330tTO;i J liter: M ; ' 2.. . I.7 14 ... , X303S.! DOOSQ!! .It.:' : E&cr Oi t y Do o h 0 1 o r b , -Hflr BttlPtEY & Co., : Ifari fn and win be recti ving by the 1st of Jan I If OOKS AND STATIONERY! -j7 " Which they offer to the - . 8PRINQ TRADE 4 -. r A- MaaU advances oa New Tork Give as call, r send as an order, and price; t we are - ' ', twasT to ire yoa atsfaettoa ! A.' llC Shipley Co., Ate the Sola Aosxt in Oregon and Washington Ter- ' ritoriea for the sale of A GREAT BOOK !! Being the only political history ' of the United 8tatee Send ns year name. Price M W: Payable en de livery ef book. Can deliver by the 1st of September to aU who send as their name by 1st of Hay. CattkSM if Fart f tu Stack : 1 SCHOOL BOOKS. , Runu Senders' old 1st. 3d, Sd, 4th, and 5th, and The Yoanr Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st. Id. Sd. 4tb aad 4th; Parkers' 1st, 3d. 3d. 4th and 3th; Me tioftVy'a 1st, Sd, Sd. tth and jth. drcLLBtsv Sanders' Old, Sanders' New; Demen- Fatno-v Sanders' Pictorial. School and Parker's. Uao4BratE3v Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ot- mys. Morse s, MO alley a, and Jtonteith a 1st aad 2d Book. M Aran atics Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables, Mental. Analysis, Practical, and Hljher; Da Tits 'Pri mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's Cuibura'a Kay's Stoddard's: Davies Algebra. Sur veving. Geometry , Practical Mathematics. Hath. Die tioaary. Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, aad Philosophy of Mathematics, t, Hi am man Oicssi's 11 si km rtiirtlona ImitVi Kirkams iDpaaeer'a Tower's. PwLsoraics. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and SoheH Coautork's Smith's. . - Hraroaraa Wilson s Javeoilc, and United States; Parley a Universal; Willard a Universal, aad United i.tTittesIoomr''Yirzil: Andrew's Latin Rea der.; Viri Boats; Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClltr tick's 1st and 2d Book in Latin, and do. in Creek; An hoo'a Creek Grammar and Reader? Johnson's Cicero. PasqtKllc's French Grammar aad Reader; Woodbury's Riuinir mad Reader. Telemaooe. Greek Tos- tmmt- twk. leSf-taorht: Sarrenne's French lic- ttoaaiTt Andrew's Latin do. Liddell A Scott's Greek 4a, Aalaoa's Classical do, ttmrtb s do do. Dictioxabies. Webster's School. His do. Aca demic, Unrrersity, Boyal 8 to, Unabridged and Cobb (Vw-ket- Miscdaaxrh-s. Mattison's Astronomy. Newman's Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. Kame's Elements of Crit- Parker a Aids in Composition, rarer s r.xrr Breokncld's Composition. McEHigott's Young Analyser, do. Analytical Manual. Parkers nord BaBder. , Maybew's Book Keeping. Wayland's Moral Science. Palev a Nataral Theolojry. Make a Agncm- .. aliJ ITnham Intellectual Philosnnhv. Mahaa's do. do. Milton; Young; Pnll.ick; and Thorn p- sto; - (Edition for Schools) Cotter a Anatomy and Vhvaiolocv. Americaa llebater. Newman's Political Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of Speakers and Elocution. All kinds of School Station ery; Slates of all sizes Drawing Books; Drawing Paper; Perforated Card Board; Bristd Board; PeuciLs and Brushes; Osburu's Colors; Inkstands, every size and style, Ac, AC-, ao. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. Htsroev Bancroft ' United States. C volumes. HHdreta's do. do, volumes. Frost's Pictorial United States. Tavtor s do, do, dt. Butts a Hit- Keroliittoa. Peteraon'sdo. Wibon's United States. Willard's do. Hbt. Indian Wars United States. Willard's L'oiveral HistoTT. Mailer's do d-x ltoae.'s Hist. World 1 or 3 volumes. RoUin's Ancient History. Fsrr's do, do. Hme'i Engtaad. Maeaulay's do., complete. Dickens Child's do. Lingard's do. Gibbon's Rome- D'Aa trigne Reformation. Bang's M. E. Ctmrch. Allison's Enrope, 1st and 2d Series. Prescott's Works. Barder's Hbt. of Belhrions. Hist, of Coaneil of Trent, Jore- phns. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet. Oueens of Bimm. Ooeens of Scotland. Heln s Snanish Comrneato.- Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. En- banks Brazil- Parley's Umrenal. History of Crn- sades. Ancient Egyptians. Hallara a Middle Asv. History for Bya. ltnnners Child'a United States. LitnKrs Field Bok of Remlntton. , BroomAnir. notarch'a Lives, life Brant. Won- drrtnl Character. Great and Celebrated Characters. Lives of the Sigiaer. Antobiofrraphy of Finley. i-S-martSne's Celebrated Characters. Life of Adam Clarke, do BMtop Hedding. do Xiebuhr. do Gen. Harrison. 4o Daniel Boone, do Roberts, do Lafayette. Cap tains of Roman Republic and Old World. Dr. Chal 4 vol. Lives of Humboldt. Mrs. Rogers. Mozart, n esiey. r letctier. Lire and Times of Clav; Irriagv Washington. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of Chief Jnstices. Josephine. Aapoleon. Charles Lamb. J. I). Adams. Jubenne. Daniel Webster; Kinga of nne. Ktnrs ana vwem. l.ieonnx. uvea or tbe Popes. Prescon's Philip M- Mary aad Martha Wah- lnrtoo- noneer n omen ot me w ess. Taavaxsv Hocke China- Araocanians. Rtephens Egvpc uis lvaveis. nungo t-ara. .-sue Aotes Adventores on Masqmto Shore. Bayard Tay lie's Trav els. Durbin's Travels in the Ea.t. . SciKCTtnc-Brande's Encrclopedia. Phrsieal Geog raphy of tbe Sea. Wood's Natnral HHtory. Irdner's TctoresL Useful Art. Cmos. Mathematrcal Iic tionary. Igic of Matbemariea. Wonders of Hclenee. UitcheiTs Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Ixxmiis' Re cent Progress of Atronomy. Smith's PictKmary of Arts and science, raoaea's riyaraoiice. incn a works. anons works on Arm Hectare. - - Pott. Byron various styles, Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. Barns, do. Hemans, do. Moore, do. Thsmn-vm. Yonnx-. Pollock. Topper. Cowper. Pone. CvnpbeiL Waibworth. Omiaa. Montgomery. Kirk WM& . Female Poets of England, do. do. Amenc and man v others. ' Books or RapaxocE. Cyclopedia of Geographv. do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts. AlcOoHoch s Gaaevteer. Harper s Lnl venal tiazetteer. Farrr in A a Kicd-mtat. Elliot'a Frnit Boob Thnmas' do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Fesenden's Farmer and Gardener. Frnit. Fluwer and Vegetable Gardeners Corapamnn. Allen on the Grape. Pardee on strawberry, r ions totde. American r arm Book Allon'a Domestic Animals. All of Saxtoo's Hand Books - Walks on Horse, Cattle, bneen. Hosts. Ac Theological. A Ksucioub. Harmonv aad Exno. tion of Gospela. Xeaader's Life of Christ . Butler's Works. Kaapp s Chrxttaa Theology. Wetern Meth odism. Morru Mncetiames. Lectures on Romanism. Brand ef Dominw Bole. Elliot on Romanism. Bamea Notes. Clarke a Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's Exercises.- Watwn's Institutes. Irraliee's Evidences. Btrtler s Ethical Disconrsea. Rocers' Ecliose of Earth. diL Reason and Faith. Power's ChrMt. Perfection. Biker oa Discipline. Writings of Arminins. Jahn's Hibucal Arcmeology. KiMes, all sizes and prices, from St to $29. Testaments, great variety. Methodist Hymns. ChrMian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist. Plymouth CuUection. Select Melodies. Christian Psalm Kt. MedicaIm Bnehaa'a Family pathie do. Hoaampathie Wnrks. Misckllaibix. Constitntions of United States. Maybew's Popular Education. Cralibe'a Synonyms. i"i nooa oi vnnonues. una f-el tow s Manual. Headley'a Works. 14 vols. Mrs. Tutbill'a. vols. Iav- ard'a Nineveh. Bigelow'a Uaeral Arts. Hanrell's En gineer's inide. American institotions. Parsnit of Knowledge. PertMadsson. Pemvian Antirnitie5 Way Down East, Pysshnrt. Ike Marvel's Work-., Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles in Englsnd. Tslesaad Reveries, an excellent Temper ance Book. Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book, sill ier s Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator. Younjr Ladies' Comwellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial Catechism. Thomsons Lect. to Y. Men. Coastita. tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri can Honsewife. Half Honrs with Old Humphreys Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm Fence. Arthur's Sacee-wful Merchant. An. Tl Un Partisffton. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car lea's Works. Heroines of History. I -and and 8ea Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Shin and Shore. Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irvine's Coiumbaa, Long Look Ahead. City of New York Living Orators of America. Young Man Advfeed. Mis sions is Tones and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Knout and the Rnsnan. Hydrapathie Cook nrm.. unw oea neenes. Girt Book for Young Men. do. do. Ladies. Aneedotes for Girls, do. do. oys Footprints of Famons Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant Boy Philoso pher. Abbotts Marco Paul Books, do Franconia And a number of others too rmmerous to ennmerate. i'""""? "-""X lanre additions to tbe fortrninir. Cwav.AV.-W PAfjAp.fi ) . . " 8. J. JltCenalcK, Prcaldixi Ecclx CtcroV . (kt mnr, mtuii,o.t.) HAS constantly on hand large stnc of Boob am SranoxKar, which lie sells at a small advance oa rmnim I11CM. ' - ' ti- A eatalnonitfi ma he uvn hi the OwgoU and Waahinstion Almanae for l.-T. Books ordered there from sent postage free to any part of either Terrritory. Portland, Feb. 24, IBS7. - - - - - 1 - Myl Corrallls Drag 8tre. T R. CARD WELL, Druggist and Apothecary, Is con- mj , atantly receiving, per Uauroroia aieamers, urge and carefully selected stocks of Drugs and Medicines, Oils. Paints, Varnish, Soaps, Perfumeries, Toilet For niture. Stationery, and all articles usually kept in Drug Stores. Agent for Jaynea, and other patent medicines, which will be furnished at California, wholesale prices. tar OBDtBs aobtcmcn. c J. 1L CARD WELL Corrallls. Hay 29. 1MT. ' ' I2tf Blacksmiths stud titers, Ioetk. A LLAN McKIXLAY A CO. bare now on hand a xi. large and well selected stock of Bar Iron, ' , Cast Steel, Horse shoe do German do Nail rod do ... Plough do., Plate Hn And intend to keen nn the assortment so as to suit the wants of customers. Give us a call, and you will Hud that we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell " as ehean as the eheanoxt." We are constintly receiv ing addition to oar assortment, so ss to replace what Is sold. , t Oregon City, Dee. 33. 1S56. . 41tf Henry Johnson . tt Co. WHOI.ESALK DRl'txilSTS. (14S Washingt m Street, San Francisco.) - Offer for sale to the country trade, the largest stock of roods in their line on the Parlfla rw4 rouinrl- slng Dnigs, Chemicals. Perfumery. Patent Medicines of all kinds. Hntsbes, paints. on. i. lass, rnrpeniine. and every article appertaining to the business. Having n nerinr facilities for obtaininr their oods thrv think they can offer inducements w buyers nneinalled by any other house. Qrders respectfully solicited. ' 401y Dentistry DR.J.IL CARDWEIX. Dental Surgeon Corvallis, will practice In his profes- I sioa.st I'm-caffU. Entrnt CiTv. rfTirftii . In-, SroffUOHrg.snd JmrkmmvUh. Skill, nnonestionable: charscs. respectable: work, warranted. Teetn examin ed. and advice given free of charge. Due notice given of change or otnee. - April 21. 1S54. ' Ttf iVw lleceiwlnr fTtHE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and (or I sale low. SO gross matches ; loO kegs ot syrups ; 5 hf. bbl. N. ti. sugar ; 10 bbls. crushed sngar ; 0 hoxei candles ; 10 bbls. vinegar ; SO cases tea ; 15 doz. brooms; 20 doz. buckets ; 2 rases men's fine calf boots ; 2 calf brogaas ; I ' xocit S " boys" brognn ; 3 " youths calf brogans; 1 " women'a Morocco bftotx ; 2 - imitation boots ; J " MUs' hoots; 17i pairs children "s shoes ; It straw cutters ; 21 grain cradles ; 1 reaper ; 1 two horse thre-ibcr; GEO. ABEUXETHY A CO. Oreron CTtr. June I . 1 Mf. CHAIN PL-MI'S, monkey wrenches, match planes, screw arm, sab planes, . horve bocs sad nails to Ct . gun lock, plugs and nipples, tubes, bullet moulds. Woenholm:s IXL pocket knives, pruning and budding knives, rat traps t ralcA pnrrd, at MOORES' Boohs and Stationer-. SCHOOL READERS, Parker's 1st. 2d. Sd, tth and 5th, Sanders do do do do McGufTy's do do do dr. Davies" arithmetic. University and Common SeUooi, . Intellectual and primary, Davies' Bourdon algebra, . I-egendre , surveying. Geometry and trigonometry, ' Key to Dsvies' Arithmetic, Thompson's arithmetic, Parker's philosophy, " juvenile and I tleons. Grammam Clark's. Bullion's Smith's. Geographies M ifhell's, Monteitb's manual, ilonteith's !t le-wons, Muiic Lnte of iiion. New Carmina Sacra, ChrL-tian Plmlst. Missouri Harmony, Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at .-" nonrrc- Notice. village of Roseburg, in the county of IKmijtU on the flrt Mondays, of March, May, September and Xovem ber, annual I v. until othcisi-e ordered, and do limit the uurauon oi ssia terms v six nv eseii. GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Clitef Justice. 4ltf M. P. DEA11Y. AwneHte Jntr. Books and Stationery. AT THS ORKQOK CITT TrOrr OltlCI BFlLBOifl. JOHN FLEMING WOULD respeotfdlly call the attention or his friends and the nnblin to th fnet that h. haa nn hantl. and keeps constantly supplied with a large stock of of all kinds, which be offers for sate, for cash, at the above building. His present stock is comprised; in part, of the following, viz : Oregon Statutes, session laws ef Oregon session 185 '7; Washington Irvings works; Redrteld s Com parative Physiognomy; Discovery and Exploration of the Mississippi; Sears American Revolution; Sear's Family Annual, Wilons Esasys and Miscellanies; Be thnne s Poems; Life of the Emperor Napoleon, by Lock- , fKcsui mc rrvaiucnis; uieoi Andrew Jackson; Webster's Ure aud hia Masterpieces; Baneroft'a Life of Washington; Life and Speeches of Henry Clay; Button's Natnral History; Josephns' complete Works; Ijiue's Brigade In Mexico; Oliver Cromwell; A Ten nesson Abroad; Indian Wars of the United States: The B. ok of the Ocean and Life on the Sea; Miss Hall s i rami-ai i.ouscrj; sirs, nait i mew took Hook; Tbe imiinnru iiousew ne, or book oi iteceipts. by Mrs. A. L. Webster; History of the Mormons from tbeir origin to the present time: Fern Lcsves from Fannv'a Port Folios; The Spectator, by Biagdon; Tupiers ProverW- ,'hi'cl'hy; ,Iu,i KaiHiIeon ghd the Bonaparte Fam iiy, ibuiudwi iensons; i oting a Nigbt Thoughts; Paradise Ixwt; Pull k'a Course or Time; Benjsnilu's Pilprima ProirreHs; American's Own Honk; Tlte World liiustrateii .-.o tnrrarinfrs; Lire and Ksay or Benja min Franklin; Lite of Washington, by Sparks; Com stork's Syxtcm of Elocution: Fremoi'U Rxnlnritiir R. pedition thnitgh Oregon and Calitonita; Pictorial His t ry of All Nations, by Goodrich; Benton's 30 vears in the I. . X. henate; Byron s Works; Prescott's lliocra- phies and Critical Miscellanies; Prescott's Connnest of Mexico 3 vols; Presott s Ferdinand and Isabella 3 vols; Prescott's Robertson's History of Charles S 3 vols; Present's 1st and 2d Philip: Milman'a Gibbon's Rome; Rollins Ancient Historv; Plutarrlis Uvea; Ma cauley's History of England; iHck's Works; Cnmmlng's Ivect'ires: 'eltrr's American Family Cyclnticdias; Scott's Napoleon; Chamber's Information for the Peo ple; Life in the Itineracy; Life or Gen. Ijifsyette; The Young American's Lire of Fremont; History of Ire land, by Moonoy; Heavenly Home: Carl vie s New Es says; British aud American Female Poets: Burns' complete Works; Moore's Po--ticnl Works; Barns' Po etical Works; Mrs. Hcman'a Poetical Works; Mittoa's Coiuph-le Works; Tupjer s Complete Work; Life snd Beauties of Shakespeare: Arabian Nights; Balloon Travels in Euror; lyards Discoveries at Kinevah; Wheenlev'a l?onilietitl itf IILstnrfr- tleaillev'a Mtoeft.11. nies March's Reminiscences or Congress; Thaddens of Warsaw: The Planter's Victim: Melbourne and the Chincha Islands; Knitz's Sacred History; Pennshurst nts viandcrtncs and nays or itiliiknig; Koblnson Crusoe: Children of the Abbev: Indian Battles. Cantiv- itics and Adventures; Dreams and Realities of a Pas tor and Teacher: Tbe Ship Carpenter'e Family; Vlcto. ria. or the World Overcome; Bibles and Testaments; Webster's Dictionaries large and small; Gunn's Cele brated IhHucstic. Medicines; bhort Patent 8eruoos, by flftftt, I I .. i .. 1 1.- . t. T-1 -. ' . Jt, .Mil 1 .1 ti . .-...IT ffiiuit, Jf-, A.. flu. " Thomson's Practical Arithmetic; Calhouns Intellectual Antnraetic; Vocal snd Instrnmental Note Hooks; Mit chell's Geography and Atlas; Youatt on the Structure and diseases of the Hrse; axtnn sltiirsl Hand nooks; Cole's American Frait Book: lowninKs Rural Essays: !ownings Fruit and Fruit Trees or America: Elliott's n est era Fruit Book: American Cattle Doctor, by Ia.l 1; Fruit, Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion: American Fruit t'ultiiri.t, by Thomas; The Strawberry Culture, by Pardee: American Poultry Yard, by Brown; Youatt oii the Manazemcnt and Diseases or Sheep; Note, letter and Foolscap paper; Pens anlPenbld- ers; anci and sand-boxes; uiack. Illue and lied Inks; Plsm and Fancy Envelopes; Slates and Slato Pencils; lilant isooks. Sr.. Ac. Oregon City, June !!. IS57. lTtf Smitkt Jade. TTORSETS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW AND Jr. Solicitors in Chancery, corvauis u i. K.nm. sftf P. C. PADS. !A TTOtofEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, E0 A. gene City, Lane Conntp, 0. T. r Sirgieal. J L. COOMBS. M.D.. Sunwon .DISEASES OF THE EYE. , September 2S, 185. , Ac SPECIALTY Corvallis, Oregon. 2Sm - Saa FrtBfisw AdferUilMlgeief LP. FISHFR. iron building, opposite Paciflo Express Office, up stairs. Files of all the principal Papers of California and Oregon may be round at this office. Mr. Fisber is the authorized Agent for tbe Statesman. . Chester S. Teny A TTORN'EY AT LAW, SALEM, OREGON, COM Lfmiss loner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments. Ac, Ac, for Iowa, Indiana. Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Territory. let ters of Attorney, and all other Instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. Particular attention paid to taking depositions, collections of Notes, Accounts, Ac, . 32ti Boise leEwin, A TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS T. licitors in Chancery, Proctors Portland, Oregon. AT LAW.SO- Ac, in Admiislty, itf W. H. Parrar, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. So licitor in Chanrerv and Admiralty. OfHce on Front street, next door north of Stark si; Portland, Oregon. fording k 6rorer, ATTORNEYS AND (XIUNSELORS AT LAW. AND Solicitors in Chancery. Office near the Court-house, Salem. O.T. Gee. I. Sbeil, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor In Chanrerv. will nractiee in the variona courts of Oregon aud Washington Territories. Office, saicm, u. i. Drlaxoi Smith, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon. Office, Albany, Linn t'ormty, O. T. N. IL When not at his office, or absent on profes sional business, he may be found at hia residence, live miles snuin-eas or Albany, on what w known as the urano l rainc W. 8. Brork, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col lection of aU claims a'zainst the United States, through an efficient agent residing at Washington City. Office 11 ft.lfrUfi7 V lf.J, llie t-ffUUlJf fL7. A. 925,000 Worth OK SPRING AND SUL1IIER GOODS ! Till E subscribers would respectfully inform their ens J torn ers and the public generally tuat tliey nave on hand, and are in eimstant rvefeint uf Hoods from Sll Francisco and New Yor It a large and well-se lected stoca consisting in part or Alum, allspice, an I alpacea. Bonnets, bera-res, and bro. linen, Cambric, rrali, and calico, lomestic de laines, and damask. Edging, embroidery and everything. Flannels, fringes, and Taney rlxiu's, Ginpha-ns. gaite-s and gl-ives. Handkerchiefs. hie and hair-pins, Iron, ink, and iusertings. Jacom t.jeaus. and Java coffee. Knives, kid gloves, aud kuitting-phis, l-awns, lard aud Liverpool salt. Mustard, mirrors, and matches. Needles, nails, and nice things. Oils, orershirts, and Oul jng tea, Pins, pants, aad paper, t. lilts, quills, and iueensware, Kibbons. razors, and rat-traps. Silks, sngar, and shaving soap, Tea. t-tltarco. and turpentine. Umbrellas, nnder-slreves. and ttsefol things. t eils. vsrnisn. snd vinecsr. Wreathes, WfXilen eosUi. waffle-irons. Yarn. yeAst, and Yankee notions, Zinc, and zephyr worsted, Ac, Ac, aud so on. Besides mar v other articles too numerous to mention : sli or which we are offering st reduced prices, adopt- k mm and amjui poflis... ' It. . Stratton, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the various courts or southern Oregon, and in the Suoreme Court ot the Territory. Ofmcb in Deer Creek. Dowries rountv. O. T. Resi dence 6 miles- north of Winchester, on the Willamette road. N. B. B-mnty Land Warrants obtained for claimants on reasonable terms. Jrttr Chadwlck At Gibbs, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, So licitors in Chancery. Ac. Offices at Winchester and Gardiner. 8. F. Cbapvick, Winchester, Douglas Co., O. T. A.C. Gisss, Gardiner, Umpqna Co.. O. T. Nov. 9, 1S55. S3tf B. M. BASSt-M. s. a. WILSOX. Barntim 9l Wilson. ATTORNIES AND COUNSELIaIRS AT LAW, Sa lem, Oregon. Particular attention is riven to the collection of notes and accounts, and cairns against government. iKiuntv lann arrants bought and sold. -Ufflce over Starkey's Store. 43 II. F. Bonnam. ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIXOB AT LAW. Of fice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. BU w. v. CHirai. A. J. TH1TZR. 1 be ladies win rind in their department a urn stock of fancy roods, dires t from New York, which is not fTTHE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of I nsially kept in Oreeon, and by arrangements will be in -S. urerim. assembled at tne seat of ttovernment on I constant receint adrauate to tbe wants of tbe ladies, the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and flftv-1 The tfentlemen's Department of furuLshing roods no nx and appoint ULstnct courts, to be held in I will seldom be entailed, and excelled by none in Salem. IKU.N. The blacksmiths and iron dealers will always nnd a well-selected sto- k or all sizes and chapes, to gether witn a good assortment or Iron axles, from l- x in., to 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland prices. addinc treiihts. We are prepared to receive all kinds or produce in exchange for ?oods, and also money. For full partica- a re can ana examine tor yourselves. W. C. GUISWOLD A CO. Salem. FeK 10, 17. 4tf A TTORNEYS and Counselors at law. Solicitors in -t. Chancery. Ac. Office in Itohert'a buildings. Main sireei. t.frvaiiis. enpn u. T. Corvallis. April 1.JK5J; 5tf J. B. Cole, 91. D., T.HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. ra i-rniami. tirexon. Medical. TJ. WP.IGHT E. B. STONE, having assocUted together in practice, resiiectriilly tender their ser vices to the people ot iienton snd unn aesinng to se cure the favor or the afflicted by success oa. Office near J. C. Avery s store, Corvallis. 21lypaid Or. Cxapkajr'i Eedieal Hetieet. DHJ.L CZAPKAYS Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento St., below Montgomery oppo site Pacific Maill Steamship Co.'a Office, Saa Francisco, California. Established for the Permanent cure of all Private and Chronic Diseases, and the suppression of quackery. - Dr. J. L-CZAPKAY,lateinthe Hungarian Revolu tionary War, Chief Physician in the 20th Reeiment of Honveds, chief surgeon to the military hospital st Pesth, Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or gans and Diseases of Woman and Children, would most respectfully inform the public or Oregon and California that he has opened an Institnte for the cure of Chronic Diseases of the Innjrs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain and the horrid consequences ot self-abuse, and he hopes that his long experience and successful practice of ma ny years, will insure him a share of public patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe and the Uni ted States,: aad during the Hungarian war aad cam paigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds. He nses no Mercury charees moderate treats bis patient In a correct and honorable way has references or un questionable veracity from men of known respectabili ty and high standing in society. AH parties consulting him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Dr.'s offices sre on Sacramento st., below Montgomery. San Francisco. California. 12m3 SPERMATORRHOEA OR LOCAL WEAKNESS. !r. L. J. Czapkay would call public attention to spermatorrhra or local weakness. There is not in the catalogue or human maladies one more to be depreca ted than this, as well because or present distress, as the ultimate results. The tone of the system nnder its in fluence is either impaired or entirely destroyed, snd a classof symptoms superinduced that unfits man for the performance of any or the ordinary duties or life. The injuries done to tbe physical part of man is truly la mentable, but tricing when compared to those ot the censorium, the great nervous center, and to the ner vous system generally. This disease, which is too often consequent npon that solitary vice, self-abuse, involves pathologicsl conditions beyond the comprehension of theuninitiated, but which sre well understood by tbe reg ular practitioner. Among the symptoms most conspic uous are tbe following: Love or solitude, sversion to business and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex citement rrom slight causes, loss or memory, confusion of ideas, inability to reason correctly, low spirits and lassitude, dullness of apprehension and misanthropy. These beins; functional derangements, are often the har bingers of horrid organic lesions or the brain, which pioduce fatuity, dementia and death. For the cure or this snd all kindred diseases. Dr. Czapkay has established his Institute, where all may rely with perfect confidence upon that skill which long experience and thorough devotion to his profession has given.' Those who suffer should call or write without delay, and use the means by which they may recuperate and live. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad dress to PR- I- J- CZAPKAY. I2m3 Medical Institute, San Francisco. CaL SECRET DISEASES PR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S Ex traordinary success in the treatment at secret dis eases in the primary and other stages, induces him to call puMie attention to the tact that or the great num bers who have made daily application to bim, there is not one who has not been effectually and permanently cured. In recent cases of private diseases, the Dr. guar anties a perfect cure in a few dars without hindrance to business or other inconvenience. Tbe lr.'s method of treating these maladies, combines the improvements made by the medical faculty with discoveries or his own that are unknown to any one else, and which , when applied, prevent tbe possibility of evil after consequen ces. Secondary syphilis, which is so destructive of health, producing ulcerations of the throat, destroying the soft Dsrts. snd leavine the bones exposed, which mortify. separate and come away, disfiguring the sufferer most bomfily, as well as impairing nis general neaua, ana predisiMsinw to consumption, tbe Dr. treats in the most certain and efficient manner. Also, painful swellings npon the bones, dL-ticurine splotches npon the skin, sores, pimples, and all other consequences of private diseases he guaranties to cure or asks no compensation. lr. C. would especially call the attention of those who have railed to obtain relicT rrom others, many or whom he has already cured, and many are still nnder treat ment. The Dr. makes no charge for consultation, and invites all to call at his Institute ; and he will give them such satisfaction as they can obtain nowhere else. Tboee at a distance, by writing to the Dr., can have tbeir cures properly attended to. Offices on Sacramen to sL. below Montgomery. San Francisco, Cal. 12m3 A. B. Halloek, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. PORTLAND. O. Designs, plans, specifications, Ac furnished reasonable terms. T. on Physician. Hydro- thos. ssruor.ns, ) c . rr nw. A. taw, I rortland. Oregon. Uernolds at Law. 1TTHOLESALE Grocers and Comraisston Merchant 1 V and dealers in 'A-rgon Product, corner Kearny ittu .;iwti tr-irveis.ssfan r rsncisco. mr Advances made on Consignment. ' r Refer to J. FAILING A CO.. Portland. tlmtrnld Salt! Salt!! OA TONS " Ran Quentin" SALT, fn about no and -J 100 lu. bags, lust received and for sale very cheap .ti.i4a.i ncn.iAU.Ai v. tu. tregon City. Iee. B, ls.. Valuable Farm for Sale THE undersigned now offers his valuable farm for sale, situated on Spring Creek, in Marion Co.. U. T-. one and a hair miles south or MeKmiray's Mills, on the County read running from Salem to said Mills. It contains 640 acres. of which S10 acres is nnder a good substantial stake and rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation. two nnnnred nne bearing iruit trees, a good farm bouse, together with other ont buildings. Said farm is well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising. and wheat growing of any farm in the Territory. Said rarm has been settled since 14.5, and was among the firvt claims taken in Marion Co. Any person dosirous of buying a good farm, with a title money, will do well to call at tbe residence or tbe nnneriimed. OLIVER FICKATvD. Spring Creek, March 30, IRoT. 4tf Removal. ACM A BROTHER hare removed to their New Store next door to J. Strang s Stove establishment Thev have Inst received a general assortment ttf Drv jffoou. naming, nais ana iaps. noou ana nnoes. Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he oilers for cash or prod nee. N. B. Wanted Bntter, Eggs. Baeon. Lard, nortT.and Wheat, for which they pay the highest market price. Salem, July 19, lo6. llttf City Drug Store. (commercial wharf, PORTLASD.) William C. UriswoldJt Co., H TERCHANTS. SALEM, OREGON TERRITORY. it A W. C. ORIS WOLD, 22tf C. S. WOODWORTB. Kugene City. - TTORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of tbe Eugene M.M. t uy Hotel. iju. Medical Notice. fTinE subscriber, would inform the inhabitants that he A. is at his old stand, ready to attend tu all calls in his prufesstion ; also he has on hand a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well asorted supply or S winges, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. W. WARREN. Salem December I, ls5it. ' sstf wTll. Magen, III. D. T)HYSICfAN and Surgeon. Office in ray new bnild- A ing, on Main street, two doors north or vr. J. s. Mclteeny's ftre-pnior building ; where I will lie found when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant ly on nana a tresn supply of Drugs and Medicines wnu-n t win sen low ror casn. Corvallis. Dee. 0. 1W. SMf Medical Soliee. TATt- n. W. SHAW, late or San Francisco, California, JLff offers bis professional services to the citizens ro Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public Tsvor. r otnee at need and reiiows drug store. 14y H. W. SHAW. Campbell k Pratt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California. Office, corner Montgomery and Sacremento streets. over rsrroit a tos. Hank. Messrs. Campliell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will lie pleased to attend to all business entrusted to their care. Jill Alexander CaxrBKi.L. - O. C. Pratt. The Greatest Disrorrrr of the Igr. GREAT Blessings to Mankiud! Innocent but Potent' DR-CZAl'KAV'S PnorniLACTicrj, (srif-dismfec-ting areut.) a sure preventive against secret diseases. and an unsurptssed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, and all culanous eruptions ana dis eases. For sale at Ur. Czakat s Urnee, Armory Hall corner or Sacramento and Montgomery sts., San Fran cisco, CaL As inoculation is preventive against small pox. so is Dr. Czapkay "s Prophilacticura a preventive against secret disease. That they can be prevented by proper agents, is as well an established fact as that they can becurea alter uieircsKtojisnuieni. auis pnucipie, which is now universally recognized, was received even before tbe days or Jenuer. tbe discoverer ol vaccination! in 1798. and its multiplied benefits ever since have re ceived as they deserved, the attention of tbe Medical faculty. It was in pursuit or this branch of the medical science that lr. L.J. Czapkay rortnnately made the dis covery or his Prophylacticum, which, ror the cancerous and ciitanims disorders, stands unrivalled by any agent in the Pharuiacopora. The modus mmmdi of this med icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons Hsess chemical properties wmcn are nemraiizea oy ing brought in contact with this prophvlatie, as acids are bffntrn tt neutralize alkalies destrovinir entirelv their original properties, and rendering them inert The effect of this agent is immediate, and removes the Dossibilitv of a contraction of disease. If, however, the disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing the poisonous secretions, wbictt by aosnrpDon, produce the eonseanences known as secondary disease, in can cerous and gangerons ulcers, in fietid discharges and in cuts nous diseases where the secretions are excoriating, it acta upon the same principle and is one of the most effectual remedies for the purpose now known. Where disease is once established it should be used in conneo tion with other remedies, and when so used never fails of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in many thousand eases, and be has yet to find the first in wnich it has failed to subserve the purpose for which it was administered. Price. $5. Full directions are at tached to each package. N. B. In cases where the Prophylaticnm is used as curative. Dr. L. J. Czapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre scription ror his blood pnnner. All communications from tne country, addressed only o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, San Francisco, Cal., will be strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies. with tite greatesti care anu secrecy, immeoiateiy ais- patched by express or otherwise to their destination. n. f. tair&A x , at- sr. 1 Jm3 San Francisco, Cal. . jern" desiring prompt attention, and who wish to avo-d the delay of corresponding, can have immcdr ... A. k a hj "ending ten dollars as consultation fee, and can have medicine forwarded. Address to .L- J. CZAPKAY. M. D. I2m3 San Francisco, Cal. S S. i . '. Weakness, nervous de bility, low spirits, latade.weilinesTof tteBmbs snd back, indisposition, loss or inemoryvon to so ciety, love of aolitade, timidity seCTdizrine headache, paina in the side, affection or the eyesT pim ples on the race, sexual and other infirmities in man are cured without fail by the justly celebrated phynieiaa and surgeon, L. J. Czapkay. His method oT coring diseaaea is new (unknown to others) and hence tbe great sac cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free Address,- , L. J. CZAPKAY, M.DV 12m3 - San Francisco, Cal. Notice. THE Jddges of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon, assembled at tbe seat of Government on the 18th day of December, 1856, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held In the city of Salem, in the county of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and September, and the fourth Mondays of May and Octo ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and in the city of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on the fifth Monday, of December, 1856, and thereafter on the first Mondays of May snd October, and tbe third Mondays of June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days each. GEO. H.WILLIAMS, Chier Justice. 41 , CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. Estray Animals. , THE subscriber at Harrisburg. Una Co., has lost the following described animals : A bay horse, with star in forehead, a little white on his nose, hind feet white up to the pastern joint, and branded " 21' on the right shoulder, 3 years edd this spring. Also a roan cow, 7 or 8 years old, branded J. S. on the right hip, and ' 21'' as above. Has a white caJf with red ears, a boat 18 months old, branded " 21" aa above. The cow left last fall, and probably has bad another calf this spring. Any person finding them will be rewarded for their trouble, by informing me. r A.McILWADf. June 16, 1857. 14m6paid . WRITING-PAPER, superior article, Black ink, from quarts to 2 oz, Slates and pencils, Tabor's pencils, Envelopes, wafers, School cards and toy books, at 56tf MOORES' I, Take Notice. THE nndersigned, one of the firm of S. Jacobs A Co.. this day sold all mv interest in the aM firm ti S. Jacobs and N. Goodman, so thst I have no claims whatever against them at this Jate. M. KAvrvsK-Y.- tiAxroEG and Fairtei.p, April 24, 1857. Stuart's Express CASCADES AND DALLES . t . , - ox ; MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FBTDATS. 1 KXPRESSS FOR - Champoeg, Salem, Albany and CerraHii, . On WEDNESDAY; and OB.V.l f ; Abkivxl. op Mail Steakex row Sax Frakcisco mm- All Letters, Packages and Freight, entrusted to -my care will be attended to promptly, O FF1CE At " Franklin Book Store." December 39. 1856. A. B. STTJART. Allan, McKinlaT, fc Co., HATE just received a stock of New Goods, anp would invite all those who wish to procure GOOj article, at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They wr j i" m we loiiowm: Canal and Wheel Barrows, Grindstonea Grain Cradles, ' BruthSXh"teSnadth 16 so Harrows, 23 teeth Garden Rakes, do Hoes, do Spades, Polished Shovels, Hay Forks, - Manure Forks, Churns, Window Glass 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 ' do 7 by 9 Window Sashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 Ox Bows snd 1 oses, Fancy Brooms, f Iain do Asorted Colored Pails, Painted Tubs, Zinc Washboards, Blacksmiths Bellows, Cross-cut Saws, 7 ft do 6ft m Raws, 7ft H Mattrasses, double. , siagle. Sturm ff'...Ti- ' I vwtuKfJt Adamantine do., - Grape brand Tobacco, Blankets, Baize, Landseys, SbeetinrM, licks. Ace We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GfiO CEMKS, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, and many arti cles too Dumeroos to men tion. ALLAN, M'KINLAY A CO. Ortgon City. ; -j Jitf , .. Geo. IbrrBelaj t C$., , 11 It Z B C H A JS X S, OREGON CITY, OBEGOJf TXP, IV1 BITOKY. ; tf kit rnelBT, Clark k fa., -- T)M H1.SS1U.N ANU HWAElJIAli Kiil H A3 iff, Kj San Francisco, Cal, will attend to setting Oregon produce, and fill orders for Goods, Groceries. Ac-, at the lowest rates'. The patronage of the people of Oregon is respectfully solicited. " August 1, 1855. 2Itf. Kenyon's rjasufrreaH AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY" 8. JACOBS. X. GOOPMAX. S. Jacobs 5t. Co. WILL continue at their old stands at Champoeg Fairfield, and at the log church. French Prairie, where they will be most happy to have their friends call upon them, and extend their liberal patronage as here tofore. We shall try to keep as good an assortment, sell as low as any store in Oreeon. Wecandoltl! Our eoods are all bought in San Francisco for cash down. come ana see. 8m3 Boot and Shoe Store. TDrnrDifi7 wm irif nu , i i-if.iv u. ii iijifsu.i wiraia announce a A? to the citizens of Salem, and the surround- fZ!i ing country, that he have taken a store on the lei east side or Commercial street, north of tbe postofnee, where he will keep constantly on hand a full assort ment of every kind of boots and sboes.both custom and sale work, which he will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders for tbe manufacture or repair cf work will be complied with, and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give me a call and examine mv stock. FREDERICK WICKMON. Salem, March 12, 1S57. I3tf Look Here! TT TE have just received" P-1,000 lbs. of ground alnm l v salt, which we are selling at 3.00 per hnndred. GKISW OLD A CO. 10 TONS assorted iron, just received at 9mS GRISWOLD A CO"S- S AM 1m X. SMITH. THOJf iS A. DAVIS Smith & Dawis, TM PORTERS and wholesale Druggists; fire proof A store, fortland, uregon. Orders from the country solicited. ftnS THE nndersigned having recently returned from Saa Francisco, is now prepared to take those beantifot Pictures on Glass called Jl ilBROTYPES. which have almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in the East and San Francisco. Gallery in the new bnildlna. trttied medaEafor the basinets, west of the Marion Hooe. WILEY KOIOS. Salem. November 11, 1856. - S5tf A twill 4t Co., : ' No. 172 Washtsotox St., Saw Fraxcisco. SHEET, Card and Book Music, Piano Fortes, and other Musica! Instruments. Strings and Keeds. fur Violins, Guitars, Clarionets, Ac Also a large wholesale stock of Fancy Goods and Toys. Billiard Balls, wax and cue leathers. Bags of all nations, boxing gloves. Ac, together with all kinds of Yankee Notions, nsefnl oranmsimr. Goods packed with rreat care and forwarded with promptness. AU orders should mention bv what boat or .Express Co. the goods are rennired to be sent. A TWILL A Co., 6m3 .172 Washington st. Saa Francisco. 7Waitetl. errtrtrt bushel Oats, and 5000 Wheat, and any anan- tJJJJ tity of dead swine, for which cash will be paid on delivery. uregon t-iiy, -or. zo, oo. J. N. PBESCOTT. 39tf Coffee. TF TOC WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the A undersigned nave got 15,W0 pounds best " COSTA RICA. - Come in and look at it. A LLAN McKINLA Y A Cc, Orejron City, Dec 6, 1S56. J AS. K. BICRAXDS, ban Irancisco. JSO. WCCKAKEX, Portland, O.T. Richards & McCralten. STATiosKvr-Fo..lscap Paper (rreat variety. Let-' ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel-opee-all idyles. 'Vs-srflkind Pen, and Holders great variety. Blank Books U mutt and styles, Memorandums. Diknes. Pass Books. Time Books FaperCntters. do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Utbograpbie Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa per good variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, AL Ac Finally, we have a good variety of e Music Books. New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodeon. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tors. Guitar do. Flnte do. Aecoroon do. Violin dn. Metodeom do. Plymouth Collection with Mnsic Sheet Vnsie. . . And the most varied assortment of Statkwxkt ever offered in Ore iron- ear- This stock la all bought in New York and other a aali I li cittM ana i. aM aA ' i . UNIFORM PRICES...' " r We keep on hand School Boon in large qoan tities. together with most of Ue publications of "H anrwt A Bbotrbbs; - - Deslbv A Jaoksok; Ivmov A Pwiwwkt; ;.. ' ' fimj,irB A Samsok; A O. DARKEI fX IJO., Ilonte, Carriage, Sign, and Steam- oat rainiing. C A. REED having established his Paint shop in a Salem, is prepared to execnte with dispatch all jobs in the above line. Banners. Standards, and Em blems, ror societies painted on mix, satin, velvet or mns lin. Paints or all colors and descriptions mixed, ready forese.ror sale at nis snop ;.aio vtjnie icsa, i.mseeu Oil, Turpentine and arnifh. Wall paper and Border, Window elasa. Paint brashes, graining- toula, Ac. 1b- rections given in painting, alxo in graining imitation of wood, stone or marble. X. K. order irom aoroaa prompuy auenuea o. All Jobs intrusted to bis care warrauted to give satis faction. (Salem, Jan. S. 1857. 3yl Cash paid for Soldiers Bounty Land y arranis. THE nndersigned will pay each, and the highest rates, for a large number of bounty land warrants. on application at hiaomoe in loan uonse. &aiera. . i. VtflflfVnnit ivrniW-HW-- ; 2tr THE nndershrncd. has in store, a general assortment or Dnixs. Medicines, Painbi. Oils, Dye stiirfs. Pat ent Sledicines, Xc. and is receiving goods almost week ly, and in much larirer nnantities than hitherto, and of fers them to his numerous customers and friends, at wholesale and retail, in quantities to rait, at much low er rates than ever offered in this market. Every arti cle warranted as represented. Please call and examine lor yourselves. Prescriptions will be given free of charge to those wanting Medicines. v. n tfAiiiMiruui', m. v. Portland, June 23, 157. Ifim3 Salem l)ru Store. Y7VRONT street. Rector's building. Constantly A o Joseph N. Freieott. MAIN ST., ORBGOX CITT. "pvKAI.EU in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoe:, Ac, 1'aiuts and Oils, wholesale and retail. July 7, lR.'.rt. and I8tf TT S- KJ a City, ATTOR-NEY S. Kits wort It, AND COl'XSKLLOB, Supreme and other Courts. Office Emrene :y. Lane County, Oreiron Territory. Also Commisshinvrof Deeds for New York, Connecticut, Ac. August 'It, IXoli, 7411 Watchmaking. tf ObTOX A McLLSBAtf. ' Lbakt A Gars; I Plisax; " AwxavoK; and ethers, a We ask your patronage. If and examine oor stocx, yooroamtxe win be attended to n tbe saxx vbwms as if you bought in persotu Portland, March 20, 1857. Kf to vinK as Notice. STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber, living in Albany, Linn Co., O. T., on or about the first of December, 1856, one sor rel horse, blase raced, ncbt Inn knotted down, branded on near shoulder O. T-, vented V, hair brand." No other brands or marks recollected. Any one returning said none win oe nomiiy rewaroea. ft. M. MC(JV)- A Kl.lt. Albany, January 27, 7. twtfpsid Final Proof and Notification Blanks. TCST PRINTED, a Urge quantity of Final Troof l Blanks, and a small lot or Notifications, both rrom the latest forms. Orders ry mail or otherwise filled. The cash must accompany the order or the blanks will not be sent. Prices Final Proof, (full set) fS 00 per nunarea, vu per ansen. aiouncauon. i(l till iter rniuiaraa, 9i o per uwcd. - - - STATESMAN OFFICE.: Salem. April 8, 135. - -'. Medical and Surgical Notice. - r in often the case that persons suffer fur a long time arith a eatable disease from the fact that they do not know where to go to tnd relief. I am prepared to re move ail Tumors, Cancers aad Diseased Bone to re dace dislocated joints of longstanding, straighten, wry neck, club foot, and to correct all deformity of the fare and eyends. u. u. ua H r if ELL, M. D. frvaIlis.O.T.May, 157. , ins on hand a full assortment of Diurus, Medi- cinks. Paints, Oils axo Dtb Stvfks, Patent MemuiNES. Ac. In short almost every article usually found in a Drug Store, and are offered at Whoi.ksai.e and Kktaii., at extremely low rates, in quantities to suit warranted as represented. MJ m innKiui mri-n-iTwir, i-a Prescrintioiw free of charre at office. mw Promut attention will be civen to professioiial calls in the City. A. M. KELT, M. D. Slcm. O. T.,Jone 2, 1!H7. l'itf Notice Fi hereby given, that C. S. Woodworth is authorized to transact my personal business during my absence. W.C. tiKISWOI.D. Salem, June 17, 1SS7. 15tf , For Sale. IWIIX sell one bauor the land claim known as the Dwight I'omroy claim. Said half adjoins Mr. Peter II. Hutch a and ia about two miles from Oregon City, on the upper Wil lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the1 property, lying and situated in tne iieaiitiful and rapid ly tr rowing town of Corvallis, Benton Co., and known as the " Thomas ' property, consisting of four lots of land, together with all tne buildings thereon. Said property ia in a beautiful location, and both will be sold at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at cash price. Inquire or th subscriber, at hia store ia Ore son City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. A very 1 - , .1.. ft. ..m... ' t , - - IB Una"" ' n..nf ( "!"- J , M IsrnrujJS. , . Alo,ut ) Ks ot land in uregon City. JUS), a. I'KESCOTT. Oregon City, March 1, 1857. ' ltf .. ' Look Here. ' . XLpemons that are indebted to James Strang, are A 15th AcMante Peace. Ilavmg sold my l in establishment in Salem.. I want tosettle np my accounts. JAMES STRANG. Salem, Apnl II . iwa- 6tf requested to call and settle tbeir aoooants by the i of Mayt and all tiMwe who do not, will find their leata in the hands of John D. Bom. Justice of tbe TAB, at . 2tf M00EE3' Syrup. . - I Oft KEGS Boston hyrnp ror sale. . eU ABERNETHY A CO, WILLIAM F. HIGI1FIELD, Chronometer and Watch maker, tregon City, has removed to the building iustoppoBitetothe Main-street House, where he can lie constantly found prepared to do any business in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of watches and jewelry for sale. warcn o , 1.-V14. lyji S. Hamilton, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SCBGEON, would respectfully announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that he has located permanently at lieer creek lor tne purpose oi practicing medicine, and in which professionjie will lie faithful to discharge all duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy and comfortable. Officb opposite R. H. Dearborn A Co. a store, on Main street. . Drugs snd Patent Medicines for sale at low ens prt- eem. tut Wells, Fargo, &. Co., . BANKERS and EXCHANGE PKALKKS. W., F..A Co., in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Exchange and Collection Bust ,.' Collections and Remittances made in all parts of Oregon, Calirornia.ine Atlantic rcaies, ana Knrope.wltn promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin .nA Rnllion.bontrht and sold. Sight Exchange on veto l orx, notion, rnuatitlpMa, Albany, Rochester, BuJJalo, June, UlevHand, Detroit, Chicago, MUwaume, uaiena, at. mjowm, jjotusmue, rwiiili. and forty other principal towns in the Atlan tic States and the Cansdas, may be procured at any of our omers- " r.i-,-., r jinuw, a, lis, moniguiuery-Btreet, nan rTancisco JAMtS O'NEILL, fgoit Jnne - ' : '' Allan, McKinlay, ti. Co., nrvmttL f-OMMIHIJIl MtKl HANTH ..a I w wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dr Goods. ri- eeries. Hard ware, vo., wnjuu u. a . Dee. ao, ih--i.. , 40yl ' Lion Angelas Salt. Q ALT 300 bags u Angeios Bait, received, per Na- unnmtngi mm iw oaiv bi wwewraw. 18tf . . U. AHEKNETHY A CO. RY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va- To tub Lapiks op Orsqox and Cauforxia. L. J. CzAraAT, M. D., physician surgeon and acooocher, in vites the attention of the sick and afflicted females la boring under any of the variona forms of diseases of the brain, limps, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kiu. neys, and all diseases peculiar to ineir sex. ine l'oc tor is e (feet in sr more permanent cures than any other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent yon, but apply immediately, and save yourseu Trom naiuful sufiennir and premature deatn. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances do not allow to have an Increase in Ineir i amines snouid write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay s Medical institute. Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery streets, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctors unices are so arrangeu uiai ne can be consulted without molestation. llmi 3 Al consultations tby letter me otnerwise,) free. Address to 1 'IV. ii. I rv fTi , m. mj.. Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal D riety, at 26tf M00BES' trr The attention of the readers is called to the fol- ovmg . . . ... A lady ol nign stanoing in society ana respectability, published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, September 14. inoi, wuicn ts wa ioiiows: A Caup The undersigned feels it her duty to express her heartfelt xratitnue to ur. ixapaay, ror tne success ful cure of herself and child. The latter havinr been afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was given np as lncnraoie oy some oi tne most celebrated nhvsiciaiis. when she culled on Dr. Czapkay. of whom she heard very favorable report, and who, alter a short period, restored tne cniia to peri eel neaitn. Encour aged by this extraordinary result, she songhi advice herselL ror the scrofulous malady, with which she had been afflicted For eixbt years, and which withstood the treatment of tbe best physicians in Europe and Ameri ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording ber permanent relief, so mat sne can now enjoy ure, which, for eiirlit years naa tost an cnarms tor ner. sne. there fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and afflicted to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful physicians wituin tne united states. r v.. r i r r WW c d v Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. A. Glaxbk, Notary Public, 126, 7th street. The fallowing is an editorial notice in the Button Daily Times of August 6th, 1854: A SKIU.FUI. PHYSICIAN, Ur. L. J. Czankav fiaa opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city. UT. li. is a nunxarwu uv uuui, ana was connected wita the natriotic army as physician and surtreon linger K patronage of Kossuth. He combines with a finished education and the most refined and agreeable manner, the most extensive scientific abilities and akill in hia profession, and we feel much pleasure in recommending him to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman.- Dr. Czapkay has spent some time in Philadelphia where he won the confidence and friendshin of thosut wh K came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil adelphia are gentlemen of the highest respectability with whom we are personally acquainted. He had aV extensive practice ia Hungary before the Anstrians and Russians compelled mm to leave it lor beug found guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive that patronage due a man of so eminent capacity. Tlii ahove are onlv a few of the manv testimonial. which Dr. Czapkay has in his possession, but cannot nublish for want of space. All communications, f bv letter or otherwise.) free. f-IOMMISSrON MERCHANTS. andVobbers in Oreson Flour, Grain. Produce, Fruit. Pork. Bacon. Lard, Hams. Ac, Ac. timers for Ureeon trade promptly at- tf?mti to Liberal advances; maito on eonsiromezitx. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco. January 27, 1S5T. . t-.tf fTAX receipt blanks fcr sale at the Statesman office. A. at tl per nundred. BOUNTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at the KJ STATESMAN OFFICE. Tbe Lawi of Oregon. rrtHE OREGON STATUTES, 1S55. beine a larre vol I rune of 650 pages, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprising all tbe laws in force m the territory, inclusive or those passed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of tne .statesman, at nve dollars per copy. Tbe work ts ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can be bourht in any State in the Union, and at the lowest figure they can be afforded for here. The price places tnem wiinm tne ream oi an wno onre tne laws iney live nnder. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, filled bv return mail. It is the last code of laws that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years. In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen dence, iwostiiuuon ot tne united (Mates. Treaties witn Great Britain relatine to Oreron. Ordinance of I7S7 in force in ureson. Ikmatsw : aw and all amendments. and mil abstract of Luted Mates Naturalization laws. H. 6. loractt, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery. Bethel, Polk County, O. T. Hay 26, 1S57. lltf 1 Irdicil IcTolatioi ! The World EnuinoHs! HOLLOWAPS OI NTM E PTT. THE GBEAT COMTEK IKK IT AWT. The virus of disease often makes its way to the' in ternal onrans through the pores of tbe skin. This pen etrating Ointment, melting nnder the hand as it is rub bed in, is absorbed through tbe same channels, and reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly and invari ably subdues it. whether located in the kidneys, the liv er, the lungs, or any other important organ, it pene trates tne surface to tne interior, inroaga tne countless tabes that communicate with the skin as summer rain passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its cool and re generating influence. SKlti DISEASES AA'f) GlAND ULAR SIVELr Every species of exterior irritation is quickly reduced by tbe anti-inflammatory action of this Ointment. An trry Eruptions, such as Salt Rbeam, Erysipelas, Tetter, ttingworw, ixw owi,i.itiw nasn, ccauies For Jtcni Ac. die out. to return no more, nnder its application. Hospital experience in all parts of the world proves its iniamoiu.jF id uiacaawui iw a&iu, uic muscles, tne joints and the glands. ULCERS, SORES, AND TUMORS. The effect of this unrivalled external remedy nnon Scrofula, and other virulent ulcers and sores, is almost miraculous. It first discharges the poison which pro duces suppuration and proud flesh, and thus the cures which .ts neaiing properties aiterwara complete are safe as well as permanent. WOUNDS, BRUISES, BURNS, AND SCALDS. In easee of tbe fractnre of the bones, injuries caused hv steam explosions. Bruises. Barns. Scalds. Rheuma tism. Stiffness of the joints, and contraction of the sin. ews, it is employed and warmly recommended by tbe faculty, rnia marvelous remedy nas peen introduced bv its inventor in person into all the leading Hospitals of Europe, and no private household should be without it. , , UNDENIABLE TESTIMONY. The Medical Staff of the French and English Armies in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of Holloway s Ointment, aa the most reliable dressing for sabre cuts, stabs, and gun snot wounds, it is also sign ed by the surgeons or tbe Allied Navies. ROTff THE OINTMENT AND THE PILLS SHOULD BE USED IN THE jrtMmMM'wmaM CASES: rj! ni rt,nrn.d Hands. Chilblains, Fistula, Gout, Lnm bago.MercnrUd 1 lfti?? SSSa cV.itfJ. NewYork. and 244 Strand, Lon.don, Ortron ud Ctlifomia Fackrt Liie. t iHE foUowine vessels will run in connec- I -- r ff-jr an . tain as a u c-xxn u.i. tarwocs Son FI injrteo and Portland : BARIC OCEAN BIRD. WrocTVS, Master, ' " CHAS. DEVENS. HEitT. " JANE A. FAEKENBERG, Badges, " " NAHUMKEAG, Wn.UAjfS. BRIG I. B. L UNT, Richabbsos, " - The Barks have all been coppered recently, and are in first rate order, commanded by experienced captains!. t mgizs tmi at eamea at ue ictcest rates. Produce sent rrom any part of the country to Orecon City or to tbe Lien Citv Works, will be received and foi wsudid to tSxn FrarrOTW, Agents: GEO. ABERNETHY A Co.. Oreeon City. -" ABERNETHY, CLARK A Co. San Francisco. November, g, l4g- serf ' Corrallls. THE subscriber win par cash for Soldiers Boenfy Land Warrants, at his store. NAT. H. LANE. Corvallis, Jan. 13, li57. 44tf Banns & Brother, FIONT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Ctothinir, Hats, Boots. and Shoes, Groceries, Ac N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchaase for merchandise at the highest market price. 19tf Notice to Shippers and Merchants. ONE of the firm being permanently located in San Francisco, all consignments ef produce and orders to be filled, will be attended to without delav, at mode rate rates. 2Stf WAKEFIELD A CO. Allan & Lewis, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORE GON TERRITORY. John S. Edwards, ATTORNEY AT LAW, TTashiagton City, Tf. C-, will attend to all business entrusted to his care, before the several Departments tbe Supreme Court ot tne United States, er courts of the District of Columbia. 3 Particular attention riven to the claims ot sol diers for services, or for Bounty I-aad. tieiers to uen. iam and uov. carry. . sm6paid Powder. WE have a large supply of powder is hand. - -GEO. ABERNETHY A CO.. Oregon City, Nov. 13,1856. 37 tf The Oregon Statesman. An Independent Journal, devoted to Polities. General JnteUigence, J-r., n at sweat, Oregon. ASAHEL BUSH, . Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor. The Statesman is Democratic in politics, and Dmv. ouirhly National in its character. It h hostile to ever species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ; and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate any of the insane ssms of the day into our Territorial legislation. It wilt advocate all practical measures of Reform and Progress, economical and simple administration of onr local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ra pacity in once, and a system ot neid aad direct ac countability of tbe officer to the people, it will dis cuss all measures ajrttatin? the public mind, in a m.m- wer Tearless, impartial, and just- Jts iSews iepartment will be edited with mm-h attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early, accurate, and comprehensive publication ef the enr rent intelligence. - - - The Statesman Has a large, widely scattered d anrct excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete I facilities for procuring news. Due attention is also paid to tbe publication of Miseej lanr, Ajrricnltaral and Literary natter. In this paper are published the laws, resolntiona an A treaties of the United States, and the laws aad resokK tions of the Territory ef Oregon by authority- The paper is printed on new material, and npo a sheet of the largest size. - Statesman Booh, and Job OCtee. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book -printing north of California, and an extensive as sortment of Jobbimo Matkbiai. of every kind; and, with master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, aad in a workman-like manner, all orders in the above de partments, sucn as Books, PAVBraun, Haxpbiixs. Bau. Ticxats. CractTtABS. - IXVTTATIOXS, BrstsBss Cakds, -, . . BlI.LMXADS, Coscxbt BrisW, -7' , Pboowa38 AnpBSSS lAluns Blasa Cbby-ks. NorasorHAXP. Oann Books, - r Stcambo't Bills'. SrsAwao'T Cakbs. . Bius or Laihxo, CxanneATES, , ' Show Brus r i Cbkcx Books, X - Bix RxcBtrrs, , , lRAFTS. 80 Maiden i. -" - d ler,,, Biediciae hT Bl I 1MMCWUV - -c7 . - -; A roognout ---- -- . earh. iTbere is a considerable saving done by taking the larger sixes. rmidance of patients in eve ry disorder are amxea to ecu iw can op au Knros, Ac.. A?.. Ac. ORNAMENTAL PRINTTNtf with COLORED INKS. JLaw of Newspapers. - 0 1. Subscribers wno oo not give express notice to tbe contrary, are coaamerea aa wisning to eoaairne their aobscriptksn. S. If subscribers order papers (flsoontinncd h!Ssu.)- may continue to send them tilt all charges are paid. 3. If attbscribera neglect or refuse to taka tbir mn from tbe office or place to which they are seat, they ara held responsible until they settle their bill and eive no tiee todiseontinue them. 4v I f subscribers move to other places without inform ma the Publisher, and the paper Is sent to the former diree tion, they are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa per or periodical from the office, or remonnr aad lea v. ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of iateatioaa. fraud. mw Postmasters would oblige, by a strict fclfiTlment rxf th. nml.tifnns leantriBaT them to notify PnhlislMsra once in three months, of papers not taken from, their office by subscribers.