The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, April 28, 1857, Page 3, Image 3

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    Mr. Webster Reply to a Challenge.
XAm7 Webster to Jno. Randolph of Jlonanoke.
Washington. April, 1816.
Sib t For having declined to comply with
yonr demand jesterdaj in the House, for an
explanation of words of a general nature,
used in debate, you now " demand- of me
that satisfaction which yonr insulted fecl
inirs reaoire." and refer nie to roar friend,
Mr. . I presume, as he is the bearer of
of your note, for such arrangements as are
This demand for explanation, you m my
iudirmem.. as a matter of right, were not en
titled to make on me ; nor were the temper
and style of your own reply to my objec
tion to the sugar-tax of a character to in
duce me to accord it ns matter of courtesy,
Neither can I, under the circumstances
of the case, recognize in you a right to call
me to the field to answer what you may
Dlease to consider an insult to your feelings
It is unnecessary for me to state other
and obvious considerations growing out of
this case. It is enongh that 1 do noi ieei
myself bound at all times, and under any
circumstances, to accept from any man, who
ahall choose to risk his own me, an iiivua
tion of this sort ; although I shall be nl
ways prepared to repel, in a suitable man
ner, the aggression of any man who may
presume upon such a refusal.
Your obedient servant,
Th Dkad or 1S5G. In the long cata
logae of those who hare died during the pa.t
year, we find many eminent ana wen Known
names of our countrymen, among them John
M. Berrien, of Georgia ;llev. J no. O. Chou
les. D. D., of It. Island ; Ex Gov. Walker,
of Louisiana ; Com. Charles Morris, Jrseph
W. Field, author and actor ; Caroline Lee
ITentz, Com. Joel Abbott. Surgeon W. P. C.
Barton, Lieut. Charles G. Hunter, Major
Robert B. Harney, Com. David Conner,
Com. McKeever, Commander George Ad
am. Robert L. Stevens, Ex-Gor. Troup, of
Georgia ; Ogdeu Hoffman, Tercival, the
poet ; Doctor John C. Warren, of Boston ;
Ex-Senator Dawson, of Georgia ; Hon. John
M. Xiles, Gen. Memucan Hunt, of Texas: ;
Edward Curtis, of N. York ; Capt. Patrick
Hays, Lorenzo B. Sheperd, Dr. Branch T.
Archer, George Steers, Hon. Samuel Uoor,
Prof. Hentz, of Fla.; Elizabeth J. Eamcs,
Hon. John M. Clayton, Gen. James Bank
bead, Gen. John II. Eaton, Samuel Swart
wont, Unfas Welsh, Hon John B. Acrigj,
of N. J.; Rob't May wood, Seth Sprague
and many, many others.
Mammoth Dry Dock. The Lonisiana
Dock Company, of New Orleans, has re
cently launched at that place a dry dock,
whose capacity is 9,000 tons aai which
cost $15,000. It is tha iarge?t structure of
the kind in the south, and will accommo
date the largest sized ships or boats afloat,
its length being 305 feet, and its breadth
95 feet- It contains 12,000 running feet
of yellow piae timber, 200,000 superficial
feet of yellow pine plank, 520.000 pounds of
wronght spikes, and ISO tons of iron bolts.
Keep your Feet Dry. and Warm. Cold,
damp feet cau.e a multitude of diseases
croup in children, rheumatism, fevers, ic,
in adults. If you wet your feet, take time to
dry them as soon as possible, aud thus save a
time of sickness.
Mount St. Helens, or some of er
mount a to the southward, is seen from the
Nisqcal y plains in this county, to be in a
eta e of eruption. It has for the last few
days been emitting huge volumes of dens
smoke and fire, presenting a grand and sub
lime spectad IVashinglon SleHacocm)
i i i
Salem, April 2S, 1:57.
Wheat, white,
Wheat, mixed,
Oats,.... --
Onions, ... . ... ......
Beans, ...
Bacon, sides,
Baeoa, bams, . - .
Iard, inkers,.-
Butter, fresh rolls,
Batter, packed,....-
Egsrs .-
Chickens, per dozen, .
floor, per 100 lbs.,
Pried Apples. .
Dried Peaches,..
Dried Cnrrartts.
Apples, per bushel, ..
Fir, clear, per M,
Cedar, per M. ......
Shingles, cedar, per M,-.
Shingles, fir, per M.
Sugar, X. O.,
Sugar, China,..-
Sugar, white, crushed,..--....
Syrup, - .
Kice, .
Soap, -. --
Candles, adamantine,
Candles, tallow,
Caleratns, ...... -
Cordage, -. .
White Lead,
Kails, cm t, per keg',...... .... -
Nailswrou&ht, per ker,
Linseed . per gallon, .....
Boiled Oil,
Glass, per fxit,
Sheetings, brown....... ......
Sheetings, bleached...........
Drills, brown....... ..........
Drills, blue,
Mcrriinac Prints....... .
Common Fancy Prints,
Mons. UeLaine. ...... ...... ..
Irish Linen..---.....-----...
Brown Linen................
Brown Table Linen,
Katinett, double milled........
Kentucky Jeans....... ...
Cotton Jeans , .
Pants, satinett, ......
Boots, kip,
Btots. eaif,
1 10
1 O0
75 a I ix)
1 60
1 00
2 0
124 a 15
' 2'
2 5ft a ? 4
2 50 a 3 00
16 a H
13 a 25
4 OOt'W
17 00 a 20 (X)
30 00 a 35 00
5 50 a 600
..... 19 a 22
13 a 14
13 a 20
1 25 a 1 50
18 a -20
15 a 20
VZis. 14
3J a 4
374a 50
05 a 374
Vila. 15
25 a 33
15 0Oal6 CO
8 00 a 950
12 OOaloOO
2 25
a 2 50
2 00
8 a 124
9a 124
12 a -JO
10 a 124
17 a 20
14 a 161
10 14
18 a 37
50 a IOO
..... 33 a 50
40 a 73
1 00 a 1 25
374a 60
20 a 35
2 00 a 4 00
2 50 a 4 00
5 00 a 7 00
Special Kotieet.
BT Preaching may be erpected in the Conrt House,
in Sclera, on Saturday, the 6th or June, at 11 o'clock,
A. M-. by Rev's. McCartney and Kiuhardson.
OCBJECT LOnaiWonai .-MiTaunu vi aau.
Please announce the name of S. S. MAR KIT AM
as a candidal fur the office of Onnty Treasurerof Linn
fVuintv t tho Kiinroaehiuir election, subject to the de-
cisioa of a democratic County Convention, and oblige
Um County AjpriesUtaral Society.
-r A V reaiusted br the Executive Committee of the
X Linn County Agricultural Society, to give notice to
the members sua menus oi Ktia S K ieiy. inai ine auuu-
al meeting of said y.lety. tor tne election or omcers.
will be held at the Court 'House in Albany, on the 1st
Monday in May next, at one o'clock, P. M. A general
attendance is respectriiliv soik iteri.
DfcLAZOX SMITH, President.
April, 21, 157. 7wl
Ln Comnty Ucinocratle Convention.
Notice is hereby given that a Convention will be held
in Eugene City on Saturday, the 2d day of May, for the
' purpose of nominating Candidates for the various offi
ces of the County, to be elected at tne coming June
It is recommended that the precincts hold their meet
ings on Saturaay, aprn ui, . un unuai piai:e ui vot
ing in the precincts, and that each preemct will be
punctual in sending their delegates to said Convention.
By order of the Central Committee for Lane County.
1.1.1 11 I. I'liJ ,
Yamhill Comity Irmoeratle Convention.
Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 4th day
of May next, at 10 o'clock, A. M., there will lie a Dem
ocratic Connty Convention held at laifayette, by dele
gates from each precinct, to put In nomination candi
dates to ! supported hy the Democratic party at the
nexi rfuue eieciion. ine several precincts sre reipiest
ed to hold their meetings on Saturday, the id day or
May next, to nominate delegates to attend said County
The several precincts are entitled to delegates as fol
lows : Ijirayetle. 4 ; Dayton. 3 ; Amitv.S; Willamette
3 ; Pleasant Valley, 3 ; Chchalcni, 3 ; 'North Fork, 3 ;
Newby's, 3 : South Fork. 3.
Central Cum.
Lafayette, April 13th. 1SJC.
Benton Cmmr IKinoeroile t'ouveiitloii
Notice is hcrelv given to the IVraocracy of Benton,
that a Demociatio Convention will I held in the Court
House. in the town of Corvnllis, on Saturday the Id day
of Mav next, at 1 o'clock P. M., for the purpose of nom
inating two candidates for the Legislature, four candi
dates lor the Convention to form a State Constitution, and
for such County offices as are to lie filled at the next
June election . and to transnrt such other business as ma v
con.e before the Convention.
It is recommended and renuested that the ureelnct
meetings be held on Satnnln v the Soth day of April, at
S o'clock P. M-, each precinct being entitled to three
delegates, except Corvnllis precinct, which is entitled to
six delegates.
H.C. l!LCKLt:ilAM, Co. Committee.
Benton County, March 27, lsi.
Linn County Democratic Convention.
Notice is hereby given, that a Democratic Count-
Convention will tie held at the Court house, iu the town
of Albany, on Saturday the ninth dav of Mav next, for
the purpose of nominating candidates for tho various
offices to be lllled at the June election.
The preciucts are requested to hold their priinsrv
meeting, on the Saturday previous. The apportion
ment ol delegates will be as follows : Albany and Prai
rie ea.-h I ; Peora. Lebanon. Centre. Hurlim.-
ton, McDonalds. Brownsville, Clavpoo'ls, and Frauklin
Butte, each 3 ; Orleans, 3.
uy order ot JAM Ks5 h. FOSTER,
S. l. H A LEY.
Democratic Count v Committee.
April , 1S57. .
Holioway's Pills, Perons of bilious habit, or who
re liable to attt.-tcks of dyspepsia, should fortify their
systems against the relaxing beats of Summer hv n
course of tiiii mild aperient and alterative iu the Spring.
It not onlv relli.ltcs the sei-retioin ami ntnt-i,
stntction from the bowels, l.nt braces aud the
digestive powers, when weakened by indulgence or ren
dered t irpid by a sedentary life. T he testimony or in
valids of both sexes and all age in every part of
the globe, demonstrates beyond question that" all inter
nal diseases Bi4 mnltimr from malformation are capa
ble of being cured by this great remedy. 7
Pit. I. J. Cznt iv's Surgical and Mcd'tral Institute is
so extensively known in this Territory that any notice
f it. or of him. tuight seem superfluous. Yet fearing
that there are those who heretofore having no need ot
medical aid. have reflected t- aertain the proper
sources of relief in emu of misfortunes. To those we
beg le.ive t direct attention to Ir. 1.. J. Czapkav. who
is certainly a of grsat ski!! and wonderful
success in his profession. The lr. has devoted mneh
attention to Lie treatment of chronic and private dis
eases, and stands unrivalled in his management of
them. To those who need such assistance we chi-crfullv
recommend lr. I.. J. Czapkav : t would be well at all
events to consult him, as he pastes no charge for con
sultation, aid much good might result from it. The L'r.
guarantees a core In all eases or ask no cempen-ation.
. v w !A- t r , ... , .
orc ti.ii.ri.i.upu) aauvcruscmeui in another
oluran of this paper. 493m.
Park& White.
HAVE removed to No. 132 Washington St., between
Sansome and Montstrniprr. onnnotK t li f .
an Francisco, where they wish to call the attention of
the Trade to tlie largest sinck of
E-er oCercd in this market, many of which they agree
-ell at New iork prices, with onlv erst of imnortinir
addeJ. and some articles at a still less rate. cuarantc.d
to be gennine. as they import every ar iele direct from
lite manuiaciuixTs. ,m3
Dr. GaTtoU's ImproTfd Extract of Tfllow Dork
& Sarsaparilla. 10 qavrt Bolilrs,
IS acknowledged to be tlie best Sarsaparilla made as
s rertiSed by the wonderful cures it has performed.
Kememher. this is the only trae and genuiae article.
This medicii-e. when n-d c-or.!ing to directions.
Scrofula, or King's Evil, Cancers. Tumors, Eruptions of
tnesctn.&rysipcias.i lironics re Eves.lUug
Worm of Tetu-r. S-.-ald Head, Rheuma
tism. Pains in the K ones and
Joints. Old Sores and
Ulcers, Swelling ot the (".lands. Dyspepsia. Salt Rheum,
ui iuc jiui:cs, L.uss oi Apjlellte,
Disease arisine from the usetr
Mert-ury, Tain in the ide and Shoulders. Oeneral DebUi-
ty. Jaundice aud Costivcness.
The Best Female Medicine Known
IHS Yeilow Dock and Sarsaparilla is peculiarlv
. adapted for females of !eli-ate health, resijltini
io:a irrei;iil.ntv ot menstrual discharge. n! n'U.r
liseases peculiar to their sex. We assure the afllicted
tint a bott'.e or two of Dr.'s Kxtttu t of Yellow
k and Sarsaparilla will at once regulate those difii-
cuit-t-s arid renew fie natural enerrn-s.
SMITH A- DAVIS. Agents for Portland. Park A
White S e Agents, an-1 Importers, wholesale and re
tail dealers in all Oenuine Patent Medicines, 12 Wash-
ton street, oppoMKi the market, San Francisco.
noitelt r' Cclebratrd Stomarh Bitten.
rpHRKE lx.ttles of Hostetter's Vegetable Stomach
A. B tiers w ill cure the Dyspepsia : one tmttle wiil
create aa app-tite. force off the impure bile, purify the
oiooa ana mvioraie i:e s.-iem ; two ooftles will cure
the wor-t form of Liver Complaint : one bottle will dis
sipate that wr-aknesw it the pit of the stoirarh, give
eolTtnthe etjnrtenamx?. impart tone and strength to
the system, and lend ctjeerliiiness to the mind. Every
family should have Hostetter's celebrated Stomach Bit
ters. No article w sc peculiarlv adapted to the depress
ing effects of onr climate. PoM bv Dm"ts, Hotels
and first class saloons throughout California aud Ore
t htion. Olivers are patieii!ariv renreted to be.
ware of a spurious article manufactured am! represent
ed to he Hostetr" Bitters, w hich all who sell or use
the article can detect, as it is never sold by the gallon,
OKI in quare bottles containing a full qusrt. with the
cork covered with a mc-talic cap, and name on cap, and
bottle, with directions for use.
SMITH A DAVIS. Agents for Portland. Park A
White, General Agents, Sad Franciseo. 7;n3
tw A Pekfckkd Bhkatu What ladv or gentleman
would remain nn.ler the curse f a disagreeble breath
when ov osing thc"BaIiit of a Thousand Flowers "as
a deiitrffice wonld not onlv render it sweet but leave the
teetb white a alabaster ? Many persons do not know
their breath is bad, and the subject is so delicate their
fnends will never mention it. Poor a single drop 4
Balm on yonr tooth-brush and wash the teeth night and
t-HAVive Jiapf. East. et voi;r siiavinir brnsh in
either warm f-r eld water, poor on two or three ilrops of
tae "Bairn of a Thousand Flowers," rub the beard well
and it w II make beautiful ft lather, tnm-h furilit.iting
tae operation of shaving. For sah-bvall Dniygists.
SM iTH A DAVIS, Agents, Portland. Park A Wliite.
fn rranciio. im
Atlministrator's Aotice.
"VJOT ICE is hereby given .that let;(TS of administration
LI on the et itof lHJliclil M. t.KAV. deceased
'nave been granted to the undersigned, by the Probate
emit ot lienion iu, i. 1.. oeanng date April 7. Is.jT
All persons indebted to said estate will please make im
mediate payment, and ll persons having claims agaiust
said estate, must present tnem to the nndcrsigned, ut
Comllw, with proper v-xichrs, within one year from
this date. JUUX B. lU.VOLE, Admin r.
April 7, 107. 7w 4
TJY virtue of an order of the Probate Court of Poiv
J J C"-, O. T.. I will offer for sale on the :10th day of
Mav, is, one naji 01 ine sooxnwesi nr. 01 rjcioi 3.
Township U.S. of It. 4 W.. of the Willamette meridi
an, situated in Benton Co.. on the Willianiettn River,
between Aloany anil Corvallis. Sale to take place be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A.M., and B, P.M.. on
the premises. Terms of dale made known on the day
of sale. W. J.LIN'NVILLE.
Guardian for Julitta Linville.
Weekly Journals Derotrd to Spiritnalism.
SriRITCAL Teleoraph ; hditor. S. B. Bnttan ; rnV
lishers and proprietors. Partridge A 15rittau,312
Broadwav. N. 1. lenus. J2 per annum.
CBRisTiAMSKimTt-sLisT; Edited and published by the
So iety for the Ditlosion of Spintunl Knowledge, 5j3
Brr-adwar, N. Y. 1 erms, 2 per annum.
New England SriRrrris'T ; Editor and publisher.
A. E. Newton, lo Fnyikliu street, Boston ; Terms, 2
per annum.
rrlKlTi:Ai, UMiKiME ; 1. r. nercit, cu:toranu pro
prietor, Cleveland. O. Terms, $2 per annum.
Aug op Pkogusss ; Editor and publisher, Stephen
Albro, Buffalo. N. Y. ; Terms, f'per annum.
Spiriti al Messknoke: E. Mead, M. D-, Editor and
pnhhshcr. No. 30 S'.xth-strcet, Cincinnati, O. Terms,
$2 per annum.
The Tarrn Sfekfr ; Editor and Yroprietors, A. P.
Bowmam.and E. D. lximicn, Angola, Steuben Co., In
diana. Terms. I aO r annum.
The Cbisis ; Elitor, Rev. Henry 'Weller, La Porte
Indiana. Terms. $2 per annum. '
Tb MEimn, conducted by J. M. Barnes and H. W.
Hulliert ; published at Councaut, O. Terms, l &o per
onnm. in advance.
YoRK-sniKE SnRiTt'AL TELECRarn. a monthly period
ical, published by J. Rhodes, Market Place, Keighley
and llolyoake & Co., Fleet-street, London. '
Sptrltnal HsgulaM,
Tiftant's MosTnxT. Editor and proprietor, Joel
TifTany; nubli-hers. Partridge A Brittan, 342 Broadway
New York. Terms, $3 perannum.
Sacrfo Ctblle. Editors, Hon. J. W. Edmonds and
O. ti. Wrarren : publishers, S. A. AH. Uoyt, 151 Broad
wav, New York. Terms, J2 per annum.
The N0BT3-Westers Dun. Editors. Hiram Hu-g-uiin
and '"-eorgf Ha'trell, M. D. ; publisher, J. N.
Brnndii-'e. Waukegan. ill. Terms. 1 SO ner annum.
Tne SriRnTAL, Herald. Publisher. H. Bailliere,219
RegeiuVstrect, London and 290 Broadway, New York.
Price, fiipence ?terlinc) per nnmbcr. 7w-J
OEORht! IV. L'.VtVSt),'-Chtllat lirfore the
People Tor IK ltte In Congress, wonld He
plrasrtl to liin l nit Adrii-rss Ills I 'l tlnvr III-
iru orthr dlir rrnt i onivura in me i ri llor-
t (he time and plners bneaner iinlllcil.
Lafavcttc, Yamhill County, Tuosday, Apiil ix
Dallas, Polk Thursday, 3(1
Corvallis, Bi-nton . " Saturday, May
Klkton, I'mptpia " Tuesday "
Rosehiirg. Dmiclus " Thursday, "
Jacksonville, Jackson ' Satiirdav, "
Ashland Mills, ' " Tnewlav. " 12
County Seat, Josephine " Thnrsdav, " It
One other place, to be appointed by friends iu
the great Rogue River alley : on the " 1:
KngeneCity, Lane ' Tucsdar, " l'J
Albany, . . I.inn " Thiirxjav, " 21
Salem, Marion " Saturday, ' 23
Oregon City, Clackamas Tuesday,
Portland, Mtiltnomnb ' Thursday, " 2S
The honr for Spuuking in alt the above places U 2
o c:ock i: at.
6tj OEORflR W. L WSON,
Public Sale.
THK undersigned, ndmiiiistrator of the estate of the
late RALPH WATSON, deceased, will sell at
public auction, to the highest bidder, ou Thursday, tin
itll day of May nrxt, ut his farm, three miles south of
Xlverton. and one milo nortu nl It. t . Oeer s, on the
Territorial road, tho following de-irable property, viz:
Si vcntccti head of line American Horses, and Seventy
five head of Cattle, comprising a lare number of uiih li
cous, aud a tine lot of beeves.
A rare chance is here olTcred io persons wi.liing t
secure good stock, as it is all American, and iu tine
condition, mid will be sold without reserve.
Terms, Cash ; or, if desired bv purchasers, a credit
of nine mouths will be giveu upon notes with good ap
proved security.
Sale to commence at 10 o'clock, A. M.
A. ALLEN, Administrator.
Salem, April 21st. 17. iwi
Aotit e.
T HEREBY give notice that ubout the 3d dav "f Mav
X H.S. I gave A. O. Jacobs mv obligation lor the sum
of $1d l), due in rails and ti-nlier, which obligation I
have paid. 1 theretorc caution nil persons from pur
chasing the same. JAMKS M. CHAMBERLAIN.
Salem. April lrtth. 1S7. Itw.t
Notice to Vnluntt-fM ot I'd pi. Miirlin's loiiipany
oi Kogue Kiver war oi isji.
I PURPOSE to be at Rosehiirg. Douglas Co., O. T.,
on Wednesday, the tilth of May. 157, to pay the
Volunteers ol Captain W. J. Martin's Company of Vol
unteers of Rigue River War of IS53.
P.EXJ. Al.VOItn, Paymaster V. S. Armv.
Fort Vancouver, W. T., April loth, IST7. w4
Latvsniid Journals.
Si.i:ji, April 10. H57. f
NOTICE is hereby given, that the Jonrnals and Laws
of the last session of the Legislative Assembly of
Orecon. are now readv for distribution and detivere to
the several County Auditor-!, aud all other o'Jb-ers anti
tied to them.
I'nder the new postage law. all matter of this kind
is reiiiiireil tn tie r-re imid m nil f lios vim wlwli t !,,,
sent by mail, will le required to send postage stamps,
to pay their postage, at the rite of one cent per ounce
or call at the cilice and receive them.
5w3 S.-. -re o 1 l-.o" .
Finnl Settlement.
"VTOTICE is hurehv given .that A. E. M Cee, a.lmlnii
1 ttt-ir of the e-tate of El.ISHA WILLI VMsOV.
deceased, will present bis accounts, as such administra
tor, at the May term of the Prolate I ourt. of Ioaglas
Co.. O. T. for final settlement. All persons inti rested
will ple.t-s? take notice. A. E. McGEE, Adinin'r.
April 7. Isji. 7w3
Look Here.
4 LL ncrsons that sre inrifLle.l ti, J-im. Ctnnrr
J- requested to call and settle their accounts .v tiie
15th of May. and all tii.tse who do not. will find "their
accounts in the hand of Johu D. Boon. Justice of the
Peace. Having sold my J in establishment in Salem, I
want to settle np my accounts. J2MES STR ANG.
saiem. April 21. lSo,. ttf
1). F. Hnnhaiti.
V. fice at the Court House, Salem, O. T. 6tf
For San Francisco.
THE Favorite Steamship ColmiiWa,
W. L. Dall. Commander, will leave
Portland for the above port
t on or about " V tAJ-i
tne m-t.
The price of Freight will
bet per ton. Passage inC::bin, fin ; SUej-age. S10.
Apply to the Captain, en bo-rd. or to
LEON ARD A GREEN, l'ortland.
Portland. April Oth, 1:,7. tw2
At will & Co.,
No. 172 Wasmxoton- Sr., San Frascito.
HEFT, Card and B'k Music, Piano Foites. ,-cVT
and other Mnsica: I r:trurm nts. Strimrs 'Itk
and Reeds, for Violins, Cuitars. ( l-irinnels. ,Vc. .t?1"
Also a larye wtiohale stock of l'ancv- C.iods sni.
and Tovs.
Biliiard Balls, wax and cueleathcrs. Rars of all nations.
b Xing g',ucs. Ac, together with ail kinds of Yankee
Notions, usi-inl orauiusiiig. l.O'.ds packed withtrrest
care cud foi wi--i.l wih p-isuptpes
Allordeis should uieutl on bv w hat boat or Eli) rest
Co. the jjixids are required to be sent.
A 1 1 1 1.L Co..
6m3 172 Washington St., San Fraueisco.
Administrator Notice.
THE undersigned having been appointed by the Pro
bate ou:t f-- Benton Couniy. O. T.. administrator
or tne eslai" ol William J At ivMON, deceased, late
of said County and Territory, heteby gives notice to
all persons having claims against the deceased, to ex
hibit them, with the necessary vouchers, within one
vear from the date ol this notice, to him, at his oflice,
in said county, for examination mid a;lii;-t:oc".t. r be
forever debaued therefrom : aad all u. rsoi;s iudebud
to said estate are requested to make immediate pav
ment. J AS. II. SLATER, Admin r.
April inn, is.,,. fiw
Probate Mot ice.
N'OTICE isherel.y given that .lam-s M. Fulkerson,
admiuistralor of the estate of WILLIAM D.
H ARTLK ., has rendered his accounts to the
Probate Court of Polk Countv for final se'tlement. and
the Court appointed the first Tuesday of Mav next, at
the Probate oflice in Dallas, in said cooiitv, for the ad
justment of the same. J AS. TAi LOR. J. P.
Dallas, April htn. 157. Vw3paid
Bakery ami Confectionery.
TH E nndersigned would announce to the public that
he his established himself in the baking mid con
fectionery business at Salem, on Commercial street,
second d sir north if the Cnion House. A thorough
exerieii(s at the baking bn-uness he trusts will enable
him to give Mttisfaction to his customers. AH orders
promptly filled.
Croceries and Fruits, will also be kent constantly on
hand. CilAS. MctilNN.
April 9, li7. stf
T WILL trv issues of fact a follows:
JL In Clackamas, the ltst Monday, the 27th dav cf
April, msiant.
In Linn, the fir-t Monday, the 4th day of Mar next.
In He;, ion. t etir-t Thursday, the 7th of Mav next
In Lsne, the id Monday, tiled ltli day of May next.
In I'olk, the first Tn' sj'iv. the 2d day of June next
In Yamhill, the Momlav, the Mil da v of June next
The ue.t term ef the District Court will le held at
Salem, ou the -Ith Mondav. the 2."th lav of Mav next
GKO. II. WILLIAMS, Judge 1st District.
April Ilt'j. ls;,7. tW3
Sale oC Public lind, antl other
THERE will be sold at public auction, on the premises,
on Thursday, the lth day or June next, (unless
disposed of at private sale betore that time.) 3'JO acres
or as good laiiil s can ne tound in tne territory, eon
sisting of the north half of the claim upon whicfi J. P,
Smith resides. lying in Spring Vallev. in Polk conn
ty 1J miles from Dukea landing. Said farm is well
situated to make n lir-l rate farm or if it is desired, it
will be sold 10 two lots ; there lsMng a flue grove of ex
eellent timber upon each end of the tract and upon
one end several never-faiiing springs of water.
Terms, one naif casA balance ou time, with interest
if iicsired.
For narticnlars, envinlre of J. P. Smith, on the tircm
ises. or of J. II. A I. U. -Moorcs, Salem, O. T,
There w ill also oe sold a lot of cows and horses at
that time. fttds J. p. SM ITH
riHE copartnership of Cole Alexander A Co., will ex
L nire bv limitation on the loth of April. Isj7.
All persons owing said firm will coll and pay imme
diately. ' t. iiii.k.
n. t . . .M . r. . a ai ,
Corvallis, April S, 157. Sw3
AtiOOD variety of school Ikk.Kh,
laneous works, together with
and a few miseel
an assortment of
stationery can be had cheap at
Also, Bagley's cheap Bibles.
milE eonsrtnershin heretofore existing between Gird
X A McConncll, has this day been mutually dissolv
ed, uiuu a. olca.'U..n
April 1.1S57. 5w3
Information Wanted.
OF Daniel Perry, who came to Oregon in is.i ; any
person knowing anything of his wherealmiits, will
olillge nis i,rotner uy seiioing a iew imes to tunas, i',
O.. i'olk Co., O. T.t to wiiuam . 1'encuay.
April 1.1H5T. 4w5paid
EB. Svrup, 30 kegs, b's and 5's, for sale by
I OK 20 bushels of prime wheat wanted in pay-
XJ ment ior suoscripnoo, 1.0 ov ueuveivu w iimu
week or two. The highest market price paid.
April 3, 1857. 4
IRON, Just received the following sizes :
i. I and I, rouud ;
t S-l.2Xt, 3-i .
1250 lbs. Norway Horse Shoe.
Oregon City, April 7. 157. 4wt
lly the President of tha Ciilttd States.
TN pursuance of law, I, Fbasklw Pif.bcb. President
A 01 the united States of America, no nercby declare
and make known that public sales will be held at the
uiitiermeiiiioued land unices in mo 1 erritory or Oregon
ut the period-) hereafter designated, to wit :
At the laud o!li at OukooS L'lTr, commencinsr on
Monday, fAe tenth day of Augutt nrxt, lor the distosal
of the public lutids within the following named town-
snip, viz :
Xorth of the bat lint and af of IVUlamettt meridian
Township one aud fractional township two, of rango
Stwth of the base line and east of HTllamette meridian,
Townships one, two, and tbrse, of range one.
Townships one, two, and three, of range tiro.
Xorth of the bast line aad west of IVtlanutte nuriitiun
Townships one, of ranges one, (tro. and three.'
Sifmthofthe baseline and west of IVtllamttte meridian.
Townships one, of ranges one. I too, and three-
Townships three, of ranges one, and two.
Townships four, of ranges one, (too and tArce.
Townships seven, or rauges liro, lArse our, and five.
Townships eleven, of ranges lAi ce, four, audi.
Townships seventeuu and eighteen, ot range lAres.
Towuships sevcuteen aud eightean, of range four.
At the land onice at Wiscuester, commencing on
.iionuuy, Mr Irian dam ot jtutwi next, lor 1110 Ulsoosal
of the public lands situated within tht follow iug named
lownsiiips, tn :
.VoufA of tht bast lint and wtst of IViltamrttt meridian
Sections one to fifteen, inclusive, the northeast quarter
ui section scveiiteon, the nortiieasi quarter or section
twenty -two, sections twenty -three, twenty-four, Iwen-ty-Bve",
twenty-six. and thirtj-fiva, of township twenty-two.
of raiiue sir.
The southwest quarter of section seven, tha southwest
quarter ot section ttiteen. ana tne nortuwest quar
ter and the sunt h half ol section seventeen, sections
eighteen, nineteen, twenty, aud twenty-ona, the
northwest quarter of section twenty-two, tha north
west quarter of section twenty-eight , sections twenty
tiine, thirty, thirty-one, and thirty -two, of township,
tweutr-two. of ramie sevtn.
Lots one to six, inclusive, of sectbn four; lots one to
lour, inclusive, of section five , has one to live, inclu
sive, and the southeast quarter of the southeast quar
ter of section seven ; lots one to seven, inclusive, and
the southwest quarter o( the northeast of section right,
the east hulf of section, the east half of the northwest
quarter, the northwest quarter of Ihe northwest quar
ter, ami the east half of the southwest qiiarternf nine ;
the southeast quarter of the southeast quarter of sec
tion ten ; the southwejtquarterof tliesouthwsst quar
ter of section eleven ; the southeast quarter of sec
tion twelve, section thirtceu, fourteen, and fifteen;
the uorthwost quarter of tile northeast, and the north
west quarter ol section eighteen : lots one to nine, in
clusive, aud the northeast quarter or the southeast
quarter of scctiuu twenty ; and also from
sections tweiitv-oiic to twenty-seven, inclusive ; the
east half and tlie northwest quarter of section twenty-eight
; I ts one and two, ami the southeast quarter
of the northeast quarter of sectiou twenty-nine ; the
northeast quarter of section thirty-three, and sections
thirty-tour und thirty-five, ol towii-hip twenty two, of
range eight.
Lots one and two of section seven ; I ts er.e to Bve, in
clusive, and the east bulf or the southeast quarter or
section eight, the west hair or the southwest quarter
of section nine, the north half of the northeast quar
ter, the north half of the northwest quarter, and lots
one to four. Inclusive, of section thirteen ; the north
half, and lots one to four, inclusive, of section 11;
the south half of the n.e.quarter, the south half of tha
nnithwest quarter, and lots one to four, inclusive, of
section fifteeu ; the northeast quarter of the north
east, and lots one and two of scctiuu seventeen, nnd
lots one to six. inclusive, of section eighteen, of town
ship twentv-two. of rsiluc nine.
Townships twenty six aud twenty -seven, of range fire.
Townhi4 tweiitv-aix and twenty-seven, of range six.
T tJi,; !.:... ,!.: ... , : . ,
,uHii.uiia tujiMniA, iiiuo-Kicu, aiiu tuinj srigu, ui
range one.
That part of township thirty-six south and east of the
Indian reservation ; township thirty-seven ; sections
one to six. inclusive, sections eight to liltecu, inclu
sive, and section tweuty-fuur, of township thirty eight,
of range firo.
That part of township thirty-six south of the Indian
reservation. 01 rane inrer.
That part l township thirty-six so::tli aud west of tlie
Indian reservativa. of range four.
Sections four to nine, inclusive ; sections Brteen and
seventeen to twenty four, inclosnve, and sections tweu-ty-eight
to thirty-tiiree, iuclusive, of township thirty
six, of range rice.
Town.-liOiliirty six. of range .
Sections one. two aud ten. to fifteen, inclusive, and sec
tions twsiity-two to twenty-six. inclusive, of township
thirty sdx : sections one to elen. ind isive, seven
teen, eighteen, nineteen, and thirty, to thirty -four, in
clusive, of township thirty-seven; sections two to
nineteen, inclusive, and twenty-one. twenty-two, and
twenty-seven, tlie r .ithwest quarter ol section twen
tv. uiue, sections thirty and thirty -one, the west half
of section thirl v-two and section thirty-four, of town
shin thirty-eight ; sections nineteen "to twenty-two,
i'lclusive. am) twenty-seven to thirty-four, inchisive,
of township thirty-nine; sections four to eibt, in
clusive, and eighteen, of township forty, of range
.SouA of tht bast line aud east of WiHmcttr mnidian.
Township thirty-eight and sections one t six, inclusive.
ninciu n:iru. inclusive, auo tweiity-lliree. twentv
tour, and twenty-five, of towuship thirtv-niiie, of
range one.
I-snds appropriated bv law for the use of s bools.
military and other purposes, will be excluded from the
The offering of f'e a'sv.- hunt, w ill l.e commenced
on the days appointed, and will proceed in the order iu
which they are advertised, until the whole shall have
tx-en ofiered, and tlie sales thus closed : but no sale shall
be kept open longer than two weeks, and no privateen
try of any of the lands will be admitted until after the
exp!rstion of the two weeks.
t..ven under UIV hand, at the eitv of Washington.
this thirteenth day of February, Auno Domini, one
thousand eight huudied and fifty-seven.
Bv the President :
Thomas A. Hknuruh,
t ommiMiontr qtie General Ijmd lflice.
Notice to Pre-Kinption Claimants.
E Kill person entitled to the richt of pre-emption
to any ot the lands within the Liwnshios aud narts
t townsh'PS aiiore enumerated is moored to esl:ihli-h
the same to the satisfaction of the register and receiver
of the pr iperlandoMii makt payment tlirrr for a soon at
prarticiMt aflrr seeing Mu not ire, and before the day
appointed lor the roinmsncemeiit of the public sale of
the IaIs embracing the tract claimed ; otherwise such
mini win ue lorieiit.
5wl3 Commissioner of the General Land Office.
Register anil Retrivrr's Solirel'mpqua Land
rpo settlers iu township 1st, south range 1 east,
X " ' 20. " 1
- 4 ; 20 3 '
( 21 " " 2 4
91 x
The alove townshios havinir Wn mrveved. and olats
thereof nppmved on the 2d day of March 157, all settlers
who have claims or parts of claims therein, before the
date or such approval, are requested to appear at the
nlhVeof the Register and lieceiver of the Uinrmua Land
District w ithin thirty days from and after the 1st day of
May, is,,,, or previous to that time. ir convenient,
when and w here we shall be nretiared to receive the no
li licatioiia of their eUims resectivelv. and to enter upon
the adjustment and settlement, acciinling to law, of all
conflicts of boundary lines that moy be found to exist
Ulll-'MK-l ,, 111.
(iiveu under our hands at Winchester, this 25th dav of
.Hiin-u, ij 1,. r-. .MIJSHI-.I!. Register.
4w4 W. J. M ARTIN. Receiver.
STRAYED, or stolen from the auliscriber,
living in Albany, Linn Co.. O. T.. on or
about tho first of Decemlsr. lci, one sor
rel horse, blaze faced, riaht bin knocked
down, branded on near shoulder t. T., vented V, bair
brand. No other brands or marks recollected. Anv
u4... .1 tj , - . ... ., ...
one n-iuiuiiig eaiu noise will uc nncraiiy rewarded.
Albany, January 27. 1S57. 4Utfpaid
FROM the siibscrilier. a portion of his stock, marked
and branded as follows: Crop off the left car, and
wallow-fork in the right. V. brand. Anv nerson know
ing the whereabouts of cattle bearing this brand and
marks, will lie properly rewarded !y sending me infor-
msiion. JAJltS Ut.Alilt.Kl,,.
Lane county, Aug. 7. 1RS6. gatf
MAR, at
L 2fitf
JVew Goods!
JCST received by the subscribers :
8200 yds Merrimac A Coebeco prints t
1700 " sattinetts, blue and mixed ;
130 His cotton warp ;
50 coil rope. Manilla ;
121 bundles Wrap. Twine ;
ii cases Ky. ride powder.
Oregon City, March 16, 1857. 2w6
Sold Out.
THE subscriber, having sold out, calls npon every
body iudebted to him to settle np their accounts.
1 . 1 . I 1
lis can ue imina si iuq oiu store,
Salem, March 3, 1S57.
Dissolution of Partnership.
THE co-partnership existing under the name and
style of S. Jacobs A Co., will be dissolved on the
2sth day of May, 1857, and all persons having claims
against said Brill, will present them before that time,
and receive tholr money. And those persons knowing
themselves indebted to said firm, are requested to call
and make immediate payuteut.
Fairfle.d. Champocg A Brownsville.
Marlon Co., March 9. 1857. ltdpaid
rXCCC busQcl Oats, and 5000 Wheat, and anyqnan
JUUU tity of dead swine, for which cash will be
oaid on delivery.
J. N.
Oregon City, Nov. 25, 1856.
Youngs Improved Smut Mill.
THREE of these superior Smut Mills now on hi.nd
and for sale by O. ABERNETHY A CO.
Oregon City, March IS, 1?57. 2w$
A Coffee Party! f
(new adykrtiseukkt.)
MRS. ADAMS, where did you get those beautifal
teacups and saucers t
Oeorge got thom at the EMPIRE STORF.
Were there anymore of thoue white stouc China cups
and saucers, and plates left?
I should think there was ; Boon bus got one cord or
icss 01 tne same Kind, very cheap, at the Empire Store.
Why, Mrs. Laughlin, where did you got those liue
morocco shoes ?
1 Rot them at the Emnire Store.
Do you believe that you can get goods cheaper at the
i.iuijirc isiore man at tuose stores np-town r
Of course I do.
La, mo, Saily, where did you get this baautiful white
wRBr r
Whv. Solomon en id ho irnt it st lbs Rmolre Storo
Weil, it is too outragcuus ; don't you think John got
i wo couars wortn ol sugar, last weK, at Mr.
Independence Store, and it is black saudy stuff, onlv
o oiaitv vinegar, or tuc iiks.
Ceorgc, you have get a fine coat, vast and pants.
I should think I had.
You bought them at Portland, perhaps?
Never, I bought them at the Empire Store.
Mary, did you sec the fine calico dress that David got
or oaue, last wees, at tue r.mpire store:
I should think I did sec it : and don't von think Rob
ert bought ElixalK-th a fine calico dress, last week, at
tc. store, and Ute nrst time tt was washed it
Went 111 for Disunion, nnd it looks lost lika untolrrl
unicrn, or an abolitionist.
Mrs. Dukes, where did vou got this Una cloth la Jim
my's little coat T
Wbv. that is nothtnv bnt soma of ftana KTantjialr
Jeans, at the Empire Store.
You don't say ! Well, my husband want ovar to Sa
lem mine three weeks since, and not having inn to go
down to the Emnire Store, ha Itouiiht somctuiiiir tliev
call Mississippi Jeans, and it is as coarse as eottun, and
looks like I should say.
Mr. Walters, you have got a Sua pair of boots, surely?
Certainly, I got them at ha Empire Store.
Were there any or this kind loft ?
About a cord!
Lney, my dear, where did yen get Ihosa silk gloves ?
Why. daddv Issilit them for two hits at lbs Emnire
Store, and he says that he priced a great many of the
goods in the stores in Salem, and ha is convinced that
thechea)iest and best goods are to be found at tha Em
pire more.
Very well, if Abraham don't back out from von know
what, I mean Lucinda, 1 am going to get me a fine silk
dress pattern, and a complete outfit at the Euplre
Buttons, thread, wax. needles and tbi bles thrown in
to the liargain at the Empire Store.
I ins act tone tn Torce from and alter its publication.
Approved, January 17, 1S.'G. 45m;
House, Carriage, Sign, and Steam-
ddbi rainiini.
C A. REED having established his Paint shop in
Salem, is prepared to execute with dispatch all
obs iu the above liue. Banners, Standards, and Em
leuts. for societies Dainted on silk. satin, velvet or mus
lin. Paiuts of all colors aud descriptions mixed, ready
for use, for sale at his shop ; also White Lead, Linseed
Oil, Turpentine and Varnish, Wall paper and Border,
uidow glass, 1 nun iintsnes. graining tools, vc. Di
rections given in. painting, aUu in graiuiug imitation
of wood, stoue or marble.
N.U. Orders rruiu abroad promptly attended to.
All Jobs intrusted to his care warnuiled to give satis
faction. Salem, Jan. 6, 1S57. 43yl
Fresh From New York.
DRY U00DS. Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hard
ware, Oroceries, Books and Stationhrr Call in
and see them. Stitf J. H. A I. It MOORES.
I LL' si No. 1 Soap, the best you ever used. Try it.
vt bite lead, linseed ou,
turpentine, putty,
indigo, madder, copperas, uluin,
oil for lamps and machinery,
New Orleaus sugar,
crushed sugar,
cream tartar, saleratus, soda, at
FAMILY B1BLBS, Wehst-r's tinarto Dictionary,
University "
Variety of Miscellaneous Works, worth having, at
Sutf" MOORES'.
Boot and Shoe Store.
XX to the citizens of Salem, and tha surruund
iug country, that they have taken a store on the
east side of Commercial street, uorth of the postoSBee,
where they will keep constantly on baud a lull assort
ment of every kind of bootd and shoes, both cnsti-m and
sale work, which they will sell at the lowest living pri
ces. Being both practical workmen, all orders for the
uianiifactuis or repair vf work will be complied with,
and the work done ia a substantial and workmanlike
auuer. Give us a call aad examine our stock.
Salem. March 12.1S57. Im3
S. J. McCormick,
Franklin Book Store,
HAS! constantly on baud a large stock of Booxa and
Stationekv, which be sells at a small advance on
PtuLisuiuui Pricks.
- A catalogue may be seen in the Oregon and
Washingtion Almanac for IS01. Books ordered there
from seut puetage Ires t any part of either Terrritory.
t'ortiaml. ret. u. is.-,,. .vivi
Corvallis Warehouse, No. 1.
am prepared to ftore produce, and will attend to re
ceiving and forwarduig the same,
Orleans Warehouse.
OPPOSITE Corvallis. We are prepared to store pro
duce, aud will stteud to receiving and forwarding
the same. 31tf WORTH A BRtl.
Stuart's Express,
Champocg, Salem, Albany nnd Corrallis,
Ou WEDNESDAY, aud on
Arrival op Mail SrsAVKs rcoa Sam Francisco!!
as- All letters. Packages and Freight, entrusted to
my care will be attended to promptl y.
UI- net At r rauklin UooK Store."
December 30. 1306. A. B. STUART.
Negotiation of War Scrip.
JCST printed and for sale at the Statesman office
blank powers of attorney and assignment for transfer
of war scrip, from a form prepared by an experienced
lawyer. Price. $i per hundred. Ordeis by mail filled.
Julv 1. ISirt. IS
Straw Cutters.
DOZ. Straw Cutters, just received, and for sale by
Wakefield & Co.,
KEEP constantly on hand a full assortment of Groeer
ceries. Hardware, Carpenters' Tools, Blacksmiths'
Tools. Oueensware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes. Paints
and Oils, Varnish, Ladie6' Dress Uoods and trimmings
Ac. Ac. 14tf
Q POUNDS choice Apple Seed,
HJ 10 His.
lfer "
Cherry Stones.
KEOS superior
received by
Dried Apples (.new crop) just
DAM ANTINE Candles, 2S boxes, for sale by
1CT KEGS Syrup (Seth Adams' best) just received by
v - . . . .,. , , -1 , , . - i..-.
It 1411 H.iaE.rici,o a vu
IRON. 20000 lbs. best Refined and Swredes Iron
--also Band Iron, Cast and Plow fetcel.ths best
assorted sizes la Oregon. For sale low to black
smiths and merchants.
LBS. pure White Lead . fyr sale at
COMPLETE aet of Cooper Tools for sale.
1 er BEST Chicago ' Clipper Plow
for sale at re-
lJ duced rates, hy 14tf
QO BOXES 8k 10, 10x12 and 10 Kit French Glass,
tJJ just received and for sale oy
GOOD assortment School Ejoks constantly kept
on band, 1-r.f wAatriGui a to.
r errylASS,. choice Osage Orange .Seed. Also, Blue
Z,JJ Grass, Clover and Timotdy tseett.
WHEAT, Bacon, Eggs, Butter, Beans and Corn ta
ken in exchange for goods at the highest market
Albany, June 5, 1856. lttf
Ct fCf LBS Blue Vitrol Tor sale.
SETS Cast Boxes, at
SETTS Eliptic Springs for sale low.
SETTS Hub Bands, for Hale
BBLS. LIME, lost received.
Albany, Ang. 5. isss.
TUST RECEIVED at Albany. 23 bote. New Orleans
.1 and Crushed Sugar, (from N. Y.) and for sale low at
U ana a-tusu WAKEFIELD A CO S.
Albany, Juno 13. 1S56. Hit
A i
LL who are indebted to Wakefield & Co., at Wash
2 iugton Butto, will please call and settle the same
without delay.
' S25.000 Worth
iti i'!-. i-.t t '. . or "
rptHE snbscribera would respectfully inform their rus-
J. turners and tne puiiiic generally mat tiiey nave on
hand, and arc in constant receipt of goods from San
Francisco and Nw York a largs aud well se
lected stock consisting In part or
Alum, allspice, aud alpacra.
Bonnets, bcragca, and bro. liuen,
Cam brie, crush, and calico,
Domestic de laiues, and damask,
Edging, embroidery and everything.
Flannels, fringes, and fancy nxin's,
Oinghains, gaiters aud gloves.
Handkerchiefs, hose and hair-pins.
Iron, ink, and insertings.
Jacouet, jeans, aud Java coffee.
Knives, kid glovw, aud knitting-plus.
Lawns, lard and Liverpool salt,
Mustard, mirrors, and matches,
Needles, nails, and nice things,
Oils, overshirts. and Oolong tea,
pins, pants, aud paper.
Quilts, qnilU, and queenswarc.
Ribbons, razors, and rat-traps,
Silks, sugar, and shaving soap,
Tea. tobacca, and turpentine.
Umbrellas, under sleeves, and useful things.
Veils, Tarnish, and vinegar.
Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons.
Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions.
Zinc, and scphyr worsted,
Ac, Ac, aud so on,
Besides manv other articles too numerous to mention :
an or wrtieti we art oticnug i reancea prices, adopt
ing the plan of " Quick sales aud small profits."
Tha ladies will find in their department a larga stock
of fancy goods, direct from New York, which Is not
usually kept in Oregon, aad by arrangements will be in
constant receipt adequate to tbo wants of the tadias.
The Gentlemen's Department of furnishing goods
will seldom bo eunalled.and excelled by none in Salem.
IRON. The blicksmithaaud iron dealers will always
find a well-selected stof k of all sizes and shap'-s, to
gether w ith a food essortment of iron axles, from 1-4 x
6 in., to 2 z 1 1 inches, which w ara selling at Portland
prices, adding freights.
We are prepared to receive alt kinds of produce in
exchange for goods, and also money. For full particu
lars call and examine lor yourselves.
Salem. Feb. 10, 1S57. 48tf
Fer Sale u Cbtap u the Ckrapest, and for Cash,
or Oregon rrounce.
HAVE received by hark Nahumkeag. Halcyon, and
steamer Columbia, lust arrived, a frcah lot of groce
ries, Ac, which, added to my former stock. offer as good
an assortment in groceries, provisions, paints and oils
as are to be found in the Territory, to wit :
6,000 lbs. China No. l sugar,
4.000 lbs. best Rio green coffee, ,
2.'.0 lbs. - Java "
4.KW lljs. Manilla No. 1 aagar.
tWO lbs. N. O. and S. I. sugar Is bbls. and kegs,
150 lbs. black pepper (round)
20 box gr. spices,
500 lbs. allspice, (round,)
10 doz. Eng. and Am. mustard in glasa,
6 pie Truit
S " fresh peaches
5 " tomato catsup in eases 2 ea. in jylaas,
6 " Cayanne pepper (in glass)
11 " Fresh Baltimore core oyster I ji cans,
t ' Lobsters, fiesh in 1 B cans,
i " brooms,
t " paiuted pails, (3 hooped.)
ti " W. Collins A Co. axes, with and with
handles, J " ax handles,
50 lbs. Birax, "
50 lbs. Gum camphor.
SO boxes ad. candles S's. 20 and 40 ea.
20 " Hills A Colgate's No. 1 soap,
5 " Olive oil Spiauolia brand,"
5 " Cream Tartar,
10 " Saiaratos,
10 kegs
5 - Soda,
SO chests, old and young hyson, gun powder.
Imperial and Ooioug tas, in baik aud in I
3 tb t addies,
109 half boxes sardines.
10 Gherkins in 1 gals.
SO " Tobacco " dilr. breads,"
30 doz. papers smoking
20 boxes matches,
1 bags nutmegs,
300 lbs. Carolina and China rice.
200 gals, (pin and polar oil,
150 sacks Liverpool grd. and S. I. salt,
5 half bbls. Stuart's crushed segar,
20 kegs " Seth Adams" syrup in kegs,
2 bbls. puie cider vinegar, dried apples Ac
Also a genera! assortment of paints, paint oils, win
dow glass aud nails, to wit :
300 gals, raw and nnboiled oil,
20 Copal varnish.
SO Spirit's turpentine.
0 boxes German glass SX 10, 10; 12, 10X 14,
lost IS. Ac.
Dry aud mixed paints of all colors, and any quantity.
A g jod assortment of n-aint and other brnshes also
a good ,'ssortmeut of Boots and Shoes.
1 have of Oregon produce, 3.500 lbs. Oregon A No. 1
butter. 6 to S .000 His. bacon, ham. shoulder, and sides,
30 bushel beans. 25 Imshtl peas, 50 bushel back wheat
nour. .-u sacks ;. t . Bour, oats, Umothv seed, and any
quantity of first rate potatoes. J. S. PRESCOTT.
Oregon City, r eb. 9, l'sol. 51tf
lie ! Te Yorkers of Iron and Steel !
II AYE this day received by the arrival of the J. R
Whiting from "San Francisco, the fulloncina auort-
mcui ui irou ma sieei, iu wii ;
2. 000 lbs. Norway shapes,
2.000 lbs. Iron (Hat.)
2.000 " 3
3.H0O " K " "
S.000 " ,J. 1, If. and U.snnare.
3.000 " i,i-16.i. Land "U, inch round.
1,000 assorted cast steel.
100 " horse shoe nails. (G)
Which together with stock in store makes as com
plete an assortment as can be found in Territory and
will be sold as cheap as the ceeafest for cah or roan-
try produce. J. N. PRESCOTT.
Oregon Lrty. t en. 13, 1857. 5Utf
Enterprise JL.ine of Steamers,
To all points above Portland on the Willamette River.
Will connect as follows:
Steamer Exfress leaving Portland every MONDAY
ana r kiua i morning, at s o clocK, A. M-
ine r.NTKrKiE leaving Lanemab immediately on
the arrival of the Extrkss. for Corvallis. on every
MONDAY morning, and FRIDAY morning for Salem.
All t reight tor the above line will be receiuted for
ttirongn. -Apply on board Steamers, or at
HO I T S Wharf Boat, TorOaad.
3" Pacirtc Christian Advocate please copy. 45tf
T71R0M Friers plaee, near Bethel. In Polk
X l o-, in October last, one black mare,
with small star in forehead, and very light
mane lor an A merican mare : has a roan
colt. Also, one bright bay American mare, small size.
with star iu her forehead, and saddle marks. Also,
one Indian mare, bay color, bald face, and white fore
legs to tue knees, and sway back. Any one having
knowledge of tlie whereabouts of the above described
mares shall be paid for their trouble.
Polk Co., Feb. 17, 1857. 50tf
Final Proof and Notification
TT ST PRINTED, a large quantity of Final Proof
l Blanks, and a small lot of Notifications, both from
tlie latest forms. Orders bv mail or otherwise fitled.-
Thecash must accompany the order or tlie blanks will
not be sent. Prices Final Proof, (fuil set) $u (sl per
hundred, $1 00 per dozen. Notitication, $10 00 per
uuuureu, l so per dozen.
51TAli25tA Oil K t.
Salem, April 8, lS.'.S.
Blank Deeds.
A NEW lot, just printed, from a form prepared by
one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, and for
Bale at the Statesman Office, at f 6 per hundred.
August l, ISoti.
Tne La vv s off Oregon.
THE OREGON STATUTES, 1855. being a large vol
nme of 650 pages, with complete index, annota
tions. and references, comprising all tbe laws in force in
tne Territory, inclusive oi loose passed at last session
of the Legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
tbe Statesman, at nve dollars per copy. The work is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style; and
is sold at publisher prices, and as low as a like work can
be bought in any State in the Union, and at the lowest
figure they can be afforded for here. The price places
them within the reach of all who desire the laws they
live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
filled bv return mail. It is the last rode of laws that
will probably be published ,11 Oregon, for many years.
In addition to tne enactments or tne Legislative Assent'
biy. the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen
deuce. Constitution of the United States. Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787, in
force in Oregon, Donatio" aw and all amendments.
and full abstract of United .spates Naturalization Laws.
Salem Market.
rriHE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market,
1 the center of the town, is happy to inform the pnb
lic that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of all the
varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also has the
various kinds or vegetables in tnelr season. Beef will
be sold as follows: Fore quarters, 6 cents ner lb., hind
quarter 10 cents; and if you want a choice piece, I shall
cunrge you a puiiuu.
Alt kindsof farmer's produce and grain received in
exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS.
Salem. Jul? 7. 1S56. ivtf
Estray Notice.
LEFT my premises, near this place, in Dec.
1 1S56. 18 head of steers, aged from 3 to 6
years, branded H under tbe left hip. Any per
con who will drop me aline to this place, infoi
orming me
of the whereabout, I
will come and take them ont of
their way.
Harrisbnrg, Linn Co.
T., Mar. 12 '57. 2w6paid
L.OS Angelos Salt.
SALT 300 hags Los Angelos Salt, received, per N
Notices of all estraya are required by law to be ad
vertised iu tbe Statesman. The charge therefor, fixed
by the law, is one dollar for each animal taken np.
No advertisement will appear under this head until
paid for.
rilAKEN LP. by the subscriber, living five miles
X northeast from Dallas, Polk Co., O. T-, oue white
and red pided cow, marked with crop and split in the
right ear, and branded with (W) on his left hip, and is
a tnuley. Also, her last year spring steer calf, tbe calf
u rod with white motley face.
March 28, 1857. 7sr2
TAKEN UP, by the snbscriber. living four mile- west
of Independence, Polk Co., O.T., one white Indian
horse, branded with a heart ou the left shoulder, and
figure (5) on left hip, on right hip with a buckle ; sup
posed to be seven or eight years old.
April 20. 185S. 7w2
r IAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living five miles
J southeast of Dayton, on the first of September lat,
a brown mare, with black mane and tail and white strip
in face, white hind feet ; branded with figure (7) on
left shoulder. JOHN SARGENT.
April 20, 1S5G. , 7w2
TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living on the east
side or the Willamette, about three miles below the
mouth of the Santiam. a steer, with brindle aides, red
ears, the balance of the body white ; ia marked with
an nndcrbit from the right ear. and an upper half crop
from the left ear ; came to my residence about a year
ago, and I think he is four or five years old.
JUH-N V. ti 0011.
April 29. 1857. 7w3
rTIAKEN UP. by the subscriber, living two miles south
JL of Philip Foster's in Clackamas Co., O. T., one In
dian horse supposed to be six rears old. a light chest
nut sorrel, a star in his forehead, with a amp on the
nose, came into the settlement about one year ago.
April 18, A.D..1S57. 7w2
flAKEN UP, by the nndersigned, residing fifteen
JL miles vutheast of Salem, ou Mill Creek, one iron
grey horse, alout three years old. with black mane and
tail, and dark legs , no other marks perceivable.
April 15, 1657. 7w2
rriAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living in the Howell
X Prairie, one soi-rel mare, supposed to be fonr years
old. Said mare has some white hairs on the right hip,
on tbe left two black spots, ana a star in the forehead ;
came to the premises about a year ago.
6WZ n M. bliLU OOU.
TAKEN CP. by the subscriber. Bring on the west
side of Mill "Creek bottom, one red brindle two
year old heifer, marked with split in each ear; no other
marks or brands perceivable. fcAil L. r it.lAf.
Sill Creek, April 13, 1S57. bwz
TAKEN CP. bv the snhsc riber, living five miles north
of Corvallis." in Bent A Co., one black and white
pided Steer, supposed lo be four years old, white face,
white on rump, belly and legs, horns drooped marked
with a crop aud nnder-bit in right ear; no other marks
or brands perceivable ELISHA VINEYARD.
Apnl 12. 1S7. 6wl
rpAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living on the west
J. hle or calipooia CreeS, about 7 miles from Alba
ny, in Linn Co., Apnl bth. Is 7, one light red roan
heifer, two years old, nearly white en the bellv; no ear
marks or brands perceivable. WM. D. RFTFQRD.
Linft Connty, April 10, 1557. 6W2
TAKEN CP, by the subscriber, living ten miles sooth
east from Salem, one small grey Indian horfse, bald
face, three icet wnite no otner marcs or branas per
ceivable. C. K. READ.
April 13, 1657. 6w2
rpAKEN np, by the subscriber. living 7 miles south
A. of Salem one large white Indian horse, with gla&s
eyes, branded P P on the le!t hip ; no other marks or
brand perceivable.
subscriber will pay cash for Soldiers Bonnty
id Warrants, at his store. NAT. H. LANE.
X Land
Corvallis, Jan. IS, 157.
Land Warrants.
IT'HE subscriber will Day cash for land warrants.
Portland. Feb. 17.1357.
PAID for Soldiers Bonnty Land Warrants by
TO all whom this mav come, greeting : That I am to
leave for the States soon, and would respectfully
request those who know themselves indebted to me, or
W.C.Griraold A?o.. to call and settle without delay.
and oblife f W. C. ORIS WOLD.
aaiem, J anoary 1 1 , li
' Tax Receipt Blanks.
JUifr printed ot the Statesman office a large supply
of Tax Receipt Blacks, after an improved form.
Pnee, one dollar per hundred. Orders by mail, accom
panied with the cash, will be filled by return of mafl.
ISO Bounty Land Warrants
"f "IT AN TED, by the subscriber at Salem.
DISTEICT Court, Third Judicial District, Umpqna
Conntv. Oregon. Ralph H. Lord, and William B.
Peters, against Ezra R. Wood. To Ezra R- Wood : You
are hereby notified that unless you appear in the Dis
trict Court, of the Third Judicial District of the Terri
tory of Oregon, to be begun and holden at Roseburg,
Uuuglaa uo., Oregon, on tne nrsi Monaay 01 aepTemoe"-,
A. D 157. and answer the complaint of Ralph H.
Lord, and William B. Peters, now on file in the office of
the Clerk of said District Court, at Roseburg, aforesaid
(a copy of which has been sent to yon by mail) the
same will be taken for confessed and the prayer there
fore will be granted by the Court.
Tiffs Atfy.
March 23, 1 Si 7. m3
For Sale.
W II J. sell one half of the landclaim known
as the Dwight Pommy chum. Said half
adjoins Mr. Peter H. Hatch's and is aboot
two miles from Oregon City, on tb nnner Wil
lamette. 1 will also sell one half or the whole of the
firoperty, lying aud situated in the beantiful and rapid
y growing town of Corvallis, Benton Co., and known
as the " Thomas"' property, consisting of four lots of
laud, together with all the buildings thereon. Said
property is in a beautiful location, and both will be sold
at a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at rash
price, imjnire ot to suiiscnber, at nis store in Ore
gon City, in relational both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery,
in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis.
Also, six () Jots ot land in Oregon city.
Oregon City, March 1. 1S57. ltf
Valuable Farm for Sale.
THE undersigned now offers his valuable
I arm for sale, situated on Spring Creek,
in Marion Co., O. T., one and a half miles
south of McKinnay's Mills, on the Connty road
rauning irom jsaiem ' -s tiu ; u. it cvutaiusvwaim,
of which 540 acres is under a good substantial stake
and rider fence, one hundred acres iu good cultivation.
two hundred fine bearing fruit trees, a good farm
hoire. together with other oat buildings. Said farm is
well watered, and the best adapted to stock raising.
aad wheat growing of any farm in the Territory. Said
farm has been settled since ls4o. and was among tne
first claims taken in Marion Co. Anv person desirous
or bnying a good farm, with a litle money, will do well
to call at tne residence ot tne unoersigneo.
Spring Creek. March 30, 1857. 4tf
Final Settlement IVotice.
DANIEL Cushroan. administrator of the estate of
llOLIJJWAY CrSHMAN, deceased, having filed
his accounts for final settlement, notice is herehy given,
that the first Tuesday in May next, be set for the hear
ing or the same.
BY an ordeT of the Probate Court of Benton county.
I will sell for cash, on the 30th day of Mar next, at
D C Davis' store, in said connty. 320 acres of land be
longing to the estate of DAVID CARSON, deceased,
being claim 4. notification 26S3, lying in the north
boundary of section 25, T. 10. R. 5, W.
April 7. A.D..1S5I. 5w4
X G. KRIECHBAUM, has opened a Res-
cl . taurant at Corvallis, Benton county ;
meals at all hours. He'll feed you well, ,
give him a call, next door north of City
Tne Oregon Statesman.
An Independent Journal, denoted to Polities. General
intelligence, Published at Salem, Oregon.
ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor.
The Statesman is Democratic In politics, and thor
oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every
species of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ;
andwill vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate
any of the insane Isms of the day into our Territorial
te?twiU0ladvocate all practical measures of Reform
and Progress economical and simple administration of
our local government; faithfulness, integrity, and ca
nacitv in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac
cjountability of tbe officer to the people. It will dis
cuss all measures agitating the public mind, in a man
ner fearless, impartial, and just.
Its News Department will be edited with much
attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication of the cur
rent intelligence.
The Statesman has a large, widely-scattered, and most
excellent corps of correspondents, and very ceE-b te
facilities for piocu.-i!: news.
Due attention is also paid to the publication of iiscel
lany. Agricultural and Literary matter.
In this paper are published the laws. resolcti . .. J
treaties of the United States, and the laws ace ..
tioos of" the Territory of Oregon by authority.
paper i printed en new material, and upon a ettet ot
the largest tfce.
li'il I