Catalogue or Books aid Stationer ' FOR BT A. R. Shipler & Co., At the City Boi Start, Froftt-SU, Portland, Orpm. SCHOOL-BOOKS. BKtnxa; Sanders' old lit, 2d, 3d, 4th, and 5th, .and Tiie Young Ladies'; Sanders" Sew 1st. Id, 3d, 4th and 5th: Parker' 1st, 2d. 3.1, 4th and 5th; Mc Ouffay's 1st. 2d, 3d. 4th and 5th. Srn.i.rB. Sander. Old, Sanders' Vcw; Elemen tary! Priiik Snd.T Pirtwal, School :rid P.uker's. GF.v.RriiiR- Mitchell's, Am-lent mid M slcm, 01 ney's, Morse's, McXailey 'a, aud MouleitU's 1st and 2dBk. M vr-teu tncsJ Arithmetic!; Thomson's. Table, Mental, Practical, aud Higher; Iavies' Pri mary, Iatcllcctoal, School and University; Smith' dPiim1 Ray's Stoddard".-"; Davie Algebra. Sur voyiaj. Geometry. Practical Mathematics, Math. Dio tio.iiry, L-ktic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, and Philosophy of Mathematics. I I ruin mar recn's Clarke's Bullion Smith" Kirkau's Spencer's Tower'. ! PiiiLosorHi.. Parker' 1st Lemon, Juvenile and School; Corrurtock's Smith's. Histortesu Wibioa'a JnTenile, and United States; Parley's Universal; WHlard's Universal, and United State. LAxnrxrscs. Cooper's yVzil; Andrew's Latin Rea 4ct; Viri Roma-; Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClier tact's 1st and 2d Book in Latin, and do. in Greek; Am thon's Greek Grammar and Render; Johnson's Cicero. Favjoclles French Urammar and Reader; Woodbury "a, German Grammar and Reader, Tctcmaque. Greek. Tea smcnt; French, self-taught; Surrenoe's French Dic tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Liddell .V. Scott's Greek do. Aathon's Classical do. Smith's d? do. Dtcvtosamw Webster" School, High do, Aca 4emic, University, Royal 8to, Unabridged and Cobhs' VockafL. . ' Mrscan.ANirs. Mattison's Astronomy. Newman Rhetoric Wood's B-rtanv. Kam's Elements of Crit icism. Parker's Aid in Composition. Parker s Exer cises. Brook iield's Composition. MeElliTrtia Young Analyzer- do. Analytical Jlanu-U. Parkers Word Builder. Havhew'a Book Keeping. Wayland'a Moral Science. Paley's Natural Theology. Blake's Agricul ture f..r School. Upturn's Intellectual Philosophy. Mahan's do, do. Milton; Yoong; Potltwk: and Thomp son; (Edition for Schools) fuller's Anatomy and I'hoiolojry. American IH-latcr. Newman's Pilitical Economy. Hitchcock's tWsMngy. Great variety f Sneakers and Ktorutkm. All kinds of School Station erv; Slates of all size: Drawing Book": lowing Paper; Perforated Card It-sird; BnsH Board: Pencils and Brushes; O.-bom's Color; Inkstanra, every aixe add style, Ac, Ac, Ao. . MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS.. History Bancroft's t'uitod Sute. 6 tn!nmr.T riildrcth's do. do. 6 volumes. Fnwt's Pictorial United Stales. Taylor's di. do, do. Botta's Hist, Revolution. Peterson s do. Vi ilon s I nitetl States. illard s no. Ult. Indian War United States. Willard's Universal History. Mnller's do do, Rotterk's Hist. World 1 or 2 volumes- loin's Ancient History. Parr's do, do. Hume's England. Mocaulay's d'., complete. I?ckens Child's do. Lingard's do. Gittoon's Koine. IV Au hinc's Beformatioo. Bang's ? E. Church. Allison's Europe, 1st and 2d Series. Precott's Works. . Borders Hist, of Religions, Hist, of Counril of Trent. Jose phii. All of Abbott's Historic. Historical Cabinet. QroaitK of Spain. Qneens of Scotland. Help's Spanish Cononests. Brace's Hnnsanr. Kidder's Kraxil. Ka- bank a BraaH. Parley's Univental. lli-tnry of Cm sades. - Ancient Egyptians. Hallant's Middls Agea. History for B iys. Bimncr's Child's United Statesv Losing's Kicld Book of devolution. B:or,RPHr. llntareh's IJres. fji'ir llrant.' "Sfoh' dcrful Characters. Great and Celebrated Character, Lives of the Signer. AnloWography of Finley. I martine's Celebrated Charactens. Lite of Adam i'larke. do Bihva Heddins-. d Xicbnhr. do iivn. Harrl-ma. d Daniel Bww. do Robert, do Lafayette. Ca tains of R imaa Republic nd Old World. lr. Chal mers, 4 voU. livvs oT HnralxiluU. Mrs. Rogtrs. Mozart. Weier. Fletcher. Life and Times of Clay: Irvine's Wanhiiiton. Eminent Mechanii'S. Lives of Chief Jo.4tires. Josephine. Napoleon'. Charles Lrmfe. Jackson- lien. Green. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane l,rer. . Q. Adams. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kings of Rome.. Kings and Qoeen. Liebmtz. Lives of the Popes.' Preacott s Philip 2d. Mary and Martha Wash In ?ton.' Pioneer Women of the We.t. Tratbls Hock China. Araucaniaa. Ste)hens EsvpC Olin's Tratfls. Mango Park. Nile Notes. Adventores on Hosqnito Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav rli- Dorbin's Travels in the Kast. t Scirrnrt& Brande'sEnrrclonedia. . Physical Geo. ""phy at the Scaw- Wood'a Xatoral H-tory. Lardnrr's hectares. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mathematical 4no- tionarv. Losic of Mathematics. Wonders of Science. Mitchells Planetary and Stellar World. Ijtoniia' Re cent Pro-Tress of Astronomy. Smith's Dtrtioaary Jof ' Arts and Science. Enbonk ifydranlics. Dick's wnrbi. Vinnna vnrV AH Jtlvhitprtnr- Poetbv. Byron virions Vtyles." Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. Barns, do. Hemans, do'. Moore, -m Thomoson. Tonnz. Polloclu Tapoer. Cow per. Pone. Campbell. Wadsworth. 0oair. Montgomery. Kjrk White- Female Poets of England- do. do. America .and manyathers. - - Riiocs n Kmuxcb-Crclonedia of Geormnv. dot-do. Fine Arts, dot A . Biography. Usefol Arts. McCoUoch'sttoetteer. Harner'a Universal tetteer. Fsrrr attd Aoaicn.Tmai--i-Elli"s F ruH Hooto Thomas' do. Downing's do. Barry's do. Pessenden's Farmer and Gardener.. Fruit . Flower and Vegetable t;anleoer"s Companion. Allen on the Grape. ; Pardee . on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book. A Haas Domestic Animals. All of Saltan's Hand Books. Woiksoa Horse, Csttle.Saeep, Hops. Ac. ' ' ' t - tioa of Gospels. Neander's I jfe of Chrit. Butlers Works, KnapD Christian Theolosy- Western Meth- Brand of Dominic Rule. Elliot on Romanism. I time Xotes. Clarke's Commentary. - Benson do. Jay's Exercises. Watson's Institute. Larrabeea EvidearVi. Batter's Ethical IMseoarse. Rogers Krfijxe of Earth, do. Reason and Faith. Pater's Christ- l'erfectinw Baker on Discipline. Writings of Arminios. Jahn's Biblical Arcnanlogy. liioies, all sizesana prices, irm l to $20. Testaments, great rariety. Methodist Hvmns.- Christian Hymn Books. " Chnrch. PsalmLst.. Plymouth. Collection. Select Melodies. Christian Psialmtst. - ' - Medical. Bnchan's Family , TOt-sleiaB, Hydro pathic do. , Hoowcpathie Works. .' . , MiscELLixaotrs. Constitutions of United State ; Mavhews Popnlar Education. Crabhe's. Syif yraii. Piatt's Book of Curiosities. Odd Fellow's ManaaL : Headlcy's Works, 14 vols. Mrs. TnthiU's, rols. Lay ard's Xineveh. Bipelow's Usefal Arts. Haweflfc 0o Kineers Guide. Amerinatt Institutions. Parsnit of Knowledge. Parkifadisoa. Peruvian Antionities. Way Down East. Pynshurt. Ike. Marrel's Works. Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country RamMes in Englaod. Tales and Reveries- an excellent Temper ance Book- Money Maker. Escaped Hon. News Boy. DiekWilaocu Mrs. Hale's Stm Cook Hook. Mil lev s Old Red Saadstone. do. Footprints of Creator. . Toanx Ladies' CoanseUor. Yowng Man's do. - Pfelortal Oatecaism. Thomson's Lect. to T. Mew. Ottustite- - ftfoaal Text Book. Capthre fw Patagonia. Tha Aaseri caa Housewife.: Half Hoars with Old Hamphrer. Athens; its Grandear and Decay. Mis. Sertrwick's . Redwood, do. New Kasr- Tale. Cade Sam's Farm Fence. Arthnr'a Bnceejwful Merchant, de. Tata. -Mrs. PartiBgton. Horace Translation. V irgil do. Mrs. Car len's Works. Heroines of History. Land and Sea. Deck and Port. Sea and Bailor. Ship and Shore. Naval Life. Star Papers. Masonic Chart, rrring'a -Columbus. Long Look Ahead.- City f Xew York. Lirimr Inaiors of America. Yoang Has Advised- Urn ions in T-mzaand Fegee. Troth Stranger Than Fic tion. Kaont and the Rassians. : Hydrapatbie Cook Book. Death Bed Scene. Girt Book for Yoang Men. : dot do. Ladies. Anecdotes for Girl, do. do. Boys. . Young Husband, do. Wife. do. Mother, do Honse keepr. Kigoorney's Letters to Young Ladies, do do do Mothers. Arthur's 6 Xights with the Washingto-wians- Manly Character, by Peck. Government of Children. Mrs. Ellis' Works. How to be a Lady. How to be a Man. Gold and Gospel. Pilgrim's Progress FootpriDH of Famons Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's Work's. Advice to Young Men. . Peasant Boy Philoso- Sher. Abbott's Mareo Paul Books, da Franconi.1 erchant's Daughter. -"Bop"s Fables. Scottish Chiefs Arabian Night. Robinson Crusoe. Itollo Books. Mo . ther's Guide. Perns' Mormons. The Old Inn. Con Ilk of Ages. Don Onixote. Panl and Virginia. Amer ican Debater. Fern Leaves. . Tri-colored Sketches in Pari. Chambers Information for the People. MeK ' si lie's Redbnrn, Typee. Marni.Omoe.and WhrteJacket. Same's MLseellanies. Wendell's Blackstone. Sab. Day Miscellanies. Lotns Eating, by Cnsti. Bancroft's Mi cen.inies. Jerrold's Men of Character. Miller's First Impressions of England. Kirwin's Ijetters to Bishop Hughes. Coombs' Constitution of Man. Miss Bccch er's Receipts, do Calisthenics. Bell Smith Abroad. And a number of others too nnmerous to enumerate. "Conotantly receiving large additions to the forgoing. '" Stationekv. Poolscap Paper great rariety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel opesall styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders great variety. Blank Books all sizes and styles. "' Memorandums. Diaries. Pas Books. Time Books. ' Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. - Lithographic Prints a large variety.- Wrapping Par - per good variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac., Ac Finally, we have a good rariety of i Mirsio Book. New Carmina Sacra. Alpine Glee , Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodeon. Christian Psalmvt. Piano Inxtmo t"r. Guitar do. Flnte do. Accordon do. Violin do. Meloileon do. Plymonth Collection with Music Sheet " Music. . And the most varied assortment of Statioxert ever " offered in Oregon. mr -r- This stock is all bought in Xew York and other ' Eastern cities and is sold at . UJflFVRM PRICES. '. . . rrr We keep on hand School Books in largo quan tities, together with most of the poldicatioas of HaarcB & Brothers; . ; ! o Dessr A-JaCksos; i i i I ; : Icisox A Phikxet; ' ' '. , PHiia-irs A Samsok; .,- . .. (. , . i A. S. BairsiM A Co.; . .. MUM, VJST03I O. mLUUU, r... . UtABT UtBi. .. . . -j. j , ..- PtTKAM; . .-, I. t -n ArrLEroy; and others. ST We sk yimr patronage. If onalde to vndt na nd examine onr stock, your ounras will be attended to on the saam imman amV yon honghtia pemc.n. We have arrangements by which, in the ooarse f the roil, we shall be able to furnish most of the sew works Issued by the eastern pabli-.bera within 30 days - after publication. Every steamer will bring some new . works. We are also prepared to funuMb, hereafter, the t following Magaaines at Publisher's rates and Postage: Harper's Xew Monthly WW'! . Putnam's " Indies' Repository, 1 00 i Godey's Lady s Book. S 00 Sabscription Lists wffl he open for these, and other Magazines, till the last steamer in November. Send us your names and addresses, with the subscription price or any periodical, and it shall be fin-warded. -PordAigufl25, 1S5C. 29tf i Notice to Importer of Umpqna. Til E Schooner UMPQU A , under the command JTJf of S. D. Hinsdale,. nulled from Umpqna river S2Sst for San Francisco, on the Gth of May, and Intends making regular trips beteen these two ports. It is only necessary we believe, to remind the impor ters of Umpqna that this vessel the Umiqim is the Hrst ever lunnched on the waters of the rJmpqna, to in sure their patronage and support. This vessel will dis charge her cargo at Scott osirg. and at the, rate she In tends to carry freight, will not only save the shipiwr a very considerable item, but save bim the traiiMiirtation up the rivcr.and thereby enable bim to receive his goods without so much handling as heretofore. ' In tine, the Srli.nirr Umpqna. of S-ottburg, is a real Umpqna craft and being the first on the lUt in this great retortn. confidently relies upon all the Umpqna for aiippart and encoara gement. For freight or passage apply to Allan, MdCinlay A Co., ScittslMirg. or t the Capt. on board. Merchanbi winn ing to ship from San I 'rancico, can apply to Allan, Lose A Co., 132. Clay St., or to the Captain. acotunnrg. May li, isoii. uir. Blarkamiths and others. Look.. ALLAN McKIXLAT A CO. ban now on band a large and well scire ted stock of Bar Iron, Cast Steel. Horse shoe do., German do., . . . , Nail rod do.. Plough do., . rutedo And intend tt keen nn the assortment so as to salt the wants of customer-. Give as call, and you will led that we not only havu the fullest stork, bnt will sell as rneap as the eneapen.- we are constantly receiv ing additions to our assortment, so as at replace what is sold. Oregon City. Dec. 3, IMu. 4ltf S Henry Johnson fc . Co. wnoLBSALK MtfGGIST. (148 Washington Street, San Francisco.) Offer for sale to the country trade, the largest stork of goods in thi-ir line on the Parirte coast compri sing lrugs. Chemicals, Perfiimerv. Patent Medicines of all kind. Brushes. Paints, Oils, tflaa, Tnrpentine. arid every article appertaining to the business. Having su perior r.ii-mtir inr oinaimng ineir gixxis tney mini they can offer indluemoots V buyers unequalled by any other h'Mise. irdcrs resje-tfully solicited. 401y Powdr. ' WE have a lario snpplr of powder In band. . GEO, ABERXETUV A CO., Oregon City, Not. 13, ItloC. , - , 37tf DentiMrr TTl. J. Tt CARDWEIXs-Denta Surges 1 1 Corv-allis. win practice in bis proTea sion. at CWvoMu. .Hint t'itv. If mrhrt trr. SrntUtmrz . and Jacksonville. Skill, nnqncstionable; charges, resjicctablc; work, warranted. Tec to examiit ed. and advice jriten free of eharce. I Hie notice given or mange ol ouice. April ?. ls.vt. - Jlf l'ov ReceiTing riIE Tollowtng articles from Bark Ocean Bird and lor X sale low. 59 gross msu-Jics ; . m , - y 1.10 keg ol syrups ; j io hi. liiit. -N . 1 1. sugar ; 10 hbls. crashed sngar ; 50 boxes randies ; 10 bMs. vinejar ; " 50 cartes; ' ! ' '" l doz. Iirooms; I SO doz. buckets ; , -,. . 3 cases men's line calf boots ; ' ' ( ) 3 ralf brogans ; 3 " " , goat . " - . ; . . - i S hoyw' brognn ; 3 " youtW calf brogans ; '1 ' women's Mrorco Isints . . . i - " - ,-. . imitation boots ; . 3 M Uses' hoots; 17 5 pnir rhiMren's shoe ; " '" ' 11 straw ratters ; ' 1 1 grain cradles ; 1 reaper: " ' ' ' I two horse threher; GEO. ABERXETHY A Oregon CJty. June 1. 18.V5. . 13tf. , i ' Stoves, Stores, Tin Ware. TRE undersigned, 'respectfully notifies the citizens of .JL linn Csmnty and Territory or Oregon tnat ne nas penmiaentlT located in Lebanon, and is prepared tosell the following articles, as cheap aa any establishment in the Territory, vizt . - . . consmva. parlor: Bnx An orrtci-: STOVES, r-V AXD JAP AS ED WARE, Cornier, Brittania, Iron sod Wood Wares of all kinds, ami aiu other trtos too numerous to mention. He is also prepared to attend to all jobbing in the above branches on &ort notice ana in a woraman-iine- manner. . My imHtoii quick sales and small profit. . r. W.PHILLIPS. Ihanoa, IJnn Co-, O. T. 3Stf - . ill TriMM TTAYTXG purchasing agent receipts or claim X 1 against the Commissary's Department, or against that department while performing gnartewmaster's drt- tK-s in MuJaie or sootnern uregon, wno nave no receiv ed a proper votw-her for the same will please forward to this office without delay a bill of the articles sold to the government with a certificate at the bottom of the bill that the same is jikt and correct, with the name of the party selling appended to the certificate and bill, in closing at the same time the same time the pore basilic agents receipt for the same, or otherwise the claim may not be presented to tne iwnmwtoners tor adjust ment and the partie interested lowe tne same. - M. M. McCA RVKK. I'nninirj Gr7. O. 2. CosusuWAKT (lVl -OvrtcB, I . 34tf ,- . -Salem. OcSlITv !. Jnt lieceiTed, ' . ' BY Barque Metropotis, and steamer CoramblaH from San Francisco : . . . 3,000 lbs Rio CoflVe, " ' 10 boxes Ad. Candlsa, 10 half WMs Dried Apples,. , 30 Cases Claret, i 10 dos. Baltimore fresh Oysters ' 1100 lbs China Not 1 Sugar, J' "10 cases old cheese, ,. ..,,,. j 10 doz. Brooms. j To arrive, (expected daily) per Xahnmkeag, Chas. Devens,Ac 1 1,000 lbs China So. 1 Sugar, ' . '11 ; 1.000 Rio Coffee,- ' it. . 5 eases Tobacco, . 10 bbls X. O. Sngar. ... . -, "-3 dos. 3 hooped FSirs; '- s i 20 boxes Ad. Oandlee, " ' 40 gals Raw Linseed Oil, ' I M KogS Boston Svmf cslKesch, ' 10 hir bU Sandwich Island Syrnp, A bN Sperm and Polar Oil, 10 dos. SMS-trng Powder. 3 Csses Hoaey 3 lb cans, 10 doz. Tomato Catsnp, 10 'doz. Pie Fruits. 1 cases Preserved Ginger, ' ' '" 15 cases O. Hyson, Y. Hyson Imp. and Gun 4'owder Tea, , . . 10 boxes Gerkius. . - , ' 10 keg Pickled Cucumber 5 gals each, ' 1,000 lljs Xut Soft Shelled Almonds Eng. Wal nuts and Filberts, , ; , 10 cases Spices. 10 Tons Iron, all sizes. Including hoop iron, All for sale for eaiA or Produce, i - 14tf. - - JOSEPH ST. PRESCOTT." . r iotice-. ... THE Commissary's Office at Portland will be closed . m a few days, and the papers and books of the of Mce sent to the Commissary General's Office, at Salem ; at which place for the future, accounts against the O mmmuy 's Department for the Northern op Southern war of Oregon, will be sent 6r adjustment. And all persons or officers having claims or accounts to settle with or against said Department, will please forward thesa to that place for adjustment, witboat 4c lav: as 1 desire to be prepared at a early a period aa possible, to make my linai report of the late war to the Jorcntor and cloae the office for the last or prcssaS war in Ore gwn. M. M.MeCARVEK, Com'y Gen'l. . , Portland. O. T., Aag. 29th. lttSO.. 16tf i Truth Must and Will Prevail. ' ALL ye that are In search of tmth, and believe in Progression, will he well paid by calling and pur chasing any of the following srorks, which I havejm-t received from Valentine A Co., San Francisco, to-wit: Discussion on Snrritnalism between Brittan A Itieh mond. Compendium of the Tlieological and Spiritual Titings of Swedentmrg. Spiritualism scientifically demonstrated, by Prof. Hare. Toe Shckinah, by Brit- tin. A lyric i of the GoMen Age, a poem. by Rev. T.l hood. Healing of the Nations, by Talmage A Linton. Xight side of Nature. Theory of Piienmatology. Xatty, a Spirit. The Celestial Telegraph, or the Secrets of the Life to Com, Ac Life in the Spheres. The Pit primage of Thomas Pamc and others to the 7th circle 1n the spirit world, hy Rev. C. Hammond. ALSO A. J. Davis' works, comprising his lt work,' called the PENETRALIA: lcing Harmonica I answers to impor tant questions. ALSO Mrs. French and Mrs. MctUor's Clairvoyant Medicine. F.S. HOLLAND, , 'Agent for the Spiritual Telegraph.' Oregon City, Oct. 14. 156. 33tf . Oak Bower Nursery. , . v ; PFRSONS wishing to avail themselves of the oppor tunity of obtaining good fruit will And It much to their advantage to call npon the undersigned at his nursery upon the Willamette river, six miles above Cor vallis, upon the Linn County side. My trees are of the most thrifty growth, and or the best variety to be found npon this coast. Come and sea tbem if yon don't purchase. , Slitf WM.MoTLREE. DR. G'TTSOTT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OF6AB 8APAR1LLA and YELLOW TsOCK. at . n. a.9iu CO S, ; ut! licr'i Prlrolcuui, or Rock Oil, CKI.EllltATKI) for IU wondeiTiil Curative Powers. A Natural Rrmrdu. iirocincd from a wi ll In A I leghany Co.. l"a., lonr hundred feet lielmv the earth's snriiicc Put uu and sold by S A M L' KL M. KlEIt, Canal mtsin, r-eveiun street, I'Htsbtirgli, I 'a. The healthful bulla from Xuture'ssccrrt spring. The bloom of health und lifo to mnu will bring ; As from her depths the magic liquid flows. To calm our suffering and uxsaugc our woes. The Petroleum has been fullv testl. It ii ileeil liefore the public as a remedy of wonderful efBcacy. Every one not acquainted Willi it virtues, doubted its healing pniis-rtie. The err of humbug vns misrd agaiat it. It hud some frieiid.' tliow tluit wereiMired thrmgli it wonderful agrni-j-. These spoke out in its avor. ine lame, inroiigli its instninienbility, were made to walk the blind, to mv. Th who hu,l uiTir. cd for years under the torturing pains of lilieinimtiMii, Got;t, Neuralgia, were n;tred to health nnd uscruliiess. several who were blind have been nuido to see, the evi dence of -liich will lie placed before you. It you still have doubt, go and k tho.-e who have lieen cured ! Some of them live in onr inid.t, and ran answer ftr themselves. In writing about a medicine, we aro aware that wc should write TrutA that wc should make no statement that cannot lie proved. We have the wit nesses: crowdsoftlicni.who willtrstifv in U-nnNtninif- er than we can write them, to the efficacy of this reme dy; who wi:l testify that the Petroleum has doue for tnem wnat no medicine ever could before: ca,s that were pronounced hopeless, and beyond the reach of re mediate means : rase abaudoned by physicians of un questioned celebrity, have been made to exclaim. " this is tne most wouilerrul remedy ever discovered !' We will lay before you the certificate. of sumo of tho most remarkable rases ; to give them all. would reoiiire more space than would be allowed by this circular. Since the introduction of the Petroleum, many physicians ub ihtu cuufuiim oi in ciucacy,aaa now recomuiena it in their practice ; and we hsvo no doubt that it will stand at the head of the list of valuable remedies. - If the physicians do not recommend it, the teple w.ll have ft of themselves: for its transcendent power to heal tr-ill and aaiuf Income known and appreciated : when the voices of the cured speak out : when the cures themselves stand out in hold relief, and when he alio for years has suffered with the tortures and paugs of an immedicable lesion, thnt has lwcn shortening his days, and hastening him " to the narrow Ikhvh- appointed for all the living." when he stieuks out in its prai, who will doubt it? The Petroleum I. a Xatonil Remedy : it L put op as it flows from the booiii of the earth, with out any thing bring added to or taken from it. It gets its ingredients from the Is-d of sulttances which jtoftscs over in its secret cliauucl. They are blended together in su: h a furin as to defy all human competition. The lYlrulcnin In this respo t is like Min eral Watrrs, alio virtues in aiot chronic dieastware acknowledged, not only ! plirielans. Uit by the rnm nnuiity t Luge.. These hiugiilar fluids flowing out of tbebarth. Impregnate willi iniilitiniil s'uhotanres of ditferrnt pn)-rtie. and h dding them in such complete solution as to require the aid of Chemistrv In order to detect them, lmr ample .rnof to the fa--t that they are compounded by the mnMer hand of Xatiire. for the" alle viation of hnm'an isifl'eriug and di-rn-'e. If Petroleum is medicine at all, it is a gmd one, for Nature never half does her work ; nnd that it is a medicine of nneoualed power, we have I lie mi abundant testimony. It will be rb-d when many of the new reniedie now in vogne will have been forgotten forever. It will continue to he used and applied a a remedy as long as man continues to be sttlicti d with d!eae. "That It will cure every dis ease to which we aro liable, we do not pretend ; but that it will cure a great many dieacs hitlierto tnen ru ble, i a fact which I proven by the evidence in it fa vor. Its discovery is a new era iu' medicine, and will Inure to the health arid hrrppmnts of man; ScKOVt ui. Tho Petmletini is a great nH-dirinr In S-nifiila and King.- Evil, in all tho- dUcascs having their origin In a depraved ronditinu of the blood ftml other rlnids cf tbe bcMfy. It will enre pain and enlarge ment in the bones and Joint. Id-it'-he. bile. Erylie la, pimples on tho fai-e. tetter, scald Jiead ring-wnrrs. and the various k in di-iean-s. It has cured niimenne cases of Itlienni itim. Xcuralgi, Gont, Ac Several ra.e of Rhenmati-iu of years' etanding, have been en tirely cured. A woman in Franklin Co., Pa., wa cured of rhenmstic aflVction of seven years standing ; the disease was so aggravated as to confine her to bed during the greater p:wt of that time. She is now well anil considers herself entirely restored. Micn.i.ANEor Direction.. Xo lietter remedy can he found anywhere for burns and scalds, the pnin of which it immediately relieves, mid restores the parte and disposes them to heal. - Old Sores and Clcers will he removed by the daily ap plication and administration of Petroleum. . Worm. In d'Mes of fifteen or twenty drops adminis tered to children of two or three years old. or upwards, two or three times daily, it will remove wormik It is a certain remedy agaiust Ta Worm and AHcarides in grown persons, in which case tbe dose ruu.-t be a tea spoonful. 1 -i ' - i . I -; . ,,: Bronchitis and Asthma can be relieved by the Petro leum. The distresKing rough, night sweats, aud diffi culty of breathing , are removed by ity use in a very short time. Fever and Agne. The Petroleum has liecn ncd m fe ver and ague with complete suc-es. It will lie fmind a certiiin and effective remedy in that trouWesomeand un manageable diease. The A'W in such casrs I a tea spoonful in any pleasant vehicle every throe hour, in the al-iice of the fever. Tth-ache. A few drop dropped on cotton, arfd placed in the cavity of the aching tooth, will relieve it immediately. Cnwp. By saturating a flannel rlnth with the Pctro lenm and applying it to the neck and breast, '' will give immediate relief. It is nfo an invnhraHe remedy In the ilifTtTent forms of Scarlet Fever to tie nscii locnny, as in ca-s oi croun. Xeuralgia. in it various kinds, is rnn-d by the free ap plication along the painful tra-t of nerve. In that siie- cies of neuralgia denominated spinsl irritation the Pe- trofeum Tuts given permanent relict, py running wun it night and morning. . Corns For rni this remedy ha been used with com plete snece: the plan of using it is to saturate a piece of cottm with the IVtPiUnun. and tie it upon the Corn. The corn SflonM be pared iWvm every two or three days, and the lYtroIeuui applied until all the harduess has laa absorbed- -- n -r- ft , , , , DruiKTioroi for theintemnl and local ti3minitrmion of the Petroleum. lHarrht-i. The dose in this disease is a tea-spoonful everv third hour nntil the pnrging teases. In oW chronic will only be necessary to lane we meuu-ine inree nmes a osy. Pilos-The mode if aduiiiii-tration In PUes L to give the Petndenra three times a day internally, and apply twice a day externally, to4be tumor. Where the Piles are of long staading and much hardened, a drachm of Iodine may be added to earn buttle, to lie neu as local application. When the Piles are internal the Petroleum should be infected with a syringe into the rectum. lleafuesH. Prop ten drop into the earat bed-time and stop the ear with cotton or wool. The ear should be syringed out with sods made of castile snap and warm water, twice a week. - - For Burns and Scolds. Apply the Petri ileum freely over the burnt or scalded parts. In diseases of the Madder and kidneys, the does is a tea-spoonful three times a aay. ' .For old Sores and Uleers-Aroilv the Petroleum morn ing and at bed time. Keep the sores or nicer elann, hy washing them daily with castile soap and warm water. For sore and kifaavd 4yess.The Petroleum should be applied two or three time a day to the affected eye ami a drop or two be allowed to get under the lid. Where there is a acrottuluus tendency it must be taken inter nally, in doses of a tea-spoonful, three times a day. i For Cmglw, Colds, Bronchitis and Consumption The dose is a tea-spoonful, to lie given three times a day. . . In Cholera Morbus, give a tea-spoonful every hour un til the vomiting snd purging crane. In Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Paly, Contractions of the Iambs snd Joints, and White Swelling Tbe Petroleum is tn be freely runlied on the affected parts at least twice a day with a flannel rag, and, if convenient, before a warm fire. It should alo be given internally, in doses of a tca-spoonfnl, three times a day. ' , For sale at the Salem Drug Store, by . May, 13-Utf; W. K. SMITH A CO. Graffenbcrg Medicines. G UAFKEXBEUG SarsupsrUla, Uterine Catliolicin. jivsentery syrnp, consump. ualin. i ne wiuimeu, . Health Bitters, " Kye ltHn. Ac, Ac To be found at the Agency of the Company at . W. K. SMITH A CCS. R. TOWXSEND"S Sarsaparilla, at , . vr. K. SMITH CO. s. CLAXE'S celebrated vermifiigeand liver pills. at .9 W. K. rsMI I ft & CU. S. D R. OSGOOIfS fndU trhidagogue, nnd Dr. Jones' American CkolagoHiic, at W . K. Mil 1 It i (u. . MOFFATS life pills and bitters, and Bernard's dys. enter-syrup, aud Wistar's balsam of wild cherry, at ,.9,.:i.,. ,,W.Kfc SMITH & CO.'S. D R. J. AYR ES' celebrated cherrypectwal,foreom;hs, colds, and consumption, at w. K. hmi ih & ti.-s. M EX1CAN Mustang Liuamcnt, . W. Merchant's garliageiUr - ' . w. n. oaiii it st-t.v. s. .: . - b m - - - l - u i i ni , PlURE White Iead, raw and burned I'mbcr, Chrome, , Green and Yellow and other paints, at i ... r . w" bi. su ml a co.-s. pEKr' W. K. SMITH A CO."S. ! JAYXE'S alternative, expectorant, and pill, cod liver oil, oaHtor oiL awect oil, at : W. K. SMITH A Ctl.'S. JAYXE'S carminative balsam. "A fine remedy for dysenteries, Summer Complaints, Fhix, Ac, at . ! VV.K. SMITH A CO.'S. . rATXE'S Hair Tonic, at T.H.SXIITHACO.'S. BARrsiiyc SCARPA'S Acoustie oil; a sure enre for deafness; for ) sale at . W. K. SMITH A CO.'S, ; JACKSON'S Pile ointment and Tetter Embrocation, a are cure for the above diseases; at 9 .!,!.; W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. , RCSUTOX'S Cod liver oil. for consumption. Tor sale at . 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. PETROLUM.orKock oil, just received, and for sale at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. CHROME Yellow, Prussian Blue. !rop Blacks, Lamp Blacks, Paiut Brushes, and Candy, at - W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. , VANDYKE Brown, raw Cmbcr, burnt Umber, T. D. Leaner, Gold, Leaf, Silver 1-caf. and Bronzes, at .9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. LINSEED nil, spirits turpentine, alcohol, and bsitb brushes, at 9 W. K SMITH A CO.'S. Smith h Dmle. ATTORNEYS AX!) COrXSELORS AT LAW AND Solicitors in Clianrerv. CorvullLs O. T. I. K. SMITH. 5itf O. C. PAPK. M. W. Mitchell, - ATTOPXEY AND COlTXSF.LOR AT LAW, EU gene City. I Jine Cnuiitp, O. T. Surgical. JI-COOMRS. M.D.. Surgeon, Ac. SPECIALTY . DISEASES OF THE EYE. CorvallLs, Oregon. Septemlier 2:, KB. 2"Hl Snn Francisco Advcrlisin; JTsency rP. FISHFR. iron bi.ilding. opposite Pacific Express J offlrc, up . stairs. Files ornll the principal laii rsif Culirniia and Oregon nmv lcf"nlid at this office Mr. Fisher is the authorized Agent for the Statesman. Chester K. Terry, ATTORNEY AT LAW, SALEM, OREGON. COM 'missioncr or DecU, and to take testimony, ae knowledfrmciit. Ac. Ac, for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan. California and Washington Territ iny. let ters of Attorney, and all other instnimouta of writing, diawu on short not ice. aw. Particidnr attention paid to taking depositions, collections of Notes, Accounts, Ac, 3!tf Boise & MeEwan, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEIXIRS AT LAW, So licitors in t'hanccry. Proctors, Ac, in Admiralty, Portland. Oregon. 4otf W. II. Farrar, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. So licitor in Chancery and Admiralty. Office on Front street, next door north of Stark st, Portland, Oregon. Henlin; k Grsrer, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSEIXHtS AT LAW, AND Solicitors in Chancery. Ofhte near the Court-house, S;ilem,t.T. Gro. K. Slifil, ATTORNEY AND COUNSEIiOII AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Cliant-ry. will prartire in the vari-ms courts of tlregon and Washingtyu Territories. Office, Salem, O. T. Dflazon Smith, VTTORXEY AND COCXRELOR AT LW. AXD Solicitor in Chancery, v. ill promptly attend to all business pertaining t- his" prufession in tlie !irt Judicial District, and Is One the Supreme Cotut of Oregon. OH'H-e, AllHiny, l.inn County, ?. T. X. B. When not at bis office, fir alisciit on ppes sional linsiiM-ss, lie may t? found at hLs resident, five miles south-east nf Alimny, on what is known as the - tintud Prairie." W. 8. Brora, VTTORXEY 'AND COCXSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitnr in Cliaucery, will practice in the various courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col lection of all rlaira against the United States, tlirouh an efficient agent residing at Washington ;City. Office iu Eugene City, l-ane County, O. T. It. JE. Stratton, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice In the various courts of southern. Oregon, anil iu the Supreme Court of the Territory. Office in lV-cr Creek. Donclas county. O. T. Resi dence 6 miles north of Winchester, on the Wilhimette road N. B. Bonnty Toind Warrants obLiinrd for claimants on reasonable terms. ?3tf AJ. TH AVKI!, . ttontrg and Couturier at I Mm, and . Soiieitor in Ckancrrg. OSice over J. C. Avery's Store, Main St., CorvallL. Stitf Cltadiwick Uibbs, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. So licitor In Chancery. Ac. nnVrsut Winehct-terand IJanliner. S. F. Chapwick, Winchester. Douglas Co., O. T. A.C. Gibbs, Gardiner, Umpqna Co., t). T. Nov. 9, 15. 35tf j Clarke Brew, "ITJATCHMAKF.R, Salem. Repairing prompt- ly and neatly douc. Jewelry manuiac- turcd. ir ' . Mrdira!. TJI. WRIGHT A E. B. STONE, having sssociated togetlier in pn-tii-e. rtsqiectriilly tender their ser vices to tbe people of Benton and Linn desiring to se cure the favor of the afflicted by success mlf. tlflice near J . C Avery's store, IVirvaliis. i 1 lj-paid Williani A. Gonlder, . or French and Eng'.l-fi, French Prairie, J. Mari m county, O. T. Iy7 A. B. Haliock, ARCHITECT AND BUILDER. PORTLAND, O. T. Designs, plans, specifications, Ac, furnished on reasonable terms. c. a. coi.r. S. C. ALFJI ANI KIU K. riAKTLKSS, Cor, llexinder, & Co. WHOLESALE A.Xfi RETAIL lEAt.ERS IS UESERAI. MEUVHASIHSE A SO ' ilif PRODUCE, CURI A LLIS.tKT. Villiaiu C. Uriswrold & Co., M ERCHANTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. . CCKISWOLP, 22tf C. S. WOODWORTH. Kucette City. II OR ACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eugene Citv Hotel. Iltr. Medical iN'otice. THE snhseriljer. would inform the inhabitants thnt he is at his old stand, ready, to attend to all call in bis profession : also he has on hand a well selected stock of Eclectic concentrated. Medicines, with a well asisrteil supply of Syringes, all of which he will rlisp ise of on reasonable terms. W. WARREN. Salem IVccialsr 2, IMS. Sstf . W. 11. Maiers, M. I). PriYSICI.tNandSnrgen. OfHee in my new build ing, nn Main street, two doors north of Dr. J. S. Mcltceny's lire-proof building ; where I will be found when not professionally enguged. I will keep constant ly on hand a fresh supply of Dru3 and Medicines which I will sell low for cash. CorvalHa, Dec. 9, lft. - 39tf '- ifnieil Sotiee. DR. R. W. SHAW, late or San Francisco. California, offers tits professional services to the citizens fo . . i . . .. a.ii nil:.. i. r.. naiem ana vicimj, mm recvwuiij u"w m mamv w public favor. , mr Office at Reed and Fcllowa" drug store. ; 14y ' K. W. SHAW. ! . .,. . W. Jaeksoi, 1. D. . tHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Corvallis, O. T. I2tf - -' Campbell k Pratt.. . ATTOUXEYS AT LAW, San Francisco. California. Offii-e, corner Montgomery and .Sacrouiento streets, over Parmtt A Cos. B.nk. - Messes. Cnmnhell A lr:itt have lately removed fmm Oregon, and will be pleawd to attend to all business entrusted to their care. . Sltf Alessxpsb CiMrBKi.t " . O. C Pratt. : Joseph N. Prfsrott, ' ' ' 3t.MS ST., OBEfiOK CITV. EALER in Family Groceries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, snd Paint ana tins, wnoiesaic anu reuw. July 7, !.". Iftf P. D. Palmer, DEALER in Dry Goods, Clothing. Fancy Articles. Bsk and Stationery, and general merchandise Store fh-t door north of the Uniou Hotel, Salem. . December 30, lf3. 42tf ! , S. Ellsworth, ' ' ' ATTOIISBV AND CllfNSBM.OIt, 'i US. Supreme nnd other Court. OHlcc-Eugene City, l.anc County, Oregon Territory. Also Commissionerof IVeds Utr Xew York, Connecticut. A-c August ill. 1S.",G, ' 24tf Watrlimaking. WILLIAM F. UkJHFIELD. Chronometer and Watch maker. tregon City, has removed to the buildinir instonuosite to tlic Main-street House. where be can lie con-tiintl v found prepared to do any business in his Hue. Wat. lie cleaned -und repaired nn short notice and reasonable terras. Also a choice lot of watches and Jewelry for sole. March 5 , 1H54. 1j'31 ; S. Hamilton, M. !., PnYSICIAX' AXD SURHEOX. would respectfully announce to the good people of Donglns and the nd joining counties, that he has located permanently at Doer Creek for tbe purp"e of practicing medicine, and in which profession he v. ill be faithful to dKcharge all duties, and spare no paina to render tbe putieut easy and comfortable. . Oi rics opposite Vi. H. Dearborn A Co.'s store, on Main street. . . f Dnigs and Patent Medicines for sale at lorn eah prt- Ctt. - 4t!tf ' , . . -i Wells, FarKo, & Co., ' BXKERS lind EXCHANC.E DEAI-EIW. W..F..A Co., in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Exrkange and Colltrtion ust neas. Collections and Remittances made in all parts of Oregon. California .the Atlantic States, and Enroije.witu pronaptiwMs and despatch. Dust, Uold and Silver Coin aud Btillion. bought and sold. ... . - r. !r DL.7 I.i-.l. bigni fcicuwiire " " - " , Albm. Rochester, BvJJnlo, Erie. Vlerekmd, Detroit, Chicago, Miheatdtie, tlairna, St. IjOuu. jMttrillt, Cincinnati, and forty other principal towns in the Atlan tic States aud the Cannuas, may tie procured at any ol our offices. . WELLS. FARGO. A CO. t 114, Montgomery-street, San Francisco JAMES 0'NElLL,-rfffriif. Juno 1855. ! . Coffee. IF YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the undersigned have got 1.-,,ihki pounds best COSTA RICA." Come in and look at it. , -. . ALLAN McKIXLAY A Co, . Oregon City, Dec 6, lSSU. Dr. Czapkoy'i Medical Notices. DR. J. L. CZAPKAY"S ;nuid Medical and Surgical Institute. Armnrv Hall, coruer of Sacramento aud Montgomery Ht.. San Francisco. California. Establish ed for tins Pcnuuuciit cure of all Private aud Chronic Diseases, and the suppression of quackery. Dr. J. I.. CZAPKA Y. late in the Hungarian Revolu tionary War, Chief Physician iu the 2llth Regiment of iionveus.ciiici surgeon to the military Hospital at resin, Hungary, and lute lec.tun.-r on Diseases of Urinary Or gans ami I lisi-ases of Women and Children, would most respectfully inform the p!i!ili; of Oregon and California that he has opened an institute for the cure of Chronic Disease til thn Itin-rs liver, kidilev. heart. blood, brain and the horrid consequence, ol scff-abiise, and he hopes in n ins ion? experience anil successful procure oi ma ny year.i, will insure him a share of public patronage. liv the practice of many years in hnrouc and tue tni- ted States, and during the Hungarian war and cam paigns, he is enabled to nnniv the mot efficient and successful remedies against diseases of all kinds, lie uses no Mercury charges moderate treats bis patient in a correct and h in ir.ilile way has references of un questionable veracity from men of known respectabili ty and high standing in society. All parties consulting Dim by letter, or otherwise, will receive tne oesr ana gentlest treatment, nnd Implicit secrecy. The Dr.'s office arc at Armory Hall, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery su., San r raucisco. caiuornia. s jiii.i SPERM ATOUKII'E.V OR LOCAL WBAkXES. Ilr. L. J.-Czapkay wmld call pnhlic attention to snermatiirrlt-ea or bh-nl weakness. There is not in the catalogue of human maladies one more to lie depreca ted than this, as well liecausc of present the iiltMii.ite results. The tine of the system unJ-r its in fluence is either impaired or entirely destroyed, and a classof svmut'im-i suiK'riudiiced that unlits man for the m rf irni i K c of aiiv of the onlitiarv duties of lite. 1 he injurie-. done to the physical part of man is tnily la- inentiible. but tntling when compared l- iiiosc o. ine ccii-rnim, t!ie nervms center, anil ine ?icr- vom system!y. Tin disease, whi'-h is too olttm cmscptent up m thnt solitary Vice. sclf-ab-.ise. involves fi itli il igi -a! conditt'-n bcymd the cumpr-hensinn of theiniiiiti.iU-d. ts;t which are well undcrsto'wl by thorcg nlsr pra-'titiom'r. Am-mg the symptoms mist cnspic uiin arc the foll cviiij: l.uve tf solitude, aversion to business id sftciety. distressing timiifity, nervon ex citement fr-im s'ight causes, loss of mein-iry. ronfiii of ide.Ls. inability ty reasun correctly, low spirits and lassitude, d.illuoss of apprtlicas:.:i a:id misanthi-'pv. These lieing fun :ti nal lenngem?:its, arc often the har bingers of horrid organic Ittiais of the brain, whirji pr-duce fiituitv, dcmci.tia and death. For the cure of this and all k-ndrcd disease. Dr. Cxapkav ha t-i!.lished his Institute, where ail may rely with icrre-t confidence upon that skill which long experience and thormsh devotion to his profession has given. - .''! Those who muTer sJi-ndd Rill or write without delay, aad tioUbe mean by which tliey may recuperate aud live. ... 1 AH con-iulUtions, br letter or ot'ierwi-e. free. -Aa-dressto 'DR.L.J.CZAPKAY, Medical Institute. Armory Hall, Cor. Sacramento and Montgomery f-ts. 4flra3 San Francisco. Cal. Cl EC RET DISEASE.". DR. L. J. CZAPKAYS EX O traorilinary success in the treatment of secret dis ease iu the primary and other stages, induces him to call puMic attention to the fact that of the great num bers who have made daily application to hiin, there is not one wh' has not been n".-ctua!!y and rcnnaneritly cured. la recent cases of private di-ea tire Dr. gnar- anties a perrec enre m a few days wis lmit hindrance to btLsiness or otlrer inconvenience The Dr.'s method of treating these mnladies. conrbinoathe improvements made by the medical faculty wita aiscovenes oi ins own that are unknown to anv one else, nnd which, when applied, prevsut the possibility of evil after conse-isjec-ce. ! Secondary syphilis, wliicli is so destructive of health. prod:ic:ag ulct-ralio:is or Hie throat, destf-iying the soft pai-ts. aud leaving the bones exposed. w!ii.-h mortify, separate and cimie away. dLsfiguriag the sufferer mot-t htirritily. as rrell as impairing his general health, aad predisposing t consiimptiuu, the Dr. treat iu the mix-t certain and eSsci-at mviner. AUo, paiuful swellings axm the Ismas. dissigiiring pi4chos upon Cie skin, sores, pimnfos. and all other consequences of private disea-a-s he guaranties to cure or ack no compensation. Dr. C. w il l especially cal! the attenrin of thoss; who have failed to olrtain relief from ethers, many of whom he has sfresdv cured, and many are still mider treat- nnnt- the nr. muses na cnarge ior consaiuiuiia. aan invites all to call jt his Institute : and he will give them such satisfaction as they can obtain nowhere e!e. 1 hose at a distance, by writing v ine it., can uaTe their cure iimuerlv attended t". I Iffice. N. 3 and 4 Armnrv Ha!!, corner of Sacramento and Montgomery st.. San Francisco, t alifornM. sra4 . - The Crratcst Diseovrrr of the isr. r REAT U'.esJinc to M::akind! Innocent but Potent! VT DU. CZAPKA V'S l'5Ura;i..iiTHfsi. Odfsaisiurec ti?ig a;rent.) a sure preventive arainst secret disi-ases. and an unsurpassed remedy f-3r sorofuloo. gangrenous and cair.-eriwi uk-er. and all ratamHtseniptHmsanri dis ease. Fr sale at ! :. Ci.vivAT's tilii -e. Armory Hall, comer of S.icr." and Montgomery st.. San Fran- cii"o,'Cal. As intRiilatinu is ireve!.t:ve against nlalI iiox, si is Dr. Czapkay s Prophilacticmu a preventive aaiiist e-ret disease." Tliat liiev can f prevented by proper a-renH. i as well an established fact as tha't they can lie cured after their establishment. This principle, which is mi w1 universally recognized, was received even before the davs "f Jciiuer. the discovererof vacciustion, iu, and its multiplied beueiit ever since have re ceived a tuey ucscrveu, uia aucnnon oi me .ieiiicsi faculty. It was in pursuit of this braiu h of the meilical s.-ience that Dr. L. J. CSapkay fortunstely made the dis covery of his Prophylacttcutu, which, for the cancerous and cutannus disorders, stands nurivilled by any agent in the Pharinaco:iM. The modus operandi of this med icine i expl -lined "np-m the hypothesis that secret poisons passess cliemical pcoiertie which are neutralized by being brought in contact with this prophylatic, as acids are known to neutralize alk:Uies, destroying entirely their original properties and rendering them inert. ThcelTectof this agent is immediate, aud removes the possibility d" a contraction f disease. If, however, the disease has been contracted, it is useful iu neutralizing the poisonous secretions, which by alisnrption, produce the consequences known as secondary disease. In can cerous and gangeroos' ulcers, iii foetid discharges and in entammi diseases where the secretions are excoriating, it acts upon the same principle and is one of the most eflectnal remedies for the purpose now known. Where disease is once established it shonhl te used in con nee tfcm with other remedies, and when so used never fails of success. It has been administered by the Doctor in manv thousand cae. and lie has yet to find the first in which it has failed to subserve the purpose for which it was administered. Price, J5.' Full directions are at tached to each package. X. R In cases where the Prnphvlaticnm is used as curative. Dr. L. J. Caipkay wili furnish (gratis) a pre scription for his blood pnriHer. All communications from the country, addressed only o Dr. L. J. CZAPKA Y. San Francisco,-CaL, will be strictly and confidentially attended to. and remedies, with the greatest care a"nd secrecy, immediately dis patched by express or oiaerwise 10 ineir uesunaiioii. r L. J. CZAPKA Y, M. D.' 4!ml San Francisco, Oal. To ths Lambs o Oreoow axo California. L. J. CzAPKtr, M. D.. physician surgeon ana accoucner, in vites the attention of the sick and alllicted females la boiing under auy of thft various forms of diseases of the brain, lungs, heart, stomach, liver, womb, blood, kiil nnvs. nml nil diseases peculiar to their-sex.. The Doc tor is effecting more permanent cures than an other physician in Oregon or California. Let no false delicacy prevent you, but apply immediately, and save yourself from painful suffering and premature death. All mar ried ladies, whose delicate health or other circumstances do not allow to have au increase in tlietr families should write or call at Dr. L. J. Uzapkay's Metlical Institute. Arniorv Hall, corner of Sacramento aud Montgomery streets and they will receive every possible relief and heli.. The Doctor's Ollices are so arranged that he ran be cuiisullcu wiiuoui moicsuiion. mnu as-The attcution of the readers is colled to the fol owing: A l:ly of hijth standing in society and respectability, published a card in the rniiadciptna Sunday Dispatch, SeptcnuVr 14. IS51, which is ss follows: A Cahp The nndcrsigmsl fsela it her dutv to express her heartfelt gratitude to lr. Czspkay, for the success ful cure of herself ami child;-' Tho latter having been atnicted by a severe attack of "Cholera Infantum,'' was gtven up as nieurao!c ny wiiro oi me mosi ccieomieo nhvsicians. when she called on Dr. Cxnpkav. of whom she heard very favorable report, and who, after a short period, restored the child to perfect health. Encour aged by this extraordinary ;t-ult, she songht advice herself, for the scrofulous malady, with rrhich she had been afflicted for eight yar. nnd which withstood the treatment pf .the best physicians in Eiuupe and Ameri ca. But Dr. Czapkay hs.4 succeeded 'in afTording her permanent relief, so that she can now enjoy rife, which, Tor eigni years nau io uu nmniw n-i o--i- ene, vnero fore deems it due to herself and to all sick and afflicted to recommend Dr. Ozapksy, as one of the most skillful nhvsicians within the t'nitefi sstwies. r J Mrs. CAROLINE ORAT, ' : Corner of Walnut and 7th streets, Philadelphia. A.Ci.azkr. Notary IhibHc. 12, 7th street. The following is an cditirinl notice in the Boston Daily Times of August utn, . ' A' SKturrr. Piivsiciax: Dr.' I.. J. Czapkay has opened an office at No. IS Pleasant street in this city Dr. C. is a Hungarian by birth, and was connected with the patriotic army a physician and surgeon under , the patronage of Kossuth. ' He combines with a Unished education and the most refined and agreeable manners, the most extensive scientific abilities and skill in his firofession, and we feel much pleasure iu recommending dm to onr citizens as a physician and a gentleman. Dr. Czapkay has spent some time in Philadelphia where he won the confidence and friendship of those who le camc acquainted with him. Among his friends in Phil adelphia aro gentlemen oi the Highest respectability. with wnom we are personally acquainted, tie nau an extensive practice in Hungary before the Austrian and Russians-compelled him to leave it for .being found guilty of excessive patriotism. We hope he will receive that patronage duo a man of so eminent capacity. The above are only a few of the many testimonials which Dr. Czapkay has iu hi possession, but cannot publish for waut of space. All communications, (by letter or otherwise.) free. ejrPersons desiring prompt attention, and who wish, to nvcid the delay of corresponding, can have immedi ate attention by Feuding ten dollars as consuiiatioH ice, and can have meuicmc rorwuniea. jtuurcss io I J. CZAPKAY, 31. 1). Medical Institute, Armory Hall. Corner Sacramento and Mongomery street, 4!)m3 San Francisco. CJPERMATORRHEA. or Local Weakness, nervous de- kj bility, low spirit, lassitude, weakness. of the limbs and back, indisposition, loss of memory, aversion to so ciety, love of solitude, timidity, self-distrust, dizziness, headaebe, pains iu the side, affection of the eyes, pim ples on the face, sexual aud other infirmities in man, are cured without fail by the justly celebrated physician and urgeon. L. J. V'zankav. His metli iu of curing diseases is new (unknown to others) and hence the great suc cess. All consultations, by letter or otherwise, free. Address, U. J. c.r"n. A X , at. !., 49m3 San Francisco, Cal. Back Again! r"TlHE undersigned, having recently arrived from the X State, would notily his friends and customers, and the public in general, that he has taken the old i-taud on Main Street, Oregon City, and ha received since his arrival, the following goods, which he offers at whole sale and retail ut the very lowest prices for cash, or tbe produce or the country. 1 be goods were all selected by himself personally, aud are fresh and good and the luaiuies guarauiieu o me purcuascr. Among which. find 24,00(1 lbs. Liverpool blown salt, in 400 lh. scks, 4,000 " tine table salt, in 10 and 20 lb sacjs, 4.000 " N. O. Brown Sngar, . 5,000 " China ditto, Nos. 1, J and 3, i 4,000 " Rio coffee, (fresh,) -100 kegs Scth Adams syrup, 5 gals each, 150 kegs Boston nail., assorted sizes, , AO kegs ditto spike. 44. 5, S J and 6 in. -2'MI kegs pure white lead, ' " ; SO kegs assorted colors, 300 gals, boiled oil, in 5 gal. cans, , 100 ". spirit turpentine, ditto.. - 20 " coai and furniture varnUli, 20 " Neat's foot oil, 35 boxes sjierm candles, SO " adamantine ditto, 100 " sardines, 50 kegs and boxes salcratus, 10 ' pure soda, 10 boxes cream tartar. 100 bxs. "Colgates" A No. 1 ISrown soap. 10 iKiskets tiwect oil, 5 lioxes casfjir oil, '10 bids east B-iston and Stewart's crashed sugar SO kegs tar, 5 gals, each, 100 boxes i Jermnn glass, superior quality assor ted size, -KO lbs gimi camphor, 30 p'k's imK-ria'l gun powder and Oolong tens. Together with a general assortment of Family f !ro- cenes. Also, a large assortment of paints of all Colors and degrees, dry or in oil. and a sph-nded a-ssortment of paint and otiier l:rushcs larming tools, among which arc grain civ.-lles. Ac, Ac, Ac. ALu. a general assort ment of lots nnd shoes. Also, agent for Folsoin's Plough, manufactured in Oregon, and warranted equal of not better than any imported and at one third to half less price encourage home industrv. JOSEPH N- PKESCOTT. July 7th. ItC Tiiis Dar Receired. 13 Y tlie larke NAHCMKEAO, for sale low for cash cr Country produce. in-iii.-t and ui bbts A.u. sugar. ' ' ' : GO sticks China No. 1. sngar. 1U0 P each. ; i 10 doz Oysters (rrenh) ISaltimore in 2 ib cans, 2. Ikixcs Adamantine candles, 6"s, 40 lb ea, 10 do do do. Cs, 20 lb ea, - IS dos boxes Sardines. 2- kegs Seth Adams' svrup, bbte X.D.and S-W.Ti-ran. - -- : 30 boxes tobacco. " Luke's" Thom3"T. ' Pride of the Union" and" I'iamir.d brands", 40 sacks SO's each Rio Green Coffee, 20 pToss bejit matches, CO doz smoking pibocco, ... 50 doz gum camphor. . : 5 bbls crashed sugar, J. N. PCESCOTT Oregnn City, Xov. S. lo. Slitf ; . At Kii?rene Citf - rrinE suhscriiier h-is at Kr.cene Cif one of the Wt X general assortment of Dry Goods, tlroccries. Hard ware. Roots aud Shoes, and ail articles kept in a gene ral Sndrnsi store: to be found Si Oregon. He is eon- stanth- rfceiving freh additH-n to 1st stnek. and al ways keeps it pp. My are now all received direct from San Francisco, where I Lave a resilient agent. All Irhrtsof farmer's produce received in exchange for goods I pay higher prices for produce, and sell gooOs cheaper wan any oiuer store in me lemtorv. "JOSEPH TEAL. EngsneCit, July 1; lS.-,.-- - , lf Dry Goods, I Z)'rf(w Yards brown sheetings, assorted; ,w I JJ l"i"i0 j-ard-s bleached s'.reetings, assorted; 2.r00 yds bro 1 Tilling. as'd Yellow Flannel, 1:ski yds Ticking, do Ojxrra do .- 4'52t yds Prints. do Silk Warp Flannel, 1577 yd Alpacca, do .Imitation do do 12iS yds Jaconet cambrics, Sattinett and Jeans, Dress Cambric, Linen Ginghams, Paper do . ; do Check, Moreen. " Oil Siik. Embossed Piano Covers, Fancy Dress Silks, do Table do Wrought Muslins, Drapery. assorted, ... Bonnet Ribbons, Gingham. Velvet do Red Flannel, . Crape, Ulne d i Ladies" Gauntlets, White do Gent's do Comprising one of tlie best ftocks of Dry Goods in uregon. 22tf For sale by GRISWOLD CO. Hardware. yT kegs Nail, asst'd, tJ Cut Spikes, Brad-head Nails, Sjiear & Jackson's Saws," Itiior Ijocks, Strap Hinges, Gate do -Sad Iron, lathing Hatchets, Family Grirldstones, 2tf Butts aed Screws, Siill Files. , Parker's Coffee Mills, Collins' Axes, O'jryeomf , Waffle Irons. " ; Drawing Knives, Shingle Shaves, Powder, Lead and Caps. GRISWOLD CO. Groceries. E AST Boston Syrup, Apples and. Peaches, Sugar, - ; ' t-piees, . Coffee. Tobacco, ; Green and Black Tea, Soap. 22tf tiRISWOLD A CO. EAD A5D TURPENTINE Linseed Oil. Tanners J Oil. Sperm Oil. - 2?tf GRISWOLD A" CO. I B OOTS AND SHOES-IJ Cases, assorted. 22tf GRISWOLD ft CO. Stationery BUTE ruled Cap Paperi White ruled Cap PVer, ! ' ! OoTigress Letter Paper: Carson's wove Let6r Paper, P. A S. blue laid do do; PA S. white hud do do; .v White Bath GUt Letter Paper, Gillott's Pens, 303, 404. 730: Blank Books, Slates and Pencils, Black and Red Ink. - ' 22tf GRISWOLD CO. I CROCKERY A full assortment. 22tf GRISWOLD CO. IRON All sizes. 22tf GRISWOLD & CO.' CLOTHING 212 pairs Pant, assorted: 150 Coats, y at'd: IjO Vests, asst'd: Pauts and Drawers. la all, a full assortment of Gent's Furnishing Goods- 22tf GRISWOLD & CO. i . lVotice. TH E Judges of the Supreme Conrt of the Territory of Oregon, assembled at the seat of Government on the lGt'n'day of lieccmber, lfviS, do fix and appoint District Courts to be held in the city of Salem, in the comity of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and September, and the fourth Mondays of May and Octo ber, annually, nntil otherwise ordered ; and in the city of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on the fifth Monday, of December, 1.'5R. and thereafter on tbe first Mondays of May and Octolier. and the third Mondays of June and November, annually, until otherwise order ed. and do limit the duration of said Terms to six days each. GEO. H.WILLIAMS. Chief Justice. . 41 v "CYRUS OLSEY, Associate Justice. " ' lVotice. I have appointed E. J. Harding Clerk of the District Court for tlie first Judicial District, and he has ap pointed Deputies as follows : ' Clackamas,.. , F.S. Holland. Yamhill, Geo. H. Steward, Polk, Iotcien Heath. Benton ,. T.H. 15. Odeneal." iJina,. E- F. Skinner. i Linn,.. ....... - John H. Lines. . GEO. H. WILLIAMS, Judge- December 18. 1856. - 41 Snrjeoni and Physicians HAVING rendered service in the 1st Regiment 0. M. V. are requested to ren.Jer a full report to this of fice as soon as practicable. of all expenditures, employ ees. &c., as it is desirable to wind np (lie business of the Medical Department. Address B. W. Shaw, Assistant Surgeon General, Surgeon General's office, Salem. .-. Hot. 1, IrijtS. . -.,-.-.. 3f - r - r r Strayed, - ' T7IROM the subscriber, a portion of his stock, marked -I? and branded as follows: Crop off the left ear, and swallow-rork in the right. II. brand. Any person know ing the whereabouts of cattle bearing this brand and marks, will be properly fg,&,PZ,or. mation. JAMLS HtAlrltKLY. , Lane county, Aug. 7', 19SC Vttt ; Lrfs Anselos Salt. SALT 300 bags Los Angelas Salt, received, per Xa hiimkeag, and for sale at lowest rate. miiuaeat,, G. A BERN ETHY A CO. ' tH IKS 100 Chairs for sale cheap, by (J 33 BARNARD MATTESOX. B ACON wanted at ' : 33 iiAit--iiiiJ aarrtsos s. C1ANDLES, Soap, Starch, Indigo, and Tobacco, at . 9 - W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. D RUGS, Medioiuas, Paints, Oils, and DyestofTs. at : VV. n.. S-MU tl A cu. s. tOUSTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at the j - . STATESMAN OFFICE. TAX receipt blanks fc sale at the Statesman Office, at $1 per hundred, t StoTe andTinlVareEstablisfament. J STRANG respectfully notifies the citizen of Salem, and public generally that he keeps on hand in hi new building, Main st, every pattern of Cooking. Parlor, Hall, and Office STOVES general a-ssortment of U.M IvjtHi, of every description and all artioles usually found in a tin shop and store, all of which w I be sold as cheap as at any other establishment iz. .ii Territory. Ail orders lor jooomg promptly attended to. tf J. STRANG. Allan & Lewis, w HOLESALE MEP.CHAXTS, PORTLAND, ORE GON TERRITORY. Gee. Abernetflyi Co., ERCHANTS, OREGON CITY, OREGON TER RITORY. tf M Aberntthr, Clark i To., COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, V San Francisco. Cal.. wif! attend to selling Oregon J induce, and fill orders for Goods, Groceries, Ac. at the owest rates. The patronage of the people of Oregon is respectfully solicited. " August 1. lr,. Jltf Allan, McKinlay, & Co., GENERAL COMMISSION. MERCHANTS, and U holesale and Retail Dealers in Drv (iood. t5ro. ceries, Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T. ie-:. 4'lvl Holiday Presents. CALL and bny soon at the Book Store, Oregon City. HOMER HOLLAND i CO. Oregon City, Dec. 7, ltSG. rtf Allan, McKinlay, & Co., HAVE just re-civci a rtock of New Goods, and wotild invite a'l tltose who wish to procure GOOD articles at reasonable price, to call and see them. They cTC!fi--t iu jturb luc 10110 . 11 11: - Grindstones. Canal and Wheel Sorrows, Grain Cradlea, Fancy Brooms, Grass Scythes and Smiths, Plain do Itrusn do do Assorted t olored Pails, 1C so Harrow., 23 tecta Painted Tnt. Garden Rakes, - Zinc Washboard. do Hoe. Blacksmith s Bellows, do Spades, Cross-cut Saws, J ft Polished Shovels, - do 6 ft Hav Forks, . Mill Saws. 7 ft Manure Forks, Hair Matxrasses. double. Churns, do tingle. Window Glass 8 by 10 Hair Bolsters, doable, do 4 - 10 by 12 do single, do 7 by 9. . Sperm Candles, Window Sashes 8 by 10 Adamantine do., do 10 l.v 12 Grape brand Tobacco. Ox Bows and Yokes. Lucke do do Blankets, Baize. I jndsevs. Sheetings, Ticks. AcAe. We keep constantly on band a large sci.nly of GRO CERIES, CLOTHING. HARDWARE, and many arti cles toe numerous to mention. ALLAN, MXD.LAT CO. Oregon Citv- 21tf Books! Books! T K. SMTTH A CK have just received the largest V aad best selected Stock of BOOKS oBered for sale in Salem. corudMiug, in part, of the Mlowin? POET IC A L WORKS White s, Collins', Gray's Top per's, lieattie's, Scott's, Yoang's. liavidson's. troly's, Crabhe's. Sua kspeare's.Cowper", Coleridce's, H emails". Burns7, Polifk's, Shelley's, Mowitt's, Montcomi-ry's. Carcpljell's, Pope's. Moore's, Wordsworth's, "Os-.ian's, Thompson's. Miiton's, Byron's, Cooke's, Goldsmith's, I Jindon's. - AtiKICCLTCRAL. FRUIT GROWING. &c ort". Yorart on the Horse. Alien's Stable Book, Hind's Farrier, I Viwning. B.-irry, Thomas, Blake. Mason's Far rier. Stewart and Skinner. Sa-rton and Clater- BlOGRAPRItS Washington's, Jackson's. Scott's, Taylor', Marion s, Bonaparte's. Seward's. Louis Napo leon's, Mozart's, Lives of the Presidents. Mary Queen of Scots, Henry VIII and his Six Wrves. Harrison's. La fayette's, Sam Houston's, Henry Clay's, Kossuth's, J. Q. Adams'. Daniel Boone's. Shakspeare's, Dean Swift's, Humlxddt's. Bishop Heddinsr's. Lives of the Popes. J. B. Finley 's. Hoberts. Newton's. Wesley's, Fletcher's, La-, martine's Celebrated Chracters- and manv others. HISTORIES Re-Bin's Ancient Hfcutry, Russell's Modern Europe. Gibbon's Koine. Rtteeh's" Hsstorv of the World, Borth's History of the World, WillardVHis tory of the World, Sottas. American Revohrtion. Macan- ley's History of England, 4 vols D'Anfiigne's History of the Reformation, a vols. Peterson's United States Navv.Ac. Ac. MISCELLANEOUS and SCIENTIFIC WtlP.KS Brand's Eacyclopedi.i. PmSth'sClassicai PittiOTiary. Lat in and Greek Ixins asd Readers. Virgil, Homer, Zcnophr.n. Josephr;. Dick's Wort. Xfsury's Geography of the Scs. Wesley's Sermon. Smith" Sscred Annals. Harper's Cnvcersa! Gazcteer. DwIpht'sMytbolocT. Lard ner's I.ertrc, (Soldssiith's Anireatcd jTatnreVWnod's Natorsl History. Gnun's Domestic Medicine Willis Prose Wcrks. Stcrae's "ra? Works, Mr. EHis Pros Works. D:'wi!in?"s Country Houses. Builders' Guide, Wdister's Dictionary. a!l sisies. Dsvies1 and Peck's Mathematical DictKinary. Farmers' and Planters' Kn cyclopedia, Thackeray's" Pendennis, Don Qnix te, Gil Bias. Cosmos, Bigtow's Useful Arts, Ure's Dktionarv, Hnsrh Millers Old Red Sandstone. Ac, Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS Parker's Read ers. Sander's Readers, MrGrefree's Readers, Cobb's Readers. Gift Bjok for Children and Youth. Also, Works on Geology, Physiology. Chemistry. Philosophy. Government. Anatomy. Mineralogy. Oratory. Mathe matics, Debating, Medicine, TheoWv. Temperance. Rhetoric . Grammars, Geographies, Arithmetics. Astro nomy. Travels. Works of Humor. In short, evorv thing Bsnally found in a Book Store. Store opposite the Holman Honse, Mar the Steambnaa Landing. gtf lifmoval. . BAUM A BROTHER have removed to their Xew Store next door to J. Strang's Stove establishment They have just received a general assortment af Dry Goods. Ctothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which he offers for rash or. produce. X. B. Wanted Bntter.Eggs-.Bacon.Lard.Flour.and Wheat, for which tliey pay the highest market price. , Salenv. Jnly 1, KW. - -" ltf Ha tint & Brother, F ONT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots, and Shoes, Groceries. Ac. Jf. B. AH kinds of produce taken in exchange for merchsndise at the highest market price. 19tf . j- . QfiRTEB MaSTEB Genkkal's OrricK, I . Salem, O. T-, June 16, 1.-S56. f ALL persons having demands against the Onarter Master Dep't of Oreg.n Territory, are requested to present tbeir claims for adjustment, at the different offi res, at their earliest convenience. JOSEPH W. DREW. 14tf . . Quarter Master fleneral. O. T. Take Notice. N TOW offered for sale at the store of the andersigsla 100 crates Crockery, 12500 lbs- White, l"2oO If S. superior Brown Sugar, 100 lbs- S. I. Sugar, in kegs, 100 kegs Syrup, -' 100 boxes Soap, 25 ba?s Cofiee, 10 cases pride nnion Tobacco, : If 0 doz. wool Socks, i 1500 yds. Prints. .1. -. 1 3000 " damaged. 400 pieces silk Handkerchiefs. 50 boxes Saleratus, 1 case Honey, 100 boxes Tea, very cheap, S00 yds. low price Linsey, 130 yds-Carpet, 200 yds. Merinos, - 10 bales Gunner, 40000 lbs, Iaverpool Salt. G. ABERXETHT, t CO. "-Oresn City Oct. 1, 1S56. w. 30tf Statesman Book and Job Office. WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book printing north of California, and an extensive as sortmentof Jonansn Mtkrii, of every kind: an?, with master workmen. prepared to execute promptly, and in a workman-like manner, all orders ia the above de partments, such as Books. Iiask Checks. . PAMHrnLBTS, , N0TKS05 Hamj,, " Orokr Books Bali. Tickets,., -. tl , - . Stsjoibo't Bills. Cnicn,AKS, - . Stk.oibo't Cahbr, IsvrraTioss. " Bills of Lsnnte, Bisiness Cards, Ckbtificatss, .Billheads, Show Bills, Concert Bills, Check Books, Proorammes, El'k Rkcripts, ADDKEf 8 CaR1S. DRAFTS, Blanks or all Krsos, Ac, Ac, A-c. ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED LNKS. Lan- of Newsytapers. 1. S.ibscribers wh; dc not give express notice to the contrary, aro considered as wishing to continue their subscription. , ' 2. If subscribers order papers discontinued. Publishers) may continue to send them till all charges are paid. 3. If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their papers from the office or place to which they are sent, they aro held responsible until they settle their bQlandgive no tice to discontinue them. 4. 1 f subscribers move to other places without infornvm 1 the Publisher, and the paper is sent to the former direo tion, thev are held responsible. 5. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa per or periodical from the office, or removing and leav ing it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentions, fraud- Postmasters would oblige, by a strict fulfillment of the regulations requiring them to notify Publishers, once in three months, of papers not taken from theif" office by subscribers.