The Oregon statesman. (Oregon City, O.T. [Or.]) 1851-1866, January 06, 1857, Page 3, Image 3

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The Central Committee heresy- renncst the
Democracy ot tto rarions counties of this Terri
tory to select delegates to a Territorial Democratic
Convention to assemble at Salem, on Monday, the
12th nf April next, for the pnrpoae of nominating
a candidate for Delegate to Congress, and to
transact, roch other basroeat as may bo deemed
Torouer-. .? . ' I - -- . .
Tn coram! Bee would recommend as abasis of
representation, that the counties send delegates as
follows: Columbia 1, Wasco 1, Washington 3,
Mnltsoinhh Clackamas 5. Yamhill 4. Mirin 7.
Lint 6, 1s Al'inM 8, Donglea 4. Coos 1,
Cnrry 1, Josephine S, Jackson 4, Benton 4, Polk
4. Ttntmdok 1, Clatsop 1. It Is confidently ex
pected that each eonaty-4rilt take prompt and
-Hy steps tt 'ssVict. ablegates, and secure a full
, nan fair tepresentation in the Convention. . .
. , : -s . - J- W. SESMITH, Chairman.'
.- V - , , t ; L. p. G ROVER,
?'' ' - A. L. LOVEJOY, '
; , , johx p. MILLER.
' I w Democratic papers please copy.' "
iTnsTEirs ts. UR.tTORS. ruornnare m;
orator with the . newspaper, and we gain a
faint glimpse or the ubiquitous power of the
latter. The orator speaks to a few Inm-
drcds of thousands tlie newspaper ad
dresses its million of millions. , The wcrJs
of the orator may die on the air the la
nage of the .newspapers is stamped npon
tables as' imperishable as marble. . Thear-
jramcnU of, - the - orator may follow each
'other, ho rapidly that a majority of the
"htarers may struggle in a net of ratiocina
tion the reading of a newspaper may be
Scanned at leisure, wjthout ft . fear of per-plexity.-'.Thc
passion of. an orator inflames
the whole assembly the feeling of the
newspaper sways the whole continent. The
orator is for an edifice the newspaper is for
the world ; the, one shiucs for an hour, the
other for all time. The orator may be coni
ftared to lightning, which flashes over a val
ley for a moment, only leaving it again in
darkness the newspaper to a sun blazing
orer- ft whole' earth, " and fixing on the ba
"is of its own eternity Printing has been
happily defined "the art which preserves
mli arts." - Printing makes the orator more
than the orator. It catches np his dying
"irords, and breathes into them the breath
of life. It is the speaking gallery through
which the orator thunders forth in the years
of ages. - He leans from the tomb over the
cradle of the rising generation.
' Arn.ES. Western apples are selling
higher than was ever before known at this
season of. the year. Sales were made last
week at $4 per barrel. Long Island pippins
continue to be put np in large quantities for
exportation, at from $6 to $8 when rolled
n! packed. IV. I" Jour.. Com. A "or. 6.
. Rocx Cocttt Forever. Not a single town
u Kock county, Wisconsin, has gone for
Tidchanao. -j,;,,t'. : . ,it) Wisconsin.
-Washisctos Cocttt for all Eternity.--"Xot
a single town iu Washington Co'uuty,
Wisconsin, has gone Tor -Fremont, and the
-town of Erin,' ia that connty, did not give
single vote for either of the Fremont. .
Milieankit After. '
f - - -
- Last week, John Mitchell, of the
town of Chemung, was taken with a fit of
vomiting, and finally disgorged from his stom
ach a lizzard near nine inches long. He had
drank several potations of whisky, together
.with three quarts of milk that day, and it is
-supposed that the lizmrd got drunk on milk
punch. .The lizzard is supposed to have Wen
Tallowed some four rears ago, which has
ansed a slight dvbiltty at the stomach ever
since. i
IJy the official returns of the city of Phil
adelphia, Buchanan had 33,222, 'or 6,246
majority over all, 18,165 over the anion
ticket,' and 14,133 over the combined Fill
more ticker. John C. Fremont, on the
untoa ticket for electors had 7892, and Mil
lard Fillmore 12,213. The qoakers didn't
help' Mr: Fremont much. We told you
they wouldn't. , , - . -V , . -.
fi'JLx: Americas ox the Papal Throve.
A eWTespondent of the New York .Post,
"Writing front Rome, on the 13th alt., cays :
" This rooming Col. Hiram Pearroh, of
San Francisco, was fisted one thonsaiid pias
ters for seating himself o the throne of the
Sqcibob Jcmo. Birth,, oa hoard the
steamer -Golden Ag, on the 1st. inst dur
ing the voyage from San Francisco, the
" wife of Lieut. G. II. Derby, U. S..A., of a
" ' "tRRIF.D. ' " '-' ' '
""It tte residence of Cant. Hcnnes. hv fieri J. F. Dc
r?KNXE83, a-Jtk af Thurston county, V. T. November
Ia Bcssi county, on the 5th alU. by Hcv. John W.
Vork. Mr.JOHX krB, ef IVrfk Mra-SYL-
j u Aauiis, ot tfeotoo eoanty, . 1. -
la Linn county, January 1st. at the reMaVm f t1e
iPERHAK.and Mim MARTHA Weldent cUoghtrr of
Jtev. e. n. ueary. -
150 Bounty Land Warrants
AXTED, by the mibHcriber at Salem.
AID for Soldier Boooty Land Warrant bv
- .... C.X. TERRY.
Ma-nlla Saloon, c
50r !rtXIS, ' . T.,
OiBir.ns aimu own! a toe aay ana jw
eming. sad ' the venr be strle. P;
n-C'all and ratiMfr Toonelm. V?Vj3
Comtlii, Jaa. 6, li7. 43ml
OOiOT a. iw. f 'tdcwc. Portland, Oregon.
Reynolds & Liw.
WHtt..RCKCr9TH am C-wnmiiwm MerrhaoU.
and dealer a ttrtfm TVattere, corner Kearny
sad Jarkma Mreeta.Haa Kranciim. -tfr
Advances mad nn i 'niy n iniitw. '
gr .Refer to J..FA.H4ftf A Ct., Portland.
feffster Kctfivrfs KotUe I'mpqoa Land
rPO wmufen ia 4ora)ii 21, nootb rasfe 3 wect,
I 2.S. " 7 "
" - 7, " T -
TW abort tewna!)i bai. inr smb oaroKl, and pint
(thereof approved on ibe 6t f of bet;., lslss, all aettlen
who bare l'W or jntats f dmni ttieio. before tbe
tate of v apnrqriC. ace tpqiimi ta appeat at tbe
.office afifce Brginter an; Receiver "f ibe l'npiu Land
fhmrirt r'ttlno tiiV CV" r01 Ht ''V of
f ehroarr, IUT. or prrriniw to tb.K 4ia;e. if rwveiiK-iit.
xrhea and s-beoe e iall be prrpared to uwive tbe no
f ineations of tfeeir claiian rexpentirt. andoitor uKn
I tie ajjustrrot sod eUle!Bent. aconliajt to lav, of all
nflicit of bnoodary ,ine thaf. may be uuod in xt
bivea under oar hane ai W.a.WT. tlrix Jfllli dav of
OeclH3 K r. MWSHEC. feiT.'
434 W, J, MARTIX. Itecewer,
IcfUtfr tad Scccirer't lotjec-VTilUaitlfc land
ri V) 4tim Ja toprnbP 0 aooth. r&naa 7 srentk
m J? " y
t M ' 7 "
'."'" JO " 8 v
j3 ' 8 '
f 14 " g -
Tbe a bare towhip baying baen tt.Te;-t, nd the
Blatn tbereof approved on the 5U) day or lrc, IsiC, all
arttlers bo baa claiinx or prfa of ijjjrai Uiettin. are
nqneted to appear ai tiic liwl 0B for tbe tt'illa
sctte District of OjQegoo at Orxzun City, r at tbe office
of tbe SNrveynr General at Salem, ifl)in thirty days
from and after tbe 3d day of February. J or pwi'in
M that time, if convenient. v'i and wln-re ae
fee prepared to racefva tbe u.itificlioiia of their dauiu
mpectircjy, au-l to eoicr upon tbe adfU-AoMtut and
piettlen;c?tt,ac7ordiQ3 tn lav, of all confli'4n of bouadary
that may be found to esi.-4 aaoat tbem,
Oinn under our band-i, at the Land Office, Orison
ritv tli 31t day of of Itcc, 1R5C.
K. WILCOX. Rcgutir,
pri . . . jas'h? orrftnin, Jr. rca-fr. ,
CORRECTED TTEKKLT, BT . F. BROWN., January 6, 1357
7 . FKODUCK. ,
Wheat, white,. .ii.. .i . i.-
Wheat, mixed,
Onions, ...... ...... ...... .
Beans, ......
Peas -
ltacon, sides,.
Bacon, ham,
Lard, in keara, -
Butter, fresh rolls,.....
Butter, packed,
' 75
40 a 50
75 a t
1 50:' 8
1 00
13 a
15 a
25 a 30
Chickens per doien,.-.i-; .....i 50 a 8
vi,,r n..r inn ih.. i...-. 50 a 3
. Pork ..---
. . i t .... F BtilTS .
DrieJ Apples,
lriel lVachcs,-; i.
Wed Currants,...:."
Annlra. ncr bushel.. .'. : . . ....
5 a 6
... ,16 a
18 a
4 U0a700
F"ir clear, per M.. .... L:.. . 17 00 a 90 00
Cedar, per M 30 00 a 35 00
Shine-lea, cedar, per M,.
5 50 a 600
Shingh-a, fir, per M. v ... i...
Sngar, . X. O.,'. . . . : -'- i
Sugar, China,.---.-
Sugar, -hite, crnhod,....'...i
Syrup, ...... .4. ............
Cotfeo, -..---- ...
Rice,...--. -
Soap .
Salt i.'.;.
Candles, adamantino,
Candlea, tallow, ...... . ---
Saleratu, .....
f'.J. Ti-
5 00 s, .
14 S 16
- 13 a 14
- W a 90
1 95a 1 50
, iS a 90
15 a 20
-t 194a 14
- Si a 4
37ia 50
-85 a 37
' 194a 15
95 a 33
White Ix-ad, iow w
NaU,cnt,perkejr.--i 8 00a 950
Nails, wrought, per keg- 19 00 a 1500
. - . - . nA
Linseed, per jrallon..-..
Boiled OU,
Whale...... -.:
Glass, por foot.......
Sheeting, brown
Sheetings, bleached, .........
Drill, brown,-...--...... ....
Prills, blue, - i...
Merrimae Prints....... ...........
Common Fancy- Irinta,i......i.. .
Mons. lVLaine.?..;.. ......
Irish Linen....... ...... .... .....
Brown Linen,.. .......... ..ii..
Brown Table Linen, ..
Satinett, donblo milled,-..... .
2 95
a 8 50
9 00
8 a 191
9 a 19
19 a 90
a 194
a 90
a 10
18 a S71
. ; ' 5t a loo
; . 33 a 50
r 40 a 75
1 00 a 1 95
tvrntniKT Jean,..,--..
Cotton Jeana..-. ......
Tants, satinett,
Boots, kip,.,.-..-:.,:...
Btou, ealf. .'....-..
374a 60
90 a 35
.;..;... 00 a 4 00
50 a 4 00
.. ..5 00 a 7 00
Sfeciil Hollcet.
J ark son Jubilee.
There will be a Brand DenWrratfe celebration and la
bilee. at Slt-ra on the bth of January, 156. I'mnt oar,
no, nO. '-. i i I I t T 1 ! ,' -
CmxiTTtE op ji kb tsorMKvrs-Ceo. H. Williams, J.
I. Boua, t. F. 5Teri J. V. Xesmith, J. . lreir.
Supper and entertaintent. f 3.00.
To Statesman SatMrrlber In Arrears.
As will be seen by oar pmspectn in the advert;
cnlumos. at the commencement oi oittme reren oi toe
Statesman,' About the middle of Marrh next, ttie ob
scriptioB price of the pnprr will be reduced to (Aire
datfor pre omnia, ta all raara wArre payment it madt
actnallu m a-lcsnrt. Of conriie. alt arrears must be nrt
naid id. We rive notice of the reduction thus early
to sire every one time to tettle op all dies to the clone
of VoL 6. that they may avail themselves of the re
duced prk-e. And we earnest! v urge eai-h and every
one of mir patron behtnn. to settle up to t b. o.
55. prior to that time. We do not want to eharre two
prices for our paper, and lfore the 17th of March, we
imT an our wioM-niir win nir wipen otii pin -t
and ne ready to auvanre turn ttattart ror tne nrx yr,
an.l thns obtain tbe paper at that cheap price.
Wonev mav be sent tv mail at our rik. A letter
rsr is to eet the postmaster t" ent l.we it for voc
Bv reference tn his lat rereipt. or to the bill and cir
cular nt ot:t last summer, each witjarrils'r can tell to has paid, and readilr calct.ljte
whst H dne to Vol. 6 so. 5? from which time the re
duction commences.- If nnablr to dcternir.e how mm h
is dne-. yend ns word, ar.d we will ert-loe in yor.r pp r
wilfn lav HKmni. .
A pain, we urje rrery mWrilr we have to bring bp
the arrears, and receive the 7th r lsme of the Statesman
fur 13,00, A.Kl'SU
Pic. T 3. rxsi-Ksr'a Svrrical and Medical Tostitnte is
so extenivrlv known m this Territory that anr notice
of it. or of him. might seem safierHiioaii. Yet fearing
that there are thae who heretofore havina; no need of
medical aid. have aerle-ed t ascertain the proper
sources of relief In cases of mHiortunea. To toose e
her leave 1 1 direct attention to Ihr. I.. J. Czapkay. who
is certamlv a t'hviriaa of rreat skiH and wonderful
snecess in his pro:e.ion. Tbe lr. has devoted much
atteutloo t the treatment of chronic and private di-
eases, and etands unrivalled in his management of
them. T those who need sech assistance we cheerfully
recommend Dr. I- J. Czapkav : it would be well at all
events to consult mm. as he msKes ao cnarre tor con
sultation, and much rood mirbt resali from it. The IV
guarantees a cure in all cases or aakt t3 compensation.
ar see IT. 1. J.Craokav advertisement in another
column oi luis paper. i . : : n 17 Jm
HoLunrty'sPiLLS osierate benrliciallv not onlv unon
the diseased orrsas. but upon the constitution of "the in
val;d. To quicken the torpid stomach, enable the dis
ordered nver to secret a tliie portion of healthy wle
and renvsjre obstrnctkms from the intestines, are Imior-
taat oiuents; out Hrtiowav s I'llls do more than th
1 ney remnt the stamina of toe patient, and infuse tone
aud vsror mto Uie whole vital machinery. The animal
spirits, sympathk-ina; with the physical towers, beeoms
lia-hland ba-mint.and that rreattof earthly Messina-a.
-a sound aitnd in a sound body' is tbe result. Tliousands
or persona who have been cured of chronic dyapesta
and its attendant depression, by this powerful alterative
ana tonic, snow tins to be literally true.
Land Warraat. Received.
THE owner will take nnW that I received by the
la-t mail Fteanier the following land warrants not
yet caiiet ror :
Joseph O. Hitcbings, Warrant 1C0 ' acres.
Thomas C. Phaw, " "
Joseph Pepar, "
Martin Wright.
Frederick tavlor. - " "
PiVid Kirk patrick, ' "
Samuc 1 B. tireyg,
James Kester, M
James lleatfaerly, " "
Albert ;. 1avi, " " "
James Pritcbell. .. ' ..
Salem. Jannary 3, 1Sj. - 43w4
Lund Warrants.
BY the last mil I received the following list of land
warrants, viz :
Joseph Itertrand, Tierre Lacourse, John Pattcrwm,
Joseph tSenagratta, John Yaughn, Win. Simmons.
Salem, Jannary 3, 1S57. 43w3
Administrator's Aotice.
fTOTICH is hereby given, that the nndersigned was
i appointed Administrator of the estate of Thomas
f. Hogoe. deceased, late of l.inn county. Territory of
Oregon, by the Judpe of the Probate court, in and for
said county, on the tenth day of September, A. P. 1X56;
berefore ail persons ln.fei.tvd to said estate, will please
come forward and settle the same, and all persons hav
ing claims ajraint said etate. wiil please present the
same to the undersigned, at his residence, ten miles
south of Al' Linn countv. within one year from
the date of this. J AM ESP. HOG UK, Admin'r.
Pecember, 23, 1S.W5. 43w4
Ilwnse, Carriaare, Sf$rn, and Steam
boat Painting.
C A. KEEP having established bis Paint shop in
Salem, is prepared to execute with disnatch all
jobs in the above line. Banners, Standards, and Km-
ems. ror societies painted on ilkalin. velvet or mus
lin. Paintv of all colors and descriptions mixed, readv
for use. for sale at his shop ; also White Lead. Linseed
Oil, Turpentine and Yamib, Wall paper and lionler.
Window glass. Paint brushes, graining tools, Ac. Pi
rections given in painting, also in graining imitation
of wnnil, stone or marble.
X. B. Orders from alroad promptly attended to.
All jobs intrusted to bis care warranted to give satis
fact i..
Satan. Jan. 6, 1R57. 4.1yl
IS given to aest of kin, and to all persons interested,
taa tlie sndersigned Administrator of tbe estate of
CALY IN' CCPl". intends making final settlement of
bis account 4n rei-rtinn to said ejtate. with the probate
'ourt of Ivna county, at the next April term of said
court. KUSSEL ALFOBP. Admin'r.
Pcoeailier It, IHiC 4Jw3
AdTerfisenaentt Never Paid For.
WE have on our advertining book, charges for Ad
ntinbvtrator'a aotioes. Attachment notices, Kstray
notices, Divorce notirs. and all kiuds of transient ad-
vertining. aais-i almost eretj body, strung all along
iron. Jan. iui vo iizxiM isai. Also some charges
for job work. Wc ate anxious to settle urn all these ac
counts, at to Jan. 1st. lH7r and earnestly urge all
who know theraseliws to be icdehted. to send the
amount of filJtg tutrt they owe. lis' mail, at our risk. If
any caa'f pay, send us word to that effect, aud we'll
striLe off th etutrge. if any don't intend to pay, send
ns wore to uu enecs, ana we win try to maxe yon
Some of the biHs which we know to be good, we shall
send to attifrneys for collection, by suit or otherwise, if
not paid before long. . We want to get the names off
our book somehow, for we have become tired of seeing
..;'i k.,-. i.. r
-iin i itij 4i. . . -; iiicic tllm HU
to 2rr vrat-. 2 .' t . fTJTUX, OKI'ICR.
Stuart1 s
Exrntifiss ran
Chnmpofg, Salrm, Albany and Corrallit,
on Wednesday; and on.:..:
Arrival or Mail Steabkb from San Francisco!
' Si" All Letters, Packages and Freight, entrusted to
myrure will be attended to promptly,
OFFICE At " Franklin Book Store.'
Pccemlier 3:. l5rt. A. B: STTTART.
P. D. Palmer,
TAEALEBIn Dry (5uod. t'loihlng. Fancy Articles
XJ Nooks and StatiuncrT, ana general inercnatidise
Store nrst diwr north of the Union Hotel, balcm.
December 30. . 4-.'tr
Cranberries. ' '
L0STt Honirwhcre betwrcn Astoria and Snlem, a bar
rel or. Cranberries, shipped at the former place;
latter part of November, for the editor of the States
. .. .t :u
man. t lie erson wiiu wuoiu uiey uav ivugcii
please start thera up before thrv spilt. ')..,
December, t J, 166. . . , , . t . '-tf
Executor's Notice., :. ,
rTiriE undersigned nnmed ai Kxecutor in the last will
1 t . . . i . . ii u ntii. li tk .1
.1 ana wsnmi,iii t , i punnn An I . un rascu
lute of Linn rnnntr. O. T., hus received letters testa
mentar v , on the estate, from the probate Uwrt of said
eminty ; all persons tudebtcd to said estate are required
to make inimcdiato payment, and ell iersnns having
claims against tne estate are requested to exnioit tnem,
with the necessary vouchers, within one year frntn this
date, t me. at my orltre In the court hou-, at the town
of Aioanv.1- Jtiii n. i.i.trjs, Kxecutor.
Albany, Pec. 11, 1S.-.6- . i 4w
1 The Iiatrt of Oregon. ,
rrtHE OUKCOX STATUTES. 1S5.S. being a larire vol
I nme nf KJUI uaires. with coinnlcte intles. nnnta
noos.and references, comprising all the lawa in force ia
the Territory. Inclusive of those passed at last session
of the legislative Assembly, are for sale at the office of
tne Ststesmna, at nve uoiiars per copy. . i ne worx is ex
ecuted in the best manner, bound in law style, and
is sold at publisher pri-es, and as low as a like work ran
ha knnirhi in inr State Jd the I'nisn. and at the lowest
flgiwe Chey can be nfl rdtsl for liore. The price places
tnem witnin tne rcacu oi an u wpirj inr iaw uirj
live nnder. Orders by mail accompanied with the cash,
filled by return mail. - It is the last code of laws that
will probably he published in Oregon, for many years.
la auultum to tne eirmsaenis oi cue legislative Awtn
blv. the volume contains the Prrlatation of Indepen
denct. Constitution of the United States; Treaties with
Great Britain relating to Oregon, Ordinance of ITS', in
force tn Oregon. Donatio- aw and all amendments
and fbll abstract of United States Naturalization lws.
" Tliwavaspe IVatice.
KEHW.E fe.HOWELt.. petitioner w. MAKY E.
HOWELL, ilcrcndaut. - I'ktttion fob Divoiti s.
In the District Court First Judicial District. Marion Co.
O. T. Said defendant will take notice that said cause
la now pending in said court, .sad that unless she ap
pear and defen 1 the same, on'-or before the Hth day
uf February next, tha testimony will be heard and the
cause determined. ; ...
i . UF.Cr.OVEO, Solicitor for P'r.
Decrmiier S". 1. . - ; i 42w
BraollfnJ Prnrnu tn Ike Holidijs,
anb Fobes. Gold Trimbles. i;old Uutklks. Diabond
Rrvns. and a great tnany article Too Nt aERot's to
WKNTinx . just received l.v
-J - i - ' .CXILLIEII P.OI5B1XS.
Portland, Pec. It, rsSR. ' Sml
Cash paid for Soldiers Bouiitr Land
v arrant s.
fT'HB nnilersirned will pay rash, -and the Inflict
X rates, lor a large niimocr m noniiiy lami warranis.
on apiilicatioB at his office iu Court Hoiise. Salem. O. T.
C. X.TKUItr..
. Pccemlier 30.1S5C. V-'tf
' ' .Notice.'
rriHE Judges of the Supreme C'.Mirt of the Territory of
JL urrgon, isea.iin at the scat or government on
the lfith dav of DccemSer. l"rf, d i fix and appoint
Distrii-t C.x'irts to be held In the city or Sak-m. in tbe
county of Marion, on the first Mon'davs of April and
Septcnilier. and the fourth Mondays of Mav and Octo
ber, annually, nntil otherwise dcred and in the ritv
of Portland. 'in tlx-county of Multuoraah, on tbe fifth
Monday, of IVccmlicr, lsofi. and thereafter on tbe flrst
M'indaV of Mav and O.-t ibcr, and the third Monday
of June and November, aunuallv. until others Ueonl. r-
ed.and do limit the duration of said Terms to six dav
each. t;EO. II. WILLIAMS. Chief Justice,
41 CYRUS OLN EY, Associate Justice.
"Kenyon's Dar,tierrenn
rjHE nn Icrsigncd having recently returned from San
Jl rrancisco, is now prrpan-t to iaxc t:ioae iiramiiui
Pictures on lilass called A MB ROT VP EH. which bare
almost entirely superceded the- DAguerreotype in the
East and San I- raucico.
Uallrrv ia the new building, erected nartiallnSur far
business, west of the Marijn House.
- f r t-i WLEY KEXYOX.
Salrm, November 1L, It.'iG. . t V 3-'.tf
- - .Notlc7; : -':- -"r t
I have app-rfnted E. J. Harding Clerk of the District
Court for the tirst Judicial District, and be has an-
nointed IVpiities as follows : '
ciaczamas,. ..r. s. tiouano. .
Yamhill,.. tJeu. H.Ste-ard, ''
Polk ; Lucicn lleatb.
Kenton ; .'. T. II. II. Odeneat. ;
Lane.... .,'..;. E. F. Skinner. :
Linn,..' John II. Lines.
,., titO. IL 'ILLIAMS, Judge.
Pecember I. 16. ' , ? ; 41 . f
Saltt Salt!! ''' ', ',
Qf TONS "San Ouentin" SALT, in about fW and
J Wu lb. bags, inst receivetl and for sale vcrvcheap
Oregon City, Pec. , 1 KM. J
. ! t -J L 1 ' " T I 1
.. . .CotTee.,- , i. r
IF YOU WANT a really gi.l article of COFFEE. he
nndcrsimed have got IS.iusi Miunds best " COSTA
RICA.'' Come in and Vsik at it.
, Oregon City. Pec. 6. 1&56. , (
Take Notice. ,
THKREAS, my wife Eliza, has left my bed and
V Ismrd. lalsnring under an aberration of mind.
all persons are hereby forbid harlstring. trusting, or
keeping the said Kliza. on my account, f.Hj-1 shall pay
no nebts bv her coutra-ted. ;
Information of her wliereaiHwL will l erateriilly re
ceived. ,
Marion Co. O. T.. Pee. , lKi. - 41w3
niacknrniths and ot Iters, Look.
ALLAN SIcKIXL.YA CO. have now on baud a
I trge and well selected sbK-k of
rmr Iron. t ast Steel, .
ll'H-se shoe do - , l-nnan do.,
Nail rod di., Pl mghdo., .
Plite do..
And intend to keen up the assortment so as to suit tbe
wants of customers, (iive its a call . and vou will flrd
that we not only have the fullest stock, but will sell
" as cheap as the cheapest.'' We are constantly receiv
ing additions to our assortment, so as to replace what
Oregon City. Pec. 23. W. UT
RKSPECTFTI.LY announces to tbe citir.ens of Mari
on anc the surronnding counties that be has ner-
sraiienfv located in ISA I.EM, where he will carry on
watch km-airing in an us omnrnes. Having an ex
perience of nitif teen years at the trade, he is rnnlident
of living satisfaction to all who may favor him with
their custom.
CLOCKS md JE ll'El.R Y for sale.
N. B. Shop in the Union Home Building.
Salem. Nov. 15, IM6. BtiraJ
f(20 Reward.
STRAYED from ny premises on thr: lSih of Novem
ber. Ktfi. a bay horse, half Spanish, about fourteen
hands high, heavy made, branded with the letters J K
on hotli hips, the letters heingattaclicd, white hind feet,
and was shod all round ; has a Ibnnan nc. some sad
dle marks on his back, and also some collar mark-'.
The almve reward will be given to any person ror tbe
bor-e delivered to me at Salem.
Dr. n. W.SHAW.
Salem. Pec. 14 . 1S5G. 41 tf
Final Proof and Notification
- BlanltH.
JUST PRINTED, a large quantity of Final Proof
Blanks, and a small lot of Notifications, both from
the latest forms. Orders by mail or otherwise filled.
The cash must accompany the order or the blanks will
not be sent. Prices Filial Proof, (full set) tii 00 per
hundred, $1 nil per dozen. Xutilication, $10 00 per
hundred, tl 50 per dozen:
JsrAlfc&JlAI Or-riCE.
Salem, April 8, 1856.
Blank Deeds.
t NEW lot. just priuted. from a form prepared by
XV one of the Judges of the Supreme Court, and for
sale at the Statesman Office, at $t per hundred.
August Is, Inoli. i ..;((
Tax Receipt Blanks.
JUSTprinted ot the Statesman office a large simply
-of Tax Receipt Blanks, alter an imnroved fnrm
Price, one dollar per hundred. - Orders by mail, acenm,-
:it3 wnn tne ca.. wi" or n: ? py rrtwrn r.f ma-!, f
Bartinrtl te'MatteMn SeHinv t
f tostn
A NT one wishing a desirable location and the best run
J of trade in the upper country, will do well to pur
chase our STOCK ft STORE in Cores 1 1 is. which we Will
sell at PURTLA XD PRICES, losing freight, and fcr tiic
next 60 days will retail ror casb at cost
7'JS pair custom mode ahoeu-no split leather in lot.
' Z2U v' mens' custom made shoes, ut cost. , , ; ,
1S womens' kip shoes, . l
130 " Ikvs' shoes, . "
0 mens' lMMits-s-6 to 12 $1 75.
We have the best shoes cer Tn lh:nton connty.
' ' i . .. , ., 1
Cfl0 SAVED cut or every 10 Spent, by a call at '
fi)0 ; v: 'U.tUXAUD A MAT.TESOX'S
7 HO are selling off at cost? whyt;-!!-:' "
3BKL and one box ' Kit" for sale by .
SAVED $10 by culling at their Store before purchas
elsewhere. : v .: if- . ' i '' ' '
NY one having any clulni no in them a ill preseut it
L at their counter, and it will oe nam. i
a 1 SO. anr one owing them, whose Botes are due
.A aiil nn.seot their cash at tha counter, and it will
I taken care of. . BA RN ARD X M ATTESOX. I
To Home Builders. -
NOW Is tbe time to buy your HARDWARE. We
will take good' wheat at soo. nd sell yon the pest
of gooils market prices. BIRXAKU MATTKsiW.
Bolts blue Satinett. .
5 bolts brown Satinett '
- i Mack-!. " :' '.' Tt.;;-
X " rrey ; - --
3i ' , Jeans, 10 bolts gold mixed Jeans,
5 " blue mixed Jeans. 3 Ih.IU grey mixeil.
37 ,-.-, , BAUXA1CD A M ATTESOX.
Selling Out, Selling Out.
no is
is selling out?
ELLINU out fast Those Mens best ahoes. 1.2 i
I.L or any of the calicoes, lit ets, at
ERRIMACK calicoes, lU.OtW yds. at 111 cts.. at
CICHICO calico, J ,1100 yds. at 13 eta., at
ItlllLI.ll Allen Prints. S.OU0 yds. at 111 cts.. at
EAUTlFL't, Euglirh Copper Plates, at 10 a Ui cts.,
' it i .t nit l ii ivrrt-'i a vr "t?
a x ai.ti a, ruj ;
ATS wanted at 50 cts,. at. i
r ItHE last ol tha Wagons,' at
)LOU0HS,afaw mars h-ft. from $15 to $25. at .
C1AST steel - UuutV,' Adze's a f
t? Broad axes. tiO.ea-ut- r ,-, -. r- - f ,
CI ft Bench screws, at $1JW. ea. at .
1 f( e" plates, at S7 cts. at :
TT1EAT 3,800 boshels wanted at SO Cts-. at . f
- BAK.N AKU iK I rJHj ej.
SCRIP tiOlOO fta-aal aS t: lit-.' f
(Z keg White Uad. at J-IiS: at, , . ".A
good lire at
ALL the late papers, at iTx.:ir
Bring in constant danger of fire. '
.' i i OF TUB j . '., . -t . I i
' sr. Louis store, corvalus; -r
' Are seliing, without regard Id cost, their entire stock
A goods. We wish to sell out before the 1st of Janna
ry, and ia view of the -uear approaebiag FAMIXE.
roretold la tbe books, and known to be not rr distant
by the signs of the Night, (look at the Stars.) we nidi
to turn our entire validly possessions into
We Paj Eighty Cents for Wheat.
IXITS mo pair water-proof H-sils lor sale. For
n beat, Mi. $3 .ih.iai aaiiusu.
ll'STtIM MADE BOUTS DW pair. For good Wheat
M) per buslief. S3 1 If AIO Altl ex M A 1 1 f-l- .1 .
' HOES 2(M pair Indies' Shoes. ; S, . T, . . For
) wheat, ML , Si v JlAUNAttU At ATTESOX.
F you want 11 thtdpessj goixls In tnsm- eiiBe'tt
,1 U ... BAItSAKOA MAlllvSOi p.r
A XD sell your wheat at t i-r bushel.
2. 33 . , , j 1I.U4XAUDA M ATTESOX.
W-ITflflfll(in larv nltcbers at
BOWLS ! bow I, at ' 1 !- "--
. . i i i
IllUME assortment of hardware fur sale Tor ttats, at
ATS wanted at . . ,,
1)ORKlMusbtat' ... i' -j
TALLOW bought at ' -
WAOOXS Sell them for wheat at en a bushel.
WAGONS Just from tbe shop, fur sale cheap, by .
IHl.Mil.KH 2 M sbiactes. ' " n . -
1 ; 33 1. 1 .. .... BABXARD A MATTESOX
1JAIXTS White, Red, Bine snd Ureen paints fur,atru- , 33. BAKXAHUAi MATTESOX.
T. : . T. - T.
THE Itest Young llyson Tea fOTs1e in any quantity.
H-HEATprtferrtHJo CASIL , .
3 JJ 11 A It 31 A It IT X .l 1 ltJl..
yilO has Money to bny Wheat?
;m IV A k.v aki .'I s i 1 r..-i PA.
Dry Goods, Clothing. Boots i SUoeft.
AT Sun 1 rancisco prices, adding freight and a small
commission, lower tban ever before utTered in Port
laud, i ., , .", : ,, . , .1 (.;..-'
Baldwin &. Brother, ' ;';',v
Have opened the store on Front street, formerly occu
pied by W. Vaughn, between Yamhill and Morrison
streets, and are difciilavinf? a st.s-k of irootls selected
expressly for this markrt and bought for cash in Sau
t rancisco. r
As they confine themselves exclusively to the Dry
loods business, it enahlcs them to give their undivided
attention to every department in their line of business.
I uey oner ooculed bargains in the following articles,
viz : t
I.a4ies Ih-es (!an:I new snd elearaht stvlcs. a Inr
variety. Htmtrtsrrpine; Good a line assortment. Blan
kets. Toilet Quilts. Embossed Table Covers, White Dam
ask do, .Shawls and Tatnia., :
A complete stock of B Hits and Shoes from the-heav,
lest mining hoot, to tbe Hnest senred calf, clippers. Con
gress gaiter" snd overshoes. y .
Indies and Miurs Shoes In every variety. Congress
Oaitcrs, Congress heeled do, India rubU-r overshiics,
and boots.
A large stock of the above goods, purchased at the
present low prices.commaiids the attention of purchasers.
timers arc soiiciiea ana satisiacuon guamniico.
Portland, lVc. Ill, 1M5K. 40ml
Lumber. Lumber. - '
THOSE wishing tn engage in the lumber business, will
do well to call on the undersigned, as be wishes
to rent his Mills. All the lumber that is made at the
Mills is readily sold at the best of prices. . , -
l. . . I,, 1 . . : , 1
Tlie rent will be taken in lumber.
A. C. R. SHAW.
Eola.Dec. 13, 1B.
Food for the Mind.
ES we have plenty of it among which are some of
the most prominent works, llrron. Khukssneare.
Ituflon, Josephus, Moore's, Benton's 30 years, Arthur's
works. Life of Naimlenn, Henry Clay aud other great
men; also Fowler and Well's publications, wherein we
are taught how to preserve health by tracing causes to
ell'ert. Also works on spiritualism, such as Prof. Hure,
Edmonds, Tulmadge, Harris, and A. J. Davis, the star
the of age.
e also have all kinds of blank Hooka and stationery
in general. In fact we intend to -on all kinds of food
for (As mind, and intend to keep j- stcd, and want our
many readers 10 Keep up wim us .so ne ssre ana give
us a call, oue and all, at the sign of the hook store, main
street. Oregon City. HO.MKK HOLLAND A CO.
uregon wry, lec. 7, iko. 4u
Jlollday Presents. 1
CALL and buy soon at the Book Store, Oregon City.
Oregon City. Dee. 7, 156. 40tf "
- Dirorce Notice.
MAP.IA McMULLEX, petitioner, m. JOHN Mc
MULLEX. defendant fetitiam for marnt. I.
the District Court for the First Judicial District. O. T.
Said defendant will take notice that said cause is now
pending in Mid court, and that unless he appear and
defend the hamc, on or before the 10th day February
next, testimony xrjll be heard and determined.
. . , " l.f, GU0YFH. Solicitor for P'r.
DvciTher,''l. ! 41wl
"3s Cwlarpiw- Bwkrr JHttlrarrr
' A. R. Shipley at C.f "
A: the L'itg Book Store, Front St., PnVcmd, XJrego!t
i . i 4,n.s,r M n - -
' ntADfiRs.Sandcrs' old 1st, 5d,5d, 1th, a"d th.
aud The luung indies'; Sanders' JSew 1st. 2d, 3d
4th snd pth: Parkers 1st, 2d, 3d,, 4tU and fith; Mc
OtiBey's 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and ,"th. i
STKLLeRS-Sanders' Old, Sanders'. Sew: Ficuieu
PrixebIi. Sanders' Pictorial. School and Parker's, r
(iKOUBAPlti:s.-Mitchcli's,. Ancient and Modern, 01-
ney-s. morses, Aicalicys, and aiouteltu av Ut snd
za dook. - ; ' . .. -I
M AmkBtTicS. Arlthnietics Thomson's. Tables
Mental, Analysis. Practical, and Higher; Davies' Pri
mary, intellectual, ischool aud University; Hmth'sw. .in,... s:,..i.ia..'ia. n...,: 1 e...
yeylug, (leomctry, Practical sLitheunitius, Math. Dic
tionary, tyjgic ot aiHtneinatics, Aimlj taai Ueometry,
and Philosophy of Matbcmtitlc., ,. , '.,,-,
Oraniinars. Jrcen's Clurkc'rUUlQoir-SuiitU'ii-
Kirkam s Spencer's Tower. . .. . ..
Philosophies; Parker's 1st Lesson'; Juvenile and
School; Comstock's-i-SuiithV. , . . . ',' . . ,
Histories. Wilson's Juvenile, and United States;
Parley's Universal: Wlllard's Universal, and United
States. " : ; ; - - ... 1
LANOCtOgs Cooper' Virgil; Andrew Latin Rea
del; Viri Roma: Andrew' Latin Oramlnar; McCliir
lock's 1st and Id Book in Latin, and do. in Greek: An
thon's Greek Grammar and Reader: Jubusou'a Cicero.
Fasquelle's French Grammar and Reader; Woodbury's
German Orammur and Reader. Tcleinauue- ' Greek Tes
tament; French, self-taught; Siirreuue'a French Die
llouary; Andrew s jjitln ao. t.lddc.11 Scott s Urcek
tio, Antnon s classical ao, smitn s ao do. . .
Ihc-rtoNasitui. Webster's School. High do. An
demic. University, Royal 8vo, Unabridged and Cobbs'
rocset. .. .
MiscBt-LivKors; Mattison's Astronomy.. Newman's
Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. Kane's ElruienU of Crit
icism. Parker's Aids in Cotupusitiou, Parker's Exer
cises: Itrookficld's Comiosition. ; McElUgott's Young
Analyzer, do.. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word
Builder. Slay hew s Bonk Keeping. Way laud Moral
Science: Palcy's Natural Theology. Blaks's Agricul
ture for Schools. Unham's Intellectual Philosoidiv.
Mahan's do, do. Milton; Voung; Pollock: and Thomp
son; tuition tor scnooisi cutters Anatomy and
Physiology.' American Debater. Newman's Political
Economy. Hitchc.H k's Geology. Ureat variety pf
airascrs ana r.iocuiion. AH biiius 01 rscnool oiaiiott
ery; Slates of slf sizes; Drawing Boi.ks; Drawing
Paper; Perforated Card B-vrd: Bri-tol Board: Pencils
and Brushes; Osborti s Color.-.; I uk-t-uids, every size
and style, Ac, Ac, Ao.
Ifisrour- llaucrolt's L'uited State-; s volumes
Rildretb's do, do, t volumes. Frust's Pictorial United
States. . Taylor's do. do, do.. Botta's Hist. Revolution.
Pcterton's do. Wilson's United States. , Willard's do.
HUt. Indian Wars United States.. M illard's Universal
History. Muller 'a do do, Uutteck's Hi4, Wurld 1 or
J volumes. Roliin's Ancient Ilist)ty. Farr's do. ks
Hume's England. MacsuIsyV do., complete- Dickens
Child's d. . Lingard's daw Gibbon's Uohw. I) Au
biguc's Reformation. . Uaug'sM. E. jL'btwch. AlUsoo't
Europe, 1st and 2d Scries. , Prescott'a Work v Bunler'f
Hist., of Uclixion-s. Jlij-t- of Couucil of Trent. Jsmc,
lhu. All xf Abbott's Histories. .llirUwicui Cabineh
yueeus of Spaiu.. Ijaceiuof Scotland. Help's .S11uuis.ll
Uompiests. Brace's Hmigary... Kidder's BraKii. - Kn
bank's Brazil. .Parley's Universal. . ..Ilistrr of.tu,
sades. Ancient Egyptians.., ILilbms Middle Ages,
History tor it vs. , ifcttticr a cuild s-Lnited... State.
IssiiiK' Field B'KjJ ; of Itcvolmiou. , r- -, , .
lIlor.KArUTPIutarch'a .Lives. . Life. brmL, ; Won:
derfui Characters., tirrat aud Olebratcd CuaracSt-rsi
Lives of the tit.ers. Aut.jbiograuby.of Fioleyw La
martineS Ccldiratcd Characters., Lite of Adam Clarke.
di Bishop Hcdding. iU Xieliniir. . do. tiea, Harrison,
do Daniel Bwue. do Robert, do Lnfan-tte.. fao-
tains of H wuau Rcpublit: and Old Worl.L . lr. sl'asl-
mers, 4 y is. Laves 01 . Uiuaisddts. Mrs., ll- gerv.
Mozart. Wesley. ; Fletcher. - LiTe auU Times of A. lay;
Irving' WaJiinUin. Eminent Mcobauics,-; Livas of
Chief Ju-ticei. Josephine- ,3apuk-oB. Charles Lamb.
Jackson. Gen. Gi ecu. .Joan of Arc;-. Lady Janeiirev.
O, Ailnns. Julicunr., ilanirL IVVWtvr;. Kiajr of
Itomr. , Kiuji and Queens- . LicUtuU. .Lisen -of the
Popei. Prescotl a PhUni d--.Alirv aud ALntha Waah-
iujton., rjuiicer .Wostcn of the Wot.. . 1
. IT . . ,:; , t L '-: ' .
iifiHi.t. ciut ss i tuua. Araucaniansr eiicpucsiy
Egypt. Olin's Travels. , Mungo Park. Nile Notes
Adventures on Musquito Shore. Bavard Tailor's Trav
els. - Dnrbiu's Travels in the East. 1 ; - , ..- -
St-tESTtric Braude'sEucycJopedia.', Pbyyical Geog
raphy of the Sea. Wvwd'a Natural lib4ory. Lardnrr's
lecture-. Useful Arts. Cosmos. Mtbematicsl Die
tionarf . Logic of Matheinatica. Wonders of Science.
MiUlicirs Planetary ati Stallar Worlds. IH-rais' Ke
ceat Progress Pf Astronomy. Smitli' Diitionary of
Arts and t-cienee. l-.utiank iy-'iraiiiics. men a works.
Various works on Architecture. .''-I. f - ,s
Poktbt. Byrott various st t les. - Shakespeare, do.
Milton, do. Biirus, do. . Hemana, dK : Moore, do.
Thompson. Young. Pollock. Tapper. Cowper. pope.
Campbell. Wadewurtlu 0-1sn. - ilontg.saterv. Kirk
White. Fe-nale PocU of England, do. do. America
and many otbt-r. , . -
Booas or Rkkksencb Cytlpeslia of Geography,
do. do. Fine Arts. do. do. Biography. Useful Arts.
Mi-Collocb'ii tiazctleer. Harper's Universal Gazetteer.
Fbiit anb ABict'LTUBAi Elliot's Fruit Book.
TIkhbss' do. IKiwuing's do Barry's do. aFessenden's
Farmer and Gardener. Fruit. Flower aud Vegetable
Garde Oct's Companion. Allen on tbe Orane. - Pardee
on Strawberry. Florist's Unidr. AmerK-an Farm Bonk.
Allen's Domestic Animals. All of Saxton's Hand Books.
Works on Horse, Cattle. Sheep, Hogs. Ac: --
Thvilooioju. A IUo.iiikm. i-llarnKioy and: Exposi
tion of ti-siel.: Xeauder Life of C hrist. .Botler's
Works.- Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Aleth
odisuu Morris MtseeUsnies..-lectures on Hon tan ism.
Brand of Dominic lbile. Elliot on Romanism. Jlarnes'
Note. Clarke's Commentary, lieaswi's do.-- Jay's
Eaercises. Watson's Institute?. jirmlee'4 Evttieaor.
Butler's Ethical Discourses- - Bogers' Eclipse of Karth.
do. 11 east .a and Faith, Foster's .'!trist Per-fectHOi
Baker on- Disciiiline.. Writings of Arminiits. -Jahn's
Biblical Arcbicijuey. . Bibles, all siaesand prices, from
tl to ti. Testaments, great variety, Methodist
HyiBtat. Christian Hymn' Books. - Chur. h Psaiawt
I'lynsontb V CoUertisav iSoleet r Melodies. Clirbtiaa
Psalmist. -1 -.1 - -.-., j ' .-s j- r
MciHctiv-BiieliaaiV Family ::Physiciatbl Hydro,
pafliic do. Iloiiiepathio W.srks. r- . '.
. . Misyiqt.avBiM;s--C'onitilutions of United States.
Mavbew'a Popular , Education Craldsr'a ISyaoni-atsi.
Piatt's Book of Cariosities. Odd Fellow V Manna. j-t
Hnsdlev'a Works, It vols. Mrs. Totbill s.- vols. la,
ard's Xiaeveh. - liigvlow'a Useful Arts. Hasweil's En
gineer's Guide. - Americas 1 Institutkms. . Pursuit of
Knowledge. Park Madison. Peruvian-
Way Uowb Kask i-ynsuurt. I He Marvels. H
Sauderaau's tk and tioatactianer. Country Ranibies
in England.- Tales and Reveriea. (an excellent Temper
ance BM,k. Money Maker. Escaped . Nun.- New
BoyV Dirk Wilsiia. Mrs. Male's New Cook Book? Mil
lers Old Bed Sandstone. ;lo- Footprints of Creatr-.
Voaag Ladies' Cwiasellor. : Young Maw's dos Pictorial
Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to T. Men. - I'anstita
tional Test Bonk Captive in Patagimia. Tlie Ameri
can Housewife. Half Monrs with Old Humjdirer
Atheas; its tlrandesi anal Decay. - Mrsr edgwk-k's
Kedwaoii. dav New Kng. Tale. . Uncle ekim's Farm
Feat-i Arthnr's tiaceessfiil Merchant., do. Tals Mrs.
PartiMgtoa -Horace Translation. Virgil doj Mm Car
lea's Works. Heroines uf Historyj liand-and Sea
leckand Purt. ' Sea . and Sofcjr.i Ship and Shores
Naval Life.--Star Papers,- Masonic Cliart. . IrvingV
Columbus.- Wing Look- Ahead. City of New York.
Living tralors of America.-- Voung Mail Advised: Mis
sions in Tonga and Fegee. -Truth Stranger Than Fie
tion. Knout and the Russians. Hrdrapathio tank
Book. Death Bed Scenra. Girt Book for Voting Men:
do. do.LadiH. Anecdotes for Girts, da. Wi Hovstju
Yvong llosisind. . do. Wife. ..d-H Mother. rdo Hanse
keeper, eiigooraey's Letters to. Young- Kuliesw nrio ds
d- Mothers. Arthur's iNiglits-witti the Washingto
nians. Manly-Chsrseter, bv Peck. Government of
Chitdrea. iMr. Ellis' Works." How to bcaly. How
to be a Man. Gold and (iospel. Pilgrim's Progress.
Footprints. of; Famous, !io.., CUivtkste .Eii.alieth's
Work's. 'Advice to Toung Men. Pcasaut Boy Philoso
pher. Abbott's MnrCo Paul Books. ' do .Fmneonia-4
Merchant's lsnglitrr. .Ep?s Fables. Scottish ChO-rs
Arabian Nights. Rohlnsnn t"rusie. R-llo Books. Mo
ther's Guide. Ferns. Mormons. The Old Inn. Con
flict of Ages. Don Quixote. Patd and Virginia.. Amer
ican IMiater.' Fern .Leaves.- Tri-rolored Sketches irt
Paris. Chamls-r s Information fn the People. Mel-
villc's Redtsirn, Typee, Marni, Oinoe.aud White Jacket.
Harne s 3lirtcelmiiies. enuell s lilncKstone.. Nit). Uay
Miscellanies, lyitus Eating, by Cnstis. Bancroft's Mis-
rellauies. Jermld's Men. of Clisraeter. Miller's First
Impressions of England. ' Kirwin s Letters t Bisliop
Hughes. Conmlis' t'onititiition of Man. Miss lleech-
er's Receipts. : do CalistheniesL Bell Smith Abnuid. j
And a numiHr 01 outers loo numerous 10 rnmueraia.
Constantly receiving large additions to tbe forgoing.
Ktatiosbiiv. Fisdseap Pais-r great variety. Let
ter do, do, plain and gilt.1 Note do, dc, do, do. Rm t-l-nes
all styles. Inks ll kinds. Pens and Holders
great variety. Blank Books all sizes and stylesr-
Memorandums. 1 'lanes, i-ass li'Xircs. nme hooks.
Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Hooks.
Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Ta-
P?r good variety. Wafers. Sealing Wax, Ac, Ac
inally, we have, a good variety of
Mrsic Books. New Curniina Sacra. Alpine. Glee
Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do.
Sacred Melodoon. Chrlstlau Psalmist. Piano Instruc
tors. Guitar do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do.
Melodoon do. Plymouth Collection with Music. Sheet
i . ;
And the most varied assortment of Statioxebt ever
offered In Opgon. i
ara This stock is all bought in New tors and other
Eastern cities and is sold at . . . ,
We keen on band School Books in Urge Quan
tities, together with most of tlie publications of ,
Derby A Jacksos;
lvisos St Phissev;
. Puit.urs A Samsoss '
A. S. BtBKRS A Co.;
. Miller, Obtom A Mrtueav;
Leakt & Getz; -
A ri'iBTON; and others. ' : 5
a- We ask vonr patronage. If nnahle to visit us
and examine our stock, your orders will be attended to
on the SAitB Tuuts as if yon bought in person. . : - -
S3- We have arrangements by which, in the course
of tbe full, we shall be able to furnish most of the new
works issued by tbe eastern publishers within 30 days
after publication. Every steamer will bring some new
works. We are also prepared to furnish, hereafter, the
following Magazines ut Publisher's rates and Postage: .
U..HAr1. Vhui tnntl.lw - aa .
J ... a ..wn -'...H.J S" W
Patuam's " S no
Ladies' Repository. -.. 3 OA
Godey's Lady's Book..
3 00
Subscription Lists will be open for these, and other
Magazines, till tbe last steamer in November. Send ns
your uaiues and addresses, with the subscription price
01 any pcriouicni, siiu ib s-uau ur iorw:irucfi. .
IMrtlan'l. Astjfttst 'i.. I .. Wf .
t-xftr' fifintw rrtorbit. RnoL Vnri shoes ' rUrk
U ware, UrOcerJes, Boos'i- and Stationary Call In
and sea tuem. ; , ZCtf . . J. H. Jt,l. K. SlUUKi-
"P-RT-flOODa for htdies and geutleiusn, In grrntva-
JUr nctv. -at zutr mijvrtsi
rf HAT Uotton Yarn has arrivrU, at
. ! - . - a. .a : ,.. . . I f
TTULL'S No. 1 Soap, the bast yon ever used. . Try tt.
Jk.1 White lead, linseea oil, - -n .- i 1
.1 turpentine, putty, - : ta '. v -,! vat! - !
tc . Indigo. madder, eonieras. atnm, '-t I " ''
'f-i: ell for lamps and machinery, '. .'. : .
sew uriuans sugar, i . 1 - . -
. ' crushed sugar,- - A-.-:o-:-'.'--.-, t
. . cream tartar, salrratni, soda, at ' ' 6
' tf . - 1 vi. MOORES'.
CU.MN.PUMP3. tnonkey rrrJclteH' ; t 1 1 J
, match planes, scr-sw arm,- J ro-.'t l7.t,
v, sash pl.UKsV " -Tj rf-Ii
. , horse slKtesand nails to Bt.-.--, ir . 1 j c:i ..i' i . ,
y, gnu locks., plugs and nipples :','; .1 y
tubes, bull.-t moulds, . ., , r-.j 1
Woseiiholin'l IXL pocket knives, . .'r
"' ' pruning tind" budding knives, ; . -,?''' 1
rat traps to ealek sottirrrh. at ' ' MOORES' ' ,. in,! r-1 ; 1 i 1 j
. , , Books and Stationary.
O Parker's 1st. id. 3d. 4th and 5th, f , i.'-'l
- Sanders' do do do do
McGuffy's do do. do. do ,,,ti
' Darles'-arithmetlc.' - ' " '
University and Common Si-hoof, - -'
Intellectual aud primary, , : r ; n
Dsries' B-iurdou algebra, t' . ' ,
" l-ejendre, surveying. ' . 'I '
"'' Geometry and trigtmometry, '."..." '.
" Key to Ihivics' Arithmetic, :,"''
' ' Thompson's arithmetic, "; k ' ;"" ." ; ' ;.' ' J
Parker's phibiaopby, ..'.'
' juvenile and 1st lessons, , ,
Grammars Clark's. Bullion's Smith's,' ' ' ' .. .'
Geographies Mitchell's, Montrith's raahnsl,
- MoiiteitU's 1st lessons.
Music lute or Zion. New Carmina Sacra,
Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony. .
Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at ' " '
"1 1 7 Rl T 1NG-P A PER. auK-nor article,
? Black ink. from quart U t oz,
Slatesand jiencils, ... .. r ,
aawr s pencils, ..... l
, r.uveiojies, waiers. . .
' i- School cards aud tov books, at '
iotr moor'
IAMILV BIBLES, WeU-ter's Ouarto Dictionary,
f : L'fivcrsity
Variety of Miscellaneous Works, worth boring, at
2i;tf . - . MotlltES".
r ... 11 nacuciu o- w.. . rs
?ff'!!r.--T' " . . . , v v- . ,-,-V"rT- ,1.'. ' ' '' '
T7"EEP constanllv on hand a full assortment of Groccr-
XV eerie. Hardware Car pouter Tjol.s. Llacksnuths
Tools. Ouceiiiwnre. CJuUiiug. Boots and Sbisss, Paints
and Oils,; Ladies' Drcs Gols and triinmiug,s,
Ac- Ac. lf
rUST ItECEIVEO at Albany. ills. New trleauS
I -and t'rushed Sugar: (frinrN. T.) and for sale biif at
Albany, June 13. 14HL " f "MMf t ,
i"trt KEGS su-rior Dried Apple fnew - crp jus
4aJ received by ; inu- T "1
ADAMANTINE Candles, 25 boxes, for sate by
1 ,"T KEGS STrnp fSetn Adams-' best) jost reeeired bv
lO ltf. -rr- WAKEFIELD A CO.
TRON. ;oiJO lbs. best IteBncd and Swedos' Iron ,
!' Ir-n c
tise lst '
!b!ock- I
X -alsoliand iron. Caj and i Kiw &ieei. tue i
assorted sizes m Oregon. Fur sale luw to ,
smiths and mercbauld .r .. i
14tf . .. . j ACAKEFIELD A CO.
LBS. pure Tf bite lad. fcr sale at
14tf Tf AKEIIELD A CO's.
COMPLETE set or Cooper's TnoH rr sale.
t r KKST I'hlcaea I'timtee Mows:' for nfe- t rr-
1Q duoed rates, by ;.lttf; WfKEFlElJ CO.
HflXKH ts 10; Itfxl'iaud 10k 14 French t;fas.
last it reived and lorsal by . T J
UU '- " " : ' --- at'AEEFIELD tt-CO-t
A t.UUUaasortnieat School Book -eoastaatly kept
on hand. 14tf ..WAKEFIELD A CO. t
Ff LBS.chok-e Osage Oratlge ied. Also, lfli
UJ Ura-si, Clover aud Tlni 'thy Seed.
.Ittf . WAKF.FIFJ.f Cf.
TlfHEAT. Bacon. Eggsv Butter. Beans snd t.'ura ta-
V ken in exchange for go.sls at the higbest market
rates. :t , : t - : , ?-s WAKEFIELD A CO-
Albany. June 5. 1BG. . - Mtf
Xotlce to Shippers atssd Merchants.
OVBoftbeHrm being permanently located fa San
Francisco, all cmsiirnroents of jjr'xloc and orders
to be Tilled, will be attended t with.uit delay, at mode
rate rates." ?iitf WAKEFIELt A CO.
mBBLS. LIME, just received. '"- " ' u '
Albany. Aug. 3. l-45B.-';l1 Ji ictf
l.BS Blue Vitrol for sale.'
Cm K SETS Cast Boxes, at '
jisJ .tstf : t
-!T.REP1E!.n -TOf:.
SETTS Eliptii; Springs tor sale low,
, SGtf .. . . .. .. .WAKEFIELD A Cfi.
SETTS" Hub Bands, for safe !-- -" ! - - -
'Vttf l - yf AKEFTELD ft Off.'
i ' -' Notice.' '' - " ! '
ALL who are Inde'ded to TVakeflehi A Co..' at Wash
ington Bntte, will please call and settle the same
without delay. ?Gtf
poUr Years in Oregon. "
GC. ROUmN.d.'' Watch-maker,' takes pleasnre in
tendering to his numerous friends and customers
bis sincere acknowledgments fur tbe liberal patronage
so kindly extended to him during his four years resi
dence in Oregon, and he hopes by renewed exertion
and strict attention to business, to tuerit a continuance
of their farm- aud trmfidener
Clocks, Oold and Silver Ijever Watches, fit, id Chains-.
Jewelry, Rogers' Pocket Knives, Silver aud 'Plated
Ware for sale low. '"'. " , t
S- Strict atteution given to repatrln jf fine, watches.
- Jewelry manufactured to orderj ' '
Portland, Oct. 25, 1S..C. - 3.-,mS v" '
: v I '- -.-I
Brallh or Sirkorss! Chooie Bttwrti Thrm.
THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone.
, nmscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. When secures health to every organ : when corrupt, it
necessarily produces disease. . HOLLOtVAVS
PILLS sperate , directly upon the dements of the
stream of lire, neutralizing tbe principle of disease,
and thus radically curing tbe malady, whetber located
in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowels, the
muscles, tbe skin, tbe brauv.pjpuny other part of the
system. ,( ' . -, ...
. Hollc .ay's Pills are eqnally effiraeioas in enraptsints
common to the whole human rare.' and in disorders pe
euliar to certain climates and localities. .
Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, tlie source
of intirmity and sulfrriug,and the cause of innumera
ble deaths, yield to these curatives, in all cases, howev
er aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative
and tunic ; they relieve the bowels, purify tbe fluids, and
invigorate the system aud the constitution of the same
time. , ,
s,.-,-.'s i PIAJXTS.,.i: i. ,,!-,
When all stimulants fad. the renovating and bracing
properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking
nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general
debility. j ,
AU irregularities and ailments incident so tbe deli
cate and sensitive organs -f the sex sre removed or
prevented by a few doses of these mild, but infallible
alteratives. No mother who regards ber own or her
children's health should fail to have them within her
reach. -; ,
, scientific endorsements: ' ;
- The London 'Lancet,' the London "Medical Review."
and the most eminent of the fatality in- Great Britain,
France and Germany, have eulogized the Pills and t lieu
inventor, ... . -,
HOIJjO VA VS PILLS arc Ot best rtmtdu knoum
in th tVorldfttr Uu fiJIosnnf; diseases. Asthma, Bow
ell Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases. Costive
ness. Dyspepsia, DiarriKra, Dropsy, Debility. Fever and
Ague, Female Complaints. Headaches, Indigestion, In
fluenza, Intlainatation. Inward Weakness. Livrr Com
plaints, Lowness of Spirits. Piles. Stone and Gravel,
Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections, Worms, of
All kinds. . -.; ' v , .- i -
Sold at the Manufactories of Profssmr Uollowit.
SO Maiden Lane. New Vork. 244 Strand, London, by all
respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine through
out the United States and the civilised world, in boxes
at 2- cents. 62J cents, and tl each. .....
ata Thera iscaoaidcraUeeavIogby taking the lar
ger eizes. -
X. B. Diractions for the guidanca of patients iueve
ry disorder are affixed to each hox. : 37yl
LASS x 10- for sale cheap, at -
. ar- ? - ' i
drrsi-nied. res.petJl 3ndis tiic nfizeft
permaneiftbr Jc:4dd fttJfckahi.iind is pmljareil hi sell
the following artst-Jr, aeheap. as wiyS!tbl!sfiinent
in tlie Territory, viz; , . .. ' T ." , T -COOK1XG,
X I.imr l onuty njtt Territory ot utegon iibiw s
Copper. Britt mia. Iron and W.d Wares of all kiuds.
and niu ottieruras too numerous o uiemsai. .., r---
.i lln-ts nmiarad to attend to all bibbing IB the
above branches on short notice and in a workiuanrl'.ke-
manner. ;; s. -d ... -. 1
" My motto L snk-k sab- snd small proflL
.. i '-: i W.PHHXIPS..
" Ijebanon, Linn Co.; O. T. . sr': r- : i -.'i 3tf
. The Oreeon Statesman. .
An independent Journal, derated to PeKHt. Gretrrml
: Jntettigemce, q-c. ruonenea m aaiem, vregjm.
ASAIIEL BUSH , . Proprietor, Publisher, and Editir.
The Statesman is Democratic in im litics. and thor-
onghly Natioanl in iu character- It is hostile to every
species of sectionalisra. fanaticism, and intolerance :
and will vigofwasly oppose all attempts to incorporate
any of the insane isms uf tbe day into oar Territorial
legislation. -
. It will advocate all practical measures of Reform
and Progress, economical and simple administration of
r l cs j guveniineuv ; muuihiocv. . . .
city in office, and a system of rigid and direct ac
countability of tbe officer to tbe people. It will din.
enss all measures agitating the public mind, in a man
ner fearless, impartial, and just. ; -i
IU News Department will be edited with nsni-tli
attention, and nothing will be spared to furnish early,
accurate, and comprehensive publication ot tlie cur
rent intelligence. .-.-
The Statesman has a large, widely -scattered, and mo-t
excellent corps of eorres ism dents, and very complete
facilities ror piocunng news.
Due attention is also paid to tbe publication of MUcrl
1.HIV. Agric-iKural and Literary matter.
In this paper are publUhrd the laws, resolurkxis.and
treaties of the Cnited States, and the lasrs an4 nrsolu
tHins of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Tbe
pajier ts printed on new material, and apt a sheet of
the largest size. '
Redaction tn Price for Till Vol njew. : -
. rtniKelTth d ,r of March 1S.iT. the seventh volnmw
of the Statesman will lie commenced..' For that voleime
and from that date tlie subscription price of the states
man will 1 tliree dollars per year, if paid sttirtty n arf
rance. All old aljscription dues luitst likewise be paid.
Orr'oa rind California Fackft Linp.
rpHE following vessels' will m in connec1- -
X tion as a REOL LAK LJSSt: ijetwecn
Arm Vatrirco and Pofthind : '-
BARK OCEAN BIRIh Wroiss. Mi'tii,
VHAS. DEVErfS. Heai.Yj :. j :
NAHt:MKEAi. Williams. -3
BRIO I. B. LUNT. RiCHAsnwoN-. 3: - re1
The Barks have all been coiir.ered recent! r. ami are
in first rate order, ei.mmamled bv experienced captains.
Freirhlt mil oe earnerl at tmt lexer rale, i
Prt-duceseirt from any part sf the conntrv ts Oregon
Citr or t.i the "Linn City Works, will bereteivtd and
forwarded to fen Fra-Ziciseo.1- ""' ' -
. I'iZ" ' ' ." r" . Oregon City.
" !' s ' bciivrrnv- rt 'ifyw a - '
j ' i ' ' Pan Franc&co.1
IVotlcfe r to. Importers of Umpqaa.
rryiSStho.arUMI'yUA.nBdcrihecoiumab i??
X: of a 1- Uiuslai, sailed fp u Uicvqu riyer Siii
for6an.traKisro, en the Gth.of May.. anil intends
aiaking rrgiil ir trips beteen these two ports, '. . . -.
it is My necessary we eeuevej kj rciumu uupwr
terskof Umpqua that tliis vessel-the Cmpqiia-is tlie
(irstever launched on tlie waters of tlie Umpqna. to in
sure their patronage and support.' This vessel will dTs
charge herarguat Soutt-bttrg, aud at the rate abe in
tends to orry freisht, will not only save tbe shipper a
very consiileraile item, but save him the Ira asportation
up tbe river, an thereby enable bun t receive hU goods
witbootso much haudliig a heretofore. In -fine, the
fidmntr 1'himi'.i i( Scuttsburg.. j a real Lmiiua
era ft aud being theist oa tbe li-t-inthisgrcai reform.
eOBBleMly rem-s apoa all the CU'P"3 lot --p"r. ana:
eseowraeemeiit.'.r .. -.- . - -- ;. .- r
- Far freight pa-aiaceapply to Allan, McKhuay A Co.
Scwttsbcre.-or to the Ospt. on board Merchant.- wish
ing ship from Sam Francisco, can apply to AIlaB.
IjratecCn.. ISl.Clay eUorto tbeCaptata- i k J
in Scottstawg: May tl; lii i VM- : X .
:'y 'V, ftTt Ttitt,tntt. ' .:
NOW W yt'iC. time to dint orchards, "a cd the v
"soonrr-tiie better. Jl ml if yon want to get W"dl
good trees at a fair price, just call. at the FRC1T
FARAt XUESERY". twelve miles east of Salem, on the
Temtoriali road hadin fr'm, Oregon City to the head
of tlie vaf ?r;. and won wiM find jt what ynei want, for
we barve tens of thousands of apple, pesrj yfiim and1
cherry (on tame rooti) Hu: which we intend to sell
in qnantittestwsuit purchasers. A liberal sltar of J'ats
ronage wial be tiankui hr received. ' .-, .
-: - r-.-. ; t. B. C. GEER A CO., r.
Fruit Farm. No. 1. liw!. . ... ; r, - 34xf ,
' - -: Wonted. '-
TWO or three good laboring band; to carry on thr
lumbering basness also, a good Cook wasted for
whMi the highest wages will be said-. - . .
- The nndersigned will deliver lumber any wbcren th
Willamette river Itw the itwsiti of the Santiam r'rver.
Persoras wb-bing to exchan-re two csr three good yoke of
work oxen for lumber will find it ta their advantage to
give me a call at Jeflcrsoo, via Conser's Ferry. n Uis
Saattam river, i ..... - - - JACOB CONSOR-
- Jeflersoa. Nov. 10, leod- i .i ; ; ;3I tf. ,. .
liealers in PttdtiCe, - Leoolt. Here ! !
rrvHE siiheribers having recently pm based, reflrted.
X and enlarged the Warehouse at Fairtiedr are w
prepared to store and forward Prodiiee. Slerehandise.
Ae at reasonal'le rates. tinrin bonght eowimissiow.
Buyers from abroad are invited to call on, oraddret-s
' " - J. C. PEEBI.ES CO., -- '
. ---.-.-o - ---e , Fairfield, Marion Co.. C. T. "
"Kovenr's'r 7.W.G. ' ; ' ' " SStf-.-T
Sheriff Sale.
NOTICE i heieby iven. that. 1 y vMce of writ e
ei ecu tion. ksm-d rait of. the dutrirt court witliii
and Tor the county ut Polk, in the Territory of Oregon,
under tlie seal of the rleik of said court, aud to me di
rected in the case of F. M. Thorp, against Charles 1.
Cook , .1 will on Tuesday tlie 13th day January, ls.7,
on tit premises. ltween"tbe hours of 9 o'clock A. JI.,
and 4 o clock P, M of tbe same day, sell at public ven
due, for cash. atl the right title and interest of the
said Charles P. Cook, in aud to tbe following describe
premises. To wit : the east half of land claim No. fi3y
in township S. S range 4 west, as described in notifica
tion 1S".U, -containing 520 acres of land or as Btncla
thereof of said land claim as lies in Polk County. Also
one house and b in tbe town of. Independence descrp
bed as fell ws ; 1 4 S in Mock !v in said tciwn of lmle
pendenee. Polk county, with all the hereditaments anst
tenements thereunto tsrloning. . .
- D. COSPER. Sheriff. ,
P..lkcniu,O. T.f DeclS, l8S. ICwt
, i : , .Jfotice to Shippers.
FROM and and after this date r ii til . H r
tar raw steamer " N TERPRISETm
wiH be charged by the rule oi bip's measuremeut only.
- , A. JAMIESON, Alastcr.. .
. Caiiewah, Oct. ?0th, ISofi. .v . ; -. KmosJ
; . ;-. -Tlti Day Keceired, , -f. -
BTtbe tMVkO XAHIUKBAH, for sale ijjw fur caoht
or Country prodoee. - ' "
If) I.Hsand hf bhfe X. O. Sugar. : .-
f fi" sacks China No.. g;ir, 10S lbs each. ; . -h
; ln'jlosOvsters (freh UsPiaww i "l lUcaass.
''' 75 boxes Adamantine eandica, 6"s, ft lb ast. .:
; 10 do do d "s,2Ueai, -
- IS doz boxes Sardine. -.. ; '
'-' !-". kegs Scth Adams" r-trnp. ' ; - - ;
- 5 .bl.U N. . and S. W.svnrp.
30 box-es tolKicco. "Ijike's" -Thomae', "Prldo of
the Union'' and'Dijiiiior.d brands",
- - 40 sack Xffs each Bio Green Coflee,' ; '
" 20 gross best matches. ' ' : , ,r. ' "
no nz smoking tobieoo, '
' ' "50 drat pirn fampbtt. ,'" '"
' 5 bbls crushed sugar, . " " ' .
J. N. rRTOTT. '
Oregon City, Xor.K, 1S5C. 3ftf
Corvallis Warehouse, Na 1. :
am prepared to store produce, and will attend to re
ceiving and forwarding the same.
V Orleans Warehoose. '
jPPOSITE Corvallis. We are prepared to store pro
V J dnce. and will attend to recehriug and forwarding
tbeaarne- - Mtf ; - WORTH BKO.
Kesotiation of War Sc-rip.
JUST printed and for sale at the Statesman office
blank powers of attorney and assignment for transfer
of war scrip, from a form prepared by an experienced
lawyer. Price. So per hundred. Orders by mail rilled.
- July 1.1856. , : . lfi
Old Arransemenf .
NOTICE is heredy given to the inhabitants of the
seat of goormmrnl and the surrounding world that
J. D. Boon baa purchased the entire interest of all tbe
goods in the EMPIRE STORE, and wiU continue to sell
goods at the old Ian pi re Stand, at wholssalb ax re
tail Store f routing en Main street allay, I Hi street. -
Salsa, Jan. 21, 155- -,r. 45y.
Kfff bnefiel Oats, and 5000 Wheat, and any qirart
OUUvi tity of dead t-wire. for which rasa wf -1
paws oa delivery. J- jr. PKCOTT: '
tJregon city, jwro
, . Wanteds
OAfS.S.WWbushel.s,. ,-r - .- ,.
Wht-t. 4.000. liitshels. at s , - :
S2tf , ' '. VWLU-C0EUS-S ftce.
. . . " -
a - .