The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, February 03, 1857, Page 4, Image 4

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    CJM if Inlt all SUUnerj
jtf t City JM atart, FrcmiSt., PcHmmd, Oregon.
RxArsraY-SanderV "Id 1st. id. St. 4th. and th.
and The oung ladies'; Sander' New lt. td. 3d.
4th and 5th: Parker' I. 2d. 3d, 4th and th; Mo
OaaYy's lit, td. 3d. 4th and 5tk.
ami i ran Sander' Old, Sanders New; Klemea-
faurt .
PKiraSandVrV Pictorial. School and ParkerV '
GaooBirniK, Mitchells, An: ie-it m1 Madera, Ol-
aeys, Morse', McXaHeya, and Moutcitb. a 1st and
2d Book.
M vrsrra ATies Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables,
Mental. Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Davie' Pri
miry, Iatellectnat. School and University; Smith's
Colbora's Ray s Stoddard's: Davie Algebra. Sur
veying, Qeometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dic
tionary, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry,
and Philosophy of Mathematics.
Grammar Green Clarke' Bullion's Smith's
Kirkam' Spencer' Tower.
PniLosornia. Parker' lt Lesson, Juvenile and
School; Comstock'a Smith.
Histoiuks. Wilson's Javeuite, fend United State;
Parley's Universal: Willard' Universal, and United
- LAwocAnxs-Cooper' Yh-gil; Andrew's Lathi Rra
dct; Viri Rmue; Andrew' Latin Grammar; McClln
tock 1st and Id Book in Latin, and do. in Greek: An-
thon Greek Grammar and Reader; Johnson "a Cicero.!le'a Preach Grammar and Reader; Woodhnry's
German Grammar and Reader, Teleraaqne. Greek Tes
tament; French, aeir-taaght; Surrenne'a French Dic
tionary: Andrew' Latin do. Liddeil A Scott' Greek
do. An thon s Classical do, Smith a do do.
DtcrtoABits. Webster's School. High do. Aca
demic, University, Royal 6ro, Unabridged and Cobb'
MtscaxLATBors. Mattison's Astronomy. Newman
Rhetoric Wood's Botany. Kame'a Kleiaenw of Crit
tcism. Parker's Aids in Composition. Parker' Exer
cise. Brookrteld's Composition. McElligott'e Yontig
Analrzer. do. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word
Builder. Maybew's Book Keeping. Wayland'e Moral
Science. Pafey's Natural Theology. Blake's Agricul
tore for School. Upham'a Intellectual Philosophy.
Mohan's do, do. Milton; Young; Pollock; and Thomp
son; fbdtuoa lor rvnooii) cutters Anatomy and
Physiology. American Debater. Newman' Political
Economy. Hitchcock" Geology. Great variety of
Speakers and Elocution. All kinds or School Station
ery; Slates of all sise: Drawing Book; Drawing
Paper; Perforated Card Board: Btvtol Board; lencits
and Brushes; Osborn Color-'; Inkstands, every sise
ana siyte, c, c, xo.
HmvitT Bancroft's United State. 6 volumes-
Hildreth' do. do. C volume. Frost" Pictorial United
State. Taylor's do. do, d-v Botta' HUt. Revolution.
Peterson's do. Wilson s United State. Willard do.
HM. Indian Wars United States. Willard Universal
History. Mnller do do, Rotteck HUt. World I or
9 volume. Ratlin's Ancient History. Farrs do, do.
Home a bngtand. Maeaulay a d-v. complete. Ihcken
Child's do. Ltneard's do. Gibbon's Rome. D'Au-
higne Rerormattoa. Bang's M. K. Church. Allison'
Europe, bt snd 2d Series. Preseott's Works. Border
Hist, of Religion. Hut. of Council of Trent. Joe-
phna. All of Abbotts Histories. Historical Cabinet.
Oneeus of Spam- Qneee of Scotland. Help's Spanish
Cucrnatst. Brace's Hnngary. Kidder's Brazil. Bo-
bank BraxiL Parley's Universal. Hitorv of Cru
sade. Ancient Egyptian. Hallam's Middle Age.
History tor nova, Bonner cniia s t mh-tt states.
Lrewrnr" Field Book of Revolution. .
Rioosirnv. Ptutarch'a Live. IJfe Brant. Won
derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters.
Uvea of the Signers. AutofMognnhv of Finley. La
martine Celebrated Character. Life of Adam Clarke,
do Bishop Hedding. do Niebohr. do lien. Harrison,
do Daniel Boone, do Robert, do Lafayette. Cap
tains of Roman Republic and Old World. Dr. Chal
mers, 4 vote. Lives of Humboldt. Mm. Rogers.
.Hosan. wester, r wiener. i.neana rimes or Clay
Irving' Washington. Eminent Mechanics. Uvea of
Chief Justices. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb.
Jackson. Gen. Green. Joan of Arc. Lady Jane Grey.
J. Q. Adams. Jnhenne. Daniel Webster; Kings of
Itotoe. Kings and Queens. Liebmtx. Lives of the
Tope. Preseott's Philip Sd. Mary and Martha Wash
ington. Pioneer Women of the West.
Tbavkls. Hock' China. Arancanian. Stephen's
Egypt. O tin's Travels. Mnngo Park. Nile Note.
Adventures on Musqntto Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav
els. Durbin's Travels in the Bast.
. ScTErnric. Brande's Encyclopedia, Physical Gco
raphy of the Sea. Wood's Natural History. Iirdner's
Iecture. Useful ArU. Cosmos. Mathematical Uie
tionary. Logic of Matbematiea. Wonders of Science.
Mitcbeil's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loomia' Re
cent Progress of Astronomy. Smith's Dictionary of
Arts and Science. Ka bank's Hydraulics. Dick's works.
v artons wortts on A rem teexore.
PowmT Byron various styles. Shakespeare, do.
Milton, do. Bam, do. Hemana, do. Moore, do.
Thompson. Young. Pollock. Tapper. Cowper. P"pe
CsmpbelL Wad-worth. Owian. Montgomery. Kirk
White. Female Poets of England, do. do. America
nd man)- others.
Books or Raramc-crc. Cyclopedia of Geography.
do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts.
MeColloch" Gaxetteer. Harper's Universal Gazetteer.
- r acTT A5 AOBtcriTrKaL. rjitoas rum uonc.
Til II M Jk .i.. Jrt P.I , V A,
Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower and
Gardeners Comnaaion,
Allen on the Grape, Pardee
m Strawberry- Florist's Guide. American Farm Book,
Allen Domestic Animal. AU of Saxtoa'a Hand Books.
Works oa Horse, Cattle, Sheep, Hog. Ac.
TneouMHcat. 3t Rttuotocs. Harmony and Exp4
tiou of Gospels. Xeaaders Life of Chri. BnUer'a
Works. Knaop's Christiaa Theology. Western Meth
o4i'm. Morris Mvellanies. Lecture Romanhna.
Brand of tVommic Rnm. Elliot oa Romanism. Barnes
Sfotea. Clarke's Commentary. Benson 'a do. Jmr's
Exercise. Watons Institute. Larrabee's Evidencesw
B ttler Ethical Disrourt . Rogers' EHipv of Earth.
do. Reason and r aitn. roster s t rirvt- ferfectKm
Baker on Discipline. Writing of Anninhw. Jahn's
Biblical Arehsjo.)gy. Bibles, all sixes and price, from
(I to $10. Testaments great variety. Methodist
Hymns. Christian Hymn Books. Church PsalmM
Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian
ttcntciL. Buchan's Family rhysiciaa. Hydro
pathie aVx HonMepathic Works.
Miacnuxtnx's. Constitntiotis of UniteJ States.
Mayhew's Popular Education. Crahhe Syaonyma.
rtatt's Book of Curiuftitie. OM Fellow's ManoaL
?feedleys Work. 14 vofcv Mm. TtrthiHs. vots. Lay
ard's Nmeveh. Btgelow'a Useful Artn. Harwell' Km
gineer Guide. American lntitntions. PursuK of
Knowledge. Park Madison. Peravian Antinnitiesv
Way Down East. Prnstmrx. Ike Marvel' Work
Sanderson's Cook and Confectioner. Country RamUea
In England. Talesaad Reverie, an excellent Temper
ance Book. Money Maker. Kwaped Xun. News
Boy. Dick Wilson. Mrs. Hale's Xew Cook Bonk. Mil
ters Old Red Sand-itoue. do. Footprint of Creator.
Young Ladies' Counsellor. Young Man's do. Pictorial
Catechisaa. Thomson' Lert. to Y. Men. Cnaxtita
timnal Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Assert
emu Housewife. Hair Hours with Old Humphrey.
Athens; ha Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedjrwick'a
Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. Uncle Sam's Farm
Fence. Arthur SoceeWuI Merchant, do. Tal. Mrs.
"Partington. Horace TranUl ion. Virgil do. Mr. Car
len'a Work. Heroine of HMory. Land and Sea.
Deck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship aad Shore.
Naval Life. Star Paper. Masonic Cliart. .Irvmg'a
Columbus. Long; Look Ahead. City of New York
1 i i i Iih iif A rip- Yonas' Man Adriel. faikk
moa m Tones and Fegee. Truth Stranger Than Fie
Moo. Knout and the Russians. Hrdrapathic Cook
Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Bmk for Young Men.
do. do- Indies Anecdote fur Girl, do. dow ll"yk
Young Husband, do. Wife. do. Mother, do House
keeper. Sigourney's Letter to Young Indies, ao do
do Mother. Arthur' Nights with the Washingto
ftiaas.' Manly Character, by Peck. Government of
Children. Mrs. Ellis' Work. How to be a Lady. How
to be a Man. Gold and GopeL Pilgrim's Progress.
Footprint of Famous Men. Charlotte Elizabeth
Work. Advice to Young Men. Peasant Boy Phiiomi
vher. Abbott's Marc Paul IVmk. d- Frsaeonia.
Merchant' Daughter. JEmo' Fsbles. Scottvdi Chiefs
Arabtaa Night. RitMnoa Crusoe. Hollo Book. Mo
ther's Guide. Ferns' Mormons. The Old Inn. Con
flict of Ages. Don Quixote. Psal and Virginia. Amer
ican Debater. Fern Leaves. Tri-colored Sketches in
Paris. Chamber's Information for the People. Mrl
rilte Red bunt, Typee. Marni. Omoe. and White Jacket.
Marae Miaceilaniea, Wendell's Blackstone. Sab. Day
Misceilanse. Lotus Eating, by Custi. Bancrwft's Mis
i i llsniin Jerrotd'a Men of Character. Millrr's Find
lampre mion of England. Kirwia's Letters to Bishnai
Hughe. Coombs' Cowtitution of Man. Mia Beerh
er's Receipt, do Calintbeniea, Bell Smith Abroad.
And a number of otbers too numerous to enumerate.
"XVmstaatiy receiving large additions to the forguing.
' STATioxKBr. Foolscap Paper great variety, let
ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Envel
opesall strlea. Inks all kinds. Pea and Holders
great variety. Blank Book stl sizes and styles.
Memoranda. Diaries. Pass Rooks. Time Bonk.
Paper Cutter, do Folder. Shipping Receipt Books.
Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa-
Pt good variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, Ac
inally, we hare good variety of
Mtto Book. New Carmtna Sacra. Alpine Glee
Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodeoo. Christian Psalmist. Piaan Imaruc
anrs. Guitar do. Flute do. Aecordoo do. Violia do.
MeJodeon do. Plymouth Collection with Music. Sheet
And the most varied assortment of Station-but ever
offered in Oregon.
. tm This stock is all bought In New York and other
Eastern cities and i sold at
tear We keep on hand School Book in large quan
tities together with most of the publication of
t t
Hum at hbothb-ss;
Dxaar A Jackuo-i;
' I ci so Pirrrinrr;
- Fwtlu A SsanMHc; -
A. 8. Baawaa Co.;
MT run, Oanww V Mnxi8i(
Least Y Gara;
Arrxerou; and others.
y We ask your patronage. If nalJe to visit ns
and examine our stock. yuwroBBca will be attended to
on the sauk Texas a if yon bought la person.
4Tr We have arrangement by which, in the ooorse
cT the rn. we shall be able to furnish most of the new
works Issued by the eastern publishers within SO day
IVr publication. Every steamer will bring some new
wfrri. We are also prepared to furnish, hereafter, the
following Magazine at Publisher's rates and Pontage:
Harper s New Monthly . $3 00
-puJam's " " 2 S?
' - LadVs' Beps!Uwy. t
Godey's Lady' Book. S 00
' Snbsrriptiou Lists wfll he open f. these, aad other
Magasioes. till the last steamer in Sovember. Read a
TnnT nasxes aad addresses, with the subscription price
if any periodical, and it shall be forwarded.
-portlAnd, AnjmtK, 18W. 5tf
Notice tn IkaBOHerk f llaai-pItlU
THE SchoonerUMPQUA.nBderttsaeoaABMad JT
of & !. Hinadals.aailru from Umnaoa river C k
for San Francisco, on the 6th of May, aad intend
making regular trip beteen these tsro porta.
It la only necessary we belie re, to remind the Impor
ter of Umpqna that Uis vessel the Urapqua la the
nnn ever tauncnea oa the water of the Umpqua. to in
nra their patsrMwge aad support. ThU VBal will dis
charge her cargo at Scotmburg. and at the rat ah In
tend to carry freight, will not only av the shipper a
very considerable Hem. hut atv bias the traasnrrUtion
np the river, aad thereby enable him to receive hla food
without so much handling a heretofore. . la flne.the
rVhoooer Umpqua. of Scnttabarr. is a real Umpqua
craft and being the I rat oa the IWt la thi great reform.
eoaldently ret lea upon all tha Umpqua roe aappurt aad
For freight or passage apply to Allan, McKJnmy k Oo,
8eottabnrg.ortotheCapt.oa hoard. Merchanta wuth
ing to ship from Baa Francisco, eaa apply to Allaa
Lw uo., i3z, ciay St.. or to tna uaptaiu
ScotUburg. May tl. I8M. IStf.
BlackaMltka mm tliers, Inat
A LLAN McKINLAT A CO. have aow oa band a
XI large ana well selected stock or
Bar Iron. Cast Steel.
Horse shoe tkv, German do..
Nail rod do Plough do., -
Plate do..
And intend to keep ap the assortment o as to suit the
wants of enxtomers. Uir ui a call , and yon will (nd
that we not only hare the fullest stork, not will sell
" as cheap a the cheapest."' We are constantly receiv
ing additions to our assortment, so a to replace what
is soia.
Oregon City, DecJJ, 1S4. . 41 tf
Heary Johnsest At. C
WHOLE ALB DRracis-rs. .
(146 Washiagtoa Street. Baa Francisco.)
"VTcr t"T sale to the country trade, the largest stork
KJ of roods in their line on the Pad tie enat com pi If
sing Drugs. Chemical. Perfnmery, Patent Medicine of
ait Kind. Brushes, Pstnta, Oils. Glass. Iwrpentia. and
every amcie appertaining xo tne nnstness. naviag sa
perior facilities for obtaining their roods tbcv think
they ran ottVr indneensent to buyers unequalled by
any ntner nouse.
Order repectfnlty aoHcRrd. 40ly
E hare a large supply of powder la hand.
Oregoa CHy. Nov. 13. ISM. . S7tf
TAB- J. R. CARDWELL. Dental Bwrgsjaa
J t-orvallis. wui
ion. at Csmaots.
U practice In hWprofea-J I
. ATugra Cite. "f-rir jji
trr. atuffipui m , and jKtwiim. Skill, nnqnestional
in Jtaantn. nmn. nnqneuonaiie:
charge . repectable ; work, warranted. Teeth examin
ed. and advice given tree of cnarge.
Due notice given of change of office.
April M. I65. Ttf
Now RrcelTlatj
rj-lQE Mlosring articles from Bark Ocean Bird and for
j sale low.
50 gross matches ;
1 "0 keg of syrups ;
M . bbt. R. . sngar j
10 bhls. crushed sngar ;
AO boxes randies ;
10 bbU. vinegar ;
iOcases tea ;
iS doa. broom :
M doa. buckets ;
S caes men's line calf hoots ; ,
I " calf brogan ;
J " " goat . "
3 " boys' hrugaa ;
3 youths' cair brogaaa;
1 women's Morocco boots ;
J Imitation hoot ;
3 Mles boots;
173 pairs children's shoe ;
11 straw cotter ;
St gram cradle ;
I reaper;
1 two bone tbreber;
Oregon City, Jone 1. !SS. 1JU. .
For ChraB Barsraloa
GO to the store of Philip Cohen (at the old stand of
N. A P. Coheui where he has received the cheapest
and beat stock of staple and fancy dry good.
hoot and snoes, a I aad caps, reaay-maoe ctotBing.
groceries and provision, aad will sell them lower than
an v other "tore in Salem.
Ladies dress goods, all styles, ennsfottag of bonnets,
flower, ribbon, drew trimming, silk, velvet, lawns,
bareges. tHroes. gingham and calicoes.
In hi clothing iknutment eaa be faand alt styles r
coat, pant. vets. Ac, from the cheapest linen to the
Bne-4 broadcloth.
Hi stock of boot and shot, both for ladies and gen
Uetnen is complete.
Groceries, a lrge assortment, coaaistlng of sugars,
tea . coffee, snap, candles, tobacco, spices, salt. Ac.
Pleae call aad satisfy yourself before purchasing
el r where.
Wheat. oat, batter, eggs and other farmer pro
duce taken in exchange at the highest market price.
Salem. April X4. 150 Ttf
HAVING vrrrhafn; agent receipt or rlalms
sgaint the Commissary's Department, or against
that department while performing Qunrtersmaster a dn
ties in Middle or Southern Oregon, who have nnt'receiv
ed a proper voucher for the same will please forward to
thi office without delay a bill of the articles sold to the
government with a rertincate at the bottom of the Mil
that the same Is nt and correct, with the name of the
party selling appended to tne renmrate ana mil. in
closing at the same time the same time the purchasing
agent's receipt for the same, or otherwise the claim
may not be presented to the Comminsioneni for adjust
ment an1 toe pante interested lose tne same.
M. M. McCARVKR. Ci insi j Crra'f. O. T.
CoawissABr GcVi. rnca. I 34tf
Salem. Oct, 17. Pitt. (
Jntt RccclTfl,
BY Barone Metropolis, and steamer Olomhia, from
San y raneiseo :
I.onO lb Rio Coffee,
m boxes Ad. Candlea.
10 half bid Dried Apples.
70 Case Claret.
Id doc. Baltimore fresh Oysters,
1,000 ihs China No. 1 Sngar, . .
10 case old cheese,
10 doa. Brooms.
To arrive, (expected daHr) per Nakukesg, Chas.
Devens, Ac.
- lbs China No. 1 Sngar,
110 Ho Coffee .
$ aVa?M XWazwPo,
10 bblalf. O. Sugar. '
3 doa. 3 hooped Pails,
20 boxes Ad. Candles.
40 gal Raw Lineed Oil,
V Kegs Boston Syrup , gaDs each. !
K hlf bbi Sandwich Island Syrup,
bbls Sperm and Polar Oil,
10 doa. Sporting Powder,
1 Cae Honey 1 Ibean,
10 dog. Tomato Catsup,
' 10 doa. Pie Fruit.
1 cases Prewrved Ginger,
IS easeaO. Hysoa, Y. Hyson Imp. and Gun
Powder Tea.
1A boxes Gerfcins.
la keg Pickled Caeembrr i gal each.
1,000 lb Not Soft Shelled Almond Eng. WaU
aut aad Filbert,
10 rases Spice.
10 Ton Iron, all sixes, including hoop Iron,
Alt for sale for cah or Produce.
THE Commissary's Offlce at Portland win be rloed
in a few dav. and the papers and hooks of the of
flce sent to the Commissary General's Office, at Salem;
at which pmee for the future, account against the
Com mi wary' Department for the Northern or Southern
war or oregoo, win oe sens ror aajosunenu Ana an
person or officer having claims or account to settle
with or arainM said Department, wilt please forward
them to that place for adjustment, without delay; as I
dodre to be prepared at as early a period as possible, to
make my anal report of tne tate war to ine (iovernor.
ind close tne omce ror me lam, or preaen war in i 're-
Si. M. McCARVKR, Com y Genl.
Portland. O. T, Aug. 29th, InM.
Trortli Moiat mm Will Proftall. '
ALL ye that are ta aearca or troth, and believe in
Progression, will he well paid by calling and pur
chasing any of the following works, which I have just
received from valentine a uo., saa r rancisco, to-wii:
DiscasaioB oa Spinuallsm between UntXan Rich
mond. Compendium of the Theological and Spiritual
writing of Swedenborg. Spiritualism scientifically
demonstrated, by Prof. Hare. The Shekinah. by Brit-
i. A lyne of the fjoidea Age, a poem, by Rev. T. I..
Harris. A lyric the Morning Land, by Harris. Knic
of the Starry Heaven, by Harris. Boehanan'a Anthro
pology. I Haass tea of Magaetism. Religion of Man
hood. Healing of the Nations, by Talmage A Linton.
Night side of Nature. Theory of Pneomatology. Natty,
a Spirit. The Celestial Telegraph, or the Secrets of
the Life to Come. Ac Life ia the Sphere. The Pil
grimage of T bonus Paine and other to the 7th circle
ia the spirit world, by Rev. C. Hammond. ALSO A.
J. Darts' works, comprising hi tut work, called the
PENETRALIA: being Harmonica I answer to impor
tant question. ALSO Mr. French and Mrs. Mettlcr's
Clairvoyant Medicine. F. S. HOLLAND,
Agent tbr the Spiritual Telegraph."
Oregon CHy, Oct. 14. 186. 13U Bower Natraery.
PFRSONB wishing to avail themselves of the oppor
tunity of otaaining good fruit will And it uoch to
their advantage to call upon the uaoersigned at hi
nursery upon the Willamette river, six mile above Cor
vallis. upon the Una Countv side. My -tree are of the
most thrifty growth, and of the beat variety to be found
upon this coast.
Coiiie and sea them if yon doot purchase. -
39tf WM.McILREE.
HolMor Prcocata.
1ALL and bay soon at the Book Store. Oregon City.
Oreroa CRT. Dee. T. KA. 40tf
W. Jk.CMSIA n n? IJ-f.
TAX receipt Ma aw fr-e sale at the Stateaman office,
at II pet hundred.
Uerl Ptlnlein, or iwk Oil, ,
CELEBRATED for its wonderful Cars tire Power.
A Nrntmrol Jtnfy, procured from a well In Al
tcghany Co., pa., four hundred feet below the earth's
surface. Pot an and sold by SAMUEL M. KIKR. Canal
Basin, Seventh Street. Pittsburgh. Pa.
The healthful balm from Nature' secret spring,'
;i t The bloom of health and life to man will bring ; .
As from her depths the magic liquid flows,
Ta oalat our anuerings and asmuge our woes.
The Petroleum has been fullv teted. It was n laced
before the public a a remedy of wonderful efficacy.
Kvery one not acquainted with It virtues, doubted its
neaiing properoea. Tne cry or nnmhng was raised
against it. It had some Irieiid those that were cured
through it wonderful agency. - These spoke out In its
favor. The lame, through its instrumentality, were
mad to walk the bHnd, to see. Those who bsd sufler-
d ror rear under the torturing pain or Rheumatism,
Goat, bearalgia, were restored to health and naefulne.
Several who were blind have been made to ace. the evi
dence of which will be placed before you. If you still
have doubts, go and ask those who have been cured !
Some of them live in our midst, and ran answer for
themselves. In writing about a medicine, we are aware
that weabeold write TVata that we should make no
that rennet be proved. We have the wit-
: crowd or them, who willtratifv In terms strong
er than w eaa write them, to the efficacy of this reme
dy; who will testify that the Petroleum has done for
them what no medicine ever could before : raves that
were pronounced bopeleiw, and beyond the reach of re
mediate mean : rases abandoned by physlrian of un
questioned celebrity, have been made to exclaim. thi
i the njost wonderful remedy ever discovered !' We
will lay before you the certllirate of some of the mot
remarkable cases : to give them all, would require more
apace than would be allowed by this circular. Since
the Introduction of the Petroleum, many physician
wen amnma of lis emcacy, ana now recommend
tt in their practice ; and we have no doubt that it wilt
tand at the head of the ltt of valuable remedies. If
the physician do not recommend H, the people will
have Iter themselves: for R tranrendnt power to
heal teiff and amsf become known and appreciated :
when the voices of the cured speak out : when the cure
thesnselrss stand out In bold relief, and when he who
for year baa aunered with the tortures and pang of an
Immedicable lesion, that has been shortening hi days,
and hastening him to the narrow house anoointed
ror all the U ring when he upeaka nut in it praise, who
win onnni 1 ne retroienm is a natural Itemed r : It
is put ap a tt flow from the bosom of the earth, with'
out any thing bring added to or taken from Hi
lt get tt ingredients from the beds of substances
which passe over ia its secret channel. Tliey are
blended together in such a form a to defy all human
corn petition. The Petroleum In thi respect is like Min
eral Waters, whose virtues In most chronic diseases are
acknowledged, not only by physicians, bnt by the com
munity at large. The ainenlsr fluids flowing out of
the earth, impregnated with medicinal ultanees of
different properties, and holding them m such complete
solution a to require the aid of Chemistry in order to
detect tbrm, hear- ample proof to the fact that Ibey are
compounded by the master hand of Nature, for the alle
viation of human mitrcriug and dicA-e. If lYtmlcoin is
tnetMrine at all. it is a good one. for Nature never half
does her wort ; snd that it Is a medicine of uneqnaled
power, we have the ninat abundant testimony. It will
be ued when tunny of the new remedies now In vogue
will have been forgotten forever. It will continue to be
used and spplie.l a a remedy a long as man continue
to be ahiictcd with di-ea-e. 'That it will cure every dis
ease to which we are lialdc, we do not pretend ; but
that it will cure a great many dt-es-te hitherto incura
ble, i a fart which i proven by the evidence ia it fa
vor, lis aicovery is a new era in medicine, and
wilt inure to the health nnd happiness of msn.
Sraort'tA. The Petroleum I a great medicine in
Scrofula and King's Evil, in all those disease having
their origin in a depraved condition of the blood and
other flnid of the body. It will core pain and enlarge
ments in the bones and joints, blotches bile. F.rrie
laa. pimple on the fare, tetter, scald. head ring-worm,
and the various skin disrates. It has cured numerous
caes of Mirumnti'on. Neuralgia, Gout. Ar. Several
case of im of ye' rtanding. have hern en
tirely cured. A woman in Franklin l'o., r. wa
cured of rheumatic flection of seven year' standing :
the disease wa so aggravated a to A nline her to bed
during the greater part or time. She is aow well
and consider herself entirely rotored.
MiscrLi-ANEors Dinerrtoss. No better remedy can
ha found anywhere fr Imrns and scalds, the pain
of which it immediately relieves, and restores the parts
and dispose them to heal. - '
Old Sore and Ulcers will be removed by the daily np
plication and administration of Petroleum.
Worm. In done of fifteen or twenty drops adminis
tered to children of two or three year old. or upward,
two or three time dily. it will remove worm. It is a
certain remedy agaiut Tape W'oroi and Asraride
in grown person, in which cam: the dose must be a tea
spoonful. Bronchitis and Athma can be relieved by the Petro
leum. The digressing cough, night sweat., and diffi
culty of brcatbiog.arc removed by it use in a very short
Fever and X roe The Petroleum ha been used in fe
ver and ague with complete success. It mill be found a
certain and effective remedy in that troublesome and un
manageable diaeaxe. Tbe'doae in such case ia a tea
spoonTul in any pleasant vehicle every three hour, la the
absence of the" fever.
Tooth -ache. A few drops dropped on cotton, and
placed ia the cavity of the aching tooth, will relieve it
Croup. By saturating a flannel cloth with the Petro
leum and applying it to the neck and breast, it will give
immediate relief.
It is also an in vahuMe remedy in tlw different forms of
Scarlet Fever to be ned locally. e in caes of croup.
Neuralgia, in its various kinds, I eured by the free ap
plication along the painful tract of nerve. In that pe
cies of neuralgia denominated spinal irritation the IV
troleniB has given permanent relief, by rubbing with
it night and morning.
Corn. For eorn thi remedy ha been ued with com
plete saceeiv: the plan of n-dng it i to saturate a piece
of cotton with the Petroleum, and tie it upon the Corn.
T he com should be red down every two or three days,
and the Petrolrarn applied until all the hardness
has been absorbed.
DtaBTTtovs for the internal and local administration
of the Petroleum. Diarrtwi. The d-ise in this disease
ia a tea-spoonful every third boor until the purging
ceases. In old chronic cases, it will only be necessary to
take the medicine three times a day.
Pile. The mode of admini-rtretton In PHe i to give
the Petmlenm three time a d.iy internally, and apply
twice a day rxb-rnalty. to the tumor. Where the Piles
are of long standing and much hardened, n Jrachm of
Iodine may he added to each bottle, to be used as a local
application. When the Piles are internal the Petroleum
hould be Injected with a yriure into the rectum.
uearne. ITip u-n dpps iup tne ear at ueo-t ime aaa
stoa the ear with cotton or wnL Tb ear (hould be
syringed out with and aude of catiU) uap and warm
water, twice a worv.
For Bora and Scalds., Apply the Petroleum freely
over the burnt or scalded part. In disease of the
Madder and kidney, the dose li a tea-spoonful three
time a day.
For old Sore and UWr. Apdy the Petroleum morn
ing and at bed lime. Keep the r or ulcers clean, by
washing them dsilr with castile oap and warm water.
Ir nr aore and inflamed eyes. Tne retro! cam should be
applied two or three time a day to the fleeted ere and
a drop or two he allowed to get under the lid. Where
there is a (crottulou tendency it must ! taken inter
nally, in doars of a tea-poonful. three times a day.
For Cough. Colds. Bronchitis and Consumption The
dose is a tea-spoonful, to be given three time a dav.
In Cholera Moriw, give a tea -spoonful every hour un
til the vomiting and purging ceae.
in l(lietfmatim. neuralgia. raMT, ionrraction oi me
Umb and Joint. and White Ssrefling. The Petroleum
is to be freely rubbed on the affected porta at least twice
a day with a flannel rag. and. if convenient, before
a warm fire. It should also be given internally, in doaea
of a tea-spoonful, three time a day.
ror sale at the tNilctn lirug More, nv
May. 13-Otf. i W. K. 84 ITH A CO.
GralYrMbcrt; MetJlclaiea.
RAFFKXBEKG Sarmiparilla. Uterine CatholWn.
Pvientery Svmp, Consump. Dalm.
- Pile Ointment,
- Health Hitter.
Eye Uttion, Ae Ac
To be found t the Agency of the Company at
w. K. r-xi l rl 1. 1. n.
It. TOWNSKND S Sarsanerilla, at
9 W. K. SMITH CO. S.
CLANK'S celebrated vcrmifiige and liver pill, at
a n. n. pxirn a. iu. o.
R. OS;OOD'S India Cholagogne. and Dr. Jones'
American Chotagopne, at W. K. SMITH A CO. S.
Ik rOFFATS life pill and bitters, and Bernard's dya-
ItJ. eatery syrup, and WUtar's balsam of wild cherry,
at - 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
TL J. AYRKS'relehraled cherry iwcUHral. for coughs.
colds, and consumption, at W. K. SMITH & CO.'S.
EXICAN Mustang Linamcnt, G. W. Merchant'
-i: ti .. . u- L- titllTU f.
) L'KK White l-ead. raw and burned Umber, Chrome,
Green aad Yellow and other paint, at
.9 W. K. SMITH A CO."8.
PAYNE'S alternative, expectorant, and pill, cod liver
I oil, castor oil, sweet oil, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
rAYNK8 carminative balsam. A fine remedy for
dysenteries, Summer Corny
iplaints, I1 lux, Ac, at
PAYNE'S Uair Tonic, at
AURY'S TU1COPHEROU8, fur sale, at .
CAItP.VS Aooustic oil: a sure cure for deafness; for
nie a j . v.on a vv.o.
JACKSON'S Pile ointment and Tetter Emhrocatiuo.a
sure cure for the above diseases; at
9 w.jv.SMITIIfcCO.'S.
USilTON'SCod liver oil, for consumption, for sale
at 9 ' . K. SMITH CO.'S.
PETBOLUM, or o k oil, jot received, and" for sale at
9 W.K.8MITHACO.-8.
CHROMB YeDow. Prussian Blue. Drop Blacks,
Lamp Black, Paint Brushes, and Candy, at
.9 ' W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
VANDYKE Brown, raw Umber, burnt Umber, T. D.
Leaaer, Gold, Leaf, Silver Leaf, and Bronzes, at
V w. n. DJtim cs vuo.
LINSEED oil, spirit turpentine, alonhnl, aad tooth
brushes, at 9 W, K. SMITH CO. S.
taltki laie..
SnUoitors ia Clsaocery. CorvalU O. T. -i.
a. RMtra. Sltf n.o. apk.
I. W. Kitchell,
A TTOBtfEY And counseuir At Law, eu-
A. gene City. Lane Conntp, O. T. ,
. : oirfieal.
MmASEfl OP THE EYE. Corvallis. Oregon.
September 13, 1A5A. . .1 ZitmO
tSS r.-Jllfl jUtVrtiallf AfMKf t J
LP. FI8HFR. Irna bunding, opposft Pacific Express
tMace, uprtair. Files of all the principal Papers of
California and Oregon may be found at this office. Mr.
Fbher i the authorised Agent for the Statesman.
' Chnler N. Terrft '
wiissiooer of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac
knowiedaTnetil. Ae Ac for Iowa, Indiana, Missouri,
Michigan, California and Washington Territory, l-et-trrs
of Attorney, and all other Instrumenta of writing,
drawa on short notice.
n Particular attention paid to taking deposition,
collection of Note. Account. Ac, Sltl
' loiic fc KeEwii, . .
jTV licftor in Chancery, Proctors, Ac, in Admiralty,
Portland, Oregon.
W. I. Fimr,
licitor in Chancery and Admiralty. Office on Front
street, next door north of Stark t Port land, Oregon.
Iirilig ft 6rtrer
Solicitors ia Chancery. Office near the Court-house.
Sslem, O.T. .
Bfo. I. liril, i
Solicit" In Caancery. will practice in the various
court of O rattan and "A ashmgtoa Territories. Office,
Salem, O.T. k-"- -- -
, Mim Imith,
Solicitor ia Chancery, will promptly attend to all
business pertaining to his professtoa in the first Judicial
District, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon.
Office. Albany, Linn County, O. T.
N. B. Whea not at his omce, or absent on profes
sional business, he may be found at his re-ddcnce, five
miles south-east of Albany, on what ia known a the
-Grand Prairie."
- W, 8, Brock,
Solicitor in Chancery, will practice ia the various
courts ia tbis Territory, and prontptlv attend to the col
lection of all claims against ths United States, through
an efficient agent residing at Washington .CHy. Office
in Eugene CHy. Lane County, O. T.
fU K. Strottofa,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, wilt practice in the various
court of southern Oregon, and in the Supreme
Court of the Territory.
Orrica in Deer Creek. Douglas county, O. T. Resi
dence 0 miles north of Winchester, on the Willamette
N. B. Bounty Land Warrant obtained for claimant
on reasonable terms. 13 tf
A J.THAYER, fiornrjoao' CcNtMsHm- at Low. and
fhtirittnr m Ckonrrr. Office over J. C. Avery'
Store, Main SL. Corvallis. IGtf
Chatftwlck At Glbbs,
in Chancery. Ac. Office at Winrhe-ter snd
Gardiner. S. F.Cbaowick, Winchester. Douglas, Co,,
O.T. A.C.Guaa, Gardiner, Umpqna Co., O.T.
Nov. 9, lSo. 35 tf
TATCHMAKER. Salem. Repairing prompt-
V ly and neatly done.
TJ. WRIfiHT A Pi. B. STONE, having associated
together in ptactire, respectfully tender their ser
vice to the peopte of Benton snd Linn desiring to se
cure the favor of the afflicted by sucrea cm. Office
near J. f.. Avery store, uorvaliia. ziiypara
William A. UoMldrr,
TE ACHER of French and English, French Prairie,
Marsm county, O. T. ly?
1. I. IlllOf.
Designs, plans spec ilk at ions, Ac, rurnished en
reasonable term. .
a. a. colb. a, o. aiaXASsaa. . nmm
Co (."lltiuifltr, k Co. An ret a it. dealers .v
IVillloaa-i C. Grlawolcl ft Co.,
ItJ. w. c. bsiswold, lltf c. s. woopwoitra.
Kuftrne Cltjr.
GRACE K. LAWRENCE, Proprietor of the Engene
City Hotel. IMI.
Mcdlrol Notice.
THE subscriber, would inform the inhabitant that he
i at bis old stand, ready to attend to all calls in
hi profession ; also he has on hand a well selected
tock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well
anrted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose
of on reasonable term. W. WARREN.
Salem December 1, 1856. 3-tf
IV. B. Mason, M. D.
PHYSICIAN aad Surgeon. Office in my new build
ing, on Main street, two door north of Dr. J. S.
Mclteenr's re-proof building ; where I will be round
when not professionally engaged. I will keep constant
ly on hand a fresh wipply of Drugs and Medicine
which I will sell low cash.
Corvallis. lec. 9. 1 KM. : 39tf
Mtdie.l Sottee.
DR. R. W. SHAW, late of Saa Fraaclsra, California ,
offers his professioaal ervire to the citizen fo
Salem t vicinity, nnd respecuiuiy soiicii a snare lo
public favor.
afr Office at Reed and Fellow' drag store.
I4y R. W.SHAW.
W. Jicktoi, H.
Campbell k Pratt.
ATTORNEYS AT LAW. Saa Francisco. California.
Office, corner Montgomery and Sacreraento streets,
over Parrot A Co. Bank.
Messrs. Camplieli A Pratt have lately removed from
Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all buinc
entrusted to their rare. 3IO
A lex as pica CaaraaLt. O. C. Paarr.
Jowpk R. PrtuoU.
arsr sr.. oaaoox cirr.
KAt.F.R in Family Groceries, Boots. Shoes, Ac. aad
Paint and Oils, wholesale and retail. .
July 7. IBM. IMf
F. 8. 4 S. Mllld,
and Shoes, Crockery, Books, Stationery, Ax, Main
rareet, f iregon K,nj.
'. ATToaxar Axo cot-KatcLLon, ' .
US. Supreme aad other Courts. Office Eugene
City, Lane County, Oregon Territory. Also
Commissioner oT Deeds for New York, Connecticut, Ac.
August 16, I .-, 14U
WILLIAM F. HKSHFIKLD, Chronometer and
Watch maker. Oregon City, lis removed to
the bnildina iustoooositetothe Main-street House.
where he can be vonstantly fonnd prepared to do any
business in his line. Watches cleaned and repaired on
short notice and reasonable term. Also a choice lot of
watches and Jewelry for sale. -;.::..
March S. UM. 151
S. llauamlltoia, M. J
T-anVRiriAir AMD SURGEON, would respec.tfullv
A announce to the good people of Douglas and the ad
joining onnntiea. that be ha located permanently at
llcer Creek ror tne parpnae practicing meuicine, and
: Lt.i. r.. -i I .in r.iikrnl ... i;.t. .ia
n w men pnmwm. w w .. . r w.
duties, and apsre no pain to reader the patient easy
and comfortable. -
Orrica opposite K. H. Dearnera vo.m store, oa
Maia street.
Drug aad Patent Medicine for sale at Ana rsu art
re. " - , 41tf
Wells, Farco, Co
Co.. in connection with their Express business, will
alao transact a general gzcwnwg sasd CtHtetkm Burn
a. Collect and Remittances made in all parts ol
Oregon, Calirjraia4ba. Atlantic States, and Europe, with
promptneas aad deftck. Dust, Gold and Silver Coin
and Bullion, bought and asidV -
Rivht Rvehanee on JVf0 rvw, Atssfon. PaauaViBAta.
Albmmm. KorhtMrr, Duffimlm, Krit, Cltvthmd, DHroit,
. J . . . - . , . i lm m - ...
Cnteaga. jnusmnurtc, ow. . jmum, uuns(,
Cmeoutoti, and forty other priacipal townn in the Atlan
tic States and the Caaada, may be bfocured at any of
our offices. WELLS, FAjcGO, A CO.
114, Montmery-Ktreet, San Francisco
JAMES O'NEILL, -if gent.
June IMS. - ... .-. ;. .
r' YOU WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the
undersigned have got 15.000 pounds best " COSTA
RICA." Come in snd look at it.
Oregon CHy, Dec. , 1
KeTOB-rt Daferreatoi
THE undersigned having recently re turned from Saa
Francisco. I now prepared to take those beautiful
Picture oOta called MB R OT YPB8 trbtca have
almnot entirety superceded the Daguerreotype far the
Kaetand Saa Kraacisco.
: Gallery in the new building, cractee? isperiafy or lat
Ihuuwss, west of the Marion House.
Salem, November 11, 1S50. SStf
Stuart's Express
, ' won.
Champotg, Silem, Albair and Corralli,
On WEDNESDAY, and on...
AastvAL or Mail Steames raou San Fbahcisco ! !
nr AH letter, Packages and Freight, entrusted to
my care will be sttended to promptly, - j
OFFICE At Franklin Book Store.
December 3. 1.'.6. A. B. STUART. .
StoTeo, StoTeo, Tin Ware.
THR nnderdgned, respectfully notifies the citizens of
Unn County and Territory of Oregon that be ha
permanently located in Lebanon, and is prepared tosell
the following articles, as cheap as any establishment
ia the Territory, viz:
Copper, Brittania, Iron and Wood Wares of all kind,
and Am other aria too nnroeroni to mention.
He U al-w prepared to attend to all fobbing in the
almve brandies on nbort notice and iu a workman-like-manner.
My motto is iink-k sale and small profit.
Ijrhanon. Linn I 'o O. T. 3-tf
fTMIE Judj.'es of the Supreme Court of the Territory of
X. Oregon. atMeinbled at the seat isT Government on
the lth d.iv of December, l-wii, do fix and appoint
District Courts to be held in the rity of Salem. In the
county of Marion, on toe Hrt Monday of April aad
September, and the fourth Mondays of " Jlsy and Octo
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered : and iu tne city
of Portland, in the county of Multnomah, on the firth
Monday, of December, 1h&0, and thereafter on the first
Mondays of May and October, and the third Mondays
of June and November, annually, until otherwise order
ed. and do limit the duration of said Terras to six days
each. GEO. H. WILLI AMS. Chief Justice.
41 CYRl'S OLNEY. Associate Ju-tice.
Notice. .
I have appointed E.J. Harding Clerk of the District
Court for the firnt Judicial Ihitrict, and be has ap
pointed Iepoties a follows :
Clackamas,.... F.S. Holland.
Yamhill Geo. H. Steward,
Polk,. Lucien Heath.
Benton- T.H. B. Ode Deal.
I.ane E. F. Skinner.
Linn, John II. Line.
December 1. 1856. 41
Food for the Mind.
YES we have plenty of it among which are some of
the most prominent work. Bymn, Shakespeare,
Button, Josephu. Moore's, Benton's 30 years, Arthur's
works. IJfe of Napoleon. Henry Clay and ether great
men; alo Fowler and Well's publications, wherein we
are taught how to preserve health by tracing cause to
effect. Alo works on, such aa Prnf. Hare.
Kdmond. Talraadgre, Harris, and A. J. Davis, the star
the of age.
We also have all bind of blank Book and stationery
in general. In fact we intend to "keep all kind mf fimd
for (Ac smnf . and intend to keep posted, and want our
many readers to keep np with us o be sure and give
us a call . one aad all . at the sign of the book "tore, main
street. Oregon City. IIOMr.R HOLLAND ft CO.
Oregon rity. Dec 7. 1V,. totf
fTtHE judges of the Supreme Court, of the Territory of
M. Oregon. a"emoled at tne seat of l.oTCrnmenl on
the ninth dsy of Jsnuary. eighteen hundred and Ofty
sevea. do fix and appoint District Court, to be held in
village of Roaeliarg. in the countv of Douglas an tbe
first M'mdr.of March. May, September and Novem-
ber, annually, until otherwise ordered, and do limit the
duration of said term to six davs each.
GEO. II. WILLIAMS. Chief Jnstace.
lltf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice.
Ib.ce appointed Jame M. Pyle. Clerk of tbe District
Court for the third Judicial'District and he has ap
pointed deputies as follows :
Jackson- i John B. Sifers.
Umpqua Wm. It. Spencer. '
Coos... Wm. Romanes.
Currv R. II. Smith.
Josephine Joseph Spear. '
44tf M. P. DEADY, Associate Justice.
aoEBT A. law. r roue.-OT. Portland. Oregon.
Reynolds As, Law.
"IT7H0LE3ALE Grocer and Commiwon Merchants
t V and dealers in Orrgrm iVerfnce, corner Kearny
and Jai'kaon btreets.San r rancisco.
tr Adeance made on Consignments.
M- Refer to J. FAILING A C0-. Portland.
43mpaid .
Tax Receipt Blaatita.
TCST orinted ot the Statesman office a large supply
l of Tax Receipt Blanks, after an improved form.
price, one dollar per hundred, uruer oy man. aeon
panied with the cah. will be filled by return of mail.
cillk or oiekMtt! Caoom Bctwcci Thrm.
THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone,
muscle, gland and Bore in the human rrame. When
pure, it secure health to every organ ; when corrupt, it
necessarily produces disease. HOI.LOiVArs
PILLS operate directly apon the elements of tbe
stream of life., neutralizing the principle of disease,
aud thus radically curing the malady, whether located
in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowel, the
muscle, tbeakia, the brain, oranysther part of tbe
ystem. . . .
Holloway's Pill are equally efficacious in complaints
common to the whole human race, and in disorders pe
culiar to certain climate and localities.
Dyspepsia, and derangement of tbe liver, the son roe
of infirmity and sulfering, and the cause of innumera
ble deaths, yield to these curatives. In all eases, howev
er aggravated, acting aa n mild purgative, alterative
and tunic ; they relieve the bowels, purify the fluids, and
invigorate the system and the constitution of the same
i . PIMINTS. , .
When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing
properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking
nerves and euftebled muscles of tbe victim of general
All irregularities and ailment incident so tbe deli
cate and enitive organs of the sex are removed or
prevented by a few dosea of these mild, but infallible
alterative. No mother who regards her own or ber
children' health should fail to have them withia her
The London Lancet," the London Medical Review."
and the most eminent of the raculty in Great Britain,
France and Germany, have eulogised tbe Pills aud their
inventor. r ; ' - ' - -
HOLLO WA ITS PILLS are At bttt mnfy kmmm
m e WerUfar (A fotfowrssr aHaraaes-Asthma Row
ell CompUtnts,tHighs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costive-'
neasi Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy, Debility, Fever and
Ague, Female Complaints. Headaches, Indigestion, In
fluenxa, Inflammation, Inward Weakness, Liver Com
plaint. Lowness of Spirit. Piles. Stone and Gravel,
Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections,, Worms, of
All kinds. - - -" ' ;-' ' - - - '
Sold st the Manufactories of Professor Hoixowat,
80 Maiden Une, New York, Z44 Strand, Loudoa, by all
rcsDeotaMe Druggists and Dealers in Medicine through
out the United State and the civilised world, ia boxes
at 25 cents, 6'H cents, and 01 each.
a?- There ueonaiaeraote saving oy taxiag toe lar
ger sixes.
H. u. uirecuons tor wm guraaoce ot patients lneve
ry disorder are affixed to each box. - 37yl
S ANPS SARSAPARILLA, in any quantity, at
- OackAnia! :-;;.
rptHB ancwrsigaed. bavins; recently arrived from the
JL cttatc. wtxua nouiy ia incua wra
the public In general, that be bas taken tbe old stand
oa Mala Street, Oregon City, and has received since
his arrival, tb followmg goods, which be offer at whole
sale aad retail at the very lowest price for cash, or the
erodace of the country. Tbe goods were all selected
y himself personally, aad are fresh sad good and the
onalitios guarantied. o the parchaser. Among which,
21,000 lb. Liverpool blown salt, in 200 lb. sack,
4,000 " fine tabls salt, ia 10 aad 20 lb sacks
4,000 " N. O. Brown Sugar, ,
4,000 44 China ditto. No. 1,2 aad t,
4,000 " Rio coffee, (fresh.) -
. . ., 100 keg Seth Adamasyrup, S gals each,
. ISO kegs Boston nail, assorted sixes,
U" SO kegs ditto spike, A., 3 aad ia.
; 200 kegs par white lead,
60 kegs assorted colors,
' !'" 300 gats, boiled oil, in S gal. cans,
i r. 100 " : spirit turpentine, ditto.,
20- copal and furniture varnish,
'20 Neat's foot oil,
- 35 boxes sperm candles, ;
;' 50 " adamantine ditto, ....
100 aardines,
- ':- 50 kegs and bexe aleratus, '
' 10 "-. pureooda, -
- 10 boxes cream tartar.
100 bxs. "Colgates" A No. 1 Brown soap.
, 19 banket sweet oil,
. 5 boxes castor oil,
10 bhls east Boston and Stewart's crushed sugar
50 kegs tar, S gsls. each,
. 100 boxes German glass, superior quality assor
ted sizes, . , ;
50 Ihs gum camphor,
- 30 p'ka Imperial gun powder and Oolong tea.
Together with a general assortment of Family Gro
ceries. Also, a large assortment of paints or all colors
and degrees: dry or in oil. and a aplended assortment of
paint and other broxhes farming tool, among which
are grain cradles. Ac. Ac., Ac. Also, a general assort
ment of boot and shoes.
Also, agent for Folsom's Plough,' manwfactured in
Oregon, and warranted equal of not better than any
imported and at one third to hair less price encourage
home industry. JOSEPH N. PRESCOTT.
July 7th. 1H50. lSf
This Day Received,
T the barke NAHCMKEAG, for sale low for cash
or Country produce.
10 bbt snd hf bid N. O. Sugar.
60 sack China No. 1. sngar. 100 lbs each.
10 doz Oysters (fresh) Baltimore in 2 lb cans,
; 2.9 boxes Adamantine candles, 6s, 40 lb ea,
10 do do do - 6's, 20 lb ea,
15 doe boxes Sardines.
25 keg Seth Adam' svrup. ...
5 bbls N. O. and S. W'. svmp.
30 boxes tobacco. "Luke's" "Thomas", "Pride of
the Union" and "Diamond brands",
40 sacks AO's each Rio Green Coffee,
20 gross best matches,
CO doa smoking tobacco,
50 doz gum campher.
5 bbls crushed sugar,
Oregon City. Nov. 25. 156.
At Kngene City. -
THE subscriber bas at Eugene City, one of the best
general assortment or Dry Good. Groceries, Hard
ware. Boots aad Shoes, and ail articles kept in a gene
ral finding store, to be fonnd in Oregon. He is con
'tantlv rreeiving freh additions to bis stock, and al
wav keep R up. My good are now all received direct
from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. All
kinds of farmer's prod nee received in exchange for goods
I pay higher price for produce, and aell goods cheaper
than any other store ia tbe Territory. -
Eog -ne City, Jnlv 1 , 1856. 16tf
Dry Goods,
CifC Yards brown sheeting, assorted;
& I jJ 12.10 yard bleached sheeting. assorted;
2500 yd bro Drilling, a'd Yellow Flannel,
1-JOo vd Ticking, do Opera do
1321 yds Prints. k Silk Warp Flannel,
177 yd Alpacca, do Imitation do do
1296 yds Jaconet cambrics, Sattinett and Jeans,
Dress Cambric, Linen Ginghams-
Paper do do Check,
Moreen. Oil Silk,
Embossed Piano Covers, - Fancy Dress Silks,
do Table do Wrought Muslins,
Drapery, assorted, Bonnet Ribbons,
Gingham. Velvet do
lied Flannel, Crape.
Blue do I-adies" Gauntlets,
White do Gent's do
Comprising one of the best stocks of Dry Goods in
22tf For sale by GRISWOLD A CO.
yfT kegs Nail, asst'd.
O Cut Spikes,
Brad-bead Nails,
Spear A Jackson'a Saws.
Door Locks.
Strap Hinges,
Gate do
Sad Irons,
lathing Hatchets.
Familv Grindstones,
Butts and Screws,
Mill Files,
Parker's Coffee Mills,
Collins' Axes,
f Waffle Irons, '
Drawing Knives,
Shingle Shaves,
Lead and Caps-
AST Boston Syrup, Apples and Peaches,
Sngar, apices.
Coffee. Ttacco,
Green and Black Tea, "soap.
r ED tXD TURPENTINE, Unseed Oil. Tanners
I J Oil. Sperm Oil. ?7tf GRISWOLD A CO.
OOFS AND SHOES 23 Cases, assorted.
LITE ruled Cap Paper; White ruled Cap Paper,
Congress letter Taper: carsou s wove ix-ner c aper.
P. A S. blue laid do do; P-V S. white laid do do;
White Rath Gilt letter Paper.'s Fens. 303. 44. 73o: Blank Books,
Slates and Pencils, Black and Red Ink.
RON All sixes.
"LOTHING 212 pairs Pants, assorted: 150 Coats,
as o; o.. m- ...
alL a full assdrtmeat of Gent's Furnishing Goods.
Salem Market. - .
THK uhcrn-r. proprietor of tbe Sslem Market, ia
the center Of the town,ieappy to inform the pub
lie that be keeps constant!? oa band a supply of all the
varieties of meats, freb and pickled. He tkh. the
various kind of vegetables in their season. Beer will
he sold a follow: Fore quarters. cents per lb., hind
quarter 10 cent; and if yon want a choke piece, I shall
charge yon a tit a pound. .
AU kinds or farmer s produce and grain received in
exchange for meats. THOMAS CROSS.
Salem. July 7, 1S56. ltf
OiTfOi Hd California fatkft Lilt.
THE following vessels will von in connec
tion as a REOUIAR UXE between
Sow AT-aweiaro and Porltmti :
BARIC OCEAN BIRD, Wioon.-s. Master,
" CHAS. DEVENS, Hkalt.
" NAHUMK'E AG, yru.lAMS. "
BRIG I. B. LUNT, Ricbabdsox,
The Barks have all been coppered recently, and are
ia first rate order, commanded by experienced captain.
FrtighU will be carried at fe Anr rales.
Produce sent from any part of the country to Oregon
City or to the Linn City Work, will be received aad
forwarded to San Francisco.
Oregon City.
San Francisco.
November, ft. 1M6. 3ttf
Coreallis Warehouse, Ho. L
am prepared to store produce, and will attend to re
reiving and forwarding the same.
Orleans Warehouse.
OPPOSITE Corvallis. We are prepared to store nro
duce, and will attend to receiving and forwari:ig
the same. 33tf WORTH A BRO.
Snrjfoni and Pkytielatt
HAYING rendered service ia the 1st Regiment O. V.
V. are requested to render a full report to this of
fice a soon as practicable, of all expenditures, employ
ee. Ac, as it is desirable to wind optbe business of the
Medical Department. Address K. w. Shaw. Assistant
Surgeon General, Surgeon General's office, Salem.
Nov. 1. 1856. ; Sttf .
... Strayed,
FIOM tbe subscriber, a portion of his stock,' marked
and branded aa follow: Crop off tbe left ear, and
-wallow-fork in the right, 17. brand. Anv person know
ing the whereabouts of cattle bearing this brand aad
marks, will be properly rewarded by sending me infor
Lane county. Aug. 7. 105a. ' 22tr
War Claiaws.
XJOTICE is hereby given, that I will be at the seat of
X government w - - j . -
to anena si " "el". . " ,-,
claim growing out of the Indian war. and coming with
in my duties. P. CALLENDER.Com'r.
IJecemoer i, .
. IaOs Angelos Salt.
SALT 300 bags Los Angelos Salt, received, per Ni
humkeag, and for sale at lowest rate.
CHAIRS--100 Chair tor sale cheap, by
ACON wanted at
"tANDLES, Soap, Starch, Intipo. snd Tobacco, at "
O . . . - W. K. SMITH A CO.'S.
DRUGS, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dyestatn, at
, ; W. K. SMITH A CO.'s.
ytOUNTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at the
Store ax 4 Tint Ware EstablishnMent.
STRANG respectfuHy notifies the citizens of Salem,
I and public generally that be keeps on hand in hi
fw building. Main st-.everv nattern of CaJmr. fWla.
t.end IMicr STOVES general assortment of
TIN WARE, of every descrintion and all artJfdea
usually found in a tin shop and store, all of which w 1
be sold as cbesp as at any other establishment ia a
All orders for jobbing promptly attended to.
tf .J. STRANG.
Allan At Lewit,
Cro. Akeraelby k Co.,
larrnethr. Hark t Co.,
Kj San Francisco. Cal will attend to seUina Oreeaa
produce, and fill orders for Goods, Groceries. Ac, at tfew
lowest rate. The patronage of tbe people of Orrgsa
is respectfully solicited.
Aogust I. IK55. 31tf
Allam. McKinUr. m. C
T Wholeale ftnil IimUm rw fiuj. n
eerie , Hardware, Ac, Oregoa City, O.T.
wc. in.i. 40yl
Water Rasas.
FJR SALE Two water rams, with lead pipe aad fx
tores complete. JAMES STRAJiG.
Salem. March 10th. 1S56- tf.
Allan, McKlnlay, At Co.,
HATE just received a stock of Mew Goods, aad
would invite all those who wish to procure GOOts
article at reasonable prices, to call aad aee tbeau Tbey
consist in part of the following:
Grindstone. Canal and Wheel hnvn,
Grain Cradle. Fancy Brooms,
Grass (tcytnes and snaus, ruin do
Brush do - do
Assorted C Colored Pail.
16 so Harrows, 23 teeth
Painted Tubs,
Zine Washboards,
Blacksmith's Bellows,
Croas-eut Saws, T ft
do ft
MiB Saws. 7 ft
Hair Mattraases, don We,
do single.
Hair Bolsters, double,
do magi.
Sperm Candles,
Adamantine do..
Grape brand Tobacco,
Garden Rakes,
do Hoes,
do Spade.
Polished Shovels,
Hay Forks.
Manure Forks,
W indow Glass 8 by 10
do 10 by 12
do 7 by 9
Window Sashe 8 !v 10
do 10 bir II
Ox Bows and Yokes.
umcKK oo
Blanket. Baize. Lindseys. Sheeting. Tick. AeAe.
We keep constantly on hand a large supply of GRO
cles too numerous to mention.
Oregon Cftv. Jitf
Books! Books!
WJ K. SMITH A CO. have jm received the lsrgest
VV . and bet selected Stock of BOOKS ever offered
for sale in Slem, consisting, in part, of the following
POETIC A L WORKS White's, Collin', Gray's Top
per's. Beatrie's, Scott's. Young's. DavidMns. Croly s,
Crabbe,Shakspeare"s. Cowper ', Coleridge. Heman,
Burns'. Pollok'a. Shelley's, Mowrtt's, Montgomery's,
Campbell's, Pope's. Moore', Wordsworth, Osriaa's,
Thompson's. Milton's, Byron, Cooke', Goldsmith,
ott's. Youatt on the Horse. Allen's Stable Book. Hind's
Farrier, liowning. Barry, Thomas. Blake, Mason's Far
rier. Stewart and Skinuer. Saxtoa and Ctater.
BIOGRAPiliESWashinrton's. Jackson's. Scott',
Taylor, Marion's. Bonaparte's, Seward'. Louis Nspa
leon's. Mozart's, Lives of the Presidents. Mary Ooeea of
Scots, Henry VIII and his Six Wives. Hai i nou'. La
fayette's. Sara H-iuetoa's. Henry Clay. Kosjiuth'. J.
Q. Adams'. Daniel Boone. ShaKspeare's. Dean Swift's,
Humboldt's. Bbbop Hedding's, Lrves of tbe Popes, J. K.
Finley's. Roberts'. Newton s. Wesley's. Fletcher's, La
martines Celebrated Characters, and many others.
HITORIESRoilin's Ancient History. Rasseirs
Modern Europe. Gibbon Rome, Rottech's History T
the World. Barth's History of the World. Willard's His
tory of tbe World. B-Ttta's American Revolutioa, Macau
lev History of England. 4 voht, D'Aubigne' History
of the Reformation, i vols Peterson' Lnited StaAes
Saw. Ac.. Ac.
Craad' Encyclopedia, Smitb'sClas-ucal Dictionary. Lat
in and Greek Lexicon and Readers. Virgil, Homer,
Zenophon. Josepha. Dick's Work. Maury's Geography,
or the Sea. Wesley's Sermons. Smith's Sacred Annate.
Harper's Universal Gazeteer. Dwight s My tholngy . Lard
ner's Iecture. Goldsmith Animated Nature. Wood's
Natural Htorv. Gnno's Domestic Medicine. WiPis
Prnse Works. Sterne's Prose Works. Mrs- Ellis' Prsaw
Work. Downing Conn try House. Banders Guide.
Webster's Dictkmsry. all sixes, Davie' and Peck's
Mathematical Dictionary. Farmer and Planters' En
cyclopedia. Thackeray's Pendennis. Unn Quixotte, Gil
Bis. Cosmos. Bielow's Cseful Arts, Cre's Dictionary.
Hngh Miller Old Red Sandstone, Ac. Ac.
ers. Sander's Readers. McGreffees Reader. Cobb's
Readers. Gift Book for Children and Tooth. Also,
Works on Geology. Physiology. Chemistry. rbBosophy,
Government. Anatomy. Mineralogy. Oratory. Mathe
matics. Debating. Medicine. Theology. Temperance.
Rhetoric. Grammars. Geographies, Arithmetic. Antra
nomv. Travels. Works of Humor. Ia short, every thing
usually found in a Book Store.
Store opposite the Hohnaa House, er tbe Steam
Landing. ntf
BACM A BROTHER have removed to their SFear
Store next door to J. Straag'a Stove eatabfiahmeat
They have just received a general assortment of Dry
Goods. Ctothiag-, Hats and Caps. Boots aad Shoes,
Groceries, Crockery, Ac. which he oner fur cash of
N. B. Wanted Butter. F-gff. Rccm. Lf !. Floor. sad.
Wheat, for which they pay tbe hignest market price.
Salem. July 19. 15, f
Bm At, Brotker,
owwaaile fbs
the MetfwnRg
J? Hotel, dealers ia Dry Goods, Clothiag, Hats, Boot
ana anoes. t.rocenes, gc
N. B. All kinds of produce tatea in exebaage fW
saerchandise at the highest market price. IStf
QcASTKn Mastkb Gkxkbal's Orrsrg, ft
Salem, O. T-, June It, ls5. f
ALL persons having demand against the Quarter
Master Dep't of Oregoa Territory, are requested to
present their claim for adjustment, at the diOerrat ok
ces, at their earliest convenience.
lttf Quarter Master General. O. T.
Take Notice.
OW offered for sale at the store of the aaderaigae
lisi eraie iroeaery.
11 M lbs. White Sngar.
liSOO lbs. superior Browa Saaar,
leOO lbs. S-1. Sugar, ia kegs. -in
kegs Syrup.
100 boxes Soap,
25 bags Coffee,
10 cases pride onion Tobacco,
100 do. wool Socks,
1500yds. Prints,
' 3000 " " damaged.
400 pieces silk HasMlkerehiefa.
50 boxes Sale rata.
1 case Honey,
10 boxes Tea. very cheap.
3P0 yds. low pries I insey.
I.i" yri. Catpet.
JC yds. Merinos,
lo nales Gnnney,
40000 lbs. Liverpool SaM.
Oregon City Oct. 1. 156. 30tf
Statesman Book and Jok OfB-.
YTTEhave Three Presses, the best facilities for BoesT
V w F f-l; . .
s v prmiMi. v, -m nu,uj.( . mm gxxsnaivs) as
sortment of Jobbing M atbxi al of every kind ; aad , with
master workmen, are prepared to execute promptly, and
in a workman-like manner, all orders ia the above a
pnrtments. such aa t
"WW. JM.AJIK l BTvexa.
PAanrHLXTS, N ores or Hakb.
Haxpsilxs. Oaasa Boocs.
Ball Ticixts, Stkawbo't Bills,
Ctbcclabs. Smmn'T Ciul
IxvrrATioNa. Bills or Laianav
Bcmtsss Cabbs, Caaarmcvas. -
Billobads. Snow Bills,
Concksvt Bills, ' Chscx Books.
Fewiixtn, ' Blx RxcxrrTS,
Adpkess CAans, IHum,
D1.1AS9 Wf ai. mitim, c
1. auDKnwia wm.. nua mcf ss 1S)
contrary, are considered aa wishing to con tin n their
2. II siioecnoersorncT papers aisconuns)ed.nbahera
may continue to send them till all charge ar paid.
3 If istMM-ribers neglect or refuse to taka ttwirBM
from the otSce or place to which tbey ar sent, they ar
held responsible until they settle their bill aad gtve
tice to discontinue theox. ."'
4. If subscriber move to other places without infimania
Publisher, and the paper is seat to the fortacr dlw4
the Publisher, and the paper a seat to the formal
tion, they are held responsible.
.S.-Tneeoar nave necroen snn snag as aaae a c
mmMWI fniw th Affic ne mmrm j -
ing it uncalled for, is prima facia cridenca of iataattoaa.
fraud. ..... , ,
ajr- Postmasters would oblige, by a strict farfllaMat
of the regtiona requiring them ta notify Pah hah era.
ua Stb a4taam SMsad4a ff aBBBaB9sBBat sxflnt asxsKftwb aaaann- aVasA-
office by subscribers