uo 0:231. C0CZ3M ..AT.. :' " Lo Oity DoofcOtoro, - (noirt IT., pobtlaicd, o. t-, ' - -A. It SHIPLEY & CiT Eav to Store, Mi will be rooslrlag by the Utot Joss O S3 O 9 CD CD CD IN XUOKS AND BTATIONnari Which they to tha i r opniNQ m aoc ' At small advaae M ? Tbrfe attest. Give a call, or send, u ma order. Mi at la giro yea satlatoctloet . A. It. Khtnlav A Co.. An taw San Aaam ia Oregoa sad WasaiBgtoB Ttt rtterlae for these) af A CXZA.T BOOK 11 Wat Ihaanljr political history af th United Statae. : Baad aa roar' earn. rrlew-04 00 1 Payable oa eo- Masty af book. Caa deliver by tba lit of Baptaaibar la all who sead a thalr ansae by lt of sUy. ': C&Ultt of f rt tf air Hack i ' " ' SCHOOL BOOKS. Aaaaa. Ssndara' old -1st, td. 3d, th. and Sth. ad Xaa Yeaae Ladies'; Bandar' New-..., Id. Id, 4th aad Sth; Pet-kr'--lot, td. 3d. 4lh and 6th; Mo Sontra lt, td. Sd. 4th aad 6th. c -- . a.A .1 B. .A V... BH- ,s3derV ' Pictorial. School aad Parker. rjeuaairatBSw Mitchell a. Ancient aad Modern. Ol nay., Morsa'a, McNeUy. aad Montelth a let aad 3d took. M ktaGiinci. Arithmetic Thornton', Tables, ktaaul. a.aalria. PraeL aad Hirher: Daria' Pri aurj, lataUftibal. Borool aad Voirardtv; Brnith' Coiaaru' tUy'a 5t-ddrd't rAtrtea Algbr, 8 jr- njisk, OaMaetrr, Prctol llathaiaUioa, Math. Die ttoaerr. Usf to of If uttamalica, AaalyUcal Ueomatry, aad Ptetloeonhr of Matheiaatlce. Gramnar. Orcwn' Cfatrka1aBaQloit Smith V- Kirkaai a Spencer Tmrrr . PaiLOSormic. Prtrer'i Ut Leaaoa, Jamil and Bcbool; Coeulorka Smith'. Uurwaja Wiboo' Jatanil. aad Vaited But; Partaya Uairanal; WiUard'a Uoircnal, aad Uaitcd lAjfCAOcs. Oopvr VIrclI: Andrew Latla Rea a4; Vtri aawi Audr' Latla Urammar; Met Un lock' lt and td Bjok la Latin. ad do. la Greek; Aa- tikoa' Ureek l.rmmir aad Reader: Johaeoa Ik-aro. FmoiwII' breach Urama-tr and Reader; Woodbury " QmiB Uramnar and Reader, Telemaqna. Greek Tea. taateut; r'reach. seif-Uonht; 8urreaBe' Freach Dic Uoaarr; Andrew Laiia do. LlddeU A Bcatt tiratk 4. Aathoa Clesical do. boiila do do. IHcno-casiB. Wrhter ficnool, Ulah do. Aea- emlc, Umrerartjr, Uojral 6to, Uaabridged aad Cuba' Pocket. MiacextAxaors-Mattisan Astroanmjr. S evataaa Hhatorkc Wood B Han jr. Kame'a EleiaenU of Cnt tcuto. Parker' Aid la Composition, Parker' Kzer ate. Brjokleld'a Com9nitita. McEllitt' Tobc Analrar. dt. Aaalytical tfanaai. Parker" Word BaMeer. Mayhew Book KeepiaK. Wayland Moral Beiana. Paler' Natural Thel.jy. BUke' Afrrical tar tr Seh-wla. Vibam' InteHtx-tnal Philoeophr. Mahaa' d . dx Hiltoa; 1 ouajt; r"o4lock; aad Tboap- aea; Edition roe BcaooM) cutter aaavmiy and Phrshtt'Mrr. Amerteaa Iteliater. Newnaa Puiitical Kcon Mnr. Ritehcork" UeolHtr. Great varietr of Baeakers and Kloentioa. All kind of School 8tatfca enr; SUtos of all nie; Dntwin; Bonk; IHawina; Paper-, perforated Card Brd; Bristol B wrd: IVaciU aad Brathee; Osbora Cojt; laMaad. every else ana ty le, ac so, MRCKLI.AJfEiirS BOOXS. HiSToar BincrMl a Cnited State. volant It.ldrh'd.d-. v4nme. Proat' Pktoriat United State. Tartor' do, do, d v. B rtU'a lliat. HfTilutioo. PeterB' d . Wilson' United Bute. WiUard do. Hlt. Indian War United State. Willard Univenal Bntorv. M-itler's do da. Rottcr-V HM. World 1 or t voioaae. KiHlm Ancient History . Farr d do. Hae tnj'and. Jlacaalay a d-v. complete. Dtvkea Child' d k. Ltnard's do. Uibaoa'4 R-nae. O'An bSae' Retorratti a- Binj'a X. K- CVirrh. Allnon' Eitrop, 1st and 2d 6erie. Preecolt Work. Bander' Hu4. of Reli.iiois. Htt. of Coaaeil of Trent. Jom ptun. All of Abbott Hntnrie. UUtorical Cabinet. Oweas of Spain. Queeoaof Bootland. Help Spaoiah Ooa-iiact. Brace's Hunrary. Kidder's Brazil. Kit bank Brazil. Parley' Uairenal. tibtWy of Cra aada. Ancient zrrptiaaB. Uailam' Middle Aft. HaAiry fur Boy. H :) utr'l Cbild'a United SUM. 1 Tin r i r iris B !( of Rerolatioa. Broaittrar. Ptotarch' Livo. lift Brant. Won derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. Ureses' toa Sixtner. A'ttubiMraphr of Pinter. La ntarti-te's Celebrated Character. Liteof Adam Clarke. 'At Bishop He Uiug. d- Niebuhr. do Gen. Harrienn. "4f Daniel Bw. do Roiierta. ii Lafayette. Cap taia of BMLia Republic and Old World. lr. ChaW laers, 4 fU. L4ts of HtimbotJts. Mrs. Rtgvr. . Mxart. wetler. r totcner. luire and Tiawa or cut Irriac a Waaiuoztoa. Eminent Mechanics. Ure ' Cfetef-Jutice. Josephine. Sao item. Charie Lamb. Jackaoa. Go, Greea. Joan r Arc. Lady Jane Grey. J. O. Adim. Julienne. CUcicl Webster; Kinrs ol Rom. King and Queen, l.lehtnta. Lives ef trie Pope. Prexcott Philip td. Mary aad Martha Wash- latuo. pioneer omen or we est. TaavxLS. H-tcV China. Arancanlans. Stephen Era. 01iaa Travels Mm Park. Nile Kttes- Adventnre en Manqnito Sbirr. Bayard Taylur' Trar ' oh. Darmn' Travats r the Hist. Bonn two Btaada's Eacyri'ipedia. Physicn Geoe. raphy ef the dea. Wood's Natnial History. LaMnrra Lectnra. Ue ol Arts. Cossaos. Mathematical Uie- ttoaery. ltyie of Mathematics. Wonder of Science. MitcaeH' PUaetary aad Stellar Worlds. Loomis' Re- rent IVtue of Astmaomr. Smith a Dictioaarv . Arte aad Scieaea. ICahaak's HydraaUca. Dkk's srotka. Vsrtotis works oa Architecture. Poerar Byroa virion styles, Shakespeare, do. Miltoa. da. Barns, do. Hemana, do. Moore, do. Thomasoa. Toon;. Pollock. Tapper. Cow per. Pope. CampbeD. Wads worth. Osian. Montgomery. Kirk White. Female Puela of Eaalaad. do. do. America- Bad aaaav other. Boon or Rstobkxcs -Cyclopedia of Geocraphy. da. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Art. , MeCoUoeh' Gazetteer. Harper' Universal tiazetteer. c Facrr am Aoaiccxtcasi, Flliut t rait Bok Thomas do. Downin's do. Barry's do. Fesoeaden Farater aad Gardener. Frnit. Flower and Vegetable (iardeaer's Companion. Allen oa the Grape. Pardee t Strawberrv. Florist Guide. American Farm Book, Allan' Domestic Animal. AU of Saiton's Ilaad Book. Woilrs oa Heme. Cattle. Sheen. Hoe. Ac. Thbological A Rauoroc. rlarmoay and Fzpoid a at UoAMla. Keander's Life of Chrb-L B.iUer's Worka. KaappaChristua TheoloKy. Westera Meth - odism. Morns' Miscellanies. Lecture oa Komanism. X . A .r Riil. KlltaL on RnoiSfiiam- Raj nmm MatH. Clarke' CommenUrv. Benson's do. Jav'i Knrci. Watiioa' Institute. Larrabee s Evidences. RjiIm-'s ethieal Diacotiraes. RxMCers' Eclipse of Earth H.-v. Raasoa aad Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection Biker oa Discipline. Writiaa of Araiinias. Jaha's Biobcai Archayitifry. Bibles, all si sea and prices, from I a W). Te4tamern. (Treat variety. Methodist H Varna. Christian Urns a Books. Church Paslr Pira-iath CoUectioa. Select Melodieo. Christian M iOtCA u Ttachaa's Family Physkiaa. Bydro- patnie hi. uomzpaiaia woraa. M tscsu. k i solti Constitnuoas of Uaitcd Statcs- MsySiew' Popular Bd'icatioa. Crabbe Synonym. Hetdlev works, 14 vol. Mrs. Tathill'. vols. Lav arJB Xioeveh. Bigelow Useful Art. Uavweir Eo ciHr Guide. Americaa lawtitatioua. Parsait of KnowleLm. ParkXadisna. Ierur1aa Antinmtie. Way Uisra Ea-rt. Pynhort. Ike Marvel'a W.irks SandarsM' Cook and Confectioner. Country Ramble ' La EJ?lnd. Tales and Reverie, aa excellent Temper aac Bxk.l Money Maker. Escaped Kaa. News Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Uale'a New Cook Book. Md ler s OM Rod Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator Toon Ladies' Coaasellor. Tosmg Maa's do. Picarial Catechism. Thoraann'a Lect. to T. Men. Coastita. tixul Text B-k. Captiva ta Pasafonia. - The Aoseri aaa II xe-l. Half Hoar arith Old Hamphrey Afiens; ha Grandeur aad Decay. Mrs. SedirwH.k's Redwood. 4 New Caa. Tale. Uncle Sam' Farm Peace. Arth-rr's Sucoeasful Merchsnt. do. Tal- Mrs. Parbazton. Horace Traaslatioa. Virgil do. Mr. Car lea' Works. Herotaea of History. Load aad Sea Deck and P-irt. Sa aad Sailor. Ship and Shore. Naval Ufa Star Paper. Masonic Chart. Irving' Columbus. Loa' Look Ahead. City of New York UviatT Orators of Anenra. Yoaeff Maa Advised. Mis- , aiooa ta Tnea anl Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. ICauut and tha ITinii mi HrJranslhia Cnok Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for Yoon? Maa. jo. d v Ladies. Aiecd'Mes for Girls, do. do. Boy. Footpri at of Famius Men. Charlotte Elisabeth' Work's. Advice to Toanv Men. Peasant Boy Pbiloao nber. Abbott Mirei Paul Books, d) Fraacoeia- Aad a aura'ier of other too aameroo to enumerate. Coastantly receiving Urjre addition to the forgoto;. SraTio.fKST. FooIcap Paper great variety. Let ter d j, d-, plain and frilt. Note do, dr. do, do. Enve pim sll styles. Inks eil kiuds. Pea aad Holder XTtsU variety. Blank B-joks H sizes aad styles Maa ru Jam. Iiaries. PatH Bk. Time Bxk-i. r r. r-. -i.tm A i Folders. ShiDOinr Receiot Rooira. ' Lithographic P rials a larga variety. Wrapping Pa per ad varietv. Wafer. Sealing Was. Ac, Ac rlBiT.y, w- have a good variety of Mcsic Boos New CUrnuna Sacra. Alpine Glee Siarer. Tulcimor. Chora Olea Bk. Metropolitan do. Sabred Stelidsia. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instrnc-t-w. Gaiivir d". Flute do. Aoeordoa do. Violin do. M4Ieoa do. P.7-njth CoUectioa with Music. Sheet Xasic. And tSe -a iot varied assortment af STaTiojrtatr ever oSared ia Oregon. ' 'aaT- Ta! stock 1- all boaiht la Jfew York aad other Eastern cities and ia sold at V UXIFOR31 PRICES. ST W keep aa haad Scaoot. Boon ia large Hfties, together with moat of tba pnblicatiosM of , HSWES A IMH-TBBWa; Daaar A J .cos; , Iviaoa A Phu:et; : PsiLLtra A Sahsok; " A-S. Bajrvra Co.; Muxaa. Oss-asi A Mtruaoa-t; Latasr A i , Pew; . . - , . " .', Amxroa; aaal rubers. " ' aar We aak yoar a4ia-aag. If enable to rwH aa aad eiamine oar stock, ytwoaaa-ar will be Wended ta mtbeajunTBjaamaatT bough m peraoa. portUad. March 20, lT. 3tf C30Z3! Kr- to I re of Umiw T S. D. hlndte,.iiea from Uraoqoa ri vac X a Mr watt rrmocMeo, n u mm Buy. ut taaiaai statist ie- trip bsteea the two aswte. , U toon. awwatoUwra.oiamlmlUa Impoe tmarDAM" tOBt.hmwBlt I ma toUia trst am teuiu-h-d aa lbs nttn el o. V' oretaproedsmport. lota. - 4 will dl- eaarge nor nn i uummuiux. tu ned to carry rreb'wt. will But only esve tha abtppar a very eooaldarabla Ina, but save Mm to trnsp-rtatkM up tha rlvsr.snd thsreby enable him to race. bis good" without so much baai-i'C a hersUjrbre. Ia line, the Scheoaer Umaaua. ef boottaljorf U a real Urapqua craft and blnk la Ent oe iM 1 111 to thla great nlorm. confidently reliat apoa all Uw Umpqug tot auppurt god Aeom-agemaat. Per freight or paam-a tpply to Anaa.McKlnlay A Co.. Soettabm-i. or tu the C4. oa board. Merchant wish ing to ship from. Baa t raacUoo. can apple to Allaa. Lowe A Co., 1S1. CUy it., or to the Capula. n . Ilaistv lata a ata.a raaq, 1T. Clacttgamltlia atti atlteraa Lroobi. ALLAH MoKIFfLAY A CO. have aow oa haad I rg aad veil aclectad stock of fr Iron, Cast Steel. ST dH ' Oermtn do., N ail rod do Ploagkdo., PUtedo.. And Intend to keep on th assortment so aa to stilt tha wants or customs. Olvaasa call, aad yon will flrd that wa not only hav the fullest stock, but will ll - aa cnean aa u eneanast." wa sra Boaatantiv m tag addltloaa to our aortmat, to a ta rep lac what m aviu. Oregoa City, Dae. M. 4Itf IIarr JohMton A Co. WROLCtALB DBraairra. (148 Washington Stiaat, Baa FrancUco.) Oder for 1 to th coantry trad, tha largest stock of good la their Una on tha Paltla eoast enmnrl. tint Drag. Chemicals, Perfnraery. Patent Medicines of ail kind. Rraahet, Paints, Oil. Glass. Turpentine, and every article appertaining to the business. Hsvlna so. pen or -acimiea ror oniaimnr weir enoa taev mint they eaa oBVr Indaeeateata to buyer nnequalled by Order reapactraliy aaticlted. 01y Dcntlttrf. TMt J. R. CART) WELL. Dental 8urtreoa XJ Corrallis, will nrartic In his profes :CXrrJ sion, at Corvalti. nrrn Ctre. Ifiaree. ler, Srott6wrg.and Jackwenvill. 6kill, nnnneatioiiahla coarg-s,re!K-table; work, warranted. Teeth agamta ed. and advice given free or charge. pue notice given or cuanga or orace. April td.lDaS. Ttf Now Recelrlnf rrtHR following article from Bark Ocean Bird aad (or X aa: low. SO gross matches ; ISO kegs of syruiM ; 60 hi. ubl. N. O. (agar ; 10 bote, crashed sugar ( 60 bona randies t 10 bbls. vinegar ; to ease tea ; 16 do, brooms ; tO doa, buckets: t case men' fine calf boot t I " " calf brogaa t " goat S " boys' brogan : t ' youths' calf broganf ; 1 women' Morocco boot; 1 " - Imitation bouU ; S " Misses' boots; 1 7 S pairs children' ahoe ; It straw cntter ; 11 grain cradle j, 1 reaper t 1 two horse tbreber ; lKO. ABERXETHT A CO. 0n Otv. Jn?e I. la.t. Hif. CHAIN PUMPS, monkey wreacbes. match planes, screw arm, sain planes, horse shoes and aaiT to St. gun locks, plugs and nipple, t.ihes, bnllel moulds, Woaenliolm' IXL pocket knives, pruning and budding knives, rat traps tm eateA sowtrrs. at moorf-s' Book. otist 8tatimerr. SCHOOL UEAPERS, Parker' 1st. td. 3d, 4lh and 6th, Sanders do do do do McGuftV d do do do Itariea'aritbrnetie. University snd Common School. Intellectual and primary, Paviee' Bourdon algvbra, Leendre, surveying. Geometry and trigonometry. Key to Daviea' Arithmetic. Thompson's arithmetic, Patker' philosophy, " Javenlle and 1st lessons. Grammars CUrk's. Bullion's Smith's, Geographies Mitchell's, MoaUitb' manual, Montcith' lt lessor.. Mslc Lote of Zon, New Carmina Sacra, Christian Psalml't, Miswmri Harmmy, Xormtl Song Bmk, Singing Rxk, at ;tr Monnrs' Notice. rrtflB Judges of the Supreme Court, of th Territory of a. ure iron, assemoiea ai iiie seat oi t.overnmeni ra the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and flflr aevea, do fix and appoint Diatrict Court, to be h-ld u villvreof lloseburK. in the eeinty of Dougl on the first Mondys.of Msrvh. May, reptrmbcr and ber, annually, until otherwise ordered, and do limit the duration of said teems to six dtv each. GEO. M. WILLIAMS. Chief Jiiftsce. 4Uf M. P. DEADY. Associate Jo-ti. e. rwoa. aaTKOLM. Frsnclvo. aoaaar a. taw. 1 KMtr Law Purtland. Oregon. Remolds Av L.a.vr. TTTBOLES.VLE t.rjcor and Coinmiaax Merchants W and dealers In tJrvgna VwdWe, comer Kearny ana jacaaon bireeia.nan r rancuco. a Advances made on Consignments. ar Refer ta J. FAILING A CO., Portland. t.lmltnald Salt! Halt!! Oft TOSS "San Queatin' SALT, In about M and CU 100 lb. bags. Just received and for mle very cheap Oregon City, Dec. , Valuable Farm for Sale. THE undersigned now oflerahi vslnaMe larm for sale, situated on Spring Creek, in Marion Co., O. T.. one and a half miles south of McKinnar's Mills, on theConntv road running from Salem to said M ills. It contains CIO acres. of which 610 acre i under a good snlytautisl stake and ruler fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation two hundred fine bearing frnit trees, a rood form house, together with other out buildings. Said farm U well watered, and the best adapted to stock raining and wneat crowing or anr rami in Lie 1 rrntorv. Sai farm has been settled since 1313, and wa among the first claims taken in Marion Co. Any person desirous of buying a good farm, with a litle money, will do well to call at the residence of the aadersimed. OLIVER PICKARD. Spring Creek. March 30. 1W7. 4tf Removal. BACK A BROTHER have removed to their New Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment They have jnst received a general assortment of Dry Goods. Clothing;. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offers for cash or orodnce. X. B. Wanted Batter, Egg. Bacon, Lard, Flour, and Wheat, ror which they pay tu highest market price. Salem. July 19, 1846. 19tf llouae. Carriage, Sign, and 8 team- aroma, x-taiusiaag. C A. REED having established his Paint shop in . Salem, ia prepared to execute with diapatch all joba hi the above line. Banner, standard, and Em blems, for societies painted an silk, satin, velvet or mus lin. Paint of all color and description mixed, ready for one. for sale at his shop ; alio White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Varnish, Wall paper and Border, Window alas. Paint brashes, graining tools, Ac. Oi rectioaa given in pointing, also ia graining imitation of wood, atone or marble. X. B. Order from abroad promptly attended to. AH joba intrusted to bis care warrauled to givs satuv faction. , Salem. Jan. .1K7. 43yt Cast paid for Soldiers Bounty JLand yv arrant a. THK aaderaigaed will pay cash, aad the highest rota, for a Urge number of bounty land warrants. oa annlicatioa at hi o3c ia Court House. Salem . O. T. rr VT T L' I l V V. . A KUUt ft , Derember SO. 1'. 4ttf Notice. STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber, living ia Albany, Linn Co., O. T., on or about the first of December, 1360, one aor- rel horse, blaze faced, right hip knocked down, branded oa near shoulder O. T- vented V, brand. No other brand or marks recollected, one return in it said horse anil be liberally rewarded hair Any J.M. McCONNELL. Albany. Jannarf IT. 167. 4-tfn.d Final Proof and Notification Blanks. TUST PRINTED, a Urge quantity of Final Proof nuaaaa. ana a mau lot or Jiotiflcationa. both from the latest forms. Order by mail or otberwina filled. Toacasa muas accompany uie order or the blank will not be sent, rnoes t lnai proor. (rull set) S6 00 per Taaadred. 01 00 per doxea. Hotiflcslion. 610 00 ncr i jtmA SI KA Sun. " w P" 8Je-.Aprn8.mt. 8TATES OPHOC SXedical and Surgical Notice. r1 ia often the ess that persons surer Tor a longtime with a curable dmaase from the fact that tbey do not kaow where as go " preparen to move all Tuasors. iwsn ana vnawn aoae lo re dace dislocated jonta of longstanding, straighten, wry aeck. c'ab foot, aad to oorrect all deformity of the faee and syenaa. v. v. j.m.rniuL,, jg. V, Corvalli O.T. May . 1967. - tf rTAB,t X 24af MOO RES' A CeO Party 1 IH1W ADT BBTIS1MBMT. MBS. ADAMS, wUetadU yo gat theaa teacuua and saucers f uenrge got toam at tha xatrrts MTor . Ihrm snTmnrs oT i i a bIiIss aaiaai 1 cams and aaacers, and elataa 1W t anoaid taluk tber was t Bom baa got ovt f a or leat pf th ama klial. verr cheap, at th Em, -tore. nay, air. Lauauila, wear aid yon gat v. 4 auc morocco who r 1 gt tbm at tha Eraptr Stnra. Do von believe that run eaa oet rood eheaner at the Empire Btnr than at those stora ap-towa f Ul UHUBB 1 no. U, ma, Bully, wher did yea pt thla beaatlful vhlta ignrr wh. Rnloman sld h ent It at tha Gmnlra fttara. Well, it la too outraaeon t don't von think John cot two dollars worth of suaar. last week, at Mr. independence more, and it la black sandy stuff, only ni to msKC vinegar, or toe una. ueorge, ym nsve got a no aoat, van ana panm. fthould tlilok I luul. Yna bought them at Portland, perhaps? Never. I boucht them at tha Euvilre Btore. Marr . did vou the line calico dras that David rot for Jane. I ut week, at tha Emnlre Stmef I should think I did see it l aad dont yon think Rob ert bought Elisabeth a Ana calico dress, last week, at Mr. . .1 store, andtheflmt time It was washed it went In for Disunion, and it look Just like a smoked lanioro.oran aoouuonifti. Mrs. Dukes, where did yon get thla Baa cloth la Jim, Ilttl. t why, that is nothing but om of Boon' Keutack jtsns, at in tmpire more. lonaon taavi n en. mv ansnano want over to cm. leift some three week aince. and not having time to gn down to the Empire Store, he bought aometliing they rail Mississippi jeans, and It I aa coarse a cotton, aud look Ilk I chould sav. Mr. Walters, you hare got a line pair of boots. tartly? certainly, I got ipem at ute empire Diore Were tliti any or thla kind left T About a oord I Licy, mv dear, where did ven get those silk glove ? Why. ds'dilv bought them for two bit at the Empire Store, and he v that he priced a great many of the ooda In th store In Salem, and he Is convinced that the cheapest and best goods are to be found at tha Em' nire Hture. Very well. If Abraham don't back out from yoa know what. I nieaa Lncliula. I am going to get me a line silk dress nattera. and a complete outflt at the Empire Store. Buttons, thread, wax, needles and thimble thrown In to th bargain at the btniiire Store. This act to be in iirce mm and alter It publication Approved. January it. iss. somn tXO. 676.) By tb Preatdent of tit Vwlted States, TX purenance ef law. I. Faaxcus Pi race. President of th United Stile of America, do hereby dec Ure nd msks known that public sa le will be held st th andermenlioned lsnd onice in the Territory of Oregon at the nrriods hereafter deaianated. to wit : At the lind om-e at itacnoM crrr. cimmeneing en Mnnd.tr. tht truth da vf fngurt serf, for the disposal or in pui.iie lands witnm tue following uamea uwa aiitp, via : A'ortA af tt 6ae h'ne aad tatt of ITVIamtttt meridian. Township en and fractional township two, of range on. SotUk ttf tht ba4 lint and tut of initamtlt meridian. Townships one, two, and three, nf range on. Townsht one. two, and three, of range fire. Xot-th of tht ease lint and wnt af tVJamtUt wuridian. Townships one. of range one, two. and (Arre. South of tht batt tint and tent af IfMawuttt tarrulim, Township on, of ranges out, two. nn thrtr Townships three, of ranges one, and tiro. Townships four, nf range, on, fuw aud thrtt. Township seven, of ranges two. thrrt our, snd .lee Townships eleven, or muses mm, four, sndire. Town.ln seventeen and eighteen, ol range lAiae. Townships aeventeen and eiahteen, of range bur. At the lsnd office at WuccnKsrea. commencing on M mdar. Mr teni di of imtcrnH next, for th disposal of the public land situated within the following named townabips. via : Sottlh of I 'll ban fine mxJ trttt of WJIamHtt wuridian. Sections one to fifteen, Incl.islre, the onrtheo.it quarter oi section aeveuteen, tue nomiesji quarter ui aectiuu twentr two. sections twentr three, iwentr four, t wen tyive. tweutyoix. aud thirty Ure, of township twen tr-two, or ranae sir. Th southwest quarter of section seven, the south west quarter ul section ilttcen, and tne nortnwest quar ter and the south half ol arctioa seventeen, section eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. the U'lrtliae-t quart r of section twenty-two, tlie north we jt qusrter of section twenty elabt , secti-ma twenty nine, thirty, thirty-one, snd tbiity two, ol township tweuiy-two, oi rinire trvtn. Lots one to six, im lusive, of section four ; lots one to four, inclusive, of section fire , lots one to live, inrl sive. aud the southeast quarter of the southeast quar. ler oi srctin seven : I n one to seven, inn isire.and t'je anuthwest ouartrr ol the northes-t of section eisht. the esst half ol section, the east half of the aortliwet quarter, the northwest quarter rf the northwest quar ler, and me eiM iisi! or tue sootnwest quarter or nine : the sot.tUt-ast quarter nf the outben-t uuatter of ec tia ten ; ti:e ! wel quarter ol the southwest quar ter of wIuhi eli-sen ; tbe southeast quarter nf sec tion twelve, sections thirteen, tourteeu, and nileen j the northwest quarter of the northeast, and the north west quarter nf section eighteen : lots one In nine. In elusive, and the northent quarter of the southeast quart, r of seelion tweuty ; and also fmra sei tiona twentv-wtie to twetity-seveu, iudusire : th eat half and the northwest quarter of section twrn ty-eisht ; I it one and two, and the southeast qunrter of the northeast quarter of section tweuty-niiie : the northnast quarter of section thirty-three, and sections thirty-lour and thirty-five, ol to wash if twenty two, of range tifht. Lots one and two of section seven ; lots one to fire. In clisive, and the east half of the southeast quarter of ectiiia e ght, the west half nf the southwest quarter or section nine, tne nonn nir ni ine nonneost qnar ter, tlie north half of the northwest quarter, and l ts one to four. Inclusive, of section thirteen ; the north hslf , and I ts one to lour. Inclusive, of section 14 tbe socth h4f of the n.e-nuarter, the south half of lb northwest quarter, and lots one to four, inclusive, of ectioa fifteen ; the northeast quarter of th north east, and lots one and two or section seventeen, and lots one Vi six. Inclusive, of section eighteen, of town- sliip twenty-two, or ran-.' am. Township twenty six and twenty-seven, of range re. Town-hipi twentysix and twentv-seven.nf range sir. Townships thirty-six, thirty -seven, aud thirty-eight, of ran re owe. That part of township thirty-six south and east of the Indian reservation : township thirtr-seven : sections one to sax. inclusive, sections ei.ht to fifteen, loclu- i ve, and section tweuty -four, of township thirty eight, of range fteo. That part of township thirty-six tooth of th Indian reservation, of range thrtt. That part of township thirty-six aonth and west of tbe Indian reservation, of range four. Sections four to nine. Incl usive; sections fifteen and aeventeen Sntwenty-four. inclusive, and sections twenty-eight to thirty-three, Inclusive, of township thirty- six, or range fire. Townshln thirtveix. of rangestr. Sections one, two and ten. to fifteen. Inclusive, and eeo tio'i twenty-two to twenty-six, inclusive, of township thirty-six ; sections one to eleven. Inclusive, seven teen, eighteen, nineteen, and thirty, to thirty-four, in clusive, of township thirty-seven ; sections two to nineteen, inclusive, and twenty-one, twenty-two. and twenty-seven, the sonthwef-t quarter of section twen ty- nine, section tairty and thirty-one, the west n.ui or section tiiirtr-iwo ana section tnirty-ronr. or town ship thirty-eight ; sections nineteen to twenty-two, inclusive, and twenty-seven to thirty-lour. Inclusive, of township thtrtv-nine : sections four to eirht, in clusive, and eighteen, of township forty, of range South of tht butt Kite an if east of IWlomrttr auridiam, Township thirty-eight and sections one to six. Inclusive nine to fifteen, incl wire, and twenty-three, twetitv- four, and twenty-five, of township thirty-nine, of range one. Lands appropriated by law for the nse of schools military and other purposes, will be excluded from the sate. The offering of the above land will be commenced on the days appointed and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised, nntil the whole shall have been offered, and tha sales thus closed ; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private en try of any of the land will Tbe admitted until after the expiraiiou oi tne two week. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington this thirteenth day of February, Auno Domini, one usoosoua cigm nuuureu ana nny-eeven. FRANKLIN TIERCE. By the President: Tboxaj A. IICXDaiCKR, Cosusuanoser af (A Gtntral Land Office. Notice to rreEmption Claimants. 17 VERY person entitled to the risht of nre-emntinn tl to any of the lands within tlie township and parts of township above enumerated ia required to establish the same t the satisfaction nf the register and receiver of tbe proper land office, ssoAesHijpsiffUtAfvur as aeon a prarticabl after teting tkia notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sole nf tbe luids embracing the tract claimed ; otherwise such ciaiiu wiu us lurieitra. THOMAS A. HENDRICKS. 6wl3 Coarsturtoner of tht Central Land Offiet. For Sale. T WILLsell one half of the land claim known JL as the Dwiglit Pommy claim. Said half adjoins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's and is about O I two mile from Oregon City, on the unner Wil- ii k lamotte. 1 will also selloue hair or the whole of the property, lying and situated ia the beautiful and rapid ly irowing town of Corrallis, Benton Co., and known a the " Thomas" property, consisting of four lots of tend, together wittt all tne buildings thereon. Said property ia in a beautiful location, and both will lie sold at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oat at cash price. Inquire of tb subscriber, at hi store In Ore goa City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery, in relation to tne 1 nomas nrupervy, a i-unruius. Also nix (61 lota of hind ia Oregon City. JOS. N. PRESCOTT. Oregon CKy. March 1,1857. ltf Iaooir. Here. ALL parsons that are indebted to James Strang, are reqneted to call and settle their accounts by th 15th of May, and all those who do not, will find their accounts in tha band of John D. Bonn. Justice of tbe Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem. want, to eeiue up my account. j AMES STRANG, Baiem. April 11.1857. tf AfOlWBYS ABf D COUNSELORS AT LAW AMD i Iton is Chancery. Corrallis 0. T. ktl.t . 61tr P.O. oana. I. V. ClUiill, r -tJ r"rr"c at law, eu- '.LanwCs . VO.Y. Jtr . i-. , Ae. SPECIALTY Corral U, Oregon. 18m6 .JOr'TEJ B.IC r .J. 1MB. . Septemm T P. riBCFR. Iron hundlnv. enoosite PaclRe Express I A Offina. nnstalra. Plbia of all tha Driarlpal Panersof t'allfnrula and Oissmn mar be foaad at thla office. Mr. rianertaineantaonaea AgeBtiwiaaBSBtenmaa. Cluster R. Terrf, A TTORXEY AT LAW. SALEM. OBrXlOTf, COM ia."mlslooar of Deeds, aad to take testimony, ae- fcitrwlaegmsnw). Ac. Ac., for low, inoiana. Missouri, Michigan. Cs II torn la and Washington Territory. Let ter ef Attorney, and all other Itaarnment of wriUng, drswa on shcrt notice, rv Particular attention paid to takiaf deposition. eotiectloBs or aotet, Aconanu,c, szu BolM ft KtBwai, A TTORJfETS AMU COUNSELORS AT LAW. SO- i. Ilcltor la Chaucerv. Proctors. Ac. la Admiralty. Portlaad, Oregon. Vu W. U. Firrar, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, BO. Ilcitor in Chancers aud Admiralty. Office on Frout street, next door north of Stark st., Pnrtlaud. Oregon. Uunliug ft Grorer, ATTOTUfETS AND COUNSEWBS AT LAW. AND Bonritora la Chaucerv. OOlca uear tbeCourt-honne. ssism.u.t. GfO. 1. abtlt, ATTORNEY AND COUN9ELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the various court of Oregoa and Washington Territories. Office, Salem. U. T. Dclaioo otnitht ATT0RNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business uertaininr to his iisufeasiun iu I be first Judicial District, snd before the Supreme Court of Oregon. Office. AHmsy, I -Inn County. O. T. N. B. Wkrn not st his office, or nbsent on profes sional business, be may be fimnd at hi residence, five mile nuth-st or Albany, on wiiat Is known as the "Grand Prairie." V. S. Brotk, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Boti'itr In Cham-rry, will practice in the various courts la thb Territory, aud imruplly attend to the col lection of claims against the tnited States, through an efficient sgent residing at Washington .City. Office in bugen uy. uine i-uumy. u. i. R. K. Stratton, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice In the various court nf southern Oregon, and ia the Supreme Court of tht Territory. Owes hi Deer Creek. Tongls county, O. T. Resi dence mBea north of Winchester, on the Willamette road. N. B. Bounty Land Warrant obtained for claimants on reasonable terms. 13tf Chad wick Av Ulbbs, ATTORN EYH AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. So licltor ia Chancery. Ae. Offices at Winchester and Gardiner. 8. F. Chapwicx, Winchester. Donglss Co., O.T. A.C. Gisas.Gardiuer, Umpqua Co., O.T. Nov. t. M&. S5tf at. BABar. i. a. wilsox. Barnum a Wllon. ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Fa lem. Oregon. Particular attention ic given to the collection ef nutea aud accounts, aad feaims against government. Bounty una n arrant, oouent ana sola. OSr Ortl -a over Starkey's St-we. 4 B. F. Bonham. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. fi.-e at the Court House, Salem. O. T. 6tf Of- Pillow ft Boirt, -ttTATCHVAKERS, Salem. I'epalring prumpt- ly and neatly done. Jewelry nianufac lured. 14tf V. I'llrSts. A. t. 1UA1KS. a Tro A cu TTORNEY and C-itnaelort at law. Solicitors in aiicrry. A -. Office In Itonert buildings, M iin street. C--'rvullis, Benton Co., O. T. Cory j lii.. Ap r: I I. IW. 6lf J. B. Colo, M. PtTTSTCIAN AND SURGEON, ftf Portland. Oregon. Krdirnl. TJ. WRIGHT A E. B. STONE, having sssooiated together in practice, respectfully tender their ser vice to tbe people of Benton and Llun desiring to se cure the fsvor of the sfllicted by success Onv. Office near J. C. Avery' store, Corvalli. tllypaid I. B. Ilnllofk. ARCniTECT AND BUILDER. PORTLAND, 0. T. Design, plan, specifications, Ac, furnished on reasonable terms. William C. Griswold . Co., VrERCHANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY, 1JL W. C. OBlSWOt.D, 12tf O. S. WOODWORTB. JCugene City YJ0R CK E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eugene A A City Hotel. 13tf. Medical Notice. """HUE mitiscrilier, would inform the inhabitants that he A la stlns old stand, ready n attend to all rails in hi profession ; also be ha on hand a well selected stock: of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well osorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose Of on reosonsoie terms. . OTA.i(rtr. Salem Iecember t, 1S56. 3-tf W. B. Makers, 31. D. PHYSICIAN and 8urgeon. 0:B e In my new build inr. on Main street, two doors north nf Dr. J. 8. Mclteeny fire-proof building where I will be found when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant ly on hand a rresh supply or Drugs aad Medicine which I will sell low for cash. Corvalli. Dec. 9. IW. 3ntf Medie.il Hoticc- -t-vn. R. W. SHAW, late of Ban Francisco, California U offers hi professionl service to the citizens fo Salem snd vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public favor. mm- office at Reed and Fellows' drug store. Uy ft. W. SHAW Campbell ft Pratt. A TTORNEYS AT LAW, San FrancUco, California. J. Office, corner Montgomery aud Sacrcmento atreets, ,.ire I'.mitt A Cos. Bank. Messrs. Csmubrll A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business entrusted in tueir rare. u AtaxAHoaaCABTBi'LL. O. C. Pbatt, Jottpli 5. l'meolt. mad sr., orkoon crrr. TAE ALER In Family Groceries, Boots, Bhoee, Ac, and XJ Paints and oils, wuuiesaie auu retou. July 7. IfttH. 18tf S. Ellswortn, ATTOONXr AND COVKSSIXOB. US. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene . Citv. Lane County. Oregon Territory. Also Commissioner of Deed for New York, Connecticut. Ac. Aumst Jrt. 1W6. Mf Watchmsklnr. WILLIAM F. HIGHFIELD. Chronometer and Watch maker. Oregon City, ha removed to tiia tuill.iinv Instonoosiletotbe Main-street House.. where be can be constantly found prepared to do any business in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot ol watches and jewelry for sale. March 6. 1854. 1 S. Hamilton, AI. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully ..n.n t tha rood neonte of Donglas and the ad- Joining counties, that he he located permanently at Deer Creek for the purpose of practicing meaictne. ana in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all duties, and spare no psina to render tbe patient easy and comfortable. . rt , Orrics opposite B. H. Dearborn A Co.' store, on f .In atpMft Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at low cos prf- ce. . Wells, Far;, At Co., BANKERS and EXCHANGE DEALERS. W..F..A Co.. in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Exthangt and Collection Ban-rviiin-tinna and Remittances made in all parts oi Oregon, California. the Atlantic State, and Europe, with promptness! and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion, bought and sold. Sight Exchange on A'no York, BoUm, Philadelphia Albany, Rorhtster, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Detroit, Chirara. AfUutaukie. Galena. - St. Lania. Lmumcillt, Cmemaift,andorre4herprinclpaltownsinthe Atlan tic States and the Canada, may be procured at any of our offices. wkl,ls, r aiiuu, ec uu. 114, Montgomery-street, San Francisco JAMES O'NEILL, Agent. June 1855. AUan, McKinlar, v Co- r1ENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and JT Wholesale aud Retail Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro ceries, Hsruware, ac, Oregon my, o.i'. Dee. 10, 1861. 40yl TRY-GOOD8 for ladies aad gentlaaaea, la great ve- U riety, at at . n, arrnEci' 3Stf saVVIlUj Sr. Cupktj . Clsal Ksiixa. . -rrSV mviv.v,s Y-R.J.UCZAPK AYS Grand Medical nd Surgical J Institute. Sacramento st..brluw Montgomery oppo site r seine Maul S'eamsbipco.-aumoe.naa r ranciaco. t aiiiorm. eistsbiisned ror tue permanent euro oi Prirate and Chronic Disease, and the sunnrestion ol nnoekarv. nr. j. i. i ztrKAT.uu ia mfl unnransn sicvotu- tlonary War. Chief Physician In the tOth Regiment of nnuveas, cmet surgeon to tne military nospiui a rwo, Hungary, and late lecturer on Disease of Urinary Or gan and Disease of Women and Children, would moat respectfully Inform the public of Oregon and California that he ha opened an Institute for the core of Chronic Disease ol the lunirs. liver, kidneys, heart. blood, brain and the horrid consequences of serf-abuse, and he hopes mat nis long experience sua successful procure oi mv ny year, will lusure mm a snare or puuuo natronaae, Bv the nractice of many vears in Enron ana the Uni ted State, and diirine the Hiinnrian war and eam- nalen. he Is enabled tt annlr the most efficient and f uccessfuj remeilie against disease of all kinds. He nse no Mercury charge moderate treat ut patient in a correct and honorable way has references or nn iiieitionsble veracity from men of known respectabili ty and high steading In society. All parties consulting him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and Implicit aerrery. The Dr.' nffices ara on Sacramento St.. below Montgomery. San FrancUco. California. 12m3 OPKRMATOHRH'EA OR LOCAL WEAKNESS. O 1 Dr. L.J. CssDkav would call ntibllo attention to stiermatni-rhne or local weakness. There ia not ia the catalogue of human m -Undies one more to be depreca ted than this, aa well because or present distress. as tne ultimate results. Tlie tone of the system under its in fiucme Is either Impaired or entirely destroyed, and a claasiif armutoras atinerinduced that unfits man for the performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The injuries iiuue to tne pnysiesi pars oi man is iruiv la mentable, but trilling when compared to those of the censoriura.the arest nervou center, and to the ner- vou system generally. This disease, which I too often minseniient uonn thai solitary vice, self-abuse, involves pathological conditions beyond th comprehension or the uninitiated, but wmcn are wen nnieraxooa ny tne reg ular nrai-titlonrr. Among the symptom most conspic uous sre l:ie loiiowing: i.ove oi wmiunr, uTersmn vi business and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex citement from alight causes, loss of memory, confusion nf IiIms. Inability to reason correctly, low spirits and lissitude. dullness or apprenension na misantiiropv These being functional derangement, are often tbe har bingers of horrid organic lesions of the brain, which produce fatuity, dementia and death. For the cure of this and all kindred diseases. Dr. Csspkay has established bis Institute, where all may relv with nerfect confidence upon that skill which long experience aad thorough devotion to bis profession has given. Thus who ufnr should call or write without dewy and use the mean by which they may recuperate and live. . All rmralLitltnl. bv letter or otherwise, rree. at drr to Dlt. L.J.CZAPKAT. . Um3 Medical Institute. San t ranrlsco. cat. trtl-CrtF.TIMSKASrit.lMt.- U J. CZAPKAT r-.- O Inordinary success in the trestment of secret dis eases In tlie primary ana oilier suure. tnauces nun vi call public attention t tue ion tuat ot tne great auin bers who hare made daily applieatioa to bim. there is not one who has not been effectually and permanently cured. In recent cases of private diseases, the Ir. guar anties a perfect cure Iu a lew day without hindrance to business or other inconvenience. Tbe !-.' method or treating these maladies, com bines the Improvements msde by the medical faculty with discoveries or nis own that are unknown to anyone else, and which. when applied, prevent tae paastoiiny ui cu wki wunu' res. Secondary svnhilis. which Is so destructive of health. produciiig ulcerations of tbe throat, destroying the soft ports, and leaving Mis bone exposed, which mortify, separate nd roiue way. disfiguring the sufferer awl horribly, as well as impairing his general health, and predisposing to consumption, tlie Kr. treats in tlie mia-t certain and efficient m inner. Also, painful swellings upon t:-e hones, disfiguring splotches upon tne sain. sores, .iraplea. and all other consequence or private disea-s he riiaranties to cure or usas no comuensauon. lr. C. would especially call the attention of those who have failed to obtun relief rrom others, many oi wnom be has already cured, and many are still under treat ment. Tlie Or. makes no charse lor consultation, and invites all to rail at his Institute : and he will rive them such satisfartina as they ran obtain nowhere else. Those at a distance, bv writing to the Dr.. can have fielr cures nruierly attended to. Office on Sacra men- to St.. below Montxutrerv.Ssn Francisco. Cal. 12m3 The lirtalfst Uiscorrrf of the ilt. 1 RE AT B!eslnrs to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! T DlLCiAPKAlf'S pBiirnitACTicra, Iself-disiufeL- tins a 'ent.) a sure iireventive against secret disease. and aa unsurpassed remedy for scr ifiilous. gangrenous and ranrerous ulcers, and all cutaooua eruptions and dis eases. For sale at Da. Czarxav" Office. Armory Hall, corner of Sacratnento and M jote unery sts.. San Fran- cUco. Cnl. As iuuculstion is preventive againtt small pox. so is Dr. Czapkay s ProphiUcticnm a preventive araint secret disease. That they can 1st prevented by oruuer agentd. is aa well an established tact as that tney ran be cured after their establishment. This principle. which i now universally recognized, was received even before the d v of Jenuer. tbe discoverer of vaccination, Iu 1713, and its multiplied benefits ever since have re ceived ss they deserved, tbe attention of the Medical faculty. It was in pursuit or this branch or the medical science that Dr. L. J. Csapksy rortunately made tbe dis covery of his Prophvlactieuni. which, for tlie cancerous and cutanous disorders, stands unrivalled by any agent Iu the Pnarmaropiea. The modus operandi or thin med icine isexplsined upon the hypothesis that secret poison posses cuemicai properties wuivii are ueunaiusru "j Leinr brought in contact with this prophylatic, a acids re known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely their original properties, and rendering them inert. The effect of this agent is immediate, and removes the possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, the disease has been contracted, it U useful in neutralizing the iMiiannous secretions, which by absorption, produce the consenuences Known as secotraarr nfwaisr, in can cerous and gangerous ulcers, in fmtid discharges and in mitanous diseases where the secretions ore excoriating. It ai ts noon the same principle and Is one of tbe moat effectual remedies rr the purpose now known. Where disease is once eWOlisiiea it annum le useu in couneo tion with other remedies, and when so used never fails of success, it has been administered by the Iim tor in many thousand cases, and he has yet to find the first in which it has failed to subserve the purpose for which it was administered. Price, $5. Full directions are at tached to each oarkase. N. B. In cases where the Pmphylsticnm Is used as curative, Ir. IJ. czapkay win luruua tgrausj a pre scription for hi blood purifier. All eotnmntiiration from the country, addressed only o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, San Francisco, Cal., will be strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies. with the greatest care and secrecy, immediately di Dale bed bv express or otherwise to their destination. L. J. CZAPKAY, M. D. 17m3 San Francisco. Cal. To thb Lambs or Orboox ad California. L. J. CzArxAT, M. D., physician surgeon and accoucher. in vites tbe atteution of the sick and afflicted females la boring under any of tbe various forms of diseases of the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb. Mood, kiu neys. and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor ia effecting more permanent cures than any other physician in Oregon or California, un no laise oeiicacy prevent yoa, but apply immediately, and ssve yourself from nninful suffering snd premature death. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances do not allow to have an increase Jn their families should write or rail at Dr. U J. Cxapkay's Medical Institute. Armory Hall, corner of S.tcraraento and Montgomery streets, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's Offices sre so arranged that he can u i-nnanltrd without molestation. Itm3 .a Al consultations (by letter or otherwise,) free. Allure to int. uj. i,.iraai. b.p., Medical Institute. Sua Francisco. Cat. ars-The attention of the readers is called to the fol- fiwinr A la.lv of high standing in society and respectability, published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch. September 14. 1851. which is as follows: - A Carp Tbe undersigned feel it ber duty to express her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czaokay. ror the success ful cure of herself and child. The latter having been afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was given up u incurauie o.v some ot wie moat ccieoratc-a physicians, when she called on Dr. Csapkay. nf whom she heard very favorable report, and who. after a abort period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour aged by this extraordinary result, she soagh advice herself, for the scrofulous malady, with which she bad been afflicted for eight years, and which withstood tlie tteatmcnt nf the best physicians in Europe and Ameri ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording her nerminent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which. for eight years bad lost all charms for her. She, there fore deems it doe to herseir and to all sick and afflicted to recommend Dr. Czaplcsy, as one of the' most skillful Dhvaicions within tne unueu states. H 3 Mas. CAROLINE GRAY. Corner of Walnut and 7th street. Philadelphia. A. Glazeb. Notary Public. 126, 7th street. The following is an editorial notice in tbe Boston Daily Times of August Clh. 1834: A Bwixfti, Physician. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has opened oil office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city. Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with the patriotic army as physician and surgeon under the Datronage of Kossuth. He combines with a finished education and the most refined and agreeable manners. the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in his nmfession. and we feel much pleasure in recommendinr him to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman. Or. Czapkay bas spent some time in Philadelphia where he won the confidence and friendship of those who be came acquainieu wiui mm- Awm u ineaos in ruil utalnhiaare gentlemen or the highest respectabilitv. with whom we are personally acquainted. He had an extensive practice in Hungary before the Aastriana and Russians compelled bim to leave it for being round guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive that patronage doe a man of so eminent capacity. The above are only a few of the many testimonial which Dr. Czapkay has in his iinssrirrton. but can not pobUah for want of space. All communicatietis, (by letter or otherwise,) tree. eaaariaw m,.i a w. i.w fa,cor?nJlnI-hsve Imaaedi- r --"sracu. Aoaraasio ... ;: "-"ZAPS-AY. M. V. IlmJ Ban Frane-ana fjal. QPETUf ATOBHHEA, or Local Weekaaa U biltty. low sptrtta. laatitooe, weakness af th limbs snd back, Indisposition, loss of memory, aversion to ao eletv. luva of aolltude. timidity. elf dl i-aiNiiuas. headacne, pain ta tne slue, aneetion or tne eyas, pita pies on the far, texual and other Infirmltle In man, or enred wlthont rail b the lastly celebrated Dhvateiaa am aurgeon, L. J. Ozapaay. Hi method af earing diseases la new t aaaaowa to otnersi ana neaeo sao great at AU eotMBitatlons, by letter or otherwise, Tree. Address, L. J.CZAPKAY.M.D.. Hm3 Sa Franrlsco, Cal, Notice. rriHE Judge of th Supreme Court of the Territory of X Oregon, aasemoieo as toe seal or uovsrmneei on the 16th day of December. lSSs, do Ax and appoint District courts so pe neui ia tne city or Bales, ta toe eoanty of Merioa, oa tba first Monday of April aad September, aad tbe fourth Mondays of Msy and Octo ber, annnany. unui ouierwise oraeraa ; aaa an in city of Portland, la tha eoanty of Mnltnontah. on the fifth Monday, of December. 1466. nod thereafter on the first Monday of My and October, and the third Mondays of Jane and November, annually, until otherwise order ed. aad do limit the duration of Bald Term t six day each. UEI. H.wiM.iastH, Chief Justice. 41 CYRUS OLIf EY. Associate Justice. Strayed. F.10M Frier' place, near Bethel, la Polk Co., la October I sat. one black mare, with small star In forehead, aad very light mane ror aa American mar : ha a roaa colt. Alto. one bright bay American mare, small size. with (tar In her forehead, and saddle marks. Also. one Indian mare, bay color, bald fare, and white fore lega to the knees, aad away bark. Any on having knowledge of tbe whereabout of tha above described mares shall be paid for their trouble. .A-ZUPUST. Polk Co.. Feb. 17. 157. SOU WRITING-PAPER. uperle article. Black Ink. from quarts to 1 oa. Slates aud pencils, Xsbor pencils. Envelopes, wafer. School card and toy books, at 16tf MOORES' Take Notice. I, THE undersigned , one of the firm of S. Jacob A Co.. this d iv solj all mr interest In the said Arm .to s. j aeoos ana st . ttnoaman. so tnat i nave ao claim whatever against them at this date. l. KAMLSSKT. CBAvroea and FAiarieLB, April 14, 1867. 8. JACOBS. a. o oo DMAS. S. Jacobs 6l. Co. WILL continue at their old standi at Chsmpneg Fairfield, and at the log ehnrch. French Prairie. where ther will be most hannv to have their friends eaU upon them, snd extend their liberal patronage a bere-tf-e. We shsll try to keep as rond sa assortment. til as low a any store In Oregon. Weraadoit!! Oar I roods sre all bought ia San Francisco for cash down. unite and see. ems Doot and Shoe Store. FREDERICK WICKMON would announce iiig country, that be have taken a store on the esst side of Commercial street, north of the postolBre. where he wilt keep constantly on hand a full assort ment of every kind of boots snd shoes, both custom and ale w..rk. which be will sell st tlie lowest living pri ces. Being a practical workman, all orders fur tbe manufacture or repair of work will be complied with, and the work doue in a substantial aad wirkmaalike manner. Give me a call and examine my stock. FREDERICK. WICKMON. Salem. March It. 1827. IStf Iaoost Here! TYTE hve Jnst received Sfl.000 Ins. of ground alam TV salt, which ae are selling at S3 isi per hundred. ti K1S OI.O a cu. 10 TONS assorted iron, last received at 9m3 GKISWOLD A CO"8. SAX t. .6aiTH. TBOXAS A. AVI8 I Smitn Is DaTls, TM PORTERS snd wholesale Druggists; fire proof A store. Portland. Oreron. Order from the country solicited Bm8 Coffee. TF YOU WANT a really rood article of COFFEE, the JL undersigned have got 15.OO0 pounds beat " COSTA RICA. Come ia and look at it. ALLAN McKIXLAY A Co. Oregon City. Dec 0. 1850. JAS- B. BtCBABra, I .4XO. MCCBAKRSl, Portland, O. T. San Francisco, f . Richards. DIcCraJken. flOMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon J Hour, Grain. Produce, f ruit, porx. uacon. Astra. Hams. Ac. Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made on eonsisnments. No. 4 Sacramento street, below Front, Ban Frawisco. January 17. 1857. . 6tT rrtAX receipt b'anks f'- sale at Ute Statesman office. JL at ft per nunarea. -tOCNTY ORDER BLANKS For sale st the STATESMAN OFFICE. The Lawi of Oregon. TWE OREGON STATUTES. 1855. being a large vol I ante of 650 pares, with eomulete index, snoots-I tions. and references, compnsuig ail trie laws la force ia , tlie Territory, inclusive oi wiose nassea at last aeastoa of the Legislative Assembly, are fur sale at tbe office of the Statesman, at five d'-ulars per copy. The work ia ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and is sold st publisher prices, and as low as a like work caa he bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest figure they csn be aff irded for here. Tbe price places them within the reach of all who desire the tew tbey live under. Orders by maQ accompanied with the cash, filled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that will probably be published in Orenn, for many year. In addition to the enactments or tne L?isiative Assem bly, the volt, roe contains the Declaration of Indepen dence. Constitution or the United states. Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregoa, Ordinance of 1787. la force in Oregon. Donatio" aw and ail amemimenis. , and full abstract of United States Naturalization Laws. D. C. Borattt, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. AND JM. Solicitor in Chancery. Bethel, Polk Coaaty. o. May 36. 1857. Utf Dealut Sickness ! noose Bclwtei Tbcm. HOLLOW AY'S JP1L.LS. 'ItUE Blood rumkmes tbe material of every bone, X muscle, gland and fibre in tbe human frame When pare, it secuies health to every organ ; when narnnt. it necessarily produces disease. HOLLO-WAY'S PILLS operate directly upon the elements of tbe stresm of life, neutralizing the principle of disea aud thus radically curing tbe malady, whether located in the nerves, tbe stomach, the liver, tbe bowels, tbe muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of tbe system. USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Holloway's Pills are equally efilcacioa in complaints common ta tne wnoie unman race, ana in a isomers pe collar to certain climates and localities. ALARMING DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of tbe liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, and the caase of innumera ble aeains, yielu so wese coraavea, in ait eaaea. Howev er aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and tonic ; they relieve the bowel, purify tbe fluids, and invigorate the syatcw and the constitution of tba same line. GENERAL WEAKNESS NERVOUS COM- PIAINTS. When all stimulants fail, tbe renovating aad bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to tbe shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general debility. DELICATE FEMALES. ' AU irregularities and ailment incident ao tbe deli cate and sensitive organs of th sex are removed as prevented by a few doses of these mild, bat infallible alteratives. No mother who regards her own or. her children s heaJUi should fail to have tbeat withia reach. SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. TheLoodon-'Lancet," theLswdou 'MedicoI Review." and the most eminent of tba faculty in Great Britain, France and Germany, have eulogized tbe Pills and their inventor. HOLLO WA rS PILLS art the best rtmedu in tht World for the foUomnr; diatame AsXhma , Bow ell Complaints, Coughs. Colds, Chest Diseases. Costive oess. Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy. Debility, Fever aad Ague, Female Complaints. Headaches. Indigestion. In fluenza, Inflammation. Inward Weaknese. Liver Com plaints, Lowaeaa of Spirits, Piles. Stone and Gravel. Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections, Worms, of All kinds. . , "Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hollow at, 80 Maiden Lane. New York. 344 Strand. Loudon, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine through out the United States aad the civilized world, ia boxes at 25 cents, 62 cents, and SI each. aaT There is considerable saving by taking tba lar- gtN?,B-Directkmrj for tbe guidance of patients ineve ry disorder sre affixed to each box. 37yl THAT Cotton Yam baa arrived, at Jtf MOOBES. or DtOfti-t'o Express, rva- -. - OA0OADC0 AND DALLES MONDAYS, WBDSBSDATB AND FRIDAYS. EXPRE8SS FOR foz-rtes, iliiiy ui CgrTiIlis, .Om WnDMESDAY, aadoa Aaaivat. of Matt, SrsaMaa raoa Bar FoarciscoII Oa- All Letter. Packages aod Freight. entrusted ta my care will be attended to promptly. wriVE-At " Proa kiln Book Store." uarember 90. WSa. A. B. STUART. Allan. BteKlnlav. m. Cm.. HAT5st received a stock of New Goods, sap WOOM tavMa .11 tkl who wish Is nmmM (IfMl,. ZZm,t' F1"' to eB aad ae them. They aafoUowlng: iH-7u. Unal and Wheel Barrow. g4 Bresb mm do A-tMi nA IS so Harrow. S3 teeth Jsioted Tubs. fWWashboerd. lfiB8w,i1 fl HMjs-sa.dooM, Hair Bolsters, aoabt do sierle. Sperm Candles, Adamantine do., Grape breed Tobacco, Gardes Bakes, da Ho, do Spades. Polished shovels, Hay rorxa, Manor Forks, - Churns, Window Glass a ay 10 do 10 by 13 do Thy 0 Window Bashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 11 ui bows ana I oee. M ia oo ao Blankets, Baize. IJndseys. Sheeting. Ticks, Acjle. We keen constantly on band a iarre annDtr ef GRO. CERIES. CLOTHING. HARDWARE, and many arti cle too Bumeroua to mention. ALLAN. M'K INLAY A CO. Oregon City. Jltf Geo. Ikeraetkr ft Co., MERCHANT 8, OREGON CITY, OREGON TEB RITORV. tf Ikenrtlr. riark ft Co., r-tOMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, KJ San 1 ranrlsco, Csl.. will attend to selling Oregon produce, snd fill orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac, st the lowest rate. The patronage of the people of Oregoa is respectfully solicited. AUgUSt I, 1HSA. xitr Ken Ton's Daf uerrean ass AMBROTYPE GALLERY. THE undersigned having recently returned from San Francisco, is now prepared to tike those beautiful Picture on Glass called AMBROTYPES. which hsve slmost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype ia the f 4 J tl" Kmr MKU ch r Gallery la the new biiMing. trteUd especial! for tht aaansr, west of the Marion Hcse. WILLI AU I u-t. Salem. November II. 185. AStf At will &. Co., No. 172 WasHi-fGTOK St.. Sasj Frascisco. ClHEET. Card and Book Musk-. Piano Forte iS aHJ Km. Un.ir.1 liHtfnimMltlL Strines '' and Reed, for Violins, Guitar. Clarionets. Ae. Also a large wholesale stock of Fancy Ooods aod Toys Billiard Balls, wax snd eoeleatbers, flags of all nations, boxing ghrree. Acrsogetber with all kinds of Yaakea Notions, users! or sm using. Goods packed with great care and forwarded with promptness. All orders sbnnid mention by tut aoat or tx press Co. tbe goods sre required to be sent. A I s ii .i. a. v J. . Sm3 171 WasbingtoB t-. San Froociaco. Wanted fCCff bushel Oats, and 6000 Wneat.and nnyqnsa- UVJyjyJ tity of dead swine, for which cash will be mid on delivery. J.N. FRESCO! T. S'Af Oregon vity, ov. ii, aoja. Brrfoi Mi California Pocket Mot. rf.HR followinr vessels will run in i JL tina nan REGULAR LIME between Saa Frmeuca and Portland : BARK OCEAN BIRD. Wwonts. Master. 1 CHAS. DEVEfTS. HsaLT. " 1 JANE A. FA LKENBERG, Badozx, - 1 NA H IJMKE A (J . 'ituim. " ! BRIOI.B.L UNT. RtcmaBem. - Tbe Bark have all been coppered recently, aod are in first rate order, commanded by experienced captains. Freight unit at taiistif aa (A fosrvaf rout. Produce sent from any part of tbe coantry to Oregon City or to tbe Linn City Works. w3i be received and forwarded: to Saa Francisco, Aobxts: GEO. ABERNETHY A Co, Oregon City. ABERNETHY, CLARK A Co. San Francisco. November. . 14. tf Corrallis. THE subscriber will pay cash for Soldier Bounty Lnd Warrant, at his More. NAT. H.LAXE. Cow Uw. Jan. 13. 157. 4ttf Banm At Bi-othejo, FIONT STREET, Portland, opposite tbe Metmpolsa Hotel, dealers ia Dry Goods. Clothing. Hat. Boots, aad Shoes, Groceries, Ac N. B. All kinds of produce taken ia exchange for merchandise at tbe highest market price l!Hf Notice to Shippers and Merchants. ONE of the firm being permanently located ia Saa Francisco, all consignments of produce and orders to be tilled, will be attended to wiummh artsy, at moo rate rate. tfitf WAKEFIELD A CO. Allan av JLewis, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND. ORB GON TERRITORY. John 8. Edwards, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington City . D. C. will attend to all business, entrusted to his care. before the several Departments the Supreme Court of tne United States, or courts nf the District of Columbia. Particular attention given to tb claim ef ao. dieva for services, or lor Bounty Land. Keren ti oea. Lasne ana un. carry. "im.paia Powder. WE have a urge supply of powder in hand. GriO. ABdRNETHlf A CO., Oregoa City, Nov. 13, 185C 57tr The Oregon Statesman. An Independent Journal, derated to Pahtiem. General imeuigenee, art., j-sotiwrw ss. owm, vrrgem. ASAHEl. BUSH, Proprietor, Publfeher, and Editor. The Statefanaa is Pemorritjc ia politic, and thor oughly National in its character. H is bcs-t.le to every species or sectional mra. ism-.fvi.-im. ,uu iinunrscce ; aad will vigoroosly oppose all attempts to incorporate aay of the insane asaas of the day into our Territorial legKianoa. It will advocate all practical nie sanies of Reform and Progress, economical and simple administration of ear lical government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca pacity ia office, aad a system of rigid aad direct ac countability of tbe officer to tbe people. It will dis cos all measures agitating tbe public mind, ia a man ner fearless, impartial, and just Its News tepTtarnt will be edited with mack attention, aad authiog wilt be spares' to furnish early, acearate. and rozoprehemave publication of tha car rent intelligence TheStotesmaa bass large, widely-ecattered.and most ; excellent corps of correspondents, aad very ccm.leto raciiitaes lor procuring news. Doe attention is also paid to tbe publication ef Miscel liny. Agricultural and Literary matter. In that paper are pot la-bed tbe laws, resolntioas. and treaties of tbe United States, and tbe laws and reseh. tiaan of tbe Territory of Oregon by authority. The paiier is printed est new material, and spo a sheet of toe largest size. Statesman Roolk and Joo OQce. WE have Three Presses, tbe heat facilities for Book " printing north of California, and an extensive as sortment of Joaamc) Matkbjai. of every kind; aad. with master workawa. are prepared to execute promptly, and a worxman-lise manner, all ordea in we aoovo oe Books. Bt-Am Caat'is, Noras or H asp. Obpss Books. StvamoO y Bri.LS, Stslambo't Cabds. Bills op Laame. CterrncATss, Saow Biixa, GsacK Books, Bx.b Racau is. PAMitrnLrrs, HAXPatLLa. Bali. Ticxbts. CracrLABa. Ixvitatioxs, Beaut saa Cabps. IbLUiaABa, Cowawr Bills, PnesBAxacas. ADPBBS8 CaBM, uaarTS. BLAjraa of all KnvBS. Ac Ac. Ac ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED INKS. JLaw of Newspapers. 1. Subscriber who do not give express aotiee to the contrary, are considered aa w taking to continue their subsenptioa. - 3. If subscribers order papers discontinued. rDbI'ibers may cootinne to sead these till all charges are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers tram the onice or place to which tbey are sen, they ara held responsabie autH they settle their bill sad give asv bee tndtscontinue them. 4. If subscribers move to other places without htf orrnraf tba PwUisber. aad the paper is seat to tha former direo tioa, tbey are held reapcsssible. , 5. The roorta have deciJel that refusing to tat a pa per av asariostieal from the oSSce.' a- rewwnnr and leav ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evideace of intention,. '"Sap ri.itiiistii wimld oblige, by a trict fulfiUmeist Of toe reguJbitka requiring them to aotify Publisher, eaeaiBi three BJOBtbs. af paper not taken from thai ofAtbyaalaxsril-en.