judge, the fets for sncU excess shall be dis allowed. Sec. 15. Appeals from justices of the peace, boards of commissioners, probate courts, and other inferior tribunals and offi cers, shall be sent to the office of the clerk or deputy in the connty in which the canse was tried or the proceeding was had, and shall there be tried, ir a trial lie necessary and a change be not taken to another coun ty ; and the canse shall be thence transmit ted to the court for judgment and supple mental proceedings as in other causes. . Sec. 16. If a trial jury shall at any time be necessary for United States causes in the district court, a Tcnire may be issued to the marshal for such number Of jurors as the court or judge shall direct. Sec. IT. It the present Congress shall repeal or so amend the aforesaid act, that the terms of court heretofore appointed by the jgUtiitiTe Assembly can lawfully be held, thea tbiraot sliall cease to have effect at the end of sixty days Trom the time of auch repeal or amendment ; and the said tatutory terms shall thereafter be held, and their proceedings shall be regulated by the laws heretofore in force. Sec 18. This act shall take effect from the time of its passage. SALEM MARKET. CORRECTED weekly, by B. F. BROWJt. Salem, December 23, 1?3G. rioor Wheat, Vite, Wheat, mixed,. Oats, Potatoes, .....i Onions, Venn. Pea, . Haexm, siles, ........ Raeoa. lams, Lard, ia kegs, Hotter, fresh roll,.. flatter, packed, ...... ..... Chicken, per dozen, ...... Floor, per 1V0 Iha, Tork, rsrir CK. ........ 75 70 371 30 75 a 1 IX) 1 SO 5 50 1 IX) 14 a 16 20 12Ja 13 35 25 a 30 25 2 50 a 2 0O 2 50 a 3 00 5 a 6 a. Id a 13 13 a 25 none, 4 ISO a TOO Dried Apple, - J hied I'cwche, Irrird Currant, ........ Apples, per bnshel,---- Ll'KBt nr. clear, per 11,.....-.... Cedar, per M, . hin?les. cedar, per M, ... 17 00 a20 00 ... 9) in) a 35 IX) ... 5 50a 6 00 ... 5 00 Shingles, fir, per M GROCEK Sagar, X. O. Sugar, tVia, ...... . Snjrar, white, crashed...... Dvmp, ...... .... . .... Coffee, . ... Kiee, eVp........ Salt. Candle, adamantine,.. . Candles, tallow,. ....... Ktleratn,...... ........... Cordage, ...... .... ...... . White Lr,L IF.. 14 a ... a 15 a 16 11 20 ... 1 25a 1 50 HiSO 15 a 20 J'-ila 14 4 371 50 2 a 371 12a 13 25 a 33 ... 15 00 "Nails, cat, per hep,. . ....... 8 00 a 950 rtail, wrought, per keg.... OILS. Linseed, per trallon, ------- Itmled Oil, Whale, In0a.l00 ...... 2 25 a 2 50 2 O0 Special Xatiees. Notice. There win be Pivine Servi'-e at the Episcopal Church . on I "hrt-Vi, i Ere. al, oa tae diy fj:l wing, at 11 o'clock, aod Evening. Jackson Jubilee. There wil! he a grand Democratic crl-bration and ju Lilee. at Salera oa the oth of January, 18.VS. fame one, Cvmr mil. Coittk or ABxrnKNT-0eo. II. Williams, J. D. Boon, L. F. t;rover, J. W. Nesrnith, J. W. Drew. ' Hoixowt rii.t Rash of Uiod to the head I often primarily caosr-d by a had condition of the stom ach aad bowri. invirovatc tiie ftomtrh, rvmdate the excretions, and pnrify the Maids with this worll-rerown-ed meditinejn4 yni will e exempt fmm rrrtign. dim eof sight. heaLtcbe. al other alarming apoplectic yur torus which frequently accompany dyspepsia and habitual eon-tipatiaa. The impurity of the bl vxi. a well a an excess tit it in the brain, has wvh to do with crtebral affections, and a Holloway's Pill operate upon the chemical asent which generate that find, a well a apt the rir-alatkra itsrlf, they are infallible in (hi dm of maladies. Pa. T.. J. Czrrs Surgical and Medical Institute 5 ao extensively known fa tuts Territory that any notice nf it, or of hint, miht seem surfrlliions. Yet fearing tfcat there are th-ise who heretofore hairing no need of nedical aid. have neglected- to ascertain the proper wwiii of relief In caw of misfortane. To those we beg leave to direct attention to Ir. L. J. Czapkar. who is cert-iin'v a Physician of grt-ot skill and wonderful ssiftt'S in Vis rrfeion. The lr. has desroted ranch attentli to the treatment of chronic and private dis eases, and stand anrivailed ia hi manazement of them. To thse who need seen assistance we cheerfnlly reeommea4 Or. I- J. tVapltay it woald be well at all vent to cmsolt him, as he make no charge for con sultation, and mnch rood might resolt from it. The Dr. gnarantee a enre in all case or ask no compensation. trr See lr. L J. Czapkay'n advertisements in an4her rohrmt of this paper. 373m. MARRIED. At th" reM-nce of the bride's father, on Thnrsdav Xnv. Tth. by Ker. John Dill ird. Mr. SA Vf EL H ANli BAKEB. of L"iapT' C-,to Miss .SARAH J.CAXNOX, rf Boojr'a Co.. O- T. DIED. Oct. I. Hrant daoghter of I. G. and Carrie E. Cor Hm. aged three dsys- Also. on the 3och of Oct. CARRIE E wife of D. G. Corliss, of lncinnati. A'tice. THE Jod?e t the Sopseme Conrt of the Territory of Orga. assembled at the seat of Government on the lWh da of December, lS, do fix and appoint District Com to be held ia Hie city of Salem, in the onnty of Marion, on the an Mondays of April and September, and the fourth Mondays of May and O" to lier. anaoaHe. ant it otherwise ordered ; and ia the city m Portland 'in the eonntv of Multnomah, on the fifth Monday. December, and therrarier on the Hrst Mondays of May and (Vtober. and the third Mondays tf Jars? and Norember, annnally. ontil otherwise order- ed.and do limit the duration of said Terms to mx days each. GEO. H. WILLIAMS. Chief Jn.ti.-e. 41 CYRUS OLX EV, Associate Justice. .Notice. I have appointed E. J. Harding Clerk of the District Conrt fr the first Judical District, and he has ap pointed Deputies as foHowa j Clmckamao,. V. 8. Holland. Yamhill, eo. H. Steward, Pnik . .............. .Locten Heath. Benton-".'. T.H. B. Odeneal. Iae E. F. Skinner. Linn.' .. - John H. Lines. GEO. U. WILLIAMS, Judge. December IS. 15. 41 Take Notice. WHEREAS, my wife Elisa. has leftmy hed and board, laboring ander an aberration of mind, 11 persnas are hereby farbid harNiring, trostinz, or keeping the said Eliza, on my account, for I sbait pay no debts by her eontra-teL Information of her wbereahouta will be gratefully re ceived. STEPHEN' M. SALISBURY. If arioa Co. O. T.. Dec. , lavi. 4 1 w3 Divorce Notice. MARIA McMCIJ.EX, petitioner, . JOHN Mo MCLLEX. defendant. Prtiliim fur lHvorcr. In the District Court for the first Judicial District, O. T. Kaid defendant will take notice that said cause is now pending in said court, and that unless he appear and defend the same, on or before the loth day February next, testimony will tie heard and the cause determined. I F. G ROVER, Solicitor for P r. December. ?0.1s.V;. 41wl IS lack am it la a and others, Look. A I.LAX Mi:K INLAY A CO. have now on band a large and well selected stock of Bcr Iron. Cast StoeJ, Morse shoe do iennan do.. Nail rod doN I'imgh do., Plate do And intend to keep op the assortment so a to sntt the wants of customers. Hive lis a call, and you will flrd t)ut we not only bare the fullest stock, but will sell as cheap as the cheapest." We ant constantly receiv ing addition to our assortment, so a to replace what is sold. Oregon City. TVa. 23. WA. 41tf Salt! Salt!! r TOXS San Quentia" SALT, in about 80 and Zy 1 DO lb. bag, just received and fir sale very cheap in lvu.irivnv Ira Oregon City, Dec. 6, 16. Coffee. r' YOG WiST a really good article of COFFEE, the undersigned hare got 1A.0OO pounds best COSTA iilCA." Cooae in and look at it. ALLAN McKINXAT & Co. O.-eon City, Dec 6, I85C A. V. WILSON, n'AIX-HMJKEK. SALEM, O. J'., RESPECTFTLLY announces to the citizen of Mari on and the surrounding cntmticft thai he ha per m.inmf located in SALEM, where he will carry on Watch bktaikino in all Its brsnehrs. Having an ex perience of nintccvi yean at the trade, he is confident of living satisfaction to all who may favor liira with their custom. fl.CC ICS and JEtfELRY Tor wile. X. 15. Shop in the Union House Buildings. Salem, Nov. 15, 156. 3iim3 $20 Reward. STRAYED from my premise on the 18th of Novem ber. 18.MS, a bay horse, half Spanish, about fourteen hand high, heavy" made, branded with the letters J K on both hips, the'letters being attached, white bind feet, and wa shod all ronnd ; ha a Roman mat, some rad dle mark on his lark, and also some collar marks. The above reward will he given to any person for the horse delivered to me at Snlcm. Pr.R.W.SHAW. Salem. Pec. 11. 156. 41 tf Administrator Sale. NOTICK is hereby given, that whereas the adminis trator or the estate of FAItlX JIOLVT IX. deceased, late of Marion comity, Oregon Territory, did petition the probate conrt, of kuiI county, on the" lith day of So veinhcr. A. I.. 1S5i;. for an order to yell tlie real estate of KABl.N' MOLWI.V. deceased, which is situated iu Marion county, ami the court set for the hearing of said petition the loth day of December, l5ti, and on the day set, no objections being made to the coultrma tion of said petition, it U therefore ordered by the court that the administrator sell at public auction, on Satur day, the 17th day of Jannary, 1S57 , between nine o'clock in the morning, 'and the going down of the sun of said day, all the real estate if iabin Molwin. deceased, which is situated in Marion county, to the highe bid der, for cash in hand. iKme .by the ordi-r of the court. I a testimony whereof. I have hereunto set my hand, and seal of office, Dec. 3ith KM. 41w4 J. D. COOS', Judge of Probate. $20 Reward. STI! AYED from the premise of the subscriber, on the Jjth day of Xovcmlier, three horses, one an Ameri can sorrel h'arsc, white face, three white feet, five years olJ, branded on the left shoulder O. T. t on the left hip. an anchor and S., one bay mare, star in forehead, snip nose. Ion hind foot white, branded on lif shoulder O. T and on the right a heart, on rnmp ,., and one brown horse 4 years old, saddle marked, a large scar on the lett gambrrl. no brand. W lister returns the-horses to my stable in Sulem shall receive the above reward. CO AS. P. RAY. Salem, Dec IS. Is5. 4-wS Food for tbe Mind. !rES we have plenty of it among which are some of the most prominent works, Byron, Shakespeare, lluflon. Joscphu. Moore's. Benton's 30 years. Arthur's works, l-ifcof Napoleon. Henry t'lav and other crcat men: aim Fowler and Well's puMicatHw. wherein we are tanght how to rirocrvr health bv tractnir cause to eflei t. Also works on spiritualism, snch as Prof. Hare, Edmonds, Talmadge, Harris, and A. J. Davis, the star the of age. We also have all kinds of blank Books and statlonerv in cmeral. In fact we intend to keen all kinds of food for the mmd. and intend t keep pted, and want S'ir many reaacrs to Keep op wun us so be sure and give ns a call, one and all, at the sivn of the book store, main stre.1. Oreeon Citv. HOMEK HOLLAND A CO. Orcsmn City, lec. 7, lvS;. 40tf Holidaf Presents. CALL and buy soon at the Rook Store. Oregon Citv. HOMER HOLJ-VN D A CO.", Oregon City. IVs.7. lss. 4i)tf Henry Johnson t. Co. ' WHOLESALE DKIGUISTS. (I4S Wa-hington Street, San Francisco.) Tit for sale to the eonr.trv tra.Ie. the largest Kbck J of goods in their line on the Pa-i:lc coast compri- sinff Drnrs. t'hemicals. Perfumerr. Patent Medicine of all kinds. Brushes Paint. Oil. Glass, Turpentine, and every article appcrtiining ta the business. Havins su perior facilities for otitaining their goods they think ihpf r . n iniirmimt tj Vv i ,-i ti',-"'l.-il h. anv mniT none. Order resjiectfully solicited. 401y Drj- CsootlsClotUin?. Boot4& Slioes, 4 TSan Fraa.-isi-o nnres. addiai freight and a small V. commission, lo-erthan ever before ottered ia Port land. Baldvrin & Brother, Have oiieneil the st re on Front street, fornrsrlv occn- r!ed bv ti. W. Vsnehn. be.' ween Varabiil and M sri-m strcts. atd are !.sjiiiviug a -t s k of goods selected ex-res-ly for this m.irkit and bocht f.ir cash in San Francisco. As thev coeSne themselves ex -lnsivr'v to the Drv Goo-l busim-ss. it enables thera to give their undivided attti.in to everv department id tln-ir line of business. 1 hey oner dccukd oarga:n in tne toiiowmg articii-s, vii : Isulin 7Vrs Good new and elegant styles, a large varietv. Honsrktrpmg lloodt a tine assortment. Blan kets. Toilet tj.iilts. Embossed Table Covers, White Iam ask" d'. Shawls and Talraa's. A complete st K V of Bits and Shoe (rm the heav iest mi'.mj boot, to the finest sewed calf. Slippers, Con gress gaiters and ovcr-hoe. I.tdirt and ,iit .suioe in every varnty. vonrrress Gaiters. Congress heeled do, India' rubber" oversh-je. and boot. A lanre stock of the above rds. pnrchased nt the present low prires.eomTU.ind the attention of pnrehaser. ivraers are solieiica ana nu-iani'io isnaiini. Portlind, Iec. 16. lsJ6. toml Lumber. Lumber. THOSE wishing to engage in the lumber business, will do well to call on the undersigned, a be wi-hes to rent hi Mill. All the lumber that i made at tiie Mills is readily sold at the best of prices. Ine rent will be taken in lumber. a. as. SHAW. Fxls. Dec- 13, 1R54. 40w W. B. Magers, M. 1. PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. OnV.-e In my new bnild mg. oa Main street, twod-sws north of Dr. J. S. Mrlteenr's nre-is-i-so" buildins : where I will be found when not professionally engaged. I will keep constant ly on hand a rre-h supply of Drug and Medicine whirb I will sell low fur cash. Corvallis. Dec. 9, 1 . "lOtf This Day Received, BY the barke N AHL'MKEAG, for sale low for cash or Country jirodm-e-10 bias snd hf hols X. O. Sngar. CO sack China Xo. 1. snirar. "100 lbs each. 10 dot Oysters (fresh) Baltimore in 2 lb cans, 2-5 boxes'Adamantine candles, , 40 lb ea, 10 do do do C's, 201bea, IS dox boxes Sardines. 25 kegs Seth Adams' symp, 5 bWs N. O. and S. W. sj-nip, 30 boxes tobacco, "Lnkes" -Thomas", "rride of the I'nion" and "Diamond brand", 40 sail M)s each Rio Grora Cjsje, 20 gross best matches. M Cm smokinc tobacco, 4n doz gum campber. 4 bats crushed sugar, J. X. rRESCOTT. Oregon City, Xmr. 15, l&VL 3'jtf Xetv Store! 'ev Goods!! PD. Palmer would res lectfuH v inform his friends and public generally that he Las opened in Salem, a solierb stock of goods consisting in part of the follow articles to-wit: CLOTHIXG FOR MEXJXD BOTS. Boras and shoes, dry jroods and eroce.ries, ladies dress goods, llelaines and. Merinos, ttaiters and shoes. Cotton and Cashmere hose, Mitts and gl'ives. With various other Taney goods too nnmeronsto mention. FA MIL r GROCERIES. Coffee, Tea, Sngar, Salt, Syrnp, Ac BOOKS ASD STATIONERY. " Parker's series school books, Sander's school book. Clarke's grammars, Mitcliel's and Olney's geography, Daveis' arithmetic. Davies' algebra, lavies bourdon, Daviea' Legendre, Ac Farm and Fruit books, Paier, Ink. pens snd pencils. Any book desired will be ordered and furnished at the shortest notice. FATE ST MEDICIXES. GnvsotCa Yellow Dock. MiMang Liniment, Balsam of Wi'ld Cherry, Flower of the West, (for acme) Ac.. Ac., Toilet Sips, Cologne and Candies, Pocket and Bowie knives, Ac. Country produce taken In exchange for goods at the highest market price. P. D. PA LM Kit. Salem. December 9, WW. Ssitf The Oregon Statesman. Ah Indrpndnt Journal, drrottd to Politic. General MeUtKtnre, d-c. Published at Salem, Oregon. ASAHEL BUSH, Proprietor, Publisher, and Editor. The Statesman is Democratic in politics, and thor oughly National in its character. It is hostile to every mm-ch of sectionalism, fanaticism, and intolerance ; and will vigorously oppose all attempts to incorporate any of the iusaue ferns of the day iulo our Territorial lepu-lation. It will advocate all practical measures of Tti-r.-m and Progress, economical and simple administration of air local government ; faithfulness, integrity, and ca pacity in office, aod a system of rigid and direct ac countability of the officer to the leople. It will dis cuss all measures agitating tbe public mind, in a man ner fearless, impartial, and just. Its News Department will lie edited with much attention, slid nothing will be spared to furnish early, accurate, and comprehensive publication o( the cur rent intelligence. The Statesman has a large, widely-scattered, snd most excellent corps of correspondents, and very complete facilities for procuring news. Due attention is also paid to tbe publication of Miscel lany, Agrnailtural and I jterary matter. In this paper are published the laws, resolutions, and treaties of the United States, and the laws and resolu tions of the Territory of Oregon by authority. Tbe paper is printed on near material, and upon a sheet of the largest aise. Red actio la Prtao for 7th Vol bum. On the 17th day of March I8.17, the seventh Volume of the Statesman will be commenced. For that volume and from that date tbe subscription price of the States man will lie three dollar per year, if paid ttrittly in ad vance, AH old subscription dues must likewise be paid. Barnard fc MatteHon Selling off at Cost !! VXY onewUhlng a desirable location and the best run of trade in the upiier country, will do well to pur chase our STOCK A STORK in Corvalli, which we will sell at PORTLA X D PRICKS, losing freight , and for the next ill) da v. will retail for cash at cost 73 pair custom made shoe-- no split leather in lot. 226 " mens' enstom made shoes, at cost. 1M womens' kip slrncs, " 130 " Isiys' shoes, ." SO " mens' boots 6 to 12 $1 73. We have the best shoe ever in llcnton county. 11 V UN Alt 1) MATTES0X. 0 SAVED cut or cverv 10 Siicnt, by a call nt tft)0 HAKX AttD M ATTiXOX'S WHO are selling off st cost! why UARXARU & MATTESOX. 3BBL and one box " Kit" for sale by HARXAltD A. MATTESOX. SAVED 10 by calling at their Store before purcbas elsewhere. XV one having any claim upon them will prescut it L at their counter, and it will be paid. ALSO, any one owing them, whose notes are due, will present their cash at flic counter, and it will be taken care of. HAIIXA 111) A MATTESOX. To House Builders. -a, TOW Is the time to hnv rour HARDWARE. We IN will take good wheat at HOc. and sell you the best of goods market price. BABX AUD A M ATTESOX. 10 Holts blue Satiuett, 5 bolts brown Satiuett 6 " black S " grey " 25 " Jeans, 10 holts gulj mixed Jeans, 5 " blue mixed Jeans. 3 bolt grey mixed. 37 BARNAUDA MATTESOX. Selling Out, Selling Out. 1"tTHO ia selling out! t BARNARD A M ATTESOX SELLING out fast Those Men's best shoes. 1.2Jl BARNARD A M ATTiSON. LL or any of the calicoes. Hi eta. at L RARX AUl) A M ATTESOX'S. M-ERR1MACK calicoes. lO.iHKl yd, at 12 i ts., at BARNARD A MATfESOX'S. "fOCHICO calico, 3,000 yds. at 12 ct.. at (j BARNARD i MaTTESQN S. pHlLLIP Allen . rrigWgK ftlftg- BEALT1H L English 1'oj.per Plates, al : 1 a .;., at BARNARD A MATTESON S. o ATS wanted at M ct.. nt, ...,,--f. IIAtU AISV A -M.l l l r---i.,.s r-. r pHE last of the " Wairon," at I BARNARD A MATTESOX?. 11IX)L"OIIS. a few more lett, fnm I5 to i. at BARNARD A MATTESON'S. CAST steel " Hunts" A die's a ri.00.at . BARNARD A MATTESOX S. 5 33ro"' ;' 0,B.uNAnD A MATTESON'S. O f Bench screws, nt tl .0i). ea. nt 1 1 f sett plates at e I rts. at lUU ARX A UP A M ATTESOX S. 1 1 THE IT S .000 bushel wanted at SO ct. at V BARNARD A MATTESON'S. ''CRIP f '.o.otsj for sale at V BARNARD A MATTESOX S. 95 keg White Lead, at f.,25. at BARNARD A MATTESOX S. A good fire at B A RN ARD A M ATTE?ON"S. VLL the late paper, at v tstf BARN ARD A MATTSON'S. rfltEl ! F1UK ! ! FIRE! ! ! Being in constant danger of fire, BARN A III) & MATTESOX, OP TDK ST. LOVIS STORE. CORYALLJfi, aalnnai an-if U m i t rvMI it t.t eirt. their entire stock A a. u-1 -;-h u-ii .uit before the 1st of Jinu- ry. and "in view of the near approaching FAMINE. foretold In tbe book, ana nwn to oc n "--" i.v -n,n. .if the Xiht. il.xik at the Stars.) we wi-,h to turn our entire troridlt jmtrwwns into WHEAT. FLOUR, BARLEY, CORN, Ac.. Ae. We Pay Eighty Cents for Wheat. 13 ill ITS 2ii pair water-pnsJ Boots for K'e- For wueat.lri. . i , - C trSTOM MADE BOOTS D) pair. For good Wheat f) per biLsbel. 33 BARNARD A MATTESOX. HOES 20) pair Ladie' Sh.s?. 4.5.B. 7, .. For wheat, M). 31 BARNARD A MATTESOX. IF too waut tbe cheapest good in town come to S3 BAltXAUD A MATTESON'S. VXD sell V rtir wheat at mi per Bnsnei. 33 BARNARD A MATTESOX. I1ITCHERS 100 large pit. her at P 33 BARN ARD A MATTESOX S. B OWLS lis) boal. at 1J BARNARD A MAI I tMI. 1R1ME assortment of hardware for sate for Oat, at ' 33 BARNARD A MATTESOX 8. o ITS wanted at 33 BARNARD A MATTESON'S. ,ORK henght at BA.RXAHD A MATTESOXT. B AlOX wanted st 33 BARNARD A MATTESOX S. 11ALLOW bought st 33 BARNARD A MATTESOX. 5 WAGONS Sell them for wheat at Ml a nnviiei. 33 B A RX A RD A M ATTESOX. UT AtlONS Just from the shop, for sale cheap, by ' 33 BARNARD MATTESOX. II1ING1.ES 20 M shingles, 33 BARN ARD A M ATTESOX. tlXTS White, Red, Bine and tJreen paints for wheat, at w). 33 BARNARD A MATTESOX. 1HAIRS 100 Chairs forsale cheap, bv 33 BARNARD A Si ATTESOX. T. T. THE bet Yoong Tfrson Tea forate In any quantity. It'll E A T preferred to CASH. 33 B A RN A RD A M ATTESOX. 1TTHO has Money to bnv Whest? W 31 BARNARD A MATTESOX. Stowea, Store, Tin Ware. TnE nndersijmod. respectfully notifies the citizens of I jnn tlouiity and Territory of Oregon that he has permanently located iu Ibanon, and is prepared to sell the folloa-iug articles, as cheap as any establishment n the Territory, viz: COOk'IXn. PARLOR, BOX A XI) OFFICE STOVES, TIX AXII JAPAXED 11' A HE, Copper, Brittania, Iron and Wood Wares of all kinds, and Sim other ictn too numerous to mention. Ilel also prepared to attend to all jobbing in the alsive branches on short notice and in a workman like manner. My motto Is quick sales and small profit. W. PHILLIPS. Lelianon, Linn Co., O. T. 3tf JVof ice to Shippers. mOMandand after thisdateFREICHT by the steamer ENTERPRISE" will be charged by the rule of ship's measurement only. A. JAM1ESON, Master. Canrmah. Oct. 20th, 156. 3:imos3 Select School in the Baptist Church, Corvallis 0. T. rpilK above school is now in charge of Miss Clark, im J mediately from Owego. New York.nnd is constant ly opened for the rcccptiou of pupil both male and te nia le. Miss Clark has long experience in leaching and In the government of schools i thoroughly competent to teach all the branches of an English education, both in the primary and more advanced department of litera ture. Philosophy, Chemistry, Phvsiul igy, Astronomy, Algebra. tJeomctry are alt severally taught. Special at tention paid also to Music. Also Embroidery and Needle-work. Tuition on moderate terms. Board in private families can be had at moderate rates. No deduction made for absence except for protracted sickness. W. F. BOYAKIN, Visitor. Corvallis, December 2. 1R.V5. 3Sw5 Oak Bower Nursery. PFRS0XS wishing to avail themselves of the oppor tunity of obtaining good fruit will find it much to their advantage to call upon the undersigned at his nursery upon the Willamette river, six miles above Cor vallis, upon the Linn County side. My trees are of the most thrifty growth, and of the best variety to be found npon this coast. Come and see them if you don't purchase. 33tf W.M. McILREB. Catalogue of Books and Stationer' FOU BALK BY A. R. Shipley & Co., At the Citg Book Store, front-St., Poilland, Oregon. SCHOOL BOOKS. Reapers Sanders' old 1st, 2d, Sd, 4th, and 5th, and The Young Indies'; Sanders' New 1st, 2d, 3d, 4th and 5th: Parkers' 1st, 2d. 3d, 4th and 5th; Mc GulVey's 1st, 2d. 3d, 4th and 5th. Sriu.LKits Sanders' Old, bunders' New; Elemen tary! Pkimkhs. Sanders' Plrtorinl, School and Parker's. ('KooKAi'iitKSr Mitchell's, Ancient and Modern, Ol ney's, Morse's, McNullcy's, and Montcith's 1st and 2d Book. M ATnKaAf icb. Arithmetics Thomson's, Tables, Mental, Analysis, Practical, and Higher; Davies' 1'ri mary, Intellectual, School and University; Smith's Colburu' Ray's Stoddard's; Davlcs Algebra, Sur veying, Geometry, Practical Mathematics, Math. Dio tiouary, Logic of Mathematics, Analytical Geometry, and Philosophy or Mathematics. Grammars Oreen's Clarke's BuU ion's Smith's Kirkam's Spencer's Tower's. Philosophies. Parker's 1st Lesson, Juvenile and School; Comstocfs Smith's. Histokiks. Wilson's Juvenile, and United States; Parley's Universal; Willard's Universal, and United States. LiNorAdd. Coopers Virgil; Andrew's Latin Rea det; Viri llnmr; Andrew's Latin Grammar; McClin tock's 1st and 2d Book iu Latin, and do. in Greek; An Hum's Greek Grammar and Reader; Johnson's Cicero. Fasquellu's French Grammar and Reader) Woodbury's German Grammar and Reader, Telemaque. Greek Tes taroeut; French, self-taught; Surrentie's French Dic tionary; Andrew's Latin do. Liddell ft Scott's Greek do, Anthon's Classical do. Smith's do do. Dictionaries. Welsster'a School, High do. Aca demic, University, Royal Svo, Unabridged and Cobbs' Pocket. MiscF.i.LANEor. Mattison's Astronomy. Newman's Rhetoric. Wood's Botany. Kanie's Elements of Crit icism. Parker's Aids in Composition, Parker's Exer cises. Brookfield's Composition. McElligott's Young Analyzer, do. Analytical Manual. Parker's Word Builder. Stayhcw's Book Keeping. Wayland's Moral Science. Palcy's Natural Theology. Blake's Agricul ture for Schools. Cpham's Intellectual Philosophy. Mahan's do, do. Milton; Young; Pollock; and Thomp son; (Edition for Schools) Cutter's Anatomy and Physiology. American Debater. Newman's Political Economy. Hitchcock's Geology. Mt variety of Speakers and Elocution. All kinds of eVBool Station cry; Slates of all sizes; Drawing Books; Drawing t'auer; I'enoratoa tard tfianl; li.-.tol Hoard; t'encils and Brushes; tlsborn's Colors; Inkstands, every size and style, Ac, Ac, Ao. MISCELLANEOUS BOOKS. History- Bancroft's United State. C Volumes. nildrcth's do. do, 8 volumes. Frost's Pictorial United States. Taylor's do, do, do. Botta's Hist- Revolution. Peterson's do. Wilson's United States. Willard's do. Hist. Indian War United States. Willard's Universal History. Mailer's do do, Rottcck's Hist. World lor J volume. Hollin's Ancient History. Fair's do, do. Hume's England. Macanlay's do., complete. I He kens C'hliti's do. Lingard's do. (iibbon's Rome. D'Ao bigne's Refoti;: '"'.'!!. Bang's M. E. -Chnrch. Allison's irle, 1st and 2d Soriv."'- Prescott's Works. Borders Hist, of Religions. Hist, of Conncil of TrenL Jose- plms. All of Abliott'a Uiswries. Historical Cabinet, yncens of Spain. Queens of Scotland. Help's Spanish Conquests, liracea Hunsrary. Kidder's Brazil. Eu bank's Brazil. Parley's Universal. History of Cm sad?. Ancient Egyptians. Hallam's Mi.lille Aires. Ili-biry for 1Ik Bonner's Child's Uuitcd States. Lossiug's Field l'.ook of Revolution. Biousiruv. Plutarch's Lives. Life Brant. Won derful Characters. Great and Celebrated Characters. I jve of the Signer. Autotioraiihv of FinJev. 1- martine's Celebrated Characters. Life of Adam Clarke do Bishop Heading, da Niebuhr. do Gen. Harrison. do Daniel Uoone. do IWberU. do Lafavctte. Cap tains of Roman Republic and Old World." Dr. Chal mers, t vols. Lives or Hcmboldts. Mr. Rogers. Mozart. Wesley. Fletcher. Life and Time of Clay; irving's Wahiiicton. Eminent Mechanics. Lives of Chief Justice. Josephine. Napoleon. Charles Lamb. Jackson. Gen. Greeu. Joan of Are. Lady Jane Grev. J. Q. Ad:ims. Jalienne. Daniel Webster; Kings of Rome. Kinc and (-.iccns. Liebmtz. Lives of the Popes. Prescott's Philip 2d. Mary and Martha Wash ington. Pioneer Women of the West. Travels H ink's China. Arsncaniatts. Stephen's Egypt. Olin's Tn vel. Mungo Patk. Nile Note Adentnres on Musquito Shore. Bayard Taylor's Trav els. Durbin's Travels in the East. SciKNTiKic Brande's Encyclopedia. Physical Geog raphy of the Sea. Wood's N'atnral Historyr 1-arduer's Ijecture. Useful Art". Cosmos. Mathematical Dic tionary. Irlc of Mathematics. Wonders of Science. Mitcbeil's Planetary and Stellar Worlds. Loomis' Re cent ln?res oftstronomy. Smith Dictionary of Arts and Science. KnlKuik's Hydraulics. Dirk's works. Vari'ms works on Architecture. Poktky Ityron various ty!e. Shakespeare, do. Milton, do. Haraj, d. Hemaus. do. Xloore. do. f ii initson. Young. Pollock. Tapper. Cowper. Pope. Campbell. Wad-worth. 0ian. Montgomery. Ku-k White. Fcm:Ue PoeU of England, do. do. Auiertea and many other. lkos ok RKPEEirsce. Cyclopedia of Geography, do. do. Fine Art, do. do. Biography. Useful Arts. M'.Coll'H-lTs Gazetteer. Harper's Universal Gazetteer. Fiti'ir 1N AiittiCTLTrEtt Elliot's Fruit Kock. Thomxs' do. 1'owning's d'- Barry's do. Fessenden's Farmer and Garih-ner. Fruit. Flower and Vegetable Gardener's Companion. Allen on the Grape. Pardee on Strawberry. Florist's Guide. American Farm Book. Allen's Domestic Animals. Allot Saxton's Hstmi Jlouks. Works on Horse. Cattle, Sheep, Hig, Ac " 1'ukoi.ooical A llELiumrs Harmony and Exposi tion of I -is pels. Neander' Life of Christ. Butler's Work. Knapp's Christian Theology. Western Meth-odi-m. M rns Misi-,-l!anie. Ijectures on Romanism. Brand of Domini; Rule. Elliot on Romanism. Barnes' Note. Clarke's Commentary. Benson's do. Jay's Exercise. Watson's Institute. Larrabee's Evidences. Butler's Ethical Discourses. Rogers' Eclipse of Earth, do. Reason and Faith. Foster's Christ. Perfection. Biker on Discipline, Writings of Arminius. Jahn's BiUieil Arclueylogy. Bibles, all sizes and prices, from II to $2d. Te-tamcuts, great T.iriety. Methodist Hymns. Christian Hymn Biok. Church Psalmist. Plymouth Collection. Select Melodies. Christian Psalmist. MsmciL. Buchan's Family Physjcum. Hydro pathic do. Homopathic. Work. Miscki.limoi s. Constitutions of United States. Mayhea's Popular Education. Crabbe's Svnonym. Pla'tt's Book of Cnriositte. Odd Fellow's Manual. Headlev's Works, It vols. Mrs. Tuthill's. vol. Ijiv- ard's Xineveh. Bigelow's Useful Arts. Hsswell's En gineer's Guiile. American ln-titutious. Pursuit of Knowledge. Psrk Mailison. Peruvian Antiquities. IVir Iown East- Prnshnrt. Ike Marvel's Work Sandersiin's Cook an J Confectioner. Country Rambles in England. Tale and Reveries, an excellent Temjier ance Bok. Mouev Maker. Escaped Nun. News Boy. Dick Wilson. '.Mrs. Hale's New Cook Book. Mil ler's Old Red Sandstone, do. Footprint of Creator. Yoiiiiir Indies CiHiusellor. Yoiine Man's do. Pictorial Catechism. Thomson's Lect. to Y. Men. Constitu tional Text Book. Captive in Patagonia. The Ameri can Hoiisewite. Half Hour with Old Humphrey. Athens; it Grandeur and Decay. Mrs. Sedgwick's Redwood, do. New Eng. Tale. " Uncle Sam' Farm Fence. Arthur's Successful Merchant, do. Tals. Mrs. Partington. Horace Translation. Virgil do. Mrs.Cnr- len's Work. Heroines of History. Ijind and Sea. Ieck and Port. Sea and Sailor. Ship aad Shore. Naval Life. Star Paiier. Masonic Chert. Irvine's Columbus- Long I-ook Ahead. City of Kew York Living Orators of America. Youdb Man Advised. Mis sions in Tonga and Fegre. Truth Stranger Than Fic tion. Knout aud the Russians. Hvdrapathic Cook Book. Death Bed Scenes. Gift Bonk for Youne Men. do. do. t-adics. Anecdotes for Girls, no. do. B"vs Young Husband, do. Wire. do. Mother, do House keener. Si?otirncvs letters to Vminv Ijtdie. do ilo do M- ithers. Arthur's ti Night with the Washingto tiians. Manly Character, by Peck. Government of Children. Mr. Ellis' Works. How to be a !.ady. How to be a Man. Gold and Gosiiel. Pilgrim's Progress. Footprint of FamHis Men. Charlotte Elizabeth's Work's. Advice to Young Men. Peasant Boy Philoso pher. Ablsilt's Marco Paul Books, do Franconia. Merchant' Daughter. -Esop's Fables. Scottish Chiefs Arabian isrhts. itolnnson Crusoe. Kollo llooks. M,- ther's Guide. Ferris' Mormons. The Old Inn. Con llict of Age. Ion Quixote. Paul and Virginia. Amer ican Debate Fern leaves. Tri-colored Sketche in Paris. Chamlier' Information for the People. Mel ville's Redburn, Typce. Manii. Omoe, and White Jacket. Ihirne s .MisceiiHiiies. vi eudeii s tuacaxtone. eai. iiay Miscellanies, lotus Eating, bv Cost is. Bancroft's Mis cellanies. Jerrold's Men of Character. Miller's First Impressions of England. Kirwia's 1 slaters to Bishop Huehes. Coomlw' Constitution of Mam Miss Beech- era Receipt, do Calisthenics. Bell Smith Abroad. Ann a number or others too numerous to enumerate. Constantly receiving large additions to the forgoing. Stationkkv. Foolscap Pnper great variety. Let ter do, do, plain ami gilt. Note do, dc, do, do. Envel oiies all styles. Inks all kinds. Pens and Holders . ' in k- ti i. -ii : - .i .....I great vanevy. ikiaiia iiui'hs nil si&es riiu si, i-,. Meuior.uHlums. Diaries. Pass Booh. Time Bisiks. Paper Cutters, do Folders. Shipping Receipt Books. Lithographic Prints a large variety. Wrapping Pa- Iier good variety. Wafers. Scaling Wax, Ac, Ac. 'iiinllv, we have a good variety of Mrs'io Books New Canninn Sacra. Alpine Glee Singer. Dulcimer. Chorus Glee Book. Metropolitan do. Sacred Melodeon. Christian Psalmist. Piano Instruc tors. 4iiiit.tr do. Flute do. Accordon do. Violin do. Melodeon do. Plymouth Collection with Music Sheet Music. And the most varied assortment of Stationery ever oncred in Oregon. ur This stock i all bought in New Yorlfaud other Eastern cities and is sold at UXIFORM PRICES. mi We keen on hand St-nooL Books in large quan tities, together with most of the publications of IIAKI'KR ,V 1SHOTIIKKS; Dkkkv A Jackson; Ivison A Phiknkv; Pun.Lirs A Samson; A. S. Baknkm A Co.; Mili.kk. Okton A MruuoAS; I.eary A Gktz; Pi-tnam; Arri.ETos; and others. mw We ask vonr patronage. If unable to visit ns and examine our stock, your order will be attended to on the same terms as if you bought in person. rr We have arrangements by which, in the course of the fall, we shall be able to furnish most or the new works issued by the eastern publishers within 30 days after publication. Every steamer will bring some new work. We are also prepared to furnish, hereafter, the following Magazine at Publisher's rates and Postage: Harper's New Monthly $3 00 Poti am's " " S 00 Ladies' Renopitory. 2 00 Godey's Lady's Book, 3 00 Subscription List will be open for these, pr,'' Magazines, till tbe last steamer in NovemV -: your names and addresses, with the subsc,- -. - of anv periodical, and it shall be forwar -Portland, August 35, I856i , Kenyon's Dagnerrcan AND AMBROTYPE GALLERY. TIIK undersigned having recently returned from Sun Francisco, is now prepared to take thoe beautiful Flrtllrliti nn f!UUBAalUJ A M I r , t w, a n . , I . v.-oovoiicu jm inuav a m m-jz. .3, wiucn nave almost entirely superceded the laguerreotype in the K9t inri (inn uaasa a smatyinw Callery in the new building, erected expecialh for the 1 v uu svia a tlrvj. - , . WILEY KENYON Salem, Noyemlcr 11, 1956. jstf Freslt Front New York. OX HAND AXU XOW RECEIVIXO. "TkRY GOODS, Clothing, Boot and Shoes, Hard- J "ic.irim.niCT, niHjKs ana maiionnry Call In uiein. 21, h j. h. ec 1. lc. srOORES D UY-)OODS for ladies and gentlemen, in grest va- ueij', hi 2tiu MOOKE8' f ftHAT Cotton Yarn has arrived, at X 20tf MOORES'. HU.5:KS ?-1 "P-t,,e hest you ever nscd. Try It. W hite lead, linseed oil, turpentine, putty, indigo, madder, copperas, alum, oil for lamps and machinery, . New Orleans sugar, crushed sugar, cream tartar, saleratna, soda, at Jitf MOORES. 1HAIN PCMPS, monkey wrenches, ' match planes, screw arm, sash planes, " horse shoes and nails to fit. ton lock, plugs and nipples, tubes, ballet moulds, Wosenholm's DCL pocket knives, pruning and budding knives, rat traps to catch equirrclt. at MOORES' rTtAR.a X Hitf at SI00RES' Books and Stationery. JCHOOL READERS, Parker's 1st, Jd. 3d, 4th and 5th, Sanders' do do do do McGufly's do do do do Davies' arithmetic, - I'niversltyand Common School, Intellectual and primary, Davies' Bourdon algebra, Legendre, snrveying. Geometry and trigonometry, Key t.l Davies' Arithmetic ' Thompson's arithmetic, Parker's philosophy. " juvenile and 1-t lessons, Oramm in Clark's. Bullion's Smith's, Geographies Mitchell's, Monteitu's manual, MonU'ith's lnt lessons. Music Lute of Zion. New Carraina Sacra, Christian Psalmist, Missouri Harmony. Normal Song Book, Singing Book, at ''tf MOORES" 7R1TING-PAPER, superior article, f Black ink. from quarts to 2 02, Slate and pencils. Tabor's pencils, Envclo(es. wafers, Schxil cards and toy books, at !6tf MOORES' FAMILY BIBI JS, Webster's Qtiarto Dictionary, Variety of Miscellaneous Works, worth bnving. at 2"tf MOO'KES. Four Years in Oregon. GC. BOBBINS. Watch-maker, tikes pleasure in tendering to his numenms friend and customers hi sincere acknowledgments for the liberal patronase so kindly extended to him during hi four year' resi dence iu Oregon, and he hope by renewed exertion and strict attention to business to merit a continuance of their favor and ermfidrnrr. Clocks, I Sold and Silver Lever Wafc-hes. Gold chains. Jewelry, Rogers' Pocket Knives, Silver and Plated are for sale low. 9 i Strict attention given to repairing fine watches. a Jewelry mannfartured to order. Portland , i K-t. 25, 1 ST, mi Corvallis Warehouse, No. 1. I am prepared rtnre j)rKlucf, aM will attend to re cti vim? and forwardiag the atne. ISAAC MOOItn. Orleans Warehouse. OPPOSITE Corvalli. We are prepared to store pro duce, aud will attend to receivine and forwarding tbe same. 3Jtf ... . WORTH BRO. Prarc, rrare , Peace. - NOW U the time to plant orchards, and th sooner the lietter. And if von want to gt-t Js5 good tree at a fair price, just call at the FRUIT " FARM NURSERY, twelve miles eat of Salem, on the Territorial road leadinir from Oregon Citv to the bead of the valley, and you will find just what Jrou want, for we have ten of thousand of apple, pear, plum and cherry (on tame roots) trees, which we intend to sell in quantities to suit pim-haier. A liberal share of pat ronage will be thankfully received. . R.C.GEERA CO., Fr.iit Farm. Nov. 1, 1S.-.6. ;itf Sarzfons aad Fhjsicians HAVING rendered service in the 1st Reciment 0. M. V.'are requested to render a full report to this of fice as soon a practicable, of all expenditure, employ ees, Ac., a it i desirable to wind up the business of tlie Medical I lepart men t. Address R. ". Shaw, Assistant SurceoH General, Surgeon General's office, Salem. Nov. 1, 156. 34tf Administrator's Notice. NOTICE i hereby given that the undersigned wa spp tinted administrator of the estate of MOSES DAVIS, deceased, late of the county of Marion, Terri tory of Oregon, by the judge of the prolate conrt. In and for Marion county, O. T.. on the eighteenth day of Noveinls?r, 158, therefore, all persons Indebted to said estate will please come forward and settle tbe same, and all persons having olaims against said estate may present the same to the undersigned at hi resi dence eilit miles north of Salem, within one year from this date. Sworn to as the law directs. Nov", 18th. A. D., 1856. 37 twpald DAVID LOUG, Adrar. Health or Sickness! Choose Between Them. IIOLLOWAY'S PILLS. THE Blood furnishes the material of every bone, muscle, gland and fibre in the human frame. When pure, it secures health to every organ ; when corrupt, it necessarily produce disease. HOI.I.Oll'AiS PII.L.S ojierate directly upon the elements of the stream of life, neutralizing the principle of disease' and thus radically curing the malady, whether located in the nerves, the stomach, the liver, the bowel, the muscles, the skin, the brain, or any other part of the system. USED THROUGHOUT THE IVORIJ). Hollnway's Pills are equally efficacious In complaint common to the whole human race, snd in disorders pe culiar to certain climates and localities. AIARMIXG DISORDERS. Dyspepsia, and derangement of the liver, the source of infirmity and suffering, and the cause of innumera ble deaths, yield to these curatives, in all eases, howev er aggravated, acting as a mild purgative, alterative and tonic ; they relieve the bowel, purify the fluids, and invigorate the system and the constitution of the same time. GEXERAL. irEAh'XESSXERrOUS COM P.AIXTS. When all stimulants fail, the renovating and bracing properties of these Pills give firmness to the shaking nerves and enfeebled muscles of the victim of general debility. DEI.ICA TE FEMA LES. All irregularities and ailments incident so the deli cate and sensitive organs or the sex are removed or prevented by a few dose of these mild, but infallible alteratives. No mother who regards her own or her children's health should fail to have them within her reach. SCEXTIFIC EXDORSEMEXTS. The London " Lancet," the London " Medical Review," and the most eminent of the faculty in Oreat Britain. Krancc and Oerinany, have eulogized the Pills and their inventor. JIOLLOU'A iS PILLS are the best remedg krnncn in the World for the Mowing dieae: Asthma, Bef ell Complaints, Coughs, Colds, Chest Diseases, Costive ncss. Dyspepsia, Diarrhoea, Dropsy. Debility, Fcverand Ague, Female Complaints, Headaches, Indigestion, In fluenza, Inflammation, Inward Weakness, Liver Com plaints, Lowness of Spirit. Piles. Stone and Gravel, Secondary Symptoms, Venereal Affections, Worms, of All kinds. .Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hollowat. HO Maiden Lane, New York. 244 Strand, London, by all respectable Druggists and Dealers in Medicine through out the United States and the civilized world, in boxes at '23 cents, 62 cent, and tl each. (9 There is considerable saving by taking the lar ger sizes. N. Bv Directions for the guidance of patients ineve ry disorder are affixed to each box. 37yl Wanted. ; . and 5000 Wheat, and any nnan- ..-", for which cash will be - '"-- J. N. FHESCOTT. - -v. 5?tf Wakefield & Co., WHOLESALE AND RETAIL MERC HA NTS ALBANY, LINK COCNTT, O. T.,1 . T7"EEP constantly on band a full assortment of Grorer- IV c cries. Hardware, Carpenters' Tools, Blacksmiths Tool. Viieensware, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Paints and Oils, Varnish, Ladies' Dress Goods and trimmings, Ac- Ac. HIT FUST RECEIVED at Albany, 22 bbls. New Orleans and Crushed Sugar, (from N. Y.) and forsale low at urici'L-ipi l, iu ,na Albany, June 13, 1836. 14tf Qrt KEGS superior Dncd Apples (new crop) just received by WAKEFIELD A CO. ADAMANTINE Candles, 25 boxes, for sale by 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. 15 KEGS Syrup (Scth Adams' best) just received iy ir v Ahu i.L.u s. e. TRON. 2IKXK) lbs. best Refined and Swedes' Iron jC- o X - -also Band Iron, Cast and Plow Steel, the best assorted sizes in Oregon. For sale low to black smiths and merchants. 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. 2,500 LBS. pure White Lead, fyr sale at Ulf WAKEFIELD A CO's. COMPLETE set of Coopers Tool forsale. 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. 15 BEST Chicago " Clipper Plows." for sale at re duced rates, by 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. 30 BOXES H k 10, 10 x It and 10 X 14 French Glass, iast received and for sale bv 14tf WAKEFIELD A CO. . GtlOD assortment School Books constantly kept on hand, lltr WAKEFIELD A CO. 250 LBS. choice Osage Orange Seed. Also, Blue Grass, Clover and Timothy Seed. WAKEFIELD A CO. ntf WHEAT, Bacon. Eggs, Butter, Beans and Corn ta ken in exchange for goods at the highest market rates. WAKEFIELD A CO. Albany, June 5, 185G. 14tf Notice to Shippers and Merchants. "kXE or the firm being permanently located In San . tun-i.-v ah vvii3iuiin:u, ui pnmuce ion oruers to be filled, will lie attended to without delay, at rate rate. 2iitt WAKEFIELD A CO. If. BBLS. LIME, just received. IU WAKEFIELD A CO. Albany, Ang. 3, 1856. 20tr 250 LBS Blue Yitrui lor sale. 2'Jtr WAKEFIELD A CO. O C SETS Ca-t Boxes, at 6J J.Jtf WAKEFIELD A COS. 10 SETTS Eliptic Springs for sale low. tf WAKEFIELD A CO. SETTS Hub Bands, for sale Mtr WAKEFIELD CO. JNotice. ALL who are indebted to Wakefield A Co., at Wash ington Butte, will please c!l aud settle the same without delay. ;,f Hooks! Books! K. SMITH & CC. have ju.-4 received the Inrset w and be.-t selected Stock of BOOKS ever offered for sale in Salem, consisting, in part, of the following POETIC A L WO RKS. White's, Collins, Gray's Tup per's. Brattle's. Scott's, Yoone"s. Davidson's, Croly , Crabbe's. Sha k ipeare's , CowperV Coleridge's, Hemans', Burns, rotiolis. feneuey s, Hoviai, Montgomery s, Campbell's, Pope's, Moore's, Wordsworth's. Ossian's, l H'mpwn s, MUton s, Byron s, Cooke s, U'-iumith s. i-anaon s. AGRICULTURAL, FROT Gr.OWIXC, Ac In ott's. Yountt on the Horse. Allen's Stable Buwk, Hind's Farrier, Downing, Barry, Thomas, Blake. Mason's F ai rier, Stewart and Skinner, Saxton and Ciater. BIOGRAPHIES Washington's, Jackson's, Scott's, Taylor's. Marion's, Bonaparte's, Seward's. Loi Napo leon's, Mozart's, Lives of tlie Presidents, Mary Oueen of Scots, Henry VIII and his Six Wives. Harrisou's. La fayette's, Sam H'Miston's. Henry Clay's, Kossnth's. J. Q. Adams", Daniel Boone's, Saaibpcare's, Dean Swift's, Humboldt's. Bishop Heddiag's, Lives of t!e Popes. J. 11. Finlcy's, Rots-rts', Newton's, We-Jey's, Fletcher's, La marti'ne's Celebrated Characters, and manr others. HISTORIES. Rollins Ancient History, Ku.-ecfl's Modera Europe. Gibbon's Rome, R Uteeh's" History of the World. Earth's History of the World. Willai-Ts His tory of the World. Botta's American Revolution. Macau leys History of England. 4 vjls D'Aubigne's History of the Reformation, 5 vols. Petcrsuu's United States Naw, Ac Ac. MlCELItNOUS and SCIENTIFIC WORKS. Braud's Encyclopedia. Smitb'sClassical Dictionary, Lat in and Greek Lexicons and Reader. Virgil, Homer, Zenophon, J'sephii, Dick's Works.Manry'stScography of the Sea. WeJey's Sermons, Smith's Sacred Annals, Harper's Uiiiver-sal Gazeteer. Dwight's MythologT. Lard ner's Lectures, Coljiuiith's Animated Nature,' Wood's Natural History. Gann's Domestic Medicine. Willis' Prose Works, Sterne's Prose Works, Mrs. QUs Trose Work. Downing Country Houses, Builders" Guide, Webster's Dictionary, all sizes. Davies' and Peek's Mathematical Dictionary, Farmers' and Planters" En eyciopediar. Taaet,ear" PeadeBtri. itna ftx-AtiSi Cd Bias, Cosmos. Billow's Useful Arts. l"re"s Dictionary. Hush Miller's Old Red Sandstone, Ac, Ac. SCHOOL BOOKS OF ALL KIN DS. Parker's Read ers. Sander's Readers, McGreffee's Readers. Cobb's Readers. Gift Bxjks for Children and Youth. Also, Works on Geology. Physiology. Chemistry, Philosophy, Government. Anatomy, Mineralogy. Oratory, Mathe matics, Debating, Medicine. Theology. Temperance, Rhetoric . Grammar. Ge-iarraphies, Arithmetic. Astro nomy . Travels, Work of Humor. In short, every thing usually found in a Bvk Store. Store opposite the Holman Hik, near the ScamVaj Lauding. tf Notice to Importers of I'mpqtia. THE Schooner UMPVU A, nnder the command ."FrT of S. D. Hinsdale. sailed from Unipqna river iiisi for Sau Francisco, on the 6th of May, and intends making regular trips beteen these two ports. It is only necessary we believe, to remind the impor ters of L'mpqua that this vessel tite Umpqua is tbe first ever launched on tlie waters of the Umpqna. to in sure their patronage and support. This vessel will dis charge her cargo at Scvttsburg, and at tbe rate she in tends to carry freight, will not only save the shipper a very considerable item, but save him tlie transportation up the river.and thereby enable him t.i receive his goods without so mnch handling as heretofore. In fine, the Schooner Umpqua. of Scottslnrr. is a real Umpqua craft and being the first on the list in tajs grest reform, confidently relies upon all the L'mpqua fur support and encoora semen U For freight or passage apply to Allan, MeKinlay A Co., Scottsbnrg. or to tlie Capt. on board. Merchants wish ing to ship from San Francisco, can apply to Allan, Lowe A Co., 132. Clay st.. or to the Captain. Scottsburg. May 27, 1S5S. 13tf. Qya.RTKK Mastkb Genkbal's Office, I Salem, O. T., June 1G, 1S56. ( ALL persons having demands against the Quarter Master Dep't of Oregon Territory, are requested to present their claims for adjustment, at the different ofli ces, at their earliest convenience. JOSEPH W. DREW. 14tf Quarter Master General. O. T. Negotiation of .War Scrip. JUST printed and for sale at the Statesman office blank powers of attorney aod assignment for transfer of war scrip, from a form prepared by an experienced lawyer. Price, $3 per hundred. Orders by mail filled. July 1. IS06. 16 Old Arrangement. NOTICE is heredy given to tlie inhabitants of the eat of government and the snrronnding woiVrf that J. D. Boon has purchased the entire interest of all the goods in the KM t'll'K SlOKr;, and will eontinnsto sell good at the old Empire Stand, at wholes a i.b and rk- tail. Store Tronting on Main street alley. Mill street. J. D. BOON. Salem, Jan. 21, 156. 4-y. Regular Mail Line. OF Fonr-Horse Coaches, between Oregon City and Corvallis. We lieg leave to inform our friend, both in Oregon Territory and California, that we con duct the Mail Line, and are prepared to accommodate passengers to and from Oregon City to Corvallis, npon tlie arrival of every U. S. Mail, as well as carrying those or the interior on the same route Leave Oregon City on every Monday and Wednesday at 7, A. M. Leave Salem on every Saturday and Toes day. The Coaches leave for Corvallis, with the Mail upon the arrival of the Coaches from Oregon City. N. B. We keep a Livery npon the most reasonable terms. Forage of all kind. Money down, and no grumbling, makes short credit and friends for life. Office at the Livery Stable. RAY A DREW. C. P. RAT. T. X. PRKW. September 16. 1S56. 27tf. Estray Notice. S' t rayed from the subscriber, living on Spencer creek. iJine Co.. o. I., abont tnirtv head or cattle described as follows: They are all branded" with J R on the left hip. the letters, being joined togeth er and look something like the letter A. A portion of them are branded with the figure 4 on the ritrht hip. AH over two years old, are branded with an O or S in addition to the above brand. They are all marked with a crop and swallow-fork except four bead; they are marked with a crop and slit in the left ear, and a slit in the rignt ear. . Any persons knowing of the above described catHe. will please inform J. L. Bnimfey. or the subscriber at Eugene City of the fart and they will be liberally reward ed. H.G. HADLEY. Eugene City, July 2fith 18JS. 20m(i At Eugene City. THE subscriber has at Eugene City, one of the liest general assortment or Dry Goods, Groceries, Hard ware, Boots and Shoes, and all articles kept in a gene ral finding store, to be fonnd in Orfegoh. He is con stantly receiving fresh additions to his stock, and al ways keeps it op'. My goods are now all received direct from San Francisco, where I have a resident agent. All kindsof farrter'sprodncereeeised in exchange for goods I pay higher prices for produce, and ael goods cheaper than any other store in the Territory. JOSEPH TEAL. EngeneCity. July 1, 156. i6tf Wanted. o ATS, 5,000 bushels. Wheat. 4.000 bsshels. at 32tf PHILIP COHEN'S Store. Back Again! THE endersigned, having recently arrived from the States, would notily his Mends and customers, and the public in general, that he has taken the old stand ou Main Street, Oregon City, and has received since b is arrival, the following goods, which be offers at whole sale and retail at the very lowest prices for cash, or the produce or the country. " Tbe goods were all selected by himse'r ersonally, and are fresh and good and the qualities guarantied to tbe purchaser. Among which, liud 24,000 lbs. Liverpool blown salt, in 200 lb. sacks, 4,000 " fine table salt, in 10 and 20 lb sacks, 4,00"" N. O, Brown Sugar, 5,000 " China ditto. No. 1,2 and 3, 4000 " Rio coffee, (fresh.) 100 kegs Seth Adams syrup, S gals each, 190 kegs Boston nails, assorted sizes, 50 kegs ditto epikes. ti. 5, 5 snd C in. 200 kegs pure white lead, 50 kegs assorted colors, 300 gala, boiled oil, in 5 gal. cans, 100 " spirit turpentine, ditto., 20 " copal and furniture varnish, 20 Neat's foot oil, 35 boxes sperm candles, 50 " adamantine ditto, 100 " sardines, 50 kegs and boxes saleratus, 10 " pnre soda, 10 boxes cream tartar. 100 bxs. "Colgates" A So. 1 Brown soap. 10 baskets sweet oil, 5 boxes castor oil, 10 bbls east Boston a:id Stenrari's crnshedsrsr 50 kegs tar. 5 gals, each, 100 boxes German glass, superior quality assor ted sizes, 50 lb gum camphor, 30 p'k's im)erial gun powder and Oolong teas. Together with a general assortmeut of Family Gro ceries. Also, a large assortment of paint of ail colors and degrees, dry of in oil, and a spiended assortment of paint aud other brushes fanning tools, amonc wtitch are grain cradles, Ac, Ac, Ac Also, a general assort ment of bootS and shoes. Also, asrent for Folsom's Plonrfi. manufactured i?v Oregon, and warranted equal of not better than any imported and at one third to half less price enconrage home industry. JOSEPH N. PRESCOTT. July 7th. 1855. jstf lleiuoTal. BACH & BROTHER have removed to their Sew Store next door to J. Straos's Stove estalIishaien They have Just received a penerai assortment of Dry Goods, Clothing, Hat and Caps, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, &c which he offers for cash tr prod nee. i. B. Wanted Butter, Eggs, Bjron.LaTd. Floor.and Wheat, for which they pay the highest market price. oaicxn, wuiy ia, lStf Banm & Brother, FiONT STREET, Portland, opposite the Metropolis Hotel, dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Bate--, Riots, ana anoes, troeencs, a: c. S. 11. All kinds of produce taken in exchange for meixhandise at the highest market price. lwtf Orrgofi and California Patkrt Line. 'I'HK following vessels will run in conr.ee X tion an REGULAR L.IXE between Scat FraneUco and Portland : BARK OCEAN BIRD, Wicorss. Mx-ter, " CHAS. DEVENS, Kkaiy, " NAHUMKEAG, Wnuias. BRIG I. B.LUXT. Richarion-, 1 be Barks have all been coppered receaS'y, and are in first rate order, commanded by experienced captains. Freight will tie carried at tine fmeett raTr. Produce sent from any part of the country to Oregon City or to the Linn City Works, will be received and. forwarded to San Francisco. . Aoe-sts: GEO. ABEKXETIIT A Cx Oregw Crtv; ABERNETHY, CLARK Co- " San Francisco. -November, 8, 1S4S. Serf Wheat Wanted.- 1 f Hfin BUSHELS of good merchantable wheat IU,UUU far which the highest j t price will be paid a cash, by 32tf W. C GRISW0LD A CO. Troth 3Iust and Will Prevail. ALL ye that are in secr h or truth, and believe in Progression, will lie well paid by caltin" and pur chasing any of the frliowing works, which I have just received from Valentine A Co-, San Francisco, to-wit: Diseussion on Spiritualism between Brittan A Rich mond. Compendium of the The 1 ;gical-an5 Spiritual writings of Saredeninre'- piritoa lism scicmiticslly dcnj.-.nstrcted, by Prof. Hare- The Shekinah, by Brit tan. A lyric ot the '""Men Age, a p"era. by ReV. T. L. Harris. A lyric of the Moreinz Land. b Harris- F.v.c of tbe Starry Heavens, by Harris- Itaclianan's Antiiw- pol"gy- Dynamies of Magnetism. Rehgion of Man hood. Healing :f tlie Nations, by Talmage A Linton. X ieht side of Nature- Tiieorvof PneumatfJus-r. Xaty. a Spirit. The Celestial Telegraph, cr the secrets or the Ijfe to Come. Ac. Life in toe Spheres.- The Pil. grimace of Thorn-is Puiue and others to the 7th circle in the spirit world, by Rev. C- Hammond. ALSO A - J. Davis works, comprising his last wort, called the rULliiaLlA: being Harmomcsl answers to impor tant q-iestions. ALSO Mrs. French and Mrs. MetUer'a Clairvorant Medicine. F. S. HOLLAND, A sent ror the " Spirrtaal Telegraph."' Oregon City. 0-t. 14. lr.G- 33tf B. F. Dowelr,- "tTTnX leave for the Atlantic States abonf the first of t V November, and fie will return to Oregon next Spring. Aty business intmsted to h?3 care.' and left with Messrs- Manry A Part, at Jackson-rille. Wm. tf. Griswold. Salem, or Messrs- Failing A Co- Portland. O. T.. will receive prompt attention. Paticnfiir arn- tion will be paid to collecting claims aeresy the gov ernment. at Whinsrton City. B. F.'POWKLL. Jacksom-me, O. T-, Oct- lit, 1S5S Slif e"regoiian eopy, Dentistrr. DR. E. H. GRTEFFN. will he in Pr-rf.and firm tire 10th to the 30th of September, and in Oregon City from the 1st to the lith of October, an? in Salem froin the 17th October to the 1st of Xoveatbcr, and at nis residence in Linn comity the months of Noremts?r and Decemlr. - E. H. GRIFFIN. Ang. Kith 156. 24m4 Strafed, FiOM the snbseriber, a portion of his stock, marked and branded as follows: Crop off th left ear, and swallow-fork in the right. U. brand. Aov person know ing the wherealiouts of cattle bearing this brand atd marks, will be pr..periv rewarded by sendipg me infor mation. JAJKES HEATHKKLY. Lane conntv. Ang. 7. lS-ifi. 2?tf 1ks Angelos Salt. 2 ALT 3f0 bags Los Angelos Salt, rectived, per Xa 3 humkeac, and for sale at lowest rate. IStf G- ABERNETHT A CO. Hogs! Hogs!! Hoars!!! WANTED, immediately, one hnndred fhonsani pounds or Pork, for which fhe highesl market price will be paid Bi in cash, 1t 32tf W. C."GRISWOLD A CO. Cash Money f o Ktthanre VT Griswold A Co.'s for Oats af the highest market price. Come on. all of ve oat raisers. Jtpa Sacks furnished. 35tr GRISWOLD A CO Wanted. TWO or three good laboring hand to carry on tho lumbering business ; also, a good Cook wanted for which the highest wages will be paid. The undersigned will deliver lumber any where on the Willamette river below the month of the'Santiam river. Persons wishing to exchange to r three good yoke of work oxen for lumber will find it to their advantage to give me a call at Jeflerson, Via Censer's Ferrr. on th Santiam river. JACOB CONSOB. Jefferson, Nov. 10, 37 tf. Dealers in Prod nee Look Here i I THE subscribers having recently purchased, refitted, and enlarged the Warehouse at FairlieM. are nt w prepared to store and forward Produce, Merchandise. Ac, at reasonable rates. Grain bought on commission. Buyers from abroad are invited to call on. or address J. C. PEEBI-ES A CO.. Fairfield, Marion Co.. O- T. November 7. lV.fi. 3otf Medical Notice. THE subscriber, wonld inform the inhabitants that he is at his old stand, ready to attend to sll calls in nis protcssion ; also he nas on nano a wen seiecien stock of Eclectic concentrated Medicines, with a well asorted supply of Syringes, all of which he will dispose of on reasonable terms. - W. WARREN. Salem December 2. lso. SstT Sheriff Sale. NOTICE is hereby given, that br virtue of writ of execution, issued out of the dfstrict conrt within and for the connty of Polk, in the Territory of Oregon, nndcr the seal of" the clerk of said court, and to me di rected in the case of F. M. Thorp, against Charles P. Cook, I will on Tuesday the 13th day January. lT, on the premises between the hours of 9 o'clock A. M., and 4 o clock P. M.. of the same day, sell at public yen due. for cash, all the risht title and interest of the said Charles P. Cook, in and to the following described premises- To wit : the east half of land claim No. 63. in township 8. S range 4 west, ss doscrilied in notifica tion lS'Jo, -outlining 320 acres of land or as much thereof or said land claim as lies in Polk County. Also one hoos and lot in tlie town or Independence descri bed as follows : 1 8 in block 9, in said town of Inde pendence, Polk connty. with all the hereditaments and tenements thereunto belonging. D. COSPER, Sheriff. Polk county, 0. T., Pec. 16, 1S56. 40wl Final Settlement. NOTICE'S hereby given, that Wm. Vanghn, admin istrator of the estate of JESSE HASKET , deceased, having filed his accounts in the Probate conrt or Linn Conntv, for final settlement or said estate, it is ordered that the first Tuesday in January next, lie set apart ror the hearing or the same. S. D. HALEY, J. P. Linn connty, uee. it, 100. 40wtpaidV , . War Claims. "afOTICE is hereby given, that I will be at the .-eat of xN government on the 1st of Jannary. 1857. prepared to attend to all applications concerning unadjusted claims growing out of the Indian war. and coming with in my duties. P. CALLENDER, Com'r. December 1.185. 3!tf Powder. TTTE have a large supply of powder in hand. W GEO. ABERNETHY A CO., Orejon City, Nov. 13, 156. 37tf -