The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 04, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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    noons DOOKS ! ! Coono ! !
. .AT. . ' '
Tho City Booh-Dtoro,
A. R, SHIPLEY & Co.,
Hit in 8ore, and will be receiving by the 1st of Jane
Which they offer to the
At small advances on New York prices.
Give m a call, or send as aa order, and wo are
town! to giro you satisfaction!
A. R. Shipley &, Co., I
Are the Sole Aoaim la Oregon and Washington Tar
titoriea for tho sal of
Tha Ansricon Statesman,
A GZtEAT BOOK ! ! Being the only political history
of tho United State.
Send us yoar names. Price i 00 : Payable on de
livery of b-xk. Can deliver by the lit of September
to all w'jo tend u their name by 1st of May. ,
Catalogue of Pirt tf ear Stock :
Rxidow. Sanders' old 1st. 2d, 3d. 4th, and 5th.
snd The Yoong Ladies'; Sander' New 1st, Id, Si,
4th and ith: Parkers' tit. Id. 3d, 4th and 5th; Mc
GulTey's 1st. Id, 3d, 4th and 6th.
8rxtxwa-San der Old, Sanders' New; Elemen
tary! puma. Sanders' Pictorial, School and Parker's. ' '
Gcouatraics. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ol-
ney", Morse's, McNalley's, and Monteith's Wt and
2d Book.
M ath eh mcs- Arithmetics Thomson's, Table,
Mental, Analysis, Practical, and Higher; Davie Pri
mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's
Col burn v Rty's -Stoddard's: Davies Algebra, Sur
veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic
tionary, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Grammar. Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith's.
Katam's-t-Spencer's Tower's.
PniLOsoratBs. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and
School; Comstock's Smith's.
Histosiks. Wilson's Juvenile, and United State;
Parley's Universal; Willard's Universal, and United
LxMoraOES. Cooper's Virgil; Andrew's Latin Bra
del; Viri Btmae: Andrew's Latin Grammar; McCliu
tock's 1st and Id Book in Latin, and do. m Greek; Aa
ooa's Greek Grammar and Header; Johnson's Cicero.
Fassraelle a French Grammar and Beader; Woodbury's
German Grammar and Reader, Tetananne. Greek Tes
tament; French, self-taught; Sarrennc's French Die
tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Liddell A 8cott's Greek
4o. Aatbon's Classical do. Smith's do do.
Dtcttoakiks. Webster's Bchool , Hijh do. Aca
demic, University, Royal 8vo, Unabridged and Cobbs
MrscsxtAswsv Mattison 's Astronomy. Newman
Rhetoric Wood's Botany. Karae's Elements of Crit
icism. Parker's Aids in Composition, Parker's Exer
cises. Brookrield's Composition. McEUigott's Young
Analrzer. do. Analytical MannaL Parker's Word
Builder. Mavhew's Book Keeping. Wayland s Moral
Science. Paleys Natural Theology. Blake's Agricul
ture for Schools. Up ham's Intellect ami Philosophy.
Mahan's do, do. Milton; Voanx; Pollock; and Tho'mp
sos; (Edition for Schools Cutter's Anatomy and
Physiology. American Debater. Newman's Political
Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of
Speakers and Elocution. All kinds of School Station
ery; Slates of all sire; Drawing Books; Drawing
Paper; Perforated Card Board; Bristol Board; Pencils
and Brashes; Gabon's Colors; Inkstands, every size
and style, Ac Ac, Ao.
Htstosy Bancroft's United State. ( volumes.
Hildreth' do, do, volumes. Front's IVtorial United
States. Taylor's do. do, do. Sottas HWt. He volition.
Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. Willard's do.
Hist. Indian Wars United States. Willard's Universal
History. Mailer's do do, Kotteck Hist. World I k
3 volumes. Rollin's Ancient History. Farr's do. d.
Hume's England. Macanlay's do complete. Dickens
Child's do. Lin yard's do. Gibbon's Rome. D'An
Wsnc's ReTormation. Bang's M. K. Charch. Allison's
Europe, 1st and 2d Series). Preseott't Work Borders
Hist, of Religions. Hist, of Council of Trent. Jooe
phus. 'All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet.
Queens of Spain. Queens of Scotland. HHp' Spanish
Conine it. Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Ko
bank's Brazil. Parley's Universal. History of Cru
sades. Ancient Egyptians. Hailara's Middle Ages.
History for Boys. "Bonner's Child's United State.
Losing's Field Book of Revolution.
BioyjSArnr. Plutarch's Lives. Life Brant. Won
derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Character.
Lives of the Signers. Autobiography of Finley. La
nurtine's Celebrated Character. Lite of Adam Clarke.
4o Bishop Hedding. do Nieonhr. do Gen. Harrma.
do Daniel Boone, do Roberts, do "Lafayette. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and Old World. Dr. vlial
mers. 4 vol. Lives of Huraboldts. Mrs. Riggers.
Mozart. Wesley". Fletcher. Life and Times of Clay;
Irving' Washington. Eminent Mechanics, lives of
Chief Justices. Josephine. Xapoleon. Charles Lamb
Jackson. Gen. Green- Joan of Arc. LadyJaneGre.
w .-v ' . T IT-.1 . .- .
4. auw miiucwjc muin . r ijici . ivjnfr Oft
Rome. Kinxs and Queens. Ijebratz. Lives of the
Popes. PrescoU's Philip Id. Mary and Martha Wash
ington, noneer n omen vi me n eai.
Tbavels. Hack's China. Arancanlans.' Stephen's
Egypt, uuns l raveis. .nnn;o ran. .Mie Aote
Adventnres on Mnsqnito Shore. Bayard Taj-I r"s Trav
els. Dorbin's Travels in the East. .
' SctES-n nc. Braade'sEncvclopedia. Phvsieal ol.
raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural Hi-4ory. Lardners
Lectares. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mathematical Dic
tionary. Logic of Mathematics. Wooden of Science.
Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. LoomW' Re
cent Pii I ess of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Ana sum science, unci s nyaranucs- mcKS works.
Various works on Architecture. . .
- POaiai. Pjiuu various styles. Shakespeare,' do.
Milts., do. Barns, do. Hemsns, do. Moore, do.
Thesis son. Yoang. Pofloek. Tupner. Cowper. Pope.
CssapSeil. Wads worth. Osann. Montgomery. Kirk
Whits. Female Poets of England, do. do. America -and
many others.
Books or Remcxct Cyclopedia of Geography,
do. do. Finn Art, do. do. Biography. Usefal Arts.
McCoUochs Gazetteer. Harper' Universal Gazetteer.
PnciT in Aontcn.Ttmai- Elliot's Fruit Book--Vnnssn-
do. Downing' do. Barry's do. Fessendens
Fatvser and 'Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
Gardiner's Companion. Allen on the Grapes. Pardee
on Strawberry. FlorUt's Guide. American Farm Bonk.
A dsn' Domestic AniajaU. All of Soxtos'i Hand Books.
Woiks on Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hogs, ic.
Tbbologic at, 3c RKuetors Harmonr and Kxnotfi
tJoa of Gospets. Neander's Life of Cnrit. Botler's
Works. Knann's Christian Theology. Western Metn
oTism. Morns Miscellanies. Ieetores on Romanionr.
Brand of Domhiic Rale. Elliot oa Romanism. Banes'
Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's
Exerrtsess. Watson's Institute. Larrnbee's Rrtdenee.
Botler's Ethical Discourse. Rogers' Hdipe of Rarth.
do. Reason and Faith.- Paster's Christ. Perfection
Baker oa Discipline. Writings of Arminras. Jabn's
Biblical ArcbsMlogy. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from
1 to tiO- Testaments, treat variety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn -Book. Church Psslmist.-
lHymoath Collection. - Select Melodies. Christian
Pssliiiit ' i -
MBStcax Bochan's Family Physician. , Hydro
pathic do. Homspathie Works. - .-.
MiBCTLlnwc8-Cstitutions of United States.
May hew' Popniar Edneation. Crabbs's Synonyms.
PiaSt's Book of Onrtowtie. Odd Fellow's Manoal .
Head ley's Works, 14 vols. Mrs. TuthiH's, vols. Lay
ard's Nineveh. Bigelow's Usefal Art. Hatwcll's Ea.
gineer's Guide. American lntitntiona. lnnnit of
Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiquiues.
Way Down East. PynAnrt. Ike Marvel's Works.
Sanderson's Cook and Oonfectioner. Country Rambles
in Engfoad. Tales aud Reveries, an excellent Temper,
anee Book.) Money Maker. Escaped Nnn. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Bonk. Mil
ler's Old Red Randtone. do. Footprint of Creator.
Yoang Ladies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial
CatechUm. Thomson's Led to Y. Men. Constita
tional Text Book. Captive in Pafctgonia. The Ameri
can Housewife. Half Hears with Old Hamphrcr.
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedwfi-k's .
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fenea. Artlmr's Snccessfnl Merchant, do. TsK Mm
Partinvtoa. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mr. Car-
ten's Work. Heroines of History. Land and Sea.
Deck and Prt- Sea snd Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving'
Columbus. Loug Look Ahead. City of New York
Living Orators or America. Yousg Man Adrised. Mis
sions in Tonia and Pegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tton. Knont and the Ramians. - Hydrapathic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift B-mk for Young Men.
do. do. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boy.
Footprints of Famous Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Yoang Men. Peasant Boy Philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Praaoonia.
And a nnmber of others too numerous to enumerate.
Constantly receiving large additions to the forgoing.
STinoxtar. Fooliteap Paper groat variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do. do. Envel
opes all styles. Inks an kinds. Pens and Holders
great variety. Blank Books all sizes snd styles.
Memorandums. Diaries. Pass Books. Time Books
Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Reeeint Books.
Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa
pergood variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac-, Ac
Finally, wo have a good variety of
Mcstc Books New Carmine Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Metodeon. Christina Psalmist. Piano Instrnc
tnrs. Guitar do. Floss do. Aeeordon do. Violin do.
Melodnoa do. Plymouth Collection with Manic. Sheet
Music ' '
And the most varied assortment of St no vert ever
offered in Oregon. ' '
tar This stock Is aH bought fa New York- snd otssr
Eastern cHim sod issoldnt i t u ,
Sr Wo keep on hand Scaooi. Books in Urge uan
titiea, together with most of the publications of
Hum A BaoTHfcas;
Dssnrr & Jacnsox; '-,',c t: "II
, IvtaosT 4t Phots rr;
Pzaum A Sahsox; - "
' A. 8. Bajbrs A Co.; r . , i, .
MtUJtB, OwrOW Jt MCUAiAJt; - . r-.
Lkast A Gztz; -
cvTsaJc; - . -i ir .i. .
Arruroir; and otbera. ,
W-Ws aak your psxrooage. If anabls to visit as
snd ssnns our stock, yoar orpem wiU be attended to
a the iami tuhms aa if yon bonght in person.
Portland, March 10, 1S57. otf
- ' s JMcCor-ttciia,g ,i.. ..
gran TtH n rco!i Otore,
(raoxr STasxr, roan.AKD.o.T.) (
HAS constantly on hand A large stock of Books and
Statjomkbt, which he sells at a small advance on
PcsLisaxM Pntcns.
Tr- A catalogs may be seen In the Oregon and
Wsshingtion Almanac for 1M7. Books ordered there
from sent postage free to any part of cither Terrritory.
Portland. Feb. 24,1637.. . 50yl
CorraUlt Drag- Store. , '
JR. CARDWELL, Druggist and Apotbecary, is con-
stantly receiving, per California answers, large
snd carefully selected stock of Drags and Medicines,
Oils. Paints, Varnish. Soaps. Perfumeries, Toilet Fur.
altars. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug
Stores. Agent fur Jaynes, and other patent medicines,
which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices.
f Oaosns soucitbd. "S
CorvaliU. May tS. 1857. ntf
BlacHtmltlts atid tkers, Look..
ALLAN McKINLAY A CO. have now on hand a
Urge and well selected stock of -Bar
Iron. , Cast Steel.
Horse shoe do., , German do., .
Nail rod do.. Plough do
Pl.ite do i -
And Intend to keep np the sssortment so as to suit the
wants of customer. Give as a call, and yon will fled
that we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell
as cheap as the cheapest.' We are constantly receiv
ing additions to our assortment, so as to replace what
is sold. j
Oregnft. City, Dec 13. 1S36. ? i-.i 41tf
Henry Johnaon At Co.
(1W Washington Street, San Francisco.)
Oflcr for sale to the conutry trade, the largest stock
of goods in their liwi on the Pacific cnst comiiri-
inc Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumerv. Patent Medicines of
all kind. Brushes, Paints. Oils. Class. Turpentine, and
every article appertaining to the hnxinesa. Having su
perior facilities for obtaining their goods thev think
they can offer inducement to buyer unequalled by
anv other house.
Orders respectfully solicited. 401y "
i ; Desstistrr. -
DR. J. It CARDWEIX. Dental Surgeon N
Corvalli, will practice in his profes- I
ion. at Cormtiis. l?irn Citw. tfiwkn- CaJ
ttr.SecttM6mrg,undJaektmritlr. Skill, unqnestionable;
cnarges.respectanie; work, warranted. Teeth examln
ed. and advice given tree or charge.
Due notice given of change of office.
April M. 1335. ' Ttf
Now KeceiTias;
rTHE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and for
A sale low. .
50 gross matches ;
linker of syrups; , .,
S0hrbbb.N. l.ugsr; . '
10 bbls. crushed sngar; '':
5S boxes candles ;
10 bbfc. vinegar r
-' 30 cases tea;
IS doz. brooms; 1
50 doz. backets : - t
t cases men's One calf boot ;
5 - calf brogaas ; ! T
ii t goat
3 " boys" brugan ;
3 " youths' calf brogans ;
1 " women's Morocco boots ;
I ' imitation boots ;
8 Misses' boots ;
ITS pairs children's shoe ;
1! straw cutter ; .. , t
Zi grain cradles ; .
' 1 reaper; (
1 two hore thresher :
Oregon City. June 1. 15S. lltf. ,
C1HAIN PUMPS, monkey wrenches,
match planes, screw arm,
sash planes; " ;!'
... horse shoes and nail to fit.
. gun locks, plugs aad nipples,
tnbes, hullct moulds, . ;
Wosenholm's IXI. poeket knives,
pruning and budding knives.
rat traps tm caick f(irr. at
Books a-al Stmtlbnerr.
Parker1 1st. Id. 3d, 4th and 5th,
isanners' do do do , do
MetJunVVi do do do- do ' "
Davfea' arithmetic,
University snd Common School.
Intellectual and primary, -
Davies' Bourdon algebra, '
Lesrendre. surveying.
Geometry snd trigonometry,
Key to iSsvies' Arithmetic,
Thompson antumeuo,
Parkers Baosoohr.
juvenile and 1st lessons. '
. Grammars Clark s. Bullion s 8milh a. i:'f
Geographies Mitchell's, Monteith's ataanal.
Mooieitn s 1st lessons,
' Xnsie Lute of Zion . New Csrmina Sacra.
cnnstian fsalmlss, Mnsoori Harmony,
Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at
rTIHE judges of thh Snpreme Court, of the Territory of
jl uregon, assemiiiei at ue seat or uovemment on
tne nintn day of January, eighteen nnndred and n fir
seven, do fix and appoint District Court, to he held ut
village of Rosehorg. in the county of Dooglss no tho
nrst Mondavs.of March. May, tVpttmher and Nvem
ber.aaaaally. until otherwise ordered, and do limit the
duration of oaid terms to six nays earn.- . - t
GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice.
M. P. DF.ADr, Assnelste JuXl.-s-.
twos., 1 1- - Rirnr law.
nosnwr A. taw. ( ' Portland. Oregon.
Reritolds Ik Iavv. "'
TTTHOLESALEGrarers and Commiswrn Merchants
V V and dealers fn Orvgwt Pinimet, eoi uei Keamy
anq jacason nrreem.Ma r ranrwo. -
tnr Advances madeon Consisnment. " " ' !
sT Refer to J. FAILING ft CO., Portland.
' - " tlmUpaid
Salt! Salt!!
TONS - San Onentm" SALT,' in shout fcO and
100 lu. bags, just received snd for sole rerv rheap
Oregwo City, Dee. S, liVM. - ,
Valuable Faraa for Sale. ,
THE tradersirned now oorrs his valiahle
larm for sale, situated on Spring Creek,
in Marion Co.. O. T.. one and a half miles
south of McKinnav's Mill, on the Countv road
running from Salvia tosaM MUh. it contains 640 acres.
of which 510 acres is under a good enbstautial stake
and rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation,
two hundred fine bearing fruit trees, a good farm
boose, together with other out buildings. Said farm I
well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising,
and wheat growing of any farm In the Territory. Suid
farm has been settled since 1845, and Was among the
first claims taken in Marion Co. Anr person desirous
of baying a good farm, with a litle money, will do well
to call at i lie residence ot toe nmiersignca. , .
Spring Creek. March 30. 157. ttf
B.VUM k BROTHER have removed to their New
Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment
They nave Inst received general assortment of Dry
Goods. Clothing. Hats snd Caps. Bonis and Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offers for cash or
N. B. Wanted Bnttcr.Eggii.Hseon.laird.Ftont-.snd
Wheat, for which they pay the highest market price.
Salem, iniy 13, ibos. isit
House, Carriage-, Sign, anvl Steam-
boat Painting ' i
C , A.RKED having established bis Taiht shop tn
" Salem. 1 prepared to execute with dispatch all
jobs is the above line. Banners, Standards, and Em-
Mem. Tor societies painted on hiik, satin, velvet or mus
lin. , Paints of all colon and de-M-Hption mixed, ready
for use. for sale at his shop ;' also White I-ead, Linseed
Oil.Tnrpentine snd Varnish, Wall paper and Border,
. 1 . 1 1. 1 . - . . .-:
n inaow glass, rain onisncs, graioiug vi., tr . in
rections given In painting, alxo in graining imitation
of wood, stone or marble.
N. B. Orders from abroad promptly attended to.
All jobs intrusted to his care warranted to give satis
faction. ...
. Salem, Jan. . 1S57. ' ' 43yl
Caslt paid for Soldiers Bounty Land
THE undersigned will pay cash, and the highest
rates, for a large number of bounty land warrants,
on application at his office in Court House. Salem. O.T.
- . . , ., , C.N.TKRRY.
December 30. 42tf
Notice. -
STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber,
living in Albany, Linn Co., O. T., on or
about the first of December. I860, one sor
rel horse, blase faced, right hln knocked
down, branded on near shoulder O. T-, vented V, hair
brand. No other brasd or marks recollected. Any
one. re turning said horse will he liberally rewarded. ,
TV , . J.M. McCONNELf- .
Albany, January Tt. 4tfnid
Medical and Surgical Notice.
IT is often the case that persons snfler for long tine
with a curable disease from the fact that they do not
know where to go to find relief. I am prepared to re
move all T amors. Cancers and Diseased Bone to re
dace dislocated joints of longstanding, straighten, wry
neck, club foot, and to cortwet all deformity of the
face and ejsJide.,, , ,1 IX G. CAMPBELL, M. D.
Corrallis, O.T. May , 1857. : ' 9f ,
.; . , Sold Out. : . . , , -
THE sttbeeriber, anviag sold ant, eslU npon evwrv
body indebSod to him to aettlo op their accounts.
He can be found at the old store. ,-, ......
..'V . ",': PHILIPCOHEN.'
galen. March 3. 1BS7. .T.-'f . ? A2tf--
BALES Prill just received and (or sale -
Jtno 16, 1MT.
J. 25tf
Doolu and Stationery. ;
WOULD respectfully call the attention of hi friends
. and the public to tho fact that he has on hand.
and keeps constantly supplied with n targe stock of
of all kinds, which he oners for sale, for cash, at the
above building. Hi msscnf stock is comprised, in
part, of the foUowine. via i -.
Oregon Statutes, session laws of Oregon ' session
1S5 7: Waahinston Irvinna works: Kediicid's Com
paratlve Physiognomy; Discovery aad Exploration of
the Mississippi: Bear's American Revolution; Bear's
ramiiy Annual, Wilsons Eiamys ana Mlseelianiea; bc
thune Poenu; Life of tho tOmperor Napoleon, by Lock
hart; Lives of the Presidents; Life of Andrew Jackson;
Webster's Life aad his Mssterpiocos; Bancroft's Life
of Washington; Life aad Speeches of Henry Clay;
Buffon's Natural History; Josephus' complete Works;
Lane's Brigade in Mexico: Oliver Cromwell; A Ten
nessean Abroad: Indian Wars of the United States:
The B- ok of the Ocean and Lire on the Sea; Miss Hall s
Practical Cookery; Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book; The
Improved Housewife, or Book of Receipts, by Mrs. A.
L. Webster; History of the Mormons from their origin
to the present time; Fern Leaves from Fanny's Port
Folios: The Spectator, by Blagdon: Tapper's Proverbi
al Philoeephy; Louis Napoleon and the Bonaparte Fam
ily; Thompson's Season.; Young' Night Thoughts;
Paradise Lost; Pollok's Course of Time; Benjamin's
Pilgrims Progress; American's Own Book; The World
Illustrated aV Engravings; L4le and Essays or Benja
min Franklin: Life of Washington, by Sparks; Com
stock's Srvteni of Blocutuaa: Fremont Exntorine; Ex
pedition thrcuch Uregon and California: Pictorial His
tory of All aUou. by Goodrich; Benton's 30 years in
the IT. S. Senate: B i ron's Work: Prexcutt s Biogra
phies snd Critical Miscellanies; Pre-k-ott s Conquest of
Mexico 3 vol; I'rescott Ferdinand and lallla 3
vols; Presoott'a Robertson's ULstory of Charles 6 3
vols; Prescott's 1st and id Philip; ililinau's Gibbon'
Home: Ibillin'a Anrlrnt Histnrv: Plntarcba Lives: Ma
caulcy' History of England; Dick's Works; Camming'
lectures; Webster's American Family Cycl.ipedias;
Scott's Napoleon; Chamber's Informs tion for the Peo
ple; Liie lu tso itinerary ; uie or lien. UHayeue; ine
Young American's Life of Fremont; tlistnrv of Ire
land, by Mooney; Heavenly Home; Carlrle's New Es
says; British and American Female Poets: Burns'
complete Works; Moore's Poetical Works: Burns' Po
etical Works; Mrs. Ileinan's Poetical Works; Milton's
Complete Works; Tupper's Complete Works; Life and
Beauties of Shakespeare: Arabian Nights; Balloon
Travels In Europe; tayard's Discoveries at Nlnevah;
Wtaeenlrv's t'oniDend of Hixtorr: Headlev's Miscella
nies! March's Reminiscences of Congress; Thaddens of
Warsaw: Tne Planter s Ictim: .Melbourne and tne
Chincha Islands; KniU's Sacred History; Penchant
his Wanderings and Wsysof Thinking; Robinson
Crusoe; Children of the Abbey; Indian Battles, Captiv
ities and Adventures; Dreams and Realities of a Pas
tor and Teacher: The Ship Carpenter's Family; Victo
ria, or the World Overcome: Bibles and Testaments;
Webster's Dictionaries large and small; Gunn's Cele
brated Domestic Medicines: Short Patent Sermons, by
lnw, jr; Larimer Latucgooa. Esq: Arinurs isies;
Thomson's Practical Arithmetic; Calbouns Intellectual
Arithmetic; Vocal and Instrumental Note Books; Mit
chell's Geography and Atlas; Youatt on the Stmctnrs
and diseases of the Horse: tttxton's Rural Hand Hook;
Cole's American Fruit Book: Dosrnins' Rural Essnvs;
D-wrning' Fmit snd Fruit Trees of America: Elliott's
Western Fruit Book: Americas Castle Doctor, by Dadd;
Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion;
American rruttcnllanst, by 1 nomas; Tne strawberry
Culture, by Pardee; American Ponltry Yard, by Brown;
Youatt on the Management and I Hseases of Sheen:
Note, letter and Foolscap paper; Pens amllPenhold-
ers; Sand and sand-lioxrs; mack, fllne and Ked Inks;
Plain and Fancy Knvelopes; Slates and Slate Pencils;
UlanR iiook. Ac. Ac. .
Oregon City, June z?, lo". l"tf
S5,000 Worth
spiui;q and su
rpHE subscribers would respectfully inform their cs-
1 tonsrrs and the pui.lie generally tnat tuey nave on
hand, and are in constant receipt of sroods from 8 s a
Francisco and New York a large and well-se
lected stock consisting in part or
'. Alum. allspice, an-1 alpaeca.
Bonnet, berates, and bro. linen.
Cambric, crah, and calico, , (
Domestic de laines, and dam.-k. .
Edging, embroidery and evervtbing.
Flannels, fringes, and fancy dxin's, . ,
tiinghams. gaiters and gloves.
Handkerchiefs, hose and baii-in,
Iron, Ink, aad inserting.
, Jaconet.jeans. and Java ronVe,
Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins,
i Lawns, lard and liverpoo! salt. :i, '
Mustard, mirrors, and matches.
Needles, nails, and nice things.
Oils, overshirts, and llolnag tea.
Pins. pant-, and paper.
tjnilta, quills, and queens ware.
Ribbons, razors, and rat-traps. (
' Silks, sugar, and shaving soap.
Tea. tobacco, and turpentine.
Umbrellas, nndrr-sleeves. and nsefbl things
Veils, varni-h. and vinegar.
nniuin. SOU1VH xwva, am' Nui.-, , ;
Tarn, yeast, aad Yankee notions, . ( j
ziuc, mnu aepnvr wumcu,
Ae. Ac, aud so oo, . - - r
Besides manv other articles too numerous t- -mention ;
all of which we are offering st reduced prices, adopt
ing the nlan rtt " Onick ssles and small orolits.'
The mdisa srill find in their department a lanre stock
of fancr s-oods. direct from New York, which is not
usuallv kept In Oremn. and by arrangements will be In
constant receipt adequate to the wants of the ladies. '
The (ientlemens iepartmeni oi lurnuaing gooas
will seldom be equalled, and excelled by none in Salem.
IRON. The blacksmiths and iron dealers will always
find a well-selected stot k of all siaes snd shapes, p
getaer with a good assortment of Iron axles, from 1-4 X
in., to 1 x 1 1 Inches, which we are selling at Portland
prices, adding freights.
We are prepared to receive all kinds of produce id
exchange for goods, and also mone-. For Tull particu
lars call and examine for yourselves. m
Salem. Feb. 10. 1S5 7. - 4tl
. City Drug Store.
THE undersigned, has in store, a general asortment
of Dniirs. Medicines. Paints. Oil. Dveatnfl. Pat
ent Medicines, Ac, and is receiving goods almost week
ly, And in much larger qnantlties than hitherto, and ra
rer them to his numerous customers ana tnenns. at
wholesale and retail, in quantities to suit, at much low
er rates than ever ofrVred in this market. Every arti
cle warranted as represented.
Please call and examine for yourselves.
Prescriptions will be given free of charge to those
wanting .Medicines...
.- aii . v . n r. ttir.ttruiii', m-i.
.Portland, Juno 19. 1857. ' 16m3 , , .
. Salem Drugstore.
TTwlONT Street. Rector' building. Constantly
I1 on hand a full assortment of Prius. Mrih-
nxns, Pais-ra, Oils and Dm STcrrs, Patknt
MzmcixES. Ac.
n short almost everv article usually' fonnd in a Drug
Store, and are offered at Wnoi.xsai.E xi) Kfttaii., at
extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as
represented. v
SV oaniau "oucrmi. m
Prescriptions free of chsrge st olnre.
nar Prompt attention will be given to professional
call in the City. " A. M. BELT, M. D.
Salem, O. T., June 2, 1S7. 12tf
.5'jj: Notice ;i .
r, berehy given, thst C, 8. Woodwnrth is anthnriaed
to transact my personal bnsioeas during my absence.
" ! W. U. UKISWOI.D. i
Mem, June 17. 1H67. . i : i. . 15tf
For Sale, hr,, ;:!.:.,
I WIT J sell one half of the land claim known
as the Dwight Pomrovrlslm. Said half
adjoins Mr. Peter B. Hatch's and la about
two miles from Oregon City, on the uDner Wil
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the
firopertv, lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid
v crowing town of Oorvallis. Benton Co and known
aa the " Thomas" property, consisting" of four lots of
load, together wRh all the buildings thereon. Said
property is In a beantifhl location, and both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at rash
price. Inquire of tho subscriber, at hi store in Ore
gon City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery,
in relation to the Thomas property at Corvallis. - -
Also, six Vt) lota or land in Oregon city.
Oregon City, March 1.1R57. Itf
i y , . ; Lcook. Here.
ALL parsons that are indebted 10 James Strang, are
req nested to call and settle their accounts by the
With nr Hiv.and all those who do -not. will find their
accounts in the hands of John D. Boon, Justice of tbr
rsarn Having sow my im estaonsnmeni in Ma Jem; 1
want to settle up my accounts. J AMES STRANG.
Balem. April n.lsu.-ir .1 i'
KEGS Boston Syrap for sale.' " t.-. ,
gailkt Bale.
jn. Solicitors In Chancery, vorvnuis u. i
i. n. sxrrn.
D. c. nans.
I. W. Sltehell.
gene City, Lane Conntp.O.T. ,
JL. COOMBS. M.D.. Sargeoo, ftc SPECIALTY
DISEASES OF THE EYE. Corrallis, Oregon.
September 13. 165. ,....,.- 2m6
Km rrtieltM idTfrtisliig Aiener
LP. FISHFR. Iron tending, opposite Pacific Express stain. Fuss of all the principal Papers of
rallfnml. mwC t lfnnnd at this olllp. Mr.
California and Oregon may be found at this office
f ner Is toe authorized Agent ior tne suuesman,
. Chester It. Terrf
miKSioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgments. Ac. Ac, for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri,
Michigan. California and Washington Territory. Let
ters or Attorney, and all that Instruments or writing,
drawn on short notice.
ta. Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collections of Notes, Accounts, Ac, . 33tl '
Boise k ItBwin, .
licitors in Chancery. Proctors, Ac, in Admiralty,
roruino, uregun. . sou .
-'' ' " . W. H. Fimr. . . " . ..' ' .
licitor in Chancery and Admiralty. Office on Front
street, next door north of Stark st., Portland, Oregon.
Hinting Grtrer,
Solicitors iu Chancery. Office near the Court-bouse,
Salem, O.T.
. Sn. I. Sbeil,
Solicitor in Chancery, srill practice in the various
courts of Oregon and ft asbington Territories. Office,
Setem.O. T.-. r.
i Dcluoi Smith,
Solicitor In Chancery, will promptly attend to all
businen pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial
District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Office. Albany, I Jnn Connty, O. T.
N. B. When not at his office, or absent on profes
sional bnsinos. he may be fonnd at his residence, five
miles south-east of Albany, on what Is known as the
"Grand Prairie.'
W. S. Brock,
Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various
courts in this Territory, snd promptlv attend to the col
lection of all clsiOM sgsltut the United State, through
an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. Office
in Eugene City, Lane County, O. T.
A. E. Stratten, .
ATTORNEY AT LAW, win practice in the various
court of southern Oregon, and in the Snpreme
Court of the Territorv.
Orricn in Deer Creek. Douglas county, 0. T. Resi
dence S miles north of Winchester, on the Willamette
N. B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained for claimants
on reasonable terms. 23tf
CHadwiest Jt GlbDs, r
licitors In Chancery, Ac Office at Winchester and
Gardiner. 8. F.CnaDwtcn, Winchester. Douglas Co..
O. T. A.C. Gisss, Gardiner, L'mpqna Co., O. T. j
.SUV. 9, lOM. . 0OtZ
B-x. nanxm.
' Darnm
i Wilson.
lein, Uregon Particular attention Is Riven to the
collection of notes and accounts, snd cairns against
government. .
Bounty Land Warrants bought and sold.
ST OiSce over Starkey's Store. 4 j
B. F. Bon ham.
fice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. Stf .
w. w. CHirxtx. a.j.THiTEa.
ATTORNEYS and Counselor at law. Solicitors in
Chancery. Ac Office in Robert's buildings. Main
street, Corvallis. Benton Co., O. T.
Corvallis. April I. Is.i7. -. . ; Stf
J. B. Cole, M. D., I
f Portland. Oregon.
TJ. WRIGHT A E. B. STONE. having sssnriated
together in practice, respertf:iiiy t-nder their ser
vices to the people of Benton and Linn desiring to se
cure the favor of the afflicted by success tssfv. Office
near J. O. Avery's store, Corvallis. i . - Illypsid
, iTl. BilUekr -. '
Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on
reasonable term.
Wllllaaa C. Ortswolel fk Co., -
i.?X w. c. eatswoLB, 33tf c. s, woodwosth.
Eugene Cltr
OR ACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eugene
City Hotel. 13U. . , . ,
Medical Notice. .
THE subscriber. Would Inform the kihsbitants that he
. is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in
his profession ; also he has en hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
asorted supply of Syringes, all of which be will dispose
of on reasonable terms. , W. WARREN.
Salem December 1, 15S. Sstf
W. B. Rlagers, M. D.
PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office In my new build
ing, oo Main street, twodoors north of: Dr. J. S.
Mclteeny's fire-proof building ; where I will be found
when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant
ly on hand a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines
which I will sell low for rash. '
Corvallis. Dee. 9. !. ! ' SMf '
Medieii Hotiot.
DB.R.W. SHAW, late of 8a n Frnnt, California,
offers his professional services to' tho efMaene f
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo
public favor. . . .. -,;.!' -j
tar Office st Reed snd Fellows7 drag store: - "
4y - R. W. SHAW.
f. Campbell k Ftatt. . , '
AttfJRNEYS AT LAW, Son Francisco. California.
Office, corner Montgomery and Sacremento streets,
over Partntt A Cost Bank.
Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will he pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their care. 4ltf
ALEiaxnmt Caotbkll.. ,, O.C. Pratt.
i. Joseph .1. PreuoU. " )
DEALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoe, Ac, and
Paints and Oils, wholesale and retail.
July 7. l56. . , 18tf ,
' ;;, S. Ellsworth, -t "" . '
S. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene
Citv. Ijine Countv. Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Con uectkint. Ac.
August 6. 1P50. iltf )
WILLIAM F. HIGHFIELD, Chronometer snd
Watch maker. Oregon City, ha removed to
the building Inst opposite to the Main-street House,
where he can be constantly fonnd prepared to do any
business In his line. Watches cleaned. and repaired on
short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches and jewelry for sale.
JInrch 6,1851. ly51
8. Hamilton, M. D., A
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce to the nood noonle of Douglas snd the ad
joining counties, that he has located permanently at
Deer Creek for the pnrpose of practicing medicine, and
in which profession he will no laiwiiui to aiscnargn su
duties, and snare no pains' to render the patient easy
and comfortable. ' . . .
- Ot-Ftcn opposito R. H. Dearborn a Co-S stove,- on
Mato street. ' .
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sals at eatk pn-
ees. . 42tf
Wells, Fargo, Co.,
also transact a general dju- - -- -ness.
Collections snd Remittances made In all ports.of
Oregon, caliromia.ine a wu"v V' ,
promptness and dospntoh. . DOrt, Gold and Silver Coin
and Adlion, bought and sold.
Signt Kxcnange on rw ". ' , "'. J iJ. -.'
Albany. RocKr.Ur. Bvffnlo. Ent. Chrthmd XMroft.
Cicago, MUwatit, Gahnm, St. imu. IfU.
T" n a tLAl.Mvintnnl tnsrni in th A (Jan.
tic States and the Canada., may be iprocnredat any of
our omces. " r';"' '; : .
' ' JAMES O'NEILL, gent.
Jnne XM5
swiasisp i--. . t . t t t i f" T T f " t J
, Allan, fliCAk-mnsay, an. s., T r r
TVTiiiksslr and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro-
c.Hardwar., Ac, Oregon City, O.T
DOC. SO, loaa.
V .m AhmIsi Kale
1 ALT So0 hags Los Angelas Salt, rcrred. per Na-
Shsmkeag. and for aals at towost rate. - .
18tf - ' O. ABERNETHT ft CO. ,
iBY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va-
-;.., t !6tf MftORTC'
Co.. in connection with their Express i bonnes, will
Dr. Cnpkay'i ledlcal Rotieei.
DR. J. L. CZ APR AY'S Grand Medical and Sargical
Institute. Sacraniento sL, below Montgomery oppo
site Pacific Maill Steamship Co. a Office, San Francisco,
California. Established for the Permanent cure of all
Private and Chronic Diseases, and the suppression of
Dr. J. L. CZAPKAY, late in the Hungarian Revolu
tionary War. Chief Fhysician in the 20th Regiment of
Honveds, chief surgeon to the military hospitalat Pestb,
Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases or Urinary Or
gans and Diseases of Women and Children, would most
respectfully Inform the public of Oregon and California
that he has opened an Institute for the core of Chronic
Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain
and the horrid consequences of self-abase, and he hopes
that his long experience and successful practice of ma
ny years, will insure him n share of public patronage.
By the practice of many years in Europe and the Uni
ted States.-and -during the Hungarian war and cam
paigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and
successful remedies agaiost diseases of All kinds. He
oses no Mercury charges moderate treats his patient
in a correct and honorable way has references of un
questionable veracity from men of known respectabili
ty and high standing in society. All parties consulting
him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and
gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Dr.'s
offices are on Sacramento st., below Montgomery. San
Francisco. California. - . . . 12m3 -
Dr. L. J. Czapkay would call public attention1 to
spermatorrhaa or local weakness. There is not in the
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than this, as well because of present distress. as the
ultimate results. The tone of the system nnder its in
fluence Is either impaired or entirely destroyed, and a
class of Symptoms superinduced that unfits man for the
performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The
Injuries done to the physical part of man is truly la
mentable, but trifling when compared to those of the
censorium, the great nervous center, and to the ner
vous system generally. This disease, which is too often
conseauent noon that solitary vice, self-abase, involves
fatbofogical conditions beyond the comprehension of
benninitiated, but which are well understood by the reg
ular practitioner. Among the symptoms most conspic
uous are the following: Love of solitnde. aversion to
business and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex
citement from slislit causes, loss of memory, confusion
of Ideas, inability to reason correctly, low spirits and
lassitude, dullness of apprehensinn and misanthropy.
These being functional derangements; are often the har
bingers OI noma organic lesions oi uic ora4Ur wsucu
n rod tire fatnitv. dementia and death.
Fortbe cure of this and alt kindred diseases. Dr.
Czapkay has established his Institute, where all may
rely with perfect confidence upon that skill which long
experience and tliorough devotion to his profession has
Those who suffer should call or write without delay,
and use the means by which they may recuperate and
All eonjulUtions, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad
dre-s to - DR. L. J. CZAPKAY, . .
limJ ' Medical Institute. San Francisco. Cel.
traordinary success in the treatment of secret dis
eases in the primary and other stages, induces him to
call public attention to the fact tha of the great num
bers who have made daily -application to him, there is
not one who has not been effectually and permanently
cared. In recent cases or private diseases, tne nr. guar
anties a perfect cure in a few davs without hindrance
to business or other inconvenience. The Dr.'s method
of treating tbee maladies, combines the improvements.
made by the medical faculty with discoveries or bis
own that are unknown to any one else .and which. when
applied, prevent the possibility of evil after conseqoea
ees. Secondary syphilis; which is so destructive of health.
producing ulcerations oi tue tarsal, ucsiroying im rai
parts, and leaving the bones exposed, which mortify,
separate aad come away, disfiguring the snffcrer n1
horribly, as well as impairing his general health, aad
predisposing to eonsnmption, the Dr. treats in the most
certain snd emcient manner- Also, paimui awcuings
upon the bones, disfiguring splotches npon the skin,
sores. nimDles. and all other consequences of private
diseases he guaranties to cure or arks no compensation.
Dr. C. would especially call the attention of those who
have failed to obtain relief from others, many of whom
he has already cured, and many are still under treat
ment. The Dr. makes no charge for consultation, and
invites all to call at bis Institute ; and he will give them
such satisfaction as they can obtain nowhere else.
Those at a distance, by writing to the Dr., can have
their cures properly attended t. OflSces on Sacramen
to St.. oeiow Montgomery. ;aii r raacracv, .i. i-iuj
The Greatest SiscoTery of the Age.
RE AT Blessinirs to Mankind! Innocent but Potest!
VJT DR-CZAPKAVS PsorHii.ACTici'w, (self-diainfec-
ting agent.) a sure preventive against secret diseases,
snd an unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous
and cancerous alcem.udaHciAacoae eruptions and dis
eases. For sale at Do. CzartUT's Office, Armory Hall,
corner or Sacramento and Montgomery an J-an traa
clseo, Cl. As inoculation is preventive against small
pox. so is Dr. Czapkays Prophilacticam s preventive
against secret aisease. tnat uiey can oe preveniea oy
proper agents, is as well an established fact as that they
can be cured after their establishment. This principle,
which is now universally recognized, was received even
before the days of Jenner. the discoverer of vaccination,
in 1796, and its multiplied benefits ever since have re
ceived as tbey deserved, the attention of the Medical
faculty. It was in pursuit of this branch of the medical
science that Dr. L. J- Czapkay fortunately made the dis
covery of his Prophylaeticum, which, for the cancerous
and eutanoas disorders, stands on rivalled by any agent
in the Pharmaoopeea- The aMriit operand of this med
icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons
possess chemical properties wnicn are neutrauzea oy
beinsr broaxht in contact with this prophvlatic. as acids
are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering them inert
The effect of this sgeut is immediate, and removes the
possibility of n contraction of disease. If, however, the
disease has been contracted, it is nsefnl in neutralising
the poisonous secretion, which by absorption, produce
the eousennences known as secondary disease. In can
cerous and gangerons ulcers, in foetid discharges and in
eutanoas diseases where the secretions are excoriating,
it acts npon the same prindpk and is one of the most
enectnal remedies for the purpose now known. Where
disease is once established it should be ased in con nee'
tion with other remedies, and when so osed never fails
of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in
many thousand eases, and be Has yet to nnd too nrst
in which it has failed to subserve the purpose for which
it was administered. Price, fo- Full directions are at
tached to each package. - "
. S. R In rases where the Prophylaticmn is osed as
curative. Dr. I,. J. Czapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre
scription tor his blood partner., -
All commnmcattons from tne country, addressed only
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, San Francisco, Cal., will be
strictly aad confidentially attended to. and remedies.
with Inc greatest care ana secrecy, immcuisicij uia
natched by express or otherwise to their destination. .
J . . n . nr . v u r.
tto tAAl , 31. 17.
12m3 San Francisco, Cal.
To trk LtniBS of Oacoowajrs Calffoiwia. L.J.
Csavkat, M. D., physician surgeon aad accoooher. in
vites the attention o'f the sick and afflicted females la
boring under any of the varions rorms or diseases or tne
brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, brood, kid
.n and "all diseases peculiar to their sex. - The Doc
tor Is effecting more permanent enres than -any other
nhvsician in Uresnn or ualtiornm. ijei no raise aeitcary
prevent yon, bnt apply immediately, and save yourself
irom paiuiui suuci iiik hi pionei., ..... nla H,M
ried ladies, whore delicate health or other circumstances
do not allow to have an increase in their families should
write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay "s Medical Instatate,
imnrr Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery
streets, and they will receive every possible relief and
help. The Doctor's unices are so arrangea tnat no can
be sonsulted without molestation. 12m3
aa. Al consultations l ny lerier or otnerwise, iree.
Address to DR. L. J- CZAPKAY, M. D..
.. . Medical Institute, San Francisco, CaL
sTrThe attention of the readers is called to the fot-
A ladv of high standing in society and respectability,
published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch,
September It. 1951, which is as follows:
A Cabd The undersigned feels it her duty to express
her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay. for the success
ful cure of herself and child. The latter having been
afflicted bv a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum,'' was
given np as incurable by some) of the most celebrated
Dhysicians, when she called en Dr. Czapkay, of whom
she heard very favorable report; and who, after s short
period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour
aged by this extraordinary result, she 'sought advice
herself for the srofuloos malady, with which she had
been afflicted for eight years, and which withstood the
treatment of the best physicians in Europe snd Ameri
ca. Bnt Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording her
permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which,
for eight years had lost all charms for her. ' She, there
fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and afflicted
to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of tho most skillful
nhrsicians within the United States. CAROLINE GRAY,
Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia.
- A. GitAZSR, Notary Public. 126, 7th street.
The following is an editorial notic in the Boston
Daily Times of August 6th, 1954: .
A Skiixfti Physician. Dr. L. J.. Czapkay has
opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city.
Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army as physician and surgeon nnder the
patronage of Kossuth. He combines with a finished
education and the most refined and agreeable manners,
the most extensive scientific abilities snd skill in his
Erofesslon, and we feel much pleasure in recommending
tm to our citizens as a physician and n gentleman.
Dr. Czapkay has spent some time in Philadelphia where
he won the confidence and friendship of those who be
came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil
adelphia are gentlemen of the highest respectability,
with whom wo are personally acquainted. He had an
extensive practise in Hungary before the Austrians and
Russians compelled him . to leave it for beiag fonnd
Silty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive
at patronage doa a nan of so eminont capacity.
The above are only a few of the tnany testimonials
which Dr. Czapkay has in his possession, bnt cannot
poblish for want of space. All communications, (by I
letter or otherwise.) free.
AsT Persona deslrins- nromnt attention, and who wish
to avoid the delay of corresponding, can have immedi-
oy sending ten oxuian aa consultation ice,
and can have medicine forwarded- Address to
... ; L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D. .
I, San Francisco, Cal.
SPM2RRSfa;or Weakness, nervous de-
a?d "pono0" lJheta
headache, pains in the side, of the eyT pim-
ptesonthe face, senal snd other iuurmities inSn.are
cured wiUioatfail by the justly celebrated physicianand
urgeon, L. J. Czapkay. His method or tiring dUease
is new (unknown to others) and hence the greatsnc
cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise f
Address, . : L.J. CZAPKAY, aLl
. lftti -:--. ' : - San Franciscy. cj '
Notice. . "
THE judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory or
Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the ICtb day of December, 1856, do fix and appoint
District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the
county or Marion, on the first Mondays of April and
Monday, of December, 1856, and thereafter on the first
Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays
of Jane and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Justice.
41 - CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice.
straw Animals. .
THE subscriber at Harrisbarg. Linn Co., has lost the
following described animals :
A bay horse, with star in forehead, a little white on
bis nose, hind feet white op to the pastern joint, and
branded " tV on the right shoulder, 3 years old this
A Iso a man cow, 7 or 8 years old, branded J. S. on
the right hip, and " 21" as above. Has a white calf
with red ears, about 18 months old. branded 21" as
above. The cow left last fall, and probably has bad
another calf this spring. -
Any person finding them will be rewarded for their
trouble, by informing me. A. McILWAIN.
June 16, loot. . junopwia
ULL'S No. 1 Soap, the best yon ever osed. Try it.
White lead, linseed oil,
turpentine, putty, . :
indigo, madder, copperas, alum,
oil for lamps and machinery
Ve w Orleans sugar,
crushed sugar,
cream tartar, saleratns, soda, at
26tf MOORES.
llo ! Te Workers of Iron aid Steel !
T HATE this day received by the arrival of the 3. R.
L Whiting from San Francisco, the following a-wrt-
ment or iron and steel, to ant t
2.000 lbs. Norway shapes. -2.000
lbs. 2 y. Iron (fiat,)
2.090 " 3X&-16
3,000 " iXi " . ' . .. ,
I . .. C.000 " 1,1. 1,14, nd ...square.
,3.000 f.5-16, 1. 1, and lj, inch round,
r ' -1,000 " assorted east steel.
100 " horse shoe nails, (G)
Which together with stock in store makes as com
plete aa assortment as can be found in Territory and
will be sold as cheap as the cbeatbst for cash or coun
try prodacc , J. A. rHESCUTT.
Oregon City. Feb. 23, 1857. . : 50tf
Boot and Shoe Store.
FtEDERJCKWICKMON would announce -
to the citizens of Salem, and the surround- fZ
ing country, that he hare taken a store oo the ' e
east side of Commercial street, north of the postoffice,
where he will keep constantly on hand a full assort
ment of every kind of boots and shoes, both custom and
sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for the
manufacture or repair of work will be complied with,
and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike
manner. Give me a call and examine my stock.
Salem, March 12,1857. . 13tf
Look Here!
E have just received 9,000 lbs. of ground alum
salt, wnicn we are yelling at 3 .on per honored.
TONS assorted iron, just received at
9m3 - - - GRISWOLD A GO'S.
Smith & Dari.
TMPORTERS and - wholesale Drnggistt ; fire proof
A stove. Forttamt. Oregon.
Orders from the eouutij solicited. ' Sm6
r' TOC WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned have got 15,000 pounds bet " COSTA
RICA.1- Come in and look at it. .
Oregon City, Dec 6, 1S56.
jAS- n. Rtcw suns, ' ? ; ' nccRAXxy,
: Saa Francifsro. . ' Portland, U. T.
Richards fit WcCrafeen.
T0MMTSSTON MERCHANTS, amrJobbers in Oregon
Flour, Grain; Produce, Fruit, Pork, Bacon, Lard,
Hams-. Ac, Ac Orders for Oreenn trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances atado on consignments.
No. 4i Sacramental street, below Fronts San Francisco.
Jsnoaryzi, 18a7. - ..- .-.. 4btt..
TAN receipt blanks fee sale st the Statesman office,
at tl per hundred.
aTOUNTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at the
The laws of Oregon.
rrtHR OREGON STATUTES. 1355. being a larsw vol
A nme of 650 pages, with complete index, annota
tions, and references, comprising an tne taws in rorce in
the Territorv, inehnuve of those passed at last session
of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the Dert manner, bound in law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
!e Iwinpht In anv State in the TTnkin. and at the lowest
fignre they can be afforded for here. - The price places
them within the reach of all who desire the laws they
live onner. irruers oy mat! KTompniea wnn ine casn.
filled by retorn mail. , It is the last code or laws that
will probably be published in Oregon, for manv years
In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assent-
Mr, the volume contains the Declaration or Indepen
dexiee. Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Uregon, Ordinance or 1787, in
force in Oregon, Donatio" ! aw and all amendments,
and full abstract of United states XaturaliratioB Laws.
-:-;.;... i. cJBirMtt,' -- v
Solicitor in Chancery. . Bethel, Polk County. O. T.
Mayas. is57j. . i -.; j, - -iitfj-i
Health or ; Siektieis ! Choose Brtweei Ttera.
THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone,
muscle, gland and fibre tn the human frame. When
pare, it secures health- to every organ : when corrupt, it
M4$arUy produces disease.. HOLLOfVJrs
PILLS operate directly upon the elements of the
stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease,
and thus radically curing the malady, whether located
in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowel, the
muscles, the skin, .the brain, or any other part of the
system. . ... ,
Hollows v's Pills are eouallv eJncneiona in comolainta
common to the whole human race, and in disorders pe
culiar to certain climates aad localities.
Dyspepsia, and deransrement of the liver, the source
of infirmity aad suffering, and the cause of innumera
ble deaths, yield to those curatives, in all cases, howev
er aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative
and tonic ; tbey relieve the bowels, purify the fluids, and
invigorate the system and the constitution of the same
time. .
, PLAINTS. , 1
' When til stimulants fail, the renovating and brocinx
properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking
nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general
debility. ' -i - - I - ;
' . ' DELICATE FEMALES. . '' ' 1
AD irregularities and ailments incident so the deli
cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or
prevented by a few doses of these mild, bat infallible
alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her
children's health should fail, to have them within her
reach. ,
The London "Lancet," the London "Medical Review"
and the most eminent of the faculty in Great Britain,
France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their
HOLLOWAY'S PILLS art ft Aesf reamnfn Immrm
m th Woridfar tkt failomixr rfiMosn Asthma. How
ell Complaints, Coughs, Cows, Chest Diseases. Costive-
neaa, lmpepsia, utarrnoea, Dropsy, Debility, Fever ana
Ague, Female Complaints. Headaches. Indigsstioa. In
fluenza, Inflammation, Inward Weakness, Liver Com
plaints, Lownesn of Spirit. Piles, Stone and Gravel,
Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections, Worms, or
Ail aSaijjT . i v e l.a f Professor HoixOWAT.
6 Maiden Lane. New York. M 9 Jji"
mmeetable Drusrsisss and Dealers m Medicine throngh-oufjIsSSs-d
the civaissa world, in boxes
at 25 cW"'1. TSSZtorZZLTi
AW There is consiu: -
ger sizes.
J, njiirtinns for the guidance of patients mes-e-
disorder arc affixed to each box.
37yl j -
rrvHAT Cotton Yarn has arrived, at T
. 26tf MOORES.
Stuart's Express,
. ron .
t3t -
Ckampoeg, BaJeo, Albaaf and Corrallis, "
.' ....On WEDNESDAY, and on
Akeital or Man. Btexhek fkox Sak Fkaxcisco
Km- A tl Letters. Packages snd Freivht. entmated to"
my care will be attended to promptly, ,
OKI- ICS At r ran sum soon otore."
December 30. 1650. A. B. STUART.
Allan, McKinlay, u Co.,
HATE just received n stock of New Goods, anp
would invite all those who wish to procure GOOq
sticles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They
consist in part of the following:
Urmdrtouea, . Canal and Wheel Barrows,
Gram Cradles, - Fancy Brooms,
Grass Scythe and Knaths Plain dn
otusn oo j.
Assorted Colored Pails, .
10 so Harrows, 13 teetQ
Painted Tubs, ;
Zinc Washboards, '
Blacksmith's Bellows, '
Cross-cut Saws, 7 ft
.do Sft
Mm Saws, T ft
Bah- Mattrasses, doable,
. do single.
Boaters, doable,
waca naaes,
do Hoes, ,
do Spades,
Polished Shovels,
Hay Forks,
Manor Forks,
Churns, -
Window Glass 8 by 10
. do 10 by 12
do 7 by
Window Sashes 8 by 10
do 10 by It
Ox Bows and Yokes.
a qarnariijDy fio
Grape brand Tobacco,
Blankets, Baize, Lmdseys, Sheetings, Ticks. AeJle.
We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GRO
clee too numerous to mention.
Oregon City. ; . 21U
fieo. lbernetkf k C.,
Ibenetbr, Clirk 4 Co.,
Kj San Francisco, CaL, will attend to selling Oregon
K rod ace. and till orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac., st tbs
iwest rates. The patronage of the people of Oregoa
is respectfuOy solicited. "
August 1, 1855. - - tf '
Kenron's JJasnierrean
Ann ' ''
fTTHE andersigned having recently re turned from Sa?
X Francisco, is now prepared to take those beaatifol
Pictores on Glass called AMBROTYPES, which have
almost entirely snperceded the Daguerreotype in tho
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in the new baildlng. rrrcUd espreiaffy far tkt
oanness, west of the Marion House. . ,
Salem. November II, 13S6. S5
? AtwUl& Co., . : ,
Kol 172 Washisgton St Sas Fraxciscct-
SHEET, Card and Book Music, Piano Fortes,
and other Musical Instrnmente. Strings J
and Reeds, for Violins, Guitars, Clarionets. Ac
Abo a large wholesale stock of Fancy Goods t
and Toys. : !
liard Balls, wax and cne leathers, flags of all nations,
boxing gloves. Ac together with ail kinds of Yankee
Notions, usefal or amusing. Goods packed with great
care and forwarded with promptness..
AH orders should mention by what boat or Express
Co. the goods are required to be sent-
- ' ATWILL A Co..
6m3 172 Washington st-, San Francisco; ;
: Wanted.
rXfnf onshel Oats, and 5000 Wheat, and anyouan
(jJJJ ttty of dead swine, for which cash will b
paid on delivery. J- N. PRESCOTT.
Oregon City, Nov. 25, 1856. Sitf
OrreoH and California Packet Line.
rwsHE followine vessels wiH ran in eoonee-
I - . . . i t rarr l. . . ..
San Frtrtciseo and Portland :
BARK OCEAN BIRD. Wworss, Master, '
CHAS. DEYENS, Heai-Y. " : .
ie " JANE A. FALKENBERG, Bapges, " V
" NAHUMKEA G, Willi ass. - - -BRIG
L B.LUNT, Richawosos, - "
The Barks have ail bees coppered recently, and are
in first rate order, commanded bv experienced captains.
: Freihti wW be carried at tie lowest rote. J
Produce sent from any part of the country to Oregon
City or to the Linn City Works, will be received and
forwarded to San Frsncfceo, - - -- -
- Agents: - ,, GEO. ABERNETHT A Col. ,
-. -. . Oregon City.
- --i San Francisco. I
November, 6. le4S. " 36tf
. .Corvallis. ' , ff'-; , .
THE snbacriber will pay cash for Soldiers Bounty
Land Warrants, st his store. NAT. H. LANE.
CorvalK. Jan.13.lsoT. Mtf
' Banin & Brother,
F:ONT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis
Hotel, d esters in Dry Goods, Clothing, Ham, Boots,
and Shoes. Groceries, Ac .
N- B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
merchandise at the highest market price. - I9tf
Notice to Shipper and Merchants.
ONE of the firm being permanently located in Saa
Francisco, all consignments of produce and orders
to be filled, will be attended to without delay, at anode
rate rases. 26tf WAKEFIELD A CO.
i Allan & Lewis, -
John S. Edwards,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington City , p.
C will attend to all business entrusted to his care,
before the several Departments the Supreme Court of
tne United States, or courts of the District of Colombia.
Particular attention given to the claims of sol
diers for services, or for Bounty Land. . s
Refers to Gen. Lane and Gov. Carry. ' ' 43m6psid)
Powder. .
E have a large supply of powder in Hand. '
Oregon City, Nov. 13,1356. , -., , , 37t
- " The Oregon Statesman.
An Mepewfatf Jemntat. rfeeofeii to PvHfie. Geermt
hteihgOKt. A-c, iasasaes! at Satm, Orrgtm. , .
ASAHEL BCSH, Proprietor, PaWikber, and Editor
The Statesman is Demoaratic in politics, and- thor
oughly National in its character. It is boftile to every
species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and mtoiennce ;
and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate
any of the insane isms of the day into our Territorial
legielatjott. - ' ----- --
It will advocato all practical measures of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
our local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ra
pacity in office,' and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability of the officer . to the people. It will dis
enss all measures agitaSng the public mind, in a man
ner fearless, impartial, and just. . . .
Ite News Department will be edited with avadi,
attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early v
acenrate, and comprehensive publication of the cur
rent intelligence. . ; -
- The Statesman has a large, widelv-scattered.and moet
excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete-
ItcllSMS iw piwanng hwr. -
- Due attention is also oaid to the nnblication of Miscel
lany , A gricultural and Literary matter. -
In this paper are published the laws, resolntks, and
treaties of the United States, and the laws and resolnv
tiooK of the Territory of Oregon by anthority. T bo
paper is printed on new material, and upon a sheet of
the largest size. . .
Statesman Booh and Job OCce. -
WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book
printing north of California, and an extensive as-
soitmentof Jobbtks Matekiai. of evnry kind; and, with
master workmen, ar prepared to execute promptly, ana
in a workman-like manner, all orders in ine above de
partoxnts, such as '
. I llODIS, ' " ; ULUtK IBK.
' HA3iiMiiS.- - Onssat Booss
Bam. Ticirre, . SIZI BIS'
Ccn,Aiw, J Stwaxsot Carps,
Invitations. , . , B2Llm,i.a '
r..iiu3. Cbbck Books.
PaosaiMJfKS, Bj.kRj(Ctots,
Ace Casbs, Dkasts. -
R1..11KS or ali. Kinds, Ac, Ac, Ac.
law ( Newtpajpen.
; 1. Pubarxibess who do not give express notice to too
goBtrary. are considered aa wishing to continue their
subscription- ' ' '
j. If .nbacribem order papers discontinued. Publishertft
may continue to send them till all charges are paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers
from the office or place to which they are sent, they are
held responsible until thev settle their hill and
tiee todraeonttaue them. .. - . . .-.
4, If snbscribers move to other places without informinf
the Publisher, and the paper is sent to tbs farmer tliren
tion, they are held responsible.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa.
per or periodical from the office, or removing and lea, v.
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentiona .
anr- PnstmastOTs would oblige, by a strict fulfillment
of thw -rnrnhrtiniHi iryiirinf them to notify Publishers,
once in three months, of papers not taken from their
office by subscribers. m