l - - -WW -a. - a- BOOKQ !! BOOKD ! ! Tho City Book-Otoro, (mO NT ST., PORTLAND-, t. Tn 1 " - A. R. SHIPLEY & Co., Have la Store, and will be receiving by the 1st of Jane 1ST BOOKS AND STATIONERY i .' ; . Which thejr offer to the . : : SPRING TRADE At small advances on Xew York price. ' Give as a. call, or send a an order, aud we are ' bound to give yon satisfaction ! . : .' ' j ' 1 -' A. i Shinier Co., . Are the Sow Agents in Oregon and Washington Ter- . i '- ! - : ! ritories for the sale of ' Tt9 American Statesman, A GREAT BOOK ! ! Being the only political histsry ". - of the Cntted States. ' i Send us your names. " Price 4 00 : "Payable on de livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st of September to all who send os their names by 1st of May. - - CttaUgae of Ptrt of enr Stoek : ' ; ' SCHOOL BOOKS.' . . Rsxaanu. Sanders' old lit. 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th, mni Ttss Young Ladies'; samiers' .nw lat, zd, 3d, 4th aad 5th: Parkers 1st.: 2d, 3d, 4th aud ath; Mc 4i ina 1st. Id. 3d. 4th and 5th. Spellers- Sanders' Old, Sander Xewj Elernen- .tmam Sanders' Pictorial . School and Parker. ' i nmiinin MHraeU'a. Ancient and Modern. Ol- fcey'a. Morse's, McN'aUey'a, aad Mooteith's 1st aad M Book. - .......... Mathematics. Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables, Mental, Analysis, Practical, and Higher; Davies' Pri- marr. Intellectual, School and L nivenoty; Smith notborn's Uav's Stoddard's; Davies Algebra, Sur- yevinr. Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Die tiooary. Logic, of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, ami PniWisrmhv of Mathematics. - Itnnnan Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith's Eirhm't Sneneer a Tower's. PniuMonins. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and School; Comstock's Smith's- . . Historic. Wilson" Juvenile, and United Stalk; Parley's Universal; WUrard's Universal, and United LAXGrAoi-Ceonrs VrrgH; Andrew s Latin Rca det; Viri Rome; Andrew's Latin Grammar: Media tnri'm 1st and 2d Book ra Latin, and do. in Greek: An- Mum's Greek Grammar and Reader; Johnson's Cicero. Fasrjaelle French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's German Grammar and Reader, Telcmaque. Greek Tes tament: French. self-taught; Strrrenne's French Die tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Liddcll A Scott's Greek .... imimb , iMam nm ... , i ,i i . . " TlicrKrsARlES Webster's School. High do. Aca- demic, University, Royal Svo, Unabridged and Cobbs' Pocket. ....---..,, Miscua.i'tiors. M attison's Astronomy. Newman's BhAwic' Wood's Botanr. Karae's Elements of Crit icism. Parker's Aids in Composition, Parker's Exer cises. Brookneld s Composition. McElligott s onng Analyzer, do. Analytical Msnn.il. Parker's Word Builder. Hayhew's Book Keeping. Wayhtnd's Moral Science. Paley's Xatm-al Theology. Blake's Agrk-ul-ture for Schools. Upham's Intellectual Philosophy. Mahan's do, do. Milton; Young: lollock; and Thomp soa; (Edition for Schools) Cotter's Anatomy and . Physiology. American Debater. Xcwman's Political " Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of . Speakers aad Elocution. All kinds of School Station ary; Slates of all sixes; Drawing Cooks; Drawing " Paper; Perforated Card Board; Bristol Board; Pencils and Brashes; Osborn's Colors; Ink-stands, every rize and style, Ac Ac, Ao. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Hbtobt Bancroft's United States. volnmes. Hildieth's do. do, 6 voiaraes. Frost'a Pk-torial United States. Taylor's do. do, do. Botta's HkU IWolmton. Peterson's do. WBsoa's United State. WiUard's do. k Hint- Indian Wars United StAtos. Wilbtrd's Uaiversal History. Mailer's do do. Rotteek's Hist. World 1 or . 2 voinmes. RoUin's Ancient Uutory. Fan s do, do. Home's England. Macaolay's do., complete. Lhckens Child's do. Linsrard's do. (iibbon's 16nte. I) An ' bigne's Reformation. Bang's M. E. Church. Allison's K'irope, 1st and 2d Series. Preseott't Work. Burder's v Hist, of BeBgitfis. Hist, of Council of Trent. Jose - phas. All ( Abbott's Histories. Hfetorical Cabinet, thieens of Spain. Viieens of Scotland. Help's Spanish OooqnesU, Brace's Hungary. Kidder's BrazU. Ea baak's Brazil. Parley's Universal. HU-V of Cru sades. Ancient Ktrvptiarw. Hailam's Middle Aprs. ., History for Bo vs. ""rVmner's Child's United St.it es. LosRings Field Book of Revolution. 1 Bioca irtnr. Plotarch's Lives. Life Brant. Won derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. Lives of the Signer Autbif2Tarhy of Finley. I.a- saartine's Celebrated Characters- Lite of Adam Clarke. it Bishop Hedding.- do Xiebuhr. do Gen. Harrison. it Paniel Boone, do Roberts, do f .afayette. Cap tains of Roman BermbHc and Old World. lr. l"hal- mers, 4 vols. Lives of Hnraboldt.s. Mrs. Rosers. " Mozart. Weslev. Fletcher. Iafe and Times of Visy; hving's Washington. Eminent Mechauies. Livok of -, Chief Jostices. Josephine. Xapoleoa. Charles izmh. Jacksoat. Gen. Green. Joan of Are. Lady Jane Grry, i. Q. Adams.' Julienne. Daairl Webster; Krn?s of icsose. Kings and QaeeiK. Ijebmtz. Lives of the : Popesv Prescott's Philip 2d. Mary aad Martha Wab ' intou. Pioneer Women of the West. Tbavjcl. Hack's China.- Araaeanian- Stephen's Errpt. Olin's Travels. . Mango Park. Nile -Voir .Aa ventures on Mosquito Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav els. Dnrbia's Travels in the East. i Scnrjrrjnc. Brande's Encyclopedia.' Physi.nl !eog. rapKy of the Sea. i Wood's Xatnral Hi-tory. ' Larduer s . lectures. Useful Art. Cosmos. Mathematical lic tionary. Logic of Mathematics. Won-lers of Sx-ien. Xitcheil's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Looni's' lie cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's dictionary of Arts and Science. Eu bank's Hydraulics. Dick's works. Virions works on Architecture. Porrar Byron varioos styles. Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. Burns, d. Hemans, do. Moore, do. Thompson. Yonng. Pollock. Tupper. Cowper. Pope. Campbell. Wsdswortb. 0ian. Mofltgomery. Kirk White. Female Poets of England. . do. do. America and many others. ' ' Books or Rkfebexck -Cyclopedia of Geojrraphy. do. do. Fine Arte. do. d u Biography. Useful Arts. McColloch's Gazetteer. Harper's Lniversal tzetteer. Facrr aso Aearccxn-aai- Elliot's Frnit M'X. Thomas do. Downinjrs do. Barry's do. Fessenden's Farmer and Gardener. Fmft. Flower and Vejretalile Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee on Strawberry. Florist s Guide. American Farm lok. Allan's Domestic AniraaU. All of Sa.Tton'a Hand Books. Wwks on Horse, Cattle, Sheen, Horrs, &c. Taeoxocicat. A RKbimors. Hannonv and Eiposi- tioa or Gospels, jieanaers i.iie ot . nn-t. tiouers Works, Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth odism. Morns Misoellame. I-eetures on Romanism. Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanian. Barnes' Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's Exercises. Watson's Institutes. . Larrabee's Evidences. Batler's Ethical Discoorse. Rogers' Eclipse of Earth. n dow Season aad Faita. rosters ennss. -errec a- Baker on Discipline. Writinpn of Arnrinias. Jaha's yj Btbhcal ArchaKHOgy. Bibles, all sixes aad prices, from $1 to tit. Testaments, great, variety. - Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Charch Psalmist. Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian Psalmist. Medical. Buehan's Family Physician. Hydro pathic d-n. Honvepathie Works. Misoeixvmt"s 'onstitutioiw of United States Mavhew's Popnlar Education. Crabbe's . hynonyms. Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual. Head ley's Work. 14 vols. Mrs. Tuthill's, vols. Iav ard's Nineveh. Bigelow's Useful Ar. Haswell's En irioeer's Guide. American Instiuitions. Pomtit of Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiquities. Way Down East. Pvn-hurt. Ike Marvel's Works Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles ia Eoglsnd. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Temer ance Book. Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News B-y. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil ler Old Red Sandrtone. do. Footprints of Creator. Ymiu, Iil:.' I!niifullnr. Vnnn? Mnn' dn. I'letstrj,,! Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitn , tiooal Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. 'The Ameri can Housewife. Half Hours with Old Hiiniihrey. Atbeas; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sed-wick'a Redwood, do. Xew Eng. Tale. L'ncle Sam's Farm Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs. Partington. Horace TransUtion. Virgil do. Mr-". 'ar len's Work. Heroines of History. Ijind and Sea. Deck and P jrt- Sea and Sailor. Shiu and Si-ore. Naval Life. SStar Paper Masonic Cliart. Inring'a Columbus. Long Txvlc Ahead. Citv of New York ' Living ra tor of America. Yonng "Man Advised. Mis sions in Tonia and Fegee. Trnth Stranger Than Fic tion. Knout and the Russian. Hydrupathir Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Bvk for Yoiintr Men. do. do. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. d-. Hoys Footprints of Famous Mn. Charlotte KHz.ihith's Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant Boy Philoso pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Bonks. do Franronia And a number of others too nnmerons to enumerate. Constantly receiving large additions to the forgoing. Statioxbkt. Foolscap Paper great variety. let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, dc, do, do. Envel opes 11 styles. Inks ell kinds. Pens and Holders great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles. Memorandums. Diaries. Pass Bonks. Time Books. Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping pa. per good variety. Wafers. Scaling Wax, Ac, Ac p Finally, we have a good variety of - Music Books. New Carraina Jacra. Alpine Glee Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee B'ok. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodeoa. Christiaa Psalmist. Piauo Instnic- tnrs. (iuitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do. Melodeoa do. Plymouth Collection with Music ithect Music. And the most varied assortment of Stationert ever offered in Oregon. " This stock Is all bought in New 1 ork and other Eastern cities aud is sold at UXIFOH.V PRICES. W We keep on hand Sciiooi. Bikmcs in lare quan tities, together with most of the publications of Hastes A Buotheus; , Dekbt A Jacksok; , . Ivisow A Phikket; Phiu-ips A Saxsov; ' . ... .. A. S. Basxes A -Co.; r ) ' ' Miixeb, Oaroit A Mixusax; . j Leakv k Gerz; . , PtrntaM; - ArrLETOK; ana others. K-rWeask your patronage. If anaUe to viit as and examine our stock, your orders will be attended to n the Sams' terms as if yoa bought in person. Portland, March 20, 2tf BOOKB ! Fnmlillil ttiok Store, . : tmosr mefT, roirrttT,o.t.) ' ' X HAS constantly on hand a targe stock of Book Avn St ationesv, wldch he sells at a small advance on Pi'Bi.tsiiKK Pricks. ,- , , i A catalogue may be seen in the Oregon and Washingtion Almanac for ls57. Books ordered there from sent postage free to any part of either Tcrrritory. Poniiuid, reb.21, Ie.7. . . .t . h . 5Uyl Corwallis Drug Store. TR. C.VRDWEI.L.Drnggist and Apothecary, is eon . stantly receiving, per California steamers, large and carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines. Oils, Pamts, Varnish, Soaps, Purfnmeries, Toilet Fur nitore. Stationery, and all articles usaallv kent in Druir Stores. A gent for Jayaes, and other patent medicines. wnica wiu ou loniwnea as t a ui amis, wnoiesaie prices. mr vnuncmi soucmo. ntta r -. J.B. OARDWEI.L. CorvaIlis.MayJS;W.r.::: :; . v V'tf Blacatsmiths and others, Look. ALLAN McKlXLAYA CO. have now on hand large and well selected stock of n . - Bar Iron, t Cast Steel. Horse shoe do., : -, . German do.. Nail rod do., t -t Plough do., Plate do.. , i . And intend to keen up the assortment so as to snit the wants of customers. Give us a call, and von will Bed that we not only have tho fullest stock- but will sell as cheap as the cheapest. tt e are constantly receiv. ing additions to our assortment, so as to replace what isaoia.. -, - i - , r i . Oregon City, Dec. 23, IsJb. i .r r 41tf Henry Johnson & Co. W1IOI.ES.VLE )RrGIST3. " (1 Id Washington Street San Francisco.) Offer for sale to the country trade; the largest stock of roods ia thnir line an the Pacins coast romnri- sing Drags. Chemicals, Perfdmery, Patent Medicines of ail Kinds; tfrnshes, faints; Uils. lilass, Tnrpeatme, and everv article annertainins to the business. Havins su. penor raenniea mroixaimng ineir goods tney tntnK the ran offer mdocemeuts to buyers unequalled by Orders respectfully solictted. ' - ' 401y Dentistry, i DR.J.R. C.VRDWEI JPenUl Surgeon Corvallis. will practice in his profes sion. t Vvnoilis. Fuerne Ciiw. H "in carr ier, SroHrimrr , and Jacksonville. Skill, nnoaestioiiable: chanres, respectable; work, warranted. Teeth examin ed. and advice given free of charge. Dne notice given of change of office. : ' : April !5. 15. - ... '; Ttf - Now Hecefwins rriHE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and for X sale low. 58 gross matches ; 139 kegs of smips ; ' ' 1 1 : 5" hf . bbls. X. O. sugar j ' jt - " 10 bMsi crashed sugar; :u :"' ' '- ' 60 boxes candles ; V- ' x' 40 bbls. vinegar ; ' 20 cases tea ; 15 doz. brooms : . i 20 doz. buckMs ; ' 1 9 eases men's fine enTf Knots I ' L - . ' ... 2 ' 1 coif brogans ; 2 " " goot " 3 ' ' boys brogan ; . . . j 3 '' youths" cal f brogans ; .i 1 ' women's Morocco boots; ' , . : t ' imitation boots ; ; 3 " Slisses boots; 175 pairs children's hoes ; 12 straw entrers; e ' . 2 1 grain cradles ' I reaper: . ' i i ;. 1 two iiorsc thresher: ' ' GEO. ABERXETHT A CO. Oregon City. Jnne 1. 15. 13tf.- CHAIN PUMPS, moukey wrenches, match planes, screw ana,. - a.-u pLiues, .x. '', horse shoes and nails to fit. gun locks, pliifrs and nipples, tubes, bnllet moulds, Wosenholm's IXL pocket knives, . , pruning and buddiug knives. Tat traps to eatrk aoaimVs. at MOORES' Books and Stationer SCHOOL READEK-S, . . I l'arker's 1st, 2d. 3d, 4th aud 5th, Sunders do do do do . McGiufy's do do do do i'ivies' arithmetic, - 1. . : . Uuiversity and Common School, Intellectual and primary. . Davirs' Boardon algebra, '. - Legendre, surveying. -I Geometry and trigonometry,. ' Key to Davies" Arithmetic, Tboirqinna's arrithsat tie, il l f-'; , . l'arker's philosophy , , r .-hi , , , " javeiiile and l-t lemons, , Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's, t I ' Geographies-Mitchell's, Montcitb's manual, Monteith's 1-t le-wous, ' ' Music Lute of Ziun, New Carmina Sacra, - Chriian Psalmu4. Missouri Harmony, i f Normal Song Bock, Singiug Bwok, at 2i;rf . MOORES' .Notice. . . THE judjres of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of Orvson. assembled at the seat of GoVernmcnt on the ninth day of January, eighteen haudrcd and tifty- seven, ao nx ana appoint insinct imins, t,j ie nela In village of K.jsebnrg. fn the county of Donrlas on the first Mondays, of March. Msv, September and Novcm ber.annnallv. uutil t.therwise or Jem!, and do limit the duration of said terms tix Bsvs enHr.' " - JEO. H. WILLIAMS. ChU-f Jostles. 4ltf - . M.P. DKAKV. Ao.nse Jn-ti e, THOR-RKVNOUH.) r- , . . HK.MT tlV KOBKRT A. law. f . ' Portland. Oregon. - RerHolda H. L.O.W. : ; TTTHOI.ESALE lirooera and Commisso Merchants V and dealers in Oregwt Prodmee, corner Kearny ana j a case a ptreets-.TMia rvancisro. Ss Advances made oa Consiimments. , mr liefer to J. FAILING A CO., Portland. 1 4.tm!nid Sail (Salt!! Of TONS "San Qaentin"' SALT, in about W and AmiJ 100 ll. bags, just received and for sale verv cheap - ALLAN McKINLAY & CO. Orego-j City, Dec. . ls-Sfi. Valuable Farm forSale. THE undersigned . now offers his valuable -iarm for sale, sitaated on Spring Creek, in Marion Co., O. T-. one and a half miles south of Mc Kinnay's Mil Is, on the County road running from Salem to said Mills. It containsfilOacrea, of which 540 acres is nnder a good sulstantial stake and rider ren.-e, one hundred acres in good cultivation two hundred fine lieanng fruit trees, a good farm house, together with other out buildings. Said farm is well, watered, and the best adapted to stock raising and wheat growing of any farm in the Territory." Said farm has been settled since 1H45, and was among the first claims taken in Marion Co. Any person desirous or buying a good iarm, witn a title money, will do well to can at tne residence 01 tne annevsiuned. OLIVER PTCKARD. Spring Creek, March SO, 1857. 4tf ItemoTal. DAUM A BROTHER have removed to their Xew 1J Store next door to J. Strang s Stove establishment They have just received a general assortment of Dry Goods. Clothing. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offers for cash or produce. N. B. Wanted Butter, Ejrgw, Bacon, fjird. Flour, and Wheat, for which they pay the highest market price. Salem, July 19, ISoti. . lirtf House. Carriatce, Sia;n. and Steam boat Painting;. C A. REED having established his Paint shop In Salem, is prepared to execute with dispatch all jobs in the above line. Banners, Standards, and Em blems, for societies painted on silk, satin, velvet or mus lin. Paints of all colors and descriptions mixed, ready for use, for sale at his shop ; also White l.ead. Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Varnish, Wall paper and Border, Window glass. Paint brashes, graining tools. A-c Di rections given in painting, also ia graining imitation of wood, one or marble. X. B. Orders rrom abroad promptly attended to. All jobs intrusted to his care warranted to give tatis- f action. Salem, Jan. 6, 18.7. 43yl Cash paid forSoldiers Bounty Land . . iv ur run is. THE undersigned will pay cash, and the highest rates, for a large number of bounty laud warrants. n application at bisoO'.ce in Court House. Salem. O.T. C. X.TERRY. Decemlwr30,lsS';. 1 Aitf Noticok STRAYED, or stolen from the snliscribcr, living in Albany, Linn Co., O. T.. on or about the first of Ilecember, 18.K5, one sor rel horse, blaze faced, right hip knocked down, branded on near shoulder O. T., vented V, hair brand. No other brands or marks recollected. Any one return ins said horse will be lilierallv rewarded. t ' J.M.McCONXEI.L. Allany, January 27. 157. 4Mfp:iid Medical and Sortjical Notice. r' is often tlie case th:it persons suffer for a long time with a curable disease from the fact that thev do not know where to go to tiud relief. I am prepared to re move all Tumors, Cancers and Diseased Bone to re duce di-loca ted joints of longstanding, straighten wry neck, clnb foot, and to correct all deformity of the face and eyel ids. D. G. CAMPBELL M 1) Corvallis, O.T. May,, 1S67. - L' "it . . Sold Out. " THE snliscribcr, having sold out, calls upon every body indebted to him to settle up their acconm He can be found at the old Ktore. accounts. " ' - ' PHILI P CO H EX. . Salem. March 3, lft57. i . S2tf Drills. 10. BALES Drills just received and for sale - . " ' - li. A MKKA r-. tl I & CO. i:.tf Jone tAR.at . 2ctr MOORES' , - ;r - ' Books and Stationery. AT TUB OUWIOH CITV rOHT-OFFICR BTltMWI. JOHN FILMING, WOULD respectfully call the attention of his menus and the mil.lia to the fact that he has on band. aud keeps constantly tspplicd s lth a lari;e stock of BOOh'S AiV7 8't'A VJOKER 1 , of all kind, which he oilers for mile, lor cash, at the alxive building. His pt-wenf stock is comprised, in part, of the following, viz: lircgon Kiniuiex, session iw oi r-.-.... I Sort 'I; WasUiugton irviuK works; lteilllcld's Com parative Physiognomy; Discovery aud Exploration of the .Mississippi: Sear's American llevolutiou; Scars 'aiuily Anuual. W ilsou ksiiys aud Mwccllauies; ne- tlnuic H Poems; Life ol the kmueror Napoleon, by I)ck hart; Uvea of thePreidents; Life of Andrew Jackson; Webster a Lire aud his Masteruieces: tuncroits i.nc of Washington; Life and Siiecchc of Henry .lay; Huff. in a Nahuul History; josepuus' complete worss; Ijxne s Brigade in Mexico; tiliver (.romweii; A len nessean Abroad: Indian Wars of .the United States: The B.okol the Ocean and Life on the Sea; Mis Hall's Practical Cookery; Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book; The Improved tlousewlle. nr hook oi iwcenits, ny sire, ji ..Webster: History of tho Mormons Horn their origin to the nresent time: r'em leaves from 1 anny Port Minos; xne spectaur, ny itiagaon, inmiTurroiciur al I'hilosepliy; 1.0111s uiioieou ana me iwuapuic r am ilv Tlii.niiwun's Kensons: Youiur'a Nisht l'liolipllts: t'arailfsp Lost; i'diioks ijiMirse 01 1 uue, kiijuihu Pilpriins Progress; Auiericau'a Onni Book; The World lliustr.ited ..o tiiKravniKs; 1.1m anu msij w duuju- nini l-'r-.mklitir I lie of t usluuirton. bv MltarKs; om- stock'x Sj-stem of Elocution; Fremoiits Imploring Kx- peditiou thrcnirh Oregon and Caliloruia; pictorial His tory of All Nations, bv Goodrich; Benton's 30 yesrs In the IT. Senate- Ui"r. m's Works: Prescott's Biogra phies and Critical Miscellanies; l'rescott's Compiest of Mexico 3 vols; Prescott's Ferdinand and Isabella 3 v.,i. 'iwntr 1 ' ..t .nn u Hisuirr oi f naries vols; l'rescott's 1st and 2d Philip; Milman's Gibbon's Home: Rollin's Ancient tlirtorv: Plutarchs IJvcs: Ma- cauley's History ol England; Dick's Works; Cuniming's Lectures: Webster's American Family Cyclopedias; Scott's Napoleon; Chamber's Information for the Peo ple; lAIe m the itineracy; Liieoi i.en. ijnaceite; ine Yonng American's Life of Fremont; History of lre biDd. by MiKMiej-; Heavenly Home: Carlyle's Xew E sars: British and American Female Poets; Burns' eomplu U'uti r TUiwviv's Poetical Works; Burns' Po- etlcal orKs; airs, nf man a i neiicai noiw; aiutoa a Comjilete Works; Topper's Complete Works; Life aad ten 11 ties or MiaKSspearc; Amman bigots; nauoou Travels in Europe; Ijiyard's Discoveries at Xincvah; Wheenley s cnmietid 01 History; neauieys jnisccua nles; Slarch's Reminiscences of Congress; Thaddeus of Warsaw: The Planter s Victim: steinonrne and tne Chincha Islands; Knitz a Sacred History; Pennshurst hia Wanderings and Wsys or Thinking; Kobioson Crusoe) ClriUren or the Abbey; Indian Battles, Captiv ities and Adventures; Dreams and Realities of a Pas tor and Teacher: The Ship Carpn"'s Family, Victo ria, or the World Overcome; Bibles and Testaments; Webster s Dictionaries large aad small; ounn s eie brated Domestic Medicines; Short Patent Sermons, by Dow. jn Ijiriincr I.ittlegood, Esq; Arthur's Tales: Thomson's Prtctiral Arithmctic; Calhouns Intellectnal Arithmetic; Vocal and Instrumental Note Books; Mit chell's Oenirraphv and Atlas; Youatt on the -Structure and diseases of the Horse; Saxton's Rural Hand Books; Cole's Arneriran Fniit Book: Downinfr's Rnral Essays; lloaminc's Fruit and Frnit Trees of America; Elliott's Western Fruit Book: American Cable Doctor ,by Dadd; Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companim; American Fruit CuStiirist. hv Thomas: The Strawberry Culture, by Pardee; American Poultry Yard, by Brown; louan on 1 ne Management ana I'iseuses 01 ouerp. Note. Letter and Foolscap paper: Pens andJPenhold. ers; Sand and Sand-boxes; Black. Blue and Bed Inks; Plain and Fancy EuvelopeK; Slates and Slate Pencils; Blank Book. Ac. Ac. Oregon City, Jnne 21S5T.' - ; - lTtf 1 t S25.000 Worth or - .. SPRING AND SUttHER GOODS ! fJIIIE subs-'ril.crs would respectfully Inform their rns? tolucrs sua tue iuunc ccurNi; tuai iuvj inicui band, and are ia constant receipt of good-strom San Francisco and New.Ysrk a large aud well-se lected Mock consisting in part or ' Alum, allspice, an 1 alpacca. Bonnets, berates, and bro. liuen, Camltricrrash. and calico. ; Domestic de laines. and damask. :! i Kdiring. emiroidery and everjthing. Flannels, fringes, and fancy dxin's, j : tJinehams. gaiters and gloves, H:indkerchiers,hOfeand hair-pius, , ? ' , Iron, ink. and insertings. Jacom t Jeans, and JaTt coffee. " Knives, kid gloves, and kuiUing-plua, . , . . Iiwns, lard and Liverjioid salt, i Mit-tard, mirrors, and matches. Needles, nails, aud nice tilings. Oils, oversliirt., nd Ooloug tea, Pins, pants, aud paper, Q-iilts, quills; and qiicensware, . j' . , s ' Ribbons; razors, and rat-traps, Silks, miear. and shaving soap. Tea. tobacco, and turpentine. ' ' ' ? Umbrellas, niider-sli-eres. and useful things, Veils, varnish. and vinegar, ' Wreathes, woolen gods, waffle-irons, 1 ; ' ' ' Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions, Zinc, and zephvr worsted, , . , r Ae Ac, aud so on, . , Besides many other articles loo numerous to mention; all or which we are offering at reduced prices, adopt inm the ot-tn of Ooirk sales and small lirotiLs. The ladies will rind in their department a large stock of fancy gorsls. direct from New York, which Is not nsnally kept iu Oregon, and bv arrangements will be in constant receipt adequate to the wants or the ladies. The Gentlemen's llep.irtiuent of furnl-Jiiag g-awls will seldom le cinalled.and e veiled by none in Salem. IKON. TheliUcksinithsaad iron dealers will always find a well-selected sto; k of all sixes and shapes, to gether with a good assortment of iron axles, from 1-4 x 6 in-, to 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland prices, adding freights. . : We are prepared to receive all kinds of produce In exchanee for goods, and also money. For full partice- larseall and examine tor vmirseives. i W. C. GR1SWOLD A CO. Salem. Feb. 10, 1U7. - . . . , 4nf City Drug Store. (COMMERCIAL WHARF, PORTLAND.) THE undersigned, has In store, a general assortment of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye stuffs. Pat ent Medicines, Ae., and is receiving goods almost week ly, and in much larger quantities than hitherto, and of fers tli em to his numerous customers and friends, at wholesale and retail. In quantities to snit, at much low er rates than ever offered in this market. Every arti cle warranted as represented. Please call and examine for yourselves. Proscriptions will be given free of charge to those wanting Medicines. : W. WEATHERFORD. M. D. Portland, June 23, 157. liimi Salem Drug Store- FRONT Street, Hector s building. Constantly on hand a full assortment of Pni'un. Mkoi cixks, Paists. Oils and Dye Srurr-s, Patent MvnirrX-B-s. A-e- III short almost every article usually found in a Drug Store, and are offered at Wiioi.sale asp Retail, at extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as represented. F Okpfiis poi.icitfp. -C. Prescriptions free of charge at offiec. a- l'rompt attention win do given to proicwonai lis in the City. A. M. BELT, M. D. , Salem, O. T.. June 2, 1057. 12tf Notice TS hereby civen, that C. S. Wood worth is authorized X to transact my personal biisiness.during my nlwenec. W. C. ; IUSWOLD. Salem, June 17, 1S57. ' 15tf For Sale. I WILL sell one half of the land claim known as the Dwight Pomroy claim. Said half adjoins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's and is aliout two miles from Oregon City, on the upper Wil lamette. 1 will also -sell one half or the wbcleof the firoperty, lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid y growing town of Corvallis. Benlon Co., and known as the " Thomas"' property, consisting or four lots of land, together with sll the buildings thereon. Said property is in a beautiful location, and both will be sold at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at cash price. Inquire of th subscriber, at his store in Ore gon City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery, in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis. Also -ix (ill lots of laud in Oreiron City. I A ' V ' JOS. X. PRESCOTT. ? Oregon City, March 1. 1S57., ltf Look Here. ; - j ALL persons that are indebted to James Strang, are requested to call and settle their accounts by the loth or May, and all those who do not, will find their accounts iu the hands or John D. Boon. Justice of the Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem, I want to settle np niv accounts. JAMES STRANG.' Salem, April 21. IK57. 6tf I Syrup. KEGS Boston. Syrup fur sale. !. ABKUXETHYA CO. 30 tV.'W. taaate. '1 1 A TTORNEY AND COlTNSELIOtt At tAW; Sa il, lam, O.T., OIBoe. ttrst door south of the Statcs- man OIHcn, np stuirs. ,-! ' .; i Smith k Bide. ATTORXETS AND COUNSELOR AT LAW AND Solicitors in Chancery, Corvallis 0..T. . . I. . SMITH. ' . , , 51tf 't OAUE. M. W. HittheU, : ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT ' LAW; EU gene City, Lane Conntp, O. T. 'v Sargical. , f L. COOMBS. M. D.. Siirgeon, Ac. SPECIALTY J . 1HSKASKS OF THE EYE. Corvallis, Oregon. ... -; y 28m8 September 23, 1H5S. ,-.-; : 8rm Frnnriseo Adrertainiipnej ; i T P. FISHFR. Iron hr.ilriin-. onnoslte Paeille Exnress lj OfHco, upstairs. Files ofall theprlnrfpal Papers of California and Oregon may be found at this office, Mr. n-uer is tne autnorized Agent tor tne statesman. Chester H. Terry, - ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM, OREGON, COM missioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments. Ac, Ac for Iowa. Indiana, Missouri, Midiigan. California and Washington Territory. Let ters of Attorney, and all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. . . a Particular attention paid to taking depositions. collections ot A otes, Accounts, AC, jzii Boise k McEwbb, ' -' ' A TTORNEY8 AND COUNSELORS. AT LAW.SO- n. iicitors in Chancery, Proctors, c ia Admiralty, A-onianu, uregon. - sou Hirding k Gnrer, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, AND x. Solicitors In Chancery. Office near the Court-house, Salem, O.T. , , . ., r- - ,- 6m. L Iheil, : - r. v A TTORXET AND COUNSE1JR AT LAW; AXD j. Solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the various courts of Oregon and Washington Territories, Office, Salem, O.T. - Btlaion Smith, A TTORNEY" AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND JA. Solicit.ir in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business iertaining to his profemdoB in the first Judicial District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon. Office, Albany, Una County, O. T. X. B. When not at hia office, or absent on profes sional Isisiness, he may be found at his residence, fire miles ontu-e.-t of Albany, on what ia Known as the Grand mine. . ; W. I. Brock, A TTORXET AXD COUXSELOR AT I.AW. AXD il Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various courts in tins leminry, ana promptly attend to tne col lection of all claims a'galnst the United States, through an efficient agent residing at Washington City. Office ra fuigene t. ny, l-ane (.ouniy, u. x. R. E. Stratton, ; : ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice In the various court" of southern Oregon, and ia the Supreme Court of the Territory. , Orrict iu Deer Creek. Douglas county, O. T. Resi dence 6 miles north of Winchester, on the Willamette road. , X. B. B miity Land Warrants obtained fur claimants on reasonable terms. . . 23U Chadwlek k Glbbs, A TTORXEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, So- Xi iicitors in fnancery , Ac. Graces at Winchester and liardiner. 8. F. Chapsicx, Winchester. Douglas Co., O. T. A.C. Glass, Gardiner, Lmpqoa Co., O. T. Xov. 9. 1S55. 35tf B. . BAKNO. J. C. WILSOS Barnum k Wilson. 4 TTORXIES AXD COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Sa X3L lem. Oregon. Particular attention is given to the collection of notes and accounts, and cairns against government. . B-ainty I jnd Warrants bought and sold. r Office over Starkey's Store. ; 43 , 11. F. Bonham. A TTORNEY AND COUNS1XLOR AT LAW. Of- XX. lii-e at the Court House, Salem, O. T. 6tf W. W. CHArXAX. A.J. THATKS. ATTORNEYS and Counselors at law. Solicitors in Chaucery, Ac. Office in Robert's buildings, Main street, corvallis, Kenton Co.O. I. Corvallis, April 1. A'i7. . ( .; . Stf JtB.Cole,M.l TJHYSICIAX AND SUBGEOX, J. etr Portland. Oregon. Hediral. rry J. Wit IG ITT A F B. STOXE. having associated J. . together in practice, respectfully tender their ser vices to the people of Benton and Linn desiring to se cure the fevor of the affiicted by success onV. Office near J. C. Avery s store, Corvallis- 21 lypaid A. B. nallotk. A RCHTTECT AXD BUILDER, PORTLAXD. O. T. xi Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on reastmaWe terms. William C, Uriswold fc Co., iME,ir ERC11AXTS, SALEM. OREGON TERRITORT. cuaiswoLD, 22tf c. s. woonwoRTH. Kuarene City. TTORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eogene A A City Hotel 13tf. . Medical Notice j THE subscritier. would inform the inhabitants thai he is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in his profession ; also he baa on hand a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well (isorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose of 011 reasonable terms. ,, ... W. WARREX-. Salem December 2, 1356. 3tf . W. B. Alagers, M. D. . PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. QfBce to my new build ing, on Main street, two doers aorth of Dr. J- S. Mclteeny's tire-proof building ; where I wiU be found when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant ly on hand a fresh supirly of Drugs and Medicines which I will sell low ror cash. -Corvallis, Dee. 9, 1856.- - 39tT t Medical Satice. . ; SHAW, late of San Francisco. California, "TiR. R. W. 1J offers his Drofessional services to the citizens fo Salem sud vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public rsvor. - ...... 4.4- office at Reed and Fellows' drag store. . Uy ft. W.SHAW. Campbell Irail. A TTORXEYS AT LAW, San Francisco. California. Office, corner Montgomery aad Sacremento streets, over Parrott A Cos. Bank. Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and wdl be pleased to attend to all business entrusted to their care. 31tf 1 Alexander CaMrBux. O.C. Pratt.! Joseph N. Preseolt. SA1X ST., ORBOOM CITT. 7vE.VLER In Family Groceries, Boots, Shoe, Ac, and XJ Pi I'aints and Oils, wholesale and retail. July 7. 156. istr S. Ellsworth, ATTORNEY AXD COUNSELLOR, T"6 S. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene U . City, Lane County, Oregon Territory. Also Commissioner of Deeds for Xew York, Connecticut, Ac, August 26, 1S56, 24tf Watchmaking. WILLIAM F. UIGHFIELD. Chronometer and Watch maker, Oregon Citv, has removed to the buildine iiistoiinositetotheMiiin-strcet House. where he ran be constantly found prepared to do any bnsiness in bis line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of watches and jewelry Tor sale. March 5. 1854. Iy51 S. Hamilton, M. D., PnYSICIAX AXD SURGEOX. wonld respectfully announce to the good people of Donglas and the ad joining connr!9s. that he has located permanent) at Deer Creek for the pui-po of practh-iug medicine, and in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy and comfortable. Office opposite R. II. Dearborn A Co.'s store, on Main street. - t . Dnigs aud Patent Medicines for sale at low etuh pri ers. 42tf Wells, Fargo, & Co., BANKERS and EXCHANGE DEALERS. W.,F.,A Co., in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Exchange and Collection Butt nt. Collections and Remittances made in all parts of Oregon, California. the Atlantic States, and Europe, with promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin aud Bullion, bought and sold. Sight Exchange on New York, Bottom. Philadelphia, Albany, lioehetter, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Mltlroit, Chicago, Mitmntkie, Galena, St. mum, Ijouitville, Cincinnati, andorfy other principal towns in the Atlan tic States and the Canadas, may be procured at any of our offices. WELLS. FARGO, A CO. 114. Moutgoniery-street, San Francisco JAMES O'NEILL, Agent. . June 1S55. Allan, McKinlay, & Co., . : GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hardware, Ac., Oregon City, O.T. Dec. 20, 1851. 40yl Lot Angelos Salt. SALT 300 bags Los Angelos Salt, received, per Na huiukeag.andfursaleat lowest rate. . . 18tf G. ABERXETHY & CO. D RY-G00DS for ladies am gentlemen, in great va riety, at 20U' MOORES' Dr. Citpkaj's Medical Sofiees. DR. 3. I CZAPKAYS Grand Medical and Surgical institute. Sacramento st.below Montgomery otipo- site PacJtic Maill Steamship Co.s Office, San Francisco California. Kstablisncd for tne rermanent cure 01 " Private and Chronic Diseases, and the suppression 01 lir. J. 1.. tKA l ka 1 , late in tne Hungarian nc tlodary War, Chief Physician in the 2(rth Regiment of It onvels,chicl surgeon to the military -nospiuai at Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or gans and Diseases of Women and Children, would most resoectfullv inform the nubile of Oregon and California that he has opened an Institute for the cure of Chronic Diseases 01 the lungs, liver. Kidneys, nean.oioou, urm and the horrid consequences of seff-abose, and he hopes that his long experieuce and successful practice of ma ny years, win insure mm a snare 01 puunc patrooac. By the practice of many years in Enrope and the Uni ted States, and during the Hungarian war and cam paigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He nses no Mercurv charges moderate treats nis paiieut In a correct und honorable arav has references of un questionable veracity from men of known respectabili ty ana nign standing in society. au parties eorauwus mm by letter, or otnerwise, win receive tne uras iu gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Dr.-'s offices are on Sacramento at., below Montgomery, San Francisco, California. i.mi CJPERMATORRHfEA OR LOCAL WEAKNESS. U Dr.L. J. Czaokav would call public attention to spermatorriwr-a or local weakness. There is not in the catmloOTM. nf human maladies one more to be depreca ted than this, as well because of present distress. as the ultimate results. The tone or the system under its in fluence Is either impaired or entirely destroyed, and a rlassnf svmntnms snnerinduced that unfits man for the performance of any or the ordinary duties of life. The injanes oone to tne puysicai v, o mentable. but trifliinr when compared to those of the censorium, the great nervous center, and to the ner vous system generally. This disease, which is too often ennseonent noon thai solitary vice, self-abuse, involves fiathologlcal conditions oeyona tne araiprencniuni henninitisted. but which are well understood by the reg ular practitioner. Among the symptoms most conspic uous are tne louowing: ijore 01 smmuc, ..uanm bnsiness and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex citement from slight causes, loss of memory, confusion nf Mess Inabilitv to reason correctly, low spirits and lassitude, dullness of apprehension and misanthropy These being functional derangements, are oiien me uar- kinmn nf hoTriri nrnntc lesions OI toe Drain, wuicii mmIiu-. r.n.rv riementia and death.- For the cure of this and all kindred diseases. Dr. Pzapkav has established his Institute, where all may w iwitU nerfeet enntidence noon that skill which long experience and thorough devotion to his profession has and use the means by, which they may recuperate and -.-iin.. Mnn mini i nnmn i all in n . i . -.. - - live. - ' ... . . - Alt consultations, bv letter or otherwise, free. Ad dress to " DR. I J. CZAPKAY; 12mS Medical Institute, San Francisco. CaL SECRET DISEASES. DR. I- J. CZAPKAY-S Ex traordinary success in the treatment of secret dis eases in the nrimarv and other stages, induces htm mil nnl.lie attention to the fact that of the great num bers who have made daily application to him, there is not one who has not been effectually and permanently cured. In recent cases of private diseases, the Dr. guar anties a perfect cure in a few days witnout ninarance to business or other inconvenience. The Dr.'s method of treating these maladies, combines the improvements made bv the medical faculty with discoveries 01 ais own that are unknown to any one else, and which, when applied, prevent the possibility of evil after consequen ces. Secondare- sxnhilis. which Is so destructive of health producing ulcerations of the throat, destroying the soft parts, and leaving tne oones cxpoeeu, sukh munut, separate and eome awav. disfiguring the sufferer mot horribly, as well as impairing his general health, and nredisiMtsinr to consumption, the Dr. treats in the most certain and efficient .manner. Also, painful swellings nuoo the bones, disfiguring splotches upon tue f Kin ores, nimnles. and all other consequences of private diseases he guaranties to cure Or asks no compensation. Dr. c. would espeeiaMy can the attention 01 tnose wno have failed to obtain relief from others, many of whom he has steady cured, and many are still osder treat- nwit. Tne Iir.raaKes.no cnarpe lor iwsuuuuu, aim invites all to call at his Institute ; and he will give them snch satisfaction as they can obtain nowhere else Tuuee at a db-tance. bv writing to the Dr., can have their cures onierlT attended to. Offices on Sacramen to sL, below Mortgomery.San Francisco, Cal. 12m3 - The Greatest DiseerrrT of the in. : nnKlT Blessines to Mankind! " Innocent but Potent! J( DNLCZAPKAY'S PuorHiLAcricn. (sclf-disiufec- tmg agent.) a sure preventive against secret diseases and an. unsurpassed remedy far scrofulous, gangrenous aud cancerous ulcers, and all cutanous ernptions and dis eases.. For sale at Dr. Czapkat 3 Omce, Armory Hall comer or' Sacramento and Montgomery sts.. San Fran cisco, Cal. As inoculation is preventive against small pox, so is Dr. Crapkay's Prophilacticuin a preventive against secret disease. That they can be prevented by protier agents, is as well an estaoiisueu tact as mat iney n i cured after their establishment. Ibis principle, which is now universally recognized, was received even before tle dars of Jenner. tlie diseovereror yaccmauon in 1796. and its multiplied benefits ever since ave re ceived as they deserved, the attention of the Medical faculty. It was in pursuit of this branch of the medical science that Dr. L. J. Czapkay fortunately made the dis covery of his Prophylacticum, which, for the cancerous and cutanous disorders, stands unrivalled by aifv ageut in the Phartnacopaai.. The modus operandi of this med icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons possess chemical properties" which are neutralized by being brought in contact with this prophylatic, as acids are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely their origin il properties, and rendering them inert. The erflpct of this agent is immediate, and removes the possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, tlie disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce the consequences known as secondary disease.- In can cerous and gangerons ulcers, in foetid discharges and in cutanous diseases where the secretions are exeoriatiag, H acts upon the same principle and is one of the most effectual remedies for the purpose now known. -Where disease is once established it should be used in oonnee ti.in with other remedies, aud when so used never fails of success. - It has been administered by the Doctor in many thousand rases, and he has yet to find the first in wliich it has failed to subserve the purpose for which it was administered. Price, $5. ' Foil directions are at tached to each package. - ' N. B In cases where tlie Prophylaticum is used as curative. Dr. L. J. Czapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre scription for his blood purifier. - All communications from the country, addressed only oDr. L.J.CZAPKAT San Francisco, CaL, will be strictly and confidentially attended to, and remedies, with the greatest care and secrecy, immediately dis patched by express or otherwise to their destination. - ; I,. J. CZAPKAY, M. D. ' 12m3 '''' : ' ' San Francisco( Cal. To the Lapiks or Oregon and California L. J. CtAratAT, M. D-, physician surgeon and aeooocher, in vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor is effecting more permanent cares than any other nhrsician in Oreiron or California. Let no false delicacv prevent yon. but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful sufTenng and premature death. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances do not allow to have an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Medical Institute, Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery streets, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Dm-tor's Offices are so arranged that he can be consulted without molestation. I'im3 Al consultations ( by letter or otherwise,) free. . Address to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D., Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal. ajf-Tbe attention of the readers is called to the fol owing:' ' . A lady of high standing in society and respectability, published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, eptcmocr n. iwi, wiin-u is as iohows: ' . A Carii The undersigned feels it her duty to exnrew her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. fv.pkay, for the success ful cure of herself and child. The latter having been afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was given np as incurable by some of the most celebrated physicians, when she called on Dr. Czapkay. of whom she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice hersclt. lor tne scrouuoua ma.auy, witn which she bad been affiicted Tor eight years, and which withstood the treatment of the best physicians in Eurone and Ami. ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording her permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which, ior cik". um. iw. an itmi ma mr un. Jne, there fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and affiicted to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful physicians within the United States. Mrs. CAROLINE GRAY, Corner of Walnut ajid 7th streets, Philadelphia.' A. Glazkr, Notary Public. 126, 7th street. 1 The following is an editorial notice in the Boston Daily Times of August 6th, LS54I . . A Skillftl Physician. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street ia this citv. Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with the patriotic army as physician and surgeon under the patronage of Kossuth. He combines with a finished education and the most refined and agreeable manners, the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in Us profession, and we feel much pleasure in recommending mm to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman. Dr. Czapkay has spent some time in Philadelphia where he won the confidence and friendship of those who be came acquainted with him. Among his friends ia Phil adelphia are gentlemen of tho highest respectability, with whom we are personally acquainted. He had au extensive practice iu Hungary before tlie Austrians and Russians compelled him to leave it for being found guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive that patronage due a man of so emineut capacity. The above are only a few of the many testimonials which Dr. Czapkay ha in his possession, but cannot j lublish for want of space. Ail cocisiunieatijna, f by I etter or otherwise,) free. to aidrd'elae '"'v 7 r,"?ei. Address to Pm- ' Al'KAY. M. D. Um:s Francisco. Cal. s PERMATORRHEA. or Iycal WeVn (m, r bUitv. low soirits-. lassitade. weakow I7rTr and back, indibposition, loss of memory, aer,ion in clety, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dimness lieaaacne pains 111 tuc wuc, iw eyes, pm. plea on the face, sexual and otherinfirmities iaman,Ue cured without fail bv the Justly celebrated physician ana snrgeon , L. J. Czapkay. His method or curing diseases is new (.unknown to' others) and hence the great suc cess. All consultations, oy letter or otnerwise, iree. Address, L. J. CZAPB.AI , n.u., 12m3 ... San Francisco. Cal Notice." rjlllE Jodges of the Supreme Court of the Territory of fjregou, asHcmuieu ai. uic w v.w.t. Oie 16th day or December, 1856, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held In the city of Salem, in the county or Marion, on the first Mondays of April ana (September, ana tne iourtn sionuays 01, juar i .- ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and in thecrty of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on thefifth Monday, or uecember. ihac, ana mereaxier on m Mondavs of Mi? and Octolier. and the third Mondays of June and November, annually, until otherwise order ed.aod do limit the duration of said Terms to six days each. , GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Justice. 41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. . . Estray Animals. THE snbscriber at Harrisbarg, Linn Co., has lost the following described animals : A bay horse, with star in forehead, a little white on his nose, hind feet white np to the pastern joint, and branded " 21 ' onthe right shoulder, 3 years old this spring. ; '. ........ , : -, ,s Also a roan cow, T or 8 years old, branded J. S. on the right hip, and " 21" as above. Has a white calf with red ears, boom is montns old, nrandea zi" as above. The cow left last fall, and probably has had another calf this spring. Any person finding tnem will be rewarded ror weir trouble, by informing me. A. McILWAIX. June l, 1531. tsmopaia HULL'S No. 1 Soap, the best yon ever used. Try 1. White lead, linseed oil, " ' turpentine, putty, ;. ... t . . , indigo, madder, copperas, alum, - , ' oil for lamps and machinery, New Orleans sugar, ; i, crushed sugar, - . ... . cream tartar, saleratus, soda, at ' . 2!tr MOORES'. lio ! Te Workers of Iroa aid Steel ! . .. H AYE this day received by the arrival of the J. R. Whiting from San Francisco, the followinir assort ment 01 iroa ana sieci, to wit: - . ( , -v 2.000 lbs. Norway shapes. , ,-, 2,000 lbs. 2 Iron (flat,) ' , ' ' 2.000 " 3X3-16" - ; ' : . V 3.000 " JX4 " " ... " . : 6,000 " i,J, 1,14, and I. square, -3,000 " j, 5-16, 4. l.and li.mchnKrnd, " ' ; 1,000 assorted cast steel, 10O " horse shoe nails, (G) . -Whfc-h together with stock in store makes as com plete an assortment as can be found in Territory and trill be sold as cheap as the eHRarEsr ror cash or conn- try produce. , - . , J. N. PRESCOTT, Oregon City, Feb. 23, 1957. - 50tf Boot and Shoe Store. , T-DmrDicv W 1C VU AW II - J? to the citizens of Salem, aad the surround- Tlrl ing country, that he have taken a store ch the 11 east side of Commercial street, north of the vostoffice. where he will keep constantly on hand a full assort ment or every Kind 01 boots and shoes, both custom and sale work, which ho will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the manufacta'-re or repair of work will be complied with and the work done in a substaatiai and workmanlike manner. Cite me call and examine my stock. FREDERICK WICKM0X Salem, March IS, 1857. - 13tf s" .- Lsok Here!; TTTE have just received S3.000 lbs. of ground alam v salt, which we are selling at f3 .00 per hundred. GRISWOLDACO. s ax l. . surra. . tboxas a. Smith & Davis, . DAVIS TKPORTERS and wholesale Druggists ; fire, proof x store, I'ortiand, uregon. Orders from the country solicited.- -r pmfi t. Coffee.; IF TOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the undersigned have got 15,000 pounds best " COSTA RICA. Come in and look at it. ALLAX McKlXLAYA Co. Oreon City, Dec 6, 1S56. JA3. K- RICSARIW." ( I .. I JXO. WCCRAXXX, 1 , , San Francisco. I Portland, O. T. f : : Richards & McCraken. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. andVobbers in Oregon V. t lour, trrain. Produce, Fruit, pore, Bacon. Lard Hams. Ac-Ac Orders fur Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made oa consignments. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco- January 11, IS07- 4'itf .. ' IVotice. rfO all whom this may come, greeting t That I am to X leave for the States soon, and would respectfully request those who know themselves indebted to me. or w.L.tiriswold Co., to call and settle without delay, aua oonge n.ubumnuui, Salem, Jannary 27. 1?57. 4jtf The Ia.VTs of Oregon. t-TPHE OREGON STATUTES, 1S55, being a large vol I ante of 650 pages, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprtong all the laws in roree in the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office or the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex ecuted in the best manner, bound m law stvle. and is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest figure they can be afforded for here. The price places them within the reach of all who desire the laws they live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, filled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that will probably be published in Orecon. for many vears In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem bly, the voir me contains the Declaration ot Indepen dence, Constitution or the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17S7, in force in urecron. t'onatio ' aw and all amend meats and fall abstract of United cates Naturalization Laws. H. 6. Barartt, A TTORXEY AXD COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AXD il Solicitor in Chancery. Bethel, Polk Comity. O. T. ., .may zti, ixoi. . . . - . lltf Health Sickness ! Choose Betwetm Them. HOLLOWAY PIXJJS. T'HE Blood furnishes the material of everV bone, X muscle, gland and fibre in the humanframe. When pure, it secures health to every organ ; when corrupt.it necessarily produces disease. HOEEOWAVS PIL.LS operate directly apoa the elements of the -' ". v. inc. ucumuuiug uib pnuuipic vi uissras, and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skis, the brain, sr any other part of the system. . USED THROUGHOUT THE IFORED. Holloway's Pills are equally efficacious in complaints Common to the whole human race, and in disorders pe culiar to certain climates and localities.. ALARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumera ble deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, howev er aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and tonic ; they relieve the bowels, purify the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution of the same time.. 5 ; . . ; GENERAL WEAKNESS NERVOUS COM . PLAINTS. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles ef the victim of general debility. DELICATE FEMALES. ' AU irregularities and ailments incident so the deli cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or nrevented bv a few doses of these mild, but infallible alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her children's health should fail to have them within her reach. SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. TheLondon"Lancot,' the London "Medical Review," and the most eminent of the faculty in Great Britain, France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their inveutor. - , HOLLOW AY'S PILI.S art the best remed9 buum in the World for the foifowmg dieuet: Asthma, How ell Complaints, Coughs, Colds, ChestDi5se8ive- &r"Aff-li A S?ld at the Manufactories of Professor Hollow at, bo ideu iJuie, New York, 244 Strand, London, by aU nnectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine through rlVhe United Slates aud the civilized world, in boxes 25 cents, 62 cents and tl each - - - 43- There is considerable saving by taking tne lar ger sizes. . V. B- Directions for the guidance of patients i ne ve ry diaorvier are affixed to each bo.v. . 37yl rrVH AT Cotton Yarn has arrived, at J - 26tf . MOORES'. or Stuart's Express. . , FOB- . . . ' CASCADES AND DALLE8 .... MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AXD FRIDAYS. , ' t EXPB.ES8S FVR '' ' Champoeg, Salem, Albany and Corrallis, - ....On WEDXISDAY, and on " f . Arrival op Mail Steamer fsou Sax Fraiccxsco All Letters, Packages and Freight, entrusted to 1 i? . wm De attended to promptly. UFKicp 1. 1ember 30. 156. r ranuin rJooK btore. - A? B. STUART. HAYifw " McKinlay, & Co., woni;uiJLccc'vei stock of w Goods, anp articles. r-SsH who wmh to V COOI cnl"iVpTO?0. them. Tnej HSwCradle. ral and Wheel Barrow,, Grass Scvthes and Snaths, Bra' 16 sa Harrows. 23 teeth 1 . . Garden Rakes, - ... Sw boards, f,'jfcmntt's Bellows, ' MIH Saws, 7 ft ' " Hair Mattrasses, Aoohli. do single' Hair Bolsters, double, do single, Sperm Candles, Adamantine do. Grape brand Tobacco, . do- , Hoes,. . do Spades. " 5 - PoUshed Shovels, Hay Forks, Manure Forks, Churns,. Wntdew Class 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 do 7 by 9 Window Sashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 1Z Ox Bows and Yokes. Lncxe do ao Blankets. Baize. Lm&sevs. Sheetinrs, Ticks. Ac-Ac. We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GRO CERIES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE. and many arti cles too numerous to mention. - AIJ.A Wj M AUibAI CO. Oregon City. .. 21tf Ge. Iberaethji Co., EBCH ANTS, OREGON CITT, OBJrXJON.TEB M BITORT. tr AheraethT, Clark k Co., ITOMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Kj San Francisco, CaL, will attend to selling Oregon- firoduce, and fill orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac., at thw owest rates- The patronage of the people of Oregon; is resjiectfulljrsolicrted. - August I, la. . f : ... , nt Kenfoit's Dagnerrean " ., ASK . ' ' AMBROTYPE GALLERY. THE undersigned having recently returned from San Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautiful Pictures on U lass called jIMSKUI t wnicn uarc almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in the East and San Francisco. -' Gallery in the new building, arreted etpeeiallj far ihe (Miriness, west of the Marion House. WILLI Salem, November 11,1856. . Jotf 1 , Atwill &. Co.,, No. 172 Washixgtox St Sas FrasciscoJ SHEET, Card and Book Music, Piano Fortes, and other Musical lnstramentB. Strings H and Reeds, for Violins, Guitars. Clarionets. Ac. CeJ- Also a large wholesale stock of lancy Ooods ' and Toys. Billiard Balls, wax and cneleathers.nags or ail nations, boxing gloves. Ac, together with all kinds of Yankee Notions, useful or amusing.- Goods packed with-' great care and forwarded with promptnes?. ' - - All orders should mention by what boat or Express Co. the goods are required to be sent. . - . A 1 It li.L. VuJ, 6m3r ' 172 Washington st-, San Francisco. Wanted. rnnn bnshel Oats, and 5000 1 beat, and anyqttan OUUU titv of dead swine, rorwhich cash will be paid on delivery. - J. A-rKtstuii. uregon uy, ov.2i, 100. . Oit;oh and California Packet line. rpHE foUowing vessels will ran ra connec- A; con uaitcixL-L-iii u.m oca Saa JrcicAW and Portland : BARK OCEAIf BIRD, Wicorxs. Master, " CHAS.DEVEJVS, Heait, ' JANE A. FALKENBERG, Eireni, " ' " XAHVMKEAG, Willuuis. J?r7G . B. LVST, Richardson, " The Barks have all beea coppered recent'y, and are in first rate orSer, commanded by experienced captains. mpli art.' be tamett at In lotrert rofea. Produce sent from any part of the country to Oregon City or to the Linn City Works, will be received and lonraraea to san r nocisv. Agests:. GEO. ABERXETHY A Co, . Oregon CifrR ABERXETHY, CLARK A Co. " San Francisco. ' Xovember, S, 1?4. " ' ' 3Ctf Corrallis. rpHE subscriber will pay cash for Soldiers Bounty X Land Warrants .s. at nis btore. iAL.ti. ui.i r.. Corvallis, Jan. 13, 1S57. itlt Bat & Brother, TTTvOXT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis X1 Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boot?, and Shoes, Groceries, c : X- B. All kinds or produce taken in exchange for merchandise at the highest market price- - 19tf Notice to Shippers land Merchants. OXE of the firm being permanently located in San Francisco, all consignments of produce and orders to be filled, win be attended to without delay, at node rate rates, 5tf WAKEFIELD A CO. jjan i Lewis, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAXD, ORE GON TERRITORY. - - - J Reynolds 5t Law. 134 WASHINGTON ST S. F-, AND FROST ST., prnSTLASD. "tOMMTSSIOX Merchants and dealers in all kinds of V- Oregon Prudnc-. Advances made ow goods con signed to as and forwarded fret mf ehmrge.:-; Office at J. Failing A Co's. . 15m6J r j Powder. .. - , WE have large supply of powder in hand. "GEO. ABERXETHY A CO.. " Oregon CHy, Nor-IS, 1SS6-- ' 37tf - . . - The Oregon Statesman. ' An Independent Journal, devoted to Politics. General Intelligence, e, PtMithed rj Salem, Oregon. ASAHEL BUSH,- Proprietor, Publisher, had Editor. The Statesman is Democratic in polities, and thor oughly National in its character. . It is hostile to every species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ; and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate any of the insane, ems of the day into oar Territorial legislation. It will advocate all practical measures of Reform and Progress, economical and simple administration of our local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac countability of the officer to the people. It will dis cuss (H measures agitating the public aiind. in a man ner fearless, impartial, and just. Its News Aieparrment win oe euitea wnn morn attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early, acctrrate. and comprehensive publication of the cur rent intelligence. . . The Statesman has a large, widely-scattered, and mo?t excellent eorps of correspondents and very complete facilities for procuring news. - Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel lany. Agricultural and Literary matter. - In this paper are published the laws, resolutions, and. treaties of the United States, aad the laws and resolu tions of the Territory or Oregon by authority. The paper is printed on new material, and upon a sheet of tne largest size. . . Statesman Book and Job Office. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book printing aorth of California, and aa extensive as sortment of Jobbing Material of every kind; and, with master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and in a workman-like manner, ail orders ia the above de partments, sarh as Boos' Bcanx Cwbcts. NOTESOrHAKD . Order Books-, -Stkambo't Bill?. Stkambo't Cards. Bills or La sins. Certificates, Show Bills, Check Books. . . Bl'k Receipt?;, : Pamphlets, ' Hanobills, Ball Tickets, CreccKARS, isvitatioxs, Bi-sikess Cards, Billheads. Concert Bills, Programmes, Address cards. Drafts, Blanks or all KrsBs, Ac. Ac. Ac ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED INKS. Law of Newspapers. - 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscription. ' . 2. If subscribers order papers discontinued. Publishers 1 may continue to send them till all charges are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the office or place to which they are sent, they are held responsible uutil they settle their bill and give ne tice to discontinue them. . . 4. 1 f subscribers move to other places without inforrorn t the Publisher, and the paper is seat to tue former direo tion, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing tot 1 v.- a pa per or periodical from the office, or removing aad leav ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of ihtentiona,. fraud. - - - as-Postmasters would oblige, by a strict fulfillment of the regulations requiring them to notify Publishers, once in three months, of papers not taken from their-c-Sce by su'cs-Tieers. -,;,.