The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, April 28, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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    BOOKS ! BOOKS ! ! BOOKS ! !
The City Book-Store,
A. R. SHIPLEY & Co.,
Have in Store, and will be receiving by tbe 1st of June
Which they offer to the
At small advances on New York price.
Give ns a call, or send ns an order, and we are
bound to give yon satisfaction !
A. 11. Shipley As. Co.,
Are the Sols Agents in Oregon and Washington Ter
ritories for the sale of
The American Statesman,
A CHEAT BOOK ! ! Being the only political history
of the United States.
Send ns yonr names. Price 4 00 : Payable on de
livery of book. Can deliver by the 1st or September
to all who aend us their names by 1st of May.
Catalogue of Part of onr Stock :
Rkawcrs Sanders' old lt. 2d. 3d, 4th, and 5th,
ml The Yonng l-adie'; Sanders' New 1st, Jd, Sd,
4th and 5th: Parkers' 1st, Id. 3d, 4th and 5th; Mo
Uoffey a 1st, za, aa. ta ana sin.
SraLurss- Sanders' Old, Sanders' New; Elemen
'"p'rimers. Sanders' Pictorial. School and Parker.
- GsooRAnHKA. Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, OI-
neya. stones, MO alley a, and Monteitaa 1st and
Id Book.
Math Mine. Arithmetics Thomson's. Tables,
Mental, Analysis, Practical, and Higher; Davies Pri
mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's
Coluura'l Ray's Stoddard's; Davies Algebra, Sur
veying, Geometry, lractical Mathematics, Math. Dic
tionary, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Grammars. Green's Clarke's Bullion's Smith's
Kirkam'a Spencer's Tower's.
PniLOsoraiRS. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and
School; Comstock's Smith's.
Histosjiw. Wilson's Juvenile, and United States:
Parley's Universal; " ulard s Universal, and United
Laxocaoss. Cooper's Tirgil; Andrew's Latin Rea
det; Viri Rome: Andrew's Latin Grammar; McCIin
tork's 1st and Id Book in Latin, and do. in Greek; An
thon's Greek Grammar and Reader; Johnson's Cicero.
Fasqoelle's French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
kmua Grammar and Header, Telemaune. Greek Tes
tament; French, self-taugB; Sarrenne's French Dic
tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Liddell A Scott's Greek
4o, Anthon Chkeical do. Smith's do do.
Dictionaries. Webster's School. High do. Aca
demic, University, Royal Svo, Unabridged and Cobbs'
M iscell aneoi. Mattison's Astronomy. Newman's
Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. Kame's Elements of Crit
icism. Parker's Aids in Composition, Parker's Exer
cises. Brookrield's Composition. McElligott a Younc
Analyzer, do. Analytical Manoal. Parker's Word
Builder. Mayhew's Book Keeping. Wayland's Moral
Science. Pafey's Natural Theology. Blake's Agricul
ture for Schools. Upham's intellectual Philosophy.
Mahan's do. do. Milton; Young; Pollock; and Thomp
son; (Edition for Schools) Cutter's Anatomy and
Physiology. American Debater. Newman's Political
Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Great variety of
Speakers and Elocution. All kinds of School Station
ery; Slates of all sizes; Drawing Books; Drawing
Paper; Perforated Card Board; Bristol Board: Pencils
and Brashes; Osborn's Colors; Inkstands, every size
and style, tc Ac. fto.
Histort Bancroft's United State. volumes.
Hildreth's do. do, 6 volumes. Frost's Pictorial United
States. Taylor's do, do, do. Botta's Hist. Revolution.
Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. Willard's do.
nut. Indian Wars United State. Willard's Universal
History. Muller's do do. Rotteek's Hist. World 1 or
S volumes. Rollin s Ancient History. Fair's do, do.
Hume's England. Macaulay's d'V, complete. Dickens
Child's do. Lingard's do. Gibbon's Rome. D'An
bigue'a Reformation. Bang's M. E. Church. Allison's
Europe, 1st and 2d Series. Prescott's Works. Border's
Hist, of Religions. Hist, of Council of Trent. Jose
phus. AH of Abbott's Histories. Historical Cabinet,
tjueens of Spain. Queens of Scotland. Help's Spanish
Conquests. Brace's Hungary. Kidder's Brazil. En
bank s Brazil. Parley's Universal. History of Cru
sades. Ancient Egyptians. Hallam's Middle Ages.
History for Boys. Bonner's Child's United States.
Lossing's Field Book of Revolution.
Biography. Plutarch's Lives, life Brant. Won- J
derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. I
Lives of tbe Signers. Autobiography of . . 1-a-
martine's Celebrated Characters. Liieof Atm Clarke.
do Bishop Hedding. do N iebuhr. do Gen. Harrmn.
do Daniel Boone, do Roberts, do Lafayer-e. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and Old World. IH. Chal
mers, 4 vols. Lives or Humboldls. Mrs. Sogers.
Mozart. Wesley. Fletcher. Life and Times of Ciav:
lrving's Washington- Eminent Mechanics. Lives of
Chief Justice. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb.
Jackson. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. LadyJaneGrey.
1 ft iJIMM 1...... tV,Ml WftlwtM-. ViM a.l
Rome. Kings and Queens. Liebmtx. Lives of the
Popes. Prescott's Philip 2d. Mary and Martha Wash
ington. pioneer omen or ine vt est.
Travel.'. Hack's China. Araucanian. Stephen
Egypt- Olin's Travels. Mango Park. Nile Notes.
Adventures on Musquito Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav
els. Dorbin's Travels in the East.
Scientific. Brande's Encyclopedia. Physical Geog
raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural History. Lardner's
Lectures. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mathematical Dic
tionary. Logic of Mathematics. Wonders of Science.
Mitcheil's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loomis' Re
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Arts and Science, tuoanx s Hydraulics, dick s works.
Various works on Architecture.
Poetry. Byron various styles. Shakespeare, do.
Hilton, do. Burns, do. Hemans, do. Moore, do.
Thompson. Young. Pollock. Turner. Cowper. Pope.
Campbell. Wadsworth. Ossian. Montgomery. Kirk
White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America
and many others.
Rnoirs or Reference. Cvrlonedia of Geography.
do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts.
McColloch's Gazetteer. Harper's L niversal Gazetteer.
Fritt and AGRicri.TVRAi. Elliot's Fruit Book.
Thomas' do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Fessenden's
Farmer and Gardener. Frnit. Flower and Vegetable
Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee
on Strawberry. Florist s Guide. American Farm Book.
Allan's Domestic Animals. AU of Saxton'a Hand Books.
Waiks on Horse, Cattle, bneep, Hogs, 4c.
TRtnuHicu, A Reliioch- Harmony and Exposi
tion of Gospels. Neander's Life of Christ. Butler's
Works. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth
odism. Horns Miscellanies, fixtures on Romanism.
Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes'
Notes. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's
Exercises. Watson'a Institutes. Larrabee's Evidences.
Butler's Ethical IMscourses. Rogers' Eclipse of Earth,
do. Reawn and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection.
Baker on Discipline. Writings of Arminius. Jahn's
Biblical Archaeology. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from
(1 to $20. Testaments, great variety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church Psalmist.
Plymouth Collection- Select Melodies. Christian
Medical. Buchan's Family Physician. Hydro
pathic do. Homflepathic Works.
M I8CELL a VEOcs. -Constitutions of United States
Mayhew's Popular Education. Crabhe'a Synonyms.
Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's Manual.
Headley'a Works, 14 vol. Mrs. Tathill's. 6 vols. Lay-
ard's Nineveh. Bigelow's Useful Arts. Has well's En
gineer's Guide. American Institutions. Pursuit of
Knowledge. Park Madison. Peruvian Antiquities.
Way Down East. Pynshnrt. Ike Marvel's Works.
Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country Rambles
in England. Tales and Reveries, fan excellent Temper
ance Book.l .-Money Maker. Escaped Nnn. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. MU
ler s Old Red Sand-stone, do. Footprints of Creator.
Young Ladies' Counsellor. Yonng Man's do. Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu
tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri
can Housewife. Half Hours with Old Humphrey.
Athens; its Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs.
Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs. Car
lea's Works. Heroines of History. Land and Sea.
Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship and Shore.
Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart. lrving's
Columbus. Long Look Ahead. City of New York
Living Orators of America. Young Man Advised. Mis
sions in Tones sad Fegee. Troth Stranger Than Fic
tion. Knout and tbe Rnasians. Hydrapathic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for Young Men.
do. do. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girls, do. do. Boys.
Footprints of Famous Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's
Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant Boy Philoso
pher. Abbott's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia.
And a number of others too numerous to enumerate.
Constantly receiving large additions to the forgoing.
Stations ry. Foolscap Paper great variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel
opesall styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders
great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles.
Memorandums. Diaries. Pass Books. Time Books
Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa-
Fr good variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, Ac
inally, we have a good variety of
Mcsic Books New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodeon. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do.
Melodeon do. Plymouth Collection with Music Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Stationket ever
offered in Oregon.
mr This stock is all bought in New York and other
Eastern cities and n sold at
49 We keep on hand School Books in large quan
tities, wgeww w iui omn Ot LUC publications OI
Harper A Brothers;
Pkrbt A Jackson;
I vison A Phikwzt;
Phillips A Saksox;
A. S. Barnes A Co.;
Killer. Obtow A Mcllioan;
Least A Gets;
Pent ax ;
ArrXETOK; and others.
irWc ask your patronage. If nnable to visit us
and ft""'" "ck- ymrnii will k. attended to
on the savs terms as if yon bought in person.
Portland, March 20, 1867. tf
Notice to Importer of Umpqna.
rrtHB Schooner UMPOUA.underthe command JTV
JL of 8. D. Hinsdale, sailed from Umpooa river . r
for San Francisco, on the eth of May, and intends
making regular trips beteen these two ports.
-- . " J i ' . V
v . nn i w nam n w nm ,mnnvw
tersof Umpqna that this vessel the Umpqna is the
first ever launched on the waters of the Umpqiia, to in
jure their patronage and support. This vessel will dis
charge her cargo at Scottsburg, and at the rate she in
tends to carrv freleht. will not only save the thinner a
very considerable item, but save him the transnsrtation
up the river, and thereby enable him to receive nis goods
without so much handling aa heretofore. In fine, the
Schooner Umpqna, of Scottsburg, is a real Umpoua
craft and beinjt the first on the list in this great reform,
confidently relies upon all the Umpqna for support and
For freight or passage apply to Allan, McKlnlay Co.,
Scottsburg, or to the Cant, on board. Merchants wish
ing to snip irom san Francisco, can apply to Allan
Lowe Co., IS. Clay at., or to the Captain.
BCOitsDurg, ay Z7, IK06.
Blacksmith and others, JL.ook.
m -caiaLAi z uu. nave now on hand a
j. a. large ana well selected stock of
Bar Iron. Cast Steel.
Horse shoe do., German do..
Nail rod do., Plough do.,
PJate do..
And intend to keep np the assortment so as to suit the
wants of customers. Give ns a call, and yon will find
Mint we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell
" as cheap as the cheapest.,, We are constantly receiv
ing additions to our assortment, so as to replace what
Oregon City, Dec. 23, 1856. 41tf
Henry Johnson Av Co.
(146 Washington Street, San Francisco.)
every article appertaining to the business. Having-
perior mcilitiea for obtaining their goods they think
they ran offer inducements to borers unequalled by
'i v oincr noose.
Orders respectfully solicited. 401y
TTTEhavea large snpplv of powder in hand.
Oregon City, Nov. 13. 1856. S7tf
TVR. J. R-jCARDWEI-L, Dental Surgeon ,
J Cc
'orvallis. will Dractice in his nrofes-1 . I VorvalhM, Eugmt CUw, 'f r- Til ,,f
trr, StolUlmrg, and Jackonrtile. Skill, nnqnestionable;
cnarges.respeciauie; wort, waiTantea. Ice in examia
ed . and advice given tree or charge.
!ue notice given of change of office.
April 2d. IS55. 7tf
Now UecetTins;
rpiIE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and for
J- sale low.
SO gross matches ;
150 kegs ot svrups ;
50 hf. bbls. N. O. sugar ;
10 bbls. crushed sugar ; .
50 boxes candles ;
10 bbls. vinegar ;
20 cases tea ;
15 doz. brooms;
20 doz. buckets ;
2 cases men's tine calf boots J
1 " " calf brogana :
t " " goat
S " boys' brogan ;
3 " youths calf brogans;
1 " women's Morocco boots ;
J " . " imitation boots ;
S " Misses' boots;
ITS pairs children's shoes ;
12 straw cutters ;
21 grain cradles ;
1 reaper;
1 two horse thresher;
Oregon City. June I. IMS. 13tf.
CHAIN -TUMPS, monkey wrenches,
match planes, screw arm,
sash planes, " "
horse shoes and nails to (it .
gun locks, pings and nipples,
tubes, bullet moulds,
Wosenholm's IXL pocket knives,
pruning and budding knives,
rat traps to eatck iquirrtit, at
Books and Stationery.
Parker's 1st. 2d, 3d. 4th and 3th,
Sanders do do do do
McGuffy's do do do da
Davies' arithmetic.
University and Common School,
Intellectual and primary,
levies' Bourdon algebra,
Legendre, surveying,
tleometry and trigonometry,
Key to liavies' Arithmetic,
Thompson's arithmetic,
Parker's philosophy,
juvenile aud 1st lessons.
Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's.
Geographies Mitchell's, Monteitb's manual,
Monteith's 1st lessons.
Music Lute of Zion, New Carmina Sacra,
Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony,
Normal Song Book. Singing Book, at
23tf MOORES'
rTIHE judges of the Snpreme Conrt. of the Territory of
a. wregon, assemoieo at tue seat ot oovernment on
the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and nftv-
seven. do nx and appomt instncl courts, to l held in
village of Roscburg, in the county of Douglas on the
first Mondays, of March, May, September and Novem
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered, and do limit the
duration or said terms to six davs each.
GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Chief Justsce.
44tf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice.
S. Francisco.
Portland. Oregon.
Remolds it Law.
ITTHOI.ESAUC Groceta and Commisson Merchants
V v and dealers in Orrgon Vorfuce, corner Kearny
ana jicuod Dtreeis.oan rrancisco.
Advances made on Consignments.
- Refer to J. FAILING & CO., Portland.
Salt! Salt!!
Oft TONS " San Quentin" SALT. In about 80 and
AAJ 100 lb. bags, just received and for sale very cheap
Oregon City, Dec. 6, 1856.
Oak. Bower Xursery
-m-t-tct-w-u : i.: . :i .1.- i ... - i
V ,T." f Jli' ',7. 'ZI'.T - "J
their advantage to call upon the undersigned at his
JL itiuiiy in vumiuiux kuuu nun win nna u morn TO I
nursery upon the UUunette river, six miles above Cor-
vallis, upon the Linn County side. My trees are of tbe
most thrifty growth, and of the best variety to be found
upon mis coast.
Come and see uiem u yon don t purchase.
John S. Edwards,
ATTORNEY AT LAW. Washington City , D.
C.. will attend to all business entrusted to his csre.
before the several Departments the Supreme Court of
tne i J mvru dwics, or coons ot tue inctnn oi voiomma.
Particular attention given to the claims of sol
diers for services, or for ltonnty I and.
Keren to Gen. Lane and Gov. tjnrry. 4Sm6patd
Food for tne 3Iind.
"ITES we have plenty of it among which are some of
X tbe most prominent works, Byron, Shakespeare, '
Boffon. Josephus. Moore's, Benton s 30 years. Arthur's
works. Lire oi rtapoieon, Henry t.-iay and other great
men; also Fowler and Well's publications, wherein we
are taught how to preserve health by tracing canses to
effect. Also works on spiritualism, such as Prof. Hare,
Edmonds, Talmadge, Harris, and A. J. Davis, the star
the of age.
we also nave all kinds or blank Books and stationery
in general. In fact we intend to keen all kinds of food
for the wand, and intend to keep posted, and want onr
many readers to Keep up witn ns so lie sure and give
usa call. one and all, at the sign of the book store. main
street, Oregon City. HOMES HOLLAND A CO.
Uregon city, Dec. 7. !&. 40tf
BAUM A BROTHER have removed to their New
Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment
They have just received a general assortment of Dry
Goods. Clothing. Hats and Caps. Boots and Shoes.
Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he oilers for cash or
N. B. Wanted Butter .Eggs, Bacon, Lard, Flour, and
Wheat, for which they pay the Highest market price.
balem, July is, abo. I9tr
Paper Hangings and Carpets !
TUST RECEIVED Per late arrivals, by FRANK
BAKER, 110 and 112 Clay street, San Francisco
8li0 cases Paper Hangings, t rench and American,
every variety;
60n0 rolls French and American Borders ;
625 pa Tapestry Brasses. Carpet;
3no) pa Tapestry Velvet Carpet ;
230 ps Three-Ply Carpet;
300 ps Superfine Ingrain Carpets ;
3-0 ps Extra Fine Ingrain Carpets ;
v ps uoiton ana wool tjarpets ;
125 ps Stair Carpets, assorted ;
275 ps Bay State Druggets ;
WO ps Oil Cloths, assorted :
125 ps Silk Damask and BrocateUa ;
800 ps Cotton and Worsted Damask :
401 0 pair Window Shades ;
375 pair Lace Curtains ;
750 pair Mo&lin Curtains ;
8000 Cornices and Curtain Bands ;
325 dozen Matt, assorted :
Stair Bods, Table Coven, Gimps, Fringes Ac
Hull II. II m -" "J
lm3 110 A 113 Clay St., San Francisco.
Casn paid for Soldiers Bounty .Land
w arrants.
THE undersigned ill pa cash, and the highest
rates, for a large number of bounty land warrants,
on application at ou omce ut iourt nouse. &aiem, u. T.
V t-. 1- . . 1 . . . ... . .
J of roods in their line on the Paclflo rnt enmnrtl "T.' M". If" f nown n? PPr'.,. !
aw, mic w tun tuiiuuT rauc i in ihi hi h nun , i , - 11 , . ,
n ', , r . , - ,:,,'- , I wncn mo voice 01 tne curea siieax out ; wiien the c
an- l
December 39, 1 SSS- i2tf
I Uer'l Fetnlenm, or lock 011,1
I CELEBRATED for its wnnl.rri t
I A Natural Remedw. Brocnred from -..M in ai"
I leghany Co., Pa., fonr hundred feet below the earth's
I surface. Put up and sold by SAMUEL M. KIER. Canal
m.h ki . i- n. . .
I - wicmn i-inTi. niiHourRn. rm.
The healthful balm from Mlnr'an. mnrl
The bloom of health and life to man will bring ;
As from her depths the magic liquid flows.
To calm our snne rings and assaugo our worn.
The Petroleum haa been fully tested. It was placed
before the public as a remedy of wonderful efficacy.
Every one not acquainted with its virtues, doubted its
healiug properties. The cry or humbug was raised
against it. It had some friends those that were cured
through Its wonderful agency. These spoke out in its
Tavor. The lame, through its instrumentality, were
made to walk the blind, to see. Those who had suffer
ed Tor years under the torturing pains of Rheumatism,
Gout, Neuralgia, were restored to health and usefulness.
Several who were blind have been made to see, the evi
dence of which will lie placed before yon. Ii you still
ha"e doubts, go and ask those who have been cured !
Some of them live in our midst, and can answer tor
themselves. In writing alxuit a medicine, we are aware
that we should write TlnA that we should make no
statements that cannot be proved. We have the wit
nesses: crowds of them, who will testify in terms strong
er than we ran write them, to the efficacy of this reme
dy; who will testify that the Petroleum has done for
them what no medicine ever could before : cases that
were pronounced hopeless, and beyond the reach of re
mediate means : rases abandoned by physicians of un
questioned celebrity, have been made to exclaim. " thia
is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered !' We
will lay berore you the certificates of some of the most
rerun r table cases ; to give them all. would require more
space than would be allowed by this circular. Since
the Introduction of the Petroleum, many physicians
have been convinced of its efficacy, and now recommend
it in their practice ; and we have no doubt that it will
atand at the head of the list or valuable remedies. If
the physicians do not recommend it. the people will
have it of themselves : for its transcendent nower to
immedicable lesion, that has been shortening his days.
ouu nimciiiiiK mm io toe narrow nouse appoinied
for all the living." when he seaka out in Its praise, who
will doubt it? The Petroleum is a Natural Remedy : it
is put np aa it flows from the bosom of the earth, with
out any iiung oeiug auuca to or utKen irom it.
It gets its ingredients from the beds of sulwtances
which passes over in its secret channel. They are
blended together in such a form as to defy all human
competition. The Petroleum in thia resnect Is likn Min.
era! Waters, whose virtues in most chronic diseases are
ac Know led sred, not only by physicians, but by the com
munity at large. These singular fluids flowing out of
the earth, impregnated with medicinal substances of
different properties, and holding them in such complete
solution as to require the aid of Chemistry in order to
detect them, bears ample proof to the ract that they are
compounded by tbe master hand of Nature, for the alle
viation of hnman suffering and disease. If Petroleum Is is a g.d one, for Nature never half
does ncr work ; and that tt is a medicine or nnequaled
power, we have the most abundant testimony. It will
be used when many of the new remedies now In vogue
will have been forgotten forever. It will continue to be
used and applied as a remedy as long as man continues
w ue smirted with disease. That tt will cure every dis
ease to which we are liable, we do not pretend : but
that it will cure a great many diseases hitherto incura
ble, is a fact which is proven by the evidence In its fa
vor, irs uiscovery is a new era in medicine, and
win inure to tue neaitn ana napptness or man
StTton.T.A, The Petroleum is a great medicine in
Scrofula and King's Evil, in all tbose diseases having
their origin in a depraved condition of the blood and
other fluids of the body. It will cure pains and enlarge
ments in the bones and joints, blotches, biles. Erysipe
las, pimples on the face, tetter, scaldjiead ring-worm,
.i i i , ... '
sou tne vantvus sain uist-sses. it nas cured numerous
cases of Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Gout, Ac Several
eases of Rheumatism of years standing, have been en
tirely cured. A woman In Franklin Co.. Pa., was
cured or rheumatic affection of seven years standing;
the disease was so aggravated as to confine her to bed
during the greater part of that time. She is now well
and considers herself entirely restored
MiscELLANRtn'S Lirrctiok3. No better remedy can
be found anywhere for burns and scalds, the pain
of which it immediately relieves, and restores the parts
and disposes them to heal.
Old Sores and Ulcers will be removed by the daily ap-
1 : . . : . l i . - r
pnrnuon pnu suminisiniiiou oi l eiroieum.
Worms. In doses of fifteen or twenty drops adminis
tered to children of two or three years old, or upwards,
two or three times daily, it will remove worms. It is a
certain remedy against Tape Worm and Ascaridea
in grown persons, in which case the dose must he a tea-
uroncDitis and Asrnma ran oe relieved nv the Petro
leum. The distressing cough, night sweats, and diffi
culty of breathing, are removed by its nse in a very short
Fever and Ague. The Petroleum has been nsed in fe
ver and ague with complete success. It will be found a
certain and effective remedy in that troublesome and un
manageable disease. The dose in such cases is a tea
spoouful in any pleasant vehicle every three hours, In the
absence or ine lever.
Tooth-ache. A few drops dropped on cotton, and
placed in the cavity of the aching tooth, will relieve it
crimp. liy saturating a nannei cloth with the Petro
leum and applying it to the neck and breast, it will give
immeuiate reiu-i.
It is also an invaluable remedy in the different forms of
Scarlet Fever to l nsed locally, as in cases of croup.
ISeui-alrla. in in various Kinds, is cured by tne free ap
plication along the painful tract of nerve. In that spe
cies of neuralgia denominated spinal irritation the Pe
troleum has given permanent reliuf, by rubbing with
it night and morning.
Corns. r r corns tnis remedy nas been used witn com
plete success; tne plan oi using it is to saturate a piece
of cotton with the Petroleum, and tie it upon tbe Corn.
The corn should be pared down every two or three days,
and the Petroleum applied nntil all the barduess
has been absorbed.
Directions for the Internal and local administration
of the Petroleum. Diarrhoea. Tbe dose in this disease
is a tea-spoonful every third hour nntil the purging
ceases. In old chronic will only be necessary to
take the medicine three times a day.
Piles. The mode or administration in Pries is to give
the Petroleum three times a day internally, and apply
twice a day externally, to the tumors. Where the Piles
are of long standing and much hardened, a drachm of
Iodine may be added to eai n bottle, to be used as a local
simlii-ation. When the Piles are internal the Petroleum
should be miected with a syringe into the rectum
Uealness. prop ten drops into tbe earat bed-time and
stop the ear with cotton or wool. Tbe ear should be
syringed out with suds made of castile soap and warm
water, twice a weeK.
For Burns and Scalds. Apply the Petroleum freely
over the burnt or scalded parts. In diseases of the
bladder and kidneys, the dose is a tea-spoonful three
times a dav.
For old Sores and Ulcers. Apply the Petroleum morn
ing and at bed time, iveep tne sores or ulcers clean, by
washing them daily with castile soap and warm water.
For sore and mnamed eves. i he Petroleum should be
applied two or three tunes a day to the affected eve and
a drop or two be allowed to get under the lid. Vhere
were is m
there is a scrofliilous tendency it must be taken iuter-
nallv. in doses of a tea-spoonful, three times a day.
i .1 t -
. . .'iL.r; VrV--V. .hJ.lp-1B''
jZ -k" iIZ?' ZT lhXZ iE .
ui tne vomiting ami purging ceases.
In Rheumatism. Neuralgia, Palsy. Contractions of the
Limits and Joints, and White Swelling. Tbe Petroleum
is to be freely rubbed on tbe affected parts at least twice
a day with a flannel rag, and, if convenieut, before
a warm fire. It should also be given internally, in doses
oi a tea-spooniui, turce tunes a day.
tot sale at tbe Salem Drug Store, by
May, Lt-9tr.
irarfeiilera; Medicines.
"t R.VFFKNBEKO Sarsaparilla, Uterine Catholk-in.
VJT " Dysentery Syrnp, Consump. Balm.
i-ne uimmeni,
Health Hitters,
" Eye Lotion, Ac, Ac.
To be fonnd at the Agency of the Company at
tv. iv. bMtirl tu. o.
DR. TOWNSEND S Sarsaparilla, at
9 Sv. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
CL ANE'S celebrated vermifuge and liver pills, at
a v. K. .v- cu. s.
TAB. OSGOOD'S India Cholagogue. and Dr. Jones'
1J American Cholagogue, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
TtTOFFATS life pills and bitters, and Bernard's dys-
entery syrup, and Wistar's balsam or wild cherry,
a W. K, SMITH A CO.'S.
fR. J. AY RES' celebrated cherry pectoral, tor coughs,
U colds, and consumption, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
"I TEXICAN Mustang Linaiuent, G. W. Merchant's
iX garling oiL a W. K. SMITH A CO.'s.
TJUKE White Iead, raw and lairncd Umber, Chrome,
X Green and i ellow and other paints, at
0 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
JAYNE'S alternative, expectorant, &nd pills, cod liver
oil, castor oil, sweet oil, at W. K. SMITH A CCS.
TAYNE'S carminative balsam. A fin remedy for
O dysenteries, Summer Complaints, Flux. Ac, at
V n.a,oaiinAi.u.a,
PAYNE'S Hair Tonic, at
W. H. SMITH & CO.'S.
ARKY'S TR1COPHEROUS, for sle. at
CJCARPA S Acoustic oil; a mire cure for deafness; for
O sale at
JACKSON'S Pile ointment and Tetter Embrocation, a
O sure cure ior tne anove diseases; at
9 w.a.iuiiiitaui.t).
T TJSHTON'S Cod liver oil , for consumption, for sale
Xt, at 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
T1ETB0LUM, or Bock oil, just received, and for sale at
"1HROME YeUow, Prussian Blue, Drop Blacks,
V I amp Blacks, Paint Brushes, and candy, at
V n.ai3aiiaau.o.
TTANDYKE Brown, raw Umber, burnt Umber, T. D.
V Leaner, Gold, Leaf, Silver Leaf, and Bronzes, at
9 W. K. SMITH A CO. 8.
T LNBEED oil, spirits turpentine, alcohol, and tooth j
s uruooes, at w.a.saiiucvu.a
Rmith It Ditto.
Solicitors in Chancery, Corvallia O. T.
i. n. smith. eltf n- e. bapb.
' H. W. Mitchell,
gene City. Lane Countp, O.T.
M. D.. Surgeon, fto. SPECIALTY
DISEASES OF THE EYE. Corvallls, Oregon.
September 23, 1956. 28m6
San Francisco Adrerlisingigeney
T P. PISItl-R Iran building, opposite Pacific Ex Dress
J J Office, up stairs. Files of all the principal Papers of
California and Oregon may be found at this office.
r inner is the authorized Agent ior vnc ouiiesraan.
Chester B. Terry,
wlssioner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac
knowledgments, Ac, Ac, for Iowa, Indiana, SUssouri,
Michigan. California and Washington Territory. Let
ters of Attorney, and all other Instruments of writing,
drawn on short notice.
a Particular attention paid to taking depositions,
collections of Notes, Accounts, Ac, 32tf
Boise k MeEwan,
licitors in Chancery, Proctors, Ac., in Admiralty,
Portland, Oregon. 45tf
W. 0. Farm,
licitor in Chancery and Admiralty. Office on Front
street, next door north or Stark St., Portland, Oregon.
Hording k Grorer,
Solicitors in Chancery. Office near the Court-house,
Salem, O.T.
i Gee. I. Shell,
Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in the various
courts of Oregon and Washington Territories. Office,
Salem, 0. T.
Delaxon Smith,
Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all
business pertaining to n la profession in the nrs Judicial
District, and before the Snpreme Court of Oregon.
Office, Albany. IJnn Connty, O. T.
N. B. When not at his office, or absent on profes
sional business, he may be found at his residence, Ave
mMes soutn-east or Albany, on what is Known as the
"Grand Prairie."
V. S. Brock,
Xa. solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the various
courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col
lection oi an claims against the united states, through
an efficient agent residing at Washington .City. Office
in Eugene City, Lane County, O. T.
It. E. Stratton,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice in the various
courts or southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
Court of the Territory.
Officb in Deer Creek. Douglss connty. O. T. Resi
dence 6 miles north of Winchester, on tbe Willamette
N. B. Bonnty Land Warrants obtained for claimants
on reasonable terms. 23 tf
Cnadwick H. (iibbs,
licitors in Chancery. Ac. Offices at Winchester and
Gardiner. S. F.Cbapwice, Winchester, Douglas Co.
i. T. A.C. GIBBS. Gardiner. Umixina Co.. O. T.
Nov. 9, 1S55. 35 tf
Bantam k Wilson.
A lem, Oregon. Particular attention in given to the
collection of notes and accounts, and claims against
Bounty Land arrants bought and sold, v
Mr Office over Starkev's Store. 45
Pillow k Moses,
ATCHMAKERS, Salem. Repairing prompt-
and neatly done.
A TTORNEYS and Counselors at law. Solicitors in
X. Chancery, Ac. Office in Robert's buildings. Main
street, lorvanis, tsenton L.O., u. a.
Corvallia, April 1, 157. 5tf
rp J. WRIGHT A E. B. STONE, having associated
J- together in practice, respectfully tender their ser
vices to tue people of llenton and Linn desiring to se
cure the favor of tbe afflicted by success on. Office
near J. c Avery a store, (Jorvailia. ztlypaid
William A. Uoulder,
rpEACHER or French and English, French Prairie,
jl Marion county, u. r. 1 jj
A. B. Bollock,
x. Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on
reasonable terms.
William C. Urlswold K Co.,
Eugene City,
TTORACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor or the Eugene
J. A
City Hotel.
Medical lVotice.
THE subscriber, would inform the inhabitants that he
is at his old stand, ready to attend to all calls in
his nrofession - also he hss on hsnil a vol! wtnlAl
stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
asorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasonable terms. W. WARREN.
Salera December 1, 1856. 5stf
W. B. Slaiers, M. D.
TlHrSlCIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new bnild-
17 ing, on Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S.
Mclteeny's fire-proof building : where I will be found
when not professionally engaged. I will keep constant
ly on hand a fresh supply of Drugs and Medicines
wnicn i win sen low ior casn.
Corvallia, Dec. 9. 1856. , 3!tf
Medical Notice.
DR. R. W. SHAW, late of San Francisco, California,
offers his orofessional services to the citizens fo
Salem and vicinity, and respectfully solicits a share fo
public favor.
- umce at tteea ana r euows a rug store,
lly R. W. SHAW.
Campbell Pratt.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW, San Francisco, California.
Office, corner Montgomery and Sacremento streets,
over J'arrott uos. uanx.
Messrs. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, aud will be pleased to attend to all business
entrusted to tnetr care. 3ltr
Alexander Campbkll. O. C. Pratt.
Joseph N. Preseott.
EALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and
paints and uiis. wholesale and retail.
July 7, 1X6. 18tr
P. D. Palmer.
TAEALER in Dry Goods, Clothing, Fancy Articles,
ajr nooas ana ntationery, ana general merchandise.
(Store nrst door nortnor tue Union Hotel, Salem.
Afecemuer au, isoo. jtr
S. Ellsworth,
Supreme and other Courts. Office Eugene
ty, Lane County. Oregon Territory. Also
U City,
Commissioner or Deeds for New York, Connecticut, Ac.
August zi,, i woo, 2tr
WILLIAM F. HIGH FIELD, Chronometer and
Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to
the buildingjiLstoppositetothe Main-street House. 1
where he can be constantly found prepared to do any
business in his line. Watches cleaned and renaired on
short notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of
watches and jewelry for sale.
Atarcn a, !&. Iy5l
S. Hamilton, M. !.,
PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON would rmmprtfultv I
ce to the good 2 f nSELEStoSL
loimng counties, mat ne naa located nermsncntlv at I
Deer Creek for the purpose of practicing medicine, and
in wnicn proiesfiou ue win oe laitniui to aiscnarge an
duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy
and comfortable.
Officb opposite R. H. Dearborn A Co.'s store, on
Main street. .
Drugs and Patent Medicines for sale at low cash pri
ces. 42tr
Wells, Fargo, 4b Co.,
Co., in connection with their Express business, will
also transact a general Exchange and Collection Busi
ness, collections ana remittances maae in au parts ot
Oregon. California, the Atlantic States. and Eurone. with
promptness and despatch. Dnst,Goid and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought and sold.
Sight Exchange on New York, Boston, Philadelphia,
Albany, Rochester, Buffalo, Erie, Cleveland, Detroit,
Jiueago, muwawae, ualena, St. Umu, LomsvUle,
Cincinnati, and fort v other Drinclnal tosrns in the Atlan
tic States and the Canadas, may be procured at any of
uj-pt r a i Twi . (id -
114, Montgomery-street, San Francisco
June ViRS.
Allan, McKinlay, Co.,
I T Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Drv Goods, fin.
cenes, naruware, ax., vrregon way, v. a.
VtZ.-V, 1301- uyi
Dr. Ciapkay'i Eedical Hotioet.
M T T. P7 1PiriVfanMnd irrli,.! mrA Riirtririt
fnstitnt Rii-nRipnlfi .t h.nw Mnnlsnnwrv OIIDO-
site Pacific Mail! Steamship Co.'s Office, San Francisco,
California. Established for the Permanent cure of all
Private and Chronic Diseases, and the suppression of
Dr. J. L. CZAPKAY, late in the Hungarian Revolu
tionary War, Chief Physician in the 20th Regiment of
Honveds, chief surgeon to the military hospital at Pesth,
Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or
gans and Diseases of Women" and Children, would most
respectfully inform the public of Oregon and California
that be haa opened an Institute for the cure of Chronic
Diseasea of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart, blood, brain
and the horrid consequences of self-abuse, snd he hopes
that his long experience and successful practice of ma
ny years, will insure him a share of public patronage.
By the practice of many years in Europe and the Uni
ted States, and during the Hungarian war and cam
paigns, he is enabled to apply the most efficient and
successful remedies against diseases or all kinds. He
uses no Mercury charges moderate treats his patient
in a correct and honorable way has references of nn
qnestionable veracity from men of known respectabili
ty and high standsng in society. All parties consulting
him by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best aud
gentlest treatment, and implicit secrecy. The Dr.'s
offices are on Sacramento St., below Montgomery, San
Francisco, California. 49m3
kJ Dr. L. J.
Czapkay would call public attention to
spermatorrhoea or local weakness. There is not in the
catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca
ted than this, as well because of present distress, as the
ultimate results, lite tone or the system nnaer Its in
fluence is either impaired or entirely destroyed, and a
class of symptoms suierinduced that unfits man for the
fierformance of any of the ordinary duties of life. The
njuries done to the physical part of man is truly la
mentable, but trifling when compared to tbose of the
censoriitm, the great nervous center, and to the ner
vous system generally. This disease, which is too often
consequent upon that solitary vice, self-abuse, involves
pathological conditions beyond the comprehension of
theuninitiated, but which are well understood by the reg
ular practitioner. Among the symptoms most conspic
uous are the following: Love of solitude, aversion to
business and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex
citement from slight causes, loss of memory, confusion
of ideas, inability to reason correctly, low spirits and
lassitude, dullness or apprehension and misanthropy.
These being functional derangements, are often the har
bingers of horrid organic lesions of the brain, which
produce fatuity, dementia and deatn.
For the cure of this and all kindred diseases. Dr.
Czapkay has established his Institute, where all may
rely with perfect confidence upon that skill which long
exierience and thorough devotion to bis profession has
Tbose who suffer should call or write without delay.
and use the meatus by which they may recuperate and
AH consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Ad
dress to DR. L. J. CZAPKAY.
9in3 Medical Institute, San Francisco. Cal.
O traordinary success in the treatment or secret dis
eases in the urimary and other stages, induces him to
call public attention to the fact that of tbe great num
bers who have made daily application to him, there is
not one who has not been effectually and permanently
cured. In recent cases of private dweases, the Dr. guar
anties a perfect cure in a few davs without hindrance
to business or other inconvenience. The Dr.'s method
of treating these maladies, combines the improvements
made by the medical faculty with discoveries or his
own that are unknown to anyone else, nd which, when
appueu, prevent tue possiuuny oi evu aiu:r consequen
Secondary syphilis, which is so destructive of health,
producing ulcerations of the throat, destroying tbe soft
parts, and leaving the bones exposed, which mortify,
separate and come away, disfiguring the sufferer most
horribly, as well as impairing nis general health, and
predisposing to consumption, the Dr. treats in the most
certain and efficient manner. Also, painfid swellings
upon the bones, dtsngumig splotches upon tne ssin,
sores, pimples, and all other consequences of private
diseases he guaranties to cure or asks no compensation.
Dr. C. would especially call the attention of those who
have failed to obtain relief from others, many of whom
he has already cured, and many are still under treat
ment. The Dr. makes no charge for consultation, and
invites all to call at his Institute ; and be will give them
such satisfaction as they ran obtain nowhere else.
Those at a distance, by writing to the Dr., ran have
their cures properly attended to. Offices on Sacramen
to st., below Montgomery, San Francisco, Cal. 49m3
The Greatest Disrorerr of the Ige.
GREAT Blessings to Mankind! Innocent but Potent!
DR-CZAPKAY'S PRorHiLAcricvit, (self-disinfec
ting agent.) a sure preventive against secret diseases,
and an unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous
and cancerous ulcers, and all cutanons eruptions and dis
eases. For sale at lr. czapeav s umce. Armory Han,
comer or Sacramento and Montgomery sts., San t ran
cisco, Cal. As inoculation is preventive agaiust small
pox. so is Dr. Czapkay s Prophuacticum a preventive
against secret disease. That they can be prevented by
proper agents, is as well an established fact as that they
can be cured after their establishment. This principle,
which is now universally recognized, was received even
before the days of Jenner, the discovererof vaccination,
in 17W5. and its multiplied benefits ever since have re
ceived as they deserved, the attention of the Medical
faculty. It was in pursuit or this nrancn or the medical
science that Dr. L. J. Czapkay fortunately made the dis
covery or bis Prophylacticum, which, ror tne cancerous
and ciitanous disorders, stands unrivalled by any agent
in the PharmacopcDa. The morfwi operandi ot this med
icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons
possess chemical properties wnicn are neutralized Dy
being brought in contact with this prophylatic, as acids
are known to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely
their original properties, and rendering them inert.
Tbe effect of this agent is immediate, and removes the
possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, the
disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing
the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce
the consequences known as secondary disease. In can
cerous and gangerous ulcers, in foetid discharges and in
cutanons diseases where the secretions are excoriating.
it acts noon tb . same principle and is one of the most
effectual remedies ror the purpose now Known, where
disease is once established it should be nsed in connec
tion with other remedies, and when bo used never fails
of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in
many thousand cases, and he has yet to find the first
in which it has failed to subserve the purpose for which
it was administered. Price, $5. Full directions are at
tached to each package.
N. B. In cases where the Propnylaticum is used as
curative. Dr. L. J. Czapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre
scription for his blood pnrmer.
All communications from the country, addressed only
o Dr. L. J. CZAPKAY, San Francisco, Cal., will be
strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies,
with the greatest care ana secrecy, lmmeuiaieiy ai
patched by express or otherwise to tneir destination.
r f T I "7 DL- V" IX 7.
A, f V A , TO. '
49m3 San Francisco, Cal.
To tbb Ladies op Orkoox and California. L. J.
Czapkat. M. D., physician surgeon and acconcher, in
vites the attention of tbe sick and afflicted females la
boring under any of the various forms of diseases of the
brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid
neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc
tor is effecting more permanent cures than any other
physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy I
prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself
9. r i ' a 1 . J .w "l l I
irom m! Ill 111 Euucnux auu fJtcuiaMire umu.
All mar
ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances
do not allow to have an increase tn their families should
write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay's Medical Institute,
Armory Hall, corner or (Sacramento and Montgomery
streets, and they will receive every possible relief and
help. The Doctor's Offices are so arranged that he can
be consulted without molestation. 4!m3
S, AI consultations l ny letter or omerwise.) tree.
Address to 1K. Li. J. u2.Arna. i , ai. it..
Medical Institute, San Francisco, Cal.
xrThe attention of the readers is called to the fol
A lady of high standing in society and respectability, I
iblished a cara in tue i uiiuui(juh ou uiuty Aispatcni
fiontpmlier 14. 1851. which is as follows:
A Card The undersigned feels it her duty to express
her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay, for the success
ful cure or herself and child. The latter having been
afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum," was
given np as mcuranie oy some in we most ceieoratea
physicians, when she called on Dr. Czapkay, of whom
she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short
period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour
aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice
herself, for the scrofu jus malady, with which she had
been afnicted ior eignt years, uu wn-ou wiiusiooa me
treatment of the best physicians in Europe and . Amcri-
Hut nr. Czaukav has succeeded in affording her
permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which,
for eight years had lost all charms for her. She, there
fore deems it due to herseir and to au sick and afflicted
to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful
physicians within the united states.
1.M1 VA&I.VUKJ.U uuaj,
Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia.
A. Glazbk. Notary Public, 126, 7th street.
The following is an editorial notice in the Boston
Daily Times or August 6th, 18o4:
A Rkh.i.ftl PHTSictAjr-Dr. L. J. Czankav has
opened an office at No. 18 Pleasant street in this city.
Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with
the patriotic army as physician and surgeon under the
patronage or Kossuth. He combines with a finished
education and the most refined and agreeable manners,
the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in his
profession, and we feel much pleasure in recommending
him to onr citizens as a physician and a gentleman.
Dr. Czankav has snent some time in rmladelDhia where
ha won the confidence and friendship of those who be
came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil
adelphia are gentlemen or the Highest respectability,
with whom we are nersuiuuiy wxjusuiieu. ne naa an
extensive practice in Hungary before the Austrians and
Russians compelled him to leave it for being found
guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive
that patronage due a man or so eminent capacity.
ThA ahovA are only a few of the many testimonials
which Dr. Caapkay has in his possession, but cannot
Eublish for want of space. All communications, (by
itter or otherwise,) free.
VPerona desiring prompt attention, and who winh
to avoid the delay or corresponding, can have immedi
ate attention by sending ten dollars as consultation fee,
and can have medicine forwarded. Addresato
San Francisco, Cal.
SSAlI2 sSA.r Weakn". rvous de
AUl I' iTi P 'taae, weakness of the limbs
and back, indisposition hm of memory, aversion to "so
ciety, love of aolitnde. timidity, srif-distrust. dizziness,
headache, pains in the side, affection of the eyes, pim
ples on the face, sexual and other infirmities inman.are
cured without fail bvthe justly celebrated physician and
surgeon, I J. Czapkay. His method of curing diseases
is new (unknown to others) snd hence the great suc
cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise free
Address, L. J. CZAPKAY, M.D.,"
49m3 San Francisco. Cal.
At Eugene City.
THE subscriber has at Eugene City, one of the best
general assortment of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard
ware, Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene
ral finding store, to be fonnd in Oregon. He is con
stantly receiving fresh additions to his stock, and al
ways keeps it, up. My goods are now all received direct
from San Francisco, where I bare a resident agent. All
kindsof farmer's produce received in exchange for goods
I pay higher prices for produce, and sell goods cheaper
than any other store in the Territory.
Eugene City, July 1, 1858. letf
THE Judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory of
Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on
the 16th day of December, 1850, do fix and appoint
District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the
county or Marion, on tbe first Mondays or April and
September, and the fourth Mondays of May and Octo
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and in the city
of Portland, in the connty of Multnomah, on the fifth
Monday, of December, 1856, aud thereafter on. the first
Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed, and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days
each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice.
41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice.
Corwallis Drug Store.
J receiving from San Francis
co, per each steamer, large and carefully selected
stocks of Drugs, Medicines. Oils. Paints. Dye-
Stuffs, Perfumeries, Fancy Soaps, and all other articles
usually kept in a Drug Store, which they ore telling and
will sell at reduced prices.
Prescriptions prepared by an experienced Drug
gist. Orders from a distance promptly attended to.
Corvallia, January 13, 1857. 44tf
WRITING-PAPER, superior article,
Black ink, from quarts to 2 oz,
Slates and pencils,
Tabor's pencils.
Envelopes, wafers.
School cards and toy books, at
(crrr drco store, upper wharf,)
WHOLESALE and retail dealer in Drugs, Medicines,
Chemicals. Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Druggist
Glass Ware, Bruhes, Surgical Instruments, Trusses,
Herbs, Roots, Extracts. Perfumerr, Shaving and Toilet
Soaps, and a full stmply of all the popular. Patent or
Proprietory Medicines, and almost every other article
in our line of business. Which are offered to the trade
wholesale or retail at extremely reduced prices, and in
quantities to suit.
Every article warranted as represented.
Portland, O. T, March 16. 1S57. 52m3
A New Drug Store.
DRY-GOODS and GROCERIES are now sell
ing, cheap for cash, at Hathora's. opposite Smith's
Book and Drug Store, near the New Bridge.
January zi, isoj
IF TOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned have got 15,000 pounds best " COSTA
till. A. Come in and look at it.
Oregon City, Dec 6, 1S56.
ban Francisco, f Portland, O. T.
Richards & McCraben.
COMMISSION MERCHANTS. and'Jobbers in Oregon
Flonr. Grain. Produce. Frnit. Pork. Karon. Lrd
asms, ac, c uroers ior uregon trade promptly at
tended to. Liberal advances made on consignments.
No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco.
January z, i!sj. 46tf
HANDLES, Soap, Starch, Indigo, and Tobacco, at
TiTIUGS, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dvestuffs. at
rpAX receipt blanks for sale at the Statesman office,
jl ai n per nonarea.
TART-GOODS for ladies and gentlemen, in great va-
i nety, at zetr iiuukes'
Sickness !
Between Them.
THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone,
muscle, gland and fibre in tbe human frame. When
pare, it secures health to every organ ; when corrupt. it
nirK3eflfl-i!v nrrulnrM riie.c IJft I I IIV A V I
necessarily produces disease. HOL.l.OVAYS
PILLS operate directly noon the elements of the
stream or life, neutralizing the principle of disease,
ana mus raaicauy curing tne malady, whether located
in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the
muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the
Holloway's Pills are equally efficacious in complaints
common to the whole human race, and in disorders pe
culiar to certain climates ana localities.
Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source
of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innnmera-
Die deaths, yi
yield to these curatives, in all cases, howev
er aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative
and tonic ; they relieve the bowels, puruy tbe fluids, and
invigorate the system and the constitution of the same
When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing
properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking
nerves ana emeeoiea muscles ot tne victim or general
All irregularities and ailments incident so the deli
cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or
prevented by a few doses of these mild, bat infallible
alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her
children's health should fail to have them within her
The London "Lancet," the London "Medical Review."
ana tue must eminent oi tne iacmty in Great Britain,
France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their
HOLLO WA YS PILLS are the beet remedy known
tn the rvorlajor the Touowing diseases: Asthma, bow
ell Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costive-
ness, llyspepsia, marrboea, Dropsy, Debility, r ever mnu
Ague, Female Complaints, Headaches, Indigestion. In
fluenza, Inflammation, Inward Weakness, liver Com
plaints, Lowness of Spirits, Piles, Stone and Gravel,
Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections, Worms, of
All kinds. . ,
um . ii,. Manufactories of Professor Hollow at.
on r t K York. 244 Strand. London, by all
respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine through
. .1.. TTnifawl States and the-civilized world, m boxes
at 25 cents, 62 cents, and $1 each.
There IS consuuerauu; saving uj m i tuts ur
ry disorder are affixed to each box.
f m jyi liudtivu. i v ro ureis-
S ANDS'SARSAPAKIIil.A, in any quantity, at
9 W. KlMlTH a co-s.
Allan, McKinlay, & Co.,
HAVE Just received a stock of New Goods, and
would invite all those who wish to procure GOOD
articles at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They
consist m part or tne following:
Canal and Wheel Barrows,
Grain Cradles,
Grass Scythes and Snaths,
Brush do do
16 sq Harrows, 23 teeth
Garden Rakes,
do Hues,
do Spades,
Polished Shovels,
Hay Forks.
Manure Forks,
Window Ghua 8 by 10
do 10 by 12
do 7 by 9
Window Sashes 8 by 10
do 10 by 12
rancy Brooms,
Plain do
Assorted Colored Pails,
Painted Tubs,
Zinc Washboards,
Blacksmith's Bellows,
Cross-cut Saws, 7 ft
do en
Mill Saws, 7 ft
Hair Mattrassea, doable,
do "ngle.
Hair Bolsters, double,
do single.
Sperm Candles,
Adamantine do..
Grape brand Tobacco,
hows ana X oxes.
Liucxe do no
Blankets. Baize. Lindsevs. Sheetings. Ticks. Ae.-Ae.
We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GRO
cles too numerous to mention.
Oregon City.
Boosts! Books!
WK. SMITH A CO. have just received the Urgent
. and best selected Stock of BOOKS ever offered
for sale in Salem, consisting, in part, of the following
Burns'. Pollok's. Shelley s, Mowitt's. Montgomery's.
Campbell's, Pope's, Moore's, Wordsworth's, Ossian's,
Thompson's, Milton's, Byron's, Cooke's, Goldsmith's,
Youatt on the Horse, Allen's Stable Book, Hind's
Farrier, Downing, Barry, Thomas, Blake, Mason's Far
rier, Stewart and Skinner, Sax ton and Clater.
BIOGRAPHIES. Washington's, Jackson's, Scott's,
Taylor's, Marion's, Bonaparte's, Seward's, Louis Napo
leon's, Mozart's, Lives of the Presidents, Mary Queen of
Scots, Henry Till and his Six Wives, Harrison's, La-
fayette's, Sam Houston's, Henry Clay's, Kossuth's, J.
Q. Adams', Daniel Boone's, Shakspeare's, Dean Swift's,
Humboldt's, "Bishop Hedding's, Uvea of the Popes, J. B.
Finley's, Roberts', Newton s, Wesley's, Fletcher's, La
martine's Celebrated Characters, and many others..
HISTORIES. Rollin's Ancient History, Russell's
Modern Europe. Gibbon's Rome, Rottech s History of
the World, Barth's History of the World, Willard's His
tory of tbe World, Botta's American Revolution, Macau
ley's History of England, 4 vols. D'Aobigne's History
of the Reformation, 5 vols. Peterson's United States
Navy, Ac, Ac
IS rand's Encyclopedia, Smith's Classical Dictionary, Lat
in and Greek Lexicons and Readers, Virgil, Homer,
Zenophnn, Josephus, Dick's Works, Maury's Geography
of the Sea. Wesley's Sermons, Smith's Sacred Annals,
Harper's Universal Gazeteer. Dwight's Mythology, Lard
ner's Lectures, Goldsmith's Animated Nature, Wood's
Natural History, Goon's Domestic Medicine, Willis'
Prose Works, Sterne's Prose Works, Mrs. Ellis' Prose
Works, Downing's Country Houses, Builders' Guide,
Webster's Dictionary, all sizes, Davies' and Peck's
Mathematical Dictionary, Farmers' and Planters En
cyclopedia, Thackeray's Pendennis, Don Quixotte, Gil
Bias, Cosmos, Biglow's Useful Arts, Urea Dictionary,
Hugh Miller's Old Red Sandstone, Ac, Ac
ers, pander's Readers, McGreffee's Readers, Cobb's
Readers. Gift Books for Children and Youth. Also,
Works on Geology, Physiology. Chemistry, Philosophy,
Government. Anatomy. Mineralogy, Oratory. Mathe
matics, Debating, Medicine, Theology, Temperance,
Rhetoric, Grammars. Geographies, Arithmetics, Astro
nomy, Travels. Works of Humor. In short, every thing
usually found in a Book Store.
Store opposite the Holman House, near the Steamboat
Landing. 9tf
Ceo. Abernethyi Co.,
AberaethY, Clark k Co.,
V7 San Francisco, Cal., will attend to selling Oregon
produce, and fill orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac, at the
lowest rates. The patronage of the peeple of Oregon
is respectfully solicited.
August 1, 1S55. - ' Sltf
Kenyou's Dariierrean
THE undersigned having recently returned from San
Francisco, is now prepared to take those beautiful
Pictures on Glass called AMBROTYPES. which have
almost entirely superceded tbe Daguerreotype tn the
East and San Francisco.
Gallery in tbe new building, ereettd nwrialha for the
business, west of tbe Marion House.
WILjEY au iUj.
Salera, November 11, 1S56. Sotf
N. Reynolds & Co.,
PERSONAL attention given to the sale of Floor,
Grain, Potatoes, Onions, Fruits. Butter, Eggs, Cur
ed Meats, Hides, Wool, and all staple products of too
tv UI nil orders ror goods when accompanied ty cast!
I or equivalent in any way or consignments.
Have constantly on band new and second hand brain
and Gunny Bags, which we offer by bale or bundle in
lots to suit.
First class storage furnished when required, and libe-
1 ral advances made on consignments in store.
Having good experience and locality, we trust by
strict attention to give that satisfaction which is pleas
ant to both ourselves and our consignors. Im3
Orrgon and California Packet Lint.
fTTHE following vessels will run in connee-
tion as a ut. f I, l.AK mlz. between
Sam Eraneisro and PoHland :
BARK OCEAN BIRD, Wreorxs, Mater, '
' NAHUMICEAG. WnxtAxs. "
BRIG I. B. L UNT, Richardson,
The Bares have all been coppered recently, and are
in first Tate order, commanded by experienced captains.
rreignu ten oe camea at ine lovresl rates.
Produce sent from any part of tbe country to Oregon
City or to the Linn City Works, will be received and
I forwarded to San Francisco,
Agists: GEO. ABERNETHY & Co..
Oregon City.
San Francisco.
November. 8. 1S43. 3Stf
Holiday Presents-
CALL and buy soon at tbe Book Store, Oregon City.
Oregon City. Dec. 7, 1556. 40if
Banna & Brotner,
F!0NT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis
Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots,
and Shoes, Groceries, Ac
N. It. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for
merchandise at the highest market price. 19tr
Notice to Snippers and Merchant.
ONE of the firm being permanently located in Sao
Francisco, all consignments of produce and orders
to be filled, will be attended to without delay, at mode.
rate rates. zstt WA&Et'lMJJ CU.
Allan & Lewis,
THAT Cotton Yarn has arrived, at
Statesman Book, and Job Office.
WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book
printing north of California, and an extensive as
sortment of Jobbino Material of every kind; sad, with
master workmen , are prepared to execute promptly, and
in a workman-like manner, all orders in the above do
partments, sucr. aa
Blanx Chxces
Notxsof Haxo,
Ordeb Books.
Stba kbo't Bills.
Stkahbo't Cards,
Bills or Ladtno,
Show Bills,
Cbxcx Books,
Bl'k Receipts,
Ball Tickxts,
Brsrsxss C ards,
Covcbkt Bills,
Blanks of all Kinds. Ac.. Ac.. Ac
Law of Newspapers,
1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the
contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their
9. If subscribers order papers discontinued . Pnblishera
may continue to send them till all charges are paid.
3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers
from the office or place to which they are sent, they ars
held responsible nntil they settle their bill and give na
tice to discontinue them.
4. If subscribers move to other places without informing
the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direo
tion, they are held responsible.
5. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa
nr nr nenodical from the office, or removing and leav
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentions.
fral postmasters would oblige, by a strict fulfillment
of the regulations requiring them to notify Publishers,
once in three months, of papers not taken from their
office by subscribers-
ru&iUAu n uniu. uiw s, onins ', ursy a lop-
s,, Beanies, boons, xoungs, Davidsons, Croly's,
.bbe's. Shakspeare's . Co wner's , Colerid ge's. Hemans' .