cockade : S C. Grape and Bird PareJUe. G. ABERN'ETHY A CO. 20 Itoots and Shoes. BOOTS and shoes suited to tha snmmer trade on hand. O. A BERNKTH T A CO. Nails. EEGS assorted sixes for sale fcer O. ABERXETHr CO. 40 Salem Market. rT'HE subscriber. pn'prU-toriif the Salem ifarket, ia JL the center of the t.-rwi , is hsppv to inform tbe pub lic that be keeps constantly on band a supply of all the varieties of meats, fresh and pickied. He also has the ramus kinds of vegetables in their season. Beef will be sold as follows: Fore quarters, 6 cents per lb., bind quarter 10 cents; and if van want a choke piece, I shall charge von a I it a pound. All kindsof farmer's produce and rrsin received in exchange for meat. THOMAS CROSS. Salem. Julv 7. 1S5C- 17tf Fresh Front 2Ve York. O.V HAIfO AXD iiOlV RECEH'IXG. DRY GOOES, Clothing. Boots a-! Shoes. Hard ware. Groceries, Books and StatSoahrv Call in and see them. . 2Gtf J.H.sLK. MOOKES. w HITINO-PAPER. superior articjs. H:acX lnlc. from inarla t j 2 ox. Elates snd penciia. Tabor's pencils. Envelopes, wafeis. School v a rus and toy book, at 2Ctf MOOBES' I fniiMwv 4 Vftriety of Xiivnantoos Work-s. vorUi ytn.r. Kt irnrtntT Wanted. BGTTER 69 ,000 Bs. for which the highest market price will be paid, by B.1I. DTJ RELLE. at Griswold A Co. Sal-m. July 1. 1857. IStf Wanted. 1 (f fin ft LBS. Bacon, (Hog Round) in exchange for cash, by B. II. PTJ RELLE. , l?tf mf Office at Griswold A ' Salem, J :!y l.lfs.7. Restaurant. JO.KRl tCH BACK baa opened a Restaurant. Bake- rvand (.'oafeetionary house at Corvallit, Benton Vn.. K. T. Will set tbe bevt table that the market can afford, and at all hoars. Give bint a call next door north of City Hotel. 12tf Lard Wanted. LALO U.000 for which cash will be paid, bv B.M. DURELLF:. at Griswold A Co. SaJam. July 1. 1867. If Boiler and Steam nglae for Sale. THE undersigned offers lor &ale a steamboat boiler and engine : tbey will be ld seperstelv if desir ed. G. ABEllNETHi A CO. Oregon City, July 15, 1S57. 20tf Orleans Warehouse. o ULEANS Wars House, opposite Corvallis, fr rent. ldtf ISAAC ilOOlUS. Jackson Hall Billiard Saloon. (orrosmt thb cm no-ret., xaix strekt.) r iiHE Choicest Uqoors rnnstanty- on hand at tue oar. .inua a a. v Kbs Corvallis, July 4. 1837. IStf One Thousand Dollars Reward w ILL be paid by the subscriber, to any person who will runusn bun witn 3w pounds goa butter. B. 31. 1)U 1!ELLE. at Griswold A Co.'s. Salem. July 1,1357. ' IStf imbrotrpe and Dagntmaa GallerT. THE undersigned being permanently located at Eu gene City, and having made all necemary arrange ments are now fully prepared to take both Ambrotype and Daguerreotype pictures, and respectfully solicit the rail and attention ot tne puonc Gallery at Tbe Globe Hotel in Eogena City. . PARKS A HAFT. June 6. 1P57. Ilm3 Notice. THE Judgaa of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon, assembles at the seat of government on the Cth dav or August, A. D., 1So7. do ax and appoint that a district court held in the city of Salem, lu the county of Marion, nn the Third Monday ia September, instead of the first Monday of September, on the Third Monday in November instead of the fourth Monday in October, and in the village of Roseborg. in the county ty of Douglas, on the second Monday in October, in stead of the flrt Monday in September, and u tie third Monday in November, instead or the first Monday in November, for the year lft7. GEO. II. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice. M. P. DEADY. Associate. Justice. CVRCS OLNEY. Associate Justice. Salem. August 14. 1857. 23td LiTerr and Sale Stable. WE are now keeping a Livery stable ia .a Oregon City, where Uonaxs can al- jST wavs be obtained on liberal terms. r We are also prepared with excellent sea- " bles. well supplied with hay and oata, to keep horses by day or week. Th who call upon us may feel as sured that every attention t"SLlt in our charge. GIBSON A "rJTTJB. August 11, 1857. Saddlery Harness, Saddlery Hard, ware, JL.eatii.er, &.c THE mbsoribera, Imiorters and Wholesale dealers in saddlery, harness, saddlery hardware, leather, calfskins, coach trimsiinKS, trunks and valises, invite the attention of dealers to their stock, which is the lar gest and best selected on the Pacific coast. . J. C. JOHNSON A CO.. . ISI Sansom St., San Francisco. August 25. 157- 24mS Blanks. DEEPS, mortgages, powers of attorney for sale of 'scrip, tax receipts, final proofs, and notiScations a new lot just printed and for aale at the Statesman untce. July 27. 1357. - - - ' 30tf B. M. Iu Relle- DSALSE ia Oregon Produee. Omee atW. C. Gris wold Co-'s or. Salem. -c,!tm, July 1,1557. - E8TRAY NOT1CI8; .Votires of all estrays are required by law to be ad- . vertised in tbe Statesman. The charge thjferefor, fixed kvlk. I.w 1m am Anllttr fnr Mj-k Mt.S Itm. Kq aivertiseaiant will appear under this bead Bst;l . Where no money, or less than the correct amowat is sent with an estray notice, the notice will aotbw aob publiihed mitil tne fnU amount ia received. - ' TAKEM UP ,by B- H. Balrd, Uvisg on tba rt sidw of Long Tom, Long Tom preelnct.Lt. efcavi.T one iron gray mare, three years old,' srac white onbotaT I bind feet, said max has a colt sbont tore month old said colt is a bay. with a star in f-.rcheed. both kifxS feet white; said mare and colt war-takes up a boot tba 19th August, 1857. Appraised at tV.r Given n ruler ray hand tLTt Jlie day of August. 1857. W. Vf.il AVHEAV. J. P. .September. 1857. 27wl TAKEN UP. by the subscriber, bring on the south west aide of Washington Dutte. Lies Co., eeemars and colt, stare clay bank, dark mane and tail, I'm i iiatas ; old, colt oo year old last spring; no other marks or brands irceivable, has been in this range tbe last two years. ' lf.C STEWART. September 5. 187." ' ' ,27w3 TAKEN UP, by Stephen B. Deaoiag.livingsti Epea cer creek, 8 miles southwest from Eugeaa City, one three year old cow, red with speckled aides, two white hind feet, star in forehead; no ether marks r brscds perceivable. I appraised her at U- J. U. LAKIX, 1. P Aaguat 17. 1S57. .. T . ,. , - Hr2 TtAKEX UP. bv tbe subscriber, iivine fourteen i JL east of Jacksonville, Jackson Co.. ooe brindle cteev, some white spots oa him, small white spot fn bis face,, marked with a crop off tbe left ear, two tmderbtts la tne rjght ear. branded OS the left sbouldev M and ' scar, or aa ol 4 brand across the M oa the left bin, a staight mark, supposed to he six or seven years old, hm cam to my premises abcot one year ego. JONATHAN BOZARTH. t I certify thxt I have examined and appraised the above described anmaj st -. i. - A. W. A. VcCGSXTL. t. PI August 20. 1957. 2iw2 rpAKEN UP. by the subscriber, six miles northeast JL of Salem, oue pale red eteer. right eye out. brass ed oa bis left hip with the letters i. D. or I. !., saw also oa bia right bora I. H., white spot oa his hip. sad back. JOHH W. STOVES. August 31.1657. - zSWX r "A KEN UP, by the subscriber, living on Bear Creek. Jl about S miles from Jacksonville, on wait cow, supposed to be about 8 years old, has red ear and marked with s crop off of tbe right ear, and an en8cr half crop oft of tba right ear; branded B on tbe left bora. Al-o, her boil calf, about 13 months old, as brands or marks. A.J. BUTLEE. August 19, 1S57. 6w2 TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, bring in Orleans pre cinct. Linn Co., on th road leading front Albany to Corvallis. tb following described animals, to wit. one light roan ox, marked with a crop cf tbe left ear, and a slit ia tbe right, supposed to be eight nine years old, of rather tall form, and light baud, has been running on th rang some three or four years. AHo, one light roos half breed horse, five years old. with numerous saddle-marks, and branded O. T-, oa the left shoulder. Also one dark man horse, supposed to be a kalf breed, with dark mane and tail, a small wbite spot oa the forehead, and a little white on both hind feat, and one fore toot chkSv white; supposed to be four years old. WALLACE CCfcHMAN. Auras 26, 1S67. S6wl r TAKEN CP. by the suiweriber, living ia Cotes Tal X ley, Douglas Co.. one small cow. white except th ears, which is mostly red, and a few black specks on bead and neck, four years oid. marked a st M in each ear, branded oa tbe left hip, first letter or letters not known, the last letter is P. Also, at tbe same time, oca white steer calf, was a boil when b came to tbe prem ises, about six months old. ao marks or brands perceiv able. Wil. CATHCART. July 21. 1?57. 26w2 rpAKEN CP, bv tbe subscriber, living in Polk coua X ty, three miles eszt of Bethel, on tbe 12th Angust last, one roan Indian hsrse. about S years eld. 14 hands hixh. black mane and tail, bald face, white legs, sons sidle marks. Seid horse has been about ray piae siuce iast spring- The owner is requested to come after the aaatc, prove the property, aud take him away. WM. B-EARMEST. Polk eouaty, Sept. S, 1857. 2wIS C. B. Pillow. DEALER ia dock, watches and jewelry. Sa lt in. O. T. Particular attention paid to the renames of watches and dock. Ail work war- 1 rauted. Jewelry repaired at shrt notice. FOR SALE: Watches and clocks, 8 day etrikirig clods at a vary low price : also iO hour marine clocks. JEWELRY. Ladies and rents Brooches, Finger Rings, Ear Rings, Gold Buckles, Guard Chains, Ac, Ac. Salem. July S, IS57. ITtf Administrator's INotice. VTOTKTE is hereby given. that letters of Administra- X v hob on ure eiaie ot va. ' ww. - ed. late of Una county, were granted to the nndersiga- CJ 9JW UIVUW . w - ' J of Angust, 17. All persons indebted to said estate srs-veefested to make - immediate payment; and sfl pesaoos baring claims against said estate, sss itiiaes ta nnnt tb Bam fop settlement, within tba tin prescribed by law. J ASON VTHELB, DAYID W. CLAY POOL, . Administrators. Auenst 4. 1S67. 23w4 Pauer Hansinrs and Carpets ! TXTST F.FCEIVED Per lste arrivals, by FRANK J BAKER. 110 and 111 Clay street, Saa f'rascisco bus caes caper rxaaua3 raiw .un amcrr can every variety ; e000 rt-l'-s French and Asaerican Borden; 625 ps Tapestry Brussels Carpets; 300 p Tapestrv Velvet Carpet; 230 ps Three-Piy Carpet; 300 ps SoperSne Ingrain Crpct ; V'O ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpets; 200 pa Cc4toa aud Wool Carpeta; 125 ps Stair Carpets, assorted; 25 ps Bsv State Druggists; WO ps Oil" Cloths, assorted; 125 ps Silk Damask and BrocateSa; 809 ps Cotton and Worsted Damask; 4000 pair Window Shades ; -376 pair Lace Curtains; 759- pair Xaslin Curtains; S000 Cornices ana Curtain EanaV; 325 dozen ilatv. assorted; Stair rods, Tabte Covers, Gimps. Fringes, Ac. Wholesale snd Retail, by FRAXK BAKER. 110 A 112 Cktv St.. Saa Francisco. Orders from th country filled with care and dis patch. . - , LoekHm! ALL persona Indebted to tne will please come for- ward and settle op. Produce, at cash prices, will be taken for debts cash will not he refused. Make haste. I want to close np my books, and dont want to be alwsts abont K. Taos having demand-" against me will present them at my old stand and get .the mon ey SAT. H.LAiE. 'Corvallis, July 4. ISS7. IStf 1,000 Reward. ALL persons who msy be indebted to tb undersign ed are hereby notified tbat I have this day left my notes and accounts against them with B. P. Bonbaaa Esq.. for collection. F. F. PLAMOXDOS. blm Jnlvil. IS57. SOmS Salessi BathHonse. OPEJT every Wednesday and Saturday, finnil i, roornins until 10 o'clock. Singl Tickets, 1.00- rer aoxen, aow. To be had at th house. Terms cash. - MORRIS THOMAS, Prnp-r. Salem. Julv It. 1S57. Allan. McKisalar, Co- G FIXER A L COSTMISKIOX MERCHANTS, aad Wholesale and Retail Deakirs in Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T. - Dec. 20. 151. , y Bngciea- OPEJJ aad covered buggies Coaacord make, for sal. Apply to J. McCBAKEy , Portland. r JEa; Avrs, E;8. WASTED. 20.000 dosea freak eggs, for which cask will b paid, by - B. ki. DU RELLE. at GrU wold A Co. Salem. July J, 1857. ;- IStf k. IVotiee. ' - 10RTALLIS Ware Hoosc. X- 1. w offer for vena. -ISAAC MOORE. r "WATMAS Sv.CLAIB- In eonaeetkni with tit above we have a pork house aad sraok nous for rent. IStf HOOBB A St. CT. ATB. A STORE room ia Orleaas, aflrstrate ataad for nrodace dealar. The Orleans wareAoaa aad store will ba rented tojetiar if required. , , m - ,LOA-aw wa JnlvH.iaST. IStf rpAX receipt blanks f" sale at th Etatesoaa cJEce. JL at si per auuareu. - - . . rBY.nnrfi for ladies and gentleman, in great -va- JJrietyTat 2Ctf - M00SES' . Wool, Wool. Wool THE undersigned are now prepared to card wort, at the machine. Dear tho Eagle 15 ills, ca the Littl Lackiamu'. Polk County. O. T. A difference of thre i, nr lb. will be made is&e cardi-ia.ia esfeswhera ereaseis furnished. . ETEXI3 4c CO- May i. it--' - . aima Money tolaoan. CK(f( TO loan or exchange for B.-t-r, Pork. iSejUUv Bacoa, Lard. Hams. Eggs, Frait. Ac-. Ac Tb higtnst maraca price wSI be paid fur say of tiie above name! articles la cash, by . st- M. vu nritii ' tff OS- at W. C. Griswold Ce . Ei;eja.Jyl,l?5T. - . If