Special Sotlee. ! mr Mr, John 0. Tower. UnivewatUt. will preaelt at the Court House, Salem. Sunday, May 10, at I o clock f. at- Steames " Cnmronow," ApHI 19, IH4. I Tho undersigned taken this opportunity to return his many thank to the Rood people of Ore-peiallv the citiaens of Salem and Polk County. Tor their kind BMitnl sympathy, while he w wounded and sick, and fur procuring aid la hi. distress. 1 onr klmlnes U fully and properly appreciated, and my tlianka re tIuJ.y.ndo.teorJul.yre.red; Private of Company (H.) lt Regt. O. M. V. will bold It annnal meeting on Krlday, thelUh day of U - . al. AHA AVIlUlr I M T, p , CaiOM, ...... ...... i . - . J. 0. WILSON, Sec y Lane Ceantr Dematntlc Convention. Notice la hereby given that a Convention will Ve held In Eugene City on Saturday, the Zd day or alar, rur vw hidm or nominating tanuiuaie iot me ran cos or the County, to be elected at the coming Juue election. , - i It la recommended that the pwclncU hoM their meet ing on Saturday. April JMh. at the usual place of ot W In the precincta, and that each precinct will be a . " .a a a a a aim til 1 S art la mi. in swim inair ntii'tnim v aaiu v ..--. l'y order of the Central Committ forl-aneCounty. - W. 8. BBOCK. (APVKBTlSslKXT.j' II1E.KE.BI mMmwn - "J l- ..j liar Waddle an found In a late number ef the Orecon Statesman, and that fouud in a former Z: j- K. hilr am ith the alnirlo ti of anwawM. erroneous. And I further declare that what I hare said In reference to the conduct of him and his daughter la troth ; whether they be statement of what I myself hare seen, or statement of eonfr- inn made to me by Mary addle, and confirmed hy by himaeir since the secret was lint dimmed by ber. The above declarationa I make under oath, in order that their oaths may be rebutted by that which I alike veered in the eyes of the law. Their atatemenU are now contradicted by mine In an equally solemn manner. Of coarse the community can not determine simply by the two opposing atatetuenta where the truth lies, vet feeling the necessity that some thing farther should be done, I herehy make it known, that I am willing to submit myself to the moat rigid questioning or to anything else by which the truth w M And furthermore, if Mr. Waddle and his daughter are not guilty, they will be willing to submit themselves to any examination which will make their innorence ap pear; I call nponhim.for hisown sake, and fur the saka of his daughter, to clear themselves from the suspi cion which must rest anon them until the truth is deci ded. The blame should rest where it belongs. Let it rest upon me if I am guilty : if they are guilty it should reat npon them. MARGARET J. ADDLE. TERRITORY OF OREGON. County of Marlon, as. This sth day of April. 1957. personal! appeared before the undersigned, the above named Margaret J. Waddle, and deposes and says that the statement set forth la the foregoing affidavit are true. B. F. BOX HAM, Justice of Teace. HottowAY's Oixrarrr as Pills. Impurities of the blood are often developed in disgusting eruptions, ulcers, tnmors, arroftiloos sores, boils, and other exter nal anVctiuna. For all these distressing and dangerous complaints. Holloway'a Ointment is literally a healing balsam. It neutralize too materie morbi. or seeds of disease la the external secretions, and dispel the in flammation. Nature does the rest. The experience of every human being who has tested the efficacy of the Ointment is the same. It ha never failed. When the Internal organs are alone affected, as in liver complaint, dvspepaia, and irregularities of the bowels, a few doses at the Tills affjrd certain and permanent relief. 8 - x v r c i . a it . :. . . i - WJm V - I I. A a A. AUW J. ' A. Bun.(.u. w o extensirely known in this Territtny that any notice of it, or of him. might seem aaperttuous. Yet fearing that there are those who heretofore h iving no need of medical aid. have neglected to ascertain the proper sources of relief in cases of mWf.irtitne. To those we beg leave to direct attention to Ir. I.. J. Czspkay, who Is certaislv a Physician of great skill and wonderfid success in his prof e-Mitxv. The lr. has devoted m:u h attention to the treatment of chronic and private dis eases, and stands nnrivalied in his management of them. To thoe who need scch assistance we cheerfully recommend Dr. L. J. Cxapkaj ; it would be well at all events t consult him, as he makes no charge for con sultation, and much good might result from it. The Dr. guarantees a cure in all rases or asks no compensation. SsT See Or. L. J . Czapkay's advertisements in another column of this paper. t'XSm. MARRIED. By Rev. Win. F. West. April l!th inst at the resi dence of the bride, Mr. X. J. Lea so to Miss A. M. tNT- DCK- At Burlington. April Jlst. hy Rev. 8. J. Irvine, Mr. ALraxn H.Osava and Mis Marosbet Mabtis. DIED. In this town, on the 29th ulU, very suddenly, M kt C-, wife of George H. J unes, aged 23. I A few bocrs before her death, (perhaps live.) she pang with a tremulous but sweet voire, the first verse sad part of the second of the hymn, ' Forever here my rest shall be, lliiAA tn tha l.l..A.)inA ai.Ia and engaged inappropriate vocal prayer. 6he express ed the great love she bore to the Savior : parents, sis ter, husband, children, she loved, and loved much but aim loved Jeus more, far more. She doubted not friends loved her much, but she was sure Jesus loved ber huh e. There was no dread about dying. Calm as she would prepare to take a brief journey, aud would apeak of it, she spoke of dying. Sister Jones leaves two daugbters, one of them bnt a few days old. and a step-son. a lad of ten vears. to miss avnd mourn her loan. They were commended in her dy ing prayers to her heavenly Father. P. J. B. Cole, 91. D., THTSTC1AN AND SCRGEOX, tf Portland. Oregon. To Produce Shippers. THE fast railing clipper bark SAMUEL MERRITT. well loaded with produce for Baa Francisco on her arrival. Freight. S,00 per ton- Apply to the Captain on hoard, is 8w3 GEO. ABERXETHY CO. saji'l- a. Him tro as a. pai is Smith DaTis, TV PORTERS and wholesale Druggists; fira proof JL store, l'oniana. uregon. Orders from the country solicited. Sm8 Take Notice. I THE nndersirned, one of the firm of S. Jacobs A j Co.. this day sold all my interest in the said firm .to B. Jacobs and X. Goodman, so that I have no claims whatever against them at this date. M. KAMIXSKY. Cnaatroca) and FAiarrtxD, April 24, 1W57. S.JACOBS. X. eOODMAX. 8. Jacobs V. Co. W1TX continue at their old stands at Champoeg Fairfield, and at the log church. French Prairie. where they will be moat happy to have their friends call spoa them, and extend their liberal patronage as here tofore. We shall try to keep as good an assortment. sell as low as any store in Oregon. We can do it!! Our goods are all bought in ban Francisco for cash down. Lome aaa see. cms Notice to Contractors. ' 1 1 ill E nadersigned will receive sealed proposals at the X Post Office in Salem, O. T-, notil 4 o'clock P. M., of the 11th of May, next, for furnishing beef and flour for the Grand Rande Coast Indian Agency, for aix months. There will be required about fifteen tons of oar, sad fifteen ton of beef per month, more or less. Said Boar mast be a good common article, (but saner fine noil not be required.) and most be in sacks contain ing from 40 to 100 pounds. The beef muxt be weighed In quarter, and all the offal except the hides to be thrown in. The quantity of both flour and beef will i regulated, aa well a the place of delivery, by the agent in charge. The right will be iwinj to the undersigned of re jecting all exorbitant bids. Payment will be made so noon as the necessary funds are received from the Treas ury Department. Bond will be required from contractors for either the flour or the beef contract, with three or more appro- Ail aa. MpitiAS in tSe aim of tea tknAil l. .1 1 . I. bidder will be required to accompany his bid with a written undertaking, by three or more responsible per sona, that he or they will give the bond required. JOHX F. M ILLER, Indian Agent. Salem. O. T, April 23, 1S57. td Notice to Contractors. THE nadersigned will receive sealed proposals at the Post O.flje in CorrallU, until 4 o'clock P. M, of the 20th of May next, for furnishing beef and flour for the SUets Agency Coast Reservation for six months. There will be required about 30 tons of flour per month more or less. Said floor must be a good common arti cle, (but superfine will not ba required.) and mast be in sacks containing from 50 to 100 pound. There will be required 25000 pounds of beef, more ori leas, per month. The beef to be weighed in quarters, and all the offal except the bides to be thrown in. The quan tities of both floor and beef will be regnlated, aa well as the place of delivery, by the agent in charge The right will he reserved to the undersigned, of rejecting ail exorbitant bids. Payment will be made so soon as the necessary fund are received from the Treasury De partment. 1 will here state for the information of those . interested, that I have had the entrance of the Yaquin na surveyed, and that it is entirely practicable to enter there with vessel, there being from firteen to eighteen feet of water on the bar at the lowest stage of the tides. I weald therefore particularly invite the attention of hip owners to this not.ee, as transportation by land will be attended with too much expense. . Bonds will be required from contractors for either the floor or beef contract, with three or more approved mv AoritiAa. in the sum of ten thousand dollars. Each Kin der will be required to accompany his bid with a written , undertaking, by three or more responsible persons, that be or toey WIU give toe uonas requirea. K. B. METCALFE, Indian Agent. 54nJ,O.T AprilK, 1857. Hi 6. B. Cole, M tt.a -LI r1n lUwan.l.. ji rn Im l.snst X tuna win ssms v iv( m as. jasausvi l w vraa ass j ia opening a wall selected stock of goods, which lit li rs lur sale, lotr, for rasa or product. , , CorvuJll. O. T.. May 4, 1847. ! ofti BUTTER salt 28000 lb, for sate low. at 0. E.COLE'S. H IUUEST price paid for butter, at O. R. COLFS. gUU Alt 3,000 lbs. of best New Orleaii n0r1-f g w HEAT, flour, bacon, eggs and lard wanted In ex- change Tor cash anu uicrcuunuisr, ni , it. r.. COI.E p. COFFEE 2000 lbs. best cofl'ce for sale at ri!KH mw lb. Jmpvrial Uaii)wwdcr, black and I youug byson tea, for sale at J O.E.COLE'B., 36 ostts, SO rest and 100 pairs pants for sale cheap at u. r iulk B. INI ENS white shirts, warino tinder sliirt and draw ers at - u. K. I VLB . ( T.llU'ETlXU mid matting, for sale at j 0. K. COI-ES. H OES, shovel, axes and hammers at U, E. Colk's. UTTS, screws, locks and Hies at O.E.COI4C-B. AIN'T brushes and shoe brushes at U. E. Coui's. EVERYTUIKU In the way or Farmer's supplies, for .sale cheap at , 0. E. Coi.s's. E VERTTU1X0 that Farmer bare to aril, bought at G. E. Lout a. ROCKERY of all kinds at O. E. ColVs. G LAKSWAHE of all kinds at 0. E. Cols'. w OODEN ware and brooms at O. E. Cole's. B UUUY whips, Carriage whljia aud stagn whips ut u. k. lout a. 8 PAIR of boots, from medium to best nimlitr, for - sale at G. E.CouVs. INi EXS shoes and gaiters, Loy and youths shoes coarse and fine, for sale at O. K. Colk's. CUIIJJREX'S shoes, stout, medium aud One, for sale at G. E. Colk's. I A DIMS gaiters, slippers and shoe of every descrip J tlon, at . E. Colk's. LADIES dress goods, spriug aud summer style ; a tine assortmeut at G. E. Colic's. D RES3 trimming for sale at G. E. Colk's. W HITE goods, embroideries, laces, trimmings, etc., rtc.etc, at G. E. Cole . ) KIM'S, spring and summer styles. Merrimack, Co chico. Union, Philadelphia and Manchester at G. E. Cole's. IF you have any cash, produce, or anything von wilt to exchange for goods, (credit excepted.) brina it to G. E. Colk's. s MALL profit and quick return is the motto at G. E. Com s. "SO charging rrfna profit a to make up for sfote pay 1 and 60a dbtt, as 1 have no such. O. E. Cot . VLL who wish to buy low for cash or produce, w flud it to their advantage to rail on ill G. E. Cole. VLL who wish to purchase on long credit, and on never pay, ran find plenty of goods at other stoies in town that are able to sell ou those terms. Stf The Penetralia: BEIXG Hamonisl Answers to Important questions: A XEW WORK. BY AXDRBW JAIBSOM DAVIS. In the preface Mr. Davis says ; From time to time dur ing the past three years, the Author has been interroga ted on almost every topic ; frequently by letter, some times orrally.and naturally by the subjects themselves; and thia volume is designed as a mpannm to such questions aa nave appeared to mm of the greatest im portance to mankind." This is esteemed the most original, offtarfrrr and Mtful work ever written by this voluminous author, and it rrrtalt tome of hit moprmttt rpiritnal trptrirn- CONTEXTS: The Philosophy of Questions and Answers, Page 7 The Assembly Shorter Catecb'sm, Revised and Corrected. is Questions of Life. Local and Universal, CI Questions on Tlieo-Physiology. 75 Question on the IVspotisru of Opinion, 7 Questions on the msrtyrdim of Jesus, 11 Questions on the myths of Modern Theology, 131 Questions on the evidences of Immortality," 153 Qiieatious on the Kflet-t or Utilitarianism, 213 Questions on the Origin and Perpetuity of Char acter. 153 Questions on the Benefits and Penalties of Indi vidualism, 2S3 Qiie-lion on the Benefits and Penalties of Insti- ttitioualism, 301 IMchomrlrical Examination of William Lcyd Garrison. 319 Tins excellent volume, contains 324 psees octavo, is priuted on good paper, and well-bound. To he had wholesale and retail of the Publisher. Bala M arsh. Price. $1. Single copies sent by mail on the receipt of SI and H postage stamps. 6wl For San Francisco. rTMIE Favorite Steamship Columbia, a n.u LALi,,i-oniiuauier, win leave 41 the Sth of May. The price of freight will be to pertn. Passage in Cabin. (30; Steerage, (10. Apply to the Captain, on board, or to LEONARD GllEEX, Portland. Portiand. April 9th, 17. Hwi Administrator's Aotice. LETTERS of administration have been granted to the undersigned, by the Probate Court of Unipqua Co., O. T.,npon the estate of HENRV O'BRIEN, deceased, bearing date Jan. 17, 1&7. ThenToie all persons in debted to said estutc are requested to make immediate payment to the uudersiirned, and all persons having demantla against said estate are herehv notified to pre sent them, with the proper pnx fs, within one year from the date hereof, to the undersigned, in Soottaburg.O.T, in the aforesaid county. WM. E. LEWIS, Admin'r. . 8cott-l.org. O. T., April 23. 1S57. 8w4 Sport of the Turf. ASURSCR1PT10X purse of 2',0 dollars will be giv en by the citizens of Engcne City, to be run for at HUir's track, free for all known Oregon Horse ; to be governed by the rule of the Jockey Club. Entrance (126, forfeit (75, to be added to the purse. All entries must be made two weeks previous to the race. . The purse will be run for on the last Friday of May, 157. Those wishing to enter horses will apply to JAMES H. HCrV, and 8w3 PHYOR T. BLAIR. Public Sale. THE undersigned, administrator of the estate of the late RALPH WATSON, deceased, will sell at public auction, to the highest bidder, on Thursday, the 2Mb day of May next, at his farm, three miles south of suverton. ana one mile norcn 01 K. t . oeers, on me Territorial road, the following de-irahle property, viz: Seventeen head of fine American Horses, and Seventy- five head or Cattle, comprising a urge number of milch cow, and a fine lot of beeves. A rare chance is here offered to persons wishing to secure good stock, as it is all American, and in line condition, and will be sold without reserve. Terms, Cash ; or. if desired by purchasers, a credit of nine months will be given npon notes with good ap proved security. a)r sue to commence at iu o ciora, a. si. A.ALLEN, Administrator. Salem. April 21st, 1S37. 6w4 .Notice. TY virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Folk JJ Co.. O. T- 1 will offer for sale on the 30th day of Mav, 1o7, one half of the southwest qr. of Section 3, Township U.S. of R. 4 W of the Willamette meridi an, situated in Benton Co.. on the Williamette River, between A loan v and Corvalli. Sale to take place be- tareAn the heuni of 10 o'clock A. M.. and 6. P. M.. on the premive. Terms of sale made known on the day of sale. w. j.i.iviL.i.r., 7w3oaid Guardian for Julitta Linville. Notice to Tolantcers of Copt Martin. Company of Kogne Kirtr nar of 1SH. T PURPOSE to be at Rosebnrg. Douglas Co., O. T, X on Wednesday, the 20th of May, 157, to pay the v olunterrs or Captain w. j. Martin company 01 oi nntcers of Rocrue River War of 1863. BEXJ. A I.VORD, Paymaster U. S. Army. Fort Vancouver, W. T-, April 10th, 1857. 6w4 Final Settlement. "S-TOTICE is herebv riven .that A. E. McOee. adminis- i trator of the estate of El. IS II A WILLIAMSON', deceased, will present his accounts, as such administra tor, at the Mav term or the rrobate Court, of Douglas Co.. O. T. for final settlement. All persons intt rented will please uu notice. i.B.s.iM)tn.iu.v,i Judge of Probate. April 7. 1857. 7w3 Look Here. ALL persons that are indebted to James Strang, are requested to call and settle their accounts by the 15th or Msy. and all those who do not, will find their accounts in the hands of John D. Boon, Justice of the Peace. Having sold my Tin establishment in Salem, I want to settle np my accounts. JaULSOikuu Salem, April 21. 1857. 6tf B. F. Bonham. A TTOKXEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Of. XX. fice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. 1 6U EB. Syrup, 30 kegs, 8's and S's, for sale by 4w G. ABEHNETHY A CO. rUBLIC SPEAKING. , CIROnrim W. I.W0, Candldnte hrftirv the People Iter lf lesnata to fonnresa, 1 woitlil lie plrnseal to meet ami Addreaa Ills Kellnw t ill, sens of tlio dlirrraBt t'onntles In the Territory nt the time anil nsneea here ft er algiilfled. Lafnvette, Dallas, Corvalli, ' Elkton, , Roaeburg. Jacksonville Yamhill County, Tuesday, s April 2? Polk Thursday, ' llenton . I'mpqna Douglas " "i Suturdiiy, . 1 a. 1 . r s iiosuny " Tlmivilay, " Bntunlay, " Tuesday, Jackson Ashland Mills. County Beat. Josepltine Thnrsiliiy One other place, to lie appointed by friend lit the (Trent Rogue River alley 1 on the r.uirene city, lane , Albany, Linn - ' " Salem, Million " Oregon City, Clarkarmn " ' Portland, Multnomuh ' The hour for Speaking lit all - w ... A... Tuesday, ; Thursday, HaturthiyK Tuesday, Thursday, ..V the above place Is i o CIOCK I'. M. 6tJ OEORGE W. LAWS0N. Park fc White. HAVE removed ti No. 1.11 Washington at., between Ransome and Montgomery, opposite the Msrkt t. San fmni'tsi-n where tliev wish to rail the ettentlon of the Trade to the largest stock of I'A Tr'.yT MKDICiXFB Ever oflered in thia market, man? of which the? agree to sell nt New York prices, with only cost of Importing added, and some articles at a still less rate, guaranteed to be genuine, as they Import every ar k'le direct from the mniiiifai'tiirors. 7m3 Dr. GoysoU'i Improved Extract of Yellow Dock & sanaparuia, in Qjieri bouim, . .,, IS acknowledged to be the best 8arnparills made as I rrrtillcd by the wonderful cures it has performed. KememlMr, this I the only trie and genuine article. This medicine, when used arcording to directions, H II.L. VI! nr. IviTIIOUV r AII. Scrofula, or Klng'a Evil, Ciinccrs. T.imors. Eniptlonsof the skin, Krvs(-las, t'hnmir Sure Eyes, Ring Worm or Tetter, Scald Head, Rheuma tism. Pains In the Rones and Joints, Old Pores and Ulcers. Bwelllng ol the Glands. Dyspepsia. Salt Rheum, Disease 01 the Kidneys, Los or Appetite, Disease arisins from the use of Mercury, rain In the side and Shoulders, General Debili ty, Jaundice and Costivznesa. The Best Female Medicine Known r1HS Yellow Dock and Rarstiparilla is peculiarly A adapted for females of delicate health, resulting from Irregiilsrite of menstrual discharges, anil other diseases peculiar to their sex. We assure the nfllii'ted that a bottle or two of Dr. Guysott's Extract of Yellow Dock and Karsapnrilla will at once regulate those dilll cnltles and renew thn natural energies. SMITH ft DAVIS, Agent tor Portland. Park ft White Sde Agents, and Importers, wholesale and re tail dealers In all Genuine Patent Medicine. 131 Wash ington street, opposite the market, San t nuiclseo. invi Hostettrr't Cclrbratrd Stomach 111 Urn. THREE bottles of Hostetter's Vegetable Stomach bitter will cure the Dyspepsia; one bottle will create ar. appetite, force oil' the impure bile, purify the blood aad luvigorate me system ; two bottles will cure . 1... . .. r 1 : .v." ! .:.. . . 1.... 1 .: .1:. sipnte tlmt weakness at the pit of the stomnch. give color to the countenance. Impart tone and strength to the system, and lend cheerfulness to the mind. Every family should have ll-wtetter's celebrated Stomach Hit ters. No article is so peculiarly adapted to the di-nres. jug eflVt t of our climate. Sold hy Drugjrists, Hotels and Hrst class saloon throughout California aud Ore gon. Cactium. Borers are particularly requested b lie- ware of a spurious article manufactured aud represent ed to be Ilosteter's Bitters, which all who sell or use the article can detect, as it is never sold by the gallon, but in square bottles contaiuiug a full quart, with tlie cork covered with a mrtalic cap, aud name on cap, and bottle, with directions for use. SMITH DAVIS. AeenU for Portland. Park ft White. General A genu. San Francisco. 7m3 a n A Perfvmkd Rrrath What tadv orgentlemnn would remain tinder the curse of a disagreeblc breath when by using the'-Balm of a Thousand Flowers "us a dentrilli would not onlv render it sweet but leave Ihe teeth white as alabaster ! Manv persons d not know their breath is bad. and the snliject Is so delicate their friends will never mention it. Pour a sinsle drop of Halm on your tooth brush and wash the teeth night and morning. Siiavixo M.tpe Ktsr net your snaving ui-iisn in either warm or cold water, pour on two or Ihree drops of the Balm of a Thousand Flowers." nib Ihe beard well and it will makea brnutifulsort lather. much facilitating the operation of shaving. For sale by all Dni?iri:'ts. SMITH ft DAVIs, Agents, Portland. Park White, Sin Francisco. 7ml Attvill S. Co., No. 172 Washington St., San Francisco. SHEET, Card and Book Music. Piano Fortes. ,A am.I ullipr Mitocul Instrument. StHlfr f 1 l ..1. r.. VL.tin. (2. f 'l..rl..Atj .V.. Also a large wholesale stock of t amy ijoods and Tov. llilliurd Balls, wax and euelenthers. flairs of all nations. boxing gloves, fte.. together with all kinds of Vatikee Notions, useful or amusing. Gocds packed with great care and forwarded with prompt iks.. All orders should mention bv w hat boat or Express Co. the good are required to be sent. Ainii.i. , in.. 6iu3 1T2 Washington st., San Francisco. Administrator's Notice. THE undersigned having been eppointrd by the Pro bate Court for Benton Courlv. O. T.. mliuitiist . ttr of the estate of WILLIAM JACKSON, deceased, late of said County aud 1 emtory, hereby gives notice to all persons having claims a'uinst the deceased, to ex hibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within one year from the date of this notice, to hitn. at his office. Ill SttlU eOUIlljr. IUI CAHIUIUI1UIJI1 U(I BlljllSlllieill, IT UV forever debarred therefrom ; mid all persons indebted to said estate are requested to make immediate pay ment. J AS. II. SLATER, Admin r. April 14th. 1R57. Owl Probate Notice. NOTICE Lshereby given that James M. Fulkerson, administrator of the estate of WILLIAM D. H AltTLKY, deceased, has rendered bis accounts to the Probate Court of Polk County for linal settlemeut. aiid the Court appointed Ihe first Tuesikiy of tlay next, at the l'mbate ofTlce in Dallas, in said cotiutr, for the ad justment of the same.' JAS. TAVLOU, J. P. l'aii.is, April sin, 1 -... owjpaid llakery ami Confectioner-. THE nndetigned wmild announce to the public that he bAs established himself in the baking and con- lectionerv business at Salem, on 1 omraereml street. second door north of the Cnion House. A thorouch experience at the baking business he trusts will enable him to give sntisiucuon to lus customers. All order promptly tilled. Groceries and Emits, will also be kept constant 1 v on hand. CH AS. McG I N .V. April 9. W7. fttf Courts. T WILL try issues of fact as follow : JL In Clackamas, the 1 1st Monday, the 37tU day of April, instant. In Linn, the Arst Monday, the 4th dav of May next. In lien ton. the first Thursday, the 7th of Mav next. In Lane, the 2d Monday, the 11th dayof May next In Polk, the tin-t Twsdav. the 2d dav of June next. In Yamhill, the 2d Monday, the nth dnv of June next. The next term of the District Court will be held at Salem, on the 4th Monday, the 25th day of M.y next. I.l-.u. 11. WILLIAMS, judge 1st Uistrtct. April 11th. 1Ki7. 6w3 Wheat. "I p? OR 20 bushels of prime wheat wanted In pay' ment for subscription, to bo delivered within week or two. The highest market price paid. STATESMAN OFFICE. April 3, 1857. 4 IRON, just received the following sixes : 1. 1 and j, round ; 14.14X1; .XI.24K! ; 2 X3.16. 2 Xi. 3 Xi ; lliO lbs. Norway Horse Shoe. . ABEKNKTllY A CO. Oregon City, April 7, 157. 4w4 Weekly Journals Devoted lo Spirilnalisin. CjriUITlTAL Tki.hu raph ; Editor. S. B. Brittan ; pult- U lishers aud proprietors. 1'artrulge ft uriltau, Bmadwav. N. x. Icrms, ft per annum. CHKitrriAMSriKm-ALiMT; Edited and published hy the Society for the Ditl'nsiou of Spiritual Knowledge, 553 Broadway, N. Y. Terms, $2 per annum. Nkw England Spirititalist ; Editor and publisher. A. E. Newton, 1": Fraukiin street, !oston ; Terms, (2 Der annum. Spiritual Ukivkrse ; Ta S. Everett, Editor and pro prietor, Cleveland, O. Terms, (2 per annual. Aok oh 1'ncKiRs.ss ; Editor and publisher, Stephen Alhro, Buffalo, N. V. ; Terms, 12 per annum. Spiritual Mkssenokr; E. Mead. M. D., Editor and publisher. No. 30 SixUiutreet, Cincinnati, O. Terms, 12 ner annum. Tbk Trctii Sfekbr ; Editor and proprietors, A. P. Bowmam.and E. D. Louden, Angola, Steuben Co., In diana. Terms. $1 50 er annum. The Crisis ; Editor, Rev. Henry Weller, La Porto, Indiana. Terms, f 2 per annnm. The Memi-m, conducted by J. M. Barnes and II. W. Hnlbert ; published at Conncant, O. Terms, $150 per annnm, in advance. Yorkshire Spiritual Telegraph, a monthly period ical, published by J. Rhodes, Market Place, hteighley ; and UuiyoaKe x. im., t leei-sireet. ixinaon. Spiritual Magazines. Tiffaxt's Monthlt. Editor and proprietor, Joel Tiffany; publi.-hers. Partridge ft Brittan, 342 Broadway New York. Terms, 3 per annum. Sacrfd Circle. Editors, lion. J. W. Edmonds and O. G. Warren ; publishers, S. A. & H. Hoyt, 251 Broad' way, New York. Terms. 2 per annum. Tub North-Western Orient. Editors, Hiram Hit- gnnin and George Haskell, M. D. ; publisher, J. N. Brundaee. Wankeiran. 111. Terms. 81 50 per annum. The Spiritual 11 kbald. Publisher, H. B.iilliere.219 Regent-street, London and 230 Broadway, New York. Price, sixpence (sterling) per numoer. 7w3 JVotice. I HEREBY give notice that about the 3d day of May, 1855, 1 gave A. O. Jacobs my obligation for thesula of fioo w, one in raus ana timocr, wuicu oongauon have paid. 1 tnereiore eantion an persons from pur chasing the same. JAMES F. CHAMBERLAIN. Satom, April 16th, 1957. 6wS NO. 7a.J ' - By the President mt tba tnlted States. JN imrsimnce of law, T, FtUNtxtn I'irkck, Proslijcnt of the United States of America, do hereby declare and make known that imhllo sale will be held at the undermentioned lnnd otiices in the Territory of Oregon, at the periods heieitfter designated, to wit : Atliie land olhce at Orbuon Cirr, commencing on Monday, fi ttnth rfuy of August nrrf, fur the disiiOhal of the public lunds within the following named town ship, via : i JVot lh of the bast line and ttttt of tVillamttle meridian. Township one aud fractional township two, of range South of the base line and eattof HHtameltt meridian. Townships one, two, aud three, of range onr. Townships one, two, and three, of range fico. .YorfA of the bate line and met of Ifilumrttt merUlienu Township one, of range w, luw. nnd force. South of the bate Hue nnd trt't of Willamette meridian. Townships one, of range one, two. and w-r Township three, of range one, and luw. j , Townshisa four, of ranges one, two and three. . Township seven, of range two, three four, mud five. '. Township eleven, of range three, four, and five. . Towuship suveuteen and eighteen, ol range three. Township aeveutesu and eighteen, of range four. At the land oflice at Winuiikstek, commencing on Monday, (Ar frnts rfay of Auguit nest, fur the disposal or the public lands situated withlu the following named townships, vis : South of the bate hue and toraf of tlVlamrltt metidian. Sectiou one to fifteen, Inclusive, the northeast quarter or section aoveutreni tue nonneast quarter or section twenty two, sections twenty-three, twenty-four, tweiv-ty-live, twenty-six. and thirty-live, of township twenr tv-two. of ranee tur, " Tha southwest qiiui tar of section seven, the aouthwest quarter ot lecllou niieeu, anu uie nortuwost quar ter and the south half ol section seveutevn, section eighteen, nineteen, tweuty, and tweuty-one, the uoi t Invest quarter of section twenty-two, the nortlt west quarU'r of section twenty eight, sections twenty nine, thirty, thirty-one, and thirty two, of township, twetitv-two. of ratia-t, mm. Lots one to six, inclusive, of section four t lata one to four, Inclusive, of section Ave , lots one to live. Inclu sive, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quar ter of section seven ; lots on to seveu, Inclusive, and the southwest quarter uf the nortliratof sectiou eight, the east half of section, the east half of the northwest quarter, the northwest quarter of the northwest quar ter, and the east half of the southwest quarter of nine ; the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec tion ten ; the southwest quartern! the southwest quar ter uf section eleven ; the southeast quarter of sec tion twelve, suctions thirteen, fourteen, and fifteen ; the northwest quarter of the northeast, and the north west quarter of sectiou eighteen ; lot one to nine, in clusive, and the northeast quarter of the southeast quarter of section twenty ; and also from suction twentv-one to twenty-seven, Inclusive ; the east half and the northwest q'uarter of section twen tysight ; lot one and two, and Ihe southeast quarter uf the northeast quarter of section twenty nine ; the northeast quarter of section thirty-three, ami section thirty lour aud thirty -live, ot Wn nship tweuty two, of rante eieht. Lots one and two of section seven ; lots one to Ove, in clusive, aud the east half of the southeast quarter r section eight, the west half of the aouthwest quarter of section nine, the north half of the northeast quar ter, the north half of the northwest quarter, aud lot one to four, inclusive, uf section thiiteen ; the north half, and lots one to four, inclusive, of section 14; the south half of the n.e-quarter, the south half of the northwest quarter, and lots one to four, inclusive, of section fifteen ; the northeast quarter of the uortli east, and lots one aud two of section seventeen, and lots one to six, inclusive, of section eighteen, uf town shl ii t went v two, of ranee ntnf. Townships twenty six and twenty-seven, of range fire. Town-hijis twenty six and twenty-seven, of range eir. Townships thlrty'-six, thirty -leveu, and thirty-eight, of range one. That part of township thirty-six south and east of the inuian reservation ; towusnip ininy-sevrn ? sections one to six, inclusive, sections eight to lifteen. inclu sive, and sectiou twenty-four, of township thiity eight, of ranee tiro. That part of township thirtyiix south of the Indian reservation, of ranee three' That part ol township thirty-six south and went of the Indian reservation, of range four. Section four to nine. Inclusive; sections fifteen and seventeen tot went vTottr, Inclusive, and sections twenty-eight lo thirty-lliree, inclusive, of township thirty six, of ranee fire. Township thirty-Mix nfrangen'r. Scctiims one, twu and ten. to lilteen, inclmive, and sec tions twenty-two to twenty-six. Inclusive, of township thirty-six : section one lo eleven, inclusive, seven teeii.eightceu, niiitU-eii. and thirty, to thirty-four, in clusive, of township thiity-seven ; sections two to nineteen, inclusive, and twenty-one, twenty-lwo. aud tweuty-seven, the southwest quarter of section twenty- nine, sections thirty aud thirty-one, the west half of section thirty two aiid section thirty-four, of town ship thirty-eight ; sections nineteen "to tweuty-two, inclusive, and twenty-seven to thirty-four. Inclusive, of township thlrty-uine ; sections lour to eight, in clusive, and eighteen, of towuship forty, of rans;e sereit. Smith of the bate line and east of I llllamrttr meridian. Township thil ty-eiht and sections one to six, inclusive. nine to Ulteeii. tut lusive, and twenty-three, twenty four, and tweuty-tlve, uf towsjanip thirty-nine, uf range one. IjiiiiIs appropriated bv law for the use of schools. military aud other purposes, will be ex la Jed from the sale. The oirerinir of the above lands will be commenced on the days appointed, and will proceed in Ihe order in wlm u they are aaverti-ed. until the whole sh ill have been offered, and the sales thus cl'ied ; but no sale shall be keiit ouen lonirer than two weeks, and no private en try of any of the lands will be admitted until after the expiration of the two weeks. Given under my bund, at the city or ashlngton, this thirteenth day of February, Anno Doruiui, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven. FRANKLIN TIERCE. By the Presidents Tuo si as A. Hk-Mirk-kr, ComsiMstonrr of the General Ijand Vjhce. Notice to Pre-Eniption Claimants. PI VERY person entitled to the right of pre-emption j to auv of the lands within the townshios -.d iisrts of townships above enumerated is required : establish the same t- the satisfaction of the register nd receiver of the proicr laud oflice, maAr payment thr efor a toon a$ prartimNe after erring thit not ire, and before the day appointed tmr the commencement or the public sale ol the lands embracing the tract claimed ; otherwise such claim will be forfeited. THOMAS A. TTENDIllCKS. 5wI3 Commissioner of the General Ijand Office, JVotice. STRAYED, or stolen from the subscriber, living in Albanv, Linn Co.. O. T.. on or Mi about the first or December, lH.".r,, one sor rel horse, blare faced, rinht hin knocked down, branded on near shoulder O. T., vented V, hair brand. No other brands or marks recollected. Any one returuiug said horse will be liberally rewarded. J. M. MCCU- X KLI Albany, January 27, 1857. 4'jtfpaid Strayed FROM the suWriber, a poition of his stock, marked aud branded as follows: Crop off the left ear, and swallow-fork in the right, U. braud. Any person know ing the whereabouts of cuttle bearing this brand and marks, will be properly rewarded by sendine nic infor mation. JAMLS HbAl IlbKI.I . Lane county, Aug. 7. lsss. 22tf T AR.at 2i;tf MOORESV JN'ew Goods! JUST received by the subscribers : 1B 82H0 yds Mcrrimac A Cocheco prints ; 1700 " sattinctts, blue and mixed ; 130 llw cotton warp ; : 60 coil rope. Manilla ; 124 bundles Wrap. Twine ; 55 cases Ky. rilllu powder. G. ABliRNETIIYJkCO. Oregon City, March 1, 1R57. 2w , Sold Out. rrtHE suKscriber, having sold out, calls upon every- jl oony uiuciueu to mm to settle up their accounts. tie can ue lounu at uie old store. PHILIP COHEN, Salem, March 3, 1857. 6'.'tf Wanted. tZfnn bu-e,,e' Oats, and 5000 Wheat, and anyqnan- lJ tity ot dead swine, forwlucn cash will be paid on delivery. . N. PRESCOTT. Oregon City, Nov. 25, 1866. s:itr Youngs Impi-ored Smut Mill. rTIHREE of these superior Smut Mills now on hand and ror sale oy ti. ABERNETHY V CO Oregon City, March 16, 1857. 2w6 Sale of Public JLand, and other Property. THERE will be sold at public auction, on the premises, on Thursday, the lbth day of June next, (unless disposed of at private sale belore that time,) 320 acres of as good land as can be found In the Territory, con Eistiug of the north half of the claim upon which J. P. Smith resides, lying iu Spring Valley, in Polk coun ty 1J miles from Doake's landing. Said farm is well situated to make a first rate furoi or if it is desired, it will be sold in two lots ; there being a line grove of ex cellent timber upon each end of the tract and upon one end several never-failing springs of water. Terms, one half cash balance on time, with interest it ncsirca. . For particulars, enquire of J. P. Smith, on the prem ises, or of J. H. & I. R- Moore. Salem. O. T. There will also be sold a lot of cows and hordes at that time. 5tds j. y. SM ITH. A GOOD variety of school books, and a few miscel J laneous works, together with an assortment of stationery can be bad cheap at P. D. PALMER'S. Also, Bagley's cheap Bibles. . 5tf Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given.that letters of administration on the estate of ROBERT M. GRAY-, deceased. have been granted to the undersigned, by tho Probate Conn oi nenton to., u- a., oeanug ante .April j, its7. All Dersons indebted to said estate will nlease make im mediate .payment, aud ail persons having claims against said estate, muet present them to the undersigned, at Corvallis, wiw proper voocners, witnm one year from this date. juas B.tuabi, aohudt. , April 7, 1857,' 7w , A CoiTee Partf I . (rTEW A BV E R T I 3 M ESI.) i tvJ TiTRS. ADAMS, where did you gel those beaut! iiA Hjocups nuu mnujrnt r , Ueorge got Uiera at Uie EMPIRE STORE. Were there any more of those whits stone China enp and saucers, and plate left? 1 should think there was ; Boon ha got one cord or leas of the sumo kind, very cheap, at the Empire Store. Why, Mrs. I.au(jh)lu, where did you get those Hue morocco shoes f 1 got them at the Empire Store. Do you le lie ve that you can get good cheeper at the Empire Store than at those store up town i , Of course I do. ' i lat, me, Sully, where did you get this beautiful white sugar? , ....... Why, Solomon said he got It ut the Empire Store. Well, it Is too outrageous ; don't you think John got two dollars worth of sugar, last week, at Mr. Independence Store, and it t black sandy stuff, only lit to make vluegur, or the like. George, you huve gut a Sue cout, vest aud pauU. I should think I had. . - You bought them at Portland, perhaps? ... Never, I bought them nt the Empire Store. L Mary, did you see the flue calico dress that David got for Jane, last week, at the Empire Store ? 1 should think 1 did see it ; and don't you think Rul ert bought Elizabeth a flue calico dress, lust week, at Mr. store, aud the first time it wa washed it wpnt in for Disunion, and it looks Just like a smoked lantern, or nu abolitionist ' Mrs. Dukoa, where did you gut this fine cloth In Jim my's little coat ? : Why, that is nothing bat some uf Boon's Kentuck Jeans, nt the Empire Store, ' . . - You don't say I . Well, my husband went over to Sa lem some thive week aiuce, aud not having time to go down to the Empire Store, be bought something thry ca I M Isslsaippl Jeans, and It is a coarse a cotton, and luoks like I should aay Mr. Walters, you have got a fine pair of boots, surely? Certainly, I got them at the Empire Store. , . Were there any of this kind left 1 About a cord 1 Lucy, my dear, where did yen get those silk gloves f Why, daddy bought them lor two bit at the Empire Store, and be say that he priced a great many of the goods In the stoics in Salem, and he is convinced that the cheapest and best goud are to be fuuud at the Em pire Store. Very well. If Abraham don't back out from yon know what, I mean Luciuda, 1 am going to get me a fine ailk dress pattern, and a complete outUt at the Empire Store. Jluttons, thread, wax, needles and thimble thrown in to the bargain at the Empire Store. This act kibe iu force from and after it publication. A pprored, January 17, 145U. im) House, Carriage, Sign, aud Steam boat Painting. C A. REED having established bis Paint shop In . Salem, is prepared to execute with dispatch all job In the above line. Banners. Standards, and Em blems, for societies painted on silk, satin, velvet or mus lin. Paints of all color aud descriptions mixed, ready for use, for sale at hi shop ; also White Lead, Linseed Oil, Turpentine and Varnish, Wall paper and llortler, Window glass, Paint brushes, graining tools, Ac. Di rections given In painting, also in graiuiug Imitation of wood, stone or marble. N. B. Order from abroad promptly attended to. All Jobs Intrusted to hi care warranted to give satis faction. Salem, Jan. , 1857. 43yl Fresh From New York. O.V HA.W J"Oir RECEiri.XG. DRY C.OODS, Clothing, Boots and Shoe. Hard ware, Groceries. Books and Ktatinubry Call in and see them. 26tf J. II. A I. It. MOORES. H UI.L'S No. 1 Soap, the best you ereriued Try iu White lead, Unseed oil, turpentine, putty. Indigo, madder, copperas, alum, oil for lamps and machinery. New Orleans sugar, crushed susar. cream tartar, aak-ratu. soda, at 2blf M00RES'. FM1L" BIBLES, Webster' Quarto Dictionary, University A"ariety of Miscellaneous Works, worth baying, at 2tr MOORES'. Doot and Shoe Store. O B I N S O N WICK M O X announce to the citizens of Salem, and the surround- counter, that tliev have taken a store nu lite east side of Commercial street, north uf the potitomee. where they will keep constantly on hand a full assort ment of every kind of boots and shoes, both cn-tom and sale work, which they will sell at the lowest living pri- ... . .. . t ., 1 . . L - ces. Ilemg bolll practical woramen, an oruers lor me manufacture or repair of work will be complied with, and the work done in a sulmtautial and workmanlike auuer. Give us a call and examine our stock. ROBINSON WICKMON. Salem. March 12,1857. Im3 S. J. McCoriuick Franklin Book Store. (FKOVT STRKI.T, FOBTLAXD, O.T.) HAS constantly on hand a larse stock of Books aso Stationvkv', which be sells at a small advance on l'l BLIS1IEK.S PKIICS. eg- A caUiligne mav Is seen In the Ureron and Washington Almanac for 1SS7. Books ordered there from sent postace free to any part of either Terrritory. 'ortlaml. Ken. z. K.7. 60v 1 Corvallis Warehouse, No. 1. am prepared to store produce, and will attend to re ceiving aud forwarding the same. 3:itf ISAAC MOORE. I Orleans Warehouse. OPPOSITE Corvallis. We are prepared to store pro duce, and wilt attend to receiving and forwarding the same. 3lf 111(1 H x lllil). Stuart's Express, . run CASCADES AND DALLES OJt MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. EXPRESSS FOR Champotg, Salem, Albany anil Corvallis, ....On WEDNESDAY, and on Arrival of Mail Steaxer from San Francisco!! All tetters. Packages and Freight, entrusted to my care will be attended to promptly. Ore 1CK At Franklin Hook btore." December 30. loU. A. B. STUART. Negotiation of War Scrip. TEST printed and for sale at the Statesman office l blank power of attorney and assignment for transfer of war scrip, from a form prepared by an experienced lawver. Price, f 3 per hundred. Orders by mail filled. Julyl.is5. IU Straw Cutters. D0Z. Straw Cutters, just received, and for sale by Wt U. AUbKAblltl cu. Wakefield &, Co., WII O LES A LE AND RETAILMER CHANTS, ALBANY, LINN COINTT, O. T., 17"EEP constantly on bsnd a full assortment of Groeer- IV eerie. Hardware, carpenters tools. uiacKsmitus Tools. Oueeuswnre. Clothine. Boots and hhoes. Paint and Oils, Varnish, Ladies' Dress Goods and triuuniugs. Ac. c. 14U Q T POUNDS choice Apple Seed, sVU 10 lbs. Pear 5 at Cherry Stones. WAKEFIELD CO.'S. 20 KEOS superior lr.ed Apples (new crop) just row'ived by ; WAKEFIELD CO. DAM ANT1NE Candles, 25 boxes, for sale by l i4tr WAhbtlKLU x to. I T KEGS Syrup (Seth Adorns' best) Inst received by 1 tj Utf ' WAhKFiKI.ll 1 A CO. TRON. 20000 lbs. best Refined and Swedes' Iron . so . -also Baud Iron. Cast and Plow Steel, the best I assorted sizes in Oregon. For sale low to black- smiths and merchants. . Utf WAKEFIELiU . CO. r tCff LBS. pure White I-ead, fyr sale at 5,0UU 14tf WAKEFIELD CO'l COMPLETE set of Cooper's Tools for sale. 14tf WAKEFIELD & CO. 15 BEST Chicafro duced rates, by 1 Clipper Plows." for sale at re nt! HAKtNHJI IW 30 BOXES 8 k 10, 10 x 12 and 10 X 14 French Glass, i list received aud for sale ny 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO GOOD assortment School Books constantly kept on hand, - lr J wAAtmui to. r eff LBS. choice Osage Orange Seed. Also, BJue ,tj) Grass, Clover aud Timothy Seed. Utf - i WAKEFIELD CO 1 TTHEAT. Bacon, Egsrs, Butter, Beans and Corn ta- V V ken in exchange for goods at the hirlieKt market Albany, Jnnc 5, 1856. ; 14tf f) err. LBS Blue Yitrol for sale, XOKJ 2otf WAKEFIELD CO. 25 SETS Cast Boxes, at 2Gtf WAKEFIELD & CD'S. 10 SETTS Eliptie Springs for sale low, 26tf WAKEFIELD A CO. SETTS Hub Bands, for sale 2tf WAKEFIELD CO. 10 CBLS. LIME, just received. ,i WAKEFIELD & CO. Albany, Aug. 8. 156. 26tf TOST RECEIVED at Albany, 22 bbls. New Orleans .1 and Crushed Sugar, (from N. Y.) and for sale low at " . WAKEFIELD AjCO'3. Xlbany, June IS, 1856. i4tf . , ISotice. a LL who are indebted to Wakefield & Co.. at Wash- J. ington iiutte, will please call and settle the sau without delay. , . ., . . 26tf 25.000 Worth . ... " . nmp - U'l'ti ir SPRING AND SUnCIER GOODS! THE subaerllssr would respectfully inform their cus tomer and the public generally that tbry have on hand, and are in constant receipt of pood from San Francisco and New V ork a large aud well-selected slock consisting in part of , . , , Alum, allspice, an l alpacca. - t. I , , BoiineU, beraae, aud bro. linen. Cambric, crash, and calico, Domestic de laines, and damask, Edsuift, embroidery and everything, , FlaniicU, frinoes, and fancy fixiu's, ,. GiiiKhaiu, guiter and gloves, , ,. i i . - Handkerchief's, bos and hair-pins, : i Iron, Ink, and Inserting. .'.- , Jacuuet.Jeaiis, and Java coffee, ' Kuives, kid gloves, and kutttiug pins, -j Ijiwus. lard aud Liverpool salt, :: , -. - . MusUird, mirrors, and uiatches ' , , t j : Needles, nails, and nice things, Oil, overshlrta. and Oolong tea, - ' , Pins, paau. aud paper, J " Quilts, quill, aud queensws're, . . ',' .' , Itihljon, razors, and rat-traps, , f . ' Kilk, sugar, and shaving soup, ,;',."'. Tea, tobacco, and turpentine, ' "' Umbrellas, tinder-sleeves, and useful (Lings, Veils, varnish, and vinegar, - , , Wreathes, wooleu Roods, wadlc-lrom, ' ' . Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notlcns, ,' ' , ' Zioc, and ephyr worsted, , ' , ' ' Ac., Ac", and so on,. , . , Bcil je many other articles too nmneroiia to mention j all of which we re nrferiii at reduced prices, adopt ing the plan of" Quick sale aud small prosU.". . The ladie will find in their department a large stuck hf fancy Rojds, dire:t from New York. Ju'cfi I not usually kit In Oreffon, arid by arraniremefiW will Isj id constant receipt adequate to tue want of the ladies. The Gentlemen's Department of funMshiag irood will seldom be equalled, and excelled by none in Salem. IKON, The bhcksmitbs and iron dealers will alway find a well-selected stork of all hire and shapes, to gether with a Rood assortment of iron axle, from 1-4 X 8 in., to 1 1 1 inches, which we are selling at Portland price, nddiug freights. We are prepared to receive all kinds of produce In exchange for poods, mid also money; For full partlcu lam call aud examine for yourselves. " W. C. GRISWOLD CO. Salem, Feb. 10,1857. 4f - - Notice. : For Sale as Cheap as the Cheapest, and far Cash, or Oregon Produce. JHAYE received by bark Nabomkeag. Halcyon, and nlcatuer Columbia, lust arrived, a freu lot of groce ries, e.. Which, added to my former stock, oiler a good an assortment in groceries, provision, paiut and oil a alt to be round ionlie Territory, to a it : 5.000 ius. China Xu. I sugar. 4,000 list, best Rio green coffee, 2S0 lbs. Java " " 2.000 lbs. Manilla No. 1 sugar, 2.000 lb. N. O. aud S. 1. sugar In hbU. and ke.-s. 100 lb, black pepper (rouud) 20 box gr. spices, 200 Hi, allspice, (round.) 10 dz. r.ng. and Am. uualara in glass, G pie Iruit fresh peaches " tomato cat up In case 2 ea. In glass, Cayanne pepper (in glass) Fresh Baltimore cove oysters 2 & can, Lobsters, fresh iu 1 H can, S 5 6 12 2 5 3 6 broom. painted pails, (3 hooped.) W. Colliiis Co. axes, with and ritii- bandies, 2 " ax handles, 60 lbs. Borax, 0 I'm. Gum camphor, 60 boxes ad. candle fc'8, 20 aud 40 ea. 20 " Hills 4 Colgate's No. 1 soap, 5 " Olive oil Splaguolia brand," S " Cream Tartar, 10 " Balaratus, 10 kegs 5 " Sod.t. 20 chests, old aud youug hyson, gun powder, Imperial and O0I0U2 tend, in buik aud in 1 2 lb caddies, . , 100 half boxes sardines, 10 " Gherkins in 4 gals. 20 " Tobacco " diir. brauds," 30 doz. papers sinokiug 20 Uixes matches, 2 bags nutmegs. 300 lbs. Carolina and China rice, 200 gals, sperm and polar oil, 150 sacks Liverpool grd. and S. I. aalt, 6 half bbls. Stuart's crushed sugar, 20 kees " Seth Adams" syrup iu kegs, 2 bt l. pure ciiler vinegar, dried apple Ae. Alio a general assortment of painU, paiut oil, win dow glass and nails, to wit : 300 gals, raw anu uuooueu on, 20 Copal varuish , 60 Suirifs turpentine. 60 boxes German gbtaS SX 10, 10V! 12, 10X 14, KM 1. Ac. Dry and mixed paiuts of all colors, and any quantity. A c'wmI assortment f paint aud other brullits ; also a good .''asortiuent of Boots and Shoes. have of Oregon produce, 3,u00 lbs. Oregon A n. I butter, 0 to 8.0U0 lbs. bacon, bam. shoulder, and aides, 30 bushel beans, 2S bushel peas, 50 bushel buck wheat flour, 50 sacks S. F. flour, oat, timothy seed, and any quantity of first rate potatoes. J. N. PIUKCOTT. Oregon City, reb. 9, iSo,. ttiu llo ! Te Workers of Iron and Steel ! T HAVE thia day received by the arrival or the J. R. X " nitiog from isan r rancisco, tue following assort ment of iron and steel, to wit : 2.000 lbs. Norway shapes, 2.000 lbs. 2X Iron (flat,) 2.000 3,000 G.000 3,000 l.fMJO 3 r316 " " IXi " " I , J, I, 1J. and 14. square. j. 5-16, j. 1. and'lL inch round, assorted cast steel. horse shoe nails, (G) 100 Which together with stock in store make as com plete an assortment as can be looud in territory and will be sold a cheap as the cheapest for cash or coun try produce. J. N. PRESCOTT. Oregon City. l eu. 23, bWI Enterprise Line of Steamers, To all points above Portland on the Willamette River. THE EXPRESS A. S. Murray. .w-nn. ENTERPRISE A. Jamieson. .rf n ill connect as follows:. ..... Steamer Exracss leaving Portland every MONDAY and FRIDAY moruing. at 8 o'clock. A. M. The Enterprise leaving Canemab Immediately on the arrival of tho Extrkss, for Corvallis. on every MONDAY morning, and FRIDAY morniner for Salem. AH Freight for the above line will be receipted for through. Apply on board c-teaiuers.orat HU11 8 wbabp Uvat, rortiatKi. if Pacific Christian Advocate please copy. 46tf Strayed. FROM Frier's place, near Bethel, in Polk Co., in October last, one black mare, with small star in forehead, and very light mane for an American mare ; has a roan colt. Also, one bright bay American mare, small size, with star iu her forehead, and saddle marks. Also, oue Indian mare, bay color, bald face, and white fore legs to the knees, and sway back. Any oue having knowledge oi tue whereabouts ol toe above described mares shall be paid for their trouble. A.&.i'osr, Polk Co., Feb. 17, 1857. 50tf Final Proof and Notification Blanks. JUST PRINTED, a large quantity of Final rrool Blanks, and a small lot of Notifications, both from the latest form. - Orders by mail or. otherwise tilled The cash must accompany the order or the blanks will not he sent. Prices Final Proof, (full set) $5 00 per hundred, $1 00 per dozen. Notification, $10 00 per numlred, f t so per aozen. Salem, April 8, 1856. Blank Deeds. A NEW lot, just printed, from a form prepared bv XX one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, and for sale at the Statesman Office, at (6 per hundred. - August 18, 1&J6. ; Tire Laws of Oregon. ; "' rpHE OREGON STATUTES, 1855, being a larjje vol ome of 650 pages, wtttt complete index, annota tions. and references, comprising all the laws in force is the Territory, inclusive of those pawed at last session of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of the Statesman, at live dollar per copy. The work U ex ecuted in the best manner, bound la law style, and is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a 'ike work can be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest figure they can be afforded for here- The price places them within the reach of all who desire the laws they live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash. filled by return mail. It is the Lit code of laws that will Drolablv be published in Oregon, for mauy years. In addition to the enactments of the Legislative Assem bly, the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen dence, Constitution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relatine to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787. in force in Oregon, Donatio" . aw and all amendments, and full abstract of United states Naturalization Laws. Salens Market. mrfE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, in X the center of the town, is happy to inform the pub lic that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of all the varieties of meats, rresta and pickled. He also has the various kinds of vegetab.es in their season. Beef will be sold as follows: Fore quarters, 6 cents per lb., hind quarter 10 cents; and if you want a choice piece, I shall charge yon a tit a pound. All kindsof farmer "a produce and grain received in exchange lor meats. THOMAS Ciios. Salem. July 7, 1856. ' 17tf Est ray Notice. LEFT my premises, near this place, in Dec. I 1856, 18 head of steers, aged from 2 to 6 years, branded H under the left hip. Any per- son who will drop me a line to this place, informing me of the whereabouts, I will come and take them out of thjtir sir. . - I . A. J- tiAxo. HarrUVurg. iW Co., O.T, Mar. 12 '57. 2w6paid . Lo Anselos Salt. SALT 300 bags Los Angeloa Salt, received, per N. e aQ-l0ASETEY & CO. I E8JRA Y ; N OT ICES. Notices of all estrays are required by law to be ad vertised in the HtatCMuan. The charge therefor, fixed lor the law, is one dollar for each an into 1 tnkeu p No advertiseiueut will appear nnder this head until paid lor.J ... , J tatM Wbatkr, fmpBun-Your advertisement de-acrila-s fico ostray. eouseiineiitly $2 instead of 11, is the charge. The price is 1 for each animal. Where a lea number of dollars than animals dx rilsed, are re ceived, the advert iw,aient will not be inserted until tha balance I received. ' ritAKENLl, by tli aubHi-riU, livlugat the crossing X of the south la-kiumute, l olk Co., one strawberry roan two year old filly, with whit race and white hind leg up to, the hock ; brauded with the letter W on the left shoulder. Said filly ha been running about my premises about a year. fcw2 RICE W.SIMPSON. rjlAKEWr, by the subscriber, sixteen miles north vi 1 west of Eugue CWy , Lane Co., U. T, a cnswii col ored Indian marc, 4 year old, white face, no brand percelvsWe. ,. . ; .FALE6 llOWAltli. April 11. 1831:.4 L-v 't. t ... t 8w2 TAKEN UP, by the rubscrlber, living on south Yam hill river, 7 mile above Amity, in Folk Co., one roan half-breed horse, 6 or 7 year old, with two white hiud lct, and brauded with a soldering iron braid on the left shoqhltr. THOMAS B. LADD. April 2S; IS5T."' ' - 8w 1 rilAKEH UP, bv fh Mibscrilstr, of Jackson precinct, X Folk OTP.,' in A pril 1 67. one black cow, with white under the belly, white fa e. marked, crop and underbit off the rigbt ear, swallow fork off the left, about live year bid. U. W. WOOLEN. April 13, l-5i7. .' . ' . . .... B , ris.A.KKN CP, by tlie sntwcriiier, tiring five tuiles X northeast from Dallas, 1'olk Co., O- T., one white and red plded cow, marked with crop and split In tho right ear, and branded with ( W) on his left hip, and 1 amuley. Also, ber la-st year spring steer ealf, the ealf 1 red with white motley face. JOSEPH GRAY. March 28, 1857. " 7w2 rj A K EN V P, by the snliscriber. living four mile west X of Independence, Polk Co., O.T.. one white Indian horse, branded with a heart on the left shoulder, and figure (5) on left hip, on right hip with a buckle; sup posed to be seven or eight year old. J.W.MATNEY. April 20. 1850. 7w2 rilAKEN L'P, by tlie subscriber, living live miles X southeast of I lay ton, on the first of September hut, a brown mare, with black mane and tail and white strip in fare, white hiud feet; branded with lieore(7) on left shoulder. JOHN SARGENT. April 20, 1856. 7w2 TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living on the east side ol the Willamette, about three mile below the mouth of the Santism, a aleer, with brindle aides, red ear, the balance or the body white ; is marked with an underbit from the right ear. and an upper half crop from the left ear ; came to my residence about a year ago, and I think he is four or five years old. Apr3 2, 1857. 11 fTVAKEN L'P. by the subscriber, living two miles south X of Philip Foster's in Clackamas Co., O. T- one In dian burse wipjKaied to be six year old, a light chest nut sorrel, a star In bis forehead, with a snip on the nose, came into the settlemeut about one year ago. i - 1- r 1 1 , v . . i " v. f April 11, A.D..1657. 7w2 TAKEN UP, by the undersigned, residing fifteen mile scntbeant of Salem, on Mill Creek, one iron grey horse, about three years eld, with black mane and tail, and dark leg i nu other marks perceivable. J s A A 1 April 15, 1S57. Jw2 Corvallis. milE sulwrriber will pay cash for Soldiers Bounty X I nd Warrants, at hi store. NAT. II. LANE. Corvallis. Jan. 13. 1857. 4tf Laud Warrants. THE sabscriber will pay cash for land warrants. JOHN McCRAKEN- Portland , Feb. 1 7. 1 S57. fiotr Cash PAID for Soldiers Bounty I .aud l arrant hy V. S. TERRY. IV ot ice. TO all whom this may come, greeting : That l am u leave for the States soon, and would respectfully request those who know themselves indebted to me, or W.C.Griswold A Co., to call and settle without delay, and oblige W.C.GRISWOLD. Salem, Jannary 27, 1 S57. 4Ctf Tax Heceipt Blanks. JUST printed ot the statesman office a large supply or Tax Receipt Ulank-i. after an improved form. Price, one dollar per hundred. Orders by mail, accom panied with the cash, will be filled by return or mail. 151) Bounty Land Warrants 11TANTED, by the subscriber at Salem. C. N. TERRY. DISTRICT Court, Third Judicial District. I'rnpqn County, Oregon. Ilalph H. Lord, and William 15. Peters. aeainst Ezra R. Wood. To Erra K. Wood t You are hereby notified that nnlsssi yon appear in the Dis trict Court, or the Third Judicial District of the Terri tory of Oregon, to be begun and holden at Roseburg, liouejas to., Oregon, on me nrsi juonaay ot reptemoe"-, A. D., IS57. and answer the complaint of lslph H. Lord, and Willism B. Peters, now on file in the oflice of the Clerk of said District Court, at Rosebnrg, aforesaid t a coov of which has been sent to you by mail) the same will be taken for confe-wed and the prayer there fore will be granted by the Coort. lHAllil lt& O. til BBS, PUTS Atfy. March 23,1857. 4m3 For Sale. WILL sell one half of the land claim known as the Dwight Pommy claim. Said hair tt'ii adjoins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's and i about fi-j? two miles from Ore eon Cttv, on the upper Wil- aas lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the fjroperty, lyilig and situated in the beautiful and rapid y rrowtng town of Corvallis, Benton Co., and known as the " Thomas" property, consisting f four lots f land, together with all the buildings thereon. Said property is in a beautitul location. ana botn will oe sola at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at cash price. Inquire of the sutiseriber, at hi store in Ore gon Crtv, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery, in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis. Alao, six f 0) lots oi land in oreeon titv. JOS. N. PRESCOTT. Oregon City, March 1,1857. ltf Valuable Farm for Sale. THE undersigned now offers his valuable farm for sale, situated on Spring Creek. in Marion Co.. O. T-, one and a nail nuke south of McKinnav's Milts, onthe County road running from Salem to said Mills. It contains G 10 acres, of which 540 acres is under good substantial stake and rider fence, one hundred acres in good cultivation. two hundred fine bearing fruit trees, a good farra house, together with other out buildings. Said farm is well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising, and wheat growing or any farm ia the Territory. Said farm has been settled since 145, and was among tha first claim taken in Marion Co. Any person desirous of buving a good farm, with a title mouey, will do well to rail at the residence of the undersicrued. OLIVER PICKARD. Spring Creek, March 30, 1857. 4tf Final Settlement IVotiee. D ANIEL Cashmaa. administrator of the estate of HOLLOWAY CUsHMAN. deceased, having filed bia accounts for final settlement, notice is hereby given, that the first Tuesday in May next, be set for the bear ing or the same. 6w3paid S. D. HALEY, J. P. .. .Notice. BT an order of Uie Probate Court of Benton emnty, I will sell for cash, on. the 3m h day of May next, at D. C. Davis' store, to said county. 320 acres ol land be longing to the estate of DAVID CARSON , deceased, being claim 44, notification 283, lying in the north boundary of sectiou 25. T. 1, R. $, W. m y REENBERRY SMITH, Admin'r. April 7. A. P.. 1857. 5w4 Kestaiirant. T ?. KRTECHBAUM. has opened aRes- ,J , tanrant at Corvallis, Benton eoonty ; meals at all hours. He'll feed you well, give him a call, next door north ot City Hotel. " htf The Oregon Statesman. An Independent Journal, devoted to Poiitict. General Intelligence, Publithed at Salem, Oregon. ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor. The Statesman is Democratic in politics, and thor oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ; and will vigorously oppose all attempt to incorporate any of the insane ism of the day uito our Terr. tonal 11tiwli0,advocate all practical measures of Reform and Proereas. economical and simple administration of our local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca naeitv in office, and a system of rigid and dn-ect ac Wtability of the officer to the ijeople It will dis cuss all measures agitating the public mind, in a man. "Tta"' Jpn"wmbe edited with moch attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early. Accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur rent intelligence- The Statesman has a large, widely-scattered, and moft excellent corps of eorrespondenla, and very complete facilities for procuring news. Due attention is also paid to the publication of Miscel lany, Agricultural and Literary matter. In this paper are published tha laws, resolutions, and treaties of the United States, and the laws and resolu tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. The paper is printed on new material, and upon a meet cf the largest size. . Information Wanted. OP Daniel Perry. wb came to Oregon in 1SS1 ; any person knowing arythiag of his whereabouts, will oblige his brother by sending a few Kaes to Dallas, P. O., Polk Co., O. T, to William S. Dtienay. , ,A.priII,XS57. - 4w5naad. 1 I'; i