-"been the7r'-rf ptwW f oajiad for vro r; claiming' LUd XawTYC-. I conduct in tft rwjrr-tis not, thebfsfi, meet with the faTG.kU4 fvjwd of th rttidcnt. (ML ilf, YWUt 4Qir"f ant, rJTtor8 to ner; !A, tin ieirs ? U t-R7ton. I jenieVto to print! fritSioiil r iWiter at the N stral.ed brth following ftiicntari which befell a party of surveyors ;io , law fct weak, -arbo-l tok shelter from a snow storm in a raviuw Which Beamed the prairie : - ' " " ' "Thej pitched their tent npon tbrct feet f nnwwgged a store, the pipe or which tad tip throwgh the top of the tent ato and went to sleep. A difficulty of breathing - aroused the party early,' and it was dis covered that the ravine had drifted entirely fall, and that the soow was three feet above the top of the tent and the top of the pipe. Oat of the entire Surveying company of which they were a part, two nicn froze to ' death two waded the prairie snows in stock log fleet, nnable to draw on their stiff boots, ' and alt were disabled, permanently or tem porarily, by the freezing of the extremities." . Near the Minnesota river, In Iowa, the mereary has been as low as. 30 degrees be- . low xero. ; , , . High Pkicks fob Negroes I North Ala bama. The Unntsville Advocate says that t the Chancery sale on Monday, in that town, twenty-one aegroes, children, women mod men, brought $13,058, an average of $118,28. One man sold for $1,335; one girl, thirteen years old, sold at $637. The sale was a cash one. Slave property feels the stimnlns of Bachanan's election, and of the high price of cotton. This season they have hired and sold for prices beyond .those known for many years. Some vandal has defaced the initials of Gen. Washington on the west 'walls of the grotto at Passaic Falls. The characters arc " O. W, 1T7 V and they were cat ia . the rock by that great and good man himself. They had remained mninjnred for more than , three quarters of a century, and nu til a few 'months ago, when some barbarian partly ob literated them by chipping out one half of the W. The blackboard ' wa.V probably a Uack republican. , fi . ' Black IvEmtLfcAX ' Resolution's. The Hartford Times, in noticing the conglome- -rate Convention which Is . to meet at Xcw Haven, on the Sth January, to decide on bow many points the members of the Fre mont party can agree, says the platform will contain the following declarations ; - - 1. Resolved, That we cordially disap . prove of the r Democratic party, polygamy, -. and the Spanish Inquisition. 2. . Resolved, That we heartily dislike ''the Democratic party, ' the small pox, and the practice of minding onr own business.' 3. Resolved, That we abhor the Denio . cratic party and the choking of missionaries by the natives of the Fcjee Islands. 4. Resolved, That we detest the Pemo rsctrc party, manual tabor, and the eating of tallow candles by the Cossacks. 5. Resolved that we are earnestly oppo sed to the Democratic party, to circumstan ces, ami the telling of the truth. 1 ' 6. Resolved, That we bitterly hate the Democratic party, the Quakers of Penusyl "i vaaia, and the voters of Pennsylvania. We don't believe the " RtpnblUaus" can $ better than to adopt this platform for ', 1S5I. It is brief, and contains the sub stance and spirit of all their political dccla rations. . t&" J. R. Doolittle was elected United States Senator from Wisconsin on Jnnnarj 23d. The vote of . the Legislature stood, Doolittle 19 ; Dunn, democrat, 5W. Ordinances of tke Ckj of Salcei. Onr4inain.c Ko 9 AX OKDRr AXCE auftonzinj and rcqmrinjr tue electiea of a City Survcror for the City of Sa lem." . j 0 r V T O ; d ' A SECTIOX 1. Tie ratfdt of the Cilj of Salem do tndmt ma fuHtnrs : That a city surveyor shall be elected aannally by the commoa council...- . I'assed the Conneil February 2S, 1857. I cxrtify the fircpin is a true and correct eopy Ol tne engiaal now on me in my omce. CllESTKU N.TERKY, UeeorJer, &c -s : r- 4. OrJI sascc BT A. AS OKDIXAXCE definin? the dntics of .street 4. ommwuaer. f SfiTlnJ 1. Tkr people ef lAe Citw of Sob-mldo imlmin ms follown : That it shall be the duty of tbe street Com m i ssi oner to hare in his foil charge all improve steals npoa tiie streets ; and it . shall be liis datr to see that all i mprosrem en ts are made in strict a ononis nee with tbe written instructions furnished him by the Council. Tassed tke Council, February 2Sr ISSr. I certify that the foregoing is a true and per fect copy "of tke original, now oa ale in my of - fice. ' .- . CHESTER X. TERKY, Kecswder, Ae. . , i OnHssstc If. 1.- AX OKDINAXCE to restrain swine from run ning- at large. SeCTIOX 1.. . The reowle f the Citp of Salem do ordminao foUota: That from and alter tbe first day of May next, any bops running; at large with in tbe citv. shall be declared a nuisance. Sec. 2. That it shall be lawful for any per to remove from the streets of the eity ny enrh swine, without being in any manner subject to a Knit at law for sack removal. Sec. 3. That any hog running at large within tbe city, shall npoa complaint thereof being made to the Marshal, be, by kia direction, placed in a suitable enclosure. tEC 4. It shall he the dnty of the Marshal to canse pnblic notice to be given, by postintr writ ten notices in three pablie viitmm in tho city, that said hog, or hogs, are so confined, and that unless claimed within one week, will be sold to the high est bidder for for cash.. Sec. 5. That said hoe or iiocs shall be riven np to said claimant upon the payment of all costs which have accrued from the taking up of said - swine. Sec 6. That all moneys arising from the sale of said sw!ne shall, after the payment of ail costs, be paid over to the city treasurer, subject to the order of the city council. TasieJ the Council, March 21,1337. - I hereby certify that the foregoing is a true am f perfect copy of tlioorigin.il, now oa tile in my onicc. ' CHESTER N. TERRY, Recorder, &c. Otdiuncc So. 13. AX ORDIXAXCE rcanirine the owners or occu i pants of lot or lots not fenced in to fill up all ,r,l..a ari.l nits, and cover over ail wells. SECTIOS 1. The People of the C'ilg of Sulia do ordain as fuUom : That all owners or occupants of lot or lots in the city, are hereby - required to till op at their own expense all holes and pits, cover over all wells socnrely, so there will be no danger of injury to any person or animals; pro vided, they are not under, fence and secure from endangering "7 onc- ' , Sec. 2. That if said owners neglect or rcfn.se to comply with this ordinance by the lllth day of April next, the Marshal shall cause the same to le done at tho expense of the city, and shall consti tute a lien upon said property for tbe amount of uck work, together with all costs and charg-ea in curred, and Die 'city recorder is hereby authorized and instructed to commence suit njrainst any per son so neglecting or refusing, for the recovery of all money" Paid bv ,nc citJr- Hkc. 3. This Ordinance to take efloct and be in force one week after its publication. Passed the Council, March 21, 1357. 1 hereby certify that the foregoing is a true and perfect ct.py of tic original, now en tile ia my of fice. CHESTER N. TERRY, Recorder, A.e. :i , an i .- pi " !";, '-'. AN ORDINANCE authorizing and requiring "Hie cloction of a Streak Comraisaioncr for tho Lity of Safest..-...) . .;!- ,' , ii ' SEirrtry !.' Ttmgeoph of tha Cit of Salem do order M fitto : That a Street Commissioner shall be elected annually by the common council. jessed the Council, February 23, 18tf i ',, . 'f I certify that tho foregoing is a true and for feet copy of the original now on file- in 'my otfifo. I CHESTER N. TERRY, Recorder, &c , r, Ordlnanc B"o. ,, ', ; AN ORDINANCE defining the dntioS of City ; -'' Surveyor. : SECTION i . jtt' People of lAe Ciry of Saltm do ordain at follows : It shall bo the duty of the city surveyor to survey such, portions (of tho city as the Council ma direct, from time to time, and make report to the Council in accordance with in B tractions from said Council. . .- ... Pa-wed the Council, February 2S, 185T. - I eertiry that the foregoing is true and peiTcct copy of the original sow on file in my office. . , . . .. CHKSTKR N. TEimV, nwoider, Ac, ; T 8 p e c i 1 1 B 1 1 1 c e s . - Drwamltt Pnrlnct Nntliif . The Democrat of Satcht 'PrfWnct are reqnrotrd to meet at the Court Home, ia Salem . on Sotimlnv, th 4th day of April next, at 1 o'rlork I. St., for the purl poae or apptnntinir Hve dHejntni to attrml the lVmiv cratie C'oanty Convention on Mnmlny, the Kth day of naid month. A (reneral attendance is urgently devtred. ler order of Committee. Swl i. ' . . . Hoi.U)-ay's Oixmrvr i Iillh Tnese potent rem edies constitute mattriawtrdim inthemwWes. for there Is no internal or external Ul-mrdcr controllable by med icine, for which the one or tan other of them is not a positive remedy. Ern4ions. tumors, scrofula, scurvy, cancer, aacrcorial dieaxe. asthma, rkoumatia. sure throat, (rout, slropsical sweltimr: etcnaicade and disap pear under the action of the Ointment, and in cars of dyna.dyaeiileryskkaiwdaraeidiarrlteaivcr com plaint. viv. costiwnexs, tlcbility.aud othtrcompljiuU originating in the internal errant, the IM1U ptvHluce the moat astonishing mr.ilts. S ' Da. L. J.Ctmr' Snrcical and Medh-al In4itntels so estenivclr known in this Territory that any notice of ft. or nf him, might seem superfluous. Vet fearing that there are those who heretofore having no need of medical aid. have neglected to ascertain the pror sonrces of relief in case of misfortunes To thone we heg leare tn direct attention to tr. I 1. Crapkar. who Is certainbr Itcsiclan of jcatHkill and wonderful success In his profession. The Hr. has devoted much attention to the treatment of chronic and private dis eases, and stands nnriratlcd In his management hi them. To those whs need scch assistance we cheerfully recommend lr. I. J. Cxapkay ; it would he well at all events to consult him, as he makes no charge for con suliation, and much good might result from it. The Itr. guarantees a cure in all rases or ak no compensation. tfW" Bee r.I. J.Czapkaj-'sadrertisemeuts in another column of this paper. t'.3m. '. !.- ,i a-ides. ' - !! AtCDrvallis. on the list int., 5trs.SARAn M. I.rr tox Jvrifv t.r Mr William II. l.iiton, in the 2vth 3-ear of her a.W - V Mrs. Lnptfen was a mcailier of Associate Reformed Chnrch. an exemplary christian, endowed with an ami able disrsisiii.invaBd amenity of manners, w hich secur ed her the eracot regard ni aJEscsiofl.r all eounectsl with aeriu th varays relartiiiis of domestic mV,.onl tlie estoesassT large reie of enalntances. iter Braess was jrotracted aad her disease resapflVa ted aadatven ; yet She bun bar snOrringa witJt enui niraity aad rerfginsiun - Her end was calm and peace ful. - "" - -. Those ttle4t mourn by this event may Welt ap proiriate tbe couwlatiiiu that their iaiai is her eternal gain. ,; ; . Notice. THE partnership heretofore existing between Drs. A. SI. belt, and J. D. MeVurdy, Is this day dissolved by mntual eonsrnL lVrsons owing the late Brm. are noti fied that either of the late Brm are authorized to settle the accounts. k Attention, KverybodT !!! D. McCurdy will be found at the store of .Mr. J. C. d d A.. Belt at his office. - Those Indebted to the k 4are arliMrreivnested to call and settle, as one of $te Krnt Is vpWiiiw to go- td tbe Ktatx-s Therefore ysnwiil understand the necrxsity of ascedy settlement. It isee Car yow tweome to t.wii thau for us to go aud see you. We came tusrrvof when yon desired it : now come to skb l s and settle. . .' , . .A. St. HI-XT. 1 . J.D.McCLUDV. Salcia.)iarch 20. 1S57. 3w3 . Jefferson Institute. THE board of Trustees nf this Institution are happy to announce t .the poblic that they now have a school in successM iirniiin at. this placet Having Btimed the services nf Charles II. Matxoon as principal, the Trustees flatter themselves, from his estaldisbnl reputatiim as one of the ls?-t ra-ti-nl trachers tA the Twntmv.M OT Ui- IImmi mMM ments, they will be able to make the School one of the best in Oregtm. ' '".' Prims rv Department. fir new beginners, per - -1 quarter (twelve weekl S3 00 Secondary ltepartmrat. such lranches as are - - - ceneraiiy tatfgni in a iisinct ts ii.sji, e si Higher branckes, 00 First quarter cmuaeaecd. , s :- January l!Hh, l37 Second " . , will cmamenee April ISth, s.7. Third " " . "... , July 2Uh, 1J. Fonrtn " f letober tl'Ui. lsit. Students can enter at any time. 11. A. JOI1SS0X, Secretary. March lfl, liT." 3wl . Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby given, that 1 have received letters of administration from the Co. Court of I. inn Co.. . T.,on thrUsie-ot R TH A a IKI SHcCAKTA V, de ceased ; therelore all who have claims against said es- ktte, are requested to make snrh claims known to me, that ttiey may be settled at wny early day, as I expect lo vuut up uie basmeiw a wiksv inm-. - t joau im Ki.ta, Admin r. March 17. A. D. 1M7. 3w4 Statement 1i ".DR ia Woformirvto secticn 7th. of chapter 2nd It X of the act relating to common schools, and school lantfa. ' No. of scholars In the eonnty , , !s7- " attemling school, . 1 " P, h.sd llonses, 2S . Libraries, 0 ! "T, .r ," . " Pckool IHstricte, i; . , . t school books rarccir ult rsm : ( Pander's Scries of Readers, Sander's Speller, ' Kollioa's and KroWn'a TlrsmnmrR,.,. ; ;; J,,, .. ' Thompson's Scries of Aritlimctics, Mitchell's tJeoffraphv . N Amount of money pfd to teachers, , . f 2,fi3 rt - Snpt. Coin. ISclteoLs. BenUm Co. ' Coreallis, March 1R. lSiI. i . - Swlt.- 7 NEW WlfOLESALE AND - COMMISSION HOU$E, f FOR THF. BALE Or . QENEBAIT'i MERCHANDISE, Country Produce; CcC, &c:f At the More recently occupied by II. W. Coabctt, ' , , . S.E. Comer Front and Oak Htrectn. v THrlandermgned have esalnsbea a M er e a h t i le House at Portland for the transaction of a - General Merchandise ' Business, AT WHOLESALE ANIiOXVOMMISSnX, Asd it will be their Ynirnosc to keen a full numlvol new end well selected Goods in the following branch es, viz: . , , . ' A tiEvwiti. ApsoKniEXT of fijux-EBiEs ; ' v STAnB Dky Goons ; Choice CiAmriNa and Kcknisdixg cood; . W'ki.1. Ssu-BCTitD Botrrs Ac bsors ; Srari.B Habbwr. The Stork is entirely new. and has been laid down at extreme low pnees. e shall heeonnei-tcil at in Iran Cisco with an old established Commission and lnisrt ing llmise, ana snail nave mipcnor lacuiiKi lor nv curing desirable Goods of all descriptions, adapted to Oregon trade, ana at the lowest market pnee. it win he our object to keen the hot qual'lic of Goods, and olfer them to the City Ami Country Trade on lair terms. Tlie narlics composing the Firms at each lmiuL hav ing bad an intimate and extensive knowledge vf the California and Eastern markets for ifnnv years, feci confident that with these advantages, they will secure a share of imtronace. We shall be prepared at all times to purchase, or re ceive oa eonmgmnent, all kinds or onnnlry l'mincc. Couuteninents of I'roiliice are solicited, and imrticnln attention will be given to any goods which muy lie mt in our hands for sale in tbe rsta Erancisco Market, and proiniit returus will be made for tlie same. Satisfacto ry advances tn rash, or ia tncrchaadise, will he made when required. liAXKlX A.CO-. McKEEACO., . Sau Francisco, Cat. 1'ortlaud, O. T. ! tlT MrKec & Co. are appointed the sole Apents of the t4N r aANCisco t unnAuK ami Uaki m h actohv for' tlie sale of their Cordage, Oakum, aud sliiit Chan tflerv. in Oregon and Washinjrton TcrritoritM. and w ill be kept snpiilicd with A full assortment of ;.,ls in this line adajrtcd to the above markets, and will furnish the Trade on the lowest terms. Tlie v will receive orJers to be executed with immediate dispatch for any mxes ut Rope not on hand. TheCompany have all the necessary facilities for ma king every descriptionof Manilla ICope, which they guar antee shall be equal in every respect, to any which may lie imported from the Eastern States. Portland, O. T., March 14th, 157. 3w4 B CON 3000 lbs., for sale at the Union Store. Sa lem, at 12$ cts. 2tf CORN-FED. A ND several liooks on SpirHu'alLsm. AspeotsUr rn SI'HErX. XV the raduncnui 2tf Boot and Shoe Stofe.t TIOBINSON Jii'ICKMON annmmee It. lil flin f illvMS nf KliMn mmA tlu Slirroutlll. rlsl Ing country, that they have takart a ftore on the east side of Commercial street, north of the prntomee, where they will keep ron-taatly ort ianil a lull assort ment of every kind of boots ami shoes, uoMi custom and sale work.-which they will sell at tlie lowest lidug pri ces. Being bath practical workmen, all orders for the mnnurnctui or x'nlr of work will be rompl'iad with, and the work .done in a sulwtanaal and worklnaulike manner. .Uive 6s a caHand esmmeojir stock; .-' ' itOBmSOjriWlCiMON. Balem, kaKh It, lfteTl -' .' V ln'3 IWIIXscll-bnnluiTrof the land claim known as the Dwight Tommy claim. Said half adjoins Mr. Peter IT. Hatch's and is almtit two miles from Oregon (itr. on the miner Wil lamette. 1 will also sell one half or file whole of the Iiropcrtr. lying and situated in the beautiful and rapid y growing town of. Corvallis, Benton Co., and known as the " Thomas" uroicrty, consisting of four lots of land, together with all the buildings thereon. Suld property Is In a beautiful location . and both will be sold ut a great bargain in cash, or wheat or oats at rash price. Impure of the Huhscritar, at his store In Ore- gon City, in relation to both, or to Hon. J. C. Avery, I in relation to the Thomas property, at Corvallis. Also, six (.til lots of land in Oregon t-ny. JOS. If. I'nESCOTT. Oregon City. March 1,1 S37. ltf New Uoods! TUST received by the snbscrilMTH yils Mcrrimac A Corheco priuts ; liuu saiitnetiM, blue ami mixed - I'M Ilia cotton warp ; ' iO coil ne, Mauilla ; 1H bundles Wrap. T ine ; , , ii canos Kj-.riHIe powder. . . AltKHSETUYACO. Oregen City, March U, 18..7. ...... Jw Youngs Improved Smut Mill. rpilttEE of these superior Smut Milts now on hand a. ana tor sate iy . AHKllNrTTHY (. uregon uity, nnren 10, 1S..7. IwS Notice IS hereby given. Oiat on Monday, tlie ' 13th day of M. April next, and the next succeeding days, I will .-ell at public auction, at tin Court House in Astoria, flat-, sop County, Oregon Territory, no much of each tract or parcel of land situated In said county, and describr . et ia tlie following statement, as may be necessary lor , that purpose, for tlie iayracnt of the taxes, interest and charge tltereoa, due uudcr tbe assessineut ftr the year . 18i6. . . . Statement of 1-ands situated In (istson Conntv. O. ' T-, taed In the year ls.in. and returned to the auditor of i(d county n the IVIinquent tax-list fc said year, in pursuance of law : . . .. . i- - lt. R. C. Bfvant's rlaiin; to- it : One section of land on tlie Colombia river, near the upper end of the conntv is: Clatsop; and Known as uie Hunt's mill cram.' Taxes one in wi. 3d. Isaac Ilarrell's claim, vht: 6M acres of land. ituated upon 1-cwis Clark s river, Ismnded 011 the north by the claim of C. W. Shane, on the other three sides by unclaimed land ; sam river oivuies me claim Irom nonn to soinn inro two neanv etpiai ponions. , . Taxes uue ?:hi no. 3d. W. W. Ibivmonds claim, viz: CIO acres f land. on Tanscv Point, uoimded on the north by the Colom bia river, on tlie eat bv Vmmg's laj-, on the south by the claim of T. W. Wnll.uc, ou the west by the laud uiiiu 01 if. v.. jvinorvu. ,. xaxesiiuu uo. 4th. - H. Mnrlin's claim, viz: The Tongue Point claim. 10 acres. . i - Taxes due $ W a. 5th. D. I- SlunwH's claim, viz: 30 acres of land. ituatcd on Young's river, and !sunded on the north by land of F IJloilelt. 011 the cast bv vacant land, on the south by the Klaskane river, on the west by Voung river. Taxes due f.i 00. Town liOt. ,, Iots 3 and ln, in IM.s k 4, in town of lCxi'iirton. 1-ots 1, 1 aad 7, do 4:t, In JleChire's Astoria. 1ot 4, lt 4, do do do do do do do lllH, in Shivelys Astoria. lih. in do . do lil. in do do xts S, 4, S and C, Ut 6, I. in do do 2,1a da do 2. in do do 4t.in do do -ot 1, j.ts 9 and in. lts S and 6, Whole of lllock II, In do do JAMES WATXE, Anilitorof Clatsop Count v, O. T. March 2, ia.-iT. lwl Astoria, O. T. Dissolution of Partnership. T HK co-iartnersliin existing under the name and style of S. JaoolM A Co., will lie dissolved on the 2Mh day of May, IsoT.and all persons having claims against said arm, will present them heroic that tmm. ml receive their monev. And those iiersons knowinc themselvvs indebted to said firm, are requested to call and make immediate payment. H. J ACU US ITI.. Fairfield, Champoeg A. Krownsv illc. Marion Co March t, ls.1T. Itdpaid Paper Hangings and Carpets ! J CST RECEIVED Per late arrivals, bv FltAXK IIAKKU. I It and 112 Clay Htrvet. San Francises . MM um I'aner llaawiBea. 1'irnrfc an every jiiict ; 6000 rolls FreiH-h and American Horde; ti ps T;ipestry Hrnssels Carpet; 1 ps Tapestrv Velvet t'arj-t ; 2: ps Three-rty Caqnsl: 3U0 s Supertiae Ingrain Carpets ; 3-"0 ps Extra Fine Ingrain CarpetM ; 2U0 ps 'otton and Wool Carpets ; lli w Stair Carpets, asxorted ; .; . S;.i s Itav State lrugHs ; MS M till Cloths, asisated s - lii p Silk Damask and Kroeah-lla: HOO m i'.Ktoa and Worsted Ifcimask ; 4(MM pair Window Shades ; MS pair lace Curtains ; 75 pah- Mnslin Cnrtains ; Hmm Cornier and Curtain Rands ; t 3Vt d07.cn Matts. assortel : Stair ltsls. Table Co ers.Olmps, FringestAc W holesale and KeUtl, by FRANK RAKEII. -lmj 1 10 .V 1 1 Clay at.; San Francisco. MCU. KliYNOI.nS. L. V. U. IIUWELL. N. Reynolds & Co., PRODUCE AXIi aEXER.it. VOMMISSIOX , MERVilAXrs. SOS. 13 AMI 01 OA VIS HTSKKT. (ETWRRrt CLA V AND WASH IStJTOX STK SAS HIM ISllI, A'Ab. T)EltSiXAI attrnthm given to the sale of Flour, i tirain. l"4atri.tntons. Fruits. Itutter. Egv. nr- ed Meats, Hides, Wool, and all staple products nf the ornntrr. . Will fill orders fin goods when accompanied hv cah or eqnivalent m anr wav or cssisignnients. nave eonstaaiiy on nanu new ami second nann ,ram and fiiinwy lings, which we oiler by bale er bnndle in loss to son. . First clsnstoracenirntshrd when renirlred, and lil- r.U advances made on oimignments hi store.' ' Having good expenenre and locality, we trust nv strict attention to give twat satisfacUon which is deas- ant to both ourselves and onr consignors. ' ' Im3 . . AnminiMrator's iVotice. TTTnCREAK, letters of administration have been Is- VV sued to the undersigned, on the estate of S. II, MAUTIX. deceased, bvthe Irobate Court, of the Coun ty of Iouglas, O. T. Therefore all ersms indebtol to the said estate arc requested to make immediate pay ment, and all pcrsous having claims agaiustsam e--i;iie will present the same withiu onc 3-ear from this date, wiin tne projcr proois. imi n n luuiAsin, .uiuin r. Mar.-h S.IS.'.T. lwl - Final Settlement. ' XtOTICEirt hereby given. Umt E, P. Wriglil, adiuiu- i istrator nf the estate of JOIIX E. GI.VSS, deceas ed, has this day applied to the l'rolatc Court of !aue County, for liual srUlemat of bis adniiiiislralion, and Tuesday the oth lay of May next, is srt for the settling of Uie same, before the l'rolwte Judge, at the Csirt house iu said count)', when aud where all interested may appear if they ce cause. JOHN' WllITTAKEn, J. r March 4.1W7. laNpaiil. Final Settlement. . IVTgTICE is herehy given, that Alexander (oxMlpas 1 lure, administrator of tho estate of D. W. W II ITK, deceased., has made his application to the Probate Court of I jine Co.. lor linal wttlcment of his admiuis- tration, and Tueslay tlie 6th day of May next, is set for tlie livaring of the same, at the Court house iu Eu gene City, at which time and place all interested may attend il nicy see proier. JOHN WHITTAKER, J. P Hatch 4, A. D. IHA7. .,. 1 w.lpaid . . . Sold Out. riMIF. Mihsrrilicr. having sold sit, calls upon every. X body indebted tn him to settle up their accounts. He can be found at the old store, v .I, ... .......... rnii.ii V'nic.ii Rd. m, March 3, 1M7; . . Sill Administrator's Notice. XT0TICE is hereby given, that letters of administia 1 tion on the estate of STEPHEN M. LEWIS, de ceased, late of HmMua county, were granted to the umlersigncd by thn Probate Court, of Uuipipia county, on the liilli day ot January, IXtt. All persons indebted tosaid estate arc re uic-sted to make immediate payment, and all iktsoiis havng claims against the s.une, are pniiK-sted to preseut them for sett lement within the time L : i l l... I... IOIIV I PTSOKV lilmin'r. . JOHN LETSORN, Admin r. Mart h 13, 1HS7. 2w4 Administrators's Notice. NOTICE is In" eby given, Uiat the niidersisncd was :iptoiiiled ailiniiiislratrix of the eskite or L. D. KENT, deceased, by the judge of prolutc for Douglas Co., O. T., on the 20th day of February, A. !., 1S07 ; please make immediate paymcut. and all persons hav ing claims against said estate will please present the same, with proicr voucher.. to the undersigned, within one year from this date. NANCY" KENT, Adm'ui'x. March 9, 157. 2w4 Kstray Notice. LEFT my premises, near this place, in Dec... ISM, 18 bead of steers, aged Irom 2 to 6 w.rw branded H under t he left hip. Any iier- ,.0 . hn will dmn uie a line to this place, informing me ot tlie whcreboulH, I will come and kike them nut of their wav. HAY'S. Harrubuis, Liun Co., O. T., Mar. 12 i7. 2wpaid H' United States Mail. Hi : y :. ,roT Omen Dktaktmeht. Wasbliurtou, H. C. January 1, 1457. PROPOSALS for conveying the iiiuils of the United X States from September 1, 18.17, to June 30, ln.'8, iu- elusive, on the follioving routes In the Territory of Ore gon, will be received at the ,'6ntract Offlce or this de partment nntil S, p. m., of Hm 15th of June, 1837, to be decided by the Soth orjimei ' ' j t oitEaoy. TERRiTim r. 12738 From Corvallis, bv RHrnVv's. Miirrav's Entrcne I i l-oltiiim Grove, add the Coast Fork of I Willamette, to Oakbiudr'3 miles and back,once a week. Leave Corvallis Tlinrsday at 7 a m Arrive at Oakland Hatufdny by 4 p m lx;ave Oakland Thursday at 7 a m ; 'Arrive at Corvallis Saturday ly 4pm; 1 ' Bids to end at Sluslaw, or ut Winchester, will be considered. ixsmvcTioxs. Vo nnv will ! made for triiM not performeit. and for each of such omissions not satisfactorily explained three times the pay of the trip may be deducted. For arrivals so far behind time as to hreak connexion with depending malls, and not mimcienuy exenseu, one fourth of the compensation for the trip is subject to for feiture. Deduction will also he ordered for a grade f wrfornuuice inferior to that spccllled in the con trnrt. i ' S. For leaving behind or throwing off the malls, or any portion or them, for tlie aunuiwion oi wiiBm or for being concerned in setting up or running an ex press conveying intelligence tn auvancc 01 uie man, a inarter s Hiy may tic dcdtictcu. ,. 3. Fines will be iinnoscd. unless the delinanency be promptly and satisfactorily explaiucd by certiltcatea of ostiiiastcrs, or the aflidavks of other credible persons, lor failing to arrive in contract time ; for neglecting to take the mail rrom, or deliver It into a pout offlce 5 for siiftVriiigit (owing either to the unsuitablrnox of the idaee of manner of carrying it) to lie wet, Injnred, de stroyed, robbed, or lost ; and for refusing, after demand, to convey the mail as frequently as the contractor runs, or is concerned in running, a coach, car, or steamboat on a route. . ... ' 4. The Postmaster General may annul tne contract r repeated failures to mi)jaaw'bly to contract; for violating the pi" omee laa'or disolieylng the Instruc tions of tho department ; for refusing to discharge a carrier when required by the department to do so 1 fur assigning the contract without the ax-cut of the Post master Genera! ; for running an express as aforesaid ; or for transporting persous or pacVagea conveying mail mnttnr nut of the maiL The Postmaster Oeneral may erder an increase or service oa a route by allowing mereior a pro raia in crease on the contract pay. He may change schedules of departures and arrivals in an rases, aua particularly to make them conform to connexions with railroads, without increase of psw , provided the running time be not abriilgciL Tlie lostuia--tcr General mar-also cur- taU4r discontinue the scrviie, iu wnuie or in pari, at lira rata decrease of nav allowing one months extra coiiiiH-nsation on the amount disieiised with, whenever, in bis opinion: tlie public interests do not require tbe same, or in case he desires to supercede it by a different grade of transportation. . Favments will be made for tlie service by collec tions from; er drafts on. iostinaters, or otherwise, af ter the expiration of each quarter say in r eoroury. inny, Aajjiist. ana ovemiM?r. 7. The distances are -riven according to the best In formation ; but no increased par will lie allowed should tliev be greater than advertised, II the points to lie snp- iilied lie correctly stated.- Rlihler mmtt inform thrm- nslrra on thm uouif c and also iu reference to the wehrlit of tlie mail, the condition of roads, hills, streams. Ac., and all toll-bridges, ferries, or olistruction oi any kind hr whii h exiH Use may be incurred, OIlicesestablL-lifd after Uim aU crt i-nieii t is issued, and alsa during the contra. t term, are to Is- visited without extra pay, if tlie distance be not increased. " JAMES CAMPDEIX, lw l rastmastcr General. , , Administrator's Notice. "VOTICE is hereby given, that whereas, the nnder- signed lias this kiy iK-en aj'poinUd, by the Fro- Isitc t 011 rt, or I'oiK lu, i. 1 .. administrator of tne es tate of J AMS M. FltF.liKIMCK, deceased, tlierefore all (lersons imlebtetl ti said cslnte, are rr)iiested to make HHtuediaU payment, and nil ba vine rlnims aeainst the same, are rrsinesicil to presciii i!iera.v inemnH-rsmneti, at her reHidciue, in said conntv, for allowance within one year from the date hereof, otherwise they will there-1 alter be lorrver l-arrea. CI'AHttl.SA L. FREDERICK, Admiu'x.. March 10, lsj". lwtpaid Administrator's Notice. r ETTKIIS of administration have Ist-n grmted tot lie A tmdersigucd Uv tlie ITi.3te Cntrt, or IHsiclas Co., I). X., nissi I lie estate of IIKM1V 1'KAKL, dis-rascd. lieariug djte February 17. Is. J. Therefore nil is rsons iiulchb-d to tlie said estate, are requested to make im- m-diate myment to the uiiiIctsicimnI. and all persons having demands against said estate, are licrehy (minted to present llrm, with the proper proofs, w ithin one year irom tne uau iieretii, ti ine nuuersisueu, in low CrecK t alley, in me ai..resaii owiity. ZACHKt s t .?i UliM'M, Admin r. Marih 2, 1S."7. . . , Iw4aid ag't Administrator's Notice. THE undersigned having been appointed by the I Judge of Probate of l.inn County. t. T s.lininis-1 tratorof t!ieest.ite J A M l-.-s iu 1 1 deceasnl, late oil said County, and Territory, herein gives notice to all eroM haiasclililsHills thesarcd. V exhibit the date of this notice, to me, at my resioence tn unn County, O. T.. for examination and adjitstna-nt. or be forever larred tlierefrwra. It. S. COVL, Admin r. March 12, lsil. . Iw4id 'Administrator's Notice. TS Prolate Court for Yamhill County. O. T. Where- X in. Joel Cri-twan.atliniiiistratot of the estate of LA HAN S. M Oil IN. deceased, lias hied nisaorouiit.nrar ing for a fiiwl sHtlement, notice is hereby given to tae heirs at law. and all M-rsons intercsU-d. to apear at a riant of I'n.loilc, to be lield at tbe I'robate ohice in tlie town of LaravetVe. in sai.l county, on the 7th day of May next, at III o'dWk. A. M.. to show cause, if anyj whv the account suail not ue aiiwei ami a tinai settle ment made. MAUTIX UUS, J. V Ijf iyette, March 5, l"". 2w3 - Administrator's Notice. I X Fro) site C.airt tw 1 amhill County, O. T. WTiero- I in, James iHentadmiwistratorof the estate of KTE- ril FN SlliHnHjS.deceased. baa this day Bled his ao- rount. praying for a final settlement notice is hereby given to heirs at law, and all persons interested, to a lar at a Court of Probate, to he held at tlie I'roliale ollice, iu Mfayette. in said Ciaiuty, on the Mb day of April next, at 111 cioes, a. m ., tu show cause, 11 any why tltc said account shall not he allowed, and a fluid settlement made. M ARTIN Old. J. P. Lafayette, March 7, A, J. Ii7,. , t lw3 Administrator's Notice. n. XTOTICEis hereby given that letters of adiiiinistra- 1TI tionon the estite ,t APAM P. ZCMWALT, de- ceased, leariug date January , lSi7, were granted to I the uudersigiHMi.by tlie I'rolmte Court, of Laue CVninty, an wron inuci'tea 10 sam estate are requested to sct- 110 tne same wiin tne aoinmrstravr, and ail persons having claims against sabl estate will present them to the administrator, duly authenticated, witldn onc yenr from the date hereof, at his resilem.e. IH miles north of Eupeuc City, on the illaraette rond, JKKUMIS 11. mihwai.t, Admin r. I r.ogene i ny, iarvu , isj. . iwtpaia Final Settlement. ' NOTICE is herelnr given, that Alvin II. Btei.hens, ad ministrator of the estateof 8AKAII M.XOl.ANP, iH-eased, has tiled bis accounts with tlie I'robate Cnmt, of I .one County, for linal settlement, and that Tuesday, ne tin nay 01 .tpni next, is set lor tho settling or tne same liefore the I'rolmte judges, at the Court luaise in said conntv, at which place aud time all interested may apiear ii.iney sec proper. , Jlll. hi 1 1 AIVC.ll, j. 1 Eugene City. March 4, 1S57. lwJpaid f- Final. Settlement. M OTICE is Wreby given. Hut Richard W. Iwis. ad 1 V niinistraUir id the estate of JOHN FOTH ERGI Ll deceased, has mailc bis applieatioa to the ProUite Court Ol liiie t ssiiiiy. lor linal settlement, of Ins administra tion, anil'that Tuesday, the 7 Hi dnv of Anril next, is set for the hearing of tbe same,-at the Cisirt house in said county, when and where all persons interested may ap pear it tney sec proper. HIIIM III 1 1AM-.K, J. r Eugene Cily.Mari'li t, 1K.',7. lw:lpuid Lost. r YET WEEN ParkenMiUe and Oregon CJIv. a large Kn- 1 1 vcloivc. conlaining a small blank Iwok. together with two Notisi of hand, siirixsl by James Met uv. and one on David IlalpnssHT tlie Idler calling lor forty one dollars and payable to Parker Eldridge, the former calling fur thirty dolhirsand liny cents ; tojrcmcr with divers other pajiers, bills from niercautile houses in Oregon and Culilornta. . The alsive Iniudlc was wrapiicd in a new.niaiier. the "Saturday Evening Post" I think. I will give a lilieral rewaiil to any una who w ii deliver said papers to inc. in I I'arkcrsv illc, or to 8. Moss, al Oregon t it y. 'I Feb. 2o, 1SS7. i . S2w3 WM. PARKER Probate Notice. rilO all persons interested in the estate of DA ID JL CARSON, dccciiscd, late of Ik iiton Co., O. T.. are hereby untitled to npiiearlpelore mo, ul in v ollicc 111 tsir- vuili.s, on the lirst Tuesday of April next, to show cause why an order should not lie grunted Ut sell the real es tate of said Carson, to pay debts and charce-s agaiust said estate. WM. L. C A RDWELL. J- P. Febniary 2,, 1S."7. S2w4 Final Settlement. NOTH E is hereby given, that Ucniauiin Davis, a ministr.itorol'the estate of M A KG ARKT MOUNTS, deceased ilid this day move tlie 1'roliatc Court of I .a lie County, for linal settlement of his nccouuts as adminis trator, aud it is ordered by tho Cairt that the lirst Tuesday, the Sth day of May next, lie set for hearing of tbe same, at tlie Court house iu said County, aud as insiriouiiou ut snm v3k.iv nmy nicn anil mere, uiftc place, an inierestssi, unu nit; iwire esjieciaiiy are uoiiu- eu 10 aiteiHi 11 iuey see jroH-r. - JUlli Y lllTTAKc.lt, l. I . March 4, A. D. 1S37. i lw3paid Notice to Creditors. ALL persons having claims against the estate or CLA IBORXE W. WILD, deceased . arc hereby re quired to exhibit the same with the necessary vouchers within one year after the date of this notice, to the un dersigned, Parker Bryan, administrator of the estate. at his dwelling house in Lane County, Oregou Territory. - - I'AKkbK itKl :AN , Admin r. Dated March 4, 1P57. . Iw4 A. Coffee Party (new advertisement.)... MRS. ADAMS, where did you get those beautiful teacups and saucers 1 George got them at the EMPIRE STORE. Were there anymore of those white stone China euna and saucers, and plates left? 1 mould thlua them was ; Itoon nns got one cord or less of the same kind, very clieap, at the Empire Store. wny, Mrs. Uiugulia, wnere, uia yoa get tiiose ime morocco shoes f 1 got them at the Empire Store. Do von believe that vou can get goods cheaper at the Empire Store than at those stores up-towa ut course I do. Ia, me, Sally, where did you ret this beautiful white sugar T - Why, fsikinton said he got it at tlie Empire Store. Well. It is too QiitrageiHis i don't yon think John got two dollars worth of sugar, last week, at Mr. Independence Htore. and it is black sandy stuff, only lit to make vinegar, or the like. tiourge, you have got a Hue coat, vest sou pants. 1 NUuuid thin 1 Dad. You Iwncbt them at Portland, perhaps? Never, 1 bought them at the Empire Store. Mary, did vou see the line calico dress that David got for Jane, last week, at the Empire Store? I slMMild think f did see it : and don't yon think Rob ert bought Elizabeth a line calico dress, last week, at Mr. . store, and tlie llrst time 11 was wasueu it went in for Disunion, aud it lisiks just like a smoked lantern, or au alsditionist. Mrs. Pukes, where did you get this Hue cloth In Jim my's little coat ? - 1 Why, that Is nothing but some of Boon a kventnek Jeans, at the Empire Store. . Yon don't say I Well, my huslstn-l went over to Sa lem some three weeks since, and not having time to go down to the Empire Store, he bought something they rail Mississippi Jeans, aud It is as coarse as cotton, aud looks like 1 should say. Mr. Walters, you have got a line pair of boots, surely? Ccrtaiuly, I got them at the Empire Store. ere there any of ibis ainu Kit 1 About a cord ! Lucy, my dear, where did yen get those silk gloves ? Whv dii'dilv Isiuirht them for two bits at tbe Empire Store, and be says that he priced m great many of the goods in the stores in Salem, and be is convinced that thechewpest aud best goods are to lie found at the Em- Very well, if Abraham don't back out from yon kiraw what, I mean lirinda, 1 am going to get me a fine silk dress pattern. And A complete outfit at the Empire Htore. . Muttons, thread, wax, needles and ibtmrnes tarown in lo llif larraln at tlie Klnldre Store. This act to lie In lorce irom ana nuer 11s puuncnwwn. Approved, January 17. 1 House, Carriage, Sign, anal Steam- D a-h lining. Ct A. REED having established his Taint shnn In . Salem, is nreliared to execute with dispatch all lobs in the above line. Banners. Standards, and Em blems, for societies painted on silk, satin, velvet or mns lin. 1'alnts ot ail colors ana aescnpuvus niiAru. irnui fornsv. for sale at his shon : also White ld. Linseed nil Titmrntine and Vanii-h. Wall paper ana Horner, U-i.l.ir olass. Pa nt brushes, graining tool', rtc. I- rertions given in painting, al-o in graining imitation of wood, stone or marble. w rmm ftiimaii nmmiti r aiienuen 11. AH Jolis Intrusted to his care warranted to give ratis- faetion. Salem, Jan.", 1S..7. y Fresh From New Yorfe. OX 11AXI) AND XOIV RECEIVIXU. 1vi:Y COOPS. Clothing. Boots and Mioes, rlare- 1J ware. Groceries, Books and Stationhry Call 111 and see them 2b tf J. II. A I. It- MOOUKS. HULLS No. 1 Soap, the best you ever ited. i ry it- XX White lead, linseed oil. fairpentiue, putty, indigo, madder, coperas, alunr, - nil lor lamps aud iiiachiuery. New Orleans sugar, rnLslicd sugar, cream tartar, saleratus, soda, at j;tf MOORES . FAMILY" IilllLES, Welster sOiiarto I'ictionary, University " Variety or Miscellaneous oias, wwwi ouym.K, at (jrand llonde lleservation. rillK snlisrribeY wishes to sell his sidendid farm near tbe Grand Ronde Reservation, li',; situated in tlie lieautiful Willamina Valley, lie- Bsj tween the tlak bills, well set with grass, and tlie mountains, containing the best of timlier near at band and well watered with gushing springs and now- ina creek. Itcontains 32U acres, 2."0 acres improved, and a Is-antifnl yising Is-anng orchard, with a comfortable In wise and lam." Tlie soil is as good as Oregon can af ford ; the building site Is bard to brat, with a spring ripbt at hand. For further information, apply to J lamsnn. near tlie premises, or to tne sunscnoer at sion- . . .. .2 a, II - U .11 k momn, t ots. i.,u. 1. '"" March 3, lo7. oiw.iaiu 8. J. McGormick, Fraiiklin ook Store, (FEOST STKCVT. rOBTLASK, O.T.) TJAS coustautly on hjml abjjreocof Rooks txn 11-Bi.isnocs lim"ES. - A catalogue may be seen In the Oregon and WasliinetHin Almanac for !So7. Hooks nntcred there from sent postage free to any part of either Terrritory. Portland, Feb. 21. K.7. 5yl tCOX SO.OliO lbs. ' ranted by COIJ-: ALEXAXIER A Co. IIKI.Sof wlieat III. Win wanted bv COLK ALEXANDER Co. BUSHELS of Oats i.OOO wanted by COLE ALEXANDER Or. )W! - l'HJ good cows wanted by COLE ALEXANDER A to. "HiFFEE, Sugar, and Tolaeco low at l IHI.K AMAl'r.K It in. BEST Hickory, for a bit at . COLE ALEXANDER A Co. BEST Calico and Mcrrinuw-k Prints, low at " COLE ALEXANDER A Co. BOOTS, Shoes, and cUdhing low at COLE ALEX ANDER Co. ING to close out by thehrst of April. or - in a few days 7 after, and we are " wurni 10 sen. . . t vi 1 COLK ALEXANDER A Co. w HEAT received at Matzer Co.'s Mill, or at Cor vallis. UILKAlifc.lAWUHlll. W E will pay the highest price in goods for wheat, 7 .; COLK ALEXANDER A Co. O A PAIR of white bed blankets,cievcn (luarters wuie. for sale cheap at COLE ALEXANDER Cos. 3(3 cheaper at COLK ALEXANDER & Cos- D RY-GOODS for ladies and geutlcnieu, in great va riety. At 2utr MOORES' Corvallis Warehouse. No. 1. I am prepared to .store produce, and will attend to re ceiving and forwarding the same. 33tf ISAAC MOORE. . Orleans Warehouse. .' ' vl,lOSlTE Corvallis. W eare orepan-il to store prw J dure, and will attend to receiving and forwarding the same. :;::tr WORTH A BRO. Stuart's Express, FOR CASCADES AND DALLES OS MONDAY'S, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDAYS. EXPRESSS FOR Cliauipor;, Saicui, Albany and Corrallis, On WEDNESDAY', and on Aiikival or M.tiL Stevmek from Sax Frascisco ! ! i- All Letters, Packages and Freight, entrusted to my care will be atM'iuieii to prompny. III r llr, At r raiiKiiu issra on-ix. December 30. HUD. A. B. STUART. . Negotiation of War Scrip. JUST printed and for sale at tne statesman onice blank isiwers of albirncy and assignment for transfer of war scrip, from a form preircil by an experienced lawyer. I'm c, er liuudred. timers i,y mail lined. July 1, lxMi. 10 Wanted. rrilr bushel tlatn. nin! ;hSHI 1iP.11.n11n nnynuan OUllll lilv of dead swine, for which cash will be mid on delivery. men in 1, Oregon City,' Nov. 25, Ih3. 39tf Notice ST.e ITR Y'ED. or stolen from the siibscrilsT, S'jJffi living 111 AHuiiy. Unn Vo., o. 1., 011 or about the lirst of Dceemlier. 1S5K, one sor- rel horse. blaKC faced, ngbt nip Knm-M- down, brandetl on near slimilder O. I ., vented V , hair brand. No other brands or marss rc-ouoetoi. Any on- returning said horse will be lilierally rewarded. J. M. McCONXELI Albany, January 27, 157. ttitl'paid iVdminitrator's Notice, TETl ERS or administration navmg neen granted by j lb I 'foliate court of Polk Co., O. T-, on the estate of CYRUS K. RIGGS, deceased , to the undersigned, no tice is hereby given to an persons naving noma mis against the said estate, to present tlie same, duly au thenticated, to the -said Probate Court, and all persons knowing tiicmselves lmieirteu to tne said estate, will lease make immediate payment to the undersigned. I k 1 - 1, Ulllltf .1 : Kola, March 6, 157. 52w4paid Notice. H) all whom this may come, greeting : That I am to I toatr for tlie States soon, aud would resneettullv rciiest those whoknow themselves indebted to me, or W C.Griswold A Co., to call aud settle without delay, and oblige ' . W.C.GR1SWOLD." Salem, January 27, 185' 6tf (25,000 Worth spimmAriDsui GOODS ! I THE snbscrihen would resiiectfully InTorm their cus tomers and the public generally that they have on hand, and are in constant receipt 01 goous irom nan Francisco and New York a Ltrgc and well-selected stock consisting in part of , 11- Ahrra, allspice, and alpacea. Bonnets, be rages, and bro. linen, Cambric, crash, and calico. Domestic de mines, and damask. Edging, embroidery And everything, Flannels, fringes. And fancy bxiu h, ' Ginghams, gaiters and gloves, ..-; . . Handkerchiefs, hose and hAir-pinS, : Iron, ink, and inscrtings. s . 1 . Jaconet, jeans, and Java coffee, ; -- Knives, kid gloves, and knitting-pins, ' Iawns, lard and Llverpcad salt, Mustard, mirrors, and matches; ' Needles, nails, and nice tilings, - Oils, evershirts, and Oolong tea, , ; Fins, pants, and pApert' vuuts, uiiiiis, anu qiieensware, , ; . Silks, sugar, and shaving soap, Tea, tobacco, and turpentine, I'nibrellas, nnder-sleeves, and useful things. Veils, varnish, and vinegar. . Wreathes, woolen goods, waffle-irons, .. Yarn, yeast, and Yankee notions, Zinc, and zephyr worsted, Ac, A.C., and so on, Resides many other articles too numerous to mention ; an 01 wnicn we are onenng at reuucea prices, aaopt- Inir the nlan or " OuIcK s;ilcs ami small proms.-' The ladies will find in their department a large stork of fancy goods, direct from New Y'ork, which is not usually kept In Oregon, and by arrangements will lie in constant receint adennnte to tlie wants of the ladies. The Ueutlemeii a iH-partmeni i mmisning geous wUI seldom lie eoualled.aud ex-elleil by none in Salem. I HON The blacksmiths and Iron dealers will always find a well selected sVk k of all sizes and shapes, to gether with a good assortment of iron axles, from 1-4 x in., to 2x11 inches, which we are selling at fortland urices. a Jdinff freights. We are Drenared to receive all kinds of produce in exchange for goods, and also money. For full particu larscall and examine for yourselves. w. c UKisnui-i' .V in. Salem. Feb. 10. 1S57. , 4tf Notice. Fer Sale u Chf ap a tbe Cheapnt, and for Cash, rortioii rrmiict. I HAVE received by bark Nshnmkeag. H:ilcym, and steamer Columbia', just arrived. A fresh lot of groce ries. Ac. Which, added to mv former stock. offer as good an assortment 111 groceries, provisions, painu ana oils as Are to be found in the Territory, to wit : : s.tsw lias. China No. I sngar. 4.000 I lis. best Rio green coffee, 2.WIIM. " Java " 2.IM.N) His. Manilla No. 1 sugar, 2.SN1 Hm. N. O.and S. I. wigar in bWs. and keg l '.ci ljs. bfcu-k pepper (nsiad) ' 20 Isix gr. spices. ' 2K His. allspice, (nsind.) 10 dz. Eng. and Am. mustard in glass, 6 pie fruit .- S " fresh pew-hes ' 5 tomato catsup in cases 2 ea. lu glass, 6 " t avanne wpiier lin glass) 12 " Fresh Baltimore coveoysters 2 Ibcans, 2 " Irfibsters, Iresli in z n cans, . S brooms, i 3 " IKiinted nails, 13 hooia-d.) 6 W. Collins Sc Co- axes, with and with- handles, . 2 " ax handles, Ml lbs. Ilorax, SO lbs. Gum camphor, SO I sixes ad. randies lis. 20 and 40 ea. 20 " Hills A-Cidgate's No. 1 snap, 5 " Olive oil Splagnolia brand," S " Cream Tartar, 10 " Salaratits, 10 kegs 5 Soda. 20 chests, old and young hyson, grm powiler. , Imperial and Oolung teas In bulk and in 1 2 ffi caddies, - . .. 100 half boxes sardines, III " Gherkins in I gals. 20 ' Tobacco " dilf. brands," 311 dtt. papers smoking 20 boxes matches, . 2 l-ags nutmegs. 3l lbs". Carolina and China rice, 2 gals, stierra and polar oil, IM saeks l.iveriHNd grd. and S. I. salt, - i half bbls. Stuart's crushed sngar, 20 kegs Selh Adams'" syrup in kegs, 2 bid, pore eider vinegar, dried apples Ac. .tso a general assortment 01 uiu, wiuua, dow glass and nails, to wit : 3oo gnls. raw and unboiled oil, 20 Copal varnish. SO Spirit's tunientine. SO boxes Gentian glass 10, lOVf 12, 10X 14, 11 16. A-c. Dry and mixed naints of all colors, and av ouantjty. A gttod assortment of paint and other brushes ; alsc a cotsl 9ssurtraent ol Koots as miibs. 1 have of Oresnn nrodoce. 3JM0 lbs. Oregon A No. 1 Isitter, 6 to s.Otm llts. Itacoa, ham, slssihler, and sides, 30 bushel lieans, 25 Isrshel peas, SO bos he! buck wheat Hour. SO sacks S. F. flour, oats, timothy seed, and any 1 T.ntitv otlirst rate potatoes., J. X. rKKStil r r. I Oregon City, Feir.tr, l?57. 31U Ho ! Te Wvrtf r of Inm trt Strel ! T HAVE Uiiaday received by the arrival of the S. It X Whiting from San Francisco, the following assort. meut 01 iron ami sieei, to wu : 1 2.0ISI llks. Norway shapes. . 2,OU0 lbs. Iron (Hat,) ' 2.008 " 3X1 16 " . . 3.000 44 jxj " " .0"0 " 1, j.l, lj,andl.snre. . 3,000 " j, 5-1B, i. I, and U, inch round, 1 .000 " assorted cast steel, - loo " horse shoe nails. (G n hH-b together with stork in rtatu mnkr. m rom- plete an assortment as ran lie found iu Territory m will be sold as cheap as the CHCArKs-r for cisn nrmnn- try produce. J. X. FRESCOTT. Oregon City, teh 23, 1 So 1. MM Enterprise Line of Steamers, To all points alsve Portland on the Willamette River. . rilllE EMPRESS A. S. Murray, jrk, iirdti 1 , r. ........ ..'nn "... Will counect as follows:.... Steamer ExrBKS-s leaving Portland every MONDAY and FRIDAY morning, at f oehs-K. A. M. The ENTFKPnrsK leaving t anemah immediately on tlie arrival of the Kxrnnssi. fisr .Vrvallis. on every MONDAY morning. And FRIDAY morning for Suleiu. All Freight fur the above line will be receiiited for throaek. : 1 : : , Amur on board tieamers.or at 110 1 1 t nam 10 at. i-onisno. tr Pacific Christian Advocate idease copy. 4.tf .7 I Strayed. TJtROM Frier's place, near Bethel, in Polk 5-jfe X' t m tx-toner lass, one iiiarg with small star in forehead, and very light mane for an American mare : nas a man coH. Also, one bright bay American mare, small size, with stir in Iter forehead, and saddle marks. Also, one Indian mare, bay color, bald face, and white fore lees to the knees, and sway bark. Any one havm knowledge of the whercalout-s of the above described mares shall be paid fur their trouble. A. K. POST. ' rolkCo.,reb.l7,lfU7. WU 1 - Notice to the Public. ITETO is to he kept half of tbe time at my house, (.(. W P. Smith's) Spring Valley. Polk Co., 7 miles from Salem, and half the time at C. F. Ray's, in Sak-m. Ma rion Co. We have got a race on Veto against a colt of old George s, to be run tlie last Saturday in March, at Salem. J.P.SMITH. March S, lv7. . , 51tf Cash paid for Soldiers llounty JLand warrants. ' rflHR undersigned ill par rash, and the highest I rates, for a lsr:-c iiuntls-r of loiint bind warrants. on application at hisoltice iu Court lbsisc. Sab-m. O.T. C. N.TEIiRY. December 30, 1S5. 42tf Final Proof and Notification It lank a. JUST PRINTED, A large quantity of Final Proof Itlanks, and A small lot of Notilications. both from the latest forms. Orders by mail or otherwise tilled. Tlie cash must accompany the order or the blanks will not he sent. Prices Final Proof, (full set) i Ml per hundred, $1 per dozen. Notification, I0 INI per hundred, f 1 oO Ik r dozen. STATESMAN OFFICE. Salem, April S, 1S0C. it lank Deeds, A NEW hit. iust printeil. from a for Xa. one of tlie Jndgi's of the Supreme Court, and for sale at the Statesman Office, at f per hundred. August 1, 185. The Laws of Oregon. TUE OREGON STATUTES, 1S.V. being a large vol .. ...a nf 1: 0 k,:k"s m ilh coinidete illilev. annola lions and references, comprising all tlie laws in force in i. 'rork-ktski-ir inclusive of those iiassed at last session of the Lecislative Assembly, are for sale at tlie office of the Statesman, at live uoiiars ht copy. 1 ne worn is ex ecuted in the best manner, Ismnd in law style, and is sold at pnlilisuer prices, aim as n.w i a use .iii k r.iu lie bought in any State in the union, ana at tlie lowest figure they can be afforded for here. The price places them withiu the reach of all who desire tlie laws they live under. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash, tilled by return mail. It is the last code of laws that - - 1 , -.. , , , r will poMKiniy oe piiuusm-u iiix-sou, lor many year. n ,..1.1. lion to tlie eunctmeuts of the tairislative A blv. the volume contains the Declaration of Indepen dence, Constitution of the United States, Treaties with Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of 1787, in force in Oregon, Donatio aw and all amendments, and fuU Abstract of United States Naturalisation Laws. 150 Bounty Land Warrants 1TTANTED, by the subscriber at Salem. VV C.N. TERRY". lios Angelos Salt. CI ALT 300 bags I.os Angelos Salt, received, per Na- O humkeag. aud br sale at lowest rale. IKtf G. ABERNETH1- 4 CO. E STRAY NOTICES; : . 1 loees of all est rays are mroired by law to be ad- irrum.iQ lor DiaiGNiiiiB. luc uwr6 tiT tlie law. Is one dollar for each animal taken op No advertisement will appear under this head ontil paid for.J - ' - - ' rriAKEJfUP, by the "subscriber, living In TaoihiU X Co., one small red enw, with ertss off left ear aud upper-bit off tlie right. Branded H. M. oa tbe hip. Also, one red steer, two years bid. Also, one yearling heil-. er. The two last belong to the ruW. - GEO. GAY'. ' March 27, H.r.7. , . . 3w2 TAKES UP, liy Ujs subscriber, living In Beutnn Co., three miles east of Starr's Point, one pale red nx. white face, white on tbe belly and on the end of the tail, crop off Uie left ear; no other marks or brands perceivable : supposed to be seven years old. tiiiiv VV. L LA'tVnr jiCKT" February 2s, A.D. 1857. . 3wl TAKEN LP, by the subscriber, two miles east of 'onser's ferry, io Marion Co.. O. T two estrav i . - Indian horses one about 12 years old. brown, blaze in his face; both, bind feet white, saddle and sinch mark, branded on ine shoulder with H C, The other a bay. with saddle, sinch, and baiter marks, branded on tbe shoulder H C ; about years old. H. II. KING. Santiam. Man n 28. Ia7. Jwpaid TAKEN UP, ou the Sth day of March. 157. by tbe undersigned, living in precinct. County of l.inn. O. T.. one sorrel liorse. snpposru w nine years ,M lh lltn. vhttj, f,st and a white Ktrin lu the fare. some saddle marks on tlie back, about 131 hands high ; no other marks or brands perceivable. March 6, 18S7. 2w2 A KEN UP, by the subscriber, living five miles south east of Dayton, on the first of September last, a brown mare, with Mack main And tail. And white strip in face, white hind feet : no visible brands. JOHN SAtfliK.iil. Marsh 10. 1837. 2w2 i rpAKEX UP, by the subscrilier, living in Mount Scott X precinrt, in lMnglas (.0.. i. r.. one dark brown steer, with wane white in the face, about four years old. I and marked with smooth crop off both ears. No other marks or brands perceivable. JOEL DIXON. March 5. 157. 2w2 TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living at tbe head of Ash Swale. Polk Co., O. T..-one brown pided . with some white in bis forehead and short Mauding horns, marked with split in both ears. r- . rvr. 1 1. March 12. lo7. 2w2 TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, living on IeTCTeek, in Douglas Co., one light brown colored mare mule. small size, about six years old. A a uranus or marxs perceivalde. EDWARD WRIGHT. weercreeK, iiarcn t, i.u. jwj TAKEN UP, by the subscriber, one red steer, five year old, with a smooth cmp off the right ear. And A swallow fork in the left. Also, one spotted steer, four years old, snnsAh crop off the left ear, and under bit in tne same, ana unaer hi ope in me ir.i. rr.isrii . rv. Peer Creek. Douglas Co.. March 10,157. 2w2 tf'AKEN I'P, bvthe sntcriier, residing Ore and A X half miles south of Portland, on the road to Salem. January 5, iV,1, one large red steer, supposed tH be six rears old. a large size and very coarse built, broad horns, and crop off the left ear. Also, one brown steer, supposed to Is- three years old, snng Imi It, straight horns, and red ears. No other marks visible on either. J. S. DICKIMSOX. March 7, 1SS7. Jjw2 Wakefield & Co., WHOLESALE AND RET AIL MERC II ANTS, aJ.eAT, IBS CO! "NTT, O. T.,J KEEP constantly on hand a full assrrtment of Groeer; ' ceries. Hardware, Carpenters' Tools, Maek-mith" Twds. Iineenswarr, Clothing. Boots and Shoes, Faints and Oils, Varnish, Ladies" Dress Goods and trimmings, e Ac. I4tf 25 POUN lS choice Apple Seed, 10 lbs. -1 lear " -5 " Cherrystones, at WAKEFIELD CO.' JUST RECEIVED at Allany. 22 bbls- New Orleans and Crushed Sugar, (from "N. Y'.) and for sale low at WAhH ltI.ll tUS. Albany, Jane IJ. lVfi. 14tf 20 KEGS snjierior received by lined Apples (new crop) just WAKEFIELD A CO. I I A DAMAXT1XE Candbtf, 25 boxes, for sale by "HA. 14tf WAKEFIELD CO. 15 fT KKTtS ?vrtip (Seth Adam" best) jn rmired bj ' a it a r-i-i-trl Ta a. m I4tf WAKEFIELD A CO. 1 RON. 20tn lbs. best Refined and Swedes' Irofi 0 J . -alsoRimi Iron.Cat and Plow Steel, the bf-t ind Plow Steel, tne bet For sale low to black- asserted sizes! in Oregon. smiths and merchants:. 14tf WAKEFIELD ft CO. 2,500 LBS. pure White liead, fyr sale at 14tf WAKEFIELD A COs. A COMPLETE set of Cooper's Tools for sale- !Mf - WAKEFIELD CO- 1 BEST Chicago J Vl duced rates, by ' Clipper Plows," for sale at re 14tf WAKEFIHUJ A CO. Of A BOXES sk 10. 10x12 and 10x14 French GIass, Ovl just received and for sale by I ltf WAKEFIELD A CO. A GOOD assnrtment School Books constantly kept A sal 1 hand. 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. r err I. I!S. choice Osage Orange Seed. Also, Bine fmJJ Grass. Clover and Timothy Seed. 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. WHEAT, Bacon, Fee. Butter. Beans and Corn ta ken in exchange for goods at the highest market WAKEF1ELD A CO. -Moan. mi.- 14f H BUIs. LIME, just received. IU WAKEFIELD A CO. Albany. Ang. 3, 1sr.fi. 2f O CI! 1-' Wue Vitrei for sale. t)U 2:tf WAKEFIELD CO. 25 SETS Cast 2itf lkxcs, at WAKEFIELD CO': 1 f SETTS Eliptic Springs for sale low. IU 26tf WAKEFIEI.D CO. SETTS Hub Bands, for sale 2tf WAKEFIEI.D A CO. Notice. LL who are indeMed to Wakefield k Co., at Wasn L ington Butte, will please call and settle the saate without delay. 2iitf Corrallis. THE sabscriber will pay cash for Soldiers Bonnty Land Warrants, at his store. NAT. H.LANE. Corvallis, Jan. 13, 18C.7. 4411 Ldtnd Warrants. THE subscrilier will pay cash for land warrant. JOHN McCRAKEN. Portland, Feb. 17. 1S57. 50tf . Cash AID for Soldiers Bonnty Land Warrants by C. N. TERRY. Administrator's Notice. NOTICE is hereby green that tne undersigned was appointed by the Probate Court in and for Folk CO., O. A., aurainisrrafcor, won mm aniie.xeu. "t uir estateof JOSEPH E. DAVHSON. deceased, late of said county, and Territory aforesaid, on the 5th day of February, lss7. Therefore all iersons owing said rotate will pW-c come forward and make payment, and all having claims against said estate must present the same to the un dersigned, at Monmouth in said ciainty, sworn io as the law directs:, witnui one year rrom tne oaie nen-01. I ISA, K. M. KlITLKi:. Administrator, with the will annexed. Monmouth, Feb. 21, ISii. 52w4 Pf art, Ptatt, Pta. XTOW in the time to plant orchards, and the ka r. And if yon want to get g .rice, just call at the FKF1T 11 stumer the l-etu-r. m.i.1 t.o.n at a rir nriee. iust I FARM NURSERY, twelve miles east nf Salvm. rm the Territorial road h-ading from Oregmi City to the head of the valley, and you will find just what you want, for we have tens of thousamls of appe. pear, plum and cherry (on tame roots) trees, which we intend to sell in quantities to suit purchasers. A liberal share of pat ronage will be thankfully received. K.C.GEER CO., Fruit Farm, Nov. l,iSW6- 34tf Salem Market. THE subscriber, propriefc of the Saw Market, in the ceuter of the town, is happy to perform the pnb lic tlut he keeps constantly on hand . supply of alt the varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also hs-s the various kinds of vegetables in their season. Reef will be sold as follows: Fore quarters. 8 cents per lb-, hind quarter 10 cents; and if yon want a choice piece, I shall charge you a Lit A pound. . All kindsof fanner a produce anu cram recci I exchaiurc for meats. 1 ncJ.n k. - - -17tf I Salem. July 7, lS.. Orrgoa Bid California Parkrt Um. rpHE following vessels will ran i connee- J. tion iUfiiltJ ti-y. ue ami PorUami : i. 1 a t- j v KIRfK WH5rss. Master. VIIAS. iE 'ESS. HK11.T. " " J 4 E A. FAl.KESBJk.RG, BaimbKr. . " VAHUMIkEAO. WIU.IAUS. " DRIG I. R. I- UXT. Rich titnsos. The Harks have all been coppered recently, and are in first rate order, sMalrdJ expenenced capUins. FWiet wwV be earried at the forest rate. Produce sent from any part of the country tn Oregon City or to the Linn City W orks. will be received aad forwarded to Sua Francisco. Agbsts: GEO.ABERNETHT Co.. Oregon, city. ABEKXETHY, CLARK A Co. San Francisco. Xovember. S. l4d. Htf IX who want good bargains can inquire tbe pricca L at other stores and then buy of COLE ALEXANDER Jfc Co.