- V ' T- L L- Cataiogue of Books and Stationery FOU ttAt.K TtY ' 1 A. It. Slilitley & Co., 1 A Boot Start. Ftml St., Vmiland, Oregon. SCHOOL ROOKS. RutnEii Sanders' old 1st. 2d. Hd, 41h, ami Mh. and The You'lg Ladies'; Sanders' New 1-t. 1.1, H., 4th aud ilh; Parkers' 1st, S.l. 3.1, nil aud oth; Mo Muffcy' 1st, 1,1, 31. 4lh mid Alii. Ki-KLur.iu.-Siiiidvrx' OIJ, Sanders Sew; Elemen tary! lVimms Sanders Pictorial, School nml barker!. lixouRAriiiK-v Mitchell's, Am it-nt nnl Modern, 1)1 ncy'. Mora's, McNallcy's, and .Moutcith' Lit and Sditook. M Tn:M iTKw Arithmetic Thomson's, Tables, Mental, Analysis, Practical, ami Hi-ln-i; Davits' Pri mary, lutcllcct'tal, School and I'uitcrsilv; Smith's Coln.wu's lUy'ii Stoddard's; Davie AtarMira. Sur veying, Geometry. Practical Mathematics, Mntb. Die. tionarv. Loirie. of Mathematics, Analytical Geomctiy. aud J'Uil,n!i v of Mallictnutic. (IroiimuM. Green' Clarke's BaJlum Smith' KirkamV Spencer's Tower's. Piiilohoi-iiiks Parker's 1st Lcrtson, Juvenile am! School; ComtM-k' Smith's. Ilmniim. Wilson Juvenile, anil United States Parley's Universal; Willard'a Universal, and Unite J States, LataVAcr. Ciwiprr Viratil; Andrew4 I.atin Rea let; Viri Romir; Andrew' Latin Grammar; McVlin tock's 1st and id lfck in l.ntin, mid do. in Greek: An thnu's Greek Grammar and Reader; John-am' Cicero. Kastpiclle French. Gr.tmn.ar and Header; Woodbury' German Gram v.r and Iteidcr. Yclcniaipie. Greek Tes tament; French, sclt'tnijjit; Summite's Trench Dic tionary; Andrew' l-atin do. I.iddell A Scott a Greek do. Anthon's Classical do. Smith' do do. j DttnavtniKs Webster's St hool , Hi-rh iW, Am' ilemie, University, R nal vo, Unabridged and Cohbs Pocket. MiseKM.AsKoi-si Mattion .stronmy. Newman' Rhetoric, Wood's Botany. Kanie' Klemenu of frit tcism. Parker' Aid in Composition, Parker's Exer cises. Rrookftrld's Composition. McF.lli-.rott' Vmnn Analyser, do. An.tlvti.-al Manual. Parker' Wotd Builder. Mayhew's l! k Keeping. Wajland" Mortl Science. Pafev' Natural Tlie.Joy. Blake's A grit-til" tnre for Schools. I'pliatit's Intrllecttinl Philosophy. Mohan do, do. Milton; Young; Pollock; and Thomp on; (Edition for Schools) Cutter Anatomy ami Physiidogy. American Icbatcr. Newman' Political Economy. Hitchcock' Geology. Great variety of Speaker and Klorntion. All kind- of S hool Station ery; State of all ni'es; lravinr It xk; lrainqr l-aner: Pefr.d faid B rl; Hn-t.il Hoard; Pencil and llrnshe; 0trn' Colors; lnktand, every ize nd style, Ac, Ac, A' v. SHsuKi.T.AXKora noni'. !rtroitT nanrn!t's United State. oume BUdrtrtb' do, do, i volum.is. Knot Pit torial United Stale. Taylor V do, do, do. Kotta' Hi-.!. Iterolntion. Peterson" ao. Wilson's United Slates. "A illnrd do. Mlxt. Indian War United St-tt.-. W iltard' Unirersal History. Uuller do do, Itotteck's I list. World 1 or 1 ruin me. Ko!in' Ancient History. Parr do, do. Hume's KnIand. M.icanlny" d .. complete. Die ken Child's do. I.in.-mrd's do. tiildton' Koine. l'An biTne't Reformation. H:im' M. K. t'lmrch. Allison' Knrope. 1st and td Series. Prcsoitt Works. Rnrth-r' Hist, of Ucliffions. Hist, of Omneil of Trent. J.v-e-pbtt. All of Abbott' Historie. HHtorical t."aUin-t. tJMeen of Spain, yiieens of Scotland. Help's Spanish l'onpiet, Itrace'a Hungry. kidderV lira ill. Kn bank Brazil. Parley' Universal. History of I'rn ade Ancient kyptiaiM. ll.illaius li.KIIe Aze. History for Itiv. limner C hild's United Stale. Loiii!;" Field llook of RevoVrtiiin. fti.t,KArHV. Plntarch' Live. Life Brant. Won dertnl 1'haractrr. Crent and t'elebrated t lisractcrs. Live of the SiKiier. Aut-Jaof.-r.ii.liy ol FinU-y. 1 a martine' I'elebrnU'd Characb rs. Lite of Adam Clarke, do Bishop H'-ddin. do Nielmhr. do t it'll. Harrison, do lauiel B-Kine. do Uobeils. do ltfayette. t.'m tainsof Uoman Kepublic and Old World Dr. ( IijI mer, 4 vols. Live of H-tmtmldlx. Mm. Rwrw, M-aart. Wesley. Fletcher. Life ami Time of I lay; Irving' Washington. Kminent Meehanii-. Live of Chief Justice. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles loimh. Jlckon. tJen. lireen. Joan of Are. laidy Janetirey. J. t. Adam. Jiilienne. Ihinirl Webster: King of Rome. Kins and Vneen. Licbmtz. Live of the Pope, l'rescotl Philip Id. Mary and Martha Wash fairtoit. Pioneer Women of the Wet. TnavitT.. Hnek' Ciiina. Aram-anian. Stephen' TSrf-t- Olin Travel. Mnneo Park. Nile Ntte. : Adventures tin Musomto Shore. Buyard Taylor' Trav el. I urlin's Travels in the Kt. Soikxtimc. Braii-le' Knct-loH-dia. Physical t'eoa;. faphy of the Sea. Wood' N'atnral H i-t-r-. I.irdm-r 1-ecture. Useful Art--. Cosmos. Matlii-inatical ie titinary. liv'if of Mathematics. Wonder of Science. Mitcheil Planetary and Stellar World. L-omi' Re cent Projrres of Atrnomy. Smith' Dictionary of Art and Science. Kn'atnk's" Hydraulics, lhck's work. Varicms work on Architecture. l'orrav- r.ypm varvou rtyles. Sliakc-ieare, do. Milton, do. "Burn, d. Ileninn. do. Moore, do. Thompson. Yonns. l"ol'.ock. Tapper. Cowicr. ltH-. Campuell. Wad-worth. tssian. Montgomery. Kaik White. Female Poet of Knjjloiid. d xdo. AuMt tt a nd many other. Boos OF IfKrERFN'cT Cyt !-ie.lia of 'eorraphy. d.d-. Fine Arts. do. th. Biosrraphy. Useful Art. McColloeh' ;r.etteT. Harpt-r's Univeral ttazetteer. FnlTT and AaRicTLTi'Kat Klliot's Fruit Book Thomas' do. IViwrnina' do. Barry do. I"eent'ei Farmer and tianlt-ner. Fruit. Flower nnd e.cret.ilile t"arih'ner" Companion. Allen on the tirap. Panl e on Strawberry. Florist" liu-Je. Ann-ri'-an Farm Book. A lUn's l.me-aic Animals. All of Sa.t.n"s Hand Bovks. Woik on Horse. Cattle. Sheen, H.nr, Ac. THi.tviicAt. A RKLHiioi-. Harmony and Exioi tion of t;ieU. Neander" Life of Cliri-t. But er' W.trks. Knapp" Christian Theoloiy. Western Mcth odwn. Morris Miwellanie. lecture on llontttDisin. Brand of IVmi:iic ItuJe. Klliot on Romanism. Barnes' Notes. Clarke" Commentary. Heas-m's do. Jay's Kxpreise. Watson's liLstiltite. Lai-raliee's Kvideniir. Butler" Ethical IVisronrxe. korers' Kclipse if l-".irtb. do. Kcasoa and Faith. Foster' Chri-t. Perfection. Bakir on Di-sciniine. Writings of Armiiiins. Juhn's Biblical Archarottjry. Biides, all sizsand iri-e, from H tt fi"). Te-i.tments, tTM variety. M'tiiodist Hymn. Chri-tian Hymn Book, t hurch I'salmistr Plyra-Mith Collection. Svicct Mcludic. Chri-tian PiihnLsL Mrmciu-Buchin' Fami'y Tlijsician. Udro pathic dt. Homo?pathio Work. MiscELLANEOi-. Cn.ttutuns L"nilsd Stat-J-Mavhew's Popular Kdneathm. Cnil:e's Syuonem. Piatt' tttok or C'iriisitics. Odd Fellow' M.iim'il. Headier Work. 14 vols. jrr. TutiiiU's, 6 Vols. Lay ard's Nineveh. Billow's Useful Arts. Hxsv.i ll' En gineer Guidt. American Institutions, l'uni.i.t of Knowledse. Park Madison. lVinvinn Antiquitie ; Way Pawn Kast. l'yu-hurt. Ike Marvel' Work. J Sanderson' C-k and' t "onfet tioner. Country Kambles in England. Tales and Reverie, an excellent TetnjH?r ance Book." Money Maker. Kscaped Nun. New Kir. Hick Wilson. Mrs. Hale"- New Cook Book. Mil ler Old Red Sindstone. do. Footprint of t'reat-r.-, Yoirnjr Ladie" Counsellor. Youns Man' do. Pictorial Catechism. Ttiomsou" Isa t. o Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Bk- Captive in l'st ijonio. The Ameri ca) Housewife. Haif Hour with Old H-unphn-yj Athens; it timndenr and IVeay. Mr. Setlwick' Ketlwood. do. New-Fn?. Tale. "Uncle Sm' Farm Fem-e. Artimr's Siicer-ful Merchant, do. Tal. Mr. Iartiqeton. Horace Tnuv-Utiun. Virxil do. Mr. Cur len Work. Heroine of Histtirj-. l.ar.d and Sea Ieek and Port. Sea and Sailor. Slip and Shore. Naval Life. KUr Paper. Masonic Chart. Irvinx' Colitmbn. Long Look Ahead. City of. New York Living t Tutors of America. Young Man Adried. Mis sions is Tonaia and Kefree. Trath Stran?er Than Fic tion. Knout and the Rassian. Hydrapathie Co.ilc Book. Death Bed Scenes. t"i:t B ok"for Vi:nr Men. do. do. Ladie. Anecdotes for Giri. no. do. Boj-s. Yoann llasltand. do. Wife. do. Mother, do House keeper. Sigonrner Letter Yonnr Indies, do do do Mother. Arthur's 6 Nutit with the Washinsto. aian. Manly lliaraeter, by Peck, tiovernnient of Children. Mr. Ellis' Works. How to be a Lady. How to be a Man. Gold and Soapel. Pilfrrim' pPMrrma Footprint of Famfi Men. Charlotte- Klizaheth Work'. Advice to Yonnir Men. Pcasaiit Boy PhiloHO. pher. Abbott Marco Paul Book, do Franonia Merchant' Ianguter. ."Gop Fable. ScottL-h Chief Arabian Night. Robinson Crusoe. Rollo Bonk. M. titer's Uuide. Fern' Mormon. The Oil Inn. Con flict of Aire. Don Quixote. Pan! and Virsrinia. Amer M Deltr.ter. Fern Leave. Tri-colored Sketche in Pari. Chamber' Information for the People. M1 Tille' Reditu rn, Typee. Marnt. Omne, and W. ite Jot ke Barnes Miscellanies. Wendell' Blackstonc. Sab. IViy Wiscellanics, Ijotus F.atinp. by Cnstis. Bancroft's Mis cellanies. Jerrold Men of Character. Miller' First Impression of Kujrland. Kirwin's Letter t- Bishop Hughes. Coom'w' Constitution of Man. Mi Beeeh " Becei-.tt. do Calisthenics. Kcll Smith Abroad. And a nuralicT of others too numerou to enumerate. Constantly receiving laree additions to the forgoing;. SrATtoSEKT. Foolscap Paper great variety. Ix-t-tcr dodo, plain and itilu Note do, d. il-, do." Envel ope all style. Ink all kind. Pen arid Holder (Treat variety. Blank B-x'ks all sizes and etyle. MemorcndaiiM. Diarie. Pa B-xtk. Time Book. Paper Cutter, do Polder. Shippinsr Receipt Bwiks. Lithographic Irint a larpe variety. Wrapptnjr Pa per srood varU;ty. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, Ac. Finally, w have a cood variety of Mote Books. New Carniina Sam. Alpine filec Sintrer. Dulcimer. Choni tl'ee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodeon. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tor. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do. Melodeon do. Plymouth Collection with Music Sheet Music. And the most varied assortment of Statioxekt ever offered in Oregon. KW This t- ck i all bought in New York and other Eastern ciuc - and is sold at XTXIFORM PRICES. y We keep on hand School Boos in lar?e quan tities, toirether with mo-t of the publication of Hari-eb BttoniEKs; i-ERBt; A JiCKsox; "Insos A PnrssEv; Puit.Lir.-J A S.tufts; A. S. Barnes A Co.; Miller, oktos i Ml"luox; Le.vrt & Getz; Pctsaw; ArrxExox; and others. J- We ask your patr-maire. If nnalile to visit n and examine our stock. youror.OKR will he attended to on the aE tesim.s as if you bought in terson. ( We have arrangements ly which, in the course of tne faU, we rfiatl he able to funiii-n tanst of the new works issued by the eastern publisher within 20 days after publication. Erery stt-amcr will brin some new wirk. We are also pcnair-d to furnish, hereafter, the fullowinir Magazines at Publisher's rates and Post.iie: Harper' New Monthly f3 int lutnam's " " 3 l Utdies Reno-itory, 2 00 Godey's Lady's B-jok, 3 00 Subscription Li rts will be open for these, and other Magazine, till the lost steamer in November- Send us your names and addresses, with the suliseription price of anv periodica!, and it shall be f trwar-led. Notice .to .lmportra of U-jnpqva rtutr i,lu...i'siiiiti l. ,? ,1 9 sj . of ft. D. Htusdala, sailed from UmiHiua river "It for S.m Francisco, on the Cth of May, and Intend BinkhifC regular trip betern these two (tort. It I only necessary we believe, to remind the Impor ters of I'm pnna that this vessel the I'mpqna I the Hrst ever lauiichetl on the water of the Urapqti. to In sure their patronage and an p port. This vessel will dis charge her cai at Hcottsburff, noil at the rate she In tends to carry frelnht, will not only save the shipper very considerable Item, but save hint the transportation np the river, and thereby enable him to receive his (roods without so mneh handling as heretofore. In line, the Schooner Umpipia. of Scottuburs;, ia reel Umpqua craft and beiiis; the first on the list In this great reform, eonlldently relies upon all the Umpqua for snppurt and eueonrnRcment. For Irelnhtor pffepplytn Allan.MrKlnlayACn., ScottslHir;, or to Hie Capt. on Itoanl. Merehanta wish iiiK to ship from San Frunelseo, ran apply to Allan, Lowe A Co., Ll'2, Clny t., or to the CapUin. Sirottsbiir;. May S7, ISaO. lSf. ' HlnrkHinltlis and others, Loolt. ALLAN M. KIM.AYA CO. have now on hand a larjte and well selected stock of Bar Iron, t't Steel, , , llore shoe do., ' Orrmnn dcL, Nailrtldtt . PlotiKhdo., , Plate do.. And Intend to keep np the assortment no a to antt the wants ol customer, tilre n call, and you will And tliitt tie not only have the fullest stock, hot will aril ' a cheap a the cheapest." We are constantly rereiv Ins; addition to our assortment, so a to replace what I sold. ' (Hvtron City, Dee.?3. l.1n. ' 41tf lleiiry Johnson Jt Co. W HOLESALE DRIOOIHTS. (lid Washington Street. San Francisco.) ' o ,fl"cr for sate to the cmntry trade, tlie lare-t stork of iroodt In their line on the PaelHc rt:t comprl- sins Dnm. Chriuirals, Perfumery. Patent Medicine of all kind. Brtishea, Paint. Oil. Class. Turpentine, and every article aptertainln to the business. Ilavin sn periiir fut ilities for ohlainlnjr their ffood they think they can oiler Inducement t buyer unequalled by any other house. . Order respectfullr ollcited. , . 4ly I'ovrrtcr. 1XTE havea laroe nil of powder In hand. V . tiKO-ABEIiNETUY CO., Oreitnn City. Nor. IS, l. S7tf . , Dentistry. TAR. J. R. CARB-WKLL. IVnUl Sorreon U Co.-mlll, will practice In hi profes sion, nt f 'm-reUh. EHgtnt Vtlm, l mraes- Srnlttburr.nnAJackmmntlr. Skill , onqoeatiouable; charjres.restvectable; wttrk, warranted, ed. and advice riven free of charjre. Teem exam in I hie notice siren of change of otnee. April 2H. 1AA. Ttf low UecelTlnK rpUF. following articlea from Bark Ocean Bird and for J. saic tow. Ail rros matt-he ; l.'.OlteRsol svmtw; Ad ht. bid. N. l. u(tr ; 10 bids, crushed angar ; All boxe candle ; ID bbl. viurgtr ; 20 ces tea ; 11 dt. brooms; Jo do. hiH-Vtt; J case men's Bne calf boots j 1 calf brogana ; 1 gnat S boys bnnran : 3 " youths' calf bmgaa; I " women Morocco bonts ; 1 " - imiuthm boot ; J Misc'bttt: pair children' shoe ; 11 straw cutter; 21 grain cradle ; I reaper: I two borne thresher; GEO. ABERNETnT A CO. Oregon City. June 1. ISA. 13tf. Stovea, StoTea, Tin Ware. r!!K nnderslpnetl. respectfully nnVifles the citizen of J. Linn Comity and Territory" of tlregon that he ha permanently located in l-ebanon, and Is neiTd to sell the foilowins article, as cheap a any establishment in the Territory, via: cooAV.vre. 'parlor, but An office STOI ES. 77.V JA' JAPAXElt WARE. Coptier, Brittania, Imn and Wood Ware of all kinds, nnd Aim other irlnt too nnmermi to mention. He i a!o prepared to attend to all jobbing in the above branches on i-hort notice and in a workman-llke-maniTer. M v motto is onick sales an J smalt profit. W. PHILLIPS. I-ebsnon, Linn Co.. O. T. ' Sstf 111 Feruu HATING rmrchning atrent - receipt or claim aeainst the Commiary Department, or axainst that department while perfitrming lnartersmastcr's du ties in Middle or Southern Oregon, who have not receiv ed a proper voucher for the same will please forward to thi oilier without delay a bill of the article old to the xnvernment with a certificate at the bottom of the Mil that the nme t just and correct, with the name of the pirty sellin? appended to the certiHeat and bill, in et.tsin? at the s.ime time the same time the purchasing am-nC receipt fttr the same, or otherwise the claim may not lie presented to the Commissioner for adjust ment ami the parties interested lose the same. M. M. McCARVKR, CanwuMSiu-y Om l. O. T. CoMMiKr tSitxVa Orrtce, I 84tf Salem. Oct. ?7, VV. f Notice. i -. 1"tlI"S judm" tV Supreme Court, of the Territory of . Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on the ninth day of January, eirtiteen hundred and liftr seven, do fix and appoint IHstrict Court, to be held in villTiceof llnsebnrir, in theeoimtyof Donor'aa n the first Mondaya.of March, May, September and Novem ber.annually, until otherwise ordered. and do limit the duration of said term toaix dav each. CEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Jntce. 44tf M. P. PEA DY, Associate Justice. THIW. RT!tt.lJ 6. Francisco. , nmntT iw. ROBKKT A. f.W, PorUand. Oregon. Remolds Law. IT rnOLESALE iVracer and Commisson Merchant V and dealers in Orr&m Product, comer Kearny and Jackson Street. San Francisco. mr Advances made on Conignment. - Refer to J. FAILING A CO., Portland. 4 .tin, paid Salt! Salt!! OC TONS ''San OuentinM SALT. In about 8 and vU 100 lb. bag, int received and for sale very cheap ALLAN McKINLAY & CO. . Oi-cgon City, Dec. fi, ISM. . lN'otice. . : THE Commissary's Office at Portland will be closed in a few days, and the papers and book of the of fice sent to the Commissary General's OAoe, at Salem; at which place for the future, account again the Commissary' Department for tne Northern or Southern war of Oregon, will be Kent for adjustment. And all person or ofticer having claim or accounts to settle with or against mid Department, wiH please forward tliem to that place for adjustment, without delay; a I desire to he prepared at a early a period a possible, to make my final report of the late war to the Governor, and close the oflive for the last or present war ia Ores gn. M. M. MeCA RVEJl, Com'j Gen'l. lorH:ind. O. T.. Ag. ?!Hh, 1S56. ictf Truth 3Iut and Will Prevail. VLL re that are in search of truth, and believe in Progression, will be well paid ley calling and pur chasing any of the following works, which I bare just received from Va lentine A Co., San Francisco, to-wit: Discussion on Spiritualism between Brittan A Rich mond. Compendium of the Theological and Spiritual writing of Swedenborg. Spiritualism scientifically demonstrated, by lrof. Hare. The Shekinah, by Brit tan. A I vric of the Golden Age, a pnen. by Rev. T. I Harris. A 1 vric of the Morning Land, by Harris. Epic of the Starry Heavens.hy Harris. Buchanan' Anthro pology. Dynamic of Magnetism. Religion of Man hood. Healing of the Nations, by Talmage A IJnton. Vitrbtsideof Nature. Theory of Pneainatnlorr. Nattv. a Spirit. The Celestial Telegraph, or the Secret of . 1... . L t it. I- V. - - nm n. the Lire to t ome. fi m ; i-uric! i nv r it- grimage of Thoma Paine and other to the 7th circle in the spirit world, by Rev. C. Hammond. ALSO A. J. Tvis" works, comprising his last work, called the PENETRALIA r being Harmonical answers to impor tant question. ALSO Mrs. French and Mr. Mettler ClairvuJ'ant Jieuicine. r. ts. noLuan", Agent for the Spiritual Telegraph." Oregon City, Oct. 14. 185. S3tf Oak BowerKunery. TIFrOXS wL-hing to avail themselves of the oppor- I ' . r. . r .1 ...I,,; n a-w.it fmil vtll DnJ U .-JlT .- their advantage to call npon the undersigned at his 1 1. . UllLimfilt FtfAP ti V mllu.k .A.. vallis. uxn the Linn County side. My trees are of the most thrifty growth, and of the best variety to be found upon this coa.-U Come and sec them If you don't pnrcha.se. Sytf Wil. McTLREE. D R.l"TSOTT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OFSAR- SAPAIULX.A and YKLdAIW UOCK.at 9 w.a.NjtriHacuD. John S. Edwards, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Washington City, D. will attend to all business entrusted to hi care. lie-lore the several Departments the Supreme Court of tne L niten ttaies, or courvt oi ine fmmct w ioiumoia. trn, Particular attention given to the . claisns of sol diers for services, or for Bounty Li""F."j " Refers ti Cen. Lane and iiOfr r v.j 48mVpaid ! I.er'i Petroltin, ar Rack Oil, ' CEl.EBRATED for It wonderful Curative Power. A Natural Rrmntw, procured from a well In A I leghany CO.. Pa., foor hnudred feet Iwlnw the earth' urfnett. Put up and sold by SAMUEL M. KIER, Canal nasin, seventn street, I'lttsinirgn, Ia. The healthful balm from Nature's secret spring, The bloom of health and life to man will bring ( A a from her depth the magic, liquid flow, To calm our mini-ringa and assauge our woe. The Petroleum ha been fully tested. It was placed before the public aa a remedy of wonderful eflleaey Every one not acquainted with it virtue, doubted It healing properties. The cry of humbug wa raised against It. It had some triced those that were cured through it wonderful airency. These spoke out in It favor. The lame, through It Instrumentality, were made to walk the blind, to lee. Those who had milfer- ed for year nmler tlie torturing pain of RheiimatUmi (lout. Neuralgia, were restored to health and usefulness. Several who were blind have been made to see, the evi dence of which will Is) placed Isrfore yon. It yon still have doubts, gn and ask those who have been cured ! Some of them live in our midst, and can answer for themselves. In writing altont a medicine, we are aware that we should write "MYuth that we shmtld make no statement that cannot Ik proved. We have tlie wit nesses: crowd of them, who willteatlfy In terms strong er than we can write tlsrm, to the eflleacv of thl reme dy; who will testify that the Petroleum " haa done for tllem what no medicine ever could before : case that Were pronounced hoiele, and beyond the reach of re mediate mean : caae abandoned by physician of nn questioned celebrity, have been made to exclaim." this I tne mo i woooertiil remeay ever olseovetro !" it e will lv before you the certificate of some of the most remarkalde rases t to give them all, would require more spare than would lie allowed by this circular. Since the Introduction of the l"ctrolriim, many physician have been convinced of iUrfflt'acy.and now recommend It in their practice ; and we have no doubt that it will stand at tlie head of the list of valuable remedies. If the phvsician do not recommend it, tlie people will have ft n themselves : tm it tranreiidsnt power to heal trill and amsf become known and appreciated when the voices of the cured speak out ; when the cure themselves stand mil In hold relief, and when he who for year baa softened with the torture and pang of aa Immetlh-able lesion, that ha been shortening hi day, and hastening him to the narrow house appointed for all the living," when he speaks out In It praise, who will doubt it t Tne Petroleum t a Natural Remedy t It I put np as It Hows from the bosom of the earth, with out any thing being added to or taken from it. II get its ingredient from the td of substance which passu over In it secret channel. They are blended together ia mch a form a to defy all human com petition. The Petroleum ia thi reaneet i like Min eral Waters, whose virtue in most chronic diseases are arknowUrige!, not only by physicians, but by the com munity at large. These angular fluid flowing oat of the earth. Impregnate! with medicinal substances of different properties, and holding them in such complete solution a to require the aid of Chemistry In order to detect them, lar ample proof to the fact that they are compounded by the master hand of Nature, for the alle viation of human suffering aad disease. If Petroleum is medicine at all. It I a good one, for Nature never half doe her work ; and that It i a medicine of nncqtialrd Cwer. we have the most abundant testimony. It will used when many of the new remedies now In vogue will have been fonrotten forever. It will continue to he ascd and applied as a remedy as long as man continues to be afflicted with disease. That it will cure every dis ease to which we are liable, we do not pretend ; but that It wilt cure a great many disease hitherto Incura ble, is a fart which is proven by the evidence In it fa vor. It discovery is a new era -in medicine, aud ill inure to the health and happiness of man. Scnorvt.. Tlie Petroleum I a great medicine In Scrofula and King's Kvil. In all those disease having their orlrin in a depraved condition of tlie blood and ether fluid of the body. It will cure pain and enlarge ments ia the bone and Joints, hltttc he, bile. Erysipe las, phnple on the face, tetter, scald-head ring-worm, and the various; skin diseases. It ha cured mimema ease of Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Gout, Ac. Several ease of Rheumatism of years' standing, have been en tirely cored. A woman ia Franklin Co.. Pa., wa cured of rheumatic alTection of seven year' standing ; the disease waa so acirravated a to ennflne her to bed during the greater rt of that time. She la now well and considers herself entirely restored. MiscwLtannm-s thnarnoNS. No 1 tetter remedy ran be found anywhere for barn and scald, the pain of which it immediately relieve, and restore the parts ana aispnses inem 10 neai. Old Sore and I'lcers will be removed by the dally ap plication and administration of Petroteum. Worms. In dose of fifteen or twenty drop adminis tered to children of two or three years old. or upward, two or three time daily. It will remove worm. It i a certain remedy against Tape Worm and Aacaritle In grown persons, ia which case the duae must be a tea spoortftil. Bronchitis and Athma can Is relieved by the Petro leum. The distressing onngh. night sweats, nod diffi culty of breathing, are removed by its use in a very short time. Fever and A gne The Petroleum ha been nsed In fe ver and ague with complete ane.ee ss. It will he found a certain and effective remedy in that troublesome and un manageable disease. The dose in such cases ia a tea spoonf ul in any pleasant vehicle every three hours, in the aletem-e of the fever. Tooth-ache. A few drop dropped on cotton, and placed in the cavity of tlie aching tooth, will relieve it immediately. Croup. By saturating a flannel cloth with the Petro leum and apjdying it to the neck and breast, it will give immediate relief. It i also an invaloalile remedy is the different forma of Scarlet Fever to Isb used locally, a in case tt croup. Neuralgia, in it vari'Sis kinds, in cured by the free ap plication along the painful tract of nerve. In that spe cie of nenrnlgia denominated spbial irritation the Pe troleum ha given permanent relief, by rubbing with it night and morning. Com. For corns this remedy has been nsed with com plete success: the plan of using it is to saturate a piece of cotton with the ltrnleitm. and tie it upon the Corn. Thcern shrnild be pared down every two or three day, and tbsr Ietnklema applied until all too Iwrdae ha-beert absorbed. .... i Dibkctioks for the internal and local administration of the IN-trolenm. Diarrbo-. The dc in this disease is a tea-spoonful every third htmr until the purging cease. In old chronic rasea.lt will only be necessary to take the medicine three time a day. Pile. The mode of administration In PUes is to give the Petroleum three time a day internally, and apply twice a dav externally, to the tumors. Where the Pile are of long standing and much hardened, a drachm of Iodine may be added to eacn Dome, to oe nsca as a local application. When the Pile are Internal the Petroleum should lie injected with a syringe into the rectum. Deafness. Drop ten drop into the earnt bed-time and stop the ear with cottoj or wool.- The ear shmtld be syringed out with snd made of castile soap and warm water, twice a week. For Burns and ScaMi Apply the Petrolenm freely oyer the burnt or scalded part. In disease of the bladder and kidney, the dense Is a tea-spoonful three times a dar. For old Sore and Clcerst-Apply the Petrolenm morn ing and at bed time. ' Keep the sore or ulcers clean, by washing them daily with rastite oap and warm water. For sore and iaflamed eve. The Petroleum should be applied two or thrf-e time a day to the a fleeted eye and a drop or two be allowed to get under the lid. . Where there ia a acrofliiloua tendency It must be taken inter nally, in dosea of a te-poonful. three lime a day. For Covgha. Colds, Bronchitis and Consumption The dose ia a tea-spoonful, to be given three tisae a day. In Cholera Morbus, give a tea-spoonful every hour un til the vomiting and purging cease. la Rheumatism, Neuralgia, !"!?. Contraction of the Limb and Joint. and white sweuing-Tae 1-etrotenm i to be freely tabbed on the affected parts at least twice a day with a flannel rag;, aad, if convenient, before a warm Rre. It should also be given Internally, In dose or a lea-spoonmi, inree tune a nay. . For sale at the Salem Drug; Store, br . May, 13-0tf. . W. K. SMITI! CO. Graffenbers Mediciae, GRAFFENBERG Sarsaparilla, Uterine Catholicln. ' - Dysentery Syrnp, Consump. Balm. - Pile Ointmeut, Health Bitters, ." ' Kyis Uion, Ac, Ac. To be fonnd at the Agency of the Company at . W. K. SMITH CO.a ' D ,R. TOWN SEND "8 Sarsaparilla, at B W. K. SMITH & CO. S. M CLASS'S celebrated vermifuge and liver pills, at 9 w. Iv. tsMlill tu.8. D ft OSGOOD'S India Chotagngne, and lr. 'Jones' American Cholagoguo, at W. K. SMITH & CO. S, MOFFATS life pill and hitters, and Bernard dys entery syrup, and Wistara lialsam of wild cherry, a . w. iv, nxiiu a iu. . DR. J. A YRE8' celebrated cherry pectoral, for cough, cold, and consumption, at W. K. SMITH it CO.'S. M EXIC'AN Mustang Linament, G. W. Merchant's garlingou. ' a , v. rv. Ctilitn t.ij.-s. TURE White Ix-ad, raw and burned Umber, Chrome, X -Green aad Yellow and other paint, at - . W. K. SMITH A (XL'S. ' JpERFUMEItY.at W. K. SMITH & CO.T3. JAYNE'S alternative, expectorant, and pills, cod liver oil, castor oil, sweet on, at W. K. SMITH & CO.'S. AYNE'S carminative balsam. A fine remedy for ayseniene, sununer vompiainu, r nix. tc., ai W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. " AYNE'S Hair Tonic, at W. H. SMITH & COS. B ARilY'S TRICOPHEROUS, for sale, at W. K. SMITH & CO.'S.. 1CARPAS Acoostic oil; a sure cure for deafness; for J sale at 9 v. rv.. bmh h cu.'s. TACKSON'S Pile ointment aud Tetter Embrocation, a as sure cure lur uic swvc uiseassctt, a. 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. RL'SHTON'S Cod liver oil, for consumption, for sale at 8 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. )ETR0LUM . or Rock oil, jnt received , and for sale at a w. iv. s.m i t h a co. a. "1HR0MB Yellow. Prussian Bine, Drop Blacks, W iuuu luaccs, I'aint itrusnes, ana uanay, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. rANDYKE Brown, raw Umber, burnt Umber, T. D. Leaner. Gold, Leaf, Silver Leaf, and Bronzes, at 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. INSEED oil, spirit turpentine, alcohol, and tooth I J brushes, at 9 W. K. SMITH A C0.S. J r ,1 WXk Dil.- rsr rTr ATTORNriTS ANtt COUlTOELORfl AT LAW AND Solicitor In Chancery, Corvalll O. T. I. M.BMirn. Sltf B.C. D4Mt. ; M. W. Mitchell, A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR At LAW, EU i. gene City. 1.SII Countp.O.T. Surgical. JI.fl00i.RS, lUi P.. rtrg5a Ae. FPT.CIALTY .llEASE3 OF THE ACVE.- Corvalll. Oregon, I Septemher 'S3, lR'ifl. . . . If. itri Im ffraieiua AdTertiiiBi Amct " P. FISHFIT. Iron building. oppoite Pacific Rxprcsa jj i mice, up stair, r lie oi an uie principal i apr "i California aud Oregon may lie round ut this office. Mn L-tl i.. .1.- ...it. ! i t r... .1.. ...t.n.UH tnilCT IS lUIIIUMMTIl A(t;iItF wit hhhmwh. Chester If. Terry, v I A TTORXET AT LAW, SALEM, OREGON. COM yVfmlssliHier of Deed, and to take testimony, ao knowlrdgment. Ac, Ac. for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Territory, let ters of Attorney, aud all other instrument of writing, drawn on short notice. ft. Particular attention paid to taklluT deposition; rollevtion of Note, AeeneuU, Ae. . .. , 32U r Boise 4 eEwai, : i ! A TTORNEYS AXTI rOINSE!A)RS AT LAW. SO JY llcltors In Chauccry, Proctors, Ac, lq Admiralty. Portland. Oregon. ' 4.itf. W. n. Farrar, .. 1 ATTOnNKY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. SO-' llcltor In Chancery and Admlraltr. Office on Front, street, next dtM north of Stark St., Portland, Oregon. HordinR 4 Grorer, i i- ATTORNrTl'S AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, ANTI Solicitor in Chancery. Office near the Court-house, Salem, O.T. . , .Get. I. Sftfll. A TTORNBT AND tX)UNSF.I)tt At LAtv", A!I1 XI. Solici la Chancery, will practice In the various raurta of Oregttu aa4 WaahmatoB "Territories. Office. Bales, O. T. Belatoi Smith, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor In Chancery, will promptly attend to all business pertaining to bis profession in the first Judicial I Nstrii-t, and brftwe the Supreme Court of Oregon. Office, Albany, Linn County. O.T. N. R. When not at hi office, or absent on profes sional business, he may be found at hi residence, Ave tnlles-son th -east of Albany, on what it known aa the 'Grand Prairie.'" . 1 W. 8. Broth. ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor In Chancery, will practice In the various courts In this Territory, and promptly attend to the eoK lection of all claim against the United State, through an efficient agent residing at Washington JL'ity. ODiue I L- ft. , a 1 . in &u?euv v ity, tti oe vtmut, r. a. II. E. St ration, A TTORNEY AT LAW, will practice In the various J. court of southern Oregon, and In the Supreme Court of the Territory. : Orrtca In lecr Creek. Thmgl county. O. T. Resi dence 6 mile north of Winchester, on the Willamette road. . i . i 1 t ' N. B. Bttnnty Ijind WarranU obtained for claimants en reasonable term. 1MI A J. THAYER, AUarmtumntl Ctmntrlar at tMc.anJ rV Seliritnr ia t'Atm-rry. Office over J. C. Avery Store, MeJasKt., Corvallia. IKtf : I Ctaadwlctt fciaibba, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, So" tleitor In Chancery, Ae. Offices at Winchester and Gardiner. S. P.Chiwick, Winchester, INrnglaa Co., O. T. A.C. Giaas, Gardiner, Umpqua Co., O. T. Nov. 9. 1SS6. . . Sitf Pillow 4 lout, WATCHMAKERS. Salem. Repairing prompt Ir and neatly done. Jewelry nianufac- 7-J tured. 14tf , -. Q Mrdical. t! T.Jj WRIGHT A E. TU STONE, having atsra-iated together In practice, respectfully tender their ser vice to the people of Benton and Linn desiring to se cure the favor of the afflicted by success enf. Offliw near J. O. Avery's store, Corvalll. II It-paid William A. Uoulder, TEACHER of French aad English, Freuch Prairie, Marion county, O. T. ly7 A. B. Iloilotk, ARCHrTECT AND BUILDER, ItlRTLAND, O. T. Designs, plan, spec-itlcation, Ac, furnish ed on reasonable term. O. K- COLB. ' . C. ALKXiynER. C BATTLE. mC a, llciaadat, 4 Co. WHO J.EM A t.E AXfl RETAIL HEALERS IX UEXERAL MERCHAXDtSE AXD Mf PRODI VE. VORVAIU.IS, O. T. "iVilllatu C. Uriswold Ac Co., M ERCIIANTS. 8ALM. OREtWN TERRITORY. W. O-SBISWOLn, 2'itf C. . WOODWORTH. ' . Euene Citr. H ORACK E. LAY'RENCE, Proiirietorof the Eugene City Hotel. - I3tr. Medical Notice. THE mhscriber, woold inform the inhabitants that he I at hi old stand, ready to attend to all call in hi profession ; also a ha uti . haad a well selected stock of Eclectio conceutraled Medicines, with a well asorted snpplv of Syringe, all of which he will dite of tm reasonable term. . ..W.WARREN., Salem December 2, IS54. . ".. . . 3Stf . W II. Magers, M. 13. . . , ' PHYSICIAN and Surge. m. Office in my new build ing, on Mais street,' two doors' nurth of Dr. J. S. Mcltveuy Ore-proof building ; where I will be found when w professionally engaged. I will keep constant ly on hand a fresh supply of Drugs aad Medicine which I will ell low Tor cash. ... . Cnrvallis, Dec. 9. 15. . 33lf , DR. n.W. SHAW, late nfSah Francisco, California, offer hi professional service to the citizens fo Salem aad rietnity, ana respecuuny solicits snare 10 pnhlie favor. - . aar Office at Reed and Follow drug store. - 14y - ' IL W.8HAW. . W. Jaeksoa, I. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Corvalll 0. T. tf :, ? Campbell 4 fritt. ' - ; m j ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Sao Francisco. California. Office, corner Montgomery and Sacresacnto streets, over Parrott A Co. Bank. it - Messrs. Campbell A Pratt bare lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all basinrss entrusted to their eare. 3ltf t Al.KXANOBn Camfbkll. O. C. Pbtt. Joseph S. rrtseoU. t " MAIN ST., OaKUOX CITT. , . D BALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoe, Ac, and Paints and Oris, wholesale and retail. July T. 160. - - lStf P. D. Palmer, DEALER In Dry Good, Clo ilng. Fancy Artictea. H.ioks and Stationery, and general merchandise. Store first door north of the Uuion Hotel, Salem. December 30, 1850. . , ' 4f , S. Kllawortu, -. k . i aTTOHSKr AND C0KJISK1.U1B. , -. U' fl.' Seprenie and other' Court. Office Eugene . City, Lane County, Oregon Territory. Also . . : : r rt- i . r X V t. I . t .... V.UIltlllin'lttllCrttl ISTUB lUt .tS IVI., vuuvv.lu., August 20. 18S 2 ttf Watchmaking. WILLIAM F. HIGHFIELD, Chronometer and Watch maker, Oregon City, ha removed to tlie hiiildina- iust oniMMite to tlie Main-street House. where he can be constantly found prepared to do any biisiuess la his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terms. Also a cnoice lot ot watches and jewelry for sale. March . 18j4. , lySl . S. Hamilton, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad joining eonntie. that he has located permanently at Deer Creea I0." n purptwi pracuvuig msuicinn, anu in which prof-skn he will be faithful tti discharge all duties, and spare no pains to render the patient easy and comfortable.'- ' . '.". ' ' . Omen opposite R. II- Dearborn A Co. a store, on Main street. Drugs aad Patent Mediciucs for sale at lose roA pri ce. i Wells, Fargo, & Co., "T1AXKERS and EXCHANGE DEALERS. W..P..A X Co., in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Exchange and Collection, Jiuti- nes. Collections ana Jterainances maae in an parts ot Oregon, Colifornta.the Atlantic States, and Europe, with promptness and despatch. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion, bought and sold. Sitrht Exchange on iVeto York.Bonton.Philadelohia. Albany- Rotknter. Bnffido, JErie, Cleveland, Detroit, . ..-1 I - I Cu . " . . ... Cnieago, mutrauKtr, uunm, o. uwu, Mjanwtnue, Cincinnati, and forty other principal towns in the Atlan tic States and the Canada, may be procured at any of our omceB. " "i r aiiv, tc 114, Montgomery-etreet, San Francisco rr JAMES O'NEILL, Agent. June 15-1 ' Coffee. - IP YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the nndcrsigned have got 15,000 pound best " COSTA KICA." Come in and look at it.. ALLAN McKINLAY A Co. Oregon City, Dec. 6, 1S56. Dr. Cinpkay'i Medical Notices. , i s n -r ii V"fcV" R. J. L. CAPKATH Grand Medical and Surgical Institute. Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery at, San Francisco, Callforntn. EstaMish- t-d for the Permanent cure of all Private aud Chronic iHseases, and the stiiipression of quackery. Dr. J. L. CAPK Ax, late In the Hungarian Revolu tionary War, Chief Physician In the Sntb Regiment of Honveds, chief surgeon to the military hjiapltai at Pesth, llnnirary, mid late lecturer on Diseases of Urinary Oi gnns and Disease of Women and Children, would most restecAfully Inform the public of Oregon and California that he ha opened an Institute for the cure of Chronic Disease of the lung, liver, kidney, heart, blood, brain and the horrid consequence of sefr abuse, and he hopes that his long experience and successful practice of ma ny years, will Insure him a share of public patronmre. By the practice of many year In Europe and the Cel.' te'd State, nnd during the Hungarhin war and caii palgn. he Is enabled t apply the most efficient and suceessOil remedie n gainst dl-wase of all kind. He nes no M.-rrury rhsrge moderate treat hi patient In a correct ami honorable way ha reference of un questionable veracity from men of known respectabili ty and htrh standing in society. All parties consulting him by letter, or otherwise, will recelv the-best and gentlest treatment, and implicit eeTecy. The Dr.'s offices are at Armory Hall, cottier of Sacramento aud Montgomery at., San Francisco, California.1 4m3 SPERMATOIlllll'EA p'l, .LOCAL WEAKNESS Dr. IJ. Caapkay would cull public attention to sperwottorrhtFa er local weakness , There I not far the catalogue of human maladies one More to !e depreca ted than thl. as well Itecaiise of present distress, as the ultimate result. The t'me of the system under it In fliienee i either Impaired or entln-ly destroyed, and a1 classof symptoms uperindiwed that unfit man for the performance of any of the ordinary dutle of lire. The Injuries done to the physical part of man Is truly la mentable, Isit trilling when compared to those of the censor ium, the great nervon renter, and to the ner vous system generally. This diseae, which i too often consequent upon that solitary vice, self-abnse, involve pathological condition beyond the ' comprehension of theuninitiated, but which are weftanderstuod by the reg ular practitioner. Among the symptom most conspic nmt are the following: Love of solitiHie, aversion to business and society, distressing timidity, nervon ex citement from alight cause, loss of memory, confusion of Idea, inability to reason correctly, low spirits and laMltnde, dnllnes of apprehension and misanthropy. These being functional derangements, are often the har binger or horrid organic lescms or tne Drain, wiucn produce fatuity, dementi and death. For the cure of this and alt kindred disease. Dr. Caapkay has established hi Institute, where all may rely with perfect confidence upon that skill which long experience and thorough devotion to hi profession has given. Those who unVr should call or write wlthont delay, and use the mean by which they may recuperate and He. All consultation, bv letter or otherwise, tree. Ad- dressto DIL L. J. CZAPKAi , Medical Institute, Armory nail. Cor. Sacramento and Mtmtg'uiiery at.. 4flm3 San Francisco, fa,!. CIWRET D!SEASr"S-lHt. I. J. CZAPfvAl'S E.V n Inordinary success in the treatment of secret dis ease in the primary and other stajres, induces him to call public attention to the fact that of the great num ber wbo have made dairy application u nun, mere is not one who ha not I teen effectually nnd permanently cured. In recent case of private dtvaes, the Dr. guar anties a perfect cure in a tew day, without hindrance to business or other IneonvenietK. The lr.' method of treating these maladies, combines tlie improvement made by the medical faculty with discoveries of hi own that are unknown to r.n vane else, ana wnicn, wnen applied, prevent the poaribility of evil after consequen ce. , Secondary svphilic. which Is so destructive of health producing ulceration of the throat, destroying the soft part, and leavu'g the boue exposed, which mortify, separate and cine away, disfiguring the auD'erer most horrili! v. a trell as Imu'airine eeneral health, and predisposing to cotunmption, the Dr. treat in the most certain and efficient manner. Also, painful (welling npon the bones, distieurinir splotches upon the skin, sores, nimules. and all oilier eonsennence of private Ureases he guaranties to cure or asks no eomfwnsation. Dr. C. wtsild espeelallv call the attention of those who have failed to obtain relief from others, many of whom he ba already cured, and many are still under treat ment. The l'r. maae no rn wee ior r'tnstitwtiitm, anu invite all to call at hi lnvartute ;and he will give them such satisfaction aa they can obtain nowhere esse. Those at a distance, by writing to the Dr.. can have their cure pros;rly atteuded to. OHlces. No. 3 aud 4 Armory Hall, oorner of Sacrumeitto aud. Motitffomery sts.. San Francisco, I atitoniia. :trna The trrotrst Disrorrrr of the Air. IRE.VT Blessing to Moukbid! Innocent but Potent! VJT 1)11. CaA 1 K A l S 1-Kol-iliL.tcTici-Nl, tseii-uisiuiec- tliia airent.) a sure preventive against secret lisexes and au unsurpassed remedy for scrofulous, gangrenous and cancerous ulcers, and all ciitanoii eniplions and dis ease. For sale at Ib. CiarKAr g umce. Armory Man corner of Sacramento and M'nitiomerv st.. San Fran cisco, Cat. As inoculation i preventive aistiust small pox, so i Dr. Cxapkay I'rophilacticum a preventive against secret disease." That they can be prevented by proper agents, is a well an established fart a that they ean be cured after their establishment. This principle, which is now universally recognized, wa received even before the days of Jenner. the discoverer of vaccination, in l.Mti. and it multiplied benefits ever since have re ceived a they deserved, the attention of the Medical faculty. It wa to pursuit of thi branch of tlie medical science that Dr. L. J. Caapkay fortunately maae tlie dis covery of hi Prophyktcticutu, which, for the cancerous and ciitnnotis disorders, stands unrivalled by anv saieut In the Pharmacol. The motfiu ojierandi of til is med icine is explained upon the hypothesis that secret poisons possess chemical properties which are neutralized by beln hronglrt in rootsc with thl prophylatic, as aeid are known to neut saline alkalies, destroying entirely their originnl propertie, and Tendering them inerl.j- The effetst of thi agent is immediate, and removti te possibility of a oontradion of diseases If, however, the disease has been contracted, it is useful in neutralizing the poisonous secretions, which by absorption, produce the consetinencea known as secondary disease. In can cerons anil gaiijrerou ulcer, in ftctid discharge and in eutaniMis diseases where 1 1 'socret ion are excoriating, it act uisin the same principle aud is one of the most eBitchinlrretoedie for the piiriose now kuown. Whe disease i once established it should te used ia oonneo tioa With other remedies, aad when so nsed never fail of success. It baa been administered by the Doctor in nnury thousand cases, and he has yet to find -the first in which it ha failed to subserve the pipws for whioh it wa administered. Price, OS. Full diresUuus are aW tacaed to ewh package. . . . '- i-;-' . m - N. B. In case where the Props ylaticu m ia used as curative. Dr. L. J. Cxapkay will furnish (gratis) a pre scription for his blood purtfler.- All communications from the country, addressed only o Dr. W.J.G'iAPKAY..Sn Francisco, ,Cal.will be strictly-and oonfldentially attended to, and remedies, with uie greatest care nd secrecy, immediately -dis-natcbed by express er otherwise to their destination. . L. J. CZAPKAY, M. 11- ., 4Um3 Son Francisco, Cel. To tbi Laoiks or OmwoH and Califobvia. L. J. CxArcAY, M. D.. physician surgeon and accoucher, in vites the attention f the sick and afflicted females la boring under any of the various form of diseases of the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kid neys, and all diseases peculiar to their sex. The Doc tor I effecting more permanent cures than any other physician In Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent yon, but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful suffering and premature death. All mar ried ladie, whose delicate health or other circumstances do not allow to have an increase in their families should write or call at Dr. L. J. Czapkay Medical Institute, Armory Haiti comer of Sacramento and Montgomery street, and they will receive every possible relief and help. The Doctor's Offices are so arranged that he can be consulted without ntoletttsttMm. 49m3 arj-The attention of the readers is called to the fol owingt " - - - ' A lady of high standing in society and respectability, published a card in the Philadelphia Sunday Dispatch, September 14. 151, which is as follows: A Carii The nnderwgned feels it her duty to express her heartfelt gratitude to Dr. Czapkay. for the success ful cure of herself aud child. The latter having boen afflicted by a severe attack of ''Cholera Infantum," was given np a incurable by .some of the most celebrated physicians, when she called on Dr. Czapkay, of whom she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour aged by this extraordinary result, she sought advice herself, for the scrofulous malady, with which she had been afflicted for eight years, and which withstood the treatment of the best physicians in Europe and Ameri ca. But Dr. Czapkay haa succeeded in affording her permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy life, which, for eight years bad lost all charms for her. She, there fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and afflicted to recommend Dr. Czapkay, as one of the most skillful Dbvsicians within the United States. J Mas. CAROLINE GRAY, ' Comer of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. ' A. Glazkb, Notary Pnblic, 126, 7th street. - The following is an editorial notice in the Boston Daily Times of August 6th, 1S54: A SatttFti. Piiysiciav. Dr. L. J. Czapkay has opened an office at No. 16 Pleasant street in this city. Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and waa connected with the patriotic army as physician and surgeon under the patronage of Kossuth. He combines with a finished education and the most refined and agreeable manners, the most extensive scientific abilitic and skill in his profession, and we feel much pleasure in recommending him to our citizens as a physician and a gentleman. Dr. Czapkay haa spent some time in Philadelphia where he won the confidence and friendship of those who be came acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil adelphia are gentlemen of the highest respectability, with whom we are personally acquainted. He had an extensive practice in Hungary before the Austrian and Russians compelled him to leave it for being found guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive that patronage due a man of so eminent capacity. The above are only a few of the many testimonials which Dr. Czapkay has ia his possession, bnt cannot publish for want of space. All communications, (by letter or otherwise,) free. a-Persons desiring prompt attention, and who wish D to avoid the delay of corresponding, can have Immedi ate attention by M-mllng ten dollar as consultation fee, knd can have medicine forwarded. Address to ; ' L. J. flZAPKAY. M. DV . medical Institute, Armory Hall. ' Corner Sacramento and Mongomery street. ' m3 , , Pan Francisco. SPERMATORRHEA, or local Weakness, nervous de bility, low spirits, lassitude-; weakness of the limbs and back. Indisposition, loss of memory, aversion to so ciety, lore of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizxines headache. paln? In tlie side. utTectton -of the eve, itlin plea on the face, sexunland other Infirmities in man. are cured without fnll by the Justly celebrated physician snd surgeon. L. J. Czapkay. His metll'sl of curing disease Is new (unknown to others) anil bene tlie Brest suc cess. All emultnt'tm, by letter or otherwise, free. - Address; Is. J. CZAFK A V. M. D., Ilfhnll - ' ' San Francisco, Cal. A Pnrana flew rilHEkubiwrllier ha atEiiRf-ne City, one of the I test J. general assortment of lry Goods, f 'rocerie. Hard ware, ItisttH and Slioes, and all articles kept ia a gene ral finding store, to it found hi Oregon. He la oon- Untly receiving fresh addition to his stock, and al ways Keeps it up. ny good are now all received- divert from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. A II kind of farmer's produce received In exchange for tronds 1 nttv hluher lirler for brtxln.-e. and sell roods cbeaner than any other store In the Territory. 1 -' JOSEPH TEAL. Engene!ity, July I !. i tf i)rf (ioodi, - OTflH nr" "r0'wn slieeting, assorted; I '.'iO yards blenched heetinirs. assorted: i.ii i . iii n ; ...-.I v..ti i -i f .i'ci j'l- iinii'iimiiij, u i coot. rinniin,. I'sniyii j icxing, on f.nt yd Prints, . f; do O i tern do Silk Warp Flannel, i.'.ij vd Aiiutcra. ao imitation do do 12'tit yds Jai-ont-t cauibric, Sattinettand Jeans, .tijeu Ginghams, Paper . do , . , I, ' Moreen. ' Embossed Piano Covers, do Table do th-apery , assorted, ..do t liec.lt. Oil Silk. Fancy Dre. Silk, Wrought Muslin, Bonw-t Ribbons, . Telle . do - Crap. I di' Gauntlets, Giughaina, , Red r launel, ... Hhie . do While lo Uenl s do Comprising one of the beat stocks of Dry Goods la Orciron. Uti Forsalcby t ORIS WOLD A CO. Hardware. ey s- keg Nails, asst'd, tt Cot Spike, Butt and Screw, Mill File. , . Parker' Coffee JfilU, Collin' Axea, . Currycomb, j ' - i WalHe Iroosj, Drawing Knive, Shuigl Shaves, Powrter, ' Lead and Cap. ' URISWOLD A CO. Brad-head Nail. Ssar A Jackotr Saw. Itoor I -OCX. Strap Hinge, f.ate do Sad Irons. lathing Hatchet. " I amity Grindstones, till : iirrceries. , EAST Boston Syrup, A pule and Peaches, Sugar, Spices, . Coflee, ! ' Tobacco, :' lireea and Black Tea, Soap. J'itf - OR1SWOLD A CO. TEA!) "! TURPENTINE, Lln-eed Oil. Tanner J Oil, Sperm Oil. , 22tf ORISWOLD A CO. E O0TS AND KI!Or:S 23 Case, assorted. Klf ORISWOLD A CO. Stationery. BLUE ruled Cap Taer; ,White ruled Cap Paper, Congress letter Pais?r; Carson's wove Letter Paper, P. A 8. blue laid do do; p& B; white laid do do; - White Bath Hilt Letter Paper. Oillott's l"ens, SOI, I'll. 730: Blank Books, Slates aud Pencils, Black aud Red lk. J2tf . ... - OKIS WOLD A CO. CROCKERY A full assortroentf 22tf ORTSWOLDA CO. I RON All size. GUIS WOLD A CO. "ILOTIIINU 212 pair Pant, assorted; 150 Coat, at d; tin tests, asstd: rant and Drawers. In all, a full assortment of Uent's Furnishing Oood. Mtf ISRISWOLD A CO. - - ... . - JVotice. rTlHE Judges of tlie Supreme Cottrt of the Territory of J. 1 1 re run, assemttien at tne seal oi uoverameni en the 1hU day of lN-eemtr, 1"6, da fix and appoint District Courts to be held ia the city of Salem, in the county of Marion, on the first M'mdavs of April and Septemlsr. and the fourth Mondays of" Ma v and Octo twr, annually, until otherwise ordered ; and in the city of Portland." in the county of Multnomah, on the fifth Monday, of lvcemlsr. lKSC. and thereafter on the first Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays of June and November, annually, nntil otherwise order ed, and do limit the duration of "said Terms to six days each. UEO. H. WILLI AMS, Chief Justice. 41 CYRUS OLNEY, Associate Justice. Corvalll Drug Store. - T ACKSON A C A W D W E L L , Dnuigist and J Apothecaries, jt re receiving from San Franci et. ner each steamer, loirceaud earefnllv selected stttck of Irniffs. Medii-ine. Oil. Paints. Dye- Stuff. Perfumeries. Fancy Soaps, and all other articles usually kept in a I imp store, whH-n they ore teumg and Will s:tt at reduced prices. lrescriptious prepared by an experienced Drug gist, i . Orders from a distance promptly attended to. JACKSON A CARDWELL. Corvallis, January 13. IKS 7. . . 44tf Sarfeont tad Physician HA VINO rendered service in the 1st Regiment O. Sf. V. are requested to rentier a foil report to this of fice a soon a practicable, of all expenditures, employ ee. Ac., a il is tle-ir:ihle to wind np tlie bnsinessof the Medical WepartmeRt. Address R. W. Shaw, Assistant Surgeon Oeneral, Sorgeon General's office, Salem. Nov. 1, 1S56. - 34tf - - 1 i - I T , - I 1 JStrayetl, PIOM the subscriber, a portion of bis stock, marked and branded as follttws: Crop off the left ear, and swallow-fork in the right. V. brand. Aav person know rii"flie'wherealKHils 'of atOc""'bear"ng this brand and marks, -,."'J be properly rewarded bv sendinir me infor mation. : . JAMES UEATHERLY. Lane county, Aug. 7, 1&K5, . ... 32tf. g-AUDl.rji, Soap, Starch, Indige. and Tobacco, at 9 ..... W.K.SMIXHA CO-S.., DRT;GS, Mediciiies, Pafnte7ll. and ! PvestufTs, at "- W. K. SMITH A CO.'s. c UNTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at the . , , STATESAIAN OFFICE. TAX receipt blanks fee sale at the SUtesmaa office, at fl per hundred, '.( ., . J ; . ; ... . Health or' Sickness! Choose . Belweta Tbtin. IIOIsIXWA"S PIL.UB. rTtHB Blood furnishes the material of every bone, JL muscle, gland and fibre in the hnman frame. When pnre, it secures health to every organ : when eorropt, it necessarily produces disease. ' HOLLOW AYS PILIJS operate directly npon the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease, and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the muscles, the skin, the brain, er any other part of the system. . . " USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD. Holioway's Pills are equally efficacious in complaints common to the whole human race, and in disorders pe culiar to certain climates and localities. ALARMIXG DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumera ble deatbs, yield to these curatives, in all cases, howev er aggravated, acting as a mild punrative, alterative and tonic ; they relieve the bowels, purify the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution of the same time. .. . . . GENERAL. WEAKXESftXERVOUS COM- - PLAIXTS. ' When all stimulant fail, the renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general debility. , DELICATE FEMALES. '' All irregularities and ailment incident so the deli cate and sensitive organs of the sex are removed or prevented by a few doses of these mild, hot infallible alterative?. No mother Who regards her own or her children health should fail totuvetbem within her reach. -t.tt5.-. i:i i - .isi'.t - SCIENTIFIC ENDORSEMENTS. Tlie London "l-ancet," the London "Medical Review," and the most eminent of the faculty in Great Britain, France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and their inventor. - HOLLOW A VS PILLS are the best remedy known in the World for the following disease: Asthma, Bow ell Complaints, Coughs, Cold, Chest Diseases, Costive. ness, Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Debility, Fever and Agne, Female Complaints, Headaches, Indigestion, In fluenza, Inflammation, Inward Weakness, Liver Com plaints, Lowness of Spirits, Piles, Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections, Worms, of All kinds. Sold at tte Manufactories of Professor Hoixow at, 80 Maiden Lane, "New York , 241 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine through out the United States and the civilized -world, in boxes at 25 cents, 62 J cent, and $1 each. - e- There is considerable saving by taking; the lar ger sizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients ineve ry disorder are affixed to each box. 37yl s AXDS' SARSAPARILLA , in any quantity, at 9 W. K JuUTH A COS. -sT k ' llaasaw saaaaaBBas ' Slore and Tin Ware Establishment; T STR ANG respectfully notifies the citizen of Salem. . and public generally that he keep on hand In hi new building, Main st., every pattern of Cooking. Porta; Hnll.nni jfire S2'UVES a general assortment ol TIN WAKE, ot every description and ail artkir ismally fbend in a tin shop aad store, all of which w I 15 sold a cheap a at any other establishment ia ,h -Territoryj ot . i , , Jill orders for Jobbing promptly attended to. . : , ... J.STRANG.. Allan At Lruli, w HOLES ALE MERCHANTS, PORTLAND, ORB UUJ TKKI(IKJBXr . , Ceo. nbfrntthy k Co., : ' ERCH ANTS, OREGON CITY, OREfJON TEB HITORY. , tf M Aberncthr, Clark 4 Co., COMMISSION AND FORWA RDING M FJtCHANT", San Frandsco, Cal.. will attend to aeNing Oregon rmtduce, and fill order fur Good, Groceries, Ac, at tk 0 lowest rates. The patronage, of tlie pespl of Oragea i i-epectfnl!y sttlicited. ; . August 1, 11. JItf - Allan, McKisilar, 4k. Co., C"r:ERAL COMMISSION MERCHANT!, aw Tf Wholesale and Retail Dealer In Dry Gowda, U ro cerie, Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T. Dee.2". I5I. : 40yl Holidaw Presents. CALL and buy soon at the Book St, Oregon City. HOMER HOLLAND A CO. Oregon City, Dee. 7, 1S56. sOlf - ' Allan, JvleKinlay, 4k. Co.. HATE just received a stock of Nw Good, and would invite all tk'ste wh wish, to procure GOOD W article at reasonable price, M cal! and e them. They . consist in part of the following: Grindstone. Canal and Wheel Barrows, Graia Cradle. Faaey Brooms, Grass Scythe and Snaths, Plain do Brush do do Assorted Colored PaHs, IS so Harrow. 23 teeth Painted Tabs. Garden Rake, Zinc Washltoard. do Hoe. Blacksmith a Bellows, do Spade. Cross-cat Saws, 7 ft Polished Shovels, do ft Hay Fork. MiD Saws, 7 ft Manure Forks, ' Hair Msttrasnts. doable. Churns, do sinsle. Window Glass 8 by 10 Hair Bolsters, dWtic, do 10 by It do single, i; do 7 by Sfsmi Candles, Window Sashes 8 by 10 Adamantine do., do 10 by 1 Grape brand Tobacco, Ox Bow and Yoke. Locke do do Blanket. Baize. Lindsey. Sheetings, Ticks, AeAe. We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GRO CERIES, CLOTHING. HARDWARE, aad many arti cles toe numerous to mention. ALLAN, M KINLAY A CO. Oregon Cltr. 21tf Books! Books! WK. SMITH A CO. have jns-t received the largest . and best selected Stock of BOOKS ever offered for sal in Salem, consisting, in part, of the following POETICAL WORKS. White's, Collin, Gray's Tup. per, Beattie, Scott", Young's, Iavidon'a, Credy , Crabbe', Sbakpeare's , Cowper", Coleridge's, Ilenuj', Burns', Pollok's, Shelley's, Mowitt's, Montgomery's, Campbell's, Pope's, Moore's, Wordsworth', Ossian', Thttmpson's, Milton, Byron', Cooke's, (goldsmith's. La n tlon's. - A;RICCLTTJRAL, mCTT GROWING. c Elli ott's, Youatt on the Horse, Allen Stable Book, Hind Farrier, Downing, Barry, Tboma, Blake, Mason's Far rier, Stewart and Skinner, Saxtoa and Clater. BIOGRA PlIIESWasbington's,Jackson's. Scott, Taylor, Marion's, Bonaparte', Seward'. Loan Napo leo'u's, Mozart's, Live of the Presidents, Mary (Joeen of Scots, Henry VII 1 and his Six Wive, Harrison'. La fayette's, Sam H'Sjston's, Henry Cb , Kossoth's, J. i. Adam, Daniel Bonne's, Suakpeare, Dean Swift's, Humboldt's, Bishop Hedding's, Lives of the Popes, J. B." Finley's, Roberts, Newton a, Weslev", Fletcher, La martines Celebrated Character, an4 manv others. HISTORIES. Rollins Ancient Histrtry, Kimell't Modern Europe. (Sibhou'a Home, Rotteeh's Ifisttsry of the World, Bartb's History of the World. Willard s His tory of the World, BMta"s American Revolntion, Marao ley's History of England, 4 vol. lAubifrae's History of the Reformation, 5 vols. Peterson" United State Navv. Ac, Ae. MlSCEI-LANEOrS and SCIENTIFIC WORKS Brand's Eneyelotedia. Smith'sClassical l-ti.inary, Lat in and ireek lexicon and lleatiers. t treu. Homer ner s lectures. Goldsmith Animated Nature, Wood' Natural History, Gnnn Domestic Medicine. Willis emtphon, Joseplitu, Hick s v ork.Matiry sGetgraphy of the Sea, Wesley's Sermon, Smith' Sacred Annals, Harper" LrmvcralGazeteer.IwieifMvtholoev. Lard- Prose Work. Sterne's Prose Works, Mr. Kliis" Prnso Works. Dowains's Country House. Builders' Guide, Webster" Dictionary, all size, Iavies and Peck's Mathematical Dictionary, Farmers' and Planter' En cyclopedia, Thackeray' Pendenni, Don Qnixntte, Gil . B'ias. Cosmo, Biglow's Useful Arts, Ure's IHcti.ti- rl" Hugh Miller's Old Red Sandstone. Ac., Ae. "' SCHOOL BOOKS OF AIJ KIXUS Parker's Read ers. Sander's Renders. McGreflee's Readers, CobbV Ilea tiers. Gift Book for Children and Yosth. Also, Works on Geology. Physiology, Chemistry, Philosophy. Government, Anatomy. Mineralogy. Orab.ry, Jfatbt matics. Debating, Medicine, Theology, Temperance, Rbetorh:, Grammars, Geographies, Arithmetic. Astro nomy, Travels. Work of Homor. . In short, every thing usually found in a Bttok Store. . Store opposite the Holmaa Hoase, near tie Steamboat Landing. , m -ltfinoTaL BAUM A BROTHER have removed to their New Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment They have jnstiecerved a general assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing. Hats and Cap, hoots aad Sboea, Groceries, trockery, Ac, which ka oiler for cash or produce. . , t .. N. B. Waa WBotter,E(r(t.rv-oo. Lartl . Fkmr , aad Wheat, for which they pay (is highest market price. Salem. July lf. 156. 9tf Banm & Brother, TIRXNT STREET, Portland. opposUe th Metrpoi J? Hotel, dealers ia Dry Goods, Clothing, Hate, Bo la, aad Shoes, Groceries, Ac. - - N. .B. - All kinds of produce taken ia exchange fsr merchasdise at the hipKest market price. I9tf , ; '-' VtriaTrsi Mtsm Geekal"s Orrica, I - ' .; - Salem, O. T June IS, lt"j. f ALL person having demands against the Quarter Master Dep't of Oregon Territory, are requested to present their claims for adjustment, at the different en ces, at their earliest convenience. - JOSEPH W. DREW. ' 14tf : ; .Quarter Master General, O. T. i.i i . - . i. Take Notice. NOW offered for sale at the store of the anderrigrrtd 100 crates Crockery. 12.VS) lbs. White Suear, , , lloOO lb, superior Brown Sngar, ,., ( ; . 1800 Ibs-S. I. Sugar, in keg. 100 kegs Syrup, . ," ' 100 boxes Soap, Jf9 . . M bags Coffee, ' ' 10 cases pride onion Tobacco, 100 dtz. wool Socks, laOO yds. Prints, 3000 " " damaged". 400 pieces siJk Handkerchiefk, i0 boxes Saleratus, 1 case Honey, 100 boxes Tea, very cheap, 300 yds. low price Linsey, 1.10 yds. Carpet, 200 yds. Merinos, ! bale Ganney, 40000 lb. Liverpool Salt- " G. ABERNETHY, A CO Oregon City Oct. 1,185. 30tf - Statesman Book and Job Office. E have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book orintinjr north of California, aad an .,l.i.ir. sortmentof JoBBe Material of every kind; and, with master workmen, are prepared toexecnte promptly, and in a workman-like manner, all orders in the above de partments, sorh aa -. - Books, Blaxk Checxs, PaKBraurs, Notes or Hako, Hasrtatua, Orokk Books. . Ball Tickets, , Stcambo't Bills, ClRCTXAKS, StKAXBO T CaXM. Isvitatioss, " -Bills of Lawsa, Bi-?u.KS3 Cards, .., CnmnciTu, Billhkads, Show Bills, - CoTscmrr Bills, . Chki Books, PBOGnaMXES, Bl'k RacKH-rs, Addkcss Cako. Dtim, Bl.AVKS OF all Kinhs, Ac, Ac Ac. ORNAMENTAL PRINT1N;, with COLORED INKS. '"' ltw of Newspapers. 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to the contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscription, 2. If subscribers order papers discontinued. Publisher may continue to send them till all charge are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the office or place to which they are sent, tbey ar held responsible until they settle their bill and give no tice to discontinue them. 4. If subscribers move to other places without informing the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former diree Uon, they are held responsible. 5. The eonrta have decided that refosineto take a pa per or periodical from the office, or removing and leav ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentiotia. fraud. to- Postmasters would oblige, by a strict fulfillment of the regnlations-reqniring them to notify Publisher, once in three months, of papers not taken from their office by subscribers.