The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, August 04, 1857, Page 3, Image 3

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    will be tnfficientlj answered by the State
man and understood br its readers, in
compliment (?) which, the reverend gentle
man pays 53 out of 60 delegates who com
posed the Territorial Convention, and the
thousands of democrats who hare endorsed
their action will he dnlr appreciated !
The course pursued by Kingslcy and
others like him, exhibits very clearly the
wisdom and necessity or the aaopwou nu
support of just snea a platform as that laid
down by the Territorial Convention which
met at Salem in April last. Kiiifrsley and
men nf that, ilk denounce it as " federal,
1mm it rmnires consistency, honesty and
fair dealing. How they chafe because they
re not permitted to dismember and over
. . ? I n
throw the democratic party i x ,
Oregon, July 18, 185T.
There was one fact we omitted to note last
week, on this head. At the primary meeting at
Portland, the right of one man who offered to
- " , .
Tote was qnesuoneu, on ine groana iium ac
not a democrat, He was asked if he intended to
rote the ticket nominated by the democratic con
vention. He replied that he would vote for sher
in or auditor, (we don't know which) but that
he dnTut exnert tn rote the whole ticket. It was
AiAA ka tt im nirttt to nartiri nate in the meet
ing, awd his name was stricken off. Immedmlthf
ajWwrt,ttev.C. S. Kingslev's name was called,
aad in like manner, and for like reason, his right
to vote was narationed. He replied to the aues
tiea a to whether he would snpport the demo
cratic resolntioas in snch manner that he was per
mitted to retrain in the meeting. Does any man
doubt that Mr. Kingsley nnderstood his oi liga
tions wader this state of facte f It is as plain a
ease of intended fraud and falsehood as ever cx
latest. Km. Statesman.
Rosebvbg, July 2 1st, 1857.
E. Statesman In a recent issue of your
naper 1 observed an article copied from
Xew York Journal npon the policy likely
to be pursued by certain parties in Kausas
touching the subject of slavery. It was
pretty strongly. . intimated in . that article
that this disturbing element would be care
fully excluded from the Constitution, and
left to be settled by Legislative enactment
at the Erst or any subsequent session. To
this article yon appended a brief note that
might be construed into an approval of like
policy in this Territory, or it might be mere
ly a ea technical hint thrown out for any
one who chose to answer the interrogatory.
If the first I cannot think yon gave the sub
ject a careful consideration, and if the last,
to my mind your inquiry is susceptible to
an easy solution if the integrity and efficien
cy of the democratic party of this Territory
ta a matter of any consequence or impor
Y'oa ask why this question of slavery may
not be left out of the constitution and af
terwards settled by the Legislature r 1 an-
Firstly. It would follow as a necessary
sequence that all political organizations as
they now stand would be dissolved in the
very first canvass for members to the Legis
lature and in that contest their would re
main but two parties pro-slavery and anti-
Secondly. One of the worst evils that
has ever afflicted this country would inevit
ably ensue ceaseless agitation npon a
question which every good citizen wishes
to be and ought to put at rest once and for
all, by a Constitutional enactment.
Finally the democratic party would of
necessity lose its identity in such a general
commingling of new elements, and if the
name alone should be rescued from this po
litical chaos it tcould be just what Black Re
publicanism is sectional and fanatical. More
than this antes it should turn out that one
party or the other was overwhelmed by a
majority against which it would be rain
to contend, each successive election would
witness a recurrence of the same sectional
contests, controversies, heartburnings and
violence which the discussion of slavery al
ways engenders. A discussion of this kind
bringing into play the deepest seated purpo
ses and prejudices which have fonnd a lodg
ment in the American mind would not be
confined to political circles but would inev
itably worm its way into the social circle
disorganize society sow discord among
neighbors and beget bitterness and strife in
the very sanctuary of onr homes. On the
contrary if the majority in favor of one par
ty or the other, is but small, in the first
election, and the same all-absorbing topic
were to enter into each succeeding election,
who shall say that each party, exasperated
by a heated contest, wonld not endeavor to
maintain or strengthen its position by ex
traneous aid and influences, emigrant aid
societies and southern leagues. I fancy the
people of Oregon will not carelessly adopt
line of policy which would entail eonse
qvjeaees of which I think the above is no
I am not willing to believe that you or
any other consistent national democrat are
ia favor of driving the party into the very
position which the opposition of all shades
and colors, are vainly endeavoring to force
as-i-that of being purely and exclusively a
pro-slavery party.
It is equally unlikely that yon are willing
to parsae such a coarse of policy, as in the
event that Oregon becomes a free State,
that she will not become a free State under
wholesome national democratic rule, but
a free State, governed aad controlled by
"sectionalism" and fanaticism, freedom
shrieking black republicans. Yet one re
salt or the other must ensue we have the
alternative. . . .
- The democratic party claims to be Na
tional, not sectional, neither pro-slavery nor
anti-slavery, leaving the whole question
right where the Constitution leaves it, with
the States and Territories when they shall
become States. Asa citizen of a Territory
it is admitted that a democrat may be for
or against slavery so says the Salem plat
form so say all democrats. With this doc
trine, it is perfectly possible for as to steer
clear of the eectionable Scylla and Charyb
dis npon which the opposition wonld rejoice
to wreck us. Once settled at the ballot-box
arpon this basis, and the will of the majority
incorporated in the Constitution, and the
question is forever at rest. And whatever
aay be the result, the democratic party re
mains National, mud with unbroken ranks,
and undiminished power to meet any exi
We stated some weeks ago that the par
agraph to which " Conservative" refers was
prepared daring oar absence, and did not
express oar views. Ed. Statesman-.
" Pnt down and kicked out of the Convention."
(Oregooian,) Drgcr.
Crampton was kicked oat of the United
States, tboaghsasat by a good government.
When a man goes into a convention, slan
dering, abusing, maligning and defaming,
calling its members the d t set of rogues,
thieves and liars the world ever produced,
ho should be kicked out. HiLLSBORO.
"Oa what aide, Bengoniaa?" Occidental.
The quotation is, "TJoder what king Ben
jsooianr This bung-gonian, probably signi
fying a bunghole gone in, is a new render,
fp The supreme court meets here on
The SlKVory tAnertlow.
5 . Peer Creek, Dopglas Cokjitv,
July 91), 1867.
Edito Statesman Dear Sir: As the col
nines of your paper have been thrown open to
the discussion of the policy of introducing slave-
rv into irregon, i nave couciuaeu to ocenpy a few
leisure moments to give you my views on that
subject, and to state the reasons which lead me
to believe that It would not be for the best in
terests of Ore iron to have slavery here- Now
believe It is right for those who own slaves to
hold them, for beta raised in the South and edu
cated there, and having never lived out of a slave
state, till 1 cams to Uregon, l oo not nuovr any
thin else but southern rights and southern
institutions. I believe the southern States have
a right to maintain, if they choose, their institn
tions. and I also believe slavery is profitable in
the South, and for the best interests of the south
ern States, and that it is aiso weu tor me aorth
that slavery exists ia the South.
. But so far as Oregon is concerned, 1 believe
that slavery Wonld prove unprofitable and ruin
ous. Our country is not adapted to slave labor
in hardly any respect. Our agricultural land is
rerv limited and what tittle we have will soon be
entirely taken up by the sons and daughters of
those wno are aireaay in ine country, even if we
have no more emigration from the States. lint
tins will not be the case ; for emigration will con
tinne to pour into this country tor many years
to come: an emigration ot wnite laborers which
will be far preferable, in mv estimation, to no.
grot's either bond or free. Let us therefore hare
a free State, and insert a clauso in .our Constitu
tion providing for laws to exclude free nnrroes
Some of onr ablest men assert that it is impos
sible to keep free negroes out of free States by le
gal enactments, but 1 bog leave to diner with
them, and believe that the history of Iowa and
other free States shows conclusively that lawafor-
oiauing me emigration ot tree negroes can be en
forced, and have been successfully enforced.
the majoriry of the people of the future State of
vsregon ucsire 10 acep negroes, son or jne, out ot
. i . . j . m
the country, they can do so by making proper pro
vision in the constitution. It is just as easy to en
force one taw as anotner, u tne mass ot tne peo
ple desire it. .
Surrounded, as vre are, en all sides r free terri
torv, and most of it mountainous, with the ma
jority of the sea-going vessels on our coast in
charge of northern nicn, some of them abolition
ists, and many of them having sympathy for the
negroes, or such negroes as are slaves, it seems
to me that it wonld be almost impossible to hold
slaves with any degree of security. Moreover we
have a great manv mea in Orecron. who think it
right to assist slaves to escape from their masters
and who would be running them off into the
mountains aud adjacent states and territories.
Slavery cannot exist to any purpose unless there
is a pretty unanimous publicsentiment to sustain
it aud surround it with all tho safeguards of legis
lint the present price of negroes and cost of
bringing them hers will prevent any prudent man
who has capital from investing it in negroes to
trausport them to Oregon.
Moncv is worth here twentv or thirtv ner rent.
a year, a good healthy negro man wonld not cost
less tlian SlDOtl delivered in Oregon. Twenty
five per cent, per annm on this amount is U375i
add to this amount at least $1-5 per year for
board and clothes, and not less than f25 more
for taxes and contingent expenses and we have
the round sum of 525 per year, saying nothing
anout sickness, accidents or ine danger or bis be
ing run off or any expenses an owner of slaves is
liable to on account of any evert acts, followed
by lawyers fees. Ac., Ac. "Now the best hands
can be employed for S.K or 40 per month at
any business except certain kinds of mechanical
work. At the Last mentioned rates, white men
can be hired and if their labor is not needed dur
ing tbe rainy season expenses can be stopped for
the time, but not so with the nagro. His expense
continues all the year rain on or shine.
lint some will say, if their work will not pay on
the farm, we can work them in the mines, but we
believe any mines worth working will continue
to be worked by the white men, neither chinamen
nor negroes will be permitted to work in any
mines which will pay white men for working.
Others say it would be very fine and agree
able to hare a negro wench to wait on onr wives
and daughters and assist them about their home
work. But 1 believe that all the assistance our
wives and daughters onght to hare in their house
hold labor will soon be obtained readily aad at
W expense from our own population. We are
not yet a manufacturing people and the time is
not far distant when there will be in Oregon any
great demand for female labor in manufacturing
and other branches of industry as is the case in
most of tbe northern States. Our women will be
forced to find employment in household duties for
ears to come, aud 1 see no reason why the scar
city of women in Oregon should cause us to bring
here the withering, blightingcnrse of slavery to
create strife and establish an aristocratic spirit
our midst to cause the rich man with his
slaves to lord it over his poor neighbor to see
onr sons working side by side with the rich man's
I have lived in Orearon eleven rears, and have
nown the Oregonians to be a happy and pros-
perons people, and 1 still believe they have too
much good sense to introduce at this time, any
such changes in the institn tions of tbe coun
try. Let us go on, as we have done hitherto,
and develop the resources of the country as time
and industry will allow us. Let us continue to
take advantage of tbe gramng country afforded
us and become gradually a manufacturing as well
as a pastoral people.
A Corrallis correspondent informs
us that Avery has a grand scheme which he
broaches, for a Territorial Convention of the
soft faction whicb "doubled teams" with the
black republicans at the last election, to re
organize tbe democratic party on a soft ba
sis. We hope he will have a good time.-
robably the Standard and "OccidentaP
will begin to advocate it soon. The softs
are greatly troubled about a " split" in the
democratic party. Don't trouble yourselves,
gentlemen softs. The democratic party
stands on the " Salem platform." and was
never before so united and powerful aa now.
We are all the stronger for having got rid
of yoa.
. We are again compelled to defer a
communication from a Lane Co. correspond
ent npon the Liquor Question. We shall
try to get it in next week.
Ordnances of the City of Salea.
Ordinance Jfo. IS.
An Ordinance te prevent Fast Riding.
KeCTIOX 1. The People pf the Citm of Stilrm
vr4iu et follows: Any person or persons who shall
ride or drive wrtfetn the corporation limits at a
rate liable to endaager life or property, or to in
fringe upon rights of citizen, or ethers, shall,
npon conviction thereof before the city recorder,
be fined in any rum not more than twenty dollars.
Skc. 2. Any person or persons who shall ride
or drive over or upon the bridge at the crossing
of South Mill Creek, en Commercial street, at any
speed faster than a walk, shall, upon conviction
thereof before the city recorder, be fined in any
sum not over twenty dollars.
Sec. 3. Ordinance AO. 7, passed March 7,
IST7, is hereby wholly repealed.
Sec. 4. This ordinance to take effect and be
in force from and after ten days after the passage
Passed the Council, August 1st, lts7.
I certify that the foregoing is a true and per
fect copy of the original, now on tile in my of
fice. CHESTER A. TEKKi, Kecerder, c
OnHnaim IV. IV.
An Ordinance to amend Ordinance No. 10, " An
Ordinance to impose licenses upon bar-rooms,
drinking shops, theatricals, shows and other
public exhibitions, billiard tables, bowling al
leys, and for the regulation thereof."
Section J. The People of tic Citg Ssfcm do
ordain i oilmen Wherever the sum often dol
lar U specified in clauses 2d, 3d aud 4th of Sec
tion 1, for each exhibition or abow, tbe same is
changed to five dollars.
SEC. S. This act to take effect and be in force
from and after five days after the passage thereof.
Passed the Council, August 1st, 1857.
I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and
perfect copy of the original,, now oa file in my
. CHESTER K. TEKBY, Beesrder, Ac -
ljL, persons noraing my Done ror ma ia i;nampoeg
J. a. are requested u piuBiini we wn WHOMm oeia'
ana receive deed for the
71 w3 .
Cuauipoeg, July SO, 1857.
Special Helices
an. Mr. J. O. Tovmt. UoivfrsslUt. will deliver a
discourse at the court liouae. next Sabbath, at 11 n'rloek
A. M. Subject : " Six reasons why the doctrine of
r.tiuiess aiiaery ia anotner existence i not of Uod. 7
Aa-rlrult ttral Mortrty; ' " V
We would like to have such nf our fellow citizens,
who are m diiiuoacd, to aid us in an effort to organize
and establish an Affricultatat Society ror the Territory
or State ; for whli h purnone a primary meeting will be
held at the Court house. In Salem, on Monday evening,
Slw - - A. K. MKDUKS.
Or. I.. J. CurxAT- Surgical and Medtral Institute Is
so extensively known ia this Territory that any notice
of it, or of him. might seem miperttnuus. Vt Tearing
that there are tte who heretofore having no need of
medical aid, hare neglected to ascertain tbe proper
source or relict in cases or mwriirtuue. to inone ire
beg leave to direct attention to nr. U. J. Czapkay. who
is cerlalniv a rnysician ot errat Ktu ana wondermi
sneeess in his nroTewlon. The Dr. ha devoted much
attention to the treatment of chronic and private dis
ease, ant sianu unrivalled in nis nuuagemeut or
them. To thoe who need such assistance we cheerfully
recommend lr. I. J. Cxnpksy : it would be well at all
event to consult him, an be makes no rhanre for con-
imitation, and much good might remit from it. The lr.
guarantees a cure In all raws or atk nn compenatlaa.
. tr See lr. I.. J.CxiipkiiT'sadvcrtiscmcnt" In another
column of tnis paper. izm3
Salkm, August 4, 1857.
dull 1
Wheat, white,. . -Wheat,
1 oo
40 5o
Onions, ............
40 a
1 SO
l oo
1 00
2 50
Beans, ...... ............ .... .
Peas -.- f
Itacon, sides,....-. ...... ......
l 6
Bacon, hams, ...... --
Lard, In kegs,. .
Butter, frexli roll,
Butter, packed................
Ksfgs, - -- - - .
Chickens, per dozen....... .....
. .. t 50 a
...58 50 a
Hour, per lt"J ins
I'ork, :
Dried Apples,. ........... .... .
10 a J
H a 25
3 00
Dried IVaches,....
Dried entrants....... ...... ...
Apples, per buKlielummcr,....
Kir, clear, per M ...-. 17 00 a 20 no
Cedar, per M i :W 00 a :r tw
Shingles, cedar, per 51 6 00 a 7 00
Shingles, fir, per M 5 00
Sugar, N. O.,..;. ......
Sugar, China, -.
Sugar, white, crushed,. -
13 a
16 a
23 a
.. 1 25a 1
17 a
5M-rup, i..
Kiee, ......
15 a 20
I24a 14
24 a 3
371a 50
Soap............. ......
Candles, adamantine,...
Candles, tallow,
Saleratun,... ...........
Cordaer. ...... ........
25 a 37J
13ja 15
25 a 33
White Lead 15 OOalb 00
Xails.cut,perkeg, 7 50 a 800
Nails, wrought, per keg, ...... 12 00 a 1500
Linseed, per gallon........ 2 50
Boiled Oil, a 2 50
Whale, 1 50 a 2 OO
Glass, per foot, 8 a I2J
On the 30th Julr. at the residence of Gen. E. V. 1W
anm by Rev. Mr. tfclwrnid, Mr. C B. l'll low, of Sulrra,
I). T-, to Miss Rnonx Kiiiiim, of Folk C.
Compliment of parties are acknowledged : as fc
alio a donation of choice cake.
Ia Washington Co.. on the 30th nit. br Rev. Mr.
Albkst Zieata. and Miss (.'hxklottk M anok. of Waah-
inyton Co.
un tbe 16th uav of July. 137, by John W. Frnk, J.
, J!r. tixoKCC rltsros to Mus'Euzabetu l'nirr.
dau jitter of Joseph i'hipH. all of Linn Co.
tin tne Z3d nit., at tbe residence of Hire W . Simpson.
by Isaac Staots. J. P.. Mr. Jour Hastings to SI Us Mtv
li&sa w oon. all of rulk lo.
Jnlv Stnh. at the residence of V.K. Rev.
Mr. llo.vt. Mr. John Hicuea to Mis EnnA I'rinulc
At the same time and place Mr. W"arrsrr to
Miss HesairrrA Uavtos, all of Marion enuntr.
In Lonntv. Mai. IHvis l-arton and Miss Eiai
. A ran j Contract ! !
EA I. EH proposals will be received at the office nf the
1 Ast.0nartrrniatrr I'.S. Arm at Port IIsIIm. ft.
T-, until the 1Mb day of Angni4, 137. inclusive for
tarnishing JVOOO bwhrh (MM .eoo pmtttd of oats.)
These oats mn-t be in all rrocctof the best anmlltr.
36 pmnds to tbe bushel, aad each lot ia strong soend
sacks of nuirorm ikc.
I00 bushels to be delivered about Slt Ansnst t IS.
000 bushels ia tbe month of September and the remain
der by the l.ith November. IH57. lropnals will be en
tertained from parties in areordaaee with the roregoing
specifications for no less amount than JV bushels. An
proposals most be accompanied by the written engage
ment of two rrjpgMiM persons to become security tor
the faithfbl execution of ny contract entered Into un
der said proposal and addressed to Asst. Quartermas
ter V. S. Armv. Fnrt Dalles, (Oregon also marked
trmpnoai ror rurntsntnr rorsire.
Bidders are invited to be present at the onenlnn of
their propoeALs, via : at o'clock, A. M., on tbe lth of
Anenst, liT.
The right is reserved of rejecting any or all proposi
.wpt.an4 Asst. yr. Master. U.K. Armv.
Omcrer Awt. Ju. Masykb, Ft. Italics, O.T. "
July U. IH57. IlwJ
OF receipt and disbursement of fnrrv Omuty, O.
Tn for the Sfral year ending July , fss .
For liquor license.
it; .-
?j oo
M 00
41 sw
831 4
Si 00
13 00
tl2t 43
S 3 44
?S 13
lit S5
- 7 W
60 HI
154 To
13 .'
110 j
300 S
M) 00
3i H.i
. 4.J no
a ofl
43 tW
1 l
4C6 43
bowling allev license.
" billiard saloon "
amount Territorial tax collected,
" f VwttltT Ul
rVbool tax "
fine collected and entered to
credit of school fund,
ntfBVBfuniEXTa :
For expreaa?e and portage.
expenses on county arm,
books, stationery and seals,
expenses of election,
law expenses and justice fees.
" district clerks fee. Coo Cos
" - tjnrry Co
" auditor's fees. Curry Co,
assessor's fee. Carry Ok,
treatarefs cotn'n. and fee. Currv Co-
" commissioners fees, . .
constable's " , ! " .
paid Territorial tax, . -for
interest account.
Balance, ,
SlIt 48
tM 43
inu no
aisa 43
Italanee in Treasury being in County fund.
.. .. Bcnooi in no,
T herebv certify that the above exhibit of the rereint
and expenditures of the county of Curry, during the
fiscal year ending July , 157, I just and true.
it. a. rumiTH,
il w3 Auditor, by R. II. Smith, Pepnty.
OK the receipt and expenditures of I,ane county, for
the nscal year ending July U.lKoT. .
Beceived oa account of tax.
" lota in KugetiC City,
" Bes,
' rent of court room.
- 2.IA1 12
737 13
11 00
15 00
48 00
44 30
Benuining ia the treasury from last year, -
Total Reoripta, - . .
FxeKKprrrnKS :
15,773 CO
130 78
144 A4
1,407 MI
6SI7 87
County orders redeemed.
Paid TerrHorial tax.
Treasurer's Com mi s ton,
Total expenditure,
Balance in Treasary,
14,541 85
1,231 75
falA 30
137 00
Til 05
Orders, County oat standing.
" v Kcbool "
Allowance not drawn,
Total Indebtedness,
1,376 36
To pay which the county has the following means :
Notes for lots sold ia bogene City, . f 2,939 70
ime irom upipH" z
Balance ia UnU of Treasurer, 1,23173
Total amount of means, 4,384 91
I certify the above to he a correct statement of the
Ananoes of said County. PAUL BRATTA1N, .
Auditor of Lane Co...
JSngene City, July 21, 167. 21wl :
B. M. Df Rlle.
DEALER In Oregon Produce. Office at W. C.Oris
wold Co. store, Salem.
Saleni, July 1 , 17. ' ,. l?tf '
Public Salt.
fill Kit E will be offered at public sale at the Jefferson
- institute nullfllag. near jscod censer's Ferry, in
Marion County, on Haturdsy the 5th day or Septem
ber next, all the lands donated for the use and beuetit
of JenVnton luHtitute. - -
Tkhms of Sai.r A credit of Bve years will be given
with ten per cent interest from date of sale, paid semi
annually, i ne purcnaHcr giving w wno approved
security eivuer oy Mongage or peramnu securitiiy.v
By order of the trustees of the aforesaid Institution,
Chairman of Committee to superintend sale.
Jefferson, July 23,157. . . . 21w4
WIIKREAS, my wife. Mary Elizabeth, (Las left my
bed and board without just provocation, this is
to warn an person not to trust ner on my account. a
l Hiian pay no debt of ner contracting. .
July 27. 1857. . . 2lw3paid
w: :
W. W. Face.
lem. O. T., Office, Brat door soatu of the States
man Office, op stair. 2otf
Blank a.
T"EErS, mortgage, powers of attorney for aa'e of
XJ serin, tax receipts, nnai proon, ami notitleatlons
a new lot just printed and for sale at the Statesman
umce. , .
July27.1H57. " J ' J 20tf
- Notice
IS hereby given to the citizens or Marion
countv and ticinitv that the subscriber will 7 AJr
itfft.r f.,r tfial nn tttm i Ai. mtg nrt $4hlA,n. SnaaSBaWl
uer, me toiiowtng property to wk: ; . -
ia Bead or good Auierican cows aaa tuelr calre j
cows all m'll broke : 9 head yeaning steers and heir
era; one 2 year old steer: two 3 year old steers; 2
yearling nijire colt ; one 2 year ohf mare colt ; I line
American uiaVe, 4 yean old ; I Spanish mare ; t good
two horse wagon; I sett short tug ha mem.
TmiworSiu Three or six mouth credit to snit
iurchaser with natc and approved security if rro nes
ted, at 10 per cent discount, for casb down. Place of
ssile at Sir. Kolundd one, mile north rast of Conser's
terry. Sale to commence at 10 o clock, r. M.
WI1.UIAM 1'llll.l.ll'S,
Marion Cow. July 51. 1M7. ; - ' 2ttd .
Imdlaia Depart!
tt NoticN -
SEALEtl proposal for fiimMilae one hnndred tons
of gooil iiierrhitBtnble Hour in sack, contuininr 50 or
iuv pouuua rain, win ue received ai mi omce, until
10 o clock. A. M- of tbe 1 7 tb dav of Aurnst next- T
nour to ue aeuvereu ai ineazencv on tue nllettz River
on or before the lirst day of November next.
Tbe contractor will be required to give bonds in the
sum of ten tbonsaud dollars for the laituful perform
ance oi me contract.
It is desired that all proposals tie full and nrecise.
and that each lie accompanied with the wkittks con
sent of two reponsibU persons to become security for
the faithful execution of any contract based on said
pro)MMal. All proposals mo-t Is? addeevd to the un
dersigned and marked on the outside Iroposals for
furnishing flwr."
Payment will lie ma.le a soon a funds applicable to
uiat purpose are receiTeu irom ine ITeasurv IHrnart-
For the information of bidders. I would sav that tbe
mouer out of which H lexB?rted to pay for the flour
was sppmprtaUMl by tue last I on cress, a wl while I am
unable to hx upon any exact time when it will be re
nin leu. l ronnueuuy believe that it will be received
here on or before the exniration of tbe time finwl rr
Uie delivery of tbe flour.
The prHosaU will lie opened nublirlr. and all lntr.
c!cu arc inviieu io uc prcscnu
Sup't. Ind. Au". O.and W. T.
Ori-icx Si-r'r. Ixpian Amns, 1 -Salem.
O.T., July 25, Is57. f . jowl
IS hereby Riven, that we. the andcrgaed administra
tors of the estate of JAS. R. BACKL'S, dereaseil.
late of Linn countv. will apple to the Pro) site Court of
said county to resisn our letters of administration npon
the aforesaid esUtc. 1MDKOX UMtACKCS.
,, .. ... ' SAMCEL H-tlJDM AN.
UnaCe.. July IS, lJi7. 2ow
Boiler and Steam Eaglne for Sale.
THE undersigned offi rs f or sale a steamboat boiler
and engine ; they will be sold seperatelv ir deir
Oregon City, July 15, lsW7. Sntf
$1,000 Reward.
ALL persons who mav be Indebted to tbe underpinn
ed are hereby notified that I have this day left my
note and account against them with B. F. Ronham
Esu, for collection. F. F. PLAMOXflON.-
ialcm,Jnly 21, 1837. toraJ
JR. CARIIWEU., llenUst. win practice In Eugene
City, from July 2 1st. to Anenst 5th will nr-ti.-.
in IbMebur? rnmt August 7th. to 31st ; will practice in
n inchester from Sen tern I wr lit tn Ink iii
at Baker's Mills. September llth. to 15th. Will visit
iiitennediatc point when roinested.
s. It. C ARDWELL, . '
lientist, Corrallis.
July 14. 1857.
Ink Scaaal Uiaa, Marie Canlr.
ON Monday, the 7th day of September next, at the
Court house, in Salem, will be offered for sale a
portion of the school land in Marion county.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock A. M.
Tkrw or Salsv One fourth .if the parr ha se money
ia hand, and the remainder in three eonsl. annual in.
stalmeuU. at ten per cent per annum intent (ram date
of purchase. . ,
For further particulars see statutes of 1853 '.
X. B. A descrintion of that f tt
which will l offered for sale, may be found at tbe of
flee ol the undersigned.
ei .i . ..."P1-Com. School, Marion Co.
Salem. July 8. 1857. - , , lw6
AM. person Indebted to me win pbae come f.
ward and settle nn. Prndw. t .in
lie taken ft debts rah will not be refused. Make
hate-I want to close np my book, and dont want to
be atwArs about .it. Thoe having demands against
me will present them at my old stand and ret tbe mon-
T; . NAT. H. LANE.
(.orvallw, July 4, 1K57. istf
JukMI Kali tilliaH gajoaa.
f oeroarra Yam nil ueena. siAin , 1
THE Choicest LiqaMs eaoasantly on hand at
Corvalli. July 4. 1851. ltf
100,000 foriw1-'1
. M. lU IlELLK.
: ." - lftf '
any Office at Kriswold ft Co.
Salem. July 1, 1857.
Salem Bath llonse.
OPEN every Wedasxdar and Hatnrday,
and Sunday mornings until lOo'rlork.
Mnele TKkets, . - fl.nn.
reruoien. tfK
ao ue naa at ine nouse. Term cash.
,..... JIOUK1S THOMAS. Prop.
Salem. July 14. 117. IXml
OPEN and covered buggies ComMord
make, for sale. Apply to
J. McCRAKEN. PorUan.l.
Kggs, KgajS Kscs.
WANTEI, 20.000 doaen Tresh rem. far whleh cash
will be paid, by j-, . . B. M. 1L' BELLE.
st Criswold ft Co.
Salem, July 1, 1857. "
Notice. ' . J
"ORVALLIS Ware House, No. l.we offer Tor rent.
. Tn connection with the alrovc we have h pork faonse
nd smoke bouse for rent. .
. lf . MOORE A St. CLAIR.
Orleans Warehouse. -
ORLEANS Ware House, epptwite Corvnllis, for reut.
room In Orleans, a first rate stand for a
xV. produce dealer. The Orleans warehouse aud tture
will be rented together if required.
July 8, 1857,
1 c. i.. rainr.:,'.. , ,
DEALER in clock, watches and jewelrv. Sa
lem, o. T. 1'arUcular attention paid to the
retairing of watches and clocks. All work war
ranted. Jewelry repaired at snort notice. ; - !
Watches and clocks, 8 day striking clocks at a very
low price : also 30 boor marine clocks.
JEWKLKT. . . . .
Indies and gents Brooches, Finger Rings. Ear Rinas.
Gold Uuckles, liuard Cluuus.ftc., ftc.
Salem, July , 1857. ; . Ktf .'
Imkntfpe Bidligtemu Callerr.
THE undersigned being permanently located at Eu
gene City, and having made all necessary arrange
ments are now fully prepared to Ulot both Amhrotype
and Paguerreotype picturea. and respectfully solicit the
call and attention of the public . .
Gallery at The Globe Hotel iu Eugene City. J
Juna 0, 1857. - 17m3
: One Thonaand JJoIlara He ward
WILL be paid by the subscriber, to any person who
wi.l furnish him with 5400 pounds good butter. .
v.-.- .ti B.M.PUKEUJe. .
- at Griswold a Co.'a.
Salem. July 1,1857. 18tf t
Kettanrant. t
TJM has opened a Ras
T O. KHIIk HBAUM Das opened a Kastanrant.Baka-
J . ry
and Confectionary house a Corvallit. Beaton
Co., O. T. will act the best table that the market can
afford, and at all hours. Give him a call next door
POrth of City Hotel.- -- ' J2tf
TUST received direct from San Francisco, a large as-
u "nimcui ui laucy anu staple ury goods.
Print, gingham, aud delainest .
Iiwns, bercge and silks;
ladles glove, satchels aud mantillas; -'
Cravats, handkerchief and hosiery;
. Ladles and gents kid gloves all colors; , t -.
Ididie collars, sleeves and embroidery;
SuMnder, belt and elastic;
Silk and merino under shirt and drawer;
Jean, tweed and Satiuett; :
Genta white shirts great variety;
Hickorr, check aad calico shirts
Flannel, crash aad diaper toweling;
Fancy bed blankets, and saddle blanket;
Sheeting, shirtings and ditmestic goods; '
Men's coats, vest and pant;.
; B.y 'a coat, vests aad pants;
Men's boots and shoes of every description;
Ladie shws and and gaiters, of all kind;
Children shoe great variety: - -- -
tients, ladie, and children slippers; '
Men's and bov's cashmere, wool and for hnts: -
Crockery. Glass-ware, Looking-glasses, Tub
nooaen-ware. BuckeU and Brooms;
Hardware of all kind. Sash, Window Glass aad Putty,
Grain Cradles, Scythes, Snaths, Fork and Rakes.
oo Beg A ails Old Colony. Wareham
and Parker'a brand. Jkr. A-
nammera, batchets and braces,
Urawing-kaive and planes.
Riveting, and shoeing hammers,
t tee' squares. Iron square and try sons res,
' Rip and cross, hand saws and wood saw,
Paint brnsuVs. cbiseK and gimlets,
llutt. screws, lock and latches,
Pocket knives, knives hnd fork.,
Cupping knives aad raRor.
Powder; shot, lead and cap.
East Boston syrup in keg, and on draught,
- Teaa in caddy's and In bulk,
Sugar, coffee, salaratus.
Dried apples, tobacco and a!f.
- Pie fruits, pickle and Vinegar,
Soap, candle and starch.
To arrive in fifteen dav from San Franc-iarn. m hm
assortment of Iron and Steel. Iron axel, steel spring,
and wagiui boxes, which I will sell at sorb prices as
no, sawsiariion. ti. K. COI.K.
Corrallis, June TV, 1857. ICtf
WANTED in exchange for, merchandise or on ae
eoHlt 10.000 Mmu eood baator. whUb I ill
pay ine market price. u. E. COLE.
"tTANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise.
it: ids. of uacon lor Wlilcb i will nar the
highest price.
G. K
VITAS' TED u exchange for cash
SO.fNIO lbs. washed
i wool, for which
will pay 1.) cents per lb.
WANTED in exchange for cash or merchandise, 100
bushel of arood apples, tn l delivered bv th
win ui .s uxilsi ui7iiei price paid. ti. K. ITII.E.
AM going to an FranciMco aljout tlie IJth of Ao
rnst. and all persona bavine hotter, ess, lard, in-
con, or wool, to dispone of woold do well to bring them
ome. G. E.COI.K
Ksneeial Notice.
ASH on accounts or for goods will mot fte rsf to
mis uaie. IJ. E.CtI.E.
rrHE iron, steel. Iron axles aud
waeon Isixes hare
M. ai
arrived at
1TE Lead and Linseed Oil, at
HOI'S, hemp rope, clothliues, aud grass roiie, at
LOTTOS warp and wool cards, at
CILLINS axes, with and without handles, at
PARASOUS, maaUlla. demise, braize. Challie.
silk, lawn, frinahams. cambric einikuss. bIi-
paces and all kind of ladies dress goods ia great varie
ty, at 1. E. COLE'S.
UTTER salt-
-2-1000 lbs. Tor sale hiw. at
OES, shovel--, axes and hammer at
G. E. Cole's.
EVERYTHING in tbe way of Farmer's snpplie
sale cheap at t!. E. Cni,
'TERYTIUNO that Fanner hare to tK. bought at
G. E. Colk's.
tUOCKIUlT of all kind at
G. E. Couc's.
LASSWARE of sll kind at
G. E. Cole's.
TTOODEN ware and brooms at
G. E.Colk'9.
Gt.Y whips, Carriase whin and stare whin at
G. E. Cols s.
P TENS shoe and
gaiter. Imvs aad voath shoes
if A eoanw and Hne, for sale at
G. E. Colk's.
ClIl.nitEN'S shoes, stoat, nwslhnn rn4 fine, ror sale
at , K. Cout's.
A DIES gaiters, slippers and hoes of every deserip
I lion, at . G. E. Con .
ADIES dress good, spring and summer stvles ; a
I ne assortment at U. E. Colk's.
tRESS trimmings fur sale at
O. E. Colk"-
WHITE good, emliroidcric, lares, trunnring,rtc
etc.. etc., at G.E. k.k'.
T1RINTS. sprins aad summer atrle. Merrimack I'o-
X rhico, L aioa, Philadelphia aad Manchester at
. , r t ilk s.
MA IX profit aad quick returns is the motto at
! G.E. Colk's.
PxTOW for laree sale and small profit, for cash or
A. v uregoo prouace.
A well selected assnrtmeot nf
dress I
patterns. Delaine. Merinos. Calicoes. Ginrhama
and all other goods for ladies. An assortment ot bon
net and ladies hats of the latest fashion.
Also a well selected assortment of clothing, boots aad
shoes of the beat qeaUtv. coffee, tea. linger, salt, rice,
pepper, ssJarataa. and tamp oil. with other article, too
uomeroaalo aseatiou.fur sale opposite Banana Bra-,
next door to the Union HoteL
May 19. 1857. - latf
Bakery aMd CoMtectioaerr.
THE undersigned wouM announce to the nwblic that
they have established themselves in the hakine and
confectionery business at Salem, oa Centmercial street.
second ooor norta or tne Union HeaMe. a tnorough
rxperienea at tbe baking business they trust will enable
them to give satisfaction to their t astomei a. All orders
promptly filled.
Groceries and Fraits, wlU also be kept eontanUy on
April 9. ItST. - - Stf
Strayed, '
TTWOM the subscrflier. a portion of his stork, marked
J? asd branded aa follows: Crop off the lett ear, and
wallow-frk ia the right. V. brand. Any persoa know
ing the whereabout nf cattle bearing this brand and
mark, will be properly rewarded bv sending me Infor
Lane county, Aug. 7, 185G. 22U -
Marion House, Salem.
THE undersigned anneonces to the public
that he has purchased the well known
tavern stand, called the Marion llonse, in Sa
lem, toeetner with tne furniture and natures
tliereof. He will keep it ia Brat rate style, and invites
the patnmsge of the public , IL M.MAY.
sisy 2.1, ..... im s
Wool, Wool, Wool !
THE undersigned are now prepared to card Wool, at
the machine, near the. Eagle Mills, on tbe Little
Ijuckinnntte. P!k County. O. T. A difference of three
cent per lb. will he made in tbecardine.ln ease where
grease m ninifhed. r. titles ti.
May 31, 1837. lint
Monej to Loan.
ATflflfi TO loan or exchange for Butter. Pork,
Bc)lUv7 Riieim, lird. Hams. EiC. Fruit, Ac,
The hlsbest marxet price win ne paiu iot any cm
the above named articles in casb, by
' '"' IF
a- OfRce at W. C.
Salem, Jnly 1, 1857.
Griswold ft Co .
A Rare Chance.
THE snbseriber will rent his place, one of
the most desirable locations in Salem,
ami near the Institute, ror one or two years;
will rent it furnished, together with a cow, a
good orchard, that will produce thirty bushel of ap
ples tnis year, anu a urge qtaBiiuijr vt currants ; win
board with tne occupant wife and one child four years
old. In a word, he will give any one without yoong
children, who has children school, such a chance a
will induce him to accept of the offer which be will
make. W. WARREX.
Salem, July 6, 1857. ; 17WJ
Euaresae City Hotel.
THE undersigned would inform hjs frienda
and the traveling public generally, that
hs baa taken the Eucene City Hotel, and ia
Htlinir it un. in a new. and splendid sty la. wish
Rrivate rooms for travelers, ladies, gentlemen, or f ami
es. The table shall be plentifully furnished with eve
ry thin ir the conntrv afford. I have a 8 rat rate atabb.
and will keep constantly supplied with plenty of oats.
hay, Ac-, and I think I can render general aatiafactioo
to ail who will favor me with a call.
Eugene City, Jane 26, 1857 . 17w
; .; ; Ilogs. Ilogv. , 17oga. : s
THE subsoriber wishes to contract for 10,000 Pork
Hoga on foot, or ia Pork, for which the highest
HMHI IW) win w i wm. - v
Liberal advances will be made ia easfiou con tracts
of Hog-- r .,..BJM'.DH.E
Uar umce at " - vti .jau acq o. s, Daieut.
Balta, July l, MST- ; ' m Jftf ,
Ftr Sale as tuip n tat CtaMst, aid for Cash
artttgn rrtdact. .1
JH AVE received by bark Nabomkeag, Halcvon, aud
steamer Columbia, lust arrived, a fresh lot df groce
ries, Ac., which, added to my former stock.oBur a good
aa assortment In groceries, provision, paints and oil
as are to ociouna intuc tcrrnory,te wit:
5,000 lbs. China No. 1 sugar.
4 ,000 lbs. best Bio greea coffee,
250 lb. " Java "
2.000 lbs. Manilla No. 1 sorar; '
24100 lbs. X. O. and 8. 1-sugar in bbl. and keg
15 lbs. biaca pepper (rouna;
70 box gr. spice,
2U lu. allspice, (round,)
. 10 doa. Eng. and Am. mastnrd la ghiss,
,. ! - pie fruit
6 " fresh peaches "
12 " ;
3 "
tomato catsup ia cases 2 ea- ii
Cavaane ueitoer fin arias)
Fresh Haiti more cove oyster 2 lb cans,
jxiicHcrs, ireau in z m cans,
painted pails, (3 hooped.)
Yf. Collins ft Co. axes, with and
- ' J- handle, : .
3 " ax handles,
50 lb. Borax,
60 Iba. Gum camphor.
50 boxes ad. candle ", ?o and 40 ea.
- 20 " Hill ft Colgate's No. 1 soap,
4 Olive oil - Splsgnolia Itrand,'
5 " Cream Tartar,
10 Salaratus,
10 kegs
5 r Soda.
20 chy st. old and young hyson, gun powder.
imperial ana uoiong teax, in milk ana in
2 lb caddies,
lot half boxes aardiaee. 1
10 - Gherkin la I gals.
20 " Tobacco " dig. brands,"
30 dog. papers smoking -20
boxes matches,
2 bag nutmegs,
3O0 lb. Carolina and China rfce,
20O gal, sperm and polar oil.
150 sacka 1 Jverpool ard. and S. I. salt.
3 half bbl. Stuart's crnsned sugar.
20 ketrs 8eth Adams" syrup in keg.
2 bids, pure cider vinesrar. riru1 uhJm Ae
Also a eeneral astjrtment of nainL. uaint oil. w-in.
gum wni iKSim, V wil Z
3UO fials. raw and unboiled oil, .
20 Coal varnish. . . ' ,
' - ' 50 Spirit's turpentine.
. . SU boxes German glass OX 10, 10X13. 16V! 14,
IB, C.
Dry and mixed paint of all color, and anv noantitr.
A rood assortment of mint and other brashes also
a S'mi inunnRH ui IXJUTS ix HOKS.
I have of Oregon produce, 3 JOIIlbs- Oregon A No. 1
batter, 6 to b. 000 11m. bacon. Iiam. shoulder, aud aide.
30 bushel Ijean. t babet peas. 50 haabel buck wheat
nour. au sacs . r. ttoor, oats, tnnotby seed, and aay
oregout ity., li7. , 5Itf
Reapers. Threshers.
TJERSONS who have porehased Reaper or Thresh-
J. era of us. are bercov notified that tbev bar arriv
ed and are ready for delivery. Also oa band 2 eight
i uorTJuens iot me. u. AUIkKAClllI A 1 11,
June Ij.lHS,. ,: jjjtr
rr bbl.. Lime, just received at
June 1. K1I.
Grain Cradlea,
? DOZ. superior, five fingered grain cradle. I ot re-
ceived ami for sale. O. A BERNETHT ft CO.
June l. lir,7. istf
Qfl CASES best brands received aad for sale low :
J 5 C. Pride of the I'ukin ;
a .. Alliance;
St. Cockade :
5 C. Grape and Bird Paradise.
Boots and Shoes.
and shoes suited to the summer trade on
JJ hand.
KEGS assorted sizes for sale here
Sal ran Market. '
THE subarriljcr. proprietor of tbe Salem Market, in
the center of the town, is happv to iaftsna tbe pnb
Iic that he keep constantly oa hand a supply of ail tbe
varieties of meat, fresh and pickled. He also has tbe
various kind of vegetables in their season. Reef will
be sold a follow: Fore Quarters. C cents ner ib hind
quarter 10 cents: and if yon want a choice piece, I shall
chance yon a I it a pound.
All kinds of farmer's produce aad arraia received in
exchange for meat. THOMAS CROSS.
Salem. July 7, 136. Utf
Fresh From New York.
o-v wj.vo axo xotr RECEnixti.
DRY GOODS. Clothlne. Boot and Shoes. Bard
ware. Groceries. Book and Stationhrv Call ia
and see tbem. Ktf J. II. ft I. It. MOORES.
WRITING-PAPER, superior article.
Black ink, from quart to 2 ea, -
States and pencils, -Tabor's
pencils. .
Envelope, wafers; ' "
School card and toy bookd. at :
Jttf -
FAMILY BIBLES, Webster's Onarto Dictionary.
Variety of Mweellsnrnns Works, worth having, at
2ff . MOORES".
Adaaialatrator'a Notice.
XTOTICE b herebv riven that the inlrnimd
1 aausinltd admlntstrator. nf the estate of J. W.
BliH K1S. aceaed, late of Marten Co-, O. T-. on the
1Mb day July, 1S57, by tbe Jndee of the Probate
Coort of Marion Co therefore all ptisaea tndebted to
said estate will please eosae forward and make nav
nt to tbe uudersianed at his resideaca eirbt miles
north of Salem. and aO persons having claim against
said estate, will present the same with the proper voaKb-
crs, tiinm one jeer irom tne nate of tnt notice.
1. n . if ll.r., idnn r.
July 13, 1857. , lw4
Probate Notice.
NOTICE hi hereby given that rjenKtrants D. Hook
er, Executor of the last will and testament of
EI4ZA M. BARROWS, deceased, has rendered her ac
counts to the pr-bate court of Polk countv. for final set
tlement, and the court ha appointed the first Tuesday
of Angus, at Dallas ia said countv. for the asHuntment
of the same. -.- JAMES TAYLOR, J. P.
July 7. 1857. 19w3paid
- Probate Notice.
NOTICE la hereby given, to all persons interested In
the estate of KI.l GIGCIRE. deceased, that the
administrator of said estate, has filed his aejitiou in tne
nrobate court ta and for Marion countv. tskiu aa or-
Uer to sell tbe real estate of said deceased, which is
situated in Marion county, therefore all persona inter
ested ia said estate will please take notice that said pe
tition will be heard on Monday the 3d day of August,
157, at one o'clock. I. M-. of said day, and it is order
ed by the court, that this notice Is? published ia the
Orecon Statesman for four successive week.
J. D. BOON, J. P.
July . 1S57- - . , . ISwtpaid
. Cattle for Sale. :
THE subscriber, living at Humphrey's fer
ry. In Marion County, will sell sixty head
of slork. ronsistinar fif eoars. calves, vearlinr
and beef cattle, and three horse. They will he sold on
fair terms. Purchasers are requested to call nd look
at the stock. - .R. V.HOWARD.
Jane 27. 1S57. IS wt; paid ,
. lsadiaai WarClaiaas . ,.. .
TliECmission appomted toexanwne and report
upon the expenses incurred in the suppression of
hostilities in tbe late Indian war ia Oregon and Wash
ington by tbe Territorial Covern meats of said Territo
ries, hereby gfve notice that hereafter the board will
concentrate its work at Vancouver, W. T-, where all
applications and communications touching its official
duties may be made.
Tbe Lalaws of the Commission, nnder the law and tbe
order onranizing the board, are devoted to ascertain.
ing and reporting fa erpntsst meeemrilg wsewrtsal sy
the two Ttrritaria in tuffttwg tmdiam ssatiffniis. Spo
liation claims and claims for the low of property dur
ing tne war, not actually in tne punnc service, cannot
be eutertaiued or passed upon. Claims of this kind
can only las acted upon under further legislation of
Congress. i . .
Person having claim yet unadjusted with the re
spertive Territorial authorities should see to it that
such claims be recognised by the proper departments
oi tne inie volunteer m-rvicc, ana prt-sentea through
tbem to the commission. . ... .
Hoping to make a final report to the Secretary of
www wviiij, mmmmvmn. n wm WTgm "J tOC
Commission that anthewitieaand rhumaata interested
will exhibit the promptness which will render snch
consummation practicable.
' V. ; A.J.SMTrH. TJ.S.A.
.' . . . ' L. F. G ROVER.
- Vancoaver, W.T.. Jutyn.iasi. 18w
Sd" Other paper of Orecon sad Washington Terri
tories please publish 4 weeks aad send bill to Comnia-
sion. ,
BCTTEB SO ,000 Thtnr which the highest market
price will be paid, by
at Griswnld ft Co.
Salem. July 1,157.
Notice SIOO Reward.
T HAVE this day disposed of aU my right aad inter-
j. est oi ne atocK appertaining to toe - nelvidere Sa
loon" to Messrs. R- A. Barker ft. Cv, aad all .persona
knowing thcanwJvea indsbted to me ajerctufui, either by
note or acconw, win pssase euane rorwaru ana seme np
lmtneaiaieiy auu save com.
Salem, May S, 1857.
Lard "Warn ted.
at Griswold ft Co.
Salaai, July li 1857.
v :i t
- 1
Notices of all est rays are required by law to be ad
vertised in the Statesman. Tbe charge therefor, fixed
by the law, i one" dollar for each animal taken ue.
No advertisement will appear under this bead until
paid for.J
A. F. At wood. Bottom Co. -Your advertisement de
scribes two estrays ; but II received. .
t Where no money, or less than the correct amount
is sent with an estray notice, the notice will not be pub
published antil the full amount is received. We can t
charge estray notices the amount is too small.
TAKEN LP, by the sulttcriber, living at Santiam
city, one small grey Indian horse, supposed to be
three year old, brawled very dun oa the left shoulder
supposed to he a b. -. . J. V. HuRX.
June 29, I S3 7. 21w2
TAKENLP. by tbe sulstcnber. at hi residence, on
Cow Creek, iu Donelas countv. on th t.uh h... ,.r
June, 1837, one white Cay use hor-e, supposed to be
twelve years old, and branded C K. on the near shoulder,
and a scar on the right jaw. near the hmctnre of th
neck.' - . . t, U. EVANS.
July 15, 1H57. Jlwl
TA KEN UP, by the sulaicriber, living about eight
miles southeast of A! ban v. in LinnCnunl. r,.
brown mare mule, supposed to be about sixteen vea
old. been branded with D O T on the left shoulder, and
on tbe O T has been branded J F. ha two small white
spot, one on the left shoulder, and one on tbe nastom
joint ; shod all around, about fifteen and a half hands
mgb ; no other mark or brand perceivable.
July 1,1837. ," 2!w?
TAKEN CP. oa the first of July, 17, by the sub
scriber, living on the east side of tang Tom, Long
Tom Precinct. I-aneCo., O. T., one Spsnb-b cow and calf,
and one yearling steer by raid cow. marked with a
crop off the left ear, and uuderbit In the right ear. flwh
marks, red sides with line back, white belly ; said cow
ha the point of the horns sawed nff o,.rwf to 1
fifteen year old. JEREMIAH SMITH.
July 19, 1857. 1isl
rpAKEX CP. by tbe ulcrilr, at hi residence, live
a miles southeast of Salem, on nrihniitH.iiK
July l.', small bay mare. Lnnded S D and 2
on uk ngm nip, nine year old Ijrt spring.
July28,iy,7. "A-MKUtL-.tRK.
rpAKEN LP, by the subscriber, residing ia AntitvPre
f enct, amhiil Co.. O. T, a red and white netted
American Blifer. mnnosed to be two rm X .
this spring, marked with a crop and half upper crop
a tbe right ear, and half under crop in the left ear
branded with tbe letter A on ri-tat hip. '
June 29. 1.,7. Ilw2
VAKEN CP. by the undersigned, residence two miles
north of Silverten. one red cow. thn tm
the half of the forehead white, the other brown, some
white en the belly and bri-fcrt.
June 23, 1837. 20w2
TAKEN CP, by tbe snbseriber, living on the road
lead ine from Jacksonville to Umoana. about 1 ti
miles from Jacksonville, a moose colored mare, suppo
sed to be about seven years old. legs neariy black, some
saddle marks, but no brands perceivable ;'sbe baa been
running in the neighborhood about three months, and
was shod all round when s-he first came.
July,4;l7. 20w2
TAKEN CP, by the subscriber, living at the moon
tain house, Ashland precinct, Jackson countv, one
small fiea-bitten erav mare, with a small bav "horse
colt ; the mam is branded on the left shoulder with T ;
she has lately l:st her shoes.
June 23. IS37. SOW
TAKEN CP, by the snbseriber, living on tbe west
bide of the sooth fork of the Leckiamute. in Polk
Co.. in what is called the Giliam settlement, clay bank
colored horse, about three years old last spring ; no
marks or brand perceivablcZ Said horse ha been run
ning about my premises about eighteen months.
Juae23. 18S7. j !0w2
TAKEN CP. near table rock, one pair of black and
white cattle, about six years old. crop off the left
ear. brand no. F.M. CHAPMAN. -
Jackson county, July 23, 157. 20w2
TAKEN CP, by the subscriber, living in Lookicgglsfs
Prairie, one red cow, three years old. speckled in
tbe flanks, some white in the face marked with a croo
off the left ear ; no other marks or brands. AL-o, one
red neder calf, one year old next summer . no marks
or brands. JOSEPH HCNTLY.
April3,1857. S0w2
rt UKES CP, by the subscriber, living on the north--a
west side of Long Tom, three mile east of Starr's
point, one yellow, or pale red steer, about foor years
old, with a twsllow fork in the lelt ear, and a notch
crop off tbe right : branded with J. W. on the hip.
Said steer came to my premises one year ago la-t spring.
Also, one deep red bull, wit n some white specks on his
hips, a natural V en his hip; no other marks or brands
perceivable. The said bull is a year old past . and came
to my premises last fall. . WM. R. CROWE. ,
July 29, 1S37. 2w2
TAKEN CP, by the subscriber, in Silver creek pre
cinct, 3 mOea north of Siiverton, on or about the
2Mh day of May, 1857, one Indian mare, supposed to
toot years old, aarK bav color, uree white feet.
blaze face, branded with the letter A on left shoulder ;
no other mark or brands perceivable.
June 22, 1857. i0w2 "
TAKEN CP, by the snbseriber, living in Prairie pre
cinct Linn county, one roan speckled cow, marked
wita an mraertan eu eacn ear, supposed to ue si years
oM. Also, one red cow with a white belly, and a few
white specks on the hind parts ; no marks or brands
peirertabie, snppc-gd to five year old.
tltKKX C. rAtJS. -
July S1.1SS7- 20w2
TAKEN CP. by the subscriber, living ia Burlington
Precinct, one steer two years old this spring, white
with red sptotrnes oa his odes, red about the necs:.
white face, marked with a slit in the right ear, and
smooth crop eT the left, no brand perceivable- Came
to my residence some fourteen mouths ago. . '
4. n.LtA
June 13,157. 20wJ
TAKEN CP, by the snberiber, living in Burlington
precinct. Linn Co.. one red steer, two years old.
narked with a sua m the left ear. the bash vf bis tail
white : no htnnd perceivable. Came te my residence
asms fourteen months ago. J.W.LAKUE. -
July 12.1857. . 20w
TAKEN VP, on my premises, 10 miles southeast of
Salem, in Mill creek I'rairie, one iron grey Indian
horse, 3 years old, with some white in the face ; no
marks or brands pete citable ; said horse was taken np
by aae about the 10th hast. Also, one red cow, about
five years old, marked with a smooth crop off each ear,
aad swallow fork ia the right. Said cow came to my
nrearisea about the first of May last.
Salem, July 24, 1S57. 20w3
At Eugene City.
THE subscriber has at Eugene City, one of the best
general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hard
ware. Root and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene
ral finding store, te be fnond in Oregon. He is con
stantly receiviug fresh additions to his stock, and ai
wavs keeps R an. My goads arFnow all received direct
from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent, AR
kinds of farmer's produce received ia exchange for goods
I pay higher prices for produce, and sell goods cheaper
than any other store in the Territory.
Eugene City, July 1,1356. - i ltf
Notice. .
rrtO all whom this may come, greeting : That I am te
X leave for the States soon, and would respectfully
reqocjt those who know themselves indebted te me. or
W.C. Griswold ft Co., to call and settle without delay,
and oblige ' W.C. GRISWOLD.
Salem, January 27, 1S57. 46tf
. Paper Hangings and Carpet a
JUST RFCEIVED Per late arrivals, bv FRANK.
BAKER. 110 and 113 Clay street, Saa Francisco
00 cases Paper Hanging, French aud AmerV
can every variety ;
- S00O roll French aad American Borders;.
fi25 ps Tapestry Brussels Carpets;
SOW ps Tapestry Velvet Carpet;
UMI ps Three-I'lv Carpet
300 ps Superfine Ingrain Carpets;
3.9 pa Extra Fine Ingmin Carpets;
200 ps Cotton and Wool Carpets;
lis ps Stair Carpets, assorted;
35 ps Bay State Druggists; .
pa Oil Cloths, assorted; ,
125 ps Silk Damask and BrocateQa: '
fiOO ps Cotton aad Worsted DumaslU,
40OO pair Window Shades ; -375
pair Laee Curtains;
75a pair Maaba Curtains;
80 Cornices and Curtain Bands;
325 dozen Matls. assorted;
SUir rods. Table Covers, Gimps, Fringes, ftc,
Wholesale aad Retail, by n
110 ft 113 Clay st San Franciseo.
Orders from the country filled with care and dis
pahfh. Notice!!!
a ti - iAhted to th subscriber. are rcniiested
A to 1-, - or before the 1st day
of July next, and save cost- JQ N pbeSCOTT.
fWonCitv. Jane 1,1857. 13tf .
ltaid Warrata Wa
HE undersigned adesMM
ated. $130.
of bovine twentv or
thirty I TT""--"i. rvt.C""
KnMn. .nJ o i -
towhich we a- f-J w c riRI9WOLI eo,
Reynolds fit Law.
.rOMMISSION Merchants aad dealers in all kinds of
I, Oregon Produce.. Advances mads en goods con-
aianed to us and fot u aided mf imarg.
, r. . , , -
Otnoe at J. raiiina; ot. -
. Caasm r-3 ' -
pliP far SoiaJfra-Boonty land lRRT