BOOH&r DOOCS!! BOOKS ! ! T he C i t y Book-St o t e , ""' L (FRONT ST.,' rOKTLAXP, O. t.,1 , . A. fi. SHIPLEY, & Co., , Have i Store. 'and will ' receiving hy the 1st of Jun IN , HOOKS AKD STATiOXERY 1 Which they iflV'r to tit ' ' '' SPRING TRADE ; At small advance oh Kt Y,rV price. ' Give as a call, or send ns an order. aud ire are boanri to giva you satisfaction ! . A. U. Shiple? & Co., Art tbe Sol AntST. In Oregon and Washington Ter , ' ' ' ."' titorir for the fare of Tbe American Statesman, A, GREAT BOOK t ! Bring the only political history !tf the United Plate. '. . . Send u yonr names. Price! 00 t Payable nn de livery of book. , Can deliver by the 1st of September to all who wad ns their uatnc hy 1st of May. I , ' Catalosne of Fart of our Slock : , . ' SCHOOL, BOOKS. Reape. Sanders" old -1st. id. 3d. 1th. and .'.th. ami The Young Ladies'; Sander New--lt. 5d. 3d. 4th and .1th: iStrker" 1st. 3d. 3.1, 4th and 4th; Mr Carte a 1st, d. 3d. 4th and 5th. Sro-LBiw. Sanders' Old, Sanders" New; F.le-raen-tarv!- . .- - : Pkivxks Sanders' Pictorial. School and rarker's. Genua vrniK Mitchell'. Ancient and Modern, Ol- nevs. Morse", McNallcy's. and Monteith's 1st and 3d' Book. ' -MATrj-ncsv Arithmetic Thomson Table. Mental. Ana'.vsw. Practical, anil Itiirhen Pavies pri mary. lntrllcctiaiL School and University: Smith Colllurnu Riy's St'dd:ird's; P.ivie Algebra; tnr revin j. Geometry. Practical Mathematics, Math. Iir. tionafr. I.ngic. of Matlnvnaties, Analytk-nl Georaeti-y and Philosophy of Mathematics. tfrsmmr.M!rOT' Clarke Bullion Smith Kirk.ira's Spencer's Tower's. lln MHimiris Parker's lt lesson. Juvenile and Sch'mir Corjst.K-k's Smith". Utsrocrrs. Wilson's Juvenile, and I'nited States: Parley's Cuivetsal; Willard's Universal, and United SlaW. 1 Ltxnr .Mr. Cooper's Yirgfl: Andrrw" Latin Rca det: Vir tttmxr Andrew' I -it in Grammar: Mi-Clin-tckV!t and 2d B.k in Latin, and do. in Greek: An hwi's Greek Grammar and IJeadcr; Johnson" CicctPt Fas aerie's Krj.n i Grammar and Reader; Woodbury cnaaatlratii!iviranj Reader, Tclem.i.p;e. llnck Tv: -irirr; French, .cir-ti.igtit; Surrcnnc's French l"- t;lirv-: Andrew . Latia d-. Liddt-tl Scott's Oietk -to. Aatu-m'ii t1-ical 1. Smith's d- d. 1h.thnak)e Wchrter" Svlintd. lli.nh do, Ara ic;uic, L'u:-crsiy, R ral Svo, t'natridj:rd and ldi" I'oeket- j . MwcuaNDM 51 ittwas Atrnoniy. Xcwtnan'4 Rhetoric. Woods lUtany. . Kamu'a Kletoeata of frit 1im. l'arker' Aids ia ti-misiti.a. farker's tx r rwea. BnddlcU Oom:usiiio. M-.-KlliriHt Youni; .Vnalywr. ito. Analytical UauuaL l'arkxr" Wurii Kaiider. Maybew's tk keci;i)T. arUiud i M nl "cienve, -faJoy" Natural Vheoloey. Bi'ike' Am.-ul-tune for School. I'pham" Intellei-tual rbilwmht Maha:i' do. dn. Milton; Yonnjr: I'ollock; and Tiioinp 'n; Kdition for s.-hool)i Cutter" Anatomy and Vhy.siol.Mty. Al.i,iKan lV"xter. Xeivman' IVlitiral Ecoannv. Hitcheock's Geol.ij-.-' lirrat variety of tpeak rs and ttocutioa. AH kuuU ot SK-inxd Stilwn erv; Siatcs of all sizes; IVawitiir B-x-ks: lVaainjr r.iier; lYrforated Card Bwrd: Bristol Board; Pencil and Brnshr; tKs'jom'a Colors; lnkst.ind, every aize and ty!e, Ae Ao. -MISCELU VSEOrS BOOK?. ' Hi-TOCT BancroiVa l ulled States. volume. Hildretii's do. do, s volirm . Frwt'a Pictorial United StaWs. Tavlor" dt. d',do.- Bitta' HL-t. Kevoiutk-n. IVterson" io. Wiiaon'o United States. Willard do. UNt. Indian Wars t'nited f titrs. Willard" Cntversal H;-.t..ry. Mullcr i do do. K-4Us-k World t or 3 voiuine. K'd'in' Anrieat Ilisti.rj-. I'aiT'tt tin, doj Hume" Knifcind. M ieatilajra do.v cotn1e. li-ken Child' da." - LinpardV dol tlihiwn'a Home. l'Aa hisnc's Ueformnt.n. Bang M. E. Chnreb. ! Alltti fjirope, lt and 24 Series. lrectt" Wm-ks. Binder's Ifist. of Religion. Hrst. of iVmuk-H of Tre-. Jss phis. All of Abbott'a llistorie. Histories" I'ahim-t. yneena of Spant. ttet-flsnf Sit.tland. Help Spanish "onjnest. Brace' Hnnpiry. Kidder' Brazil. Kit trank s Brazil. Parley's 17 unreal, lli'tory of m sade. ' A-ient Ktfjptians. H.illam' Middle A:re. History fir lt-i-s. "B-mner's Child's t'uitcd State. I oss mir's Field B.k of ftevohrtton. ' BiirnA!HV. Plotar-h' Lives. IJfe' Brant. Won derful k haracters. and Celebrated Characters, live of Cn Signers. Aatoldojrraiih v of Pinky. La tnartinc" Celeliratcd CTtaracUTs. Lireof Adam Cla ke. do Bihop Hfddin.?. do "Vielnihr. do t'en. Harrison, do lan-el Btmae. do R herts. d Iifayette. Cap tains of Roman ltepoblic and Old World." Ir. Clial roers. 4 vr.U. Live of Huraiuldw. Mr. !ojrei- , Hiizart. WeHley. Fletcher. Life and Time of Clay; ' Irving" Washington. Eminent Mechanic. Live of Chief Jnistiee. Josephine. Napoleon. Chnrle UtoiU Jarkon. (Vn. fVreen. Joan of Are. Ijidy Jane (irey. J. t). Adnw. Julienne. Uankd WeS-ter; Kinps of Komir. Kinp and Qoeen. !.Wintjt. !.iT? of lie. Pone. lr c"ott a Philip id. M.irv and itartha Wash ington. Pioneer Women of the West. Tbavel. H'ik" China. Arancauians. StrplicnV Eirpt. OUn'a Trawl. Mimsro Park. Nile Xote- Advent.-ire on Masinito Shore. Bavard Tavlir' Trav el. PariHn'a Trnrt4s in the K-it. - - SitSiTtKic. Brande's Encvclonedia. Plivsieal lieo- raphy of the Sea. Wof Natnral Hist-ny. ljrdnr'a Ijevture. Vseful Art. Coemo. 5f;!them.itira ii.-t tionary. Loaie of Mathematics. Wonder of Science: Uiti-hrir Planetirv and u-lLr Worlds. Loonii Re cent lYoirriesa of Astrowmiy.. Smith lictioaary ef Arts and Science. Enbank's llvdi-auii -s. Dick' w-m ks. arvms virE on Arcnite.-tire. . -.. I'oirniY--llvTori raH --r- -rriaKertre, do. ir n ! i n w.t-,.- dt. do. .M-tore, do. Thomiison. Younp. Itdlock. Tnpper. Cotrper. Poje. 'ampbell. Wailsworth. ssian. Montgomery. Kirk White. Female Poets of Knsriaad. do. do. A inieriea and many others- . . , liooas or Kkfkkexce- Cy.-lopedia of Ocoarhy. d-. do. Fine Art, do. do. Bi-afrtaphy. t"--rd Art. McCollochV Oazerteer. llarjw's CmverTd fmzettveri F1T a0 Ritsi-tTini rJi tniit Kooic Thonian" do. PoirniuK's do. Barry's d". Keend-n" Farmer and "rdener. Krnit. Flower and Yejretal.t GardDer's Companion. Allen on tha liran. Pardee On IsirawfieTTy. r imvi a wk. Amrma rann io. AIIm's Uvmtie Anineil. All of Saxton's H md Bor.kv. Wojk on Hore. Cattle, Sheep, H-frs. 4c. Tamin.-.ii-ki. A- Rn.tiAr-iJ-fi:trmorir and Fyoom- ti'Wt of So"iel. ' NeandeKs Lifo of Christ. BoU.t Works. Knapp's Christana Theoloey. WeMera Mi-tk ndin. Morri' Misi-ellaiiies. Lectures on Konunista Brand of !omimc Rule. Elliot on Komanism. Barnes N'.rtc. Clarke's Commentary. KgCTcie. Watson's tastitntea. Iaiiahee's Kvlemi B-itlor1 Kthical lieiirse. Kosern' rlise itf Kditlu do. iteawn and Faitiu Ko-ter" Crist. IVrfectioa-i-Biker on ficipiine. Writinjrs of Amiinius. Jahn's Biblical Arclll'Iry,., Biiiles, all shs and pri-e. fr-m $ t ?'Ji. Testaiitents, preat var.ety. Methodist Hymns. Christhia Hymu Book. Chnr-h ralinist- I'lym-mth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian lVnlmist. Mkdici Bnchan's Family P!iician. Ifydro- patiiii; d lionvepathic Work. . . lt;Ei.LNKOl"s-- Constitutions of United Statos. M ivliew's Popular Edncation. Crahtje's Synonyms. Pla'tt's limk fCnr1irie. -O'IkI Keilow'a Maunal. He.idJv a Works, 14 vol. Mrs. Tnthill's, C vols. Lay. ard's Xinereh. Bit-low's Useful Arts. Harwell's Kiy friaeer's Ouido. American Institutions, ruiwrit of Knowledge. ParltMaiEson. 1'enivian A ntitpiit !. Way P- wn Eafct. Pvnsimrt. Ike Marvel's WoiVsJ-1 Har.derson's o.ik anf C"nfectiouer. Country RauiMes in England. . Tides and Kveries. an excellent Temper a ace Book-1 Money Maker. KscaiKsl Xim. Xem B iy. Di' k WiUon. Mrs. ll:des Xetv Cook Mil ler s Old Bed Sandstone, do. Footprint of Creator Young Ladies' CouuseUor. Y'onng Man's do. Picf'ir'al Catechism. Thomson's I?ct. to Y. Men. Con.-titn-tionaJ Text B.ok- tiiptiVe in Tbe Ameri can Housewife. Half Honrs with Old Humphrey Alliens: its tirandeur and Ieeay. Mrs. Sedwi'ikV :;-d-ootl. do. Xew Enjr. Tale. " Uncle Sam' Farm Kcni-e. Arthur's Sneeesxful Merelmnt. do. Ta. Ur. ' lMtton. Horace Translation. YirKil do. Mrtar-1-n's Works. Heroine of History. land and Sca.-r lef!cand Port. Sea and Sailorr Ship and Sliore Xaval Life. Star Paper.. Masonic Chart. Irvinjr's olniolms. IxnrIok Aliea-1. City r Xew York. luivini? Orators of America. Yonny Man Advised. Mis sions in Ton;a and Feeee. Truth Straojrer Than Fic tion. Knout and tlie Russian. Hydrapathii: Cnuk l'.Kic IVath B-.-d Scenes, tiift Uook for Youujr Men. do. ilo. Ijulies. Anecdote fjr Girls, do. do. U, Fiwttnrints of Kam-nix Men. Charlotte Klizatieth's Work". Advice to Yonnst Men. Peasant Boy Philoso pher. AhV).rtt' Marco Paul Book, do Fnine-mia And a numrx r of others too aniiK-rous to eiifioierate. Constantly receiving larjfo additioiis to the rorgoinpr. STTlVEitvlixls.:ap Pa;ier jrreat variety. let ter do, do, jiLiin and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel ope all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders jrrcat variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles. Memorandum. Diaries. Pas Book. Time Book Pam-r Cutter, do FMders. Shiiuiins Beceiot It.i..ks. l.itlioTapliic Prints a lare variety. Wrapping Pa per tfixid variety. Wafer. Sciilinj; Wax, Ac., Ac. Finally, we have a prKd variety of Mwic IVkiks. X'ew Carniina Sacra. Alpine Glee Singer. Dtili-imej;. Chorus Glee Bs.k. Mi-troisditan do. Sacred Melodeou. Christian Psalmist. Piano lu-tnic-tor. Gaitirdo. Flute do. A--onlon do. Violin do. Meltnleon do. I'lymouth Collection with Music, sheet M osir. And the most varied assortment of Stationruy ever offered in Oregon. 4- This stiK-k Is all booght ia Xew York and other Eastern cities and is sold at t'-VTO?-"! PRICES. tiTXe keep on hand Scnooi. Boots in larce qnan titie. toetlier with must of the publications of H ai- A buoTiitus; 1kkey & JxlilSon; Ivisos Si I'liisstv; Pnn-MPs k Samsos; A. S. Barsks Co.; Mua-rai. Oktos A Mitllic as; I.:ak &. Getz; 1'itsam; AiTLCTfis; and others. S-"We ask yonr patronage, ir unable to visit us nd examine our stock. yomroKDEB' will be attended to on the s ytm TEaat as if you ligh In person. VorJaud, March 2, i7. Notice to lmportrr'o t'mpqua. TU E Schooner I" l ItJlT A , under the command JTtl , nfS.IV. Hnisilal(.Hnot from Uittw ifTtM fCis for San Fraiuisco. on the 6th of Mar, and intcrnis making reznlar trip beteen these two ports. j : It Is only necessary we lielieve, to remind the Impor tersof lTmpna that this vessel tlie Umpqlia Is the Hint ever launched on the waters of tlie Cm-Xitra. to In pure their pAtroiiace and snpport. This vessel will dis charge her cartrn at Seuttshurg. and at the rate she In tends to carry frrteht. wilt an only save the shipper a verr considerable item, but save him the transportation tip the river, and thrrehv enable him t ret eiie his goods without so mnch handling as heretofore. - lit Due, the Schooner I'lnpqna, of tw-otbdsirg. ia a real I'uipqua rraft and hem the first on the list in thia great reform, rnntidently relies npon all the llmpqua for support and rneotiru cement. , I For freightorpaageapply to Allan. McKinlay A Co.. fV-otthnrg. or to the CapUou board. Merchants wish ing to ship from San Franrisro, ran apply to Allan, laiwc.t 'n Lit, I Marat., or to tbe Captain. Scottslmrg. May t1, l3. Ulf. . i BlackHiuiths and others? Look. AI.I.AX McKlXt.AY CO. have now on hand a large and well selected stork of i Bar Iron. , Cast Steel. ; Horse h' do., ', German do., ! Xailroddo., ' ' ' Plough do.. 1 1 i Plate do.. And Intend to keep np the assortment o as to inlt the want of cn-t'Miirrs. Give n a rail, and yon will fled that we not only have the fullest stork, 'hut trill sell 1 as cheap as the cheapest." We are constantly receiv ing additions to onr assortment, so as to repla'ne what Is o. - ' ' J Tl - , Oregon City, Dee. 3, !0. 4ttf - j. Henry 'Johnson h. , Co. ' . WHOLESALE DIUOCISTA. (U Wahlnirton Street. San Francisco.) ,; ! OtTer for sale to the eonntry trade, tlie largest stork of good In their line on the Paeinc ooast compri sing Drne, Chemicals, Perfumery. Patent Medicines of all kind, Brnshes. Paints. Oil. Glass, Tnrnentiaa, and every arti.-le appertaining to the business. Having su perior facilities for obtaining their goods they thluk they can olTiT indaeements to buyers unequalled by any other hmise. ! ilrder resjiectfully solicited. 40ly Powder.' TE hare a lante snnolr of powder In hand. GEO. ABEBXF.TUY CO., Orejii City. X'or. 13. T.i. 7tf IentUtrr Dtt. J. R. tABOWEU.. OenUl Surgeon Corvalli. will practice in bis profes sion, nt t 'imrraiti. Knrrmt Citv. II ineAes- ler, cof 6i-g.and Jmrkumrillr. Skill. annetinnahle: chari;c.ivspcctVMe: work, warranted. Teetn examm ed. and ailvi-e pien free of eltirtre. '.: Iue notice siven of rhauje of oflSc. I April 2''.. KkS. Ttf .w lteceifino; flMIE following articles from Bark Ocean Bird and for .X. sale low. - .n gross matrbe : l V)k-2ol si-rnps; ' 50 hi. bids. X. O. sugar ; 1 in li)l. crushed snyar ; ! boxes candle ; " 1I bids, vinegar ; ?0 eases tea ; i 1 dz. brooms ; ; J'l z. hncket ; ; t eases men' line calf boots ; ! ! " " ralf brogans ; . .. poat .. ' 3 hoys" V.nxran : ' ' S " youth' calf brogans; ' I 1 tronien's Morocco boots imitition booU ;' S ' ' Mies boots; 175 pairs children's rhnnt ; 12 straw cutters; II grain cradles ; I reajter ; ' , . 1 two horse thresher : ' i - ' GEO. ABEBXETHT A CO. ! Oregon City, Jnne 1. 1S53. !3tf. 1HAIX PUMPS, m.wkey wrenches. match planes, screw arm, sa-h planes, horse and nails to fit . ' gun lock, plug and nipple, 5 tube, bullet nvrdd, Wu-cnlndiu" IXL pocket knlve, pmning and budding knives. -rat trap to catch atpttrrH , at - MOORES" llook and Stationery. OCnoOl. REAPERS. 13 larker's l.-t. 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th. ' Sander do do do do Miiiffy's do do do do lavies'"arithmetic. ' ' , University and Common School, Intellectual and primary, Pavies' Bnurd'in algebra, lrendre. surveying, , Geometry and trigonometry,'" Key to iVavies Arithmetic, 1 V. ,i , - , Th-"mipon" arithmetic, Parker's philosophy, , juvenile and lt lessons. Oramrnars far. tl'illl'm's .sillllll'S. : - Geogmphie Mitchell's. Monteith's mamatl, 'Monteith's lt lessons. Music Uste of .ion, Xew Carmina fi-ra. ,' Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmonv Xortnal Song Book, Singing Book, at' !".tf MiKir.ES Notice. rilUK jndges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of A Oregon, assembled at the seat of IJovcrnuient on the ninth day of January, eighteen hundred and fifty, even, do fix" and appoint litrit Courts, to be held in villigeof R.wehonr. In theeonntyof Pooglss on the Br-t Mondavs.of Man-h. Mav, Septemlier and Xovem tr.annualiv, until otherwise. n.l.. i.asldii ninit the lunuk' ri-rm to six dars each. ' GEO. H.WI1.I.IAMS. Chief Jnstsee. i ' lltf M.P.PEAPT. Associate Jnti.-e. rno. BKvtoi.rvs, ) ,. , BontKT A. tAW. .&: '""Cisco. ' BKSY tw, Portland. Oregon " ' ' Keyiiolds TTVOT.E A!.E ;r-ctrrs and C.nninisson Mer-hants V ' an dVabsr in Oregno fwocr, corner K earn 4 aiHlJaekxm Streets. Pan Fram-i-eo. , 3-Advances made on Consignment. t - Refer to J. FAII.lXi A CO., Portland. 43mnid" Salt! Salt!! TONS -San Quentln' SALT. In ahont d and . I0H lb. bags, just meJied and for sole veer eheap 20 M.I.S.I KCM.M..M IU Oregon CRy, Dee. 0, Oak Hower Nnroery . 1JFR.SOXS wishing to avail thernselve of the oppor tunity of notaiuing good fruit will flird it much to their adessitaze to call upon the undersigned at his nursery npon the Willamette river, six miles above Cor valli, upoii the Linn County side. My trees are of the snost thrilty LTowth, and of the best variety to be found apon this coast. C'vn.e and see them if you don't purchase. . . 3t'tf . . .. - WM. MtiLREE. D R. GUYSOTT S COMPOUXP EXTRACT OFSAK- SAPAIUU.A and YELLOW POCK, at 9 . . W. K. SMITH CO;S. , John S. Edwards, ATTOBXEYi AT f.AW,-: Washington t"ity , p. C. will attend to all hnsincsaentnfc-ted to hifeare. before the several Uepartments the Siipreme Court ol tne I mted States. .r courts of l lie Uistnvt or Columbia. I'artictiLir.ftttentivn given to the claims of eol- diers lor services, or for Bounty Land. , Kcfers to i.on. Iine and irt-.cnrry. 4Smi;pald Food for the Mind. "XT ES w barephmty of it among which are some of I the most prominent work, Byron, Shakespeare. Hiilton. Joseiilins, M'sire's, Ik-uton's :!0 years, Arthur's works. Life of Xnpoleon. Henry Clay and other great aien; also Fowler and Well's publication, wherein wc are taught how to preserve health bv tracing cause to elTect. Also works on spiritualism, such a Prof. Hare. Edmonds. Talinadge, Harris, and A. J. Pavis, the star the of age. W e also have nn kinds of Wank Bxiks and stationerv in general. In fai-t we intend to keen all kinds of faoti far the mhul, and intend to keep posted, and want our many readers to Keen nn with ns so lie sure and pive us a call, one and all, at the sitm of the hook store, main street. Oregon City. HOMEIt HOLLAND A CO. Oregon City, Pee. 7, 1S5. 40tf llemoval. BAUM & BROTHER have removed to their Xew Store next d"Kr to J. Strang's Stove establishment They have just received a general assortment of Pry Goods, Clolhing, Hats ami Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which be offers for rash or produce. X'. B. Wanted Butter, Kefs, Baron, Lard, Flour, and Wheat, for which they pay tlie highest market price. Salem, July l'J, i-i. ltl i TE AUL1 XGS 3(H) wauled bv L COLEAI.EXAXPERACo. Flit sale, our entire stock of goods, at prices to suit the purchaser. COLE AI.KX ANDKJt A Co. 17V JU sale, the best store in Corvullis, applv t COI.E A LEX AX PER to &. Co. I "I J AXTEP, cash, produce, or cattic in exchange for V goods of all kinds, bv COLE ALEXAXDER A Co. VT AXTEP, to close np our business in Oregon imme v V diately. Those Ih have accounts against ns will present them for pavinent. COLE ALEXANDER Co. ri those who owe u we say bring on yonr Wheat X Oats, Bacon, or cash, and make immediate settle ment, COLE ALEXANDERS Co. C) ARSE Suit 20.0.SJ lis., for sale at 3 cts. per lb. bv COLE ALEXANDER A Co. ' LADIES' Shawls, from 3. to flu. at COLE ALEXANDER A Co's. 80 ACRES Timber I -and for sale, inquire of COLE ALEXANDER A Co.- 24 ' 4 red bed blankets and i!0 pair of blue, for .ow at COI J! ALEX A N DEH A Oo's. IIcrt: Pelrolf om, of Rdek" r Oil, . CELEBRATED for Its wonderful Curative Power. A .V.rtwml Armerftt. procured from well In AV leghany Co.. Pa., tour hundred reel below the earthi surface. Pat ap and sold bv fA M CEL M. K I Kit, C anal Basin. Seventh Street, PHtshurirh; !. ' ' The healthful biilm from Nat lire's secret spring, . The bloom of health and lire In man will bring ; ' j As from her depths the magic liquid flows, -I To calm our anO'erings and assange onr woes. i Tlie Petroleum has been fully test4-d. It was placed Jielure the public as a remodrof wonderfnl efllcacr. Every one not nopiahited with it virtne. dmihti-il Its healing properties. Th ery of hnmlsig was raised kgainst it. It had stime Irleiids Ihose that were cured thmne-h It wonderful agency. These spoke out In Its Invor. The lame, through' Its instrumentality, were made to walk the blind, to see. Those who had suftVr cd for years under the torturing pains of Hhcitnmtlsni, GsHit, Neuralgia, were restored to health and usefulness. Several who were blind have lieen inuile to see, the evi dence of which will lie placed before yon. II von still have doubts, go ai.d ask those wlio have been c'nred ! Some of them live in our midst, and ran answer for themselves. In writlna about a medicine, we are aware that we should writ TVnWi that we should make no statement that cannot be proved. We hare the wit nesses: rrowdsnf them, who will testiry In terras strong er than we can write them, to the eHh-acr or this reme dy: who w ill testify that the Petroleum 'has dona for them what no medicine ever could before : eases that were pronounced hojieless, and beyond the rctich of re mediate menus : rases abandoned by physicians of un questioned celebrity, hate been made to exclaim. this I the most wonderful remedy ever discovered !" We will lay before you the certificates or some of the most remarkable cases : to give them all. would require more space- than would lie allowed hy this circular. Since the introduction of the Pctrolenm, mimy phvirhins have len convinced or It efficacy, and now recommend it in tlieir practice ; and we have nn doubt that it will stand at the head of the list of Tnlualde remedies. If the physicians do not reeotamrnd It. the people will have ft ot themselves t for it transcendent power to heal i7f and attnl l-ecorae known and appreciated : when the voices of the cured sM-ak nut : when the en res themselves stand out In bold relief, anil when lie who for year has suffered with the tortures and panvs of an Immedicable !einn, that baa been shortening his days, and hastening him " t' tlie narrow bmie appointed for all the Hvintr." when be speaks out in it praise, who will doubt it ? The Petroleum is a Xuturul Remedv : It Is psit np as It flow from the besom of the earth, with out any thing bf In? added to or taken from It. j !t net Its inrrrdients from the lied of mlistances which passes over in it secret channel. Thev are blended together in sneh a form a to defv all human Competition. The Pctrolenm in this rr.pec't Is like Min eral Waters, whose virtues in most ehissiic disease are acknowledged, not only by 4ivsK-!ans. Isit bv the com- nttmity at lanre. These singular fluid flow inc out of tmirarttl.! Iniirecaatel with tnedhait: SubstanceH OT ilitli-rent properties, nnd hrddaig thtn iniuich ctimplet solution as to rrquire the aid of Chcine-trv in imler to. detect tboin, lieais aiilie proof to the fai t that they are lompouiid. d by the iiULsier hand of Xature. for the alle viation of human siitVcriug and disease. If Petroleum is tnci'ii ine at alt. ii is a gool one. for Nature acver half docs her work ; and tiiat it is a medicine of uueqitak-d power, we have Uut most abundant tcstfmonv. it will I u-cd alien many of tlie new rrmrdie uow in voue will havg Is-cil forgotten forever. . It will contiuue t-i be used ami applied a a reun-dy as long as man continue to be aQiicted with disease. 'That it will cure evcrv dis ease to win-1 we arc liable, we &' not pretend ; but mar n win cure a ercat many disease liitlirrto iniiira tile, is a fact which is proven bv the evidence in its fa ror. It discovery is a new era In medicine, and will inure to tlie health and happiness of man. ' SvmirYLA. Tbe IVtrolcnm i a great medicine In rVntfula and King's Evil, in all those diseases havinc their ericin In a depraved condition of tlie blood and other fluid of the body. It will cure pain and enlarae- incuts in the Isilie and ).unt, blotches, biles. Erysipe las, pimple on the race, tetter, scald-head ring worm, and the varents kin disease, it ba cured nmm'rotis rase of Rheumatism. Nenraluis. I Ac. Several eases or Rheumatism oT years' standing, have been) en tirely cured, a woman tn t-raiiklin t o, l"a., wa run-d of rheumatic alTc-tmn of seven years standing the disease wa so aggravated as to confine her to las during the -jn-ater art of that time. She h now well and considi-rs ber-Hf ent'rely restored. Mim.i.Avri-s Pirim-tion" No better remedy can he fmind anyaliere for hum and scalds, the pain of which it immediacy rdicres, and restore the part and disposes them to heal. Old Sis-cs and llrer will be removed by the daily" ap- pin-aiiou aim auiuiui.irauoii oi i erroieutll. Worm In d-ise or nrteen or twrnta- drops adminis- ierea to enmrten oi two or mree yenrs old. or upward two or three times daflv. it will removeWortn. It is i certain remedr against Tape Worm and Ascariile In grown pervtt, in which rase the doe most be a tea Soonftil. Bronchitis and Asthma-ran he retleved by the Petro leum. Tbe distressing rongn. nicht sweat, and ilitli- cnity of breathing, are removed by its use in a (cry short time. . Fever and A Hie. Tlie IVtroIettra ha lieen ned in fe ver and ague with complete sm-eess It will be foam certain and effective remedy in that troiiMvsoineand nn. manaeeable disease. The dv in sm h cases is a let s.ioonfal in anv pleasant vehicle everv three honrs, in the aoscnee oi ine :cvcr. Tisdh-sclic A few drops droled on cotton, am! placed in the cavity-of ,thc aihipg tath, will relieve it lininetiiaTeic. . Crmtrvrtv'satiiratiar a .flaiinekeJ.tth with the Pet letim and npptj ing it to the neck and breast, it will give Immediate relief. - it is also an invaluable reraeil v iu tlie different form ef jU,r4;'ir .'i-;.l'.v.ll.v:'u iii,iew-siy s4 plication along the pamriu tr.u t ol nerve. -4u tluil siic eiesof neuralgia deuomiiiated spinel irritation the Pe- truleum has given permanent reliel, !y nittlsn trim it iiifria anil nifirnni!;. i Corn. For corn this remedy ha lieen used a ith com plete success; the plan of using it i to saturate a piece of cotton with the IVtroleuia.and tie it upon tlie Cora. 1 be corn should la- pared down even- two or three days. and the Petroleum applied until all the hardness has been absorbed. - ' i ' - DiKEr-rio for the internal and local administration ef the Petroleum. Piarrtvwi 1 he diss- in this disease is a tea-snonnful everr third hour until the purging eease. In old chronic will only be nece-ary to tal e tne mcin-me tnree times a nay. ; Pile Tbe mode of administration in Pile is to give the Petroleum three time a dav internallv. and applv twice a day externally, to the tnnwsrs. Where tbe llles re of long st-miling and mm-h hanlened. a drachm of lr added to ea -h ltle.tls"uHl as a local appli-atioii. When tbe Pile are internal the Petroleum slesdd lie infected with a nrritist iato tlie re-dum. IVafiH- !rop t;ii drops lnt" the earat bed-time and l.p tne ear wi'Ii eorion -r worn, i ne ear snoui i ne syringed out with suds made of east ile soap and warm water, twice a week. .. For Barns and Scald. Apple th" Pctrolenm freely ever the burnt or scalded art. In disease of the bladder and kidney, the dose is a tea-spoonful three time a day. " ' For aid Soreaand Uleerv Apjily the Petroleum morn- Big aud at ora time. Keep me sores or nicer clean, iy wa-hinsr them dailv with castile soatt and warm water. For s-re and inflamed eve The Petrolenm slemld be applied two or three times a day to the affected eye and a drop or two be allowed to get nnder the lid. where there is a erofliilovt tendency it must be taken inter nally, in doses of a tea-siswuful. three time a dav. For Cooiih. Cilils. Bronchitis ami Consumption Tht' dose rs a tea-sitotuitul. v oe given mree times a day. In Cholera Morbus, give a tea-spoonful every bmir un til the vomiting ami pureing cease. In Rheumatism. Neurslgia, Iuly. Contraction of the Limbs and Joint, and V. lute Swellnu:. The Petroleum i to lie freely rnblied on the affected mrt at least twice a dav with a flannel nig. and. if convenient, before a warm fire. It should a!-o is- given internal! v, in doses a tea-sponnfiil, tbire times a duy. ,' I'vJ , For rale at the Salem Prug Store, by i Mav, 13-Otf. " ' . W. K. tHtTlt A CO. Crarrenberg IctlicltieR. GRAFFEXHERG arsa'parina. Uterine atlioIi.-in. " Pvsenterv Svrnp, Consunip. Balm. Pile Ointment, 1 ' '"' ' Health Bitters, ' '' " Eye Union. Ac Ac. t ri To be fonml si the Agency Of tlie Company ati ' . '. 9 W. K. SMITH A CO."S. D R.TOWKf"t"Ml i -Siirsuparilla, at ' " ' V. K. SMITH & CO.'S. 9 M CLAXE"S celebrated vermifuge and liver pills. at w. K. smith ,v cu.s. , , f . merican Cbolagogne, at W. K. SMITH A t'O.'S. MOKKATS life pills and bitu-rs, and Bernard" dys entery sTup, aud Wistar's balsam of wihl cherry, at 9 W. K, SMI l it Cll. S- DR. J. AYItl-IS'celebniteil cherry pectoral. roreongh' colds, ami consumption, at W . K. SMITH A CO. lectora I . for eoiurhs, S. a. f KXICAX Mu.-tauir Liuameiit. I W. Meit-haiit's 1 X garling oil. W. K. W. K. SMITH A CO.". 1 JURE White Iad lin-eil and Yellow raw and burned Umber, Chrome, ow and other naints. nt ,1 IV. O.M I III .X v.'. r,. - t? wfirn - frt o pERFUMERY, W. K. SMITH A CO."S. r A YXK'S alternative, e.KM-torant. and pills, cod liver I oil, castor oil. sweet oil, at W. K. SM ITU A CO.'S, A YXK'S carminative bal-suu. A lino remedy for I dysvutcrics, Suiiimcrt'oiiiplaiuts. Flux. Ac, nt i W. K. SM I Til & CO.'S. fAYNE'S Hair Tonic, at ... 9 W. H. SMITH & CO. S. 13 ARUYS TR1COPIIEROCS, for sale, nt W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. J S' CARPA'S Acoustic oil; a sure cure for deafness; for sale at W. K. SM ITII & CO."S, fACKSON'S Pile ointment and Tetter Faubrocution.a I sure cure for tlie above diseases; at a W. K. SMITH A C ."S. Ii USHTOX'S Cod liver oil. for consumption, for sale at ! w. K. SMI ill Jfc tO.S. 1ETROI.UM, or Rock oil, just received. and forsaleat 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. "Ill ROME Yellow. Prussian j Lamp Blacks, Paint Brushes 9 W. Blue. Prop Blacks, , and Candv. at K. SMITH" A CO.'S. VANDYKE Brown, raw L'mber, burnt l mber, T. D. Leaner, Gold, Leaf, Silver Ix-af. and Bronze, at W. K. SMITH A CO.?S. LIVSEED oil, spirits turpentine, ah-ohol, and tooth brushes, at 9 W. K. SMITH A CO. S. ! : fimttba Btue. ' : - A' TTORXET3 AND COC.fSElilR! AT LAW AND Solii-it-irs in Chancery. Corvallls O. T. . , : i. it. smith. . Mtf - D.C. nAtnt.- ! A TTORNEY AND COUNSEIX)U AT, LAW, EU gene City, l-anc Countp. O. T. i i m . I i l ii. garglca!. M.T Sneareon: Ac. ' SPECIALTY T I-COOMBS DISEASI-S Or THE EYE. CorvallU, Oregon. September 23, 110. . tm San Franeius AdTertlsing Igrnry TP. FISHFR. Iron budding, opposite Pacific Express J onli n. un stairs. Files of all the principal Papers of California and Oreeonniay be found at this office. Mr. Fisher Is the authorized Agent for the Statesman. ; Chester S. Terry, ' ' ' ! ATTORSEY AT LAW; SALEM, OREttON, C0M A"niisioner or Deed, and to take testimony, ae knowledgmeuts. Ac.Ac. for Iowa, Indiana. Missouri, Michigan. California anJ Washlngbm Territory. Let ters of Attorney, and all other inwtrmaeut r writing, drawn on short notice. i Pnrtlculur attention paid to taking depositioas, ruUectioas of Notes, Accounts, Acf. , 32tt ,., , """""'"Boise I MeEwnn, : ATTORNET's ABTD COCNSf-UlRS AT LAW. So licitor In Cliancery, Proctors, Ae., la Admiralty, Portland, Oregon. 45lf ! W. II. Farrar, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIXHt AT. LAW. So licitor in Chancery and Admiralty. Offlc om Fnnt street, next door north of Stark at, Portland, Oregon. Hurtling 4 Grtt-ru, I TTORNETS ANPfOUNSEWRS AT L AW. A!D Solicitors In Chancery. Office near the t 'ourt-honse, Salem. O.T. " Cro. I."iMieil, ATTORNEY-AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Sidicitor in Chancery, will practice ia the various court of Oregon and Washington Territories. Offlce, Haleiu.O. T. , . , DcIaloa Snitk, . . i TTORNET AND COUNSELOR T LAW. AND J Solicitor In Cliancery, will promptly attend to all business pertaining to his profession in the first Judicial District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon. DnVe; Allany, Linn County, O.T. ' I X. It. When not at bis office, or absent nn profes sional business, he may be found at his residence, Ave mile soiith-ea-4 of Albany, on what is known as the f Grand Prairie." j ' W. 8. Breek, ! A TTORXKY AND COCNSEI.OR AT LAW, AND rx Solicitor in Chancery, will practice in tlie various courts in this Territory, and (trouiptly attend to the col lection of all claims againt the Loited States, tliroagh un efficient auent residing at Washington .City. OUice n Eugene City, Lane Couuty. O. T. It. E.8tratton, VTTORNFY AT LAW. will practice in the various court of nutbern Oregon, and in the Supreme Court of the Territory. Office in Deer Creek. Doogla county. O. T. Rest, dence 6 miles north ef Winchester, on the Willamette road. N. B. Bounty Land Warrant obtained for claimants nn reasonable terms. 23tf A. J. THAYER, Jtlomr anti VouHttor at Ijnr.mA Solicitor a floMeaw. 4 mice over J.L. Avery a store, Maui st, Corvalli. iU ChadWlck & Gibbs, 4 TTORXEYS AND CtlUNSELORS AT LAW. 8- X liciiors in Chancery. Ac. Mhce at V tarliestcr and Gardiner. S. K. Ciiaiwick, WuK-ms,ier, Pooela Co, O.T. A.C I iiass, Gardiner, LaiMpui to, O. T. Nov. 9, lsjo. . 35U i I Pillow ft Hosts, TATCllMAKERf,alera. Repairing prompt- ft ir ano: neaciv aone. jeweirv manniac- lured. 14tf Srdiral. . J. WRIGHT A E. B. STOVE, having bled X toetl toa-rtber in pr-tice, lespeetfidlv tender their ser- m to tne people of Ueaton and I .Inn rtesinng to se cure the favor of tlie afflicted by sweeeu onln. ttfflee near J. C. Avery's store, Corvalli. Jlkpaid William A. Goulder, fTlEACHER of French and English, French Prairie. Marion couuty, O. T. 17 I. B. Dallark, RCIIlTfXT AND BUILDER, PORTLAND. O Desizns, plan. iieemcation, Ac, furnished ea reaaunalde terms. , E. COLL S. f . iUIIMSX. - C U AKTUr.. f if 4iitit1trti ft. 1 rm wwrwr v.t UK.XKHAl. MERCHAX1HSK JSO '2 Pit Ol) ttf. VOR VA LLIS. (X T. YVilliam V. Urlowold k Co., 71 rERCIIAXTS, SALESI. -OREGOX TERRITORY 11 W. t. CltlsWOUtl, Sltf C. . WOOUWOBTIt. I Knftene City. TjOR iCE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of tlie Engeue JLX I Itv llHel. IJlt. Medical .Notice. frtHE sulwcrils-r, would infonnthe inhabitants that he X Is at his old stand, ready to attend to all rails in bis profession ; also be has on hand a well selected stock of fcA-lectic concentrated Medicine, with a well a-rted supply of Syriuges, all of which he will dispose 01 on reasonable terms. . .,,'. WARREN Salem Ilecemher J, lifi. ' 3tf . W. II. Mafrero, 31. 1. T JHYSICI AN and Surgeon. Oll-s in niv new build- .1. inir. on Main street, twodwrs north of lr. J. W citeeiiy's ftre-nroof buildinir : where I will be found when not pmfesionallv enzaeed. I will keepchnstant ly on hand a fresh supply of Drag aud Medicine wnn-n I win en low tor rasa. Corvallls, Pec. 5. 1-Wtl. J'.tf Itdiejl Jtoticr. TAR. R. W. SHAW, late of San FraatlseoL California IJ offers bis professional services to th citizens lo Salem and vicinity, and respectfully folicit share fo public rnvor. sar timce at iiceo. ami t eiiona ortig store. lly . , v .It. W. snAW. r. Jaekiti, 1. P., HYS1CIAN AND SURGEON. Corvanis, O.T." ntr , Campbell k Pratt 4 TTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. CaHfornia. XIl OfTne. crner Montsomerv and Saeremento streets. ever Parrott A !. Bank. - i . Meors. Campbell A Pratt have lately removed from vrefivu. fMiu win iic iMcauwu w sueiia m iu vuataeae a 111 1 I . ... . . I ( 1 ; eutrusted to their care. Sltf Ai.ciAMEa Cami-bklu o.CPaArr. Joseph X. PreseoU. MAIS st., oaroosr citt. "pkEALER in Family Grncerivs, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and Paints and Oils, wholesale and retail. July 7. 1S.1S. ltf I. D fatlnter, , DrytKMlt; Clothing. Fancy ArtMes, SLltiuoerv. and mwnl tnirchndl. 1"VE ALER in XJ Books and Stationery, and Stiirc llrst door north of tlie Union Hotel, rktlrm. Dceemuer iMoij. 42tf fs. Kllowortlt, ATTOBSKT Axtl COCNSKLLOK. TT S. Supreme and other Ciairt. OfHi-e Eugene lily. Lane tountv. Orecon Territory. Also Coiniuissioiiernf Deeds for Xew York, Connecticut. Ac August zn, inaii. ittr Vatchmakins. WILLIAM F. HIGIIFIELD, Chronometer and Watch maker. Oreenn f lit v. has n-nunnd to tlie building justopiHisile to the. Nfain-strevt House. where he can ne constantly found prepared to do any business in his line. Watches cleaned aud reoaired on sliort notice and reasonable terms. Also a choice lot of watches anil jewelry for sule. March , ly51 S. Hamilton. 31. IX, PHYSICIAN AXD SURGEON, would respoctfully nnnouiicc to the good people of Douglas and the nd jniniiig counties, that he has located permanently at Peer Creek for the purjiose of practicing medicine, and in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all duties, aim spare no pains to render the patient easy and comfortable. Officb opposite K. II. Dearborn St Co.'s store, on Main street. Drug and Patent Medicines for sale at Imo rank pri- rr. 42tf Wells, Fargo, Jit, Co., BAXKERS and EXCHAXGE DEALERS. W,F,A Co, in connection with their Express business, will ;ilso transact a general Kjrrhangr and Collection Btui- ne. Collections and Remittances made in all nartsof Oregon. California. the Atlantic States, and Europe, with promptness and ihwpatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin and Bulliou, bought aud sold. Sight Exchange on JVne York, Alston. Pkiltultlpttia, Albany, Uochrmtrr, Buffalo, JSrif. Cleveland. Detroit, Chicago, MUumUne, lialena. tit. Ijomm, IjanumotUt, Cincinnati, ami fort v other Drinciual towns in the Atlan tic States and tlie Canada, mav lie procured at any of our office. WELLS. FARGO, CO. Ill, Montgonierr-street. San Francisco JAMES O'NEILL, Agent. June 1.V. Coffee. F YOU WANT a really good article or COFFEE, the undersigned have eot l j.'XHi pounds best " COSTA RICA." Come in and look at it. ALLAN McKlNLAY" A Co. Oregon City, Dec. 0, l&MS. Dr. Ciapkaj'i Medical Ketiees. mm DR. J. I VZ A PRAT'S ( Irand Meilical and Snrglcal Institute, Armory Hall, corner of Sacraraeuto aud Montgomery at, Sau Francisco, California, Establish rd for tlie Permanent cure of all Private and Chronic Disease, and the suppression of quackery. : Dr.J. L.CZAPKAY,latolnlhe Hniigarian Revolu tionary War. Chier Physician In the loth Regiment of linvcd,cliief surgeon to the military hospital at Pesth, Hungary, and late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Or gan and Disease of Women and Children , would most respectfully inform the public of Oregon aud California that he has nicued an Institute for the cure of Chronic Diseases of the lungs, liver, kidneys, heart.blood. brain and the horrid consequence of self-abuse, and he hopes Hint nut long exiierieiice ami suceessun pracucc "i io- years, will insure him a share of pnblic patronage, the nmctice of manv rears la Europe and the Uni ted State, and during the llilugartan war and cam paigns, he is enabled to apply tlie most efficient and successful remedies against disease of nil kind. He nes no Mercury charge moderate treats his utient in a correct and honorable way has references of un questionable veracity Irom men of known respectabili ty and high standing In society. All parties consulting h'im by letter, or otherwise, will receive the best and gentlest treatment, and Implicit secrecy. The Dr.'s offlce are at Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery at., San Francisco, California. 4:mi3 L ii ' 1 ' ' : '' CJPERMATORRIUEA OR LOCAL WEAKNESS, ou'.d call public attention to O Dr. I. J. Czapkay apermatorrtwr or local weakness. There Is not In the catalogue of human maladies one more to be depreca ted than this, as well liecanse of present distress. a the ultimate result. The tone of the system under it in fluence is eitht-r Impaired or entirely destroyed, and a classof symptoms superinduced that ontlts man for the iierformanee of any of the ordinary duties of life. The njories done to the' physical part of man i trnly la mentable, but trifling when compared to those of the rens.wlum. the great nervous center, and to the ner yims system generally. This disease, which Is too often consequent npon that solitary vice, self-abuse. Involves pathological conditions lieyond the compn-hen-ioo of the uninitiated, but which are well understood by the reg ular practitioner. Among the symptom most conspic uous are the following: ixite of solitude, aversion to luisiuess and society, distressing timidity, nervous ex citement from slight causes, loss of memory, confusion of idea, inability to reanon eorroctly. low spirits and Lvwitadc. dullness of apprehension aud misanthropy. These being functional derangements, are often the Jtar bingeru of horrid orgauic lesions of tbe brain, which produce fatuity, dementia and death. For the cure of this and all kindred diseases. Dr. frmtAiw h. rtablihed his Institute, where all may rely with perfect confidence uion that skill which long experience and tnorougu uerouou mj uts jiimwu u given. . Those who suffer honld call or write without delay, and use the mean by which they may recuperate and live. . . All consultation, by letter or otherwise free. Ad dress to iitt.uj.VAiiR.ii. ' Medical Institnte, Armory Han, Cor. Sacramento sod Montstunery sts, iOmi San Francisco. CaL AsK.Cl:ET DISEASES -DR. I J. CZAPKAY S EX to traonlinary success in the treatment of secret dis eases in the nriraarv and other stages, induces him to call luiblic ntti-ntioa to the fact that of the great num bers who have made daily application to him. there Is not one who has not been effectually and permanently cured. In recent cases of private diseases, the Dr. guar anties a perfect cure in a lew dars without hindrance to huninc or other inconvenience. The Pr.'s method of treat ins these maladies; combines the improvement made bv the medical faculty with discoveries ni own that are unknown t anv one else, and which, when applied, prevent the possibility of evil after consequen ce. ' Smmibri svnhili. which I ao destructive of health producing ulcerations of tbe throat, destn.yiug tbe soft parts, and leaving the bones exoed. wmcn morxiry. separate and come away, disfiguring the ua"erer most as well as imitairins his ceneral health, aad predisposing to consumption, the Pr. treat iu the most certain and efficient manner. Also, painful swellings upon the bones, disfiir.iriu? splotches upon the skin, ore, pimples, and all other consequences of private diseases he guaranties tn cure or ask no compensation. , Dr. C. would especial! v call the attention of those who have failed to obtain relief from other, many of whom he ha alreadv cored, and many are still under treat ment. The lr. make no eharce for consultation, and lnits all to rail at his Institute : and be will rive them rich satisfaction as - they can oldaiu nowhere else. Those at a distance, by "writing to the Pr, can hare their cures oronerlv attended to. Oftiees. No. S and Vrmorv t;tU. corner of Sacramento and Montgomery at. Pan Franciseo, CaRfomia. -j ' Tub Greatest Diseoverr of Ihe Age. 1 ir T to Mankind! Innocent hot Poteiit! T .l I'll, tztm : Tr i iihi nitw in I 7Terf-minrer ting ageiit.) a enre preventii-e against secret disease and an unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous nicer, and all cntanoo eruptions and dis ease. For sale at Pr. CxtrCAr's Office. Armory Hall, corner or Sacra'naiitt and Montgomery sts, San Fran cisco. Cal. As inoculation is preventi-e agaiust small pox, so is Pr. Czapkay' Pmphitarticutn a preventive agaiust secret di!ase. That they ean W prevented by proper aeent. is a well an established fact asthattfcV ran be cured after their establishment, This principle. which is now universally recognized, wa received even before the dav of Jentier, the nSwcovererof vaccination. in 17!t. and it multiplied benefits ever since have re ceived as they deserved, the attention oi ine .Mcncai f.imltv. It was in ourstiit of this branch of the medical science that Pr. L. J. Czapkay fortnnatelr made tbe dis covery of his ProphylacUeom, which. lor the cancerous and entanous disortlers. stands unrivalled by any ageut In the Pharmactiptea. Tlie saorfu operandi ut this med icine is explained Hsa the hypothesis that secret poisons iiosses chemical properties whien are neutralized by neina liroucht in contact with this prouhvlatic. as acids are kuown to neutralize alkalies, destroying entirely their original properties, and cendcrtng tbem inert- The effect of this aseut is immediate, and removes the possibility of a contraction of disease. If, however, the disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutrahztns the poisonous seereUone, which by absrsrption. produce tbe consequence known a secondary disease. In can- eerous and gangerons ulcers, in fietid discharges and in eutannus diseases; where tbe secretions are excoriating it acts upon the sane ptiiiciiile and is one of the mast effectnal remedies fr the purpose now known. Where Meae is OsM estaolssieo it sasMUd te nsed in connee ti hi with other remedies, and when so nsed never fails f nuceesi. It has been administered by the Doctor In tnssiv tlmnsnad rase, and he has yet to find tbe first n which it has failed to subserve the purpose for whien t was administered. I'nro, so. t nil directions are at tss-hed to each packagn.- , . S. Bv In eases where the Prnnhylatirnm is need curative. Dr. I- J. Czapkay will lurnisb (gratis) a pre scription for his blood pnntier. - ; All communications from the country, addressed ooiv n Dr. lt J. CZAPIvAY. Han Fraacieco, Cal., will be strictly and contiileutiallv attended to. and remedies. with the ereatest care ana secrecy, immeaiaieiy ac- patcbed by express or otherwise to their destination. l. s. vaai aai , a. i. 49ia3. ... San Francisco, Cal. To mi Ladies or Or.eoo.v and CahformaL. J CzArctr, M. D, physhian snrgeon and accoocher, in vites the attention of the sick and anlicted females la boring under any of tlie various forms of diseases of the bruin. lungs, heart, stomacn, nver, womo, hlooa, Kid ers. and all disease, peruiiar to -tlstir. se.Ta The Doc- bir is effecting more permanent cure than any other physician in Oregon or California. Ix-t no false delleac prevent you, but apply Immediately, and save voorseff from painful sunerin? and premature death. All m ricil bidle, whose delicate health or other circumstances do not allow to have an increase in their families should write or call at Pr. Ij. J. Czapkay "s Medical Institute. tniinrv Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montroniery streets? and they will receive every possible relief and help. Tlie Doctor's Ollices are so arranged that he can be consulted without molestation. 49m3 srThe attention of the readers Is called to the fol owing: A laalv of hich standing In society and respectability. published a curd in tin; Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, Scptemlwr 1. 151. which i a follows: A Cabo Tlie nndersigned feels it her dnty to express her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay, for the success ful cure of herself and child. The latter having been afflicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum." was given up as ineuraoie uy some ni tne most ceienrated physicians, when she railed on Dr. Caapkay. of whom she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short neriod. restored the child to perfect health. Encour aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice herself, for the scrofiilons iiiabuly, with which she had been afflicted for eight year, and which withstood the treatment of the bust physicians in Europe and Ameri ca. But Dr. Czapkay has succeeded in affording her permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which, for eight years had lost all charm for her. . She, there fore deems it due to herself and to all sick aud afflicted to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful uhvsicians witluu the united state. MH.VAIVULI.1b HI. I I , Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. A. Gi.azek, Notary Public, 126, 7th street. The following is an editorial notice in the Boston Daily Times of August 6th, 1H54: K SiciLLFt L Puysician. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has opened an office at No. Id Pleasant street in this city. Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with tlie patriotic army a physician and surgeon under tlie wtronairc of Kossuth. He combines with a fliibthed educatiou and the most refined and agreeable manners, tlie most extensive scientific abilities and skill in his Krofe- ' a, and we feel much pleasure in recommending im t .ar citizens-as a physician and a gentleman. Dr. Czapkay has speut some time in Philadelphia where he won the confldenee and friend-ship of those who be came acquainted with hiin. Among his friends in Phil adelphia are gentlemen of the highest resiectabilitv, with whom we are personally acquainted. He had in extensive practice iu Hungary before the Austrians and Russians compelled mm to leave it for beine found guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope be will receive that patronage due a man of so eminent capacity. Tlie atswe are only a few of the many testimonial which Dr. Czapkay ha in his possession, but cannot Diihlish for want of space. All communication ihr letter or otherwise.) free. gr Persons desiring prompt attention, and who wish to avoid tbe delay of corre ponding i can have immedi ate attention by sending ten dollars as eoultatioa fee, and can have medicine forwarded. Add res to L. J. CZAPKAY. M. V. " . ' Medical Institute. Armory Hall. :'' Comer SaeKansento and Atonamiiri si est la. - J"3 , . - r . r . flan Fraarhjcn. SrojW VTORRnEA. or Local WeakneM, Bprrowi de Wiity. low spirit, lasidtnde. weakness of tbe limb and back. indispo.itkin. toss of memory; aversion to o ciety. lovoot solitude, timidity. Self, diaciaess, heaaache, pains in the de. aflection of tbe eyes, pin nies on the face, sexual and nthr i..nOi ij cured without fail by the ju-tly celebrated physician and surgeon. L. J. tzapkay.- His method of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence the great sue ..k. All .nnuiil I . I ' nn u K. LrftMi . - ' " "uerwise. tree. -Address, . L. J. CZ.VPK A y. M.D, . 49m3, ; ".;-, ,. San Francisco, CaL' At Rncene CitT. ' ', THE subscriber has at Fjigene City, one of the best general assortment of Dry tiood. Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene ral finding store, to be found in Oregon.... lie is con stantly receiving fresh additions to his stork, and al ways keeps it up. My gisids are now alt received direct from Sau Francisco, where I have resident agent. All kinds of farmer's produce received in exchange for goods I pay higher prices for produce, and sell goods cheaper than any other store in the Territory. ' ' JOXKI-H lf.AU Eugene City. July 1, 19SC lfitf ' ii A'otice. rrtHE Judges of the Supreme Court of the Territory of JL Oregon, assembled at tbe seat of Government oir tlie 16th day ot December. li, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held in the citv of Salem, in tbe county of Marion, on the lint Mondays of April and September, and the tourtu Mondays of May and Octo ber, annnally, until otherwise onb-red ; and in the city of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on tbe fifth Monday, of December, IsoO, and thereafter on tbe first Monda'ya of May and October, and tbe third Mondays of June and November, annually, natil otherwise order ed, and do limit the duration of 'said Terms to six days each. GEO. il. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice. 41 CYRUS OLNKY; Associate Justice. Corralllo Drag Store.' TACKSON ACAKDWELL. Drnesista and J Apotheraries.xre receiving from San Francis co, per each steamer, hirer and carefully selected stocks of Drugs. Medicines. Oils. Paints. Dye- Studs. Perfumeries, Fancy Soap, and all other articles usually kept in a Dniff Store, which they art mUixf aad will sell at reduced prices. " , Prescriptions prepared by an experienced Drug gist. ... Orders from a distance promptly attended to. JACKSO'N A CAKDWELL. Corvalli, January 13, ISil. 44UT "ITTRITIXG-PJiPER, superior article, t Black ink, from quarts to 3 ox, . Slates and pencils, Tabor' pencils. .", I. : . Envelopes, wafers , . School cards and tor books, at ICtf MOORES" W. WKATII ERFORDr (CITT DRt'C STORK. ITPER WRARr.) IT TIIOl.ESALEaiid retail dealer in Pros. Medicines. Chemical. Paints, Oil. Dye Stuff. Druggist Glass Ware, Brnbes. Surgical Instruments. Trusses. Herbs. Roots, Extracts. Perfumery, Shaving and Toilet Soap, and a full snpply of all the popular. Patent or Proprietory Medicines, and almost every other article in onr line of isi-dne. Which are offered to the trade wholesale or retail at extremely reduced price, and in quantities to sun. ' Every article warranted as represented. ' W. WEATHERFOBD, M. . Portland, O. T, March 10. 18a7. S2m3 Jew Drug srore, ; a CHOICE lot of DRUGS. MEDICINES. XI. DRY-GOODS and GROCERIES arenowsell lutr. cheap for cash, at Hathorn s. opposite Smith' Book and Pnitr Store, near the New Bukl ; January 27, 1&7- . . 4Stf R. . BABM'W. r. . -wnLSON. r Barnum k. Wilson. A TTORNIE3 AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW. Sa A. lem. Oreeon. Particular attention in given to the collection of note and accounts, aud claims against j Bounty Land Warrants bonght and sold. . oar- Offlce over Starkey's Store. ' 4S AS- K. KlCtlAROS, I JSO. aCCRASESI. . i, San Francisco, f Portland, O.T. ; ' - s, , . . t n . - ; itttuarut iiictraiiCR,! COMMISSION MERCHANTS, and Jobbers in Oregon W t tour,- Gram, tvodoee. fruit. Pork. Baeoo. Lard Hams, Ac, Ac- Order for Oreeon trade aromntlv at tended to. Liberal advances and on onsisjBseiiji. No. 41 Sacramento street, below Front, San Francisco. January 17, lsof. -, - - i . : . ' . . 4Ctf CANDLES, Srp, Starch, Indieo. and Tobacco, at 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.f?f DRUGS, Medicines, Paints, Oil, and DvestolT. at-r-W. K. SMITH It CO.'ai. NTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at tbe ' STATESMAN OFFICE.- TAX receipt blanks f- sale at the Statesman office, at $1 per hundred.' i Medical Eerolatiti ! ' Tbe WtrM raaaimons ! HOLLOWAY OINT3IEXT. THE i iiuviTivimcTttu iaD4iiin.T iue vinioi disease ouen iw way to too Wr fk-rool orsan- thmmrh the pore of the skin. This pen etrating Ointment, melting uuOti tbe hand at it is rub- lsl in. is atsHsroesi toroaga tne aarae eaaanels. and reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly and invart- aiv snotiues it. wnetner locatea in tne kidneys, ue liv tr, toe inngs. or any other important organ, it pene- iraie me snnace lo tne laiertor, tnroaga tne conntlesa tubes that communicate with the skin as summer rain passes inio the fevered earth, diffusing its cool and re generating tnnuence. 7.V DISEASES AXD GIIXDULAR SIVF.Lr LJXGS. Every species of exterior irritation is otiicklv reduced by the anti-inflammaiory action of this Ointment. An gry Eruptions, such as Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Tetter, Ringworm. Scald Head. Nettle Rash. Scabies (or Itch) Ac, die out. to return no more, under its application. Hospital experience in an parts or toe world proves its infallibility in diseases of the skin, tbe muscle, the joints and tne glands. ULCERS.'SORES.AXD TUMORS. The effect of this unrivalled external remedv noon Scrofula, and other virulent ulcers and sores, is almost miraculous. ' It hrst discharges the poison which nro- duces suppuration and proud flesh, and thus the cures which its healing properties afterward complete are sale as wen as permanent. H'OVjVDS, BIU71SES.J3Ull.XS, AND SCALDS. In casee of tbe fracture of the bones, iniurie caused by steam explosions. Bruises, Burns, Scalds. Rheuma tism, stinues oi tne joints, ana contraction or the sin ews, it is employed and warmly recommended by the luc-ttiiy. mm uisrvciuiu reuicuy uaa oeen introduces! hy its inveutor in person into all tlie leaslino- Hoanitaia of Europe, and no private household should bo without it. UXDESLABLE TESTIMONY. The Medical Stuff of the French ind English Armies in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of U ..11. ..-.- J li I . . . t I - . . ,,.i niiT-iih, wre mm reiiaoie oressinsr lor aaure cum, mw, wu i; uu 31m, wouua. it is also sign ed by the surgeons of the Allied Navies. BOTH THE OtXTMEXT AXD THE PILLS SHOULD BE USED IX THE FOLLOIV1XG CASES: Bunions. Burns. Chaniied Hands. Chilblains. Fistula, Gout, Lumba?o, Mercurial Eruptions. Pih,Rheomatim, Ringworm, Salt Kbeum. Scald. Skin Diseases. Swelled Glands, Sore Ia?gs. Sore Breasts, Sore Heads. Sore Throats, Sores of all kind. Sprains. Stiff Joints, Tetter, Ulcers, Venereal Sores, wounos oi an aiuus. Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hollow v. 90 Maiden Lane. Xew York, and 244 Strand. London, hy all respectable Druggists aud Dealers in Medicine tfironghout the United Slates and the civilized world, in pots, at 25 cents, 621. and 1 each. There is a considerable saving doae by taking the larger sizes. , V. it Directions for the guidance of patient m eve ry disorder arc affixed to each pot. Jsyl Btot-e and Tin Ware Establishment.' J. STRANG respectfntly notifies Hie citizen of Salem, and public generally that he keep on hand in his new building. Main st. every pattern of Cooking. Parlor, Huff. and ittfier STOVES- a eeneral assortment of TIN WARE, of every description aad all artielea "anally fuond in a tin sliop aud store, all of which w J . be sold aa cheap as at any other establishment it h Territory. - ? . : " ; All orders for juUnng promptly attended te. -tf , , ' - J. STRANG. , i : i - , 1 ' ' , Allan s. Lewis, -,; - ' ': fTTHOLBSALE MERCIL4.NTS, PORTLAND, 0K3 W UOX TEltr.lTQB Y. - . : .. . i i" Cm r lk....iii. , r. - i ME R C If A W T S, OREGON C1TTV OREGON TEW RfTOBr. . - tf " ' Akrinelbj, llark I Co., v COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS; j San Francisco. Cal;. will attend to sellior tre?on firoduce. and fill orders tor Goods. Groceries. Ac, st tfcs owest rate. Tlie patronage of the people f Oregon s respectfully solicited. . August 1. 155. 21tf . Allan, AlcKinlay, Be. Co., HATE just received a stock of New Goods, ' aae would invite all those who wish to procure GOOD articles at reasonable prices, to caJQ and see tbem. They consist in part ef the f oHowrog: Grindstones, - Canal aad Wheel Barrows, Grain Cradles. . Fancy Btoobi, -V Grass Scythe and Snatns, fbun do Brush do - - do Assorted Colored Pa3s, 16 so Harrows. 23 teeth Painted Tuba, . . Zinc Washboards, ' Blacksmith's Bellows, Cross-cut Saw, 7 ft ! do : (ft : Mil! Saw. 7 ft Hair Mattraes, double1, do single. Hair Bolsters, doable, ; do . aingle, . . Sperm Candle; ' Adamantine do-.: : , Grape brand Tobarr, ; Garden Bakes, . i do . Hoed, i " ' ' do Spades, :.' Polished -.hovels. Hay Forks, . Manure Forks, Churns. Window Glass 8 by 10 do " 10 by 12 - do ' "---" 1 by 9 Window Sashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 Ox Bows and 1 okes. Lnrke do" " do Blauketa. Baize. Lindivys, Sheetinr. Ticks, Ac-tr. - We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GRO CERIES. CLOTHING. H ARDWABE, and ma.ny arti clas too numerous to mention. A1XAK, M"K INLAY A CO. Oregon City. -; . 21tf Books! Booki! ; WK. SMITH A CO. have just received the largest . and best selected Stock of BOOKS ever offered for sale in Sslem, consisting, in part, of the following POETICAL WORKA White's, Collins". Grays Tup per'. Beanie's, Scott'. Young".- Davidson'. Croly s. Crabbe's . Sh a kpeare's . Cowper", Coleridge', Uemaii', Korn Pollok's, ShcBey's, Mowitt'a. Montgomery's, lamnbell's. Pope's. Moore's.' Wordsworth's, Osstao's, rLuimiM-, tfiltnn's. Brtoa'l. Cooke's. Goldsmith 'a. Laudon's. AORIOTLTTRAL. FRUIT GROWING. Ac; EHi ott's. Yonatton the Horse. Allen's Stable Book, Hind's Farrier, Downing. Barry, Thomas, Blake, Mason's Far rier. Stewart and Skinner. Saxton and Clater. B 1 V. B . In 1 r3. h jwiiimih ... i . rr. ,ii n, . . , Iiviort, ainuo t, ounfmnc cnara uiun.,ijii- lcon'a. Mozart's, Uvea oi the Presidents, Mary Oaeea of Scots, Henry YH1 and h Six Wive. Harrison's. La fayette's, Saai Houston's.- Henry Clay's, Kossuth. J. Q. Adams'i Daniel Boone's, Shakspeare's, Dean Swift's, Humboldt. Bishop Hedding's, Live of the Popes. J. B. Fmlev-'s. Roberts", Newton's. Wesley's. Fletcher's, La ma rime's Celebrated Characters, and many others. tlll'ltias iwuni Ancient ncsiory, i.uoeji s Modern Europe. Gibbon's Rome, Rotterh V History of the World. Barth's History of the World. Willard's'His tory of tbe World. Botta's American ievo!ation. Macau levS History of England. 4 vol- IVAubi-ne's History of" the Itef'irmation. S vols Peterson's United States MHi ELLANEOUS and SCIENTIFIC WoEKS Brand's Iocj-c!opedi. Smrtb'sClassical Dictionary. Ijit in and Gree'k lexicon and Iteaders. Vrrgd. Homer. Zenopbon, Josrpbas, Dick's Works. Maury 'Geography of tbe Sea. Weslev's Sermon. Smith's Sacred Anna", Harper's Universal Gazeteer.Dwight'sMytholoeT. Lard ner's Lee tares, Gol. Isinit h's Aniuiated X.ttureVWond's Natural History. Gnnn"s Domestic Medicine.. Waits" Prose Works. Sterne' Prose Works. Mrs. Enis Pre Works. Isnrning's Cormtry Houses. Bwffdrrs" Grade. Wrfyster's Dietionarv, ail sizes. Davies7 . and reck" MalhenratJeal Dictionary. Farmers' and Planters En-evefnpedia.TBJK-kera.eV Peodennis. Ion Qorxfitte. Mm . -iM .... .. . I 'teftti Arts. I re's f ii. lira, jrr Huirh Miller Old Red Sandstone, Ae, Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KlXr'sTv-Parlcer's Read ers. Sander's Readers. McGreffees Readers; Cobb's Reader.- Gift Book for Chiidreu and Also. Works on Geology. Physiology, Chemistry. Philosophy. Government. Anatomv MiDera"?y. OrktorT. Mathe w.iin ItenattngV Medicine. Ttieology, Temperanee. Rhetoric .Grammars. Geographies, Arithmetic. Astro nomy. Travels. Works of Homor. In shi rt, every thing usually fjeund in a Book Store- ; ; - -,. ' , i Store opposite the Holman House, near th Steamboat Landing. frtf Jtlenyon' s Dajuerrean. AD . , AMBROTYPE GALLERY. '.'HE nndersigned havini recently retnrned from San x. Francisco, is now prepared to take those tieautiful Picture ca Glasscal'ed A MBR O TYPES, which hava almost entirely superceded tbe Danerreotype in tie . Gallerr m the new bwililmr. erreled humA frw 1W wmir" est of the Marion I loose. I , .... -. . , . ; WILEY KKNYON. 1 Allan, aicKinlay, Co., Ct ENER AL COMMISSTOJT MERCHANTS, antj T Wholesale and Relait Dealers m Dry Gvod. tire- eeries. Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T. itt. in, JJVSl. .t . i i toy - Iloltdar Presents. CI A 1. 1, and buy soon at the Ifctok Store. Oregon Citr. ' . - HOMER HOUL,.VXI A CO- .' Oregon City. Dec. 7. 1S56. tins - Botim Jt Brother, F:0XT STREET. Portland, opposite the 5fetropo!is Hotel, dealers in Pry Goods, Clotlifnsr. Hats. Boots. and Shoes, Groceries. Ae- N. B. AU kinds of produce taken in exchange for merchandise at tbe highest market price. Hdf ,- j ' V" asrtK 31 ASTER ItENKRAL S OFFICE, ewirm, e. a., uue ift, loo. X L,t.persea having demands against the Quarter- a . awtr trry . m .rr-in lniiifly, are requesteo tw . present their claims for adjustment, at the different offi ees, at their earliest convenience. " . JOSEPH W. DREW. 14tf Quarter Master General, O. T. Strayed, FtOM tbe subscriber, a portion of hi stock, marked: and branded as follows: Crop off the lett ear. and-swallow-fork in the right, U- brand. Any person know ing the whereabouts of cattle bearing this brand and: marks, will be properly rewarded by sendine me infor mation. JAMES HEATHKRLY. " Lane connty, Ang. 7, 1S56. T2tt TAR. at 2tf MOORES' Statesman Book and Job Office. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Bosk printing north of California, and an extensive as sortment of Jobsinc Matkrial of every kind: and, with master worhmea. are prepared to execute promptly, and ia a workman-like manner, all orders in tbe above de partments, sucn aa Books, ' Paxhphlets, Haspbills. - ... Ball Ticxxts, : Cikctlabs, , IrrvrrATioNs. Bcsimkss Cakds, BtLLHEAP. CONCSKT BlIXS, PaosBAsrifB, Blank Checis, Notes of Hanp. . Oaasat Books. . SrzsiiraoT Bills, " - Steam bo't Cards, ; ' Bills of Lapino, Certificates, Show Bills, Check Books, Bl'k REcmrrs, ADTMtSSS CaSD. AKAFTS, Blanks or all K r ns, Ac, Ac, Ac. ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED INKS. JLaw off Newspapers. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice tn t:.. contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order papers discontinued . PnWivb. may contiuue to send them till all charges are paid. 1- If awbacriber neglect or refuse to take their papers from the office or place to which thev are seat, thev are held responsible until they settle their lull and give nr toce todiscontinne them. 4. If subscribers move to other places without the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direc tion, tbey are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa per or periodical fratn the office, or removing and leav ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence o'intebtiona fraud. r Postmaster would oblige, by a strict fu!fillmr.t of the regulations requiring them to notify Pn!,lih once in three month, of papers not taken from theix ifc .i Tlw.., J -. '.-. .