The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, May 12, 1857, Page 3, Image 3

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    fore he ru-il the proposition ; lie proposed
going on to the bed ; be said "Let us go on
to the bedf these were his words; the said,
"O no Ihey will mistrust w.n H said, "
O bo they won't, becauso they think you
are my wife;" well, says he, "I will take a
pillow off the bed." ' ,
There was no reply that I recollect ; he
went to the bed and took the pillow off the
bed as near as I could see, he laid the pillow
on the floor nearly opposite the foot of the
bed; the pillow was at the left of the door;
the pillow was laid down 8 or 10 or 12 feet
from where I wa,: I don't kuow exactly;
while he was putting the pillow on the floor
he was taking the comb from her hair; she
was standing near the bureau ; she had her
bonnet off; she took it off I belicro when
she came in; when I first saw her in the room
her bonnet was off: could not tell whether
Mr. Kalloch ' overcoat was on or off; after
she stood at the bureau she came towards
me partially; came near the spot where the
pillow was thrown down; the next thing
was she got down on the floor; I saw her In
the act of getting down, but when down I
could not see her
Troy, who agreed to provide for It, for, a
regular weekly stipend. ' - '
Yesterday saw me ra.tucr ana ins cnua
on their way to ICew York City. They will
leave for California this week. Heart-sick
and desolate, the betrayed husband and
father has turned his steps from his native
city, never ntraiu to rcluru. , Whether the
false wire nas returned from the e, we
. - . . . . , , . .
are not informed ; but who snaii preuici
the measure of her remorse, when the Tear
ful results of her perfidious conduct shall be
made known to her T 2Vy Tutu.
at (Ha lime bh4 plateau iaai
Ashland Mtlli.
County Rent. Jiivttililna
Una other place, li he a
folk ,
He Dim at his IW. A sod, but beau
tiful and touching 9 witnessed at
the accident at the ' m 16 bridge. On
the morning fer the accident, the slow
tollinu- of a bell was heard. On looking
to sec whence it came, it was discovered to
proceed from the engine as it lay submerged
in the water. The waves as they roamed
and surged over the sunken engine swayed
the bell, which alone with the smoke-pipe
appeared above water, and caused it to give
a low tolling sound.. When the engine was
raised from the water, the emrineer was
At lluteville, May lth. ' ... ,
School .limine, French 1'ruliic, near llnipole .'
HIWert.ui. May Hi. ' . . .
Howell's Prairie, (KiijV barn,) May ?lt.
(sublimity. MayiiBd. -. s ,
Crniwr'n Kerry. Mny J.1d. ( . (
Halclll, My 30lb. . r-- i
-Spcaklng to conimenca at 1 o'clock, I. M.
Ir. I,. J. S.pAr's Surgical and Medical Institute I
an extensively known lu thla Territory that any notice
nf It, or vf him, might seem superfiaoos. . Yet fearing
that there. are those wnt btratulore tiaving n need or
medical nlil. have neglected to ascertain the proper
source M ri'lif f in cuaes of misfortunes. To thoae we
beg leave M direct altenUuU to Dr. I J. Crapkay, wlm
la certainly 1,'hyaMitn of Kraat "kill and wonderful
success Hi bis protesion. 1 lie lr. lias devoted iiuirli
attention to tlie treatment of chrome ami prlvato til
rases, and standi nnrlvnlled In Ills management of
them. To thwe who need aneh assistance we cheerfully I The hour for Speaking In
recommend lr. L. J.t'isapliay It would lie ell at ail I o'clock I. M.- i '
imitation, and much good might result from It. The Dr.
guarantee a cure in an rase or aa no compensation.
- Hee Dr. L. J-Crapkay'sadverltHemcntaln another
eoluinn of this paper. . 4u3m.
from,! In a atamllnn luitlnro ' with lila all IT
Q What was the position when getting coIJ , ,tanJ firi), ,...,$, the throttle
cl.Wltf I skiff a mm tliAtifrK aml.1 tit to It rlatrlr ho
t Objected lo by counsel for defence. Courso hgJ d'iscoTeretl llie jwilous condition of 'the
of question was rsnw- i i train, and had sprunir to avert the ruin.
in,W-Isawhefin tneao. PB Bnt lt WRs too latc-th
down; she got downsiowiy; aner sue kuv
down he got down in the same place; after
We got down I heard the rustling of clothes
and whispering but I could not learn all
the conversation The witness described
ome portion of the conversation, but it Was
of a character totally unfit for publication
T the heard him ask her a question. The
the cneine and train.
with its precious freight of life and property,
went down, and during the dreary night, the
engine-bell and the mad-rushing waters rang
out solemn requiem for the dead I Mitt
JJtmocral. ,
Ksormovs Pricks for Slaves. Tlie C
tral Orran. tiublished in the narish of Avov
reolr I could not hear; next heard Imu say ees. La., says that thirteen field baud
w . . a, M W A I A 1. .m. .1 .a mm. .a a
"ttAnt h in a KurrT:" I stopped there a
few minutes then went down stairs; went in
to the reception-room. His back was part
ly towards me when he got down upon the
floor: I could not see them as they were ly
ing upon the floor; never saw Kalloch again
were recently sold in that place at prices
ranging from 1365 to $2300. The lowest
sum was paid for a lad ten years of age; the
highest was paid for a man thirty-one years of
age. Four of the negroes were women, ami
nine of them were under twenty years of age,
till he came here; I saw him across the street Their ogarcirate value was 4,2.0
that is, 1 was told that the person 1 saw
was Kalloch ; that night I saw him in the
itting room below; saw the lady again; he
went into the bar-room and settled his bill;
that was before I saw him in the sitting
room ; it was after Mr. G hidings went up
that Mr. Kalloch settled his bill perhaps
10 minutes after, might have been more,
don't remember; I was iu the bar-room when
Mr. Kalloch settled his bill; believe Mr.
Griffin wa there; when he came in he spoke
to me and asked "What is my bill!'' s.iid I,
"Five dollars, sir." He made no reply, han
ded me a 310 bill, and I gave him 5. After
I gave him his change he said: "I guess 1
will take another whiskey sling."
I mixed the whiskey in warm water and
augar, and he drank it at the bar ; he then
went I ark to the sitting room or reception
room below. In the course of a minute or
two I went into the sitting room ; Mr. Grif
fin was in the bar room when he paid the
five dollars ; he stood behind the bar at the
dek at the time ; don't think anybody else
was present at the time ; I was behind the
bar; Kalloch was in front of the bar ; wc
were all within a few feet of each other; 1
told Mr. Griffin before this what I was go
ing to charge the man, and he heard what I
aid when I told Kalloch $5. I charged $5
to protect the reputation of my house; I
told Mr. Kalloch that I knew him but did
not intend to divulge it; I should not have
iivulged the affair myself; $5 will not pay
(ne for allowing my house to be one for pros
titution, but it did so that night.
Question by Mors. " Sow Mr. 15ai!cy
what is your ordinary price for s-uth an ac
commodation "
Mr. Traix " I suppose you mean for the
sime entertainment F (Laughter.)
Ma. Mohsk " Well I what did he pay the
five dollars for V
Mr. Train " I object to the question H
Tae Court "The question is incompe
tent." Samuel It. Giddings, an omnibus fareta
ker, who alternated with Mr. Hailey in peep
ing into the room on this interesting oci-a.-Kion,
corroborated the preceding witness.
Kalloch is prosecuted by Isaac Morse,
District Attorner. and defcuded by U. II.
Dana, Jr, Chas. It. Train, and II. W.
Taine. Train was once appointed Judge
for Oregon by Mr. Fillmore, but declined.
This testimony looks as though it was all
" political persecution !" We presume this
Iter. 6Coundred and hypocrite has oft-times
denounced the democratic party as immorul
nd anti temperance.
' Special Notices.
N llnnibRl K Hoax I No Deception
Mr. t.nther Carey will nlve exhibition and leclure
at the Court houae'ln Kalein. on Tuesday evruing next,
May l2th, on the H4enc of Artnaiomv. Ha will intro
duce an improved riiaiitauuaKofia Ijkiitern and .a high
ittaml tirrerv.
Ilia aon, t'ranci M. t'urey.a mall hoy, will aloplny
mwMi the arfonleon. ami shir ome nelecl song.
Itnor oM-n at o'clock ; exhibition commence at T.
Admittance ifl ct ; children 25.
a r The denial Blade in tha card of Margaret X
Waddle published lant week, wax mora poaitive in the
original than In the poplUhed copy. It a modim-d In
the printing office.
CamoUtaUow oC Mm I'm tan I'nlreralt j-.
rnKAM rti.K.
For the porpoee of etablUhinR an Institution of
l-annn which ahall embrace all the department of
human education : the harmonious development of the
phyicl power, with that of the intellectual and mor
al faculties ; and which bull be peretuatcd during all
future time : we. the undersigned, do covenant toccth.
er in a permanent union to I governed by the fol
lowing arlu lea ol
A rtu'i.b T. The name of this Institution slmll be l'ir
lon 1'imernitr.
Akt. II. This inntitnti.-n ahall I located, and for
ever lemain, at Kuirene t.My. In Ijine t'minty, Oregon
A nr. 111. i 1. The plan of this institution ahall com
pn benl four departments ; to-ait :
The Preparatory Ikanmcut,
Tne Collegiate Ivpurlmeitt,
The SW-ieiitinc S-ho.d. and
The IVnartmeut of the l.earnel Profeaalona.
$ I. The I'repar.ttory IVjiartment shall include all
the branches or an r.ngbsii ediicatum. with the alui
tional ro-iiisitca for adnii-vdon to the lowest college
6 3. The Collcfflnte IVtiartmont ahall comnri-e areir.
nlar enur-e of stmltes, similar to that usually pnmued
in Collej-es in the CniUl Statin. This course is intend
ed t- oc.iov the rn-riml of four rears.
I ne stutients enared in the Miioiea or tne
1st year,
the Sophomore
the Junior
(JF.orUlK V. l.sWIOS, CafMlltlaU baftora tha
Isropla fbe Uelatfata lo t'onrraM, ; Tronic be
lilrnarfl to taeetaofi Aslttreaa bla fellow fill-
trul of the tlirrvrriit t'ouiiUra in tat 1'erHtot y
A T tha old itnnd nf Cutn. alejtKniWf A Co,
iV openln well selected itnrlrof gnndB-WhU b lie for Hale, tuw.ftir e or jiiWur. , r : x
le Just
Iter alcHlataO,
County, . Tuesdny, April 78
r , " , inuraday,
" ; . Saturday,
" Tuesday
. . Thursday,
in-t" Saturday,
,. ! Tueedty.
Corvallls, O. T.; My, 1h57,
luointcauy menus iu
the grent Itogue Hlver Valley s
I a,
BUTTER ult 2H00O lbn. for sale low. at " '
- " O. B:'COf.E-3,
HIOHEST price paid for butter, at
' ; O. E. COLE'S,
i i I, - ' ...
CJ UO Alt 3,000 IU. vf beat New Urleana Bugur. at
O - i U.K. COLK'B.
KiigeiiH City,
Oregon tlty,
I, inn
on the
Wll K AT, Hour, bncon. eggs and lard wanted in ex
change for eash and uicrcliuiidlse, at
all tlis ilwti place la 3
CU1 HilX-20VU m. beat cuflte for wile at ,
. U. E. COLE'S.
rpKAS 800 lb. Imperial Gunpowder,
X young nyju ua, fur sal at
black snd
1'nrk. White.
fJll coat, SO vests aud 10U pair annt for as I aheap
OOat r r O. B. COLE'S.
AND SUnnEIl G00D3! I
flHH aubarrllier wuld rMpeutfully inform their ru
M. turners ao lam inmn (nranr torn iwj nave on
hand, and are in constant receipt of goods front Han
Lrauclaoo and New Vork- lurg noil wells
:tedknlt-toiisiitiiig In port of; i .
Almnllsiln, an I alpaeca, ' '
Bonnets, beragex, and bra. Iluea,
Cnmbiie.erash, and ealieo, '
' Domestic dehtlne, and dnmitak, '
1 Edging, etnhnMery and eTetytljIug, 1
" riunnoU, fHngeai and fancy IlKln'a,
1 lngbain, goiters and glovea, ' 5 '"
Hanlkerliiera, hone and bir-plna
' Iron, Ink, and Inserting. ' '
Juconvt Jeans, and Java enffee'
' - kulvea, kid glove, and knitting fio, ":. 1
' liawn, lard and Liverpool alt :
Mustard, mirror, and matched,- "
Needle, Mail, and nice thing, .-'' " '
Oil, overshlrts, tnd Onlung tea, !1 " "
r"in, pants, ana paper,
4Jailta, autliei and aem
At Oregon City, on the the evening of May 17th, by
Itev. Mr. Makin.JoHH McCaABKN. U. 8. Mandial for
Oregon, and Mr. Alt HaAHn, of Oregon City.
On the IHh ult., at the reaidene of William Coyle.
by Elder W. P. Iluyakin, Mr. T. 14. II. OHKNBat. and
MUa Ki.iia V. CotLK, all ol lleutn Co.
At tlie residence of Mr. John lllantun. on Thandav
tne tui or
Hmva to
TT AVE removed to No. 131 Washington st.. between
II HaiMonio and Montgomery, opposite the Market.
Sun Kiamisco. where they wish to call tha attautiou of
tlie Trade to the largest stor.k of
I'l l ,vrraiW.iiYr.,i
Kver ollureil lu this market, many of which they agree
to sell at New York i.rlcea. wltli only cost r impotling
addud, and aome article at S still less rate, gunraoteed
to lie genuine, a they Import every ar lcle direct from
ne manuittciurera. ""
ENR whit shlil. niarlno under shirt and draw
ar at
CAHI'ETIKO and matting, for aula at
-. ... 41. E. COLE'S, i
OKS.shoveli', axe and haaiiner at
I). E. COLB .
UTTS, acrsw, locks and III at
rMay, inf.7. by Eider joimBtipp,Mr.NTiiH hr. UnTsoU'i Imnrorrd Kxlrtft of Trllow Dork
Mm. IUNM K,lK1 k,., both of Marion Co., 8Bri0pnrlll, iH Qnirt Bolllfl, I
j) AIN'T bruahea and hn brush at
O. E.Coha'a.
Look I fere t
TE have Just reoeived HH.OOU lb, of ground alum
v V aolt, which we ar selling at tier hundred.
. Ulll.SWOLlCO.
lanowieogeu to IW in oes rau as irrlivrinvil ,-llaa
cerUlled by the wonderful cure, it ha. perfornicd. TTTilL !J ' KTra''a
mber. tls U the only tra and genuine article. "' cl,eP . 0.fc.Cw.s.
TONS assorted iron, just received nt
vml tiKIHWOLI) ft CO'H.
ALL peraona ar forbidden to take awsy from the
CaitlM foundation any stone, or id her material
there remaining, or to trespass In any manner npnn the
mine of the recent Capitol building. Whatever there
may be of value on the premise lielong to the Territo
ry, and is neid aunject to tne action ol tne legislative
Asarmi.iv. i.f.n. i Kill,
liovcrnor. and Treasurer of the ( npltol Knnd.
Exet-ullve Office, Moy 8, Ih&T. Bw3
T8 acknowledged to be tht heat Sarsaparllla made a
JL I cerUlled by the wonderful cure it na penurmea.
Itenicuilier, this U the only true ana genuine article,
This medicine, when used according " ire-tion,
Scrofula. or King- Kvil, Cancer. Tumor. Km ut Ion or
theskio, Erysipelas, Chronic Horo Kjres.lUug , ,
Worm or Tetter, Hcnld Head. Hlieulua
tlsm. Pain In the Hones and
Joints, Old Korea and
Ulcers, Pwflllng of the liUuda, UysH.psia,BaltlUieum,
DisenHeorthe Kidneys, Los of Appetite, ;
JiKeue hrising from the twe of
Mercury, Vain In the side ami Khonldera, Ueneral Debili
ty, jaundice ana vosiiveiieiw.
MVKHYT11INO that farmer have to lII, bought at
Cj . - -., - tl. E. Cvlb a
1HOCKEUY fall kind at
O. E. Colb'.
LAHMVAltK of all kind at
U. E. Colb'b.
UUUEN war and brooms at
U. E. Colb's.
Tle Ilea Female Medicine Known J3uooy nd 'Ijffi
NotlreflUU lleward.
HAVE this day disposed of all my right and Inter
et of the stock appertaining to tlie " llelvidere Ha-
loon" to Messrs. It. A. Marker A. Co., and all rx-rson
knowing themselves Indebted to me heretofore either by
note or account, will please come forward and settle up
imtneuiuu'iy ana save cosis.
r.inr.iir. at. n.AMii.Mnj.N.
Bslcm, May H, 1MT. inf
Medical and Surgical Notice.
IT is often the case that persons suffer for a long time
with a curable disease from the fact that they do nut
know where to go to Und relief. 1 am prepared to re
move all Tumors, Cancers aud lilseaed Itone to re
duce dislocated Joints of long statuting, straighten, wry
nerm, club fool, and lu correct all delormity of the
race and eyelids. I. U. CAMl'HELL, M. U.
Coivalhs, O. T. siay , lsji. vti
rpilK Yellow lock aud (iarsaparilla t peculiarly
X. adapted for fruialra of delicate health, resulting
from irreo-uutilv of niertMtnial disuaarges. aud ollirr
disease peculiar to tneir aea. o a ws i biuicito i
that a bottle or two of l)r lluyaott kxaau-t or Yellow IV
Uoi!k and HurHauarilln will at owe reRulabj thoae dllll-1 i1- Cl
O 4 PA lit of boots, from medium to best uuality, for
04aaleat O.K. Cola's.
Probate INotire.
rpo all persons Interested In theestatcf It. M. tilt AY.
X deceased, lule or llenlon t o., o. r., yon are nereny
notilied to aimenr Is-fore meat mv ofllce in t
the 1st Tiies.liyof June next. toshowcjtiieahy an order
should not lie granted to the admlnlstratorof said dray'
estate to sell town lots An. 5 and S In lllocK .No. w, in
the town of Corvnllis to pav debts and charges against
aui.l estate. ' VM. CAKUWKl.L. J. P.
May 5. 1So7. ttr
In ton Unit-emit r.
VI.U perm who have taken pcholarshiiis in the Co
lon Cniversity proiMwcd to be established ul Ko-
gene City, in Lane Co.. O. T., are requested to meet nt
soid Euijene on Tneaday, the 1 2th day of May next, for
the pur p. we of electing trustees; and of transacting
anyutlier business wbi le deemed t-ei-essury.
till.l.MOItK CA1.1.1SUS.
EugencCity. April 27. 1M7. wl ,
'T I'rotluce Sliiern.
rpilK Tist selling rllpiMr lark HAMl'KI.
J. M KltKIT T, well loaded with province for SSN
Sau Kiaiicis,-, on her arrival, freight, s,ts JfJX;
Apply to the Captain on ltd. ir
THOMAS k. Davis
shall lsf st red tlie r resliman 4 la :
Tli -e iu the studies of the 2nd year
t las ;
Those in the tudic of the 3d year
v nd thore iu tlie studies of the 4th year, the Senior
$ 4. The Scientific itrhonl is designed to trarh tlie
special application of m-'m-es to Agriculture and the
Art; including. Agncnltural chemi.-try and liotany
Mechanical Philosophy : etc.
5 S. The IVnartmeiit of the Ixiroed Professions
shall embrace Law. Medicine and Theology
Akt. IV. i 1. The instruments of instiuction a all
include, (as soon as practicable.) a Chemical and
Pliilosoiihical Annaratns: al.ibmn -. aud Cabinet of
specimens in the soseral - kingdoms of nature : speel
mens illustrative of tlie Arts: Ar.
J. In the prosecution of the design set forth In the
lat section : a nmonmav.ii pracitcenie, ne enecioi
m-ith tne Adclohisoiihical S-K-irtv of ratgene City.
Aar. V. Land shall 1 furnished, aud a work-shop
with tools ; (as shortly as arraugcmtula VI this e fleet
may I made:)' and that any studcut so desiring may
avail himself of these means, for the preservation of a
aoiind mind in a sound body ;" and for defraying his
Akt. VI. I. The work of Instruction shall be per
formed by a Vacuity, consisting of a President and such
Proftswors, Tutors, or Instructors, as ahall, fmm time
to time, lie fouud to lie neeemaar.
1. The Karnltr shall prescribe the text books to Le
nsed ; toe oroer Ol smoies ana recitsvions t exrrvv a
vigilant supervision and guardianship over tlie deort
ment of the'studenU ; and hold amenalde any charged
with Infringement of the lawa of the Institution.
X. In communicating instruction, as well as to su
perintending the daily operations of all the classes.
Hr.imraa ivnSin Snm. twelve ninntho while the pnre-t and stncte-1 morality snail l cn
EARTLFSS AMi&AD. CSOme twelve monens . enfl',inoU AniJ inC,,lcatcl. the utmost care slutll
Since, a young man, a mechanic. Well known I betaken to avoid every specie of preference for any
to tv large number or our readers, li ft tbis sect or party, either reiigi.Hui or iH.iincai.
. . , , .v . I S 4. Nothing contained in the article shall be o con.
City, oeteTimneu to try nis lonunes in tne 1, w ex. lu.le and person from attendance on any
E.I ifOrauO Stale. lie leil OCQina Him a I rites or oijrrvancrs not in violation ol tne I onMiiuuou
l t .:rt .:f a s . I and laws ntl the Cnitcd itatea and of Oregon; but re-
yOHUS; anu .' " ,iRion, m i.-es mav be attended by those for whom the
babe, abotlt Six months Of age. I tlie same shall be desutvd, at any 'time not usually ap-
fl. arrival in Pallfftrnia. Ilia rnnno- nroprUted to aecuUr tndy and recitation by claasca, in
" i "-"h-b I a j
Francisco house at Sacramento, at a verT I of every
in i IT. ..ii ....l I nartmeot
iaTestment of a Small sum Which he had ta- I 4 . Tbe jnuraal required in U last aectloo. hall
ken with him to the Golden State yielded a I furnish tha criteria .tu deciding each atudent a nt k in
large and most remunerative per ccntage. 1 Amr Vit, Each person who ahall have oompieied in
The hopes which had led him tO part from thia institution tha regular courae of study, shall have
. . - .1.- j I unktnined the renntation of a rood moral character and
hyma ns i.mi v srni miirp inan m I7N1 i : . - ' . . . ' .... . . .
ivu. mx - - I who shad he free from do ob college uius. ; tnau ne
S111 1 tli K, Iavl,
IMPOliTKU" and wboleule DniggiU ; fire proof
i-tore, Portland, Oregon.
Order from the country solicited. find
Take Notice.
1THK imder-slgned. one of the Ann of K. Jicobs .t
y '.. this 'Uy sol I all my interest in the said ilrul.lo
S. Jacobs and X. toMKlinan. so that I have no claims
ah.ilever against tlieiu at lliis date.
CiiauroKti aud KauiFiixo, April 24, iNi.
S. Jacobs V Co.
WTII-L continue at their old stands at Champoeg,
V KairHcld. and at the log church. French Prairie,
where they will he most happvtn have their friends call
upn them, ami extend their filieral putrouage as here
tofore. We shall try to keen as g'vxl an assortment.
sell as low as any store in Oregon. Wc can do it!! Onr
goods are all nought in ran t ranrisco tor casn uown.
Come and see. I'm 3
For San Franelaco.
rfllK Favorite Steamsliip ColamMa, 3jJ
JL W . 1 Dai.l.I "ninisii.lcr. will leave
Portland for the aliove imrt on or about
the !th of May. The pricetif freight will "
be - jierton. Passage iu Cabin, .10 ; btecrage, f 10.
Apply to tne t. aputiti, on noaru, or to
l-KOX AUU i UKKEX, Portland.
Portland, April fllh, W7. Swl
Administrator's lVotlce.
IKTTE1W of administration have lieen granted to the
J undersigned, by the Probate Court of I'uiixiua Co.,
O. T..uMn the estate of IIKM1V O IIK1EX, deceased,
bearing date Jan. 17. Isj7. Therefore all persons in
debted to said estate are rrsinaatcd to make Immediate
payment to the undersigned, and all persons having
demand against said estate are hereby notilied to pre
sent tliem, with the proer prKfs, within one year from
tlie date iiercor, lot lie undersigned, m bcouxburg.o. 1-,
ia tlie aforesaid couutv.
WM. K. LEWIS, Admin r.
S.MttalHirg, t. T., April 23. 1KA7. h4
cullies nml renew the natural eliergit!.
SMITH A HAV18. ArenUlor Portland. Park A
While Sole Agents, and rmporters, wholesale and re
tail dealers in all tienulne I'atetit Medicines. 141 nun
ington street, opposite the market, Kan Krauciw-o.
" liottrlUr's Celebrated Storaarh BitUra.
rilllllER bottle of Ilosletter' Vegetable Stomach
X Hitter will enrr the lyspepsla; one bottle will
rreatean appetite, force off the Impure bile, purify tbe
blood and invigorate the system ; two bottles will rure
the worst form of Liver Couiplaiut ; one bottle will dis
sipate that wraknesn at the pit of the stomach, give
color lo the oounlauauce, linpail tone and strength to
the system, and lend cheerfulness lu the mind. Kvery
family should have Ilosletter celebrated Htomarh Hit
ters. ' No article is an peculiarly adapted to the depress,
lug effect of our climate. Bsfd by llruggist. Hotel
and class saloons throughout California and Ore-aoii-
CatTioje. Hiiycra are particularly requested to be
ware ol a spuriHis article nianufacture,! and repreeent
e.l to I llosti-ter's Hitter, vuirh all who sell or uca
tlie aiticlecan detect, a it is never sold by the gallon,
but in square Iwtllea containing a full quart, with the
cork covered with a roetallc cup, and name on cap, and
Ixdtle. with direction for use.
SMITH A PAVIS, Agents for Portland. Park k
White. Ocneral Agents, San Francisco. 7niJ
. A PgRi-fUKii Hiikath What lady or gentleman
would remain on dor the corse ot a disagreeble breath
when bv using the' tlalin of a Thousand Flowers 'as
dentrillce would lud only renut r it sweet Isit leave the
tis'tli white as alabaster I Many persms do uol Know
their breath is laid, and the subject is so delicate their
friends will never mention It. pour a sintle drop of
Halm on your tooth Unuli and wash the tcctn night and
Sutvivii MiutlairWrt youe ehaving imisii in
either warm or edd water, pour on two or three drops of
tbe' Hilm of a Tlioiisand Flowers," rub the lieinl well
and It will make a Is atitiful soft I ither, much facilitating
the ooeration of sharing. For sale bv all Pmggists.
SMllll.v I'A l!, Agents, i-ortianu. tura a uue,
Ssn Francisco. 7ml
At.vill S. Co.,
No. 172 Washhnusjox St., Nam FRtNnsro.
CSHF.KT. Caid and Hook Music.
O anil other Musical Instruments.
and Heeds, for Violins, Uuitars.
Also a lar-e wholesale sbxk
and Toys.
Milliard ll.iin.wav and cue lat :irr. nagsoi an naiKins,
boxing gloves. ,e., together with all kiiois of Yankee
Notions, osctul or amning. onm paraeo wiiii trreai
,-are and forwanb-d with promptness.
All onler should menthm by what ooat or r.xprcaa
Co. the good aie required to be "nt.
Al II. i. .V t o..
Cull 1T2 Washington St., Sau Francisco.
Administrator's IN'otice.
ri-HK undersigned having been appointed by the Fro-
X bate I Mirt for lu nton I omit v. o. i ., administrator
of thee.tntcor V 11,1.1 AM J At KSI1X, deceased, late
of said County aud Territory, hereby gives notice to
all iMM-sons having claims against the deceased, to ex
hiliit them,1 wilh the necessary vonchers, within nne
year from the date of this notice, to him, nt Ins office,
in said county. fr examination aud adlustmeut. or lie
forever deluirrvd Ihrrefnait : and all fiemona indebted
to said estate are requested to make immediate pay-
menU J AS. II. bLATtK, Admin r.
April Uth, w4
FNH slKies and gaiters, Loy and youth ahue
coarse and One, for aoiv at u. c colb a.
HILDHENU lioe, rtout, medium nd flue, for aula
ai ... u. r-. tyULB
T ADIFJi gaiters, slipper and shoes of every descrip-
O-i uun, at
ti. K. Colb'b.
LALlhidreRondM, spiiug and summer styles ;
Hue assortment at U. E. Colb'b.
DHKOS trimming for aule at
1. E. Cole's.
11 7 II ITE goods, euibruiderica, laces, trimming, etCsj
etc., etc., at o.r.. cole a.
"I iHINTS. spring and summer tyles. Merrimack,
X chioo, lniuu, Philadelphia aod Manchestar at
tl. K Coi.b's.
IV you have any rash, produce, or anything you wish
to exchange fur goods, (credit excepted,) bring II
SM ALL prolit aud quick returns ia the motto at -.
E. Colb's.
XJO charging rrfra pi-of to make up for afoto pay
and bad dtbtt, as 1 have no such.
A LL who wish to buy low for cash er produce.
find it to their advautage to call on
E. Colk.
;. e. culb.
isic. Piano Fortes, irttsl
ntmrnts. strings 4te
rs. Clarionets. Ac. Cti
of Fancy lioods a7
A LL who wish to purchase on long credit, and on
.. never pay. can find plenty ef good at other atore
in town Uial are alii lo aell uu luuse ternia. mi
Notice to Contractors. '
rrs.IIE tindisrsined will receive Maled ppnewal at the
A Post Oflice in Salem. O. T-. tmtll 4 clock P. M-.
of the llth or May, next, for furnishing beef and flour
for the Orand Hondo Coast Indian Agency, for six
months. There will be required about flftisrn ton of
fl'Hir. and Biteen ton or beer per month, more or less.
Said Dour most be a g'sul common article, (but super
fine will not lie required.) and must lie in sacks contain
ing from Ml to KM iMHimts. rue ueei must ne weiciif
in ouarters. and all the 1'lTVil except the hides to be
thrown in. The quantity of both door and beef will b
regulata-d. as well as the place of delivery, by the agent
In charge.
The right will I reserved to the undersigned of re.
iert ne all exorbitant bids. I'armeni win lie mane so
noon as tlie necessary funds are received from the Treas
ury leprtment.
llonds will lie required from contractors for either
the flour or thetieer contract, with mree or more appro
ved securities, iu tbe sum of ten thmiRnd dotlats. Lach
bidder will b reouired t aceompsitty his hid with
written undertaking, by three or more reinible er.
sons, that he or they will give the lionds required.
JOHN' F. MILLEIt, ludian Agent.
Salem, O.T., April t, 1S7. Md
ncyfp yH o r re e s: -
Notice of nil extray tut required by law to be ad
vertised In the Statesman. The charge therefor, fixed
by tiny law, ia one dollar for each animal taka Br
Ko advertK mstil wilt appear Biider thi bead autil
paid for.J , , ,
ri AJiKK t'P,bythemib-rilerlivtug in MouBtSuott
X preciu:t UuukIhs ( T-, one steer alsiut i or b
years old, dun and whn spotted, marked with a swal
low fork la tha right ear, and nootli crop, and under
bit Ju the left J uu brands, .
- ' 4 ' 4 - JXO.C. COXifOR. -
April 6.157. wl
I ainsenevrar; '
te M i l
. Hlbbou, Maori, and rat-trBM,
Silk, sugar, and shaving soap,
Tea, tottaeco, and lurpenluie,
Cmlnrellaa, under-eleeve. and useful Uilogt,
Veil. VaruHrii. and vinegar,
Wreathes, woolen goods, waftte-lroiw,- 5
Vara, yeaat, and Yankee notioa,' -.
Zinc, aud aephyr worsted, - . ....
,-..4 Ac, and bo an, - -
Hesidea man other arMcle too numerous to mention
all of which w art offering at reduced price, adopt
ing tbe plan of" yuick sales and iraall profits."
TWe htdle will find in their department a large BtOck
of fancy good, direct froM New Vork, which i Dot
usually kept in Urexua, by atnngameata'wlll Iw In
constant receipt adequate t the want of the ladies.
Tha ISenllimien' Uauartment of furnishing good
will (oldom be equalled, and n celled by none in Balein.
IUON-TliblMikoiiluaud iron dealer will always
And a well-selected (tuck of all alxe and
aether with a auod sssirri mtlli of iron axle
6 in., to 3 x 1 1 luohes, which w ar selliug at Portland
price, adding JrehjUt.
We are prepared to recelva all kiads of produce In
exchange for goods, and also mouey. For full parlic il
ls r call and rxauilue for yourselves.
W'. U U1U8WULU t,U.
Kalein.Feh. 10.1R57.
riVKEN LlV by the suliserilier living In Linn Co.,
X south of Albany lx miles, on the CalsMxda. ono
black alter, three years old this spring, murkcd with a
crop off the right ear, and underlut in the left. A I so,
oue small c'w, red hrlmlle, aome white on the lielly and
legs, bush of the tail off, part of the tail white, no mark
tobeaeen; said cow bad a calf, last fall; said rattle
came to my farm two year ago this' spring.
April 14, 195T. - '
TAtKM UP. by the aulas Hber, Irving in Beiiton Co.,
two miles below U. i. Iavia' on Soap Creek, one
pldea red and White itcer, imir years oiu tnis spring.
a crop off the rigm year; imuin wiumm, cigut,
bo oilier aiarks or brnl ; tbe alwve steer rama to my
placa three year ago thiaapriog.
May 7. lMt, ' ; : ' owj i
riKEcTuP, by the anlaM-riber living tour milea and
A a half south of Inm grey riorae, two
year old, with a star in the forehead, both hind feet
while, branded with W. on the loft shoulder j tbe aliovo
auimal came to the premises of tb aubMclibcr as a
stallion sometime In January 7. last.
April 30, 18.yf.
by the subsrrlber, living In RaBtlam
one black cow, tour or nvo
. 5 .V I T1AKEN UP, by theau
shape t-1 J precinct. Marion Co.,
rMm '.' year old, with rat wldu
For Sale as Cbcap ai Ibe Cnrapeit, and for C.ih,
or urrgoa rroaaee.
HAVE received by bark Nahumkeag. Halcyon, and
steamer Columbia, font arrived, a fresh lot of groce
ries, Avo which, added lo my former stuck, offer as good
I aaaoruwul in groceries, provisions, uaiuta aim vi
are tub found lathe Territory, ti witt . .
4JJ00 lbs. China No. 1 sugar.
. 4,000 lb, best ltio greeu eoffee, . ,
250 Hm. " Java " '
1.0UO Hi. Manilla No. 1 sugar,
2,'JOO lb. N. O. and 8. 1. tugar la bbls. and keg.
1 jO lbs. black pepper (round)
20 Immi gr.eplceH, ' ' ' .
200 lb, allspice, (round.) it
iu hoe. bug. anu Ain. uiustaru in guns, f
ie fruit .
resh peche "
tomato caUup In case 2 ea. In glaas,
Cayanne pepper (in glass)
Fresh Haltiiuure cove oyster I lb can,
Ixjbsters, fresh iu 2 lb can,
painted pall, (3 booped,)
&0 lb.
Battery aud Confectioner-.
riMK undersigned would n;Miiice to the public that lieCesaiiry funds are received from the Treasary lc
X he his established himself in the baking and con- p,rtraellt. f wi here state for the information of thus
Notice to Contractors.
rpilE undersigued will receive sealed proosala at the
1 Punt on n C H-v;Uli. u;iiu ociotg r. si., oi
the ?iHh of .May next, for furnishing beef and Hour for
the Siieta Agency Coast Heservation lor six months.
There will be required ab uit 30 t ins of Hour Kr mouth
more or leas. Said Hour must be a good common arti
cle, (but superfine will nit be required.) and must be
in sacks coutaining from 50 1 1 IK imiuihIs. There will
be required 2.i00o pouuda of beef more or less. K-r
month. The beef to he weighed In quarters, aud all
the offal except the hides to lie tlirowu in. I lis quan
tities uf both Hour and Ixs-f will be regulated, as well a
the place of delivery, by the agent in charge The
right will I M reserved to the uudersigued. of rejecting
all exorbitant Dids. l aymrnt wm oe maue so suoa as
Collins A Co-axes, with and with.
.. , handles,
ax luuidles,
Ilorax. , ... ;
to Hm. Cum camphor. .
b boxes ad. candles li't. 20 and 40 ea.
20 " Hill & Colgate's No. 1 muep,
5 " . i Hive oil " Splognolia brand,"
S Creom Tartar,
10 " Kularatu,,, , , , , !
10 kegs '
5 Soda,
20 chests, old and vonug hyson, gun powder,
Imiierial and Oolong teas, lu bulk and In I
iff. caddie.
100 half boxes sardine,
10 " Uberkiiis in I gal.
20 ' Tobaoeo" dih. brand," :
30 dux. papers araokiog ' .
20 Imxe maU Ill's,
1 bags nutmegs. . .
300 Dm. Carolina aud China rkra,
200 gals, gnerm and polar oil.
1J0 sacks Liverpoid grd. and S. I. swlt,
S half b'.ls. Stuart's crushed sugar,
20 kegs " Setb Adams'' syrup iu kegs,
2 obis, pur cider vinegar, dried apple io.
Also a general assortment of paiuta, paint oil, win
dow glass and nails, to wit :
3M gab), raw and snlioilcd oil, .
20 Copal varuish. m
SO Spirit's tursiitiiw.
60 Uernuin glass SX 10, 10K 12, 10X 14,
10X 1, Ac.
Iry and mixed paints of all color, and any quantity.
A good assortment of paint and other brushes; also
a god .'asortmcnt of Hoots Siiofj".
I have of Oregon produce, 3,100 list. Oregon A No. 1
butter. 6 to P.0OO Us. bacon, ham, shoulder, and sides.
30 Isishrl lieans, 2 bnslH.1 iteaa, .r0 bushel buck w neat
flour, so sacks s. r . tlour. oils, limotny seeu. ana any
quantity of first rate potatoes. J. 2. PltEHCOTT. i
tjn-giin I uy, r eo. n, i-soi. iu
tfn f Ta tTneVara nf Iron and Sleel '
fIV I, HVlBll, VI iivu muts u.vs .
the following asaort-
T II AVE tbi day received by tlie arrival of tha J.
X " hitiug from rsin t ranrtsco, in
meut of iron and steel, ti wit t
I.ikhi His. Norway shajves,
2.'HK) lbs. JXJ Iron (Oaf,)
. . . , . t ,
year old, wltn some white spots on uer xi'iew, maracu
with a crop off tha right ear, and an nnderbK In tbe
left, and branded on the left hip very dim, auptxwed to
J. M.,also J. on the right hip. Also, one yearling heif
er, supposed to be a calf of the above cow, with red
sides, white back, face and belly, and red ears, have
been running in tula vicinity over a year.
Ssiitiam Treclnct. My 1, 1S57. w2
riVtKEN UP, by the undersigned, living In Linn Co.,
X O. T., abiut five mile southeast or cun s bridge,
Crabtree Creek, ne red steer, atxut Ave year old, with
an under slope off the right ear, and branded with J. !(.
on tbe right hip, said steer came here aome five or six
monlbaagn. u M. pavh'mi.i.
April IS, 1S57. 9w2
TAKEN UP, by tlie Bndewlgueil, living npoa the
North Umpqua.ia lkuiRla Co.. O. T., one pale
red cow about 8 or 1 years old, marked with a crop off
the right ear, and an uuderbli off the left ; branded J.
I', on the left dip. . JAM r.i iii.wm.
May 1, 117. 2
r1AKEN L'P, by the subaerilier, living at tbe crossing
X of the south laiekiamnte. Polk Co. one strawberry
roan two year old filly, with white fare and white hind
legs up to uie Hoc k ; uranoea wita w letter n oa too
left shoulder. Said Ally lis been running about my
premise about a year.
HS1 .. . uivr. nr. bi Jit rw.v.
ritAKKN' L'P, by the atilsicritjer, sixteen mik-s north
X west nf Kugcne City. Uiw C- O. T-, a cream col
ored Indian mare, 4 years old, w hite face, no brand
perceivable. FALLS HOWARD.
April 11. 157. 8w2
T1 AKEN UP, by tlie aubwrilur, livuigon south i'ara
! ill river, 7 utile above Amity, in Polk Co., one
roan half breed horse, C or 7 years old, with two white
bind feet, and branded with a soldering iron brand OB
tbe kit stioulder. TIIOM AS U. LA Il.
April 2.'., 1K..7. . - 8wl
rttAKEN L'P. by tlie mibarriber, of Jackson precinct,
X Polk Co., O.T.. In April 1j7. one black cow, with
white under the lie I ly. white fare, marked, crop and
nnderbit off the right ear, swallow fork off tbe left,
about Hve years old. 11. W. WOOLEN.
April 2S, 1S57. fwll
For Sale.
IvVIIJisefl one halfof the land claim known
a the Dwight Poniroy rkiim. Said half
adjoin Mr. Peter II. Hatch's and is about
two miles from I ireeon i 'ltr. on the nuiier Wil
lamette. 1 will also aell one half or the whole of the
pnqierty, lying and situated In the beautiful and rapid
ly growing town of Corvallls, Henlon Co., and known
as the " Thomas'' iiropertv, consisting of four lots of
land, together with alt tlie buildings thereon. Said
pnqierty i in a beautiful location, and both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or nata at cash
price. Inquire of the ubseril-r, at hi store in Ore
gon City, in reUilion to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery,
in rel ition to the Thomas proerty, at Corvallia.
Also, Fix (G) lota of land in Oregon City.
Oregon City, March 1 , 1SS7. ltf
rrtllE snWrilsr will py cah for S..klier Boonty
X Land Warraiits.atliis store. XAT. II. LANE.
Corral! is, Jan. 13. Ivi7. 44tf
jLand Warrants.
THE subscriber will pay cash for land warrants.
Portland, Feb. 17.1857. 60tf
"VHP fur Soldier Bounty Land Warrants by
3. of to
(, 1. 1. H. and IJ.sqaars,
, j. 1. and 14, men round,
An aecurate Journal of the precise character of
very rectatlon of each student la the collcgiaUv de- A PL INSCRIPTION pnrse
ttoent. shall be kept ; and h deemed advUalOe, in en by the eitixens of Lr
other departments also. . - Hlair a track, free for all kii
Sport of the Turf.
pnrse of l'i0 dollar will be glv-
ngeiie tity, to ie run lor ai
nown Oregon Horses : to lie
governed by the ruhst of the Jockey Club. Kntranre
ill.,, forfeit 175. to be added to too purse. AH entries
must be made two weeks previous to in race. 1 ne
nurse will l run for on the hud, Friday of May, ISi
m., : 1 t ... . 1. III 1 ...
luoae WUSUIUK WCUWI ii.iim. witt .mill w
' RwJ PRVOR T. ai.AIR.
entitled to receive the degrees usually conferred by cd-
& 2. rersnna who shall have received degree from
other Institutions and who are found to be worthy, may
be adoi'tled ad enndem. -
,. a a x. r . 1 1 ., it., v l a 3. Honorary degrees mav oe couicrrca ou persons, 1 jstn uay ot ay neu. as 01s iunn, nrceiuue huuui 01
Jnlj last, nd in It De iniormea UCr inai lie I (witilCut reference to their baring been connected w ith Silrerton. and one mile north of It. C. Gcer's. on the
Should return to bis native place lor a unci I any Institution.) bcucvcduy tne lacimy to db wcuvcre- lerritoriairoau.tue louowiug c'ir..iK ,,i,. ,.y, ....
wit and rr.ntrl her to make her rjrena- ed in the s- iences. Seventeen bead of Him American Horses, and heventy-
tsit, and requested fier to raake ner prcpa , Any rrsn who shall pay:to tb five head of Cattle, comprising alrgenumir of milch
rations tor rciuuiai tw vaiuwiuia. I treasurer or tbut institution, tne sum 01 oue nunurru
Ia falfillment of his promise the husband ,7 Sr.ind,
Came Lome On a Steamer Which reached Aew percent per annum, shall be entitled to the tuition of
IT. t , X i one nnnil. constantly ana isttpcmuiiit suu imu uwu
2. The prii-e of a scholarship may I eulianccd,
whenever the proper authority shall so decide.
6 s. The noiucrs or scnoian-uip iiou,u mev. auiiui,ojr
for tbe election of trustee and a treasurer.
K i Parh sect of the nmnrietor of scolarships. en-
tertainiiig any pecnliar tcncUt of belief or disbelfef on
ion matters, snan De einmeu 10 equai reirt-ss iiui.
more than
lie wrote home often to his wife. His let
ters were couched in the kindest tone, and
inTariablr inclosed liberal remittances. His
last epistle was indited at San Francisco, in
Public Sale.
THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of the
late RALPH WATSON, deceased, will sell at
nul.lic anction. to the bighcet bidder, on Thursday, llic
2th day of May next, at his farm, three mile south of
York on Friday last.
York in the afternoon. Impatient of the
tours which kept him from the arms of his
wife, he left his baggage in New York, and
with nothing save his in hand, took
passago ou the afternoon train on the Hnd
on Hirer Railroad, and reached here late
at night. lie hurried to his home. The
.door was locked, and the windows dark,
lie knocked again and again, but there was
no response.
At last, presuming that his wife might be
on a visit to the home of his mother, in West
Troy he hastened over there. His parents
met him more in sorrow than in joy. His
first inquiry was for his wife. For a time
he received no answer, but at length they
informed him that his wife had proved faith
Jess and recreant daring his absence ; that
cfin hail pnrrarrpA in an illicit amOnr With a
row,, and a fine lot of iK-evea.
A rare chance M here offered to persons wishing to
secure good stock, as it Is all American, aud in fine
conditiou, and will be sold without reserve.
Terms. Cash : or. if desired ny nurcuaacrs. a credit
of nine months will be given upon aoto with good ap
proved security.
.. . . ASA -1 .1 , Xt
mr sale to commence at u cnu a, .. ji.
A. ALLEN, Administrator.
Salem, April 2lat, 1857. 6wt
fectioiicrv business at Salem, oa Commercial street
second door north of the I'nioo House. A thorough
I ecricne at the talking business be trust will enable
Imu to give sutisjaciiou to ui customer. All order
promptly filled.
Groceries aud Fruits, wilt also be kept constantly on
hand. CHAS. Mi-tilN .V.
April o. t7. ft If
OR 20 bushel, of prime wheat wanted in pay
ment for subscription, to l delivered within a
week or two. Tbe highest market prb-e paid.
. April 3. 1H.'.7. 4
Final Settlement.
XTT1CE is hereby given .that A. E.McOee. admlnis-
1" trat-T of the estate of- KLISH.V WILLIAMSON,
deceased, will present his account", as such administra
tor, at tlie Mav term of the l'rolnte Court, of Douglas
Co.. O. T. for final settlement. All persons tnt rested
will please Uke notice. T. B. SANUEltstKM..
Judge of Prolate.
April 7. 1S37. r 7w3
Look Here.
ALL persons that are. indebted to James Strang, are
requested to call and settle their account by tlie
15th of May, and all those who do not, will find their
accounts in the hands of John I). Boon, Justice of the
Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem. I
want to settle up my accounts. J AMLS STRANG.
Salem, April 21. 1M7. . 6tf
Administrator's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given .that letters of aduii nistration
on the estate W KOUF.ItT M. CRAY, deceased,
have been granted to the ijudcrsigned. by the Prohutc
Court of llvntnn Co., O. T., bearing date April T. IKlT
All uersons indebted to said estate will nleasc ci.tke im
mediate payment, aud all pcrsous baviug claims against
auid estate, must jiresuut tlicm ta the undcraigncil, at
Corvallis, with proper vonchers, within one year from
this date. JOHN ILCOXtiLE, Admin'r.
April 7, 1S5.
TT L' LI.'S No. 1 Soap, the best you ever asest
n'hite lead, linseed oil.
turpentine, putty,
indigo, madder, copperas, alum,
oil for lamps and machinery,'
New Orleans sugar,
crushed sugar, .
cream tartar, aaleratoa, soda, at
interested, that I have had the entrance of tlie Yaqiiiip
na surveved, and that it is entirely practicable to enter
there with vessels, there being from Biteen to eighteen
feet of water on tbe bar at the lowest stage of tlie tides.
I would therefore particularly invite tne attention or
ahlp owners to this notice, as transortatioa by land
will be attended with too much expeuse.
llonds will bereonired from contractor for either the
Riair or beef coutruct, with three or more approved se
curities. In the sum or ten thousand dollar, bacn bid
der will be reouired to accompany hi bid with a written
undertaking, by three or more responsible persona, that
be or they will give the bonds rouuired.
It. B. METCALFE, Indian Agent.
Salem. O. T-, April 21, lViJ. Md -
i '
House, Carriage, Sign, and Steam-
uont i'uiiuiia.
A.RKKO having established his Paint shop In
Salem . is prepared to execute with dispatch all
loha in the above line, rlanners. Standards, and Em
blems, for societies psinted on silk, satin, velvet or mns- I
lln. Paints of all colors and descriptions mixed, ready
. - ... Ul- . . 1 tOhll. I . ..I I lns.1
tor use, tor snie at ins rnu, , - " ' - I --
Oil Turpentine and Varnish, Wall paper and Border, I Toids. Qotensware, t to
Window glaas. Paint brushes, graining, 4c. 1)1- and Oils, Varniatt, LadV
i. 5-16,
assorted cast steel.
horse shoe nail. (O)
Which togetlier with stock In store make as com
plete an assortment as ran be found ia Territory and
will be sold as cheap as the CHEanes-r for cssit orenon
try produce. J.N. PKKSCOTT.
Oregon crty. r em zj, ir. - oott
Fresli From New York.
kUY GOOI13 Cl"Uiing,! Roots and Shoes, Hard
ware, tirocerie. Books and Stationhry f all ia
and see them. . IGtf J. H. I. R. MOOItE.
Try it.
rTM) all whom this may come, greeting : That I aa to
X leave for the States soon, and would respectfully
reqoeM those who know themselves indebted to me. or
VY-C.tiriswold A Co., to call and settle without demy,
and oblige W. CO it IS WOLD.
Salem, January Ti, Wbl. u
150 Bounty Iand Warranti
WANTED, by the subscriber at Salem .
T G. KRIECHBALM. has opened aRes-
J tan rant at Corvallis. RenbHi county ;
meal at all boors. He II reed you well,
rive him a call, next door north of City
Enterprise Line of Steamers, '
To all point above Portland on tbe Willamette River.
HE EXPRESS...: A. 8. Murray, a.
ENTERPRISE..... A. Jamiesoa. JaaS-aaaSB-.
...... ill connect as follows:
MOO RES'. I Steamer ExruKss leaving Portland every MUA VAX
ana r ntirA b nisranma w,t a. -
Tbe Entbbtbisb leaving Canesiah immediately on
tbe arrival of tbe Exraaxs. for Corvallis, oa every
Variety of MiscelUneoua Work, worth I MONDAY morning, and FRIDAY mom lag for Salem.
26tf MOO UFA'. I All Freight for the above line will be receipted for
AMILY BIBLES, Webster Quarto Dictionary,
BY virtue of an order of the probate Court or I'oik
Co.. O. T.. I will offer for sale on the 30th day of
May, 1SA7, one half of the southwest qr. or Section J,
FROM the subscriber, a portion of his stork, marked
and branded as follows: Crop off the left ear, and
swallow-fork in the right, V. bland. Any person kuow
iiiK the whereabonta of cattle bearing this brand sad
marks, will be properly rewarded by sending me infor-
mation. w.iat, nuutuU'i.
Lane county, Ang. T, ISoC. . 22tf
Akt. IX. 6 1. The general arrangrmrnw, nuancrai
concerns, etc, shall be conducted by the board of trus
tees ; who shall elect a secretary from their number ;
and they shall elect tbe President and Professors.
6 2. In addition to the ntimlar of persons elected
n aeenrdanre wilh article VIII. shall lie the
governor, lieutenant-governor and chief justice, of Ore-
Min a w.fKirt
S. The trustee shall attend the anniversary of this
Institution ; and they may meet at such other times,
both stated and special, as shall be designated in the
AjrrTx. 6 1. The anniversary fchall be held on such
dav as shall be selected by tbe trustees, wita tne con
the furultv-
. . ...
6 2. At tne anniversary, pui.jic exercises or tue sue
an, situated in ncmon v;o., ou me viiuiamcii iviver.
between AHiany and Corvallis. Sale to take place be
tween the honrs of 10 o'clock A. M-. and , P. M., on
the premises. Terms or sale mane known on the flav
or sale. W. J. LINVILLE.
7w3iald Caardian for Jnlitta l.invine.
Art. XI. This constitution (shall be subject to alter
ation and" amendment, with tbe concurrence of two
thirds of the proprietors of scholarships, who may be
present at any annual meeting.
VOnniT man eHJDlOTed US clerk in a dry goods I dents shall tale ilac : and the animal report of tbe
. ... . . a !. r t, I ka.J Af tmAAD anil Af tha tMounrfir. Shlll la lilfliTP.
hAtico in A lhanr f.Mflt llr frill IL nariDIT UC I ' " "
MVMuV 14 asVIVHuj '- 0
come evident and notorious, they (bis pa
rents) . bad forbidden ber crossing tbeir
threshold ; that, bnt a day or two previous
to his arrival, she had gone off on the cars
for the West with the young man. For a
time the husband refused to credit the fear
ful tale ; bat inquiry persuaded him it was
too true. His wife had evidently encour-
ti !vaner. nf flip nrlnltrpr n nil fn-
v:, to 1.1 -it Th. rnoB ho lio reouired for the purposes of nutrition, these pills pe- of . pood, farm, with a litle money will do well
. orcu aiu, - ---- - -- '-- rae in aa almost miraculou manner, repuiaiinK, iui in-
Bent Her IrOm jiuiiuum, oue uu wbslcu
Notice to Volunteer, of Car-i. Martin't Compaay
of Kogne KiTtr war oi
IrUBPOSE t be at Rnsebure. Douglas CO., O. T-,
on Wednesday, the 20th of May, 1S57, to pay the
Volunteers of Captain W. J. Martina Company of Vol
unteers of Itofrue River War of 1833.
IiEXJ. ALVOUU, paymaster u. s. Army.
Fort Vancouver, W. Ts, April loth, 1857. 6wt
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE undersigned now offers hi valuable
larm for sale, situated on Sjiring Creek,
iu Mnrion Co., O. T-. one and a half miles
anoihof Mi Kinnav's Mills, on the County road
runnins from balem to said alius, it contains du acres,
of which 64(1 acres is under a Rood substantial stake
and rider fence, one hundred acres iu Rood cultivation.
Weekly Journals Devoted lo Spiritualism.
siul proprietors.
Ilioadwav. it. i . Terms. 2 per annnm
CnnisTi as ririTi i.isT; r.niuMi and nuonsiiea Dyrne
Society for the Oitt'inion or Kpiritual Knowledge, 553
Broadway, N. Y. Terms, 2 per annum.
Nbw KsotAsn PeiKiTi'ALrsT ; Kditorand publisher.
A. K. Newton, 15 Franklin street, Boston ; Terms, $2
per annum. - -
SsriRiTrxi. Universe : L. S. Kverctt, Editor and pro
prietor, Cleveland, O. Terms, $2 per annum.
Aok or I'roorsss ; Editor and publisher, Stephen
Albro, Btifialo, . l.; lerms, ti per annum.
SrntrruAL Mi-KNfiKK ; E. Mead, M. D-, Kditorand
Jmblisher, No.. 30. Sbcth street, jL'iucinnati, O. Terras,
S2 per annum. ' ' ' -.,
Tub Tbith Skkkeb : Editor and proprietors,' A.- P.
Rnwmam, and E. I. Iymden, Angola, Steuben Co., In
diana. Terms'. 1 50 per annnm.
Thb Crisis ; Editor, Rev. Henry Wellcr, La Porte,
Indiana. Terms, ti per annum.
Tiik MEDirx. conducted by J. M. Barnes and H. W.
HullK-rt ; published at. Conncaut, O. Terms, tl 50 per
annum, in advance.
rections given in painting, also in graining imitation
of wood, stone or marble.
rf. B. llrurrs imm uoroau prvinoiy aiicooi-u
All Jobs intrusted to bi care warranted to rive satis
faction. .
Salem, Jan.6,lSS7. .iyi
Boot and Shoe Store. x
to thef itixens of Salem, and the surround- J9
inn Mnntrr tbat tliee have taken a store on tlie
.st Ki.lo of loininercial street, north of the itostofflce.
where they will keep constantly on nana a inn assort
ment of every Kind oi doom ana snncs, ooiu .unuin anu
.ai work, which thev will sell at the lowest living pri
ce. Being both practical workmen, all orders for the
...nnWIiin or renair of work Will De complied WHn,
nd the work done in a substantial and workmanlike
I manner. Oive u a call and examine our stock.
KUUU&UJ s n aaAO..
" Salem, March 1J.IS57. -- . -... . ' Im3 :
S. J. McCormick,
Frajiklin Book Store
HAS constantly on hand a large stock of Books amd
STATioHKRr, which he sella at a small advance on
l,. .uitvua lulf!KK-
seen IB i ue iimma. anu
red inere-
from sent postage free to auy part ot eitncr lermtory.
Portland, Feb. 21, 1857. oyt
Waliefleld ft. Co.,
KEEP constantly an hand a full assortment of arocer
cerles. Hardware. Carpenters' Tiwls, Blacksmiths'
lothm. Itont and Hnoes, rami
Ladies' Ireaa Goods and trimmings,
Ac. fte ' lttf ' - r .
Q-T POUNKH choice Apple Seed, .
AJ 19 loa. . rear - -
Apply on board Steamers, or at
HOi'T'H Wharf Boat. Portland.
' Pacifie Christian Advocate please copy. 45tf
TTTKOM Frier'a place, near Bethel.
X' C
Cherrystones, '
KEUS superior Dried Apples (new crop) jnet
received by - - - -
.:-.-. t t i WAKEFT1-XD & CO.
ADAMANTINE Candles, 25 boxes, for sale by .'
- lttf ... WAKEFIELD CO.
K EGS Syrup (Scth Adams' best) just received by
IKON'. 20000 lbs. best Refined and Hwedea' Iron
. mi o Baud Iron, Cast and Plow Steel, th best
assorted sizes In Oregon. For sale low to black
smiths aod merchant... . .
lttf . . .t WAKEFIELD CUt
erriVLBS. Pnre White Lead, fyr sale at
,OUU ' -lttf A WAKEFIELD A CO'a.
A COMPLETE act of tjoopcr'g Tools for sale.
1 ft BEST Chicagrt " Clipper Plows." for sale at re
lO duced rates, by lttf WAKEFIELD A CO
QA BOXES f k 10, 10 m 12 and 10 M 14 French Glass,
tjyj just received and for sale ny
.o., m October last, one black mare.
with small star in forehead, and very light
mane for an America a mare ; Has a roan
colt. Also. one bright bay Americas mare, small size,
with star ia ber forehead, and saddle marks. Also,
one Indian mare, bay color, bald face, and white fnra
legs to the knees, and sway back. Any oue having
knowledge nf tbe wliereariouta or tbe above described
mare shall be paid for their trouble.
t A. K POST.
Polk Co, Feb. 17, 157. r 50tf .
Sale of Public Land, and other
THERE will be sold at public auction, on the premise,
on Thursday, the ltb day of June next, (unless
disposed oi ax private sale oerore uu um.) acres
of as good land as can be found in the Territory, con
sisting of the north half of the claim upon which J. P.
oiuun rcaiues, lying iti .ju ihk aorj ,
ty 1J mile from Doake's landing. Sard farm fa well
situated to make a first rate farm or if it is desired, It
will be sold in two tots ; there bein? a One grove or ex
cellent timber upon each end of the tract and upon
one end several never-failing springs of water.
Terms, one half cash balance on time, with interest
if desired.
For particular", enquire of J. P. Smith, on the prem
ises, or of J. H. A I- B. Moores, Salem. O. T.
There will also be sold ihitoi cows and norea ai
that time. 5tds J.P.SMITH.
The Laws of Oregon.
lttf - WAKEFTET.D A CO. . ; 'me jaws oi urcgon.
A GOOD assortment School Book constantly kept rpHB OREGON STATUTES , VS being a Urpe vel
A on hand. . Utf . , WAKEFIELD A CO. 1 ume of 60 page, with com .tete uidex.annot-
tions. and references, comprising all tbe laws ia force in
Corvallis Warehouse, No. 1.
I am prepared to store produce, and will attend to re- I
ceiving and forwarding the same. I l
C t?f LBS. choice Osage Orange Seed. Alao, Blue
firass. Clover and Timothy Seed.
.MittU4U v 10.
rr. . nrir's Pills. In mite of the prejudices med
i !t. hnre foond meir way inio me leaaing
v..; a.nti rtinnensanes ui -uroic, .uu si i. c i iwi nunurea une ueannir iriiiv ,res, u uoou iuui
)i.i;tv. family medicine of all classes in the TJuitd I house, tocethcr with other out buildings. Said farm W
well watered, and the best adapted to stock raiaing,
and wheat growing or any farm in tlie Territory. Said
farm has been settled since lM-j, aud was among the
first claims taken in Marion Co. Auy person oeirous
Yorkshire SriRiTTALTKLBORAPn, amonthly period- I trfff
-al, pnblished by J. Iihodes, Market Place, Reighley ; OUUU
nd Holyoake A Co., Fleet-street, Ixmdoo. . I msA on del
States. Upon the rtomaf h and liver, which prenure and
temper the blood, upon the organs which vitalize it in
the process of respiration, and upon the excretory ves
' . 1 .. . t.J .vsi4m the resldinm not
eb,wiiicn njcnarjic ,jiu .- -y-.-r .Criii.
noon Lirn. And oa t euuesday, she had
left the citr with him for tbss West, ller
fcabr was left ia charge of a family iu South I
orating, cleansing, and fortifying the whole physioue.
In billions disorders, dyspepsia; asthma, dmrreah, dys
entery, sick beauache, oonsiipaiion, jrenerai ocmmj ,
and complaint jcaliar to femalel. their effect is asrpn-
tn il at the residence of the nndersimed.
Spring Creek, March 30, 1So7. 4tf
i Alt. at.
. nrl IlolVOakR
Tiffany?s Moxthuv. " Editor and proprietor, Joel
Tiffany: publishers. Partridge A Brittan, 342 Broadway
lors. - loruis, niuiuiu.
Sackkd Circle. Editors, Hon. J. W. Edmonds and
0. G. Warren ; jiul Ushers. S. : A. A H. Hoyt,251 Broad-
way. New lorK. . terms, z per annnm. - -
XIIE oktu-i ri r-it.s oiukt. rxiiwirs. niram lln
gunin and Oeorge Ha-skell, M. D. ; publisher, Ji X.
Brtmdage, waukegan, til. Jerms, f 1 50 per. annnm.
Tint SpimTTAL Herald. Publisher, M. Bailliere.219
Regeut-istreet, London and 230 Broadway. Xew York.
Price , tixpeuce (sterling pr nmnber. T 7wS '
Orleans Warehouse.
YPPOSiTE Corvailis. We are prepared to store pro-
duce, ana win araena 10 receivuiK anu lorwaruing
the same. . 3otr . . nuiiuiaunu.
- Sold Out.
mHE eubscrilsjr. having sold oat, calls npon every-
X body indebted to him ta settle op their account.
He can be touna at we oiu a wire. ,
. Salem. March 3. 1S57. . r 52tf:
bushel Oats, and 6000 Wheat.and any quan
tity of dead swine, for wliicn casn
paid on delivery.
uregou , no. -
HEAT. Bacon. Eggs, Butter, Beans and Corn ta
ken in exchange tor goods at uie mgnesi marsv
rates. . . , . Atwcr 1x1 . v -
Albany, June 5, 1856. .
LBS Blue Vitrol for sale, ' -
26tf - - - WAhrirlMili
II be
the Territory, inclusive of those passed at last session
of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
the Statesman, at five dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner , bound ia law style, and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure they can be afforded f. here. Tbe price places
them within the reach of all who desire the laws they
live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash ,
ailed by return mail. It is the last eode of laws that
will probably be published in Oregon, for many years.
In addition to tue eaaciraenw m oe
bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
dence, Constitution of the United States, Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 17S7. in
force in Oregon, Itonatio- I aw and all amendments,
and full abstract of United eatesSaturalutation Laws.
Pinal Proof and Notification
TCT PIUXTED.' a large quantity of Final Proof
.1 di.i-. ind a small let of Notifications, both from
J and Crushed Sugar, (from X. Y.) and forsale low at the latest forms, yroeiov axm or n?rwise nueo-
" - x irirtriPin t .c bn ...v. m,,t accompany the order or toe blanks will
.,. -iu.rin.u a wo. 1 . -isi iv r re..u j... o
SETS Cast Boxes, at
SETTS Eliptic Springs for sale low,
SETTS Hub Bands, for sale
in BBI. LIME, jus receiveo. -
Albany. Ang. a, iwo. - ' ntt
JUST RECEIVED at Albany, 22 bbls. Xew Orleans
J ana c rusuea pusr, .i
, Albany, Jnne 13.1S56-'
rVesotiation of War Scrip.
JFST printed and foT' sale at the Statesman office
blank powers of attorney and assignment for transfer
1 nMtn,rMl hv nn DYiripnPMl
of warscnp
i.,ii A5ii. ; . , .1 . 1 .-j-lb
LL who are indebted to Wakefteld A Co., at Wash-
ik powers of attorney na "Ti ZlZ A. ington Butte, will please call and settle- the same
-scrip, froma form prowvref by aerKwcea I llw,..; Uij.v; tHU'
price, $0 per hundred. Onlers by mail filled. I wraioua opjy ,, I
Straw Cutters.
1 DOZ. Straw Cotters, j4 received, and for sate by J
A.' - 4wi ' G. ABERMITHY A CO. 1
Los Jlngelos Salt.
CJ ALT S00 bags Los Angel on sau. receive, per
not be sent. Prices Mnai rtoot, ttuu set) 6 00 per
hundred, 1 00 per doxen. Notification, $10 00 per
hundred, SI 50 per dozen.
Salem, April 8, - . ; . . . .
Blank Deeds.
a XEW lot, just printed, from a form prepared by
J. ore at the Judges of the Supreme Court, and for
aale at tiw Stnteanaa Office, at to per hundred.
Augosst 18, ISib. 1 ; J