.1 atf. A C3j Jftjo Starr, Front-ST., Portland, Oregon. SCHOOL BOOKS. nPRB3 Sanders' old 1-t. SJ. 3.1. 4th. and 5th. and The Young Indies'; Sanders' New 1-4, 34. 3d. u :ia SU: ParkeM'lst. 2d. 3J. 4tf and 5th; Mc- tuney isx, 2,1, 3,1, 4lh and '.lb. ' Srutusw-SandirV, Old, Sanders' New; FJemen Ury! , Phkm Sand.T-t" Pi.-twi.il. S.-hoot and Parker's. GsxniRArniK. Mitchell's. Ancient and M idem, Ot- ney , Morse s, McNalley's, and M mteitYa Ut and Zd Book. M vTiirytATfi.. Arithmetic Tlioniion!i. Tables, Ment.it, Analyst. Practical, and Higher; DavW Prl- ntiry, latcllcctial. School and University; Smith Colbura's Rtys Stoddard's; Davirs Algebra, Sur veying. Geometry, lrartical Mathematics. Math. Dic tionary, Logic of M athcmatica, Analytical Geometry, and Philosophy of llatbematie. t Grammar. Green's Clarke" Bullion's Smith' Kirkara's Spencer's Tower's. Philosophies Parker's M Lesson, Juvenile and Bcnoul; Com-tocs si Smith s. HuTrtnivs Wilson's Ints-nlle and United State: pAdey Universal; Willards Universal, and United IJiNijrinESCooper' Virgil; Andrew's Latin Rra Jet; Vlri IVimi; Andrew's l.atia Grammar; McClin lick' 1st and 3d B Vtk ia Latin, and do. in Greek: An- thon Greek lirunmir and Reader: Johnson's Cicero. Paainellc"s French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's ornnan Grammar and Reader, Telcmaquc. urcea" lr tamcnt; French, self taught: Surrenne's French Die- ti-mary: Andrew's Ijtin do. Liddelt A Scott's Greek i. Aathon s Classical do. Smith do do. Dictionaries. Writer's School, High do. Aca demic, University, R iyal 3vo, Unabridged and Cobbs Tocket. Miscfxt-AVRm-s. Mattison s Astronomy. Newman Rhct-iric. Wood's B tanv. Kim'j Elements of Crit icism. Parker's Aid in Composition, larkers Ex;r rios. Brookfteld's Composition. McElligott' Ynnng Analvier. d.. Analytical Manual. Parkers Word BnilJcr. Mayhew "s rSvik Keeping. Wavfcind' Moral Science, Palry s Natural Theology. Blake's Aericul- tore for School, Unham's Intellectual Philosoohr Mahan's do. do. Milton; Young; Pollock: and Thomp son; f,r.K:on lor cnoois) i niters Anatomy and Physiology. American IVhater. Newman's Political Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. " Great variety of Speakrrs and Elocution. All kinds of School Station- err; Slates of all : Pmwinir B lots; Irawins Paper; Perforated Card Hiard; BrMol Bxird; Pencil aad Brnihen; Ubrn's Colon; lnk-4a:tds, every sue aad style, Jtov, Ac, .Vo. Ml!CKU.AKFmS BOOKS. Hrwroirr Bancroft's t nitcd State. rolume lliidrvth's d-. d', C rolnmc!". Fnwt'i IMi-tnrial Cnited State. TayliT's d-, d . d . Botta's Hkt. ReTolntion. ietcron's d u WiIsbtd's Cnited State. Willard's do. Uht. Indian Wars United States. Willard's Universal Hitorr. MuUer's do do. ltottrck's Hi.-t. World 1 or 2 Tolnmc. RoIIin's Ancient HL-tory. Karr's do, do. Home England. Macanlay's ill., complete. Dickens Child's d x. Ijngard's do. Gibbon's Rome. l'An birae's Reformation. Ban" M. E. Chnrch. Allison's Enroje, 1st and 2d Scries. !recott" Work. Burder's Hit. of Religions. Ilt-t. or CixinctI of Trent. Joe nhns. All of Abbott's HUt one. Uistorical Cabinet. Queens of Spain. Qjera of Scotland. Help" Spanish Conqne, Brace's Hnnjary. Kidder's Brazil. En bank's Brazil. Parley's Lnirrrai. History of Cm adeH. Ancient Egyptians. Hallam's Middle Apes. HwCory for Bors. "Bonner's Child's United States. Lom:(s field Book of Krrnlntion. B10.MCAPHV. Plntarch's lives. I.i Brant. Won derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. IjTes of the Sijroers. Antol)rranhr of Pinley. Iji utartiiie's Celebrated Character! Life of Adam Clarke, do Bishop Heddinj. do Xieonhr. do Gen. Harrison, do Daniel Bxme. do Robert, do .afsyette. Cap tains pf Roman Republic and Old World." Ir. Chal mers, 4 Tois. Lives of Hnmboldts. Mrs. Rogers. Mozart. We!ey. Fletcher. Life and Times of t lay; Irving's Washington. Eminent Mechanic. Lives if Chid Justices. Josephine. Xapoleon. Charles Iimh. Jackson. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane Grey. J. 0.Adims. Julienne. Daniel Webster; Kinpi of Rome. Kinjrs and Queens, l.iebmtz. Lives of tV Pps. Prescott's I'htiip 2d. Mary and JUrtha Wab- iDta- IVmeer omen of toe est. Twei,. Hack's China. Arancanians. Stephen's . Ka-rpt. tnm irave:. Jinniro fark. ue Aotes. AdVentnres on Masqmto Shore7 Bayard Taylar's Trav el.' lnrnin"s Travels ia the Eat. . viETirii:. Dranuc s r.ncvcioperii.. 1 nvican.ienir. rsphv of tlie Sea. Wood's Natnral Hi- irr. ljrdaer"s Lei ture. Lseful Art. Co-m-x. M itheraatiral IHe ttonarr. Loic of Matbematic. Wonders of Science. MitcUeil's Planetary and Stellar World. L.otn;s' Re- reat Ptoct.5s of Astronomy. Smith's IMctionarv of Art and ciea-e. Enhank s Hvdranlics. Ihck's Wirrk. arions work on Architecttsre. Poetzy. Byron various style. Shakepeare, !o. Milton, do. Bnras, do. Hernans. do. M ir-re, do. Thomp.-ion. 1 oun?. Pollock. Tnpper. Cow:er. Poi,e. Campbell. Wad-wurti. Osiaa. Mootzotnerv. Ku-k White. Female IVeU of England, do. do. Atueri. and m.tay others. Boos OP Rztesexcc Cyclopedia of Geography. di.d-. Fine Art, do. do. Bi rraphr. Useful Arts. McColloch's Gazetteer. Harper's Universal Gazetteer. Facrr asn AoKrcvLTcaxi- Eiiiot's Fruit Book. Thomas' do. Dowuinjr's do. Barrj-'s do. Fesndms Farmer aad Gardener. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Corapanioo. Allen on the Grape. "Pardee on Strawberry. Flon.-t s dnule. Araencnn t arsi Book. Allen's Domestic Animal-. All of Ssxton's llinil Bonks. Works on Hore. Cattle, Sheen. Hois. ic. TaaoLOuicat. 3c RELrcior. Hannonv and Exposi tion of tl-npeL. Xeander's Life of Cnri-t. Butter's Work. Knapp s Christian T!:eolrCT- Wetern Meth odism. Mirris' Miscellanie. Lectures on Romanism. Rrand of loniini,- Il ile. Uliut on Romanism. Barnes' Notes. Clarke's Commentarv. Benia"s do. Jay's Exercises. Waton's Institutes. I.arrahrc Eriden.-es. B.itler's Ethical lhcoarses. Rogers' Et'liie of Earth. do. Reason and Faith. loters ChnU Terfection. Haker oa lMscinline. Writings of Armiaius. Jahn's Biblicsl Archacolozy. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from CI t- t2. Testamenu, rreat variety. Methodist Hymns. . christiaa Hymn Book. Cbnreh Psalmist. Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian PalmLst. MzDtcxi. Bochan's FatnfT Phjsician. Hydro pathie do. Honwepathie Works. Miscin.t.a'VBrs Constitotions of Cnited State ?favew"s Popular EdaratioD. Crsbbe's Kynonyins. Plait's Book of Omositie. Odd Fellow's ManuaL Bes-f ley's Work'. I vols. Mrs. Tuthili's, ri. Lay. art's X ioeveh. Bijrelow'a Useful Arts. Haswell's En gineer's Gaide. Amrii-an In-titutions. Pursuit of Knowledxe. Park Madison. Peruvian Antiquities. Way Down East. Prnhurt. Ike Marvel's Works. tjsndersrm's Conk and I "rmfertiouer. Country Rumble la Emrland. Tales aud It-venes. an exeelient Temper ance Book. Moaev Maker. Escaped Nun. Xrws Boy. Dkk Wihon. "Mrs. Hale's Xew Cook B-mk. Md W s Old lied Rand-tone. do. Footprints of Creator. Yomist Lsdies' Connsellor. Yonna? Man's do. I'ictorial - Catechfstn. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Bmk- Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri can H-snewife. Half Honrs with 'ld Humphrey. " Athene its Grandeur and lceay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood, do. Xew F.npr. Tale. Untie Sam Farm Fence. Arthur "s SuceWul Merchant. d'K Tat. Mrs. Partfnrton. H'race Tranlaion. Vinril do. Mrs. Car lea's Work. Heroines of History, l-md and Sea. DeekaTvl Port. Sea and Sailor. Shin ami Shore. Naval Lire. St.r Papers. Masonic Chart. Irvine's Colam'm. Ims; Look Ahead. City of Xew York I jv:n -ators of America, tmiic Man Advised. Mis sions in Tonza and Feijee. Truth Strmner Thaa Kh--tion. . Knoat; nod the Rasian. Hvdrapathie Cook Bt Death Bt-d Scenes. ;iil B-fk for Vounjr Men. do. do. Lsilies. Anerd-ts fr Girl, do. d . Boy Voan; Hliand. do. Wife. d. Mother, do H-mse-lteeper. Sijourney's letter to Voting Ladies, do do ' ill Mothers. Artimr's Nights with the Wasblnto nians. Manlr 1iar3cter, by Peck. Government of Children. Mrs. Elli' Works. H .w to he a Lady. How to be a Man. Gold and Gospel. Pilgrim's Progress. , 'untrmto of Famons M.-n. Char! tte Elizabeth's Work's. Advice to Yonns; Men. Peasant By I'biloso--rher. Abbott's Marco Paul Bonks, do Franoonia. Merchant's Daughter. vtop's Fables. S.-.rfti-h Chiefs - Aralian Xijfhtn. K-tbinsoa Crasoe. nVllo Books. Mo ther's Guide.:. Perns Mormons. The Old Inn. Con flict of Ares. Don juix te. Paul and Virjriuia. Amer . ioan Debater. Fern Leaves. Tri-colored Sketches in fart. Chamber's lnrormation for the People. Mel ville's R-?fl'irn, Typce, Maxni.Onvie.and While Jacket. Kvnss's MeaoelhtniVs. Wendell's Blackstone. Sub. Day Miscellanies. Lot is Eating, by Ciwl.s. Bancroft's Mis cellanies. Jerrold's Men of Chsractcr. M .iter's First Impressions of England. Kirwia's lttr to B'thnp Hi!hes. GiMmibs' Con-titntion of Man. Miss Beeuli--. er Receipt, do CalUtlienies. Bt-ll Smith Abroad. And a numix-r of otliers too nnmerous to enumerate. '. - Constantly receiving Urge additions to the foroin?. - Statioxckv. Kooli-ap Paper great variety. Iet- ; lev o', 00, plain idu Kiit. . tie iov ic, an, no. r.n vei 0)ea ail styles. Inks all kiuds. Pens and Holders ... rreat variety. Blank Books all sizes and style. Meraoramfcinu. Diaries. pas Bvks. Time Book. Paper Cuttrrs. do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lrtbojrraphic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa per jfood variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, &c . finally, we have a Food variety of , Mlhic Boosm Xew Csrmina &icr. Alpine Glee Siajfer. Dulcimer. Cltorux Glee Bxk Metropolitan do. . Sacred Melodeon. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Acrordon do. Violin do. . Melodeon do. 1'lymoutu v.iection wan music suec-t Jlnsic. -.: .. And the most varied assortment of Stitionekt ever offered in Oregon. - . 1 tr This stock is all Ivrnght ia New York and other fatnern cities and is sold at V XI FORM PRICES. "B"e keep on hand Sen 00 l Books in Ianre qnan- title, tozether with most of the publications of , IUrpbr & BaomKBS; Dbb3Y & Jackson; Ivisox 4 Phixsev; ... Pnit-wrs Samsos; A. S. Barnes Co.; ' Miller, Oktojc &. Mn-t-tOAv; Lcaby ft Garz; ; Pctkaji; 1,1 ArTLETON'; and others. Kg- We ask yoor patrona.ee. If unable to visit ns nd examine our stock, your orders will be attended to oa the samk tfjims as if you bought in person. We have arrangements by which, in the coarse of the fall, we shall be able to furnish most of the new works issued by the eastern publishers within 30 days after publication. Every steamer will bring some new wrvtcZ We are also prepared to furnish, hereafter, the following Marazme at Publisher's rates and Postage: . . Hatter's New Monthly 3 60 PutiaaiV" " . T. S Or) ' -Ladies' Repository. ;. " 00 , ,. - ttoJsy's Lady's Boo. . . 3 00 " '8atiacription Lists will be open for these, aad other W illfjl 4i ne ISWl wwmw Ml aiiwuiirri JXUU jn Tour names and addresses, with the suhscripaiosl alae of iHay periodical . and it shall be forwarded. . k 'Crt&Iftgafc bf Books nd Stationery -d - i . ' FOK SALE MX ' A. R. Shinier fc Co Portlana, August 10, aoo. Notice' to Intportrrs of Umpqua THE Schooner UMl"VUA, under the command Jf of S. D. Hinsdale, sailed from Umiuiua river agtT tor nan rrancisco, on tna 6tb of May, and Intends makinr reirnUr trios bcteen these two uorts. It is only necesary we believe, to remind the Impor ters f Umpqua that tliis vem-cj the Umpqua is the first ever launched on the waters of the L'mpuna, to in sure their patronage and snptiort. This vessel will dis charge her carjro at Scottsburf, and at the rate she im teaan carry rreignt, will not only save the shipper a very considerable item, but save him the transnartotitin np the river, and thereby enable him to receive his goods without so much handling as lu-ret'r..ie. .In fine, t!ut Si hooner I'mpqiia. of Siott-ihjtrs. Is a real Umnqiw cran ana nems tne nrt on tne list 111 this Rreat rerorm, coaflitently relies upon all the Unpens fbr support aud cncoumfsmienK. '. t Fnrfrelirhtnrpassneeapnlvtn Altsn. McKlnla v A Co, Scottxhin-r. or to the Cant, on board. Merchants wish. ins to ship from San Francisco, can apply to Allan Ijw fn 14 ... I--.., .!.. Scottsburjr. May 27. !(. I3tf. Blacksmiths aud otliers, Loutt. AM. AX M. KINLAY CO. have now on band l inre and well selected stock of Br Iron, Cast Steel, Hore shoe do., German do.. Nail rod do., Pl nichdo., Plate do.. And intend to keep np tha assortment so as to suit the want of customers. Give us a call, and yon will flrd that we not only h ive the fullest stork, but will sell " as cheap as the cheapest.' We are constantly receiv ing additions to our assortmont, so as to replace what is soia. Ore rn City. Dec, 3. IAS. 4ltf . llenrr Johnson H. Co. W HOLES ALB DKl-GGISTS. (114 Washiaton Street, San Francisco.) OTer Tor sale to the country trade, the largest stock of Brood ia their line on ths Pacirtc eot romnri- iiiR Drnys. ChemicaN, Perfumery. Patent Medicines of all kind. Brushes, I'aiut. Oils, Glass, Turpentine, and every article apiiertiininx to the bulnes. Havini; su perior facilities for obtaining their iroods they think they can offer inducements to buyers nneqnalled by any nincr nonse. Orders respectfully solicited. 101y Powder. 11TE have a Ianre supplv of powder In hand. , GEO. ABERXKTHY CO., Orejron City, Nov. U, IH06. s-tr J)entlstrr. r!t. J. R. CAI1DWEIX. Dental Sureeon I J CorvallL. will practice in his profes sion, at Corraftx. -mem Ciftf, II mrAe- trr, Srotlsburg, and Jacktomviltt. Skill, unquestionable rharpes.ree-t;ible; work, warranted. Teeth examin cd . and advice piven free of charw. Due notice Riven of change of office. April 2rt. ISoS. : 7tf Now lleceiTlns; rrtKE f'llowing articles from Bark Ocean Bin) and lor av a:e low. 50 jrross matches ; 150 keir of rmis ; ' 51 hf. bbls. S. O. sugar ; 10 bbl. crashed sugar ; SO boxes canities ; 10 bbls. vinegar ; 10 caes tea ; 1 5 doz. brooms ; 2u din. bucket : 2 cacs men's line calf boot ; s - calf brofraas ; 2 " " goat 3 " boys' brogan ; 3 " yoiiths' calf bmgans ; 1 ' women's Morocco hoots ; - imitation boots ; 3 " Mi-es" boots; 175 pairs children's shoes ; 12 straw cutters; St gr-.m cradles ; 1 reaper: 1 two horse thrc.her: ;eo. aberxethy a y. Oregon City. June 1. 155. . 13tf. For Cheap Ilanrains pO to the store of Philip Cohen (at the old stand of VIX.iP. Couen) where he has received the cheapest ami hest-selc-tcd stoik of staple and fancy dry g-snls. boots and shoes, hats and cajw. ready-made clothing. groceries and protsivns, and m ill sell tlieui lower tsan ar.v other st-re in Salem. ljtdies dress good, all styles, cnnsl-ting of bonnets. Bowers, ribbons, ures trimmings, suns, velvet, lawns. barcTes. tisres. ginghams and calicoes. In bis clothing department can he found all styles of coat, pant, ve-ts, Ac, trnm tne enrapest linen to tne nnet !pvniciit:. liis -t.x k of hoot and shoes, both for ladies aad gen tlemen is complete. Groceries, a large assortment, consi-ting of sugars. tea. coffee, soap, candle, louacco. spices, salt. .xc. I'lee call and satisfy yonrelf before purchasing elsewhere. Ml. Wheat.oat. butter, eggs and other farmer pro duce taken in exchange at the hig'ict market price. PHILIP COHEN. Salem. April 2. 1 7tf 111 Prrsoni HAVING pnrchaing agents receipts or claims againt the Commiary"s Department, or against that department while ierforming Ouartcrmater's dn tirs in Middle or S rathern Oregon, who have not receiv ed a proper voucher for the same will please forward to thL office without delay a bill of the articles sold to the government with a certificate at the bottom of the bill that the ssme is just and correct, with the name of the parv selling appended to the certitieate and bill.in cl -fng at the same time the same time the purchasing agent's receipt for the same, or otherwise the claim may not he presented to the Commissioners for adjust ment and the parties interested lose the same. M. M. McCARVElt. CoaontSMsry Urn I. O. T. CoawrssART GicsVa Ornrt, ) Sltf Salem. Oct. 27. !-. ( - Jnat KecelTed, BY Birque Metropolis, and steamer Columbia, from San Francisco : 2.0O0 lbs Rio Coffee. 21 boxes Ad. Candles. 14 half bhl Dried Apples, 20 Cases Claret. 10 doz. Baltimore freb Oysters, S.Ooo 1! China Xo. 1 Sugar, 10 cases old cheese, 10 daz. Brooms. To arrive, fexpected daily) per Nahnmkear, Chas. Ievens. Ac. 2. lbs China No. 1 Rngar, ' 2.0s Rio CoftVe, 5 cas Tbai-e, 10 bbls N. O. Sugar. 3 doz. 3 hoocd Pails, 20 boxes Ad. Candles, - 40 gills Raw I a'need Oil. ' 2 Kegs Boston Hyrnp 8 gall each, . 20 blf bbls Sand h-h Island Syrup, 5 bbls Sperm and Polar Oil, 10 doz. Sporting Powder, 2 Cases Honey 2 lb cans. 10 u'z. Tomato t atsup. lo doa. Pie Fruits. 2 eases Preserved Ginger. 25 ca-rs o. Hyson, Y. Hysoo Imp. and Gun a, - Powder Teas, "0 boxes Gerkins, 10 kegs Pickled Cucumber S pals each. 1.000 lbs Nuts Soft Shelled Almonds Eng. Wal. nuts and Filberts, 10 eases Spices. 10 Tons Iron, ail sizes. Including hoop Iron, All for sale for ca-h or Imduce. 24tf JOSEPH X. PRESCOTT. Notice. TirE Commissary's Office at Portlaml will be closed in a few days, and the papers and book of the of fice sent to the Commissary General's Office, at Salem; at which place for the future, accounts against the Commissary's Department for the Xorthern or Southern war of Oregon, will lie sent for adjustment. And all persons or odicers having claims or accounts to settle with or a:rire-t said Department, will please forward them to that place for adjustment, without delay; as I desire to be prepared at as early a period as possible, to make my bnul report of the late war to the Governor, and close the office for the last or present war in Ore- gon, M. M. McCARVElt, Corn y Gen l. Portland, O. T Aag. 2th, l.j. 2itf Truth Must and Will Prevail. VI.I. ycthat are in search of tmth, and believe In Progression, will be well paid by calling and pur chasing any or the following works, which I have just received from Valentine Co., San Francisco, to-wit: Discussion on Spiritualism between Brittan &. Rich mond. Compendium of the Theoligica! and Spiritual writings of Swedenborg. Spiritualism scientifically demonstrated, by Prof. Hare. The Shekinah. hy fSrit tan. A lyric of the Golden Age, a poem, by Rev. T. I Harris. A lyncof the Morning Land, by Harris. Epic of the Starry Heavcns.bv Harri. Buchanan's Anthro pology. Dynamics of Magnetism. Religion of Man hood. Healing of the Nations, by Talmage A Linton. X'ightsideof Xature. Theory of Pnciimstology. Natty, Spirit. The Celestial Telegraph, or the Secrets of the Life to Come. Ac. Lite in the Sphcses. The Pil grimage of Thomas Paine and others to the "th circle in the spirit world, by Rev. C. Hammond. AI.SO A. J. Davis' works, comprising bis last work, called the PEXETRAI.LA: being Harmonical answers to impor tar t questions. ALSO Mrs. French and Mrs. Mettler's Clairvoyant Medicine. F. S. HOLLAND, Agent for the Spiritual Telegraph." Oregon City, Oct. 14. !... 33tf Oak Bower Nursery-. PFRSOXS wUhing to avail themselves of the oppor tunity of obtaining good fruit will find it moch to their advantage to call upon the undersigned at his nursery upon the Willamette river, six miles above Cor vallis, npon the Linn County side. My trees are of the most thrilty growth, and of the best variety to be found upon this coast. Come and see them If von don't purchase. S9tf WM. McTLREE. Holiday Presents. CALL and boy anon at the Book Store, Oregon Citv. HOMEU HOLLAND A CO. Oregon City. Pec. 1, 1S5P. 40tf D R. GUYSOTT'S COMPOUND EXTRACTOrSAB- SAPARILLA and - WK'k, at '- - w.n..t,iiTHcos.,- TA? receipt blanks for ml at tb Statesman ofllre, at f I per bondrciL lirr'i Prtrolenm, qr Bock Oil, CELEBRATED for its wonderful Curative Powers. A Aaturai Rrmrttii, proenrrd from a well In Al leghany Co., Pa., lour hundred feet below the earth's surface, nil np ami sth.i uy SAatliKL. 51. KIKK, Canal uasin.Nevcntn street, tittsuurgn, in. - The healthful blm from Nature1 secret spring. The bloom of health end life to man will bring ; ' As from her depths the magle liquid flows, -' To calm our snU'erings and assauge our woes. The Petroleum has been fully tested. It was placed before the imhlie ss a reiniilv of wonderful rfnYacrJ Every one not acquainted with its virtnes. doubted" Its healing properties. : The cry of humbug was raised against it. It had some Iriends those that were cured through Its wonderful agency. These spoke out in Its favor. The lame thnuich IU instrumentality, "ere made to walk the blind, to see. Those who hail sufllr- eat I' sr year under the torturing pains of RhenmiiHsm, Gout, Neuralgia, were restored to health and usefulness. Several who were blind have been made to see. the evi dence of which will be plsced before voo. II von still have donhts, go and ask those who have been cured ! Some of them live in our midst, and can answer Anthem-elves. In writing about a medicine, we are aware that we should wrile 7VwM that we should mske no statements that cannot he proved. We have the wit nesses: crowd of them, who willtestifv in terms strong er than we can write them, to the ellicaey of this reme dy; who will testify that the Petroleum has done ror them what no nieriirine ever could before: cases that were pronounced hopeless, and beyond the reach of re mediate means : rases abandoned by physicians of un questioned celebrity, have been made to'exclnim. " this Is the most wonderful remedy ever discovered f We will lav before you the certiorates of some of the most remarkable cases : to give them all. would require more space than wonld lie allowed by this circular. Since the introduction of the Petroleum, many physician have been convinced of it efficacy, and now recommend It In their practice ; and we have no doubt that it will stand at the head of the list of valuable remedies. If the physicians do not recommend it. the people will have itol themselves: for its trans. enoVit power to heal trill and mutt liecnme known and appreciated : when the voices of the cured eak out : when tne cores themselves stand out in bold relief, aud when he who for yearn has suffered with the tortures and pangs of an immedicable lesion, that has been shnrteninir hi dav. and hastening him " to the narrow house appointed for all the living." when he speaka out in Its praise, who wtn tiouut 11 r 1 lie retnurum is a Natural Remedy t It is nn np ns u nows 1 mm me oosnm 01 ine earth, witn out anv thing bring added to or taken from it. It gets its ingredients irom the leds of substances which passes over in its secret channel. They are blended together In such a form as to defy all human cometition. The Petroleum iu this respect is like Min eral Waters, whose virtues in most chronic disease are acknowledged, not only bv phrsieians, hot bv the com munity at large. These singular fluids flowing out of the earth, impregnated with medicinal sulsttanre of different pnierties, and bolihng them in siu-h complete solution as to require the aid of dicmi-try in order to detect them, bears ample proof to the fact that they ara compounded by the ma-U-r hand of Nature, fir the alle viation of human suil'criiig and disease. If Petroleum is mct'icine at all, it is a gmid one. for Xature never half Joes ner work ; and that it is a medicine of unriialed power, we have the most abundant tetimon-. It will be used when many of the new remedies now iu vogue win nave been lorgniten forever. It will continue lobe nscd and applied as a remedy as long as man continues to Isj afllic ted with disease. "That it will cure every dis ease to which we are liable, we do not pretend"; but that it will cure a great many diseases hitherto incura ble, is a fact which is proven by the evidence in its fa- 11.. uiximij is a ih-w ii a in medicine, nu will Innre to the health and happiness of man. Scwm-LA. The Petroleum I a great medicine in Scrofula and King s Evil, in all those disease bavin their oriirin in a depraved condition of the blood and other fluids of the body. It will core pain and enlarge ments in the bones arid I imts. blotches, biles. Ervsine- las, pimple on the face, tetter, scald-head ring-worm. and tne vanons slim discs.--, it has cured numerous caes of Rheumatism. Neiiraliria. Gout, Ac Several cases of Rheumatism of years standing, have been en tirely cureii. A woman in rranKIin Co., ra., was enred of rheumatic affection of seven years' standing : tne aiscase was so aggravated as to ronnne her to bed during the greater part of that time. She Is now well and considers herself entirely restored. MiscEi.i.ASKor DiBKCTioss Xo better remedy can be found anywhere fir burns and scalds, the oain of which it immediately relieves, and restores the parts Old S-ires and I'lcers will be remnvrd by the daHv ap plication and administration of Petroleum. Worms. In ilosr of fifteen or twenty drops adminis tered to children of two or three years old. or upwards, two or three times daily, it will remove worms. It is a certain remedy against Tape Worm and Acarides in pnwn person, in wMca case tne d ne must be a tea Slli toilful. lirouciulis anil Ai:ima can be relieved by the Petro leum. The distressing couch, uight sweat, and diffi culty of breathiug.are removed by it use in a very shi-rt tinie. Fever and Agi:e. Tlie Pttr-leuni has lsM-n ned In fe ver and ague with complete success. It will I found certain and effective remedv in that troublesome and un manageable disease- The dose in such caes is a tea sooon:r.l in anv pleasant vehicle every three hours, lathe aise-iice or ihe lever. - - TiKtth-aehe. A few dni dropped on cotton, and placet! in tne cavuy 01 12c acuuig loom, will relieve it immediately. Croup. Bv saturating a CVanel cloth with the Pi trc- lenm and applying it to the neck and breat, it will give immediate relief. It is also an invaluable remedy In the different forms of Scarlet Fever to 1 ned lix-al'r. as in r-es of croup. Neura'.iria. in it various kinds, is cured bvthe free ap plication along the painful tract of nerve. In that siie- cies of neuralgia denominated spinal irritation t!te Pr trolenm has given permanent relief, bv nibbing witn it night and m tmltitr. Corns. l"or conis this rerae-lv has been nsed with com plete sneee: the plin of using it is to saturate a piece of cotton with the IVtrotenm. and tie it upon the Corn. The ci-rn should lr pared down every two or three days, and the Petroleaiu applied until' ail the haiducs has been absorbed. liBcnoss for the Internal and local administration of the Petroleum. Diarrhoea The dose in this disease a tea-spnmiful every third hour nntil the pur nig cease. In old chronic ra.ses.it will only be necessary to teke the medicine three times a dav. Piles. The mode of administration in Piles is to give the Petroleum thiee times a day internally, ami apply twice a dav externally, to the tumor. Where the Piles are of long standing and much hardened, a drachm of Iodine mar be added to each bottle, toliensed as a local application. When the Piles are internal the Prtrolenm should he injected with a sj rinse into the re turn. lieafne.. Imp ten drop into tlie ear at bed-tune and ston the ear with cotton or wisd. The ear should be syringed out with suds made of csstile oap and warm water, twice a wee. lor Hum soil Scald. Apidy the retroleum freely over the burnt or scalded parts. In diseases of the bladder and kidneys, the dose is a tea-oouful three times a day.- ' For old Sore and Ulcers. Vpplv the Prtnileum morn ing and at bed time. Keep thesiwes or ulcers clean, by washing them daily with castile soap and warm water. Fir sore and inflamed eye The Petroleum should be applied two or three times a day to tlie affected eve and a drop or two l-e allowed to get under the lid. Vhere there is a scrottubms teudeney it must lie taken inter nally. In doe of a tea-spoonful, three times a dsy. For Coushs, Cold. Bronchitis and Consumption The dose i a tea-spoonful, to le given three time a day. In Cholera Morlm. give a tea-spoonful every hour un til the vomiting and purging ceases. In Rhesmstism, Nenrileia, Palsy. Contraction of the Umlst and Joint, and White Swelling. The Petroleum is to be freely rubbed on the affected parts at least twice a day with a flannel rag. and. if convenient, before a warm tire, it should alo be given internally, in doses of a tea-spoonful, three times a day. For sale at the Salem Drug Store, bv May, 13-!ttf. V. K. SMITH A CO. Csraffenbcrs ledicinca. v . GRAFFEXBERG Sarsaparilla, Uterine Cetholictn. Dvsenb-rv Svtnp, Consump. Balm. " Pile Oint'ineut, ' Health Bitters, E-e Ixiti.m, Ac, Ac. i ' i To be fonnd at the Agency of the Company at " 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. TOWXSEXD 8 barsaimrilla, at 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.' M CLAXE'S celebrated vermifuge and Inner pills. at' w. K. S.MIltl A co. s. T"R. OSGOOD'S India Cholagogne. nd lr. Jones' 1J American Chelagogue, at w. K. smith a CO.'S. T TOFFATS life pills and bitters, and Bernard's dvs- lvA entcry syrup, aud Wistar'e bulsntn of wild cherry, at . IX, pmiiii A tu. . "I Mi. J. AYRKS' crletiraied cherry iiecti'ml lor coughs. J colds, and consumption, at Vt . K. SMITH A CO.'S, Tf EXICAN Mustang Linanient L W. Merchaat It J. garling oil. v t, . iv. oji 1 1 ii u. w. a. TJURE White Lead, raw and bunicd L'mls.T, Chrome, X Green aud l cllow and other paint, at ... 9 W. X. SMITH A CO.'S. )ERFUMLUY, at 9 W. JZ. SMITH & CO.'S. 1 AYNE'S alternative, expectorant, and pill, cod liver O oil, castor oil, sweet oil, ut . iv. s.u 1 1 li HI. J AYNE'S carmiiiative balsam. A line remtly for dyscuU-rie, Summer Complaints, Flux, Ac., ut W. K. tiMITH A CO.'S. fAYNE'S Hair Tonic, ut W. IL55M1TU it CO.'S. B ARUY'S T1UCOPHEKOUS, tor sale, at W. K. SMITH & CO.'S. 9 OCARPA'S Acoustic oil: a sure cure lor deafness: for O sale at 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S, JACKSON'S Pile ointment and Tetter Embrocation, a sure cure fbr the above diseases; at 9 . W. K. SMITH & CO.'S. RUSHTOX'S Cod liver oil, for consumption, for sale at 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. PETROLUM, r Ruck oil.ju-st received, and for sale ut W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. CHROME Yellow. Prussian Blue. Drop Blacks, Lamu Blacks. Paint Brushes, and Candy, at . - W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. : TTANDYKE Brown, raw umber, burnt umber, T. D. T Leaner, Gold, Lear, buyer is?at, aim uroozes. at W. K. SMITH A CO.'8. LINSEED' oil, epirita turpentine, alcohol, and tooth brtibcs, at 9 W, ft. SMITH A CO.B. .. . Smith k Dude. 1 ATTORNEYS AND COCXSELOltS AT LAW AND Solicitors in Chancery, Corvallis O. T. , I. M. smith. . 61tf n. c. papt:. M. MT. Mitchell, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, EU gene City, I aiiie Conntp, 0. T. Snrgical. . L. COOMBS. M. D.. Surzeon. Ac. SPECIALTY DISEASES OF THE FAR. florvalli. Ore iron- J. September 23. 18oti. r 28mS ' 8an Francisro AdTtrtUiu? Agency LP. FISITFR, Iron building, opposite Paeiflc Express Office, upstairs. Files of all the principal Papers of California aud Oregon mav be round at this office. Mr. Fisher is the authorized Agent for the Statesman. . Chester R. Terrr, TTORXEY AT LAW, SALEM, OREGON. COM at a. nii-sioner or Deed. and to take trsumonv. ac- knowlcdgmruts. Ac.. Ac. for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, culltomia and Wahiugton Tsrntorv. Ix-t-tcrsof Attorney, and all other insti-umetiU of writing, drawn on short notice. S3- Particular attention paid to taking depositions, collections of Notes, Accotuits, Ac, - i2tl Boise k McEwan, ATTORNETS AND COl'NSELORS AT LAW, So licitors In Chancery, I'roctor, Ac, in Admiralty, Portland, Oregon. 4.5tf W. n. Farrar, , ATTORN ET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, So licitor in Chancery and Admiralty. Office on Front street, next door north of Stark st., Portland, Oregon. Bi.nliag & Crorcr, ATTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW, AND Solicitors in Clianeery: Office near the Court-house, Salem, O.T. Get. K. Siieil, A TTORXEY ANI COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor in Chancery, will practice In the varion court of Orcgou aud U aJuntjtou Territories. Office, raiem, u. l. . 1 . - v- . Mw Smith, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor in Chancery, will promptly attend to all business pertaining to hi profession in the 8rst Judicial District, and bef ire the Supreme Court of Oregon. inni-e, Aioany, lann l ounxy. 1 1. t. N. B. When not at hi "office, or absent on profes sional business, he may be found at bis residence, live miles south-east of Albany, on what is kuown as tlie "Grand Prairie." W. S. Brork, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND Solicitor In Chancery, m ill practice in the various courts in this Territory, and promptly attend to the col lection of all claims against the United State, through an efficient aeent residing at Washington City. Office in Eugene City. Lane Osinty. O. T. It. K. Strntton, ATTORNEY AT LAW. will practice in the various courts uf southern Oregon, and in the Supreme 1.11110 01 me lerninry. OrFice in Ieer Creek. Donelas county, O. T. Rcsi- dem-e 6 miles north of Winchester, on the Willamette road. X. B. B- unity Iaiad Warmnts obtained for claimants on reasonable term. 2Jtr A J. THAYEIt. Attamrgand Counselor at -erte. onrf Solicitor in Chancery. Office over J. C. Avery's Store, Main St., Corvallis. i6tf Chad wick & (Jibba, 4 TTORNEYS AND COUNSELORS AT LAW. So- Xa. licitors ia Chancery. Ac. Offices at Winchester and Gardiner. S. F. Chadwicx, Winchester. Douglas Co. O.T. A. C. Gibbs, Gardiner, Umpqua Co., O. T. Nov. 9. 1S55. . 35tf Clarke Drew, VtrATCHMAKER. Salem. Repairli;- prompt W ly and neatly done. Jewelry manufac tured. lltf Mrdieal. T. J. WRIGHT A E. B. STOXE. having snclated together in practice. rcpe;-tfhl!r tender their ser vice to the people of Benton and Linn desiring t- se cure the favor of the afflicted by success aula. Offii-e near J. C. Avery's store, Corvallis. Jllypaid William A. Gotilder, rpE ACHERof French and English. Fremh Prairie, Manon count v, U. I . If? A. B. Ilalloek, ( PCHTTECT AND BUILDER, PORTLAND, O. T- i. lesigns, plan, spccili'.-atkin-i, Ac, funiUbed on reasonable term. o. e. cpi.K. . c. Ai.exANtes. e. b artless. Co e, A le lander, 4 Co. WHOf.EKAKE A.Xn RF.TAIf. F-EAt.ERS IX UE. SERAI. MERCHA.X1HSE AMD 2.1 PllODlCE.LURrALI.IS.O.T. William C. Urisu old & Co., M ERCHAXTS. SALEM. OREGON TERRITORY. c. ubiswolo, 22tf c. a. wotinwoKTU. Kiisene Citr- Hc OR ACE E. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Eagene itv Hotel. lttf. Medical Aotice. TriE subscriber, would inform the inhabitant that he hi at his old stand, ready t attend to all calls in hi profession ; also be ha en hand a well selected lirk f hclectic concentrateil Medicines, with a well asnrted supply of Syringes, all of which be will dispose of on reasonable terms. Vt . AiiKKi. Salem December I. IS5. 3stf W. II. Mafer, 31. 1). PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build ing, on Main street, twod strs north of Dr. J. 8. Mclteenr tire -proof building ; where I will be found when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant ly on hand a fre,h supply of Drugs and Jledicines which I will sell low fur cash. CorvallMi, Dec. 9. 1S5. 30tf Meilicil Notice. DR. R. W. SHAW, InteofSan Francisco. California, offers his professional services to tlie citizens lo Salem ami viciuitv, ana respectfully solicits a snare io public favor. T umce at iicea ana r euows arug store. Ily 1L W. SHAW. W. Jackson, X. D., HYSICIAN AXD SURGEON, Corvallis, O. T. litf Campbell k Fralt. ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Sin Francisco. Cslirornis. O.lice. corner M-mtgnincry aud Sacreinento streets, over Parrott A Cos. Bank. Messrs. Campls-ll A Pratt have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to atteud to all business eutnisted to their rare. 31tf Alrxandbb Cami'bkli.. O. C. Pratt. Jowph S. I'rtuolt. main t., oniaiox crrr. TEALER in Family Groreries, Boots, Shoes, Ac, and JLS Pa I'aints and Oils, wholesale and retail. July 7, las. lStf F. S. k J. Uolland. DEALERS IN DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS and Shoes, Crockery. U stks. Stationery, A.c, Main Street. Oregon City. TV-r S. Kllsvtortti, ; ATTOBNBr AND COrXSELLOR. TT S. Supreme and other . Court. Office Engcri U . Citv, Lane County, Oregon Territory. .Also--. Commissioner of Deeds for Xew Y'ork, Connccticnt. Ac August 2. 15, 24tf Wutchmaking. 1 TTTILLIAM P. If IG HFIELD, Chronometer and T Watch maker, i iregon t uy, nas removea to f j the buildinglustopuosiletothe Main-street House. dL where he can be coi-t4it!v found prepared to do any business in Ins line. atciios cleaned anu repaireu on short notice and resisiuiahle terms. . Also a choice lot of wu telle and jeweby for sale. - -March 5, 1854. . Iy31 . .' v S. Hamilton, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON." would respectfully announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad joining counties, that be lias located permanently nt Deer Creek fur the purpose of practiciug medicine, and in which profession he Will lie faithful to discharge nil duties, and spare uo pain to render tlio patient easy and cnmionauie. j Oifiob opposite It. JU. CAotjUora A Co.' storey oa Main street. Dnigs and Patent Medicines for sale at two cash pri ces. - - 42tr Wells, Fargo, & Co., T ANKERS and EXCHANGE DEALERS. W.. F..A J3 Co., in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general Aarcannge ana C ollection Bust nets. Collections and Remittances made in ull parts of Oregon, California. tbe Atlantic States, and Europe, with promptness and despatch.: Dust, Gold and Silver Coin and Bullion, bought and sold. Siirbt Exchange on Jeto rorK, Boston, fntladelphta. Albany, Rochester. Buffalo. Erie. Clereland. Detroit, Chicago, JMiuxraJrie, uatena. Jn. imis, ijouunlle, Cincinnati, and fortn other principal towns in the Atlan tic States aud the Canadas. may be procured at auy of our office. WELLS, FARGO. A CO. 114. Muntgomery-street, San Francisco JAMES O'NEILL, Agent. June rl55. ' - ' . .. Coffee. . . .... 1 IP YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the undersigned have got 15,000 pounds best " COSTA, RICA." Come in and look at it. i ' i - ALLAJI McKl.lvAt a Co.. Oregon Cit, Dec. 6, 1?5, . .- . ' s Dstfruerrean AND A MB ROT YPE GALLERY. THE undersigned having recently returned from San Francisco, is uow prepared to take those beautiful Pictures on Glass called AMBRUTYPES, which have almost entirely superceded the Daguerreotype in the East and San Francisco. , Gallery in the uew building, erected especially for the business, west or tue Manou House. WILEY KENYON. Salem. November 11, 1836. 3otf Stuart's Express, FOB ' CASCADES AND DALLES ox !m MONDAYS, WEDNESDAYS AND FRIDA1TS. EXPRESSSFOR Champoes, Salcin, Albanjr aad Cerrallis, Oh WEDNESDAY, and on Arrival or Mail Stkaukb. fkov Sak Francisco!! aTV All Letters, Packages and Freight, entrusted to my rare will be attended to promptly, OFFICE At - Franklin Book Store.' December S3. 15. A. B. STUART. Stores, Stoves, Tin Ware. TMIE undersigned. re-ctfully notifies the citizens of jl J.iuu county ami lerritory or Oregon that he has permanently located in lebanon, and is prepared tosell the following articles, as cheap as any establishment iu i ne territory, viz: VOOEl.Sn, PARLOR, BOX A.XD OFFICE STOVES, TLX A.XD JAPA.XED WARE, Cupper, Brittania, Iron and Wood Wares of all kiuds, ami am other trtas too numernns to mention. He is also prepared t attend t- all j ibbing in the anove rrancues on short notice ai.u iu a worCinan-liKe manner. Mv mutto is quick sales and small proBt. W. PHILLIPS. Lebanon, Linn Co.. O. T. 3stf A'otice. rriHK Judges of the S ipreme Court of the Territory of jl Oregon, assem'ticd at tue seat or (Government on the lnth day of December. 156. ,K fix and appoint District Coi:rts to be held in the city of Salem, in the county of Marion, on the first Mondays of April and September, and the fourth Mondays of Mav and Octi- ber. annually, inf.l otherwise orilere;! : and iu the city of Portland, ia the cnuuty of Multnomah, on the fifth Monday, of December. KWt. and thereafter on the first Sl mdays of May and October, and the third Mondays of June and November, annually, until otherwise order ed. and do limit the duration of said Terras to six days each. -GEO. H.WILLIAMS. Chief Justice. 41 CYRUS 0I.XEY, Associate Jn-tice. Mot ice. J have appointed E. 3. Harding Clerk of the District Court fur the fir-t Judicial District, and he hss ap- x unted I'op'jties a fallows ; Clack-amas,. ...... .": '. . . . YamhUl, Poik Benton . Lar.e..; . ; . . : F. S. Holland. Geo. H. Steward, . . . ; Locien Hesth. T.H. B. Odeneal. E- F. Skinner. John H. I jne. GEO. II. WILLIAMS. Judge. 41 Linn, Ie emlerl. 150. Food for the Mind. "I "E3 we have plenty of it among which are aome of the nTt prominent w-u-K. Heron. Shakespeare. Ilcffoo. Josepha. Moore's. Bent"o's S9 year. A rt'aur's w irks. I jfef Xapoleon, Henry Clay and other great men: al - Fowler and Well's publications, wherein we are taught how t-i preserve health by tracing causes to effect. Also works oa spiriUiaLttm, such as 'Prof. Hare, Edmonds. Tahnade, Harris, aud A. J. Davis, the star the of age. . - We ai3 have all kinds of blank Bxiks and stationery in ceneral. Ia fact we intend to keen a!! kind cf foo4 for the mind. ai:ii intend to kee p isted. and want onr many readers to Keep up wita us so be sure ana give os a "call, one and all. at the sign of the book store, mnln street. Oregon Citv. HOMER HOLLAND A CO. - Oregon City, Dee. 7, ls-W. . -CUf Notice. ' ''pHE judges of the Si:reme Court, or the Territory of JL Oregtiu. assembled at the seat of Guvcmment on the ninth day of January, ei-hteea hundred and lifty- seven. do fix and anpomt District Court, to I held m v:llceif ltosebnrv. in the county of Douglas on the first M ndavs,of March. Mav, September and Novem- ber.annuallv. nntil utherwise ordered, and do limit the dutation of raid terms t six d iv each. t:EO. H. WH.UAMS. Cliief Justsc. ltf . M. P. DEAD Y, Associate JuhUce. - Notice. I have appointed Jame9 M. Pyle. Clerk of the District Court frthe third Judicial" District aud be has ap pointed deputies as loiiuws t J cks m,. ...John B. Sifers. Wm. H. Spencer. Wm. Romanes. .. .R. II. Smith- -. Jeph Spear. Umpqua,... Coos,. Curry Josephine,. . 44tf M. P. PEADY Associate Justice. THOS. RETXOLDS, I t r.-i, BEXBT t.AW, bobkrt a. law. ("- Portland. Oregon. Iteyitolds s Iav. TTHOLESALE Grjcers and Comraisson Merchants t aud dealers in Oregon Produce, comer Kearny and Jackson Streets. San Francisco. S" Advances made on Consignment. MM- Rerer toJ. FAILING A CO., Portland 4mpid Tax Receipt Blanks. TGST printed ot the Statesman office a large supply f Tax Receipt Wanks, after an improved form Price, one iMInr per hundred. Orders by mail, accom panied with the rash, will be filled by return of mail. 1 Medical EcToliuioa! The World tnanimons ! IIOT.IaOWAY'S OIXTJIE.VT. THE tiKEATCOUATKU JltJtfTAlVT. The vims of disease often makes its war to the In ternal organs through the pore of the skin. This pen etrating Ointment, melting under the hand a it is rub bed in. is nbsorbed through the same channels, and reaching the seat of inflammation, promptly and invari ably subdues it, whether located in the kidacys, the liv er, "the Inugs, or any other Important oraan. It :pae tratcs tbe surface to the interior, through the countless tubes that comomnirate with the skin as summer rain passes into tlie fevered earth, diffusing Its cool and re generating influence. . " SKIS DISEASES. AXD GLANDULAR SWELc UXGS. .-..( Every species of exterior irritatinn U qnickly reduced by the anti-inflammatory action vf tins Ointment. An irry Eniptions, such as Salt Rheum,. Erysipelas, Tetter, Riugwnriu. Scald Head. Nettle Rash. Scabies (or Itch) Ac, die nut. ti return no more, nnder its application. Hospital experience in nil psrtsorthe world proves it infallibility in diseases of the skin, the muscles, the joints aud the glands., . . ULCEUS,' SORES. AXD TUMORS. The effect of this unrivalled external remedy upon Scrofula, ar.d I'ther virulent ulcers and sores, is clmost miraculous. It lirst discharges the poison which pro duces suppiir.itit'ii and proud flesh, and thus the cure which its healing properties afterward complete are safe as well as permanent. ll'OUXDS, BRUISES, BURXS, AXD SCALDS. In casee of the fracture of the bones, injuries caused bysteiini explosions. Bruises, Burns, Scalds, Rheuma tism, StiHuess of the joints, and contraction of the sin ews, it is employed and wanuiy reeomuienaeu ny tne fn, -nit v. This marvelous remedy has been introduced hv it inventor in nerson into all the leading Hospitah of Europe, and uo private household should be without -.: UXOEXIABLE TESTIMOXY. Tlie Medical Staff of the French and English Armies in the Crimea have officially signed their approval of Holloway s Ointmeut. as tne mosi ruuuuie uiessiug ior sabre cuts, stabs, aud gun shot wouuds. It is also sign ed by the surgeons of tlie Allied auvies. BOTH THE OIXTMEXT AXD THE PILLS SHOULD BE USED .v iilc f umu triii t CASES: Bunions, Burns, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Fistula, Gout.Lumbago.Mercuriul Eruptions, Piles. Rheumatism, Ringworm, Salt Rheum. Scalds, Skin Diseases. Swelled Glands, Sore Igs. Sore lireasts. sore Meads. Sore Throats, Sores of all kind. Sprains, Stiff Joints, Tetter, Ulcers, Venereal Sores. Wounds of all kinds. - SoId at the Manuiucfrie rnnrasif aouoway, SO Maiden Lane.New tora.-.aiia z Btrana, ixmdoc, by all resjicctable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine throughout the United States and the civilized world, in pots, at 25 cents, 621. and tl each. ay 1 Here is a wiiu.uh) mhuk wiuc uj yiasing the larger siaes. - : " , v. R Directions for the guidance of patients in eve. ry. disorder are affixed to each pot, ' - 38yl Kenyon' . f. Back Again! . THE undersigned, having recently arrived from .the States, would notify hi friends and customers, and the publlu in general, that he baa taken the old stand on Main Street, Oregon City, and ha received since his arrival, the blowing goods, which he offers at whole sale and retail at the very lowest prices for cash, or the produce of the country. The good were all selected by himself iiersoually, and are fresh and good and the auaiilies guarantied; o the pnrcba-icr. Among which nd ..' 24,000 lbs. Liverpool blown salt, in 200 lb. sacks, . , 4.000 " fine table salt, in 10 and 20 lb-sacks, ' "' 4,000 " N. O. Brown Sugar, - .u-j ' 6.000 China ditto. No. 1,2 and 3, -, , ,. 4.000 ' Rio cuffee. (fresh,) . ".'".' KMJ kegs Scth Adams syrop, 5 fals each. '''l '- 130 kegs Boston nalU, assorted size; l-50 kegs ditto spikes; 4. &, and 6 in-, j ... v.200 kegs pure white lead, ' , . ' , ' 50 kess assorted ci'lnrs,' ''' ' !-! ' : t. :SII0 gals, boiled oil, in 5 gal. cans, ,. j 100 ..." spirits, turpentine, ditto., -, ' '.' 20 '"' copal ind furniture varniah, ' "20 '' Neat' foot OiU ; ' - ' 'f .!.' !t - ' 35 boica sperm-candles, t j, , , . 50 " . adamantine ditto, " ' ' ' ,100 " sardines,' ' ' ' ' ' " " " : SO kegs and boxes salcraros, . - 10 ," pure soiia, , , , . . JO boxes cream tartar. '' ' '- 100 bxst'Colgate" A No. 1 Brown soup. , : 10 baskets sweet oil, - - .... 6 boxes castor oil, r . , 10 bbl east Boston and Stewart a crashed sugar 50 kea tar, 5 gals, each, ' 100 boxes German glass, superior quality aasor ted sizes, " 50 lbs gum camphor. 30 p'ks imperial gun powder and Oolong teas. Together with a general assortment of Family Gro ceries. A lso, a large assortment of paints of all colors and degrees, dry or in oil, and a splended assortment of paint aud other brashes farming tools, among which are grain cradles, Ac., Ac, Ac Also, a general assort ment of boots and shoes. ..... .... Also, aretit for Folsom' Plough, manufactured in Oregon. and warranted equal of not better than any imported and at one third to half less price encourage home industry. JUSt.rn ji.rttE3i.tJif. July 7th. ivx.- iwtf Tliis Day Received, , BY thebarke XMHUMKEAU,tor sale low fur cash or Country pruduce. . .. . 10 bbls si-. 1 hf bbls X. O. Sugar. . -0 sncks China No. l.tnar, 100 lbs each, ; 10 doz Oyster (fresh) Baltimore in ! Ib can, 2- brixes Adamautiiie canities, B'a, 46 lb ea, 10 . dt do d C's, 20 Ib ea, 1-5 dnas boxes Srirdiues. --; r 25 lien Seth Adams .yriip. - " 5 bbls N- O.aud S. W. syrup. " 30 boxes t jba.-co, "Luke's'' "Th imas"', "rride of the Union" and ' Diamond brands", 40 sacks 80's each Rio Green Coffee, 20 gross best matches,' to tloz Smoking tobjeco, 50 doz gum eampher; 5 bbls crushed sugar, J. N. PRESCOTT. 39tf Oregon' City, Nov. 25. 155. At r.tigene City. THE subscriber has at Eugene City, one of the best general assortment of Dry Good. Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and Sb?s. and all articles kept in a gene ral finding store, to be found in Oregon. He is con--tantly receiving fresh additions to bis stock, and al ways Keeps it up. My goods are now all received direct from Sun Francisco, where I have a resident agent. AH kinds of farmer's prnluce received iu exchange for goods I pcy higher prices Tor prodoee. aud sell goods cheaper thau any other store in the Territn-y. wusi-.rn fEAu Eugene Citv. Jnlv 1 . IVfi- . 16tf Wry Goods, ZyY(r Yards brown sheetings, assorted; 4j I Jj 1250 yards bleached sheetings. assorted; 2500 ydi bro Drilling, ass'd Yellow Klancel.. i:hjo yd ricKmg, do 4324 yds Prints. - - do 1577 yd Alpacca, do -1296 yds Jaconet cambrics, Dress Cambric, . Paper .do Moreen. Km bossed Piano Covers, do Table do Drapery, assorted, 'jiuhams. il'd Flannel, - - - Opera ' do Silk Warp Flannel, Imitation do do -Sattinett and Jeans, Linen Ginghams, . d- Check, . Oil Silk. Fancy Dress Silka, Wroaght Muslins, . Bttnaet Ribbons, Velvet do Crape. Lidies' Gauntlets, B!':e do White . do t,ei.t s d ) Comprising one of the best stock of Dry Goods in yrer'm. 2Jtf For sale by GRISWOLD A CO. llardtrare. -f CT ke-js Xai I iJ Cut Spis kes Nail, asst'd, Bntts and Screws, Mill Files, - larker's Coffee Mills, Collins' Axes. Currycombs, Waffle Iron. Drawing Knives, Shingle Shaves, Powder. . Lead and Caps. GRISWOLD A CO. ses. Brad-head Nail. '-' Spear A Jacksog's Saws. IKtor L'cKs, Strap IlLigca, Gate do Sad Irons, ... latthmg Hatchets, Family Grindstone, tr Oroceries. T7AST Boston Syrup, Apples and Peaches 111 Su?ar, Spices. CnfTce. ' Green and Black Tea, 22tf Tobacco, Soap.. GRISWOLD A CO. T EAD AND TURPENTINE, Linseed OH, Tanners MJ Oi!. Sperm Oil. 22tf GRISWOLD A CO; B OOTS AND SHOES 23 Cases, assorted. 22tf GRISWOLD A CO. Statiooery. BLUE ruled Cap Paper; White ruled Can Paper. Congress Letter Paper: Carson's wove Letter Paper, P. A S. blue laid do do: P-A S. white aud do do: White Bath Gilt Letter Paper. Gillott s Pens, 303, 4U. 730: Blank Books, Slates and Pencas, Black and Red Ink. 22tf GRISWOLD A CO. CROCKERY S2tf -A full assortment. tJRISWOLD A CO. "RON- -AI1 sixes. ' J2tf GRISWOLD A CO. C1LOTHING 212 pairs Pants, assorted: 150 Coats, y asst'd: 150 Vests, asst'd: Paut and Drawers. In all, a full assortment of Gent" Furnishing Goods. 22tf . GKIS v OLD A CO. Salem Market. THE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, in tbe center of the town . is haoi'V to inform the pub lic that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of all the varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also baa the various kinds of vegetables in their season. Beef will be sold as follows: Fore quarters. 6 cents per lb., hind quarter 10 cents; and if yea want a choice piece, I shall charge von a I it a p-mnd. All kinds of farmer's prodace and grain received in exrhance for meats. THOMAS CROSS, Salem. July 7, 1S56. Itr Orrson and California Packet Line. T1HE ftdlowine: vessels will run in connec- JL tion as REGULAR LJXE between Sow Francisco and Porllnd : BARK OCEAX BIRD, Wiggins. Master, ' " CHAS. DEVEXS. Healt. " " NAHUSIKEAG, Wiluaxs. " BRIG I. B. LUXT, RicitARDox. . " The Barks have all beeu coppered recently, and are iu first rate order, commanded by experienced captains. - Freights will be carried at the lotrest rates. Produce sent from any part of the country to Oregon City or to the Linn City Works, will be received and forwarded to San Francisco. ' Askxts: ' GEO. ABERXETHY A Co., - . Oregon City. . - .-1 -- ABERXETHY, CLARK A Co. ... Sau Francisco. November. S.1B4B. f Corvallis Warehouse, No. 1. T am prepared to store produce, and will attend to re- X ceivmg and forwarding the same. 3Str. ISAAC MOORE. Orleam Warehouse. rrOSITE Corvallis. We are prepared to store pro- dace, and will attend tarecciviog and forwsrdiag tnesame. - s.srr m iiki h ft KKO, it Snrfrons and Physicians HAVING rendered service id th 1st Regiment O. M. V. are requested to render a full report to this of fice as soon a practicable, of all expenditures, employ ees, ac, ns it is uesiraiue co wrua up tue ousinessot tne Medical Department. Address JL W. Shaw. Assistant aariteon Genenil, Surgeon General s cjnVe, Salem. Nov. 1. Is56. Sltf" ."-.Strayed,' T7"ROM the snbseriber. a portion of his stork, marked A and branded as follows: Crop off the left ear. and wallow-fork in the right. IT. brand.' Any person know ing the whereabouts of cattle bearing this brand and marks, will be properly rewarded bv sending me infor mation. JAMES HEATHKUT.V fnVcnty7Xug'. T. 1R56. -- jtf ,, . ..V " "War Claims.' . , . ; NOTICE in hereby given, that I will be at the seat of government on the 1st of January. 1S57, prepared to attend to all applications concerning unadjusted claims growing out of the Indian war. and coming with in my duties. , P. CALLENDER, Cora'r. , : December 1.1 sC . ;,. .... . 39tf Los; Angelos . Salt. SALT 300 bags Lea Angelos Salt, received, per Na humkeag, aud for sale at lowest rate. lstf : G. ABERXETHY A CO. i CHAIRS 100 Chairs for sale cheap, bv " ' 'l 33 BARNARD A llATTESON. ... BACON wanted at 33 BARNARD A MATTESON'S- ANDLES, Soap, Starch, Indigo, and Tobacco, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. DRUGS, Mediciues, Paints, Oils, and Dvestuffs, at , . W.K.SMITHACO.-S, BOUNTY ORDER BLANKS Fur sale at the j V -- STATESMAN OITICS. Store and Tan Vlil4e JG stab lis fa meat. T . STRANG respectfully notifies the citizens of SaiVn 'J ' ,l',lblLc (tenerally tliat he keeps no hand in his new buiIding.Mam t . every pattern of CooJtfng, Parlor, Z'l;flt,0e' STOFES-a' general msortmenf of ,, ,,.'' every descriptioBand aU artwiea usimlly fonnd in a tin shop and store, all of which w ( be sold as cheap as at any other etaJtm,hmeut ir h Territory ! -. , . . All orders for jobbing prorapUy attended to. '--'' tf 3. STRANG. Allan lb Lie wis W HOLES A LE MERCHANTS. PORTLAND, ORE- v v GON TERRITORY. . Geo. JterntlDTi Co., ME R CHANTS, OREG0X CITT, OREGON TER RITORY. .. , . . . ibrrnftliy. flark i CoM COMMISSION AND FORWARDING MERCHANTS, San Francisco, Cal., will attend to selling Oregon firoduce, and fill orders for Good. Groceries, Ac. at tbe owest rate. The patronage -of. tlie people of Oregon is respectfully solicited. , . , Angm-tl. 1 .-. ' ' ' ' -' Tltf Allan, McKihlaf, &. Co GENERAL COSIMLSSION MERCHANTS, anJ ' vi holesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Good. Gro ceries, Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T. - Dec. 20. 1851. ' tQji -. ... M ater Rains. F3R SALE Two water, rams, with lead pipe and fiat tares complete. JAMES STRANG. 6alem, March 10th, 1856. itr- Allan, McKinlar, & Co., HAVE just received a stock of Xew Goods, and would invite all those wbo wish to procure GOOD article at reasonable prices, to call and see them. They consist in part of the following: Grindstones, Canal and Wheel Barrow, Grain Cradles, Grass Scythes and Snaths, r ancy iirooma. Plain do Assorted Colored PaRs, ' Painted Tuba, Zinc Wx-hhoard, " Blacksmith's Bellows, Cross-cot Saw, 7 ft do (ft ..- Mill Saws. 7 ft llair Mattrasses, doable, do single, Hair Bolsters, doable, do single. Sperm Candle, Adamantine do.. Grape brand Tobacco, Brush do do 16 n Harrows, 23 teeth Garden Rakes, d.j Hie., - do Spades, Polished Shovels, Hay Forks. Manure Forks, Churns, f Window Glass 8 bv 10 . do l?bv 12 do 7b "v 9 Window Sashes 8 by 10 do 10 by 12 Ox Kows and I ones. i.n.te oo do Blankets, Baize. Ljndsevs. Sheetings. Ticks. Ae-Ar. We keep con-tantlv on hand a large supply of GRO CERIES. CLOTHING. HARDWARE, and many arti cle too numerous to mention.. . . , ALLAN. M atUNLAY A CO. Oregon City. 21tf " Books! Books! WK-SMITHACO-liaveju-t received the largest . and best selected Stock of BOOKS ever offered for sale in Sn!em. consistiag. in part, of tlie following POETIC A L WORKSWhite s, ColRns', Gray's Top per's. Bcattie's, Scott's, Young". Davidson . Crolya, c'rabbe s.Siiak.peare's.Cowper's, Coleridge', H'lmni', 3'irns", Pollvk's. Shelley", Slowitt's, M jr.tgmaerv', fampbell's, Pripe's. Moire"s,. Wordsworth's, Ossiaii', rhompsun'. Miitou's, Byroa's, Cooke's, Goldsmith', lndon's. A'-'RICCLTPRAL. FRCfT CROWING. Ac EHi- ott'si Yocatt oo the Horse, Allen's Stable Book, Ilind'a Farrier. Downing. Barry. Thomas. Biake. Mason' Far rier. Stewart and Skim.er, Saxt"n and Clater. - BiOGRA P K IES. 'vVs.suinctOB's. Jackson's. Sectt. Taylor's, Marion's, Booaparte's. Seward's, Louis Napo leon's, Mozart's, Lives of the Presidents. Mary Queen of Scots, Heury VII land his Six Wives. Harrison's. La- Q. Adams', Daaie! B oone's. Shakpeare's. Dean Swift', Hmbldfs. Bi-hrm Hedding's. Li ves of the P'pes. J. B. Fialey's, R"bertsJ. Newt m's. Wesley's. Fletcher", La martine's t elebrated Characters, and macy others, HITJi:iES. RoIlia"s Ancient History. RusserT -Modern Europe. Gibbon's Rme. R jttechs" Histis-y f the World. B.irth"s Hisfc-ffy of the World. Wiilard's'H" tory of the World. B-'tta's American Revolution, Macan ley's Histiry of En-land. 4 vjIs. D'Aabiene's History of the Reformation, 5 voU Peterson United State Xavv. Ac.. Ac. MISCELLANEOUS and SCIENTIFIC WoEKS Brand's Encycl'ipedia, Smith's Classical Dictionaryjljit in aud Greek Lexicons and Readers, Virgil. Homer. Zenophon. J'Wephas. Dick" Works. Manry"s Geography of the Sea, Wesley's Sermons. Smith's Sacred Annals. Harper s Cniversiil Gaxeteer. Dwurht's Mythohigy, Lard ner"s Lectures, Goldsmith's Animated Nature". "Wood Natural Hiotory. Gnn-rs Domestic Medicine. Willia Prose Works. Sterne" Prose Works. Mrs, Ellisf Prose Works. Dawning" Country House. Builders" Guide. Webster" Dictionary, an " sires. Davies' and Peck's Mathematical Dictionary. Farmers' and Planters En cyclopedia. Thackeray's Pendennis. Don Quixotte, Gil Bias. Cosmos, Bislow's Useful Arts. Ure" Oicticmary Hugh Millers Old Red Sandstone, Ac. Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Parker Read ers. Sander's Readers, MeGreffee's Readers. Cobb'a Readers. Gift Backs for Children and Youth. Also, Works on Geology, Physiology, Chemistry, Philosophy, Government. Anatomy. Mineralogy. Oratory. Mathe matics. Debating. Medicine. Theol.-igy. Temperance, Rhetoric. Grammars. Geographies, Arithmetics. Astro nomy. Travel. Works of Humor. - In short, every tiling usually found in a Book Store. Store opposite the Hoi-nan House, near tbe Steamboat Landing. . - .. Stf Removal. BAUM A BROTHER have removed to their New Store next door to J. Stran-r's Stove establishment They have jitst received a general assortment of Dry Goods. Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes. Groceries, Crockery, Ac, which be offers for cask er produce. -N. B. wanted Bntter, Eggs. Bacon. Lard. Floor, and Wheat, for which they pay the highest market price. cstfefn. jiiiv tit. ison. Iltr fianm & Brother, FIONT STREET. Portland, opposite the Metropolis Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods. Clothing. Hate. Boots. and Shoes. Groceries. Ac N. B. All kinds of produce taken in exchange fer merchandise t the highest market price- lSJtf QCABTEK MaSTEK GaSEKAL' OPTICS, I csuem, v. a., June tf, lsse. ALL persons having demends against the Oaai-ter-Mater Dep:t of Oregon Territory, are requested to present their claims for adjustment, at the different offi ces, at tbeir earliest convenience. JOSEPH W. DREW. lltf . ' Qaarter Master General, O. T. - Take. Notice. ' NOW offered for sale at the store ef the undersigned 100 crates Crockery, . - 12"00 lbs. White Sugar. - ' ''','' l .'SOO lbs- superior Brown Sn gar, - ' " ,! i 100 lbs. S. I. Sugar, in kegs, -. -. ' ,-, . 1U0 kegs Syrep, ..... . 100 boxes Soap, - r . . . , 25 bags Coffee. . , 10 eases pride onion Tobacco. :,." - , 100 doa. wool Sooks, . ' " '' '1500-vds. Prints. ' - ' - 3000" , : damaged. , : 400 pieces silk Handkerchiefs. . '" 30 boxes Salerato, . - - .- t 1 case Honey, " - i . 7-' ". 100 boxes Tea, very cheap, . 300 yd-. low price Linsey, : . " 1 ISO yds. Carpet, : ' ; " '" fi i'" 200yds. Merinosv- ', 'I !-;. . , ; 10 bales Gunney; v : ' 40000 lbs. Liverpool Salt. :"" .. ' : ft icppvtmr k. aa ' Oregon City Oct. 1. 1S56. , 30tf . Statesman Book and Job Office. WE have Three Presses, tbe best facilities for Book priming north oi California, and an extensive ass sortmentof Jobbing Matouai. of every kind: and, with master workmen, are prepared toexecute Dromrtlv-ard m a w,Mfkman-Hke manner, all orders in the above de- Dartuieobt. sach I ', - Blaxi Checks, ' SoTRSor Hand, ! Okdek Booxa.i' : ' , . Stsambo't Bills,, Stkaheo't Carps, Bills- or Laorss. s . ; CSKTTSICATKS, . Show Bills, Check Books, i . Bl'k Rkcetpts, .t tiOOSS, ' r ' ' PAJtHPHLETS, ' ' 'T HAaBBiias. - Ball Tkkbts, '- ,. ClKCrLARS, , "' IrvTTATIOKS. i' BcsHSBSs Qahbs,- ,: Billheads, ' Cosckrt Bills,' Addkkss Cakss. LRAKTS, Blanks of all Kixos. Ac. Ac. Ac ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED INKS. , Law of Newspapers. 1.- Subscriber who do not give express notice to th cositrary: are considered as wishing to continue their subscription. ; -, . .. , . 2. If subscribers order papers discontinued, Publishers may cnatinne to send them till all charges are paid. ' 3. If suhsca-iirs neglect or reftse tt take their papers from the office or place to which they are sent, they are beld responsible until they settle their bill and give, no tice to discontinue them, -i. 4. If subscribers move to other place without iifhnn.. the Publisher, and the paper ia sent to the former direo tion, they are held responsible. ; , . &. The courts have decided that refusing to take a pa per or periodical from the office, or removing and leav ing it uncalled ror, is prima facia evidence, of intention., fraud- - - . ... , mr Postmasters would oblige, by a strict fulfill, of the regulations requiring them to notify PnMisbeVs once In three montha, of papers not taken fma tw. jtS&ot by subscribers. . ; :u c , . , , : ....... T