I A J - V DOOttO t COOSS I ! DOOHO 1 1 , .AT., Tho CityDoob-Otoro, (rnoxr sr., KMrTLAirD, 0. t,i ' A. R. SHIPLEY & CfV, rrva in Man anA .lit mi.i k. iv. ... t.. liar wstore, and will a rcirla by the 1st of June CjIjCDqOOO IN COOKS AND STATION EST ! Which they offer to th OPdlNQ TRADE At nun advance oa Nw Tor. price. uir M Mil. or Ml m m order. end wt er to (It yoa eaikwactioal A. R. HUbUt ft. Co.. Ar tho Rote Asbwts In Oregoa aad Waablngtoa Ter ritories for tho sale of Th3 Accrlcia ctmsa. A GREAT BOOK ! ! Being tho wly aoHtieal history of the failed Statea MMrwtum Moo M Mi Pnjmbleoo. de livery of book. Can derlvw ay a tt ef September all who scad as tboir aamn by 14 of My. CtU!;si f ft-". f I SCHOOL BOOKS. Re'itm-a-Beader' old lt. Id. ad, 4th. ami sth. Tt Th Young lAdtos $ Reader' Kew 1st, H, Id, indMn: i-arwer i, is, a, ia aaa tn; Me- Uum-v s tat. , , a aaa aw. 8ncu.ta!w Sander' Old, Bander Row; Beoea- turn - - . Paie.. Sanders Pictorial. School and Parker's. tinMintraiss, Mitchell. Ancient and Modem. OI- ey"s. Mono's, McNalley', and Moateith'a 1st and Jd Book. , SI athsjt tries Arithmetic Thomson's, Tables, rain, awaiyvis, iracueai, aaa ru , aad Hlften Darios' Pri aad UniawraWt BaithV , la; Daviaa AlKobra. 8nr- raary, innissrsaai, eicnooi Jo -mrn lay a ssaddsra a; Dae .;, y aisw r. itaru Mautaaaattca, Math. tionMT. Logtio of ktathwoMea, AnairUcai Uooaaatry. and I'aaoauhy of Mthe- lea. 1 a a ajaavam -s. ajvaajaja ar -ajwTruiHT, aai j auawi ntatcvi Parte 'a Caiearaal: WlUard'a UaiTerwJ, and Cnited U.AaaA.a. ' " - laaana. aJ tfM Bt.A.. SUtca. LA!torniv Coopor't Vtrsit; Andrew's I At I a Rea- aew; 1 in Horas); Anarew a uaus uramnasr; aicv ua' tvk'i lt and Id Book la Latin, aad do. in Oreah: An- thoa's lireek Unaranaar and Haadar; Johnson's Cicero. Kajoelle" r'rench Uramatar aad tteader; Waodbnry's 'irnan Orammar and Reader, Telemaqne. !rerk IVs tanient; French, aeir taoght; Hurreane a French Uie tioaary; AaUrrw a Latin do. Liddcil A. Scott's Greek , Antboa'a Claaairal do. ttaaiih's do dot Itc-rr!ABjBft. Webatar's-uhoul. Hlah death:, Unireraity, Hoyai bro, Uaabndo-ed t do. Aea- aad Osbba' PorkeU Mktuj.aiwm-8. Vattioa's Aatmaomj-. New-man's Khetoric Wood's Botany Kaifle'a demento of t'rit-t.-Um. Parker's Aid in Com position, Parker'a Kxer cie. BroukAeld'a Compoaithm. McEtliiritt's Young A nalrwr. do. Analytical MaanaL Parker'a Word Huiltler. llaybew'a Book Keeping-. Wayland's Moral Bcaenco. raise a ?i antral rtjeamt-y. wake a Aerictil tvre for Schools. ITpbaa'a latellectaal PhUoaothe Mahaa's do. do. Milton; Voaajct Pollock; and Tbootp- nn; Mtuoai iwr ocaootai uami .Aaacosay ana Physiology. American leoater. Newtnan'a Political Kcoajitasy. Hitchoorka Ueofojrr. Great raiiety of Speakers aad taecuttoa. All kinds of School Station ery; Sl.itea of all attest Itrawtnt; Bonks; prawiPK Paper; Perforated Card Board; Brwtnl Board: IVnHls and Bratliea; horn a Onors; lakatands, erery aiae aaa sijw, de ac nix MISCEIXAXEOrS BOOKS. HnrmnT lUnrroft's raited States. ( roinme. Hildreth s do, do, roiomes. P rrwt a Ph-tortal United SUtes. TatIot's do, do. do. Botta's Hiat. Revttltition. Peterson s do. Wtlaon s United Btate. WUIard'a do. tll-4. Indian Wars failed 8tatea. WilUrd's UalTersal History. Mutter's do do. Hotterk's Htat. World I or 4 volunies. Rnilin's Ancient History. Parr 'a do, 4" Itnme'a Ka(laad. Macaalay'a do., complete, Dickens Child's do. Linmrd's do. (iibbon's Koese. IVAn bifnie's Refiwmation. Bang's M. E. Ch'irch. AUiaoa'a Fur-ope. lt and Id Series. Preaeott's Worka. Rorder's . Ill-, or Helifrtnna. Hut. or tmovtl of Trent. Joae- pluta. All of Abbntl'a M'istnrieo. H'urtnriral Cabinet, yneeas of Sain. Queens of Scotland. Help's Spanith ConqriCHta, Itraoe'a Hnniranr. Kidder's Brazil. Ku- oAnks llruii. Parleys Laireraal. iiiatM'y of Cm sades Aartent Kgypttaaa. Hallams Middle Aavs. HUtAry for &rs. Bonner'a Child'a United State. LAvtna: a t aeiu uooc or KeTotatiow. Io-jaxrar. Plutarch's lives. Life Brant. Won derful bsracters. Ureat and Celebrated ( htra. tera. I-l W1 of toe btfttierB. AatoMotTarhr of Finley. I.a runine'a Celebrated ChanK-terw. Lie of Adam Clarke. d Bih-ip Hellinx- do Niebahr. do Gen. Harrison. 4- Daniel Boone, do RoberU. do Lafsyette. Can Ulna of Konuut Rcpoblio and Old World. Dr. Chl . mers, 4 rul. Lives of Hamboldts. Mrs. Rogers. Muaart. Wesley. Fletrher. Ufe aad Times of Clar; Irrin'a Wa.-tbiartoak. traaiawwt Mecltaatcaw Una "oc Chief Jostii-. Joaephtno. Napoleon, tliarlea Lamb. Jackaoo. IteawGreaw. Joan of Arr. Lady Jane Urev. 4. g. AJ.imt Julienne. Daniel Webster; alines uf Rtme. Kiiurs and tjiieena. Ijebmta. Lieea of the Popes. Prescctt's Philip d. Mary and Martha Waah in -rum- Pioneer Women of the Weat. tiKiui Hack's Cluaa. Araacaniana. Stephen's Ecrpt. 'in's Trsrels. Mango Psrk. Xile Notes. Adventures on Maaajatto Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trsr ci. lHirbin's TraveU in the Kaat. Scicvnrtc. Brsmie'a KocrdopeJi. PhysicsJ Geoe ranhy of tho Sea. .Wood's Xataral History. Lardaer a Lectarea. Usefal Arts. Cusssoa. Mathesaatical l)k tK-Htary. Lorice Matheaaattre. Wonders of Science. Mitchetl's Planetary aad Stellar Worlds. Lsoeaie' Re cent Plug re as of Astroawsny. 8raith'a Ditttoaary of Arts and Scieace. En bank a Hydraulic. Dick's works. Various works oa Architectare. lNcrar Bvron rariows styles. Shakeapeare, do. Miltosu do. Items, do. Heasans, do. Moore, do. Taorapsnn. Tonng. Pollork. Tapper. Cowper. I'npe. rsrepoell. Wadnworth. tian. Montgnmery. Kirk White. Female Poets of England, do. do. Aaterica and many ethers. Books or RsraaaNCst Cyclopedia of Oengraphy. do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Ceefot Arts. XM'olloch a Oasetteer. Harper's l'nireral liarrtWr. KanT ax AoatctXTCaAi, Elliot "a Fmit Book. Thomas' do. Dosmmg'a do. Barry 'a do. Frsiajnden's Fsrmer and Gafdeoer. Frnlt. Flower and Vegetable Gankner'a Compaaion. Allen oa too Grape. Pardee on Strawberry. Fbwiat's Gatde. American Farm Bonk. AUn'sl-nie-4io Aaimala. All of Haxtoa'a Hand Books. Waaks oa Hon. Csttle, Sheep, Hoga, Ac. TarouMicAt. A Ilsi.ioiocs Haraaoar and Expoai tioa of (icwpeU. N'eander's Life of Christ. Bauer's Wurka. Kaapp's Christian Theology. Westera Meth clim. li vnt llUjcitaaie. lieoturea on Romsnism. Brand of lontini Rule. Elliot oa Komanism. Baraea' N-te. Clarke'a Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's KxTCi-M. Watson a Inatitatea. LarraW Evidences. Hatir's CUiical Ii-oarse. Rosers' Eolin.-e of Earth, d . Reason and Faith. Foter'a Cbriat. Perfectioa Bker on Discipline. Writings of Anainins. Jaha's Biblical Arcloiofry. BiUea, ail autes and prices, from tl t $!. Testaments, (Treat rariety. Metbodit Hymna. ChrUtian Hymn Books. Chnrch Psalmist. Piyniutj CWectioo. Select Melodies. Christian Pj!:uit. M -aicAL. Bachan's Family Ptiysiciaa. t Hydro pathic d-. llomcepsthic Works. Mncm.LAxani"s. t'ofwtitntxoaa of Cnited Statea Msvhew's PofMalar Edrteatioa. Crabba'a Syaonyma. PtUt's Bk of CorioaiUea. Odd FeHoer's HanosL nevt'ev's Work. 1 1 vols. Mra. TathiU's, vols. Lay ar.l'a Xioereh. Biyelow's Useful Arts. H Weil's En inneers Guide. Asaericaa Institutioas. Porsnit of Knowl-.i7e. ParkMadison. Pmmiaa Aatinaities. Way Down Ea.U Pyasbort. Ika Marvci'a Works SamleiMoa's Cook and Confectioner. Conntry Rambles ia England. Tslesaad Reveriea. faa eKcellent Temper ance Rxk.l Money Maker. Escaped Non. News Ry. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil ler a Old Rd SAnd-ftono. do. Footprints of Creator. Yonnc; Ladies' CoonseUor. Young Man's do. Pictorial Catechism. Thosaaona Lect- to Y. Mea. Conatito-ti-aal Test Book. Captiea ia Patagonia. Tho Ameri ca a UKi4ewire. nail hoots wm ijil ttnmnnrey Ataeni; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood, do. Nw Eng. Tala. Uncle 8am's Farm Fence. Arthur's Socceasfnl Merchaat. do. Tala. Mm. Partineton. Horace lyaaslatioa. Virgil do. Mr. Car len'a Worka. " Ileroinea of History. Land aad Sea. Ieck and PttU Sea aad Sailor. Ship aad Shore. Xaral Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irring's C-olambBs. Long Look Ahead. City of XewYork Living Irrators of Anwrica. Tonng Man Advised. Mis sion in Tons and Fegee. Troth Stranger Than Fio tioa. Knont and the Rnsaiana. Hydrapathio Cook Btok. Death Bod Scenes. Gift Book for V'onng Men. jo. do. Lidies. Anaedotea for Girls, do. do. Boys. Footprints of Famoos Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's Work's. Advice to Yoong Men. Peasaat Boy Philoso pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Fraaconia. And a namber of others too aaaseroos to ennmerate. Constantly receiving; larse additions to the forgoing. St&tionbkv. FooImp Paper great variety. Let ter do. do. pl&ia and rilu Note do, do, do, do. Envel opes all styles. Ink all kind. Pen aad Holders great variety. Blank Books all sixe and styles-, HemorAndams. Diane. Pass Book. Tim Book.-! . Paper Cutter, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Bootes. Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa per cood variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac- Ac Finally, we have a good variety of Mcsic B-xK8- Xew Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee Siaer. Dalcinter. Chores Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Mclodeoa. Chrixtian Paalmist. Piano Inatrnc-t-r. Gottar do. Flnte dot Aeoordon do. Violin do. Melodeon do. Plyaaoath CoQectioB with Music Sheet Masks. And the most varied assortment of Statioxut ever offered ia Oregoa. aw- TVia stock is all bonijht in New York aad other Eastern citiat aad at sold at - - - umroRsr prices. r Ve keep an hand School Books in large titio, kgc!ier with moat of the publications of HaarsK A Bbotrbbs; PsTarr A Jaccaoa; li-iso A ParaxEr; - . - " - '- rulLLira A SAasos; . .-!!;. A. S. BaX3 A CP-; - Unxca, Oaroa 4 Mclugax; " ' - LsAar A Geixj . , - - ' PcrxAst; . : J .r:2 ;1 r-- ..AyrxTHi aad others. . aj3We ask j ot aatranage. If nnside to in the saw ramus as if yon aongbf hspsfauw. Porlland, March Z'l, 157. , 5tf 8. J. l&cCormlcix.. Etaildla Ec?!r Ctcro, (morr rrttarr, rotTLAKD.o.r.) TTA8 owntly en hand a large stock of Boon Ann A. a otnoT . wuel M eeila at tain advance m VM.IUiai PaitiB. Bf A catalog may be hn la tee Orygo aad I " eaoingwou Aimansc lor isai. booh eraerv un I . wwtag free to tar .art ef either Tnrrritorv I PortlBd. Fb. H. 1MT. Myl .. . Corralll Drac stars. - T K. CARDWBLL. Kraniat aad Aoothacar. I. , J ataatly receiving, per California stsaaser, large and eareftilly felopte stocks of Orart and Medicines, T 7' ' . , -rraaienoa. Toilet Fur nltnre, Wionery, and all artletee nasally kept In lrna A cent for Jarnaa, and other patent medlelnoa: klk ha l - " ' - . . wniajiaaio pnoes, 1 mr Ostssosa aonBiiap. BlaclkaamlthK tlara. XV larae and wU wlocted stack of C ? ' Out Bteet. vni !T oarasando., ft M I . ... TTta aniaaaasiatlaiaal n uki.il k. v.. ... "!. and jrsn will fled that we not only hsra tho fallaaa atnek. hut will aril " aachean as tha rhomuwt ur.a.. J"jj JlUonato our astortmont, so as to replace what OrafnaOty, Dec.13. i - r . 4Uf Htmry Johnaoai , Co. wnoLXSALC DKVoutrra. (ltd tTasliinirton Btroet. Baa Fraaciaoo.) Offer for sale to the eonntry trade, tho largest stock of Cttod in their line am the Partita nMt sl. rVrftnaery. Patent Medirlnra of 11 ainua. nanenos. ramt. oils. Ulava. IWntin. ...I ' itTiniiinn v nm onsineaa. Marina an Bertor fneilltiaa farahaalalM ftkl w. ,i.iw ' r- j""1 to bnen nnoqnalled by ay othet hsass. Overs rsasntfalry aollolted. V I DcattUtrf I TB J. H CARnXfEI-I Pents.1 Bnrjrooii CorvaUls, will practice in his nrnfra. , stoa.at GWawMa. J?Nrrae Cirv. IfWArt- trr, Acsassmirg.and arAarisV. Skill, nnqnestlonshle charrea.retev'talle: wrsrk. warranted. Tooth azamln led. and adrtoa gtrea rree or charge. Doe notice given of change of otflc. April W. 1SA5. 7tf ' Ntw llecclTlna; rrtHB Mlnwing artlclea front Bark Oeeaa Bird aad for A. aaia mw. AO gross matches ; 140 kg of syrups ; 50 hi. bbU. N. O. sugar s 16 bbls. crushed sugar ; ' SO hose candle ; 10 bMa. vinegar ; to cases tea ; I A dot. brnoms; 20 dot. buckets : 1 rases men's Bna calf boots t " calf brogana ; S goat t; " boys' brogan ; . youths' calf brogans; 1 " wontra's Moroero boots ; t " imitation boot ; . MhWboot; I T pair children's abort ; 1 1 atraw cuttera ; St grain rradlea ; I reaper ; 1 two horse thresher ; . . ,iFO- ABERJfETHY CO. Oregon City. June 1 . IB.U. lstf. , , C1H.MX PUMPS, monkey wrenches. ' match planes, screw ana. aan pianes, . horse shoos and nails to St. gun locks, plugs and nipples, tubes, bullet mould. Wosenholm'a IXI. pocket kntve. pruning and budding knives, rat traps to tstrh seasrrW. at MOORES' llook and Stattoaerr. SCHOOL READERS. Parker's lt. Jd. 3d. 4th and Sth. Sanders do do do do McGufly's do do do do lmvies' arithmetic, irniversity and Common School. Intellectual and primary, Imviea' Bourdon algebra, Irgeadre, aurveying. Geometry and trigonometry, 4 Key to Dsriea' Arithmetic", Thompson's arithmetic, Parker's philosophy, " juvenile and ttleaton, Grammsrs Clark's. Bullion's Smith's. Geographle Mil. hell . Monteitb'a manual, ' Monteith's lt lessons, M'tle l.nte of Zion. New Oerm'n am. timnnn rsalmt-t. Hi-wnnrt Harmony, Normal Song Book, Singing llook. at ltf 4 MOORES XVtice. THE jndiie of th Supreme Conrt. of the Territory of Oregoa. aemuied st the neat of Government on the ninth day of Jannarr. eighteen hundred and nrty. siven, do Ha and appoint District Conru. to he held in Tillage of ltoaehurg, in the county of IVouglaa en the Brst Monday.of March. May. Seotember and Xorrm- ber.annuallr. until otlirrwise ordered, and do limit the duration of said terms tosig days each. Gl-A. H. w IIAJ AjJS, Chb-r Jiiatice. ttf M. P. DKADY. A-w-ciate J art try . AC Cnnae Cltr. THE snbscrlber has at Eugene City, one of the beat general assortment cf Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene ral finding store, to be found in Oregon. He is con stantly receiving fresh additions to hi stock, and sl ways keep it up. My goods are now all received direct from San Pran.-iaco. where I have a resident agent. All kinds of farmer ' produce received ia exchange for goods I pay higher prices for Produce, and aell o-ooda chcanar than any other store In tha Territory. J US t Kit TEAL. Eugene City, July 1, 1B56. littf EU! Salt!! OA TONS "San 0.utin" 8 ALT. tn abont 80 and J 100 lb. bags. Just received snd for sale verv rhean ALLAN UrKIVI IV l-il - Oregaa City, Dec 6, 1850. Valuable Farm for Sale. THE undersigned -sow offers hia valuable larm for sale, aitnated oa Spring Creek, ia Marion Co.. O. T.. one and a half milea south of McKinnay'a Mill, on the County road running from Salem toaaid Mills. It contains 40 acres, of which 640 acres is ander a good substantial atake and rider fence, one hundred acre In good cultivation, two hundred fine bearing fruit treea, a good farm hoaae, together with other out building. Said farm ia well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising, and wheat growiag of any farm in the Territory. Said farm haa been settled since and was among the first claims taken in Marion Co. Any person denirona of buying a good farm, with a title money, will do well to cau at roe resiueuce oi to nnoerxignen. OLIVER PICKARD. Spring Creek, March SO. 1U7. 4tf Removal. B ACM A BROTHER have removed to their New Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment They have just received a general assortment of Dry Goods. Clothing. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offer for cash or proa uce. N. B. Wanted Butter, Eggs, Bacon. Lard, Flow, and Wheat, for which they pay tlie highest market price. una,4iuj 19, iiub. lUtr House, Ca-ra-lae-e, Sign, and Steam- aaoaia ruiniiDf. A. REED having established hi Paint shop in Salem, is prepared to execute with distwtch all c. job in the above line. Banner. "Standards, and Em blem, ror aocieties painted on silk, satin, velvet or mus lin. Paiota of all colors and descriptions mixed, ready for ase.lor aAle at his shop ; also White Lead. Linseed OiLTarpentiiiaand Varnish, Wall paper and Border, Window gla-B., Paint brnshes, graining tools, Ac Di rection gica in painting, also ia graining imitation of wood, stone or marble. X. B. Orders from abroad promptly attended to. All jobs intrusted to his care warranted to give satis faction. . Salem, Jn.6,18o7. 43yl . Notice. STRAY KD, or stolen from the subscriber, living in Albany, Una Co.. O. T.. on or abont the first of December. 1856, one aor rel horse, blare faced, right hip knocked down, branded on near shoulder O. T., vented V, hair brand. Xo other brands or marks recollected- Anv one returning aaid horse will be liberally rewarded. J.M. McOONNELL. Albany, January t7. 1857. - 40tfnaid Medical and Surgical Notice. r' is often the case that persons suffer for a long time with a curable disease from the fact that they do not know where to go to find relief. I am prepared to re move all Tumor. Cancers and Diseased Rone to re duce dislocated juint of longstanding, straighten, wry neck, club foot, and to correct all deformity of the "xX D-G- Campbell; m. d. CorvaUia. O. T. May 6, 1857. 9tf Sold Out. THE subscriber, having sold out, calls upon everr body indebted to him to nettle op their accounts. Ha caabe found at the old store. - - TZZZ: c , u ,c-, .' PHTLTP COHEX. Salem, March 3, 18o7. 52tf ..,v. . Drills, . fi BALES Drills jnst received and for sale ABERXETHT & CO. June 15. 1857. 15U - VOORESt "irk TONS assort ed iron, jast received at - 1U 9m3 GBISWOLD A CO't: Dooki aad ClR'.lthery. a fag orroom crrr roar orrrca boumini. ' jonw risKtiiNo WOULD respectfully rail tat attention of his friends and tha pnMla to tho fact that ha baa oa hand, and kseps eoustaaU aanpllea with a largo stock of fall klnda. wafer aaaa-wra far aals, for rash, at tha above building. Hi arsisaf stosk W oomprWd, ia psrt.oftaafnatag.vTgt ' Oregen Btat-s, arsarlna lawn of Orsgua a anion ISM'?; Washi.io. Irvlaga work RdM eld's Com- Baratlve Physiognomy; Dlaeoyory and Kxploratioa of to Mlsslssippli Sear's American Revoialioa- Hesr' Family Aaaaal, Wilson's Usaays and Mtsecllanisai Be. thnae's I'taatat Llfa of th fcaapsror Napolooa, by Lock bart; Ursa of tha Praaidaattt Llfa of Andrew Jackson; Webster's Lift snd bis Masterpieces; Bancroft's Llfa of Washington) Llfa aad Bpocaea of Hoary Clsyt Buffon'a hataral HIott Josepaaa aaaipleto '- Lane 'a Brigade In Maxtaoi-Ollvcr Cromwell) t n earnaa Auroaat imtian vtar w uniirai Tha BroknftheiSresnand Life on the Seat Miss 1. PraeUral (Janhery; Mra, llalel New l-mk Booki m imprnvea nunsewtie, or uooaor iwceipio, j air, a. L. Wehstert History of tha Mormons front their origin to tha present time; Fern Lesvss front Fanny 'a Port r nun; me spectator, by Rlagdont I "PPsy s rroveroi al Philoarnhvi xmm Minnlmi .1 the Bonanart Fam llyt Thompson's Seasonal Tonng' Night Thoughts; l araaip iai; Poiink' Cnnm r Timet Benjamin Pilgrim. Progres; American's Owa Bonk; The World Illustrated AO Enaravinm IJm and Raaavs of Benja min Franklin t Life of Washington t .LI! Iliin, stock's System of Elocution: Frsmi ramoiiU Rtpurnf peditinn thrrngh Oregon and California; Pick Ictorial torynf All Naini,by (loodrirh; Benton a 30 year In the V. S. Srntter BtTon'a Works: Prescott' Uloirrs- phles and Critical Miarrltantea; Prescott Conquest of Mexico 3 vol; I'rraeott a Ferdlnsnd and Issbells S vol; Prvscott's Robertson's History of Charles A S vols; Present!' 1st and Id Philip; Milman's Gibbon's Rome; Rollln's Ancient History; Plutarcht Live; Ms- caiuey s History or England; IHek S Works; Cummlng'i Lectmes; Welwtar'a American Family Cyclopedias Scott's Nspoleon; Chamber Information for the Peo ple; Lire in lb Itineracy; Lit of Gen. lAfavette; The ming AmsTtran Lite of ivataont; History of Ire Und.k Woory; Heavenly r -"i Carlyle' New Es says: BrltMi and Amerlrsa Femar Poets: .Rums' enaantete Worir, Moore's Pae! Works; Boms' Po etical Workst Mr. Urmah'a pok,ieal Works; MIMon's t ninpivie viora; Tupr a t omiiitte works; Lire and Beauties of Shakespeare; Arabian Nights; Balloon Travel in Earopet Larard s Diacavaries at Xlnsvsh: Wbeenley's Cnmpend or Illstory; Uradley Miscella nlei March's Reminlscenrea of Congress; Tbaddrua of naraaws me I'lanters victim Melbourne and the Chinch Island; Knits Sacred Ills tor; Pennahurst hia Wanderings snd Wsys of Thinking; Robinson i-ruaoe; -c uuarea or tne Aooevt Indian name, captiv ities and Ad rea wire: Dreams and Realities of a Pea tor and Tearheri The Ship Carpenter's Family; Victo ria, or tha World Overcome; Bib lea and Testament; Webster' Dictionaries large snd smsll; Gann'a Cele- nrsied iiomesilc Medirinra; Short Iatent Sermon, by Dow. Jr: I Primer I.lttlegnod. Eq; Arthur Tale; Thomson 'a Pmrtiral Arithmetic; Calhoun Intellectual Arithmetic: Vocal and Instrumental Note Bonks: Mit chells Geography and Atlas; Yonatt on the Structure ana Ulsease of the Horse; Saxton s Rural Hand Book Cole ' American Fruit Book; Downing' Rural Emays owning r run ana r mil irers of America: tiinnr WeMern Frail Book: American Cattle Dortor.hv Ddd Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener' Comnanion American Frnlt Cultnrtst, by Thomas; The Strawberry Culture, by Pardee; American Pw.ltry Yanl. br Brawn; r ounn on me Management and lleases or Steep: Note. Letter and Foolscap paner: Pens anritPenhnld. rr; nanu ann rvinu ooxes; HlsrR. nine snd Red Inks: nam and Fancy Envelopes; Slates and Plato Peacils ttiana ikmirs. ate., ar. Oregon City. June 29, 1857. . 17tf 45,000 Wort la or spiui;o mid simnm goods i rTtll E subsi-rtticr would reanertfulty Inform their ens- X tomrr and the publin generally that they have on hand, and are In constant receipt of goods from San Francisco and Xaw York a Urn sad wellae- lectrd stock consisting la part of A Itim, allspice, an J alpacra, Bonttcta, berages. and bro. linen. Cambric, crash, and calico, IVnmestic de laines. and damask. Edging, embroidery and everything, ' Flannels, fringes, nnd fancy bun's. Ginghams, gaiters and g loves. Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins. Iron, ink. and Inserting. Jaconet jean, and Java coffee, Knire. kid gloves, and knitting-pins. lawn, lard and Liverpool salt. Mustard, mirrors, and uintrhrs. Needles, nsils, and nice things. Oils, overshirts, and Oolong tea, Piu. pant, and pa;er, tiilts. quills, aud queensware. Ribbons, rasors, and rat-traps. -. Silks, sugar, and -hsving soap. Tea. tlacco, and turpentine. rmbrells. umler-sleevea, and nefnl things. Veil. varaL.h. and vinegar. Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle Irons, Vara, yeast, and Yankee notions, Klnc. and aephvr worsted, Are.. Ac. and so on. Itesiiiea many Oilier" art K-lea too nnmeroiu to mention; II of whioa we are eftrriitf at redorvd price, adopt ing the plan of " tjiilrk aalea and email pniflta." The Ladiaa will And !n their department a large stock of fancy good, direct from New York, which is not usually kept In Oregoa, and by arrangrntenta will be in constant receipt adequate to the want of the Indies. The Gentlemen's liepartment of furnishing goods will seldom he equalled, and excelled by none In Salem. Hill's. Tneblsckvmithssml trnndesler will always find a well-selected slot k of all sixes and sbspes, to gether with a good assortment of iron axles, from 1-4 X in., to I x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland prices, adding freight. We are prepared to receive all kiad of produce In exchange for good, and also money. For full particu lars call and examine for vonrselve. W. C. GRISWOLD A CO. Salem. Feb. 10. 1857. 4tf . City Drug Store. (COMMERCIAL WHARF, l0Tt.AsD.) THE undersigned, has in store, a general assortment of Drairs. Medicines. Paints. Oils. Dye stuffs. Pat ent Mediuinca, Ac, and is receiving good almost week- Iv, and in much larger quantities than hitherto, and of fers them to his numerous customers and friends, at wholesale and retail, in quantities to suit, at much low er rates than ever offered in this market. Every arti cle warranted as represented. Please call and examine ror yourselves. Prescriptions will be given free of charge to those wanting Medicines. W. WEAlUblUUIUI.a. u. Portland, June 19, 1857. 16m3 . Salem Drag Store. TTTOO XT Street. Hector's building. Constantly A? on hand a full assortment of lmros. Mkdi- If cixics, Pars-rs, Oils and dvb STtrrs, Tatest MavicrNrs. Ac In short almost every article usually fonnd in a Drag Store, and are offered at WnoutsALB ako Retail, at extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as represeniea. ST UUIH BOMCTVm. - .1 Prescriptions free of charge at office. - atar Prompt attention will be given to professional calls in the City. i A. M. BELT, M.-D. Salem. O. T.. June 5. 1957. l'-'tf - Notice TS herebv given, that C. 8. Wood worth Is authorized J. to transact my personal basinesa uiiring my absence. W.t,. UKIsnui,!. Salem, June 17, 1857. 15tf For Sale. ... T WILL sell one half of the land claim known J. as the Dwight Pomroy claim. Said half adioins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's and ia about two mil., from Orecon City, on the nnner Wil lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the property, lying and situated la tne beautirul and rapid ly growing town of Corvalli, Benton Co-, and known as the " Thomas" property, consisting of four lots of land, together with all the buildings thereon. Said property ia in a beautirul location, and both will be sold at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at cash price, inquire oi in" suuscnucr, at nia store in Ore iron City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. A verv in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallia. Also, six (.6) lotaoi tana in Oregon city. JOS. N. PRESCOTT. Oregoa City, March 1,1857- . nf . , , - Loak Here. , ALL persons tnat are i no owa to dames Strang, are requested to call and settle their aeeonnta by the 15th of May, and all those who do not, will find their accounts in the hand of John D. Boon, Justice or the Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem. I want to settle np my accounts. - JAMES STRANG. , April ai. liter. : - ' - Stf ; 30 KBOS Boston Syrup for sale. - - G. ABERNETHYA CO. a rrofivrv- ivn rnr8ZLLOR AT LAW. Rs A. lem. O.T.. Offlua.Ant Vorauutb of ths Statas- atan OOoe, up stairs. - W w.u.FAaaAa. . -. tAwsiNO trour. ATTORKETB AT LAW AMD SOLICITOUS IN . Chancery and Admiralty.' .... MT OOoe oa Front swwst, out door Borth of the " Exchange." , . -. . , s v Portland, O. t., July M, lMT. 23tf V I. I. tt A TTSRHRr AND C0UKCSL0R AT LAW AND A Bultcltors ia Chaaoary, Uarvaiiai u. t. t. a. aaira. - filtf I. W. L.Ua-ll, A TTORNET AND COONSBtaJB AT LAW, EU A gens city, Lana Couatp, O. T. T L. COOMBS. M. D.. Br- . e. SPBCIALTY tl DISEASES OF J'ti K Its, CorvaUls, Oregon. September J J, 1850 T P. VI bnlldlnr. eanoslte Pacific Exureaa I J Offlea, a. Fllaa ma if the principal Paner of California w Oregon awv a fnand al tha olBca. Mr. Fisher I the authorised I for In MUWsman. , cr A TTORXETT k l.?miasinner of Dc knnwledgmenu. Ae A Michigan. California a era of Attorney, and ad f. ORBOON.'COM sake teatimnny, ar .a, Indiana. k"mri. .ngton Terrlt , Iet- iaatrumeiil Brawn on snort notice, a. Particular s Mention p4d to taking nnlleotiona of Notes, Areoaasa, Ve, - jry A TTORNET8 AXD fJOPKBELOIlS AT I. -k- IX. Ilcitors In Chaaoery, Junctor. Ac, ia A , Ty, Portland..Oregua. a tyktel' n-:2 XrTr, . , A TTORXETS AND COUT-ErXJItfl AT LAW. AND .T Solirltora In Chancery. tAdce near the C;ourt-hi Salem, O.T. Geo. L lltil, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AXD Solicitor ia Chancery, will practice In the various courts of Oregoa and Washisgion Territoriea. timer, caiera.o. r. Dcluoi tailb, ATTORXET AXD COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all buaincs pertaining to bis prutostlon in the first Judicial District, and befora the Supreme Court of Oregon. Office, Allmny, Una County. O. T. N. B. When not at hia oSce, or alaent on profes sional wnsineaa, be may be fosod at bis residence, fire miles snath-east or Altsuiy, oa what hi known aa the "Grand Prairie." I. 6. l-TBftt, ATTORNEY AXD COUNSEU,on AT LAW. AND Solicitor la Chancery. Bethel, Polk County. O. T. Msy is. 1857. lltf T. g. Brock, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AXD Solicitor In Chsncery, will practice In the various rourta In this Territory, snd promptly attend to the col lection of all claim against the United States, throneh an efficient agent residing at Washington ,City. Office ia nugene v ity , tuane v oonty , vf . i It. K. Btratton. ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice In the various court of southern Oregon, and ia tho Supreme Court of the Territory. Orrica In Deer Cieek. Donates countv. O. T. ftesl. dence 6 miles north of Winchester, oa the Willamette roan. N. B. Bounty lAnd Warrants obtained for claimant on reasonable term. JJtf . Chadwlck h. Glbba, ATTORNEYS AXD COUNSELORS AT LAW, So licitors In Chancery. Ac Office at Winchester and Gardiner. 8. F. Cnapwtcx, Winchester. Dous-laa Co.. O. T. A.C. Giaas, Gardiner, Cmpuua Co.. O. T. Nov. , 1865. Jit b.m. uwm. t. a. aiuiox. Barnam W Wlloota. ATTORNira AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, Sa lem. Oregon. Particular attention Is given to the collection of nutea and accounts, and c-aima against government. Ifcsintr land arrant oougnt ana aoiu. a Otraoe over Slarkey a store. . 41 11. F. Honhana. . ' nr A TTORXET AND COUNSELLOR "'f i Bee at the Court House, Sale-. G. T. 6U r w. v.cttirxts- ; A.'. raAraa. ATTORN fciVS and Ovinsernr at law. Solicitors In Chancery, Ai Office la Robert's buildings. Main street, Corvalli. llent .n CO, . T. Curvsllis. April 1, 1;7. 5tf J. Ik. Cole, M. D., T)HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. A 8tr Portland. Oregon. Mrditil. TJ. WRIGHT JtK.IL STONK. having associated together in practice, respectfully tender their ser vice to the people of Bettoa and Linn desiring to se cure the favor of the afflicted by auceess eaAr. Office near J. C. Avery s store. Curvsllis. Zllypatd A. B. lallock. ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. PORTLASD. O. T. Designs, plans, specifications, Ac. furnished on reasonable terms. . William C. Grlswold Jr. Co., ERCIIANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. OKtTOLD, l?tf C. S. WOOBWOaTH. Kuicrne City. TTORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of th Eugene 11 City Uotel. 13tf. Medical Notice. THE snbacriher, wonld inform the inbabitanta that he is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in his profession : also he has on hsnd a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well asorted supply of Syriuges, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. - W. WARREN. Salem December 1, 1856. 3Stf W. B. Magera, AI. O. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build ing, on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S. Mclteeny 's fire-proof building ; where I will be fonnd when not professionally ens-axed. I will keen constant ly on hsnd a frcsb supply of Drugs and Medicines which I will sell low for cash. Corvallia, Deo. 9. 1856. 39tf KeJiCil Sotice. DR.R.W. SHAW. late or San Francisco. California, offers hia professional services to the citizens fo Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public ravor. iT- tirace at itocu ana reuows arug store. 14y ft. W. SHAW. Campbell . Pratt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Saa Francisco. California. Office, corner Montgomery aniLSacremonto streets. over Parrott A Cos. Bank. . . Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed rrom Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all busini-ss entrusted to their care. Sltf AlXAMDtCa Caxpbkltl. O. C. I'satt. Jouph S. rrcttott. XAuc sr., oatcooK crrr. EAl.ER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and Faint and Oils, wholesale aad retail. July 7, IfWo. 18tf S. Ellawortla, ATTOIlNKy AKO COCKSILLOB, US. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene City, Lane County, Oregon Territory. Also Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Connecticut, Ac. August zn, inou, mw - Watcura' T T7TLLIAM F. HIGHFIEIJV tmeter and W atch maker. Oresron f amoved to the building Inst opposite to tha. ct House. where be can be constantly fonast . spared to do any business in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Abo a choice lot of watches and jewelry for sole. March 5. 1854. ly51 8. Hamilton, M. D., PHTSICIAN AXD SURGEON, wonld respectfutly announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that he has located permanently at Deer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, and in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all duties, and spare no paina to render the patient easy and comfortable. Omci opposite R. H. Dearborn A- Co.'s store, on Main street. Drags and Patent Medicine for sale at lots ctuh pri ce. 4'ltf Well, Fargo, At, Co., BANKERS and EXCHANGE DEALERS. W..F..A Co., in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Exthtmgt and Collection Bwti ness. Collections and Remittances made in all parts of Oregon, Californla.the Atlantic States, and Europe, with promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Cola and Bullion, bought and sold. Sight Exchange on Arte York, Ban ton, Philadtlphia, Albany, Rorkater, Buffalo, Erie, Clevthmd, Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukie, Galena, St. Louie, IjoaieviUe, CimtxanaH, unA forty other principal towns in the Atlan tic State aad the Caaadas, may be procured at aay of our office. WELLS. FARGO, A CO. 114, Mootgoeoery-strset, San PranoiseO -T .' - ' "--. JAMES O'NEILL, Agent. Jube 1655. .-. Dr. Crrjatr'i Csiled Rottoa. iV v" XTP'- DR. J. I,. CZAPK AY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento St., be low Montgomery oppo site PaciUa Msill StcsmshlpC.i.'s Office, San Francisco, Califuruia. Kstabllalied for the Permanent euro of all Private and Chronic Diseases, and the suppression of ausckery. Dr. J. L. CZAPK AT, lata In tho Hungarian Revolu tlonary War. Chief Physician In the JOtb Regiment of lloiivods.obief surgeon to tb military hospital at Posth, Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or gan anil diseases of Women and Children, wonld most respectfully inform the politic of Oregoa and California that he haa opened an Institute for tha eure of Chronic Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain and the horrid conaeqnenee of Mlf-abnse, aad be hopes that his long experience and successful practice of ma ny years, will insure him a share of public patronage. My the practice of many years In Europe and tho Uni ted States, and during tire Hungarian war and cam paigns, he is en.Mrd to apply the roost efficient and successful remedies against disease of all kinds. He nses no Mercury charges moderate treats bis patient in a correct and honorable way has references of un questionable veracity rrom men of known respectabili ty and high standing In society. All parties consulting him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and Implicit secrecy. The Dr.' office are on Sacramento st., below Montgomery, Saa Fraucbwo. California. 12m3 SPERMATORRHOEA OR LOCAL WEAKNESS. Dr. L. J. Caapkay would call public attention to spennstorrhnra ur local weakness. There Is nut la the catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca ted than thl. aa well because of present dlstrrsa.aa the ultimate result. The ton of the system under it In fluent e I either Impaired or entirely destroyed, and a elnsaof symptoms superinduced tbst unfits man for the performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The injuries done to the physical part of man Is truly la mentable, hut trifling when compared to those of the eenaorlum, tha great nervous center, and to the ner vous system gourrally. This disease, which is too often consequent upon that solitary vice, self-abuse, involves fmtiiologirsl conditions beyond the comprehension of heuninitiated, but which are well understood by the reg ular practitioner. Among the symptoms most conspic uous are the following: Love of solitude, aversion to business and anrlety, distressing timidity, nervous ex citement from slight causes, loss of memory, confusion of ideas. Inability to reason correctly, low spirit and lassitude, dullness of apprehension and misanthropy. These being functional derangements, are often the har bingers of horrid orgsnto leion of the brain, which produce ratnity, dementia and ifeatn. For the eure of thl and all kindred disease. Dr. Caapkay has established bis Institute, where nil msy rely with perfect confidence anon that skill which long experience and thorough devotion to hi profession has given. i nose wno suner siiouia can or wnta witnoat aeiay and use tlie mesas by which they msy recuperate and live. All eonsnltatlons, bv letter or otherwise, free. Ad dress to " DR. L. J. CZAPK AY, liml -. Medical Institute, Saa Francisco. Cal. CJKCHKT DISEASKrlu DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S EX O traonllnary success In the treatment of secret dis ease in the primary and other stages. Induces him to call public attention to the fart that of the great nam bers who have mad daily snplicstkin to kite, there is not one who has not been effectually and permanently eared. In recent cases of private diseases, tbe Dr. guar anties a perfect cure in a few days witnuut hindrance to business or other inconvenience. Tbe Dr.'s method of treating these maladies, combine the Improvements made by tlie medical faculty with discoveries of his owa that are unknown to any one else, and which, when applied, prevent the possibility of evil after consequen ce. Secondary syphilis, which is ao destructive of health. producing ulcerations of the throat, destroying tbe sort parts, and leaving the bones exposed. Which mortify. narate and come away, disfiguring tne sunerer asost horribly, aa well as Impairing hia general health, and predisposing to consumption, the Dr. treats ia tbe most certain and efficient manner. painful swellings upon lb bone, disflguriaar sp'uicuea upon tbe skin. sores. piinplH ann an otucr consequences of private S.H-S ne giiaranue to cure or Bfsi no com pe una tint;. Dr. v. woui.i osueciaiiy ran tne attention oi m whom have failed to obtain relief from otjfanfjj ader treat he baa already cured, and. ifffge for consultation, and ment. The lr. mjltfr; institute ; and be will give tbee invites Sll to a!' n... nM.I Mwkera els such Vr .ii.i.n.s I,, writino to ths Dr ran have Xitr cure nronerlv attended to. Ofllcea en Sacramen to sU, behiw Mootgomery . Ssn Francisco, Cal. Urn J Tbe Greatest DisetTrrf of the Igr. GREAT Blessings lo Mankind! Innocent but Potent1 Dh CZAPKAY'S PaoraibAcrtcra. (selMisinfoc ting sgent.) a sure preventive against secret disease, and su unsurpassed reuioly fur scrofulous, gangrenous aud cancerous ulcer, and all cutanou eruption and dis ease. For aale at Da. ( nniri Office, Armory Hall, comer of SarrAmeuto and Moulgomery ts., Saa Fran-cl.-u, Cal. As Inoculation is pieventive against small pox, so is Dr. Caapkay s Prophilacticum a preventive against ecret disease. That tliey can be prevented by proper agents, is as well aa established fact as that they can be cured after their establishment. Thl principle, which is now nutvcrsally recognised, was received even before the days of Jcnner. tbe discoverer of vaccination. In 17M. and its multiplied beneflU ever since have re ceived as thry deserved, the attention of the Medical faculty. It was in pursuit of this branch of the medical science thst IH L. J. Cxspkay fortunately made tbe dis covery of bi Prophylacticuni. which, for the cancerous and cutanou disorder, stands unrivalled by any agent in the Pharmacopoa. The stodu operandi of this med icine isexplained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons possess chemical properties which are neutralized by being brought in contact with this propliylatic, as acids are known to neutralise alkalies, destroying entirely their original properties, and rendering them inert. The effect of this agent is immediate, and removes the possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, tb disease haa been contracted, it is useful in neutralising tbe poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce the consequences known as secondary disease. In can cerous and gangerons ulcers, in fcetid discharges and In cutanou diseases whore tbe secretions are excoriating, it act upon the same principle and is one of tbe most effectual remedies for the purpose now known. Where disease is once established it should te used in conneo tioa with other remedies, and when so used never fails of success. It has been sdministered by the Doctor in many thousand caes. and he has yet to find the first in which it has failed to subserve the purpose for which it was administered. Price, (5. Full directions are at tached to each package. N. B. In cases where the Prophylaticum is nsed as curative. Dr. L. J. Czapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre scription for bis blood purifier. All communications from tbe conntry, addressed only o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco, Cal.. will be strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies, with the greatest care and secrecy, immediately dis patched by express or otherwise to their destination. . L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D. 2m3 San Francisco. Cal. To tub Lapiks op Okkoom anb California. L. J. CsarxAr. M. I- physician surgeon and acooucher, in vites tlie attention of the sick and afflicted female bv boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the brain, lung, hesrt. stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doe tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent yon. but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful suffering and premature death. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances d r-ot allow to have an increase in their families should write o.- call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Medical Institute, Armory Hall, corner cf Sacramento and Montgomery street, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's Offices are ao arranged that be caa be consulted without molestation. . Ural wau Al consultations (by letter or otherwise,) free. Address to DR. I- J. CZAPKAY, M. D., Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal. 0rThe attention of the readers is called to the fol- A-'hwiy of high standing in society and respectability, published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, September 1. 1851. which is aa follows: A Card The undersigned feels it herdnty to express her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay, for the aucceaa ful cure of herself and child. The latter having been afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was riven up as incurable bv some of tbe most celebrated physicians, when she called on Dr. Czapkay, of whom she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short period restored the. child to perfect health. Eacour ssed by this extraordinary result, she sought advice herself for scrofulous malady, with which she had been sffiicted for eight yeu-s. and which withstood tbe treatment of the best physicians in Europe and Ameri ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording her permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which, for eight years had lost all charms for her. She, there fore deems it dne to herself and to all sick and afflicted to recommend Dr. Czapkay. as one of the- most skillful nhvsicians within the United States, pnysie Mrs. CAROLINE GRAY, Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. A. Glaxkr, Notary Public. 126, 7th street. The following is an editorial notice In the Boston Daily Times of August 6th, 1854: A Ssiu.Fr I. Physician. Dr. I. J. Czapkay has onened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city. rw. c is a Hungarian by birth, and waa connected with the patriotic army as physician and surgeon nnder the natronage of Kossnth. He combine with a finished education and the most refined and agreeable manners, the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in hia nrofession, and are feel much pleasure ia recommending him to cur citizens aa a physician and a gentleman. Or Czapkay has spent some time in Philadelphia where he won the confidence and friendship of those who be came acquainted srith him. Among his friends in Phil adelphia are gentlemen of tho highest respectability, with whom we are personally acquainted. He had aa extensive practice in Hungary before the Austrian and Russians compelled him to leave it for being found inilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive thst patronage due a man of so eminent capacity. Thoabove are only a few of tbe many testimonials which Dr. Czapkay haa in his possession, bat cannot publish for want of space. All communications, fetter or otherwise,) free. . v aw Person desiring prornot attention, atJ be wish to avoid tho delay of eorrsapoadiaf , can aa -o medi ate nanma oy eanaing ten OOliar aa eonaa wm aad can bava madluin forwsrded. Address to : . . Lu J. CZAPK A Y, M. D. " Uml San Kranchteo, Cal. SPERMATORRHRA. or Loral Weaknasa, nervous de bility, tow spirits. Isasttode. weakness of the limbs sna naea, MOMpositioo, km or memory, averstoo so ao- ciety, love oi soutoae, umiuiiy. self distrust, miliisa headache, aaln la the aide, affection of tha ere. Plm pie oa tha face, atxual aad otherlnflnnlUes in msa, are cared wlltiout rail by toe; navy ceienrated physician SDd surgeon, L. J. Caapkay. His method of curing diseases I new (unknown to others, and hence the great suc cess, ah consultation) by letter or otherwise, free. Address, L. J. CZAPK AY, M.D., Uml San Francisco, Cal. Notice. rpHE Judges of the Supreme Court of th Territory of x. Oregon, assembled as tb seat of Oyyernaient on the 16th day of December. 185. do fix and bdekx District Court to bo held In th cRy of Salem, in the couuty of Marion, on the first Mondays of April aad September, and ths fourth Monday of May and Octo ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and In the clt of Portland, In the county of Maltnomah, oa the flftl Monday, of December, 18M, aad thereafter on th first Mondays or Mar and October, and the third Mondays of June and November, annually, until otherwise order ed, and do limit th duration of aaid Term to six days eacn. . uw. H. wimjamb, Chier Juntic. 41 CTRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. . Katrar Akstawala. 'TI1E subscriber at Uarrlaburg, Una Co., baa lost the lounwing acsrnuoa animals : A bay horse, with star la forehead, a little white on bis nose, bind feet white np to the pastern Joist, and branded " SI" oa the right ahoulder, S years old this spring. Also a roaa eow.T or 8 year old, branded J. 8. on tlie right hip, and " 11" a abov. Ha a white calf with red ear, abont IS month old, branded "11" a abov. The cow left last rail, and probably has had another calf this spring. Any person finding them will be rewarded for their trouble, by informing me. A. McILWAIN. June 18, 1857. 14m"paid HULL'S No. 1 Soap, the best yon ever used. Try H. White lead, linseed oil. turpentine, patty. Indigo, madder, copperas, alum, . ' ' oil for lamps and machinery, ' J New Orleans sugar, crushed sugar, cream tartar, aaleratus, soda, at 16tf - MOORES'. lTo ! Te Worker of Im aid Steel I In AVE thl day received by the arrival of the J. R. Whiting from San Francisco, the following assort- ment of iron and steel, to wit 3.OU0 IIm. Norwsy shspea, - 7.0O0 lb. IKf Iron (flat,) 1.000 " S KS-la - 1.000 1X1 " 8.000 - ,. 1,1 J, and U. square, t.ooo " M l.. l.d i4.lachrotmd, lflOO " aborted cast steel. 100 " horse boe nails. (G) Which together with atork la store make aa com plete an aswirtmeat aa eaa be foand hi Territory and will be sold cheap a the eaaarcsT for cash or coun try produce. J, N. PRESCOTT. Oregon City. Feb. 13, 1857. 60tf Doot and Shoe Store. FREDERICK WICKMON wonld announce st. to the citizens of Salem, and tbe surround- f f log eonntry, that he have taken a store on the " 11 east side of Commercial afreet, north of the postoffiee, where he will keep constantly on band a full assort ment of every kind of boot and bora, both custom and sale work, which be will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders fur the manufacture or repair ef work will be complied witb, and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give mea call and examine my stock. FREDERICK WICKMOX. Salem. March 11,1857. 3tf Ixook. Here! WE have jnst received 88,000 lbs. of ground alum aalt, which we are selling at (3.00 per hundred. GRISWOLD A CO. SIM L. S.SaTTB. VHOVAJ A. DAVIS Smith A Dala, TM PORTERS aad wholesale Druggist ; fire proqj A nore. t-ortiana. uregan. Order from tbe country i "Coffee. fTTFTOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the I A undersigned bare got li.'W ponnas best COSTA RICA." Come in and look at it. ALLAN McKTXLAY A Ce Oregon City. Dec 6, 1856. j as. a. atcBAaD, I jyo. ttcntAggx, I Saa Francisco. Portland, O.T. Richard, McCraaxen., COMMISSION MERCHANTS. and'Jobbera in Oregon vy Floor, Grain, Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon, Lard, Hams, Ac, Ac Order for Oreaon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advance made on consignments. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, Sao Francisco. January 17, 185T. 4Gtf Notice. TO all whom this msy come, greeting : That I am to leave for tha State soon, aad would respectfully request those who know themselves Indebted to me. or W.CGrtswold A Co., to call and settle without delay, and oblige W.C.GRISWOLD. SaIera.Janoaryl7.lc57. 4ctf Tbe Lawi of Oregoa. THE OREGON STATUTES, 1855. being targe vol ume of C50 page, with complete index, annota tion, and references, comprising all the law in force in the Territory, inclusive of these passed at last session of tb Legislstive Assembly, are for aale at the office of the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex ecuted ia tbe best manner, bound In law style, and is sold at publisher prices, and as low aa a like work can be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest firare thev can be afforded for here. Tbe price nlaecs them witbia the reach of all wbo desire the law tbey live nnoer. orders ny mail accompaaiea wrtn toe easn. filled by return mail. It ia tbe test code of lawa that will probably be published ia Oregoa. for many years. In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem ble, the volr.me contains the Declaration of Indepen dence, Constitution of tbe United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregoa, Ordinance of 1787, in rorce in Oregon , Donatio, j aw ana all amendment, and full abstract of United satea Nataralixation Lawa. Los An.eloa Salt. SALT 300 bag Lo Angela Bait, received, per Nav humkeag, and for sale at lowest rate. INtr U. ABKKNKTHT CO. ledieal Berolotioi ! The World EaaaunoBi ! IIOI.liOWAYS OINTMENT. THE GREAT COUNTER IRRITANT. The vim of d mease often makes its way to tbe in ternal organs through the pores of tbe skin. This pen etrating Ointment, melting under tbe hand as it is rob bed In, is absorbed through the same channels, and reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly aad invari ably subdues it, whether located ia tbe kidneys, the liv er, the lungs, or any other Important organ. It pene trates tbe surface to the interior, through the countless tube that communicate with the akin as anmater rain passe into tbe fevered earth, diffusing its cool and re generating influence. SKIir DISEASES AND GLANDULAR SWEL LINGS. " Every species of exterior irritation I quickly reduced by the anti-inflammatory action of this Ointment. Aa gry Eruptions, such aa Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworm, Scald Head. Nettle Rash. Scabiea (or Itch) Ac, die out. to return no more, under ita application. Hospital experience ia all parts of the world proves it infallibility ia diseases of the akin, the muacles, the joint and the glands. ULCERS, SORES, AND TUMORS. The effect of this unrivalled external remedy npoa Scrofula, aad other virulent ulcers and sores, is alntoat miraculous. It first discharges the poison which pro duces suppuration aad proud flesh, and thus the cures which its healing properties afterward complete are safe as well as permanent. WOUNDS, BRUISES, BURNS, AND SCALDS. In casce of the fracture of the bones, injuries caused by steam explosions. Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Rheuma tism, Stiffness of the joints, and contraction of the sin ews, it is employed and warmly recommended by the faculty. This marveloua remedy boa been introduced by ita inventor in perron into all tbe leading Hospital of Europe, and ao private household should be without ,U UNDENIABLE TESTIMONY. The Medical Staff of the French ind English Armies in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of Hollows v's Ointment, aa the moat reliable dressin- for sabre cuts, stabs, and gun shot wounds. It ia also sign ed by the surgeons of the Allied Navies. BOTH THE OINTMENT AND THE PILLS SHOULD BE USED IN THE FOLLOWING CASES: Bunions. Burns. Chapped Hands. Chilblains, Fistula, Goat, Lumbago. Mercurial Eruptions. Piles.Rbeumatism, Ringworm. Salt Bheam. 8calds. 8kia Diseases, Swelled Glands, Sore Legs. Sore Breasts. Sore Heads, Son Throats, Bores of all kinds. Sprains. Stiff Joints, Tetter, Ulcers, Venereal Sores, Wounos or ail Kwras. .Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Houoway, 80 Maiden Lane. New York, and 144 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers ia Medicine Uirougbout the United State aad tbe civilized world, in pots, at xa cento, o. ana w. ar There is a coaaidrhla saving doae by taking the larger stse. x . N. B Directions for the guidance of patients la eve ry disorder are affixed to each pot. - S$yt I Stuart' Express, roa CA0CADE0 AND DALLES MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS , EXPRESS fOR Ckampocf, Salen, ilbiar 14 Cornlllt, ....Oa WEDNESDAY, and oa..,. AaatrAL op Mail Btzax raox Baa FaAwctaco mw A II Letters, Package and Freight. tiitrasSail my car will be attended to promptly. OFFICE At " Franklin Book Store." December SO. 1856. A.B.STUART Allan, SlcKlnlar, h. Co., HATE Just received a stock of New Goods, asa would Invite all those wbo wish to procure GOOir fjrSatradle. fey'r? "'--'-"" ""-, rais orj rirntn an no Assort Assorted Colored PaiU. Painted Tubs, fctne Washboarda, Blacksmith's Bellow, Cross-cut Saw, 7 ft MinSswVtfi n .liairMttraae.,anabl. Hair Bobaer.,'1;' da sisrle' Sperm Caadlc. A daman tin do., Orape brand Tobacco, 16 an Harrow. 33 teeth Uardea Rake, do Hoes, do Spades, Polished Shovels, Msy Fork. Manure Fork. Churn, Window Qlava a by IB do , 10 by 11 do Tbr Window Saabe 8 by 10 do 10 by 11 ox sow ana logos, bscH oo ao Blanket, Baize, Undaey. Sheetings, Ticks, AeAc We kees) constant! v an hand a laem s,nnl, s lion . CERIfcS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, and many arti ele too Bunwroo to mention. - ALLAN, M'K INLAY A CO. Oregoa Cltr. , lltf Cm. Jknel-7 C., MERCHANTS, OREGON CTTT, OREGON f EH RITORY. tf aeYTMlbr, ION AND to CI--L. a . . Mara ia.. r ftOMMISSIOM AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, J Saa Francisco. Cal.. will attend to aeilin ftresaa produce, and nil order for Goods, Groceries, 4c, at the lowest rate. The patronage of the people ef Oregoa la respectfully solicited. August 1, utf Kenron'a Daftierrean AM0 AMBROTYPE GALLERY, THE anderslgned baring recently returned front Saw Francisco, is now prepared te take those beautiful Picture on Glass called A MBROTVPES. which have almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype ia the ovc-. nwi Dsn r imuscv. Gallery ia tbe new building, erected emeianv for ffte baemeee, west of tbe Marion lioose. WILEY EEIIU.1. Salem. November 11. 1856. SStf Atwill At Co., No. 172 Washirotoh St., Saw Frabcisoo. SHEET, Card and Book Music, Piano Forte, yf. and other MosJeai Instruments. String f-rj and Reed, for Violins, GnHar. Cmrioaeta. te. Vyl' Also a large wholesale stock of Fancy Good i and Toys. Billiard i5aii,waganaeneiesAaers,Dagsofati nations, boxing glove. Ac, together with all kinds of Yankee Notions, useful or amusing. Good packed with great care snd forwsrded witb promptness. All orders should mention by what boat or Expresa Lo. tne gooo are reqairea to oe sent. A I wn u w em m 11 111111111 1 1 pi Oats, and (000 Wheat, aad aay oaao- tity of dead swine, for which cash will be paid en delivery. J. N. PRESCOTT. Oregon City, Nov. 15, 1836. 3?tf Orrgoi aad California Fatket Iiae. rTVHE fotlowinar res-el will run In eoaae X tion aaa REGULAR LINE between San AVoss-tsco and Portland : BARIC OCEAN BIRD. Wwoik. Master, 1 " CHA8.DEVEN8. HKALT, JANE A. FALKENBERG, Badcf. -" NAM UM KEAG, William. -BRIG I. B. LUNT, Ricaaaneos, The Barks have all been eoppered recently, aad are in 6rst rate order, commanded by experienced captain. Freight will be carried at IA lowett rate. Produce seat from any part of the country to Oregoa City or to tbe Linn City Work, will be received and forwarded to Saa Francisco. Aueirrs: - GEO. ABERNETHT A Co., Oregon City. A BERNETHT, CLARK A Co. - Saa Francisco. November, a. 1846. S6tf drain Cradles. e D0Z. soperior, live fingered grain crsdie. Jnst re ef ceived and for sale. U. ABtrLMfcl til CO. June l.i. lo 7. 15tf Baani At, Brotlaer, FtONT STREET, Portland, opposite tbe Metropolis Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hate, Boots, aad Shoes, Groceries, Ac N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for merchandise at tbe highest market price. 19tf Notice to Shippers and Mercliaxits. ONE of the firm being permanently located ia Saa Francisco, all consignment of produce and orders to be filled, will be attended to without d- iav. at mod rate rates. 26U WAKEFIELD A CO. Allan At Lewis, -ITTHOI.ES AI.E MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORB GON TERRITORY. Reynolds V Law. 134 WAsanrorox sr., a. r-, aaa raoirr sr., poaTLAxa. COMMISSION Merchants aad dealer ia all kinds of Vy Oregon Produce. Advances made oa goods con signed to us and forwarded free of charge. Office at J. Failing A Co a. 15m Powder. TTTE have a large supply of powder fe band. -W GEO. ABERNETHT A CO., Oregoa City, Nov. 13, 1856. J7tf The Oregon Statesman. An Independent Jammed, devoted to Pohiicm. General InteUigmce, 4-c, PubHmked at Salem, Oregon. ASAIIEL BCSH, Proprietor, PnMLher, and Editor. The Statesman is Demorrstia in politics, and tbor oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ; and will vigorously oppose ait sucujw w incorporate any of the insane ism of tbe day into onr Territorial legislation. It will advocate all practical measnre of Reform and Progress, economical and simple administration of onr local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac countability of tbe officer to tbe people. It will dis cuss all mease res agitating the public aoind, ia a moa ner fearless, impartial, and just. Ita News Department will be edited with aaeek. attention, and nothing will be spared to famish early, accurate, aad comprehensive publication of tbe car- ' rent intelligence. Tbe Statesman has a large, widely-scattered, and most excellent corpa of correspondent, and very complete facilities ror procuring news. Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel lany, Agricultural and Literary matter. In this paper are published the laws, resolution, and treaties of tbe United States, aad tbe laws and resolu tions of tbe Territory ef Oregoa by authority. Tha paper is pnntea oa new material, ana upon a sheet of the largest size. Statesman Book, and Job OQca. WE hare Three Pleases, the best facilities tor Booh: printing north of California, and an exteasswa aa- aortmentof Joaacsa Matxei l of every kind; aad, wttk master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly , aaa. in a workman-like manner, all order ia the above de partments, sack aa Books. Bun Chxcks. - NoTwsorUavn. Okdkb Boon, SraAxao'y Bills Stkahso't Cabxs,' , Btlls op LxDn e, Cextipicates, Show Bills, Cbtxcx Books, Bl'k Rxcxtjts, PAjfaraiaaa, HAjrpBiua. Ball Tickets, Circulars, IsriTAnoxs, BesEiEss Cards, BiixBSAse, Coxcaar Brua, , PaosaAiixzs, ' ADnaxss Caxp Daajrrs, Ttv a vrS OS all Kjxbs, Ac Ac. Ac- OBNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED DTKS Law of Newspapers. 1 Subscribers who do sot give express notice to tha contrary- are considered aa wishing to contiane their subscription. j. If subscribers order papers discontinued, Publiahera may contiane to aend then till all charges are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their paper from the office or place to which they are seat, they are held responsible until tbey settle their baiandgiy ao tice to discontinue theta. 4. If ar.bseribers move to other paces without mformrna the Publisher, and tbe paper ia sent to the former diree tion, they are held responsible. . 6. The court have decided that refusing tot pa. per or periodical froTi the office, or removing and leav aag it ancalled for, ispriioa facia evidence of iutetiLioaa. fraud. sjay-Postinasters would oblige, by a strict fulrinment of tbe regal tioa requil ing them to notify Publishers, aaea la three mouths, ef paper not takes from tbejs office by subscriber. :