DOOCS ! ' DOOS8 !! DOOHO I ! . . : -.AT. . ' Tho City Dook-Otbro, (frost nr., portlaxd, o. t.,, ; A. R. SUIPLEY & Co., r Have in Store, and will be receiving by tha 1st of June O S3 2D 9 CD CD CD ' IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY ! , . Which they bfiVr i j tho . . 8PRINQ TRADE At entail advances on New York price. Give bs a call, aw sand u aa order, ud we an twoui to gtve yoa aalrAfaetioU V ; -" u A. It. Bhlplef Ce. Art tba Sot Auexts M O regno nd Washington Ter ' ritoriea for the sale of A GREAT BOOK ! ! Being tba only political hWory of the United States. Sens' n Toor names. Pric $4 00 : Payable en de livery of book. Can deliver by the lt of September to all whaseadras their ainm by IstofsMay. . Catalogae f Fart at air Stock : i SCHOOL BOOKS. ' I Reapers Sanders' old lit. !d, 3d. 4th. aaJ 6th. and The Young Ladies'; Sanders' Sew 1st. Sd. Sd. 4th and Sth; Parkers'-a-lst, 2d. 3d, 4th and 6th; Mc Carthy' 1st. 3d, 3d. 4th and 6th. SrsLUcas- Sanders' Old, Bandera' New; Elemea- PataERS- Sanders Pictorial, School and Parker'. CrtXKiRAraiES. Mitchells, Ancient and Modern, (M oey. Morses, McNaUry s, and Meuteiths 1st and M iTHKX men Arithmetics Thomson's, Tablet, Mental, Analvsi. Practical, and Hieher: Davie' Pri mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's Coiburns Ry s Stoddard's; Daviee Algebra, Sur veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Hie thmary. Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Ucometry, and Philosophy of Mathematics. Grammars Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith's Klrxsm's Spencer's Tower's. PntLosoruiEi Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and School; Comstock's Smith's. HiaroeiRS- Wilson's Juvenile, and United States: Parley 'a Universal; WUlard'a Universal, and United States. L i.NOCASES Cooper's Ylnril; Andrew's Latin Rea det: Viri Bomie: Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClin tock'a 1st and 3d Book in Latin, and do. in Greek: An thon's Greek Grammar and Beaderj Johnson's Cicero. Fasquelle'S French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury 'a icrmaa Grammar and Header, Telemaqoe. Greek Tes tament; French, self taught; Sarrenne'a French IHc tionarv: Andrew's Latin do. Liddell A Scott's Greek Jo, Aathon's Classical do. Smith's do do. ltcrtoxKiSv Webster's School. His do. Aca demic, University, Royal ovo, Unabridged and Cotibe' Pocket. Miscri.t.A'SBOcs. Mattrson's Astronomy. Newman's Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. Kame's Elements of Crrt Irisnv Parker's Aids in Composition, Iarker'a Kxer cisea. BrookAeld's Composition. McrTlIi'utt's Toung Analvxer. do. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word Builiier. Mayhew's B.k Keeping. Wayland's Moral Bcicnce. Paiey's Nstural Theolory. Blake's Agricul ttre for Schools. Cpham'a Intellectual Phil'tsophy. Mahan's do. do. M:lt m; Young; Pollock; and Thomp son; (Edition for Schools) Cutter's Anatomy and Physiology. American Debater. Newman's Political li:..nomy. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of Speakers and Elocution. All kinds of School Station ery: Slates of all aizes; Drawing Bwk; Drawing Paper: Perforated Card Board; Bristol Board; Pencil and Brushes; Usborn's Colors; Inkstands, every size and style, Ac, Ac. Ao. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. History Bancroft's United State. volumes Htldreth's do, do, volumes. Frost's Pictorial United States. Taylor's do, do, do. Botta's Hist. Revolution. Peterson's do. Wilson's United btatrs. WUlard'a do. His. Indian Wars United States. Wiilard's Universal Historv. Mailer's do do. R.ittwk's Hist. Worlil I or 3 volumea. Rolhn s Ancient History. Farr s , do. Home's England. Maeanlay's lo., complete. Dickens Child's do. Laniard's do. Gibbon a Rome. D'Aa ttigne's R-Tormati'Mi. Bang's M. E. Chnrch. Allison's Europe, 1st snd 3d Series. Procott's Works. Border's Hist, of Religions. Hist, of Council of Trent. Jose phus. All of Abbott's Historic. Historical Cabinet. Oiteess of Spain. Queens of Scotland. Help's Spanish Conquests, Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. Ed- banks Brazil. Parleys Universal. History of Cru sades. Ancient Egyptians. Hallams Middle Ages. History for Bo vs. "Bonner's Child's United States. Losing's Field Book of Revolution. IliooaarHT. Plutarch's Lives, life Brant. Won derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. 1 km r,f ttut (tfrtaTK- Ant)hiovTSnhT of Ptnter. martine's Celebrated Characters. Life of A darn Clarke. do Bishop Bedding, do Niebuhr. do Gen.- Harrison, do Daniel Boone, do Roberts, do tfayette. Cap tains of Roman nepabtic an.t um nona. in-, tuai mers, 4 vols. Lives of Humboldt. Mrs. R-ifrers. Monrt. Wester. Fletcher. Life and Times of I lav; Irring'a Washington. Eminent Mechanics. lives of Chief Juitice. Josephine. Nap-rfeoa. Charles L:uab. Jackson. Gen- Green. Joan of Are. Ladv JaneGrer. J. Q. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kiors of Home. - Kings and voern. I.ieumtz. Lira of the Popes. Prescott s Philip 2d. Mary and Martha Wab iorton. ITOoeer omen of tne w e-.i. TatrSLS. Hink's China. Araneanbns. Stephen's Esrrt. Olin's Travels. Mango Park. Nile N'otes Adventures on Mnsquito Shore. Bayard Tayhr's Trav els. Durbin a 1 ravels tn tne bast. SciEsnnc. Brande's Encyclopedia. Physical Geog raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural Uist-iry. Lardorr'a Lectures. Useful Art. Cosmos. Mathematical Dio tionarv. Logic of Mathematics. Wonders of Scieoce. Mitchell's Pianetary and Stellar Worlds. Looraia' Re cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of Arts and Science. Eubank s Hydraulics. Dick s works. Varioas works oa Architecture. Poktkt. Byron varioas styles. Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. Burns, do. Henisns, do. Moore, do. Thomnsoa. Y'oung. Pollock. Tupper. Cowuer. Pope. Campbell. Wadsworth. Ossian. Montgomery. Kirk White. Female Poets of England, do. do. Aiaenca and many others. Booss of Kkkurkxce. Cycl.Mvedia of Geography. do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts. McCoUoch's Gazetteer. Harper's U uiversal Gazetteer. Farrr i AwcnTmL. Kflit's Fruit Book. Thomas' do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Keendn's Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable lrAe wri Companion. AUea on the Grape. Pardee va Strawberry. Florist's Gaide. American Farm Book. Allan's Domestic Animals. AU of Saxton s Hand Books. W.uks on Horse, Cattle, bheep, Hogs, Ac Thboixwicai. A Kslihiocs. Harmony and Exposi tion of Gospels. Neander's Life of Christ. Butter's Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth odism. Moms Miscellanies. Iectnres on Romanism. Brand of Bominic Rule. Elliot on RomanisDV Barnes' Notes. Cladse s Commentary. Benson s do. Jays Exercises. Watson's Institutes. - La era bee's Evidences. Holler's Ethical Discourses. Rogers' KdifMe of Earth. do. Keasoa and Kaita. rosters I tirtst. i-errection. Baker on Discipline. Writings of Arminios. Jaha's Biblical Arcbseolojry. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from SI to S34. Testaments, great vsriety. Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Book. Church Psalmist. Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Chrirtiaa Psalmist. Medical. Bnchan's Family Physician. Hydro- ratnic do. Homtepatnn w ora. MvKL.ikimovs. Constitutions of United States. Mayhew's Popnhrr Edocatioa. Crabbe's Synonyms. naii s if-ma oi canosiues. vai r enow s Manual Headley's Works. 1 toU. Mrs. Tuthill's, 6 vols. Lay ard'a Xinereh. Bigelow's Csefnl Arts. HaswdPs Ea rineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of Knowledge. ParkMsdison. Peruvian Antiqnities. Way Down East. Pvnshnrt. Ike Marvel's Works Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Ramble rn England. Tales and Reveries, fan excellent Temper ance Book. Money Maker. Escaped Nun. News Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil ler s Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator. Young Ladles' Counsellor. Young Man'ssJo. Pictorial Catech.srn. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. Tlie Ameri can Hoasewifei Half Hours with Old Humphrey. Athena; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood. - do. New Eng. Tale. Cacle Sara's Farm Pea. Arthur's Saccewful Merchant, do. TaTs. Mrs. Vartingtoo. Horace Tranlation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car lea's Works. Heroines of History. Land and Sea Teck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shores Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart, frving's Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New York.-. Living 4rators of America. Young Man Advised. Mis -Kioas in Tonga and Fegee. Truth Stranger -Thaa Fic tion. Knont and the Russians. Hydrapathks Cook Bk. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for Young Men. -1o. do. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boys. Footprints of Fantnoa Men. Charlotte Elizabeth'a Work's. Advice to Young Mea. Peasant Boy PhHosor pher. AbboU's Marco Paul Books, do Praaeooisv And a number of others too asmerjos to ennmerate. Constantly receiving large additions to the forgoing. Stationer v Koobwap Paper great variety. Let t.T do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Enact-4-os all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens "and Hulders creat variety. Blank Books all siaes snd ntylesv Memorandums. Diaries. Pans Books. Time Rooks Paner Cutters. - do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa. per good variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ave. Ac , 1 inllv, we have a (rood variety of Mcttic Books. New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee . fvrurer. Dnlcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. NvTi-ed Meiodeoo.- Christiaa PaalnrM. Piano Imarno. tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Aeeordon do. iolin do. Memdeon do. Plymouth Collectioa with Music. Sheet Music. ' And the most varied assortment of SrarroMcar ever offered in Oregon. mr This stock is all bought in New York and other Eastern cities and is sold at UNIFORM PRICES.-' 1 ' I"" We keep on hand Scnooi. Books in larse oj Haarca A Bbotshss: " Pesbt A Jacasos; j " Ivisoji A Pbixnet: " " - PHiui.rrs A Saaarm; A. S. Biases A Co.; ', Orms A Mclltcaw; . .Lcaar A Gioz; - - PCTHAJt; ArrLrros; and ethers.. . 1 ;-t ' a- We ask your patronage. If unable to via a and examine oar stock, your anew wifl be attenaet ta en the saaa vaasra as V you bought ia parson. , Portisml, March 20, l57. " ;tr ; Notice to Importers' of Uiupqua. -L mt 8. D. liwJ,sJled from Uarmma river 8- for Saa Francisco, oa the 6th eT May, and intend" waking regular tripa beteea tbeae two parte. . It U only necessary we believe, to rvmiad the impor teiaoT Umpqoa that this vessel the Umpqua I the Brat ever launched on the waters of the Umpqua. to in sore their patronage and aupport. This vessel will dis charge her cargo at Scottaburs, and at the rate she in tends to carry freight, will not only savo the shipper a very considerable item, but save him the transportation np the river, and thereby enable him to receive bis goods without so much handling as heretofore." In line, the Schooner Umpqua, of Scottsburg. is a real Umpqua craft and being the first on the list In this great reform, confidently relies upon all the Umpqua for support and encouragement. . For freighter pasaageapptyto Allan, McKinlayA Co.. Scottaburg. or to the Caul, on board. Merchants wish ing to ship from San Francisco, can apply fa Allan, Lowe A Co., 132, Clay St., or ta the Captain. . 8cottsborg. May 27, ISM. lStf. Blacksmiths and ot tiers, Look. ALLAN McKINLAY ft CO. have now on band a large and well selected stock of Bar Iron. Cast Steel. '' Horse shoe do.. :. German do-, Nail rod do., - Plough do., ' Plate do.. .- And intend to keep ap the assortment so as to suit the wants of customers. Give us a call, and you: Will fled that we not oolv have the fullest atook. but.will sell as cheap at the cheapest." We are constantly receiv ing additions to our assortment, ao as to replace what is sola. ..... , , .Oregon City, Dec 23. 1856. tltf llenrf Johnson 4W Co, 1 .! WHOLE. ALR DRVQnST!l. (18 Washington Street. San Francisco.) f Offer for sale to the country trade, the large-it stork of goods in their line on the Pacific coast compri sing Drugs. Chemicals, Perfumery, Patent Medicines of ail Kinds. Brushes, faint, oils. Glass. Turpentine, and every article appertaining to tne nosiness. naviilZ niiww no iniMUiiiug Tavrr Ruuus tner mini they can offer inducements to buyers anerputllcd by any oiner nonse. Orders rosiectfully solicited. ' elly DentiatrT. DR. J. XL CARDWELL. Dental Surgeon f - s. Corvalli, will practice in hisprofea-J I sion . at CWTslsai tartnt tire, rneses. MAajt ttr, Srotttbmrm .and JuiAsnwi im. Skill, unquestionable; charges, respectable; work, warranted. .Teeth examia ed. and udvice given free of charge. . Due notice given of change of office. April 38. 19S5. 7tf No-nr " ReeetTlnt; rpHE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and for JL sale low. 60 gross matches ; l'0 kgs ! nvrups ; , SO hi. Mils. N. ti. sugar; 10 bbta. crushed sugar ; SO boxes candles ; 10 bbis. vinegar ; 20 cases tea ; IS doz. brooms: 20 dos. buckets; '" 2 rases men's line calf boots ; . . 2 " " calf brogans ; " 2 " "" goat 3 " boys" brognn ; 3 " youth' calf brogans; 1 ' women's 5loroceo boot ; 2 " " Imitation boots ; 3 " Misses' boots; 1 7S pairs children's shoes ; 13 straw cutters ; 21 grain cradles ; 1 reaper ; '1 two horse threber; GEO. ABERNETHV A CO. Oren City. June 1. lass. I3tf. r1H AIN PUMPS, monkey wrenches, match plaues, screw arm, sash planes, ' " horse shoes and nails to St . gnn locks, plugs and nipples, tubes, bullet moulds, Woxenholm's IX L pocket knives, pruning and budding knives. -rat trap to catch aaairi ii. at MOORRV Books and Stationers. CJCHOOL READERS, tj Parker's lt. 3d. 3d. 4th and Sth, Sanders' do do do do McGtiffys do do do do Daries'arithmetic, University snd Common School, Intellectual and primary, Davies' Bourdon algebra, lgendre, surveying. Geometry and trigonometry. Key to Davies Arithmetic" Thompson's arithmetic, Parker "a philosophy, " juvenile nd 1st lessons. ' " Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's, t leo.sraphies Mitchell's, Montritb s manual, Monteith's 1st lessons. Music Lute of Zion, New Carmina Sacra, Christian !almist, Missouri Harmony, Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at 2rf MOORES' IN'otice. rTSHE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of X. ureiron. assembled at tne seat or Government on the ninth day of January, eighteen huudred and fiftr sevrn, do fix and appoint District Courts, to be held Sn vilUgeof liosebnrg. in the county of Douglas on the firxt Mondavs, of March, May, September and Novem ber, annually, nntil otherwise ordered, and do limit the duration of said terms to six diva each. GEO. H.WILLIAMS. Chief Justsr. itf M.P.DEADY, Associate Jnstire. vnos. REV EVNOLDS, 1 e r- HKNSr LAW. ROBERT a. law. , 1 Portland. Oregon ReTnoltls h. Law. 11 TIIOLESALE Gncers and Coramissoa Merchants v V and dealers in Orrpm Product, comer Kearny ana jacaon btreets.nan rrancisco. as Advances made on Conrignmenta. mr Refer to J. FAILING A CO., Portland. . 43mpaid Salt! Salt!! 20 TONS ' San Qaentin SALT. In shout 80 and 100 lb. bags, Just received snd for sale very cheap ALLAA MC1V.UL.A A IV. Oregon City, Dee. S, 1356. - Valuable Farm for Sale. rrSHE undersigned now oBers his ralnahle X farm for sale, situated on Spring Creek, ' u wiu -.,, . ' . v-ut . II u Unit U1IIC9 south of McKinnay's Mills, on the County rosd running from Salem to said Mills. It contains 640 acres, of which 540 acres is under a good substantial stake and rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation. two nnnareu nne neanng imit trees, a good farm house, together with ether out buildings. Said farm is well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising, sad wheat growing of any farm ia the Territory. Said farm has been settled since lftlS, and was among the first claims taken in Marion Co. Anv person desirous of baying a good farm, with a litle money, will do well to call at toe residence of the undersigned. ' t ' - OLIVER PICKARD Spring Creek. March 30. 18S7. . 4tf . llemoval. BAUM A BROTHER have removed to their New Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment Thev have iust received a ev-neral assortment of IlrV uooos, notning, ttats ana caps, uoots snd Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offers for cash or produce. N. B. Wsnted letter. Eggs, Bacon, Lard, Floor.and Wheat, for which they pay the highest market price. Bjuem, juiy 13, ij. . VJll Ilouse, Carriare, SI sn, and Steant- eai rainung. C A. REED having established his Psint shop in . . Salem, is prensred to execute with dnmatch ail jobs in the above line. Banners, Standards, and Em Mem, for societies painted on silk, satin, velvet or mus lie. faints or ail colors and descnptious mixed, read v for ne, for sale st his shop ; alo White liead. Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Vtmoh, Wall paper and Border. window grass, faint brtisues, graiuing tools, Ac. Hi rcctious given in paiuting, s1m in graining imitation of wood, stone or marble. N. B. orders from abroad promptly attended to. ah lobs intrasiea to nis care warrautca to cive satis faction. ... Salem, Jan. II, 1857, - 43yl ? , Cash paid for Soldiers Bounty Land warrant. THE andersigned will pay cssh. and the highest rates, for a large number of bounty land warrants. oa application at hu office in Court House. Salem, O.T. - . . iS A Clklb L . December 30. - 47t , Notice. ' STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber, living in Albany, Linn Co., O. T., on or about the first of December, 1456, one sor rel horse, blaze faced, right hip knocked down, branded on near shoulder O. T., vented V, hair brand. No other brands or marks recollected. Any one returning said horse will be liberally rewarded. - Albany. Januarv 27. 1A&7. JAtftmid ' Final Proof and Notification i r jssanais. TT PRTNTED, a large quantity of Final Proof J Blanks, and a small lot of Notifications, both front the latest forms. Orders by mail or otherwise filled The cash must accompany the order or the blanks will not besent. Prices-Kuia Proof, (full Kt) V, 00 per n'.S S'"'"' P fialem. April R. 195. V 6UTESMiS OTFICE. Medical and Surgrical Notice. ris often the ease that pejsona suffer for a long time nth a curable disease from the fact that th a -. knew where to go to find relief. I am prejnred to re- ail Tumors, caaeers ana iMeeaseit Rmm o oni one dislocated joints of longstanding. stniaMen. m neck, trfnbfootandta-eorrect all deformity of the face and eyelid. - oV.G.GAKrm:LL, M. D. jCorvailia,Q. T,May. 467. r 1 TAR. at t MOORES' , (. . ,A Cofle'e Partr !. , , , r , it 'h W A B'T BRTISEMKNT MRS. ADAMS, where did you get those beautiful teacups and saucers f Ueorre got them at Jhe EMPIRE STORE. . Were there an v more of those white stone China cone and saucers, and plates left? I suouid tnink tnero was ; jsoon nas got one corn-us less of the same kind, very cheap, at the Empire StA Why, Mrs. INtigbUn, where did yon get those line morocco shocer " ; . .. r . ! ' 1 got them at the Empire Store. Do vnu believe that vuu can get good cheaper at the umpire store tnaa at t nose stores ap-towa r i Of oourse I do. La, roe, Suily, where did you get this beautiful white sugar? ' . Why. Solomon said he gut it at the Empire Store. ' Well. It is too outrageous ; don't you think John got two dollars wonn or sugar, inst werx; nt Mr. Independence Store, and it Is black sandv stuff, onl tit to make vinegar, or the like. George, yon have got a nne coat, vest and pants. I should think I had You bought them at Portlaud. perhaps ? iicucr, i iiuukik (ueiii n tuc r.iiuriw oore. Mary, did Votrrce the line calico dress that David go' for Jane, last week, at the Enioire Store! rot I should think 1 did see it ; and don't you think Robf ert bought Elizabeth a flue calico dress, last week, at Mr. ' store, and the first time it was washed It went In Tor lnsauinn. and it looks just like a sraoketl lantern, or an abolitionist. ... Mrs. Dukes, where did yon get this fine cloth id Jk mv's little mat ? Why, that is nothing but suae of Boon's Kentnck jeans, at tne Kmpire Kiorc. You don't say! Well, my husband went over to Sa lem some three weeks since, and not having time to go down to the Empire Store, he bought something tla-y call Mississippi Jeans, and it is as coarse aa cotton, and i hi.- . i i .. .... i ... lij'K3 uac snwim mj. , Mr. Walters, you have got a fine pair of boots, surety certainly. I got them a tne r;mpire ntore. Were there any of this kind lelt ! Alsmt a cord ! ' Lucy, my dear, where did yen get those silk glove 1 MrWiS-t goods in the stores in Salem, and he is convinced that the rheanent and bent eood are to be found at tha Um pire Store. i Very well, if Abraham don't back out from yon know what, I moan Lneinda, 1 am going to get me a fine silk dress pattern, and a complete outtlt at the Empire Store. Buttons, thread, wax, needles aad thimbles thrown in to the bargain at the Empire (store. This act lobe in force from and after its paid lea Won Approved, January IT, 18s. l.imn NO. 575.1 By the Irstlrwt of t'slltd States. IN pursuance of law, I, Franelih Pierce, President ot the United St.ites of America, do hereby declare snd mske known thnt public sales wilt be held at the undermentioned und oflires In the Territory of Oregon at the oeriod hereafter designated, to wit : At the land offii-e at Damns Cirv, commencing on Mondav, Mr tenth dan of Aurntt serf, for the disposal of the public lands within the following named town- ship, viz : .Vorta of the bate lint and ttat of HUtamttle wuridian. Township one and fractional township two, of range one. SoKlh of the bate hue aad tail of H'Ulametlt sarrtrfian. Town-hips one, two, and three, of range one. Town-hips one. two, and three, of range tiro. Xortk of the bast One asif trrif of fHfamtttt meridian Townships one, of ranges one, tiro, and thrte. South of the base tint and tent of IVWamette nteridian. Townships one, of ranges one. tiro, and three Townships three, of ranges one, and fteo. Town-biiu four, of ranzes one. fire and three. Townships seven, of ranges firo. thrtt four, and fi re. lownMiips eleven, or ranges vu-ee.juur, and jtm. Townshijts seventeen and eighteen, ot range three. Township seventeen and eighteen, of range four. At the land office at Wikcbbsteb. commencing on Monday, the tenth rfny of .sagvtt next, for the disposal of the public lands situated within the following named townships, via : South of the bate line and tcest of lti!laeite meridian Sections one to fifteen, incl-jsive, the northeast qasrtrr oi section seventeen, tne nortr.east quarter of section twenty 4 wo, aections twentv-three, twentv-fonr, twen ty-five, twenty-six. and thirty-five, of township twen ty-two, oi range ttr. The southwest quarter of section seven, the southwest quarter of section fifteen, and the northwest qnar- ior sm ftiitr wmi u nail ui section rrvcuKcn, viiuns eighteen, nineteen, twentv, and twenty-one, the northwest quarter of section twentvtwo. the north' wct quarter of section twentv-eicht. sections twentv- nine, thirty, thirty -one, and thirty two, of township, twanty-two, of range seres. Lots one to six. int lucire. of section four ; lot one to fonr, inclusive, of section fire . lots one to live. Inclu sive, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quar ter oi section seven ; i ns one to seven, lucl isive.and ' thesouthwestausrterof the northeast f section eivht. the east half of sei-tiou. the east half of the northwest quarter, the northwent quarter of the northwest quar i .mi tjv-i uau ui tuc .win .ri ijuancrvi niot ; the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion ten ; thssouthwestqnarter of thesouthwest quar ter of section eleven : the southeast quails t of sec tion twelve, sections thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen ; the northwest Quarter of the northeast, and the north west quarter of section eighteen ; lots one to nine, in clusive, ami tee oortneast quarter of toe soutneaat quarter of section twenty ; and also from aections twentv-oue to twentv seivn. InelieHve i the east half snd the northwest quarter of section twen ty -eight ; lots one and two, and tue southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine : the northeast quarter of section thirtr-three, and sections thirty -tour aud thirty-five, ol township tsenty-two, of range ngni. . i , . l-ots one aud two of section seven ; lots one to five, in clusive, and the east half of the southeast quarter of section eigui, tne west nan oi tue souinwest quarter or section ume, ine norm nan oi tne norineast quar ter, tne nortn nan oi tue nortnwest quarter, and lots ope to four, inclusive, of section thirteen ; the north half, and lots one to four, inclusive, of section 14; the south half of the n. tviuarter, the south half of the northwest quarter, and lots one to four, inclusive, of section fifteen ; the northeast qusrter of the north east, ana aoi- one iqu two ui eectiun seveiueeu, anu lota one to six, inclusive, ol section eighteen, of town ship twenty-two, of range nine. Townships twenty-six and twenty -seven, of rangedire. Townships twentv -six and twentr-sevea.of rature six. Townships thirty-six, thirty-seven, and thirty-eight, of range one. That part of township thirty-fix south and east of the Indian reservstioa ; township thirty-seven ; sections one to six, inclusive, sections elgbt to fifteen, inclu sive, and section twenty -four, of township thirty eight, ot ran ire rtro. That part of township thirty-six south of the Indian restrvstion, of ranire fAree. Thst part of township thirty-six south and west of the Indian reservation, of ranee four. Sections four to nins. Inclusive ; sections fifteen and seventeen to twentv-four. inclusive, and sections tweo tr-eight to thirty-three, Inclusive, of township thirty- six, or ran re rire. Townshin thrrtv-ix. ef ranee .' : . . ' " Kcctions one. two ana ten, to niteen, inclusive, snu secr tions twenty-two to twenty-six, inolusive, of township thirty-six ; sections one t eleven, inclusive, seven teen, eighteen, niueteen. end thirty, to thirty-four, in clusive, of township thirty-seven ; sections two to nineteen, inclusive, ana twentv-oue, twentriwo, ana twenty -seven, the sonthwest quarter of section twenty- nine, sections thirty and thirty-one, the west half of section thirty-two snd section thirty-four, of town ship thirty-eight ; sections nineteen to twenty-two, inclusive, ano twenty-seven to tairty-iour, inclusive, of townshin thirtv-uiue : sections four to eiirht. in clusive, and eighteen, of township forty, of range South of the base line and east of IHJJamtrtte meridian. Township thirty-eight and sections one to six. inclusive. nine to hi teen, inclusive, and twenty-three, twentv- four, and - tweuty-Bvc, of township thirty-tune, of range one. Lands sppmpriated bv law for the nne of schools. military and other purposes, will be excluded from the sales. ,'. The offering of the above lands wilt be commenced on the day appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised, nntil the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed ; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, aud no private en try of any of the lands will be admitted uutif after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my hand, at the city of Washington. tliis thirteenth day of February, Anno Domini, one thousand eight nundrcd and nrty-scven. M1AAM.IS I'ir.lH r,. B v the Preident : Thomas A-. HmnRicx, ' ' "' .. Coatatistfonrr of the Ventral Land Offict. Notice to Pre-Enaption Claimants. EVERY person entitled to the right of pre-emption to anv of the land within the townships and nart of townships above enumerated is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the properlndoin(,morymenArrrbraoona practicable after seetiir this notice, and before the dav appoiuted for the commencement of the public sale of tne tanas emoracing me tract claimed ; oincrwise sttcn claim will be forfeited. THOMAS A. HENDRICKS, ' 6wlS Comsutsioner of the General Land Office. ' , For Sale. T WILL sell one halfofthe landciaim known I ..the Iliriirht Pnmnir eMm. KaU li adjoins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's and ia about CV two miles from Ore iron Citv. oa the unner Wil - lasnette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the property. lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid fv sxowina- town of Corvallis. Benton Co.. and known as the " Thomas' property, consisting of four lots of land, together witn an tue miiiaings tocreon. said nronertv is in a beantiful location, and both will be sold at a great bargain In cash, -or wheat or oats at cash arioe. Inquire of tht subscriber, at his store in Ore- . i : . ..... I. tr . . T arioe. Inquire or tns suoseriBer. ai goa City, in relation to both, or to 1 ia relation to tho Thomas property, , Also, six (6) tots of land ia Orego nun j. AVCly , at OorvalKs.T Oregon City. - jus. ji. rmsscoTT. Oregon City, March 1 , 1857. Hf . .ii 1 -ter- i '(III H t ' LemwU Here. tit:-: at" 7 ALL persons that are indebted to James Strang, are requested to eall and settle their accoonts by The 15th of Mar. and all those who do not. will find their accounts in tha haads-of John D Bonp. -Justicw or tsr Peace, , Hiving sold my Tin establishment ia Salemi 1 want to settle np my account. JAMES STRANG. -r- 11 fcaiem, Apni ai, if. gti" Smith ft Bide. A'TTOBlfETB'.VND COUNSELORS ATl.E'iTtA'ffe' . Solicitors ia Chancery. Curvellia O..T. . , . , , I. N. SMITH. , . 6ltf - .--... tAD.r' ; I. W.KiUhcU, A TTORNUT AND COfJNSEIR AT LAW, ETJ A gene City, Lane CoUutp.O.T. . r h. COOMBS. M.D.. Surgeon. Ac. SPECIALTY .DISEASES OK THE EYE. Corvallls, Oregon. September 23, 1856. . - - " - 2Mm6 Sni Frueinct Idrrf Utlnr 4gr nt V t riSMPn ism tfti-.itdlhr. opposite Pacific Express J J Office, upstairs. Files of all the principal Papers of California and Oregon may berbund aiinisomce. air. Fisher is the authorized Ageut for the Statesman. Cbrslrr H. Terry, .. A TTflllVEV AT LAW: SALEM. OREGON. COM iVtaiisshmrr of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments. Ac, Ao.. fur Iowa. Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Territory, let ters of Attorney, and aU other instrumenU of wrltiug, drawn on short notioe. . : ' . A. Particular attention paid to taking depositions. ouiiectioo of Notes, Accoonts, ac, i i Boiieft MeEwaii, ATT0RNEY9 AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, SO licltors in Chancery, Proctors, Ac, ia Admiralty Portland, Oregon. . tf W. H. Farrar, ' A TTOnNEY AND .COUNSELOR AT LAW, S0- J. licitor in Chancery nd Admiralty. Ofiice on Front street, next uonr nortit m ntara si., -uriana, un-gou. Harding ft Grorer, , A TTORNEYS AND COUNSEIXR3 AT LAW, AND jr. Solicitors in Chancery. Uluce near the Court-oouse Salem, O.T. ' ' Gn. I. Ibfll, A TTORNET AND COUNSKLOR AT LAW. Avn A Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the Various courts of Oregon and W ashinton Territories. Office, aaiem., u. i . Dflaxoa Smilh, ATTORXF.r AND COCNSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business nertainine to his urofrsslon in the lint Judicial District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon Office. Albany, Unn County, O. T. N. B. When not at his office, or aliseut on profes sional tmsmess, ne may oe round st bis resilience, five miles south-east of Albsny, on what is knawu as the "Crand Prairie." . W. S. Brock, A TTORNEYi AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND x. Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the various court in this territory, and promptly attend to the col lection of all claims against the Lotted States, through an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. Ofiice in Eugew City. Lane County. O. T. II. E. Stratton, .- ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the various court of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme Court of the Territory. Orrlca in Deer ('reek, Douglas county, O. T. Resi dence 6 miles north of Winchester, on the Willamette mod. N. B. Bmntv Land Warrants obtained for claimants on reasonable terms. latf . . '. ' Chadwick & Uibbs, ' ' ' ATTORNEYS AND COCNSEI.OUS AT LAW, So licitors in Chancery. Ac. Office at Winehcxterand (Jsniiner. 8. F. Chaowicm, Winchester. Douglas Co., u. r. A.c. i isss. Hammer, umtqua Co., O. T. Nov. , 1855. SStf : - E. X. BARM M. J. . ILSV.N. Uarnum fc Wilson. A TTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Ss- J lem, Oregon. Particular attention ic given to the collection of notes and accounts, and calms against government. . Bountv I jnd Warrants boagbt and sold. mf Office orer Starkey's Store. 4"? II. F. Bonham. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- 2 flee at the Court House, Salem. O. T. 61 f Pillow ft Host., . 1TATCHMAKERS, Salem. Repairing prumpt- ly aad neatly done. Jewelry manufac tured, lttf W. W. CBAfMlS. : A. J. TUATEK. ATTORNEYS and Connselors at law, Solicitors in Chaucery. Ac. Office ia Roliert's boildiugs, Main street, comma, Henton l.'o., u. 1 . Corvallls. April 1, 1K57. " ?" J. B. Cole, M. I., )HYSICIAN AND SURGEON, f Portland. Oregon. Medical. TJ. "WRIGnT A E. B. STONE, having associated together lu practice, resneetfiillv tender their ser vices to the people of Bensna and Unn desirinr to se cure tne lavor oi tne amicieo ny success onry. umce near J . C. Avery s store, Corvallis. 2 1 lypaid A. B. Bollock, A RCHITECT AND BUILDER. PORTLAND. O.T. JA. Designs, plans, specification. Ac, furnished on reasonable terms. tVilliam C. Grisvrold fc Co., M ERCHANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. W. C. ORISWOLD, 22tf C. R. WOODWORTH. Etitene Citr. : HORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eugene City Hotel. 13tf. Medical Notice. THE subscriber, would inform the inhabitants that he Is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls ia his profession : also he has cn hand a well sslected fctock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, withir well asorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will depose oi on reasonaoie terms. W. WARREN. Salem December 2, 1856. SStf W. II. Magers, M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build ing, on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S. Mclteeuy's fire-proof building ; where I will be found when not professional! v encased. 1 will kecD constant ly on hand a fresh sypply of Drugs and Medicines which 1 will sell kw for cash. . . Corvallis, Dec. 9. 185G. 3!ttf Medleul SoUec. .. TAR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco. California, J J offers his professional services to the citizens fo Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo puonc isvor. - - mr umce at ucea ana renown arag store. f 14y II. W. SHAW. , Campbell ft Pratt. 1 . ATTORNEY AT LAW, San Francisco. California. Office, corner Montgomery and Sacramento streets. over Parrott A Cos. Bank. . Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to aU business entrusted to their, care. 31tf Alexander Campbell. O. C. Pratt. . iiJotcpa H. Prowlt, ' v' ! ' a m st., oreook cmr. ' : ' ( DEALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, ahd Paints and Oils, wholesale and retail. July 7. 1856. ' lStf S. Ellsworth, " ATTORSKrASDCOCS.sEia.OR, ,; U- S. Supreme and other Courts. Ofiice Eugene s City, Lane County. Oregon Ten-iry. Also Commissioner of ecds for New York, Connecticut, Ac. An.Tist 211. lKofl, , 74tf . V, Watchmaking. ., , . W 11.1,1 ah r uionr icsj, v. nrviiunieicr ana , Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to the building iustopposite to the Main-street House. where he can be constantly found prepared to do any business in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of watches snd jewelry for sale.. --. aiarcn e, . . lysi" S. Hamilton, M. 1)., PHYSICIAN 'AND SITRQEON. would respectfully announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that he has located permanently at iieer creex lor tue purpose or practicing medicine, and in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all duties, and spare no pains to render tho patient easv and comfortable. ,. s Omci opposite R. n. Dearborn A Co.'a store, on Main street. ' Drags and Patent Medicines for sale at low eaih pri- ee. ... . 42tf ' Wells, Fargo, &, Co., ' BANKERS and EXCHANGE DEALERS. W., F., A Co., in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Exekange and, JolUctum Jluti neet. ' Collection and Ramittanue sivad In all oarts of Oregon, California, the Atlantic States, aud Europe, with promptness and despatch. Dost, Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion, bought and sold. ' ' ( Sight Exchange on JVrto York, BoeUm, Philadelphia, Albany, Rocheeier, Buffalo, Erie, CletHand. Detroit, Chicago, Milwaukie, Galena, St. Louie, Louisville, tSncinnati. and forty other orineiDal towns in the Atlan tic States and the Canadas, mar be procured at anv of our offices. WELLS. FARGO. A CO. 114, Montgomery-street, San Francisco ... JAMES O'NEILL, Agent. , June 1855. . ' ;. r 1 Allan, McKinlay, & Co., 1 GENERAL . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods. Gro- ceriea. Hardware, Av., Oregon Crty.O.T. - - UCC .'0, 1S0I. 40yl DRYQODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great Va riety, at 20ti MOORES' Br. Ciapkaj'i Eedtul Hotlees. !(. r DR. J. I CZAPKAY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento M., below Montayiracry oppo site Pacific Maill Steamship Co.'sOflice.Sau Francisco, California. EsUblisbed for the Permanent cure of all Private aud Chronic Diseases, and the suppression of quackery. , ' " ' Dr. J. ICZAPKAt.lateinthe Hungarian Revoln tionsry War, Chief Physician in the 20th Regiment of Honveihi.cliiersurgeon to the military hospltaUt Pcsth, Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or gtiu and Diseases of Women and Children, would most resectrully Inform the publio of Oregon and California that he has opened an Institute for the cure of Chronic Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, henrt.blood, brain and the horrid continences of self-abuse, and he hopes that his long experience and successful practice of ma ny years, will Instine biia a share , of public patronage. Bv the practice of many years In Europe and the Uni ted States, and during the Hungarian war and cam- nalims T, U wn.lftlMl tt . lilllv tllM most efficient Rtkfl rt -- - r i j - - ; . g, successful ruinedies against diseases of sll kinds. a nse no Mercury charges moderate--treats his patient In a correct and honorable wsy has references of un questionable veracity from men of known respectabili ty and high standing in society. All parties consulting him liv lolAf-r r otherwise; will receive the best and rentlest treatmeut. and implicit secrecy. The Dr.'e offices are on Sacramento St., below Montgomery, San Francisco. California. urns SPHRMATQJjJlHfEA OR LOCAL.- WEAKNESS. Dr. I.. J. Ccipksy Would call ptibKC attention to spermatorrh'ea or local weakness. - There is not in the cstalngne of humsn maladies one more to be depreca ted than this, as well because of present the ultimate results. The tone of the system under its in fluence is either impaired or entirely destroyed, and a claxsof symptoms superinduced that unfits man for the performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The injuries done to the physical part of man is truly la mentable, but trioing when compared to those of the eeusoriunt. the great nervous center, and to the ner vous sritem rener-All r. This disease, which is too often niuMiMt uuon that soiitarv vice, aelf-abuse. involves path'ilocical conditions beyond the comprehension of nlar practitioner. Among the symptoms mort conspic uous sre the following: live of solitude, aversion to business and societv. distressing timidity, nervous ex citement from slight causes, loss of memory, confusion of ideas, inability to reason correctly, -ow spirits and I.Mifttt.lA ,l.llMMMAf sittireheftuiinn aud fnisanthroDV These being functional derangements, are often the har bingers of horrid organic lesions or the brain, which nvnHnee futttitv dementia and death. For the euro of this aud ail kindred diseases. Dr. Czapkay has established his Institute, where an may rely with perfect confidence Uon that skill which long exerience and thorough devotion to his profession has given. Thnae who suffer should call or write without delay and use the means by which they may recuperate and "aH consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad dress to . DILL. J. CZAPKAY. HiuJ Medical Institute, San Francisco. CaL triECRET DISEASES- DR. L. J. CZAPKAY'S EX- kj traoraiaary success la tne ircauneai m secret u ur ease in the jirimary and otjier Stages. Induces him to call public attention to the fact that of the great num bers who Have made daily application to him, there is not one who has not been effectually and permanently cured, in recent cases of private diseases, the Dr. guar anties a perfect cure in a few days without hindrance to business or other inconvenience. The Dr.'a method of treating these maladies, combines the improvements made by the" medical faculty with discoveries of his own that are unknown to anvoneeise, anu wtucu.wueu applied prevent the possibility of evil after consequeu ces. . - - Secondarv svphilii'. which is so destructive of health uroducinr ulcerations of the throat, destroying the soft parts, snd leaving the bones exposed, which mortify. separnie ana come away, uruiE'iriiig tue suuviet wm horribly, as well as impairing his general health, and nredisiKStine to consumption, the Dr. treats in the most certain and efficient manner. Abo, painful swellings upon the bones, ciisnguripg splotenes upon tne cam, sores, pimple, and all other consequences of private diseases he guaranties to cure or ssks no compensation. Dr. C. would especially call the attention ot tnose who have failed to obtain relief from others, many of whom he has slrradv cured, and nunv are still under treat ment- The Dr. makes no charge for consultation, and invites all to call at his Institute ;and he will give thent such satisfaction as they can obtain nowhere else. Those at a distance, bv irriting to the Dr., can have their cures properlv attended to. OfSces on Sacramen to st, below Montgomery. San Francisco, Cal. Ilm3 The Greatest PizcoTrrr of the ia. GREAT Blessings to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! DILCZAPKAT'S PRorHiLACTict a. (self-disinfee-tiug agent,) a sure preventive against secret diseases, and an unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, and ill cutanon eruptions and dis eases. For sale at LIB. Climr's Office, Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery sts., San Fran cisco, Cal. As inoculation is preventive against small pox, so i Dr. Crapkay 's Pruphilacticum a preventive agalu-st secret disee. That they can 1 prevented by proper asents. is as well an established fact as that they can be cured after their establishment. This principle, which is now universally recognized, was received even before the days of Jenner, thediseovererof vaccination, in 1796. and its multiplied benefits ever since have re ceived as they deserved, the attention of the Medical facultr. It was in pursuit of this branch of the medical science that Dr. L. J. Ceapkay fortunately made the dis covery of bis Prophylacticurti, which, for the cancerous anu cuianous uimraers, mauos aunvaueu uy but bcui in the Pharmacopeia- The modue operandi of this med icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons possess chemical properties which are neutralized by being brought in contact with this prophylatic, as acids are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely their original properties, and rendering them inert. The effect of thi. agent is immediate, and removes the notsibilitr of a contraction of disease. If, however, the disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralising the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce the consequences known as secondary disease. In can cerous and gangerous ulcers, in foetid discharges and in cutanous diseases where the secretions are excoriating, it acts upon the same principle and is 6m! of the most effectual remedies for the purpose now known. Where disease is once established it should be used in connec tion with, other remedies, and when so ased never fails of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in many thousand cases, and ne nas yet to nnd tne nrst In which it has railed to subserve the purpose for which it was administered. Price, $3. Full directions are at tached to each package. N. B. la caies where the Prnphylaticora is used as curative. Dr. I J. Csapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre scription for his blood pun Her. All communications from the country, addressed only o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco. Cel., will be strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies; with the greatest care aud secrecy, immeuiateiy dis patched by express or otherwise to their destination. ... . . ' . j , . . . Am j IV .1 a. , oi. 1. 12m3 .. San Fraucisco, Cal- To the Lapies or Obetiost aw CatrroRjiia. L.J. CxArxAT, M. D., physician surgeon aud accoucher, in vites the attention ot tne sick sna amicteo iemaies la boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the brain, lung, heart, sforrrach, liver, womb, blood, kid ners. and aH diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doe- tor is effecting more permanent cures than anv other physician ID Oregon or ualiiornin. ' iet no laise delicacy nre-rent von. but apply immediately,- and save yourself trom paiulul suucnng anu premature ueatn. aii mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances do nut allow to have an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. L J. UzapKay s Medical Institute, Armorv Hall, corner of Sacramento and" Montgomery streets, and they will receive every possible relief and help, rue Doctors umces are so arranged inat ne can be consulted without molestation. - l'im3 : aw. Al consultations by letter or otherwise,) free. Address to DR. I- J. CZAPKAY. M. I., Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cat. . aaTbe attention of tlie readers is called to the fol- owing: - : v i - . A lad v of hirh standing in society and respectabilitv. published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, September It. 1851, which is as follows: - - -A Card The undersigned feels it her duty to express her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Cxapkay, for the success ful cure of herself and child. -The latter having been afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was given up aa incurable bv some of the most Celebrated physicians, when she called on Dr. Czapkay, of whom she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short period, restored tne cnuo to penect neaitn. Knconr aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice bersoll, for the scrofulous malady, with which she had hjti suiicted for eieht years, and which withstood the treatment of the best physicians in Europe and Ameri ca. But llr. t;7:iixay nas succeeaea in anoramg he pcrmanont relief .so that she can now enjoy life, which, for eight years bad lost all charms for her.. She, there bu. due to herself and to all sick and afflicted to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one ef the most skillful nhvsicians within the United States. r r? mm rsrt- fztr vr ' ' '" "Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. J . A. Gbaaaa Notary Public, 126, 7th street; - ' ! The following Is an editorial notice in the Boston Daily Times of August 6th 1854: a Kifii.i.FTL PmrsiciAN'. Dr. L. J. Czapkav ' ha opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city. Ur. c is a riuuguriaftu ui4.u, uu was cuunevtea witn the patriotic array as physician and surgeon under the hntronare of Kossuth. lie combines with a finished education tad the most refined and agreeable manners, the most extensive scientific abilities and skill ia his roression, and we ieet mucn pleasure in recommending im tii oar citizens as a phrsician and a ntl(.man Dr. Czapkay baa spent some time fn Philadelphia when he won the confidence and friendship of those who be-' came acquainted with him. ' Among his friends in Phil adelphia are gentlemen of the highest respectabiHtv, wlth whom W are personally acquainted. He had an extensive practice in Hungary before the Anstrians and Russians compelled him to leave it fbr bclag found guilty of excessive patriotaun-. We hope he will receive that patronage due a mew of so eminent capacity.: . Tile above are only a few of the many testimania!x which Dr. Cxapkay baa in Us-vBeaeeaioa.-bti cannot mihlish for want of space. All communications, fhv letter or otherwise.) free. . "--" owinng prompt attonuon , ana wno wren w avoid the delay 0f cm-responding, eta bare immedi ate attention by sending ten dollars as consultation fee, and can have tnediclm. rr.i..A ... ,. " ! L- J. CZAPKAY. M. D. . Zmx.,'- ,, ;. .-, Baa Francisco, Cal. . SPERMATORRHEA, or Local Weakaea.; nemos de bility, low spirits, Utade, wetkmaH of the limbs snd naca, inaisprsMMuu, ir uK-im- aversion to so ciety, love of solitude, timidity, self diatriwt, dizziness. neauacue, pau- i" " eyes, pim- nles on the face, sexual and other Infirmities i,f ,'r cured without fail by the justly celebrated physi,.u,n'snd surgeon. 1 9. czapxay. ' nieiuuu ui curing otseaaes is new (unknown to others) and hence the great ces.- All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. t - Address,- , J. CiiAriva Jk n. t, limj San Francisco. Cal. - .- ! r Notice. : - TIE Judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on the wtn usy or uecember, im.w, do nx ana appoint District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the county of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and September, nnd the fourth Mondays of May and Octo ber, aannally, nntil otherwise ordered ; and ia the city of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, oa the fifth Monday, oi iJecemtier, imsu, snd inercartcr on tne nnw Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays of June aad November, annually, antil other-wine order ed, and do limit the duration ef said Terms to six days each. OFO. H.WILLIAMS, Chief Justice. 41 CYRUSOLNEY, Associate Jastice. -' .'i -' r Strayed. FROM Frier's place, near Bethel, (n Pdk Co.; In October last, one black male, with small star in forehead, and very light matte for an American mare ; ha a roan colt 'ALso, one britrbt bay American mare, small size. with star inner forehead, and saddle . marks. Also, one Indian mare, bay color, bald face, and white fore legato the Enees, ana sway naca. Any one naving knowledge of the whereabout or the above described mares shaH be paid for their trouble. . A. K. POST. Polk Co.. Feb. 17, Dttfr ; ' ' , 4 ' . 50tf ' w RITING-PAPEB, superior article, lilacs ins. I ram qosrts to z oz. relate and pencils, ; Tabor s pencils. ! " 4 r Envelopes, wafers, . School cards and toy books, at 26tf MOORES' , , , Take laotice. . I THE undersigned, one of the firm of S. Jacob A Co.. this day sold all my interest in the said firm, to S. Jacobs and N. Goodman, so that 1 have no claims whatever against them at this date. , , MKAMINSKY. CllAiirOEO and Faikvieid, April 4, 1857. i-'-'. ' : . , - . i ' . . S.JACOBS. , S. COOPMAX. S. Jacobs At. Co. WILL continue at their old stands at Champoeg Fairiield. and at the log church, French Prairie, where they will be most happy to have their friends call upon them, and extend their liberal patronage as here tofore. We shall try to keep as good an assortment, sell as low as any store in Oregon. We can do it ! ! Our goods sre all bought in Saa Francisco for cash down. Uomeaudnee- nil Tioot and Shoe Store. FlEDERICKWICKMON.wonld announce -A to the citizens of Salem . and the surronnd- Wy, 1 ing country, that he have taken a store oa the ' law east side of Commercial street, north of the postoffice. where he will keep constantly on band a fall assort ment or every Kind of boot and shoes, both custom and sale wia-k, which be will sell at the lowest living pri ces. Ileaig a practical workman, all orders for the manufacture or repair cf work will be complied with, and the work done in a substantial and workmanlike manner. Give ftte a call and examine my stock. FREDERICK WICKMON. - Salem, March 13,1957. 13m3 i v-Look Here! ; w E have just received SS.0OO lbs. of ground alum salt, wdicn we aresemns at tri.tu per nunarea. -..-- UR1SWOLDACO-- 10 TONS assorted Iron, just received at - 9m3 GR1SWOLD A CO'S- sar1. a. sstrrii. " . THOMAS A. PA VIS Smith H. Davis, TMPORTERS and wholesale Drmjjists ; fire proof JL store, i-ortiano, uregon. Orders from the eouutry solicited. SmS ' Coffee. IF Y0C WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the undersigned have got 15.0.0 pounds best " COSTA RICA." Come ia and look at it. A LLAN McKINLA Y A Co. v Oregon City, Dec 6, 1556. JAS. R. RICHARDS, I - i fSO. aCCRAXEf. Saa Francisco, f Portland, O. T. Richards ft. McCraken. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. and'Jobtiers In Oregon Flour. Grain. Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon. Lard, Hams, Ac, Ac Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco. January 27, 1?57. 46tf TAX receipt blanks f- sale at the Statesman office, at tl per hundred. . c CNTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at the . , STATESMAN OFFICE. The Ia trs of Oreron. THE OREGON STATUTES, 1855, being a large vol ' ame of 650 pages, with complete index, annota tions, and references, comprising all the laws in force in the Territory, inclusive or those passed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, sre for sale at the office of the statesman, at are ouuars per cop v. ne srork at ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can be bought in ahy State in the Union, and at the lowest figure they can beattorded ror here. The price places them within the reach of all who desire the laws they live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, filled by return mail. It is tne last code of lawa that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years. Ia addition to the enactments of the Legislative" Assem bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen dence. Constitution of the United States. Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17S7, in force in Oregon, Donation aw and all amendments, and full abstract of United Mates Naturalization Laws. Land Warrants. THE subscriber will pay cash for land warrants. JOHN McCRAKEN. Portland. Feb. 171857.. , , 50tf. Health or 'Sickness! Choose Betweti Them. ' HOLLOWAT'S PILLS. ' THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone, mnscle, gland and fibre in the human frame, irttn pure, it secures health to every organ ; when coiropt. it necessarily produces disease. HOLLO WAYS PILLS operate . directly upon the elements of the stream ef life, neutralizing . the principle of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerves, the stomach , the liver, tue bowels, the muscles, the skin,' the brain, or any other part of the system. . - ..... ... ,'. USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD.' " Holloway's Pills are equally efficacious in complaints common to the whole human race, and in disorders- pe culiar to certain climates sad localities. . .. ,. , ALAR.UIXG DISORDERS. . , ,; Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver', the source of infirmity and suffering, and the - cause of innumera ble deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, howev er aggravated, acting as. a mild purgative, alterative and tonic ; they relieve the bowels, piirify the fluids, and invigorate the system, and the. constitution of the sane ime. " - ' --; GENERAL 1VEAKXESS-NERVOUS COM-! s : . PLAINTS.. , . When all stimulants faiL, the renovating and bracing ' properties of these litis give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general debility.. ""'-' ,,.' , ; : DELICATE FEMALES,. V V Vrf , All Irrcsnlarities and ailments incident so the deli cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or prevented by a few doses of these mild, bat infallible alteratives. -. No mother Who regards her: own or her children's health should fail to have them within her reach., ' ' - - - " - SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. ' The London -Lancet," the London "Medical Review," and the most eminent of the faculty in Great Britain, France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their inventor. - HOLLO WAYS PILLS are the best remedy in the World for the foOotcing diseases: Asthma, Bow ell Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases. CoeAi ve nds, Dyspepsia . Diarrhoea, Dropsy. Debility, Fever and Ague, Female Complaints, Headaches, Indigestion, In fluenza, lafiammation. Inward Weakness, Liver Com plaints, Lowness of Spirits. Piles, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Atrfections, Worms, of A JSoId at the Manufactories of Professor Hollow at, 80 MoWen Lane,-New York. 244 StrandJdoa, by all remttetable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine through out the United Sttes.and the civilized world, U boxes at 5 cents, 24 cents, and tl each. . - ,!., 0sr There is considerable saving by taking the lar- 8B,nfiii-ections'foT the gui dance of patlehts'ineve-' ry disorfrcr arc wu . oij-i . . . 1 . 1. . . t. . I ' l.V. SHAT Cotton Yarn h? arrivcdrat 56tf MOORES'. Stuart's Express, -V - oa . , CASCADE'S; AND DALLES . O.f - - - . MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. . .EXPRESSSFOR Chanpoeg, Salem, ilkaa ud Cerrallis, ,' .....On WJ3DNESDAY, and on. . . . , . Arjuval or Maii, Steamer raoa Sa Feaxcisco ! .'. - mr All Letters, Packages and Freight, entrusted to my care will be attended to promptly. OFFICE At " Franklin dovi a tore. December 30. 1456. A. B. STUART. Allan. MrKlnlav. A. TTa HAVE just received a stock of New Goods, asp would invite all those who wish to procure GOOn articles m. reasonable prices, ta call and see them. They consist in srt of the following: Gnndston Canal and Wheel Barrows, H""?' Fancy Brooms, OrasH Scythes an Snaths, Plain . da Brash do - do KtmnrleA C.rAmJt P.U. . . 16 so Harrow. 23 teeti, p.; rh- ' Garden Rakes, Zinc Washboards. do . Hoes, , Blacksmith's Bellows, do DPadCS. 'rn.. i I c v . Polished Shovels, '. a, ' ft ' Hay Forks. ' ' MiH aw, , n Manure Forks, " ' H Matatasaes, double ' Churns, ' . ' sincle. Window Glass 8 by l : tiair Bolsters, dooui ... do , . lObyia do uutls. . . ' do . 7by 9 . Sperm Candles, Window Sashes 9 by 10 . Adamantine do., ' ! -do - - 18 by 11 Grape brand Tobacco. - Ox Bows and Yokes, ' Locke do do Blankets, Baize, Lindseys, Sheetings, Ticks, Ae.,Ae. "7 We keep oomrtaotly oa hand a large supply of GRO CERIES, CLOTHING, HARDWARE, ass! assay arft cles too numerous to mention. . ALLAN, M'KINLAT A CO. Oregon City. ... . , Jltf . Geo. Ibtroctar k Co., ERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, OREGON TEJt R1TOHY. ' tf M IbernelBT, Clark it Ce., -0MMISSI0N,AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, L San Francisco, CaL, will attend to selling Oregon firoduce, and fill orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac. at the owest rates. The p&irosatje oi the people of Oregon is respectfully solicited. . August 1, 1855. . Jltf Kenfon's Darnerrean ASB AMBROTYPE GALLERY. THE undersigned having recently returned from Ssn Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautiful Pictures onGlaaaeaJled AMBROTYPES, which have almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype ia tha East and San Francisco. " Gallery in the new building, erected eopeciatlg far the business, west of the Marion Hoose. WILEY KENYON- ' Salem. November 11, 1956. 35tf Atwill V Co., No. 172 "Washixgton St., Sa Fascioo. SHEET, Card and Book Music. Piano Fortes. T and other Musical Instruments. Strings ff and Reeds, for Violins, Guitars, Clarionets. Ac. j-3 Also a large wholesale stock of Fancy Goods -and Tovs. - - Billiard Balls, wax and cne leathers, flags of all nations, boxing gloves. Ac, together with aH kinds of Yankee r Notions, useful or amusing. Goods packed with gresk care and forwarded with promptness. . All orders should mention by what boat or Expresa Co. the goods are required to be sent. ATWILL A Co-. 6m3 - j 171 Washington t-. Saa Francisco. . Wanted. rAAA bashel Oats, and 5000 Wheat, aad any quaa (JUUU tity of dead swine, for which cash will bw paid on deliverv. J. N. PRESCOTT. Oregon City, 'Nov. !5, IS50. . Oregoi and Califonii Faekrt Iiac. ritHE following vessels will ron ia connec- X. tKn as a Ht.U I, lrl t-i.ij pctweea San Francisco and Portland r BARK OCEAN BIRD. Wworss, Master, " CHAS. DEVENS. HEA1T. " JANE A. FALKENBERG. Bapse, -" JVA H UMKF.A U, Willuss. -BRIG I. B.LUNT. RicBAROso-f, - - The Barks have all been coppered recently, aad are in first rate order, commanded tr experienced captains. Freights wiM be carried at the lowest rates. ' Produce sent from any part of the conn try to Orego City or to the Linn Oty Works, will be received aad forwarded to San Francisco. Aaxvrs: GEO. ABERNETHT A Co.. . Oregon Citv. - " " ' ABERNETHT, CLARK A Co- " t Saa Francisco. November. 8. IS46. Stitf Corrallis. THE subscriber will pay cash for Soldiers Bounty Land Warrants, at bis store. NAT. H. LANE., Jan. 1. 1S57. 44tf - Banm 4 Brother, F:ONT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis Hotel,- dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots, aad Shoes, Groceries, Ac N. B. AU kinds of produce taken ia exchange for merchandise at the highest market price. 19tf Notice to Shippers and Merchants. ONE of the firm being permanently located ia Saa Francisco, all consignments of produce and orders to be filled, will be attended to without delar, at mode rate rate. 26tf - . W.fKEFIEU A OO. Allan A. Lewis, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORB GON TERRITORY. John S. Edwards, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington City , D. C-, will attend to all business enirnsted to his care before the several Departments the Supreme Court of tne United States, or courts of the District of Colombia. Wa Particular attention given to the claims of sol diers for services, or for Bounty Land. Refers to Gen. Lane and Gov. Curry. ' sSnrSpaid Powder. w E have a large supply of powder in band. GEO. ABERNETHY A CO., Oregon City, Nov. IS, 1856. 7tf The Oregon Statesman. . An Independent Journal, devoted to Politics. General a- hdeOigence, Ac, Pubtished at Sal em f Oregon.- ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor. .The Statesman is Desaocrstie in politics, and thor oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ; aad will vigorously oppose all attempts; to incorporate any. of the insane isms of the day into our Territorial lecrislatioa. It will advocate all practical measures of Reform and Progress, economical and simple admin it-tratioa f our local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca-. naritv in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac countability of the officer to the people. It will dia enss all measures agitating the public mind, ia a mea ner fearless, impartial, and just. Tta Wews Departiaeat will be edited with rsocH attention, aad nothing will bo spared to foraieh early a accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur res intelligences J ..... The Statesman hasa large, widely-scattered, and rsose excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete facilities for procuring news. - Doe attention is also paid to thepublieatioa of Miscel lany, Agricultural and Literary matter, la this paper are published the laws, resolutions, an treaties or the United States, and the laws and resolu tions of the Territory ef Oreroa by authority- Tbe paper is printed on new material, and npon a sheet of the largest size. Statesman Book, stnd Job OiBce W1 E have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book printinz north of California, and an exteasive as-, sortmen.of Jobstso Materiai. of every kind: and. srith master worxaien. are prepared toexocsie piwv7, in a workman-like manner, all orders ia the above de-: partments, soca aa t . PaaaPBLBrs, - Notes or Hasp. Hasdbii.i.3, . Orper Booes, Bam. Trcxrrs, '.. SrEaaoV Brttj.. . , -r; ,. i Steambo t Cards. - Bcsisbss Cards, . Certificates, BiLtBRABs. Snog, . Cowcsw Bills, - Check Books, " pkogrammes, , - Bl'e RxcxtrTS, . . . : . B - apbress Carbo. ' Dtim, . - i Blavxs or . all Kixbs, Ac, Ac., Ac ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED INKS. .: Law of Newspapers. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, are considered aa wishing to continue their subscription. , I. If Bubseril-ers order papers dLscntirraed, Publishers may continue to send them till all charges are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the office or place to which they are sent, they are held responsible uutrt they settle their pillad give- ao tice todisoontmne them- . A. If subscriber!, move to other places withootinforming the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former diret) tion, they are held responsible. a. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa per or periodical from the office, or removing; and leav, ing it uncalled lor, optima facia evidence of intentiona . frand. .'!-,-;:., ...... LJ ; AtaT Postmasters would oblijre. by a strict fulfiHwierrt, nfxu resmlations reouiring them to notify Publishers. nce in three mouths, of papers net taken frm theia office by subscntcrs.