SANFOKD'S LIVER INVI30RAT03 NEVER DEBILITATES. It Is impounded entirely from OUM3, and has bacome aa established fuel, Standard Medicine, known and ap proved by all that have mod it, and is now resorted to wkh eoiiud.uee in all th. disease, fur which it fta recom mVnded. It ha. cared thousand within th. last.two years wSS had given np all hope, of rel.ef, as the numerous un solicited certificate, in my possession show. Th. dose must be adapted to th. temperament of th. Individual taking it, and used in such to act IVerofurindKment guide to-in th. u of the Liver InviKoratorSnd'. it will cur. i'. JZtZJ, fcopSlur m. lUbituai Co. vee ChTc Cholerafcb'oler. Morbas. Cholera In. FU ulencv Jaund.ce, Female Weakness and mar h. u .2d successfully n an ordinary Family Medicine It wiU cur. Skrileidache (a. thousands can te.tilv) in miuutc if two or Hire, teaspoonfiila ar. taken at KS.l-Uct All who use it ar. giving Vtmout'hwith th. Invigorator, and swal low both together. ' " wai PRICE, OXE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ALSO, Sanford's Family Cathartic Pills, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, And put in glass cases, air tight, and will keep in any eli- "The F-imilv CATHARTIC TILL ia gentle but active Cati.artb wh.c . tun proprietor baa uaed in h.a practice lonit used the l'i Is, and the satisfaction which all express Tr 1 ll their !. induced in. Jo placethcni within the reach of all. Tnc profession well know that diHcrent C hirtioa act ndillorUt portions of the bowels. T e Family Cathartic I'ill ha.-, with due reference to this wel eu. "sued tact, beei.c.n.pu.mded (rum a variety o tie Went vegetable extracts, whicli act a ike upon every artPof the alTm.n.tarv canal, and are good an.' safe in all wses where a Cathartic is needed, audi as Derangements .nh. SU.mael.. Sleepiness. Pains in the k U , f'.Htin-iiesa Pains, and Soreness over the whole body, fro , sud ren co d which frequently, if neglected, end... a long course of Fever, I I AppeUte. a Creeping Seusa- iiouot Cold over the Body, Restlessness, Headache or We iirht in th. Head, all Inflammatory Diseases, Worms i. Ch dren or Adult; Rheumatism a great Purifier of the Wood and many diseases to which flesh is heir too numer o to mention in Dose, on. to three. PRICE, THREE DIMES. Th. Liver Invigorator and Family Cathartic Pills are old by the Druggists everywhere, and by Redington &. Co., Sole Agents for the Pacific Coast, 418 and 118 Front street, San Francisco. PURE .EXTRACTS FOR FLAVORING. VANILLA. LEMON, ORANGE. PEACH, BITTER AL MOND, ETC. rpilESE Extracts possess in the most concentrated form 1 the del.cioua taste and much admired flavor of th. different article, above enumerated, and or all culinary purpose, will be found the most economical manner of communicating the flavor. Be particular to ask for the kinds prepared by .... as there arc many kind, in market posseting but little, if l0 Prciiared and sold by UkDlNrlO.N to., 416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. Any One Who Professes TO UNDERSTAND ALL TRADES OR SCI ENCES, ASSUMES to impose an absurdity upon the public. On the same principle, any one medicine which professes tr cur. all d seascs is unworthy of the slightest confidence and should at one b. denounced a. a quack nostrum. Th. Grsefenberg Family Medicines Do not assume tcore all diseases with one remedy. They have rleveJ different medicines, each adapted to its pec,. Ii" disease, and time has proved beyond a question he emcacT and certainty of these preparation.. Ihe.r list comprises the following medicines : ORHKEVilERG VEGETABLE PILLS; m"'hSI1A I.I ,'4 UTERINE CATIIOL1CON i OR EFF.N HKUfrS SARSAPARILLA J UREFENIIEKtrS PILE KF.MEDYj i Kr NHKKirS DYSEN VERY Si RUP i ( IlEEN MOTNTAIN OINT.MEMT; JillfSicolJMffl; KS ?2WI5i0dUk REMEDY ; t R tFESBERtJ HEALTH BITTERS ; urIefesberg mascelof health. For sal. by all Druggists throughout th. State. r.nNr.nAi. Aor.irs: REDINGTON A CO., Wholesale Druggist., 414 and 41S Frout street, San Francisco. LAIRD'S Bloom of Youth, OR- l IOUID PEARL, TOX BEACTIEYIXQ AXD PRESERYIXO THE MOST IKT.LVAtLn TOILET ARTICLt HIS ISV.KTID. REDISGTON A CO.. Sol. Agenta for th. Pacific Coast, 415 and 41S Front street, San Francisco. Dr. Baker's Pain Panacea I, composed cntirelr of healing gums, and JWtabl. oil. i'd herbs. It is pcffectlT safe lor th. most delicate to use. 1 can most sincerely say that I have never known any how.verdelieato.tobe injured by . t in th. leas . I j w. continue U a.k the afllictcd, who have not used it to try t f..r th. following diseases. If they are not aahsfled with its healing properties the monev will bocheertully refund ed hv the agent where the medicine is tor sale. 11 rim have Paul in the Stomach or Bowels, try a doa nf Pan. Panacea infernallv, baihe externally over the part actod. and you will at onoe restore tile proper action and "if ToX."Drnis. or Wound, bath, it well with th. IVm'Panacea lour time. day It will relieve th. pains and take out all th poison, and heal the wouud id abort "7? ton are suffering from Neuralgia or Rheumalio Pains, ai.nlv the Pain Panacea freely, and take a dose of it iuler. M.l morning. n.n and n.jtht ; it will not only cure the pain, but will remove the ranee ol the disease. It you have the Dvspepsia. and your food distresse. your Stomach after eating, take a dose of lain I auaeea "nUT'o"un.nv.ll'Cankered or Sore Month or Throat, apply the Pain Panacea to th. affected parts, aud gargl. tb. mouth or throat Ihre. or four tunes a day If tou have the Diarrhea, or a relaxed state of the bow !.. take a few doses of the Pain Panacea, and they will Soon b. restored. If you have r'" wR. h h tbS part, freelv. and you will won pain, and th. IwelWg will be res-ed. If you have. re too hw-he Ipply th. Pain Panacea on a piece of cotton. .nd bt i the gum at th. .am. t.m. i it .,1. -top " "" 'T- If Touhav. a pain in th. Ureaal, Side. Back or hidueya, ba'hith. part, itfected morning aud night; at th. Mm. tin., tak. a dose internally. . If "mother ha. Caked Breast, .pply theTa.n Panww . hot aa it can be borne. . II yon feel ch.lly or eol.1, as though yeu were going to bar. a fever, take a dose of Panacea. If tow have . wound, cut, or gall, on your horse, applT he Pain Panacea: it will lake out the inflamation, and hh.'r:,r. 'short tune. MJ -"i niiraiats. and bT RfcDIMtTUS t"-. roggisw, m ,nJ4ls Fron, .trt, San Francisco. -IVHAT l! LIFE W1THOVT I1KALTII, W and how lew are free from the nnmero... ..Imenta rising from an impure state of the blood f le warned in Tn. nd nnrifv your blood and re.t health. h Sco.iire Bloorfand Liver Syn.n-th. heat bl.wd known, a. the nnmero... eert.ficatesof remarkable eurea. in the hand ot the proprietors, unquestionably prove. As a Soring to pnnfy and clnw O.e blood, leaving it free from all hemors and impunt.-s, we ert ith eonndenre that there is no better remHy than S J :iLi;l BLOOD ASD "VERYRr.V he. rt tn.l. Wheleatla Ar. 41 asd 4H Frarf.t.."s.. rrsne. NO OPIUM OR CALOMEL. Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam fur the Lungs bas no equal as . lung medicine, and is especially adspted to the Constitutions of Females and those suffering from Consumption or any Lang complaint. Give it a trial. Hediugton & Co., Wholesale Agents, 416 and 418 Front street, San Francisco. SCOVILL'S Sarsaparilla & Stillingia! OR BLQOD ANDJJVER SYRUP. It is hereby recommended by physicians to cure the following diseases having their origin iu a disordered state of the blood: Canker, Ulcerations and Enlargement of the Joints, Can cerous Tumors, Erysipelas, King's Evil, St. Anthony's Fire, White Swelling.', Obstinate Eruptions, Pimples on the Face, Rheumatism, Blotches, Pustules, Dyspepsia, etc.; Syphilitic and Mercureal Affections sre eured j Chioaosis or Obstructions in Females; Leucorrhea or Whites, are relieved by the useof this Medici ne. The medical properties of Sarsaparilla in conjunction with Stillingia arc well known by all medical men to be the best compound yet discovered to cleanse and purify the hlood, aud cradi'c ite all humors from the system. We have given tde receipt to n ot pliysiciun. in the couulrv, that they may know what tiicy urc uain;;, and will continue to send it bv mail to those desirous uf knowing the ingredients entering into this composition, that they mav prescribe it in their practice. This preparation stands at the head or tlie list ot reme dies for curing all diseases arising from impurities of the hlood or diseased matter lin king in the system. Thousands who 1. .ve used the Stil i.ijiia imd Sarsaparilla will testify to its reiiiurkable effect in moving all impuri ties from their blood, giving tone and vigor to the whole tinman frame, and restoring a healthy action to all the functions of the body. The testimonials received in its favor from many mem bers of the Medical Faculty would, were we to publish them, fill a lurgcvolumo. It is prepared under the supervision of one of the oldest and best practical chemists in the country, (Mr. W. S. Merrill, Cincinnati), so as to insure a uniformity of com position and purity in all the ingredients. As H spring remedy, to purity aud cleanse the blood, leaving it free from oil humors and impurities, we assert with confidence there is no better remedy. Sold by uli Druggists, and by REDINGTON A CO., Agents, 416 and 41S Front street, San Francisco, To whom all orders should be addressed. 85-1 y Fish's Infallible HAIR RESTORATIVE, FOE RESTORING! gray: hair TO ITS ORIGINAL COLOR. It prevents tlio Hair from fulling oft". It cures Baldness mid removes all dandrufl from the head. It allays all irritation of the scalp. It cools and refreshes the head, and imparts to the hair a healthy lively appearance. P. 8. The properties which remove dandruff and scruB from the head, allay irritation and free the scalp from hu mors, renders this article invaluable as a lotion in all en taneous affections ; such as Itch, Rash, Salt Rheum, Chil blains, Erysipelas, Ringworms, Shingles, Bites snd Stings of Insects, and all eruptions of the akin, especially that caused by Poison Oak. This only genuine article is put up in Pint DoltUt, and has the written signature of X. MiiU, thi oriijinaX firoprit tor and manufacturer, on the label and wrapper. Beware of all put up in different style, which is counterfeit. REDINGTON & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS, 409 and 411 Clay Street, San Francisco. R. PORTERFIELD, aq nt, STOCKTON. l-3m For sale by A. 8. McCLCRE. Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Lungs CONSUMPTION. ASTHMA, NK5HT SWEATS, SP1T T1NU BLOOD, COLDS, COldll, INFLUENZA, PAIN IN THE SIDE, AND ALL DIS EASES OK THE LUNliS. Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, in all cases gives the best of satisfaction. Dr. Wm. Hall's Ralsnm for the Lungs, has wrought more cure, siuce its introduction thai, any other cough medi cine. Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam for the Lungs, is endorsed by your leading physicians as the safest and best remedy now before the public. Dr. Wm. Hall a Balsam for the Lungs, ia safe to use among children, and yet powerful in cases of chronic pulmona ry disease. Dr. Wm. Hall's Balsam tor the Lungs, brings in certificates almost daily, of its wonderful cures in all parts of the cnuntir. The more striking proof the intrinsic worth and excel lence of DR. WM. HALL'S BALSAM for the I.LNtiS, is shown in the rapidity with which it becomes a general favorite with the people. There is nothing of a similar nature but what is cast into the shade when ihc Balsam has been thoroughly tested. Toe agents for its sale, the coun try over, in ordering new supplies, are very enthusiastic in its favor, saving: It is jmt the thing j it a.ts like a charm; its rtlcci arc truly magical." The purchaser sh mid b verv partieulnr t ask for, and take none but Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the l.ungs which is warranted to give satisfaction or the money ic turned. For .ale br all Drnceists, and bv KEDINGTON &. CO. Hole Audits, 4'iJ and 411 Clay St., San Francisco. REDINGTON fc CO'S Superior Yeast Powders. WARRANTKD to make Light Sweet snd nutritions BREAD. Equally adapted to . OA ITS, HOT JUSCt'fT, B t'CfT njEAj; aS OTHER CA A' AX tIMiERBREAD, AXfi CARES OE AU. KIXHS. Warranted fullv equal to anv in the market. Ask for KEDIN'UTON A COS YEAST POWDERS, and take uo other, if tou would have uniformly goad bread. Manufactured and sold st wholesale, by REDINGTON & CO., 403 snd 411 Clay St., San Francisco. BROOKLYN HOTEL. CORXER BROAD H A Y AXl SAXSOMR STREETS, Raa Francisco THE Proprietor of this well known and old es tablished House is still at his old tncka feeding the public for Ihe low sum of or po ia per wees, and me crv ia -.-Mm mr.T rinn. ; established in islvj. and the Proprietor prowtly appeals to ita well known reputation, and at the same time pledgee himself to use everr endeavor to add to the comfort and convenience of his guests. The lire klyn Hotel WAHON will alava be ready on the wharf on the arrival of Ihe steamer.' convey passengers and their baegage to Ihe House, free of ehanre. To ..revent imposition be positive and see that BROOKLYN HOTEL is painted in larg. let ten on the eidesof the Omnibus. Board per day, 1 ; Board per week. It ; Meals. .vet, -Lodging. fcots.-Lodginir r'r "JWT."8'' rnmt'M cents pemtgM J'H? KULl.Jr Jun!t. Wheeler & Wilson's NEW STYLE SEWING MACHINE! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! ' NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NO LEATHER TAD I NO LEATHER PAD! NO LEATHER PAD I GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. NEW STYLE HEMMER 1 NEW STYLE HEMMER I NEW STYLE HEMMER 1 The Greatest Improvement Invented. MAKING AN ENTIRE New Stylo Machine, Formerly the inst'y celebrated LOCK STITCH, acknowl edged by all to be the only Stitch fully aatisl'actory for Family purposes. NEW STYLE MACHINE. PRICES REDUCED 20 PER CEXT. PRoVES REDUCED 20 PER CEXT. BUY TUli WHEELER & WILSON ! It U the Cheapest; most Durable, and Duster Understood than uay other Sewing Machiue. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR! II. C. IIAYDEN, Agent, Corner Sacramento and Montgomery streets, 49-Sm San Francisco. BUY None but the OROVER A BAKER Family Sewing Ma chine the best in use. Twenty different styles for Fami lies aud Manufacturers. NONE So good as OROVER & B AKER'S. We now have Family Sewing Machines muking the " Lock " Stitch, as well as those making the eelegruted " Orover A Baker" Stitcb. BUT Which Stitch is the best? We give our customers the privilege of testing our Machines making cither stitch, and exenanging u not at nrsi suited. THE New No. S Shuttle Machine, for manufacturers, greatly ex eels th. mors complicated styles of other makers. TRICE GROVER AND BAKER'S new style "Lock Stitch" Family Sewing Machine ha. many n.w improvements for braiding, etc. PRICE fiiO, AND Our "Grovcr A Baker" Stitch Family Sewing Machines possess exclusive advantages over all others. They are unequalled for general Sewing, and for Embroidery, Braid ing, etc., have uo compeer. BAKER. Buy Konc but tbe Grovcr & Baker, either for Family Use or Manufacturing. If you prefer the " Lock Stitch " or " Grovcr A Baker " Stitch, a plain and serviceable or elegant and reliable machine all tastes can be suited and satisfaction guaranteed. II. ii. IlltOWN, Agent, 329 Montgomery Street, 47 SAN FRANCISCO. TUALATIN ACADEMY. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M., (of Jacksonville, 111 ) Principal. MISS MARY IIODGDON, (of Ipswich, Mass.) Assistant. Tuition 5, , 7 and 8 dollars per quarter of 11 weeks. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. REV. SIDNEY II. MARSH, A. M.. rsEsinixT, and Acting Professor of Languages. RKV. HORACE LYMAN. A. M.. PsorEssos of Mathematics. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M., raorsssoa Elect of Ancient Languages. These two Institutions sre at Forest Grove, Washington county, Oregon. Arrangements are being made by which atudents esn board in a club at about the cost of provisions. Board in families is now f-J 75 per week. Hv help of Endowments obtained at the East, Collegiate instruction is furnished stu -lent, however small the num ber. The situation of the College is unsurpassed in beau ty and beaitl.fulness, and is iu the midst of a moral com mi.nitv. The Library contains 2, V0 choice books. Collections in Natural History ar being made. Feb. llSi. HUMISTON, WILSON &Co., I1MPOHTEKS AND trnOLCSALB DEALERS IX Fine Brandies, WINES AND LIQUORS, Ftn Prxf Brick 5r, front St., torntr of Oak. rOBTLAND, OG., OFFER to th. trade of Oregon and Washington Terri tory inducement ssvnnd to no other house on this coast. Our stock consists in part of Fine Old Brandy, Ourd, Duptiy As James Ilennesey, A. Doniott Sj Co., United Vineyard Proprietor, Pinett, Cttstillon it Co., Union of the proprietors, C Marqut, A. Signettc, And various other brands. Also, Terr choice OLD BOURBON WHISKY, Old Bye Whisky, And all other ""see brands now in market. i Tor IXoI. ad Gin. St Croix M JtmMr nam Cordials and Wines of every description. Also, of our own bottling, which we claim to be superior to anytningnow in lire niai Kev OTAKD, DL'PUY & CO. 61 C. MAP.QUETT'S OLD BOUKUON WHISKY, of a superior quality, and OLD KYIS WHISKY. Also, a general assortment of case goods, end everything else appertaining to the Liquor Trade, which we otter at Ban rancisco prices, uraers iroui country mer chants and dealers respectfully solicited. N. B. All liqaors sold by us are guaranteed to be gen- uiue, ana as represeuteu, except imported case gooaa, suca a Schnapps, etc. Portland, Oregon, July SI, 1862, Hall's Sarsaparilla. ? Yellow 'Dock and Idoide of Potass. Thi. celebrated preparation has stood th. teat of six years with the California public who ar. justly consid ered aa a community th. most intelligent in th. world during which period w. are proud to say it bas given more than satisfaction it has become the . HOUSEHOLD REMEDY For Californians particularly, who, from much exposure, bad food, imperfect .belter and irregular habita, sutler more from Rheumatism Than any community iu the world; and we are safe in say ing that as a rule, California Rheumatism cauuot be cured thoroughly without a free use of Hall's Sarsaparilla. It is the only preparation that will CUKE Rheumatism, as thousands can testify who have tried the medicines of the Rest Doctors in ttie country, witt. out receiving any benefit tiierelroiu. In all cases it gives immediate relief when taken as per directions on the bottle. Females In delicate henlth would do well to try the virtues of this remedy, as it insures a peculiar beneficial influence upon the vascular system not obtained by any other remedy. It quickly removes from the blood and other fluids the im purities of unhealthy secretions, which engenders a loi)j train of diseases, such as , Scrofula, Ulcers, Boils, Blotches and Pimples on the Face and Body, Humors, Pustules. Tumors, Scores, Rose or Erysipelas, Tet ter, Scald Head, Swelled Neck, Liver Complaint, Lumbago, Gout, Chronic Sore Eyes, Cancer, Enlargement of the Ovaries, and diseases of The Heart, arc cured by the renovating action of this truly valuablo medicine. It acts like a chirm, purifying the blood of all morbid and corrupt matter, and at the same time strength ens aud invigorates the entire system. Salt Rheum will positively yield to the medicinal powers of this reme dy, iu conjunction with Hall's Kosen.nry Cerate, it has cured cusesot over twenty years standing, the diaeasa covering nearly the whole surface of the body. Mercurial Diseases,' and all diseases arising from Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic, such as Aching pains in the Roues, Dimness of Sight, Low Fevers, and worst of all, Mercureal Rheumatism, are re lieved bv one bottle of this remedv. Night Sweats, Wasting of Flesh, Spitting of lilood, Habitual Costiveness, and Tiles thousands can testify to the efficacy of Hall's Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock and Idoide of l'otass in the above named diseases. It increases the appetite and th. flesh, gives a healthy tone and vigor to the whole system, building up A New Constitution. As the constitution is the blood and this remedy thorough ly purities, elenses, and purges it of impure matters, and at the same time stimulates into healthy action the whole Visceral System, which is engaged in the manufacture of the blood, hence the health of the whole system will fol low and a long life, with a healthy and cheerful mind sure indications of a healthy bodv can be obtained by the most delicate person, by thoroughly purging the blood in the spring and fall of tlie vear, with Uall'a Sarsaparilla, Yellow Dock, and Idoide of l'otass. Imitations. Owing to the great and unparalleled success of th. remedy, hundreds of unprincipled persons seek to palm oft on the public, worthless trash culled by the same name. The Genuine Hall's Sarsaparilla coutaing neither Spirits, Mercury nor Arsenic. Hold by Druggists' and Dealers everywhere fur $1, and by the proprietors. It, HALL & CO, S3:6m f'31 and .'33 Clar street, San Francisco. T U II 1ST E 11 S' FORREST WINE BITTERS, Th Greatest Remedy ' ihe Age. ...for the cure or... Dyspepsia, Liver Complaint, Weakness of the Stomach, Or Derangement of the Digestive Organs. " Turners' Forrest Wine Ditters," Art sure to regulate the stomach, too main avenue to the whole body ; Are sure to counteract Billiousness, when in a inalarous climate ; Are sure to agree with the most weakly, as well as the most robust person ; Are sure to create a good appetite ; Are very pleasant to the taste as a beverage, Are economical and cheap. All travelers should carry these bitters with them to pre vent Billiousness and Fevers caused by change of climate and water. Seamen should carry them to prevent Scurvy, Ship Fever, and the like, when they are deprived of cooling, nutritious vegciauies. They are a very rich, nutritious Wine, formed by the addition of nine different kinds of roots, barks and herbs, making a very palatable as well as one of the most nourish ing Bitters in the known world. SoM Who'esale by TUENER BROTHERS, Comer Washiiiicun. and Franklin streets, N. T. N.agiira street, Duilalo, N. V. Corner Broadway and Front streets, SAN FRANCISCO. AnJ f.T snle by Merchant nd Druggists, every here. TimEHS' G1XG ER Turners' Ginger Wine ! ! Turners' Ginger Wine f ! Thia article is prepared from pure White and Jamaica Ginger Root, in such manner as to form the best snd most pleasant touic ever introduced : and is sn invaluable rem edv for Dyspepsia, Indigestion, and for all diseases where a gentle stimulant is required to bring the system into healthy action. One Million Gallon, in Barreh and Caies, told Annually Thmnghnnt the world, thereby proving its nneqnaled and unrivalled merits. It has received the approbation of the Medical Faculty throughout the I'n.ted Slates, and wher ever known. Sold Wholesle br TURNER BROTHERS. Comer Washington end franklin streets, N. T. Niagara street, Puflalo, N. Y. Corner Broadway and Front slreeta, SAN FRANCISCO. And for ! by Merchant and Druggists, everywhere. TURNERS' ESSENCE OF Jamaica Ginger. Itia not enly harmlcs, but it is eminently benedcist is) It rses where'a wsim Cordial or a gsref-.l I'im is re quired. Especially is this the esse when there i. felt by the patient a sense of eibaustion, arising from either beat er fctigue. Under such circumstances a few drops taken in half S tumbler of water, with a little sugar, will be usefnl. It will be found in such cases a pleasant and efletive resto rative j on this account this Essence is a highly important addition to the voyager and traveler'a portmanteau. It i. also important to the family collection of remedies for dis eases. This article, like the Ginger Wine, is carefully and elabo rately prepared and selected from the best .quality of arti cles." it possesses all the true properties of the Jamais Ginger, aud w. do not hesitate to warrant it to b. fre. frosa suy aud .very injurioua or irritating properties When there is a great Nauseaof the stomach, or oppres sion of Spirits, arising from imperfect digestion, from riding in a curriage, or from the motion of a vessel at sea, this Essence, if taken in accordance with the above direc tions, will be found invariably to give relief. Iu ordinary Diarrhoea, incipient Cholera, and indeed In all diseases bv which the nervous system may become pros trated, and tlie digestive orgaua deranged, this Xs.enee will be found most invaluable. TURNER BROTHERS, Corner Washington and rrankliu streets, New Terk. Niagara street, Buffalo, N. . Corner Broadway aud Frout streets, SAN FRANCISCO. And for sale by Merchants and Druggists everywhere.- TURNER BROTHERS, Manufacturers ot every description of . SYKUP8, CORDIALS, BITTERS, die,, Comer Front and Broadway ntreets,. ' SAX FRANCISCO CAL, June S, 18G2. HOLIDAY CIRCULAR. A. Roman & Co.. BOOKSELLERS, Importers and Publishers, Not. 41T and 419 Montgomery Street, (Lecount's Iluildiug,) SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. W. would most respectfully invite the sttention of the 1'uhlic to the Magnificent Stock of Holiday Goods, We are now opening, comprising the lattst and most beautifully bound and Illustrated Gift Books and Annuals For the coming year, together with an extensive snd ele gant assortment of Foreign and Domeitie Photograph Albums, FOR THE CEXTER TABLE, In new and improved styles Jand sizes plain, rieh and fancy man- in exquisite taste, bound in the finest Tuakey Morocco or Velvet, with Gold plated Ornaments and Clasps, and suitable for Holiday, Marriage or Rirth day Gifts. AUTO-PUOTOGUAPll AI.RCir., PHOTO-AlBUUS OF PICTURES AXD POETRY, PHOTO BIBLES AXD 1'RA rSR-BOOKS. Our stork of these novel and unique articles, tojtlher with the life-like Carte de Yitxte Portrait! for the same, i. much the largest on this Coast, and for variety and g.a.ral excellence is second to none iu th. United ritatea. SUPERB FAMILY BIBLES, hlezantly illuminated and illustrated primed with atew anil beautiful type, on the finest paper and bound ia the most substantial manner, with mussivo llatps and Oraa nieuts. Prayer Books, In every variety of size snd style of binding, plsin or rich ly panneled Morocco, with or "without Clasps, for the Few, Helicule or Docket. Klegunt nud Accurate Editions of the foets, Iu. Morocco Antique, from Homer to the more modern Longfellow, Tennyson, Mrs. Urowning, Miss l'roctor, et. STANDARD AUTHORS, Fine Library Sets of the works of Dickens, Cooper, Ir ving, D israeli, l'rescott, Gibbon, Hume, Hood, etc., as wall as the Classics, Addison, Swift, etc. Also full set. of Holm's valuable Standard, Illustrated, Scientific, Classiest, Historical and Antiquarian Libraries. WAVEtiU NOVELS, Twenty different editions from fira to fifty volumes handsomely bound. AMBROTYPE COPIES OF FINE PIC TURES AND STATUARY, Plain and elegantly framed, inclnding in part, Raphael's Madonnas, and gems from Murillo, Corregio, De LaKocbe, l.nndseer, Herring, Lant, etc., more beautiful than engra vings, aud much cheaper. Juvenile Books Including Linen Trimera, Moveveable Toy Book, and choice aingle qolumes and sets of books for the young; an assortment unsurpassed in quantity, quality and excellence and to which we respectfully invite the attention of De tents and Teachers, and those having the care of Children and Youth. To those wishing to purchase Gifts for tbe coming Holi days, (and nothing is more beautiful or more cherished than an elegant book), we offer by far the largest stock of fresh and desirable goods in our line, from an Aldine Edition of the Poets, in 125 vols., 18 sno, half calf, extra gilt ; Encyclopedia Brittanica, f th edition, 12 volumes, royal quarto; Audubon and Dachman's Birds and Animals of Am.rico, in 10 vols., royal octavo, Morocco Antiqu. snd elegantly colored plates ; Down to the Box of Blocks or Toy Trimer. Feeling satis fied fiom the care used in purchasing and selecting, and from patrnnasre already received, that no one need Invar our Establishment without being satisfied in te and price Orders from the Trade and from Parties throughout tbe Country ate respectfully solicited, and we pledge ourselves Infill the s.imc with the utmost care and attention. Any desirable wurk, published within the Inst forty years, may be found upon our shelves, and at the qery lowest rates. A. ROMAN & CO., Nos. 417 snd 419 Montgomery street, 49-m tSAS FRANCISCO. SlOO REWARD. OXE nCNDRED DOLLARS REWARD is offered for a, better Antidote for all affections of the URINARY ORGANS and PROSTATE GLAND THAS Dr. FRASK ALUDRTOVS Antidote and Rose. Injection. The worst eases of Goorrhcs are rd'rrslty eared br two, or three bottles. Slight eases in twe er three days. Thisv C reparation will do what no other remedy ran. or has bee, nown to do, vis : Cure everr ease, no matter bow eampli. eated. Thousands can testify to this feet, who wvt, previ ons to nsing Dr. Allerton's Antidote and Rose Injection, expended hundreds of dollars on worthies nostrums ani hunibug doctors. TRY THIS REMFDTt Two or three doses is- snBicietit to convince yon of its superior medicinal virtues. The only restriction while nsing tile Antidote is to avoid alb Spirits and Beer, or Ale. Be sure to ask for Dr. FRANK AI.FsTON'3 Antidote and Rose Injection. Take it error dins to directions on the bottle and it will cure yon. Sold by all reanlar Drnzirists and Dealers in California Oreion and Brttib Colombia. Price for Antidote, tl V; Rose Injection, fl nr.. Three), bottle, is nearly alwars suficient to perform a radical cure, leaving no traces of the malady in the system, which ess. not be truthfully id of sny either kneva preparation.