The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, May 05, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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    DOOK0! UObttS IT BOO&d ! 1
Tho City Book-Btoro,
A. ft. SHIPLEY k Co.,
Bava ia Store, and will tw receiving by the 1st of June
Which they offer to the
8PRINQ Tfc ADE ' '. "j
t At small advance on Nw York price. '
Qlva ns a call, or send oa ah order; nd we are
tovjhf to gtva 70a satisfaction I , ,
1....... , . '
A. 11. Shipley J Co.,
Are the Bote Aecrra la Oregon and Washington Trs
rltorie for the sale of i
The American Statesaaa,
GREAT BOOK ! ! Being the only political history
.of the United Statr. ' i ,
" Send a your name. Price 4 00 Payable tm de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st September
to aH who send ae their name by 1st ef May.
Cattltfu tf rirt f oar lUtk t
JUiBeas-Sandr' old Id. 3d. Itfc. and SA.
ad The Yuan Ladies'; Sandier' New 1st, Jd. Sd,
4th and 5th; Parkers' let. Id. 3d. tlh aad ito; Mo
Coffey' lt, 3d. 3d. tlh and 5th. .
BreiABKh Sanders' Old. Sanders' Xewj Bemen-
?aita SaadtT Pictorial, School and Parker'.'
(inMiiniiK Mitrhctl'e, Ancient and Modern, Ol
ey's. Morse'. McNalley's, and Mooteith's 1st and
Sd Book.
Httuntrcs. Arithmetic Thomson, Table,
Mental, Aualysis, Practical, and Higher; Davie Pri.
mary. Intellectual, School and University; Smith a
Col burn's Kay'e Stoddard': Davie Algebra, Sur
veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematic. Math. Die.
tionary. Lngto of Mathematics, Aoalylicat Geometry,
and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Grammar. Green' Clarke" Bullion Smith "a .
Kiraam'e Spencer' Tower'e.
PaiLosoraia. Parker lt Lesson, Jareuile and
School; Corastock" Smith.
Htvmre W'tbon'sJaveuile. and United State:
Parley' Universal; Wiliard a Universal, and Called
Ljkmt'V.n Cooper' Virgil; Andrew Latia Rea
Vt; Viri R-mue; Andrew' Latin Grammar; Mcl'lin
sock's lit and 3d Buk in Latin, and do. ia Greek; An
than Greek Grammar and Krader; Johnson Cicero.
PasqneHe'a French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
German Grammar and Header, Telemaque. Greek Tes
tament; French, sell-taught; Hurrwine French IHc
aiooarr; Andrew' Latin do. LiitilHl A Scott Greek
4o. Aathoa' Classical do, Smith do do.
DnTro AIK. Webster's Schoil, High do, Aca
demic, University, Royal 8vo, Unabridged and Cobli'
M isov-LLAsEcsr-s Mattiaon Astronomy. Newman
Rhetoric. Wood' Botany. Kame's Elements of ttit
Ictsm. Parker's Aids in Composition, Parker' Exer
cises. BrooklWd's Composition. McElligott's Young
Analyser, do. Analytical Manual. Parker' Word
Builder. Maybew's Book Keeping;. Wayland' Moral
Science, Paley'a Natural TheJ)fy. Itlake'a Auricul
tore for Schools. I'phara IntelUvtiial Philosophy. .
Mahan do. do. Milton; Young; Pollock; and Ihomp
on; (Kdition for Schools) Cntter' Anatomy and
Phyriolopy. American Iehater. Newman' Political
Kconomy. Hitchcock' f.orT. Crnit variety of
Ppeaken and Elocution. All kiiids of School Station,
ery; Slate of all sizes; lrawmx Rooks; Prawine;
Paper; Perforated Card Board; Brktol Brd; Pencils
ana Itntshes; Unborn' Uolors; Inkstands, every siie
ad atyle, Ac-, Ac Ao.
ntsrriRT Bancrolf Initcl Sutes, ( rolume.
HilJrcth's do, do, 6 roliime. Krost' IVtorial United
State. Tartar do, do, do. Bona' Hist. Rerolntion.
Peterson' av Wilson' United States. Wiliard' do.
HLst. Indian War United States. Willard's Universal
History. Mailer's do do. Kotteck's Hist. World I or
t volumes. R-llin"s Ancient History, r'art's do, do.
Hume's KnglaiKi- M.icanlay' d .. complete. Iickerui
Child's d-K Unrtrd do. titloons lloine. l'An
bisne's Reformati.n. Band's M. K. Clinn-h. Allison's
Tt'timpe, 1st and 2d Series. Prescott's Works. Burner's
Hist, of I elisions. Hist, of Cmucil of Trent. Jose
rhos. All of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet.
Queens ot Spain. yiH-ensof Scot nd. Help's Spanish
Conquest. Brace Hungary. Kidder Brazil. En
bank'a Brazil. Parley" Universal. History of Cru
sade. Ancient lrptians. Hallam's Middle Ares.
History for Bj-s. limner's Child United States.
Lossiuft's Kicld llink of Itcvolution.
Biouaarnr. Plutarch ' Live. Life Brant. Won
derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters.
Lives of the Sie-ticrs. Autobiography of Kinlcy. I .a
mArtines Celebrated Characters. Litcof A Jain Clarke,
do Bishop lledding. do Niebuhr. do Gen. Harrison,
do Daniel Boone, do Rolierts. do Lafayette. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and Old Wurld. Dr. Chal
mers. 4 v-vLs. Lives or HnmhoMts. Mrs. Itinrers.
Mozart. Weslev. Klet-her. Life and Times of Clay;
Irvinjr'a Wa--hinst'ni. Luiioent Mechanics. Lives of
Chief Justices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles limh.
Jackson. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane Grey.
J. O- Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kinirs l
Borne. Kinjr and tjiieens. Liebmtz. Lives of the
Pope. Prescotl Philip 2.1. Mary and Martha Wash
ington. Pioneer Women of the West.
Travels. Huck" China. Arancanian. Stephen's
Egypt, nana travel, aiungo Park. -Mle .Notes
Adventures on Musqiuto Shore. Baiard Taylor's Trav
els. Durbin's Travels in tbe Kast.
SciTtsnFie. Branle's Ijicyclopedia. Physical Geog.
raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural History. Lardner's
Lectures. Useful Arts. Cosmo. Mathematical IHo
tionarv. Logic of Mathematics. Wonders of Sciem-e.
Mitchell's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loom is" Re-
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Arts and science, bunana uyurauuoo. nu t works.
Various works oa Architecture.
PorraT. Byron rarioas style. SbAkespeare, do.
Milton, do. Burns, do. Uemans. do. Moure, do.
Thompson. Young. Pollock. Tapper. Cow per. Pope.
Campbell. Wadsworth. Ossiao. Montgomery. Kirk
White. Female Poet of England, do. do. America
ami many other.
Book or Raraaavc. Cyclopedia of Geographv.
4o.dV. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts.
McColloch Gazetteer. Harper Universal liazetteer.
Fbcit axa AoaicLun'KAL. Elliot Fruit Book.
Thomas' do. Downing' do. Barry do. Fesneaden'
Parmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable
Gardener' Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
on Strawberry. Florist Guide. American Farm Bonk.
Allan's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton's Hand Book.
Wniks on Horse, Cattle, rsheep. Hogs, Ac
TaaoLoeicaL A Kklioiovs. Harmony and Fx
tioa of Gospels. Meanders Life of Chift- Butlers
Work Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Metli-
edism. Morria Miscellanies. Lecture oa Romanism.
Brand of Dominic Role. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes'
Notes. Clarke' Commentary. Benson do. Jay's
Exercise. Watson Institutes. Larraliee's Evidence.
Batter's TSthicsJ Discourses. Roger-' Eclipse of Earth.
do. tteasoii and r aim. r osier a urrn. r-errection.
Baker oa Discipline. Writings of Arminhm. Jahn's
Biblical Arctueology. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from
$1 to $2i. Testaments, great variety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn Bonk. Chnrch Paalmixt.
Plyranoth Collection. Select Melodies. Christiaa
UcmrtL. Bochan's Family rhysician. ITydro
pathic do. Homacpathie Works.
MicaxLa!ccorsv Constitutions of fatted States
Mayhew's Popular Education. Crabhe's Synonyms.
putts hook oi lunosutes. uo.i reiiows Manual.
Hmultey's Works. 14 vols. M
ard's Nineveh. Biifelow' U
Mrs. Tuthili s, vols. 1 jar
ful Arts. Haswell's En-
gineer'a Guide.
American Institutions. Piinmit of
Knowledee. ParkMadisoo. Peruvian Antiutiitie.
Way Down "East. Pynshurt. Ike Marvel Workv
Sanderson' Conk and Confectioner. Country Rambles
in England. Tales and Reverie, an excellent Temper
ance Book Money Maker. Escaped Nan. New
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hate's New Cook Bonk. Mil
ler Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprints of Creator.
Young Ladies' Counsellor. Yonng Man's do. Pictn-ial
Catechism. Thomson' Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu
tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. Tbe Ameri
can Housewife. Half Hours with Old Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur aad Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick'
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sato's Farm
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mr.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
Ira's Works. Heroines of HiHtory. Ijtnd and Sea
Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star laperw. Masonic Chart. Irving'
Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New York
Living Orator of America. Young Man Advised. Mis
sion in Tons aad Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Knout and tbe Raasiaas.- Hydra patUic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift BMk for Young Men.
do. do. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boy
Footprints of Famous Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Yonng Men. Peasant Bov Pliiloso-
Stier. Aoooit atarco raui ttooa. do Kraneon
'. Abbott Marco Paul Book, do Franconia.
Ana niiiuuct vi wu luienfns 10 enumerate.
Constantly receiving large additions to the forgoing.
Station ekt Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Not do, do, do, do. Envel
opesall style. Inks all kinds. Pen and Holders
great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles
Memorandums. Diaries. Pass Books. Time Books.
. Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic Print a large variety. Wrapping Pa
per good variety. Wafer. Sealing Wax. ic-, dtc
Finally, we have a good variety of
Mraio Booca. New Carmioa Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Mclodeon. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tor. Guitar do. Flute do. Aceordon do. Violin do.
Melodeon do. Plymouth Collection with Music Sheet
And the most varied assortment of STATio.vzRr ever
Offered in Oregon.
mr This stock is all bought in New York and other
Eastern cities and is sold at
mr We keep on hand School Books in large qoan
tsties. together with most of tbe publications of
Hastes A Bbothebs;
DcRsr A Jacksox;
Ivt-som A Pbutket;
Panxini A Saxsox;
A. S. Baritbs A Co.;
Hiun, Oktox A Mctxigab; -LcaaT
A Getz;
. Arrtxrog; and others.
mr We ask your patronage. If unable to viit as
aad examine our stock, your order will be attended to
ma th bastc ratsm a if yon bough! m peraoa.
FsTtlsmd, March 2f. Jt?67. Jef
Notice to Inportrt ef Umpqua.
rrtUB Schooner II MIylJ A. andrlhcommnd jrl
X of a 11. BUisdale, sailed (rota Umnqaa rirer T .r
for San I'ranvisco, un the nth of May, and Intend,
making reg"! trip betcen thce two port.
It In only nccessar w believe, to remind the Impor
ter of I'mpuun thtt UiU vessel the Umpqua I tha
flrst ever Iniinched on the water of the L'mpaua, to In
sure their patronage and support. Till vessel will dis
rharje her cargo at Scotuburg. and at the rate she in
tend to carry freight, will not only save tbe blpi-er a
very considerable item, but save him the transportation
up the river.and thereby enableblm to receive bis good
without so much handling a heretofore. In tine, th
Schooner I'mpmia. nf Scottsburg. Is a real Umpqiia
cralt and being the first on the Hat In till great reform,
confidently relies upon all tbe Umpiina for support and
For freighter passage apply to Allan, MeKlnlay .V Co,
Rcottslmrg. nr to the Cant, on board. Merchants wish.
Ing to ship from Han f ranrisro. ran apply to Allan
Lrftwe v n., i n, v isy si., nr to tne captain.
Scottsburg. Myt7.lM. lf.
Illaeksmlths and othtrs. Look.
l.l.AN McKlXLAY & CO. have now on hand
i a. targe ana well selected stock or
liar Inm, Cast 8teel.
Horse shoe do German do..
Nail rod don , 11 -ugh do.,
Plate dn
And Intend to keep np the assortment so a to suit the
wants ot customer, uive n a eon. and yo will Brit
that w not only have the fullest stock, but will sell
a chenn as the cheapest-"" We are constantly receiv
ing addition to our assortment, a a to rep lac what
I sug,
Oregon City, Dec 33. 19J. tltf
.. Henry . Johnson Jr. Co.
(lt Washington Street, San Pranrbeo.)
"(Tut fur sal to th oountrv trade, the largest stork
J of goods in their line on the Paclilc coast compri
sing iinig. i:neraicni. renumery. rnient Medicine or
all kind. Bruslie. Paints, tlils. Glas. Turpentine, and
every article appertaining to the business. Ilavin sn.
peril facilities for obtaining thrir o-ond Uiey think
they rati offer Inducements to buyer unequalled by
any niuer nonse.
Order reepectfully aoliclted. 40ly
WE hare a large supple of powder In hand.
Oretsn City. ?for. 13,1A8. 37tf
DR. J. R. CARPWEI.L. Iental fstrgenn V
Corvallis, will practice in his nrofes- 1 1
shin. at i'omJH. Enfrnr Civ, M mi fin iltSX'
trr, .SeoiMnwrg.and jM-nmrntir. Skill, nnqnestinnahle;
charge. resjiectalile; work, warranted. Teeth riamin
ed . and advice given tree or charge.
Due notice given of change of office.
April Sn. 1U. Ttf
Now HerrlTliMr
ritHE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and (or
J. salt low.
50 gross matches ;
1.S0 kegs ot svnips ;
50 hi. bhl. S'. (. sugar ;
10 bbls. crashed sugar ;
50 boxes rundles ;
10 bills, vinegar ;
30 case tea ;
15 doz. brooms;
10 doz. bin krts ;
1 eases men' fine ralf boots ;
3 " calf brogsns ;
t gout
S boys' brogan ;
S youths' calf brogana;
1 M women's Morocco boot ;
J ' imitation boots ;
S Misses' boot;
175 pairs children's i-hoe ;
13 straw cutters ;
14 grain cradles ;
1 reaper ;
1 two horse thresher;
Oregon City. J tine 1. 1V5. lltf.
1H A1X PUMPS, monkey wrenches,
match planes, screw arm,
sash planes, "
horse shoes and nai!s to fit.
pun l.H'k. plugs and uipple,
tuties. hullt-t monlil.
Wvsenholm's IXL poi ket knives,
penning and bmiding knives,
rat trap ro rfc (fntrrWs. at MOORES'
UooTka and Stationery-.
Parker l-t. 2d, 3d, 4th and Sth,
Sanders" do do do do
Met: u By do do do do
Danes' arithmetic.
Vntversityand Common School,
Intellectual and primary,
lav.ies' Bourdon algebra,
Legendre, snrvejing.
Geometry and trigonometry.
Key to liuvies' Arithmetic,
Thompson's arithmetic,
Parker' philosophy,
" juvenile and 1st lessons.
Grammars CI:uks. Bullion's Smith's.
Geographies Mitchell's, Monteiia's manna!,
Monteith's 1st lessons.
Music ljite of Zion, New Carmina Sacra,
Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony,
Normal Sons Book, Singing Book, at
rpHE Judge of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
A i 'refron, assemuica ai me seat oi novernnieni on
the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and llftr.
seven, do fix and appoint District Court, to l held in
villaeeof Rnselsirg. in the county of Douglas on the
lirst Monday. of Man-h. May. September and Novem
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered, and do limit the
duration of said term toix day each.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Jnstsce.
4 Itf M. P. DEADY. Associate Justice.
tho. urmoLM,
.OS. I , r. , RKKBT LAW.
bobkht a. La
w j c r ..-. Portland. Oregon.
Reynolds Jr. Iow.
"ITTHOLESAI.E (Jrocers and Commisson Merchant
y y and dealer in regi Prtiuet, corner Kearny
ana jaraoa r-t reels, san t rancrsro.
tr Advance made on Consignment.
mr Refer to J. FAILING A CO., Portland.
Salt! Salt!!
TONS "San Quentiti" SALT, tn about 0 and
100 lb. bag, just received and for sale very cheap
Oregon City, Dec , lr56.
Oak Bower Nursery.
T"FnS0XS wishing to avail themselves of the onrtor-
I tnnity of obtaining gimd fniit will find it much to
their advantage to call upon the undersigned at his
nursery upon the Willamette river, six miles above Cor
vallis, npn tne 1-inn county side. My tree are or tbe
most thritty growth, and of tlie best variety to be found
upon mis roast.
con.e and see mem u von uon t purcnae.
30tf WM. McILREE.
John S. Edwards,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Washi n g ton Ci t y . D,
C, will attend to all business entrusted to his care,
before the several Departments the Supreme Conrt of
tne United States, or courts of the District of Columbia.
wa. Particular attention given to the claims of sol
diers for service, or for Bounty I jtnd.
Kcfers to wn. ine and t;ov. curry. 4mnpaid
Food for the Mind. .
fTES we have plenty of it among which are some of
A tbe most prominent works, Uyron, Shakespeare,
Buff on. Josephus. Moore s. Benton 30 vntrs. Arthur'
work. Life of Napoleon. Henry Clay and other great
men; also Fowler and Well's publications, wherein we
are taucht how to preserve health by tracine causes to
effect. Alsoworkson spiritualism, such as Prof. Hare,
Edmonds, Talmadge, Harris, and A. J. Davis, the star
the of age.
W e also have all kinds of blank Bonks and stationery
in general. In fact we intend to keen all kinds of food
for the wind, and intend to keep posted, and want our
many readers to keep up wiiu us so be sure and give
ns a call, one and all, at the sign nf the bonk store, main
street. Oregon City. HOMER HOLLAND A CO.
Oregon City, )cc 7. 1S.S6. 40tf ;
It ns ova I.
BATJX A BROTHER have removed to their New
Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment
Titev have just received a general assortment of Dry
Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery, Ac., which be offers for cash or
N. B. Wanted Bnttcr, Eggs. Bacon, Lard. Flonr.and
Wheat, for which they pay the highest market price.
Salem, Juiy t. iivt- r.iu
Paper Hangings and Carpets !
TUST RECEIVED Per late arrivals, by FRANK
J BAKES, 1 10 aad 113 Clay atreet. San Francisco
800 cases Paper Hangings, r rcuca and American,
every variety ;
COoO rolls French and American Borders ;
61 pa Tapes-try Brussels Carpet;
3(10 ps Tapestry Velvet Carpet ; .
8'tO ps Three-Ply Carpet;
300 ps Superfine Ingrain Carpet ;
3.r.0 ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpets ;
300 p. Cotton and Wool Carpets ;
125 p Stair Carpets, assorted ;
375 ps Buy State Druggets ;
, 800 ps Oil Cloths, assorted:
135 ps Silk Damask and Broeatella ;
hOO ps Cotton and Worsted Damask ;
4000 pair Window Shades ;
375 pair Idee Curtains ;
750 pair Muslin Curtains ;
8000 Cornices and Curtain Bands ;
325 dozen Matts. assorted ;
. Stair Rods. Table Covers, Gimps, Fringes Ae
rbofeaale and Retail, by 6 '
ImS 110 A 112 Clay st. San Francisco.
Cash paid for Soldiers Bounty Land
THE undersigned ill pay cash, and the highest
rates, for a large number of bounty land warrants,
oa application at biaolBee ia Court Bouse. Salem. O.T.
December an,,. Otf
I iff i rtlrolfam, er lock 0U,
CELEBRATED Tor Its woudarfut Curative Power.
A iVioraf Itrmtdg, procured from well In A I
leghsny to., pa., four hundred feet below the earth's
surface. Put np ami sold by SAMUKLM. K1EU, Canal
Basin . Seven h Street, Pittsburgh , Pa,
The healthful balm from Nature's secret spring.
The bloom of health and life to man will brlug ;
A rrom her depth the mnglo liquid Hows.
To calm our sutTering ami assaupe our wot.
The Petroleum has ticrii fully tested. It was placed
before the public as a remedy nf wonderful elB cary
Every one not aennulnteil with Its virtu .tl.t..l u.
healing iiMpertlea. The rry of humbug waa raised
against it. It had some friends those that were cured
through It wonderful agency. These spoke out In It
ravor. The lame, tlirouuli It instrumentality, wet
made to walk the blind, to see. Those who hud sum-red
for year under the torturing pains of Rheumatism,
tlout. Neuralgia, were restored to health and usefulness.
Several who were blind have been made to see, th evi
dence of which will lie placed before you. II you still
have doubts, go ami ask those who have been cured !-.
Some or them live in our midst, and enn answer for
themselves. In writing about medicine, we are aware
that w should write Truth that we should inuk no
statements that cannot lw proved. We have the wit
nesses: crowds or them, who will testify In terms strong
er than we ran write them, to the elllcat'y of this reme
dy; who will test iry that the Petroleum hs done for
them what no tnrdlclne rver roiild iiefore ; rase that
were pronounced hopeless, and beyond the reach of re
mediate means : case abandoned by physicians of un
questioned celebrity, have been made to exclaim. " this
is th most wonderful remedy ever discovered ! We
will lay before you the certificate of some of the most
remarkable ease ; to give them all. would require more
space than would be allowed by this circular. Since
the Introduction nf the Petroleum, many physician
hav been convinced nf Its efficacy, and now recommend
it in their practice ; and we hare no doubt that it will
stand at the head of the list of valuable remedies. If
tne physician do not recommend It, the people will
have ft ot themselves : for its trancenilstit power to
heal trill and mm become known and appreciated :
when the voices of the cured speak out : when the eures
themselves stand out In Isild relief, and when he who
ror years has sum-red with the tortures and panes of sn
inimcaicanic lesion, tnnt nas oeen shortening Ills days,
and hastening him " to the narrow house annoliited
for all the living." when he speaks out In Its limine, who
win douiit itr The Petroleum 1 a Natural Remedy 2
Is nut up as It flows from the bosom of the earth, with
out any tiling helm? added to nr taken fpitn it.
It gets its ingredients from the lied or substance
which pas-es over in Its secret channel. They are
lHcnded together In such a form ns to defr all bums
competition. The Petroleum in this reect I like Miu
eml Water, whose virtues In most chronic diseases are
acknowledged, not only by pbrsiclnns, but by the t
miinlty at lurire. The-e tneular fluids flowing out of
ll earth, impregnated with medicinal anhstatice of
ditt'erent properties, and holding them in such complete
solution as to require the aid of Chemistry in order to
detect tjliem, Ismts ample proof to the fact that they are
compounded by the master hand nf Nature, for the allo
cation or Human utlenuu and disease. If rctmleiim in
medicine at all, it Is a good one. for Nature never hair
doe her work ; and that it 1 a medicine of uucnitalr
power. we have the most abundant testimony. It will
le used when many of the new remedies now in vorn
will have been forgotten forever. It will continue to tie
ned and applied as a remedy as long ss mau continue
to he nlllicted with disease. That it will cure every dis
ease to which we are liable, we do not pretend ; but
that It ill cure a great many diseases hitherto incura
ble, is a fact w hich is proven bv the evidence in its fa
vor. Its discovery I a new era in medicine, and
will imir to the health and happiness of man.
St-aim'L. The Petroleum ia a great medicine In
scro'iila and King s t-.vll, tu all those diseases bavin
their origin in a depraved condition of the blond an-
nlher Hulds of the body. It will cure pains and enlarge
ments In the bones mid joints, blotches, biles, Erysipe
las, pimpies on ine lace, tetter, scaiu.ucad nog worm,
and the various skin diseases. It has cured numerous
cases of Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Gout, Ac. Several
eases of Kbeumatisin or years standing, have been en
tirely cured. A woman in Franklin Co., Pa., was
mrcd or rheumatic affection or seven years standing
the disease was so sxirravated as to conllne her to lw.
during the greater part or that time. She I new well
and considers herself entirely restored.
Mist-ri.i.s.Nt'.ot DiitrvTniNs No better remedy can
ne round anvwnere lor hum and scalds, the iiai
of which it immediately relieves, and restores the part
and disposes them to heal.
Old Sores and Ulcers wilt be removed by the dally ap
plication and sdministration of Petroleum.
Worm. In doses of fifteen or twenty drop adminis
tered to children ni iwo or inree years old. or upwards
two or three time daily, it will remove worms. It 1
certain remedy azain-t Tatte Worm ami Ararides
in grown persons, in which case tbe dose must lw a tea
spoonful. Ilmuchitis and Asthma ran be relieved by the Petro
leum. The distressing cough, night sweats, and difli
cnltyof breathing. are removed byitueln a very short
Fever and Ague The Petroleum hs been used in fe
ver and asiie with complete success. It will he found a
certain and eftective remedy in Unit troublesome and un
manageable dtvease. The d-e In such ease Is a tea
spoonf ul in anyjileasanl vehicle every three hours, in the
a'isciiee of the lever.
Tooth ache A few drops dropped on cotton, and
placed In the cavity of lUe aching tooth, will relieve it
Croup. Bv saturating a flannel cloth with the Petro
leum and applying it to the neck and breast, it will give
immediate relief.
It is also an invaluable remedy In the different forms of
Scarlet r ever to l:e used locally, ss in caes or croup.
Neuralgia, in it viinous kinds, is cured by the free ap
plication along the painful tract of nerve. In that spe
cies of neuralgia denominated spinal irritation the Pe
troleum ha given permanent relief, by rubbing with
it night and morning.
Corn.. For com this remedy has been used with com-
rtete success: the plan or using it i to saturate a piece
of cotton with the Petroleum, and tie it nKn the t'-sm.
1 he corn should he parol down t very two or inree days,
and the Petroleum applied until all the hardness
has heen aiMnrisM.
Dibwtion for the Internal and local administration
of the Petroleum. liarrhra The dose in this disease
is a tea-srsmnful every third hour until the purring
cease. In old chronic cases, it will only be necessary to
take the medicine three times a d.iv.
Piles. The mode of administration in Pile I to give
the Petroleum three times a day internally, and apply
twice a day externally, to the t.ttuor. Where the Pile
are of long standing aud much hardened, a drachm of
Iodine may be added to each on tie. tn he use. I as a local
application. When the Pile are internal the Petroleum
should be Injected with a svnnee into the rectum.
nearness Prop ten drops into 1 lie ear at bed-time and
stop tbe ear with cotton or wo.l. The ear should be
syringed out with (uds made of castile soap and warm
water, twice a week.
For Burns and Scald. Apply the Petroleum freely
over the bnrnt or scalded parts, in disease or th
bladder and kidneys, tbe dose is a tea-spoonful three
times a day.
For old soresand cicers. Appiyine reimieum morn-
ins and at bed time. Keep the sores or ulcers clean, by
washing them daily with castile soap and warm water.
For sore aud inllamed eve lhc Petroleum smaild ne
applied two or three times a day to the allcclcd eve and
a drop pr two Is? allowed to get under the lid. "Wlicre
there Is a scrotlulmis tendency it must I taken luter-
nallv. in doses or a tea-poonttil. inree times a day.
For Coiifrhs. Cold, iimncnitisami consumption ino
dose ts a tca-sivxiniul, to be given three times a day.
In Cholera Morbus, give a tea-spoonful every hour un
til the vomiting ami nurging ceae.
in Knenmaiism. Ne'imigia, palsy, contractions m ine
Limti and Joint, and White Swelling. The Pctmlenm
is to lie freely rubbed on the affected parts at least twice
day with a nannei rag, and. it convenient, netore
a warm 6 re. It should also be given internally , in dose
01 a tea-sHoniui. tnree limes a day.
ror sale at the Salem Drug store, bv
May, 13-ytf. W. K. SMITH & CO,
Graffenberg Medicines.
GRAFFENBUKG Sarsaparilla. Uterine Catholicin.
" Dysentery Svrnp, Con-suinp. Balm.
" Pile Ointment,
" Health Bitters.
" Lotion. Ac.. Ac:.
To be fonnd at the Agency of the Company at
3 Vt. IV. SMI 1 11 CO. SJ.
R. TOWNSEND S Sarsaparilla, at
9 VV. K. SMI Hi & tU.b,
CLANK'S celebrated vermifuge and liver pills, at
a w. k. sunn co. s.
R. OSGOOD'S India Cholngoeue, and Dr. Jones'
American ChoUgoguc, at W . K. SMI I'll A CO. S.
Tk TOFFATS life bills and bitters, and Bernard s dra-
1X entery svrup, and Wistar's balsam of wild cherry,
at 9 W. K, SMITH A CO.'S.
DR. J. AYRKS' celebiwteU cherry pectoral, for ennghs,
colds, and consumption, at W. K. SM 1TH A CO.'S.
A TEXICAN Mustang Linnment, G. W. Merchant's
1M garlingoil. 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'.
1)URE White Ix-ad, raw and burned Umber, Chrome,
A. ttrccn and 1 cuow ana oiner paiiu. at
9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
W. K. SMITH ft CO.'S.
AYNES alternative, expectorant, and pills, cod liver
I oil, castor oil, sweet oil, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
"AYNE'S carminative balsam. A tiue remedy for
1 ayseutcries, summer iruuipiaiuia, r iuz, ax:., at
y W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
r AYNE'S Hair Tunic, at
I 9
AKRY'-S TltlCOPHKUOl'S, for sale, at
9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
iCARPA'S Acoustic oil; a sure cure for deafness; for
J sale at 9 W. K. SMITH & CO. S,
JACKSON'S Pile ointment and Tetter Embrocation, a
sure cure for tbe above diseases; at
y v . iv. o. 1 1 tt a co. is.
USH TON'S Cod liver oil, for consumption, for sal
.at 9 W. K. SMITH A C0."S.
IX at
PETUOLUM, or Rock oil, just received, and for sale at
9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
CHROME Yellow. Prussian Bine, Drop Blacks,
Lamp Blacks, Paint Brushes, and Candy, at -
J W. IV. SMUH CO. s.
rANDYKE Brown, raw Umber, bnrnt Umber. T. D.
Leaner, t 'old. Leaf, Silver Leaf, and Bronzes, at
9 W. K. SMITH ft CO.'S.
LINSEED oil, spirits. turpentine, alcohol, and tooth
bnr-bes. at ft W. K. SMITH ft CO.'S.
. Irnlth s Dade.
Solicitor in Chancery, Corvalli O. T. .
I. H. SMITH. 61tf . o. rwt. '
M. Vf. Mitchell.
1. gene City, t-ane Count p, O. T.
,. Surgical.
. DISEASES OK THE EVE. Corvallis, Orrgnu.
September 23, 1B50. , . 3m0 '
8nn Francisco adrerUslBS Agcnry
TP. FlSHr'R. Inm building, opposite Parlflo Egpress
J Office, upstair. File of all the principal Papers of
California and Oregon may be found at this office. Mr.
Fisher la the authorised Agent ror th Statesman.
Chester R. Terry,
mlssloner of IVcd. and tn take testimony, ac
knowledgments. Ae., Ae.. for loa-a, Indiana, Missouri,
Michigan. California and Washington Territory, l et
ters of Attorney, and all other Instrument of writing,
drawn on short notice. -
Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collection of Notes, Accounts, Ao, 32tl
Boise k XeEwai,
licitor in Chancery, Proctors. Ac, ia Admiralty,
Portland. Orejpm. 45 tf
W. II. Farm,
licitor In Chancery and Admiralty. Office on Front
street, next door north of Stark t., Portland. Oregon.
Harding k Crover, .
Solicitor in Chancery. Office near the Court-house,
Salem. O T.
Geo. I. Shell,
XT Solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the various
cm rts of Oregon and Washington Territories. Office,
Sf em, O. T.
Dclaion Smith,
Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all
business pertaining to hi tiMfrssiun iu tlie first Judicial
District, and Is-fore the Supreme Court of Oregon
Ofltce. Albany, linn County. O. T.
N. It. Wlien not at hi office, or absent on profes
sional business, he may be fisjtid at his residence, five
mile south-east of AlLany, oa what la known a the
"Grand ITairie."
W. S. Brock,
2. Solicitor In Chancery, will practice in the various
courts tn this Tern tor r. and promptly attend to tbe ml
lectinn of alt claims against the I nitcd States, through
an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. OflU-e
in tugene v uy, t.ane .ouiiiy, u. 1.
It. K. Stratton,
V TTORNET AT LAW. will practice In the various
courts of southern Oregon, and iu the Supreme
court 01 tne territory.
Orrtca in leer Creek. Douglas county. O. T. Resi
dence 6 miles north of Winchester, on tlie Willamette
N. B. Bounty Land Warrant obtained for claimant
on reasonable terms. 'iJtf
Cliadwlc-Tk A(ilbb,
hcitor In hancery. Ac. Offl.-es at V in.-lie-ter and
tinrdiner. S. r. Chaiiwk. Winchester. I lone las Co.
O.T. A.t . Giaas, Gardiner, Luipcjua to., O.T.
Nov. 9, ls55. 35tf
k. M. I tKNt M.
j. a. witj-ox
Ilarnuin K Wilson.
x. lem. Oregon. Particular attention in given to the
collection of notes aud accounts, and claims against
, Bounty ljind Warrants bought and sold.
OiH.-e oyer Starkey" Store. 44
Pillow k loitt.
WATCHM AKEIIS. Salem. Repairing prompt- .
lv and neatly done. Jewi-lrv maiiufac- f?J
fired. ' ' lltf'
4 TTORNEYS and Counselor at law. Solicitor In
A Chaui-ery. A. Odl.-e in ltotert' buildings. Main
street. Corvallis, Ib-nton Co., O. T
CorvBHjs, April I. itsj
rTl J. WRIGHT A E. R. STONE, having associated
M. together In practice. reseetfully tender their ser
vices to the people or lieui.m snd l.iiin desiring to se
cure the favor of tfse nnlicted by success onv. Office
near J. C. Avery's store, Corvallis. illlypaid
William A. (ioitlilrr,
rpPACHIIRof French snd English, French Prairie
1 Marion county, o. r. Iy7
A. B. Bailock,
XT. Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on
reasonable terms.
William C. Griswold K Co.,
Kticene Citr.
OR ACE E. LAWRENCE, IToprietorof tbe Eugene
City Hotel. i;nr.
Medical A'otice.
rpHE subscriber, would iuform the inhabitants that he
JL is at his old stand, ready to attend to all call iu
his profession ; also he has on band a well selected
stock or Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
asorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms.
w. iiauiiu.
Salem December 2, 1S56.
W. II. Marjers, M. 1).
(HYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office tn my new build-
ln. mm VI. in .lm.1 l.n .1 . u... itiffth nf m J S
u..ii..'.-. iiM .k.j K.,:i.i:n t v;n 1, r.,i,nJ
wueil no. pruiesnKMimiji viiK;eii. i will fcr-eit vun-uiui.
I- V. ....1 . fnuh ..r ,M.d ....I Uo.II.. I, .A.
i r i II i a :n i
which 1 will sell low for cash.
Corvallis, Dec. 9. 1H56. . 39tr
Klcdiciil N'olice.
TAR. It. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California,
I M offers hi professions! services to the citizens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo
public ravor.
mr timceai uccu auu reuow urug store.
14y R. W. SHAW.
Campbell k Tratt.
ATTORNEY'S AT LAW, San Francisco, California.
Office, corner Motttrotnerr aud Sacreraento streets.
over Parrott A Cos. Bank.
Messrs. Camnliell A Pratt bare lately removed from
Oregon, and will Imj pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to their rare. 3 Itf
Alrxanprr Cam rfiKLL,. O.C.Pratt.
Joseph Jl. I'rrsroU.
DEALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and
Paints and Oils, wholesale aud retail.
July 7, 1K56. lXtf
1 D. Palmer,
DEALER in Dry Goods, Clothing, Fancy Articles,
Hooks and Stationery, and general merchandise.
Store first door north of tho Uuion Hotel, Salem.
December uu, ii(i. 4 itr
S. Ellsworth,
US. Supreme and other Courts. Otflce Eugene
City, I.ane County, Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner or Deed tor New York, Connecticut, Ac.
August in. I - 24tr
WILLIAM F. HIGH FIELD, Chronometer and
Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to
the building lust opposite to tbe Main-street House.
where be can be constantly round prepared to do any
business in bis line. Watches cleaned and repaired) on
short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches and jewelry for dale.
March a, lfs4. - ly51
S. Hamilton, AI. D.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully
announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad
joining counties, tnat ne nas located permanently at
l)eer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, and
in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all
duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Ofpick opposite R. H. Dearborn ft Co.'s store, on
Main street.
Drugs and Tatent Medicines for sale at low cah pri
ce: 4-'tr
Wells, Fargo, & Co.,
Co.. in connection with their Express business, will
also transact a general Exchange atid Collection Bus
neu. Collections and Remittances made in all parts of
Oregon, California. the Atlantic States, and Europe, with
promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought and sold.
Sight Exchange on JVeie York. Boston, Philadelphia,
Albany, Rorhenter, Buffola, Erie, Cleveland, Detroit,
Chicago, MUwaukie, Galena, St. Lmom, LouievUle,
Cincinnati, and forty other nrincinal towns in the Atlan
tic States and the Canada, may be procured at any of
our offices. WELLS, FARGO, ft CO.
Ill, Montgomery-street, San Francisco
Jnne 155.
Allan, McKinlay, &. Co.,
' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Goods. Gro
eyries. Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T.
Dee. 20, INI. Jt
Sr. Ciapkay'i Hedleal Rotlect.
DR. J. L. CZAPKAY'S Graud Medical and Surgical
Institute, Sacramento st.,beluw Montgomery oppo
site Pacific Mailt Steamship CosOffice, San Francisco,
California. Established ror the Permanent cure of all
Private aud Chronic Diseases, and the suppression of
Dr.J. L. CZ A P KAY. late in the Hungarian Revolu
tionary War, Chief Physician in the 20th Regiment of
llouveds.chief surgeon to the military hospital at Prsth,
Hungary, and lute lecturer on Disease of Urinary Or
gans and Disease nf Women and Children, would most
respectfully inform the public of Oregon and California
that he has opened nn Institute for the cure of Chronic
Disease of the lung, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain
and the horrid consequence ot self -abuse, ami he hopes
that his long experience and successful practice of ma
ny year, will insure him a share of public natronare.
By the practice of many years in Europe ana tbe Uni
ted State, and during tlie Hungarian war and cam
paign, he Is enabled to apply tha most efficient and
successful remedies against diseases nf all kinds. He
use no Mercury r bar ere moderate treats his patient
In a correct and bonm-able way has reference of un
questionable veracity from men of known respectabili
ty and high standing in society. All parties consulting
him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and
gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Dr."
office ar on Sacramento at., below Montgomery, San
Francisco. California. 4:m3
Dr. L. J. Czapkay would call public attention to
sierniatorrhea or local weakness. There is not in the
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than this, as well because of present distress, as tlie
ultimate results. The tone of the sv.item under its in
fluence ts either impaired or entirely destroyed, and a
classof symptoms superinduced that unfit man for tlie
performance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The
injuries done to the physittal part of man Is truly la
mentable, hut trilling when compared to those of the
censorium. tlie great nervous center, and to the ner
vous system generally. This disease, which is too often
consequent iimui that solitary vice, self-abuse, involve
pathological conditions beyond tbe comprehension of
tlteimiiiitiated.but which are well underwlood by the reg
ular practitioner. Among the symptoms most conspic
uous are the following: Love of solitude, aversion to
business and society, distressing timidity, nervous es-ciu-ment
from slight causes, loss of memory, confusion
of ideas, inability tn reason correctly, low spirits and
lassitude, dullness of apprehension and mlsaiithmpy.
These being functional derangement, are often the bar
bitigers of horrid organic lesions of the lirain, which
uroduce fatuity, dementia and death.
For the cure of this and all kindred disease. Dr.
Czapkav has estaldis'ied bis Institute, where all may
rely willi perfect conli.lenre npon that skill which long
eM-rii-uce aud thorough devotion to bis profession has
Those who suffer should call or write without delay
and use the means by which they may recuperate and
All consultations, by letter nr otherwije. free. Ad
Medical Institute, San 1 raucisco. Cal.
traordinary success In the treatment of secret dis
eases tu the primary and other stages, induces him to
call public attention to the ta-t that nf the great num
bers who have made d.iily application to bim, there is
not one who has not Iw-eii effectually aud permanently
cured. In recent cases of private diseases, the Dr. guar
anties a perfect rare iu a few day without hindrance
1 1 business ot other inconvenience. Tlie Dr.' method
of treating these muladie. combines the improvement
made by the medical faculty with discoveries or bis
own that are unknown to any one else, anu wuicn, wnen
applied, prevent tue possioiiuy oi evil alter cocMeifucn
Secondary syphilis, which is so destructive of health
producing uL-i-r.itinos of the throat, destnyiug the soft
parts, and leaving the bone exposed, which mortify,
separate and come aw.iy, disligoriiig the sufferer mo.t
burrihly, as well as impairing bis general health, and
iredispusinz to consumption, the Dr. treats iu tbe most
certain aud efficient m inner. Also, painful swellings
noon the hone, di-tlgunng splotches iiiiob tue skin
ores, pimple, and all other consequences of private
disease he gu-.traiitie to cure or asks no compensation.
Dr. C. would especially call the attention of those who
hsve failed to obtain relier Ipuu others, many in wuora
he has already cured, and many are still under treat
meiit. The Dr. makes no charge lor cuttsiiitation. aud
invites all to call at his Institute : and he will give them
uc!i satisfaction as they can obtain nowhere else.
Those at a distance, by writing to the Dr., ran have
their cure projierly attended to. Office on Sacramen
to st., below Montgomery. san t rnnrtro, t. ai. 4-.mia
The Crratcst Disrorrrr of the Age.
-"1 RE AT Blessings to Mankind! Innocent but Potent
IjT DR. CZAPKAY'S PiuiruiLaCTici'M. (sell-disinfec-
ting agent.) a sure preventive against secret diseases
and uu unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous
and cancerous ulcers, and all cutanous eruptions and dis
eases. Fur sale at Ku. CZArKAY s Office. Armory Hall
corner of Sacramento and Montgomery st--. Sau Fran
cisco. Cal. As in-x-ulalion is preventive aguiust small
pox. so is Dr. Czapkay's Propliilacticum a preventive
agaiust secret disease. That tliey can Is; prevented by
proper agents, is as we.u an estaiuisueu iac asinat toey
can be cured after their establishment. This principle,
which is now universally recognized, was received eveu
before the d:ivs of Jenner. the d'scovererof vaccination.
in 17'Mi. and ft multiplied beuelits ever since have re
ceived ss they deserted, the attention oi tt.e .Medical
Taculty. It was iu pursuit of this branch of the medical
science that Dr. L. J. Czapkav fortunately made tbe dis
covery of bis Prophylacticum. which, for the cancerous
and cutanous disorders, stands nnrivaiieu uy any agent
iu the l'hartnaeopor. The sm'ut operant! t of this med
icine i explained iiputi the hypothesis that secret poisons
possess chemical prois-me vnii-n are iieiiironcu oy
being brought iu eonta.-t with this ppiphvlatic, a acids
are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering mem inert.
The effect of this agent Is Immediate, and removes the
noasibilit v of a contraction of disc-.o. If, however, the
disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing
the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce
the consequences known as secondary disease. In can
cerous and gangemus ulcers, in fo-tid discharges snd in
cutanous diseases where the secretions are excoriating,
it acts upon the same principle and is one or the most
effectual remedies for the purpose now known. Where
disease is once established it should te nscd in connec
tion with other remedies, and when so used never fails
of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in
inanv thousand cases, aud he has yet to And the first
in which it has failed to subserve the pnrpose for which
it was administered. Price, $5. Full directions are at
tached to each package.
N. B. I n cases where the Proph viaticum is used as
curative. Dr. L. J. Czapkav will furuish (gratis) a pre
scription lor Ills IMllllM-l.
All communication from the country, addressed only
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY. San Francisco, Cal., will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. ami remedies.
with tne greatest care ami secrecy. iinuimMaeijr uix-
natched by express or otherwise to their destination.
1 " . , . ,11.' 1 v- .1
4)m3 ' San Francisco, Cal
To tux L.vDiE or Obkuos and California. L.J
Czapkav, M. D., physician surgeon and accoiicher, in
vite the attention ol tne sick ana aiiucteu females la
boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the
brain, lung, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid
neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc
tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other
nl.v.i,i,in in OreTnn or California. Let no false delicacy
prevcut you, but apply immediately, and save yourself
From painful sutlcring and premature death. All mar
ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances
do uot allow to hare an iurrease in their families should
write or call at Dr. I. J. Czapkay s Medical Institute,
irinorv Hall, corner of Sacrainouto and Montgomery
streets, and they will receive every possible relief and
help. The Doctor oinces arc so arrangcu tnat ne can
!. ...insulted without molestation. t'.iin.l ,
). AI consultations by letter or otherwise,) iree.
Address to int. L. J. cAi'iv a i . ai. it..
Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal.
-Tlie attention of the readers is called to the fol-
onmgt .... ,..,
A ladV or nign BHtnuiinr in miuiei v sun resiwwioiii.y,
j i m.:i.j.i..i.i. u..Hj., i: ...I.
n.ih ia inn a runi III .lie oituunj jisifw.ii.
September 14. 1S51, which is as follows:
t'ARO AIIC lliluen-iKiieii iwi!" i uci tiu.v wrxiivM
her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay. for the success
r.d enn nf herself r.nd child. The latter having been
afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," war
given np as incuraoie oy some 01 tue luost ceirorawu
,i,vsi. i:ins. when she raiicd on Dr. Czapkay. of whom
she beard very favorable report, and who, after a short
period, restored tne cnuu to perieci. ncaun. encour
aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice
herself, for the scrofulous malady, with which she had
afflicted for eight years, and which withstood tlie
treatment of the best physicians in Europe and Ameri
ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording ber
permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which,
for eight years had lost all charms for her. She, there
fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and afflicted
to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful
nhvbicians within tbe United States.
I' ' uue, nmnrfvpriTiv
MM. V ' .' . ..... J .a,. , ,
Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia.
A. Guaxkh, Notary Puhlic. 12(1, 7th street.
The following is an editorial notice in the Boston
Daily Times of August Gth. 1S54,
A SuiM-Fri. Physician. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has
opened an office at No. 1(5 Pleasant street iu this city.
Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army as physician and surgeon uuder the
natronage of Kossuth, lie combine with a finished
education and the most refined and agreeable manners,
the most extensive scientitic abilities and skill in his
profession, and we reel much pleasure in recommending
him to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman.
Dr. Czankav has spent some time in Philadelphia where
be won the confidence and friendship of those who be
came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil
adelphia are gentlemen of the highest respectability,
ith whom we are personally acquainted. He had an
extensive practice in Hungary before the Aastrians and
. i.:M . 1 .... .... ; e i - - .
Hussions comiiencu unu w .va, i. iur ueing. xouna
imiltv of excessive patriotism. We hope be will receive
that patronage due a man of so eminent capacity.
The above are only a few of the many testimonials
which Dr. Czapkay has in his possession, but can uot
publish for want of space. All communications, (by
letter or otherwise,) free.
aST-Persnns rleslHni. ...,, ..I at.n..H .-a .n -Lt
?"",'' ! delay of corresponding, can have Immedi
ate attention by sending ten dollars a consultation fee.
ana can nave medicine forwarded. Address to
Ban Francisco, Cal.
SPERMATORRHEA, or l-, Weakness nervous He.
bllity. low spirit. lassitude, w'
and back. Indisposition, loss of memory, aversion to ao!
ciety. love of solitude, timidity, selr-dintrust dizziness
headache, palli In the side, affection or tbe'eye nine'
pie on tha face, sexual and other inl.rmttic in man arc
cured without full bythe justly celebrated phy.ician'anj
surgeon, 1 J. Czajiksy. His method of curing divancs
Is new (unknown to outers) ana pence tne great uj.
All consiiiiauons, ny letter or otherwise, tree,
San Francisco, Cal.
THE sulwcriber lis at Eugene City, one of the ltent
general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, Boot aud Shoe, and all articles kept in a gene
ral finding store, to be found in Oregon. He I cn-
stantly receiving Iresli additions to his stock, and al
ways keeps It up. My goods are now all received direct
from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. All
kiudsor fanner a produce received in exchange forgooife
I pay higher price for prodnre, and sell good cLeavor
thaa any other store iu the Territory. -
Eugene City. July 1. 1H50.
Wtf I
Notice. i ' i .
rTtllE Judge of the Supreme Court of the Territory of
X. regon, assemoien at tne seat or Government on
the 10th day or Iecember, 158. do fix and appoint
District Courts to be held in the city of S.ilem. in tlie
county of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and
September, and the fourth Mondays of May and Octo
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and in the city
of Portland, In tbe ccunty of , Multnomah, oa the fifth
Monday, of December, i-5(J, and thereafter bH the drat
Mondays of M.iy and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
eacn. m. ii.i.i ams. Cbier Justice.
4t CYRUS OLNEY. Associate Justica.
Corrallis Drug Store.
virircnu 1 n i iinwri r r,
J..v.i,.iv. , s. . .. r. mj ,a , i'iUKf(l-M mq ,
A!Ot!n-crics,.nre receiving from Sau Francis- rjl
co, per each steamer, large and carefully selected Tf
stocks of Drugs. Medicines. Oils. Paints. Dye- !
Stuffs, Perfumeries. Fancy Soaps, and all other articles
usually kept in a umg store, which they are setting and
wil l. mCI.L. at reduced prices.
Prescription prepared by an experienced Drug
gist. Orders from a distance promptly attended to. -
Corvallis. January 13, I57. 44tf -
KITING PA PER, stiiM-rior article,
niacx in it , rrom quarts to 3 ox.
Slates and en:ils,
Talsir's pencils,
t-',M w . f r
School cards aud toy books, at
WHOLES A Lhaou man ..eater in Drug. Medicine,
t lieniiciils. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Druggist
Glxs Ware, llrubes. Surgical lustnimeuts. Trusses,
Herbs, Roots, Extras ts. Perfumery, Shaving and Toilet
Soaps, and a full supply of all the popular. Patent nr
Proprietory Medicines, and almost every other article
in our line of business. Which are offered to the trade
wholesale or retail at extremely reduced prices, and in
quantities to suit.
Every article warranted as reprevnted.
Portland. O. T.. March IS. 157. 52m3
A JVew Drug Store.
XX. DRY-GOODS and GROCERIES are now sell
tng, cheap for cash, at llathoru's, opposite Smith
Book and Drug Store, near theNxw Bkiuob.
January 27, 1357. 46tf
TF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
A undersigned have got ls.poo. pounds best COSTA
RICA. Come in aud look at it.
Oregon City. Dec. 6, 15.
San Francisco. J Portland , O. T.
Richards S. McCraken.
COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon
w r lour, i. rain, l rodm e, i- ruii. Pork, uaenn. Lara
Hams, Ac-, Ac. Orders for Oregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advance made on consignment.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco.
January ZT, 157. 40 tf
CANDLES, Soap, SUrch, Indigo, and Tobacco, at
! W. K. SMITH A CO. S.
RUGS, Medicines, Paints, Oil, and Dveiduffs, at
w. K.SMITH A CO.'.
UN TY ORDER BLANKS For sale st the
rrtAX receipt blanks foe sale at the Statesman office.
.a. at xi per nnndrea.
RY-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va
riety, at 26U UUOKES'
A Medical RctoIoUoq ! The World I'naniinons!
ii KEAT CO V 7 TEK 1 ll(IT Aii T.
The virus of disease often makes its way to tbe in
ternal organs through the pores of the skill. This pen
etrating Ointment, melting under the hand as it is rub
bed iu, is absorbed tnrougn tue same cnanneis, and
reaching the seat of iutlammation. promptly and invari
ably subdues it. whether located in the kidneys, the liv
er, the lungs, or any other important organ. It pene
trates tbe surface to the interior, through the countless
tubes that communicate with the skin as summer rain
passes into the fevered earth, diffusing its cool and re
generating influence.
Ferrv snpeies of evterior irritation Is nnirklv reduced
by the aiiti-iiittammatory action of this Ointment. An
gry Eruptions, such as Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Tetter,
Ringworm. Scald Head. Nettle Rash, Scabies (or ItolO
Ac, die out. to return no more, under its application.
Hospital experience in all parts or tne world proves its
infallibility in diseases of the skin, the muscles, the
joints and the glands.
The effect of this unrivalled external remedy upon
Scrofula, and otlfcr virulent ulcers and sores, is almost
miraculous. It first discharges the poison which pro
duces suppuration aud proud flesh, and thus tbe cures
which its healing properties afterward complete are
safe as well as permanent.
In casee of the fracture of tlie bones, injuries caused
by steam explosions, Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Rheuma
tism, Stiffuess of the joints, and contraction of tbe sin
ews, it is employed and warmly recommended by the
faculty. This marvelous remedy tas oeen introduced
hv its inventor in pen-on into all the leading Hospitals
of Europe, and no private household should be without
it. ' "
Tlie Medical Staff of the French and English Annies
in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of
Holloway Ointment, as the most reliable dressing for
satire cuts, stabs, and gun shot wounds. It is also sign
ed by the surgeons of tlie Allied Navies. -
n.-r?. r.nned TTands. Chilblains, Fistula,
Ringworm, 'Salt -ZrL'.r ull. "
pi.n.ij snre Lee. ore Dteav, ..v.w.-.
ISiof Si kind. Sprains Sn-ff Joints. Tetter,
Idat'tbrManufictories of Professor Holloway,
M Maiden Lane. New rors. ana m oirana, ixmaoc,
he all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine
throughout the United 6tatesand the civilized world,
fi. at 35 cents, 62J and $1 each.
mr There is a considerable saving done by taking
the larger sizes- - -' . . ' . - !
10 u!rirectiotu for the guidance of patients in eve-
ry'dieorder are afflxed to each pot. 3Syl j
I " "" I ' ' I
Allan, McKlnlaj-,1 A, Co.,
HAVE just received a stock or New Goods, and
would invite all those who wish to oroctire GOOD
article at reasonable prices, to call and tea them. Thee
consist in part of the following:
Grindstones, Canal and Wheel Barrows,
Grain Cradle. Fancy Brooms,
Crass Scythe and Snaths, Plain do
Hrusn ao - - uo Assorted Colored Palls,
1H an: Harrow, 33 teeth Painted Tab.
Garden Rakes, Zinc Washboard.
do Hue. Blacksmith' Bellow, .
do Spades, Cross-cut Saws, 7 ft
Polished Shovels, do 0 ft
Hay Forks, Mill Saws. 7 ft
Manure Fork, Hair MaUrasses, doubt.
Chums, do single,
A induw Glaa n by 10 Hair Bolsters, double,
do 10 by II . , do single.
ri , Ao , Hf ' Serm Candle. .
window Sashes H by 10 Adamautine do.,
h.n. , Grai brand Tobaeeo,
"""d Yokes. Lu ke do do
w ba"e 'J'", SbeBt'ngs.Tick. Ac.e.
rt.i?sriT.,;'.'.,l7.''l,.inm' lar,f's "ij'!r t ono'
Oregon City. ALLAN, M'KINLAT ft CO.
liooka! Hook!
K.SSHTH A CO. have lust reeeiyed the Urgeat
. aud best selected Stock of HOOKS ever offered
Csmpliell's, Pope's, Moore', Wordsworth, Ossiao',
Tbonipson'a. Milton's, Byron's, Cooke', Goldsmith's,
Ijtudou .
ntt's. Yonatt on tbe Horse, Allen's Stable Book. Hind'
Farrier, Downing. Barry, Thomas, Blake, Mason's Far
rier. Stewart and Skinner, Saxton and C'later.
BIOGRAPHIES. Washington's. Jackson's. Scott.
Taylor", Slarion's, Bonaparte's, Seward's, Louis Napo
leon's, Mozart's, Lives ol tlie Presidents. Mary Queen of
Scots, Henry VI II and his Six Wives, Harrison's. La
fayette's, Sam Houston's, Henry Clay's, Kossuth's, J.
Q. Adams", Daniel Boone's, Shakspeare's, Dean Swift',
Humboldt's, Bishop Hedding, Lives of the Popes, J. B.
Finley's, Roberts', Newton s, Wesley's, Fletcfier's, La
martine's l,'elebrated Characters, and many others.
HlisTORIES. Rollin's Ancient History. Russell'
Modern Europe. Gibbon's Rome, Rottech's History of
the World, Barth's Histiry of the World, Willard's His
tory of the World. Botta's American Revolution, Mcao
ley's History of England, 4 vols. D'Aubigne' History
of the Reformation, 5 vols. Petersou's United State
Brand's Encyclopedia, Smith'sClassica! Dictionary. Lat
in and Greek lrxicotis and Readers. Virgil, Homer,
Zenophon, Josephus. Dick's Works, Manry a Geography
of the Ses, Wesley's Sermon. Smith' furred Annals,
Harper's Universal Gazeteer. Dwight's Mythology. iArd
ner's lectures. Goldsmith's Animated Natnre, Wood's
Natural History. Gnnn's Domestic Medicine. Willis'
Pr-sie Works, Sterne's Prise Works, Mrs. Ellis' Prose
Works. Downing' Country Houses, Builders' Guide, "
Weirder" Dictionsry, all sizes, Davies' and Peck's
Mathematical Dictionary, Farmers' and Planters' En
cyclopedia. Thackeray's Pendennis, on Qoixotte, Gil
ftlas. Cosmos. Iligtnw Usefnl Arts, Ure's Dictionary,
Hugh Miller's Old Ited Sandstone, Ac, Ae.
ers. Sander's Readers, MrOrelTee Readers, Cobb'
Headers. Gift Books fur Children and Youth. Also,
Wtirks on Geology, Physiology, Chemistry. Philosophy,
Government. Anatomy, Mineralogy, Oratory, Mathe
matics, i"ebating. Medicine, Theobigy. Temperance,
Rhetoric, Grammar. Geographies, A rfthmetics. Astro
nomy, Travel. Works of Humor. In short, every thing
usually found in Book Store.
Store opposite the Holnian House, near the Steambo
Landing. tf
Geo. Abernethjr i Co.,
ibfrnctbr, dark k To.,
San Francisco, Cal., will attend to eelling Oregon
firoduce, and 611 order for Goods, Groceries, Ac., at the
owest rates. The patronage of the people of Oregon
i respectfully solicited.
August 1. Is.-,.',. lltf
Kenfon't Daguerrean
THE undersigned haying recently returned from 8a
Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautiful
Picture on Glass calied AMBKUTYPES, which have
almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in th
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in the new b-iil ling, erected especially for the
butinezs. west of the Marion House.
Solent. November 11,1856. 35tf
N.Reynolds & Co,
PEES0NAL attention given to the anle of Floor,
Grain. Potatoes. Onion. Fruit. Butter. Eggs, Cor
ed Meats, Hides, Wool, and all staple product of th
Wil! fill orders for good when accompanied by cash
or equivalent in any way of consignment.
Have constantly on hand new and second hand Grain
and Guuny Bags, which we offer by bale or bundle ia
lots to suit.
First class storage furnished when required, and !i bo
ra! advances made on consigomeut in store
Having good experience and locality, we trust by
strict attention to give that satisfaction "which is pleas
ant to both ourselves and our consignors. ImS
Off fjon and California Parke! Liae.
THE following vessels will run ia connec
tion a a REGULAR LINE between ,5!
San Er:mcieo aud Portland :
BARK OCEAN BIRO, Wiggins. Master.
' NAHIIMKEAG..iaxm. "
BRIG I. B. LUNT, Richardson,
Tbe Barks nave all been coppered recently, and ara
in first rate order, commanded bv experienced captain.
Freight trirt be carrtert at Vte tmrest ratrt.
Produce sent from any part of tbe country to Oregon
City or to the Linn City Works, will be received aad
forwarded to San h rancisco.
Aoknts: GEO. A BERXETIii Co..
Oregon City.
San Francisco.
November. 8. D4- - 3tf
Holiday Presents.
CALL and buy soon at the Book Store, Oregoa City.
Oregon City. Dec. 7. 1S56. 40tf .
Jin it m & Brother,
T7"EONT STREET. Portland, ojiposlte the Metropolis
J? Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing. Hats, Boots,
and Shoes, Groceries. Ac-
N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
merchandise at tlie highest market price. 19tf
.Notice to Shippers and Merchants.
ONE of the firm being permanently located in Saa
Francisco, all consigtimeuts of produce aad orders
to be filled, will be attended to without delay, at mode
rate rates. 2;tf WAKEFIELD A CO.
Allan K Lewis,
;o tkhkiiipKi .
UAX Cotton Y arn has arrived, at
Statesman Book and Job Office.
WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book
printing north of California, and an extensive as
sortment of Jobbing Material of every kind; aud, with
ma-ter workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and
in a workman-like manner, all order ia the above do.
partments, such as
BOOKS, - SUM V uu.",
PAKiiruurrs, ' NotssofHan,
Haxpbiias. . Okdeji. Books,
Bali. Tickets, ' Steajibo t Bills,.
Cihcclabs, Steabo t Cakds.
Invitations, Bys or LAPnt
Bctiness CABJia, namraATH.
Billhkaps, Know Bills.
Concert Bill. Check Books,
Peooraum es, Bl'k REcEirrs,
Adpsess Cards. Drafts,
Blanks or all Kinps, Ac.. Ac. Ac.
Law of Newtpapcn.
1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to tha
contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their
2. If subscribers order paper diseontinned.Tnblis.her
may continue to send them till all charges are paid.
3. 11 sunsenoers neirieei or re rase to take their paper
from the office or place to which tbey are sent, they ar
held responsible until they settle their bill and rive no
tice todiscontinue them.
4. If subscribers move to other places without inform in I
the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former diree
tion, tbey are held responsible. -- -
5. Tbe courts have decided that refusing to take a pa
cer or periodical from the office, or removing and leav
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intention.
fraud. -
mr Postmasters wottld oblige, by a strict fulfillment
of the reculations requiring them to notify Publishers,
once in three months, of papers not taken from ttlcir
office by subscribers.
lor aie in naiem, ronsiauug, iu part, or the following
POETM'AL WORKS White s, C.rtlins,Oray' Tub
per". Beattie', Scott's. Young's,,,',, c'roly's,
Crabbe',Sliakpeare',('owper , Coleridge's, Hemana',
Hums'. Pollok'a. Shelley', Mowitt', Montcomerv's