The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 25, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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    lv. -J -of w h ! 4 fr
5o ity Do bk-,d t o rx ,
I rftOXT ST., PORTLAND, O. T., i " 1
Have In Store, and wfll be receiving by iSe 'M of June
' 'Which tar-y offVr t-J tbb ' ' V
At vtnn ' advances on New York, priue.
Oiv to ft call, or tend n an order. nud we
to give yon .ntisf.irtion r '- ' '
A R. Shinier Co.,' " ' -
At tie eiota Aeavr In Ore fna and Washing. Tvr-
, n ribnirs tor the talis f "' '
Tha Americai Statesman,
A. tiiaKAl itkvk. 1 1 Bain Um only political history
.sr.. i i..'. -, rr ik Unltad State.
Send1 jr aA Vrlce-fl W: Pii.vab'e on de
liver ot book.. Ci deliver by the' 1st of September
all whaaend a their name by 1st of HM ,.
" V,r ,:'ctlaIoa if tart af tir Stork's' '1
nj-vnaai.I-Sailers' old- I t. Id, id. 4t'u. 'and Sth.
l'aa Yatmi l-adirs'; Sanders' Near Ut, JJ. 3d,
lbaad4li: IMrMrs in, 3 i. 3.1, ia J4 lio-llulT-v'
Ul, SI. J 1. 4tl nnd Jlh.
SrXLXjJ.Sa bua' Oil, Sander New; Klomoca-
l'lirU:. sua-rt iit-.nciai.sjnooi ant rarker . .,
0jnxrii!. Mife'lmll'is Aacieut ami Modem. OI
o-t". Mora", McXaiicy . and Mtmteiih'--U4 and
Id IfcMk. -,
... t .. ... m ... 9 I uvnwil
Mental. Practical, and Higher; Davie' Pii-
tnarj, Intallrctaal. School and University; Smith's
Cddurn'a Rw' Stoddard's: lUvte Ahjebrj. fur
Ytyiag, Onomalry. I'nu titAl Uatltrmatio. M-ttiu lio
and 1'uiltMuvUv o( f Laidartaatioi. U .'
irani.-uir't ikwo'i I turWo B lUm'a Smith'
Kirkam tirii er 11 Tower a.
1'mi.ortraicj, lurter 1st I.?on, Jmfnile and
Schtaolt Comttwwa-r-mit:! a.
HtSTOa i!in' Jorni!f. and ITuitrd State
ParU-v Laivral; WtlUrd'a Uuiwri. aud I'nilrd
LaniPAmw-Coorwr'a Virsil: Andrew' Latin
del; Vui tieau)': AmirfTr'ii tdtin (iamirnr; Met'litt'
lvk' Lit and 3d B-k t.i Lmtin.aad d . in lirwk; An
,ttm a tireek trtammar and Header; Johnsnn'a ur..
rqnellc Knnt'li Oraramar and Reader; U'oodkary'a
Otumtaar and ltraOnr, Telcmaqj. tkvek T
ta:nrnt; FnMKh, aelManjrht; rturrroue'a French Pio
tiuajrv; Andretr'a L!lin d . & Scott Urerk
4, Aataoa'a I'laMica da. Smith 'i do d. 1 .
IMcTiomiuwfc WiJister'a Scbxl, Hijh dr, Ara
demV, UnsTersitr, aval 9r, VnabriJgrd and Oobbs!
Cohet. -.' ' '
MtrtJiA,wK-.--Ma!tS!n"4 Astrunmy. Vewnwn'i
ItiMt.ix Wond'a lt.tart-. K-.m K!etrtit- f frit
. Icin. lark-r Aid- in Oamp-wrtkri, P;rN Ker
risrtij briLUfM' t"rmnMiti m. Sicinii."tt' Ynnpf -do.- An.riy!:cal Manual. I'atker'i Wovil
IJnild.' llsyhew")" BiKk Keeping. WayUnd'a Mwa1
ttt'rT'a N.ittrral Thwlor. Ui.ikr ATicul;
tiMtT.u-SehA.-4. I '!" 1'itiptiA-tnal l'h-l w.f i
Mahan d. d-. M t 'o; "bnn?r lNlti)fV: and TVm;ri
m: (KattM r JVtim-) vinwra Anapvnjr ana
l'hfsltle. American IViwUr. Xemnan- t'olitiral
lnit-iir. Hit -n.-iwk t Jeolorjr. tltvi vai-irtr
Kjieialrern and lntittna. An kl:idH tf S-.-ii-vd Stat(--err;S!ae-of
all ret lHmrlns B-vik: ' Pmwir?
l'awri Peifrtr.itM tVM .B"ard; Brntrd Ihv.irit: PcBfc
and Brab; t.i)rri" Cidr; Inkstand, cverr sisr
and stjle, Ac A a. . "
. MisaiU-vsEous cjo:i.
Ttisrjar B-uirr-wl s V. aito A Klitc?, C x il.iioci1.- 4
Ui'divtii i! xtJ-. G v.'lume. .trifct" 'u-t irial L niit J
Stite. Tavu't i . J-.. iK, M lVx' I'l-vjltittoo.
IVtoraau" i-. WItjo's Tl mUil St-ttsa. Willard'a d
ITl-.t. IaJi! VViri l mkl fc-Utc. uUrd iiiivenul
KIAnry. Maltera ii do. IiUri-V llit V.'.rld 1 ur
1 toiaiati. lidi'.iu" Ancient H..-.lur-. K.-.rr'a u . Ja.
Il.rme's EnsUii.l. M.ieauUj's d-.. compkie. D'ckt-aa
t'hild'4 d. Lioird'" do. Ui'irvjh'i Rinw. D'Ai:
bisu' I.S'natiaa. lta-is;" M. li I iiiirch. AUiwu"
Kiircpe, 1 ! nr. J 2.1 Series. IVviKott'a tVurka. . Border'
111-, of KeliRitKi-. Hist, ot t'Jancil r Trent. Je
fku. AU o( AiiK.ti MiskV-irur. Hijnrit-al t'abinru
VitL-vii ' Siu'.i. t,,H.cuaul ociHianJ. lir!p' Sania
t'.iu it:u. itra. t Uaajrary. k idler" Uraiii. Kir
bank Braail. Va.-icy a LtarrrKil. ilfc-t rjr ot tra-
di"- nsit-nt i'.,r (:i.t:i. Mid.ile Asth
Ht.tinr for B 'V. "i: Mi-.vr's t 'hild'a Culled frUiWo.
losuins; Fieid itt of liev.yi itioa.
KtuuatniT ftabtrch'a l.inet. Ii Frant. tVoht
dertul t'haraetera. tJrea and falrratM 1wrai-r4
Uvea of the Siwern. Aul-Hi"3rajhy f Kinler. ji
iturtine's IVle-iirated CUai detenu Lir- A4an ll.irke.
d Bnlitp Hidiar. dj N-ejulir. d Oi. Harri-r.
4j laaicl BJnr.e. d It-jliert.. d La.S3ette. Oav
tiiinof tt'wian K'i-!ie and Old W'n-.i." lr. Chal
rrer, 4 Ut- "f Hrmh.-Mts. Jfr. U-iper
Sf-w irt. V"t-il. I'lefc-f-er. ' I.iOnnd Ttmr -if Cl.irt
lrrn Wbh'-.Tt',. Rin;t Me-haT-ii. Lire of
t'aVf JMt! -. J'Mef:. Na--4en. "!trfv. l.airh.
Jaek-t.. tlefl.'JfWi. Jnlff A?". t.s1vJir(i.fT.
J. tj. A-'aTnc. Jt-I;?"W. l.ire! We'ietef; Ki:i?4 i-f
Rome. Kinj? '1 Vrn. I teS.istz. I.iren of t.
To?. Pr-TttV TLi.:? 2d. M iry at-.l ll-irtlu Wa.-b-I.'rit.'B.
loar Wou!t?n of t!;C Wc t.
HrtrVs t-tii-J. Amjilii". ?tophra
Kzypt. OEn' Trere's. Mtiji IMri. N.'e N ;-
AdVmtnrn on M-.sqiit t ll'.-ar-l Ta-.TS TriW
e!. Uiirbin- Trur-.-5 in fir. :-t. -
frCCKNTinr'. BrsT-!c's.rTn'-T-lr!rt. lf.r!!i-?T;Y--rtpfcr
of t"e ta. Vor.J' atnn! Hit-rv." l.Tr'ntr's
Larfrir. Useful Art-. aTarh.' Wc-
tfoary. L-gio " Ma'Vtwia:-:. We!rrrj of rArr.
MitcheifVl'tanetsry aud fM:ar World, l-oonjis' lie
rent Pngr-- of Astronomy. S:a:ti'a Tirf-nrrT cf
Art a:id Sciccce. Ki'.iukVlIy irauIka. r.ik" wvi'iis
Viriou 1 a uris oa Ar.-Mlettjire. . . J
I'ozrav B; r iii .ulvta ty'tj. K:ii.c.-pcr,'iV.
nTton. d-v. "ll.:iJ-, !. l.'.oiu-s d j. Moore. Ju-
Tnoropj Ji. Tun:'. Po!I Taprier. Cowper. Tope. ,
'an;iln.;i. Wid--ortS. (VUj. iitut?oatrj-.. Kuk
VaJj. I VnvUo TijoU ui ,i-.ial. u:-u. Ai.1.1
3 1 laaj t'icr.
"B P. TUf iii-NVZ. ryr! -eJ:a oT CnrTlv.v.
d . Jv. Arts. da. d. bio?isrhy. - L"erul Aru.
M -t,'ricK.-Ii"s O iz-. tv.'vr. H.irper's L'aiveV:l tidzctteer-
Kbiit asb Ah: .cl ltc mint Fruit Hook
T"jnii" d i. lo-.vuias4 4 . B.injra d-... 1-exaila'
F.Vm r and tjardorM, Fruit. I'ijirer ad "c-U-.ble
G Jc-iii r" Comikar.;..k Ail.-.- ua tbe Urapi. i'jrd-
oa SlravljerrjB. i Ivjiit's tiuide. Atued.aa i arm lijnl,.
Aiua I Aci:iub. A U of S utt ja'a iian i Bjolt.
Wtu'sa oa Ujcie, t.'itUe, Sjacp, II-.r-i. A -.
Xi;iAnK'iL. & RiiJiiijc. Hrnunr acj Extf-i.-tioa
of Iwvl-t. 2C4Jd-a" IJ'J 01 Chn-d. Ik ucr'
W.ft. Kriaj)j' Ciri-Ui-i Tue :.y. . Wftera i4eia
odUa. t M-;vi Miaceuaia. " 0.1 I! cn-tui-m.
Ttrahijl' IJm:iic Hale. ElUJt on 1! .-ns!)a. lxunco'
jfne. Clarke's CmmrtitaiT. ft-iwins d. Jjj'h
Fj-rvi--. Wat"m" Inilitat.-". Larr'-e" Kvi.lni-e.
Ritier'a Kthi.rl lrfji BsparV Eilip of Earth,
d. KeNXi aad Karl. Fwtr' Chriot. iVrfevtiatt-f
Hiker oa Ii-iflia. - Wnti7 of Arrniuioa. iahn'4
TrtibUcal Arch:dxry. B oie. all -mcaajd prieew, frnra
tl t. Te-rtWiili. rnt variety.- Meihtdist
Hvmaa. CSrcrfiaa Kvmn Biol. Church. INalui.
PtymnKlh C'TUecli ml belect itelxile. ChnhUaa
Paaiatist. 1 . -i t -r
MTBtrii. Hit-hin'-i" FmUr PhyskLia. Hydro
patfete 4. ' Horanpathic Work..
Ht-ii!i. lan . iwntiUitMaa f United Male.
M.urt9'a P-Tmlar El.:cat:on. Crmbbe'a Svnonyniii.
Pla'tt'a Bk of Oiri .--il:cs. Oi l KeUaa-'rt Xanusi-K-diey
VV.jtV. 14 t-A. Mra. TuUiiti'a, C voi. Itr
ard'a,4v.'.Uir,'''a L:fnl An. Iawwil'a :a
L'iaccr'a ti-ira. Aru-.-.-'.-Mn Ir-t-V!tat' l'amuit cf
Knirwlelx- IarkM-!!vn. PernTiarr ' An'.iqiiitio-
Way lYiwn Kit. PvWanrt. Ike Mamfl'a VrV.i
Sa".!eo:i'sC'"k an4 t'tnfttVvicT. Oxzntry T!nt'
la En0'Lnti. Tale and Rfwa. (aa ex-!Vnt Te:ner
ice BH.'sr.'J Maker; " K-arted S im. ' Menr
Br. Pic V:i. Mra. R.--a -Xew IJoolc B '"k. Mil
O'.d K"d Sndtie. . Kootprlnt of l'rator.
Voun? i-nil;-r t".uii'ell.-- Ym(f Mar.Vt ? j.. Pictorial
Catechism. Th'rasj9' 1rt. t Y. -Mea. ' Coa.tiiu
tiooal Text B k. fantiwin lVta-onia. The Ameri
eal ilMwri'F. flalf Honrs with "Jld IIantThrey.
Athens; ita lirandewr and IVear. Mrs. Scdrvii k'a
Redwood. d. Xct Ear. Tile. " Cncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthnr's S-icvsMftil Merchant, do. TjK' Mr.
PartinsrtoD. fimr TrarHlni km. Vlrwil do- Mr. Car
lea's Works, tl-roinea of Htotory. ' Land and
Peck and l-wt. S.a and Si1ur. Shrn and Shore.
Xarl U'o. Star PafH-ra. MasuA'w-mart.- Irvinir's
tVjI.mVp. iyn l-k Ahead. "City of New York
Livia-f Orators of Awwriea. Ynrih Man Adrised. Mis
ions ia T.mia and h'eg. Tratli Strancer Than Fic
tiorw Kanat aad tiw ItraHms, ' . lldranatfiic C-uk
BxjV. IK. th Bed S -cries. aft Rk far Vonn Keti.
J.x d-x !. lie. aeciitrs f- U d.d-. Hx.
Fvrrlnt-t of Panrsua Mea. Cariotte riiz.thetli'a
Work- - Adilr t Vaonw Nckj PcaMkr.t Bor Pbiloito
pher.; Ab'tt" M ires Panl l(k. da Fraa-mia
And a nam'-er of othera too im-u;o t cnaraerate.
Coatantlr teifflttns law a14iHm to fte foreoinr.
&EKr.--Fooi--s riper irrent rariptr. It-y
tev isv jal un arr 1 iu. Note 40, .. ao, do. Havel-'
oner, alea-' 1" ail kind. Pans and H riders
(Treat Tane:y. Blank B.kii all t'.za, nnd my'.f
Metn,.rjnJ tm. Tirie' Pa Bookv Thoe R vdc.
Panerfiter.'''o Fotdera. Shipping I:eeetT,t lktnks.
latho-rTE-'hic Prints a laxqe variety. : WrarHMn "a
perxJ variety. Wafw. fSciUn Wax, 4v tc
lnnallv, have a irwl rtrMr nf
Mr-IC lioos. N'ear I'anni . JUcrs. Alpine Cm.
Slner. t'horo tilce B kJu MrtnpoUtaa do
Saored MH.nW.o-- ThrisUaa P.a!mit. Piano lm-tnic-fws.
tioitar do- Flate d-- At cord -m do. Violin do.
Melod&Mi do. VijmmaiSi t k4Iacti.j o-wtUl Uosic Sheet
And tie njo4 rurfeJ n-irtrjent of SltriovKBT etW
ffered ia Oregon.
mw This rt jrk is all bontrht la Xew. York and other
Eaatern citiea and ia sold at
We keep oa hand School Books fn Ufs qiun-
Haaj-ca ft Bcoracas
, Pckct & Jackson-; ... ; " , ..
Insox k Pauiwrr; ' 0 " " '
Puum X SanaoK; " - ' ' ,
S. Ba-iisw X Co.;
, wwo . mlujsa ; 7 -t r r
CM..UMxsfe.isi , -j ,, . . ... , :
PtmsA; .--...,.. ., . ' '
imatiMi and others. " ' '
We ask joar patronage. If nubble to ritit u
aid exsmine onr stock , fjwMumw wiil baaOeadad to
the lilt thjm aar you nir'n -m pt rsnn. . . 1
Portland, ilarrb 30. K-7.
C9 KS ' ' - .
1. 1 p i (noMvarnarirVanva.AieP.'ri.'r.-' '-'-
HA 3 rpnjtnntl oh RatHJ a Irtvji stai'tt or B.)oi: tio
riraTtnrira rIV. hirh he VelU at a dftwU ttdVauee on
I't at.isMVHS Pan rs. . . .
I mr A i-atahsnn m bo ftecn In the Orreod and
Washington Atinnnac fr T. Il'ks ordrnrd llirro
fronT!!it postaire frwloanjr piu-t oelllier Terrritory.
j foruitnu. Feb. i. , ,, . , ooyi
T It. CA RrtWKI.r.. tTrttff irlsi aud. Auotbaonrr. la eon
il iautlv rerelviiijr. per Caliiornia. atoatnera. hirue
ana eiireiuny seiscicu sxica ot..i.rasJaut.MrUctiie.
Oils. I'ainU. Varnish. Soan. Partuuiei iea. Tuih-t t'nr.
nituie. Hlatiouerr. and allaiticlea uamillir in in.
nuu-u um i" iuiiii-.u(iu m Liuiiuruia. wnoiesale piices
C omillis.Mii.vS', IIT. . 1 l"ir
j IHarktmltlti ntl uthri.
f t l.l-A McKfXLAY A CO. U no
1. lsrs and well selected itik' f .
now 011 band
Bar Iron
t'as4 SWrel,
Oini nian do..
H'irse hoe Jj,.
nu mi
m , . 1 liim 11 ii.t . ..
1 t .- lift.. ... . .
And inteudto kep up tliea-ttortniont o as ta knit the
"' 01 ensi lmrn. tiive ua a, u. aad u will llnd
IMnt we not only hare the fullc.l stock, but will mcII
t ascneap a me elieniiest." we are eoiuttantty receiv
ia avj-liuoua
U -ild.
1 to our assortment, so an to tvpluce lint
OrvRPa City, Vie. tS,
j lleurr JotanaOrti &. '", .!;
( (Ml Washington Ptrrel,' Pau FraurUco.)
OT.t for sale to the connlfy trade, the larjreat tivk
of r-Mi.l-i in thMr line on the Pacitld omt eomnri-
Hiic Dmirs, t'liemicat. Perfumery. Patent Mvdiriiies of
an kinjs, Hrunlies, I'ninta. Oils, l.Ia, Turpentino. and
riiy nru. w iippcrijiiun 10 ine oiuioaM. Itarlni; an.
herior (arintira fs .ibtaiulna their wuoda the think
they ran pflVr l buyer unequalled by
any other house . ,, . , . , , . ,
j viui i. i-vv..i4ij iviKiura. ... . . ,.,.ujy
! "."neutMtrV' ' T '
DW. J. It C A ROWKL. PenUl Bunreon
tiwrallis. will practice in hi nrofra-
ion, at CorvoMi. Jh'xrrnt Oil. If ti)-W.
trr. .Veoff.&Mnr.and Jacksonville. Skill, aninestionahle;
riMtrew, reuwwine wore, warranted. TwUi exatnin
M. and advice Riven free of cuaraa. .,, . .
jne notice given of change of office. . ..
Aprit Sd. IM. i,.,i, . ... , Ttf .
Koiv UcrelTlas
t tH fol'owiag articles from Bark Or an Bird and for
.x.taieiow. :-.-..
. , 0 cnv matchef ; , 1. .!."(..!
l.'iO ka ot svrnpa
so li.4.5i.-o.BU(rsr ;i ' ' I
,1 10 lbU. crushed aagar; ., , .". .1 -',
iO boxe iaad!e ; 1.
. 10 bbls. inegar ; . , .- , , .
r.fdimseawnt ., ,. : .
1 " dx. broonta ; ;
' SO due. bttt-kru ;
! rase men nne-talf) boots ;
I . calf broiiaiw ; . .. '
8 ,'f. - - poal . "
T S ' boys Imuran : , .(
3 yoiiths' ralf broajina;
1 " womea'a Moroero bifc.ts ;
. . I . ' T 1 " iiuitatiju bouU;
" 3 A ' Ml-wes !,ojt; ,
1 TA pair chihlren' shoe ; . , v ;
It atraw cutter ; . t - . ,
5t (train crjiroa ; , 1 . s i.rt, ...
11 ) F I reaper j
1 two horse thresher?
A C.
rcat-nCity. June 1. lS-W. .. intf. . ,
ClilAlX PrMPS, ntrtnkey wrenches,
nnt-h planes, screw arm,-.
nl planes, '
horse h-H-s and nail to (It. ' '
rs-t lx k-. phia-sand n!:ntcs.
tuhes. bullet m -l.L-, ,, ,
WnMnhlml pocket tnlves,
pmaisr and tvi''m knirf. "" ' " "1 traps f amtrrs. nt " " MOOt'K.V '
i ' 'IteoUs and Stitt toitery .
Parker 1st. 2d, 3d, th and 5th." " .
R-ers' di do do do
, Met fat:) 'a d- do do, do f '
Iaric'ai-itUinet:c. ' ,' '
t'-ii-ersity and Common School, '. ,' -''.V
Inteile' tual and primarv, " '
levies' II )ara..iv-r aljrasJna,,,, , t(M , ,
le-vo.try and f?iir-im.-try; 1 ' ' '
Key to Ifctvie' Arithmetie, '
TUomn-o' arithmetic, '' '
Parloer'a pailos phr, A .
juvenile arid tt esaon.r,
I5ra:nmr C?rk. Bnliion" P-nttYs. ' '
tieo--rap!)i-sV!f -heir. M'vtitclt'j's m.tnnat.
M:;iteittj 1st lessons, . ?
M'isic Lute of Ki.m, New Carm'r.a R.i.-ra,
I hn.ti .tn lalmit. Missouri Harm.ny,
Ni-r.n 1! B wk, f-insiac Book, at ' "
' Notice.' - - t ..'r'
fltltr. j idesof t Sj-.weme Coart,cf bheTerrit-iry of
'L Ore )., aerftMfd !.t the seat of tfcrcrniaeat on
t le ni.n'h d-ir of Jsnuarv, eighteen hundred aad tlftv-
ven. d" fix and apnoiat O trw4VO uits, m be held 1:1
T.iH;err lcoseonrir. In t'ie of l-iui-Us in
the I
f rat Mnrdara.of Marrb. Msv, Setteiril-er and XAV
tiir.Binnal r, until otberwiHe ordered . and do limit te
aantttoaof said term aaaix dirs rs-h. -
.Kt. l.WII.!.IAiIS.CliieTi.ti-e.
i- 4tf ' M.K ljlY. AssiortaW Jo-M-e-.
i ' '7- .. ; t r r i
, - Kngene Cltf llotrl. ' '
"nHr!-rj!rT-4 irrs-bllnim li'
a and rh trsreltn pnWic, jnrer u!j' t!'.
kebastaiten the Moron 1 ity" Hit'L arid It
t tb:r it nrt. In a new. and ioMeud:d ifi ! WTrh
frinitrn for travf lors , 1 id-e. qv-.;;'imi Tf taMe r II la ptoatr nlly fnniViosI a It h w
rytliinr'Veuntry aj-rds. I hsv a Br t t.v,:h
t l will Tr.f -.n -t'-n!r sntplfoJ with ril.' o nn
hty. .to., and f think I can render r-Cueral ati'fa -4. in
t all wh vr;:t rr-r fue wiih a ca'.r " '. ',
, ' , ,x, iu itAit:.t.v
E.tS'orCity'.Jhue?' ' 1 '. . Kwtl ."
1 Salt!., Salt.!!
Oni"xi" Querrtiu-" p r,T. in about 0 and
w-r I'm 10. oars, j.isi iis-t.i . Tirs.t vory cTieap'
- - - t.T V Mrl v yn
: rtVf : m ntr. f , 1 ;
I s. Valiis-blel'strut t'ortvale. -
fpfl: anslersirtjed Wow otTom his rsbtniO '. j
1. larni foraaV, sitnato-t .vfSpnn Crook,''
In Wiri-'n -).. . T.. and a half will S.if
aith of MoKinnav' MrU.oa tbe Count v mad
rannini (is-in Salem tomfd MilN.'' -ft i-oatahrsCIOsornf.
ofwhirh AtOa-re fstiixtor'a irv. nbtintial stske
and ri-wr fen-, one knndred aero lu flood rultiratloti.
tare hnmlre-l line bearing- fmit trees, a ' rood rarm
bona, toeothor with other wt bnlldinrs. : fSni fa,, j.
well wb-rej. and the best adaptetl to ot-x-k randn?.
and wht rrowinc of any farm ia the Territorr. Said
tarra baa been settled since and was anion; the
lir-d claims taken in Marion -Co. , Any person doairons
of bnvina a armal farm, with a Hle money, will do well
ta call at the residence of ttac uaalarHiirBed. -
. Sprl.i? Creek. March SO, 1S57. - -. - 4tt :
ACM it BltOTIIKR have removed to their N'ew
Store next door to J. Straiur'a Mtove eataldiabmont
Tin- havo just received a general assortment vf Pre
;.x.l-. Cb(hin)r. Hats and 'apa. Boots and thoe,
trroeenest lo4ery, Ac-, which he oilers' for raab or
M10re. .- i - . . .-.! 1 .- . -
X. It. Wanto,lBiilter.KrCT.lWion.Ijirtl.Flodr.aad
Wlieat. for wtili-h tuoy pay tne highest market price. '
. Salem, July 1, 1 soli. . . ).- - i9tf
House, Carriage Sisn and Steams
hnat r:ltnn-
A . HEED havirir establUbnd hi Paint abop rj
SaJ'sa. ia nrenared to execute with disoaU-h all
jobs in Uie aixivc iiae. Banners, Standardx, and Km
lems, for societies minted on silk tatia. velvet orauso
lia. Paints of all erIirnd doseriotiims mixed, ready
frnse. for raie at in o.ips I fro White J. i. l.insed
OiUTarpentiue and Varmb. Walt paper aud bV- r4
AV'ancWw e!a( Paint bnatiies. ajraiuiui; tools, - Di4
reutious given ia paUitiug, aio in graiuiOK 4iu.taUou
if wouii, Ure ar uaille. ...... . . .. .
X. B. Ords-r from abruad promptlv attended to.
All jobs ictnA-ted to bU care warrautctl to (ire talie
far-.ton.; -i ,
Salem, Jan.G, 1AJT. .1 ; T ',3yl . -
STRAYEO.eir stolen from the Mharriherv
lirio? in. ADianT. I.inn Co., O. T-, on or
about the rirat of f ieeember. iajV,ae oor
rel horse, bbuss 'faced, rfjrh -hip- knocked'
down, branded 0 nearMtaeldcr O. T.. vented V, ' hair
brand. No ealier brand or marks recollected. Anr
one retnrn.n; said horse will be lihcraRe rewarded."'
Albany. January 7. Vt.T. 1 " 4i:tfnaid
Medical and Surgical koticei v
ria ortcn tbe case that persona auffcr for a loor time
arith a arable disease front the fact that they do not
know where to fro to Had roiief. I am prepared to re
move all Timorsai!aaecnad IXaeased Bone to re-
tluoe lii X A.-U iukits of Irm T Ian Wine ateaitvhtMi . wm.
rieck, elab foot, and to correct all deforaiitr of, tliij
' Corvaily0.1yay6. 18i7. I 911 , .
- , rsidOnt.- :
THv5a!nh,,i'r'.,i9l,r "ld.:'lls0pon every
body indebted to hint to settee op their accounts!
He can be fannd at tJje nU store. aocoonis.
' Salem; March ! . """P :
' ,'jIa,- i-a tni AJrilia:'-1 i,Wfc, !,, ,j-
, a. ... rt: ... . . -1 . .
7f awiiis jus reorrvea ena tot sale - i , 1 A
, jane i.i, is.n. ..- istf
. et f ., Vf i.e.,HMOORES'
-f ( Tft'XS'a4iwt't,Ir"n. fnst reeoivrd at
JT i -u3 '
CRISWOl.D r)-c.V
m " y TvT T T "
Bopka end d tationesry.
aT u oamioN cart rorff oavton (Unaw
JfllllV' 1Ti..sittiMia
Ol:I.I) reiqiwUall eull 111 aitetitiui oi 4 Ark-ada
and the oabliu to ti.u i.i. I... uu baud.
auu aueps coiMluuiir istipplu-d a-ttb a Jarae oilt. o
Of all kinds, whii h ha utieia lor !. ! r at tl
bove bmliliiiir. .lljk, nnttut alui-U 1 oomiiliiwd. III
rt, of the fotiowinK, i i4t., . . r . .1 . ,
Oresrit Statutes. kosuu'I lnwa Mt -OroKeu aeasloii
I'uu (; t asliiiiulou liviuia u 01 ami Kwiiiuld a t ern
lanuive I'livsl.u.iniv; Jivivei. and KxdorHtlim o!
lie Misxis-iiu);- Seura Aiovi-kau Usvolnlioiu tiear'i
uiuilv Aiuuial. VI Uaou'a li. tin aud Miwailauieitt Jle-
tiiunr'H I'oi-m i; (.Ifeol til tmpiMvr iapolton, k Cork
knrt; l.irrs of the Pit. Iduiitai. Lil's of Amliuw.ltfi;kiin:
IVebstrr'a X.iia aud hia .MusU iiiccr) Bunciolt a Ult'e
Ji n iLsiiiii ui; i.iiij nud fcpooclie ol Henry Ciny
tuRtitt'a Niitnnil Itisloryi J. n-uhuV cumplvto WoiUs
l.anoa Brigade lu Mexico; Oliver Croiuwull; A Ten
pesH-au AUn-uil: iiiuiau War of 111 L'nilvd States;
i'lielbnkol the Ocean ami l.ll ou thaftoai Mih Malta
'tactical Covkrtyi Jim. H.ilo'n New ( uik Uotiki The
imiinivra jjouaewua or Book of Ikveipta. by Air. A.
I . Wclr.Uij lil.uuy. t tUi) M'lriuiHiafiuiu tlieir vrlNi
to the pi en ut time: Forn l.eawca fi.'in Fanuva Port
rulfo; The SK'-taUr. by ltlac.Um; .Tuppia'a Proverb!
M I'lill.iwphy; laiiM-Xaiirua eVtb- Bona parte Furn
llv; TtiutniiHon Srusoim:. li uuu a Niulit XlwuchN:
I'iraillse l.ost; Poll..k's Cuiiu.i ut Tliaej lleiijauiln'
1 hi iiu t roxress; Anu.-ricou s uannaok; J iia tvuria
iini-tnitia ,jU r.numviiiK; l.itu aud 1-ayaot Herda
Diln Fntnktiu; I.ilu.uf Vu,Uiui-ton.,l.y Siaik; t'in
tloi-k'a System of tlncoLiau; I-ieai.. U KxUortu3 F.x
hetlitiim thn nuh On u iu auJ Calil'otuU:. l'ictorluT tiis-
t ry of All Nmions, ljv sloodiiJt; llt-uloa'a yeara in
Hie IT. f. Senate; B r vi'a. Wiuka; lVrott Bioaia-
t'liiesand Critical MiscelUub-; Pruaoott'a rououcA of
siexico a v.i; I'leivrou r rtuuiaiid Hint l-;ahe:tit 3
nls;'a, !tilrt-.i'.i' llintot v of CbaHot ..- 3
iu; pre'i-ott slst nnj 2,1 rbilio; Milmuu'a Cibbeii
I! me; It llin' Ancient IIMmr; Mutaicba l iven; tin
raulcy a History of England; Pii k 8 Works; Cummin
lectures: Webster's Aiiu-rlcjiu Fatuity Cyvlotwdias
rV-ott N.ipoleon; fhnmlier" Infi'rmstin fur the Pro.
ptr; Life lu th Itiiiuracr: Life of 1ivu. Lafaj-ette: The
toun Ameilcan l-iro of .Frrm-wt; History uf Irc-
bind, l;T Mooney; lli-avcnly Jl imf;, Cortyle New V.
asys; lll-Hln and .AniiwicaU Female Poets; ll.tru
conajdete Works,4 Mootv' Poetlciil Work: Burn' Po
etical Works; Mm. ilemnn'a Poetical Work; Niltou'a
fomii!i-te tt ork-s; TiiiiiK-r (.1111 lite Works; I.ite and
IteiUilica of Suakept-aia; A tatwau .Nights; Balloon,
Travel In F.jr : l.aard'a Piscoverie at- Ninevalif
n r.erpley a Vilipend of Ili-t TT; lleailley Jdiaceluv
nieSi Maivh's lieniiniacrnresol Conaress; Tbaddnts of
Waraawt The Piunter' Vintimt Melrmtim tind "tlo
t'hinch Ulitad; Hnifza Parted HiatrttV; Vhni.hiirVt
hU Wnnderln nnd Way of Thi;iklntr: Ttnliinson
t niHoe: hildren nf the A Miry; Indian Buttle. Captir
Ittes mid . Wentires: Prram and RraMties of a Pasi
tor and Teachirr; The Ship Carpenter's l-anilly; It foi
ria.or tnevtnriil Overcome; Hii.lm ana lestaments;
Webster's Pli ti.marli t Ur-e and small: liuun' iht-
bratrd Pomestlc tleJii !ui a; Rlmrt Patent Sctinoiix. j
i"iir, jr; unm r lauiiutooti. Jq; Annua - ijo;
Thomsui' Practical Aritliinctic; Calhoun liilellcct'iul
Arithmetic; Vocal and JnjiUamental Note Books; Kit-;
rlu-lr Uengraidiy and Atlas; Youaltoathe SInicture
hud diseases of (lie It r-e; Saxtou'a Unral Hand Hooka;
I "ole'a Anvrl -an Fr tit B ok; Downing' Itnnl Fsy
P nvnlnc" Fruit and Fmil Trees of America: Elliott'
Western Fruit Bokt Aaieri'-ajt (laltl lha-tor, by Ihtdd;
rnut, r lower ana t eiet oatdeners t ompaniou;
A'nerlrsn FnltCt'turist, h T'l im-i''; Tlte Str.twlirrrv
Culture, by Pardee; American Poulirv Yard, br Brown;
i onatt 011 the M.ii'.aai'ini'tit nnd IJisra--es of Sheeni
Note, letter and Fo i!s.-rp pani't; pons atidf reu'iobli
ers; sant ana boxes; ll!acK. lime nilil Ilea inRs;
Plain and Fnnry Knvelope; Slates aiud ialate Pencils
Bl ink Bo-k. ae., Ac. f t
tiregnn i lly, June 23, IM..7. lilt
! or
rIU!K ubscr":ler would rc-siieotfullv iiuuim tln-ir
L t.Ujn-ld the p.ilillr i;-ui r.i!! that they bare nn
band, nnd nie ia eon-taut nveipt of k.hhIs ii'om San
Francico aad New- V or k a Iai ae aud well-ee-
iecuuij.a uouixiug in panel , .
A Innt, allspice, an 1 alpacta. s
B n-iets, tieraxes. and bro. liueu,
t'ambrie, era-h . and enlito,
! mtio detaini-a, ead dmaV,'
' Kd.ruisr.emHraidery and everythlns,
Flahnels, frin-es, Br.J f n.-y lixin's,
tlinRha-rs. jraitcrs nnd rl4ve.
Hsndkerchiels, hose and hair-pins,
Iror., ink, and iiievrlWv. . . "iff.
.l:ioonet.jear.s. and i"a 1 C Ve. -( , '
Knives, kid p'oves, aad knillmg pins,
I..n as, lard and Livriootl sail., . :
Mustird, nt!mr, and ittatchea.
Needier, nails, and nice Ihinpa.
1 tils, urershirts, tnd Ooloug Ua, ,
Pins, prwi's. and pit-r.
Q nits, quills, and qui-euswrare,
I.Mhkis. raruis-. a:ld rat trs. ' ' '
S Ika, so?.r, and shavinir soap,
Tra. i.lti-. tsl t-iriH-itline
I'ni'uvllas.u'wbT-alervssiiand tteral things .
.Veils '
Wreathes. woir-i "swt. wa"1e-lnms.
Yur.i, vea-, id Tike h-'tion',
me, aad ivphvr w.nstc,
Ac, an I o on.
an v menti. 1 1
r-:ilv manv ctbrr art -lu.sjo nnmoroaa
II or wlmliwe areoib-riajt at r.-d.n-eit prices, adupt
Inif llie rliui Vaickaalo and s.iim.11 1 rviKls. ' '
; The iauis r UI tlnd i 1 t i.-ir d-oaitrnei-t a larce stock
tf fancy ?-jo1. d:re.-.t fi;n .Ni-w Vwk. which Is r"t
a-iualiy st-i in rraot,stid I r arrvaccvnrntt will be in
t mstjiii r -etit o il ';cs'e 11 i!v n nis of t'.io lidi"s.
1 Tno i;fli.t!mn'i lv-frtrt-.ri.'-.t i f fjrnlsUi-,tf iroods
wHl-ei.bvn be na'Iod. asd cr '!!;d ty u.juc ia SaU-p J
i I " !v- MtcksTmfi.en t ir.t!.l.ali-rs vul.ntway
a ' s'' ''"'''' " 11 ' r-' s'es and aape,y-d
r.-tlur w :ui a raoa awi'nle.ii o. ir.n ssn-s. inmi I svaI
I i.i:, t'r ! x 1 1 i:l.c!ies, which c ae at Portlaud
pri. e.s.aJdia !ri ....,.-,' 1 . 1 r ;
j We ai prep aaed 1 1 reeeivc all kin.b of proihielir
.rhanso f -r'e". and also m-nrr. Per full partlcn-,
lirxralt and exitroino f r voirlve. - . - . ( ,
" V, C. VOfT rrt,
. RabimFeb. 11. 1.7. 4"-tt
,,'',C,Ity Drag Stoirii.
( OMMr.Itrt ALt4 VrslT.roBTI.AND.)
f IMIE undersigned, has in at-r. coneral assortment
1 oi irs?s, Molieino. Pnints.Otls. Pyo stafTs, Pat
ent Medicins ci. aod iroKsa r eoodi almost week
ly, siusii i uurii J uer (aaiit.ilio.Ui in bilherto. and etj
firataemti ULi. namersi custoiuera and frieads,- at
wbolfnaleaiid retail. iu quantities to suit, at much tow
or rates than evvr offered in tilt market. Eery arti
cle warraaiu-d a reprufoute.1. - li
rirase call and examine tor yourseivoa. ..- -i-.v
Irencriptions will be given tree of charge to those
wantiiur ilcuiciucs.
Mo O VV Wt YATirEBrW. M. P.
Portlmd.JuneSo, V HJiitJ ...
. a . . --H
Saletn Urntr Wore.
FtOXT Street, TX-Ws bniMm.' Cbnsts.ntly '
ofl hand k full aasortmont hf DKLM9. aTi:bt-'
i-ici5s. Paints, Cits tso Pya SrfrM, Vri:T
In short almost every artii I usually 'jund In a Pros
Store, and are onVred- at Wfiot.itsAt.r' rso Rctaii.. at
extremely low rates, in quantities to suit wairaak'd a
rcpre.-A-nted. : .-. I ..' -I .'ill;C.
. - ' mm UBma.1 cumoitwd. Tr i
Proscriptions free of charge at ottiro. : -i j ,
tr Pptarit xitteution will be given to professional
call in the Citv. . t. i . : A. JI. BKLr. M.-c
Salcw. O. T.. Jun J. lfl"7. I v!. latf -
, - iotltae . . , r
TS berebv dvett. tat C.r ei. WdwbYtn la'tftithorixed
X to trauaact my personal basineMdurine- my alsenc&
c -.. r T"! .IV I ':ir,sj,'ttUBWUI.II.
Salem. Jun 17,1S57j:. !! i'w Ltf
..1.1 J
v For Sals.
TWILL sell one bailor the land claim known
it -.1. ; C..U ue
i as me iwigu i-ioi"j ixaiiu. oaiu nun jij.ajf
a.liiiin Mr. Peter H. Ilats'll's ATil is atmtit h:i."
a ;t..j fmrn lreironT'lt4 ho lh iiniier Wit. '
MIl.V ' ....... - - . - . -.j .... ....
lamett. 1 will also -sell one -half or tne?-whole 'of th
nronertv. Ivmp and situated la the tieauriful and rapMt
ly nrow"in;"t'wn of Corvnllis, Benton Co., and known
the 'fhonuts" property, eoosistin- of lots- of
lsnd. totretheTwhli nil the bull.Hnirs thereon. "Said
property is in a lieautiful location, aud both will be sold
ut a great bargain In csh, or a iicat or oats at rash
price. iDqtnre of th Fulwcriber, at his store in Ore
con City, in relation to both, or to Hon.- J. V.' Avery,
in relation to the Thomas property', at Comma.
Also. ix (0) lots.ot lana lu wrdnoq ntr.
, . , .. , JoS.X.PltESCOTT.
Oresxtn City. Marca 1, 1357. ' .:. . , Jtt -
w .. . -.... . . .
ALL ersona that are indebted to James- Stranw.-ar
. -annuested to oall ami aotUe tiier aooouoAa. by the
l-Sth Of 'alliv; ana aui uji'sc iiii io Mm, rni unu iiien
' . , . . . . . . i. ..... : 1 1 ... . . - I
arcounuA in the hands of Joint It. 1001, Justice of -the
Peaiw.-- llHvioR sold tuy Tin OkUiuubnuiut in Salem.. I
want to settle upy aoootAUlB.l.-tJAitB SIKA.NU.
faalmn. Airii.aA. 1&J7. ., 1 -r , , . . -,-otf tj
r" Syrup.
Of KEf'3 Et fn vt'D f-r tide. - -
.. ..S S. "1 Li l-l - ' '"''X'j
, jiW.--- , - ' :"! J 3
t.J t, I .. --':' al
,1. j I,,.',., i -. r a . "''''
' AY A";'
s: I. '?:
v.-i'.. u'. J tKlT' I '
OVl - G 1. 1 teffTETHY .V CO.
jua Olllce. pp ataini, ;
. t(. fl 'i. -r.
I t
1. N. ointtJl.'i'.i')1-;.
Solicitors lu Chancery, JorvwilatO. T., ' - 1 -n.
smith. . ui ' -is ,i i-: .' ' ii Sltf
M W. IHlrliell. " I A' -
!V Rene I ity. Lane Couiilp, 0. 1. ..ii k i. . i
Surctcaf. 7-' J..-.!i..".,r
L. COOMBS. M. D.,"fi!treoon, e." SPEt'lAtTY
.DISEASES OK THE EYE. Corralll. Oreanrt.
Sentember 23. lHSd. 2&ni8
San Franelsro Urertlslni Ajrjfnejr
,--.ii.ij . u
P. FISIIFIt. iron bulldln?. nppoaU PnclUu Exoecss
j onii-e. nustu m. Fl osufaU the iwiui-itialPaocra
f'uliforiiia nud Orep-mi mny be found at this ofllco. lr,
niier is ttio until. iri.ed Agnnl for tne siateiaaa.. -h
- ' I
Chester J. -Terrf,
"ml-siimier of IVeds. and tn take testlinnnrV ac-
nowledaments. Ae.. Ac. r..r Iowa. Indiana. Mlsuonri.
tliililmtn. California and Washlnjrtoa Territory. Let-
J-rsor Attorney, .ml all other Instruuienu ot writing,
rawn on short notice. '
i w Particular attention pnld to taklnjr depoHitloiH,
a'lin-i iiiuis 01 .-M ies, Accounis, r, ' bjh
fY licit. om in t hai
Purtlaud, f iracoiA.-,
I T".Ti Tub
I Itaiiwry, i'rootora, , in Admiralty
- 1 .. ....JI . 1. .itt
HunllM 4 CroTfr, .
k Solicitor in Chancery. OlBce near the Court house
paieni, vi. lie . . i : i . . . -. . . i
Solicitor In t'bantry. will practice la the various
is""" " -irgiu miu wasuingwa xcmtoriee, u:nce.
Satem.O. T. -. . -
Delazon SrafLh
Cliaacerr. .will timauitl attaint t all
1 ..... ...
businesu-pert'aihlnit bi bin pSifesniiin iu tbe tlr-t Judicial
I Harriet, and bef.ue the Supreme Conrt of Oieuort.
1 M . k. 1 t . M, ...
i'iiiti ,-ii'iuji i.iiin voonij , lr, t. ,
I N. B. When not -at hi iiltire. or absent on timfeii
lonal bniiuess, be may lie found at bis resfdeuee, Bte
tnllea south entnf Albany, on aHiat I kiun u as the
; AJrandiPntirie.vf , ,,,, n ! I . t-t
i TT
II. C. Burnett,
f, !-:
JV. Solicitor in Chancery. Bethel, Polk County . O. T.
tilt M. 1HS7.
W. I. flrwk.
u. - Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the various
court ui tills jemiory, anil promptly sttenil to the col
lection of all claim "irainst the b nited State, through
n eillcieut j;ent reiutntt at WaahtDf ton City. t)!liL-e
In tugcue City, Jaiue loiuity. O. r, , ( . ... , , ,
it . "it. K.. Straiton, .' I Z.:fj. f
4 TTORXEY AT LAW. will nraetlce tn tkanrima
it . conrts of southern Oreeon, and in ilie. Sapreme
Court of tha Territ ory. .. .
Orrica in Peer t'reeh, Wearied countr, O. T. Pesi-deii'-e
ti milca north of Winchester, on the WUlamnW
t'lod. '. ....... . , i
X. ft. B mnty Ind arrant obtalurd for claimants
en reasonable u-rtus. ...... , 23tf
Chad wick S. G tabs,
licitors iiit'baui-urv. Other at Wim he-tr aad
Canliucn 6. 1'. Cmmt, WiocUester, Puualaa Co4
i. t. Jt.v:. uiiuis, varuiaer. i mixiiia Oo.. O. T.
Xov. lri. ,: . t, ..... , . .. . . , jjtf
. X. 8AH.XI
1 ! t
i. a. wilsos
- Ilnrnnm W' 11 ..
TTonx'iRs Axnrorx?Ei.Lntes at law. sa
a Y lorn. Orciron. Particular attention 1 etrea to the
coileciitm of ut.tea aud tccounts aid cians aeaint
esremnier.t. ". I -..!,
Bottnty Land Warrants bouaht aad sold.
3- O.n.-e over Starker 'a stares.
11. F. lionham.
fl. e at t'ae Court Honse. fialera. . T. tf
w. w.
rtiara. -a. j. tiiitoi
TTORXEYS and Co;inseI ri at law. Solicitors n
Chanfierv. (IIS, lu R ibeti's boilJhltM. Hajn
arret, l orvaltis. uentoa Co., O. f . ,
.soni j . isii. . . tr
j. . t'oic, itr.u.A -
jrtrPir-TAX Axn pcp.iieox. " '
ftf , . ... , . , , , Portland,. Oregon.
' ... ' "" Srdir&l. .- ,. .
fP J. WRIliHT E. . STOXF. bavin associated
L tocetborii wnv-tiee. rsiiealvlh-tender their er-
t xoa to tbe peaplaof licit sa and Llunde-urlna to sr
cure tbe t.ivor el vt:e olui iiol oy auocesa eav. l:iie
earJ.U. Avery's kra,4uivaUit.. ally paid .
T-.rrr.r7i, (.WiMk.- . ..
i TtanTCCT Axt nLTJ.iirn. toutt.axd. n. t.
d. PesiKns, plans, si'ec.fieatloiis, 4c, furnbsbed oa
reasonable teroi. ., , , , '
U'llllam C. Urlan old & Co.,
. C. OKlstt OLII, TIM c. s.srootifruBTil.
Augene Vr 1 1 r.
TO R.ICEK. LAWillvXCKrruprictcror tUe Eugeu
1 A 1 aty JI ll.
! ! ' Jlctitca! "Votlcc. ,
rl iiK Aii'auaa's-r. would infenn Ui inhabitant that be
.L isatuisukl to attend to all calU In
k is nroti-sston ; also Jse--bae on hand a well selected
sv-k et, lo, lie Medicines, with a well
i-ortrd aapply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
fon msitnaMeorm , ,,n) .v, WAJtUhX.
Saletn IVccAiber 2, laiO. , , ?(f . .
fT& n: !tiasrA,aii.l3.v 7nri
TrtsriVN and Surse-si. O Boe near b!ld
- m. on Main street, twe doors north f Ur. J. S.
llcltceny s nre-tr.iof fauildiiia; where 1 will be fouud
when not pmfcMi.inally e ieipl. 1 will keep constant
ly on head a froth aapplr uf Prucjt aad Medicine
lib-It. I will sell low for cash. a
) Corvallio. Iee. 9, lSiii. 3tr
J r,. - MtsJicsI Sotice. s
DR. R. W. PitAW. InteofSan Franrisoo.CaliroTnla,
eflVT hf professional service to the. citizens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicit a ebarefo
public fnvon. .' -"-
1 Mr OBice at Reed and Fellows" drug- store. ! ' '
j lly It. W.SHAW.
j r . , - CaiuplMlI V Pratt? 7 , 7.
VTTORXKY8 AT LAW, San Francisco. California,'
ottice. onmer Montjtoinery and Sacramento streets,
ver Pat roU& Oea. Bank.
t Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, end will be pleased to attend t- all buaiuess
entrusted to their care. .1 31tf -
. Jowph N. FrtstoU,
TAKALER in Family Orocerics, Boot. Shoe, Ac, and
.'aiuU and Oils, wholesale aud retail.
I July 7 . 1 JW. j t:
h77, -. -. ,. .. Sw mis wort la,
.!.,(.. I:.;.. i-rrcmKWr AKD CWTCSItl.LOll.
U1, S.' 'Supreme and other Courts. 1 Offiee-!-nii;rcae
CitO-, Lane County, Orejron Territory. . Also,
Commissioner of Pccda for Xcwr York, Coimectlcut, Ac.
: Ansust 2. 1S. . . 2ltf
i it'.. ..,1. 1 f-
t m
"I TTIf.T.f AM F. HIGIIPIEIJ). Chrouimeterond.
1 V Watch maker. Oregon City, has removed to
the buildina iustonuoaitetotbe laiu-strcet nouae.
where be cau 1 constantly tiund prepared to do any
bitvineso In hH Itn'er WaV-hrs cleaned and re-paired on
idiori notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches and jewelry luc sale. . ... 'I
March 5. !--
S. Hamilton. HI. D.,
l)aVsICIAtfAXI BlalMEOV.iwMMtrixs'rwny
J. ' announce to the Kood (leople of Douglas and the ad?
joiuinc counties, that he. baa baoated, pcrmnnently, a
I)eer Creek for tho purpose of practicing medicine, and
In which profraMHMi lie will he faithful to dwcliarve all
duties, and B;mre uo pate to reuoer the patient easy
B'asl comfortable. .
; Okficb vppoaito R. IL Dearbora & Co,1 .store, on
Main street. .. ...
Drug and patent Medicine rbf salo at low taih orf
t. ' -: : - - ' ' 4Stf 1
, I . . .1 s, t 1 i 1 1 .
,,-t ji u:. Well. Farro, & Co.,
1J X'o in conuection with their Express business, will
also transact a jrenera! Exchange and Collection Bun
next. Collections and Remittances made in all parts of
Oreson, Calil'oi iiia.the Atlantic States, and Europe, with
promptness and despatch.1 Duct, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought and sold. ; ,.-.r- r
; ' SljtJit Excliango on jVew York, Bukm , Philadelphia
Albany, Rorhttltr, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Detroit,
Uhtcago, Jliitemuat uonaa, ot. Mum, ouisvum,
Cincinnati. ando t u other nriacipal towns in the Atlan
tic Slates and the Cauada. may be procured at auy of
our offices. ; . WELLS, t'AiUKJ.i CO. ..
II, atonvimery-Mreei, san t ranctsco
- T. - ?,niM lAW&.O'BJSllZijIgma.-
llSS. ' 1 :-i ' - ; ; ; ,
June 1
' Allan, McKiulay, k. 'Co;, ' -
VJT Wholesale ana Kcian xnsaiers in ury uooas. Gro.
ceriew, HBrdwure, c, Oregon Vitj, 0.T. cost-kj . I
' 'Dm. 'in. lltBl.a ' n ' ' ' ; ' ra t-4Ov'.i
40yt '
DSftOODS for ladiea and geDtlemeD, in' great va
riety, at :nr IOOrtESK
i... ont... ..i. ' - . j ti,4r--
1 fSo-'
" l!rW'-'r ''''
rvlt. J. L. CZ i PK AY tUand
iti-illiatlaiui Surulcul
I Ins
stlhite. Siicrameiito s't.. below Mulilnfituerr onrii4-
tt- Paeiflo Mail! Steatnsklpt o.'Hfilllre.BaarFia'lUdJoO,
t alliornut. 1-Hitablishi! fur tlie J'uniiaueut eure oi, iill
rrlvalo and luroulc. Oieasca. and the ii.urt-sluu n
ouarkOrv. " ' '- 1 . f. .li:
. Mr 1,1. 1 TirniV l.n.1.11,. ll....l... U.wi.ltt.
tbuiarr War. Cliiin" I'livsbjiaa lu the l!0tk Kenimetit iif
H'liiveil t, chief sni'Keou to the military hospltafat Pestb;
tlunifary, and bite bieairer oa Dtaoares'of Urinarr
fan ntui inanuaes or Women, sad IJiiidrr-n, would niot.1
ecspectfiilly im'onn the public ofM'reijon aud Califorala
that hu has opeued an InstlMto for the eure of f'liriinle ol the luiura, liver, kUiieya,'toil, brain
Sim the horrid coiiHertiencus et aelf-abiue, and he Ijnie
uBi ui iiuiir experience auu successrui practice or 111a
ay year, will Inwirs blin u autre of public pntroiisttc
By lite turutite r luauy years In Euroie and tlie Uui'
ted States, aud duriiie the Huuiiai-laii war and enin
aalnus, he Wenl)lo;l to aftply tlie mowt elfbdent and
uccessfe.I remedies aalnst disease .of all kind. . llfl
se no Mercurv sli-vte niijerate-s.ti eut hi patitsat
in a rorreri ami nnnorauie wsytia reretencea ot an
qneatiotmhie veratlty from Bleii 0 known teveabili
ty and lib;U stupd'niK in sodolr. .All parties cuusiUHiitJ
him by letter, or otiierwUo. will receive the bent and
gentlest treatment, and Itnpllrfit ae-ireey. 1 The -l'l'.'s
oltlaea are on Sacrsmeito t., below MoMimarT. San
Francisco. .Calinjrnla, .' ' , r.'-,a3
O Pr. L.J, Czupkay. would call nubile atteiition to
iM?rmatttri hira or local weakness. 'There Is not fit the
atluae of hitnia maladies one Biere 4m be depreca-
led than this, as well because or present du tress. nsuie
inmate results. Tne lone or me yein unaer u in
aeui-eteitheYlmualredor-ontirefvdetriyedi and
darts of aymplotns superinduced that unlit man forth
aerformanc of any of the ordinary duties of life. The
bilnrir done to the physical part of man I truly la
mentable, but tiiiilni -when compared to the oi the
ensorlum, the Rreut nervous center, and to the ner
vous SMstem eenernllv. This disease, which is too often
.inw iuetit tiuon thai solitary vice. neirtla. tuvolve
patholoaical uudiltn beyuud tbe comprebrirdon of
I. r .V.I... , 1 ... -t.I .1. 11 .....t .... 1
tueuuinillttieu. 0111 wuicu nrcoi uinimiw ij woe rei-
alar nraetltioiier. A ihoob tbe symptmna most eonstdc-
S an are the folbm-ine;: Love of solitude, aversion to
business nnd society, diitreaslnff timidity, nervous ex-
eitematit from slljht eairsos, loss of memory, ooitfasion
Of bleaa. inability to reason emrrectly, low s ihts anil
IwKsitude. dullness of apiircbension aud misanthropy..
These belue functional dfcraniiements. are often the har
bingers of horrid orirauic lesion or the brain, Whl
nroduca faluitv. demcutia and death. - .
. For the eure of this and ail kindred diseases. Dr.
Cmpkiiv Ins r-d tbl billed hi Inttitulei where ail may
rely with perfect eoutldence Umn that skill which lung
experience ajnd.t'.i'.iruush d 'V'Jtion ta bis profession has
.ven ..'.'-- . ..
, Those who rjffar should call or write witbont dt-hty
end use the means by which they may recuperate and
All consultation, by letter or otherwise.. Tree. - Ad
die-s t PR. L. J- CZAPK A ,
liinj Medical Institute, Sao rancisco. Cal
ij traonlin arv suocess ia the Irc-tUneul secret, dis
ease In the primary aud other stage, induce bi:a to
rail nablie attention to the tact that of the pre-it num
ber who have made daily application t biiu, there is
hot one who ba not been elTecliutlly aud permanently
Cured. In reroute- of private diseases, the Dr. guar
anties a perfect cure iu a few day without hindrance
1 1 business or ether Inconvenience; ' The Pr.'s method
Of tre itln j these maladies, combines the Improvements
made by the medical facuttr with discoveries or hi
own that are noknown to anvone e!e,a4 which, when
pplied, prevent the possibility uf evil after eoneinen-
ces. .
Secondirr ypb:!!!'. wH b is so dy-strn-tive of health
praduoioir nlrrratlo" bf tko throat, dsstr-yin9; tbe ft
parts, and loavins the bfinos exposed, which m"rtifr.
eparnte and ome away. dUfl.irius tbe sufl'vrer most
horrlKly. as e-eil a ltnpairttia; nt general neaiin-. ant
lrodisitsnc to eotisamiition. the Pr. treats in tbe moot
certain and efnVb-nt manner. Also, painful awt-lUng
boon tlie tunes, uisttrunnr splov-hr-a upon tbe skiu
ros, pimples, and ail other consequences of private
diseases he pmsrantios tn eure or asks no compensation.
: Pr. P. would oimeially call the attention of those who
have failed to obtain relief from others, many of wbont
be has already eared, and many are slid under treat
Mont. Tbe Pr. ?akea no chance for euosuilutHJu. aud
invites all to call at bis Institute :and be will eive litem
'trh satisfaett in as they can obtain nowhere else.
Tboo at a distance, br writing to the Pr- cau have
llieir euro nronertv attiMided . Ollicesoa Sarrameo-
l at., below Montgomery. Kan I-rrncisc. Cul. J2n3
The Oft a!t DiteoTrrr cf tho hit.
n AT Ble-islntrs t-i Mantled! lritiocent but Potent!
Kjr Pit. CZAPK A V S Pr.iPHlLirrr-i-k. (selfdisinfec
ur aceat.i a itre preventive n;.1inst aecrot iiiseases
nd aa nuturp-a. ej remedy rjr scroiu! w.e, ptnremms
and i-a!i - ru ulcers, nud a!leutanonsor-..'r-nand dis
eases, for aie at Uk. liii'iir s, A niy Halt,
ornir.oi qaerinieiito aaa u-jnt joniery w.. ."-an rrae
I'Lsco.Ca!. A lua -illation is proientive a-raiust small
pox. si U Dr. Craotiy s I'r-jphilacticiim a preventive
Bgaiiwt secret disease. 1 nst they can re prevented by
nmier ajents. n as well an est-itilished fact as that they
can be cured after thrir establishment. This principle.
which is now nnlversally t'-oslred. vra roceivod evn
before the darn of jetmer. the discrvererof vaccination.
n 17M, and its muittpih-d beneuts ever Mie-e have re-
eivod as ihcr dic rvr-d. the attention of t?ie Siemoal
f-ienlr v. Tt rss in nursnit of tiiia branch of the medical
Sr4owe ebj-,i i l.aphay isrSsinalely piaiietw dsa-
tovcry or his rtuptivwVijai. wlcii, twr.ttie cancerous
ftnd cut inou di n-dorsf stand uariv.sHo,! by -nny agent
In the Pkarinacipuea. Tbe n( it operandi of thi med
icine is'expta'.nf d npou the brporhe-'stliaiseeret poisons
possess chcioical pniperties" whieb are neutraliied by
bein? brourbt ia eoutart with rlnV prphvlatic, a.s acids
re kuowu'to neutr.iliee,aii.sufc destroying eutircly
their eriiiinil propetties, an J re'rleric.? theni inert.
1'ue effect of this airent is iiririieflJate. and removes the
Sibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, the
isease baa been contracted, it is ofiil ia swutralizina:
tho prisonous secroU'Hts, which by alwa-ption, produce
the i-misoiiuences known aa secondary disease, la can-
reraua and jrtnpcrous ulcers, iu fictid.discbjrges aad in
itanuus dau-ses wnrre the secretions are exconaiin,
It ads nnin. tlie same principle and is one" bf tbe most
FtTcottuil remedies for the purpose now Iniown. - Where
li5ea.--3 is oni-e estatnt-ticd it sli'srld tre nsed in connew
ion a it!i ct!ir remodies, and -whoa - . never Jails
pf success. It has ten smub muttered beltte ls tor ut
hitnv thousand caseA. and he had yet t- Sad the- lira
n which it has fulled ti sabserve.tlie purpose for wbtcb
administered. . Price. $j. 1 till duecttons are t-
taohedta each package. ' . '-'.,'' '
i S. B. In cases whore Pie Prpbyfattcmn IsT used as,
enrtive.4r. L.J. Onpkay will rin-nisb (rratis) a Tpr-
criLtion for his blood oufiBer.' 1
All eommiiiiieaiiotiR-irom tae oounu-y, aaaresecu oniy
o Pr. L. J. CZAPblAY, San Francisco, Cab, will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies,
with the greatest care and secrecy, immediately dis
patched by express or otherw ise to "their destination. - -r
t s-rOA-4v At l.
- San Francises. Cal.
To TUB Lamas or Oreuom and CAiaroa.NiA L- J-
CrArsAV, M. D., physician sartreon and accoucher, in
vites the attcntiou of tbe sick and afflicted females 'la
boring under any of tbe varum forms of diseases of the
brain, limits, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, tnuV
nevs. and all diseases peculiar to th,eir sex. The Doc
i. nn'rtetinir mm-e nermanent -cure than on v 'other
pliysician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy
prevent you. but apply immediately, and save yourself
from pti'uful suffering and premature death. - All mar
ried ladies, whose dedicate health sir other circumstances
do not allow to have an increase in their families should
write or en!! at Dr. L..J. Czapkay's Medical Institute,
Aravnrv Hall, corner ot Sacramcnta and- Montijoraery
atrcetat and they will receive every possible relief and
help. .The Doctor s unices are so arraogeu mat ne can
ho nonsuited without molestation. I2m3
aa, a.1 consultations tby letter or- otnerwise,) tree.
AddreSito DR. UJ. CZAPKAY, M.D.,1
' ' " "Medical Institute, Sao. Fnncisoo, Cal.
' i ' .r 7 ; 11 .. 11 . 'u ,
j-The attention of tbe-readers is called to tho fol-
owius: ..... ......
A ladysif hig'a sianuinj; in society ana respccvaoiiiiy,
ibli-sbed a card in the Philadelphia Sunday PLspatcii,
September 11. lvil, which is as follows:
A Cant) Tho'u'ndersfsjned reels it herdnty to express,
her heartfelt gratitude b PV. Czapkny, for tlie succesa
'fhf cure of herself andild.- -The latter having been
afflicted by a severo attack of V Cholera infantum," woe
gtven ap as incntable by some of the rutwt. celebrated
physicians, when she culled on Pr. Czapkay. of wboni
she beard very favorable revort, and who, ailcr a snort
pertofj, retorea luo cuiiu u pence ncauu. r.ncour
ueed by this extraordinary resnlt, she aotijflit advice
hersclL for the scrofuloua malady, with which she had
anil.-til for-eirht vears. aod which withstood the
treatment of the best physicians in .Europe and Ameri
ca. 1 But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded la affording be'
pertnanuut'reHef . so that she can now eujoy life, u uiub.
bireiitbt y?ars had lost all cbsr.ns for her. 1 She, there
fore deems it due to herself and to al! sick and. afflicted
tom"9nunendPr. Czajkay, as:oneof the most skillful
Dhvaicians within the United States. 1 -
' Corner of Walnut and 7th atreeLs. Philadelphia.-
rJr.ATirit, Notarr-rotwio. o, so atreet. - - -
The followinir is an , editorial . notice in the Boston
Daily Times of August Cth, 185i:
: A SmLLFTL' PhysiciaX. t)r. L: J. Czankar has
opened an office at No. lti Pleasant street In this city
Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army as physician and surgeon under the
patronage of Kossuth.' He combines with a finished
education and the mast refined and agreeable manners,
the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in bis
profession, and we feel much pleasure in recommending
alia ui uur CH1WU3 u . pujniLutu um a en i.erciUii.-
Dr. Czaokav has spent some trraein Philadelphia where
be won the confidence and friendship of those who be
came acquainted with bun. Atueng his frieuds in Phil
adelphia are renUemen, of tbe biurheat respectability,
with ar bout we are cers-jnally aiQuiiutcd. ile bad u
extensive practice in JJungary before the Anstrians and
Russians coMipeiieo.-nmi .- i-,ive it- ror swing fonnd
gailty of excessive patriotism. B We hope he will receive
that patronage due a man of bo eminent cupacityv 4
.Tne alam are only a. fear of, tbe- maoy testimonials
which Dr-Calkay bias, ia his poaaeaaion. but cannot
nnhlish for rant of -apace. All wn5n5nnicatioji.a. fh
fettersw otherwiiC,) free, - j ; - . ,.
Parson doslrlni protupt tteBUat),'and whvi wish
to avoi.t the delay of -riepoiidlng, Caa have Immedl-
aie attention by Heading ten dolluts an consultation fee,
and can hats modiebie forwarded. Address to ' '
i::t -jiir'b i -ul L. J. CiiAPKAYi M- Dri ,! -. -
! 3,ll?.l !. y ,..!: San Franoisco. Cal.
S i u . 1 ! if -r"?1 ""bne, nervotai deT
.'il'1?' i"a. laf't"d; w"snea of the liX
ami bark. lnoi-lJ'". "f metn.n-,. aversion to 0.
dty,loviol Hobtude, timldltyi wir-diri.!. hzzlue
h'-adaclie, paiuK In Ilia nide, aflcction of the. eve ui'm'
pies ori the face. W-xfial and other Intlrmitb- 1,;
isire without fail bttltejastly eU-brated ryMrianand
.-airgeoii. L. J. Czapkay. f His nietUd of curiug disease
Is lies' (uuknown ti utliersl and hence th utrat Hue
den. All consultations, by k-Me or otliH-wlse; free. "
ss, 11 1 1 1 f a rts ilitiltto a ' " " "
Addrorn, t I J. CZAPK A Yt M. p..r, ,,:
Kib i!J'g5bCaU- 1
lVotlee.-,t , . ,., ...',
f pjIE Judpe me the Suprema Court of the Territory f
X Ori'ijon, asVemhled at the seat 'of Oovernment bn
tlie luth day of - Deoemberi IHfid, do fix ami appoint
liitttrict Court to be held in . tlwi city of Salem, 111 lbs
dminty of Marion, on the tlnd Mondays of April .and
SefVfemner, arid the fonrth MonrtitVs of Ms ami ih t-t-
I, orrniially, nnfll otbef arise ird:d ! aad iu the -rtty
of Portlaud, ia th county of .Multnpujab, on the Kith
Monday, of December, I MO. and thereafti.-r on the first
Mosda vWof May and October, aad- th tlibd Monday
of June and No'venilier, annually, iiutilntliirwise order
ed, and do, limit the duration of aald Terms to, six days
eaebi ' I"--'- KO. H. Wtl,l,IAMH, I blot austbie.
I 41 CVl!CSOLNEr,tMiBOr4at Justice.
i -' Katrcty Ami tu al . ;': ' i
11ie stibWcrtber at Hiirrisburif . Linn C i has lout tbe
o. rollowin ucscrioea animai : -t ;
' A bay horse, wlUi Ktar in foruhnad, a little white en
blsj ' tm-seitilnd feet -white no to the pastern loiiit. and
branded - 31" on the right shoulder,' 3 yeur old thtu
'!'., "I-f r-i - i . " - -7. i" a- i
i Also a roan cow. 7 or 8 rears ou. branded j.s. on
tlie right' hip, and 44 tl'-' as above. Ha a whit call
With red ears, about. 14 months old, branded 21 ' as
aliove. The cow left last fall, and probably ba bad
another calf tbf irprlntr. - -
! Any person finding them will be rewarded for their
buublc, by informing me, ., , -A. McILWAI-X,
j June 18, 1857. i ' ' Umpad
HULL' No. 1 Soap, the be..-it you ever used. , Try it.
Ti-i.i. lA..t l;...t ,.tt . . -.',r
White lead, linseed oil.
turpentine, putty , 1 V ;. '
llidipo. Bladder, copperas, alum,
oil for lamps aud machinery,
New Orleans sugar,
crushed sugar,
-cream tartar, aaleralmi, sods, at
i-nt,. ., , ... .
1 !f
I c ' Ua ! Te Wortrn of Iron and Xtefl f ' '
I'iiAvB this day received by the arrival of lbs j. R.
Wliitmff from San Praoclauo, the following assDrt-
aieii oi vuti auu aieea, to wii : ? --J
I , S.ono IM. N.wway shape. . ,' '
, tfii)9 IbK I Mf Irott tlat,) - 5 ' ' ' I
. 1.M
- tfoM-ia 44
44 JX , 44 , 44 , .
' f.l. I.U.aod M.sjruir
" 1.5-IS, 1. 1, and tj, inch
b roand
assorted cast steel
horse Ahoe nails. (Gi
', Which together with svek In store Dinkes as eoro
flote aa assortment as tun be found in Territory and
wilt be sold as cheap as tbe ctitartisr for cash or conn-
try pronnce. J. I KrISt (TTT.
Oregon City. Feb. 23, 1R7. ' i -. totf ;
. Boot and Shoe Store.'
TT'BEPERICK.WICKMOV would announce
A? to the citizen of Salem, aud the enrrosndr
log ooimlry, that be bare taken a store ou the
tat tdJe of Commercial street, north of the ptoftice
here be will keep con-stantly on band a full assort
ment of ever kind of boots and hoca, both rustora and
sale wrk, which be will aell at the lowest living pri
ce. Being a practical workman, all orders for the
roauuiacture or repair t-r work will be complied with,
and the work done In a sutistwCa! aad workmanlike
manner. ' Give me a eall aud examine mv stork.
Salem, March 12,1857. . . 13tf
' Jaoott Here!'
B bare Jaxt received ss.000 Ins. of ground alum
salt, wulcii we are scutug at f j.00 per hundred.
SAM L. j. smith. - TBOSH iris
Smith H. Davis,
TM PORTERS and wholesale Druggists; fire proof
J. otore, I'ortland, Oregon.
Onlers from tiie country solicited.' ' fem?
Coffee. ;
F YOU WAXT a really good article of COFFEE, tl
nnuersijrned have got 1 pounds best " COSTA
ICA." Come ia and look at it. -
Oregon City. Pec- 6, 1S5U. . .
jis. a. atenABOS. - t -o. vomurs. f
, Ban Francisco. - ( , . Portlaud, O. T.
, IUcUardi& McCrakcn.
COMMISSION MK RC II A X TS. and "Jobbers in Oregon
V J Flour, Oram, Produce , Fruit, Park. Bacon. Lard
lUms. At.,-. Order for Oreeon trade nromntlr at
tended to. lateral an ranee male on cuasiEiuneJU-i.
Iia. 41 Sacramento street, beljw 1 ront, feau rani isco.
January ST, l-"57. ' 4Stf
Notice. -, : -
f tO all whom this msy come, greeting : Tbat I am to
X leave for the Slate smn. and wooi-I respectfully
roqnest thoe who know themselves Indebted to mo. or
W.C-Griswold A Co., to call atid (settle withoet delay,
aad oblige W.C. GRISWOLD.
Salem, January ?7. 157- 4ntf
i. r. Tlie LatTs of Oregon.
ffHE OREGOX STATUTES, 1S64. being a Jars vol
L urae of 65U pages, with complete index, an out a-
tiann. and reu-reucei. comprising ail the laws in force in
the Territ'irv. inclusive of thoe passed at last session
ef tbe Legislutire Assemb'r, are lor sale st the office of
tl StuV-.sjiisa, -rt five d liars per opr. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and
is siold at publisher prices, aud as low as a like work can
he boait ia any State in tha Union, and at the lowest
?ure they can be afforded f'ir here. The price places
them within tbe reach of nil who desire the laws they
live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
filled by return mail. . It is tbe last code of haws that
rill probably be published in Ore.non, ror many years.
n addition to the enactment of tbe Legislative Assem
bly, tlie volume contains the Declaration of Indepea
denre. Coustitutiun of the United States. Treaties with
treat Britain relating to Oregon, Ordiuance of
(Ore tn Oregon, Donatio- ! aw and all amendments,
and full abstract of Culled states Naturalization Laws.
" " ' laos' Anelos Salt.
C? A LT-300 bigs Los Angelos Salt, received, per Xs-
Obumkeag, and for sale at lowest rate.
Cboose Brtwrfn Thrm.
' IIOLlaO WAY'S PllalaS. r
THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone,
innocle. gland and fibre in tbe human frame. When
pure, it secures health to every organ ; when eurrupt. it
necessarily produces disease. .- UOL.EOIVAVS
PIf.t.S operate direct! nnffli the eVmenta nf ths.
stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease.
Bud thus radically curing tbe malady, whether located
ia tbe nerves, the stomach, the liver, tha bowels, the
muscles, tbe skin,, the brain, or any other part of tbe
system. ' ' - v ;
H iilte way's Pill are equally efficacious in complaints
common to the whole human race, and ba disorders -peculiar
to certain climates and localities.
iVi j- . iAEARMLXG DJSORDERS. . i'-.- .
Dyspepsia, and derangement f the liver, the source
of iulirmity and suffering, and tbe cause of innumera
ble deaths, yield to these curatives, in all case, howev
er aggravated,, acting ass mild purgative, alterative
and tonic ; they relieve the bowels, purify tbe flnids.and
Invigorate the system and the constitution of tbe same
time. r . ... . , .... .
When all stimulant fail, the renovatinsr and bracinsr
properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking
oenes ana emceoiea muscies oi we victim or general
debility. " " " ' . . - - . . .
All irrcgulatities and a'imcnts incident so the ilcti.
cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or
prevented by a few doses, of these mild, bnt infallible
clteratives. Xo mother who- regards her own or her
hildren's health should fail to have them within her
reach: '- - - . - .
Tbe London 4Lancet.' the London "Medical Review
and the most -eminent of the faeolry in Great Britaio,
France aad Germany, have eulogized tha P ilia and their
lnveutor. , '
HOLLOW A rS PILLS art the besiremedu iiwim
in the IVarldfor the foOotamg distaiet Asthma, Bow
ell Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Cssthre
ness, Dvspepsia, Diarrhcea, Dropsy, Debility, Feverand
Agne, Female Complaints, Headaches. Indigestion, in
Huenza, Inflammation, Inward Weakness; Liver Com
plaints, Iaowness of Spirits, Piles. Stone and Gravel,,
Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections, n orms, of ,
All Kinds. ' '
: s im .io,.Vinnru.iiriM of PmfcssirHaLUiVAT,
60 Maiden Lene, Xew York. 244 Strand, London, by all
respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throngb
oot the United Stales aad the civilized world, ia boxes
aiJ.AwnU.tiJJ cents, and fl each. , '; i - -: -; ,
MT Tbere isconaiueruoio saviuii aui5 la-c-
cersiaest , . -' , . i "
sN. B. Directions for the guidance of patient uievo
ry disorder are affixed to each box.. , ,37yl .
rriH AT Cotton Yarn ha? arrived, at
or Sickofss! .
- "' ' ' V- 'l
; - . , ' , x FRE8SH ton; ' '
I Xhii&pitL 8!em, Albany aod Corrtllla, 1
' ' ,...0tt WEIJXESD A Y,' and on . '. "
iiuttVAL or Miii. SrtiiiEa f num Si FRiaasco ' :
Mr AH ritleri, Packages an Frefght, entrusted to
rtiy car wiU be atteatdeil ti nnintptlr, -: t t
OKKICE At ' Franklin Bok Store.'' ,
December 30. It5n. , . A. B. STTJART.
I - i it , , f .I i.1 in I-
Allan. MiKlnlay, ' h. Co.,
tTAVB Jimt aeelvd a stock of Hen
Hew Goods, aap'
A JL Wuuls b.vif .11 tb.n .Ihi w!m1, Aa nnniM IU Ui.,
si tide t re,lal,ie prfeen, to call and see them. They
tonsil la part f the following:. - ' - .' '
jnndstoBesj . . Canal and Wheel Barrowa .
Qlraic (.'r-adlea
Grass Scythes and Snaths,
Brah do. , . ,,0.
It an Harrow, 23 toetb
Garden RaTies, !
; do i Hoe, -' i, , .
: do. Spade, j ,t .
PolWied ShoveU, .,
Hay Perk. ":l
V atinre Forks, - r , .. . - j
Churns, . ,
Window Cdai tbyio
; ' - do i ihy it s
-1 - 7 by 8
Window Sasues 9 by In !
Faury Brooms,
nam ao
Assarted Colored Palis; i
, PaJuted TulJS, ...
ZineWashbonrd, ' ' ''
MbiekamiUi'a Betlosni,-Crosa-ctitSawa,.
7ft ,
do 8 ft
' Mill aw,'T ft ' -:: i
. Hair tfattraa, double-,
, v.d? single,
Hab- BoUters, doable,
d ' ri single,
, Sperm Candles, .
. Adamantine do.,
" Grape bread Tobaooo. '
WHO do do
eles too nunierous to njeatijn.
jBaay artM
- -- titr
Orejfon City.
r t i,tt Qto. Aberaeth't c,f
ibfriifthr, Clark hie.,
San Franeinco, Cal., will attend to selbng Ore-on
fi rod nee, and fl'I orders for Goods. Groceries, e., at'tbas
owet rate. Tbe patronage of tbe peepl of Oregon
bt resijectfulJy solicited.
August 1. 1S55. ' ' ; - ' ; Htf
I kenfoa'i Dafuerrean, . 7 3
ia'aMbro f y pg:. qaLle r y.V-
f rvlIE itadersigae-t having recently returned from Saw
-L Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautifut
Pictures on Glascalle.I.Vit7'F,S, which hsve
almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype ia tha
East and San Francisco. ,
i Gallery in the new building, erected especially far tte4
tmnness, west of the Marion Hons.
Saleia. November II, IS36." 36tf .
Atwill t. Co., ' ' . I
So. 172 Wasiukoton St.. Sah FaASCisco.
CJHEET, Card and Book Music. Ptano Fortes,
....S .,ll.. li.i,.-,l t ti mmMi i a Ktri
and Reeds, fur Violins, Gaitars, Clarionets, Ac. Til'
, tie.
Also a large wholesale stock f Fancy Goods saa
and Toys- -,-
Billiard Balls, wax snd ctieleatliers.flsgsofaH nations,
b-JXing gloves. Ac, together with all kind of Yankee
Notion, useful orarausing. GikkIs packed witli great
care and forwarded with promptness.
All orders shoold mention by what boat or Expvesa
Co. tbe goods are required to be sent.
Cm3 ' 175 Washington tt.. San Francisco.
tAlin bitUel OaU, and SW.iO Wheat, and any qnan-
JJJVJ tity of dead swine,
paid on delivery.
,Oregoa City, Nov. 25.
for which cash will be
Orrsott and Calirornia Packet lint.
riMIE following vesj.-el will run in connec
L tion as a REGVl.AR I.I VIC between
Aaa franeiseo and Portlund : -
BARK OCEAN BIRO. Wtcciss. Master,
4 CUAS. DEI -EXS, Htut.
44 XAlltMh'EAU, WuxtAMS. '
; The Barks have all been coppered reeentTy, and are
la first rate order, coatmanded by experienced captain
Ereighls tciii be carried at the iotoest rates.
Produce sent from any part of the coautry to Oregon
City or to the Linn City Works, will be received and
forwarded ta San Franei-ic-6, -
Auknt-s: :-,., GEO. ASEUXLTHY 4 Co..
Oregon City-
. . ' - ' ABERXETUY, CLARK A Co. ,
San Francisco.
November, 8, 14. Si, If - . .
Grain Cradles. 1
lire? -...I..;.. -... HnmA .ai, 1-
O ceive land fox sale-. , G. A bERXETHY A CO.
Juno H. 137. ' - IStf ,
Itatim II rot Iter, r '. "
FRONT STr.tirr, Portland, oppo-te the Metropolia
Hotel, dealer in Dry Goods, CkdlriEg, Mats, Boots,'
and Siioes, Grocerica, Ac. -
N. B. AU kinds of produce taken ia exchange far
merchandise et the highest market price- 19tf '
Notice to Shippers and Merchants.
ONE of tbe firm beia j permanently located in Saa
Francisco, all conignmeats of produce aad orders
to be filled, will he attended to without Mav, at mode.
rate rates. 26tf . , - .. WAKEFIELD a CO., . '
s j Allan & Lewis,
W GON TERRITORY. ' -.- - .
; ; Reynolds 3t Law.
134 wAsni-sGTOs ST., s. r., and fbost rr., rotrr-LAND.
COMMISSION Merchants and dealers in all kinds of
Oregus Produce. A-avances aaade oa goods coa-
eigned to ns and forwarded free of cAarg. . :
otnee at J. t ailing iun. lanxi
'- Powder.:. .i
WE bare a large snppy of powder m band.
Oregon City, Nov. 13, 1Sj6.
: . Tbe Oregon Statesman. .., ,
An Independent Journal, devoted to Poiitirw. General,
- Intelligence, dc. Published at Salem, Oregon.
ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Pitblfcher, and Editor
The Statesman is Dessoeratio In politics, and tbor-.
oagbly Nations 1 ia it character. It ia hostile to every
cpecies of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance i
and will vigoroosly oppose all attempt to incorporate
any of the insane fc-ma .of Aha day- into our Territoriat
legislation. -
i It will advocate all practical measnres of Reform
and Progrese, economical and simple administration of
our local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca
pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability of the officer to the people. It will d-r
case alt measnres agitating the public Kind, ia a aaaax
Per fearless, impartial, aad juet., .
: It Xews Pepnrtnient will 1' edited with much,
attention, aad ootbiag will be spared to furnish early,
accurata, and compiebeuidve publicatioa of tha cars,
rent intelligence. T
Tbe Statesman hap a laa-gerwidly-ecattred,and aacct
excel lent corps of correspondenta, and very completa
facilities for procuring news. , , .
' Due attoi.tioh is also paid to the publication of Miscel-'
lany, Agricnltaial and Literary matter. : . f
In this Paper are published ibe haws, resolutions, and .
treaties of the United States, and the laws aod resolst
tions of tbe Territory of Oregon by aot bority. The
paper is printed on new nute rial, aod opoa a sheet of
tbe largest size, - -
- Statesman Bk aad JokQOe.
WE have Three Presses, the best facilities frr Book
printing north of Califbraia, and aa extaosivw as,
sortment of Joeeino Material of every kind; aad, wish)
Blaster work men. are prepared to execute prowpUji eat
hi a workman-like manner, ail orders in tha aba
psa-tments, such as
i BOOXS.i -
I un- - PAxaraxm,
Ball Tickxts, .
i OracutiAaa,
"" Bti-r Cbecws, . '
? : - XorOo Havd. . .,.;: '
." ., Okdss- Books, - . ,
" ; Stbambo "t Bills.
ii -i .Stkambo't Camas. '
, .j .; Brtt3 or LAmaa
1 Show Bills,
. ! ". CbecxBoox. -
Invitations, , ,
i BtrsiNEss Cakd8, .; . T
i ; BlLtHEABS, '
..' i Concxkt BUXfl." i
al x KEcra-rs, f
i - ' Busu-or a i.i. Krsro. Ac.. Ac., Ac . '
j . 'lUaw of Newspapers.
'x.' Subsca-ibers who do not give" express notice to tha
contrary, are considered aa wishing to con tin d tbeia
aubseriptioa. ? , -. , -
; J. If subscribers order papers dismnksssd.Pnblisheia
may continue to send them till alt charse are paid. .-- -:
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse, to take thew paper
from tbe office or place to which they are sent, they are
held responsible an til they settle their bR! and give na'
tice todiscOBtinae-tbenk. - - .-. i. -i '
: . A- If subscribers move to other jilce withict informiaa
the Publisher, and the paper is ent to the former dares
tion, they are held responsible. - - ' '
5. The conrts have decided that rrfaaingtat ixs pa, , .
per or periodical from theofic. or removing aaa leav,
fn-r It tmcalled for, is prima facia evidence of i&tentmna.
- Mr Postmasters would oblige, by a strict fUfiftmen,
of the regulations requiring them to notify PubEshers,
once ta three months, of papers not taVen from tbei
cfSee, by nbscribera. L- ' i .f - - . " -;
i !
v r
' -
i 7