BOOKS! BOOKS!! Obo&0!! ' ' ..IT. . Tho City Book-Otoro, (FROST ST., rORTLAXI, O. T., A. R. SHIPLEY k Co., Rave In Store, and will be receiving; by tha 14 of Jeae IN BOOKS AND STATIONERY! Which they offer to the 8 P RING TRADE At mn advances on New York IBive a a call, or ssnj a an order, and euand to giro you aatisfactioa I ' A. R. ttnlple 4. Co., Are tlw Bolb Iwm la Oregon and Wssblnstoe Ter ritorie fur tho ale of Tt3 Acsricsa St&tessa, 't A CHEAT BOOK ! I Being tho only political history of the United Btatos. Fend m your names. Price M Ni Pays' teen de Ilrery of book. Cma Mirer by the 1st ef September to all who end a their name by let of lUy. - , Cauligu f firt f rat- Stock : ' SCHOOL ROOKS. ' RatrnT. -Headers' old -1st. d. Sd. th, aed 5th, a4 The Young LsJW( Handera' New let, td, 3d, 4th and Mht Parker' Ut, Id, 3d, 4th u4 Ath; Mc UuOsy s 1st, d, 'd, 4th and 5th. UraLi s Hn-tr-' Old, Bandera Nw; Eleraea- Urr! . . i.iza Renders ru-tortal. tv-bool and Parker. Gaiwaarata- Mitchell', Ancient and Modern, OI- er a. Morses, acaaiiey-a, and Moaieiwe 1st and Id Book. N tuejathb. Arithmetic Thomson', Tallee, Mental, Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Davlea' Pri mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's Cutberaa Ray a Stoddard a: Davtea Algebra. Hur veykng, Oenmetrr. Practical Mathematica. Math. IHe ttonarv. Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, aaa t nuosopny ot staiarraauc. Grammar. Green' Clarke' BuMoa'a Smlth'i Ktrkam'a ctoeoeer' Tower. PHiLuworaiae. Parker's let Lesaua, J are one and School; lonutKrl a rstnitn a. If WIIm.'. ...II . h.l r.llJ Dl.tM Parley a Unlreraal; Willard Universal, and United States. Liwaraotov Cooper'a Virgil; Andrew' Latin Hea- det; V In kdoi; Andrew a uua urammar? nn.iv lock's 1st aad Id Hook in Latin, and do. la Greek: Aa thou a Greek Grammar and Header; Johnaon'a Cicero. Fasuurlkt's French Grammar and Reader: Woodbury' terras Grammar and Reader, Teleraaqo. Greek Tes tament; Preach, self-taught; Hurrenne'e French Dic- tioaary; Andrew a Latin do. Llddell A Scott Ureek Jo. Antbon Classical do. Smith a do do. PtcTTO lares. Webster School. High do. Aca demic, Unireraity, Royal evo. Unabridged and Cobba Pocket. MiR'itunr. Mattison Astronomy. New-aee' Rhetoric. Wood'a Botany. Kame'a UrtnenU of I'rit Icisea. Parker'a Aide in Osinnoaitioa, Parker'e Kxrr ritr. Brooklleld'a Ontpnattton. McRlligntt'a Mtne Analyser, do. Analytical Manrmt. Parker'a Word Roiliier. Maybew'e Book Keeping. Wayland'a Moral Hcience. Paiey'a Natoral Theolocy. Blake'a Agrlcnl tore for School. I'pham'a Intellectunl tifoemihy. Mahan'e do, do. Milton; Young; Pollock; and Thomp eon; (Kdition for 8choul) Cntter'a Anatomy and Phrioloar. American Drhater. Newmaa'a Political Kcooomy. Hitchcock'e Cenlngy. lireat variety of Breakers and Klocntion. All kind of School Kution. err; Hlatra of all aiae; Prawing Bookx; Ihnwing Paper; Perforated Card Bnard; BriaM Board: Pencil ana Braahe; Onborna Colors; Inkstands, every size aod style, c. xc, eta. M18CELLANKOUS IUK5KS. Hisroar Bancroft's Cnited Mate. volontee, tlildreth's do, do. volume. Frost's IVtorial United Htate. Taylor's do, do, do. Btta'a Hist. Kevuliition. Peterson a do. WiIwhi a United Slates, tvlllard'a dv lll-rt. Indian Wars United States. Willard's Universal History. Mailer 'e do do. RottecV Ili-O. World 1 or I volumes. Ridiin's Ancient History. Fair's do, d-v Hume's Kngland. Macanlay'a d-K, complete. Itickene Child's do. Lingard's do. tiibbon's Rome. lAu bigne's Reformation. Bang's M. K. Chnrch. Alliwn's Knroiie, 1st and Id Scries. Prescott's Work-. Itardt-r'f Hut. of Religions. Hut. of Council of Trent. J phos. All of Abbott a Histnriee. Historical Cabinet. Queens of Spain. Queens of Scotland. Help s Spanish , Conquest, ltraeee Hungary. Kidder s Brazil. Ki bank BrasiU Parley's Uuiveral. HUtnry of Cru. eadea. Ancient E(cyptians. Hallam's Middle Ages. History for Boys. Bonner's Child's United Slates. LosHtne a Field Book of Revolution. RiooairBV. Plutarch's Live. Life Rraat. Won dej-ful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. I jres of tho Ngners. AutoWography of Finley. 1 martine's Celebrated Character. Lit e of Adam Clarke. do Rwhop Holding, do N tetmhr. do t)en. Harrison, lo lani-l Boone, do Roberts, do Ijtfayette. t'ap- tains of Komaa ncpuiHio ana via n una. IT. (. nal- mer, 4 vols. Liven of HumumdU. Mrs. Rogers. limit. WmUv. FWti-lMH.. UfalaJTina, Irving' Washington. Eminent Mechanics. Uvea of Chief Justices. Josephine. apoieoa. Charles I jimb, Jackson. Uen.tireen. Joan of Arc. Lady Janethy. J. t. Adam. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kinga of Rome. Kinga and Queens. l.iebmU. Lives of the Popej. PreooM rhilip Id. Msry and Martha Wosh Inglnh. Ptoneer Women of the West. TaavBLs. Hw-ki China. Arauraniana. Stephen' F-gvpt. Olin's Travels. Mango Park. Kile Notes. Adventures on Mosquito Snore. Bayard Taylor Trav els, lmrbin Travels in the East. Sciajrnnc. H ramie's Raeyrkipedia. Phylial Ceo; raphy of the Sea. Wood Natoral History. Ijirdner Lectarea. Useful Arts. Cosmoa. Mathematical Die ttooary. LoK of Mathematics. TV ondets of Kcience, Mitchell's Planetary aad Stellar Worlds. Lonmis Re cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Iktiooary of Art ana science, bunani njuratuics. uvt works. vanoua wor oa Arcnitectnrr. Pocrar. Byron various styles. Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. Barns, do. Hemana, do. Moore., do. Thompson. Young, rollock. Tupper. Coarper. Pol. Campbell. Wadsnrortb. Ossiaa. MimtgnnMry. Kirk White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America end manv others. Booas or Ksnracxca cyclopedia or tograpay, dn. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Art. McCoiiorh a Gasetteer. Harper s Universal Gasetteer. FariT AS9 Aoaicn.TtrBaj Elliot' Fruit Book. Thomas' do. Powning'a do. Barry's do. Fessenden' Farmer aad Gardener. Frait. Flower and- Yegetabht Gardener Companion. Allen oa the Grape. Pardee n Strawberry. Fhwrst'a Gnide. American Farm Book. AIIM'aUoraeaue.iBimaia. auoi naxtoa' Naad Books. . weak on Horse, Cattle, Soeep. Hogs. Ac. TnaoLOOtcai. A RELmtura. Harmony aad Exposi tion of Gospels. Neaader'a Lite of Christ. Butler's Works. Knapp's Chriatma Theology. Westers Meth- adism. Morns Maceliaaiea. Lectures oa Bomaalsaa. Brand of Uominio Rale. Elliot oa Roaaaniam. Barnes' Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Beaana' do. Jay' Eat nam. Watson's Institutes. Larrabee's Evidences. Butler 'a Ethical Uisaourses. Rogers' Eclipse of Earth, da. Reason and Faith. Foster' Christ. Perfection. Baker oa Ihscinline. Writings of Arraiaias. Jahn's Biblical Archeology. BiMea. all awes and prices, from II to $W. Testaments, great variety. Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Bonk. Church Psalm ii Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Chrtstiaa Psalmist. . afevtcai Bochaa's Family PbysMaa. Hydra- athie . - Homo-path io Worka. - M iscu.a tmtrn. Const i tutioo of United KUteav Mayhew's Popular Education. Cr she's Synonym. Piatt a Book of (.cariosities. IMH Fellow s Manual Head lev's Works. 14 vols. Mrs. TnthiU'a, 6 vols. Iy. ard s Nineveh. Bieelow'a Useful Arts. Haswell En gineer's Guide. Americas iBstitatieaa. Pursnit of Knowledge. ParkMadisoa. Peruviaa Antiqaities. Way Down East. Pynshort. Ike Marvel s W Kanderson s Cook and Confectioner. Country Ramble In England. Tales aad Reverie, (aa excellent Temper- Hoy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil- tvr s um nc oauwnvuv. ruvumuH ol vreaior. Young Ladies Counsellor. oung Man a Pictorial Catechism. Thomxoo s Lett, to Y. Men. Coastito tioaal Text Book. Captive ia Patagonia. Tbe Araeri- Honaewire. Half Hours with Old Humuhrev Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Kedwood. no- jew tag. isie. uacie cauna n Peace. Arthur 'a SnocomliA Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs. Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car- len's Works. Heroine of Hwtorv. Land and Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Shin and Shore. Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. Irving' vjolnmbua. Long Look Ahead. City of New York Living Orators of America. 1 oung Maa Advised. Mie- aiona ia Tonga and Fegee. Truth btranger Than Fic tion. Knout and the Russian Hvdrapathic Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for Yoanr Men. do. do. I .ailics. Aneodotes for Girls, do. do. Boys. Footprints of Famous Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's Work'. Advice to Young Men. Peasant Bov Philoso pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Ftaacooia. Ann a Bumun or muui too numerous to enumerate. Coastantly reeetving large additions to the forgoing. ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. ' Envd- I ittaiu'w - . i.wv io numr, ijcv- I pesaii . fena and Holder I R' rll pT1T" 1'' "yT J Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Book. Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa pergood variety, waiera. eanng wax, 4vc, Ac- einaliy, we nave a goow nnj w McaiC HOOKS. are varmina oacra. Alpine Glee Ringer. Dnkrimer. t horns Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Hacred Mdodeoa. Chrwtian Paalmist, Piano Instrae tnra. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Yiolia do. Melodeou do. Plymouth Collexjtjon with Uuic Sheet And the aaost varied assortment of bTanoNzar ever offered ia Oreajoo. This stock I all bought ia New Turk aod other Eastern cities and is sold at VXIFORM PRICES. nr We keep on hand School Books ia large aaaa- uuo, xnrewer wim asast Of use puuucauona of HaBrn A Bacmntas; DSKBT A JaCKSOW; IvTsox A Phixstct; PaTtu.ira A Saasoa; A. S- Baawaa A Co.; MrLLsa. Orrow A Xnuoiir; Iaar A Gcrx; Ptthaw; ArruroK, ana uwicia. I KW We ask your patronage. If aaabie to visit um I JL : r sa-i.iwriin as will - " ... i m wa hst'"" -eaw aa swraoa. l roruana, mbtcu o, kji. fif I tar Baa rraamiB. a tha tta May. aad Uavad ataktng regular trvp beti a taesa twe porhi. It at oaiy aiar nry wa aeuova, an remiaa mo aw ten of Umpeaa that tliia vessel the llapaua ia the 6rt seer lauached oa tba water of tha Uatpasa. to tit ura their patronag and snnpert. This vessel wtll dle eharg her rarga at aVwttJUntrg, aad at tba rate aha la te ads to carry freight. wiU aot only save the shipper a vary considers hi Meat, hat save bias the arena xtaatoa np the rlvar.aad thereby enabto him to receive hi goads without ao much haadliaa aa berelufur. la flae, th Hchooner Umpqaa. of BcoMabnrg, m a real Umpqna rraft aad beiuglhe Brat on lb 111 In thai great reform, conadently telle upon all tba UBtpqua for support and encoaragt aiant. For freight or passage apply to Atlaa. M-XnUay Co., Bcottaburg. or to the Oapi. oa board. Merchaaai wish ing to ship from Baa Fraaclsoo, eaa apply to Allan, Low A Co.. 131. CUy St.. or to the Capaaln. Beottabarg. May IT. lata. lltf. Dlackamltka aatal Clacra, Lsaii. ALLAN McKINLAY M CO. have bow on hand a large and well selected stork of Barlrnn, Cast Steel, Horse shoe des, flenaaa dn.. Nail rod do. Plough do Plata dav. And Intend to keep np thoas.ertmiai a aa to nit th wants of customers. Olvaaaa oall. aad yoa will Bad that wa ant only have tba fullest stock, but will sell ' as cheap aa the cheapest. " W are constantly receiv ing addluoaa to oar assortment, aa a to replace what is sold. Oregon City, Dee. 13. 1Mb. . 4ltf Hearf- sT4Imbsmb dh Ck wmoLbuialb Moooirra. . (ltd w-aaalagtoa Btraet, Baa Preaches.) Offer fat sal to the eoaatry trade, th Unrest stork of goods In their line an th Pacllta eoast enmprl Ing Progs. Chemicals. Paifniaety. Patent Medietnea of all kind. Rrashea, Paints, Oils. Glass. Turpentine, and every article appertaining to the business. Having su perior faeillttea far obtalBlag their good thee think they eaa otter Inducement to buyer aaaqaalltd by any etner Bouse. Order respectfully aeticKed. 4oly PawIcr. WB have a large aapply of powder la ha ad. URO. ABKRNBTHY CO., Oregon City. If or. IS, 1J. STtf Dealt let rr. DR. J. R. CARDVTK1X, Dental Surgeoa 1 Corvallls, will practice la his profea 1 ion, at t-oreeihe. Sugen dry, ff i n flu i , , .i trr. Scotttimrw. and Jmckmmrtilr. Skill. mWMHMioual Jei cnarges. iwwmwi worm, usiisuiau. Teeta sxamla ed. sad advice givea free of eharge. Pue notice given of change of ofBc. April M. 1ASA. nf Now RccelTlna; THK following article from Bark Ocean Bird aad for ale low. 0 gross matches ; 1.V0 kegs of ay rape ; 50 hi. bMa. S. O. angar 10 bMa. crushed sugar I 4 holes candle ; 10 bbls. vinegar ; feasts tea ; IS dot. broom; M doa. buckets j t case men 'a line calf banj 1 " calf brogaaa t 1 " " roat beys' brogan ; youths' caJf brogaes; " women' Morocco boi I women Morocco boot a - imitation boots i 3 M Uses' boots ; 175 pairs children's shoe ; It straw cutters ; II grain cradle ; I reaper; ' 1 two horse thresher; GEO. ABKRNCT-Ur A CO. Oregon City. June 1. 155. inf. CHAIN PUMPS, monkey wrench, match planes, screw arm. aaah plane. " " horse sbnee and nails to fit, gun locks, plugs and nipple. tubes, bullet monlds, Woseeholm s 1X1, pocket knivea, pruning and budding knives, rat traps to earr aesii i t. at MOORRR' Bowats and Ntatloncrv. SCHOOL READERS. Ihirkrt's 1st, td. 3d. 4th and Sth. Samlera do 4 do do MctiufTy's do do do do Paviee arithmetic. University and Common School, Intellectual and primary, levies' Bourdon algebra, lyesendre, surveying. Geometry and trigonometry. Key to I Varies' Arithmetic, ThnnpsnB's arithmetic, Parker'a philosophy, " juvenile and 1st lessons. Grammar Clark's. Bullion's Smith'. Geographic -Mitchell's. Monteith' manual, Monteith' 1st lessons. Music Lot of Zhtn, New Cannlna Sacra. Chritiaa Psalmist. Missouri Harmony, Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at Xtf MOORIW' Nmttce. THR judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and flfty aeven. do Ax and appoint District Courts, to be held ia village of Roeeborg. ia theeouatyof Doualas on the first Mondaya.of March. May. September and Novem ber, annually, until otherwise ordered, aad do limit the dotation of said term to aia day each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Juataee. 4Uf ' M. P. DEAUY, Associate Justice. TWO. BBTKOina S. Francisco. pj. noajtar a. la Reyaoldi 4a, Law, lirHOLESALKGncera and Commiama Merchant t ? and dealers ia Oregea JVwafw and Jackson Streets. Saa Francisco. V ', corner Kearny sr Advaacea aude oa Cnewigaatents. - Refer to J. FAILING A CO IVwtlaad. 43mpaid Salt! Salt!! . C( TOXS " Ran Queatin" 8 ALT, la about 0 aad AAJ 100 lb. bag, just reeeired and for sale vervcheao ALLAN McKINLAY A CO. Orngoa City, Dee. , 185. Oak Baawer Narserr. - PFRSONS wishing to avail themselves sf the oppor tunity of obtaining good fruit will And It moA to their advantage to call upon tha aadersigBed at his nurse rv nnoa the Williaaette river, aia milea ahon i w. vbiiis, upon in unn .oaniy Mde. My tree are of the most thrifty growth, and of tha beat variety to be found upon tliia coast. ivoaBeano see item u you oat purchase. 39tf WM.McILREg. Jmkim 8. Edwartk ATTORNEY AT LAW. Waahiagtoa City . D. C. will attend to all business catenated to hlaeses. before the several Departments the Snnreme Coaa nf aa Particular attention given to th claim of sol diers for services, or for Bounty Land. Merer to uea. Lane ana uov. uarry. 4mDsJe. . Food for the Mind. "7"ES we have plenty of it among which are some of x toe aaost prominent woras. Byron, Shakespeare, Bufloa, Joaephus, Moore', Benton's 30 year. Arthur's works. Life of Napoleon, Henry Clay and other great men; ale Fowler aad Wells publications, wherein we are taught bow to preserve health by tracing causes to effect. Also works oa spiritualises, each aa Prof. Hare. Fvlmonda. Talamadga. Harria. aad A. J. Davis, the star toe of age. We also have all kinds of blank Books aad stationery ia general. Ia fact we intend to keen all kinds mf faaA for (a anwat, and intend to keep posted, aad want our many reaoer to Keep ap wna a ao be ear and gtre a a call, one and all. at the sign of the book store, main street. Oregon City. HOMER HOLLAND A CO. Oregon city. Uee. 7. I HAS. otf Reamowal. T AUM A BROTHER have removed to their New JLs Store next door to J. Strang' Stove fwtahlwhnieiit They have just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hate and Cap. Boot and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offers for cash or produce. N. B. Wanted Ratter. Eggs. Bacou. Lard. Floor. and Wheat, for which they pay tbe highest market price. mm . . . afftper liaitgingst ana fjarpetd I TTJST RECEIVED Per late arrivals. by FRANK Pranriarfl B AKER, 110 aad 113 Clay street. Saa 800 cases Paper Hanging, French and American, every varmy; 6000 rolls French aad Americaa Borders ; tIS pa Tapestry Brussels Carpet ; 300 ps Tapestry Velvet Carpet ; ( 1 JO p Three-Ply Carpet; 300 pa Superfine Ingrain Carpet ; 3.'o p Kxtra tine mgram varpeis j 900 ps Cotton and Wool Carpet ; 125 ps Stair Carpet, assorted ; 375 ps Bay State Drugget ; SK) p Oil Cloths, assorted : Vi pa Silk Damask and BrocateUa ; POO pa Cotton aad Worsted Damask l 000 pair Window Shade ; ia pair lskc vuruun ; 750 pair Muslin Curtains : 8000 Cornices aad Curtain Band ; 429 UKneB jbsws. assorted ; Stair Bods, Table Covers. Chua VrinM. Wholesale and Retail, by r ' ' FRANK BAKER. Im3 110UfJtoyat..8aBFraiic1aco. CasB paid for Soldiers Boi w atxTataiia. rnHE ennersirned ill aaw cash, aad the hirhsas rates, for a Urge number of bounty laad warranU. anniicsaion at nianmee ia uamn nouas. v- if I . Deeembtr n, Jw. flzv A C49ee Party I w ABTBSTIgkMiiiT.) fm. ADAMff, where did yoa gat thea heaajtlfal XVI toacapaaadaiacanf fgargj i gat than at tba EMPIRE 8T0RS. Were there av mere of thoeowhiU etone China tap aMMMm.audnlatoilelV I ahould think there waa Bona ha got one cord ar lanjef tba Bam kind, vary ehean, at the Empire Btora. " ay, jsra. Lsiugnun, waera aia yoa get 1 got them at the Empire Store. Da yea believe that you can get gnada cheeper tl tha Braptr Mora thaa at tho rVoret nrrtowa I Of conn) I do. La, ma, Bally, where did yon get Uil beautiful while angart Why, Solomon said he gut It at th Empire Store. Well, It ie too outrageous don't yon thluk John get two dollars worth of sugar, last week, at Mr. Independence Store, and It is black sandy stuff, only Bt to make vinegar, or the like. George, you have got a Br coat, vest and pant. 1 should think 1 had. Yon bought them at Portland, perhaps f Never, I bought them at the Empire Store. . Mary, did yoa see the floe calico dress that David got for Jane, last week, at the F.inpire Store T I abooid think 1 did see It j aad don't yon think Rob ert bought Elisabeth a Una calico dree, last week, at Mr. - store, and the first time It waa washed It went In fur Disunion, and It look Just like e smoked htatera, or aa abolitionist. Mr. Dnkea, where did yoa let this Sua cloth In Jim mi's little roat I Why. that la nothing but some of Boon' Kentuek Jeans, at the Empire Store. Yoa don't sav 1 Well, mv husband went over to Sa lem some three weeks since, and not having time to go down to the Kraptre Store, be bought something they call Mississippi Joans, and it I a coarse as cotton, aad look Ilka I should ay. Mr. Walters, yon have gut a In pair of hoou.earely? Certainly, I gat them at the Empire Btora. , Were there any of tbla kind left I About a cord I Lucy, my dear, where did yea get thna silk glove I Why, daddy bought them for two bite at the Empire Btora. and he ear that h priced a treat many of the good in the store In Salem, and he is convinced that the cheapest aad beet goods ar to be found at th Km Dire Store. Very well. If Abraham don't back out from yon know what. I mean Luciuda. 1 am aolna to ret me a fine silk dress pattern , and a complete outfit at tha Empire Store. Ruttons. thread, wax, needle aad thimble thrown In to the bargala at the Empire Store. This art to be la force from and after Ita publication. Approved, January 17, IMAg. 45m0 NO. 676. Bf the Preeteleat of Use I'nlted tales. IN pursuance of law, I, Piisilix Pibjm-b. President of the United States of America, do hereby declare and make known that publlo sslrs will be held at the undermentioned land office in the Territory of Oregon, at the period hereafter designated, to wit i At the land office at Oanoort Ovr, commencing on Monday, 4k tmtk stay nf Augutt aesf , for the disposal of th public land wltliln the following named town ship, via : JVbrfA eiAr ease hwe mi east IfiilamrUt wttridim. Township one and fractional township two, of range South efAc hase fme and east ItlUoawftc sserafian. Township one, two, and three, of range awe. TownshiMi one, two, and three, of range raw. AWfAefAeAasefM and wart q WVamrtU wteridian. Townships one, of rang ear, (we. and (Are. fears (Ac Snae Iw aW swaf It'illamrtU stertdm. Township one, of range one, hra, and (Arer Township three, of rangee ear, and hew. Town-hips four, of ranges ear. new and (Arer. Townships seven, of range taw, (Arer our, and lee. Townships eleven, of ranges (Arte, fimr, and Ire. Townshipe seventeen and eighteen, ot range (A. Townships seventeen and eighteen, of range mar. At the land office at Wisonawraa. eommetirlne on Monday, (Ar IrniA dam of Jims' arrf . for the disposal of the public lands situated withlu the following named townshipe, via t AoafA a Me ease hnr avtsT waf of Il'dUmritt Sftrn'oVoa. Section one to fifteen, inclusive, the northeast qnarti r or section seventeen, we northeast quarter or section twenty -two, sect torn twenty-three, twenty four, twenty-lire, twenty-alz. and thirty-Ore, of township twenty-two. of ranee sir. The southwest quarter of section seven, the smith went quarter uf section Blleen. and the northwest quar ter and the south half ol section seventeen, sections eighteen, nineteen, twenty, and twenty-one, the northwest quarter of section twenty-two, the north west quarter of section twenty -rig lit. sections twenty, nine, thirty, tliirty-uue. and thirty -two, uf townahip, twenty -two, of ranee sreew. Lot one to six, turliwive, uf section four ; lots one to four, incluaive, of section fire, lot oue to Ave, Inclu sive, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quar ter of section seven ; lots one to seven, inclusive. and the aouthwealquarter of the northeast nf section eight, the east half of section, the east half of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the north west quar ter, and the east half of the southwest qnarterof nine ; the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion tea ; the south wel quarter of the southwest quar ter of section eleven ; the suutheaal quarter of sec tion twelve, sections thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen; the northwest quarter of tbe sort beast, end the north west quarter of section eighteen ; lots one to nine. In clusive, and the northeast qusrter of the southeast quarter nf section twenty ; and also from sections twenty-one to twenty-seven, inclusive ; the east half and the northwest quarter of section twenty-eight ; late one and two, and the southeast quarter of the northeast quarter of section twenty-nine : the Bortbeaat quarter of section thirty three, and sections thirty-four and thirty Ave, of township twenty-two, of range eig(. Lots one and two of section seven ; lots one to five. In clusive, and the east half nf the southeast quarter of section eight, tbe west half of the southwest quarter of section nine, the north half ol the northeast quar ter, the north half of the northwest quarter, and lots one to four. Inclusive, of sect ion thirteen ; tbe north half, and lota one to four, inclusive, of section 14; the south half of the a. e qnarter, the south half of tbe northwest quarter, and lot one to four. Inclusive, of section fifteen ; the northeast quarter of the north east, and lota one and two of section seventeen, and lota one to aix. inclusive, of section eighteen, of town ship twenty-two, of range ame. Townships twenty-six and twenty-seven, of range lee. lownsnipa twenty-six and twenty-seven, or range sir. Towaehipa thirty-six, thirty-seven, aad thirty-eight, of range eae. That part of township thirty-six south and east of the Indian reservation t township thirty-seven : sections one to six. Inclusive, sections eight to fifteen, inclu sive, and section twenty-four, of township thirty eight, of ran re lv That part of township thirty-six south of the Indian reservsUon, of range Urer. That part of township thirty-six south aad west of the Indian reservation, of range bar. Sections four to nine. Inclusive ; section fifteen and seventeen to tweut v-four, inclusive, and sections twen- ty-eight to thirty-three. Inclusive, of township thirty- nx, of range are. Township thirty-six. of range sir. Sections one, two and tea, to fifteen. Inclusive, and sec tions twenty-two to twenty-six. inclusive, of township thirty-six ; sections one to eleven, inclusive, seven teen, eighteen, nineteen, and thirty, to thirty-four, in clusive, of township thirty-seven ; sections two to nineteen, inclusive, and twenty-one. twenty-two, and twenty-seven, tbe southwest quarter ot section twenty- nine, sections thirty and thirty-one, the west half of section thirty-two and section thirty-four, of town ship thirty-eight ; sections nineteen to twenty-two, inclusive, and twenty-seven to thirty-four. Inclusive, of township thirty-nine ; sections four to eight, in clusive, and eighteen, of township forty, of range oWA of (As 6osr Hr awtf MMf of mffameUe wrridum. Township thirty-eight and section one to six. inclusive. nine to fifteen. Inclusive, and twenty-there, twenty four, and twenty-6ve, of township thirty-nine, of range one. Land appropriated by law for the use of schools, muitary and other purposes, will be excluded from the saiea. The offering of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order In which they are advertised, until the whole shall have been offered, and the sales thus closed ; but no sale shall be kept open longer than two weeks, and no private en try of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my band, at the .city of Washington,' this thirteenth day of February, Anno Domini, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. FRANKLIN PIERCE. By the President : - - Thomas A. Hbkemucss. CommuM sanai- of Ik Ceaern Lamd OffU. Notice to Pre-Emption Claimants. EVERY person entitled to the right of pre-emption to any nf tbe lands within the townships and parts of township above enumerated ia required to establish the a me to the satisfaction of the register and receiver or tne proper land ocice, ssase psysxsi uurejor a ssow as avaWacoMe aflrr oeting tkit notice, and before the day appointed for the commencement of the public sale of tbe lands embracing tbe tract claimed : otherwise such claim will be forfeited. THOMAS A. HENDRICKS. 6wl3 CeavawetittaeraiAe General Lamd Office. DISTRICT Court, Third Judicial District. Umpqaa County. Oregon. Ralph H. Lord, and William B. Peters, against Ezra R. Wood. To Ezra R. Wood : Yon are hereby notified that nnlext yon appear in the Dis trict Court, of the Third Judicial District of the Terri tory of Oregon, to be begun and holden at Rose burg, Douglas Co., Oregon, on the first Monday of September, A. D., 1857. and answer the complaint of Ralph H. Lord, and William B. Peter, now on file in the office of tbe Clerk or said District Court, at Roaeburg, aforesaid (a copy of which has been sent to you by mail) the 'wii.'beUkeVf confedand'ih. pratae for. will be granted the Court. CHADWICK A GIBBS. PlfTa Att'y. m3 March S3, 1857. Notice. . CJTRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber. KJ living la Albany, unn fjo.. u. 1., on or about the first of December, 1856, oae sor rel horse, blase faced, right hip knocked down, branded oa near shoulder O. T-, vented hair wsuu- ,iuuukt ormnus ov maraa recvuecteu. oae retorning said horse will be liberally rewarded. Any .n- t . . J..McC0NNELL. AlBny,JaooryI7, 185T, . mtftSi AJdl.tlwi D COUNBBLOBS AT LAW AND SoUcltora ia Caaaaarf, OataaUli 0. T t. w.aaTrn. 1 .o. 4S . W. tUtCatU, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, EU gen City, Una Countp.O- T- girftMl. JL COOMBS, K.D.. Surgeon, he. SPECIALTY . DI8HA8E8 OP TUB ElB- Comltls, Oregon. September 13, 16. 3Hai Sub Frticluo AdTertlilig Igeney IP FIBHFR, Iron building, oppoalto Paclllc Express J Office, up stair. Files of all the principal Papers of California and Oregon may be round at this offlc. Mr. Fisher Is the authorised Agent for the Statesman. Chester R. Terry, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM. OREGON. COM miHsloner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments, Ac, Ac, f"r Iowa, Indiana. Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Territory. It. trta of Attorney, and alt other Instmmento of writing, drawn on short notice. ax. Particular attention paid to taking depositions, collection of Not, Account, Ac, lit! BeiM ft leEwii, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. So licitors la Chancery, Proctor, Ac, In Admiralty, Portland. Oregon. 46tf W. B. Famr, ATTORNEY AND COtNSELOR AT LAW, So licitor la Chancery aad Admiralty. Office on Front street, next door north of Stark st.. Portland. Oregon. Iiialig ft BrtTir, ATTORNEYS AND COUNBEIjORS AT LAW. AND Solicitor la Chancery. OBce near tha Court-house, Salem, O.T. fit. I. Sbcil. ATTORNEY AND COUN8EI-OB AT LAW, AND Solicitor la Chancery, will practice la tha various coarl of Oregon and Washington Territoriee. Office, saiem.u. r. Deluoi Smith, 4 TTORNEY AND COUNSKLOR AT LAW. AND r Solicitor in Chancery, will promutly attend to all business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial District. sn4befire tbe Supreme Court of Oregon. Office, Allmfly, Una County, O. T. N. B. When not at his office , or absent on profes sional business, be msy be found at hi residence, Ave miles smith east of Albany, on what ia known as tbe "Grand Prairie." W. I. Brock, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor ia Chancery, will practice In tha various courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col lection of alt claims againat the United States, through an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. Office In Eugene City, Ian County. O. T. R. E. Strattaas, ATTORNET AT LAW, will practice la th various courts of southern Oregon, and ia the Supreme i uur oi nv i emwiry. OrricB In Deer Creek, Dong! eonnlr. O. T. Resi dence 6 mile north of Winchester, on the Willamette roan. N. B. Bounty Land Warranto obtained for claimants on reasonable term. JJif Csaaatwlcki At Utfcba, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. So licitors in Chancery, Ae. Office at Winchester and Gardiner. S. F. Cnaowicx, Winchester. Douglas Co. u. t. ms. uanuwr, I'mpqua Co., tl. T. Nov. t, 1865. 35tf l. m. BiBMa. t. a. a iuok. Barnuaa a. Wllaat.. ATTORNIES AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Sa lem. Oregon. Particular attention In given to the collection of note and accounts, and claim again! government. Bountv land Warrants bought and sold. a Office over Sterkey Store. it B. F. Boubam. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of- llL See at the Court House. Salem, O. T. Stf Pillow ft Motet, WATCHMAKERS, Salem. Repairing prompt ly and neatly done. Jewelry uianufac- fffSl lured. w. w. rBarna.f. A. J. THATEH. A TTORNEYS and Counselors at law. Solicitors in A Chancery, Ac. Office in Koliert s buildings, Msia street, i. orvsiiis. neufon to4 (J. 1. forvslli. April I, iT. 8tf a?. B. Col?, 31. D., UHIHK'IAN AND BURGEON, A 8tf Poi tlsnd . Oregon. ifgiftl. T. toi WRIGHT E. B. STONE, having associated together in practice, rsspectrullv tender their ser vices to the eople of iienton end Linn desiring to se cure the fsvor of the afflicted by success oaf v. Office near J. C. Avery s store, Corvallia. . 1 1 lj paid 1. B. Billoek, A RCHITBCT AND BUILDER. PORTLAND. O. T. XV Designs, plan, r-pecincatious, Ac., furnished on reasonable terms, VvUHam C.Grlawold At, Co., TVfERCHANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. 11 A w. c. aaiawoLP, lltf o. a. woopwonra. Eu'ene City. TTORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of Uie Eugene A A Ulty Hotel. 1JU. Medical Notice. fTtHE anhscriber, would Inform the Inhabitants that he A. la at bis old stand, ready to attend to all call In his nrofeasion : also be has oa hsnd a well aeleetoil stock of Eclectie concentrated Medicines, with a well asorted supply of Syringes, all of which be will dispose of oa reasonable terms. W. WAHRKN. Salem December t, 1856. 3tf W. B. Maseru, M. D. PIIY81CIAN and Surre-m. Office in my new build ing, on Main street, two door north of Dr. J. S. Mclteeoy' fire-proof building ; where I will I found when not professionally engaged. I will keep noiwtaut- ly on hand a fresh supply of Drug and Medicine wnica win aeu tow lor cash. Corvallia. Dee. 9. 1856. 3?tf Medical Sotlct. TVR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California, J offer hi professional service to th citizen fo Salem and vicinity, aad respectfully aolicita a share fo public ruvor. awT Office at Reed and Fellows' drug store. I4y it. W. SHAW. CtmpbcII ft tatt. A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Saa Francisco, California. XI. omce, corner Montgomery and nacre men to si reels, over Parrott A Cos. Bank. Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and win n pleased to attead to au ouatneJ entrusted to their care. Sltf ALKXaWPBB CAMrSgl.I- O. CP ATT. Jowpk N. rreseeU. MAIN ST., OBBOON CITT. TAEALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes. Ac-, and A.J Paints and una, wuulesale and retail. July 7. 1HS6. 18tf 8. Ellswortk, 4TTOK.NZT AMD COCXBBLLOB. U8. Supreme and other Courts. . Office Eugene Citv. Lane Conntv. Ore iron Territory. Also Commissioner of Deeds for New York, Connecticut, Ac. August Hi, IR56. zstr Watchmaking. WILLIAM F. IIIGHFIELD. Chronometer and Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to the building iuatoppaaite to the Main-street House. 1 where be can be constantly found prepared to do any business in hi line. Watches cleaned and repaired oa short notice and reasonable term. Also a choice lot of watches and jewelry for sale. March . 1854. lyol S. Hamilton, M. D PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully announce to the good oeoole of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that he haa located permanently at Lseer CTeea lor uw purpose oi practicing- oieuicuw. ana in which nrofeashm he will be faithful to discharge all duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy and comfortable. . Orricx opposite R. H. Dearborn A Co.' store, on Main street, irugs auu aicuiciues ""v s. sav nws . 42tf Wells, Farto, At Co., T ANKERS and EXCHANGE DEALERS. WF.,& Is i in eonntvrtion with their ExDresa business, will Co in connection with their Expresa business, will I also transact a general Exchange and Collection Bun nest. Collections and Remittance made in all parte of Oregon, California, the Atlantic States, and Kn rope, with promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion, bought and sold. Sight Exchange oa JVeie ror. notion, t-nuametpntm. 6owV. -JlliT', fhTit I finenuiift. and forfu other nrinci pal towns in the Atlan tic States and the Canada, may be procured at any of our offices. wells, fauuu. a w. . . 114, Moiitgumery-streei, bad r raneieco JAAUiS U Bitu.kjU,genu June 1855. Allan, McKinlay Co., v-svw-Ti I. rutMBflSSION MERCHANTS, and I -r wfcniM-h. and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods. Gro. I ceries. Hardware, c-, Oregon . nj, -a. Dee. 20, 1861. - dOyl sr-i R. Rvrnn. 30 kcas. 8 s snd 5, for sale by JJ saWtiltsl VI AJ 1 VU. 4 M a " ' aft A DTD alaTTITV a, Vt Br. tiipkiy - Kedlul loUee. DR. J. L. CZAPK AY'S Grand Medical and Surgical Institute, Sacramento at., below Montgomery oppo site Paelflo Malil Steamship Co.' Office, Baa Francisco, California. Established for the Permanent cure of all Private aad Chronio Diseases, and the suppression of anackery. Dr. J. L. CZAPKAY, late In the Hungarian Revolu tionary War, Chief Physician in th 20th Regiment of Hnnveds, chief surgeon to the military hospital at Perth, Hungary, and late lertiirer oa Disease of Urinary Or gana and Disease of Women and Children , would most respectfully inform the public of Oregon and California that he has opened aa Institute for tne cure of Chronic Diseases of tbe lungs, liver, kidney, heart, blood, brain and the horrid consequence of seff-ahwse, and be hope that his long experience and successful practice of ma ny years, will Insure him a share of publlo patronage. By the practice of many years in Europe ana the Uni ted State, and during the Hungarian war aad cam paigns, he Is enabled to apply tbe most efficient and successful remedies against diseasee of all kind. He uses no Mercury charges moderate treat bis patient la a correct ana honorable way has refeieace of un questionable veracity from men of known respectabili ty aad high standing In society. All parties consulting him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best aad gentlest treatment, and Implicit secrecy. Tbe Dr.'a offices ar on Sacramento St., below Montgomery, San Francisco, California. 49m3 PERMATOURIKEA OR LOCAL WEAKNESS. Dr. L. J. Caapkay would call public attention to spermatorrhoea or local weakness. There I not ia the catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca ted than thia. a well because of present distress, a tbe ultimate results. Th ton of the system under Its In fluence is either Impaired or entirely destroyed, and a class of symptom superinduced that unfits man for the performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. Tbe Injuries done to the physical part of man I truly la mentable, but trifling when compared to those of the censoriiim, the great nervous center, and to the ner vous system generally. This disease, whlrh la too often consequent upon thai solitary vice, aelfabnse. involve pathological condition beyond the comprehension of theuniuitinted, but which are well understood by the reg ular iirmrtitioner. Amons the svmntoms most conspic uous are the following: Love of solitude, aversion to business and society, distressing timidity, nervous, ex citement from slight cause, loss of memory, confusion of Idea. Inability to reason correctly, low spirit and lassitude, dullness of apprehension and misanthropy. These being functional derangements, are often tbe har bingers of horrid organic lesions of the brain, which -wl fatitltv dementia and death. For the cure of thia and all kindred disease. Dr. Ccapkay ha established hi Institute, where all may rely with perfect confidence upon that skill which long experience and thorough devotion to hi profession has given. Those who suffer should call or write without delay, and use the mean by which they may recuperate aad live. All consultation, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad- nreasto DIL IoJ. CZAPKAY. 49m3 Medical Institute, San Francisco. Cal. Cl EC RET DISEASES. DR. 1 J. CZAI'KAY'B EX- i3 traordinarr success in the treatment of secret dis eases in the Drimarv and other stage. Induce him to call on bile attention to the fact that of tbe great num bers who hare made daily application to him, there is not one who baa not been effectually and permanently cured. In recent caes of private diseases, the Dr. guar anties a perfect cure in a few dsr without hindrsnce to Imsinrs or other Inconvenience. The In-.'s method of treating these maladies, combine the improvements made by the medical faculty wttn discoveries of nis own that are unknown to anyone vise, and which, when applied, prevent the possibility of evil after consequen ces. . Secondare svplilli. which is so destructive of health. producing ulcerations of tlie throat, destroying the sort parts, and leaving tne uones exoeo. wnirn momiy, separate and come away, disfiguring the sufferer most horribly, aa well aa Impairing bis general health, and prediapoaing to consumption, tbe Dr. treats in the mist certain and efficient manner. Abo. painful swellings unon the bones, disfiguring splotches noon the skin. sores, pimples, and all other consequences of private diseases he guaranties to cure or asks no coinpensatiou. Dr. C. would especially call the attention of those who have Tailed to obtain relier irom others, mauy or wnora be has already cured, aud many are still under treat ment. The lr. makes no charge for consultation, and Invite all to call at bis Institute ; and be wilt give them such satisfaction aa they can obtain nowhere elie. Those st a distance, br writing to the Dr.. ran bare their cures prouerlr attended to. Offices oa Sacramen to t.. below Montgomery. San Francisco, Cal. 4tim3 The Crtatnt Diuorrrr of the Agr. Si UK AT nieiwings to Mankind! Innocent but Potent! VT DIL CZAPK AY'S PnoruiLacricra. (self-dininfec- ting agent.) a sure preventive against secret disc ami an unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, and all cutanous eruptions snd dis eases. For sale st Da. Ctiriir'n Office. Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery sts.. Sau Fran cisco, Cal. As inoculation Is preventive agaitct small pox, so is Dr. Ctapkay's Prophilacticum a preveutive again! secret disease. That tliey can be prevented by proper agents, is as well an establislied fart aa that they can be cured after their establishment. This principle. which is now universally recognized, was received even before the days of Jenner. the discoverer of vaccination, in 1796. and its multiplied benefits ever since have ceived as they deserved, the attention of tbe Medical faculty. It was in pursuit of this branch of the medical science that Dr. L. J. Czapkay fortunately made tbe dis covery of hi Prophylacticura, which, for the cancerou and cutanous disorders, stands unrivalled by any agent In the Pharmacnpura. Tbe sanfus esveranafi of this med icine U explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons cnemicai properues which arv neuirauaeo oy rought in contact with this prophylstic, as acid's are known to neutralise alkalies, destroying entirely their onginal properties, and rendering tuera inert. The effect of this agent is immediate, and removes the possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, the disease baa been contracted, it is useful ia neutralising the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce the eonsenuenccs known aa secondary disease. In can cerous and gangerous ulcer, in foetid discharge and in cutanous diseases where tbe secretion are excoriating. it acta unon the same principle and is one of tne must effectual remedies for the purpose now known. Where disease Is once establlsued it snouia re used in connec lion with other remedies, and when so used never fsils of success. It has been administered by tbe Doctor in many thousand cases, and be has yet to and the first In which it has failed to subserve the purpose for which it was administered. Price. $5. Fall directions are at tached to each package. N. a. la cases wne;e ine l-ropnyiaucnm is nsea curative. Dr. I J. Csapkay will ruruisu I gratis) a pre scription for his Mood purifier. All communications irom we ooumry, suuri. u oniy o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. Saa Francisco. Cal.. will be strictly and confidentially attended to, and remedies, with the greatest care and secrecy, immediately dia- Datched by express or otherwise to weir oesunauon. . , 11 . Dr A V U tl 49m3 San Francisco, Cal. To TB8 LtPIBS OP Orboos A I'D Calipobsia. L. J. Cxarxar, M. D., physician surgeon and accoucher, in vite the attention of the aick and afflicted females la boring under any of tbe various forma of diseases of the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid- nevs. and all disease peculiar to their sex. Th Doc tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other physician in Oregon or Ualirornia. Let no talae delicacy I prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful siinenng and premature a earn, am mar. ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances do not allow to have aa increase in their families should write or call at Dr. L. J. Cxapkay'a Medical Institute. Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery streets, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's Offices are ao arranged that be can he consulted without molestation. 4!hnS Al consultations toy tetter or otherwise,) iree. Address to fit. u. J. .ai-ivai , at. v.. Medical institute, etan r ranewco, cal. The attention of the readers ia called to the fol- A Ltd V Of mgn aunaing in society auu usuei caDllliy, . .. . . : .v.- 1,1. M.. .-!..!.;. u i . -L publlsnea a wu imfmui, September 14. loot, wmcn is aa lonowx: A Jabi The undemigned feels it her duty to express her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay, for the auccea r..i ennt of herself and child. Tbe latter having been afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was given up a Incurable by some of the most celebrated when she called on Dr. Czapkav. of whom she beard very favorable report, and who, after a abort period, restored tne ctuia to penect neaiu. encour aged by thia extraordinary result, she sought advice lierSeir, fOr MIC SCrWUIWUa lUWMUjr, wuu wuivu nuc HSU hn afflicted for eight years, and which withstood the treatment of the best physicians in Europe and Ameri- n... VW i -u nlr . V ll. . -iimsJmI In . ffnnl in. ka. permanent relief, ao that she can now enjoy life, which, Cj; ei,t years had lost all charms for her. She, there- an deeIU, it due to herself and to all sick and afflicted to recommend lr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful n irians wltain tne uuiieu suies. ipnyiw ntRni.l Mas. CAROLINE GRAY. Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. k r.nim. Notary Public. 126. 7th street. n,t ... !!..;. . I. an sslitorial notirs In tha TWnn Qaily Times of August 6th, 1854: A SxilxriTi. Phtsicias. Ir. L. J. Czapkay has opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city. DrTc ia a Hungarian by birth, and waa connected with the patriotic army as physician and surgeon nnder the patronage of Koamtn n oomoinea wna a nnubed education and the most rennea ana agreeable manners. Z proton, and we feel much p!eure in recommending prolesnon, auu w io wp-h imwi, ui iroutuseoaing him to oar citizens as a physician and a gentleman. Dr, fjxapxay nas spent sonic, ume in fnuaaeipDia where ha wxi the confidence aad friendship of those who raw came acquainted wttn mm. Among aia friends in Phil- .j.inkt. .m nsithmsn of tha his-hsst wSnss-t.Kiii I with whom we are -- ----,, -. Trrr. "K . . j i Cri-T3 .IT . .naa extensive practice in Hungary before the Anatrians and n - llS kin. A lMm ft trv ll.. , "T'": -JZZr w--'urlP- "J w. awStZ -Zr Sl".Toveare only a few of the man. Cmi,,. which Dr. Czapkay has m his possession, bat cannot nnblish for want of space. All corajuunicatjons, (hv I ICCICr W wfaTf-Vff - .AVaaawia 1 IIM. - a" Person desiring prompt attention, aad who wish to avoid tho delay of corresponding, can have immedi ate attention by sending ton dollar aa consultation fee, and eaa have medicine forwarded. Addrea to L. J. CZAPKAY. M. D. t0m Sao Frandaco, Cal. SPiE.ttM TORRnEA. or Local Weakness, nervous de- j ill l' OWu",,ri.t Mulude, weakness of the limb and back. IndisposiUm,. !ow M memor TeP,i,m to ctoty.loveof olltude.timldHy. self distrust, dizziness, headache, pain In the .id,, affection of tbe eye, pl.n pleoathe race. aonaJ and i other Inflrmltle iaman.are eared without rail bythejusti, celebrated physician and Burgeon, L. J. Czapkay. Hi method of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence tbe great suc cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Addrea, L. J. CZAPKAY, If. I)., - 49m3 San Francisco, Cat. At Eocene City. THE subscriber ha at Eugene City, one of the best general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and Shoes, and all article kept In a gene ral finding store, to be found in Oregon. He la con stantly receiving fresh addition to bin stock, and al ways keep It up. My goods are now all received direct from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. All kind of fsrmer's produce received In exchange for good I pay higher prices for produce, and sell goods cheaper than any other store in the Territory. JOSEPH TEAL. Eugene City, July 1, 1 858. lGtf Notice. THE Judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory of Oregoo, assembled at the seat of Government on the 10th day of December, 1856, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in tbe county or Marion, on th first Monday of April and September, and tbe fourth Monday nf May and Octo ber, annually, antll otherwise ordered ; and in tbe city of Portland, In the county of MuRnoraah, on th fifth Monday, of December, 1H.16, and tliereafter on tbe first Mondays of May and October, and the third Monday of June and November, anaually. until otherwise order ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six day each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS, thief Justice. 41 CYRUS OLNEY. Associate Justice. Corrallla Drug Store. JACKSON A CARD WELL, Druggist and Apothecaries, ji re receiving from San Francis en, per each steamer, large and carefully selected 1 I stocks or Drugs, Medicines, Oils. Paints. Dye- Aaal Stuffs, Perfumeries, Fancy Snaps, and all other articles usually kept in a Drug Store, which they arttUing and Wll.1. sai.1. a rvuuceu prices. Prescriptions prepared by aa experienced Drug gist. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. JACKSON A CARD WELL. fjorvaili. January 13, 167. 4tf WRITING-PA PER, superior article. Black ink, from quarts to 1 ot, Slate and pencil. Tabor's pencil. Envelopes, wafers. School cards and toy books, at 36tf MOORER' W. WEATIIERFORD, (CITY DAl'O STORE, I'PPfUt WHARF.) WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Drugs. Medicines, Chemicals. Paints. Oils. Dve Stuffs. Druggist Glass Ware. Brunea, Surgical lustruroent. Trusses, Herbs. Roots. Extracts. Perfumery. Sbsving and Toilet Soaps, and a full supply of all the popular. Patent or Proprietory Medicines, snd almost every other article In our line of business. Which sre offered to the trade wholesale or retail at extremely reduced prices, and in quantities to suit. tverv article warranted as represented. W. WEATHEHFOUD. M. D. Portland, O. T- March 16. ISO 7. 52in3 A New Drag Store. A. DUY-GOOlR and ;if K KlilKS are now sell- aass-f a r-Tlr If t- 1... tinrcu urliinvtv ing. cbesp f- cash, at Ibtboro'a.oppositeKmith's 1 I Book and Drug More, near the N Bbuwe. aa January 11, 4Ctr CotTee. TF TOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, tbe M. undersigned have got 15.0n pounds best " COSTA ki a. uome in and loox at it. ALIJtN McKINLAY A Co. flregon City. Dec. 6. 136. jas. n. aicriABM, 1 rso. weeaazgx. San Krancwco. Portland, O. T. Richards, McCrakcn. COMMISSION MERCHANTS. and'Joots-rs in Oregon t Flour, Grain. Produce, Fruit, Pork. Bacon, Lard, flams, a c, c irucrs lor uregon trade promptlv at tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco. January 27, 4titf Tax Receipt Blanks. TTJST printed ot the Statesman office a large supply of lax neceipt uiaaaa, alter an improved ion trice, one dollar per hundred. Orders by mail, accom panied witn tne casn, win p aiiea oy return or mail. "vOCNTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at the STATESMAN OFFICE. fJlAX receipt blanks f-' sale at tba Stetesman office, A. at ! per hundred. yVRY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen. In great va- iy nety, at zsu nuums Beallk Siekiea ! Betvee. TbenL HOLLO WAY'S PILLS. fTtHE Blood furnishes tbe material of every bone. JL muscle, gland and nure in tne unman frame- n nen pure, it secure health to every organ : when corrupt, it necessarily produces disease. - tiut.I.uiyjt r s PILLS operate . directly upon tbe elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the princiDle of diseas and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerve, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, tbe muscles, tbe skin, tbe brain, or any other part of the system. USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Holloway's pills are equally efficacious in complaints common to the whole human rare, and in disorders pe culiar to certain ciimaiea ana locaiiue. ALARMING DISORDERS. Dvspensia. and derangement of tbe liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, aad the cause of innumera ble deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, howev er aggravated, acting aa a mild purgative, alterative and tonic ; they relieve tbe bowels, pnnly the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution of the same time. GENERAL WEAKNESSNERVOUS COM PLAINTS. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing properues oi inese litis give nrmness to tne snaxing nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general aeouity. DELICA TE FEMALES. All irregularities and ailments incident so tbe deli cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or prevented by a few doses of these mild, bat infallible alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her children's health should fail to have them within her reach. SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. The London" Lancet," the London "Medical Review." and the most eminent of tbe faculty in Great Britain, France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their inventor. HOLLO WA VS PILLS are the beet rented ham ra fae 9V oria jar tne louomng aiarasrs- d Slums, bow ell Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases. Costive- ness, Dyspepsia, inarrnaea, iTropsy, ueoility, r ever ana afor. iennieuMaumns.naii:iia.uiuiR9uuif, lTCj aGrI fcrvtomz of a?Jojr - k- u.nnr.bnM of Professor Hollow at. 80 Maiden Lane, New York. J44 Strand, London, by all ..u,. tw ;... .A nealem in Medicine through- .Kv . . .a k. eivflixed world, in boxes out tne umteu asm ""- .- , at 25 cento. 62 h.1. anil tl each. Xhere is comuaetaoie saving j auii n w ger sizes. , Mllntt N. 7 wi I uoraer I of .t noMon Yarn haa arrived, at I J6tf M00RES'. I Ckoou Stuart's Express, roa . CA8CADES AND DALLES OK MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AMD FRIDAYS. EXPRE&BH FOR Champoeg, Salem, Albany and Corrallii, ....On WEDNESDAY, aad on.... Arrival, or Mail Stz urn rao Stw Francisco!! e- AH Leltrs, Package and Freight, entrusted to my care will be attended to roraptly. OFFICE At " Franklin iluok Store." December 30. DUO. A. B. fiTUA RT. Allan. McKli r a Co., HATE Just received a stock of New Goods, aad would invite all those who wish to procure UOijU stock articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They consist in pan of ine following: , ; t .1 .. . . . . Grindstones. ( anal and Wheel Barrow, Fancy Brooms, l'luin do Assorted Colored Pails, ' Painted Tub. Zinc Washboard. Blacksmith' Bellow, Cross-cut Saw, 7 ft do 6 ft Mill Saw, 7 ft Hair MattrasHe. double, do single. Hair Bolsters, double, do single, nperm Candle, Adamantine do., ' Orape brand Tobacco. Orain Cradle. Oram Scythe and finsthg, Brush do do 16 su Harrow, 23 teeth Garden Rakes, do Hoes, do SiMwles, Polished Shovels, Hay Forks, Mann re Forks, Churns, Window Glass g by 10 do 10 by 13 do 7 by 9 Window Hashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 11 Oa Bow and Yokes. Lucke do do Blanket. Baize. Lindsey. Sheetings. Ticks. Ac.Ae. We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GRO CERIES, CLOTHING. HARDWARE, and many arti cle too numerous to mention. ALLAN, M'KTNLA Y A CO, Oregon City. Sltf Cm. Iberaetkji Co., MERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, OREGON TK RITORY. tf Akeraetbr, Clark 4 Co., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANT. Kj Saa Franrisce. Cal., will attend to selling Oregon K reduce, and fill orders for Goods, Urnceries, Ac-, at tbe west rates. Tbe patronage of tbe people of Orcgoa Is respectfully solicited. August 1, Jltf Kenron'i XJagacrrean asp AMBROTYPE GALLERY. THE undersigned having recently returned from Sao Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautiful Pictures on Glass called .4 MBRUTYPES. which have almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in the r l biiu i -ii u r i ii , v. Gallerv in the new building, erected meetallwor Uf burnett, west of tbe Marion House. WILEY KESTUS. Salem, November II, 1456. 3tf xicn. axrwoLDS. L. V. ff. tfOWBLL. N. Reynold V. Co PRODUCE GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. vos. 79 an 91 pans arftccr, rrvtrs clst ivd wzia- 1NUTOSJ ST8 tAS FBSNCISCO, CAL. PERSONAL attention given to the sale of Flour, Grain, Potatoes, Onions, Fruits. Butter. Eggs, Cur ed Meats, Hides, Wool, and all staple products of tiut country. Will fill orders for good when accompanied by casb or equivalent in nny wsy of consignments. Have constantly on nanu new ana secoua nana uraia and Gunny Bags, which we offer by bale or boodle in lots, to suit. First class storage furnished when required, and libe ral advances made on consignments in store. Having good exnerience and locality, we trust by strict attention to give that satisfaction which is pleas ant to both ourselves and our consignor. Im3 Orrtoo and California Packet Line. THE following vessels will ran in connec tion as a REGULAR LJ-E between iSo San Eraneieeo and Portland z tj. r BARIC OCEAN BIRD, Wkmjim. Master, " CHAS. nEVENS, IImlt, " JANE A. FALJCENBERG, Rimiu, " " XAHUMKEAU.VlHAJASta. " BRIG I. B. i.UNT. RicftABbsnx. - Tbe Harks have all been coppered recently, sod are in first rate order, commanded by experienced captain. Ereiicht will be carried at Uf fowl rate. Produce sent from anv nsrt of the eountrv to Oreson City or to the Linn City Works, will be received aad forwarded to San Francisco. AoZ-vts: GEO. ABERXET1IT A Co.. Oregon City. ABERNETHY, CLARK A Co. Han Francisco. November. . 1M6. 3tf Holiday Presents. CALL and buy soon at tbe Book Store, Oregon City. HOMER HOLLAND A CO. Oregon City. Dec. 7. 1S56. 40tf Bain cVv Brother, FONT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hate, Bouta, and Shoes, Groceries, Ae. N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for merchandise at tbe highest market price. 19tf IVotlce to Snippers and Merchants. ONE of tbe firm being permanently located in Saa Francisco, ail consignments of produce and orders to be filled, will be attended to without delav. at mode rate rates. 26tf WAKEFIELD A CO. Allan At Lewi, WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORB GON TERRITORY. Salem Market. rriHE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, la the center or the town, is nappy to inform tbe pub lic that he keens constant Iv on band a supply of all tbe varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also has the various kinds of vegetables in their season. Beef will be sold as follows: Fore quarters. 6 cents per lb., hind quarter 10 cent; and if you want a choice piece, I shall charge yon a tit a pound. All kindsof farmer's produce and grain received ia exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS. Salem. July 7. IH56. 17tx The Oregon Statesman. An Independent Journal, derated to PoHtiem. Genera JnteUtgence, Pubttene at Salem, uregon. ASAHEL BCSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor. Tbe Statesman Is Democratic in politics, and thor oughly National in ita character. It ia hostile to every species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ; and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate any of tbe insane fenas of tbe day into our Territorial legislation. It will advocate all practical measure of KefVrav and Progress, economical and simple adminKtrntiea ot our local government ; faithfulness, integrity, aad ca pacity in office, and a system of rigid and direct ae countabilitv of the officer to tbe people. It will dia-. cuss all measares agitating tbe public mind, ia a man ner fearless, impartial, snd just. Ita News Department will be edited with much- attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early., accurate, and comprehensive publication of the car rent intelligence. The statesman nasa targe, wiaeiy-scaiiered.and most excellent corps of correspondents, and very completa- I acuities for procuring news. Due attention is also raid to tbe Doblication of Miscel lany, Agricultural and Literary matter. In this psper are published the laws, resolution, aad treaties of the United States, and the laws and resolu tions of tbe Territory of Oregon by autboritv. The paper is printed on new material, and upon a Kheet of the largest size. - Statesman Booh and Job Office. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book printing north of California, and an extensive ss sortmentof Jobbino Material of every kind; and, with. master worxmen. are prepared to execute promptly, aaa is a workman-like manner, all orders in tbe above de partments, such as Books, Blank Careen, Notes or Haxo. . dim Books, Sraaaao'T Bills. SrvAMSOT Cakos, Bills or Ladins. CaarincATEs, Snow Bills, Check Books, Bl'k Receipts, PAJfHrHLITS, Hasdbills. Ball Ticsbts, Craccuaas, IsnrrTATioss, Brsnrxss Cabds, Billheads, Cosckkt Bills, PBOGBAJOfES. Armases czar imAtrs. TJ. .m OP ALL KlVDS. -C-. Ac. Ac. ORNAMEN'TAJ, PRINTING, with COLORED INKS. - Law of Newspapers. 1. SubacriDers wno ao not give express nonce to the contrary, are coofiiucreu as wisoing to continue their subscription. v Tf siihHCrfbers order rapers discontinued. Publishers may continue to send them till all charges are paid. 3. if subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papera from the office or place to which they are sent, thev ara held resnonsjble until they settle their bill and rive na tice to discontinue them. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direo tion, they are held responsible. 5. The courts nave aeciaeo uw refusing to taxe a pa- r or periodical from tbe omce, or removing and leav. f,d. IT. U&caueu lor, ispmixat uca ciiucax n auenuoai. Postmssteni would obKge, by a strict fulfinment the regulations requiring them to notify Publishers. once in three montns, oi papera no taaea nen taeu effiee by sutiscnbers.