Catalog of B?ok .indliUonerf ; . rK sale it , ' A. It. Shipley'.). Co., . At the City 00 .lor. Hvnt St., PmVand, Oregon. . , .- SCHOOL BOOKS. nttPKRwSandeiV old 1-4, Jd, U, 4th, and All. find lite Young Lidiev't Bnndera' New lt, tel. ad, till and 5tlt: 1'arkerV 1st. 3d, JO, lb and 4th t Me Guffey a H. 11. 3d. 4th and AtU. 1 , BrKLLgns, Sanders' Old, Ha a dun' New; Elem.a- urv: lain. Sander' pictorial, Bchl and Parker'. i IIkiriii milk. Mitchell's. An. lwt anil Modern. ! 'y'., Mor'. M.-Xallvy's, slid Moittstlh's let and 2d lU-.h. ..!.,. , M vthkmitic Arithractica Thomson's. Tallies, Mental, Ansly-d. Practical, and Higher: Dnvles' Pri mary, Intellectual, Hfhl awl University! Smith 'a , l'olourn'4 Hay's Stid.lurja; Davie AlRrbra.- Sur yeylng, (JcomcliT, Prortlual Mitthoaiatlea, Math. IHo tioiiary, Logic of MtUKuunlica, Aaalytkai Uatetry, and Philosophy ,,t Matfcamatk-.. , . ... - t i mnwuri -Umu'-,1'ktrk a -Bull' eAlth'e--r Klrkam's Spencer' Towers. .1 1 ,.(,: :' 1 i rniuMmuiuijrarkr'a-4sl Leesoev JavjU aad rVhoul; CorastitVatnUb'a., . ' t .' t , I Hiatus!). Yihon' J uvrutK, ana Halted BUteat Parley- CiuTtntal Wiliard Universal, and (United KteW. -. ,, ... i. : : . 1 ' Li.jrAor Copper" Virail: Andrew's Letia Rea . del; Virl Kuiu-r: Andrew's Latin Oraanmar;- MctHor . ivVi 1-t an.l id fl,uk ia I .at in, ami do. In Umki An thon Greek l.mTiuntr and JtaaJer; Jtihaann'a Cteeftv Faiullf'a French Grammar end Reader, Woodlmry'a Oetiivin ( and Reader. Trlemaque. Greek Taa ' tauiet; fn-n-li. et-U taught; Sarreane'a French Die. tlonary; Andrew Latin do. L.ddell A Scott Unci do, Aatli n'a Classical da. Smith's do do, . , t i ' lii;rivsait3 WoUT'a .-hxd. High do, Aca wstntc. Uuhcraity, Royal Po, CnaUHJgrd and tVbba' . IVki-t, 1 . - ' Mts'!ct.ljt''.KVti. Vattiiun'a Aatrunntny. ?lrwiaan , CSclonc. Wood'. U-Uur. Kamr'a fcUeaaanta of frtt V l'dt. rirlrr'a Ald ia i'umuuattloa, I'mint't lift ri-. llrurknrld'a l'ompiinm. : Uctlllttt' Touna Anulrxrr. (to. Aoalytti-al Manual. I'atkrr'a Wnra , iluildi-r. ITy!t' Ikiuk Krainng. Warlanda Mnral J'alry Natural TlmdiMty. Blake Arrtttjl- xtbu I'lttiaui 4 lntelirv'tiial rbiluannh-. ; ana Tbutnr Anatomy ami Political VoniT. KitrHcink'a Ih-oI.mtt. 'irrat anty of Bpraker aad iU.vution. All kinda of Ht-houl Btailoo rry; KUu of all aia: lrain Booka; IratBir ranfr; IVrforatrd Card Hoard; IlrUt.d lfaiard; IVacMa anj Itnxbris l'm a Uotoc; iiiiutaada, arj aiae an iiyie, c. Jtc. o ... ... HiStnaT Ititncnit a l uitrd Ktatrx. vnlnm llJdrvlii'it da. do, ft coIubmw. KniKt'a I'h-tnrtal C'attrd ritatr. Tavist 'p d.i, d s x Ifrtta'a Hut. Rrvolnthm. H'U-rt' J . WiKia'a VniUil HlatM. Willard a ov HW. ludiiii WVrj l ultcd St.itra. Wiliard a Unlmxal lli.irtrjr. Mnllfr" do d., ltittr'ka Ufa. World I 9 v.lnm. R.l!lo Ancient lliator)-. . Farr'a d , do. Hime'a tMgland. M.irjulajr'a do., complete. lirkna fTiW do. Unsrd' do. f5:Wmn' Horn. l'Aa M'.ie!ilif rmati m. B V. K. I'lmrclu AtllWa Kamjv, lt and 2d ikrii-. !rei!utt"a Work. Burder'a Hist, o ltelixlona. Hl-t. of Council of Treat. Jo- All of Abtolt'a llHtonA HUtorical Cobinrt Viimw f Snaia. t;oaof SvetUnd. Ilrln'i Span lob i:onvju-t, Krara Hmt.tnr. kiddrra Braiil. Ku la'ik'a Nraxil.'.ct'a irniirprwil. HiMtnry ofCni a.lfV Ancioiit Kii'tiann. M.Ulam' Middle Airae. liuuwr for U.ra. . U n-tr a Child a United tatea. Loir. t Field t-ok or Revolution. i;;a vrnv. riuttrvb'a Un. Ufa Brant. Wh dorl'ul Charat-tera. lireat and lU'bratel baracteni. l.tvefl of the tnera. AutibiiMiraih nf P1nlr. la. luartine'a l'lf!rated Cbar-.cWr. Llfeof Adam Igarka. a! 1 Hi-a r Meadinj. do wubr. do uea. Hanwc do laairl Boune. do Koberw. do lairat-ette. t'ap tain of ibaaaa Remblio and OKI World. Dr. C hal- rutn, Tofcv. Um of Harabol.tta. Mm. Rgera. tasaru nmer. leaner. L.irr ami Timea of Clay; Irviag a Wasiunptoa. Kmiaent MerbaaHv. IJrea of t'hirf Justi.-e. J.Mrpbine. Napoleon. Charlra lwnb. Jackaoo. lien. Urera. Joan of Arr. Lady JaneGrrr. J. V- Ad. Julienne. IhinM Wehter; Klnca of R-wna. Kinga and y'leen. I.ienmtx. I.irea of the Pone. rTwott a I'hilin t.l. M.trr and Martha Waab incton. l'wair omni of the Vet. Tun. llu. V'a China. Aram-anian. !Uphen'a Effyiit. Olin'a lYarela. Monyo l"ark. Nile Now AdTentiirn oa Mujij;to Hh-we. Biyard Tajlor'a jrmr H. lhirtrin'a TrawH in the I'a-t. " frVtuSTtm?. BrandeRnrT-..pel!a. Physical fteo. Taptijr of the Sea. Wood N'ataral Hitory." Lardmr a lavt ire. l.eful Art. Cosmo. Mathematical Uio tittnarjj. Loic of Jlathematioa. Wonders of Science. Mib-Ufil s llaneUry sad Stoiiar World. Immia' Jte cent lVirre of Atnniay. P uitli'a dictionary of Aril and Science. KaUanV'a Ilyji-aolica. Dick'a worka. Various work on Architecture. i . ; litrr Itvra yarioua Mylea. Bhakeieare, da. Miltoa. dk. liurua, do. lieinana, l.v Moore, do. Tborajvii. YoniM-. P.illork. Turier. Cowrerj Ponea '.iaipijeiL Wad-warth. ia.t. Slootjrmcry. Kirk White, t-'emale Porta of England, do. do. America and many otUtr. 1 Hou or Bersaitxcit. Cyvlopedia. oT Oeocranlryl do. d. Fine Art. ii. do. i-(rrajhy. I'aeftil Aria, M rt!ch'a Gazetteer. Harper's I nlvefaal (iaxetteer. FavtT and Ai;miTl.niU Kllicvt'a Fmit Bonk. Thomas' do. IViwnlng'a ilo. Barry a do. Feaaenden'a V. 1-1 ttn.t r.I..n.p Pmiit L I . . n .1 VmI.1a t!ar.lener'a Companion. Allen on the Orane. Pardee on Svsawberrjr.. .FbHiot'a (htide. American Farm rVok. Alien's lKjm-tH Ani nal. Altof Saxtoa'e Hand Booka. Work on Horve, CitCo, Shaopt Hf. Ac t , Tus n.'Wku A Kabi nine Harmony and Rapoaf tloit of tieU. Xramlcr's Life of Christ. Botler'a Work. ' Knapp' t iin-Viaa TbwkHty. Wot era Mrth-vli-iau Mom alira kianie, . lecturea on Romantajn. Fraud of Dominic Bale. Lllioton Bomanitn. Baroea Ikotaa. . Clarke "a Commentary.,. Banana 'a dnv Jaj. Kx-rce. Wton "a Institute. Larrabee'a Kridentea, ' BotWa Hhical liMnnnet Rner' Olipae of Earth. do. Keaaoa and FaiUi. Footer a Chriat. Perfectioa Baker an Imciphne. . Wntiaar of Amriniua. Jalai't Ii;lui--aJ ArcUalnT. Btblea.all Mzeaaad prirea, front tl Teameal, tml yariety. Mehodrt Ilraaaa. Chr1iaa Hymn Book. : tlinrrk Paatini.t-4 rii-aa-wth' Co!twioo. Ielert Melodiea. Chriatiaa rwihmst. - MuMcab Bochan'a ' FamHy rhyiddaa. ' Hydro pai.i-c no. tiomTpainre w ntti MtiCTLiANEor. Cat'tnti?ta of fntfed Plate Mavhew'a Popular lulncatioo. Crahr'a rnnnrmo. Putt's R nf Cmi't;ea. )J 1 Fellow's H.tnnaL Headley's Wotk. It Tiv. Mr. Tuthill'a, v4. loir. ard's.N'ineeeh. B!low'a TTaeful Art. Ha ell's En- rfneer's tiuije. AmrrWi lnUta1tnna. Piirnit of Kn.vwK-.lTe. Park Ma. !:. IVrnrhin Anticnitiea Way IVm-n Eoet." Prn-hnrt. Ike Mtnrel a Works Saoderi' Cook and" 4 'onfectioner. tVyontry Ramble. in K-tnO- laie ana ip-venea. (an ero-eiteni Temper- a-K-e rt-mK.i- swr waKer. r.capel .11m. iean Bor. Pick Wiiarm. "Mr, Hale'a New Cook Book. Mil l-r Old Red Sa?dtone. do. Footprinta of Creator. Yawnjr lAdiea' onenor. Vonnjr Man's do. Pletorfal t'aWchiam. Thomon"a I-ext. t Y. Men. CowaJitif tiooal Text BMk. antive ia Pataomia. The Amerf- Howewirew Half Hutnm with tXd Hamnbrer. Athens; ita tJraooenr and IVcay. Mrs. fewick s Redwood, do. Near Eng.-Talc - Uaek Bam'a Farm Feac. Arttior's succewsTuI Merchant, do. Tsl. Mrs, Parttneton. Iloca Tranalatina. Virgil do. Mrs. Car lo's W orka. Heroines of Hii4orr. Land and Sea rii aaal Naval Lite, btar Papers. Masonic Chart. Irring'a i' liumbua. Loog Look Ahead. City of New York. l.iT:n; (rators of America. Young Man A drifted. Mia aiooa w Tooea aad Fegee. Truth granger Thaa Fic- tion. knout and the liussisns. Hytlranathie Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Book for Yoang Men. do. do. I Jdie. Anecdote! for Girts- do. do. IViyiw Young H'l-i.auJ. do. Wife. d. Mother, do Hooiie- keener. tiiiroarncy's Letters to Yonng Ladies, do do a . u jmh a v"i..i.. in. 4t. tv..l.;n. Diana. 5Iin?T Character, by Peck. Got em merit of CUildren. Mrs. E! lis' W orks. How to be a ldy. How to be a Man. Gold and Go-peL Pilgrim's Pronieas. Foot;n-rDts of Famna Men. Charlotte Elisabeth's Work's. Adrice to Young Men. PeaMMit Boy Phi!oao thcr. Ahoott'a Marcs Paul Books, do Franconia. ercbant's taagblcr. .Kon's Fable. Bcottish Chiefs Arabian Niht. Robinson Crusoe. Rollo Booka. Mo ther'a Guide. Ferns' Mormons. The Old Inn. Con flict of Ares. Poa Quixote, rsul and Virginw. Aater. i a Debater. Fern leares. Tri-colored Sketches la Pari. Chamber's Information for the People. Mel ville's RvlSorn. Typee. Marni. Omne. and White Jacket. Barae's MiscciLinics. Wendell's Blackstnne. Sab. Pay Misceilaniea. Ltns Eating, by Cnsti. BsncroffaMia. reiUnie. JermM's Men of I haracti. - Miller's Fits Inojireaaioas of Eoaland. Kirwin's letters to Bishop Hashes. Coomha' Coir-tirutioa of Man. Mbta Beecb cr'a iV-celr.i. do Cali-Utcnies. Bell Smith Abroad. Aad a num'ier of others too nnmerooa to enumerate. Coo.-ttan::y receiving large addiiiona U the forgoing. SrariOMinv. Foolscap Paper great yariety. Let ter do, do, plain and gilt. Note do, do, do, do. Earel epea all ktylea... Ink all kinds. Pens and Holders great variety. Kauk Books all sixes and styles. Muaoroailama. Diariea. Pass Books. Time Books. Par Cutters- do Fokiera. Shipping Receipt Books. Litaorapuic Priuts a large variety Wrapping Pa per KOud variety. Wafers. Scaling Wax, A, Ac. Finally, we have a.good yariety of ; - - Uciic ll ws-i. New Carmiaa Sacra. Alpine Glea Pingpr. T;d.inier. Chorus Gle Boi.k. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodeon. Clirl-tian Paalmi4. Piano Instruc tor. Guitar do. Flute do. A r cor dan do. Violin do. Mclotaeon da. Pljiaouth CoIlecUon with Manic Sheet Masic And the mvt varied assortment of Stationxbt ever ofcred in Oregon. r This l ck ia all bought ia New York and other Yia-tura cilaca and i 'ld at , VXIFORM PRICES. j We keep on hand Scbooi. Bonca ia large qnan- tMtiea. t'igrtder wrtn most oi uic pomicaxiona oi , 114BI-KK X H iXTHEXK; - Itnar A Jsx-ri;; - . Isos; A lH!.-rr; - PHTtxrrB A SansoB; - - A. S. Bakxes A Co.; . ! I Milo-Ek. Orrox A Mnxiaawf - : ' l.tiir A Gm; - ' . ' Pctxam; t -- ' ' - Amtnw; and atocra. ' r- T We ask your patronage. If unable to visit oa and examine-oar stock. youroaUMCBS will be attended to on the saws TSRSJ as if yoo boaght ia person. a- We have arrangements by which, in tb KMxrse of the foil, we shall be able to furnish mart of the new works fceraed by the ee.tern wobliaheia within M dars after puShration. Every steamer will bring some new w.irks. We are also prepared to fornmh. hereafter, the oUowln; Mm at Pnblisher'a rates and Postage: Hirper's New Monthly - . $3 00 Pat nam's too Ladies' RepositoTT. S0O Oodey'i Lad j'a Book, -- - . j Satiseriptina Lists will be open for these aad other Ma;ozine4. tin the la.-t steamer in November. Bend oa your name and adJitaiiUJ, arafa tba auhacrintioai price of anv periodical, and it shall be fanrvdedC PortUad, Aagnat , 195. Htt Inn for ? bi Mohan m.. do. Jliil m; toung; Pollock; 'on; flSUtion for School) Cutter a Phvlilir. Amfriinn Ih-hater. Newman Notice to iMportrrs off UaaptiMo. TnEBi'hoonerFMI'Ql7A,underthaeotninaad J . f B. 1. Hlnadato.ealled rrom Umnqua Mrer v for Baa rraaalaoa. oa Uta th of May-, aad thteada maklaf rearular trip brtaea tbea. two porta. It la only neceaxnr we beliere, to remind the Imnnr tewof Umponn that thla vaaatd the t'ntniM-a.latk rt erer laiintbed oa the waters of the Urnpaaa, o In sure their patroaaira and snnport. , This v easel will dkv rharv heV oarfo at Bcottabara, and at the rate aha la lead, to carry frelfks, will ant only aava tha hhlpper a very ouaslderahle item, but sare him the tranaportatinn up the rleer.and therehi enable him to racelra his onds wltbmit so maah handling aa beretonira. la no, the Schooner fmpqua, of Hoattanurv. ia a real Uatpqua craft and beina the first on the list In thla great reform, eoathlently reftee upoa all the Umpwim for support and s-miraTWKWa ',,r fr?lht or passsur apply t ncotUeairp;, or to the (Vtnl. on In to ship frosa Baa iVaaebv .rninimRSk " i to Aaa, MuKlalaa Co., hoard. Men-hanta wish- shin frosa Baa iVaaelaoa. ran teale so Albaa. Lowe A Co., lit. ( lay at., a to the Captain, i. , , 8aottatmr(. May V, IM4W lStf.r . .. .. ! OlOekMBltaaw Maal OtaMra, AaOOH. ALLAH MeKI" LAT CO. hra mam mm hkad , Horahoa taTi :. J i) Voahaaa daij '1 ' ..1J"r,,' ' .I" Mjriasajhdoa, , f ' Plata no., , . . And InK-nd to keen ap thaaaiiiiHIWiil so aa iaatitt the wants of custsssiss.' taa as) a ,aall. aad yna will Hr4 that wa not only hare the folleat stack, bat will art) " aa rhean aa the cheapest. " Wa are constantly reeelv ln additiena to ear asaatrtaaaaax so aa la raalaoa what "t,, ' ' . . '.-.' Orrwn Cltj, Pec. . 1M. 4tf , r 'Heory Jolsiftaoa Co. . W HOLES ALI pttVtKJlsrfsj, Washlasn Btreet, Baa FYaeclaco.) Abf sale to the rsaantry trade, the lanreat stork J r gooda ia thatr li on the Paean coast compel stna DniRa, Chemlcala. Perfttmery, Patent alediolaea of all kind. rVwshe. Patau, Oils. (,laaa. TurpenUne. and ererr article appsrtalntao; ta the baameaa. neina an. perior mcllitte 4Vw oMaielnjr their ipjada the tblak they rait otfet IndoreaMnta to bityara anequalled by ny athet Irnaao. ...( .. . . ! Orders raapectfully ealklted. '; .. my ' ''"' tWla?r. ' - ' ; : WB hasaj a large supply of powder In hand. . UKO. ABKIUfETHT A CO., Oregtm City, Boy. IS, lftM, , sxtf .. 1 : ti OotTatlatrys -TAR. J. R- CArinWKIaUPadtal Botireoa i K It CArinwciaUPadtal Botireoa crania, will practice la hie nrofaa-f I Ctasaatis. stare (Vra, HWAes- VaswAaVaVaT" rtitarg.and aVsrfiiaseiisi. Bkill, aeHjneatioiiahle; r uoryania, will atoa. at C'ss-aK lsff jsxualsaara? chanrea.nMiectalile; work, warranted. Teeth sxaraia ed. and adice giretl fret or rhanre. Doa notice tlron af ehangd of ofllca. AfrUM. ISM. . . .., s; :.:t : TV Mot of Orrgoat find Woahitagtoa. fpHR mtderaigwed, being engaged In compiling a Map JL of Oreana and Waahingtuti Territoriea, for pahllca-ti-m, ia desinws of obtaining all poaMhle information aa to the le ration of mils, Post-ofncea. Ac together with any aketchea of the country outside nf the Hovrrnment t'o-vey. that may be deemed reliable. Commanlratinn will oMiaw addreaaed "Joaara W. Tam-n. Oregon Oat. rSO. B. PRHtTON. Now RrcclTlBK , rpHR following artlrlrs from Bark Oceaa Bird aad for jl sale tow. &0 groaa matchea j " 1M kega e4 ayrana M hf . bWa. H. . sugar 10 bade, erwahed angar ) - M boxes randies ; . 10 bbla. yiejegar 0 cases tea ; 11 di. hrootnat lOdni. buckets : t caeca mea'a dne eatf bnada . 1 - - cairbrogaaat , t " - goat ... t " hoys' brogan X -. svirtha'aalf beraranaj-' 1 woraea'a Morocco boots , , . 1 " imitatioa bootai .. ,. , t Mlsees' boats; . , IT pairs children's ahoea - .... - .; , . II straw tmttera . ) , ...... Jt grain eradlee ... . . . I reaper; ,. . - .... , . 1 two horse thresher t . (JKO. ABFH5ETUT (X. Oregon City. June 1.186a. lit. For Claat Borsmlaa tO to the store of Philip Cohea (at the old stand af V . a p. t o:.eni wnere ne oaa receirea tna eneaissst ana nest seiecwn swore or srapie ana rsncy are goods, hoot and ahoea, hata and rape, ready-made (Tithing, gncerte and prorWona, and will aell thorn lower than any nrner store la tarem. laidiea dress goods, all strfea. eomMIng of b mite to flowers, ribbons, ai ess trimmings, sitka, yeleeta, lawns, baresva. tissues. sHaarbama and eallcoea. In his clothing department ran be found an styles nf costs. MMrnt. vesta, ae- rrom ue ensarssi iinoa so me nne oroaejcintn. Ills stock of tssota aad aJiosja, hcith for ladlai and itft. lienten at eowpiete. , eoejsSatlag aa gaajsjra, ', apiece, salt, Ac. tr hoftira anrchaslng tea. eogee. anaa. candles, tnbacoo, Please call aad aattary yonraat sltasfMrtwe'. av wheat. nam. reitter. eggs and other fkraaers rro- dnce takaa la aacbaaga at tba atgnest maraet prices. Bale. Atf1it.m' ' 1 1 Ttf - I -: : V All ftfMM' "' .: HATIXfl wti hnmg ' agents receipts or claims against flte Ovmwii i TV Pe rai tine lit. or against that depart nssnt arhHe perf.aming (Jsmrsersniaatcr's do ties ia Middle ar rhtwthera Oregoatv who have wot rererv ed a proper vouchee fur the same will pleas forward to thta office without delay a bill of toe ante tea sio to tna government with a ecrtiBcatc at the hot torn or the Mil that the same hi Inst and correct, with the name of the parte sellis appended to the certificate and bill, hv ciaaisrg as. ine same nme sne eamu rime vne purcnaaing agent's receipt for the same, or otherwise the rlairas may aot he presented to the Commlssiunim for adjwat- atcat and the parties intereaseat lose ue same. M. M. McCABVER. Csmeimern ea7. O. T. Covwisaaar OcnVa Ornca.1 ., . Mtf tMlem. Oct. IT. IM. f sftf Received, TJY frtron Metropolis, aad steamer Colombia, from MJ nan r ranctsro : ... J.000 lbs Rio Cc4fe, ' ; i 30 boxes Ad. Candle. ' I 10 hair bids Dried Apples, '- . 90 Caaas Claret, 10 doa. BaUtaaora freak Oysters, -1,000 the China No. 1 Bngar, 10 cases old cbeese, ' 10 doa. Brooms. To arrive, (expected dally) per Tfahamkeeg, Chaa. Wevena, AC t.ono fha China Tfo. 1 Bogar, iflOO Rio Coffee, 5 cases Tobacco, 10 hhia N. O. Bugar. S doa. 3 hooped Paila, 10 boxes Ad. Candles, ' 4A gaU Raw Unseed Oil, 1 Kega Boston Byrnp galls eaeh, 30 hlf blih Baadwich Island Byrnp, ' ' ft bhls (sperm and Polar Oil, . 10 doa. Sporting Powder, - 1 Ceaes Hooey J lbcnns, -10 doa. Tomato Catsup, - - 10 doa. Pie Frutta." 1 eaaea Preserved Olnger, 9 cases O. Hyson, T. Hyaoa Imp. aad Oun Powder Teaa. 10 boxes Oerklns, 10 kega Pickled Cnenmher S gala each, 1 JM0 lba Nnta oft Shelled Almooda En(. Wal. auta and FUberta.. - , . " , T9 eases Spicea. 10 Toaa Iron, all si sea. Including hoop Iron, " Ail for sale for cash or Prodnce. 4tf JOSEPH Tf. FRESCO TT. . Notice. TnE Commissary's Ofllca at Portland will he closed In a few days, and the papers and booka of the of fice sent to the Commissary General's Office, at Salem; at which place for the fotnre. accounts against the CoonnisKary's Department for the Northern or Southern war or Oregon, wui ne sens ror aojnsunent. Ana au peraona or officers having claims or accounts to settle with or against said Department, will t) lease forward them to that place for adjustment, without delay; aa I desire to be prepared at as early a period aa possible, to make my final report of the late war to the Governor, and close the office for the last or present war ia Ore goa. M. M. McCARVEH, Cota'y GeaT. . foruaaa, u. &ag. nu, moa, . zect . Truth Muat and Will Prevail. - ALL ye that are la search or trnth, and believe la Progression, will be weU paid by calling and pur chasing any of the following works, which I have just received from Valentine A Co., Baa Francisco, to-wit: Discussion on Spiritualism between Bnttaa A Rich- mond. Compendium of the Theological aad Spiritual writings or Swedenhorg. Spiritualism scientifically demonstrated, by Prof. Hare. The Sbekinah. by Brit i. A lyric of the Golden Age, a poem, by Bey. T.L. Harris. A lyric of the Morning Land, by Harris.". Epic of the Starry Heavens, by Harris. Buchanan's Anthro pology. Dynamics oi Mogneusm. neugion or Man hood. Healing of the Nations, by Talmage A Linton. Night aide of Nature. Theory of Paeomatology. Natty, a Spirit. The Celestial Telegraph, or the Secrete of the Life to Come. Ac Life in tha Spheres. The Pil grimage of Thomas' Paine and others to the 7th circle ia the spirit world, by Bey. C. Hanrmond. AI.SO A. J. Paris' works, comprising hie last work," railed the PENETRALIA : being Harmonica! answers to Impor tant questions. ALSO Mrs. French and Mrs. Met tier's CUU-roTant Medicme. P. R. HOLLAND, . Jtgvon inr ue - npinuau xciegrapn. Oregon City, Oct. 14. 1SS. 33tf "V -' Oak. Bower lVarserr. PFB905B wishing to avail themselves of the oppor tuaitv of obtaining good fruit i.'ill find it mooh-to tbeir adrantaga to rail a poa the anderaigneal t his nnreeiy npoa tae w uiamane nver, six nuies aoove or-raUia-qjan tha Una Conntv.sida, My tnaw aiaof the most thrirty growth, and of the beat variety take found mn that raMhat. uosacsna are loemir you ajnars pai mbbs . Mtf WltMWLBBt Ilffi rrlrolfOB, tr Bttk Oil, atELRBRATED for lu wonderflil Curatlra Powers. V A Aatarad Hnmntm, proetirrd from a well In Al lefrhsuy Co., Pa fmir hundred feet lielow the earth s surface. . Put no and sold by BA MUF.L M. KIKIl, Canal Baaln, Brveiith Htreet, I'lttabarfih, Pa. The healthful balm from Nature'aaaervt spring, i ' The Mount of health and life to man will bring t .. . Aa from her deaths the magi" H"ld llowa, ' : To calm our auneringa and aasauge our aroea. The Petroleum haa been fully tea led. It was placed before the puldlo aa a remedy of wonderful efllcarr. Vnvtf one not aoquaJnted with Ita rirtuea. duubted ita healing tironertiea. The err of hiimluie was rabatd agalasi It. It had Irlends those that were cured throngh Ita woodnrful agency. These spoke out Ih its faaor. The lama, throuah ita Inatrumentalitr. were made to walk the blind, to are. Those wbn had auRrr- f Jn nndor the torturing pains df Bbeonrntlsm, (HHit, watiraigia. were raaVired te be Beeeral ho were blind bare been m health as aaefnloeaa. are been made to aee, tba eel dan. -a of which will be placed before you. If you still have doubts , gn ha l ask Vbaaa who bare been eared t-t- Soma of thaa lie ia our midst, and ran answer for tht msal vea. la wrltlog about a medicine, we are aware that tre abotttd wrtta JVatt that wa should make no ae me nla that connnt be proved.. Wo lave Ilia wit nesses! erowdsoftliem.wbx) willleatlfy interma.triiag ar thaa wa eaa write them, an the efficacy in this reme dy; whawUltOalifa that the Pvtrolenm haa doao fw them what no. medicine ever could before : eases that were ttvnnnuaeed hope lass, and beyond the reach of re saadiaU meana i i-asea alsuidoasd by phvab-mna of nn queatloned celebrity, have baeu made lo'axi laim. thla la the m"rt wonderful reinedy ever discovered I' . Wa will lay Befiare yon the Verrtncates of some of the most ramarkable eaaea ; to gre them all. wmild require more spar than, would be alhiwed by thla circular. Hinre the Intnstnetlon nf the Petroleum, many physicians have beea eoevlnrod nf ita efficacy, and now recommend It In their practice ; and wa base ao doubt that it will stand at the head of the Hat of Valuable remedies. If the r vsleiana do ant recommend it. the people will have ft at Ihcmselvea for ita transcendent power ta heal wsiff and atuaf herome known and amnrevkalrd : when the evlcea of the cured speak out : when the cures t ham st I res stand nut In bold relief, and when he who fur years haa enAVrrd with the tortures aad pangs of aa immedicable lesion, that haa been shortening his dura. and ka toning him " to the narrow house annointed for all the living' when he speaks out in ita praise, who win aouDt it l The retmleuin Is a Natural Iteinedy : l la put up as It flnsrt from the b.oin of the rarth, with- out nay mmg ueiug atie to or taken from It. i It gets Ha ingredients from the beds of substance which passes user In Ita secret channel. They are blended together In such a form aa to defy all human eomnetitina. The Pet ml rum lii thla raaoerl la Ilka Mitt. eral waters, whose virtues in moat chronic diseases are m'tramrledged. aot only by physicians, but by the com munity at large. These ainguW fluids flowing nut of the earth, impregnated with medicinal eubaluncea nf dsjrerent priwiertie, and holding them In such cotnnlete solution as t- reajiiire tba aid of Chemistry In order to detect tnem, bears ample proot to the rat-Mhat they are compounded by the matter band of Nature, for the alle vtetton of human snflrlng end disease. If Petroleum medicine at all. It is a gisal one. for Nature never half aoen her work ; and that it I a medicine of piirqualc power, we have the moat abundant testimony, ft will ne a sea when many of the new remedies anw In vn will have been forgotten forever.. It will continue to be nsed and applied as a remedy as long aa man continues to be afflicted with due.- That It win cure every dis ease te wuiuh we are liable, we do not pretend t but that It wilt cure a great many diseases hitherto Incura ble, la a fart which la proven by the evidence In its fa vor.- Jta discovery la a new era te medicine, and win innie io ne neaiin ana nappineaaoi man. pVunvr la. The prtndenm Is a great medicine I Scrofula aad Kiag'a Evil, la all those diseases having their origin in a depraved mndltHta of the blocd and otner Duloa or tne body, it will cure pains and enlarge ment In the bnaee and Jnlsts, blotches, biles. Erysipe las, pimrdea oa the fae, tetter, scald. bead ring worm, and the various skin diseases. It haa cured numerous eaaea of Rheumatism. Neuralgia, fioot, Ac. Several eaaea or Kheumatlsra of years standing, have been en tireiy rurea. A woman in rranklia Co., Pa., wa eared of rhenmatie efTertlon of seven years" standing the disease waa so aggravated aa to pontine her to bed during the greater part af that lime. Hue is now well and considers herself entirely restored. Mistm l ahinh-s DiMstTtoss. Ko better remedy ran oa inn. iBfwoav lor earna aasi scaitis. in. mi of which it immediately relieves, aud restore tiie atrts ad disposes them to heal. um rhwea ana tiiara will be removed by the dan v ap plication and administration of IVtroieSns. - ; Worm. In doses of fifteen or twenty drops aitmiuls. isu to eniiirrrn m two nr ineee years nil, or uiwam two or inree times onuy. it anu remove wonna.- it is certain remedy again! Tape Worm and Ascaridca in grown persons, in ahKh case the dose must be a tea spoonful. . , i . i i. .. Bronchitis and Asthma caa he relieved by the let en rol. The distressing rough, night sweats, and diffi culty of breathing. ar removed by itaaisr In a very abort Fever and Ague The Petroleum haa been nsed in fe ver and agiie with complete success. It will I flmnd ceateia aad effective remedy ia that trsajmeaome and un manageable, disease. The dose in auch casra ia a tea Awnnfnl in any pleasant vehicle ever three hour. In the ansence at toe rever. Tooth-ache A few drone droaned oa cotton, aad rilaced in the cavity of the aching tooth, will relieve it mmedlamty. Cmun -By aataratlng a flannel cloth with the Petro leum ana applying tt to toe aeck and breast, It will give Immediate relief. It ie also aa mvelueMe remedy In the different forme of ncanet r ever m ne ward locally, as in eaaea or cmun. Neuralgia. In Its various kinds, is cured by the free ap pHcatbm along the painful tract of nerve. - In that ta- cte of neuralgia denominated spinal irritatioa the Pe troleum haa given permanent relief, by rnbldof with it night and morning. Coma. ror coma this remedy h been oaed with poav or cotton witn the retroienm. and tie it upon the Torn. The corn should he pared do we every two or tliree day. ana tna i etroieiiea applied auut au .the bardni has been alisorlsd. Dtanmnas fcr the Internal and local administration of the Petrol ennt. Iiiarrhom. The dse in this disease is a tea-spoonful every third hour until the purging ceases. In old eh male rases, it will only be necessary to lane ine meuioiae inree limes a us v. Piles. The mode of administration in PUea la to aire tne lYtnueum three times a day internally, and i twice a day externally, to the tnmnra. Where the are of long standing and much hardened, a drachm nf Iodine may be added to each buttle, to be used aa a Imal appiM-anoo. wnu rite rties are internal the retroienm should be inlerted with a avringe Into tint rectum. Peehese. Prop ten drops Into the ear at bed-time and Hon tbe ear with cotton or wn). The ear sh-mld be svrtnged out with soda made of rastile soap and warm waier. twice a wrea. For Burns and Scald. Apply the Petroleum freely er the burnt or scalded iMrrta. In diseases of the bladder and kidneys, the dose ia a tea-spoonful three times a day. For old io res and llcers Apply the Petroleum morn ing aaa at bed time, rveep ine sores or nicer clean, by washing them dally with eastile e-tan and warm water. . For sore and iTiflamed eyes. The Petroleum should be applied two or three time a day V, the affected eve and a drop or two be allowed to get under the lid. Where there la a Scrofluliso tendency It must I taken inter nally, ih doses of a tea-spoonful, three times a day. For Coughs, Colds. Bronchitis snd Consumption The nose is a tea-epoonrni, to ne given (nree times a day. In Cholera Morbus, give a tea-spoonful every hour un til tbe vomiting aad purging ceases. In Rheumatism, Neuralgia, Palsy, Contractions of tbe Limbs and Joints, and White Swelling The Petroleum ia to be freely rubbed on the affected parts at least twice a day with a flannel rag. aud, if convenient, before warm fire. It should also be given internally, in doses oi a tca-sponniui, inree times a day. ror sale at the oaicm Drug store, by May, 13-9tf. W. K. SMITH A CO. at-w awaa sa Wa i uratirnorrg ai atcini. ....... n RAFFENBERQ Sarsaparilla, Uterine Catholicin. TVaarntaPw lalvrtith rnnanmn flnltM '. Pile Ointment, . - Health Bitters, " Eve lotion. Ac. Ac. ' ' To be foond at the Ageory of the Company at 9 W. K. SMI1H A CO.-S. DR. TOWNSEND'S Sarsaparilla, at . t - W. K. SMITH A CCS. MCLANE'S celebrated vermifuge and Kvcr pills. at 9 W. K. SMITH A C'O.'S. DR. OSGOOP'S India Cholagogne. and Dr. Jones' American Cholagogne, at W. K. SMITH A CO.S. M OFF ATS life pills and bitters, and Bernard's dys entery syrup, and Wistar's balsam of wild cherry. 9 vn. IV, em in A w.s. D B. J. AYRES' celebrated cherry pectoral, for coughs. colds, and consumption, at W. K. SMITH A CO.-S. Ik TKXICAN MusUng Liuament. (k W. Merchant 11 X gorling oil. 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'s. TtCItS White Lead, raw and burned Umber, Chrome, X Green and Yellow and other naints r paints, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. JJERFCMEBY, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. JA YNE'S alternative, expectorant, and pills, end liver oil, castor oil. sweet oil, at W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. T A YNE'S carminative balsam. A fine remedy for j dysenteries, bummer uumpiainta, r mx, are., at - ' w. iv. mil l n t -. JAYNbVS Hair Teuio. at W. H. SMITH A CO-'S.' BABJIV S TBJCOPUEHOL'S, for sale, at 9 . ... W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. SCARPA'S Acouatic oil; a sure care far deafness; for sale at 9 W. K. SMITH A CO.'S, JACKSON'S Pile ointment and Tetter Eaabroeatioa,a sure cure for la above disease; at t . W. K. SMITH A CO.'S. T USHTON'S Cod liver oil. for consumption, for sale Xlrat . TV. K. SMITH A CO.'S. T)ETR0IXM, or Rock oil, just received, and for sale at a . jv. Djtiiu s. to.s. CHROME Yellow.- Prnaaiaa Blue. Drop Blacks, Lamp Blacks, Faint Brualica, and Candy, at - a w. h. SMITH A CO.'S. VANDYKE Brown, raw timber, burnt Umber, T. D. Leaner, Gold, Leaf, Silver Leaf, and Bronzes, at . a n t a. oai a a w. o. I T IN SEED oil, ipirtWi tnruentine, alcohol, and tooth ) lu, W, K. SMITH W-U Smith! Bide. A TTORNEVS AND COUNSELOR At LAW AND UV. Solicitors la Chancery, Curvallla O. T. I. m. euiTa. 6ltf D. V. I. W. Milebell, ATTOIINRT AND COUNBEIjOH AT LAW, EU gene City, Lena Ooutitp, o. T. , Sorglctl. ; T L- COOMBfl. M. P.. Surgeon. Ae. BPEtnALTY J . P1SEASICH OF THK BYB, September IS. 148.. CorvalUa, Oregon. IHiiHl ' ; . lai "rueUej Adrenitlng kgtntj IP. FISIIFR, iron building, nppoalte Pacific F.xpreaa J tlffioe, np stain. File of all tiie principal Paper of Cnllfornia aud Oregon may be found at tide nfflce. Mr. r isner is tne autuortMd Agent fur tna Htataamaa. , ; Cknlrr H.'Tfrrr, , A tTORET AT LAW, BALBM. onBOO. COM Jf.mlssloner of Deeds, and to take testimony, ac knowledgments. Ae.. A., fur Iowa, Indiana, Missouri, Michigan, California and Washington Territory, let ter nf Artnme', and all other Inatrumenta of writing, drawa on abort notice. . ParMnilar attimtlon paid to taking aVpoaitloos, Oullrtitions of Notes, Accounts, Ae, ' 3'iU . - , BoiM 4 leEwla. ATTORJfETB ANP C'orNSEUHN I ; .. I... u I . . r . . . . AT LAW, BO- a a. immn in i.iwawrcry, s-rueuint,. occ, Portland Oregon. i . ta Admiralty, AAtf W. II. Firrar,,.. .! ATTORNET AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, SO llcltor in Chancery and Admiralty, tifflce on Front atrret. nest d'sar north of Stark at., Portland. Oreonn. Birding k Grovrr, '. ATTORNETB AND COI'NSF.I)RS AT LAW, AND Sollcltora la Chancery. Office near tbe Court liouae, Halrm. O.T. Cra. I. Sbril. ATTOnNET AND COUNSKIXR AT LAW. AND Solicitor la Cbanorry. will, practice in the yarioua courts of Ore gun aud Washiuutou Territories. Office, Salem, O. T. T 1 r' OctitBi Bmlta, " ATTOhNEY ANI COUNSELOR AT LAW. AND Solicitor In Chancery, will promptly attend to all business prrtnlnlng to his profession in the flrt Judicial Piatrirt, and before the Supreme Court of Oregon. Office, AHniny, Linn County. O. T. N. B. When aot at his ifflce. or alsvent on profes sional bualucaa, he may be fuund at hat resldem, Rv mile southeast of Allutty, on what ia known aa tin "Grand Prairie." W. 8. Brock, A TTOn.VEr AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, AND XV Wuiiriior in l liaueery. will practice in the varioui ornrta In thla Terribiry, and promptly attend to tha col. irciion tj au eisiins agninai ine i 'ntiea mates, inroug an rmrtent agent residing at Washington City. Offl ill Eugrne t ity, Laea County, O. T. It. K. Stratton, ATTORNEY AT LAW, will practice In the varinu court of southern Oregon, aad ia tbe flnpreme vonrt in tne i erntory . Orrica In Deer Creek. Diaigiaa eonutv. O. T. Real dene, g mile north of Winchester, en tbe Willamette mad. N. B. Bounty Land Warrants obtained for claimants on reasonable term. j.itr A J.TII AYKR.'Onn.ryeW ronuW-ala..l it. NolicrBin- in t aoiscery. uuice over J.C Avery wre.siain St., (.urvauia. xijtr ; ,. Chadwlck ck, lilbba. ATTOrtNEYS AND roCN'SFI.ORS AT LAW, Bo-ll.-H.trs lit Chaneery . Ac. Office at Winchester and (lanliuer. . V. Cimsrn-i, Winchester Pnoglaa Cv, O.T. A.''. Uiaaa, t.srdiner, I mpqua Co., O.T. Nov. 9, 1H6A. - SStf ' . ' . . ... Clarke Drew, - YlyATCHVAKER, Salem. Rerwvlrlng prompt y ly and neatly done. 'Jewelry mannfac lure.1. lltr ' , Xrdieal. TJ. WRIGHT A B. B. STONE, having aosociated together in practice, respectfully tender their ser vice io ine enpie oi iieutnn ana L.iun uefiring to cure the favor of the afflicted by auocese en. (IIH near J. C. Avery's store, Corvallis. .. l'llyiid V II I lam A. Ooulder, rrtF tCnERof French and English, Freuch Prairie, X Marion county, O. J. JT 1. B. Hallork, A RCHITECT AND BlTHJ)ER. PORTLAND. O. T. fA. Designs, flans, specifications, Ac, furnished reasonable terms. - . a- coi.a. .. tuitaras. a. niaTLsm,. Co , lie taader, 4 Co. wnorKSAt.K retail healers a UESERAL MERC II A XDISE A.XD Jf PROIU'CE. CORVALLIS, O. T. Wllllamr. Orlnwold A. Co., f ERCHANTS. SALEM. ftRBCON TERRITORY li w, . c oaiswotn. IJtf c. a. woonwonTH. Kacene City. TTORACR R. LAWKKNCK, Proprietor of tha Eugene A A tity noiei. 13tf. Medical Notice. rpHE anluM-riher. Wimld inform the inhabitants that he A t at his old aland, ready to attend to all rails In his profesainn ; also he has on hand a well selected stork of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well awirted supply of Syringes, alt of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms, W. W ARKKN. Bales December 3. !.. 3tf V. 11. Magrn, M. D. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Office in my new build ing, on Mala street, two doors north of Dr. J. S. Mrlteeny's fire-proof building ; where I will be found when not professionally engaged. 1 will keep constant ly oa hand a fresh aupply of Drugs aad Medicines wnicn i win sen mw tor cao. CorvalUs, Iec. 1. 1 -".. 3!Hf . Icdltul oliee. R. R. W. BHAW. late of Ran Francisco, California offer hie professional service to the citiaens fo Salem and vicinity, and rcapectruiiy solicits a snare to public favor. otuce at iteeu ana r euown- arng store. 14y K. W. SHAW, W. Jickton, H. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Corvallia, 0 lltf Campbell 4 frail. A TTORNEYS AT LAW. San Francisco. California. 1. ORlce, corner Montgomery aud Sacremcuto atreeta. over I'arrott A Cos. Hank. . . Messrs. C'amnlM?ll A Prult have lately removed from Oregon, and will be pleased to attend to all business entrusted to tbeir rare. , - 31tf Al.KXANPKR ClUrSKLL. , O. C. PaATT. Joieph H. rrtscolt, btain sr., oaenon crrr. TAEAT.ER In Family Groceries, Boots, Shnaa, Ac, and Paints and Oils, wholesale and retail. July T. 1MB. 18tf F. 8. 4 I. Holland. TAF.ALERS IX DRY GOODS. GROCERIES, BOOTS J S ami Shoes, (lNSkery, Books, Htatiouery, Ax Main Street. Oregon City. S. 11 s worth, ATTOBltKT ASiD CODNAXLLOS, TT . 8. Supreme and other Courts, Office Eugene lJa City. Lane County. Oregon Territory. Also Commissioner of Deeda for New York, Connecticut, Ac. August 2tf. 1K5., ' 24tf Watcbmak.ingT. - WILLIAM F. HIGH FIELD. Chronometer and Watch maker, Oregon City, has removed to the building iustoptxwitetotheMaio-Htreet House, where lie caa be constantly found prepared to do any business ia his line. Watcbea cleaned and repaired on short notice and reasonable terntav Alao a choice lot of watches and jewelry for sale. Marco 6. loo. , iyai 8. Hamilton, M. D-, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, would respectfully annonnce to the good people of Donglaa aud the ad orning counties, that ne naa locatca permanently at Jeer Creek for the purpose oi practicing medicine, and in which profession he will be faithful to discharge all duties, and snare ao pains to render the patient easy and comfortable. " ' ' ' . OrrtcK opposite JL H. Uear&orn a co.'b More, on main street. Drugs and Patent Medicines ror sale at lata etuh pri ce. : , ttr Wells, Fargo, At Co., T) ANKERS and EXCHAM.K ukalkus. W.,F.,& li 'o in connection with their Express business, will also transact a general r.xmagi am vimitm nun .... Collections and Remittances made in all Darts of Oregon.Californla.the Atlantic States, and Europe, with promptnesH ana aeapattn. ui, uuiu auu euver coin ad Bullion, ooua;u. auu swi. Hio-ht Pvchaiure on JVew 1 ork. Botttm. PhiladrlnkLn Albany, Rorhnttr, Buffalo, Arte, Clmland, Detroit, rv.nmh'.ind rorf other principal towns in the Atlan tic Statca and the Canada, may be procured at any of oar offices. wiiios, kaiiuo, a CO. lit, Jtonigumery-Hireet, etan r ranciaco JAMES O'NEILL, Agent. Jnne 1855. Coffee. Yon WANT a really good article of COFFEE, the l anderaigned have got 15.000 pounda best " COSTA RICA." Come in and look at it. - - ' ALLA4 HUtlAbAI A CD. OregoaCMjr.Dea.), lSOOv ; THE ELECTRO-CHEMICAL BATHS O F . D R. ! D O U R N E , Konthcitt Comer of Samome and Commercial Sti., Oppoilte the 81. "iebolai Hotel, 8ai Fmclieo, Are affictlng the most exlranrdlnary CURES of Fever and Agne. Inlermlttetit and nlher Fever, , Janndire. Irts eaaes of the Liver, Kidney, the Genital and Urinary Organs, all Sexual Disorders, Paralysis, Neuralgia, iacjud Ing Tie Doloreux, Stiff Joints, and are also employed with astonishing aueceaaia : DISEASES OF TUB EYE. ; Alan, all Indolent Ulcers. Tumors, Swelling. Abcease. Cancer of the Womb, all other afrectlnna of the Womb, and Cancemu AfTocllons generally, and Scrofula. These Baths seem to be Nature a own cbosM for effin tlng cures where all other meana woidil fail without themj and prove beyond the possibility or doubt, to all who take them, the Iniquity of Medical practice which poisons the human system by administering to It calo mel, arsenic, lead, alne. iron, antimony, qninlne. iodide of potaaaa, aud a whole host of deadly drug which re main In the system, and are extracted by these IIATU3. i, . , .' . During nearly flftean year I have never given even a solitary dose of ml or salt,, much lea any POIR0S OUB DRUGS, or herbs' and have NEVER seen a rae In which they were reijnWte If ater mtnient Was em ployed. When will the people cease to ho such simpletons as to hire men to POISON and RI.siElt them, while they also retain on their statute hook law against poisoning, maiming and bleeding t ;ATTI.E ? Are the mem-Is-ra of the human family lea wortliv in protection than animals T I assert in the face of thla enUre State and the wiwld at large, that there never was, U not now, and never will laj. a ease in wlih-h ralomel. crude rnercury , quinine, arsenic, lead, in iron, diiUmonv, iodine, iw any other POleiON. ajumld have been, or lie. admlnUUired to the human avatnm, ir In which hlaisling, cuppin ur ee:liing waa required: and further 1 .that hundred of thntisnud fill premamr graves through an III timed ijr of wilts or oil. Ia-t the people ponder on these thing, and II the poor and did ided victim, of medical rt-n-ality dedre liialth. I pledge the honor of one man at least, that I will an employ N ATI 'UK'S AUKVI'IKrt ,f l.ood Food. Air. Pure Wafer. Kinds., tlothing, the Electnv4.:hemkral Bath, and the Sleeping and Waking Honrs, tbfit without a particle of NASTY and POISON OUS Mi-diciiie, I will so er.sme the powers of their svatems that if there be any strength left, they shsll speedily get perfectly well in bodr. with minds so expanded to the perception or natural phihsmphy . as thereafter to eause them to set their faces avainat all professlonul rogues or fools, aud awake them to a knowledge of tbe evlla tT ea trustlng their own vital interests to the keeping of idhent a-hose hilerct miuit ever be anlagonistie to tbeir own. Addresa. by letter, or pemounlly. Dr. HoUKXK. Water I 'lire I'lirsicUin. SauMoc .trect, opp'a.lte St, Nicho lad Hotel. Son Fraiiotseo, Importer into tlikt Stale of tiie FIRST and ONLY apparatus Tor giving these delightful and beneficial KlectnK'hemii-al Itnlha. and wh'sw- erh ro-r In their use warrants him In speaking of them In the term he e-nploya. They require great e.nitlon in a.linlulterljig them, and Dr. Bourne never entrwta that duty to others, thin avoiding all danger. u .L i.i.. ....I rMl rtlili-tM and I'll Ihiss; truthful staiemenU of facta which br. Ibumie eimld they were merely " got up. Consultation, without charge, and charges very . VUICK CIRE t'RK CLIiE (if curable )-.-is I r-sa'soJIJaa7Ta 1 Tl i ... II TT If3 PIONEER WATER CURE INSTITUTE, Sonlhcait Corntf of Sanwme and Commercial Streets, opposite Uie EL Nicholas Hotel, 8u FraaelKO. Dr. BOURNE. Water Cure Fhysician, . . !.. . - . Hsvina everv facilitv for tbe scientific admiui-ttation of Water Treatment, offer Ue advautagea of this nataral ratiiHial. and m'xt efflcaehme mode of curing diei, o IiivmIIiIh, in eitlier acute or chronic .-tage of suffering, and especially to thwe lals-ring under the ltCIXOCS i.t FFXTS OF CAMOMKL. and l-mg trrstmeot generally. There are no nanni or poisonous meitlcine to f wallow or pay fr. a Dr. BOURN E does nat administer any whatever, nor bleed, enpor.leerh; so it Is not only w. In Chronic or acute Rhsiiiitatim. IWarrhoa, 1 and Sexual disorders in faet. in all ca-es. the W ATI.i: ( s Kb la of I .NKgl Al.i.ll VALUE. Apply personally, or address l y Inter, as above. OQice bours-i-lo A. hi., to 1 p. M., aad after 1 F. M.( - .P A RTIC V LA R If OTIC The ' Bussim-ii" IMgrer Indian I Turkish, T EgyptLsa "Steam Batlis, the Invention of barbaric mind with all their EVIL CONSEQUENCES to Weak dsirags. Palpitating Hearts, and debilitated Digestive and Nu tritive organs, are NOT Water Cure, and bear no more n-latioa to that glonnu eyMem than does a horse to a red herring, notwithstanding sll the rale representations to that- (fleet- . Dr. liOl'KNK bt the I'M.neer and only We trr Cure Phvsicuui on the l"a. irto I'.sw-t. and i daily demoustrstics hi- i-kill in bis ait with tbe bigbeet aucceaa curing three the ro-ilicl fratemitv had placed a'ai t lyond the conlines of b ; such beir.g the general ehararter or the ease demanding and receiving relief al hi hands. Let tliein continue to come and be HEALED, and converted to this wiser aud lietter way. S3m3 lirf Hood, OTilft Yards brown sheetlnir. assorted; , lLI ll.Kl vardt bleached heetin;. assorted; 15110 yds bro Prilling. as d ellow r lannel. l'MK) yds Ticking, do 4334 yds Prints, do IS77 yds Alpacca, do Oiiera do Silk Warp Flannel, ' Imitation do du Sattinettand Jeans, 17rx) yds Jaconet cambrics. lh-esa Cambric, Linen Oinchams, Paper do do t beck, Oil Silk. Fancy lrea Silk, Wrimght Muslins, Bonnet Ribbons, Velvet do Crane. loulies Gauntlets, Moreen. Embomrd Piano Covera, do Table do thrapery, assorted. Ginghams. Red I lannrl, , Blue do White do Gent s d-i Comprising one of the best stot ka of Dry Goods In Oregon. litf For sale by UKIsn OIJi i u. Hardware. eyT kega Nails, aaat'd, ; Butts and Screws, f .t C ut Spikes, Mill r ile. llrad head Nail. Parker's Coflee Mills, (villus' Axes, Currroomlsi, Waflie Irons. Ih-awing Knives, Shingle Sliavcs, Pow.ler. Lead snd Caps. GRISWOI.D A CO. Sear A Jackson's Baws, lioor iM ki, Strap Hinges, Gate do Sail Irons, loUhing llstcheta. Family GrintUlonea. 32tf Groceries. EAST Boston Syrup, Sugar, A pples and Peaches, Spices, . Tobacco, Soap. GRISWOI.D A CO. Coflee, Green and Illa-k Tea, J2tf T EAD AND TURPENTINE, Linseed Oil. Tanners OR1SWOLD A CO. A J Oil. Sperm Oil. ntr BOOTS AND SHOES 13 Cases, assorted. t 32U ORISWOI.D A CO. Stationery. BLUE ruled Cap Paper; White ruled Cap Paper, Congress letter Paper; Carson's wove letter Paper, P. A S. blue laid do do; P.. S. white laid do do; White Bath Gilt Letter Paper, Gillott'a Pens, 303, 404, 730; Blank Rook, Slates and Pencils, Black and Red Ink. ' J2tf . . GRISWOLD A CO. "IROCKERY A full aasortmeiit. 3Itf GRISWOLD A CO. IRON All sizes. 221 , GRISWOLD A CO. CLOTHING ?1I pairs Pants, assorted; 130 Coats, aat'd; l."0 Vests, asst'd: Pauts aud Drawers. In all, a full assortment of Gent a Furnishing Good. 22tf GRISWOLD A CO. . Salem Market. THE subscriber, proprietor of the Salem Market, in the center of tne town, is happy to inform the pub lic that he keeps constantly on hand a supply of all tha varieties of meats, fresh and pickled. He also haa the various kinds nf vegetables in their season. . Beef will be sold aa follows: Fore quarters, 6 cents per lb, hind quarter 10 cents; and if you wiiut a uhok'e piece, I shall charge yon a I it a pound. AU kindsof fanner' produce and grain received io exchange lor meats. ; THOMAS CROSS. , bolem. July i, IS40. . -.. l -.-r. ..- .. SBreon and Physicians HAVING rendered service in the 1st Regiment O. M. V. are requested to render a full report ta this of fice a soon as practicable, of all expenditures, employ. re. Ac, as it U desirable to wind up the buniuesa of the Medical Department. Address R- V. Shaw. AsaUtaut Surgeon General, Surgeon General's office, Salrm. . , Nov. 1,1856. . 3t -. Strayed,' FIOM the subscriber, a portion of his stock, marked and branded as follows: Crop off the left ear, and swallow-fork in the right, U. brand. - Any person know ing the whereabouta of cattle- bearing this brand and marks, will be properly rewarded by sending me infor mation, o t. ' . JAMES HEATHEP.LY. Lane county, Aug. 7, 1806. .... .. ; Z2tr "War Claims. . NOTICE Is hereby given, that I will be at the neat of government on the 1st of Jannary, 1R57, pivpared to attend to all applications concerning unadjusted claims growlngout of the Indian war, and coming with in my duties, -. i ,ALLui)iB,wira'r. Decemher l, lion. aaii jLtOS Angelos Salt. . s ALT 300 bags Loa Angelos Salt, received, per Xa- humkeag, and lor aaie at lowest rate. IStr G. ABERNETHY A CO. -MHAIRS 100 Chairs for sale cheap, by 33 rj Alts AKU a, M ATTrjSON. B A COX wanted at 33 BARNARD A MATTESON'S. c AN DLES, Soap, Starch, Indigo, and Tobacco, at 9 . Vt.H-SMlTHACO.'S. RUGS, Medicines, Paints, Oils, and Dyestnffs, at - W. K. SMITU A CO.'s. Holiday Presents CALL and buy soon at the Book Store, Oregon City. HOMER HOLLAND A CO. Oregon. CUy, Dec. T, e . ; AOtf rTf" llFH editorial reenmmendstions are rroblietied.that offer, are withheld, rather than auy should suppose moderate for the lswflt eonferred. tLe nH.lto of Dr. UOIIUSE. Wirn (Si 1.1 s M tlio llhXT but i;H.APEKT system for restoration to health. rt - vja - psia. rerrr and Ague, isthmus I-ever, AU, aervoaa Back. Again! ryUE nndersigned. having recently arrived from the X fetaui. would nutuy his Irioud. and customers, and the public in general, that he baa taken tiie old stand on SI ain Street. Oregon City, and haa received aince bis arrival, the following goods, wbkb be offer at whole sale and retail at the vary lowest pnees lor cash, or the Erodiice of the country. The good were ail selected y himself personally, and are fresh and good and the qualities guarautiedi o the purchaser. Among which. Had 21.000 lbs. Liverpool blown salt, in 200 lb. aacka, 4.IHI0 fine table salt, in 10 and 20 lb aacka, 4.INMI X- O. Brown Sugar, 6 .boo ( I Ina ditto, No. 1,2 and 3, 4,noo ' Rio coffee, (fresh.) loo kegs Seth Adams syrup, S gals each, loll kegs R-wton nails, assorted sizes. 40 keg ditto spikes, it. 6, 51 aad ia. . 2oi) keg pure white lead, AO keg assorted colore, 3i0 gala, boiled oil, in 5 gal. cane, 10O " spirit turpentine, ditto., 20 '- copal and furniture varnish, 20 " Neat's root oil, aa 3A boxes cperm candles. 60 " adamantine ditto, s 100 " sardines. . 50 kegs and boxes aalcratna, 10 pure soda. 10 boxes cream tartar. 100 bxs. "Colgalee'' A No. 1 Brown soap. 10 l-a-.kets sweet oil, 5 boxes castor oil, 10 bids east Boston and Stewart's crushed sugar 60 kegs tar, 5 gals, each, 100 boxes Herman glaaa, superior quality aaaor ted sizes, 50 lbs gum ramphor. 30 p'k's imperial gun powder and Oolong teaa. Together with a general assortment of Family Gro ceries. Also, a large assortment of paints of all colors and degrees, dry or in oil, and a splended assortment of paint and other lines he running tools, among which are grain eradles. .Vc, Ac, Ac. Aim, a general assort ment oi noota ana snoes. Also, agent for Folsom a Plough, manufactured ii Oregon, aud warranted equal or not better thaa any Inijx.rtcd and at one third to half less price encourage l,nmn .... TACCPU V HDPtCOTT JOSEPH X. PRESCOTT. July 7th. ' lKtf Tbi Day Received, TY the barke XAHUMKEAG, for sale low for cash JJ or Country prmluce. 10 bhU and hf bt.Is X. O. Sugar. GO sacks Wiina No. 1. mgar, 100 lb each, 10 dz Oysters (fresh) Baltimore in 2 lb ci 25 boxes Adamantine candles, 6'a, 40 lb ea, 10 do do do 6"s, 20 lb ea, 15 doa boxes Sardines. 25 kogs Seth Adams' syrup. 5 bhls N. O. aud S. W. svrup. . - I - 30 1 oses tobacco, laike 'a'' Thomas", "Pride of the I nion ' and "Diamond brands , 40 sacks Si's each Rio Green Coffee, 20 gross best matches, 60 Sox smoking tobacco, ' " 60 dnx gum campher. ' ' a bhls crushed sugar, J. tt. PRESCOTT. SStf Oregon City. Kqv.25.1S56. Notice to Shippers. . OMandandaftertliisdat FREIGHT ' -II U will be charged by the rale of ship's measurement only. A. JAHlliU.1, Master. Caneraah, Oct. 2tth. HWd. 33mos3 At Kueene City. THE aub.aeriber has at Eugene City, one of the best general assortment of Dry Goods. Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and Shoes, ar-d all articles kept in a rene- ral finding atore. to be foond in Oregon. He ia con stantly receiving fresb additions to his stock, and al ways Keeps it up. aty good are now all received direct from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. Ail kinds of farmer's produce received in exchange for goods 1 pay higher prices for produce, and sell goods cher.ner tuau aujr uuier .wit lu tae lerntory. . JOSEi'H TEAL. I Eugene City, July t, 1856. - 16tf KemoTaL BAUM & BROTHER have removed to their New Store next door to J. Strange Stove establishment They have just received a general assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats and Caps, Boots and Slides, Groceries, Crockery, Ac., which he offers for cash or proouce. - X. B. Wanted Butter. Eggs. Bacon, Lard, Floor, and W heat, for which they pay the highest market price. -: Salem, July 19. 18o6. - 19tf I - Baum & Brother, FROST STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Boots, and Shoes, Groceries, Ac N. IS. AU kinds of produce taken in exchange for merchandise at the highest market price. 19tr Old Arrangement. NOTICE is heredy given to the inhabitanta of the seal of government and the ntrrounding world that J, D. Boon has purchased the entire interest of all the goods in the EMPIRE STORE, and will eontinasto sell goods at the old Empire Stand, at wholes a i. a ajrn aa rati., store ironung on ami sweet auey, atiu street, J. D. BOON. Stlem. Jan. 2I.1S6. D R. GUYSOTT'S COMPOUND EXTRACT OFSAK- SAPARILLA and 1 ELLOW IXH K . at t W.K.SMITH A CO-S. rpiAX receipt blanks fc- sale at tbe St teaman office. j. at ai Ter nnnoTeo. v0UNTY ORDER BLANKS For sale at the V . .... -STATESMAN 0FfCB. lua. an Stove and Tla Ware EstabllsluBient. J STRANG reapectrally noUflea the citizens of Salem. . and public generally that be keep on hand in his new building. Main st..every pattern of Cooking, Portal , oTf.and & STUPE It a general assortment of TIN WARE, tit every description and alt artfoles anally found In a tin shop aaa store, ell of wbleh w I ne sold aa cheap aa at any otlier eAabtutiatekt l;0 Territory. - - . . . t ,.!:. i . ie-. j-.i All order for lobbing promptly attended to. . tr . , j. a'lBJLsa. 1 Allan A, I.evrla, , WHOLESALE MKRCHAXTg, PORTLXXD, ORE GON TERRITORY. Ceo. ibernctbj 4 Co., MERCHANTS, OUlON CITY, OREGON TER RITORY. tr nbrmrthf, Clark 4 Co., ' ' COMMISSION AND FORW A RDINO ME1!CHAXTS, VS San Franctseo. Cat., will attend to selling frrerna firoduce, and till orders fur tioods. Grocsrtea; the uweat rate. Tbe patronage ft tbe people mt 0egoa i. respectrully solicited. . , Angust 1. IS55. , , 2ltf Allan, McKlnlay, At C'o"' GENERAL COMMISSION MERC H A N T Sj and Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Dry Good. iro eeriea. Hardware, Ac, Oregon City, O.T. ' iee. 3W., i t i - any. Water Itanti. TTVIB SALE Two water rams, with lead pfpe aud fix X' tares complete. . JAMES STK fKANG, Salem. March loth. 185.'.' Itf- Allan, aicKinlay, 4v C- ir AVE just received a slock of New Ih-ort; nd would invite all thnae who wish to tirouaro UOOO articles at reasonable prices, to call and aee them. The cwum iu ymn v& M.V iviiu.iug. . . ,. i I Grindstones, Canal and Wheel Barrows, Grain Cradlea, Gram Scythe and Snath, Bruta do 1 do 16 so Harrow, 23 teeth .'. Garden Kakea, ;. do ,, lloea, ,. -: do Spades, , t . Polished Shovels, V Hay Fork. Manure Forks," 1 Chums, ' ' Window Glass 8 by 10 . do - lObrll . do , 7 by 9 . -Window Saabs by 10 . .. do 10 by 11 r sncy .uronma, . . Plain1 do "J"'" Aasnrted f JoloreaTaJH," Painted TT, ' ' Zitto Washboardai ) ii ' Blackstaith'a aVlluwk Crests-cut Saws, 7 ft ,;. - do , ft ,., Milffiaw. 7 ft Hair Mattraiwea, 8 siWe 7 4 Vm'gleVf If air BolMcra, donl.le. ; ' -. do single-,- '" Bpenn Candle, , n--.:r Adamentiae do i' . .. Grape brand Tolsaoco. " oa flows and l ukes. Blankets. Baize. Liudaeys, Sheetings. Ticks. AcJLc. uitae no no. We keep constantly on hand a large supply ,( GRO CERIES. CIX3THING. HARDWARE, and njany art elea too aumereoa to mentiow. " 1 . - - ALLAN, M'ZINLA Y A Cf.! Oregon CKy. ; - ,- tltr Books! Book! !' " WK. SMITH ft CO. have lost received the Target . and beat selected Stock or BOOKS rref ofTered ror sale in Salem, consisting, in part, of tbe following POETICAL WORK.; White', Collins, Gray's Top per's. Iteottie's, Scott', Young', David-Orr'. Cro1y5. Crbts's.Shakpeare",Onwper'a,Co1crld4.'e', Hemaua, Bura, Pollok'a. Shelley's, M'lwttt's, "Montgomerye, Camphf ll's, Pope'e, Mwre's, Wordsworth's, Osaiaa's, Thompson'. Milton's, Byron's, Cobke's, OoldfimithJ, London's. ' . AGRICULTURAL, FRUIT GMOWINO, Ae-Uft-ott's, Yonatt on tbe Htme, Allen' Stable Rook, Hind's Farrier. Downing. Barry, Timrnas, Blake, Mason 'i Far rier. Stewart and Skinner, Saxton and Clater. BKXiRAPHIESWashingten's. Jackson's. Sc'.U, Taylor's, Marion's, Bonaparte's. Seward's. Iyui Napo leon's, Motart's. Lives of the Presidents, Marv (ueen of Scot. Henry VIII and his Six Wive. Harrison', La fayette'a, Sam Hoo-Pm'. Horr t.'Iajr', Kossuth's, J. Q. Adams', Paniel Boone's, ShaKpeare's, Dean PwifTs, Humboldt, Bishop Hedding's, Live of tbe Popes, J. B. Finley's, Rolante", Newton , Weslet's, Fleb ner's, La marti'ne's Celebrated Charax teni. and many other. HISTORH-'i-K'iilin' Ancient Hitofy, RnaselTa Mmlem Eurfipe. Grlibon'a Rome. Rottech"; History of the World. Birth's History of the Wmld. Witlard s Dto tory of tbe World, Bf aa V American Revolution. Macao levs History of England. 4 vols. D'Anbiene'a History of" the Reformation, 5 vols. Peteraon'a United Stataa Navy. Ac. Ae. M ISCELLA NEOUS and SCIENTIFIC WuBKS- Brand' Encyt:lipedia, Smith's classical Dictionary, Iat in and Greek Lexicons and Readers. Virgil. ILmer. JSenopbon, Joaenhns. IHck's Works. Maury's Geography of the Sea. Wesley 'a Sermons. Smith's Sacred Annals.. Harper's Universal Gaceterr. Dwizht' Mythobqry. Lard ner's Lectures, Goldsmith's Animated X store. Wood's Nataral History. Gnna's Doroestie Medicine. Willia l IVn-t. BtoiM. Wnrfc 1 li- Works, pnwaiag's Cowntry Houses. Builder Guide. Webster's Dictioirary. all sizes, -Oat ica' and Pack a Mathematical Dietmnary. Farmers and Planters' Ka ryckipedia, Thackeray's Pendenni. Dm, Orixotte, Gil Blss. Cosmos. Bi glow's Useful Arts, Ure's Dictionary, Hngh Miller's Old Red Sandstone. Ac., Ac. ' SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KINDS. Parker's Read er. Sander's Readers. MeOreflee'a Readers , Cobb Readers. Gift Books for Children and Youth. Alan, , f a , .1 : , - i ... -. n oa vewn-Tty. 1 ii"fJ.T, x. neniMtry. i uiiosopny. Government. Anatomy. Mineralogy. Oratory. Mathe matics. Debating. Medieiae. Tbeoiogy. Temperance, Rhetoric:. Grammars. Geographies, Anthmet-. Aro aomy. Travels. Work of Humor. In short, every thing mally foond in a Bonk Store. Store opposite the Holman House, near the Steam Vsax Landing. atf Estray IVotice. 1 Strayed from thesabacriher. livingon Spencer , creek. Lane Co.. O. T., about thirty bead ofCar cattle described as Follows: Tbey are all branded awaaaaaat with J R on the left hip. the letters being joined togeth er and look some thing like the letter A. A pnrUoa of them are branded with tbe figure 4 eei the right hip. au ovw two years oia, are uranaeo wiui aa unrs m addition to the above brands. They are all marked with a crop and wallow-fork except four head; tbey are marked with a crop aad alit ia the left ear, and a lit ia tbe rigot ear. Any persons knowing or the above described cattle, will please inform J. L. Brnmley, or the suhacriber at rageneiny oc toe I act aaa toey wui bell (anally rewar ed. H.G. HADLEY. Eugene City, JaTv 2fith 1S56. 20wt6 - Qcabttcb Masrsa Gknkbal's Orncx, I - Salem, O. T., June 16, 1856. ( ALL peraona having demands against the Quarter Master Dep't of Oregon Territory, are requested to present their claims for adjustment, at tbe different offl cee, at tbeir earlieet convenience. JOSEPH W.' DREW, . 14tf Quarter Master General. O. TV -.; - Take IVotice. NOW offered for sale at the store of tbe underaigaed 100 crates Crockery. . 12300 Iba. White Sugar, . . -' HUOO lbs. superior Brown Sugar, . - - - - - - , " ISM lbs. &L Sugar, in kega, . 100 kega Syrup, . .. i-.:,. .-. a --.---. 100 boxes Soap, - , . i- ' , 25 bags Coffee, . ,:- . y.-. , 10 cases pride union Tobacco. . : , 100 doa. wool aiock, ., . , - . , - i , 1500 yds. Prints, . - : a , 3000 " " damaged. . .. -" 400 piece silk H audkercbiefs, -, ... . .. .-: SO boxes Saleratua. .- .,, - . i ' 1 case Honey, . .. 100 boxes Tsa. very cheap, .i , - ,-..., " 3O0 yds. low price Linaey,., ,. . I ."' 130 yds. Carpet. : . .... -..-.-ci i . .. . 200 yds. Merinos, . ' 10 bales Gonney. ' - ,(- i- 40000 lha. Liverpool Salt. - - a G. ABERNETHY, A CX' ' Oregon City Oct. 1.1856. 30U" .. ?,- -i . " Statesman Book and Job Office. : ' ; WE have Three Presses, the best facilities for Book' ' printing north of California, anr? an extensive aa. ' sortro-ntof Joras Matoual of every kind; and., with " master workmen, are prepared toexeente promptlv, and ia a workman-like manner, all orders in tbe above dex ' partaaents, such as . , Books, 1SLANX iivckx, - ' NoTKSOrHA!TD.:V'';"i '': , Otiaji Boon,"" 't;- PAJtHPHLKTSJ, ' Hakills, Ball. Tickets, - " ClBCt'LABS, w. i on. , ' - Steawbo't Cabds,' Bills or Lamso, 7 ("EarrriiCATES, , 1 - ' Show Bills, ' CirecE Books, ; ". Bt'x Racxirrs, ' 1 : Invitations, Business Cakps, Bn.i.nmna. -CoNCEarr Bills, - PBOSRaJOfES. r Asonssa CasaM URAFTS, Blakks op all Kinbs. Ac. Ac.. Ac. ORNAMENTAL PRINTING, with COLORED DTK'S. Xaw of Newspapers. ; 1. Subscribers who do not give express notice to thav contrary, are considered as wishing to continue their subscription. 2. If subscribers order papers discontinued. Publishers, may continue to send them till all charges are paid. 3- If subscribers neglect or refuse to take their paper ' from the office or place to which tbey are sent, theyara beld responsible until they settle their bill and give aaa tice todiseontiaue them. 4. If subscribers move to other places without info, m i w the Publisher, and the paper is sent to tbe former direo ' tion, tbey are held responsible 5. The courts have derided that refnsingto take a pa. per or periodical from the office, or removing and mg it uncalled for, is prima facia evidence of intentiooa fraud. aa-Postmasters wonld oblige, by a strict fhsn of tbe TegwlatioM requiring; them to notify Publishers, once in three months, of DODers not taken fm i J office by sajjeenbera, ' .