SANFORQ'S LIVER INVIGORATOn" NEVER DEBILITATES. It is compounded entirely from GUMS , and litis become a e.tablished fact, a Standard Medicine, known mid ap proved by all tlmt have mod it, and U now resorted to with eouiidence in ull the disease for which it U reeom mended It has cured thousand within the lust two years who had given up ull hope of relief, as the numerous un solicited certificate in iny possession show. The dose must be aduuted to the temperament ot it individual taking it, and uacd in sueli quantities as to act gently on tho Jfowels. I .ft tlm dictates of vour iuiU'inent sruido von in the use the Liver Iiiviuumtor. and it will cure J.iver Complain llilious Attack, Dyspepsia, Chronic Diuri lioeii. Summer Coniiiluints. Dysentery. Dronsv. Sour Stomach, ilabitu C'osliveness, Cliolic, Cholera, Cholera Morbus. Cholera In fautuiu, flatulency, Jaumlicc, female canncss, una uui be used successlully a an ordinary family aiciiicme. will cure Sick Headache (us thousands cull testily;, twenty minutes, if two or three tcasuouufula are taken the commencement of attack. All who lino it are giving their testimony lit its favor. Mix water in the mouth with the luvigorator, and swul low both together. PRICE, OXE DOLLAR PER BOTTLE. ALSO, Sanford's Family Cathartic Pills, COMPOUNDED FROM Pure Vegetable Extracts, And put in glass cases, air tiylit, and will keep iu any cli mate. Tha Family CATHARTIC I'1I,I, is a irentle but actm Cathartic which the proprietor has used in his practice Tor more than twenty years. The constantly inereusinir demand (rom those who huv louj used the Pills, and the satisfaction which ull express in regard to tneir use nas inuuceu me in pi.u-e un-ui i the reach of all. The profession well know that dillerciil l'.itli:iiti.'s act on dilfcront nortions of the bowels. The Family Cathartic Till has, w ith due reference to this well established tact, been compounded irnin a vuneiy 01 the purest vegetable extracts, which act alike uion every part of the alimentary canal, anil are jiood und ufe;in all cases where a Cathartic is needed, such ns Derangements of the Stomach, Sleepiness, Pains in ttio flack ami bonis, Cost veness. J'ains. ami Mircness over ine ivnuie umit from sudden cold, which fremiontlv, if ueulected, end in long course of Fever, J.oss of Appetite, u Creeping Scnsa thm ot Cold over tlio Hodv. Hestlessness, lleadiiche, hi Wetuht in Iho Head, nil Inflammatory Diseases, Worms in Children or Adults, Kheumatism, a itreat Purilicr of the blood and many diseases to which liesli is heir too iiumcr out to mentiou'in this advertisement. Dose, one to three, rillvE, THREE DIMES. Tho Liver Invi'iornlor and Family Calhartic I'ills are old by the Druggists everywhere, und by . Itedirjgton &. Co., Sole Agents lor the Pneilic Coast, 415 nnd 418 Front street, Sail Francisco, PURE .EXTRACTS F2R FLAV0H1N8. nauuly : VANILLA, LEMON", OliAStiK, PEACH, KITTKK AL MOND, ETC. fiillfSK r.lrnrls nnssosa. ill the most concentrated form L the delicious taste and much admired Ihnor of the liillerent articles above enumerated, nnd lor nil culinary purposes will be found Ihe most economical und convenient manner of coinuiunicntiiiir the flavor. He particular tii ask f..r il.e kinds nrriinreil bv us. ns there are many minis in market possessing but little, if iinv. of the real flavor. 1'repared iin.i sold bv HKDINFTOX k CO., 41 and 41$ Front street, San Francisco. Any One Who Professes TO UNDERSTAND ALL TRADES OR SCI ENCES, i n;i7IK.-4 tn imiiose uii absurdity upon the public. On .V. the same principle, any one medicine w hich prolcsses tr cure all diseases is unworthy of the slightest conlidence ml linntil at once be denounced as a ouack nostrum. The Greefenberg Family Medicines Do not assume to cure all diseases Willi one remedy They have eleven dill'ercnt medicines, each adapted to its pecu liar disease, and time has proved beyond a question t etiieacv and certainty of these preparations. Their li comprises the following medicines: or.t:ki;xiii:u( vVriETAHi.K pills-, MARSHALL'S UTF.UINIi C ATI10I.1COX ; UR.KKKXUKRtl'S S KSAP AKII.I.A ; tilt.l'.r'KNIIh'lili'S 1'ILH IlKMl'.DV : (1H.KKKSHKKHS h VSEN V Ell V SYULT; ;ri:kn motntain oin i'mkmt s CR.LTKNIiKlil) CHILDREN'S PANACEA; cr.i.fes meitu consumptive's d.yl.m ; ;r.i;i i:niiku( eve lotios ; crkkexiikuo fever and afh'k rem ed v ; (ir.kkeniiekh health hitters; liR.El'ENHERU MAX I' EL OF HEALTH. For sale by all Druggists thio'.igliout tho State, fifSi.R ii. AtiF.vrs: RKPISOTON A CO., Wholesale Drucgists, 4lti nnd 418 Front street, San Franciseo. Bloom of Youth, -011- LIQUID PEARL, HEAVrirriya asp pri.skrvixu ros THE COilPLEXlOX AXP SRIX. MOST INVAI.C.llll.K TOILET ARTKLK KVKIt INVBXTEC. RKDIN'OTON A CO., Sole Agents for the Piieilic Coast, 4 IS and 41 Front street, San Francisco. Dr. Baker's Paia Panacea la eomnosed entirelv of licnling cuius, and veuefahlo oils and herbs. It is perfect If safe t.r the most delicate to use. can most sincerely sav that I have never known any, however delicate, to he injured by it in the least. I will continue to ask the alllieted, who have not used ir, to try it for the following diseases. It t hey are not satisiioit with its healing properties, the money will he-cheerfully refund ed bv the 'agent where the medicine is lor sale. Ii'toii have 1'ain in the Stomach or llowels, try a dos r iiformillv. bathe externally over the loirt affected nnd von will at unco restore the proper action und in rMlit.Frt lltn lt;iiil. If yon have a Bruise or Wound, bathe it well with the 1'ain 'I'anaectt four times a dav. It w ill relieve the pains and take out all the poison, and heal Ihe wound iu a short time. . If yon are siillVring from Neuralgia or Rheumatic rains, apply the l'niii Panacea freely, and lake a dose of it inter nal, y, morning, noon and nilit ; il w ill not only cure Ihe naiii, but will remove tlm cause ot tiie disease. It von havo the Dyspepsia, and your food distresses Tour Stomach after eating, take a dose of I'uin I'unacca after each meal. If ton have a I'unVered or Sora Mouth or Throat, apply tha 1'ain ranucea to Ihe atl'ected parts, ami gargle the uioutli or throat Ihree or four times a day If von have the Dinrrho-a, or a relaxed state of the how. ri; take a lew doses of the 1'ain I'anaeca, and they w ill soon be restored. If yon have a painful swelling, bathe the parts fiwlv, and you will soon reticle the pain, and the awellmg will lie reduce I. It' you have a severe toothache, apply the 1'ain I'anacea on a niece of cotton, and bathe the gum' at Ihe same time ; it w ill slop iho pain instantly. If vim have a pain in the Itreast, Side. II ick or kidneys bath; the parts atlecled morning and nielli ; at the same time take a dose iulcrnallv. If a mother has a Caked llrcast, apply the 1'ain 1'anacea M hot as il run be borne. It von feel chilly or col I, as though were going to have a fevee, take a dose of I'annrra. If yon haie a wound, galls nnyonr horse, applv lis 1'ain I'anarra; it will take out the infl nnation, and ril the sore in a short time. Soil by all the prim rugists, anil by KKIUVJiOS A CO.. 4M and 41s Front street, S.m rrancisi-n, HAT I 1.1 KK WITIIOIT iikai.iii. and how tew are tree from Hie numerous ailnlt nls arising from an impure state of ti e blood He warned in lime, and purify your blood and re-tore health, by taking Srotill'a lllood and Liver Svrnii-the best blood punticr known, as the numerous rerttiicates or remarkable euri-s, in the hands it the propi iitors, nil .pnslioiiahly prole. A a Spring remedv, lo purity and cl-anse Iho blood, leav ing it free from all humors and impurities, we assert with confidence that there is no belter remedy than SCO V 1I.L -j lil.OOD AND I.IVEK SVIfl'IV ttneit a triul. KKDI MiTON A t (.. 'hoesale Agents. j and ll Ki nt sti -e.-t. Sn l isie i-co. i NO OPIUM OR CALOMEL. Dr. Win. Hull's Iialsam for the Liinjrs has no equal as a lung medicine, and is especially adapted to the Constitutions of Females and those sullcring from Consumption or any Laug complaint Give it a trial. Kcdington cV Co., Wholesale Agents, 419 and 413 Front street, San Francisco. HOOVILL'S Sarsaparilia & Stillingia! OR CLGQD AND JLIVER SYRUP. It . herd i v recommended by pliyici;ina to euro the lulluwiitet Uifasi's Ua in ' tacit' oriiriii iu a disordered ntutu of tiie blood : Cuuker, Ulcorulioris and Knlarcnicnt nf tho Joints, Can cerous Tuiuord, Kry.sipelus, King's Evil, St. Anthouy's Fire, White SwuIliiiiC', Obstinate Eruption, Pimplei on the Face, Rlicuinutisin, IJlutchcs, PiiMtuIos, Dyspujisia, etc.; Syphilitic and Mercurea! Aff't'Ctious are cured Chioaosia or Obstruction in Females: Leticorrhca or Whites, are relieved by the useof this Medici ue. Thonifdical ttronertioa of Sarsanurilla in coniunctioti with Stillingia Hro well known by ull medical men to be the best compound yet discovered to cleanse nnd purify the uhkxi, imu eiMuieaie 1111 iiuruors no in me Nyieiu. We hav e jiven tde receipt to nioht iilivsiciims in tho countrv, mat luev imiv kt'v what thev are usinyr, and will continue to ncnd it by nuiil to desiioun of knowing tho ingredient j entering into Him composition, that they npiv prescribe it iu then- practice. 'Ihii preparation Mand.s at the head of the li.t of rome- (lien for curing all diseases arising from impnriliea of the blood ir diseased matter lurk int.' in tho system. Thousands who have used the Stillingia and Sarsaparilia will testily to its reiiuii kable ctfect in moving all impuri ties fiom their blood, giving tone and vigor to the whole humitn frame, and restoring a healthy action to all the function of tho bodv. 'J'he testimonials received in its favor from manv mem bers of the Medical Faculty would, were we to publish them, (ilia large volume. It is prepared under tho supervision of one of the oldest and bt-t practical chemists in tlm country, ( Mr. W. S. Alcn ill, t liK'ttinuti !, so ns te insure a uiutornuty ol com- position and purity iu uii the irgrcriirnts. As aspring remedy, to purity and cleanse the btnod, leaving it free from all humors und impurities, we utacrt with confidence there is iu better reined v. ultl by ull Druggists, nnd bv KEDI.VGTOX & CO., Agents, 4i ami 4h Front street, San Francisco, To whom all orders should be addressed. fiu-Iy Fish's Infallible hair Fa ESTGRA1 FOR REST0F.1NQ GRAY HASH TO ITS OeiQIfML COLOR. It prevents tla I lair from falliiin; ofl It cures Biililness nnd removes till dandruH' from tlm head. It tiilavs all irritation t Ihu sealp. It cools and refreshes the head, and imparts to tlm hair a healthy lively appearance. P. H. The properties which remove dandruff and scrurl from the head, allay irritation and free the scalp from hu mors, renders tills article invaluable as a lotion in all en taiHOus uilVctious ; such as Itch, Uash, Sa't Iiheum, Chil blains, ErvfipeLi!!, Iiiiiivorni.s, Shingles, Lites and Stiii;s of Insects, und all eruptions of the s!au, enpeeiuiiy iLut aused by Pouvu Ouk This tin! genuine article is put np iu Pint ISultU, ami has the written sinaturo of A". iElin, Hit original pmprit t"t' anl nwnuftictttirr, on the label and wrapper. IJewarc of nil put np in dill'erent Etyle, which is counterfeit. REDIISGTCrJ & CO., WHOLESALE AGENTS. 4"0 and 411 CIuv direct. San t'raucliico R. PORTERFIELD, aqnt, STOCKTON. 18 3m For sale hy A. S. JIcCI.UUE. Dr. William Hall's Balsam for the Lungs CON'srVI'TION', ASTHMA, NK.'HT SWEATS, SI'IT 1IN( Itl.OOIf, COI, US, COl iill, lSKI.l KXZA, 1'AIX IN TIIK SIDE, AXI ALL DIS EASES OK THE LUXf.S. Dr. V'm. Hall's Iialsam for tho Luus, in sll cases gives the Lest of satisfaction Dr. Win. Hall's Iialsam for tlio Lunss. lias wrought more cures since its introduction than any other cough meili inc. lr. Win, Hall's Rdsani for the Lunirs, is enilorsed hy your leading phvsiriaus as the safest and best remedv now het'ore the pnhlie. Pr. Win. Hall s Iialsam for the Luni;s, is safe to use anionir children, and yet powerlul in cases ol chronic pulmoiiu rv disease. Dr. Win. Hall's Ualsam tor the I.uni:s, hriims in cerfiticntes a! most daily, of its wonderful cures in all parts of the countrv. The more striking proof the intrinsic worth and excel- necol Hit. WM. II ALL'S IIALSAM for the 1. 1 XCS. i- hown in the rapidity with which it becomes n ireneral rvorite with the peple. There is nothing of a similar iture hut w hat is cast into the .shade when the Iialsam has en thoroughly tested. I he agents tor its sale, the couu- v over, m tn-ib-ring new supplies, ore very cutiiifoaslie its favor, saying: ' It is just the thing; it acts like a inarm ; lis euei is br- ii m iioiuo ai. I lie purchaser sliouiit tie very particular t- asK lor. ana take none but Dr. William Hall's ItaUani for tha Lungs which is warranted to gi e saiistaction or the money re turned. For sale by all Drugiri-fs. nnd by REDINGTON A, CO. Sole Agents, 4"lf mul 411 t'Ur iSt. San Francisco. iusnrisrcvrcrN" tt cos Superior Yeast Powders. Ur.VHK N I'KD to make l.iht Sweet and nutritious IIKKAD. K.iuallv adapted lo J i' l 'V, ,M r PIMTIT. VPCK WIIEA T, ASl vl II PR CAKES, (i I i ER UREA . 1f CAKE of All. KIXiS. Warrnnted fullv ei;ilal lo any in the market. Ask for ULHIM.TON .1 t O S VKAST I'titt DEKS. and take no other, if you would have uniformly goad bread. Manufactured and sold at w holesale, by REDINGION&CO.. 4o? and 411 l liiv St., San r"ra:u'ieo. imooicivv:sr iiotkt,, VORXEU P.lU'Al'HAY AXP SAXsOUE SlRI.ElS, Suu I'ranrisro. THE I'rrprielorof this well known and old es tablished Douse is still at his old tricks feeding the public for the low sum of nm noiLias per w 11K. ami Hie cry is " imi iney come : 1 01s Hotel was established in and the 1'roprietor proudly appeals to its well know u reputation, and at Ihe .une time pledges himself to use every e,eavor to add to the comfort and coir, enience of his guests. The llmoktyn Hotel WAtiON will always be reaov on Ihe whaif on ihe arrival nf the steamers." to convey passengers and Ihetr baggage to the House, frr of charge. To prevent iiiiosilion he positive and see that liKOOKI.YN HOTEL is painted in lurgo let ters on the sides of the Omnibus. Hoard per day. 1 ; Hoard per week. 4 ; Meals, .ocla, Lodgings, oocts. I.odgm js per w erk. -' t" I ; Single rooms ;. cent" pernigl J'I1N klll V, Jr. June It. ;o Wheeler & Wilson's NEW STYLE SEWING MACHINE! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NEW IMPROVEMENTS! NEW IMPROVEMENTS NO LEATHER PAD! SO LEATI1EU TAD NO LEATI1EI1 I'ALI! GLASS CLOTH P II ESSE 11. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. GLASS CLOTH PRESSER. NEW STYLE II EMM Ell '. NEW STYLE HEMMEK ! NEW STYLE IIEJIMEK ! The Greatest Improvement Invented. MAKING AN ENTIRE lew Style Machine, Formerly the iustlv celebrated LOCK STITCH, acknoivl- eiljjeil bv nil to be the only Mitch tulljr satisfactory for NEW STYLE MACHINE. PRICES REDUCED so PER (EXT. PIECES RED EC ED 2D PER CEXT. BUY TII E WHEELER & WILSON ! It is the Cheapest; most DuniLle, nnd Ensier Understood tliuu any otlier bening .Machine. SEND FOR A CIRCULAR! H. C. TfAYDEX, Agent, Corner Sacramento and Montgomery streets, 40-3iu c?au Franeiseo. BUY None but the GKOVEIl .t ItAKKK Eamlly Sewing fla Twenty did'erent atylea for Faini- chine t!ic best iu mac. lie and Manufacturer?, Hons So jrood us GKOVEIl A 11 AKEIt'S. Ae now have Family .Sewiuif Machines innkini; tho " Lock" Stitch, ns well as those making the celegruted ",Orover A Baker" Stitch. BUT Which Slitch is tho best ? VTa five our customers the privilege f testing our Machines making either stitch, and exchanging if not ut first suited. THE New No. !) Shuttle Machine, for manufacturers, greatly ex cels tho more complicated styles of otlier makers. 1'UICE $00. GROVER AND If AKEK'S new stylo "Lock Stitch" Family Sewing Machine has ninny new improvements for braiding, ate. I'lUCE flit!. AND Our "GrovorA Baker" Siltrh F;inii!y Sewing Maciiinca possess exclusive a(lv:intii("s over all "others. They are unequalled for ueneral Suwing, und lor Embroidery , l!raid iug, etc., huve no compeer. BAKER, Buy Xone but the trover & Itaker, either for Fann'y Lseor ManeCaeturin. ll'vou prefcrthe " Lock Stitch" or "(.rover A linker" Siitcli, a plain nnd serviceable or elegant and reliuble mncliitii! ull tastes can he suited and sath.faction guaranteed. U. liltOU N, Aernt, 3J .llonlomery strri-t, 47 SAN lllA.NCISt'O. TUALATIIT ACADEMY. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. M., (of Jacksonville, 111 ) I'lllSCleAL. MISS MARY HOlHiDOX, (of Ipswich, Mass.f AS3I.ST.XT. Tuilion 5, fl, 7 and S dollars per quarter of 11 wacks. PACIFIC UNIVERSITY. SIDNEY 11. MARSH, A. M., REV. I'resihext, and Acting Professor of Language!. KEV. HORACE LYMAN', A. M., I'liortssoR of Mathematics. EDWARD A. TANNER, A. L, raorKssna ICu.i of Ancient Languages. These two Institutions are at Forest tiroy. Washington comity, Oregon. Arrangements are being made by which students can board in a club at about the cost of prov isions. Hoard in families is now 1 1 75 per week. Hy help of Endowments obtained at tho East, Collegiate instruction is furnished students, however small the num ber. The situation of the College is uusurpussed in beau ty and health fulness, and is iu the midst of a moral com munity. The Library contains i.-IOi) choice books. Collections in Xatural History are being made." Feb. IS, 1 (!. HUMISTQN, WILSON &Co., AND WHOLESALE DKAlKRi IS Fine Brandies, WINES AND LIQUORS. Firt Prwf Lrielc Store, Front Sl., corntr of Oali. POKTLVM), CHJ., OFFER to tha trade of Oregon and Washington Turri lorv inducements second to no other houa on this st. Our stock consists in part 01 Fine Old Brandy, Ourj, Ditpny k Co., James llonitcwy, A. Itonii'U V' Co., Tuili'il Viiii-ynrJ Troprii'tors, riiiett," IVti'.lon cV Co., I'nion of tho proprietors, C. Mariiuut, A. JSionotti, And various other brands. Also, very choice OLD BOURBON WHISKY, Old Rye Whisky, And ill nthr tran-U now in murket. rure Holi cd Gin. St. Croix and Jamaica Rum Cordials aul Wines of every description. Also, ot our own htittliuir. whicn wccKum lo be suncnor to anvtuiiig nuw In the m.uket, OTARD, DFI'L Y Ai CO. & C. MA RQU KIT'S OLD BOURDON WHISKY, of a superior qtialii v, and OLD RYE WHISKY. AUo, general ns-iortmpnt of case goods, and everything eUe uopei tainin to the Jjiii(ir Trade, which we oiler ut .Suu franeiseo prices, l-er" Orders from country mer chant and dealer respectfully solicited. N. B. All liquors suld by us are guaranteed to be jrn uiue, und as represented, except imported case goods, such as Schnapps, etc. rortlund, Oregon, July 21, DOi', Sj n Hall's Sarsaparilia Yello-vy 'Dock and Idoide of Potass. This celebrated nrenaration has stood the test of six years with the California public ho are justly consid ered as a community the most inti dligeut in the world during which period w e are proud to say it has given more than satisfaction it has become the HOUSEHOLD KEMEDY For Californians iartieulurlv, v, ho. from muh exnosure. bad food, imperfect shelter and irregular habits, sutler more from Rheumatism Than anr community in the world; nnd we arc safe in sav ing that as a rule, California Klieuiuutism cannot be cored thoroughly without a free use of Hall's EarsaDarilla. It is the only preparation that will C'l'Iili liheumatism, as thousands can testify who have tried Ihe medicines of the llest Ifoctors in the countrv. without receivinir iinv beiielit therefrom. In ull cases it gives iiiiuiediuttTrclicf when tnkeu as per directions on the bottle. Females In delicate health would do well to try the virtues of this remedy, as it insures n peculiar beueiiciul inthienee upon the vascular svsteni not obtained bv unv other remedv. It ipiu-Kiy remo es irom me oioon anil oilier minis the im purities of unhealthy secretions, which engenders a long train of diseases, &uch ns Scrofula. L'lcers, Unils, liiotelies nud riiup'es on the Face nnd I!odv, Humors. I'listules. Tumors. Sores. Kiimwu- l-ri sirwlus. rIVi. ter, Scald Head, Swelled Neck, Liver Complaint, Lumbago, font, Chronic Sere Eics, Cancer, Enlargement of tiie Ovaries, and diseases of Tho Heart. are cured by the rennratiu. .iWii.n of this trulv valuable medicine, 'it ocis like a ch inn. purifying the blood of all morbid ami corrupt mutter, and at the tanie tiuie trem;t li eu and invigorates the entire system. Salt Rheum will nositivelv viebl to the nu'dteiim! tiowers of this r-'ine- dy, iu conjuuciion with I lull JtoMiisury ciaie, il has cured cases of over twenty years si;iinim, the tliscusu covering nearlv the whole surface of the bodv. Iflercurial Diseases, and all diseases iitisin from Lead, Mercury, and Arsenic, such as Aching pains in tlm Bones, Dimness of .ight, Low Fevers, and wort of ail, Mercureai liiicumatism, arc re lieved by one bottle of this remedy. Wasting of Klcsh, ISoiilin ' of liloud, JLibitual Cotiveness. ind J'iios thousands can testitv to tho idlicaev of Ha'Ts S.trsaparilla, Yellow DticU aud !doilu of JVluss in the iibovc naMicu diseases. Jt increases the aniietiu and tiiu llesh, gives a healthy tone and vigor to tlio who. u system, building up A New" Constitution. As tiie constitution is the blood ami this remedv thoro:i"h- Iv purilies, clenses, and purges it of impure niiittei-s. and at tiie same time stimulates into heakliv action the whole isceral .System, which is cnaj.'fd in the iiiaiHifucture ot the blood, lomce the beulth of the whole ysTcin wiit t.ti low and a bmg life, with a healthy ami cheerful mmd sure indications of a healthy bodv can be obtained by the ! most delicate person, by thurougl ly puririn the blood iu the spring ana laii or tho ear, v. ilu Hall tiarsapariil., Yellow Dock, audldoidoot J'ot.iss. j Imitations. Owing to the great and uuoarullcled success of tlm remedy, hundreds of unprincipled person.-, seek to palm t,tt on tii- public, v.imTMi.K.-s ri: A-ii ealJcd bv t)tt same minif. The (Ji-nnine Ball's Sarapurillu coutning neither .piius. ercurv nor Arsenic. o!d by Druggist.-' and D.alor cvcrywlicr; fr and r the proprieioiK, K. HAM & fO, ;.'t:lm and .V1J day st;e.H, S.m i-'faiu-i-ico. T U F 11 O I 2sT E G I 1 E F,' T s The G, ealc.U R, idcJy f i.e Aye. ...FOIt the ccitE ur... Dyspi'l'siti, Livr-r Cuiiilaiiit, Wl'illillUSS of fill' fcJlOllllll ll, Or Dcrangeincnt of the Digestive Organs. ,fc Turin Fonvst Wine Iiitteis," Are sure to ivijnlute tlio !fiimv;h, tho unn: avenue tn tiie wliule budy ; Are sure to coimtiTUi-t liiirhKisiKS:, ivlicn in u uiiilaroiiH tlimate ; Are sure to nivu with the innst we.tkly, as wSA the most robust jiersnii ; Are sure to create piotl appeiiu- ; Are very jile:.sant ti the taste u.h a Levern.;c, Are ainl elieap. All travelers shouM earrv those bitter.- with them to pre vent lSilIioii-OH'ss nt;tl I'i'vri .s caused bv change of climate ami waur. Seamen shcuM carry theia t prevent Scurvy, Ship Fever, ami the like, when ihey are thpriTed of cooling, nutritious vei-tables. They nre a rrry ricli, nutrition! Wine, forme-l hr tha aihlition of nine di tie rent kind of roots, haik.s nnd herb. nakiiiit 11 very palatable ns w.-ti us out; of the most uourisli- iug liilters in tne known world. KnU Wholesale hv TUENEU BROTnEP.S, Corner Wahimxfiui and Franklin suoci.-i, N. Y. Nnojura street, ihu!. do, N. V. Corner liroudicay and Frout afreets, SAX FRAXCISCO. Anil for snlo by Jli'rth.'int and Dm 1 everywhere. TURNERS' filMi ER AVIXE! Turners' Ginger Wino ! ! Turners' Giiifror Wine ! ! This article is prepared fnm pure Wh-te and Jamaiert (tinjrer Hoot, in sneh manner as to trni the best and most pleasant tonic ever intmduerd : and is an inrtiln;(de rvni edv fr Ovspepsia, Indiestinn. and fur all diseases where a irentle stimulant is reirmred to brin the system into healthy aettun. Out Million Gallon, iti Tlarrth andfa$ent told Ann mill $ Throughout the world, theiTby proving its nneuntetl and uuriviill'1 merits. It h.i rrerived the approbation nf the Mdie.d Faculty throughout the I'mted States and wher ever know n. S-d l WholnsilA ) r TURNER BROTHrKS, Corner V;iluncton and i raokun sirei-ts, N. Y . M iiiara treit. Huff. do, . V. Corner llroadway anil Front streets, sAN FRANCISCO. Ar.J for sale ly Merrliant nnj Drtigists, every where. TURNERS' ESSENCE or Jamaica Ginger. Tt is not only harmlrss. hut it is eminently hencrV-'al il ccj n I1T1 a w ami t cr a i:;i' t-T d ? 1 1 1 1 -. 1 1 i 4 1 1 .s 111 ' L-petially is tiii?. th; cn: tf m hen there is felt by thg paiKMit a fM-iifC ol, nriMi'g I rom fitlnr beat or tatiue. Lnder saeli cucum-taiices u lew thops taken IU ludf a turn! Ut of u uter, i ilh a little sugar, will bo usfil. It will be found iu Mich caes a ph iant and ell'etiva resto rative ; en this aecuuul this LsM iice is a highly iuipurtmt addition to the vtiyugi-r and ttaveler'a itortmantenu. t ja also iniportuut to tho family collrctioii of Mincdies fur eases. Tlii- nrtietp, like the Oinrer Wine, is cartful r and tlabo ratcly prepared and scleeied from the Lest tpiality of arti cles. It posst.ies ull the true propel ties ot the" Jumaiaa linger, ami n do not hesitate to wai rant it to be free from any and fiery injurious or in iuiiing pinpexica. When there is a great Naiieaof the st(macli,or oppraa siin of spirits, arising li mn impel feet digestion, iiom ruling in a carrhiL'e, or from the muti'm of a vessel at f-eu, this Kr-seucf, if tuiu-it in UL-cto'daiice with the abuve direc tions, will be f.'und i;iv.iiab!y to -iive relief. In ordinary Iian-hoea, im -ipiriit 4'holrra, and in dead In alt diseases by hii'li the v.'V ous sy.-tim may become pros-trnte-l, and tne tliesiive '.ns deran;;ed, this Kisantd will be found most ii'valoi!!'. TURiSIt Br.OTHEr.3, Corner "Vihinj;ton and i i-iiiikim streets, 'oY York. Nia-aiu street, ll.dhilo, X. V. Coiner llroadwav and Fiunt streets. SAX FRAXCLSC'O. Air far snlo Ly Ji rcli int)j nu-.l Dru-gists, evi-r v who re. TUEHEE BROTHERS, Manufacturers ol every description of SYUITS, COKDIALS. KITTEKS, &o.( Corner Front liJ KniaiUvfly strcctn, SAiV FRAXC1SC0 C'AL. June .", 1 yj. HOLIDAY CIECULAR. A. Homan & Co., B OOKSELLERS, Importers and Publishers, IVos. 417 und 119 .Uo!ih;onicrr Street, (I.ecount's Buihlinft.') SAy IRAXCISCO, C'AL. Wo !d most res.ectful!y invite the attention of th. 1'uljlic to the .Munificent Stock of Holiday Goods, now eoeilill''. cololirisillL' the latest nnd mn.t We are Leiar.iiiilly hound and Gift Eccks r,::d Annuab Fur (he coming year, with an extensive und tla as.Mii liiieut of l-'ortigu ami lJomestio Photograph Albums, 'OR THE CEXTER TARI.E, In new- mid imp roved styles Jand sizes plain, rich and faney many iu cvquiMte taste, hound in tha linest Tuakt-y Morocco or Velvet, with liold ila'eil Ornaments and Clasps, and suitahle for llolid.iv, .Marriage or Ifirth ilav (Jilts. A (TO- I'll') TOCR.i PI A I. P, r.h'., PRO TO-A IB CX'3 Of PIC rr RES AXD J'OI. VR ', PUO10 l:ti:.'.l:S AXP PRAfER-P.OUZS. Our atnek or these novel and nniipie articles, togafher with ihe life-like ( ii; We !";'.' l rira:.i, for the ,am, i much the largest on I his t'o .-t, and for aiie'.r and geaa'ral eM.'clh'iiie is s.cond toiione in tiie Lulled States SUPERB FAMILY DIBITS. li-.ll :ilfi in Kit.! will. kimi ne.tmimi i; pe, o-i fmr-t p ;;.f-r -in-i boumt II . ., , . .. ----- 41 in XMn ijiom sufj.-iai.ui in4,iiiei, w.t:i m.i.iTi'.'u C'lu lIKKt::. pi Li.d O.aa- Vrv, T'l rvrrv v::r:ctv fT sire iiiitl Iv r.ltoie!i- l .ioroi(ii, v,i;!io Lclicuic or I'o-. i.'t. : tr-.;, js it I and Arc .11 ;;'. '. i l . III l.:,;-p p'sin or ricb , for i,n l ew, IJ.'i'ii.;ii of t"i8 TccH, Jiot'.c!- to t.!,c icnre ti.cdfrrt i.'r..v.ui:i-, J'roctor. e'.- ill .uoloceo Lou -l'.-lhnv, -'I-'". In , M r STANDARD AUTHORS, l ino I.i'-rnrv Setoftl,o ivoi!:, of Dick.-ns, lr v,,,r ll;"-':li,l,,;;i.l.e1,. I!.:!.,... li-o.,fte.,'as iratl . . " l-..i.'s. -MIOiMiii, Mull. 1 tc. Al-o full -iia of 1 o,.u s yunniii:e ninmlarii, lllii'l'MU d, Scici.tilie Historical nnd Antioiiarian l.iliiiu ics. ' CUsaical, WAVK..LY OVi:i.S, Twenty iliflVreiit cdiiioi .3 from five to lily yoluines liandsoinelv hound. AMiUlOTYPi: COPIES OF FIXE PIC- 1 l.'l.S AX I) STATUARY, Plain a,d elegantly named, inelndin in part, Kaphael'a .Madonnas, and tten.s from Murillo. one-rio, I)e I.altocha l.undster, lU-rritijf, Lntit, etc., more beautiful than enfira l lus, and lilucli ciicii;o-r. Juvenile Bcolis Inclndiiis Linen Primers, Moyevealde Toy Booka and choice aiuitle qolunics and sets of hooks for the youiif an aoitiueni iiturjms-ed in ijin.iitit.v, quality and'eicelleue and to which ivc i.-.-.i-itiu!l v invite tha attention of l'a icnts and Teachers, end those having the care of Childreo and 1 outh. To those wishing to purchase (,rt, for the comini? IToIi ilavs, (.unci nothing is more heiiutiful or inure cherished than an i h-Mnt hook i. we ofu-r by far the largest stock of Ircsli and desirahic goods in our line, from an Aldine Edition of tho Poets, in 125 yols., 16 mo. half calf, extra ilt ; Kncyclopedia Prilianica, Mh edition, li rohimea quarto; ' J Anduhon and Unchman's P.irds and Animalsof Americo. lo vols., royal octavo. Aloroe.o A.,t;..,, .,i i .i . 11." ' . . muA vicifviiiiy coloi-ej iil-iti. . F J Doirn to the Ilox of BlocVs or Toy Primer. Fcelinir stis tled from Ihe care used in purehe-ini and selecting, and from already received, that no one need leaye our hiahliliiueul w ithout being sniislied iu tase and price Orders fn the Trade nnd from Parties throughout the ( onntry ate respectfully solicited, and wt pledge onrsrlyes to till the same with the utmost care and attention. Any desirable work, published within the last forty years, may be found upon our ahelves, and at the qery low'est rates. A. ROMAN & CO., Nos. 4'.7 and 415 Montgomery street A UtANClCO. 4-3m 100 KEWAKD. ONE IirXDRKI) HOLLAR? REWARD is offered for better Antidote tor all ntlcctionj of the URHTARY OEGAXS and PECSTATE GLAND tnix Pr. rriAXK AU.EUTON'3 Antidote and Eose; Injection. The worst cncs of Coxoaania are rdieally cored by two or three bottles. Slight cases in two or three dars. "Thia preparation will do what no orher remedy can. or has beea known to do. yi7 : Cure every cae. no niatter how complt csted. Thousands csn testify to this fact, who had. preyi ous to n.inj Or. Allerton's Antidote and Kose Injection, ejpended hnmlreds of dollars on worthless rostrums and lninihn j doetor. TKV THIS REMEDY! Two or three Hoses is u(!iricn to convince roil of its superior medicinal yirtnes. The only -estrirtion while nsinir the Antidote is to avoid all Spirits and lloer, or Ale. He sure to ask for Ir. FRANK AI.KrTOVS Antidote and Rose Injection. Take it arcor dnit to dirertions on the bottle and it will cure vnn Sold by all regular OrriffLrists and Dealers in California. Oreon and l!nti-h Columbia. Price for Antidote. l So; Roe Injection. 1 rv.. Three ; o .lines is nearly aiivsvs suncient to perform a radical en re I Ici'-ing no trneos of the malady in the system, whirh rmm not V im'l follr i:d cf anv i- er kni - n preparatien. i nuited. I'. Tim