DOOSQI! .AT. Tho City Book-Dtore, (FROST ST., PORTLAXn, O. A. R. SIIIPLEY k Co., Have in Store, and will be receiving by the 1-4 of June IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY ! Which they offer to the 8PRING TRADE At mnall advances on New York price. Give us a rail, or send ns an order, and we are burnt d to give you satisfaction ! A. It. Shtpler Co., . Are the Sols Agksts in Oregon and Washington Ter ritories for the sal of Th8 Anglican St&tess&il, A GUE.VT BUt)K ! ! Being the only political history of the United States. Send a your named. Price-. M 00 : Payable on de livery of book. Cm deliver by the lt or September to all who send a their name by 1st of Mar. Citilosie tf Put ( mt Stock : SCHOOL ROOKS. ' Rxirsra- Sanders' old 1-4. Id, 3d. 4th, and 3th. and The Young Ladies'; Sanders' New 1st, Id, 3d. 4th and 2th: Parkers' 1st. 3d, 3d, 4th and 5th; Xc Guffey' 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th. Sreurjtsv Sanders' Old, Sanders Sew; Ecmen- tapn-Sandrs Pirtnrial, School and Parker's. GmuBArauu. Mitchell", Ancient and Modem, tll ney's. Morse's, McNalley, and Monteith's 1st and 2d Book. Iliraciinr. Arithmetics Thomson's. Tables. Mental. Analysts, Practical, and Higher; Itavie' Pri mary, intellectual, "scn-toi ana i nivrrsuv; nmiins Cothurn Ray's Sbtddanl's; Davie Algebra, Sur veying, Geometry. Practical Malhematic. Math. Dic tionary. Igie of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, and Philosophy of Mathematics. i;rammar i;reen's l-brke'a Bullion's Smith's Kirkara Spencer"-Tower"s. PniLOSoraiss. Parker's 1st Lessun, Juvenile and School; Conutock's Smith's. HiSTtmrK Wilson's Jnwnile. and United States; Parley ' Universal; Wulard'a Univenal, and United States. LimruBb-Cooper Virgil; Andrew's Latin Ren net: Virt Bonn: Andrew's Latin Grammar: McCIi-r tock's 1st and 2d Book m Latin, and do. in Greek: As hon's Greek Grammar and Header; Jiham's Cicero. Faqaetles French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury'a Herman Grammar and i leader, Tclemaquo. Greek Tes tament; French, self-tanght; Surrcnne " French IHc tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Llddctl A Scott's tireek 40. AHUm s l iswicu w, -uiiiu s w U'- UtcTtosABTBifc WelteT"s School, High do, Ara daraic. University, Royal tiro, Unabridged and Cobba' Pocket. MisccLurrEnre. Mattison Astronomy. Newman's Rhetoric Wood's llotany. Kame's Kleinents of Crit icism. Parker " Aids in Composition, l"arker's Kxrr Am. Brooklleld's Corapositioa. McKlIigntt's Yonag Analvxer. do. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word Builder. Maybew Book Keeping. Wavtand'a Moral Science. PsJey's Xatnral Theology. Blake's Agricul ture for Schools. Uphaot's Intellectual I'hihMrmhy. If ahan's do. do. Milton; Young: "rVdlock: and Tho rap son; (Edition for Schools) Cutter's Anatomy and Physiology. American Itebater. Newman's Political Eoonomy. Hitchcock's tls-ology. Great variety of Speakers and Hoeution. All kinds of School Station ery; Slates of all sixes; Drawing Books; Drawing Paper; Perforated Card Board; Bristol Board; Pencils and Brashes; Osbom's Colors; lnk-4ands, every size and style, Ac. Ac, Ao. MISCEIXAXEOUS BDOKS.- HisrroaT BancrotVs I'nitol State. volnraes. Hildreth's do. do, volume. Fmrt's Plct.rial United States. Tavior's do, do. do. Botta's Ui-t. Kevolntion. Peterson's Jo. Wiln"s United States. Willard s An. Hist. Indian Wars United State. WiHard" Universal History. Mailer's do do, K-rtterks Hit. World 1 or 2 Tohrmes. IloIIin's Ancient HLHory. Farr's do, do. lftrme's England. Macanlay's do., complete. IMrkens Child's do. Lingard's do. t;ibhon"s ltmie. D'Aa bisne's Reformation. Bang's M. K. Chnrch. Allison's Europe, lt and 2d Series. I"rescott"s Wink. liurder's Hist, of Religions. H 1st. of Council of Trent. Jose nhns. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet. Qneens of Spain. Queens of Scotland. Help's Spanish Conquests. Brace's HnnTary. Kidder's Brazil. Kn bank'a Brazil. Iarley"s Umverwal. Hiyhiry of Crn ades. Ancient Egyptians. Hallam's Middle Aires. History for Kny. Bonner's Child' United States. Iaings Field Book of Revolution. Bior.sAmv. llntarch's Ijves. life Brant. Won 'dert'al Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. livMitf tli Ki-jnrB- Autiittion-sn1ir tif Finlf-v. I m. marline's CVIdirated Characters. Life of Aiam Clarke, do Bishon Hcddiug. do Xk-lmhr. do Gen. Harrwoo. do Daniel B mnr. do Roberts, do Itfayrtte. Cap tains of Roman Republic and Old World. Dr. Chal mers, 4 vols. Lives of HnmboMt. Mrs. Rogers. Mozart, ri estey. r leuner. i jre sni Tunes of i lav: living's Washington. Eminent Mecbanies. Lire of Chief Justices. Jowrphtnc. Xspoleon. Charles Iunb. r c . . i M. jacKson. ura-uimi- maui r . ijmj jsneuny. J. Q. Adams. JaUcnne. Daniel Webster: Kins sf Rome. Kings and tjneens. IJebmta. Lives of the Popes. PreMcutt's Philip 2d. Mary and Martha Wash ington. Pioneer Women of the West. TaavzxJ". Hack's China. Arancanlan. Stephen's Egypt. OUn's Travels. Mnno Park. Nile Notes. Adventnres on Mosquito Shore. Bayard Taylor's TraT els. Durbin's Travels in the Eat. SctEmnc Brande's Enc jx-lopedta. Physical Geog raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural History. Lardner'a Let tares.- Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mathematical Die ttonarr. Tsgfe of Matbematica. Wonders of Science. Mitcheil's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Ijnnmis' Re cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith s InVtionary of Arts and Science. Enbank's Hydraulics. Pick's works. Various works on Architecture. PosrraT. Byron various styles. Niakeneare, do. Milton, do. Barns, do. Ilemsns. do. Moore, do. Tbompsnn. Young. I'ollo-k. Tniner. Cowper. Pope. Campbell. Wadsworth. Ossian. Montgomery. Kirk White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America and many others. Books or TtmaarccK. Cyclopedia of Geography, elo. da. Frna Arts. do. do. BgTaihy. Usefnl Art. HcColloeh's Gazetteer. Harper's Lniversal Gazetteer. FntTr u A lcvt.TV A t H 1 kit's Fruit Book. . Thomas' do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Fessenden's Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and VegvtaMe Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Honk. Allan's Domestic Animals. AU of Saxtoa'a Hand Books. Wojks an Horse, Cattle. Sheep, Hogs, Ve. . TnaouMHcat, & Btuamra Harmony and Exmsf tioa of Gospel. Xeaadcr' Life of Chri. Butler's Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth odism. Morns Miscellanies. Lectures on Romanism. Brand of Dominie Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes Xotes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's Exercise). Watson's Institutes. Iarrabee's Evidences. Botler's Ethical Itisoswrses. Rogenr ffclip of Karth. do. Reason and Faith. Poster's Christ. Perfection. Baker oa Discipline. Writings of Arminhss. Jahn's Biblical Archseologv. Bibles, all sizes and price", from t to tV. Testimonts, great variety. Methodist Tfymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist. Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies, Christian PsalmM. M sore st Bochan's Family ! Phyitriaa- - Hyiro- tath!e do. HonHepathle Works. iscn.L.txBorn Constitutions of United States. Msyhew's Popular Kdncation. Crabbe'a Synonyms. Piatt's Book of CuriosHies. Old Fellow's ManuaL Headler's Works, tt vols. Mrs. TirthiU's, 6 vols. Iay. Crd'a Nineveh. jSigelow's Useful Arts. Ha-weH's Kn- gt seer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of Knowledge. Park Madison. Peruvian Amifjnitie. Way Down Y.vt. Prnshnrt. Ike MarrH's Works Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles la EngbuMl. Tales and Reveries, fan excellent Temier nce Book. Money Maker. Kscaped Xnn. News Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil ler s Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator. Yesmg Ladies Counsellor. Yonng Man's do. - Pictorial Catechism. Thomson's le-t. t Y. Men. Constitu tioaal Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri can Housewife. Half Honrs with Old Humphrey. Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm Pence. Arthur's Suo-ewful Merchant, do. Tats.' Mrs. Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. M rs. Car lea's Works. Heroine of History. I.and and Sea. Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore. Kaval Life. Star Paper. Masonic Chart. Irving' Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New York living Orators of America. Young Man Advised. Mis stone in Tunes and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Kiw.t and the Ilowians. Hydrapatliic Cook Hook. Death Bed Scenes. 43(1 Book for Young Men. do. do. Indies. Anecdotes fisr Girls, do. do. Hoys. Footprint of Famous Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's Work". Advice to Yonng Men. Peasant Boy Philoso pher. Abbott' Marco Panl Books, do Franconia tnd a nnmber of others too nnmeroos to enumerate. Constantly receiving Urge additions to the forgoing. fesTATfOTCERT. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel opes all style. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders .Lfrreat variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles. Memorandum. Diaries. Pass Books. Time Bonks-. Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Uthographie Print large variety. Wrapping Pa- Pw good variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, Av inally. we have a good variety of Miroo Bo New Caraina Sacra. Alpine Glee Sirtjrer. notrimer. Choras Glee Book. Metrupnlitaa do. taered Mtnde.m. Chratiaa PsalmM. Piauo Instrae tnn. tiuitar . Flute iln. Aeeoruun do. iulin do. Mdodeaa do. Plymouth Collection with Mosie. Sheet Music And the most varied assortment of STanojeanr ever offered ia Oregon. . c This stork U an bought in New York and other Eastern cities and is sold st , UXIFOR3T PRICES. . ' - We keep on band School Books nt large onaa titie. togntlier with most of the puUicaltou of Htutrxa It BaoTamts; . . . ( Ikbbt k, Jaccsok; Ivisox A I'uivjJEr; ' , .' , , Pnnxtes A Skhk; '" ' A. S. Rmu A Co.;, Oktok A Mcluoax; Lkakt A Gi-iz; Pc-ncaa; ; i ArTlTOSi nd others. , trr We ask yonr patronage. If unable to visit n and examine our stork. yourwRmsu wul be attended to en the rauk tubus, as if yon Ixsiglrf in person. Purtlaod, March 20, 1837. .. 2U - BOOKS! BOOKS.!! Notice to Impbrteri of Tmpqna. ve 10 lmponcn ! Schooner UMPyC A. nnderthe command S. 1. Uiiisdale. sailed from Uropqua river T. n Francisco, on the 6th of May. and intends THE St ofS. for Ran Hififrlni. Miml.f twin. It ix only uccowary we believe, to remind the impor ter iT L'mpmia that this vessel the I niHiia is the first ever launched on the waters of the I'mpqua, to in jure their patronage and support. This vessel will dis charge her car fro at Scottshiirg, and at the rate she In tend to carry freight, wilt not only save tbc shipper a very considerable item, bat save him the transportation op the river, and therehy enable him to receive nts goods inthont so much handling as heretofore.- In line, the Schooner Umpnua. of Scottstsirg. is a real Umittpia eralt and being the first on the list In this great reform, rondtlently relics upon all the Cmpirna fur sappurt and eneooragruicut. For freightm-passage apply to Allan, McKintay A Co, Scottshurg. or to the Cant, on board. Merchant wish ing to ship from San Francisco, can apply to Allan, Lna-e ft Co., 132, flay st..or to the Captain. Scottsburg. May 27, 156. 13tf. Blacltsmttht andsothers, look. ALLAN McKINLAY A CO. have now on hand large and well aelectod stock of ' , Bar Iron, Cast Steel. Horse shoe do., Ccrman do., " , , . : Nail pxI do., Plough do., 1 ' I'fctte do.. 1 And Intend to keep np the assortment to as to suit the warns h customers, t.ivr n a rail . anu you will naa that we not only have the fullest stork, but will sell " as chean as the rheanest,' We are constant I v receiv ing additions to our assortment, so as to replace what is soiu. Oregon City, Dec, ?3. 1U. 41tf I Ilcnrr Johnton Co. WIIOLR)AI.B DRt'uaiSTSI. ' (ll Washington Street, San Francisco.) Offer for sale to the country trade, the largest stork of goods in their line on the Paciflc roast romnri- ing Ihiigs, Chemicals, Perfumery, Patent Medicine of all kinds. Kruslies. Paints. Oils. Glass, Turpentine, and every article appertaining is ine isisiness. Having so peritw facilities for otataininr their anods thev think they can offer Inducements to buyers uneqnalled by auv outer nonsc. Orders respectfully solicited. 40ly Dentiittrr DILJ.R r A RHWRI.I.. IVnUI 8urgron IVirvalli. will practice In his nrofes- try. SrotUbmrg. and JarkmmrMr. Skill, unnestioaabk nestiouabkf; charges, respectable: work, warranted. Teeth examin ed. and aslvn-e given free of charge. . IHis notice given of change of offlce. April 26. !Si5. nr Now KecclTtn-f pHR following articles frtim Bark Ocean Bird and for a. sale low. 50 gross matches ; 130 kegs of syrnps ; AO nt. bbis. . t. sngar ; 10 bhls. crushed sngar I . 50 boxes candles ; 10 bhl. vinegar ; ",' 50 rases tea ; l. doz. brooms; . , . 20 doz. bucket ; 2 cases men's line ealf boots ; 2 - calf bmgaa; t " " ffnat J. J I t boys' brngun ; - t youths' calf brogans; 1 " women's Morocco hoot ; 2 " - imitation boot ; S " Mies' hooU; , 17.1 pairs children short J . 12 straw entters ; 2 1 grain cradles ; 1 reaper ; , 1 two horse thresher; GEO. ABFKXETUY A CO. Oregon City. June 1. Ii5. 13tf. r I A1X PL"MlS,monkey wrenches, -match planes, screw arm. a.h planes, " , - - . y , horse shoes and naT to fit. -. gun lock, plugs and nipple, V tnlirs, bullet mould. Wosenholra's IXL pocket knives, " ' pruning and bodding knives, rat traps fa rafc aruwrrrs, at MOORES lloolas anil Statloaerr SCHOOL READERS. I Iarker' 1st. 2d. 3d. 4th and ith, I Sanders do do do do Mctiuflv's do do do do I avie"arithnietie. University and Common School, . Intellectual and primary. Davie' Bourdon algebra, Igendre, stirveying. Geometry and trigonometry, i Key to Davies Arithmetic, ; -.. Thompson's arithmetic ! - - : ?'.." i Parker' philosophy. ' . j ' Juvenile and 1st lessons. ' : " Grammars Clark 'a. Bullion's Hmith's. -tieographies MitcbeB's, Monteith's manual, Mouteith 1st lessons. Mnsie Lnte of Zion. New Carmina Sacra, Chri-tiaa Psalmv. Misinnri Harmony. ' Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at 2:tf MOORES' Notice. rrHE judges of the Supreme Court, of fheTerritorvof X OrrHi. assemliled at the sent of Gove i mm nt on the ninth day of January-, eighteen hundred and tidy seven, do fix and appoint District Court, to be held in village of Rosebnrg. in the county of Douglas on the first Mondars.of March. Mav. Sc member and Novem. her. annually, nntil otherwise ordered. and do limit the duration of said terms iosix usvs eaen. C.W. H. WIl.tJAMS. Chief Jnstsce. 4 Mf M. P. 1 EA 1 Y. Associate Justice. runs, nxr-mins, i- I " WTMUT lW. sobxsv x. Law, . f ' 1 Portland. Oregon. Remolds fc Lair. w HOt.ESALKtirscers and Commissnn Merchants and dealers in Orvgon "naif nee, corner Kearny . i. c . i- t- t - and Jackson Streets. Kan Franrisco. sr Advance made on Consignments. . r Rerer to J. FAILING A CO., Portland. t.lmnpaid ' Salt! Salt!! 20 TONS San Qnentin" SALT. In abont mt and 100 ll. bags Just received and for sale verv cheap a a war a mr T ALLAN McKINLAY A CO, Oregon City, Dee. , lKIO. Yal-aafele Farm tor Sale. TtTE undersigned now offer hi valnahle I arm for sale, situated on Spring Creek, in Manon t ., u. l .. one ann a nair miles sonthof McKinnav's Mill, on the County road running from Salem tosaid Mills. It contain 640 acre, of which 540 acres is under a (rood substantial stake and rider fence, one hundred acres ia good cultivation, two hundred line bearing fruit trees, a good farm house, together with other ont buildings. Said farm is well watered, and the best adapted to stork raising, and wheat growing of any farm In the Territory. Said farm has been settled since 145. and was amone the first claims taken in Marion Co. Any person desirous of buying a good farm, with a litle money, will do well M call at tne reshjene or tne nnaermgnea. OLIVKR PICK A HO. Spring Creek, March 30. 157. 4tf Removal. BALM A BROTHER have removed to tlielr New Store next door to J. Strang'a Stove establishment They have just received a general assortment of Dry Good. Clothing-. Hat and C-apo. Boot and Shoe. Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which be offer far cash or produce. X. B. Wanted Batter. Egg. Bacon. Lard, Flour. and Wheat, for which they pay the highest market nrice. Salem. July 1H.1K5C lMf Paper Hangings and Carpets ! TUST RECEIVED Per late arrivals, by FRANK J BAKKK, 110 and 113 Clay street, San Francisco 00 cases Paper Hangings, French and American, every variety ; ' O00 rolls French and American Borden ; 62$ ps Tapestry Brussels Carpet; 300 ps Tapestrv Velvet Carpet ; ' 330 pa Three-Ply Carpet: Sou ps Superfine Ingrain Carpets ( 350 ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpet f 200 p Cotton and Wool Carpet 125 p Stair Caqts, assorted ; 273 ps Bay SUte Itanrge V ' (0 j Oil Cloths, assorted : - - r 125 p Silk Damsk and llroeatrlla t i 1 V K00 ps Cotton and Worsted Damask ; 4000 pair Window Shade ; 37 pair Lace Curtains ; . : 750 pair Muslin Curtain ; ' ( ftlsM Cornices and Curtain Hands ; 823 dozen Matt, assorted Stair Rods, Talde Covers, Gimp, Fringes, Ae i Wholesale and Iletail, by . FRANK BAKER, i lmS - 110 A 112 Clay st., Han Francisoo. Casik paid forSoldten Boaatr Iand Warrant. THE nnilersifrncd Ml pay cash, and the highest rates, for a large number of bounty land warrants, a application at hi oOic in Court Uouse. Salem. O. T. C.X.TEURY. DecherS0,m ' ' ' 42tf : ' Notice. CJTRATEP, or stolen from the saWriber, MuKnurr, . Co.,O.T.,Mor TVyf-. , lN5,one sor- - WO it hip knocked 1 fh. ivine in Alhanv. Uan Co.. about the nrst of lienember. 11 rcl horse, blaze faced, right kin down, branded on near shoulder O. T-. vented V, hair brand. No other brands or mark recollected. Any one returning said horse will be libers 11 v rewarded. M JicCONHf KI.U - Ainany, January ti, smc i etfpaid Fiaal Prt and Notification lll.Mlrl r'ST PRINTED, a large quantity of Final Proof Blanks, and a small lot of Notification, both from the latest fcwms. Order by mail or otherwise filled. The cash must accompany the order or the blanks will not lie sent. ITicea Final Proof, (full net) M 00 per hundred, tl 00 per dozen. , Notification, $10 00 per hundred, tl 60 per dozen. STATESMAX OFFICE, Salem, April , 1KT.6. IA R. at . zr.u . ? U ! - UQUBES' A ' Coktee tartf I (nkw advertisement.) MRS. ADAMS, where did yon get those beautiful teacup and saucers? George got them at the EMPIRE STORE. Were there an v more of those white stone China runs and saucer, and plate left i snouiu lulu it there was ; Boon baa got one cord or low of the same kind, very cheap, at the Empire Store. Why, Mr. Laugklin, where did you get those fine morocco shoe 1 1 gut them at the Empire Store. Do von believe that vou can cet mods eheaner at the Empire Store than at those stores up-towa t ut course no. - . i La, me. Sully, where did yon ret this beautiful white sujrar? n hy, Solomon said be got it at the Empire Store. Well. It Is too ontraseous : don't von think John rot two aoiiars wonn oi sugnr. last week, at air. Independence Store, and It Is black sandy stuff, only lit to make vinegar, or the like. t.eorge, yon have got a Doe coat, vest and pants. I should think I bad. Yon bought them at Portland, perhaps? Never. I bnneht them at the Empire Store. .- Mary; did you see the fine calico dress that David got for Jane, last week, at the Empire Store ? I should think I did see it : and don't vou think Rob ert bought Elisabeth a fine calico dress, last week, at air. . store, and toe nrst time it was wasiiea it went ia for Disunion, and it looks just like a smoked lantern, or an aillttonl-t. Mrs. Hoke, where did you xet Hals line cloth In Jim' i'i little coat ? Why, that is nothing bat some of Boon' Kentnrk jeans, at tne ranpire more.. Yon don't sa v ! Well, m v husband went over to Sa lent some three weeks since, and not having time to go down to the Kinplre Store, he bought something tney call Mississippi Jean, and tt Is as coarse a cotton, and looka like I should aav. Mr. Walters, yon have got a line pah- of boots, surely? certainty, i got inem at toe unpin store. Were there any of this kind left ? About a onrd ! ' !nry, mv dear, where did yen get those silk gloves ? Why. daddy bought them for two hits at the Krapire Store, and be sava that he priced a great many of the roods in the stores In Salem, and he I convinced that the cheapest and nest good are to be lound at toe r.m nire Store. Very well. If Abraham dont hack out from yon know what,'! mean Lnclnda. I am going to get me a fine silk dress pattern, and a complete outfit at the Kmpire Store. Button, thread, wax, needles and thimble thrown In to the bargain at the Kmpire Store. This act tube in force from and after Its publication, Approved, January it. iruav urns NO. 573. i i y Iht TPresldirat mt the r-sltest Slate. nee of law. I. FaiNKUN Pikbcb. President the United States of America, do hereby d Briars and make known that public sale will be held at the undermentioned land afnee In tlra Territory oi iircgon at the neriods hereafter deslraated. to wit : At the land office at Oaannf f'rrr, commencing on Monday, far truth dam nf Jvrasf serf. fw the disposal of the puMIe lands within the following named town- snip, viz : .Varf otAr last isr mnj east WUlameUt asrrtaW Township one and fractional township two, of range we. ; t Somtk mftkr 5a sr time ana easts flWsusftf awrWwa. Township one, two. and three, of range ear. Townships one. two, and three, of range two. , JVorfA ta iose lint rnjtd ssrzf o IVVawutt meridiem Townships one, of range oar, tiro, and tares. SomthmfUtt bmmNme sswf teest H'tHmmrttt mrridimu. Township one, of range one. two, and tftrer TownshiM three, of ranges ear. and tsrw. - ' Tomshi)S four, of ranges one, f teo and lArer. Townships seven, of ranges rtrs, tkrer fimr. and Ire. Tnrnships, eleven, of ranges tkrrr.ftmr, and lee. Township saveateen and eighteen, of range Mrte. Township seventeen and eighteen, of range our. ; At the land office at WtscHzsnra, commencing on Monday, la trnlk dam of ttsgs-sf tint, f-ir the disposal of the public lands situated within the following named township, via t Semtk of At 6ar hue and (rest of IfVtamtrttt wtrridiam. Sections one to fifteen, Inrlusive. the northeast quarter nf section seventeen, the northeast quarter nf section twenty-two, sections twenty -three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty sx. and thirty-five, of township twenty-two. of range sir. i The southwest quarter of section seven, the southwest quarter of section fifteen, and the north srest quar ter and the south half of section seventeen, sections eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one. the northwest quarter of section twenty-two, the north west quarter of section twenty-eight, sections twenty nine, thirty, thirty-one, and thirty -two, of township, twenty-two. of range srrvn. ts one to six. inclusive, of section four; lots one to fotir, inclusive, of sectbm five t lot one to five, inclu sive, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quar ter of sretiwn seven : tits one to seven, inclttsive.and the south west qiiartrr of the northeast of section eight. , the east half of section, the east half of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the northwest quar ter, and the east half of the southweat qnartcrof nine ; the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion tea ; the south est quarter oftheamithwestquar ter of section eleven ; the southeast quarter of sec tion twelve, sections thirteen, fsirteen, and fifteen; the northwest quarter of the northeast, and the north west quarter of section eighteen ; lots one to nine, in elusive, and the northeast qnarter nf the southeast quarter of section twenty ; and also from sections tweuty-une to twenty-seven, inclusive : the east half and the northwest quarter of section twen - ty-eight ; lot one and two. and the southeast qnarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine ; the northeast qnarter of section thirty-three, and sections thirty-lour and thirty-five, of township twenty-two, of range rig I. Lota one and two of section seven ; lots one to live, in clusive, and the east half of the southeast qnarter of section eight, the west half of the southwest qnarter of section nine, the north half of the northeast quar ter, the north half of the northwest quarter, and lots one to four, inclusive, of section thirteen ; the north half , and lots one to four, inclusive, of section 14; the south half of the n. e -quarter, the south half of the aorthsrest quarter, and lots one to four, inclusive, sf section fifteen ; the northeast quarter of the north east, and lota one and two of section seventeen, and it one to six. Inclusive, of section eighteen, of town ship twenty-two. of rauge amei i . : Township twenty -six and twenty-seven, of range fir. Townships twenty -six and twenty-seven, of range sir. Township thirty-six, thirty -seven, and thirty-eight, of range awe. That part of township thirty-six south and east of the Indian reservation ; township thirty-seven ; sections one to six, inclusive, sections eight to fifteen. Inclu sive, and section twenty-four, of township thirty eight, of rang tieo. ' That part of township thirty-six south of the Indian reservation, of range Mrec That part of township thirty-six south and west of the Indian reservation, of range fomr. Sections four to nine, inclusive ; section fifteen and seven teen totwenty-four.lnclnsive.and sections twenty-eight to thirty-three, iachanve, of township thirty tax, of range Jree. Township thirty-six. of range Wr. ' f Section one. two and rn. to fifteen, tarlnsive. and sec tions tweaty-tw to twenty-six. inclusive, of township thirty -six ; sections one to eleven, inclusive, seven teen. eighteen, nineteen, and thirty, to thirtysTear, in clusive, of township thirty-seven ; section two to nineteen. Inclusive, and twenty-one, twenty-two, and twenty-seven, the southwest qnarter of section twenty- nine, sretioa thirty and thirty-one. the west half of section thirty -two and section thirty-four, of town ship thirty-eight ; sections nineteen to twenty-two, inclusive, and twenty-seven to thirty-four. Inclusive, of township thirty-nine : sections four to eight, in clusive, and eighteen, of township forty, of range Somlk tht bmm Kmt mmd east mf ffiffssMffe atsvwfinw. Township thirty-eight and section one to sis. Inch-sire, in to fifteen, inclusive, and twenty-three, twenty four, and twenty-five, of township thirty-nine, of rang one. Lands appropriated by law for th use of schools, military and other porposes, will be excluded from the sale. The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order in which they are advertised, nntil the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private en try of any of the lands will be admitted nntil after the expiration of the two week. Given under my band, at the city of Washington, this thirteenth day of February. Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. FRANKLIN PIERCE. By the President: ...-,,:, ..m.i :.-; n tlj.-i Thomas A. Hkmskss, CeataussMaur oftkr GrmtrmI Ijtmd Vffiet. . . " " ' . I Notice to Pre-Emption Claimants. EVERY person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any nf the land within the townshim and part of townships above enumerated Is required to establish the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver of the proper land onlc. sanAv hush sf tktnfmr m sw a mrmrlirabir mfttr seeing lass ties, and before the day appointed lor tne commencement oi tne pnoiie alo of the lands embracing tlie tract claimed ; otherwise such claim will be forfeited. , THOMAS A. HKNDRICK8. r fiwll . CTwmsiissi n mf Ike Oemtrml Ijmmd Offer. ' ' . For Sale. '' V " T WTLLsrll one half of the land clainvknown X a the Dwifrbt Pommy claim. Kald half adjoin Mr. Peter H. Hatch' a and is about two mile from Oregon City . on the upper Wll- bunotto. J will also sell one half or the whole of the property, lying and situated ia the beautiful and rapid ly growing town of CorvaJUs, Bentoa Co mad known as the " Thomas property, consisting of four lot of land, together with all the bnUding thereon. Said property ia ia a beautiful location. and both will beaold at a great bargain ia cash, or wheat or oats ateash price. Inquire of tb" subscriber, at hi store in Ore gon City, in relation to both. or to Hon. J. C. Avery, in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis. Also, six (tf ) lot of land ia Oregon City. . .. .. -riJOS.JUtfRESCOTT. . Oregon City, March 1, 1857. .;. , ..-. 4. A lit. , Isook. Here. , ; i -V .-. ALL persons that are indebted to James Strang, are req nested to call and settle their accounts by the 15th of May, and all those who do not, win find tbeir aocount in the hand of John D. Boon. Justice of the i'eace. Having sold my Tia establishment in Salem. I want to settle up my accounts. - JAMES STRANG. fcaJem, Aprn n, Ts57. ' Ctf Kmilh k lade. . ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW AND Solicitor in Chancery. Curvalii O. T. I. N. SMITH. . 5ltf .c. nana. I. W. Kltebell, ' ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW..EU gene City, Lane Countp, O. T. Sirgiul. FL. COOMBS. M.D.. Surgeon, An- SPECIALTY .DISEASES OF THE EYE. Corvallla, Oregon. September 23. 185C 2Sm Sal PrueiM AdnrtUiag Agency . TP. FISIIFR. iron building, opposite 1'ariUc Express j nirim. nntirs. I'll, of sll tlie principal Panersof California and Oregon may be found at this office. Mr. r isner is tne autnonxed Agent ior ui u,caiasn. Chester H. Terry, : ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM. OREGON, COM. missioner of Deed, and to take testimony, ac knowleilgment. Ac, Ac. for Iowa. Indians, Missouri, Michigan. California and Washington Territory, let ters of Attorney, aud all other instruments of writing, drawn on short notice. ' , Particular attention paid to taking depositions, collection of Notes, Accounts, Ae, S2tt bite fc ScEwib, ATTORNEYS AND COI'NSEIjORS AT LAW, So licitors in Chancery, Proctor, c. In Admiralty, Portland. Oregon. 45tf W.I. Farm, A TTORNEY AND COCNSBLOR AT LAW. SO- J. licitor in Cbancerv and Admiralty, umce on rroat street, next : door north of Stark st. Portland, Oregon. lardlig 4 Crtrer, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. AND Solicitors in Chancery. OIBco near the Court-house, rtalem, tl. I. fict . I. UrU, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the various courts of Oregon and WashingUm Torrltorie. Office, tsalem. u. T. ttlatoa Sarilh, ATTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all Isisiness nertaininr to his orofesslon in the first Judicial District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon. Office. Albany, Una County. O. T. N. B. When not at his olBce, or absent on profes sional btsuness, be may be found at hi residence, five miles MMith-east of Albany, oa what I known a th W. 8. Iratk, ATTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will practice ia the varions courts in thi Territory, and promptly attend to the col lection of all claims sgainst the l nited States, through an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. - - Office in Eugene City, Lane county, u. x i . It. E. Stratton, . ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in the varions courts of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme Court of the Territory. Orrictt In Deer Creek. Douglas county. O. T. Resi dence tt mile north of Winchester, on the Willamette road. N. B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained for claimant on reaMonaiiie terms. - zstr Cltad-nrlck. at Uibbav ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, So licitor In Chancery. Ac. Offices at Winchester and Gardiner. S. F.CHAmrirtt, Winchester. Douglas Cow, u.T. A.c.iitBM.uaniiner, i mpqiia Co., O. T. Nov. 9, 1855. S5tf B.M. ItlMK. j. a. wiloc. BarnnM it. Wilson. 4 TTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Sa A km. Orernu. Particular attention in riven to the collection of note and accounts, and claims against government. Bounty Land Warrant boneht and sold. g r Office over Starkey's Store. 46 B. F. Bonbam. t TTORNRY AND COUNSEIJ.OR AT LAW. Of- Jr. lice at the Court House. Salem, O. T. Ctf rnuw t lom, WATCHMAKERS. Salem. Repairing prompt ly and neatly done. Jewelry manufac tured. I4tf w. w. mtmA. a. i. miTEB- ATTORNEYS and Cnunelws at law. Solicitors in Chancery, Ac Office In Robert's buildings. Main sireec, I'orvsiits. iienton Lfl., u. i. CorvalHs. April 1. K.7. ' Stf J. B. Cole, 91. D., PUYSICIAS AND SURGEON, 8tf Portland. Oregon. ledlral. , TJ. WRIGHT IF. R. STONE. having associated torrther in practice, tespectrtilli- tender tbeir ser vice to the people of Benton and Linn desiring to se cure the favor of the afflicted by success anfy. Office near J. C. Avery store, Cnrrallls. 2llypaid 1. 1. Kalloek, , ... V ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. PORTI.AND, O. T. Designs, plans, specification, Ac, furnished on reasonable terms. William C. lirlstrold v Co- M ERCIIANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. w. c. oniswoLD, 2ztf c- s. vooBtrosra. Eugene Citf. - H ORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of tlie Eugene City Hotel. lau. Medical Notice. THE subscriber, would inform the Inhabitant that be is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in hi profession t also he baa en hand a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well sorted supply of Syringe, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable term. .... W. WARREN. Salem December 2, 1S56. ,:.' ' 3tf W . B. Maters, M. D. . PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new bond ing, on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S. Mclteeuys fire-proof building : where I will be found when not professionally enraged. 1 will keep constant ly on hand a fresh supply of Drug and Medicine which I will sell low for cash. . . ; Corvalll, Dec 9. IMO. , , 3!tf ledieil Sotiee. DR. tt. W. SHAW, late or San Francisco. California, offers hi nrofeasional service to th eitmensfn Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo public favor. . sr Office at Reed and Fellows drug store. My R. W.SHAW. f CimpMf k frttl. .. I A TtOIWEYS AT LAW, San FrancUro, Califbrnia. J Office, corner Montgoniery aad Kacremento streeta, over Parrott A Cos. Bank. ' Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business entrusted to their eare. 51 tf AutxaxDan Caraat.iw . O. C. Psatt. Jowpk H. Pmcott. . wkis st., oancoK citv. DEALER In Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and rainU snd Oils, wholesale and retail. ; July 7, 150. . Ifitf ! 8. ftllavrorth, t ; .. . arronNCT an corxsai-Mia, S. Supreme and other Courts. Office Bngene u. City, I .arte County, Oregon Territory. Also Commissioner of Deed for New York. Connecticut. Ac August 2H. ltM, 24tf W atctimalttnc. Wn J JAM F. HIGHFIELD. airomimeter and Watch maker, Oregon Citv, has removed to the huildtnr liistonuusite toth MsJu-strect H'juse. where he cat be constantly rouml prepared to do any hmdnna in hi line. W.ti he cleaned and repaired oa short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of watches and Jewelry for sale. March 5, 1854. . IjSl S. Hamilton, M. PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully announce to th rood people of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that be has located permanently at I leer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, aad in wnicn profession ne win oe laiuiiui to uncnarge aii duties, and spare no pain to render the patient easy and comfortable. Omen opposite R. II. Dearborn A Co. store, on Main street. - i Drugs and Patent Medicine for sale at Ine roaft pri ces. - - - -- tr fcarrsl At. fin.. ANKERS and RCCHANGE DKALEItS.' W,F.,A Co.. in connection with their Express boaineaa, wBl also transact a general Keekangt mmd Collrctimt Jfuss- aess. Collection and Bemittancea made in an part of Oregrm.CaJiromla.tbe Atlantic States.and Europe, with praraptnesa and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coia and Bullion, bought and sold. . ' " " Sight Exchange on .Vno Fr, Bottom. PkiladHpkia, Albany, Hmememttr. Bmffalm, Erie. Vltvetamd, Detroit, Vkieago. MVwmmkie, Gahmm. St. , tMtimriUt, Cincinnati, and arty other principal towns in the Atlan tic State and the Canada, may be procured at any of our offices. WELLS, FABGO, A CO. - 114. Montgomery-street, San Francisco ! . ' JAMBS O'NEILL, Agent. June JOSS. 1 ; Allan, McKinlay, Ar. Co., , GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT 8, and Wholesale and Retail Jealera in Dry Goods. Gro ceries, Hardware, Ac., Oregon City, O.T. i Dec gO, 1851. r - r'dQyl . E. B. Syrup, 30 kegs, 8'a and 5's, for sal by , 4w4 G. ABERNKTHY CO. v $25,000 Worth , or ' ; 1 SPIUKQ AUD SUClXXEa G00D3 1 THE subscriber Would respectfully Inform their cus tomers and the public generally that they have oa hand, and are in constant receipt of good from 8aa Francisco ana New ion n large nua wcu-sc-lectcd stock consisting in part of Alum, allspice, an-I alpacca. Bonnets, berapes, and bro. linen, Canibric,cra-sh, aud calico. Domestic de luines, and damask,' . ' Edging, embroidery and everything, ; Flaiinels, fringe, and fancy Bxiu's, ; Ginghams, gaiter and gloves, - , 1 Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins, ' Iron, ink, and insertings. Jaconet .jeans, and Java coffee," Knives, kid glove, and knitting-pins, . I .awns, lard and Liverpool salt, ! Mustard, mirror, and matches, , Needles, nails, and nice things, Oils, overshirts, and Oolong tea, Pins, pants, and paper, - - tfiiilU, quills, and queensware, . , ' Ribbons, razors, and rat-traps, - ' . , Silks, sngar, and shaving soap, Tea, tobacco, and turpentine. Umbrellas, under-sleevea, and useful things, ' Yells, varnish, and vinegar. Wreathe, woolen good, waffle-irons, . Yarn, yeast, and ankee notion, SHne, and zephyr worsted, Ac, Ac, and so on, : Beside manv other article too mrmeroosto mention : all of which we are offering at reduced price, adopt ing the plan of " Quirk sales and small profits." The ladle will find ia their department a large stock of fancy goods, direct from New York, which is not usually kept ia Oregon, and by arrangement will be hi constant receipt adequate to the want of the ladies. Th uentlemea a iiepsranent ot rurmanrag will seldom be equalled, and excelled by none la Salem. I RON. The blsckmniths and Iron dealers will always find a well selected stock of all sizes and shape, to gether with a good assortment of iron axle, from 1-4 x in., to 2 x 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland prices, adding freights. w ant amusi to receive all kind of nrodnr in exchange for goods, and also money. For full particn- laracall and examine for yourselves. TV. C. GKISWU1.U iu. Salem. Feb. 10. 157. ' 48tf ' ' Notice. ' Far lale as Cheap at the Cheapen, M tot Cnh, tr rrgra rrMatc. T HA YE received by bark Nannrakear. Halcyon, and X steamer Columbia, lust arrived, a fresh lot of grose- an assortment in groceries, "provisions, paint and oils as are to be found tnmo wits 5.000 lbs. China No. 1 sugar. i ; ' 4.000 lbs. best Rio green coffee, . 2501ns. "Java " i 1 .000 lbs. Manilla S. 1 sugar, , 2.0li0Ins.N.O. andS. I.BurrinUil.andkegs "-" ISO lbs. black pepper (round) . . . 20 box gr. spices. - . j - 2i0 lb, allspice, (round,) - - 10 dnx. Eng. and Am. uostard in glass, i 1 - pi fruit - 5 " fresh neat-hea . 5 tomato catsup in saat 2 ea. ia glass, '! ' ' 6 " Cayanne pepper (in glass) 11 . Fresh Baltimore cove oyster 2 Thrana, 2 ' lobsters, fresa in 2 a can, ; ; : ' 5 brooms. . ' i a - sainted nails. 13 hooped.) ' , '. f V. Collins A Co. axes, with and with handle. , , ., , .. tl ! as handles, ' 4' : ' ', ' " , : n.Bonxn-.'. i-j i-.rjiy.r. ?:?. .. 50l.Gum camphor.. ' , 't, ..-, ; ' 50 boxes ad- candles 6's. 20 aad 40 ea. -, 20 " Hill A Colgate' No. 1 oap, . -5 Olive oil " Splagaoua braad,"' . S Cream Tartar, ,' ' '? - ' 10 - Salaratos, - v ' " ' 1 ' 10 kegs " ' ; . -- i ' S Soda. f. " I : 20 chests, old and young hyson, inin powder, Imperial and Oolong tea, in bulk aad in I , - r z caddies, , .!.-, 100 half boxes sardines, 10 . liherkins hi (gals. : ' , 20 " Tolsc-o " diff. hvanda."' ' 30 dox. papers smoking . 20 boxes matches, ' 2 bag nutmegs. 300 lb. Carolina aad China rice, ' 2O0 gal, sperm and polar oil, , 150 sack Liverpool grd. and S. I. salt, 5 half bill. Stuart's crushed sngar. . 20 kegs " Seth Adams" syrup in keg. 2 bbl. pure eider vinegar, dried apples Ac . Also a general assortment of paint, paint oils, win dow glass and nails, to wit : 300 gals, raw and onboiled oil, ' ! 20 Copal varnish. i 50 Kuirit's turoeatine. ' 50 boxes German glass SS-j 10, 10X 12, 10X 1 1, -..! 5 10M18. Ae. Dry and mixed paints of all colors, and any quantity. A good assortment or paint and oiner orusne .aw a good twnment oi hoots smo hokk. 1 have of Oregon produce, 3.500 lb. Oregon A No. I butter. 6 to s.OUO lbs. bacon, ham. shoulder, and sides. 3n Isasbrl bean. 15 bushel peas. 50 bnshel bnck wheat Hour, SO sacks s. t . Hour, oats, timmny seed, ami any quantity or nrst rate potatoes. J. I Kr-- ' ' n. , Oregon City. Feb. 9, 1S7. .. . SItf - Da I It Wtrken of Iraa tad StrrI! I HAVE this day received by the arrival of the J. R. Whiting from San Francisco, the following assort ment of iion and steel, to wit : 3. 000 lb. Norway shapes, .... 2.000 lbs. 2 Iron (flat.) 2.000 " SXM6 -3 .000 lf u " i.ftm " f.j. 1,14, and It. square. 3.900 " 1,5-16. 1. Land 14, inch round, 1.000 " assorteu cast steel. 100 " horse shoe nails. (G) . Which together with stock in store makes a com plete an assortment a ran be found in Territory and will be sold as cheap as the chbai-kst for r sn or cnun trv produce. J. N. PRKSCOTT. Oregon City, Feb. 23, 1S5T. 50lf Fresh From New York. OX HAXIi AXD XOlt' RECEIwIXU. DRY GOODS. Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hard ware. Groceries, Book and Stationhrv Call in and are them. , 2Gtf J. II. A L R. MOORES. H ULLB No. 1 Soap, the best yon ever . Try it. Tt ulte lead, linseed oil, ; turpentine, putty, . indigo, madder, eopperasi alum, "" oil for lamp and machinery, " New Orleans sugar, , - 5 crushed sugar, - - rream tartar, saleratas, soda, at 26tf MOORES'. FAMILY PIBLES, Webster Quarto Dictionary, , . " University " Variety or tOscellaneous Works, worth buying, at 36U - MOORES'. Watkefleld At. Co., ' WHOLESALE AND RET AIL MERC HANTS, ai.a(v. in! eorvrr, o. a - ' KEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of Grocer eerie. Hard wars. Carpenter' Tool, Blacksmiths' Tools, Qneenssrare, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Paints' aad Oils, Varnish, Ladies' Dress Goods and trimmings, Ac Ac , 14tf 25 POUNlS choice Apple Seed. . 10 Ibc ' " Pear " . . a ' Cberry Stones. ' ' ' at WAKEFIELD A CO.'S. Qfl KEGS superior' Dried Apple (new crop) juat received by , WAKEFIELD A CO. ADAMANTINE Candles, 25 boxes, for sale by 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO.; 1 e KEGS Syrup (Seth Adams' best) lust received by JO Ittf WAKEFIELD A CO. IRON. 20000 lbs. best Refined and Swedes' Iron . -also Hand Iron. Cast and Plow Steel, the bet assorted sizes ia Oregon. For sale low to black smith and merchant. a 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. CI tCrUY 1-BS. pure White Lead, fyr sale at S&yOUU ' 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO'a. COMPLETE set of Cooper's Tools for sale. Iltf ' .. WAKEFIELD A CO. 15 BEST Chicago " Clipper mows." for sale at rc dnced rates, by Ittf WAKEFIELD A CO. . rf BOXEd 8m 10,10m 12 and 10m 14 French Glass, I4U . WAKEFIELD A CO. GOOD assortment School Rooks constantly kept . on hand, 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. 250 1 14tf LBS. choice Osage Orange Seed. Also, Blue Grass, Clover and Timothy Seed. WAKEFIELD A CO. W1 HEAT, Bacon, Eggs, Butter, Bean aad Corn ta ken m exchange for goods at the highest market rates. . .-,1.1 .-WAKEFIELD A CO. ; Albany, June 5, 1856. , 14tf 250 126trBIie ItI for WAKEFIELD A CO. 25 SETS Cast Boxes, at 26tf WAKEFIELD A CO "8. 1 f BETTS EBptie Springs far sole low. - 1J 2Btf. , " WAKEFIKM) A COj ' SETTS Enb Bands, for sale ' tfitf 1 1 WAKEFIELD A CO.' ' 1f BBLS.UME, just received. - 11 v WAKEFIELD A CO. ' ; Albany.-Aug. , 1886. - '- ' ' . ' Jetf"1 JUST RBCEIYED at Albany, 22 bbla.New Orleaa and Crushed Sugar, (ftw N. Y-) and for sale low at . ' ' WAKEFIELD AC0S. ; Albany, June 13, 1856. ' " - - I4tf !.;' ' Jif".!"- :JV Notice.1 ALL who are indebted to Wakefield A Coll at Wash ington Butte, will please call and settle the same without delay. - . '' 26tf . -Isos Angelos Salt. ' SALT 300 bags Los Angelos Salt, received, Tier Na humkeag, and for sale at lowest rate. ' - jjatf - i j: .;. v -oV ABERSETHT CW. !-;fi'j-if i'.w fzj V.k f ,!-!.ia.:-. - .'..ia ,ji-jj A TPa.-... S1 Teelsort '"""""s , . . rr, ,n "regon. tl Is con stantlv receiving fresh jtddirion, tohto stock, aad aT . "S" T i T "lul received direct from San Francisco, where I have a resident arent. All kinds of farmer's produce received in exelnnrefor roods ymj u-Bun P. i LT ' " awio cncaper than any other store in the Territory. incpDit . . . Eugene City, July 1 . 1856. . I stf . Notice, r rrtH E Judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory of X Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on the 16th day of December. 1856. do fix and appoint INstrict Courts to be held in the city or Salem, in the county of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and September, and the fourth Mondays of May and Octo- Der. auuuauy. until otnerwise ordered ; ana in tne chv of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on the fifth Monday, of December, 1K56, aud thereafter on the first Mondays of May aad October, and the third Mondays of June and November, aaonally, nntil otherwise order ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Justice. 41 i ; ; CYRUS OLXKY. Assorts! Justice. : ' Corrallla Draa; Store. JACKSON A CABDWELL, Druggist and A receiving from San Francis tl co, per each steamer, large ana carefully selected stocks of Drurs. Medicines. Oils. Paint. Dve- StuOs. Perfumeries, Fancy Soap, and all other article llv Kept in a ITur istore. which toevarcaesaseawd will sell at reduced price. Preacnptions prepared ny an expeneneeu llrug- i1-. . .. ' ' ..; ..... umer irom a aisxance promptly anenoea to. JACKSON A CARDWELL. CorvaHia, January 13, 1857. 44tf WRITING-PAPER, superior article. Black ink. from quarts to 2 on. mates aad pencils. Tabor's pencils. Envelopes, wafers. School cards and toy hooka, at . 26U - - MOORES' . W. WEATIIERFORD, , (ctTT Mio BToite, rrrcfc waajtr,) YTTHOLESALEand retail dealer in Drug, Medicines, VV , Chemicals, Paints, Oils. Iije Stuffs, IH-nggist Glass Ware, Brnhes. Surgical Insrrmnents, Trusses, Herbs, Riots, Extract. Perfumery. Shaving and loOet Soaffa. and a full supply of all the popular, Patent or Proorietorr Medicines, and almost every other article in our line of businesn. Which are offered to the trade wholesale or retail at extremely reduced prtigrs, and in quantities 10 sniu - . ..... Every article warranted as represented. . .1 , W. WEATIIERFORD. X. D. Portland. O. T, March 16, 185J- . 52m3 , ".- Coffee. TF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the X undersigned nave got 1 ,- poano nest iwi i KICA Come in and took at tt. :-': . ALLASMcKIXLAYACo. Oregon City. Dec 6, 1S56. jab. a. uciiaud. I ; - Jso. wrcwAXn San Francisco. ( ... Portland, O. T. I. '.Richards &. McCrmkei COMMISSION M EISCH ANTS. and-Jobbers In Oregon Hour, liralrL, Produce r run. rorx. Bacon. Lara, Hams. Ac Ac - Orders for Oregon trade promptly at tended to. Lilvral advances made on consignments. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San FiwiciecK , January 27, 1&7. . OStf Tax Receipt Blanks. ST nriated at the Statesman office a larre snpoly of Tax Keceiut Blanks, after an improved form Price, one dollar per hundred. Orders by mail, at .- panied with the cat-h, will be filled by return of ntau. c UNTY ORDER BLANKS Forsale at the STATESMAN OIFH K. rpAX receipt blanks fe-r sale at the Stateamaa office, A. at si per hundred. D .RY4100DS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va- . Tlie Iawi off Orecon. rgiHE OREGON STATUTES. 1855. being a large vol JL ume of 650 pages, with complete index, annota tions, and reference, composing all tne laws m force in the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of the Statesman, at nve dollars per copy. 1 ne wnrx w ex ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and is sold at DubKsher price, and a low as a like work ea be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest figure thev can be afforded for here. The price place them within tne rearn of an wno uemre tne laws tney live nnder. Orders by mail accompanied with tho cash. filled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that will probably be published in Oregon, for many years. la addition to the enoetineatH of the Legislative Assem- blr. the volume contain the Declaration of Indenen dence. Constitution of the United States. Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon. Ordinance of 1787. ia force ia Oreron. Donatio" f aw aad all and full abstract of L nitea aoues xaMraJizattoa isiws. Lut Wgmfiti. THE subscriber will pay cash fnv land warrant. . JOHNXcCRAKEX. Portland. Feb. 17.1857. 0tf Briltk t Sirkien f CltNM Irtxfti Tkm. HOl!lXWAYS PIIsIsS. THE Blood fhrnishes the material of every bone. tnuacJe, gland and fibre ht the hamasframe. When no re. it secures health to everv organ 1 when oorrant. it necessarily produces disease. HO 1. 1. 0 WAY'S Pll.IJi operate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerve, the stomach, the liver,' the bowels, the muscles, toe skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. - 1 -, ' ;. '.;,. ' , . USED THROUGHOUT THE 1'OBJJt. . Hollowaj's Pills are equally efflcacious in complaints common to the whole hitman race, and in disorders pe-. cellar to certain climates and localities. - - ALARMIXQ DISORDERS. . ;'. Dyspepsia, and derangement of th liver, thesonrce of infirmity and siuTering. and the cans of innumera ble deaths, yield to these curatives. In all case, howev er aggravated, acting as a mihl purgative, alterative and tunic ; they relieve the bowels, purify th ftuids.aad invigorate the system ud the constitution of the same ine. ...... : GEXERAl. WEAKNESS NERFOVS COM : , .. ... . ., PLAINTS. , ,. i When all stimulants fail, the renovating aad bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves aad enfeebled muscles of the victim mt general debility..- .- : : ,.. ' ..- .. .. DELICATE FEMAMTS. " r" : All irregularities and ailment incident so the deli cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or prevented, by a tew done of these mild, bl infallible alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her children' health should fail to have them within her reach. ' ' - ' - SCIENTTFfC ENDORSEMENTS: -: The Iadoa -Lancet,'' the Leodou kledieal Isevirw,'' and the most-eminent of the faculty ia Great Britain, France aad Uemaoy, hare eulopzrd toe Fill sa1 Uacir , HOLLOW A r8 PILLS mr ' ell Complaints, Cough. Cohb, (P Cortive aesa. Dyspepsia. Diarrixe, Propsj; Debaity, Fever and Aane. FeaiatoCompiaint. Headache, Iadipatma. to ftSmmn Innmaaatiou. Inward Weaknesa. Liver Com ntatats Lowness of Spirits. Piles. Stone aad Gravel, Secondary Symptoas. Yessweal Aafccsiona. Wasraa, of " 'Sold at the Manafactories of Professor Hollow at, 80 Maiden Lane, Xew York, 244 Strand, tendon, by aB respectable Iro)fRists sad Dsalers m atodk-jne throturh- oot the United State and the civilised world, in boxes at 25 cents. 62 J cents, and tl each. ' "",'. tO There is considerable saving by takiag th lar ger sizes.' ' l '''.'!' ...'-if X. B Directions for the guidance of patiapls incve ry disorder are affixed to each box. -" " v 3?rl c . fTtHAT CottoaTarn has axnvtd, at ,, ; I . ' 2iitf - . ' : - XOORES'- , .a ,1a.-"". l: m w." .-.-.. .-j i StuarV.s; E x p r e 8 8 . FOB. ; . . CASCADES AND DALLES ox MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AXD FRIDAYS.' EXPRESSS FOR 1 ; Chanpaeg, Sakn, Albaay aid Cmallii, fin WEDKESDAY. and on Abxival or Mail Stiixk rcox Sax Fbincisco ! I All Ietters, Package and Freight, entrusted to my care will be attended to promptly, nl'Crf r .... ! to i sAMiuti an. vam. -- : a.n.aiL'ssi. Allan. McKinlar. fit Co., HATE just received a stock or New Goods, aap would invite .11 tkM h nli tn .. lit tl 1.. articles at reasonable price, to call and see them. They consist in part of Uw tollowinr: , Unnosiones, Canal and Wheel Barrow. Fancy Kroowis. Plain do Assorted Cofored Palls. Painted Tubs, . 1 Sac Washboards. ,f Macanrith's BeBusrs, ? Cross-cut Saws, 7 ft " do ... " a ft : mn saw. 7 ft Hair Matrrassts, douUe, Gram Cradles, Grass Scythes and Snaths, Brush do - - do 16 so Barrows. 23 teeth Garden Rakes, do. Hoe. , j --1 do Spade. Polished Shovel, Hay Forks,. Manure Forks, 1 Churns, , Window Ulaas 6 by IO Hair Bolsters, doubU, do 10 by 13 do 7 by 9 OO SB) Sperm Candle. A daman tine do Window Sashes 8 by 10 ' do 10 by 12 Grape brand Tooaeee, ux now ana 1 ore, Locke do Blanket. Baiae. Lmdseys. Sbeetinrs, Tirks. AcAe, We keep constantly on hand a larre swply mf OBO- CERIES. CLOTHING. HARDWARE, and asaay artt- cte too numerous to mention. ALLAN, MCKINLAY A CO, Oregon City- ' i tltf Cea. AbenKtar A Ca.. M E R Cff A X T S, OREGON CTTT, OREGON TEX RITORT. .. tf ikemar. Clark A C. -COMMISSION AXD FORWARDING MERCHANTS, Kj San Francisco. CaL. sriB attend to selhnr Orersa produce, and fill orders for Goods. Grocerie. Ac. at the lowest rates. The patronage of the peapl of Urga is respectfully solicited. - August 1, isaa. . aitr Kenyan's Dagaerrean AXb AMBROT YPE GALLERY. V : 1 .. A -mmmmW I f Y - V THE undersigned having recently returned from Sn Francisco, is now prepared to take those tanurtiful Pictures w Glass called A MB RUT YPKS, which hero almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype ia the East and San Francisco. . Gallerv in the new brnMintr. rrerted immttimHm far 0 kmtimm, west of the Marion House. ; -..' - n iL,r.i m.i i u.. Salem, Xovember 11. 1856. ' 35tf SKTH. KETNOtOS. l. v. u. nowatt. ; . N. Reynolds & CJo PRODUCE AXD GEXEBAC COMMIS8IOX i . , MERCHANTS. . sos. 79 and 81 Bins btwecsj ciat a v waj- inotos; st, sa rnasxisro, cat "tjEBSON AL attentioa given to the sal of Flour, J Grain. Potatoes. Onion. Fruit. Butter, Egg. Cur ed Meats, Hides, Wool, aad all staple products of tho countrv. - Wilf fill orders for goods when accompanied hy cash or equivalent in any srsy of eonsipnroenW .- . ' Have constantly oa hand new and second hand Grain andGanny Bags, which we oner by bole or tsandlo ha lots to suit. . - ' : First das storage furnished when required, and libe ral advances made on consignment in store. -. Having good experience and locality, w traat my strict attention to give that satisfaction which ia pleas ant to both ourselves and out consignors. Iai3 - : rrffii 11. Cilifonrit Fieket Um. THE following vessel will run in e ounce- ; : tion mt REGULAR UXE between J! Sa Franrisco anl Portland ; f BARK OCEAN BIRD, Wwcrjt-J, Master, : , CHAS. DE VEXS, Hkalt. . -. " JAXE A. FALnTEXBERG, BlDUaa, -; " XA H f'MKF.A (7, Wiluaws. " , " .' : . BHKi I. B. L.U2IT. KKHA-awK, The Barks have all been coppered recently, and ar 1 first rate order, commanded by experienced c I captain. Frrurktm mriU br carried mt tkr hmreH 1 Produce sent from any part of the cmmti to 0 1100 City or to the Linn Crfy Works, will be received aad forwarded to San Franerseo. Asxsrrs: GBO-ABERNETHY A Col." -1 - ' -i - . . ' - Orsgsss City. --!-''-.' ABERNETHT, CLARK A Csx. . , . ,Saa Franciace.- ' November. 8. 146. . T Corrallia. - fTTHE subscriber will par rash for SoMter Booty J. Land Warrants, at hi store. NAT. H. LANK. Corrallis.Jan. 13. 1857. 44tf Bannt Jb Brother, . I,vftOXT STREET. Portland, opposite the Metropolis A? Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, I kith rug. Bats, Boot, and Shoes, Groceries, Ac ' X. B. All kinds of prod ore take in earhaage for merchandise at the highest market price. IStf Notice to Shippers and Merchant. ONE of the firm being permanently located ht Saw Francisco, all consignments of produce and order to be filled, win be attended to wrUmot deTav. at saode rate rates. , Jbtf . WAKEFIELD A CO. AllaaALewlt, - w HOLESALK MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORB GON TERR1TOR1. ,. . .. John 8. Aldwrnrda, 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington City . D. C, will attend to all twrineas entrusted to him eare. before the several Department the Supreme Court of tne United State, or cswrta mt the Pistriet of Col smbia. Particular attention given to the ehuna of sat diers for service, or for Rounty Lswid. Refer to Gen. Lane and Gov. Curry. 4Smpid Powder. "TTTE have a large supply of powder ia aaad. ABERNETHT A CO, , Oregon CRy. Nov. 13, 1856. ITU The Oreson States An fmdiprnmemi A-otWW to PmHtin. General A-settsoaaee. w1-, Pmbmwmed mm kdesa, OregasB. ASAHEL. BUSH, Freprietor, Pabfeber, and Editor. The Statesmaa is Democratic in politics, aad thsr oaghly National in its character. It i hostile to ever species of sectiooaltsm , fanatic irm. - slid intokrsae ; aad will vigorously oppose all attempt to Vmrmrymntm any of the insane aa-ss of the day into oar Territorial legislation. It will advorat all practical nwasaies of Reform and Progress, economical and simple adrainistrataon ef oar local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ra pacity in oSce, aadV a system of rigid aad divert ac countability of the etfieer to the people. It will dto coas all meaFures agitating the public mind, in a Btaa mcr feaTless, mipsrtial, and jnst. 1U Xew Department will be edited with nroch attention, aad autMng will be spared to furnish early, accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur rest Intel licence, : . The Statesmaa has a large, widely-scattered, id moot excellent eorjw of correspondent, and very compact farifities for procuring new. ;- . fine attentioa is afeo -paid to tbepnbnotwa T XAsret. lany, Agricultnral aad I Jterurr ssotWr , - la this paper are pobtUhed wi taws, resalstinaa, aaA treaties of the United Statesvand the tews and resolsK tiona of the Territory of Oregons-by aatberitv Tbw paper is printed on new material, and upon a sheet ed the largest sine. - .' . . ,- ' Statesman Booh and JohMBcv E have Three Prease. the beat Iailir5ss for Boohj nrmtuir north of Callforma. and an extensive aa sortmentof Jobbins Matkbial of every kind; and, with master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and la a work man-like manner, all orders m tho above do. partroents, such a j .isoobtv ,- - PaamrnLXTS. v ' "HAjrisHLLs; : Ball Taraaaav ' CinctrLAns,.- -. IsnTATiox. , Brsrxxss Canna, , BlLljntAM. "' .. COSCDtT BtLLS,, : ' - ' t PamtAAlUfKSi. ' -' Blaxx Cnxcxs. . - . ,i; . Aorxsor Haxw. , - .. OnncB Books. . Stxawbot Bills, T.. aTttAwatCanB..T Bills or La awe, CKnncATV, :" : ; - Samw XSlu, t f 1 - Chbcx Book?. . . - -" Bl"x Racnr-rs, ' ' :'.-. Dn-A-rm. '- Antmaas CabM. Bum or all Krsss. Ac, Ac Ac ' ORXAMKXTAL. PRIXT1XO. with COLORED IXKS, - Law of Newspaper. ;" i: SuhsOTbev who do not give nnress aotic to the' contrary, are raaudered an washing toeontimw rhsn snbseripttoB. X. 11 sjrosennera sruer papers tfiscontiuoed. Pkhoxhera may coutasne to aensl them fait all charge mem paid. 3. If sabacribem neglect or refase to take their papcra Irom the office or place to which they are sent, they arm heldrearjeesihle nntil they settle their biUand give aw tioe toe oassconui 4. If subscribers move to other places without mformtag the Pnblciher, and the paper is sent to the former dirre tion, they are held lesponiiible ... , 5- The courti have decided that refusing to take a, pa per or periodical from the office, or removing and. Brav ing it uncalled for, i prima facia evidence of irrtsnaksj. frandV - . .' - . ; Bm Postma-ters would obl'ige, by a strict fulfiHmeat of the regolations reqnrrmg them to notify Pohljsbers one in three mouth, of papers not takejj, fraas thai ofijee by subscribe"-., - J