The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 18, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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: at:
? K e Cityfco o k Dtp jc o ,
.j : . .. f front sr., porrri.A!n, . t," '
IIaB In Store, an J will be receiving by the lit of Jane
- G- O "T CD S
f v men tney oner to me. . , K.
At mrill advance on New York price.
uive as a call, or send o an order, and we are
bomd to give you satisfaction ! : - J
A; tt. Shipley Tco.V '- '
Are the Bol AtrrtTs In Oregon and Washington Ter-
. ritories for tbe sale of
.' The American Statesman,
A CHEAT BOOK ! Being the only political history
Of the United States. . , 4
Send B4 vasir name. Price tt 00 1 Payable de
livery of book. Caa delirer by the 1st of September
I all wh send ms their name by 1st of May.
Catalogue of Part of nrSloekr' j
RkAPKM. Sanders' old Lt. 2d, 3d. 4th, and 5th;
. aid. The Young Ladies'; Sander' Sew 1st. Id, 3d,
4t!tand5th: Parkers' 1st. sn. 3d, 4tn ami 6tb; Mc-
i:,iT..--lt. Id. 3d. 4th ana otu.
Si-kllko-S. Saudors Old, Sanders' New; Elerocn-
, XiiwsK. andr' Pictorial. School and Parker".!
GiW!ttrtE.-Mttchell's., Anrient and Modern. Ol-
wy'(, Morses, MeNnlley'sv and Montclth's lst and
- Id lfcwk.
M itwk trie. Arithmetics Thomson". Tables,
' Mental. Analysis, Practical, and Higher; Pavtr lri.
tmary, intellectual, rrnooi and l mversltv; Smith
i Colb.irnw Hay STrStxldurd ; Paries AliHTt, " fin
reyins, Oeometrr, I'ractical Mathematics, l itlu Pic-
ti-narv, Loa!tc of Mathematics, Analytical Ocmetry,
- .kL:l ; l i . -
l! ttrammara tlreca'a Clarke 'a Bullion's Pmitk'
Klrkara's Spencer's Tower.
PittLosorntBs I'arkerV 1st Ixswn, Juvenile and
; ricnooi; tronctocK smith s.
HtsToitnc. Wilson's Juvenile," and Unite 1 Ptatcs;
' lley"a Universalv VfUlard's Cniversal, and United
LAxnrAOBS. Cooriers Vinril; Andrews Latin K'.-a-
aVt; Yiri Ilimi: Andrrw" ratin (Jrammar; Mct'lin
tock'a 1st and I.I Book in Latin, and d". in t:r-ek: An-
thon'a (Imt tlrammsr and Reader: Johnson's t'iecro.
Kasqnetlc'a tYench Grammar and Reader; Woodmiry'a
Geruun Urammar and Reader, Teleina.(ue. !reck Tes
tament; FrmcU, sclf-t-inslit; Surrcntie's Fre:eh Jic-
' tionarr; Andrew a Latin, do. IJJdcIl A Arott a Greek
D 4o. Anthon's Clavical do. Smith s d.i do.
Ir-rtof Aitie. Weitcr"s Sch'ol. His'i do, Ara
' dernic. University, Rjyal Sro. Cnalirid jed aud Cobl'
Pocket. -
Mto:i.LAVEoi-s MattUon's Astronomy. Xewman
Rhet-iric. AVooJ'a Botany. Kame'.s Rleaients of I'nt-
Icism. Parker's Aids in t'ompfvilinn, Parker's iiccr-
rises. Brooktteld's Composition. McEtui:U s, VounR
' Analner. do. Analj-tkal Manual. Paikcr's Word
Builder. 3Iavhcw Book Ke-'Dini,'., .vvUnd'a iloral
Science. Patoy"S Xatural Tileoloiy. K.tke's Auriad
tore for SchtK!. Upham's Inteile.-titSl Philo- x.'uv.-i.
Mahan'3 do. do. M'.lton; Yonnj;; Pollock: and Thoinn-
on; bunion lor -n.wi-ij cutters .nato-ny and
, Physiology. American lK-battr. Xcwman'a iVIiical
. Economy. Hitchcock Ueul'ry. Great varieir of
Speakers ami El:ution. All kiuds of Sciiuul Statlun
, erjr; Slate of all sine; Drawing ' lljoks; lli-awiiig
. Paoer; Perforated Cai-d Erd; Ir'.tul Uoard; l'vut Is
aaa Brnsties; iwuom s ti r-; laic-lands, every kuse
ana siyie, xc-, ,t c., .o.
- HiST0T-BaBrTOlVs United Ststes. C rofrtmis'-
r Hildreth's d, b, d rolnmesa Frxta l'icril l'A;cd
i. States. Tavlor s do. do. tlo. Botts'a Htt. fbnalmioa.
IVterson's do. Wilson's United States. WillsnPs d.i.
Hist. Indian Wars United States. M illard tlaivetval
Hisrory.; Muller do do lti-.-k"s Hit, Wort 4 1 or
-, t relnmest. - Kuiiin s Ancit'rtt Histm, Pnrr'a dr o.
Hume's KsgUad. Ma-anlay's d .. complete. iHrktns
I mlda do. Lmiranl s do. itinons it une. O Aa-
bime's Heforraation. Baas's M. K- t hnrch MUion's
- Knrpe, lt and Sd Series.'s W.itk. MnrW ,
Hi, or Reiipons. Ht. iif t'onnni r Trent. Jre
" ptras. All or Abbott's Ht-fnies. Historical Uabfnet.
Qneens of Spam, vneertsof ScotHrd. Hew'a SmTiih
Uononests. . Brace' llungarv. Kidder's En-
bank s Bread. Parley's I m verbal. Hi,-tirr of t'rtt
. aadea. Ancient hgyptians. Hailams Mithlle A -e.
History for ISors. "itonner's Child' United Suu.-s
l-ossms s JTe!d H'Vik of Kcrol rtion. i
"' BiocnarHV. llntarch's !Jve. Lift Bratit. . lf"on
' oVrfol t'harartet. Great and Celebrated Characters.
Lives of the Sijiicrs. Aotolw-'jrrar'hy of Finli y. l.a-
martmr a CVlerated Character, l.uenf Adam Clarke,
do Bihop Hediiia. do Xiebahr. do Gen. H irrion.
it U.inicl Boone, do Iiiberts. do I.atayeilr. Cap-
taimof Roman JVpublic and Old WorUl. Dr. Chal
mers, 4 vols. Lire Of HumwIdU. Jlrs. Kjjrers,
Mozart. Wesley. Hetrher. Life and Times f Clar;
Imnrs Washington. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of
Chief Jastices. Josephine. apnevn. Charle J.x'ob.
Jackson. Gen-Green. JoanorArc. Ladv JaneGrev
J. Q. Aoams. Julienne. Daniel Welter; Kinjrs of
Koroe. B.inps ana ysfH'. utomi. i.tvcs or the
" Pope. Prescott's Philip Id. Mary and Martha Wash
ington. Pioneer Wemen of the t est.
'Tbavels. Hack's Cuinti. . Arancanians. Stephen's
. Kgyp. Uims iraveis. nano farlc. iie Aote.
Adventures on Mos-jaito Shore. Ba-anl Taylor's Trar
els. Unrbin'a Travels in the Ea-U
SciKSTimc. Brandc's Encyclupelia. Physical reoj-
raphy of the Sea. Wood's Nataral History, lrdner's
Lecture. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Matlu-ciaticai Uio-
tionary. Losic of Xatneinabcs. W ondera of Science.
- Mitcheil Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loomts Re
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith Metioeary rtf
Arts and Science. Kntiank'n Hydraulics. Dick's works.
anoos works on Arrnitectore. 1
Poetbt. Byron various styles. Rliakesrieare, do.
Hilton, do.- Hnnu, tio, - IJeioiBs, d v Moore, do.
Thompson. Yonns. Pollock. Tiipiht. Cuwner. lore.
OaTirpbeH. Wadswnrth. .ian. M ontgomerj-. Kirk
White. Female Poets of England, dot. do. America
and maar others. - . '
Books or RKPEBtrvcJi Cyclopctlia of Cjraphv.
do. oo. Fine Art, do. ,. Kiography. I'scfnl Arts.
McCoIloch's tiazetteer. Harper's L niversnl Gazetteer.
Farrr axd Aeaici-irmi Kllioin Kntit lt-xk.
Thomas do. Iowning' do. Birry'a do. FemeadeaB
. Farmer and iardener. Frnit. Flower aad Vegetalde
Gardener's Companion. Alien on tbe Grape. Pardee
on Strawberry, florist s Gntde. American Farm Bonk,
Allan's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton's Hand Book.
W oaks on Horse, Cattle, Kieen. Ho2s, Ac,
TaeoLOGtuaL Sc. RmJOiors. Harmonv and Exposi
tion of iiospels. Meander's tare or Christ. Butier
Works. Knapp's Chrwtian Theology. Western Mta-
odi-m. Morris Miscellanies. Lectures on Rwnanism.
Brand of Dominic Rnle. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes
Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Bettons do. Jay's
Exercises. Watson's insti totes. Iirrahees EviJen.-es.
Batler's Ethical Pisconrses. Roeers Kclin of Earth.
do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection t
Baker on Discipline. Writings of Arminins. Jahn's
Biblical ArchaeologT. Jiibles, all sizes and prices, from
tl to- $20. Testaments, groat variety. Methodist
Hynfm. Christian Hymn Booksu Chorr.h Psalmist.
Plrmioth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian
MTu:xi.4 Bochans Family Physician. Hydro-
, painic ao. jiomu3miiiic unru. .- ,
-'- llnctLUMiors Constibitions of United RU?
Mi1k'i Popaur Education. Crabijes Svaonyras.
Piatt's Bk of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual
Headlcy W orks. It vols. Mrs. Tutuui , ii ruU. Lay
ard 'a Nineveh. Bigelow'a Useful Arts. Ha'weU's Kn-
gineer'a Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
Knowledge. ParkMadison. Pernvian Antiquities
Way Down East. Prnsbnrt. . I ke Marvel's Work"
Sanderson's Cook and Cuatectioner. Country Rvahips
in Enalsnd. Tales and Reverie, au excellent Xemjier
aace Book. Money Miker. Ks-aped Xun. Xews
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. II !e Xe w Cook Book. M il
ler's Old Red Sandstone, do. Footorrnts f Creator.
Yoang Ladies Counsellor. Young "Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. XJiomon s Lect. t Y. Men. Constito
tional Text Book. Captive in Pstaronia. The Ameri
can Honsewife. Hilf Honrs with Old H'irn;r.y.
Jlinvmi IH vrs'iueur aim weeay. Mrs. eIgwicks
Redwood, do. Xew En". Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
rrsre. Anum b .-. ' rnn .i .-r;:!i in L. ii. ials. Mrs.
Paruneton. Horace 1 ransiation. V lrgu do.- Mr. Car-
lens wotes. Heroines ot History. i,anl and Sr
Ieckand Port. H,-a and Sailor. Ship aad Shore.
Naval Iife. Stir Papers. Masonic Chart. Irvlng's
voHBnnask ixmg wm Aneao. kit jew York.
Living trrators of America. Yonng Man Advised. Mis
sions in Tonga and Fcjree. Truth bti-anger Than Fic.
tion. Knont and the Rass:nn. Hyilmtrithie Cook
B)k. Death Bed Scenes. Gi.l Book: f.r onng Men
do. do. Indies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. dx Bojts
Footprints of Famous Men. Charlotte ElizslHslli's
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant Boy 4'liiioso-
pher. Abbott a Marco Paul Rooks, do 1- ranconia
And a Bomber of others too nnmeroHS to ennraeratc.
Constantly receiving large addition te the forgoing.
Statioseby Foolsc-f.p l'aper jrreat variety Is?t
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Xote do, dc. da, D v' Envel
opes all styles. Inks all kind. Pens and Holders
jreat variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles.
Memorandum. Diane, pas Books. Time Books
Paper Cotters, do Folders. Slapping Roreiait lvdcs.
Lithographic Prints a large var:e.ty. V.'raupiug Pa
per good variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, &c., Ac.
Finally, we have a good variety of
Music Boots. Xew Carolina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer. Dulcimer. ChonrnGlee Biok. Metrnpoliun do.
Sacred Melodeon. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instrnc
tors. Guitar do. Flnte do. Arcnnlon do.- T4in d
Melodeon do. Plymouth Collection with Music Slicet
Mnsie. . - "".. i
And the most rariod assortment of ever
ofl"cred in Oregon. .
" mw This stock Is all Vnght In Kew York imd other
Eastern cities and is sold at '- -
- " - UNIFORM PRICES. J,,; ; , J
mw We keep on hand Scaoot Book In Large sjnan
tities. together with most of the publications tit -
HaareK Bnoi ttasr
Debst Ai JacKsov; .: !.! kiiS :":;?!CI?
. I vi so dc Pmxxev; T . . ,.' " , .
Phillips & Sasov; ' " - , -::
Jl. . BAKNES dC CO.:
Milleb, Orros & MrLUOaif; -Lbabt
& Getx;
Pctsam; : '
JkprLETON; and others. : - " "
' : -
aa-Weask yonr patronage. If unaW runt tis
d examine our stock, yonr order.' will ba t-ilf.l to
ia the sauk tebxs a if yon bought in person. 7-
PorUand, March 20, 18iT. person f m
S. JXffc6rmick. f
is! Hi
(i ron? rraxn, rorrvAXD.n.T.) .
HAS constantly on hand a large stork of Boobs and
Stationekv, which he sells at a small advance on
PirBMHIIKK 1'uii.m. ... . , . ,.. I
A catalogue maybe seen in the Oregon and
Washinirtlon Almanac for 15T- Ranks ordered there
from aent Hostage free to any part of either Xerrritory.
i oruanu, r eb. 2, INoi. , ouyi .
. .,. Corrallls Dm Store.
TIL CARDWEIXk Druggist and Apothecary, in con
. Ktantlv receiving, lor California, steamers, large
and carefully selected storks of Drugs and Medicine!,
oil. Paints, Varnish, Soap, Perfumerie, Toilet Fsr
niture, Stationery, and all articles usually kept In Drug
Store. A rent for Jajrnea, and other patent medicines.
rbuih will be furnished at California, wholesale price.
t ... mr Uinm OLinTVn. -
- -U 1 ' - J.H. CARDWELL.
Corrallls Mar H. 1857. ' - jstr
IIIaclLftualttes ana thr, L.ok.
ALLAN McKlVLATA CO. have now on hand
large and well sebnted stock of
Bar Iron. Oast Steel,
Horse shoe do., , - German do., i
Xallroddo., ; j , Phmghdo., I
Plate (Itx, ,-... . , . i
And intend tn keen nn the assortment so in suit !.
wants of cnstomeisi Hire ns a call, and yon will 6cd
that we not only have the funest stork, "but will sell
" as cheap as the rlieaest.n We are constantly receiv
ing addition to our assortment, so as to replace what
Is sold. .. . r
Oregon City, Pee, tl, HUrt. . dltf 1
lienry Johnton Co.
(Ml .'Washington Street. San Francisco.) '
OflTer for sale to the country trade, the largest stork
of rood in their line on the PaciHe roast pomnri.
sing Drags. Chemicals, Perfumery1. Patent Medicines of
all kinds. Brashes. Paints. Oil. Crass. Tnroentine. and
every article appertaining to the bnsimws. Ilavinv su
perior raeiiiiies ror ontainmg their goods they think
they ran offer Indooements to buyers nucqmillcd by
rder resectfnlly solicited. ;'l ' '' - 401y I
DR. 3. R. C A RDWRI.L. Pental Surgeon t
Corvallis, will nrartiee In bi Drofes-:
sion, at Vorval'it. ivirgme Ciry, IllnrAr.
ter, Mroftsmnir.nnd Jin-Jraonn'fr. Skill, nnqnestlonnble;
charges, re ipectalde; work, warranted. Teeth exarain
ed. "and advice given free of charge.
loe nortre green or change or office. . :
April W. lsSfl. ' Ttf
' Now HrcrlTlng
rrtuE fbllowlng article from Bark Ocean Bird and lor
JL sale low.
5ft gross matchr ; , ,
l.0 keg ot srnips ;
6'1 ht. bids. X. . sugar ; .
-10 bSls. crnsh.d sugar ;
6 lvxe candle ; . - -
10 Wds. vinegar ; " '
) eases tea ; " ', ' , "'' ' -I
M doa. hrrtom : "J 1
Si) do, bucket ; '
I rases men' line calf boots ;
I ' ' calf brogan ; .
gt -
hoi-" brognn ;
-f S
yiMitbs" calf brogans;
waiU4'B Morscco lssits ;
' " imitation bouts ; ,
MtsseVlsiot: - 1 f
175 pair children shoes ; 1 1 ,' "
1 1 straw cntters ; - ' r
It grain era lies ; .
1 reajier; ': 'f ' " '
i ' -1 two horse thrv-dicr ;
. . . G EO. t BEICf ET II Y A CO.
nn City. June l,7i?.'.j. ' 13tf. .
1!1.1X PUMP5, turnkey wrenches.
Vy mav n planes, screw arm, '
sa-h planes, . . . .
horse shoes and iiaile to fit. ... . .
, gnn lK-ks. plugs and nipples,
t'lbes, bullet mould.
WosenliotnralXL pocket nfres,
, pruning and baddiag knives, t- v'
. rat traps iorsJdksfuiiTWi. ak !
Book aud StatLoaerr.
SCHOOL READERS. :-': r : -
Parker's 1st. 2d. 3d, 4th and ithi
Sanders do do do do- -
McGufl'y'a do do do ' do a'l.-f. .. a-.
lhivH-s'arit'imetie, - ' --
Uni-erity and I imtmon School, -" - '
Intellectual and primary, ...
Davies' Bourdon algebra,
l.egendns surveying, : I i '
tJeometry and trisnonietrj-, -. , " i
; Key to Davies' Arithmetic. , ' .- .
Thompson's arithmetic, , , t '
. Tarker'a philosopbr,
' juvenile and Istvlessons.
Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's, '!
Geographies M itcheU . Monteith'a manna!, ; '
Monteith's 1st lessons.
Music Lute of Zion, Xew Carmina Sacra,
Cbri-.tian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony,
Normal Song Book, Singing Hook, at
Notice. ' t
rrtHE judge of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
-, asscotuiew u iiw seas 01 UOITTTIRM nl on
the ninth day of January, eighteen bnndrel and fifty-
seven, do nx and appoint District Court, to Is? held in
village or uoseisirg, in vireconniyof Ihsi-lns on the
nrst Hond.ivs.or Marrh. Mav. Seotrmlier and Xovem-
rs-r. annually, nntil otherwi-e onlered, antl do limit the
duration of said term tosix davs each.
GEO. H. WILLI AMS, Chief Justire.
41tf M. P. DEAPYi. Asaoriate Jnti.-e.
Kugciie City Hotel.
THE nndersirned wrmld lnfrm bi friends
and the traveling pnWie georrslly, that
be lias taken the Eugene City Hotel. "and i
fitting it up, in a new. ond splendid strte. with
private room for travelers ldie. gentlemen, or faml.
lies. The table shall be plentifully furnished with eve-
rv lujng mc coumry anoms. i nave a nrt rale suble
and will keep constantly annpiied with plenty of oat
bay. f. and I think I caa ranter general satisfaction
10 an wno win ravor me with a call.
i .. M. H. HARLOW.
.Eugene City. June 2. 17. .. . . .. I7wn
Salt I Salt!!
Qf TONS-San Qnentin SALT, In about . and
rmtj luo lb. bag, just rccei-ed and for sale vervrhesn
.liiwa acmaiiai a i.u
Oregon City, Dec. , 1H.MJ. .
Valuable Farm for Sale.
riiiih. nndersigncd now offer his valuable
-a. larm ior sa. situated on xmnr teek. i"
in Marion Co.. O. T one and a half milM LL.
south of McKinnay's Mill, on the County road
runnins from Salem to said Mills. Itnnt.;
of whicti .40 acres is under a srood substantial stsk
ana nuer fence, one nundred acres in good cultivation
i wo nana re. i nne beerinc rmit tr. . .j r.
house, together with other out buildings. Said farm is
wcu waierru. aim ine nest adapted to stock raising.
ano wneai growing ot any rarm in the Territory. Said
firm lias been settled since lt. and was among the
first claims taken in Marion Co. 'Any person dnsimn
of buying good farm, with a title? money, will do well
w can ai ine resioence oi tne undersigned.
Spring Creek, Maruh 30. 1 V.7. .. , , . Alt
. . . .- Uemoral.
TAUM ft BROTHER-have removed to their Xew
I More next door to J . Strang s Stove establishment
They have jnst reerlred-a general sortmcnt or Ilrv
Goods. Ciotbiag. HaU and Cnns. Ilonts ami Khiws
Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offers for ea or
-V- B. Wanted Huttor. Kjrrrw. Bacon. Tinl. Flmrr.flnd
n iiei? i or wnu ti they jwj the bi?bctn market prir.
. w .Lmh x..t ia law-.
House. Carriagr, Sisnt, and Steam
ooai A'ainiiiig.
A.REET) having established his Paint shop in
Solem. is prepared to execute with dispatch all
joist in the aimve lino. Baaaers. StandanI. and Em-
Mcms. for societies ainted on silk, satin, velvet ormns-
nn. faints ot ail color and descriptions mixed, ready
for ne, for sale at his shop : also White I -cad. Linseed
Oil, Turpentine and tarnish, all paper and Bonier
H indow glass. Faint brnslies, graining tools. Ac. Di
rections given in painting, also in graining imitation
oi wooa, wie4v" marine. . ' i
J. u. . Orders from abroad promptly attended to.
Ail jobs intrusted tohUcare warranted to give vatia-
QSlem..Jan., lRo. i :. . ' 3yl
Notice. !
STRAYEPor stolon from the stibscriiier,
living in Albany. Linn Co. O. T., on or
anontiue nrstoi lierea)ier, ls.ifi, one sor
rel norse, blaze laced, nuht bin knocked
own. oranaei on near shoulder O. T.. vented v h.i.
brand. ' No other brands or mark recollected '
nns wtliiniiiiff a ii.l hnN. will 1. I : V 11 . J
' " " ... ii' rewnroeo.
AThanJ-; January !7 Is.";"
j I : - r- i
Medical and Surgical Notice.
r' is often the ease that person suffer for a long time
nth a curable disease from the fact that they do aot
know where to go to find relief. I am prepared to re
misje all- Tumors, Cancers and Diseased Rnnr to
dure dislocated joints of longstanding, straighten, wry
na.,.uim iwn, auutv t,,,i ict kii titniirmiiy wt the
face and eyelids. - D. O. CAMPBELL, M. P.
corvallis, 11. KLtfUi 184J. -- - otf
?7: t.', -, '. Sold Out." vY -ei - -,
THE snbscrllier.'kaving sold oirt, rails npon every
: body indebted to kita U settle op their acconnts.
lie can be fonnd at the old store. "i v - - - ,
- 52tf
Salem. March S, HMT.
1 rjj BALES Drills jast received and for sale
June IS. 1W7.
KJtf .. '
1 f TdNS assorted iron, jnst received at
Dooki and Slatlonery,
5 ' at tub ohkuos crrr rortornM . ,
WOULD respectfully call the attention of bl friends
and the public to the fart that he has on band.
and keeps constantly supplied with a large stock of
of all kinds, which he offer for aale. fur rash, at tile
anove Duiidliia. His present stock is comprised, in
part, of the following, via :
Orrffi-n Statutes, suasion law of Oreron session
1850 7: Washlnirton irvinirs works: RedUeld's Com
parative Physiognomy; Discovery and Exploration of
the Mississippi; Sears American Revolution; Sear's I
ramuy Annual, Wilson s KHsaya aim aiisceiiaoies; w
innne forms; l.ltcnrthe Emperor napoleon, sy iick
hart: Live of the Presidents: Life of Andrew Jackson;
Webster's Ufa and hi Masterpieces; Bancroft's Life
of Washington; Life anil Speeches of Henry Clay;
It.tfR.M. K.tMMl UEnn.. lflMMkn.! ..n, Wrktf!
jane's Brigade ih Mexfco; Oliver Cromwell; A Ten-
The B:ok of the Ocean and Life on the Sea; Muw Hall's
Practical Cookery; Mr. Htile'a Xew Cook Book; The
luiprored llonsewile. nr Bonk of Receipts, by Mrs. A.
I.. Webster: History of the Mormon from tliclr origin
to the present time; Fern Leaves fnra Fanny's Port
Folio; Tbe Spectator, by BUigdon; Tupper's Proverbi
al Philoscpby; Ixiuls Napoleon and the Bonaparte Fanv
uy; Tttnmtisnn' Reasons; vuuga .Mglit luongnts;
Paradise Lost; Pollok's ("ontse pf Time; Benjamin's
riigrtins rMeresH: Amerlrsu s Own Book: ine world
lllnstrnted .'0 Engravings; Life and Essay of Benja
min Franklin: Life of Washington, by Sparks; font-
stock's System of Elocution: Fretnonts Exploring Ex.
neditinn thrench Oregon and California: Pictorial His
tory of All Nations, b Goodrich: Benton's 30 year In
the U. S. Sennte; llrron 'a Works; Prescott' Biogra-
phte and Critical Miscellanies; Prvcott't Conquest of
Mexico 3 vols; I'rescott s Ferdinand and Isabella s
vols; rrescott Ifobertson a Mistiiry or l liaries 3
vols; Presrott'e lt and Id Philip; Mllman's Gibbon'a
Rome: Rollln's Ancient History. Pluturchs Lives: Ma
cauley's History of England; Dirk's Works; Cumming's
Lectures; Webster American Family cyclopedias;
Scott's Napoleon; Chamls-r's Infbrmutlon fur tbe Pro-
pie: l.iie in the itineracy; i.iie ot lien, miareitc; i ne
Visinir American' Life of Fremont: Histiiry of Ire
land, by Mooney; Heavenly Home: Carlyle's Nrw Es
says: British and Anieriran Peniale Poets; Burns'
complete Work; Moore's Poetical Works: Burns" Po
etical Works; Mrs. Ilcman'a Itictlral Works; Milton's
Complete V orks; Tapper' ( omnlele W orks; Lire and
Beauties of Shakesiieare; Arabian Nights; Balloon
Travels In Europe: Laaard'a Discoveries at Xinevah:
Wbeepley'a Comnrnd of History; Headleys kltscella
nlesj March's Reminiscences of Congress; Tliaddeus of
Warsaw: Tlie Planter's Victim: Melbourne ana tbe
Cbinrha Islands; Knit' Sacred History; Pennshnrst
hi Wanderings and Wsvs of Thinking; Robinson
Crusoe: Children of the Abbey: Indian Battles, Captiv
ities and AdvMitnres; Prenm and Realities of a Pas
tor and Teacher: The Ship Curfn'er'a Family; "1cto.
rl. or tlie w orld
I Overcome; ltilde and Testaments;
Welister's Dictionaries
aries large and small; Gunn's Cele -
brated Domestic Mediclnrf; Short Patent Sermons, by
l'ow, jr: Larimer l.lttieiooii, ki: Arthurs 'tales;
Thomson's Practical Arithmetic; Calhoun Intellectual
Arithmetic; Vocal and Instrumental Xote Books; Mit
chell's Geography and Atlas; Youatt on tlie Structure
and diseases of the Horse; Saxton's Rural Hand Books:
Cole s American Fruit B mk: Downinir s Rural Es-iam:
Dnwnlng's Fruit and Fruit frees of America; Ellio't's
Western Fruit Book: American Cattle Padd;
Frnit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion;
American Frnit Cultnrist. by Tlioma: The Strawberry
Cultnre, by Pardee: American Poultry Yard, by Brown;
Yonatt on the Management nnd Diseases ri Sheep:
Note, letter and Foolscap paper; Pen andlPenhold-
ers; tsand and (sand-boxes; Hlaeg. nine nnu i;ei inns;
WMn a'ld Fancy Envelopes; Slates aud Plate , PeOoiN;
UUIMK IXV1K. r.. ,vc.
Oregon City. June IH. 1057. . 17tf
&25,JOO Worth
" i
rrl!E sulwcrilsTS would resiiectfully inform their eu-
J. t imers and tne ptiniic geneiauy tiint tliey have on
hand, and are in constant receipt of goods from San
Francisco aud Xew Yerk a iarze aud well-se-
icctcd it!- consisting in part of . .
.Mum, alb-pice, anJ ulpaica.
Bonnets, trages, and bro. linen.
Cambric, crash, and calico,
!Vmetlo delaine, and damask, '
Edging, embnddery and everything.
Flannels, fringes, and fancy tixin's,
'inghams. gaiters ar.d glove,
llandkercbiels, hose and hair-pins,
iron, ink, and inserting. , .
Jaconet .jean, and Java coffee, , , !
Knives, kid gloves, and knitting plus,
I Jin ns. lard and Liverpool salt, , .
Mustard, mirrors, and matches.
Needle, nail, and nice thing.
Oils, ovcrshirt, and Oolong tea, . r ,
Pins, pants, and pair, i
Q lilts, ipiills, aud qneensware,
Itihhons, razors, and rat trtips, -
Silks, suirar, and shavine soap,
Tea. tobacco, and turpentine.
Umbrella, under-olecves, and useful things,
Veil, varnish, and vinegar.
Wreathe, woolen good, waffle-iron,
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions, -. j
Zinc, and zephyr worsted,
Ac, Ac, and so on.
Beside many other articles too numrnais to mention :
all of which we are? offering at reduced prices, adopt
ing tne plan of - yoick sale and annul proms. '
1 be ladivs wil nnd in tlieir department a laree stock
of fancy goods, direct from Xew York, which i not
usually kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will be in
constant receipt adequate to tlie want of the ladies.
1 he .entlemens Department of Inruislttng cooos
will seldom be eooalted. and excelled by none in Salem.
Il).. The blacksmiths and iron dealer willalwavs
And a well-selected stot k of all sizes and shapes, to
gether with a good assortment of iron axle, from 1-4 x
in., to I x 1 1 inrhe. which we are selling at Portland
price, adding freights.
w e are prepared to receive an Kind or produce in
exchange for goods, and alo money. For full particu-
larseaal and examine for yourselves.
Salem. Feb. 10.1M7. 4stf
; City Drug Store.
fTMlE undersigned, lias in store, a general assortment
X of Droirs. Medicines. Paints. Oils. I've stuff. Pat
ent Medicines, Ac. and is receiving goodlmost week-
ly. and in much larger quantities than hitherto, and of-
them to his numerous customers and friends, at
wholesale and retail, in Quantities to suit, at much low
er rate than ever offered in this market. Every arti-
e warranted as representee. ...
Please call and examine for yourselves.
Prescription will be given free of charge to those
wanting jtcdicincs.
i w . WEATlir.lvr OuD, M. P.
Portland, Jilne 2, 1.7. Iiim3
Salem Oriig Store-
FRONT Street. Rector's building. ' Constantly
on hand a full assortment of Dufus, Mf.pi-
cives. Paints, Oils and 1vb STfFra, Tatent
Mepicinks. Ac.
Iu short almost overv aiticle usually found In a Prug
store, and are offered at r not.ri.B and Kktaii., at
extremely lor rates, in quantities to snit warranted as
represented. .
Prescriptions free of charge at office.
J- I'rompt attention jvjll be given to professional
calls in the City. . .. A. AI. dKIvt, M. 1.
Salem. O. T.. June I. ia7. IStf
, Notice
TS hereby given , that C. S. Wood worth is authorized
to transact my personal business during my absence.
- i ' ... w.c. UlllSWOMl.
Salem, June 17, 1S.5 7. l.Hf .
r. For Sale. ,
T WILT, sell one half of the land claim known
X a the Dwight Pomroy claim. Said half
adioins Mr. Peter 11. Hatch's and is almnt
two miles from Oregon City, on the upper Wil
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the
nmnertv. Ivinir and situated in the beautiful and ranid-
l rrowinetown of Corvallis. Benton Co.. and known
as tbe " Thomas' projs?rty, consisting of four lots of
land, together with all the buildings thereon. Said
property is in a beautiful location , and both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at cash
price. Inquire of the subscriber, at bis store in Ore
gon City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery,
relation to tne i nomas propert), -hi orvanis.
Also, six (0) lots of land in Oregon City.
- : -s. r- " f JOS. X. PRESCOTT.
Oregon City. March 1, K7. I ' . ltf
i -Look Ilere.
ALL persons that are indebted to James Strang) are
requested to call and settle their accounts by the
15th of May. and all those who do not. will find their
accounts in the hands of John D. Boon, Justice of the
Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem, I
want to settle np my Recounts. JAMES STRANG.
Salem, April 21. lAi 7. 6tf
Oft KEGT5 Boston Syrup for sale. '
) Xr' ( .
' "' IV W 'to-.! '
J. lem. O. T.. Office, ttrst door south of the Slates-
man Otttce. up stairs. SOtf
7 Smilht Dide. .
XX Solicitors in cnanccry; corvallis O. T.
I. H. SMITH. filtf t. 6. BAPK.
H. W. Hitehell,
gene City, Lane Coontp, O. T. i
T L. COOMBS. M. P., Stinreon, Ac
September 13. 1856.
Corvallis, Orogoni
San Franciseo Adrertlslng Igener
T P. FISHFR. Iron Imllding. opposite Pacific Express
XJ Office, np stairs. Kill of nil the principal Papers of
California and Oregon may lie found at this office.
Maiier is the authorized Agent ror the Statesman.
Chester R. Terry,
"mlssloner of Deed, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgment. Ac, Ac, for town, Indiana, Missouri.
Michigan, California and Washington Territory. let
ter of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing,
drawn on short notice.
Jt Partirnhtr attention paid fat taking depositions,
collections at notes, .accounts, c, -. jzti
Bolte k MtEwan, j ;
a nciKirs in t nanrcry, rruciom, Ac. tn Admiralty
mrtisnd, uregon. ...... autf
Hurtling & Crofer,
A Solicitor in Chancery. Office near the Court-house,
tsalera, U. 1 .
Geo. I. Sbej!,,
A Solicitor In Chancery, win practice in the various
Liuiw oi j 'ft siiu iivuidhwii ivmionc. UIUIX,
Salem, O. T.
Belusa Rmith,
Solicitor iu Chancery, will promptly attend to all
business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial
District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Office. Albany, Linn County. O. T.
X. B. When not at his office, or absent on profes
sional business, he may be found at bis residence, live
I mile south-east of Albany, on what is knawn as the
1" Grand Prairie. ' . . . .
11. C. Bornett,
XX Solicitor in Chancery. Bethel, Polk County. O. T,
iay z. is.ii. utr
. .., - W. S. Brerk, i
A Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the varum
courts in tnis Territory, ana promptly attend to the col
lection of all claim against the United States, through
an efficient airrnt residing at w asbington .City. Office
in r.ugene city, 1-ane county, v. l.
11. E. Stratton,
A TTORXEY AT LAW, will practice Iri the various
court of southern Orecon, and In the Supreme
. . I . . w, .
vssii . m ine irnimrT.
- Ofpk b in Peer Creek. Ponelas county. O. T. Rel
dence 6 nillea north of Winchester, on the Willamette
tvad. - i i- - '
N. B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained for claimants
on reasonable termsui - ; S3tf .
Cltadwlck. & Uibbs
XX lienor m t nan.-erv. .tCi timers at W fnchester and
Gariliner. S. F. CiiAnwu-k, Winchester, Dmiglaa Co.t
u.i. . iaa!,uaruincr, cnipona Co.. O. T.
Nov. 9, 145. - i'M
m. UBxrx. t. a. wiuox
Barnum Wilson. -
XX lem. Oregon.; Paraenlar attention is civea to the
collect iou of note aud account, and cairns apainst
government. , -
uounty i-ana w arrant bought and sold.'
r Oifle over Slarkey "a Stores 40 " '
11. F. Bonham.
'IX. fice at tbe Court Honse, Sah-m, O. T. ; Btf
v.rmrsi. a. j. thayeb.
ATTORNEYS and Counselors at law. Solicitors in
Chancery, Ac. Office in Robert's buildiiurs. Main
sirren."rvanis. iienton V.O., u. i.
Corvallis, April 1, 157. 5tf
J. II. Cole, M. D.,
Portland. Oregon.
. (Of
WRIGnT AE. B. STOXE. having associated
together in practice, respe tfullv teuder tlieir ser
vice to the people of Benton and Linn desiring to se
cure the favor of the afflicted by success onlu. Office
near J.C. Arery ' store, Corvallis. Iltypaid
1. B. Dalloek,
XX Designs, plans, specitications, Ac. furnished on
reasonable term. - ' - . si
William C. Griswold t Co.,
Iri w
. C. GRISWm.P.
Eugene Citf
TJORACE K. LAWRENCE, Proprietorof the Eugene
11 t:ity Hotel.
Medical Notice. .
THE suhcriber, would inform the inhabitants that lie
is at his old stand, ready to attend to all call in
his profession ; also he ha on hand a weU selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
sorted sonnlv of Kvrinffcs. all nf vhi.-h he will disnosj
of on reasonable terms. W. WARREN.
Salem December 1, 195C. 3stf
W. 11. Magen, 31. D.
PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new bund
ing, on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J". S.
Mcl teeny's fire proof building ; where I will be found
when not professionallr engaged, i will keep constant
ly on hand a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicine
w hich I will sell low for rash.
Corvallis, Dec. 9. ljii. . . 3!Uf !
- Medical Notice. ? f :
DR. R. W. SHAW, late or San Francisco, California,
offers his professional service to the citizens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits snare 10
pnniic favor.
IsF timce a i iicea ana r euows urug store.
14y 1L W. SHAW.
- - Campbell k Pratt.
A TTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California.
XX Office, corner Montiromerv and Sacremento streets.
over Parrott A Cos. Bank.
Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all busiuess
entrusted to tneir care. , am
Ai.Kx NPicn CixrBKLU. " O. C. Pratt.
Joirpb. S. rrcseoU.
fVKALER In Family Groceries, Boots, Shoe"!, Ac, and
I'aiuts and Oils, wholesale and retail.
July 7, 1W0.
S. Ellsworth,
S. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene
City. I.ane Comity, f leecron Territory. Also
Commissionernf Pceds for New York, Connecticut, Ac.
August i, IH5, 24tf
WILLIAM F. HIGHFIELP. Chronometer and
Wat-h maker, Oregon City, has removed to
the building iiitopposite to the Mnin-trect House.
where ho can be constantly found prepared to do any
business In his lino. Watches cleaned and repaired oil
snort nouee ano reasonable terms. Also a cnoice lot oi
watches and jewelry for sale.
marcn a, 10.-14. lyoi-
S. Hamilton, 31. 1.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, wmild respectfully
announce tn the irood people of Doiiclas and the ad
joining counties, that he has located permanently at
i Jeer t.reek lor the purpose or practicing medicine, and
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare no pains to render the patient eafy
and comfortable.
OrncB opposite R. H. Pearborn A Co.' store, on
Main street. .
Pnigs and Patent Medicines for sale at low cash prt-
. . . -.- A2tf
- . ; i i-
- Wells, Fartj-o, & Co., 71
Co., in connection with their Express business, will
also transact a general Exchange and Collection Aui
ness. Collections and Remittances made in all parts of
Oretron, California. the Atlantic States. aud Europe, with
promptness and desnatch. Dust. Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought and sold.-
- Sight Exchange on JYeie York, BotUm, PhUadtlphia,
Albany, Rochriter, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Detroit,
isnicago, luuwaukte, umena. Bit. mjoux, MMumlle,
Cincinnati, and fortu other principal towns in the Atlan
tic States and the Canada, may be procured at any of
our offices. WELLS, FARGO, A CO.
114, Montgomery-etreet, San Francisco
June 1855. .
. Allan, McKlnlaf, & Co.,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods. fJro.
eerie, Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T. . ; . .
xec. a, isu, . 40yl
DRY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va- J
riety, at 26tf MOORES'
Br. Cxapkay'i Kedleal Rotieei.
DR. J. Ij. CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical
Institute, Sacramento St.. below Montgomery oppo
site Pacilic Malll Steamship Co. Office, San Francisco,
California. Establislied for the Permanent cure of all
Private and Chrouic Diseases, and the suppression of
quackery. -
Dr.J.'lCZAPKAY.Utelntbe Hnngarlaa Revolu
tlouary War, Chief Fhvsirian in the 20th Regiment of
Honve'ds, chief surgeon to the military hospitalat Pesth,
Hungary, and late lectnrer on Disease of Urinary Or
gans and Diseases of Women and Children .would most
resiiectfully inform the pnblic of Oregon and California
that he hag opened an Institute for the wire of Chronic
Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain
and the horrid consequence of self-abuse, and he hope
that his long experience and successful practice of ma
ny years, will insure him a share of public patronage.
By the practice of many years In Europe and the Uni
te'd States, and during the Hungarian war and cam
paigns, he la enabled to apply the most efficient and
successful remedies against disease -of all kind. He
use no Mercury charges moderate treats bi patient
in a correct and honorable way has reference) of un
questionable veracity from men of known respectabili
ty and hiuh standing in society. All parties consulting
him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and
gentlest treatment, and Implicit secrecy. The Dr.'a
offices arson Sacramento at., betow Montgomery, San
Francisco, California.., ? . llmS
Dr. L. J. Csapkay would call public attention to
aperroatorrhira or local weakness. There is not in tbe
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than this, aa well because of present distress, as tbe
ultimate results. The tone of the system under ita in
fluence is either impaired or entirely destroyed, and a
classof symptoms superinduced that unfits man for the
performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The
Injuries done to tbe physical part of man is truly la
mentable, but trilling when compared to those of the
eensorium, the great nervous center, and to the ner
vous system geuerally. This disease, which i too often
oonseqnent upon that solitary rice, self-abuse, involves
pathological conditions beyond the comprehension of
theuuiniliated, but which are well understood by the reg
ular practitioner. Among the symptoms moet conspic
uous are the following: Love of solitude, aversion to
business and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex
citement from sligfit causes, loss of memory, confusion
of ideas, inability to reasun correctly, low spirits and
lassitnde. dullness of apprehension and misanthropy
These being functional derangements, are often tbe har
binger of horrid organic lesions of the brain, which
nrodnce fatuity, dementia and death.
For the enre af this ajid all kindred diseases. Dr.
Czankav has established his lastitut; where all may
rely with perfect confidence upon that skill which long
experience and thorough devotion to his profession has
given. ' -
Those who snffer should tall or write without delay.
and use the mean by which they may recuperate and
All consultations, hr letter or otherwise, free" Ad-
dreoto . PR. L. J. CZAPK A Y.
t liiul 1 .. Medical lastitale, Sau Francisco. CaL
traordinary sneee In the treatment of secret dis
ease ia the prirotirv and other stages, induces bira to
cal! public attention to the fact that of the gteat num
bers who have made daily application to him, there is
not one who has not been effectually and permanently
cured. In recent eases of private diseases, tne ir. guar
anties a perfect enre In a tew days without hindrance
to bnsiness or other1 inconvenienrs. The Dr.'s method
of treating these maladies, combines the Improvera'fits
. i i .'7- i i- i :. i- jm: r l.i..
uiaur oy mc ineuicai iaruiij sun msnncnn ui up
own that are miKnown to nnvoneeisc.ami wnicn.wnen
applied, prevent the possibility of cvri after consequen
ce. Secondary syphilis, which is so destructive of health.
producing ulcerations oi tue uroai, destroying ine son
parts, and leaving the bone exposed, which mortify.
separate and come awaf , disfiguring the sufferer most
horribly, as well a impairing nis general neaitn, and
predisposinff to consumption, the Dr. treats in the most
certain and efficient manner. Also, painful swellings
npon tbe bones, disliguriug eplitches npon the skin,
s-ires. pimples, and all other consequences of private
diseases be guaranties to cure or aka no compensation.
Dr. C. would especially call the attention of those who
hftvs failed to nhtain relief fmm utlim. tnanv of whom
he bas already cured, and many are fctill under treat
ment. The Dr. makes no charge for consultation, and
invites all to call at his Institute ;and be will give them
such satisfaction a they can obtain nowhere else
Those at a distance, by writing to tbe Dr., can have
their cures properly attended to. Offices on Sacramen
to st., below Montgomery, San Francisco; CaL 12ml
The Greatest DiscourT of the i?t.
RE AT Blessings to Mankind! Innocent lsrt Potent!
XX Dlt CZAPKAY'S FrBiicrias, (self-disinfeo
tinr aeent.) a sure preventive against secret diseases.
and aa unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous
aad cancerous ulcers, and an cntanous eruptions ana dis
eases.' For sale at Da. tnrE.vr 9 urace, Armory nan.
corner of Sacramento aud Montgomery sts., San Fran
cisco, Cal. As inoculation is preventive against small
pox. so is Dr. Czapkar s Prnphiiarticnra a preventive
against secret disease. That they can be prevented by
protier agent, i as well an establtsbiM fact as that tiler
can be cured after their establishment. This principle.
which is now universally recognized, was received even
before the days of Jenner, the discovererof vaccination.
in 1 7 :h, and its multiplied benefits ever since nave re
ceived as tuey deserved, tne attention or tne tleoical
ficultr. It was in nursuit of this branch of the medical
science that Dr. L. J. Czapkay fortunately made tbe dis
covery of his Prophylacticum, which, for the cancerous
and cutnnous disorders, stands unrivalled by any agent
in tbe Pii.irmacorsea. The of operandi of this med
icine is explained npon the hypothesis that secret poisons
possess chemical properties wnicn are neutralized by
beinz brouclit in contact with this prophvlatic. as acids
are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering them inert.
1 he effect or this agent is immediate, and removes the
Dossibilit v of a contraction of disease. ' If. however, the
disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing
the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce
the consequences known as secondary disease. In can
cerous and gangerons ulcers, in fo-tid discharges and ia
cutanoo diseases where the secretions are excoriating.
it act npon the same principle and is one of the most
effectual remedies for the purpose now known, n here
disease is once established it wionid te used in connee
tion with other remedies, and when so used never fails
of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in
laanv tiiousand cases, and he bas yet to find the first
In which H has failed to subserve the purpose for which
it was administered.- Price, fo. Foil directions are at
tached to each packatre.
N. B. In rases where toe iTopnylaticnra i used as
curative. Dr. L. J. Czapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre
scription for his blood purifier.
All communications from the country, addressed only
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco. Cal.. will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies,
with the greatest rare and secrecy, immediately dis
patched by express or otoerwise tn tneir destination.
.. ...... tL. J. CZAPKAY, M. D. :
. 12iu3 San Francisco, Cal.
To thb Lapies or Orroon and Cai.ifqbj.-ia. L. J.
Czatkav, M. P., physician surgeon and acconcber, in
vite the attention of the sick and afflicted females la
boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the
brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kkl
neva. and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc
tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other
physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy
prevent yon. but apply immediately, and save yourself
from painful suffering and premature death. All mar
ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances
do not allow to have an increase in their families should
write or call at Dr. L. 3. Czapkay "s Medical Institute,
Armory Hall, corner or sacramento and Montgomery
streets, nnd they will receive every possible relief and
help. The Doctors Offices are so arranged that be can
be consulted without molestation. 12m3
asi AI consultations f by letter or otherwise,) free.
Address to itt. l. u. iaaihai, at.i..
Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal.
r-Tbe attention of the readers is called to the fol
nwincr: ...
A lady of high standing in society and respectability,
published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch,
September It. 151. which ia as follows:
A Card The andersigncd feels it her duty to express
her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay. for the success
ful cure of herself and cuild. i he latter havintr been
nfliictcd bv a severe attack of "Cholera InfaoUira." was
given np as incurable by some or the most celebrated
physicians, when she called on Dr. Czapkay, of whom
she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short
period, restored the child to perfect health. Eiieonr-
agrd by this extraordinary result, she sought advice
herself, for the scrofulous raalady, with which she had
been afflicted for eight years, and which withstood the
treatment of the best physicians in Europe and Ameri
ca. But nr. czapKay nas sncceeaeu in anoraing ner
nermanent relief, so tnat she can now enjoy life, which,
for eight years had lost all charms for her. She, there
fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and afflicted
to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful
physician wiuiiu the United Mate. -
ailtt. UAIUJLiiaA V. lA 1 ,
Corner of Walnnt and 7th street. Philadelphia.
A. Glazeb. Notary Public. 126, 7th street.
The following is an editorial notice in the Boston
Daily Times of Angost 6th, fc4: ...'.'
A. Skiixftl Physioias. Pr.'T J. Czapkay has
opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city.
it- . ia . I fun (y-iriiin hv birth, and was connected witK
the patriotic army as physician and surgeon under the
patronage ot i.ssui.u... uc unawincn mm a. unisnea
education and the most refined and agreeable manners,
tfc most extensive scientific abilities and skill in hi.
profession, and we feel much pleasure in recommending
him to onr citizens as a physician and a gentleman.
Dr. Caapttay nas spent, some nine in rnuaueipnia wnere
h won the confidence and friendship of those who be
came acauainted wtth him. Among his friends in Phil
adelphia are gentlemen of the highest respectability,
with whom we are personally acqnainiea. - no nad an
avtonaivs nractice in HungarT before the Austrian and
Russians compelled him to leave it for being found
gnilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive
that patronage due a man of so eminent capacity. . I
The above arc only a few of tbe many testimonials
which Pr. Czaptay nas in nis possesion, out cannot
publish for want of space. All communications, (by
latter or ouierwioc.-
'- 4VPersona desiring prompt attention, and who wish
to avoid the delay of corresponding, caa have immedi
ate attention by sending ten dollars as consultation fee,
and can have medicine forwarded. Address to
' L. J. CZAPK AY, il. D. '
lt3 Ban Francisco, Cal,
SPERMATORRHEA, or I .oral Weakness, nervous de-
!! ,ow plrlts, lassitude, weakness of tbe limbs
ri... i wdlspoaitton, loss of memory, aversion to so
hnkV ,"lttude. timidity, self-distrust, dizziness,
pSh.'rt.'r ta ""J ide' non "t h Pi""
cured without5;i??,,mlnd other inlirmitie In manTare
I new (unknown Tt? o1? ftf of nn
THE Judge of the Supreme Court of the Territory or
Oregon, assembled at tbe seat or Jrnmen7on
the 16th day or December, 18 .6, do fix aa ,D")blt
District Courts to be held In the city of Sahm,,
county of Marion, on tbe first Monday of April and
September, and the fourth Monday of May and Octo
ber, annually, nntil otherwise ordered ; and in the est,
of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on the flftb
Monday, of December, 155. and thereafter on the first
Monday or May and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed, and do limit tbe duration of said Terms to aix days
each. GEO. H.WILLIAMS, Chief Justice.
41 CYRUS OLNEY. Associate Justice.
Estray Animals.
THE subscriber at Harrisbnrg, Linn Co., has lost the
following described animals :
A bay home, with star in forehead, s little white on
bis nose, hind feet white np to the pastern joint, and
branded " 11" on Ufe right boulder, 8 year old this
spring. . .... i '
Also a roan cow, 7 or 8 years old, branded J. S. on
the right hip, and II" a above. Ha a white calf
with red ears, about 18 months old, branded "II" as
above. The eow left last fall, and probably ba bad
another calf this spring.
Any person finding them will be rewarded for their
trouble, by informing me. , A-MclLWAIN.
June 16, 1857. 14m6paid :
HULL'S No. 1 Soap, the best yon ever used. Try IL
White lead, linseed oil, .
- turpentine, putty, - '! ' - .
: . indigo. Bladder, copperas, alam,
oil for lamp and machinery,
New Orleans sngar, ,
" crashed sngar,
. cream tartar, saleratus, soda, at
llo ! Te Workers ef Irta aad Steel !.
IHAYE this day received by tbe arrival of the J. R.
Whiting from San Francisco, the following assort
ment of iron and steel, to wit :
1. 0K lbs. Norway shapes.
1,000 lbs. I Iron (flat,)
1. 000
6. (MM)
f. 1,1, 14, as
and 1). square,
I , and 1 1, inch roand.
I, ooo
assorted cast steel,
horse shoe uails. (Gli .
Which together with stork in store makes as com
plete an sssortment as ran be found hi Territory and
will be sold a cheap a the chbacest for cash or coun
try produce. . J. N. PRESCOTT.
- Oretron City, Feb. IS, 1857. ' 50tf
Boot and Shoe Store.
TpREDERICK WICKMOS would announce
X to tbe citizen of Salem, and the surround- JfTtI
ing contitry, that he have taken a store on the Isl
east side of Commercial street, north of the postoffice,
.iwn pc win aeep constantly on nana a iuh assorx-.
nierrt of every kind of boots and shoes, both cntom and
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri
ce. Being a practical workman, all orders fur tbe
manufacture or repair of work will be complied with,
and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike
- manner. Give me a call and examine my stock.
Snieni, jfarch 12,157. - 13tf
Itooli. Here!
WE have jnst received 8S.000 lbs. of ground alum
.salt, which we are selling at $:l .00 per hundred.
Smiths. Dawis, -
"IMPORTERS nd wholesale Pmggists ; fire proof
X store, fortiand, uregon.
Orders from the country solicited.
Coffee. :
IF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
nnderstemed have got 15,000 pounds best " COSTA
RICA.'" Come in and look at it.
Oregon City. Dec C, ls.-,6.
San r rancisco. Portland, O. T. J
Richards & McCraken.
"10MM ISSION M F.RC1IAXTS. and-Jobbers in Oregon
J Hour, lirain. Produce. Fruit. Fork. Bacon. I-ard
Hams, Ac, Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. IJberal advances made on consignments.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco.
January 17, 1S37. - 4tf
TO all whom this may come, greeting : That I am to
leave for tbe States soon, and won Id respectfully
request those who know themselves indebted to me, or
W.C.Oriswold A Co.. to call and settle without delay.
anaooiige w .c.liKlSWOlD.
Salem, January 87, 1857. 4Ctf
The Laws of Oregon.
rT"HE OREGON STATUTES, 1S55. beine a large vol
JL nme of 650 pages, with complete index, annota
tions, and references, comprising all tlie laws in force in
tbe Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session
of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the statesman, at live dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bonndin law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
he bought in any State in the Union, and at tbe lowest
Ami fther can hV afforrlesi for Km. TH nnrs. v,l.s
them withisj the reach of all who desire tbe laws they
live onoer. uraers oy man accompanied wita tne essn,
filled by return mail. It is tbe last code of laws that
will probably be published in Oregon, for many years.
In addition to tbe enactments of the Legislative Assem
bly, the volnme contains tbe Declaration of Indepen
dence. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17S7, in
force In Oregon, Donatio" I aw and all amendments,
and fall abstract of United sates Naturalization Laws.
Eos Angelos Salt.
SALT 300 bags Los Angelos Salt, received, per Na
bnmkeag, aad for sale at lowest rate.
let! . - - , O. ABERNETHY A CO.
A Medical Kerolatiaa ! The World CuiinMai!
The virus of disease often makes its war to the In
ternal oreans through the pores of the skin,- This pen
etrating Ointment, melting nnder the hand as it is rab-
bed in, is absorbed through the same channels, and
reaching tbe seat of inflammation, promptly and invari
ably subdues it, whether located in the kidneys, the liv
er, the lungs, or any other important organ. It pene
trates tne snnace to ine interior, inrongn tne countless
tubes that communicate with the skin as summer rain
passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its cool and re
generating innnence.
Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced
gry Eruptions, such as Salt Rheum, ErysipeJas, Tetter,
Ringworm. Scald Head. Nettle Rash. Scabies for Itch)
R.. ,k. ...... . r .1. .... . .
Ac, die out, to return no more, under its application.
Hospital experience in all parts of the world proves its
iiiituuuiuiy in diseases 01 mu ui, uie muscles, tue
joints and the glands.
The effect of this unrivalled external remedy npon
Scrofula, and other virulent ulcers and sore;, is almost
miraculous. It first discbarges the poison which pro
duces snppnration and proud flesh, and thus tbe cures
which its healing properties afterward complete are
safe as well as permanent. ...
In casee of the fracture of the bone, injuries caused
by steam explosions. Bruises, Born. Scalds, Rheuma
tism. Stiffness of the joints, and contraction of the sin
ews, it is employed and warmly recommended by tbe
utciuiy. x uis Diwiciuu. icmtuy kis oeen introduced
hv its inventor in person into all the lcadinir Hoaniti.
of Europe, and no private household should be without
The Medical Staff of the French and English AmiM
in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of
Holloway's Ointment, as tbe most reliable dressini. f-
sabre cuts, stabs, and gnn shot wonnds. . It is alsn
ed by the surgeons of the Allied Navies.
Bunions. Burns. Chapped Hands. fTiiUJin. Fistula
Goot, Lumbago, Mercurial Eruptions, Piles Rheumatism.
Ringworm. Salt Rheum. Scalds, Skin Diseases, Swelled
Glands, Sore Lcga. Sore Breasts. Sore Heads. Sore
ThroatsSores of all kinds, Sprains. Stiff Joints, Tetter,
wKicw, i csereai oores. wounas ot mi aulas.
.Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Holloway,
SO Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London,
by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine
throughout the United States and the civilised world.
in pots, at 25 cents, 62J, and tl each. --
- There is a considerable saying done by taking
the larger sizes. - ,
N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in eve
ry disorder are affixed to each pot. 3yl
B ,
o;r '
Champoeg, Salem, Albany aad Corrallii,
. ... On WEDNESDAY, and on ... .
Arrival op Mail Stea xb reo Sajt Fbajtcisco
MW All Letters, Packages and Freight, entrusted to
my care wiU be attended to promptly.
rraniain Book bio re.
December 30. 15.
Allan, McKinlay, 4Vv Co.,
HAVE jnst received s stock of New Goods, anp
would invite all those who wh to procure GOOil
articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They
consist in part or uie following:
Canal and Wheel Barrows
Grain Cradles,
Grasa Scythes and Snaths,
Brush do do
18 so Harrow, 13 teeth
harden Rakea,
Hay Forks, '
Manor Forks,
Window Glass 0 by 19
do 10 b; l)
do 7 by
Window Sashes 8 by 10
do 10 by 12
Fancy Brooms,
Plain do
Assorted Colored Pails,
Painted Tuba,
Zinc Washboards, --
Blacksmith's Bellows,
Cross-cat Saws, 7 ft
do 6 ft
Mill Saws, 7 ft
Hair Mattrasses, double,
-do single,
Hah Bolsters, double,
do single,
Sperm Candles,
Adamantine do.,
Wrap brand Tobacco,
Ox Hows and xoke.
Blankets. Baize. Lindseys. Sheetisn -ri-v. a,, a.
00 do
We keep constantly on hand a btrire supply of GRO
clea too numerous to mention.
. Oregon City. - ' .- jltf
. Get; Aberoetbf k Co
RITORY. . tf
Ibernethr, Clark 1 Co.,
KJ San Francisco, CaL, will attend to selling Oregon
produce, and fill orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac, at tbs
lowest rates. Tbe patronage of tbe people of Oregon
is respectfully solicited.
Angnstl. 1855. - : Iltf
- Kenfon'i Daguerrean
THE undersigned having recently returned" from SB
Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautiful'
Picture on Glass called AMBROTFPES, which have
almost entirely superceded tbe Daguerreotype in the
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in the new building, tretied etperiaHi for the
butmett, west of the Marion House.
Salem, November 11, 1956. S5tf
At will & Co.,
No. 172 Washisgtojt St., Sax Frascisco.
SHEET, Card and Book Music, Piano Fortes, tf,
and other Musical Instruments. Strings vJJ
and Reeds, for Violins, Goftars, Clarionets, Ac.
Also a large wholesale stock of Fancy Goods -and
- - Billiard Balls, wax and coe leathers, flags of all nations,
boxing gloves. Ac, together with all kinds of Yankee
Notions, nsef nl or amusing. Goods packed with great
care and forwarded with promptness.
All orders should mention by what boat or Express
Co. the goods are required to be sent. ,:
AT WILL A Co., -
6m3 172 WasbinstoB St., San Francisco. .
Cnnn bushel Oate, and 5000 Wheat, and any qnan-
JJJJ tity of dead swine, forwhicn rah win
paid on delivery.
J. N.
Oregon City, Nov. 25
Oitfton and California Packet Line.
rptnE followinc vessels will rnn in eonnec-
Jl tion as a REGULAR IJXE between
San Francisco and Portland i
BARK OCEAN BRV. Wkjgcss. Mter,
- VHAS. DEI EXS, Healt.
" NAHUMKEAU, Wiixiasis. "
BRIG I. B.JLUXT, Richabdsos. "
Tbe Barks have ail been coppered recently, and are
ia first rate order, commanded by experienced captains.
Freightt trill be carried at the latatit rates.
Prodnce sent from ass-part of the country to Oregon
City or to the Linn City Works, will be received and
forwarded to San Francisco,
Oreeon City. -ABERNETHY,
San Francisco.
November, 8, 1S43. Sfitf
, Grain Cradles.
"T DOZ. superior, five fingered grain cradle, jnst re-
ceived and for sale. G. A BERN ETH Y A CO.
June 1 . 1S57. 15tf
Banm & Brother,
F!ONT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis
Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothmg, Hats, Boots,
and Shoes, Groceries. Ac .
S. B. AH kinds of produce taken in exchange for
merchandise at the bMhe54 martlet price. IStf
Notice to Shippers and Merchant?
ONE of the firm being permanently located in San
Fraaeiaro, all cossnrnments of nrodnce and orders
to be filled, will be attended to without delay, at mode
rate rates. . aetf . WAKEFIELD A CO.- -
Reynolds & Law.
"COMMISSION Merchants and dealers in all kinds of
J OregoB Prodne. Adyaaces made en srood rnn.
signed to us and forwarded free of ekarge.
umce a j. railing cos- 5m6
. Powder.
"ITTE have a large supply of powder In hand.
Oregon City, Nor. 13, 185. 37tf
' The Oregon Statesman.
An independent Journal, dereled fo Polities. General
jnleUigence, fuotisnem at Awe, Oregon.
ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor.
I, The Statesana is Deaaocratie in politics, and thor
oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every
species of sectionalism . fanaticism, and intolerance ;
aad will yigoronsly oppose all attempts to incorporate
any of the insane isms of tbe day into our Territorial
It will advocate all practical measures of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
our local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca
pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability of the officer to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating tbe public Blind, in a sua
ner fearless, impartial, and just.
Its News Department will be edited with Tnorh
attention, and nothing will be spared to famish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication of the etir,
rent intelligence. - - -
Tbe Statesman has a large, widely-scattered , and most
excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete,
facilities for procuring news
Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel
lany, Agricultural and Literary matter.
In this paper are published the laws, resolutions, and
treaties of tbe United States, and the laws and resoln,
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The-
Saper is printed on new material, and npon sheet of -le
largest size.
, Statesman Booh and Job Office,
WE have Three Presses, the best facitijiss for Book
printir.jr north of California, and an .Ttmdn
sortme&tf JosBrrs Material of every kind; and, witi.
master prepareo to execute proaapwy, soot
in a workman-like manner, all orders in the iove de
partments, sqcb as
Bxajtc Checks,
Notes of Hanb. : -Orpeb
Steamboat Bilia. "
Steabbo't Cards,
Bills of Ladct
' ; Srow Bills, 1
Checx Books, , .. .
Pamhvhlkts, ....
' Haxkbiixs. ,
Ball Tickers, :
Btstsbss Cards,
: . B1U.UAB8,
.... Coxckrt Bills,
Address Cards.
Ri.i3 nr all KrxDS. Ac. A.. Ac
Law of Newspapers.
1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the
contrary, are considered as wisning to contmne their
subscription. '
J. ji sarjscnoersomer papers disconunned. Publishers
may continoe to send tnem tul au charge are paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papera
from the office or place to which they are sent, they ara
held responsible until they settle their bill and i
tice to discontinue them. ...
4. If subscribers move to other places without informin
the Publisher, and the paper ia sent to the former diree
tion, they are held responsible.
5. The coprta have decided that refosingto! i 1 pa
per or periodical from the office, or removing and leav
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of iatcntioaa .
sas Postmasters would oblisre. by a sfncf fhclTnni
of the regulations requiring them to notify Publishers,
once in three months, of papers not taken from, tbe
oflice by subscribers '-