The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, May 19, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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    BOOKS It
Tho City Book-Otoro,
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
Havs in Store, and will be receiving by the 1st of Jane
Which they offer to the
At mull advances on New York price. -Give
ns cull, or tend na an order, and w an
bomd to give yon satisfaction I
A. It. Shlpler Co.,
Are the Sols Aoknts tn Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sale of
Tha American Statesman,
A GREAT BOOK ! ! Being the only political history
of the United States.
Send ns your names. Price! 00 : Payable on de
livery of booh. Can deliver by the 1st oT September
to all who send na their name by 1st or May.
Catalogue f fart of our Sleek :
Rjuumdh. Sanders' old lit, td, 3d, 4th, and 5th,
and The Young Ladies'; Sander New 1st, 2d, Sd,
4th and 5th: Parkers' tat, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th; lie
Uuffty's lit, Id, Sd, 4th and 5th.
SrKLUna Sanders' Old, Sanders' New; Elcraen-
'"Jojns. Sander' Pictorial, School and Parker's.
UcooKArmr. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ol
ey's, Mora's, McNalley's, and Monteith'a 1st and
Sd Book.
M Am km men. Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables,
Mental, Analysis, Practical, and Higher; IHkvio' Pri
mary, Intellectnal, School and University; Smith's
Cuibora'a Ray's Stoddard's; Davie Algebra, Sur
veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic
tionary, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Grammar. Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith's
Kirkara's -Spencer's Tower's.
PniLosoruiics. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and
School; Comstock's Smith's.
Histories. Wilson's Juveuile, and United State;
Parley'a Universal; Willard'a Universal, and United
Laxoraoas-Cooper's Virgil; Andrew's Latin Rea
det; Yrri Rom: Andrew's Ijtia Grammar; McClin
tock'a 1st and Sd Book in Latin, and do. in Greek: An
thon'a Greek Urammir and Reader; Johnson's Cicero.
Fasqoelle'a French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
German tiramraar and Reader, Telemaqiie. lireck Tes
tament; French, self-taught; Surrenue's French Dic
tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Liddell A Scott's Greek
4o, Ambon's Classical do. Smith's do do.
DtcTto-tARres. Webster's School, Hifth do. Aca
demic, University, Royal 8vo, Unabridged and Cobbs
Mis'ellaxkoi-s. Mattisou's Astronomy. Newman's
Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. Karne s Elements of Crit
icism. Parker's Aids in Composition, Parker's Exer
cise. Brooklield's Composition. McElligott's onng
Analyzer, do. Analytical Manual. Parker'a Word
Builder. Mavbew's Book Keepinir. Waytand's Moral
Science. Pale.y's Natural Theology. Blake's Agricul
tnre for Schools. Upham's Intellectnal Philosophy.
klahan's do, do. Milton; Young; Pollock; and Thomp
son; t Edition i or scnoot) inner s jtnatomy ana
PhvsiohMry. American Debater. Newman's Political
Economy. Hitchcock's GeologT. Great variety of
Sneakers and Elocution. All kinds of School Station
ery; Slates of all sizes; Drawing Books; Drawing
Paper; Perforated Card Board; Bristol Board; Pencils
and Brashes; Osborn's Colors; Inkstands, every sixe
and style, ac c, lo.
HlSTOKT- Bancroft's L'nited States. C volumes.
Hildreth's do, do, 6 volumes. Frost's rictorial United
States. Tavkv's do, do. do. Bottas II Ut. Revolution.
Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. Witlard's do.
Hist. Indian Wars United States. Wiliard's Universal
History. Mailer's do do, Rutteck's Hist. World 1 or
t volumes. Rollin's Ancient History. Farr's do, do.
Hume's England. M.tcatilay's dx, complete. Dickens
Child's do. Linsard's do. Gibbon's Rome. D'An
bisne's Reformation. Bang's M. K. Church. Allison's
Europe. Is an J 2d Series. " Prescott's Work. Burder's
Hist, of Religion. Hist, of Council of Trent. Jose
phos. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet
Queens of Spain. Oieens of Scotland. Help's Spanish
Conquests. Brace's Hungary. Kid'kr's Brazil. Eu
bank s Brazil. Parley's Universal. History of Cru
sades. Ancient Egyptians. Hallam's Middle Ages.
History for Bovs. " "Bonner's Child's United Stales.
Lossing's Field Book of Revolution.
BrooRirnr. Plutarch's Lives. IJfe Brant. Won
derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters,
laves of the Signers. Autobiographv of Finlcy. La
niartine's Celeiwated Characters. Life of Adam Clarke,
do Bishop Hedding. do Niebuhr. do lien. Harrison.
4o Daniel Bxne. do Robert, do I-nfayette. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and Old World. Dr. Chal
mers, 4 vols. Laves of HumbolJts. Mrs. Rogers.
Mozart. Wesley. Fletcher. Life and Times of Clay;
Irvina's Wa-hiusrton. Eminent Mechanics. IJves of
Chief Justices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles I-imb,
Jackson. Gen. Green. Joan of Are. Lady Jane Grey.
J. Q. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kings of
Home. Kimrs and Ooeens. i.iebmtz. Lives of the
Popes. Prescott's Phiiip 2l. Mary and Martha Wash
ins-ton. Pioneer Women of the West.
Ta ivkls. Hiirk) China. Araucauians. Stephen's
E-nrnt. Olin's Travels. Mnn-ro Park. Nile Notes.
Adventures on Mosquito Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav
els. Durum s 1 ravels in tne r-ast.
- Bcicrnnc Brande's Enc vclopedia. Physical Oeojr
raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural History. I .a rd tier 's
Ltectares. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mathemath-al Dic
tionary. Losic of Mathematics. Wonders of S.-ienre,
Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loomis Re
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Arts and Science, Kuban, s Hydraulics- wes s worts.
Various works on Architecture.
Pobtst. Bvron various styles. Shakespeare, do.
Milton, do. Burns, d. Hemans, do. Moore, do.
Thompson. Yonnir. Pollock. Tapper. Cowper. IVpe.
Campbell. Wadsworth. Vaan. Montiromery. Kirk
White. Female Poets of England, do. da. America
sb1 manv others.
Books o Rkfterfvcr. Cyclopedia of GeosTaphy.
do. do. Fine Art, do. do. iiiography. Useful Am.
M.-Colloch's Gazetteer. Hanier's Universal Gazetteer.
Facrr aso Aaici-LTi-K.t. Elliot's Fruit Book.
Thomas' do. Downing's do. Barrv's do. Fessenden's
Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Fiower and Vegetable
iinlMn-'i Comnsnion. Allen on the Grane. Pardee
on Strawberry- Florist's Guide. American Farm B-k.
Allan'a Domestic Animals. All of Hajrton's Hand Books.
Woiks n Hon, Cattle. Sheep, Hogs, Ac.
Theological A Rai-roiors Harmony and Expos!-
tins of Gospels. Neander's IJfe of Chri-a. Butler's
Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth
odism. Morris Miscellanies. Lectures on Romanism
Brand of IVmiinic Role. Elliot on RomanUra. Barnes
Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. . Jay's
Exercises. Watson's Institute. Iarrahee's Evidences.
Butler's Ethical Discourse. Rogers' Kclipe tf Earth.
dot Reason and Faith. Foster s Christ. lerfection.
Baker on Discipline. Wntings of Arminins. Jahn's
Biblical Arclneolofry. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from
tl t t2:. Testaments, frreat variety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist.
Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian
llenciu Boehan's Family Phj-sician. Hydro
pathic do. Honxcpatbie Works.
Miscai.l. ivEOl'S. Corr-titiitious of United States.
Mayhew's P.pnlar Edwation. Crabbe's Synonyms.
Piatt's Bonk of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual.
Headley's Works, 14 vols. Mrs. Tuthili's, S V jls. lay
ard's Nineveh. Bigelow's Useful Arts. HawcUs En
gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
Knowledge. ParkMadison. Peruvian Antiinilies.
Way Down East. Pynshurt. Ike Marvel's Works.
Sanderson's Cok and Confectioner. Conutry Rambles
in England. Tales and Reveries, an excellent Tem pr
ance Book.1 Money Maker. Escaed Nun. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Bmk. Md
"r s Old Bed Sandstone, do. Footprints nf Creators
Young Ladies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pietorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu
tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
can House wife. Hair Honrs with 914 Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Kedrwick'a
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
len's Works. Heroines of History. Ijind and Sea.
Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving'
Colombo. Iy,nr Look Ahead. City of New York
Living Orators of America. Yonnjr Man Advised. Mis
mons in Tonga and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Kntmt and the Russians. HydrapatUic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gilt Book for Yonng Men.
Jo. do. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Bovs-
Footprints of Famous Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Young; Men. Peasant Boy Philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia.
And a number of others too numerous to enumerate.
Constantly receiving large additions to the forgoing.
Statioxekt. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel
opesall styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders
. trreat variety. Blank "Books all sizes and styles
Memorandums. Diaries. Pass Books. Time Boksi
Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
Irfthographic PrinU a large variety. Wrapping Pa
pergood variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, A
Finally, we have a good variety of
Ml-sic Booass-New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodeon, Christian PsalmiKt. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do.
Melodeon do. Plymouth Collection with Music. Sheet
And the most varied assortment or bTATiovEST ever
Offered in Oregon.
mm This stock is all bought in New York and other
Eastern cities and is sold at
tar We keep on hand School Books la large quan
tities, together with most of the publications of
Hakpbb A BaoTHsxs;
Dkkbt A Jackson;
Insos A Pbixnet;
PmLLirg A Samson-;
A. S. Barses A Co.;
Mnxu, Oktom A MnjjaAx;
Iakt A Gzrz;
, PmcAx;
Aptustov; and others.
ay We ask your patronage. If unable to visit Us
and examine our stock, your ohders wiU be attended to
on the as tebjct) as if yon boogbj in person.
Portland, March 20, lsj". jy
Ntict f Importers tf Uiapqua.
THE Schooner UMPVUA.underthecommsnd
of S. D. Ubisdale, sailed from Urapqna river 'VinTfe
nw an rrancisco, on tne m of stay, ana mieuaa
making regular trips beteen these two ports.
it is only necessary we nettere, to remiuu iuo jni"t
btrsofUmpiua that this vessel the l inpniia is the
first ever launched on the waters of the Umpqua, to In
sure their patronage and support. This vensel will dis
charge her cargo at Scottshurjr. and at tho rate she In
tends to carry freight, will not only save the shipper a
very considerable item, but save him the transnjrtatlon
nn the river.nnd therebv enable him to receive his goods
without so much handling as heretofore. In fine, the
Schooner Umpqua. of Scottsbnrg, is a real Umpqua
craft and beinar the first on the list in this great reform,
confidently relies upon all the Umpqua for support and
Scottsbnrg. May 27, 1856. . 13tf.
Blacksmiths and others. Look.- .
ALLAX McKlXLAT ft CO. have now on hand
large and well selected stock of ;
Bar Iron, Cast Steel, '
Horse shoe do . German do.,
Nail rod do., Plough do., .
Plate do..
nd Intend to keen no the assortment so as to suit the
wants of customers. Give ns a call, and you wilt ftr.d
that -e not only hare the fullest stock, but will sell
ascneap as the cheapest." we are constantly receiv
ing additions to our assortmeut, so as to replace what
I sold.
Oregon City, Dec. I J, 1856. ... 4ltf -,
llenrr Johnson fc Co.
Washington Street, San Francisco.)
Offer for sale to the country trtde, the largest stock
of goods in their line on the lacirle coast compri
sing Drue, Chemicals, Perfumery, Patent Medicines of
all kinds, Brushes, Paints, Oils, Glass, Turpentine, and
every article appertaining to the busluess. Having su
perior facilities for obtaining their goods they think
they ean otter Inducements to buyers unequalled by
anv other house.
Orders respectfully solicited. . ; 401y
WE have s large snpply of powder In hsnd.
Oregon city, ov. ij.ikjo. artr
TVt. J. R. CARDWELL, Dental Snrceon
I J Corvallls, will practice In his profes
sion, at Vorraiiu, For rut VUy, II inrArs-
rrr, Sfoftsar;.and Jacksonville. Skill, unquestionable
charges, respectable; work, warranted. Teeth examin
ed. and advice (riven free of charge.
Due notice given of change of office.
April 2t?. 155. 7tf
Now llecelving
rpHE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and for
jl sa:e low.
50 gross matches ;
l.'iO kess ot arrupa ;
6ht.bbU. N. O. sugar;
10 bbl. cru-shed sugar ;
50 boxes candles ;
10 bbls. vinegar ;
10 ease tea ;
13 doz. brooms;
20 doz. bncki-ts ;
2 eases men's fine calf boots ;
1 " " calf brogans ;
J " " goat "
S " boys' brogan ;
3 youths calf brogans;
1 " women's Morocco boots ;
I " imitation boots ;
S " Misses' hoots;
175 pairs children's shoes ;
12 straw cutters ;
CI frrain cradles ;
I reaper;
I two hone thresher :
Oregon City, June 1 , 1 55. 1 Stf.
ilAIN PUMPS, monkey wrenches.
mntcn planes, screw arm,
sash planes, "
horse shoes and nails ts fit .
gun locks, plugs and nipples,
tubes, bullet moulds.
Wosenholm's 1X1. pocket knives,
pruning and budding knives,
rat traps to ratrh sfturrvs. at MOOItES'
Hooks and Stationery.
) Parker's 1st. 2d. Sd, 4th and 5th,
Sanders' do do do . do
McGnffy's do do do do
University and Common School,
Intellectual and primary,
Iavies B'jurdon algebra,
I.egcndre, surveying.
Goraetry and trigonometry.
Key to lmvies" Arithmetic,
Thompson's arithmetic,
Paiker's philosophy,
" juvenile aud 1st lessons.
Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's,
Geographies Mitchell's. Monteitb's manual,
Monteith's 1st lessons,
Mnsic Lute of Zion, New Carmina Sacra,! Psalmist, Missouri Harmony,
Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at
2-,tf MOORES'
rpHE judges of the Supreme Conrt, of the Territory of
A tresron. assemmea at tne sent or tovernment on
the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty
seven, do fix and appoint District Conrt. to be held in
village of Rneebnrp. in the county of lfcwrlas en the
fir-t Mondsvs,of Man h. May, September and Novera
ber. annually, nntil otherwise ordered, and do limit the
aura u on oi said terms to six oavs earn.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Justs, e.
4ltf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice.
twos. aavsoLns,
tavsoLns, I
A. taw. f
S. Francisco.
Bomtirr j
Portland. Oregon.
Itewmolds K, Iacv.
THOI.ESALE tiraeers and Commisson Merrhants
and dealers in trrgtm Product, corner Krarnv
ana jscsson r)treeis.ran rrancisco.
17 Advances made on Consignments.
sr Refer to J. FAILING A CO., Portland.
Salt! Salt!!
aX TrtV1? KalM OiMt.ntiM'f BUT Csa satswM. CA m.A
100 lb. bags, just received and for sale verv cheap
III I V II.L'IVI v L 1 i
Oregon City, Dec. , liv6.
Oak Uower Nurse rr.
TtPRSOVS wishina- to avail themselves ofth. imn..
tunity of oUaining good fruit will And it much to
their advantage to rail npon the nndersiirned at his
nursery npon the Willamette river, six miles above Cor
vallis. iiHn the Linn County side. My trees are of the
most t tinny irrowtn, and ot Lue ben variety to be found
upon in is coast.
Come and see them if you don't
3atf WM.Mt-n.RER
John S. Edwards.
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington City , D.
I'., will attend to all business entrusted to his rare,
before the several Departments the Supreme Court of
tne L oiteo rotates, or conns or tne mstrict or Colombia.
tv. Pariicular attention fnven to the claims of sol
diers for services, or for Bounty land.
Itefers to tien. Lane and ov. curry. 4Smfipaid
Valuable Farm for Sale.
tTHE undersigned now offers his valuable
in Marion Co., O. T., ono and a half miles Mr
south of McKinnay's Mills, on the Connty road ' '
running from Salem to said Mills. It contains 640 acres.
orvhHH 40 acres is under a (rood suostantisi stake
and rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation,
two hundred fine bearing fruit trees, a good farm
norm, together with other out buildin.-rs. Said farm is
well watered, and the best adapted to stock rai-inr.
ami wheat growing of any farm in the Territory. Said
farm has been nettled since I sis, and was among the
first claims taken in Marion Co. Any person desirous
of buving a good farm, with a title money, will do well
to call at tbe residence of the niulersiirned.
Spring Cret k, March 30, 1S57. 4tf
BAUM A BROTHER have removed to their New
Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment
Thev have intit received a" ceneral assortment nf lire
troods. Clothing, Hats and Caps,' Boots and Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offers for cash or
N. B. Wanted Batter, Eggs, Bacon, Lard, Floor. and
Wheat, for which they pay the highest market price.
tsaicm, Juiy i, ituo. i:ni
Paper Hanging and Carpets !
TUST RECEIVED Per late arrivals, by FRANK
J BAKER, 110 and 112 Clay street, San Francisco
600 cases 1'sper Hangings, r rencu ana American,
everv variety ;
CO00 rolls French and American Borders ;
625 ps Tapestry Brussels Carpet ;
300 ps Tapestry Velvet Carpet ;
2:i0 pa Three-Ply Carpet;
300 pa Superfine Ingrain Carpets ;
-850 ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpets ;
200 ps Cotton and Wool Carpets ;
125 ps Stair Carpets, assorted ;
275 ps Bay State Druggets ;
oo ps on Clous, sssorted :
125 ps Silk Damask and BrocataBa ;
HiO ps Cotton and Worsted Damask ;
4000 pair Window Shades ;
375 pair Lace Curtains ;
750 pair Muslin Curtains ;
8000 Cornices and Curtain Bands ;
325 dozen Marts, assorted ;
Stair Rods, Table Covers, Gimps, Fringes, 4c
Wholesale and Retail, by
lm3 110 A 111 Clay st., San Francisco.
Cash paid for Soldiers Bounty Iand
THE undersigned ill pay cash, and the highest
rates, for a large number of bounty land warrants,
on application at his office in Conrt House. Salem, O. T.
rl C.X. TERRY.
December 30,156. 2U
For ireigntorpassngenppiy to Allan, McMniay A Co.,
Scottsbnrg, or to the Cant, on board. Merchants wish
ing; to ship from San t ranctsco, can apply to Allan,
live Co., 132, Clny St., or to the Captain.
A Coffee Party! . .
R9. ADAMS, where did yon get those beautiful
teacups and aancers ?
George got them at the EMP1R& STORE.
Were there anv more nf those whits stone China runs
and saucers, and plates left?
i suoiuu tmtiK ttiero was ; unon lias gut one cord or
less of the same kind, very cheap, at the Empire Store.
Why, Mrs. Lnuguliu, wliere aid you get thoo lino
morocco shoes t
1 got them at tho Empire Store. '
Do you belicvu that you can get goods cheaper at the
Empire Store than at tUnso stores up town t . -;
Of course I do.
La. me, Saily, where did you get this beautiful white
Nviiv, Solomon said he gut it at the Empire Store.
Wi'fi, it is too outrageous ; don't you think Johu got
two do imra worth or sugar, last week, at Mr.
Independence Store, nml it is black sandy stuff, only
lit to ruako vim-gar, or the like.
Ccorce, you have got a fine coat, vest aud pants.
: 1 should think I bad. , ,
. You bought them at Portland, perhaps?
Never, 1 bought them at the Empire Store.
-tMnry, did you see the fine calico dress that David got
for Jane, last week, at the Empire Store?
I should think I did see it ; and don't you think Rolt
ert bought Elizabeth a tine calico drfss, last week, at
Mr. store, nnd the first time it was washed it
went in for Disunion, and it looks Just like a smoked
htntem, or an alHilittonist.
- Mrs. Dukes, where did you get this fine cloth in Jim
my's little coat f
Why, that is nothing but some of Boon's Kentuck
Jeans, at the Empire Store.
You don't snv ! Well, mv hiislmml went over to Sa
lem sotno three weeks since, nnd not having time to go
down to the Empire Store, he bought something they
call Mississippi Jeans, and it Is as coarse as cotton, and
looks like I should say.
Mr. Walters, you have got a fine pair of boots, surely?
certainly, I got them at tne r.mptre store.
Were there any of this kind left ?
About a con) I
Lucy, niy dear, where did yen get those silk gloves ?
Why, daddy bought them for two bits st the Empire
Store, and ho snys that be priced a great many of the
goods In tbe stores in Salem, and he Is convinced that
the cheapest and best goods are to be round at the tin
nire Store.
Very well. If Abraham don't back out from you know
what, I mean Lneinda, I am going to pet me a line silk
dress pattern, and a complete outfit at the Empire
Buttons, thread, wax, needles and thimbles thrown In
to the banrain at the Empire Store.
This act to lie in force from and after Its publication.
Approved, January 17. ls.18. 4"mB
N 0.575.
By the President of the 1'ultcd States.
IN pursuance of law, I. Franki-is Pikrcr, President
of the l'nited States of America, do hereby declare
and make known that public sales will be held at the
undermentioned laud olllces in the Territory of Oregon,
at tne pernios herraltrr acslirnated, to wit :
At the land office at OneauM Citr, commencing on
Mondav. fAr frnlA rfa of AnitHst nrit, for the dismwal
of the public lands within the following named town
ship, viz :
AerfJi of the bat line and east of IVUlamrttt meridian.
Township one and fractional township two, of range
South of the bast line and east of miamttte meridian,
Towuships one, two, and three, of range one.
Townships one, two, and three, of range fico.
.Vorfa ofA bate lint and west of tVtla-mrttt meridian-
Townships one, of ranges one, hro. and fArre.
Sovthoftkt bane tin and trest of ll'llamrttt mrridian
Townships one, of ranges one, ttro, and lArre
Townships three, of -rausres one, and Itpo.
Townships four, of ranees one, two and three.
Townships seven, of ranjres f;ro. Lire four, and fire.
Townships eleven, of ranges three, four, and .Are.
Towashljis seventeen and eighteen, ol range f Are.
Townships seventeen and eighteen, of range four.
At the land ofTk-e at Wixcuestei:, commencing on
Monday, tht trnih day nf Anzvt nrrt, for the dispocil
nf tiie public lands situated within the following named
townships, viz :
South of tht bate lute a i west of It'iUaTuttt meridian.
Set turns one to fifteen, im-lasive, tbe northeast quarter
oi section seventeen, me noniirast quarter ii revtion
iweniy-iwo, sections tweniy-tnree, t wenty-iour, twenty-live,
twenty-six, and tiiii ty live, of township twen
ty-two, of rante six.
The sootiiwet quarter of section seven, the southwest
quarter of e. tit hi tiftoeu. snd the northwest quar
ter ana tue soutu Uall ol section seventeen, sections
eighteen, nineteen, twentv, and twentv-oue, the
northwest qoartcr of sei ti'm twenty two. the north
west quarur ot section twenty eight, sections twenty
nine, thirty, thirty-one, and thirty -two, of township,
tweiiiy-two, of ranee seven.
Ixts one to six. ineli'sive, of section fonr; lots one to
four, inclimve. of section five , lots one to five, inclu
sive, and the .itheat quarter of the southeast quar
ter of sectira seven ; I 'ts one to seven, inrl isive.snd
the southwe-t inarter of the northeast of section eiabt.
the east haif ol section, the ea;t half of the northwest
quarter, the northwest quart'-r of the northwest quar
ter, and the east half of the southwest quarter of nine ;
the southeast quarter ol the southeast quarter of sec
tion ten ; the southwest -luurter ol the southwest quar
ter of section eleven; the southeast quarter of sec
tion twelve, sections thirteen, fmirteeu, and fiiteen;
the northwest quaru r of the northeast, and the nortli
west quarter cf section eighteen ; lots nneto nine, in
clusive, and tiie northeast quarter of the southeast
quarter i f section twenty ; md slo from
sections twenty-one to twenty -seven, inclusive ; the
east half and the northwest quart r of section twen-tr-eisbt
; lots one and two, aod the southea:-t quarter
of the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine : the
northeast quarter of section thirtv-t'iree, and sertions
thirty-four aud thirty-live, oi towuship twenty two, of
range ettrht.
Lota one and two or section seven ; lots one to five, in
clusive, and the east half of the quarter of
section eight, the west half of the southwest quarter
of section nine, the north half ot the northeast quar
ter, tbe noith hill of the northwest quarter, and lots
one to finr, inclusive, of section thiitcen; the north
half, and lots one to four, inclusive, cf section 14;
the south half of the n.e.qnarter, the south half of the
northwest quarter, and lots one to four, inclusive, of
section fifteen ; the northeast quarter of tbe north
east, and lots one and two of section seventeen, and
lots one to six. inclusive, of section eighteen, of town
ship twenty-two, of ranire nine.
Towiishiiw twenty -six anil twenty-seven, of rane Jire.
Townships twenty-six and twenty-eveu.of ranpe 'x.
Townships thirty-six, thirty -seven, aud thirty -eight, of
range one.
That part of township thirty-six south and east of the
Indian reservation ; township thirty-seven ; sections
one to six. Inclusive, sections eight to fifteen, inclu
sive, and section twenty -four, of township thirty eight,
of ran are tiro.
That part of township thirty-six south of the Indian
reservation, oi ranare Mrre.
That part of township thirty-six south and west of the
Indian reservation, of ranjre four.
Sections four to nine. Inclusive ; sections fifteen and
seventeen to twenty-four, inclusive, nnd sections twenty-eight
to thirty-three, inclusive, of township thirty
six, of ran ire fire.
Township thirty -six. of range sir.
Sections one, two and ten, to fifteen. Inclusive, and sec
tions twenty-two to twenty-six. inclusive, of township
thirty-six ; sections one to eleven, inclusive, seven
teen. eighteen, nineteen, and thirty, to thirty-four, in
clusive, of township thirty-seven ; sections two to
nineteen, inclusive, and twenty-one, twenty-two, nnd
twrenty-seven, the southwest quarter of section twentv-
nine, sections thirty and thirty-one, the west balf
of section thirty-twro and section thirty-four, of town
ship thirty-eight ; sections nineteen "to twenty-two,
inclusive, and twenty-seven to thirtyjour, inclusive,
of township thirty-nine; sections four to eight, in
clusive, and eightceu, of township forty, of range
South of the bast lint and east of tlHIametle meridian.
Township fiirty-cisht and sections one to six. Inclusive,
nine to niteen, inclusive, and twenty-tnrce, twenty
four, aud twenty-live, of township thirty-nine, of
range one.
Iands appropriated by law for the ne of schools.
military and other purposes, will be excluded from tbe
The offorinir of the above lands will lie commenced
on the days appointed, and will proceed in tbe order in
which they are atveiliei. until tne wuoie snail nave
been offered, and the sales thus closed ; but no sale shall
be kent onen lonirer than two weeks, aud no private en
try of any of the lands will be admitted until after the
expiration of the two weeks.
fiiven under mv hand, at me city or auinirion.
this thirteenth day of February, Anno Domini, one
thousand eight hundred and fifty-eeven.
Bv the President :
CosuntMtoner of the General Land Ojffict.
Notice to Pre-Emption Claimants.
EVERY person entitled to the right of pre-emption
to anv of the lands within the townsbins and parts
of townships above enumerated is required iO establish
the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver
of the proper laud office, mate potmenf Iherrfinr a' soon at
practicable after teeing t'tit notice, and before the day
appointed for the commencement of the public sale of
the lands embraciner the tract claimed ; otherwise such
claim wili be forfeited.
5wl3 Commissioner of tht General Ijand Office.
DISTRICT Court, Third Judicial District. Umpqua
County, Oregon. Ralph H. Lord, and William B.
Peters, against Ezra R. Wood. To Ezra R. Wood : You
are hereby notified that nnlesa you appear in the Dis
trict Court, of the Third Judicial District of the Terri
tory of Oregon, to be bciriin and holden at Roseburg,
. ' - i. 1 me. . i
Douglas v o., urcgon, on me ursi aioimay ui fH!picmocr,
A. b 1S57. and answer the complaint of Ralph ML.
Iyord. and William B. Peters, now on file tn the office of
the Clerk of said District Court, at Roseburg, aforesaid
fa eonv of which lias been sent to you by mail) tbe
same will be taken for confessed and the prayer there
fore will be era n tea oy tne t oiin.
u-tu-Lt n -iiXi a, i ni,
Tiff's Att'y.
March 23, 1857. m3
STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber,
living in Albany, Linn Co., O. T., on or
about the first of December, 1856, one sor
rel horse. Maze faced, rieht hip knocked
down, branded on near shoulder O. T vented V, hair
brand. No other brands or marks recollected. Anv
one returning said horse will be liberally rewarded.
Albany, January 27, 157. iCtfpaid
Smith ft Dade.
Solicitors in Chancery. CorvaUia O. T.
n. W. Kitehell.
4n www
gene City, Lana Couutp, O. T.
r L. COOMBS. If. T).. Burgeon, Ac SPECIALTY
J .DISEASES OP THE EYE. Corvallls, Oregon
. - ' ai.A.a1
September 23, ISoO.
Saa PrtneUeo idrtrtlsing Agtney
Tr. FISIIFR, Iron building, opposite Pacific Express
J Ofllre, up stairs. Files of all the principal Papers of
Unlifomla and Oregon may be found at this office. Mr.
Fisher is the authorized Agent for the Statesman.
Chester If. Terry,
mlssloner of Deed", and to take testimony, ac
knowledgments, Ac, Ac, for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri,
Michigan. California and Washington Territory. Let
ters or Attorney, and all other Instruments of writing,
drawn on short notice. ...
St. Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collections of Notes, Accounts, Ac, 82tf
flolse & ItEwan,
licitor In Chancery, Proctors, Ac, in Admiralty,
Portland, Oregon. 45tf
W. II. Firrar,
licitor in Chancery and Admiralty. Office on Front
street, next door north of Stark st., Portland, Oregon.
Dardlns ft Grorer,
Solicitors in Chancery. Office near the Court-honst,
Geo. I. Shell,
Solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the various
courts of Oregoqand Washington Territories. Office,
Salem, O. T.
Dtlaion Smith,
Solicitor In Chaneerv. will nromntlv attend to all
business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial
District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Office. Allianr. linn Countv. O. T.
N. B. When not at his office, or absent on profes
sional hiisiueas, tie may ue round at his resilience, five
miles south-east of Albany, on what is known as the
lirand 1'raine. '
W. 8. Brock, .
Solicitor In Cbanrery, will practice In the various
courts in this Territory, aud promptly attend to the col
lection or all claims against the United States, tbroiich
an efficient aent residing at Washington A'ity. Oflice
in tugene cuy, iaue county, u. i.
It. K. Stratton,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in the various
court of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
.ourc oi tne jerntory.
OKFtCB in Ieer Creek. Dnuelas eountv. O. T. Rest
dence miles north of Winchester, on the Willamette
N. B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained for claimants
on reasonable terms. 23tr
Chad wick. t Gibbs,
licitors In Chancery, Ac. Offices at Winchester and
tlanlincr. B. F. Chauwick, Winchester. Douglas Co.,
u. i . A.t.-. i.isas, uarmuer, t inpqua Co., o. T.
Nov. 9, 1S55. Sotf
Uarnuin . Wilson.
il lem, Oregon. Particular attention In piven to the
collection or notes aud accounts, and claims against
Bounty Ijind Warrants bought and sold.
sT difico over Starkey'a Store. 44
II. V. Ilonliani.
J. tice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. tUf
rillovr ft Moses,
-TATCHMAKERS, Salem. Relrlng prompt-
ly and neatly duue. Jewelry manufac
tured. 14tf
W. W. Ill AIM AX. A. . THAYER.
VTTORNEYS and Counselors at law. Solicitors in
Cliaucery, Ac. Oflice in Robert's buildings, Main
street. uorvaiiLS, itenton to., U. 1.
CorvallU. April 1, 1"5". 5tf
J. B. Cole, 91. II.,
tf Portland. Orepon.
rrt J. WRIGHT A E. B. STOXE. having associated
X . fcijretheT in practice, resjiertfiiHy tender their ser
vices to the people ot iienlon and linn desiring to se
cure the favor of the alllirted by success onfy. Office
near J . L . Avery s store, t orvains. 1 1 lypaid
1. B. Ilalloek,
J. Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on
reasonable terms.
William C. Griswold Co.,
Eugene City.
OR ACE E. LAWRENCE, rrojirietorof the Eugene
Lity noiei. tJti.
Medical Notice.
rrHE subscriber, would inform the inhabitants that he
is aims om stand, ready to attend to an cans in
his profession ; also he has "on hand a well selected
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
a sorted supply or Syringes, all of which he will dispose
oi on reasonauie terms. w. tv Aiuif.iV
Salem December 2, 1S56. 3stf
W. B. 3Iagers, 91. .
PHYSICIAN and Surge-m. Oflice in my new build
ing, on Main street, two doors north or Dr. J. S.
Mclteeny's fire-proof building ; where I will be round
when not professionally ensaged. I will keep constant
lv on hand a fresh annul r f Dmirs and Medicines
wliirh 1 will sell low for cash.
Corvallis, Dec 0, lSoB. 3;itf
Medic il Notice.
WVTL R. W. SHAW. late of San Francisco, California
I J ofTcrs his professional services to the citizens fo
Salem and vicinity, and rvspcvtiully solicits a tnareio
public favor.
as timce a nceu auu r euows ami store.
14y R. W. SHAW.
Campbell ft Pratt.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco, California.
Office, corner Montgomery and Sacramento streets,
over Parrott A Cos. Bank.
Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their care. 31 tf
Joseph Ji. Frcseott.
DEALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and
Paints and Oils, wholesale and retail.
July 7, 1 .. 1W
S. Ktlawortn,
US. Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene
Citv. Lane Countv. Ore iron Territory. Also
Cominissionerof Dectla lor New York, Couuectlcut, Ac.
Auuust S, IK5i. Z4tr
WILLIAM F. 1IIGHF1ELD. Chronometer and
Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to
the buildinR jUKtopposilctothe Main-street House,
where he can be coa-tintly fiauifl prepared to do any
business in his line. Wstchea cleaned and repaired oa
bhort not ice aud reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches and jewelry fur sale.
March 5. 1854. ly51
S. Hamilton, M. D.,
PnYSICIAN AND SUROEON, would resiiectfully
announce to the good people or Douglas and the ad
joining counties, that ho has located permanently at
Deer Creek Tor the purpose or practicing medicine, and
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare no paiua to render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Ofpicb opposite R. n. Dearborn A Co.'a store, on
Main street.
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at low rash pri
eet. 42tf
Wells, Fargo, &. Co.,
Co., in connection with their Express business, will
also transact a general Exchange and Collection Busi
ness. Collections and Rcmittauoes made in all parts of
Oregon, California.the Atlantic States. and Europe, with
promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and ltollion, bought and sold.
Sight Exchange on iVem York, Bottom, Philadelphia,
Albany, Rochester, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Detroit,
Chicago, JUilwaukit, Galena, St. Louit, Ijouitmllt,
Cincinnati, and forty other principal towns in the Atlan
tic States and the Canadas, mny be procured at any of
our offices. WELLS, FARGO, A CO.
114. Moutsromery-Ktreet, San Francisco
June 1855.
Allan, McKinlay, & Co.,
VJT Wholesale and lie tail Dealers in Dry Goods, Gro
ceries, Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T.
Dec. 20, 1851. 40yl
EB. Syrup, 30 kegs, 8rs and 58, for sale by
$25,000 Wortu
THE subscribers would respectf-illy Inform their cus
tomers and the puldle generally that they have on
hand, and are in constant receipt of poods from Bsn
Francisco and New X o r a a mrgo ana weu-sc-lected
stock consisting In part of
Alum, allspice, an l atpacca, ' '
!, -' BonnetH, lieraKcs, and bro. linen,. -
'- . Cnuibrlc, crash, and calico,
liomeslic de laines, and damask, v-
Edging, embroidery and everything,
Flannels, fringes, and rancy Uxiu's,
(linghaius, gaiters and gloves,
' Handkerchiefs, hose aud hairpins,
Irou, ink, and inserting.
Jacouet.jeans, and Java coffee,
Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins, '
Lawns, lard and Liverpool salt, - .
-Mustard, mirrors, and matches, .
, Needles, nsils, and nice things,
Oils, overshirta, and Oolong tea.
Pins, pants, and paper, j
Quilts, quills, and queens ware,
Ribbons, razors, aud rat-traps,
Silks, sugar, and shaving soap.
Tea, tobacco, and turpentine, .
Umbrellas, nndersdeeves, and useful things,
Veils, varnish, and vinegar,
Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons,
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions.
Zinc, and zephyr worsted,
Ac, Ac, and so on.
Resides manv other articles too numerous to mention ;
all or which wo art offering at reduced prices, adopt
ing the plan of Quick sales aad small profits."
The ladies will find in their department a large stock
of fancy goods, direct from New York, which is not
usually kept in Oregon, and by arrangements will be in
constant receipt adequate to the wants of tbe ladies.
The uentletuen s Department oi lurmsning hobos
will seldom be equalled, and excelled by none in Salem.
IKON The blacksmiths and iron dealers will always
find a well-selected stock of all sizes and shapes, to
gether with a good assortment of iron sxles, from 1-4 x
6 In., to 2 x 11 Inches, which we are selling at Portland
prices, adding freights.
We are prepared to receive all kinds of produce In
exchange lor goods, and also money. For full particu
lars call and examiue for yourselves.
Salem. Feb. 10, 1857. 4Stf
For Sale as Cheap as the Cheapest, and (or Cash,
or Oregon
I HAVE received by bark Nahnmkeag, Halcyon, and
steamer Columbia, just arrived, a fresh lot or groce
ries. Ac. which. added torn v runner stock.offeras good
an assortment in groceries, provisions, paints and oils
as are to be round in the Territory, to wit :
5.000 lbs. China No. 1 sugar.
4,000 lbs. best Rio green cofi'ee,
SoOlbs. " Java " " lbs. Manilla No. 1 snirar.
2,000 lbs. N. O. and S. I. sugar in bbls. and kegs,
150 lbs. black pepper (round)
SO box gr. spices.
SuO lbs. allspice, (round,)
10 doz. Eng. and Am. mustard in glass,
6 44 pie fruit 44
S 44 fresh peaches 44
5 44 tomato catsup in cases J ea. In glass,
6 44 Cavamie pepper tin glass
19 44 Fresh Baltimore cove oysters S lb cans,
X " 1.0 inters, iresn tn z n cans,
5 44 brooms,
S 44 painted pails, (3 hooped.)
6 44 W. Collins A Co. axes, with and with-
S 44 ax handles,
50 list. Borax,
50 lbs. Gum camphor,
50 boxes ad. candles 6"s. ?0 and 40 ea.
to 44 Hills A Colgate's No. 1 soap,
S 44 Olive oil ' Splagnolia brand,"
5 44 Cream Tartar,
10 44 Salaratus,
10 kegs
5 Soda.
50 chests, old and voum? hvsnn, gun powder,
Imperial and Oolong teas, in bulk and in 1
Z ui caddies,
100 hair boxes sardines,
10 44 Gherkins in 1 gals.
20 4 Tobacco 44 di"ff. brands,"
30 doz. papers smoking 44
20 boxes matches,
2 bags nutmegs,
300 lbs. Carolina and China rice,
200 gals, sperm and polar oil,
150 sacks Liverpool grd. and S. I. salt,
5 hair bbls. istuart's crushed sugar,
20 kegs 44 Seth Adams" syrup in kegs,
2 bbls. pure eider vinegar, dried apples Ae.
Also a general assortment or paints, paint oils, win
dow glass and nails, to wit:
300 gals, raw and unboiled oil,
20 Copal varnish,
50 Smrit's tnrneiitine.
50 boxes German glass 10, 10X12. 10 II,
lux IB, e.
Drv and mixed paiuts or all colors, and anv qnantitv.
A good assortment of paint and other brushes ; also
a good assortment or boots ixn s-hoes.
1 have of Oregon produce, 3,500 lbs. Oregon A No. 1
butter, 6 to 6.000 lbs. baron, bam. shoulder, and sides.
30 bushel beans, ? bushel peas, 50 bushel buck wheat
floor. 50 sacks f. F. flour, oats, timoth v seed, snd any
quantit v of first rate potatoes. J. ?. PRESCOTT.
Oregon City, Feb. 9, 1-57. 51tf
llo ! Te Workers of Iron and Strel !
I II AVE this day received by the arrival of the J. R.
Whiting from San Francisco, the following assort
ment of iron and steel, to wit :
2.000 lbs. Norway shapes,
2.000 lbs. 2 Iron (Hat,)
" 2.000 44 31-10 44 44
3.000 44 44 44
6.000 44 I, j. 1, 1J, and H. square,
3,000 44 j. 5-IH, J. Land U, inch round,
1 ,000 44 assorted cast steel.
100 44 horse shoe nails, (G)
Which toeether with stock in store makes as com
plete an assortment as can be found in Territory and
will lie sold as cheap as the cue apbst for casii or coun
try produce. J. N. PRESCOTT.
Oregon City, Feb. 23, 180T. 60tr
Fresn from New York.
DRY GOODS. Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Hard
ware. Groceries, Books and Stationhrv Call in
and see them. 2itf J. II. A I. K. MOORES.
L'LL'S No. 1 Soap, the best you ever used. Try it
bite lead, linseed oil,
turpentine, putty, .
indigo, madder, eoperas, alum,
nil for lamps and machinery.
New Orleans sugar,
crushed sugar,
cream tartar, saleratus, soda, at
2titf MOORES'.
FAMILY BIBLES, Webster's Quarto Dictionary,
University 44
anety of Miscellaneous Works, worth buving; at
?c,tf MOORES'.
Wakefield &. Co.,
KEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of Grocer
ceries. Hardware, Carpenters' Tools, Blacksmiths'
Tools, Quetmswnre, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Paints
aud Oils. Varnish. Ladies' Dress Goods and trimmings.
Ac. Ac. 14tf
Or POUNDS choice Apple Seed,
fLO 10 lbs. 44 Pear 44
6 44 44 Cberrv Stones,
Qrt KEGS superior Dried Apples (new crop) just
received by
ADAMANTINE Candles, 25 boxes, Tor sale by
KEGS Syrup (Seth Adams' best) Jw received by
iri nAar.rirj.ii iu.
IRON. 20000 lbs. best Refined and Swedes' Iron
- -also Band Iron. Cast and Plow Steel, the best
assorted sizes in Oregon. For sale low to black
smiths aud merchants.
2Tln LBS. pure White Lead, fvr sale at
,OUU 14tf WAKEr lELD A CO'i
COMPLETE set of Cooper's Tools for sale.
1 BEST Chicago 4
J sj dueed rates, by
Clipper Plows," for sale at re
BOXES 8 m 10. 10 w 12 and 10 K 14 French Glass.
just received and for sale by
GOOD assortment School Bocks constantly kept
on hand, 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO.
LBS. choice Osage Orange Seed. Also, Blue
Grass, Clover and Timothy Seed.
WHEAT, Bacon, Eggs, Butter, Beans and Corn ta
ken tn exchange for goods at the highest market
Albany, June 5, 1856. Htf
O KCi LBS Blue Vitrol for sale.
SETS Cast Boxes, at
SETTS Eliiitic Springs for sale low,
SETTS Hub Bands, for sale
1 ii BBLS. LIME, just received.
Albany, Aug. 3, 1856. 26tf
JUST RECEIVED at Albany, 22 bbls. New Orleans
and Crushed Sugar, (from N. Y.) and for sale low at
WAivUr'iULdJ & Uu s.
Albany, June 13, 1856. 14tf
ALL who are indebted to Wakefield A Co., at Wash
ington Butte, will please call and settle the same
without delay. 26tf
Los Angelos Salt.
SALT 300 bags Los Angelos Salt, received, per Na
hnmkeag, aad for sale at lowest rate.
A l.s,. f ill.
HE subscriber bos at Eugene City, one of the best
general assortment nt Dm nij nu...
SrH;,wt"nd Suoc' nu " articles kept in m
l'H.. Oregon. He lon-
tiYi .7 auuiuons to bis stock, and al-
t'han&r IWrMJ
Eugene City, July 1.1858. JSEPH TEAL.
', ; JVotice.
TH E Judges of tho Supreme Court of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at tbe seat or Government on
the 16th day or December, 185U, do fix and appoint
IHstrlct Courts to be held in the city of Salem, ln tbe
county of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and
September, and U10 fourth Mondays of Mar aud Octo
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and in the city
of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on tbe fifth
Mommy, or uccemoer, iou. ana tnereaiter on me umi
Mondavs of Mav and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order
d.and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. - GEO. H.WILLIAMS, ChierJnstlee.
41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice.
. Corvallls Drug Store.
J Apothecaries, .are receiving from San Francis- aff
co, per each steamer, large and carefully selected j
stocks of Drugs, Medicines, Oils, Paints. Dye- '
Stuffs, Perfumeries, Fancy Soap, and all other articles
usually Kept in a imig btore, wbicn tney ore selling and
WILL hei.i. at reuueca prices.
Prescriptions prepared by art experienced Dntg-
6't- ...
Orders rrom a distance promptly attended to.
Corvallis, January 13, 1857. 4-ttf
RITING-PAPER, superior article,
Black ink, from quarts to Z ox.
tsiatcs and pencils,
Tatrs pencils.
Envelopes, wafers,
School cards and toy books, at
WH0I.ES ALE and retail dealer in Drags. Medicines,
Chemicals. Paints. Oils, Dve Stuffs, Druggist
Glass Ware, Brubes, Snrgical Instruments, Trusses,
Herbs, Rosits, Extracts. Perfumery. Shaving and Toilet
Soaps, and a full supply of all the popular. Patent or
Proprietory Medicines, and almost every other article
in our line of business. Which are offered to the trade
wholesale or retail at extremely reduced prices, and in
quantities to suit
Everv article warranted as represented.
Portland, O. T., March lo. Ii57. 52in3
TF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
A undersigned nave got 15.000 puuous best
Kit. A. ' Come in and look at it.
Oregon City, Pec. 6, 1S.36.
San Francisco, f l'ortland, O. T.
Richards & McCraken.
CO M M ISS10NM ERCH A X TS. aad" Jobbers in Oregon
Flour. Grain. Produce. Fruit, Pork. Bacon, Lard,
Hams, Ac, Ac Orders for Ore-ron trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances made on corniirnmenti
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Fruat, San Francisco.
January 27, lSo7. 4;tf
Tax Receipt Blanks.
TUST printed ot the Statesman office a large supply
of Tax Heceipt nianlrs, after an improved form.
Price, one dollar per hundred. Orders by mail, accom
panied witb trie casu, iriil l.e tiiiru by return 01 mall.
lOL'NTY BLANKS For sale at the
rPAX receipt blanks foe sale at tbe Statesman office.
A- at i per uunurea.
RY-GOOfS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va
riety, at 26tf MOOKES'
The Laws of Oregon.
rrvHE OREGON STATUTES, 1855. beine a lartre vol
I nme of 650 pages, with complete index, annota
tions, and references, comprising all tne laws m force in
lhe Territorv. inclusive of those passed at last session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at hve dollars per copy, l he work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law rtyle. and
is sold at publisher prices, and ns low as a like work ean
be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
fisrore ihev can be afforded for here. The price places
them witain tne reacn or an wno aesire the laws tney
live under. Orders by mad accompanied with the cash,
filled br return mail. It is the last code of laws that
will probably be published in Oresron, for many years
In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem
bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787. in
force in Oregon. Donatio" t aw and all amendments,
and full abstract of United states Naturalization Laws.
Land Warrants.
THE subscriber will pav cash for land warrants.
Portland, Feb. 17.1S57. 60tf
1 Irdieal Revolution ! The World Fnanimoiis !
The vims of disease often makes its way to the in
ternal organs through the pores or the skin. This pen
etrating Ointment, melting under the hand as it is rub
bed in, is absorbed through the same channels, and
reaching the seat ol innammation, promptly and invari
ably subdues it, whether located in tbe kidneys, the liv
er, the lungs, or any other important organ. It pene
trates tne surtace to tne interior, tnrongn tne countless
tubes that communicate with the skin as summer rain
passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its oool and re
generating influence.
Every frpecics of exterior irritation is quickly reduced
by the anti-inflammatory action of this Ointment. An
gry Ernptions. such a3 Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Tetter,
Ringworm. Scald Head, Nettle Rash. Scabies (or Itch)
Ac, die out, to return no more, under its application.
Hospital experience in all parts of the world proves its
infallibility in diseases of tho skin, the muscles, the
joints and'the glands.
The effect of this unrivalled external remedy npon
Scrofula, and other virulent ulcers and sores, is almost
miraculous. It first discharges the poison which pro
duces suppuration and proud flesh, aud thus tbe cures
which its healing properties afterward complete are
safe as well as permanent.
In casce of the fracture of thejtones, injuries caused
by steam explosions. Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Rheuma
tism, Stiffness of the joints, and contraction of the sin
ews, it is employed and warmly recommended by the
faculty. This marvelous remedy has been introduced
by its inventor in person into all the leading Hospitals
of Europe, and no private household should be without
Tbe Medical Staff of tbe French and English Armies
in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of
Holloway's Ointment, as the most reliable dressing for
sabre cuts, stabs, and gun shot wounds. It is also sign
ed by the surgeons of the Allied Navies.
Bunions, Barns, Chapped Hands, ChHblains, Fistula,
Gout, Lumbago.Mercurial Ernptions, Piles .Rheumatism,
Ringworm, Salt Rheum. Scalds, Skin Diseases, Swelled
Glands. Sore Legs. Sore Breasts, Sore Heads. Sore
Throats, Sores of all kinds. Sprains, Stiff Joints, Tetter,
Ulcers Venereal Sores, Wounds of all kinds.
SoId at the Manufactories of Professor Holloway,
SO Maiden Lane, New York, and 244 Strand, London,
by all respectable DrugnUte and Dealers in Medicine
throughout the United States and the civilized world,
in pots, at 25 cents, 62i. and $1 each.
jB9 There is a considerable saving done by taking
the larger sizes. .. ..
N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in eve
ry disorder are affixed to each pot. 38yl
3tuart's Express,
' OS
Champofg, Salem, ilbanj and Corrallis,
On WEDNESDAY, and on....
Arrival or Mail Stcakks rao Saw Fkaxctsco ! 1
trr ATI Letters, Packages and Freight, entrusted to
my care will be attended to promptly,
OFFICE At 44 Franklin Book Store."
December 30. 1856. A. B. STUART.
Allan, McKinlay, h. Co.,
HATE just received a stock of New Goods, anp
would invite all those who wish to procure OOOii
articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They
. : .. . . . . .1 11 :
---' ' 1 . Ill 1U1 . LUC lUUUWlU.
-nnosiunes, canal and w neej Barrows,
Grain Cradles, Fancy Brooms,
Grass Scythes 1 Snaths, Plain do
do Assorted Colored Pails,
is sa narrows. M fo.11. ru;n..i t..k.
Garden Rakes, 7Aac Washboard.
do noes, Blacksmith's Bellows,
do Spades, Cross-cut Saws, 7 ft
Polished Shovels, do 6 ft
Hsv Forks, mil Kw. t ft
Manure Forks, Hair Mattraases, double,
Chnms, .. .. do sintrle.
W indow Glass n Dy it Hair Bolsters, double,
do 0byU do .ingle,
do 7 by Sperm Candles,
Window Sashes 8 by 10 Adamantine do.,
do 10 by 13 Grape brand Tobaero.
Ox Bows and Yokes, Locke do do
Blankets, Baize, Lindseys, Sheetings, Ticks, Ac.Ac.
We keen constant I v on hand a larpe supplv of GRO.
cles too numerous to mention.
Oregon City. Jltf
Gee. Ibfrneuij k Co.,
R1TORY. tf
flbernttbT, Clark t Co.,
San Francisco, Cat., will attend to selling Ore eon
fi rod uce, and fill orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac., at tbe
owest rates. The patronage of the people of Oregon
is respectiutiy snuciiea.
August 1, 1855. Jltf
Jtenwon's Dagaerrean
THE undersigned having recently returned from Saa
Francisco, m now prepared to take those lieautiful
Pictures on Glass called AMBROTYPES, which have
almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in tha
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in the new building, trtcted especially far tht
business, west of the Marion House.
Salem, November 11, 1856. . 35tf
N. Reynolds 6c Co,
sos. 79 avn SI oavis street, bktweex exar an'b Washington-
PERSONAL attention given to tbe sale of Floor,
Grain, Potatoes, Onions, Fruits. Butter, Eggs. Cur
ed Meats, Hides, Wool, and all staple product of tha
Will fill orders for goods when accompanied by cash
or equivalent in any way of consignments.
Bave constantly on band new and second hand Grain
and Ga'nny Bags, which we offer by bale or bundle in
lots to suit.
First class storage furnished when required, and libe
ral advances made on consignments ha store.
Haviutr rood experience and locality, we trust by
Sine aibenilOB MI give saiMUKiw-JM wmta - '
ant to both ourselves and our consignors. Im3
Oregon and California FaeKet Line.
THE following vessels will ntn in connec
tion sat REGULAR LIXE between
San Franrifco and Portland :
BARK OCEAN BIRD, Wiggins, Master,
44 JANE A. FALKEXBERG, Badger, 44
44 XAHUMKEAG, Williams. 44
BRIG I. B. I. UXT. Ricbarwov, 44
Tbe Barks bave all been coppered recently, and aro
in first rate order, commanded by experienced captains.
Freights trill be carried at the fonrest rates.
Produce sent from any part of the country to Oresrott
City or to the Linn City Works, will be received aad
forwarded to San Francisco,
Oregon City.
San Francisco.
Novemlsr, S, Uvfg. 3ctf
THE subscriber will par cash for Soldiers Bounty
Land Warrants, at his store. NAT. H. LANE.
Corvallis, Jan. 13, 157. 44 tf
Baum f. Brother,
FIONT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis
Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots,
and Shoes, irncerie3, Ae.
N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
merchandise at the highest market price. 19tf
Notice to Shippers and Merchants.
ONE or the firm being permanently located in San
Francisco, ail consignments of produce and orders
to be filled, will be attended to without doisv, at mode
rate rates. 2i5tf WAKEFIELD CO.
Allan & Iewis,
Salens Market.
THE subscriber, proprietor of tbe Salem Market, in
tbe center of the town, is happy to inform tbe pub
lic that be keeps constantly on baud a snpply of all the
varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also has tbe
varioos kinds of vegetables in their season. Beef will
be sold as follows: Fore quarters, 6 cents per lb., hind
quarter 10 cents; and if you want a choice piece, I shall
cbanre yon a tit a pound.
All kiudsof farmer's produce and grain received in
exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS.
Salem. July 7, 1856. 17tf
The Oregon Statesman.
An Independent Journal, dercttd to Politics. General
Intelligence, Published at Salem, Oregon.
ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor.
The Statesman is lemocratic in politics, and thor
oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every
species of sectionalism , fanaticism, and intolerance ;
and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate
any of the insane isms of the day into onr Territorial
It will advocate all practical measures of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
onr local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca
pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability of the officer, to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating the public Bind, in a man
ner fearless, impartial, and just.
Its News Department will be edited with much
attention, and nothing will be f pared to furnish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication of the car-
Tent intelligence.
The Statesman has a lare, widely-scattered, and most
excellent corps of correspondents, aud very complete
facilities for procuring news.
Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel
lany, Agricultural and Literary matter.
In this naner are published the laws, resolutions, anil
treaties of tbe United States, and the laws and resolu
tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The
paper is printed on new material, and npon a sheet of
the largest size.
Statesman Booh, and Job Office.
WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book
printing north of California, and an extensive as
sortment of Jobbing Matskial of every kind; and, with
macier workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and
in a workman-like manner, all orders in the above de
partments, such as
Pamhfhlets, Notes or Hand.
Handbills, Orper Books,
Ball Ticxars, Stkambo't Bills.
Circulars Stbambo" Cards.
Ijrvrr ations. Bills op Laving ,
Billbtkads, Show Bills,
Concert Bills. Checx Books,
Programmes. Bl'k Kecetpts,
Address Cards'. Drafts,
Blavks or all KncDS. Ac. Ac. Ac
Law of Newspapers.
1. Subscribers who do not give express notice tn tha
contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their
2. it siioscr-.Dersoraer papers discontinued, Publiahers
may continue to send them till all charges are paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers
from the office or place to which they are sent, they ars
held responsible nntil they settle their bill and piv tut.
tice to discontinue them.
4- If subscribers move to other places without informing
the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former din-a
tion, they are held responsible.
a. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa
per or periodical from the office, or removing and lea v.
ing it uncalled' for, is prima facia evidence of intentiooa.
3" Postmasters would ebliire, by a strict fulfillment
of the recrulatioas requiring them to notify Publishers,
once in three months, of papers not taken from theix
office by subscribers.