The state Republican. (Eugene City, Or.) 1862-1863, March 14, 1863, Image 2

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"Tas Strasrjia of to-day is not altogether for
to-aay, it is ior me vasi iuxure aiso.
Since the massacre of emigrants on Snake river
In 1854, the journey across the plains has been
considered unsafe, and, as a consequence, tho
emigration has ceased, and Oregon's population
is about the same now that it was then. Efforts
have been made from year to year, to have troops
stationed along the route among the Indians east
of the mountains, so that emigration might again
be encouraged ; but nothing of much importance
has been dono, up to the present time. Now
however, tho Government has taken tho matter
in hand, and has called for six additional coin
panics of cavalry, to fill out the Oregon Cavalry
liegiment, and to be used for the protection
Immigrants and miners east of the mountains,
and for holding in check the Indians that inhabit
that region. Th'13 is a matter of great import
ance to Oregon. Tho knowledge that a regi
ment of cavalry, or the greater portion of it, was
stationed at various points among the Indians
cast of the mountains, would bo regarded as
sufficient guarantee of safety, and a heavy emi
gration from the Western States would be sure
to arrive hero next full. Everything is favorable,
In tho East, they have war, hard times, and but
little hard money ; here wo have peace, prosperi
ty, and plenty of "gold in bank," and only want
men to dig it out of the vaults where nature
placed it. So, with tho assurance that tho jour
iioy across the plains would be a sale one, we
night reasonably expect tho population of the
State to bo nearly doubled tho coming season
A largo immigration would increase tho price
of lands, and add much to the prosperity of the
Stato in every point of view. Tho merchant, the
farmer, the'mechanio in fact all classes of citi
zuns would bo benefited by it, and hence all are
equally interested in having tho object aecomp
lished. Therefore, recruiting for tho cavalry
regiment is not a party measure, and those who
oppose it as such, are enemies to their own best
interests. The most ultra "Democrat" is as
deeply interested in tho encouragement of immi
gration to this country, and in tho development
of the mines east of tho muunlains, as the most
strcnious Union man. Such men should not
allow their party prejudice to entirely blind them
to thuir own interests. That these men are be
ing enlisted for Oregon service there can be no
doubt. Gen. Alvord has been urging the neces
sity of sending more troops to this Stato. In
responso to this demand, the Governor of Oregon
received orders to enlist six companies of cav
nlry, for tho express purpose of being stationed
tiud used in the country cast of the mountain.
To have sent men from tho Atlantic would have
been very expensive, besides withdrawing them
from active service ilence the enlistment in
Oregon. To send men from here to the Atlantic
States, and then return them to bo disbanded,
would be equally expensive, and renders it certain
that they aro intended for service on this coast.
Besides, if it was necessary to raiso men on this
coast for scrvieo in tho East, thousands could be
obtained immediately in California, and they
would be accepted beforo Oregon would bo called
upon. These facts are suflicicnt evidenco that
these men aro intended for scrvieo on our own
frontier, where they have been so long needed.
Oregon has not yet furnished a singlo compa
ny for tho war, nor is it required that she shall
furnish any, but it is merely proposed that sho
furnish men to protect herself. Oregon, by her
conduct, seems to ask the Government, not only
to fight the battles, in which we all havo a com
mon interest, but to send men here from other
States to protect and advance our interests. This
is disgraco to the State. With a road over
tho mountains to tho mines in Eastern Oregon,
no part of the Stato would bo moro benefited by
the immigration, and by the trade willthe mines,
than Lano county. To socuro this trade and
immigration, it is necessary to establish military
posts in that region of country.
Tho pay, which somo seem to regard as insuf
ficient, is bettor than many at first suppose. The
soldier is clothed and fed, and then paid thirteen
dollars per month through good and bad weather,
for remaining idle a great portion ot tho time,
which is always the case at theso military posts.
This is moro than tho average cf laboring men
make clear of all tho expenses of living. Then
if a soldier is requited to perform any labor, ho
is paid extra for every day ho works. Besides,
it is now very probable that the State will give
a bounty, of several dollars per month, to caeh
soldier that volunteers.
More Stbateuv. The Salem paper of last
Monday, says :
With this issue the Statesman enters upon its
thirteenth volume. Ilereafier its publication
will be conducted by Messrs. C P. C'raudall tV
E, M. Waite, and its editorial management will
be under the control of the former.
This is another ''strategic movement." The
enemy remains concealed in the same bush, but
Las changed his "base of operations." Last year
he played a heavy game of strategy, and run in
a sick man for St.ite Printer, who died just in
time to leave him in possession of the office.
Now he pokes out the names of Waite and Cran
dall men he has had in his employ for years
to feel the public pulse, and skirmish with the
enemy which he dare not face. Wonder which
one has the consumption this lime T He h evl
dently a "gone gosling," and, if "the court know
herself," ho will cross over in just the right time
But then electing the "victim" may be difficult
there's the rub. The plot may be well laid, and
the play may be a good one, but as everybody
has seen it performed once, it is about "played
The People's Transportation Line.
Our citizens should bn thoroughly awake to
the great importance of this enterprise. Next
to a railroad, the navigation of our rivers is the
most important, and will be attended with the
greatest advantages to the community in general
There is a company now formed under i
charter from the last session of the Oregon
Legislature, granting the right of navigation on
the Columbia river and all its tributaries. The
Capital Stock is allowed to reach $2,000,000.
The books are yet open and subscriptions solic
ited. Messrs. Ellsworth & Undermood have
tho books for this place.
It is called the " people's line" because the
people the " bone and sinew" of the country
are taking hold of it. And now is tho time for
every farmer, mechanic, and most especially
every merchant whoso trade comes into the Co
lumbia river, to take stock in this line. There
is hardly a farmer in the lower part of the Valley
who has not taken more or less stock. The little
village of Ilarrisburg, 15 miles below here, has
taken nearly 150 shares. Now it will be a
burning shame a lasting disgrace to Eugone
us who are aspiring for the Capital,, and with a
fair prospect of success, too, to let Ilarrisburg
with less than 100 inhabitants, do more for the
general good than us. No, fellow citizens let us
do something. Eugene City and vicinity ought
to take at least 250 shares. The shares are only
ilOO each, so every farmer can take one or
more. Tho merchants of this place ought to
take 25 shares each, will they do it? We'll
see. This is, in our estimation the only salva
tion for Lane county, and if we lose this chance
by our short sighted penuriousness, we will
prove to the country in general that we do lack
energy, and aro not deserving of the State Cap
ital, or anything clso but tho doom that inevit
ably awaits tho penny-wise pound-foolish men
who never seem to have a plan three days ahead.
If tho people own a boat they can control that
boat, and as this is a general thing every man
who owns an interest will have tho advantage of
those who do not, both in time and money. Tha
people of this county are loud vociferous in
their denunciations of steamboat men, first bo
cause they don't come oftener, ond second be
cause they charge so miuh. In answering the
first complaint wo virtually answer both. All
that is necessary to insure weekly trips to this
placo during the entire running season is the as
trance ot getting a load ot freight each trip ;
and with that assurance, freight would be reduced
sothat the farmer could ship all his produce.
Let us look at even tho present high freights a
ittle: Tho steamer carries our freight from
here down for $12 per ton, brings our up freight
for $25 dollars per ton, whereas we pay teams
(and only starvation prices at that) $20 per ton
down, and $ 10 per ton up, so at even the pres
cut high rates thero is, averaging both ways, an
excess of $23 per ton in favor of tho boats.
Murdicr at Lafayette. On tho evening of
the 28th of Feb., a man by the name of Grif
fin, shot a Mr. Shane at Lafayette, Yamhill Co.,
killing him almost instantly. Thero seems to
have been a very bitter feeling existing between
the parties for somo time past, Griffin being
jealous ol Miane. Mr. urillun lias had tht troujj
les and heart rendings of one whose domestic
relations havo been uncongenial, amounting
finally to a separation. He becoming satisfied
that Mr. Shane was tho cause of his troublo, as
wo are informed, committed tho rash act which
we are called upon to chronicle. How much
better it would be for mankind if they would,
cfore entering into the matrimonial alliance,
pen J a few years in tha study of Unman Na
titro and Conjugal Adaptations, instead of the
present reckless custom of marrying children
eforo they have learned tho first principle of
domestic economy before they have seen any
of the world, and especially before they have
een allowed to read anything regarding tho one
great object of life-iiAPPisEss in the home circle.
oung, giddy, precocious and falsely educated
girls become fascinated wita a pair of ktd gloves,
or a bracelet, locket, gold watch or some other
nudy foolery and tho next step is to marry, and
that too without a moment's reflection ; then in
few days, weeks or months comes the reaction,
and with it a bitter regret for the step so hastily
taken under the excitement of the passions. She,
and he frequently seeing persons with whom they
t'tel that they could live, but they are tied, and
in their natural instinct to seek their level, thev
are often taken in what the world calls criminal
intimacy, and to avoid the finger of scorn, those
fatal acts are resorted to.
The "People's Transportation Gimpany,"
propose to build a small, light draught boat
to ply between this place and Corvallis if the
citizens here want it. Now is our time to strike.
If the people of Lane county ever intend to do
anything for themselves, this is the time to do
if we display no energy now, we may as
ell give up all idea of the State Capital, State
College, or anything else, and just lie down and
J meet the l"ggr i't doom.
General Hooker. An eastern correspond
ent, writing from the Army f tho Potomac, re
lates tho following anecdote of General Hooker
A I picked my way along, I saw a horseman
covered with mud from cap to stirrup, whom 1
took to be an orderly, and a very filthy ono at
that. He was ordering a teamster to unhitch
his mules, and take them to tho front, to help
another team out which barred the way. I sat
and listened to the orders, which began to bring
a little hope of extrication to his bemired train.
Presently I got a glimpse of the supposed or
derly's face, and saw that it was no less a per
son than General Hooker. He was dressed in
a black water-proof coat, and was plastered
with ochrous mud, so that he was scarcely reo
ognizable. II is presence and vigorous orders
set matters going again, and while he remained
there the sea of mud began to wriggle and move,
reminding one ofa general movement on a plate
of molasses covered with flics, when, by some
general alarm, the flies make a unanimous strug
gle to get away.
Railroad from California to Oreoon. Sen-
ntor Higgins, of Placer county, C:il., has intro
duced a bill in the Legislature, now in session in
our sister State, proposing to give State aid to
the construction of a railroad through the upper
portion of the Sacramento Valley to Oregon,
connecting with the central railroad. The object
of the bill is to secure the southern termination
of the Oregon branch of the Pacific railroad to
California, and to prevent tho possibility of said
branch being built through the plains farther
eastward. The bill makes provision for a board
of commissioners, with power to cause routes to
be surveyed, and maps, plots and field notes to
bo made out and submitted to them. Senator
Higgins proposes to submit to the people of Cal
ifornia, at the next general election, the proposi
tion to loan the credit of the State to the amount
of $3,000,000, for the furtherance of the enter
prise. On the completion of a section of twenty
miles, the State is to pay ten thousand dollars.
This ratio of payment is to continue, as each
section is completed, as far north as Red Bluff;
from thence to the State line, fifteen thousand
dollars is to be paid by the State, on the comple
Hon ot each section ot twenty miles.
The bill shows that the people of California
aro in earnest on the subject of the branch road.
But how stands the matter with the people of
Oregon ? Are they willing to second the peoplo
of California in this vitally important matter ?
We believe th"y are. But we must confess that
our faith is not founded on works, or in any very
marked demonstration in that direction. Senti
The Mountaineer of the 6th inst., says
that from and after that date, tho boats of the
Oregon Steam Navigation Co. will make daily
trips between the Dalles and Portland. The rush
of freight and passengers justifies the return to
daily trips.
The Sentinel says that a rich lead of
quartz has been discovered near Vanoy's Ferry,
in Jackson county. The lead is small, but the
rock is very rich, the gold appearing all over it.
The miners in the placer diggings in that vicinity
have plenty of wator nnd ore doing well.
The appointment of lion. Stephen J,
Field to the U. S. District Judgeship of Cali
fomia, is highly satisfactory to all good Union
men. We knew him as an able lawyer in
Marysville in 1852, at which time ho was a targ
et for the "fust family wing of the Democracy
Like Broderiek and Comics,. he will not kneel
uown and worsnip party in preterenco to ins
country. -Yreka Journal.
The California steamer that left New
York on the 21st of January, had on board $200-
000 in Revenue stamps designed for use in Ore.
The Sacramento Bee says it is rumored
that Ilonry Baker has been appointed Postal
Ageut for California, vice Watrous, who is said
to havo forwarded his resignation when the brib
ery disclosures were made.
It is stated that the establishment of a
military post at Fort Boise has at last been de
cided upon, and a part of the troops at Walla
Walla are under orders to march to that point
and erect barracks for a permanent military
There are now about fifty recruits at
Vancouver, belonging to Captain Noble's compa
ny of Oregon Cavalry. This company is fast
filling up.
The citizens of Marysville, Cal., are
now subscribing money to be expended in
surveying a railroad route from that city to
Portland. A railroad connecting the Sacramen
to and Columbia rivers would be the making of
Commissions havo been received for the fol
lowing Postmasters in Oregon : Jacob Consor,
Jefferson, Marion county, and Newman Fisher,
for tho new ofTieo at Dardanelles, Jackson county.
. . . .The Timet says the shipment of treasure
on the Pacific, which sailed from Portland on
the 4th, was very light. Over two thousand five
hundred boxes of apples were shipped for San
Francisco, with a lot of wool and hides.
A new turnpike road from Wallula to
the foot of the Blue Mountains is now finished
the distance being only sixty miles, via Wild
Horse Creek, and the road free from mud and
sand, and mostly level.
The Timet of the 5th inst., says that
Mr Strong, contractor and builJer of the tele
graph line, has commenced to stretch the wires
from Portland to Salem.
A son of Mr. Norton, residing near
Belpassi, Marion county, was found dead lately,
hung by the neck with a small cord. No reason
for the act is known.
PatXTixo Paper. Bonner, of the New York
Ledger, announces that he don't want any more 1
subscribers. He pays almost as much for white
paper as he gets lor the printed sheets, nj it
will not poy to ioctess hi3 lif, At present. '
Washington, March 2d. The President has
issued n proclamation catling an extraordinary
session of the Senate on the 4lh of March, to re
ceive and act on communications he may mak
Admiral Porter telegraphs to the Navy Do
partment, as follows: "1 regret to inform you
that the lndianola has again fallen into the hands
of the enemy. The rams, Webb and Queen of
the West attacked her. ihey rammed her until
she surrendered. All of which can be traced to
non compliance with my instructions."
The closing hours of Congress are marked
with very important action on foreign policy.
Ihe bill locating a branch mint at Larson City,
Nevada Territory, passed. The Senate remain
ed in session until one o'clock. The Conscription
Bill only awaits tho approval of the President.
New York, March 2. The Times' special
from ashington, savs tho rebels on the Kan-
pahnnnock have, for two days, refused to hold
communication with our troops under a flag of
truce. The same paper s correspondent from
the Potomac, says the army to-day are as eager
to follow their new leader as it was to follow
A private letter from Port Royal, makes the
following statement : "Gen. Foster, just before
he went north, took a Captain and thirty men
and made a reconnoissance. They entered Bull's
Bay, north of Charleston Landing, marching
through tho enemy's pickets to within full sight
of Charleston, and Fort Suinpter so near that
the officers on the parapet could easily bo seen
and returned unharmed.
A late Murfreesboro letter says : " I learn
from authentic sources, that Bragg and Johnson
made speeches to the rebel army, and the peace
party of tho Northwest was the material on
which they based their hope of success. On the
other hand, I find from a largo number of the
Southern papers, that the rebels are beginning
to loose faith in their allies of tho Northwest."
New York, March 3. The United States
steamer Florida left St. Thomas, on Friday the
20th of Feb., in feorjh of the pirate Florida.
Dates from New Orleans to the 23d of Feb.
are received. It is believed that the rebels are
converting the Harriet Lane into an iron clad
gunboat. An order has been issued by Banks,
forbidding the taking away any negroes from
any of tho plantations, by any officer or person
in the United States service, without authority
from headquarters.
Mobile, Feb. 28. A correspondent of the
Grenada Appeal, under date of the 28th, says
an enormous fleet appeared this morning.
Everything looked as though the enemy was
about ready to commence an attack.
Fortress Monroe, March 3. The Petersburg
Express, of the 28ih tilt., says a great battle has
been fought at Vicksburg, with great loss on
both sides, without any decided success.
Murfreesboro, March 2. The most brilliant
affair since the battle of Stone River happened
yesterday evening. An expedition consisting of
1,000 cavalry and 1,000 infantry, left Murfrees
boro this morning, nnd proceeded 15 miles with
out interruption. O.i approaching Hrnriy villc,
tho cavalry encountered pickets of the enemy,
and after a slight skirmish, drove them in. The
remainder of our force closed in and soon came
upon the enemy in force. A brisk fire ensued
the cavalry charging with vigor. After a few
minutes severe work, we drove the enemy back
to the thick woods, where they made a desperate
stand. A second charge of the cavalry, support
cd by infantry, compelled them to retire again.
Meanwhile a detachment of cavalry made a de
tour, and came on a strong body of the enemy,
posted in camps to the right, nearly a mile
from tho first lino of defenses. Flanking them,
and making a fierce sabre attack, we finally forced
them from their position. Tho enemy, at this
juncture, gavo up the field, and find in dismay
in the direction of Woodbury. We captured
eighty prisoners, killed and wounded a number
of rebels, and took a hundred new saddles, with
accoutrements complete, beside a large collec
tion of official orders and papers.
Washington, Mareh 3. The House passed
Senate resolution to indemnify the President for
the suspension of the writ of hahcas corpus.
The Conscription Bill has been approved.
Nashville, March 3. The rebel Van Dorn
advanced towards Franklin yesterday, 25,000
strong with artillery. After maneuvering awhile,
hoping to jraw our troops into ambushthey turn
cd back. No fears are entertained for the safe
ty of this placo by Federal forces.
New York, March 4. A Washington dispatch
says tho President received dispatches announo
ing the capture of Fort McAllister, at the mouth
of the Ogechee River near Savannah, by our
iron clads.
New York, March 4 A Hilton Head letter
of Feb. 20th, says that troops were under orders
to embark. The next steamer will probably
bring intelligence of an attack on Charleston.
Woshington, March 4. Reports were current
here last week of a severe engagement and re
pulse at Vicksburg. The government is not
aware that there has been a general engagement
Chicago, March 4. There is nothing fur
ther in regard to the reports telegraphed to the
Va. of Saturday about the light at Vicks
burg. It may probably bo a canard, as thedis
patch to the papers of that date must have had
reference to the fight, if any, on the day before
and the dispatch from Commodore Porter, an
nounoing the capture of the lndianola, was dated
Feb. 27 th, and it is fair to presume that if any
thing did occur he would have made some men
tion of it.
Cairo, March 4. The Memphis Bulletin of
Saturday says we have a report which is confi
dently beleived by well informed men, that the
rebels are cv.uitin$ Vicksburg. The gunboit
CarondeUt and others are reported as having
reached the lallahatchee river by way of lazoo
Wushigton, March 4. Both House and
Senate remained in session until! after midnight.
The concurrent resolution on mediation and in
tervmtion, of which mention was mde in the
dispatches on Sunday, passeJ both Houses.
The bill establishing a branch mint in Nevada
Territory, passed the Senate. Latham offered
a resolution, which was adopted, ieueting the
Secretary of the Senate to inform the Senate at
the next session, hat steps had peen taken to
iuve.nte the fiauli in the San Frn:isco Cus
torn House and -Mint.
The bill organizing the Territory ofMon
tana and changing the name to Idaho, and chang
ing the boundary line, passed. The-bill for the
admission of Nevada ami Colorado Territories
as States, also passed. The Housefoiicurred in
the Senate amendments to tho bill establishing
a Territorial government for Idaho.
The provision for the organization of African
troops was stricken f:om the engineer roll before
it passed the Senate. This means probably that
no negroes are to serve in the engineer corps.
Washington, March 4. Late New Orleans
advices say that the levee below Baton Roguo,
in St. Charles Parish, has been made safe against
overflow. Rebel deserters report that Gen. Sib
ley had gone with n large force to Atehallaya
river. Tho rebels had tirade an unsnccessful at
temp to capture the Steamer Laurel Hill, load
ed with cotton, sugar and molasses, obtained
above Baton Rouge.
Gen. Banks had issued orders explaining tho
system of labor adopted for tho year. Planters
assenting thereto are to be assisted in inducing
their negroos to return. Iho negroes are to re.
ceive food from Government officers out of tho
crops thus produced.
lleadnuartes Army of the Potomac, March 3.
In the Rebel Congress, a bill to accept volunteers
from Kentucky nnd Missouri, for -less than three
years, was debated in the House. The Delo
gates bill was passed, transfering the State troops
to the Rebel Government.
Springfield, .Mass. March 4- A Beauford,
letter of Feb. 22d, says, we are in daily expec-
ation to march. 1 suspect towars Savannah,
and that way to Charleston, as we are not at
present trying to drive the rebels from their
works with our gunboats. Yesterday, the 47th
New York regiment, with the assistanoa of a
gunboat, took fort McAllister nnd about a mile
and a half of riffle pits. The 47th's loss was 1 15.
San r rancisco, March 5. Greenbacks worth
72 cetits to day.
Letter from Boise.
Tho Times says, the following letter was wrt-
ten to Col. W. L. White, of this city, (Portland)
from which we are permitted to make the follow
ing extracts :
Banxock Citv, Jan. 1S63.
Friend White": According to promise I
write you. V e left Kichmon I. Warren s dir
gings, Oct. lGtft. Our party all told numbered
fifteen persons. YV e had splendid weather du
ring our trip, and found no difficulty with tho
Indians on the route ; we traveled a great deal
out of our way and arrived in these diggings!
Nov. 7th. b
The mines are good and extensive, although
there is no such big strikes as were found in
Florence. We have creek, gulch and hi:i dig
gings ; also good bar diggings. The mines so
lar found are about fifteen miles apart, on tmj
tributaries of Boise. A great number of miners
are here and a great many cominir in everv dav.
A great many came in with llm first rush, and
left without even prospecting or sinking the first
hole ; but now u good many of tho same men
have come back and are well satisfied. Captain
McCay and sixteen others of our nartv started
out to hunt lor Javrey, who was reported to
have found extra paying diggings; but alter
traveling about two hundred 'miles we coneluj-
ed ho was non ext. We passed over some very
beautiful country, which had every indication
of gold ; no difficulty with the. Julians. Wo
arrived back to the diggings on the 8th of De
comber. It commenced snowing on the D.h,
and from day to day more or less snow fills, al
though it has not fallen to a depth of more tha i
twelve inches. The sunny sides of the hills aro
all bare. I thi'ik that our animals will winter
all right. Mr. Thomas has struck some gulch
diggings and is making from fifty to ona hun
dred dollars per day with a rocker. We havo
not a great abundance of provisions here yet,
though I hear a great number of trains nro on thu
way. Flour is high, say $50 per 130 lb; beef
on foot 15cts. .Every article in the grocery line,
one dollar per pound. Those mines are about,
one hundred ami fifty miles from Auburn, nnd
about the same distance from Warren digging.
I hear that about forty horses were stolen iron
tho miners on Pavctte River a few davs since
by the Indians.
R. B. Tinkle.
Fur the .
Without musing the poetry of life would be
deficient; the enjoyment of the thrilling emo
tions of the finer sensibilities of the soul would
be wanting; that grace and elegance of manners
characteristic of tho higher grades of life is
usually the product of habitual musings. Many
of the brightest sentiments which grace the pngea
of literary productions are the offspring of
pleasant musings. The prof lundest thought of
the scientific man, is often elaborated whilst in
dulging in apparently listless musings. The
Naturalist in his cabinet muses o'er the wonders
of interior nature, and in the field he muses on
exterior nature ; everything which the eye rests
upon presents a theme for the reasoner to muse
Musing is the poetry of the arts, the road, to
the sciences, and the moral purifier of literature.
Paintii'g has been said to be the language of the
soul, and none will deny that musing is the sou
of painting. The limner tstudies general phy
es for the outlines the frame work of his pic.
lures but he must retire within the deep recess
es of his own soul and paint the scene again and
aain on fthe easel of his imagination beforo he
ventures to stain the pure sheet before him. This
is musing pure, beauteous, eloquent ; and its
moral is within the rich aud life-like products if
the artist.
It may be well said that musing is the offspring
of love, and the language of the emotions of the
soul may be best understood during this twilight
I lore to tit on the oeean'a bore.
When the bounding tide coming;
To tie ita dimpled anrface o'er,
And ma amid Ihe deafening roar
Of the waTu on the Mnd-beach drumming.
H 1.