The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, March 21, 1863, Image 2

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S tm jla of to-iiy is not altogether for
to-iiy. it is for the vast future also."
During the present crisis, when ever man
thou I J be found with his shoulder to the wheel,
laboring strenuously fur the maintenance of the
greatest and most glorious republic that has ever
shone in the firmament of nations ; how is it that
men are so little affected Sn our country's behalf,
and so averse to her bleeding enlist Have they
Ho sympathy 7 Is It possible for the child thus
to forsake Its ufToctionato mother In the very
hour of her greatest need ? So we are to can.
elude from the many anathemas, innuendoes, and
bitter denunciations when we so often hear spo
ken against bur Government ; and teeming
through the press the same like sentiments are
sent forth and scuttered to the four winds of
heaven. And why is it? Why such invectives,
such untimely and Ill-founded expressions which
are too often to be heard fulling from the lips of
soma restless, misguided citizen, while, at the
same time he Is breathing the air ot freedom,
unJ f ousting upon the goldun harvest of liberty's
soil! What harm has the Government done
you, you child of mischief, that even now, in
the darkest hour of our Nation's struggle, you
nre seeking to subvert and overturn her vessels
of honor? Has she in any way infringed upon
your inherent rights, struck at your future pence
and prospeiity, or taken away your wealth ?
Nsy, but has she not rather sought from the be
ginning, and is she not to day pouring out her
life's blood in copious streams for your protec
tion, welfare anl prosperity in all time to come?
Ought you not, then, to be thankful, and pour
fn upon her wounds tho oil of coi. solution rather
than the dregs of poison ? Is it not to the Gov
ernment that we are all indebted for tho wealth,
the many comforts and luxuries of life, accom
panied with the sweet privileges and blessings
of freedom, with which we are surrounded ?
Have you not been blessed with every means
that could possibly bo had, not only to facilitate,
your own comfort, but also to enhance and in
sure tho happiness and improvement of your
children ? What more would you have than
has already been given? What then is wrong?
Does the Act in relation to the writ of habeas
corpm stand big in your eye even till now, and
does the Emancipation Act fairly exclude all
1'rght from your sympathetic vision, so that like
the blind man, you aro wending your way-you
know not where? W-o 11, ncow ! what great
"buggaboo" do you find in either of these Ac!s
sufficient to justify you in rebelling against your
rtiotber, under whose kind parental care you
have thus long survived ond received from nn
open hand the blessings of liberty flowing from
the benign institutions of freedom ? Is not the
President Commander-in Chief, and is he not
authorized to resort to w hatever means necessary
to protect the country in a timo of war, from
foes within and enemies without? Hut tho
Emancipation Act " is not a war measure" you
say. How do you know it is not a war measure?
Have you better facilities for knowing, and have
you more wisdom or keener discernment than
the highest executive of tho Nation ? If so, in
wisdom govern thyself, and retain those haughty
vituperations "for anger dwelleth in tho boom
of fools."
It's true that all cannot think alike, and in the
mere matter of opinion all have the right to dif
fer; but to denounco tho Government because
it does no act to suit your particular fancy, is
worse than madness, a fair sample of individual
usurpation. The Emancipation Act is truly the
voice of freedom. Is there anything wrong in
freedom or frco institutions? Has our nation
spoken through the mouth of her Chief Executive
to none effect and must liberty be crushed ?
Never I is the the voice of tho ago echoing from
pole to pole, and from the enrtern horizon to the
great Pacific into which the sun seems to set.
'Twas a natural, an inherent desire for civil
and religious liberty that first gave birth to
America and placed us as a star in the midst
ot nations. Again, none will be so foolish, so
absurd, so falso to truth as to deny that slavery
has been the agent and the forerunner of the
present crisis. Since its baneful poison has
proved so fatal in bringing about so great n mis
chief as is now upon us, we know not why we
should longer embrace the monster, why cling
we longer to this serpent ol the South, while in
its s.itanio rnga 'tis striking nt our nntional rx
istenca ? But," say you, " this is a secondary
matter; the Union first, and then we'll look to
this thing." Yet you are free to admit that from
its influence the emblem of our nationality has
been dyed in blond. Then how in the name of
consistency do men tell us that this is a second
ary matter 1 Is it possible to restore peace and
harmony until the cause of confusion is removed ?
Let philosophers answer ; and then let men of
southern sympathies ceaso their bowlings.
Again you say : " I do not like the present
Administration." No I neither dttes J elf Davis.
He says that they have taken Illegal step, and
have shown themselves cruel monsters and viola
tors of the Constitution. No doubt he regrets
that ever they took the first step towarJ tho ar
rest of rebellion and the preservation of our
c.unlry't rights. But suppose that our Gov
rnment (or the present Administration if you
please) has not walked circumspect, and in
f rrr point just f tho letter ; srhst then ?
Shall we look for fallible men to show them
selves infallible, perfect in every word, deed
and under tho most trying and difficult ordeal
to which mortal has ever beeu subjected ?
If so, or if such are the demands which you
make upon the party now in power, may we
not justly, reasonably expect, in turn the same
from you, in your respective though subordinate
positions? Then cease your bickerings, be not
quite so over leulous iu criticisms ; but submit
yourselves to be governed, ond go forth in obe
dience, manfully sustaining the powers that be,
ui der tho good old ensign so gallantly won by
the long to be remembered heroes of the past,
so that because of you, at least, none may be
led to Inquire : " Why are free men opposed
to our Government?"
Momb Treason. We received the pros
f ecti s of a paper to be started at Da'les City,
Wasco county, Oregon, on or about the 6th of
April, by Messrs. Snyder and Allison. The
paper is to be called the Democratic Stale Jour
nal. It takes for its model, Seymour and Iiicli
ardson. Why tho secessionists ot that little
way place should attempt to support two papers
is a little surprising ; however, we presume the
"irrepressible" William II. is about "played
out." Having tried in the secession convention
for a nomination and failed, ho then left and de
nounced in the most bitter terms his friends with
whom he I nturully belongs, and came over and
howled " Uniou" lustily for a few mouths. He
is now crawling back to his "vomit" again.
William is like the ambitious but ignorant Stork,
who assumed to be real Peacock ; but was soon
discovered to be a cheat, und wus then disgrace
fu'ly stripped cf his borrowed plumage which so
illy became him, and expelled from the society
of peacocks, he then sought his old associates,
but was spurned by them as one in every way
unworthy of even their humble position, so he
was left in a "gang to himself." Just so with
William, he cannot hide his ugly self uny longer
under Union feathers, and the honest (?) igno
rant storks, (sccesh) scout him from their runks
and are trying to start a paper that claims no
higher title than his veritable Storkship," und
thereby leave the " immaculate old he stork" out
in the cold. All right, the more, and the more
bitter tho treason tho sooner the people will gel
their eyes open. So " pitch in," your race is
nearly run. "
Ot What a Bash I !
Ens. Repiducan : 1 find by reference to
the 39th paj:e of McCormick's Almanac, for
1S03, an advertisement of the Oregon Sta'cs
man, which purports to express tho principles
of that paper, lit that time, in the following
words :
" We have liiid ai1e our pmtisnn wrangling, nnd
sworn, ' as the Lord livetli,' Unit treason nliull be crushed
out, if the t'uroliuua bccouio a forest of gibbets."
Is it possible for a man to utiur Mich pnliiolic
sentiments as' the above and yet in n few short
months to turn around and convince a readin'
people that he now is, and always has been one
ot tliu vilest, deadliest enemies to Ins country.
The truth is, ho is like Judas, born a traitor.
It has always been tho experience of the
world, that tho meanest und most corrupt trait
ors iu it has been able to utler the most pat
riotic and well timed expressions of fidclitv.
Judas did it und became a favorite with his
God. Arnold did it and became one of the
favorites of Gen. Washington. Hull did it
iu the war of 1812. Arnold nnd Hull both de
fended it in tho field, and each made his mark
as a soldier and officer, nnd why did they do
this? the mora fit-dually to carry out .1 heir
hellish designs of treachery. lie who has llie
heart to le fake, hns the baseness to ii fleet to
be faithful ; but treachery like murder will out
The only evidence of this man's treachery
that nny thinking man needs, may be found so
plain that none can mistake, by reading a few
numbers of the Slate-man published a year
ago and then turn over and read nn equal
number published recently. Do not nil true
Union men regard him as it traitor and a knave?
And even the secessionist, I think would feel
themselves disgraced in his society; what say
you, John Thompson ond Pat Mnlone? But'
I sec Bush has resigned tho editorial chair
just us he did to Gordon I guess, to catch the
Slate printing ngain ; but you nre "played out,"
we begin to know where you nre, the time has
now come that try men a little, and those
fellows you have in won't win.
Roseburg, March 17th, 18G3. Usiotr.
The Sentinel says Rogue river is only
two feet higher than the low water mark of Iat
summer. Probably there never has been a win
ter since the settlement of Koguo Iliver Vulley
by tho whites, in which a smaller quantity of
water has fallen than dming the past winter.
'I he Sentiutl says a man by the name
of A. C Ange's, aged 32 years native of Vcr.
mont was drowned while crossing Scott rivet
on a log, on the 4th instant. His body has been
The Mountaineer has reports from
Payette river, that the Indians have stolen all
the iiirmals belonging to three largo pack trains.
At last accounts the packers were staying' by
their goods wailing an opportunity to get them
to the mines.
The Timet cf the 17th says the lifeless
body of Mr. Marble was discovered on Saturday
lying about fifty yards from his dwelling, in the
neighborhood of Vancouver. When found, he
was lying fl it on his back, with both arms stretch
ed out, while near at hand lay his gun and Ian
tern. No marks of violence were visible upon
his person, and it is supposed that he died of dis
ease of the heart, caused by sudden emotion. He
had gone into the woods on Friday night, to find
out what his dog was barking at, and as the
locality is infested with bears, cougars, panthers,
etc., it is supposed that became suddenly upon
one of these beasts, and that the terrible alarm
occasioned death.
We have it from a reliable source that
the Oregon Steam Navigation Company have
purchased the steamer Spray, on tho upper Co
lumbia and Snake river trade, nnd intend to em
ploy her in connection w ith their other steamers
on the line to Boise river. The Spray, being a
boat of light draught and heavy power, has
already demonstrated the possibility of naviga,
ting Snake river from Lewiston to within a short
distance of Fort Boise, and by the connection
ol this boat with their line at Lewiston, the O.
S. N. Co. evince a determination to push their
steamboat enterprise as fir towards tho end of
tho gold discoveries in that region as it is possi
bio for vessels propelled by steam can go. Ore
gonian, The steamer E. D Baker made her
trial trip on the 17th inst. She made the run
from Vancouver to Portland, n distance of twen
ty miles, in one hour ond forty five minutes, car
rying 35 pounds of steam. The E. D. Baker is
now considered to be the fastest boat on Oregon
. . . . . .The Mountaineer, of the 13th inst., says
the new steamer Nez Perce Chief, belonging to
O. S. N. Co., made her trial trip on tho 12th.
She ran from Celilo up to the Wood Yard and
back, n distance in all of ten miles. Her per
formunce under steam was eminently s.itisfacto
ry, and the Nez Perce Chief promises to be the
crack boat of the line.
New York, March 8. A rebel mail containing
(12.000 in rebel bonds, gold and treasury notes
was captured on the Potomac on the 6th inst.
New York, 8 The World's Port Royal cor
respondent states that the Montauk, w hen return
ing from destroying tho Nashville, ran over a
torpedo, which exploded, Idling the vessel two
feet, but not injuring her beyond a slight disar
rangement of her machinery.
Washington, 9. Hilton Head correspondence
March 1st, stales that tho pirato Nashville en
deavored, during a fig, to run past the bloekader,
but got aground. Commodore Worden di-eov
cring her, ran tho Montauk up within 12,000
yards ; Fort McCallistcr opened a tremendous
lire, hut Worden took no notice of it. leaving the
wooden gunboats to reply. Four shells bursted
in the Nashville, setting her on fire, and one
went through her side into tho powder magazine,
which blew tip -with a great explosion. The
Monlauk mid the Patapso, ironclads, have been
sent on on expedition to test their fighting quali
ties, in As-sibaw Sound, together with the Ericson
with mortar boats in tow. An attempt will be
made to complete the destruction of the rebel
rain Fingal ; it is not thought that Fill McCal
lister will make much resistance.
A Refugee from Richmond says several tlious
and troops have been sent to reinforce Price on
the Black water, and also that 23.000 troops from
the Southwest had passed through Riclimou 1
within ii tew week.-'.
Fortress Monroe, 8. Richmond dispatches i f
ow, say mat tno gunl.oat Indiaiiolia, captured
from the Yankees, was blown upon the 3 I, by
the rcb' Is ; her "tins Cell in thu hands of the
Federal. The Queen of tho West left in such
a hurry that she left part of her crew on shore.
Later dispatches state that the Indianola was not
destroyed, and they are endeavoring to raise her.
'I he Federal gunboats are making great destrnc
lion on Lake Providence. An nttack was daily
expected on Port Hudson by Banks.
Mobile, 5. The Jackson Mi.-sissippian says
the destruction of the ludiauola was a st nn
necessary i.ffiiir. A turreted monster which re
cently passed tho batteries at Vicksburg, proved
to bo a flalboat with sundry fixtures to create
deception. She passed Vicksburg on Tuesday
night, March 3d, and the officers of tho Indianola
believing her to be a turreted gunboat, blew her
up, the guns falling into the hands of tho Fude
Philadelphia, 9. Richmond papers of 7th say
that it is tho opinion of military men that Banks
w ill attack Port Hudson in a few days.
Cairo, 8. We have advices from the fleet
before Vicksburg to evening of 3d. Everything
was working well ; all the canals ore now thought
to be successful ; dredging machines ore now
working on the- canal opposite Vicksburg ; soon
tho gunboats will be able to pa s through readi
ly. One gunboat from Yazoo Pass had already
reached Yazoo City. There is no doubt of our
ability to get forces into the tear of Vicksburg,
and thus cut off the eommunicalicn of the rebels
with Jackson nnd Lake Providence. The health
of the army was improving. The water will
soon be let into the canal.
Franklin, Tenn., 9. A large force this morn
ing moved against the enemy's position at Spring
Mill, near Columbia, with the intention of rout
ing them. Should they make a stand, there will
probably be a heavy engigeineut.
New Orleans, Feb. 23. Tho establishment at
Clinton, La., for tho manufacture of arms, am
munition, etc., was totally destroyed by fire two
weeks since. The Ions to tho rebels is purlieu
larly severe at this timo, as tho troops in that
section have been very scantily supplied with
It is reported that the Harriet Lane can never
bt of any use to the rebel, they having no ma
chine shops in Texas at which she can be repaired.
St Louis, 10 The Cherokee Nation.-il Council
has just adjourned. The first act of tho session
was to repe il tho ordinance of secession they had
been f-ircvd to pass. They also passed an net
depriving of office in the Nation nnd disqualify
ing all who continued disloyal to tho United
States ; also an act abolishing slavery.
Miirfi eeshuro, 9th. A report has just reached
here that Van Dorn's forces had been defeated
and the bigjjer portion of them captured. Rose
crans has oidered all w hose natural supporters
are in the rebel service, nnd whose sympathies
and convictions are such that they cannot justify
an assurance that they will conduct themselves
in a friendly manner, sh.ill lie in readiness to go
south of our lines within ten days. A vast exo
dus will tike pi tee (rotn Murfreesboro itnmedi
Washington, 8. The spirits of the army nre
greatly better. Its health is excellent. The
new regiments, w hich combined the greatest per
eentage of sickness, tire rapidly improving.
Everything looks cheering. General order, No.
20, promulgated to day, contains the names of
120 officers absent without leave, who ore ordered
to report within fifteen days or bo dismissed
from the service.
An order transferring Gen. Sumner to the
command lately held by Curtis, will bo issued
tomorrow. Tho command w ill embrace Arkan
sas, Missouri, New Mexico, Colorado and Ne
The Surgeon General has directed that all
sick and wounded soldiers who have been sick
for three mouths and upwards, and in n fit state
for transportation, shall be immediately trans
ferred to general hospital near their homes. The
Treasurer is supplied with sufficient bullion to
meet all expected demands.
New York, 10. A Nassau correspondent
states, under date Feb 20th, that tho rebel steam
er Retribution arrived there on the night of the
5lh. Iler officers met nt the Victoria Hotel in
the evening, discoursing loudly of their pir.itical
exploits. Last evening three fast steamers enter
ed here within an hour of each other, viz : tho
Georgia, brig rigged, iron propeller; tho Briltauia,
Goddess of Neutrality, side wheel iron, brig
rigged, very fist ; iron screw steamer Gertrude,
brig rigged, very last. These vessels w ill prove
a valuable addition lot I it) rebel piratical fleet, and
unless we can send a Baltic or Vanderbilt on
their track, their capture will be next to impossi
New York, 10. Tho money market is steady.
Sterling, 177 ; gold closed at 57 and 58.
A special dispatch from Washington says the
removal of Gen. Curtis from the Department of
the West is officially announced. 'J lie report of
tht I'ebti advance on Paducah valley is contra
dicted. A Havana letter says the schooner Ocean
Herald reports seeing, on the 24th id' February,
the wreck of a steamer, painted black, 22 miles
from Abaco Lighthouse. There were no signs
of lifo near her. On tho same day the schooner
picked up two water casks. Nothing has been
heard of the Florida since the gunboat Sonoma
chased her, in a heavy gale, 100 miles from Aba
co. It was conjectured that tho wreck might
have been the pirate.
Chicago, 10. Tho Times has a special dis
patch, fiwn Cold water river, March 5th, which
says that the expedition left Moon Lake, Wed
nesday morning, arriving nt the end of the pass
yesterday at noon, having made 12 miles in three
days and a half. Tho boats were much broken
in their light upper works, but not one was dam
aged in the hull or machinery. Soldiers ami
seamen wcro occupied at every turn in cutting
down trees and opening channels. There was
great danger of being dashed against the trees.
A battery is reported nt tho mouth of tho Cold
water. Later. Coldwater, March 5. The ex
pcdilion has advanced 20 miles since last report.
The country is entirely destitute of inhabitants.
New Yolk, 10 The steamer Roanoke from
New Orleans, March 1st, lus nrrived. Tho in
formation has been filed in the provisional com I
of tin confiscation of the Slidell property, in
Njw Orleans. The New Oi lcans Era, i'.f the
1st, states that twenty rebels who were re
cently sent through the Union lines returned,
begging to be allowed to take the oath of all-gi
mice, and for bread. All were fullering from
actual hnng r, and tho children were crying for
food. '1 hey give a fcaifil statement of the des
lituti' u iu rchcldom.
Vera Cruz advices state that the fronch army
was entirely inactive being uiiabie to accomplish
anything without lar.e reinforcement. The
French officers are disgusted. The health of the
soldiers is very poor. Whole trains of supplies
from Vera Cruz have been captured. The French
are constructing a railroad to Picblu, and the
guerrillas are auiioyiiig them by s ealing the
rails and running the cars olTtho track.
Chicago, 11. From several military centers
of interest conies the announcement of perlect
quiet reigning. There is nothing new from
Vicksburg, and everything is statu quo in Vir
giuia, South Carol n.i nnd Louisiana.
Washington, 11. Tho Senate in executive
session confirmed tho following nominations:
William II. Wallace, of W. T., Governor of
Idaho.! ; W. B. Daniels, Secretary of Idahoe ;
Sidney Hderton of Ohio, Chief Justice of the
U. S. Court in Idahoe ; Samuel G. Park of Illinois
and A. O. Smith of Idahoe, Associate Justices
ol that Territory ; Richard Williams, Attorney
of the U. S Court tor I taboo. John A. Gurley,
of Oiiio, Governor of Arazona ; Milton E. Duf
field, of California, U. S. Marshal of Arizona;
Win. S. Howell, Associate Justice of tho U. S.
Court, for Arizona ; John Goodwin, Chief Just
ice of U. S. Court for Arizona ; Richard McCor
mick, of New York, Secretary of Arizona; El)
enczer Peck of Illinois, Judge of Court of Claims;
Stephen J. Field, of Cal., Associate Justice of
the Supreme Court of the U. S. States ; Joseph
Lewis of Peim., Comptroller of military rcve
nue ; Moses W. Olcott of New York Comptrol
ler of currency.
The Committee on the conduct of the War
will probably do little until next Congress;
The law does not provide bounty to those sol
diers discharged from disability from other caus
e ; thow woi nd 'd and discharged have ol t line I
bounties. Agent of the Treasury Department
appointed to investigate the conditi n of subor
dinates on the Pacific coast, has made a report
accompanied by large and voluminous testimony.
Tho result will l.e the discharge of Robert J.
Stevens, Superintendent of the mint at S in Fran
cisco, for the retention of worthless subordinates.
Collector Rankin, of S.m Francisco, will probably
be allowed to resign. Tho decision of the Scc
ritiry of the Treasury allowing foreign te.-un
er to compete with the Pacific mail lino viil
not be introduced. The Supreme Couit was the
scene of great interest today, being engage I in
rendering important decisions. At least fifty
of the most eminent lawyers of the county were
The decision in favor of the Government in
the New Almaden mine case, involves property
estimated at sixty millions of dollars.
Important and not altogether unexpected de
cisions in the priza cases were announced by
Judge Greer, ruling evidence in point, in favor
of the Government. Justice Wilson delivered
dissenting opinion that the wr did not exist
until after the 13ih of July, ISO I, and therefore
the President has no power to s -t on foot a block
ade under the law of nations : ttrat decision in
condemnation should be reversed, nnd tho vessels
and cargoes restored. This dissenting opinion
was concurred in by Justices Catron and Clifford.
Concord, N. II. 10. Tho canvass in this State
has been one ot extraordinary excitement. Tho
vote of to day is comparatively the largest ever
thrown for Govenor. The Republicans support
ed James E. Gilmore; the Democrats Ira A.
Eastman ; tho Union or war Democrats Col.
Ilartman. Returns from 173 towns give Gil
more 23,000, Eastman 23,700, Ilartman, 3,500.
Tho returns indicate no election by tho peitpfe.
The Republicans have a majority in tho Goven
or' Council and Senate ond House of represeu
tatires. It is believed that all tho Republicans'
for Congress nre elected.
Washington, 10. The President will to mor
row issue a proclamation calling upon soldiers
absent without leave forthwith to return to their"
respective regiments. All soldiers now absenty
who return on or before the first of April, will bo
restored to their respectve regiments without
punishment, except forfeiture of pay nnd ollow
unco during absence. All w ho do not return on1
or before the first of April will be posted as do1
sorters and punished according to1 law.-
New York, 11. Gold unsettled, closing ot
157J. The Africa, to day, for Liverpool, carried
away $1,300,000 in specie.
New York, II. A Washington special dis
patch says a committee of the Chamber of Con
merco had nn interview with the President yes
terday, urging him to make orrangemens fortl
with to issue letters of Marque and reprisal uu
der the recent net of Congress. Their nrgi
ments are said to have made a strong imprest
ion on the President. The contrary view was,
however urged by senators, and by men prom
inent in th opnositon to tho Bill. They repra
sented to President Lincoln the dangers of for
eign war incase be should do as requested. The
subject is understood to have been before tho
Cabinet in its meeting to day. Nine citizens
of Fairfax, Va., were arrested theie to day, and
sent to tho old capital prison, charged wilh hav
ing piloted the rebels in their late raid on that
place. The rebels who entered Fairfax just
saved their distance in escaping with their
plunder, Colonel Johnson following them so;
sharply as to recapture thirty or forty horses.
New York, 11. A recent rcconnoissjince of.
Colonel Dodge, from Norfolk, has proved emi
nelly successful, lie marched 1 1 0 miles, visit
ing Southfield, Clmekluck and Blackhawk Bridge,
lie met tho enemy i t Windsor, near the 'at'er
point, drove their advance guard in on tho
main body, then attacked them on tho fl:iiks)
and forced them to retreat to the Blackwatcr.
The light lasted only forty minutes.
Jacko:i (Tenn.). 10. A skirmish has taken
place between 200 infantry wi:h two piece's of
artillery of G'li ril Sil.iva:i's division, and
a body of rebel cavalry.
The Federal lost 101) men anil their artillery.
Tho cavalry surrounded our men anj compclle l
them to surrender. Troops have been sent
from here to the n-cno i t the reported skirmish.
Memphis, 9. The city is full of Acting;
rumors, regird'ng opi rations near Vicksburg,
but we have nothing ih it is ro'ia'ile. It s.wfv
ported tliilYaZ-Mi c'ly h is been ca lured by
the Federal forces. It is perhaps correct, though
no particulars are given.
General Grant bis ordered all oflivr win
have resigned out of his department.
Ruthfiird's Creek, four mi'es nor:li of Tenn.,
II. G'lieral Granger cimo up with the enemy
at this place yes erd ly aficraoon. The advance
guard was skir.nishing yesterday. We lost
two killed and several wcuuded, and captured
several rebels, one of w h im reports that Colonel
Coburn and 200 men had escaped, nnd wcro
making llieir way to our lines.
Washington, 11. The Senate in executive
session today confirmed the following nomina
tions : Lenord Sweet of Illinois nnd Georgo
Lnnser of New York, Commissioners of tho
U. S. to enter into eoiiventio i with Peru for a
settlement of tho claims pendinji between tho
citizens of tho two countries ; James P. Ailing
of Connecticut, Associate Justice of the U. S.
for Arizona ; Cissins M. Clay, Minister to Rus
sia ; S. J. K o k wood of Mo., resident Minister to.
Denmark ; John Ti ns of Pinn., U. S. Attorney
fir Arizona. The Senate disposed of most of
the civil nnd military nominations to day.
Hopes nre entertained ot an adjournment on
General Hooker was examined to day befoQ
the joint committee on the Conduct of the War,
Tho first question asked was to what did he nt
tribute the fiilure ot the movement on tho Pe
iiinsula. He stated that as ho was on oath he
must answer the question : "Ho attributed tho
failure to incompetency of the commanding
A refugee came in to day, who left Richmrnd
nn Saturday. He says he saw four brigades of
rebel troop nt Sexton's Junction going South.
Price has been largely reinforced.
San Francisco, Feb. 10. Legal tenders
65a70e, owing to quantities thrown on market
at advanced rates.
San Francisco, 11. Colonel Conner is to be
heavily reinforced.
Salt Lake, 11. Dispatches in the New York
Herald of 10th, nnd publised in tho California
papers this morning, so far as regards my ac
tions and intentions, are false.
P. Edward Conner.
Colonel of 3d Infy,
Sacramento. 12. Both houses adjvmrned to,
witness a review of three companies stationed at
Camp Union.
Shasta, 12. A rich gold and silver lead has
been discovered 25 miles north of this place.
The rock assays $000 to the ton.
A Lcckv Isvsstor. Abraham G. Snyder.
foreman of the finishing shop in the Watervliet
(N. Y.) arsenal, will probably receive $15.000l
for having invented, in his leisure hours, a ma
chine for making bullets, for which he c nld not
receive letters patent became he was in Govern
ment employ. The machine is in use in all our
arsenal, and at ihe Watervliet nr-enal alone,
the saving by its use instead of the old patterns
of bullet machines, between May 1, 1861, antj
December I, IS'12, is stated to have beert $Uf,